Natural tear - instructions for use. Eye drops Tears natural - individual approach

Ophthalmic drops "Natural tear" will help restore and protect the mucous membrane of the visual organ, as well as remove the unpleasant feeling of dryness, burning and fatigue in the eyes. The solution is suitable for use with contact lenses and can be used by patients of all ages. You can buy medicine at any pharmacy without a prescription.

Composition, form and action

Eye drops "Tear" are an artificial analogue of the lacrimal fluid released to wash the eyes and lubricate the cornea, protect it from foreign bodies and dry out. The medical solution contains hypromellose and dextran 70 as basic components. It looks like a transparent liquid with a slight yellowish tint. The composition of the pharmaceutical preparation does not include biologically active substances and antibiotics. The solution does not cure eye diseases, but serves to flush the cornea and strengthen it by creating a thin protective film on the surface of the mucosa.

Indications for use

Ophthalmic eye drops "Tear" are used situationally to eliminate discomfort in the eyes and are instilled in a course as an element of corneal therapy. The doctor recommends taking the drug. The main purpose of the solution is to replenish the deficiency of the natural tear fluid. The drug is prescribed in the following cases:

It is recommended to use drops for prolonged visual stress.
  • effect of "dry eye";
  • ingress of dispersed particles;
  • eye fatigue due to overexertion.

How to use and dosage

Instructions for use are contained in the box along with the medicine. In the absence of special medical instructions, "Natural Tear" is instilled into the eyes 1-2 drops as needed to eliminate painful symptoms. When it comes to the course, it is recommended to use the solution twice a day, 2 drops conjunctivially. Persistent tangible effect occurs on the third day.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

Natural Tear Ophthalmic Solution is an aggressive environment for lenses and is not recommended for patients who use them. Prolonged use and excessive dosage can lead to local allergic reactions. In people with hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the solution, the risk of getting a negative short-term symptom doubles. The following side effects are most often recorded:

  • itching and redness of the conjunctiva of the eyes;
  • excessive tearing after instillation of the drug.

drug overdose

After application, excess fluid will come out in the form of a small amount of tears.

Eye medicine "Natural tear" does not contain toxic substances that can accumulate in the body. Drops are not absorbed into the blood and corneal cells. Excess medication is removed from the eyes naturally through the corners and tearing. There are no data on an overdose of a pharmaceutical product, however, in some cases, short-term allergic reactions may occur if the solution is abused by instillation.

642 02/13/2019 4 min.

For many reasons, our eyes stop producing tear fluid. This causes a lot of discomfort, discomfort, and sometimes provokes a number of more dangerous diseases. To avoid this, various analogues of human tears have been created. One of these are natural tears eye drops.

Description of the drug

Drops "Natural tear" refers to those used to eliminate dryness and fatigue of the eyes.

This medication is an ophthalmic solution in a plastic bottle. The container is equipped with a small dropper, thanks to which you can measure the required amount of the drug. In appearance, the drops are strong, viscous, have a yellowish color, or are completely colorless.

Natural tear consists of dextran 70, benzalkonium chloride, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, disodium edetaate, hypromellose, hydrochloric acid, pure water.

Analogues on the pharmaceutical market are such drugs:, Cationorm, Oksial.

Analogues of the drug "Natural tear"

This medicine, due to its composition and consistency, is similar to a natural tear.

pharmachologic effect

After instillation, the entire composition evenly envelops the eye. It gives protection and moisturizes the cornea. It fights against such consequences as redness, burning, itching.

The drug retains its effect for several hours. Substances do not penetrate the systemic circulation, which makes them safe for most people.

Compensating for the lack of tears, moisturizing the surface of the eyes, Natural tears protect the organs of vision from further development of harmful infections.

The film that forms after instillation is very resistant to various harsh external influences. Its consistency resembles a gel, because the drug begins to interact with human tears. As a result, the resulting composition adheres quite firmly to the surface of the eyes, moisturizes it and prevents it from drying out while working at a computer or in conditions that are unfavorable for the organs of vision.

The eye drops in question restore the necessary amount of moisture to the surface of the cornea.



Natural Tears is great for:

  • Elimination of sensation of itching, burning, redness, irritated eyes.
  • Help with dry eye syndrome.
  • Those people who need to get rid of dryness in one instillation for several hours.
  • that prevent tears from reaching the surface.
  • When working at a computer for a long time, watching TV.
  • Under those circumstances when a person is in a place with a large accumulation of dust, smoke, wind.


The drug should not be used in case of hypersensitivity to the components that make up its composition.

During pregnancy

Due to its safe composition, this the composition can be instilled by pregnant women and breastfeeding women.

To small children

At any age, taking the drug is considered safe..

A natural tear can save a person from many ailments, while it does not have dangerous contraindications.

Possible complications caused by the drug

Some people may become allergic to the ingredients in Natural Tears. Also, complications can be caused if the dropper comes into contact with a surface on which dust, dirt or other objects are present that can provoke an infection in the organs of vision.

To avoid complications, store and use the product under sterile conditions.

Features of use

Those patients who wear contact lenses need to remove them before the instillation procedure, and reinstall them after 15-20 minutes.
If this is neglected, then most likely the transparency of the lenses will be reduced.

It is necessary to store the medication at a temperature of +8 to +30 degrees. Before opening the container, it can be stored for three years. In the event that the bottle has already been opened, then it can be stored for no more than a month.

The substance is instilled in 1 or 2 drops into the region of the conjunctival sac. It is necessary to do this several times a day until the symptoms are completely eliminated.

In the absence of the desired effect, the patient should seek help from an ophthalmologist, most likely he will prescribe a similar drug.

The use of other eye drops while taking Natural Tears is undesirable.

If all special instructions are observed, it is possible to achieve the best effect.



Dry eyes can be relieved. One of these is Natural Tears. The drug has no special contraindications, due to its composition, which is similar to a human tear. It is important to take into account all the features of the application, and consultation with a doctor will help to adjust the correct course of taking the drug. The only limitation is an allergy to individual components, but this problem can be solved by replacing the product with a similar one.

Natural tears eye drops are used as a means of compensating for the deficiency in the production of tear fluid.

They additionally moisturize the surface of the cornea and the mucous membrane of the eyes in case of their pathologies (acquired or congenital).

From the instructions

Natural tears - ophthalmic solution. It is produced in the form of a bottle equipped with a 15 ml dropper dispenser made of low-density polyethylene, and a bottle in a cardboard box.

The solution is a clear, slightly viscous, slightly yellowish or colorless liquid.

Positive result

Drops protect and moisturize the cornea, replenishing the lack of tear fluid. The patented substance duasorb (a polymeric water-soluble system), which is part of the product, is similar to the composition of a human tear.

Once on the surface of the cornea, duasorb is evenly distributed over it and interacts with natural tears. As a result, a stable, gel-like, delicate film is formed on the surface of the cornea.

It protects the eyes from drying out and further irritation. The resulting polymer film, due to its special consistency, is firmly fixed on the cornea, producing long-term hydration. This fact is noted by many patients in the reviews at the end of the article.

Achieved effect:

  • elimination of symptoms of irritation (itching, burning, redness),
  • treatment of excessive dryness of the eye,
  • maintaining a moisturizing effect after administration for several hours,
  • lack of penetration into the systemic circulation.

Indications for use

Drops Tears natural are indicated for:

  • diseases of the lacrimal apparatus;
  • corneal syndrome (burning, discomfort, sensation of a foreign body, etc.);
  • irritation caused by long flickering TV, air conditioner, computer, smoke, dust, ultraviolet radiation, wind, dry heat and other causes;
  • a number of other unspecified diseases of the eye and its appendages.

Moisturizing eye drops are prescribed in the complex treatment of drying of the mucous membrane of the eye during menopause, as well as during the period of taking certain medications.

Application restrictions

The main contraindication is a special sensitivity to the action of a certain component of the drug.

An allergic reaction may develop as a side effect.

Due to the lack of confirmed studies, medicine does not have data on the use of the drug by children, pregnant and lactating women. It is possible to use the drug by this category of persons as prescribed by the doctor. This applies to cases where a therapeutic effect is expected to cover the risk of possible side effects.

Special Instructions

Contact of the pipette tip with any surface must be avoided. Otherwise, bacteria may enter the vial.

Before the procedure, you need to remove contact lenses, and after a quarter of an hour - re-install. This is due to the likelihood of deposition of benzalkonium chloride on their surface and a decrease in the transparency of the lenses.

Store Natural Tears at temperatures from 8 to 30°C within the expiration date (3 years). The bottle in the opened state is stored for up to one month.

The use of natural tears and the availability of analogues

Dosage for use

Instillation into the conjunctival sac of the diseased eye is performed as needed, 1-2 drops.

This is done several times during the day until the painful symptoms pass. Each time after use, the bottle must be closed.

If there is no effect, the procedure should be stopped and a doctor should be consulted.

Substitute remedies

If for some reason the drug Natural tear is canceled, then the ophthalmologist can prescribe eye drops of a similar action:


The average cost of the drug Natural Tears (15 ml) in Russian pharmacies is 350 rubles, in Ukrainian - 220 UAH.

Review Parade

Igor. I used the drops strictly according to the instructions. Irritation of eyes became less, but did not pass. The result is not very good. Perhaps, apart from drops, I should reconsider my work at the computer.

Vladimir. I drip very often during the day, but my eyes still dry. Vidisik helps me better.

Andrew. I bury a natural tear on the road, while driving. The eyes are much better.

Svetlana. When I began to work a lot at the computer, from stress on my eyes, an unpleasant dryness appeared in them, especially in the evening. The doctor advised to drip Natural Tears. In general, I have sensitive eyes, I even choose cosmetics very carefully.

I like these drops because they easily bring out everything extraneous that gets into the eyes. Fatigue and dryness are removed. The eyes respond very well to instillation. Another handy little bottle that I carry in my purse.

Alya. I use natural tears as an ambulance for my tired eyes. They help a lot, although you have to drip up to 10 times a day.

Ludmila. I work as a hairdresser. Eyes dry up all the time. The ophthalmologist prescribed moisturizing drops Natural tears. They help a lot. The eyes feel relieved.

Michael. I consider these drops a godsend for those who work hard at the computer. They were recommended to me by a doctor friend. I drip as dryness develops. I forgot about the inflamed eyes.

Victoria. I am sales manager. Lots of computer and paper work. The eyes are very tired. Burning, tearing, redness appear. I was looking for a drug with good quality and affordable price. Came out to a natural tear. Now I clean up eye problems almost instantly.

Valentine. I'm glad that there are such drops. Computer fatigue and severe dry eyes are quickly eliminated. But my husband does not like them, because his eyes begin to pinch, and for a long time. Probably depends on the pH of each person and the salt content in the tear fluid.

Analysis of reviews shows how much an individual approach to eye treatment is required. Any drug produces a different effect on different people. Natural tears are no exception. Therefore, only a doctor should prescribe the drug.

Associate Professor of the Department of Eye Diseases. | Site Editor-in-Chief

He specializes in emergency, outpatient and elective ophthalmology. Carries out diagnostics and conservative treatment of farsightedness, allergic diseases of the eyelids, myopia. Performs probing, removal of foreign bodies, examination of the fundus with a three-mirror lens, washing of the nasolacrimal canals.

Eye drops "Natural tear" are quite often used in modern medicine. This drug does not have any medicinal properties, but it is an excellent lubricant used to additionally moisturize the mucous membrane of the eye. And the absence of contraindications and the minimum number of side effects make this medicine really indispensable.

Drops "Natural tear": composition and pharmacological properties

This drug is a clear solution, which is available in sterile plastic bottles of 15 ml. The bottle is equipped with a convenient dropper dispenser, which allows you to use the medicine without problems.

Drops are a so-called water-soluble polymer system. The drug contains potassium chloride, benzalkonium chloride, purified water, hypromellose and disodium edetate. The solution also contains a small amount of sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid - they are designed to normalize the pH level.

As mentioned earlier, the drug "Natural Tear" is used as an additional moisturizer of the cornea and mucous membrane of the eye. Immediately after instillation, the components of the drug react with the natural secretion of the eye, forming a soft gel-like film. This film perfectly protects the eye not only from drying out, but also from irritation. The drug has a very persistent effect, which lasts at least ninety minutes after the first use.

The drug "Natural tear": indications for use

Eye drops are used for different purposes. To begin with, it is worth noting that they are prescribed to patients with congenital or acquired pathologies, accompanied by a deficiency of their own

In addition, the drug "Natural Tear" is perfect as a lubricant for people who use contact lenses. It also effectively moisturizes the eyes with contact, which are accompanied by irritation and burning of the eyes. In addition, drops are used by people who are regularly exposed to external stimuli, for example, those who are constantly in contact with smoke, chlorinated water, dust, and cosmetics. Sometimes dryness occurs as a result of exposure to dry conditioned air - in this case, the Natural Tear preparation is also very effective.

The drug is used to eliminate the so-called "dry eye syndrome", which occurs during menopause, as well as as a result of taking certain medications.

Eye drops "Natural tear": instructions

The method of application of the drug is quite simple - you need to drip one drop into each eye. The drug should be used as needed.

As already mentioned, drops have practically no contraindications. They are not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation. Before instillation, soft contact lenses should be removed from the eyes. In some cases, drops can cause an allergic reaction.

Dosage form

Solution eye drops


water-soluble polymer system Duasorb containing:

Dextran 70 1 mg

Disodium edetate 500 mcg

Sodium chloride7.7 mg

Potassium chloride 1.2 mg

Benzalkonium chloride (as a solution) 100 mcg

Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose 3 mg

Excipients: hydrochloric acid and / or sodium hydroxide solution (to maintain the pH level), purified water.


A preparation for moisturizing the cornea.

Tear Natural contains a water-soluble polymer system, which, in combination with the natural tear fluid of the eye, improves corneal hydration, ensuring the hydrophilicity of the corneal surface due to normal adsorption processes at the interface between the tear fluid film and the corneal surface. The drug is physiologically mixed with the tear fluid film, increasing its stability on the surface of the cornea. Reduces the symptoms of irritation associated with dry eye syndrome and protects the cornea from drying out.

The drug is retained on the cornea for a long time, despite the fact that the viscosity of the solution is low. After a single instillation, the effect of the drug persists for 90 minutes.

Side effects

Possibly: allergic reactions.

Selling Features

Released without a prescription

Special conditions

The drug provides an increase in the stability of the tear fluid film on the surface of the cornea, confirmed by the study of the time of destruction of the film.

If there is no effect, the drug should be discontinued.

The patient should be warned that contact lenses should not be worn during the use of the drug.

It is necessary to inform the patient that when using the drug, you should not touch the tip of the pipette to any surface in order to prevent bacteria from entering the vial.

Pediatric use

There are no data on the possibility of using the drug in children.


Dry eye syndrome;

Relief of corneal syndrome (including discomfort, burning sensation, feeling of a foreign body).


hypersensitivity to the components of the drug

drug interaction

Data on the drug interaction of the drug Natural Tears are not provided.

Prices for natural tears in other cities

Buy Tears natural,Tear natural in St. Petersburg,Natural tear in Novosibirsk,Natural tear in Yekaterinburg,Natural tears in Nizhny Novgorod,
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