The most powerful diet pills. Medicine from Elena Malysheva. List of inexpensive diet pills in pharmacies

Growing problems of excess weight are forcing pharmacologists to develop the most effective diet pills with a more loyal formula that would promote fat burning without harming overall health.

The main reasons for being overweight

Excess weight is the result of improper nutrition and inappropriate calorie consumption. Anyone can gain weight if they eat a lot of high-calorie foods, while moving a little.

Obesity is also experienced by drinkers and those who are subject to frequent emotional stress.

Unfortunately, in the age of computer technology, children spend more and more time at the computer monitor, absorbing the feeling of hunger with chips, sandwiches and carbonated drinks, which largely explains the cause of excess weight in adolescence. Therefore, parents should be extremely careful in raising their child and do everything to ensure that the child moves more and eats exclusively healthy food.

But the problem of obesity in children is a separate issue. This article is devoted to drugs that will allow you to get rid of excess weight as soon as possible. So, which diet pills are the most effective?

What are the most effective diet pills?

How to approach the issue of the most effective drugs for weight loss? Modern pharmacology offers many types of diet pills, but first of all, it is necessary to understand by what principle the pills act on the body.

You should also know that any pharmacological drugs for weight loss do not have the ability to burn fat on their own, but only help the body suppress appetite, speed up metabolism, etc.

Almost everyone who decides to fight overweight is certainly interested in diet pills that really help.


Xenical diet pills are available in capsules. The main active ingredient is orlistat.

The mechanism of action of the drug is to block lipase. Lipase is a digestive enzyme secreted by the lining of the stomach and small intestine.

Lipase contributes to the proper breakdown and absorption of dietary fats in the digestive tract. As a result, there is a strong obstacle to the absorption of fats, and hence their accumulation.

Side effects. Change in stool consistency, increased gas formation in the intestines. In most cases, loose stools are accompanied by spasmodic abdominal pain. In the feces, an increased content of fats can be observed.

Contraindications Liver problems and bile stasis, diabetes mellitus and kidney dysfunction, anorexia.


The most popular and most effective diet pills today are reduxin. Their active ingredient is sibutramine hydrochloride. Release the drug in capsules.

The drug acts directly on the saturation center, which is located in the hypothalamus of the brain. In the process of exposure, the action of serotonin and norepinephrine on the receptors of the saturation center is lengthened, which slows down the feeling of hunger for a longer period, thereby a person consumes fewer calories per day.

In addition, under the influence of reduxin, there is an acceleration of metabolism and an increased breakdown of adipose tissue.

Side effects. Most often, there is a feeling of discomfort and failure of the function of the cardiovascular system - palpitations, high blood pressure.

Contraindications. The drug is not allowed for use by patients with hypertension, coronary heart disease, diseases of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands. Also, reduxin is not recommended for use in obesity, which is caused by an insufficient amount of hormones secreted by the thyroid gland, as well as in bulimia nervosa.

Important! Reduxin can not be combined with hypnotics, tranquilizers, neuroleptics.


Orsoten diet pills are available in capsules. The main active element of the drug is orlistat.

When using tablets, they block the lipase enzyme and act directly in the gastrointestinal tract without being absorbed into the blood.

Side effects. Basically - a violation of the chair. In rare cases, headaches and severe fatigue appear. Also, the use of Orsoten can cause an unfounded feeling of fear.

Warning! The effect of this drug on the body can be the main cause of infection of the urinary system and respiratory tract.

Contraindications. Orsoten is not recommended for use in patients with liver problems and bile stasis.


The Indian drug Goldlay is a strong diet pill, which is most often recommended by dietitians. You can buy them in pharmacies with a doctor's prescription. The main active ingredient is sibutramine hydrochloride. Release tablets in the form of gelatin capsules.

The effect of Goldline on the body dulls the feeling of hunger, which in turn reduces the intake of calories.

Side effects. Taking the tablets may cause dry mouth, headaches, drowsiness or insomnia. In some patients, the drug causes high blood pressure and rapid heart rate, increased irritability and depression.

Warning! Due to the fact that taking the drug dulls the feeling of hunger, it is necessary to carefully monitor food intake. Some patients almost forget about food, thereby causing the development of an ulcer.

Interesting! Goldstein is a strong diet pill, therefore it is recommended for use by people with severe obesity, which cannot be removed in other ways.


The Lida diet pill from the Chinese company Dali is nothing more than a bioactive supplement.

Guanara and hyarcinia, which are part of the drug, create a tonic effect, and the powder of Jerusalem artichoke, pumpkin and sweet potato helps to break down the fat layer, supplying the slimming body with all the necessary nutrients.

Side effects. Lida may cause headaches, increased nervousness, insomnia, constipation, and palpitations.

Contraindications Children under 12 and pregnant women.

It is difficult to say which of them are the most effective diet pills. Every organism is an individual. Therefore, deciding to take diet pills, first of all, you need to consult a dietitian who will help you make the right choice and warn against unforeseen symptoms.

No need to follow the advice of friends and acquaintances, because not all drugs have the same effect on different organisms.

Attention! Often unscrupulous sellers on the black market offer fakes, passing them off as the best diet pills. Beware of scammers and buy the drug only with a doctor's prescription at specialized points of sale.

In addition, I would also like to warn that taking any diet pills is strictly contraindicated for women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for children under 12 years old.


None of the best diet pills will give positive results if the losing weight ignores a healthy and active lifestyle. Remember this trio: sports, diet, fat burners. Only such a combination will allow you to achieve good results, speed up the process of losing weight and will not affect your overall health, as well as the quality of your skin.

Remember that the rapid loss of kilograms affects the condition of the skin - it becomes flabby and sagging, as in the photo.

Therefore, you need to lose weight correctly and wisely. Follow all the doctor's recommendations, do not forget about proper nutrition and daily skin care. Only in this case, you will be able to draw conclusions for yourself which effective diet pills helped you find the desired waist size, give your skin youth and freshness, and give your body energy and flexibility.

Losing weight correctly and healthy is the main motto, from which you cannot deviate under any pretext.

All means for weight loss can be divided into three groups:

  1. pharmacological preparations, in fact, weight loss medications(Xenical and Meridia)
  2. bioadditives- concentrates of natural biologically active substances - roots, herbs, fibers
  3. protein-mineral mixtures- well-known protein shakes, bars and more

All of the above is presented in abundance now in any pharmacy. And although most drugs are sold without a prescription, taking them thoughtlessly would be a big mistake.

And it’s not even about side effects, but simply about not achieving the desired result, money thrown away and disappointment “Oh, but I took it, but there was no effect.”

The possibility of eating something to lose weight is, of course, very tempting. But to cure obesity (excessive accumulation of body fat mass) with the help of pills is unrealistic. Medications and supplements are only an aid and complement to other methods of weight loss - and special physical activity.

Otherwise, even if there is a loss of kilograms against the background of the drug, after the end of taking diet pills, a rapid and significant increase in body weight can occur. And this is much more serious than just the lack of results.

It is right that weight loss products are prescribed by a nutritionist, and the treatment does not take place thoughtlessly, blindly. Not because diet pills are dangerous, but because a nutritionist knows what tasks each drug solves, and what funds are needed in your case.

Diet pills

From pharmacology nutritionists now prescribe three drugs -, and Dietress. Xenical is a Swiss drug that blocks the lipase enzyme in the intestines, as a result of which fats from food are not absorbed by 30 percent, but are excreted with the stool.

Against the background of taking Xenical (as in general, without it), you can not eat very fatty foods. The mechanism of action of Xenical is such that as a result you can get a very fatty stool that can come out at any time - during negotiations, on the beach, on a date, anytime.

The stool will be so fatty that it will simply drain through the intestines. Imagine yourself in such a situation. Unpleasant. On the other hand, this side effect somewhat organizes losing weight. As you know, for many, taking such drugs is an opportunity to finally afford the most harmful food. “Hurrah, I take pills, which means that now I can do everything.”

The second drug is Meridia, or from other manufacturers Goldline, Reduxin. The active ingredient in all drugs is the same - sibutramine. This substance works on a completely different principle - it suppresses appetite. Meridia inhibits the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine in the central nervous system, which contributes to a faster feeling of fullness, as well as faster energy consumption.

Meridia is prescribed for people with eating disorders who constantly eat and cannot stop. Meridia is now sold only by prescription, only with a doctor's prescription. When taking it, blood pressure may increase, and patients with heart rhythm disturbances should take it with caution.

Dietress is a new drug that promises to dull the appetite. It works gently, sold without a prescription. The drug is completely new, and there are few reviews about it yet. It is only known that, unlike Meridia, it is safe.

Supplements for weight loss

Everything that is on the shelves of pharmacies in bright plastic jars and is sold without a prescription is dietary supplements - dietary supplements, concentrates of natural (or identical to natural) biologically active substances that supplement food with its deficient components. Most often, they are used in the form of tablets, powders, oil solutions, teas, capsules, balms, syrups, lozenges, and even bars.

Dietary supplements are a great help in the weight loss program. This is, in fact, a new generation of phytotherapy. Our ancestors brewed chamomile, collected valuable roots. But now it is difficult to force someone to brew medicinal herbs daily, and dietary supplements can contain up to 50 useful substances in just one capsule.

Unfortunately, the reputation of dietary supplements for weight loss was largely tarnished in the early 90s, when distributors with “If you want to lose weight, ask me how” badges actively promoted Herbalife and other products as a panacea for excess weight. Manufacturers continue to speculate on some properties of active substances (“Turboslim night - active weight loss at night”), which only confuses people's minds and makes it difficult to objectively assess the role of dietary supplements in the process of weight loss.

Dietary supplements may contain vitamins, minerals, such as to reduce cravings for sweets.

The composition of dietary supplements for weight loss may include mixtures of dried medicinal plants - herbs Hoodia, Garcinia, Acai berries.

Dietary supplements may include substances derived from the processing of animal raw materials, marine products.

As a rule, manufacturers use several components in one capsule. Such complex preparations are produced under the brand name Turboslim, Formavit, Supersystem Six and many others.

For each dietary supplement, the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences issues a certificate that guarantees its safety, which means that a person will not get sick with an infectious disease and will not get poisoned. This certificate does not guarantee the absence of side effects, does not confirm that the supplement is really effective.
So, many drugs have a laxative effect, which is generally correct for weight loss, but if you constantly take a laxative, you can get intestinal irritation and other side effects that will negatively affect your overall health.

Another example is widely recommended dietary supplements with chitin, which reduce the absorption of fat in the intestines. They, as it turned out, reduce the absorption of not only fat, but also any fat-soluble components, as a result, a deficiency of vitamins A, D, E, K is formed, which can lead, in particular, to the development of osteoporosis and other diseases.

If dietary supplements contain vitamins, this is also a reason to think about the dosage. An overdose of vitamins such as A and D can also lead to various anomalies.

In no case do not use "smuggled" nutritional supplements, which include, in particular, "Thai pills" and Bilayt. There is evidence that some people not only lost weight on them, but also developed trophic changes in nails, sleep disturbance and instability in blood pressure.

Active substances for that and active substances to have a fairly strong effect. Therefore, uncontrolled intake of these drugs is undesirable.

Protein-vitamin mixtures

With a low-calorie diet, it is difficult to provide the body with the necessary amount of nutrients, essential food components. You sit on vegetables, broths and the body lacks proteins. As a result, weight is reduced, largely due to the loss of muscle mass, the loss of own proteins from muscles and skin.

In this case, sometimes they resort to the use of industrially prepared food concentrates and canned mixtures, the so-called protein and vitamin cocktails. They are low in calories, but contain all the necessary substances in a concentrated form.


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This article is based on scientific data written by experts and verified by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strives to be objective, open-minded, honest and present both sides of an argument.

Today, you will not surprise anyone with weight loss with the help of special pills. They have become so popular among consumers that manufacturers are releasing more and more new weight loss products almost every day. How do they act on the body? And which pills really help to lose weight, and which ones are just "dummy"? let's try to figure it out.

Carnivit Q10

This weight loss remedy is the safest. We note right away that these are not tablets, but capsules, although the essence of this does not change.

Carnivit Q10 contains components that do not affect the breakdown of lipids, but at the same time they have a very strong effect on the activity of metabolism and help suppress appetite.

Specifically, this product contains substances such as coenzyme Q10, L-carnitine, lipoic acid and vitamin E. Studies have shown that all these components do not have a direct effect on metabolism, but scientists have confirmed the relationship between their use and acceleration of metabolic processes.

Therefore, it should be assumed that this drug only indirectly affects weight loss. And if you do not make your own efforts, unfortunately, you will not be able to achieve significant results during its application.

The fact that this remedy is completely safe for health is also confirmed by experts who, in principle, are against the use of various dietary supplements for weight loss. All compounds that are in this tool are vitamin-like substances, therefore, they will not cause any harm to the body.

This drug is produced by the well-known company Evalar. It contains chromium picolinate, garcinia leaves, kelp, fucus, and vitamins C and B6. As the manufacturer himself assures, in combination, these substances can work wonders. They help speed up metabolism, improve thyroid function, suppress appetite and reduce body fat.

The only drawback of this drug is that it can provoke the development of an allergic reaction. However, if there is no allergy to the components that make up the product, then you can take it calmly.

But again, Garcinia Forte will only be really effective if its intake is combined with active physical activity and a low-calorie diet.


This drug contains cellulose, which has the ability to increase in size several times when interacting with a liquid. This allows you to fill the voids of the stomach and muffle the feeling of hunger. As a result of this action, a feeling of satiety appears, a person begins to eat less and, accordingly, lose weight.

I would like to note that this particular drug is the most harmless to the human body. Cellulose has no side effects, no contraindications and can be used by anyone. At the same time, it has zero calorie content, which allows you to reduce the daily calorie content to 1200 kcal.

Reduksin and Reduksin Light

These are drugs similar in name, but it is used for weight loss. It is a dietary supplement that allows you to control your appetite and can be used for a long time. Reduxin is a drug that is used as prescribed by a doctor and is intended for the treatment of various pathologies. It cannot be used by a perfectly healthy person, as this can lead to the development of serious health complications.

Reduxin Light promotes the elimination of toxic substances from the body, thereby accelerating metabolism and the process of fat burning. However, it is not as safe as the above drugs. Reduxin Light has a number of contraindications and side effects, so before using it, you must carefully study the instructions.

This drug, like all other dietary supplements for weight loss, must be taken in combination with physical activity and special diets. Otherwise, it will not give any results.

We warn you that Reduxin Light can cause an increase in blood pressure, increased heart rate, headache, as well as nausea and vomiting. With the manifestation of such side effects, you should immediately stop taking the drug and seek help from a specialist.

This remedy is also a drug that is used to treat obesity associated with type 2 diabetes. It is recommended to use it strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

It is a powerful inhibitor of gastrointestinal lipases, that is, it blocks the absorption of fats by the body. The result of its application is already noticeable for 2-3 days. However, it should be understood that it is impossible to take it uncontrollably in any case.

Xenical, like any other drug, has side effects. The most common of them are:

  • frequent bowel movements;
  • headache;
  • indigestion;
  • stomach ache;
  • upper respiratory infections;
  • allergic rash on the skin.

Taking this drug is strictly prohibited for persons who have:

  • cholestasis;
  • chronic malabsorption syndrome;
  • pathology of the gallbladder;
  • anorexia;
  • bulimia;
  • kidney stone disease.

Also, it should not be taken by women during pregnancy and lactation, since the substances that make up Xenical can adversely affect the development of the fetus and child after birth.

We have reviewed with you a lot of drugs for weight loss. Now you just have to decide which pills you can quickly lose weight in your case. But remember, no matter what choice you make, be sure to undergo an examination at a medical institution to identify pathologies before starting to take them. This will avoid future health problems after discontinuation of the drug.

Diet Pill Video


The appearance of fat in most cases is associated with malnutrition. And, you need to switch to proper nutrition. This is not about diets, but about a balanced diet. It is important to include a wide variety of foods, but control the quality as well as the quantity eaten. This will allow the body to get the necessary substances and trace elements, but at the same time not gain weight and even get rid of excess. There are many principles of healthy eating, choose the one that suits you.

Physical exercises help to correct the shape of the body, tone the muscles. Regular exercise strengthens health, makes the figure more attractive. But remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so the reading on the scale may not change much, but the size of the clothes will become completely different. It is only important to correctly compose a workout, introduce cardio exercises and power loads. And also perform the complex at least 3 times a week.

Bodyflex also helps burn fat. This is also physical training, but their principle is that certain breathing allows fat to go away very easily. Usually trainers offer several exercises for all muscle groups, paying great attention to stretching, and at the same time you will need to remember to increase the amount of oxygen in the blood. Some movements can be done not only in a special room, but also at the workplace. Mastering body flex is not at all difficult, and you can even do it at home.

A good way to lose weight are hardware procedures. The most effective is cryolipolysis. In the process, fat cells in a certain area are frozen and die. They are excreted from the body with lymph gradually, so the result is noticeable only after 30 days. But in one procedure, 20-30% of fat disappears from the affected area. You can supplement cryolipolysis with lymphatic drainage, it will help remove excess from the body, improve skin condition and help muscles become more toned. It is important to remember that it is very easy to remove fat with cryolipolysis, but you may not get a beautiful body, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles, and you also need to achieve skin elasticity.

Nutritionists can prescribe special drugs for weight loss. They are substances that interfere with the absorption of fat in the body. In this case, the body begins to use the accumulated reserves. But this method of losing weight has a lot of side effects, you can contact it only after the appointment of a specialist, experiments without a prescription can be dangerous. These pills have many contraindications, some drugs of this type are prohibited in European countries.


Most weight loss methods can be combined, and then a good figure will appear faster. But the main thing is not speed, but the constancy of the procedures, this is what will help to get a stable result.

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Advice 2: What weight loss products are used in sports medicine

Most athletes, fitness trainers and gymnasts look sexy, boast an athletic body with relief muscles, ideal weight. But not all of them naturally have a good metabolism, sometimes they have a tendency to gain extra pounds. How do coaches and fitness club employees manage to look fit and have a great figure? Professionals come to the aid of weight loss products from the arsenal of sports medicine. Never heard of proteins, appetite blockers and fat burners? But in vain - the drugs are highly effective in the fight against overweight, allow you to achieve results in almost a few weeks.

If you are overweight and 2-3 months before a vacation or an important event, it's time to start using some of the weight loss products known among athletes. If you need to get rid of only 2-3 kg, one month is enough. The main thing is to comply with all the requirements for taking pills, drugs, exercise and adhere to the principles of a healthy diet. So, let's look at the top 10 weight loss products from the arsenal of sports medicine:

Fat burner L-carnitine

L-carnitine (or carnitine) is the most popular fat burner among American nutritionists and trainers. The composition of the drug includes an amino acid responsible for lipolysis of fats. It improves the work of the heart, "pulling" energy from the split fats. There are practically no contraindications to admission, but the result will appear only with strong physical exertion, intensive sports. Doctors recommend dividing one capsule (or ampoule) into three doses, which allows significant savings.

Fat burner creams

Such external agents effectively break down fat deposits on the abdomen, thighs, sides, penetrating under the skin through the pores. Sports creams labeled "transdermal" contain increased dosages of active ingredients that remove not only the fat layer, but also stretch marks, "orange peel". The most popular Spanish cream brand Sculpt. For women, the Celluless line has been developed, for men - Absteel.

Athletes take two types of pills: thermogenics and lipotropics. The former actively release fatty acids, which leads to a surge of strength, relieving the load from the liver. The latter increase calorie consumption due to a slight increase in body temperature by 1-2 degrees. One of the conditions for taking such dietary supplements is a combination with intense physical activity. It is obligatory to consult a doctor before use.

Carbohydrate Blockers

The principle of operation of drugs is the blocking of enzymes that break down carbohydrate compounds. As a result, carbohydrates do not settle on the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, and are intensively excreted from the body. Usually blockers are taken in combination with fat burning pills or carnitine according to the doctor's indications. The most famous brands are Carb Block, Thermoloid.

Calorie blockers (appetite suppressants)

In medical language, such drugs are called anorectics or anorexigens. These drugs, originally developed for sports medicine, are now widely used among women who lose weight. A group of dietary supplements allows you to reduce, control your appetite, helps you eat less by influencing the satiety center in the brain. The most effective and safe are Sibutramine, Fluoxetine.

Ordinary drinking water

Water not only helps to lose weight and remove toxins from the body. It normalizes metabolic processes, allows you to "deceive" an empty stomach. Athletes note that you need to drink about three liters of pure non-carbonated water per day. An accurate calculation is possible by the formula: weight divided by 20. Before each snack, meal and after training, you should drink a glass of water. However, it is forbidden to drink it immediately after eating. Only such a rule will benefit when losing weight.

A great way to reduce weight is to remove excess fluid from the body. Subject to the rules, the volume of the body will decrease, bags under the eyes, swelling of the legs and face will disappear. The method can be used even during pregnancy. So, its essence. Pour a liter jar of clean drinking water, put it in the evening two hours before bedtime next to the sofa, armchair. During this time, drink everything in one sip. The effect of the "medical drip" will make the kidneys and liver work better. The downside of the method is that you have to run to the toilet several times a night. Plus, when drinking one liter, two will be displayed. In one night, you can lose weight by 1.5-2 kg, get rid of edema, puffiness. The duration of cleansing is 2-4 days, then the result will be exactly noticeable.

Pledge of weight loss - fractional nutrition

Athletes, gymnasts and coaches try not to starve, even when they need to lose 2-3 kg of excess weight. They use the principles of fractional nutrition in the diet. The ideal option is to eat little by little 5-6 times a day, following the recommendations of nutritionists. With average physical activity, the daily calorie content of food should not exceed 1400-1500 calories.

Pure protein

Athletes' doctors often advise athletes to replace one of the appropriate meals with 35-40 grams of protein or isolate when losing weight. Protein - pure protein isolated from healthy foods (meat, eggs, soy). Isolate contains zero carbohydrates. The tasteless powder is diluted with water, drunk after training, intense exercise. Minus - the drink is tasteless, plus - a protein shake completely saturates the body.

Complex (combined) protein

Complex protein is another invention for athletes from the achievements of medicine. It includes casein (very slowly absorbed by the body), whey (gives a feeling of satiety) and regular protein (most often curd protein). After taking the cocktail, you will not experience hunger for seven hours. The effect of such a complex protein is in many ways superior to the results of taking fat burners and calorie blockers.

Meal Replacements

These drugs contain carbohydrates, vitamin complexes, protein compounds, and other excipients in the required proportions. They can replace one meal. The upside is that you can use substitutes during intense workouts, on business trips and long trips. They are almost completely absorbed, do not give a strong load on the gastrointestinal tract.

When using any product from the development of sports medicine, it is worth remembering that only weight loss of 1-2 kg per month is considered safe. This approach will consolidate the result, will not allow extra pounds to return. Another rule for using fat burners and creams is regular sports and exercise.

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According to statistics, every fifth or sixth person on the planet suffers from obesity or overweight. Many are trying with all their might to get rid of hated kilograms: while exercising on simulators, with the help of exercise pills that enhance the effect of physical activity, and all kinds of weight loss products. Moreover, most of them prefer the passive method of losing weight through special pills and dietary supplements.

All diet pills differ in their effect on the human body. But what are the best diet pills? Consider the main methods of exposure to such tablets.

The best diet pills: classification according to the principle of action

Depending on the composition and effects on the body, the following types of diet pills are distinguished:
1. Burning fat. Promote the breakdown of fat cells. As a rule, these are good weight loss drugs that reduce weight by reducing adipose tissue, and not overall muscle mass.
2. Appetite suppressants. These drugs cause a lack of desire to consume food in large volumes. These powerful weight loss pills affect the brain responsible for feeling full.
3. Blocking fat cells. The best weight loss pills are fat blocking pills. They are more popular because, together with a regular diet, they can significantly reduce weight.

And yet, what are the best diet pills? Even dietitians cannot give an unequivocal answer to this question, because here everything depends on the characteristics of the body and the effect of tablets on it.

TOP 10 most popular diet pills

We have selected the 10 most popular weight loss pills:

1. Reduxin. This drug in capsules is considered the best medicine for weight loss, which is very popular on the Russian market. They act on the brain and block the desire to eat food.
2. Xenical. The drug is in capsules, each of which blocks lipase (digestive enzyme), under the action of which the breakdown of dietary fats is carried out.
3. Orsoten. These capsules act similarly to the previous drug (xenical).
4. Goldline. Like reduxin, gelatin capsules affect the brain.
5. Clenbuterol. Principle of action: enhances the breakdown of adipose tissue and metabolic processes in muscle tissue.
6. Li Yes. These Chinese diet pills are dietary supplements. According to the producers, their natural composition (hyarcinia, guarana, Jerusalem artichoke, sweet potato and pumpkin powder) effectively remove fatty ballast.
7. Turboslim. Another biological supplement is produced in different forms - capsules, tea, liquid concentrate. Weight correction is achieved by burning fats and removing them due to the diuretic and laxative effect.
8. MCC (microcrystalline cellulose). These diet pills are made from real cotton, which, when ingested, begins to swell, thereby causing a feeling of fullness.
9. Thai diet pills. The composition contains phentermine, which affects the brain and has an exciting effect on the psyche.
10. Bomb number 1. The creators claim that this drug is a super fat burner, which can also be doubted.

We have reflected the list of the best diet pills, keeping in mind the most popular today. Some of them, namely Chinese diet pills, contain phentermine, which is officially banned in Russia. However, despite this, many people manage to take Thai pills.

In addition, all drugs for weight loss have their contraindications and side effects, which must be kept in mind. And most importantly - remember that all diet pills should be sold in pharmacies. Pay attention to the pill boxes themselves and think, first of all, about your health!

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