Endoecology of health. Endoecology of health The universal cause of disease

Neumyvakin I.P., Neumyvakina L.S. – Endoecology of health

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I. P. Neumyvakin L. S. Neumyvakina


Moscow, Saint Petersburg


BBK 51.1(2)2 N 38

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form, including on the Internet, without the written permission of the copyright holders.

This book is not a textbook on medicine, all the recommendations given in it should be used only after consultation with your doctor.

Neumyvakin I. P., Neumyvakina J.I.WITH.

H 38Endoecology of health. Ed. 2nd, revised. and additional .- St. Petersburg: "Publishing house" DILYA", 2010.- 640 p.

ISBN 978-5-8174-0253-7
A new book by well-known authors, professional doctors, combining in their practice the experience of alternative medicine, is primarily devoted to the endoecological (internal) state of the human body, the possibility of maintaining its purity, without which it is impossible to be healthy. In the book you will find practical recommendations for the prevention and disposal of many diseases. The path to health is knowledge and hard work on yourself, after which you will gain health and joy of life.
© Neumyvakin I.P., 2010 © DILYA, 2010


© Design by DILYA Publishing House, 2010

Introduction 6




Bioenergetic essence of man.

Is the soul immortal? 68

Geopathogenic zones 80

Have you met a vampire? 85

What are chakras? 88

Evil eye, damage. What it is? 96

Is the soul immortal? 101

Law of Harmony 142

Law of reincarnation (reincarnation) 148

Who are we? 171

Simple ways to protect against the evil eye, energy "breakdowns" (strike) 177

FOOD 181

Features of the action on the body of the main

food 202

How to change the internal ecosystem 274

Breathing is life 288

What are we breathing? 289

Why do we breathe? 296

How do we breathe? 297

How to breathe correctly? 303



Attention! Osteochondrosis 317

How to get rid of bad posture 324

Manual therapy 329



Climax is a disease? 384




Bowel cleansing 430

Liver cleanse 431

Prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases 437

Joint cleaning and treatment of metabolic disorders

processes 447

Diseases of the pulmonary system 477

Eye diseases 488

diabetes mellitus 491

Prostatitis, adenoma 506

Oncological diseases 509

Vegetables and plants 531

Starvation 540

Approximate daily routine 549


Application. Do you want to know your destiny? 628

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin - Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Member of the European and Russian Academies of Natural Sciences, International Academy of Informatization and Energy Informatization Sciences, Medical and Technical Sciences, Honored Inventor of Russia, laureate of the State Prize, member of the Presidium of the All-Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional Folk Medicine and Healers. Since 1959, for 30 years he has been involved in space medicine: the development of methods and means of providing medical care to astronauts during flights of various durations.

He is the author of more than 200 scientific papers, has 85 copyright certificates for inventions, most of his research is devoted to the search for optimal methods of treatment and prevention of various diseases by NON-SPECIFIC effects on the body, such as hemosorption, electroneurolepsy (electroanalgesia), external counterpulsation, ultraviolet irradiation of biofluids or improvement of a person with the help of various methods and means of FOLK MEDICINE. This allowed him to understand the futility of the efforts of official medicine to eliminate not the causes of diseases, but their symptoms with the help of chemical medicines, which further aggravates the condition of patients. That is why Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin stood at the origins of the emergence of a new direction in medicine - traditional folk medicine, which means the use of physiological mechanisms and reserve capabilities of the body, which are still completely ignored by apologists from official medicine - and has been faithful to this direction for more than 30 years. In his opinion, the future of medicine is in the combination of traditions accumulated by official and folk medicine, the unity of the physical and spiritual world of man. Therefore, it is no coincidence that in 2005 I.P. Neumyvakin was awarded the International Profession - Life Award for his personal contribution to the development of traditional folk medicine, which recognizes the most outstanding world achievements of companies, institutions and organizations in the field of medicine and the health industry, and the preservation of the human environment. , and also encourages individuals who have made the most significant contribution to the development of science, technology and the practice of medicine, creating for the benefit of mankind. Laureates - winners of the award - are awarded with a Large golden statuette, a "Ruby" mantle, an order "For Honor, Valor, Creation, Mercy", a badge and a certificate of "People's Recognition". In December 2006 he was awarded the honorary title "Person of Russia".

Lyudmila Stepanovna Neumyvakina - Master of Traditional Medicine, Academician of the European Academy of Natural Sciences - for 24 years she combined the work of a radiologist and a therapist, was an ardent follower of the dogmas of official medicine until official medicine could cure her. With the help of traditional medicine, Lyudmila Stepanovna recovered in a few days, after which she began to show interest in her: she mastered various diagnostic methods (iridodiagnostics, dowsing, including photography, phantom, telephone, etc.), manual therapy, cleaning methods organism from toxins, became a bioenergy therapist, a psychic instructor of international class. With her life experience, Lyudmila Stepanovna confirmed that only by rethinking the causes of diseases, the roots of which lie in violation of the laws of Nature, and primarily the spiritual essence, by changing nutrition and other factors, it is possible to heal a sick person, regardless of what he is sick with.

On the basis of a set of works carried out jointly with leading experts in various fields of science, they developed a system of human health improvement, which is based on the following principles:

  • a person is a self-regulating, self-reproducing bioenergetic system in which everything is interconnected and interdependent, and the margin of safety is always greater than the impact of damaging factors;

  • any disease has common functional signs and is primarily due to a violation of the bioenergetic balance and the state of the immune system, slagging of connective tissue structures (body fluid, bones, joints, muscles), restoring which practically without chemical medicines, you can eliminate the disease. Only for this, the patient's own efforts and the implementation of the recommendations given in the book are necessary.


Since ancient times, folk healing has been developed in Russia, vast experience has been accumulated, which until recently was not in demand, and healers were persecuted as criminals. And only in the last 15-20 years, people who could no longer be helped by official medicine have become more and more interested in ways and methods based on the use of their own reserve capabilities and natural remedies. And although official medicine, which itself came out of traditional medicine about 150-200 years ago, is doing everything possible to discredit this direction, it is becoming increasingly difficult to do this, as more and more doctors join it, who are convinced in practice own impotence.

It is worth recalling that in Russia every 8-10th patient dies due to errors in diagnosis. That is why abroad it is considered normal if the attending physician invites a colleague for a consultation, which in our country is considered to undermine the doctor's authority.

So, in the USSR, and then in Russia, the Association of Folk Healers appeared, which was called upon to unite and coordinate the efforts of traditional healers, to legitimize their methodological techniques. Of course, on this wave of the emergence of alternative medicine, a lot of foam, husks and so-called “healers” appeared, who promise to cure you of any diseases in 1-2 sessions, but which have nothing to do with medicine. That is why the All-Russian Professional Medical Association of Specialists in Royal Medicine and Healers has now been created.

The main objective of the Association is that traditional folk medicine, which includes the achievements of official and centuries-old experience of traditional medicine, should be dealt with only by persons with a medical education, and a doctor who has undergone special training in various sections of traditional medicine should be responsible for the final result. The All-Russian Research Center for Traditional Folk Medicine, headed by Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Academician Yakov Grigoryevich Galperin, is coordinating work with all countries and developing all areas of folk healing; he is also the president of the Professional Medical Association of Folk Healers of Russia. You may ask why, against the backdrop of quite convincing successes of traditional healers of various kinds, charlatans who promise to cure you of any disease in 1-2 sessions and do not have any legal permits (licenses from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation) are so tenacious and undermine the authority of a new direction in medicine that is gaining momentum ?

This is - on the one hand, and on the other - official medicine requires documentary (conducting the necessary studies before, during and after treatment, as well as long-term results) evidence of the cure of patients. It is expensive, and traditional healers cannot afford it, and no one agrees to a comparative study of the methods and means used by traditional healers at the expense of the budget.

Here is one example for you. Over the course of 15 years, six international congresses “Traditional Medicine of Russia: Past, Present and Future” have been held, and do you know who was not there, despite official invitations? That's right, representatives of the official medicine of Moscow and the M3 of the Russian Federation, although there were representatives of near and far abroad from 30 countries. On television, you can sometimes watch programs about healers (people who carry out operations without a knife) as charlatans who come to Russia. If you participated in the last congresses, and there were always more than 1000 people there, you could observe the following picture. The stage is covered with a white sheet. A person who has a tumor on his body is asked to leave the hall. A man comes out with a tumor on the upper third of his right thigh 8x10 see. When asked why it was not deleted, he replies that, despite repeated requests, no one wanted to delete it. Andrey Alexandrovich Zateev, a general practitioner, the only licensed transsurgeon in Russia, makes several passes along the patient’s body, thereby anesthetizing him, lays him on the table, treats the site of the tumor with alcohol and makes an incision with a scalpel 4-5 cm in size (or he could just use his fingers) . There is no blood, the patient is lying, smiling. Then Zateev begins to exfoliate the tumor with his fingers, which he removes after 12 minutes. After several new passes with the hands, the edges of the wound are connected, treated with alcohol, and a dry bandage is applied. The patient gets up from the table, smiles, does not feel any pain. TV cameras, a dozen newspaper correspondents are working. The tumor is cut by one of the surgeons present, making sure that there is no mysticism here. After 3 days, the bandage was removed, there is still a pink scar, from which after 10-12 days there will be no trace. Several such operations were carried out at the congress. A. A. Zateev is able not only to perform this kind of operation, but also to diagnose a patient at a distance and treat him. He has telekinesis, clairvoyance and levitation (this is with a weight of more than 80 kg), which is not only observed by the inhabitants of Tolyatti, where he has a center, but all of Japan on television channels. Have you seen this in Russia? Here is the answer to your question. This is one of the aspects of the work of traditional healers, who, of course, have a lot of their own problems, but, which is gratifying, more and more doctors are joining this direction, having lost faith in the dogmas of official medicine, which adheres to the principle - to remove the symptoms of diseases - and, leaving the cause unexplained , turns the patient into a chronicle with all the ensuing consequences.

I. P. Neumyvakin, one of the founders of space medicine, played a significant role in the formation and development of traditional medicine in Russia, who since 1959 for 30 years was responsible for the health safety of astronauts when they were in space flight.

Given the great significance and importance of the tasks entrusted to him, I.P. Neumyvakin attracted extraordinary-minded leading specialists from various departments and ministries to this work, which allowed him not only to create a space hospital, in which it was possible to provide, among other things, specialized resuscitation and anesthetic care but also new directions in medicine.

So, I. P. Neumyvakin stood at the origins of the sorption purification of biological fluids (blood, lymph, plasma, cerebrospinal fluid), later called "hemosorption" by Yu. M. Lopukhin.

The method of electroneurolepsy (electroanalgesia) created by him, that is, the impact on subcortical structures (pituitary, reticular and libic formations) with an individually selected frequency, makes it possible to treat almost any functional disorder. When performing surgical interventions in combination with nitrous oxide, this method is one of the most gentle methods of general anesthesia with little or no use of drugs. After the operation, after 15-20 minutes, the patient regains consciousness, and there is no point in placing him in the intensive care unit. There is no post-drug depression. But, unfortunately, this method was "out of production" 3-5 years after it was approved for use in medical practice.

As a basis for the operating room in spacecraft, a method was proposed, subsequently called the "gnotobiological method". Its essence is as follows: the surgeon's hands and the operating field are located in a special translucent cavity with an autonomous ventilation system and a transitional hatch for transferring the necessary material and extracting the used one. This made it possible to carry out operations in any, including field conditions.

In search of a universal effect on cellular structures, ultraviolet radiation was taken as the basis of the vital activity of the organism. With the introduction of UV rays into the blood, the spectral composition of which is close to the sun, but which is absent in the earth's atmosphere, the so-called frequency-resonance energy replenishment occurs, leading to the normal impaired energy potential of cells, metabolic processes, and immunoresistance.

Quantum therapy in a certain range of UV frequencies is not a means of treating any specific disease, but stimulates the vital functions of the body due to the activation of its natural energy mechanisms (the formation of ozone and, accordingly, atomic oxygen, without which no bioenergetic reaction takes place), which itself brings order. That is why this method is so effective in immunodeficiency states (chronic inflammatory processes, infertility, viral hepatitis, AIDS in the seropositive stage, oncology, especially in combination with hydrogen peroxide, etc.). A number of devices have been created not only for medical practice "Helios-01", but also for veterinary practice - "Helios-2", as well as an installation for irradiating plants during a certain period of vegetation or irradiating water with subsequent watering of plants, which makes it possible to obtain a crop in 1.5-2 times more practically without the use of mineral chemical fertilizers.

Space flight is stressful, which, of course, affects the condition of astronauts. If on Earth there are tranquilizers to relieve tension, which, in addition to a calming effect, have a muscle relaxant (relaxing) effect, then in space they cannot be taken. That is why, for the practical purposes of space medicine, an analogue of gamma-aminobutyric acid, phenibut, was created, which is a daytime type of tranquilizer without any side effects. After taking phenibut, everything becomes “don't give a damn” to you, and your performance improves in any conditions, and it is also a means of relieving stress, regardless of their nature, treating any functional disorders. No wonder the authors were awarded the State Prize of the Latvian SSR for the creation of phenibut.

Suffice it to say that I.P. Neumyvakin’s doctoral dissertation “Principles, methods and means of providing medical assistance to astronauts during flights of various durations”, made in the form of a scientific report (2 printed sheets), contained about 40 copyright certificates.

Naturally, until 1989, when the Neumyvakins worked in official medicine, the methods and means of traditional medicine were developed underground, and only with the collapse of the USSR and retirement did they begin to actively participate in the formation and development of traditional traditional medicine. Currently, Ivan Pavlovich is a member of the Presidium of the All-Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional Folk Medicine Specialists and Healers, and together with Lyudmila Stepanovna they are recognized as "the best folk healers in Russia."

Now the book market is saturated with publications that give recommendations on how to be healthy and not get sick. But, as a rule, the authors of these books (honor and praise to those of them who gained health from their own experience of hopeless patients and share their experience with others) do not have a medical education. Imagine that you gave your own car to be repaired by a shoemaker or a baker. After all, don't give up! So it is with the machine, whose name is Man. They should be dealt with only by doctors who are convinced of the impotence of official medicine, but who, using knowledge of the methods and means of traditional medicine, can achieve significant success. This does not mean surgical or resuscitation care that requires urgent specialized interventions.

How can you calmly read the advice of such folk healers who recommend, for example, taking all the urine that you excrete (by the way, there are already quite a lot of patients who have irreversible changes due to this due to protein imbalance or death), or a complete rejection of all dairy products? This only undermines the authority of traditional folk medicine, which is gaining strength, where everyone should mind their own business, and, as the Holy Scripture says: "To God - God's, to Caesar - Caesar's."

The book of the Neumyvakins contains everything that a person should know about his body, physiology, pathology and methods of treatment. The special value of the book is that it gives simple recommendations on how, with the help of what you have on the table, in the garden, adding your own efforts, get rid of the existing ones and prevent the occurrence of possible diseases.

This book should become a reference for those

Current page: 1 (total book has 39 pages)

Neumyvakin I.P., Neumyvakina L.S. – Endoecology of health

I. P. Neumyvakin L. S. Neumyvakina


Edition 2, revised and enlarged

Moscow, Saint Petersburg

BBK 51.1(2)2 N 38

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form, including on the Internet, without

written permission from the copyright holders.

This book is not a textbook on medicine, all the recommendations given in it should be used only after

agreement with the attending physician.

Neumyvakin I.P., Neumyvakina JI. WITH.

H 38 Endoecology of health. Ed. 2nd, revised. and additional .- St. Petersburg: "Publishing house" DILYA", 2010.- 640 p.

ISBN 978-5-8174-0253-7

practice experience of alternative medicine, primarily devoted to endoecological

(internal) state of the human body, the possibility of maintaining its purity,

without which it is impossible to be healthy. The book provides practical advice on

prevention and treatment of many diseases. The path to health is knowledge and

hard work on yourself, having done which, you will gain health and joy of life.

© Neumyvakin I.P., 2010 © DILYA, 2010

ISBN 978-5-8174-0253-7

© Design by DILYA Publishing House, 2010

Who are we? 171

Introduction 6


energy "breakdowns" (strike) 177


FOOD 181


Features of the action on the body of the main


food 202

Bioenergetic essence of man.

How to change the internal ecosystem 274

Is the soul immortal? 68

Breathing is life 288

Geopathogenic zones 80

What are we breathing? 289

Have you met a vampire? 85

Why do we breathe? 296

What are chakras? 88

How do we breathe? 297

Evil eye, damage. What it is? 96

How to breathe correctly? 303

Is the soul immortal? 101


Law of Harmony 142


Law of reincarnation (reincarnation) 148

Attention! Osteochondrosis 317


How to get rid of bad posture 324

Joint cleaning and treatment of metabolic disorders

Manual therapy 329

processes 447


Diseases of the pulmonary system 477


Eye diseases 488


diabetes mellitus 491

Is climacteric a disease? 384

Prostatitis, adenoma 506


Oncological diseases 509


Vegetables and plants 531


Approximate daily routine 549

Liver cleanse 431


Prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases 437

Application. Do you want to know your destiny? 628

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin - professor, doctor of medical sciences,

Active member of the European and Russian Academies of Natural Sciences,

International Academy of Informatization and Energy Informatization Sciences, Medical

Engineering Sciences, Honored Inventor of Russia, laureate of the State Prize,

Member of the Presidium of the All-Russian Professional Medical Association

specialists of traditional folk medicine and healers. Since 1959, for 30

years engaged in issues of space medicine: the development of methods and means of providing

medical assistance to astronauts in flights of various duration.

much of his research is devoted to finding optimal treatments and

means of prevention of various diseases NON-SPECIFIC effects

on the body, such as hemosorption, electroneurolepsy (electroanalgesia), external

counterpulsation, ultraviolet irradiation of bioliquids or healing of a person with

using various methods and means of FOLK MEDICINE. This allowed him

to understand the futility of the efforts of official medicine to focus on

eliminating not the causes of diseases, but their symptoms with the help of chemical

drugs, which further exacerbates the condition of patients. That's why Ivan

Pavlovich Neumyvakin stood at the origins of a new direction in medicine -

traditional folk medicine, which means the use of physiological

mechanisms and reserve capabilities of the body, still completely ignored

apologists from official medicine, and has been faithful to this direction for more than 30 years. By

in his opinion, the future of medicine is in a combination of traditions accumulated by the official and

folk medicine, the unity of the physical and spiritual world of man. So don't

accidentally in 2005 I.P. Neumyvakin for his personal contribution to the development of traditional

of traditional medicine was awarded the International Prize "Profession - Life", which

celebrates the most outstanding global achievements of companies, institutions and

organizations in the field of medicine and the health industry, environmental conservation

person, and also encourages individuals who have made the most significant contribution to the development

sciences, technologies and practices of medicine that create for the benefit of mankind. Laureates -

winners of the award are awarded with a Large golden statuette, a “Ruby” mantle,

Order "For Honor, Valor, Creation, Mercy", a badge and

certificate "People's recognition". In December 2006 he was awarded the honorary title

"Person of Russia".

Lyudmila Stepanovna Neumyvakina - master of traditional medicine, academician

European Academy of Natural Sciences - for 24 years combined the work of a doctor-

radiologist and therapist, was an ardent follower of the dogmas of official medicine before

until conventional medicine could cure her. With the help of folk


Medicine Lyudmila Stepanovna was cured in a few days, after which she began to show

interest in her: she mastered various methods of diagnostics (iridodiagnostics, dowsing,

including photography, phantom, telephone, etc.), manual therapy, methods

cleansing the body of toxins, became a bioenergy therapist, psychic-instruc- tor

international class. With her life experience, Lyudmila Stepanovna confirmed that

that only by rethinking the causes of diseases, the roots of which lie in violation

the laws of Nature, and first of all the spiritual essence, by changing the diet and other

factors, it is possible to cure a sick person, regardless of what he is sick with.

Based on a set of works performed jointly with leading specialists

various fields of science, they developed a system of human health, based on

which are based on the following principles:

Man is a self-regulating, self-reproducing bioenergy

a system in which everything is interconnected and interdependent, and the margin of safety is always greater

impact of damaging factors;

Any disease has common functional signs and, first of all,

due to a violation of the bioenergetic balance and the state of the immune system,

slagging of connective tissue structures (body fluid, bones,

joints, muscles), restoring which practically without chemical medicinal

means to eliminate the disease. Only for this you need your own efforts.


Since ancient times, folk healing has been developed in Russia, accumulated

vast experience, which until recently was not in demand, and healers

persecuted as criminals. And only in the last 15-20 years, people who

official medicine could no longer help, they became more and more interested in ways

and methods based on the use of their own reserve capabilities and

natural remedies. And although official medicine, which itself came out of folk

medicine somewhere 150-200 years ago, does everything possible to discredit

this direction, it becomes more and more difficult to do this, as everything joins it

more doctors who in practice are convinced of their own impotence.

It is worth recalling that in Russia every 8-10th person dies due to errors in diagnosis.

sick. That is why it is considered normal abroad if the attending physician invites

to consult a colleague, which we consider undermining the authority of a doctor.

So, in the USSR, and then in Russia, the Association of Folk Healers appeared, which

was called upon to unite and coordinate the efforts of traditional healers, to legitimize their

methodological approaches. Of course, on this wave of the emergence of alternative medicine

a lot of foam, husks and so-called "healers" appeared, who promise for 1-2

session will cure you of any diseases, but which have nothing to do with

medicine. That is why the All-Russian Professional

medical association of specialists in royal medicine and healers.

The main objective of the Association is that traditional folk medicine,

including the achievements of the official and centuries-old experience of traditional medicine,

should be engaged only by persons with a medical education, and for the final

the result should be answered by a doctor who has undergone special training in one or another

branches of traditional medicine. Coordination of work with all countries and development of all




is engaged


research center for traditional folk medicine headed by Dr.

Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician Yakov Grigoryevich Galperin; he is

is president of the Professional Medical Association of Traditional Healers

Russia. You ask why, against the backdrop of quite convincing successes of folk

healers of various kinds charlatans who promise to cure you of any disease


for 1-2 sessions and do not have any legal permits (licenses from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation),

This is, on the one hand, and on the other, official medicine requires

documentary (conducting the necessary studies before, during and after treatment, and

also long-term results) confirmation of the cure of patients. It's expensive and

traditional healers cannot afford this, and for a comparative study of methods and

funds used by folk healers, at the expense of the budget, no one agrees.

Here is one example for you. Six international congresses have been held within 15 years

"Folk medicine of Russia: past, present and future", and you know who was not there,

despite official invitations? That's right, representatives of the official

medicine of Moscow and M3 of the Russian Federation, although there were representatives of near and far abroad from

30 countries. On television, you can sometimes watch programs about healers (people who

carrying out operations without a knife) as about charlatans coming to Russia. If you

participated in the last congresses, and there were always more than 1000 people, we could

watch the next picture. The stage is covered with a white sheet. They ask from the hall

get out of a person who has a tumor on his body. A man comes out with

in the upper third of the right thigh, a tumor measuring 8x10 cm. When asked why it was not removed,

replies that, despite repeated requests, no one wanted to delete it. Andrey

Alexandrovich Zateev - general practitioner, the only licensed doctor in Russia

transsurgeon - makes several passes along the patient's body, thereby anesthetizing him,

lays on the table, treats the site of the tumor with alcohol and makes an incision with a scalpel

4-5 cm in size (or could just use your fingers). There is no blood, the patient is lying, smiling. Further

Zateev begins to exfoliate the tumor with his fingers, which he removes after 12 minutes. After

several new passes with the hands, the edges of the wound are connected, treated with alcohol, applied

dry bandage. The patient gets up from the table, smiles, does not feel any pain. work

television cameras, a dozen newspaper correspondents. The tumor cuts one of those present

surgeons, making sure that there is no mysticism here. After 3 days, the bandage was removed, there is still

a pink scar, from which after 10-12 days there will be no trace. Such operations for

several congresses. A. A. Zateev is able not only to produce such

kind of surgery, but also to diagnose the patient at a distance and treat him. Possesses

telekinesis, clairvoyance and levitation (this is with a weight of more than 80 kg), which is not only

the inhabitants of Togliatti, where his center is located, are watching, but the whole of Japan is

television channels. Have you seen this in Russia? Here is the answer to your question.

This is one of the aspects of the work of traditional healers, who, of course, have many

problems, but, gratifyingly, more and more doctors are joining this direction,

those who have lost faith in the dogmas of official medicine, which adheres to the principle -

remove the symptoms of diseases - and, leaving the cause unexplained, turns the patient

chronicle with all the ensuing consequences.

A significant role in the formation and development of traditional medicine in Russia was played by

I. P. Neumyvakin is one of the founders of space medicine, who since 1959

years for 30 years was responsible for the safety of the health of astronauts when they

were in space.

Given the great significance and importance of the tasks assigned to him, I.P.

Neumyvakin attracted extraordinary thinking leading experts to this work

various departments and ministries, which allowed him not only to create a space

hospital, where it was possible to provide, among other things, specialized

resuscitation and anesthetic care, but also new directions in medicine.

So, I.P. Neumyvakin stood at the origins of the emergence of sorption purification

biological fluids (blood, lymph, plasma, cerebrospinal fluid), hereinafter referred to as

Yu. M. Lopukhin "hemosorption".

The method of electroneurolepsy (electroanalgesia) he created, that is, the impact

on subcortical structures (pituitary, reticular and libic formations)


individually selected frequency, allows you to treat almost any

functional disorders. When performing surgical interventions in combination with

nitrous oxide, this method is one of the most gentle methods of general

pain relief without the use of drugs. After operation

after 15-20 minutes the patient regains consciousness, and there is no point in placing him in

resuscitation room. There is no post-drug depression. But unfortunately this

method 3-5 years after its approval for use in medical practice was

"out of production".

As the basis for the operating room in spacecraft was proposed

method, subsequently called the "gnotobiological method". Its essence is

in the following: the hands of the surgeon and the operating field are in a special

translucent cavity with an autonomous ventilation system and a passage hatch for

transfer of the necessary material and extraction of the used one. This allowed

carry out operations in any, including field conditions.

In search of a universal effect on cellular structures, it was taken

ultraviolet radiation as the basis of the life of the body. When introduced into

blood of UV rays, the spectral composition of which is close to the sun, but which

is absent in the earth's atmosphere, the so-called frequency-resonant

energy replenishment, leading to the norm of the disturbed energy potential

cells, metabolic processes, immunoresistance.

Quantum therapy in a certain range of UV frequencies is a means

treatment not of any particular disease, but stimulates vital

body functions due to the activation of its natural energy mechanisms

(the formation of ozone and, accordingly, atomic oxygen, without which no

one bioenergetic reaction), which brings order to itself. That's why this

the method is so effective in immunodeficiency states (chronic inflammatory

processes, infertility, viral hepatitis, AIDS in the seropositive stage,

oncology, especially in combination with hydrogen peroxide, etc.). A number of devices have been created

only for medical practice "Helios-01", but also for veterinary practice - "Geli-os-2", and

also an installation for irradiating plants during a certain period of vegetation or irradiation

water, followed by watering the plants, which allows you to get a crop of 1.5-2 times

more practically without the use of mineral chemical fertilizers.

Space flight is stress, which, of course, affects the state

astronauts. If tranquilizers exist on Earth to relieve stress,




muscle relaxant

(relaxing) effect, they cannot be taken in space. That's why for

practical purposes of space medicine, an analogue of gamma-aminobutyric

acids - phenibut, which is a daytime tranquilizer type without any

side effects. After taking Phenibut, everything becomes “don't give a damn about it”, and

improves performance in all conditions, and it is also a means of removing

stress, regardless of their nature, treatment of any functional disorders. Not in vain

Suffice it to say that the doctoral dissertation of I. P. Neumyvakin “Principles,

methods and means of providing medical assistance to cosmonauts during flights of various

duration”, made in the form of a scientific report (2 printed sheets),

Naturally, until 1989, when the Neumyvakins worked in official medicine,

the development of methods and means of traditional medicine was carried out clandestinely, and only with

the collapse of the USSR and retirement, they began to actively participate in the formation

and development of traditional folk medicine. Currently Ivan Pavlovich is a member

Presidium of the All-Russian Professional Medical Association of Specialists

traditional folk medicine and healers, and together with Lyudmila Stepanovna they


are recognized as "the best traditional healers of Russia".

Now the book market is saturated with publications that provide recommendations on how to

be healthy and not get sick. But, as a rule, the authors of these books (honor and praise to those of them,

who, through their own experience of hopeless patients, have found health and share with

others with their experience) do not have a medical education. Imagine that you

they gave their own car to be repaired by a shoemaker or a baker. After all, don't give up!

So it is with the machine, whose name is Man. They should only be handled by doctors

convinced of the impotence of official medicine, but who, applying knowledge of methods and

traditional medicine, can achieve significant success. Not available here in




specialized interventions.

many patients in whom irreversible changes occurred due to a violation

protein balance or death occurred), or a complete rejection of all dairy products?

where everyone should mind their own business, and, as the Holy Scripture says: “To God -

God's, to Caesar - Caesar's.

The book of the Neumyvakins contains everything that a person should know about his body,

physiology, pathology and methods of treatment. The special value of the book is that it contains

own efforts, to get rid of the existing ones and to prevent the occurrence of possible


This book should become a reference book for those who want to be healthy and

bring joy first of all to yourself, people and society.

I L. L. Khundanov,

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical

Sci., Member of the New York Academy of Sciences


One of the burning issues today is the topic of violation

ecological balance at almost all levels (air, water, food, land). TO

Unfortunately, no one pays attention to the endo-ecological state of the internal

environment of a person, on which any of his life manifestations depend.

What is the reason, the fundamental principle of disturbances in the body, which in the end

eventually leads to a "breakdown" - a disease, regardless of its nature

(etiopathogenesis)? Really, if the patient, according to the concepts of official medicine,

“cured”, eliminating only the external manifestations of the disease, symptoms, and those remaining in

body reasons are preparing new surprises, one is more insidious than the other, there is no way out of this?

After all, not only for people in old age, but all in a younger life

does not turn into joy, but into a torment with a bag of "incurable" diseases,

which place a heavy burden on relatives, others, the state.

No, there is a way out, and the sooner you know it and, most importantly, do something, the

you will have fewer health problems.

Now it is difficult to surprise anyone with the fact that the ecological situation in many

countries, including Russia, has put people on the brink of survival. The fact is that

ecology - the science of the world around us - includes a more capacious concept, in

which includes everything that we call the universe. Everything must be in harmony

macro- and microcosm, and these concepts are relative to each other. For example, a person

in relation to the Universe it is a grain of sand, and in relation to the same

microbes that inhabit our body - the macrocosm. Cause of discord with others

us the world is within us, so recovery at all levels must begin with

themselves. Take, for example, the quality of water that affects our health. It turns out from


what we drink depends not only on our health, but also on the human genotype

populations. No need to kill anyone, but just drink the water that flows from the tap. With their

With "technogenic" achievements, we have brought Russia, the richest country in terms of its water

resources, to the point that more than 70 regions use substandard water, and in

no positive measures in any nature management project in the near future

not provided. On the contrary, the constant deterioration of the environmental situation

bacterial, chemical and other contaminants forces the use of

water disinfection chlorine. However, when using such water, including

boiled, a chlorine derivative is formed - dioxin, which, slowly accumulating in

body, just destroys the immune, endocrine, reproductive and other

functions, not to mention the fact that we drink rusty water. The mention of water and its

importance for the internal state of a person is associated with the following circumstances.

The fact is that our body, if we consider it as a whole, consists of two

components: organs involved in specific activities, whether it be the stomach,

heart, brain, etc., and their stroma - connective tissue. Connective tissue

represented by the liquid part (blood, lymph, interstitial, intracavitary,

cerebrospinal fluid), gelatinous (crystalline lens, vitreous body of the eye,

joints), fibrous (muscle tissue) and solid (bones, cartilage). fibrous

connective tissues permeate the entire body and contain intercellular substance -

reticular mesenchyme, which is the largest filtration system,

collecting in itself all the substances used by cells and with the help of lymph

delivering them to the main filtration center - the liver. So here it is

connective tissue structure occupies more than 80% of the total body weight, and in the brain -

more than 90%, and it is here, and this is also the epithelial tissue lining the internal

organs, be it the intestines or secretory organs, is the beginning of any pathology. TO

unfortunately, until now, official medicine, if still continues to speak

on environmental pollution (air, water, food), then does not pay at all

attention to the endoecological state of the body , What , in our opinion,

is the root cause of any disease.

As mentioned above, official medicine continues to declare and

Treat the effect, not the cause, of disease. Illness is a way of life in which

the harmony between the internal state and external factors is broken and fail

The three C's are self-discipline, self-regulation, and self-healing. Turns out it's artificial.

intervention can be avoided, whether it be a drug or the use of

other methods of treatment, because a person as a self-regulating system can bring

She's in order, but she doesn't need to be disturbed.

But the main thing that should become the main direction in the treatment of any

disease, regardless of its nature, is the cleansing of the endoecological environment

According to dowsing data, slagging of the body (according to the state of the liver) in children

up to 5 years must be

3%, 5-12 years old - 5-6% and in adults - 8-12%. Compared to this

physiological norm in all patients who came to us, this slagging

reached 20-25% in children, and up to 30-35% in adults. That is, if the liver is delivered

the liquid used in the tissues, then it is accordingly cleared by 65-80%, and your

cells thus live and work in unbearable conditions, suffocating from

toxic products. And until you restore, clean up the internal, endoecological

logical environment, you cannot be cured.

Until now, for example, we are afraid of excess cholesterol, which is associated with

atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, premature aging, etc. Even at the dawn

E. Chazov proved in his scientific work that it is not a matter of cholesterol, but of the image

life. Not a single cell can live without cholesterol, whether you get it or not, the body


he has to make it himself. Recently, a new homocysteine

theory of the atherosclerotic process (McCulley, USA). Homocysteine

is an amino acid containing a sulfur atom, which, under the action of enzymes and

vitamins in the body turns into an essential amino acid - methionine,

necessary for protein synthesis and the formation of stroma, a kind of jumpers in

muscle fibers, which helps them contract to form collagen -

fibrous framework of bones. However, the synthesis of homocysteine ​​requires a complex

B vitamins, especially folic acid, which, with a mixed diet, which

characteristic of all people, and violation of membrane and cavitary digestion (A.

Coal) are not produced in the gastrointestinal tract. It turns out that this is

the primary link in the formation of atherosclerosis, and the secondary - the invasion of the "loose"

muscle tissue and osteoporotic bone of fatty inclusions. It turns out that it's not

how much meat, dairy products you ate, and in the poor functioning of the intestines, liver,






connective tissue structures (A. Alekseev).

The main misfortune of medicine is the overestimation of one's own capabilities and

underestimation of the body's defenses. The patient, with the help of a doctor, was taught to relax,

he developed a focus not on health, but on illness. Despite 1000

diseases, they proceed in the same way: the reaction of the body, pain, inflammation, and

accordingly, a treatment regimen is built, regardless of the nature of the disease -

anti-inflammatory, analgesic, tonic, surgery,

oncological diseases, chemo- and radiotherapy is added. The question is

Did a doctor really have to study for 7 years in order to reduce everything to a certain standard of treatment?

We do not mean here conditions that require urgent surgical or

resuscitation care, as well as the use of drugs in acute

states. Everything is very simple, the patient is the provision of work for a huge industry

health care, technology, pharmacy, that is, a market that lives at the expense of the patient: than

there are more of them, the “more efficiently” the system works. It turns out that in fact

medicine does not need a healthy person, a doctor is paid not for a cured patient, but for their

quantity. A paradoxical situation has been created: the fewer patients, the less

salary and fewer doctors in the staffing table. We have always been proud that in our

There are more doctors in the country than in any other country in the world. And what about their "professional"

pride suffer people whom doctors cannot and do not know how to help, not taking into account

accepted. Of course, to reduce everything to the fact that medicine is to blame for the fact that we have a lot of

sick and more people die than are born, it would be absurd. Our health is

it is a complex of factors in which the social environment and living conditions account for 55-60%,

35-40% depends on the person himself, and only in 10% medicine acts as

"switchman". An important reason for the crisis in medicine is the fact that it

continues to consider a person as a linear system, which is a set of

simple components, decomposing them into separate elements: cardiology,

pulmonology, gastroenterology, etc., the human body, as well as

other living systems is a non-linear system, which is a single whole,

where everything is interconnected, therefore medicine, continuing to treat only a separate organ,

goes into the past. A new science has appeared - synergetics, which studies complex systems in

their interconnections and considering a person not as a sum of his particles, but as something

a larger, three-dimensional, holographic concept where the physical and mental are merged

together and one depends on the other. Of course, you will ask what to do in the created

situations? As an alternative to the destruction of any system to replace it

a more viable one comes, which absorbs all the best that has already been created, and

brings positive beginnings.

Those who are interested in their health have probably noticed that in

in most cases, in different books there is practically a repetition of the same


material (and sometimes just rewriting). And because of the extra lyrical

digressions, "water", the reader cannot find the necessary information, which in a number of

cases is incorrect. This is due to the fact that many authors of books, without having

medical education, are trying to solve issues in which they simply

incompetent, and instead of good, they bring harm. In addition, it is difficult for the layman

to distinguish "tares from grains", for he perceives any printed word as truth in

last resort. That is why, against the background of the accumulated experience of folk healing

the Professional Medical Association of Specialists of Traditional

The book was written by I.P. Neumyvakin, who has been dealing with the treatment and rehabilitation of a person for more than 40 years, is well known both among professional doctors and those who represent alternative, informal medicine. Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, laureate of the State Prize, full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, author of more than 200 scientific papers, honored inventor with 85 copyright certificates for inventions. I.P. Neumyvakin will talk about how to defeat many diseases, and neither your own age nor the “age” of your illness is an obstacle in this.

The authors show how important it is to listen to your own body, to learn to understand the processes occurring in the body. Very accessible daily recommendations are given, which can be easily implemented for one's own healing.

The book contains a lot of alternative medicine recipes and deserves close attention.

This book is written in a simple, understandable language, well structured, many of the facts and advice set out in the book have been known to people for a long time (for example, about the compatibility and incompatibility of products; an eternal calendar, etc.), while others will become a discovery (treatment of cancer, infertility , and etc.).

Name: Endoecology of health
Genre: General medicine. Health without drugs
I.P. Neumyvakin

Why I Stopped Drinking Tea...

Often circumstances break our habits, and we begin to wonder why bad things happen to us? We get sick, hardships pile up in a crowd, and we keep splashing, and splashing in the ocean of our own adversities ... It's sad, but there is a way out! Professor Neumyvakin speaks about this. Listen..

In my life, “accidental” coincidences of circumstances break long-term habits ... The Moscow allergy that has developed has forced me to reconsider everything that is called nutrition. First, apples went down in history. ABOUT! This wonderful malic acid… swelling of the larynx and lower part of the face… after the apples, carrots and drinks above 3% flew into the “furnace”.

A little later, pork, followed by all the meat, including poultry. After half a year, the liquid consumed reached huge ... liters. But, after the usual tea and coffee, it seemed that the body shrinks and makes you sleep, processing something that is not lifting ... I stopped drinking regular tea, switched to herbs. Chamomile, Ivan-Tea, Ginger... now it's time for water. I try to drink from the well, but when the bottle is empty, I pour from the tap. Everything has changed a lot. Maybe I turn into a plant, at least, I feel how the body rejoices in water and fairly simple food ...

Professor Ivan Neumyvakin: it's easy to be healthy without drugs!

It seems like a miracle!

Using the system of Ivan Neumyvakin, we can become healthy, like astronauts, despite environmental pollution and other negative factors. And for this you will not need huge money for operations and medicines. We will refuse them altogether and help ourselves.

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin started as a junior researcher and worked his way up to the head of the department for developing a system for providing medical care to cosmonauts during flights of various durations.

As the head of the rehabilitation program for Soviet cosmonauts, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, USSR State Prize laureate Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin was allowed to recruit the best doctors and scientists of the country.

He took from them all the power of domestic medicine and enriched it with his inventions. A unique health improvement system was created, thanks to which our cosmonauts have not been sick for more than half a century.

“First, I have to determine where the line between health and disease lies. Why does a person get sick?

Second. Is it possible to use something from the arsenal of official medicine in space?

It turned out that nothing! There are forty copyright certificates for inventions in my doctoral dissertation. They are still a priority today.

After leaving astronautics, I tried to implement everything that I had worked out for space into the healthcare system. But he ran into fierce resistance. It turns out that with my developments I "undermine the authority of domestic science." After all, I found the main reason why a person is sick.

Universal cause of disease?

- In what way do you disagree with official medicine?

She recommends: first, second, third. But you and I represent the energy system, a living machine. Inside we have a “conveyor”, and the mouth is a “crushing system”. We should not swallow food, but chew it thoroughly, practically “drink” it. At this time, the "computer" - the brain - sees: bread, porridge, a piece of meat. And gives instructions to the stomach.

For meat, more concentrated hydrochloric acid is needed, and for bread - a little less, for porridge - too. But you swallowed the food without chewing it. It is only on top, slightly enveloped in hydrochloric acid, which cannot penetrate into the piece. But the worst thing is that at this time hydrochloric acid, which was released in sufficient quantities to process the same piece of meat, dissolves with water, which is used as a “third” at the end of the feast.

You reduce the concentration of acid, as a result, food cannot be digested. And everything you eat turns into "slag" - unprocessed metabolic products.

We eat four to five times what we need to stay healthy. The rest of the "excess" food is work for doctors, the beginning of your illness. If not today, then tomorrow, but it will definitely be.

Do you suggest drinking less fluids?

- It depends on what. The fact is that only “clean” water passes into the cell. It is this water that you need to drink two liters.
Mineral waters, especially carbonated drinks; the cage must clean them.

Coffee and tea provide a short-term burst of energy, but this only exacerbates the lack of water.

These and similar drinks cannot be recycled. "Dirty" water enters the cell, and instead of receiving energy, the latter must spend it on cleansing the liquid.

"Dirt" is thrown away, but there is not enough water - and there is not enough energy. I think now it is clear why the cell is “slagging”. And it doesn’t matter what the intake of “impure” liquid results in: atherosclerosis, hypertension, arrhythmia ... Yes, anything!

The main cause of the vast majority of diseases is obvious.

Recover "hopeless"

– Including cancer and AIDS?

I don't think there are any such diseases.

- How not?!

- There are conditions associated with slagging of the body. In it, the cells actually begin to live in a putrefactive, oxygen-free environment. Therefore, they mutate and become tumor markers.

In fact, cancer cells are in any organism, but in a healthy person they are suppressed by the immune system. And when the individual is weakened, these cells begin to multiply rapidly.

In principle, we need them - so that the body knows: good and evil are always there.

But good must not allow evil to spread. And if you yourself suppress goodness - due to stress, malnutrition, provoking physical inactivity, and so on? Good goes and evil takes its place.

We have created a wellness center, where in three weeks, without drugs and enemas, we cleanse the internal environment of the body. And in a person, for example, hypertension disappears - one that the cardiological center cannot remove. Well, it can't!
And we just remove the “dirt” from the body.

- How?

- Due to a half-starved existence. Special herbal teas for purification of blood, liver, kidneys, pancreas. A special system that allows you to fast for two days and drink these teas for two days.

– Your centers successfully treat multiple sclerosis, parkinsonism and other diseases that are considered to be incurable…

- After three to six months, patients who were bedridden go to the store, to the market, serve themselves. And the secret is simple: they saturated the cells with water, which they had sorely lacked before. Doctors completely ignore the fact that water is the best electrolyte, it is energy.

Without it, mitochondria cannot work - a kind of hydroelectric power station that supplies the cell with energy.

And the first organ that suffers from lack of water is the brain. Hence - irritability, headache, migraine, fatigue, poor academic performance.

Today I officially declare: from my point of view, there is no diagnosis. Cancer and AIDS are conditions; consequences, not causes.

If a person is sure that cancer is a temporary condition, then he can get rid of it.

To do this, you must first of all look at what he did wrong in life, repent of sins, ask for forgiveness from the people whom he offended. And then you need to tune your mind to recovery. It is this attitude that defeats any damaging factors. Heal yourself.

- People are surprised when you tell them that the heart ... is not in the chest.

– The heart is a motor for pumping fluid, it is mainly located below the navel ...

- Like this?

- An adult has a height of 150-180 centimeters. Liquid under the influence of gravity falls down, but it must be lifted from the bottom up. And this is done by the muscles in which the vessels are located. These are special pumps that push the blood up with their contractions.
And if the owner of his body does not engage in it: does not go in for sports, does not train the muscles of the trunk and legs, then he develops atherosclerosis, varicose veins, and trophic disorders.

Against the background of the "dirt" that is in the body, the blood thickens. And the heart needs to make more efforts to push this blood. Initially, left ventricular hypertrophy occurs, then various kinds of arrhythmias begin, and then a heart attack or stroke occurs.

The heart does not have enough strength to work instead of more than five hundred muscles that should pump blood. So, the heart must work with good blood, not condensed, but liquid, filled with water. But how to achieve this, almost no one teaches people. Few people know that water should be drunk 10-15 minutes before meals - one or two glasses. It freely passes along the lesser curvature of the stomach and collects in the region of the duodenum, where alkali accumulates. As a result, the water is not acidified by the stomach, but alkalized.

- Traditional compote, coffee or tea should not be drunk in the end?

- In no case! You can only rinse your mouth after eating. And one and a half to two hours after eating meat, do not eat or drink anything: it is necessary for the gastric juice to process, “corrode” this meat. Because a person needs something in it, because he lives “in the periodic system of Mendeleev” and must replenish his body with all the elements.

And if on an empty stomach, when the stomach is empty, you want to eat, you need to drink water. Drank - half an hour you do not want to eat. Then they drank some more. And when it will already "suck in the stomach" - eat.

With us, it's like twelve o'clock, so everyone goes to lunch in the dining room. But don't eat if you don't want to! You have to give your body a rest. After all, his food, which he ate in the morning, is not processed! If you put more on top, it will rot. Hence all the negative consequences.
So, drink water on an empty stomach. Water is food, because three-quarters of us are actually water. For a day you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water on an empty stomach. Everything else is not good for health.

Look at some people in their 60s and 70s. When they begin to drink about two liters of pure water per day, their wrinkles are smoothed out, and the intestines begin to function normally. The cell bathes in water - this is the basis of its life. Therefore, you need to drink a lot and only on an empty stomach, and only clean water.

– Where can I get it?

- Pure water is not the one that is sold. Bottled water is acidic, with a pH of 6.5–7.

How do you make really pure water?

There is normal water in the Moscow water supply system. In the evening, you pour it from the tap into a pot or bottle, it settles, the chlorine comes out. In the morning there will definitely be a deposit, although it is not visible to the eyes. Carefully drain the top water, about two-thirds of the total volume, but do not boil it as usual, but bring it to small bubbles. This is the so-called "cold boiling water", which retains the structure during the day. The cell needs this water. She no longer spends energy on her cleansing.

This is truly living water, which returns a person to health.

- Tell me, please, at what time should you eat food in order to become healthy?

- If you eat after seven o'clock in the evening, you will never be a healthy person. Insulin, secreted by the pancreas at 19:00, processes food for two hours. If you eat something sweet, then insulin will not allow the sugar level to rise above normal.

And from 9 pm the pancreas should sleep with the stomach - by this time they should be free from food. Then they pass the baton to the pineal gland, which produces melatonin - the growth hormone, it is released at 11 o'clock.

Wisdom of Creation!

It would seem, what does the above have to do with religion? But she and science today come to common conclusions. The higher principle underlies the Universe, all the phenomena occurring in it. It is the main and in human activity, at least - should be so. But we have perverted the higher laws, focused on the material, forgetting about the spiritual.

And if there is no God in the soul, then, it turns out, you can take from life everything that is possible, without giving anything in return. That is why the orgy that we are seeing now in the life around us arose.

– What should be done to change the world around us, unfriendly and cold to our feelings, impulses of the soul?

You ask me a childish question, but it has a deep meaning. The answer to it was known thousands of years ago: do not do to another what you do not want them to do to you.

  • Know that you are a part of everything around you. One depends on the other.
  • You have done evil to your neighbor - it means that you have done badly, first of all, to yourself.
  • Destroying others with your thoughts and deeds, you destroy yourself, your spiritual and moral foundation.

And damage to the soul inevitably leads to illnesses of the body, premature death.

There is only one way to avoid them - stop harming others, start doing good, make the spiritual, and not the material, the main thing in life, that is, live according to the commandments that religion gives.

The system that was blocked

– Ivan Pavlovich, your method of ultraviolet treatment allows people to get rid of chemicals, effectively treat animals and plants, get environmentally friendly milk and meat, vegetables and fruits, and other products. But why is this saving system, after such successful tests, not used anywhere?!

Once again, the gospel truth is confirmed: there is no prophet in his own country ...

Unfortunately it is so. I worked in astronautics for decades and could not do healthcare. In addition, I hoped that my medical developments would be implemented by sane people.

Indeed, after all the tests, permission was obtained from the USSR Ministry of Health for their introduction into the healthcare system. But soon the Soviet Union collapsed. And the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation demanded that the same tests be carried out, but already under the auspices of the Russian Federation, because the results obtained in Soviet institutions are, you see, invalid for him. This is nonsense!

But I had already retired, and I had neither the strength nor the financial means to re-test. And no one wanted to help me.
Then I realized that I was undermining the existing methods and means of treating people, animals, plants, soil, which actually cripple them, but feed the manufacturers of medicines, mineral fertilizers, herbicides and other chemicals.

- What do you propose for medicine, Ivan Pavlovich?

Widely implement my health system. It was blocked in big cities where medical care is developed. But it is very weak in the outback, and there you can try to introduce this system. A standard project has been created that will allow the chief doctor and his staff to improve the health of 25-30 people in regional hospitals or in remote corners of Russia within three weeks.

There is no need for any tomographs, no sophisticated equipment - we need the usual methods that doctors use to free people from drug addiction.

In the State Duma of Russia, this proposal of mine found understanding at the highest level. But when the question of implementation arose, the departments responsible for health in Russia did not find the money needed to organize health centers. And in general, my entire ecological system for improving the health of a person, animals, plants, earth turned out to be “useless” ...

Recently, a government official said that small towns are not promising - they need to be merged with megacities. But the implementation of this project would destroy the foundation of Russia. Where else can its revival begin?

Revival begins from the earth, knowledge of nature, love for all living things, the desire to preserve it for posterity. Those people are born on earth who should glorify Russia. It is from there that health should come, and not from megacities, whose residents have no idea "where the rolls grow."

- Is there really no hope for the implementation of your developments, which allow you to cleanse the earth, improve all living things?

Fortunately, Belarus has recently become interested in them. They still have free healthcare and free education. It is not surprising that this country showed interest in my health system, which turned out to be “not needed” in our country. I would like to believe that the healing of the entire planet will begin from here. I really hope that there will be people in Russia who want their children and grandchildren to live in good health on a reborn land, and not die of disease in a poisoned environment.

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