A state of extreme fatigue. What causes drowsiness and weakness? Causes of increased sleepiness in women. Video

If you do not have the strength and energy to constantly want to sleep - this is most often the result of stress and overwork. It happens that fatigue is one of the signs of undiagnosed diseases - diabetes, hypothyroidism, kidney and liver diseases.
Why you want to sleep all the time and how to deal with it, you will learn in this article.

What is fatigue and when does it most often appear?

Lethargy, fatigue, drowsiness - the causes, the treatment of these ailments depend on the factors that caused them.
Fatigue is a disease that may, although it should not, indicate the development of a disease.

A distinction is made between physical and mental fatigue, although in many cases both types of fatigue appear simultaneously. It should be noted when this ailment is often repeated, is chronic.

In this case, it affects the reduction of daily physical activity and weakens the ability to perceive, impairs concentration and memory.

Feeling tired is often accompanied by drowsiness and lethargy during the day.
Chronic low energy is a problem that can affect people in all age groups, regardless of gender or position.

Despite the fact that people encounter these symptoms very often, as a rule, they do not pay attention to them, and simply ignore them.

Fatigue in the vast majority of cases is a manifestation of minor conditions, such as, for example, overwork, the need to work for a long period of time without rest, severe mental stress and chronic stress.

In these situations, a decline in strength, as a rule, does not indicate the development of the disease. A chronic illness can threaten health, for example, it can be a risk factor for developing heart disease, neurotic disorders, or insomnia. It happens that forces return after rest.

chronic fatigue syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a unit of illness whose dominant (sometimes only) symptom is feeling tired and sleepy.

This syndrome is noted when you experience a physical and mental breakdown that accompanies you without interruption for at least 6 months.

This disease affects most often young, professionally active people, much more often women. You can also observe CFS in the elderly, inactive people.

In addition to a constant feeling of fatigue, there are violations of concentration and attention, memory problems, headaches, and difficulty sleeping.

There may be complaints from the gastrointestinal tract - nausea,.
The detection of this syndrome requires a differential diagnosis, in order to recognize CFS, the doctor must exclude all other possible causes of this condition.

In medicine, there is still no effective treatment for this disease.
In alleviating CFS, the most important action is to change the rhythm of life, that is, the allocation of time for rest and physical activity. The benefits of psychotherapy are increasingly being emphasized.

What diseases cause constant loss of strength and drowsiness?

Why you are accompanied by such ailments as constantly wanting to sleep and severe fatigue, the causes of these symptoms are different units of illness.

Relatively often they are found in endocrine diseases, such as, for example,:

  • diseases of the thyroid gland (primarily hypofunction and hyperfunction of the thyroid gland),
  • diabetes.

In the case of hypothyroidism, in addition to a constant loss of strength, patients complain, among other things, of weight gain, despite a weaker than usual appetite, dry skin, brittle hair, menstrual irregularities, constipation.

And with hyperfunction, patients report a constant feeling of heat, weight loss, diarrhea, difficulty sleeping, constant feelings of anxiety and arousal.

If thyroid disease is suspected, consultation with a specialist in endocrinology and appropriate hormonal studies should be performed.
Depending on their results, adequate treatment is carried out.

In turn, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus can cause, cause the so-called hypoglycemia.

Its symptoms are drowsiness, loss of strength, lack of concentration, palpitations.
Often a very low blood glucose level is life threatening, and resembles the symptoms of alcohol intoxication.

High blood sugar, defined as hyperglycemia, also leads to neurological symptoms, causing fatigue, drowsiness, headaches, and trouble concentrating.

Asthenia in diseases of the liver and kidneys

Why do you want to sleep during the day all the time? Drowsiness and fatigue quite often accompanies patients with various liver dysfunctions.

These symptoms may precede the appearance of signs of liver damage, or appear at a later time. The most common cause of fatigue in liver disease is viral hepatitis.

In the course of this disease, other non-specific symptoms occur, such as weakness, lack of appetite, a feeling of fullness, weight loss, nausea and vomiting.
There may also be pain in the joints, yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes (), and enlargement of the liver.

Another liver disease in which these signs appear may be cirrhosis of the liver.
A feeling of fatigue and drowsiness accompanies kidney disease.
This organ is responsible for cleansing the body of metabolic products.

Kidney failure can lead to a number of dangerous metabolic disorders, and the simple symptoms observed by the patient are skin changes, discoloration of the urine, headaches, and feeling constantly overtired and sleepy.

Anemia and fatigue

Why are you constantly exhausted and want to sleep? Anemia (also called anemia) can be the cause of these typical symptoms.
The most common type of anemia is iron deficiency.

Its main cause is the loss of this element along with the blood, and its intake is too small in relation to the needs of your body.

With anemia, there is a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells, which leads to a worse supply of oxygen to the body.

Other symptoms characteristic of anemia are: pallor of the skin and mucous membranes (or their slightly yellow color), painful, drowsiness, brittle hair and nails, decreased exercise tolerance, and an increased need for rest.

If you notice any symptoms of anemia in yourself, you should consult a doctor in order to study the morphology of peripheral blood in order to confirm the diagnosis and begin appropriate treatment.

It is worth noting that signs of anemia can develop in women who have heavy menstruation.
Then PMS, that is, premenstrual syndrome, constant overwork and drowsiness can be a very unpleasant ailment for a woman.

Feeling tired during menopause

Why do you constantly want to sleep and lethargy does not leave you during the day?

These symptoms are the result of one physiological condition, which, as a result of hormonal fluctuations, is the cause of many different diseases in the body of a woman.
It's about menopause.

Its symptoms arise due to the extinction of the activity of the ovaries, the consequence of which are hormonal fluctuations.
Estrogen deficiency is responsible for most of the unpleasant symptoms of menopause.

Signs of climacteric syndrome can be divided into 3 groups:

  • vasomotor (eg, fever, night sweats);
  • somatic (for example, dizziness and headaches, pain in muscles, joints, impaired sensitivity);
  • mental - irritability, mood swings, a feeling of fatigue.

Terrible signs of menopause are a consequence of a long-term estrogen deficiency.
These include diseases of the cardiovascular system, atrophic changes in the vaginal area, urinary incontinence, decreased reproductive organ, vaginal dryness, increased susceptibility to intimate infections, osteoporosis.

Chronic fatigue and arterial hypotension

People with low blood pressure (below 90/60 mmHg) tend to have less elastic artery walls. Blood flows in them more slowly and under less pressure, so the tissues of the body are less supplied with oxygen.

As a result, various ailments appear.
The patient feels tired and weak, and not only when the weather changes.

Sleep disorders appear. People with hypotension cannot concentrate, feel dizzy, and have a scotoma before their eyes.

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Constantly cold hands and feet. Weakness increases with long standing.

Tips for hypotensive patients - in addition to repeated pressure measurements, additional studies (including blood, urinalysis, ECG) must be completed.

In addition, it is necessary to drink 2.5 liters of fluid per day (this increases blood volume and therefore pressure). Eat more often and in small portions (overeating helps to reduce pressure).

Regular swimming, aerobics, jogging or cycling should be done regularly - these sports make the blood vessels of the legs elastic.
Get plenty of rest, sleep on a high pillow.

To stimulate blood circulation, do a cold-warm water massage under the shower.
When the pressure drops, you can drink a cup of coffee, cola or an energy drink - containing invigorating caffeine.

Ways to deal with fatigue

Aromatherapy, an energy diet or sleep are just some of the ways to recover from a hard day. Learn about effective ways to combat fatigue.


Nothing regenerates the body like a good night's sleep.

If you have problems sleeping (which often happens during a period of overwork), drink an infusion of lemon balm or hops (pour a teaspoon of herb with a cup of boiling water, strain after 10-15 minutes).

You can eat one banana or drink a glass of warm milk with a teaspoon of honey.
After such a snack, the level of tryptophan and serotonin in the body increases, which contributes to good sleep.


Good results in increasing the energy of the body gives aromatherapy. The scent of invigorating essential oil of geranium, cinnamon or mandarin in the air improves your mood. You can simply spray around the apartment with water and a few drops of essential oil.

Strengthening drinks


Instead of falling asleep in a chair in front of the TV after a busy day at work, go for a walk. Lack of movement and hypoxia of the brain cause overwork, drowsiness and problems with concentration.

And physical activity will allow you to escape from problems, restore the body and fall asleep easier.
If the weather doesn't call for you to go out, do some light exercise that will give you energy.

Shower in the morning, bath in the evening

Take alternate warm and cool showers every morning.
Bathing can be combined with a hand and foot massage performed with a rough glove.

Massage each finger separately and feet with both hands at the same time.
Finish the shower with a cold shower.

The procedure perfectly stimulates the body and strengthens the immune system, after which you will feel cheerful and full of energy.
In the evening, immerse yourself in the bath for 15-20 minutes. Pour three handfuls of Dead Sea salt into the hot water in the bath.

Instead of salt, you can add 15-20 drops of lavender essential oil.
Such a bath relaxes, reduces muscle tension, stress, strengthens muscles and is an excellent assistant in increasing energy.

Energy Boosting Herbs

These properties are famous, first of all, ginseng.
It improves digestion, so the body makes better use of the energy coming from sugar.

In addition, it suppresses the production of lactic acid in the muscles under the influence of physical exertion and fatigue is not felt longer.
Preparations with ginkgo biloba also have a tonic effect. They increase blood circulation and improve brain function.

If the above methods do not help, you should consult a doctor to identify the cause of constant overwork and lethargy, and prescribe an effective treatment.

Poor health, lethargy, fatigue, apathy - all this can be both a sign of exhaustion of the body due to insufficient rest, and indicate the development of diseases of internal organs. To get rid of the problem, you need to know the exact causes of drowsiness and weakness.

Lethargy and fatigue speak of exhaustion of the body

Causes of weakness in humans

Apathy, drowsiness, frequent fatigue can occur at different ages in adults and children. Usually this is a temporary condition provoked by external stimuli - weather conditions, overwork, sleep disturbance, excitement. But there is also a constant feeling of lethargy, impotence, when you want to sleep, regardless of the time of day. This is already somnolence or hypersomnia - a consequence of negative processes in the body.

Pathological factors of drowsiness

Fatigue and weakness characteristic of a person after hard mental or physical labor or at the end of the working day is natural and does not apply to painful disorders. A deviation from the norm is lethargy, impotence and drowsiness, which is present after a long sleep or good rest. This condition usually warns of a serious illness.

Table "Pathological causes of weakness in humans"

Possible diseases Manifestations
Hormonal imbalance, malfunction of the thyroid gland or adrenal glands The lack of specific hormones can provoke a breakdown, lethargy, malaise, irritability. In women, this is especially pronounced during menstruation, menopause or pregnancy. In men, somnolence occurs due to a deficiency of testosterone (sex hormone). This happens in older representatives of the stronger sex and after 45 years
Inflammation of the lungs, bronchitis, asthma attacks The lack of oxygen in the brain, which occurs as a result of pathological processes in the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, usually causes a breakdown and a feeling of depression during the day. In the elderly, lethargy and sleepiness appear with increased pressure, when the pulse changes and the heart rhythm is disturbed. Often there is a general malaise (without or with a strong increase in temperature), migraines, absent-mindedness, slowness
hypertension, atherosclerosis
Arrhythmia, ischemic disease, heart attack.
Infectious and non-infectious diseases (influenza, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory infections), as well as hidden inflammatory pathologies (meningitis, poliomyelitis, encephalitis) They are manifested not only by drowsiness, but also by irritability, fatigue, mood swings, and poor health. In medicine, this is called asthenic syndrome.
Deformation of the cervical vertebrae (osteochondrosis) There is a spasm of the cervical arteries and there is pain in the upper back. As a result, a person cannot concentrate, he is sleepy, fatigue appears.
The development of anemia, vitamin deficiency or severe dehydration of the body In addition to a sleepy state, a person feels dizzy, weak, legs become wadded, headache, apathy, impotence appear. At this time, you constantly want to sleep, your eyelids seem heavy, there is no mood to do something. Unpleasant symptoms are especially pronounced in the morning.
Abnormalities in the nervous system or mental state

Apathetic stupor

A person is often in a state of depression, there is apathy to everything that happens, sometimes it is replaced by irritability. The patient feels drowsiness and lethargy regularly, which further increases depression and loss of strength.
Seizures and crises associated with a disorder of the autonomic system

A constant feeling of weakness and drowsiness, provoked by negative processes in the body, is called pathological or chronic fatigue. The main sign of the condition is impotence and increased fatigue even after a normal walk or morning hygiene procedures: irritability, aggression increase, memory is disturbed, absent-mindedness, inattention appears.

External causes of increased drowsiness and weakness

In addition to pathological disorders, which are a source of weakness in a person, a breakdown and a sleepy state can cause external factors or physiological conditions that do not require special treatment and are not serious diseases.

  1. Pregnancy. In the first trimester, the hormonal background changes dramatically in the body, a lot of energy is consumed. At this time, it is considered normal if a woman constantly wants to sleep.
  2. Sleep disturbance. If you sleep less than 7-8 hours for several days in a row (for children under 12 years old, the norm is 9-10 hours), after 3-5 days the body will run out of strength, and it will fail in the form of fatigue, drowsiness, malaise and irritability. This is especially pronounced in a small child - increased nervousness, bad mood, psychos and tantrums.
  3. Weather. A decrease in atmospheric pressure, cloudy or rainy weather in most people cause lethargy and a sleepy state.
  4. Stress, worries, worries often cause fatigue and malaise in adolescents and younger children. Emotional overstrain in old age can also cause poor health.

Constant stress negatively affects our body

Sleepiness and increased fatigue can be when taking medication. Lethargy and impotence are a consequence of the use of tranquilizers, antidepressants, some antihistamines (diphenhydramine, suprastin) and antihypertensive substances.

Which doctor should I contact?

If the feeling of fatigue does not leave a person even after a good rest, and is also accompanied by lethargy, drowsiness and impotence, it is necessary.

The specialist will make an examination, conduct a survey and, based on the information collected, refer you to the right doctor of a narrower specialization:

  • (if drowsiness is accompanied by discomfort in the chest area);
  • (in addition to weakness, the stool is disturbed, nausea and vomiting appear, abdominal pains are disturbing);
  • , (when there are signs of a depressive state, apathy, irritability, lethargy);
  • (for diabetes, problems with the thyroid gland or adrenal glands);
  • (with suspicions of disruptions in the hormonal background due to the development of diseases of the genitourinary system);
  • (when a person suffers from anemia of any etiology).

A comprehensive examination by several specialists makes it possible to get a complete picture of the patient's condition and identify poor health.


To identify hypersomnia as an independent disease, 2 methods of examination are used:

  • multiple sleep latency test - studies the speed of a person falling asleep and helps to determine the presence of a fast phase in sleep during the day;
  • polysomnography - used to study the stages of sleep and determine the specific phase of its interruption.

Polysomnography is used to detect abnormalities in sleep patterns

If frequent malaise and weakness, combined with drowsiness, is caused by a serious illness, additional instrumental and laboratory diagnostic methods are used.

  1. General and biochemical blood tests, immunogram - helps to assess the condition of the blood and identify pathological processes in the body (inflammation, infection, tissue destruction).
  2. Cardiogram of the heart - used in case of suspected heart disease.
  3. Tomography of internal organs - evaluates the work of vital systems and contributes to the detection of destructive processes.
  4. Electroencephalography - monitoring of brain activity and the state of blood vessels.

A thorough examination makes it possible to accurately determine the cause of a sleepy state and helps to choose an effective therapy in each case.

How to get rid of drowsiness, weakness and fatigue

What to do if you constantly want to sleep and overcomes lethargy, impotence? The main thing is to fix the problem that caused this condition.

To increase the tone of the body and improve all vital processes, you need to follow the main recommendations of experts:

  1. Normalize sleep. The duration of night rest should not be less than 7-8 hours (children 9-10 hours).
  2. Follow the daily routine. It is advisable to wake up and fall asleep at about the same time.
  3. Monitor your emotional state. It is important to avoid stressful situations, be less nervous and not mentally overwork.
  4. To live an active lifestyle. Do morning exercises, run, go to the pool, spend a lot of time outdoors. Loads should be moderate and not exhaust the body.
  5. To refuse from bad habits. You need to quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption as much as possible.

Good for exercising in the morning

You should pay attention to food. It should be balanced and contain all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body.

It is important to exclude fatty and junk food, it is better to give preference to:

  • fresh juices, fruits and dried fruits, vegetables (a lot of folic acid and vitamin C in greens and lettuce, citrus fruits, beans);
  • fish in any form (rich sources of vitamin D are mackerel, salmon, trout, tuna);
  • meat and mushroom dishes (positively affect the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin).

During the day, you need to drink more fluids, and eat small meals 5-6 times a day.

You can overcome drowsiness and fatigue with the help of vitamins, for this you can drink a course (7-15 days):

  • folic acid (B9) - normalizes the mental state;
  • vitamin complexes (B6, B12, B7, B5, B1) - reduce irritability, relieve fatigue, give vigor;
  • vitamin D - helps to strengthen the immune system, supplies the body with energy.

Folk remedies also have a tonic effect - honey, chamomile decoction, grape juice, walnuts. It is enough to regularly use a small amount of one or another ingredient to feel cheerful and forget about fatigue.

Weakness and drowsiness in a person may be the result of an improper daily routine, stress, excitement, or the body's reaction to a change in weather. This condition is eliminated if the irritants are removed. In the case of prolonged malaise and impotence, we can talk about the development of dangerous diseases. Do not ignore constant fatigue and drowsiness in order to prevent the development of irreversible processes that are undesirable for the body.

Kalinov Yury Dmitrievich

Reading time: 7 minutes

Drowsiness is a lethargy of the body when a person does not want to do anything, but seeks to close his eyes and just relax. It occurs for various reasons, most often due to lack of sleep, overwork or illness. But there are many more domestic, external factors that provoke daytime sleepiness. This condition prevents a person from living a full life, so it is important to figure out why you want to sleep all the time and what needs to be done in such a situation.

Signs of sleepiness

In addition to the desire to lie down and rest, the condition is accompanied by the following symptoms, which also cause discomfort:

  • clouding of consciousness;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • yawn;
  • slow heartbeat;
  • deterioration of the endocrine glands, dry mouth;
  • irritability, mood change for the worse.

What time of day do you feel most sleepy?

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    Afternoon 47%, 195 votes

    In the morning after waking up and before lunch 36%, 151 voice


Most Common Causes

The causes of daytime sleepiness are conventionally divided into several groups:

  • mental and physical fatigue;
  • somatic diseases;
  • sleep disorders;
  • oxygen starvation;
  • depressive states;
  • problems associated with the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • trauma;
  • disorders of the central nervous system and brain.

These groups have their own characteristics, which are worth considering in more detail.

Constant drowsiness can also be the result of electromagnetic radiation from cell phones, computers and other equipment. The sleeping person should be at a distance from them.

Physiological sleepiness

Consider the factors that cause natural, unrelated disorders, drowsiness.

  • Physiological drowsiness is caused primarily by fatigue. If a night's rest is irregular or incomplete, because there is not enough time for it, the body forcibly turns on the protective functions of inhibition of the central nervous system. The same applies to the situation when a person is very tired.
  • Even with sufficient sleep on the eve, the desire to lie down and relax arises due to excessive visual or auditory stress, pain.
  • Many people always feel sleepy after eating. This condition is caused by the overflow of the stomach, which begins to work hard from the moment of eating. As a result, blood circulation slows down, and the brain functions less actively. The person will feel lethargic until the stomach begins to rest.

Important! Drowsiness after eating, accompanied by pain in the abdomen or left side, may indicate the development of gastritis or stomach ulcers.

  • All the time women want to sleep in the first trimester of pregnancy due to hormonal changes.
  • Sleepiness is a reaction to stress. At an early stage, they cause excitability, with prolonged exposure - lethargy.

The simplest reason for slowing down the reactions of the body is lack of sleep. This means that in order to feel good, a person needs to rest an average of 8 hours a day.


  • Sleepiness in the middle of the day may be due to certain foods eaten for breakfast or lunch.
  • Dairy. The digestibility of casein and lactose by an adult organism after 30 years due to a lack of individual enzymes falls. Therefore, some people may experience lethargy and fatigue after a glass of milk or kefir, a jar of yogurt or a cheese sandwich.
  • Bananas, nuts, and spinach are foods high in magnesium. In high doses, this macronutrient suppresses brain activity, nervous activity, dilates blood vessels, slows down the pulse and causes drowsiness.
  • Coffee. After several cups of this psychostimulant, drunk with short breaks, the brain says “enough”. And for some people, coffee has a hypnotic effect from the very first cup. The thing is that not only stimulating, but also inhibitory receptors respond to caffeine. The final effect will depend on their ratio, individual for each person.
  • Sweets. The amino acid tryptophan, found in desserts, is a precursor to the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin. The amount of melatonin directly depends on the amount of tryptophan that has entered the body. The more it is, the more sleepy.
  • Fatty food. Such food causes a feeling of satiety and satisfaction, so the body produces the hormone serotonin, another precursor to melatonin.

Pathological sleepiness

Pathological drowsiness occurs due to violations of the body. When a person constantly wants to sleep, the reason may be:

  • Chronic or acute infectious diseases. As a result of these ailments, mental and physical strength is depleted. Increased drowsiness is most often observed at the stage of recovery and restoration of the immune system.
  • Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. Causes oxygen starvation. In addition to constant drowsiness, headaches, tinnitus, and other characteristic symptoms appear.

Note! Excessive daytime sleepiness can be a precursor to a stroke.

  • Anemia (anemia). Along with lethargy, memory impairment, decreased ability to work, increased fatigue, drowsiness appears.

  • Postponed injuries. Lethargy is observed after a concussion of the brain, hemorrhages.
  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical region. A clear sign of this disease is pain in the neck, which can radiate to the area between the shoulder blades, shoulders and arms, or be felt in the region of the crown and back of the head.
  • Hypotension. Low blood pressure is a common cause of drowsiness. In this condition, dizziness is often observed, headaches, sweating of the palms and feet, memory impairment, absent-mindedness are observed. Fatigue and impotence are felt in the morning, as soon as a person gets out of bed.
  • Sleep apnea. Stops in breathing during sleep, which a person may not even be aware of, cause oxygen starvation, short-term awakenings, due to which the patient feels overwhelmed during the day. Sleep apnea is most common in men.
  • Depression. Drowsiness is a subconscious reaction of a person who seeks to escape into the world of dreams from a reality that does not satisfy him.
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The constant desire to lie down and sleep is just one of its manifestations.

Important! According to research by French scientists, daytime sleepiness in the elderly is associated with the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases, in particular from heart attack and cardiac arrest.

Constant lethargy is often associated with abnormalities in the work of internal organs, including:

If a person has a constant, he feels very tired, constantly wants to rest, or at least do nothing. It is quite natural that anyone who suffers from such a sensation would like to find out as soon as possible the causes of constant drowsiness and fatigue. Under normal circumstances, severe fatigue manifests itself as a consequence of significant overwork, mental and physical.

If physiological drowsiness develops, this means that a person has not rested for a long time, and the brain gives a signal that he really needs a break and rest from the information that he receives constantly. This is a state when the conservation mode “turns on” in the body, the speed of reactions decreases, all external stimuli are perceived differently. The cerebral cortex and sense organs are blocked to a dormant state.

Signs of such a state are: reduced acuity of consciousness, yawning, decreased sensitivity of peripheral analyzers, which leads to dullness of perception. Also, in humans, the heart rate and secretion of the external secretion glands decrease, the mucous membranes become drier.

Thus, if a person is tired, then increased drowsiness is a normal condition. But there are a number of conditions in which drowsiness and lethargy are a manifestation of a certain pathology, which can be a serious problem for a person.

There are many reasons why a person wants to sleep. The main ones are the following:

  • mental or physical overwork;
  • lack of oxygen in the cerebral cortex;
  • enhanced inhibitory reactions in the central nervous system, their predominance over excitation, which may occur due to the influence of toxic substances or drugs;
  • transferred TBI;
  • pathologies of the brain, in which there is damage to the centers of sleep;
  • pathology of the endocrine nature;
  • diseases of the internal organs, in which substances accumulate in the blood that suppress the activity of the cerebral cortex.

Sometimes, in order to determine the causes of constant fatigue and weakness, you need to take into account some external circumstances. If a person states: “I get tired quickly, and I am constantly sleepy, presses on my eyes,” it is important to pay attention to the place in which he lives. In particular, are there towers nearby that provide mobile communications, power lines, etc.

Physiological sleepiness

If a person does not sleep for a very long time, then his nervous system turns on a forced braking mode.

Lethargy can manifest itself even for one day, when there is an overload of auditory, visual, pain, tactile receptors. In such a situation, a person can several times fall into a state of drowsiness or the so-called "trance", since the alpha rhythm of the cerebral cortex (daytime) is replaced by beta waves that appear during the fast phase of sleep, when a person falls asleep or dreams. By the way, it is this technique of immersion in trance that is very often used by psychotherapists, hypnotists, as well as attackers who practice various frauds.

After meal

For many people, the question is why you want to sleep after dinner. This phenomenon is quite simple to explain - after dinner, most of the blood that is in the body circulates in the area of ​​​​the organs of the digestive system. Therefore, during the digestion of food, less blood enters the brain, which should saturate it with oxygen. At such a time, the economy mode is activated, in which the cerebral cortex does not work as actively as usual.

The reasons why after eating you want to sleep very much can be associated with overeating. In this state, after eating, the stomach is forced to work very actively, so the blood flows to the digestive organs as much as possible. But if a person wants to eat all the time, and he is used to eating at night, such a habit, on the contrary, can worsen night sleep.

sleep deprivation

Of course, a person cannot live without sleep. How much an adult should sleep is well known: at least 7-8 hours a day. However, there are people who can sleep in less than a short time.

It is a mistake to believe that a person can be forcibly deprived of sleep. All the same, it will turn off periodically for a short time, falling asleep at least for a few seconds. Therefore, those who claim that they constantly really want to sleep during the day need to rest at least 8 hours at night.

The effects of stress

Severe weakness and drowsiness also develops as a reaction of the body to stressful situations. The first stage of stress is characterized by a high level of excitability, due to release and . But if stress factors act for a long time, the adrenal glands are depleted, the production of hormones and the peak of their release decrease.

Rapid fatigue and loss of strength is noted in people suffering from chronic adrenal insufficiency , rheumatic diseases, or those who take glucocorticoids for a long time.

During pregnancy

Often the causes of drowsiness in women are associated with. In the first trimester, women undergo active hormonal changes, manifested - these are the reasons for fatigue, drowsiness, apathy in the expectant mother. In the last months of bearing a baby, a natural inhibition of the cortex occurs due to the influence of placental hormones. That is why a woman sleeps more at night and suffers from drowsiness during the day. Pregnant women need to consider that such a condition during this period is normal.

Sleep plays a very important role in a child's life. After all, newborn babies and babies up to six months sleep almost all the time. At 1-2 months, the baby sleeps about 18 hours a day, at 3-4 - about 16-17 hours, at 4-6 - about 15 hours. How much a baby sleeps up to a year also depends on his nutrition, the state of the nervous system, as well as the daily routine in the family. On average, this is about 14 hours. The long sleep of babies is explained by the fact that they are born with an underdeveloped nervous system. Consequently, almost constant sleep protects the child from overload, and his NS calmly goes through the process of development.

Often babies even eat in their sleep. Babies who are not yet 6 months old wake up due to internal discomfort - due to wet diapers, pain, hunger, etc.

Drowsiness in a baby is a pathology if he suffers from serious ailments. It is necessary to pay special attention if the child sleeps a lot after an illness, in such cases:

  • child vomits;
  • he has loose stools, which happens very often;
  • the baby has no stool for a long time;
  • high temperature does not pass;
  • the baby fell and hit his head, after which he is very lethargic, pale, or the skin becomes cyanotic;
  • the child does not respond to touch, voice;
  • the child does not want to eat - does not take a breast or a bottle for a long time, does not urinate for a long time.

In such cases, you need to urgently call an emergency or take the baby to the hospital.

The same are the causes of sleepiness in children older than a year. Also, a drowsiness in a child can develop due to a number of somatic diseases, which will be discussed later.

This state is also called pathological hypersomnia . The duration of sleep increases, although there is no objective need for this. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the fact that if the night's sleep remains the same long, but the person feels tired, he wants to sleep during the day.

The reasons for what to do should be determined by the doctor, since in such a situation, most likely, we are talking about the development of some kind of pathology. You should be aware that severe daytime sleepiness warns of a serious illness in some cases. However, it is impossible to determine the causes of this condition on your own - a thorough diagnosis is necessary.

Acute or infectious diseases in a chronic form

If a person has a pronounced asthenia or physical and mental exhaustion, this is often evidence of past illnesses, in particular infectious ones. At a time when the body is gradually rehabilitated after the disease, it needs more rest. Therefore, during this period, daytime sleep is very necessary for recovery. After all, it is during sleep that T-lymphocytes are restored. Scientists also talk about the visceral theory, according to which during sleep the body conducts a kind of test of the work of internal organs, which is very important after an illness.


This is an asthenia-like condition. At anemia the patient's level decreases and, accordingly, the transport of oxygen by the blood to the tissues and organs deteriorates. As a result, working capacity decreases, memory deteriorates, it manifests itself, there is no strength and energy. Sometimes fainting occurs. most often manifested in bleeding, in those who practice vegetarianism, in pregnant women suffering from iron deficiency, in the event of the development of chronic foci of inflammation in the body.

Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels

Another reason why oxygen starvation of the brain is noted is vessels. If the vessels are overgrown with plaques more than half, develops ischemia , which leads to oxygen starvation of the cerebral cortex. If cerebral blood flow disorders are chronic, then a person develops not only drowsiness, but also a headache, it is felt, memory and hearing decrease, and instability is noted when walking. Acute disturbance of blood flow leads to (rupture of the vessel leads to hemorrhagic stroke, its thrombosis leads to ischemic). It is important to know that the harbingers of this serious condition can be drowsiness, tinnitus, and impaired thinking.

Elderly patients often develop slowly cerebral atherosclerosis , as the nutrition of the cerebral cortex deteriorates gradually. Therefore, the causes of loss of strength and daytime sleepiness in older people are often associated with this phenomenon. However, these causes can gradually lead to inhibition of the vasomotor and respiratory centers of the medulla oblongata.

Idiopathic hypersomnia

This is a disease that most often manifests itself in young people. Since there are no other reasons why a person wants to sleep all the time, the diagnosis is established by exclusion. In this state, there is a tendency to sleepiness during the day: asking the doctor what to do, the person complains: "I want to sleep very much all the time."

Sometimes he falls asleep during a period of relaxed wakefulness. In the evening, a person falls asleep very quickly. It is very difficult for him to wake up, and the need to get up in the morning can even provoke aggressiveness. If you want to sleep all the time, and weakness also develops regularly, this condition can gradually lead to a decrease in working capacity and a breakdown in social ties.


This disease is a variant of hypersomnia, which increases the period of sleep during the day. At night, rest becomes more hectic. The patient has episodes of falling asleep at any time of the day, which cannot be overcome. The following are noted: muscle weakness, , loss of consciousness. A person can see when he wakes up or falls asleep. At the same time, he constantly feels sleepy. At narcolepsy in a patient, the REM sleep phase occurs immediately, without preliminary slow falling asleep. This disease haunts the patient throughout his life.

The cerebral cortex and its subcortex are very sensitive to all kinds of poisoning, both acute and chronic. This can lead to drowsiness, as well as taking a variety of drugs, poisoning with toxic substances. In such states, a person sleeps a lot both day and night.


Alcohol poisoning is the most common. After alcohol comes the stage of excitement. After this stage, with moderate intoxication, passes, the stage of sleep is noted, when drowsiness, heaviness in the head, and lethargy develop.


When a person smokes, he develops vasospasm, in which oxygen supply to the cerebral cortex worsens. This leads to the development of inflammation and irritation of the inner lining of blood vessels. As a result, not only develop atherosclerotic plaques , but subsequently they also crack. And this leads to thrombosis of the vascular bed, including the cerebral arteries. That is why about a third of smokers constantly feel drowsiness and symptoms of loss of energy. However, even if the smoker quits this bad habit, such symptoms may also bother him during this period.

Psychotropic substances

The use of various drugs tranquilizers , neuroleptics , antidepressants - leads to the manifestation of drowsiness, turning into a chronic form, if these drugs are used for a very long time. Signs of drowsiness are also present in those who constantly take sleeping pills, such as barbiturates, as well as large doses of sedative medications. In this case, the activation of inhibition processes in the central nervous system occurs, from which it "tends" to sleep.


These substances, especially morphine-like ones, can provoke a sleepy state.

Depression of the central nervous system due to diseases of the internal organs

If a person does not know what to do with constant fatigue and weakness, he must definitely undergo a thorough examination in order to diagnose or exclude diseases of the internal organs.

Heart failure in a chronic form

Due to this form of heart failure in the systemic circulation, cerebral blood flow worsens, which leads to chronic starvation of the cortex. As a result, drowsiness, heaviness in the head, lethargy are noted. At the same time, sleep overcomes in the daytime, you don’t want to sleep at night, or there are difficulties with falling asleep, restless sleep.


At in humans, among other symptoms, there are signs of inhibition of the cortex, which leads to an increased need for sleep.

kidney disease

For a variety of kidney diseases interstitial nephritis , glomerulonephritis, hydronephrosis ) is noted kidney failure in chronic or acute form. In this state, the patient retains nitrogenous wastes in the blood, which also provokes absent-mindedness, lethargy and too long sleep.

Liver disease

Due to the development of hepatocellular insufficiency in patients with liver cancer, chronic hepatitis, blood washing from protein metabolism products is difficult. As a result, the blood contains elevated concentrations of substances toxic to the brain. In addition, in this state, synthesis occurs, sugar in the brain tissue decreases. Due to the accumulation of lactic and pyruvic acids, hyperventilation of the lungs and swelling of the cortex occurs, which leads to a deterioration in blood flow to the brain. If the poisoning becomes more intense, drowsiness can gradually develop into a coma.

Intoxication due to infections


Manifestation neuroinfections noted against the background of a number of diseases: influenza , fungus , tick-borne . In this state, a person is disturbed by headaches, drowsiness, lethargy. There are also specific neurological symptoms.


If it happens dehydration as a consequence of severe loss of water and electrolytes due to diarrhea, vomiting, the total volume of blood that circulates decreases. As a result, both weakness and drowsiness are noted.

Malignant tumors

Unfortunately, sometimes the explanation for why you always want to sleep is intoxication and exhaustion due to the decay products of malignant tumors. Therefore, the reasons, if you constantly want to sleep and have no strength, must be determined in order not to miss the development of a dangerous disease.

Bleeding, bowel obstruction, shock

When the body undergoes extensive bleeding , shock, intestinal obstruction, then the bulk of the blood accumulates in the abdominal cavity, and the blood flow to the brain worsens. Therefore, if a person comes to the doctor and asks to determine "the reasons why I want to sleep all the time," the doctor may prescribe an examination for the presence of hidden bleeding.

Mental disorders

Often puts to sleep those people who suffer from a variety of mental disorders -, cyclothymia and others. This symptom is also characteristic of neurological diseases.


The reasons why a person sleeps a lot may also be developmental. This is a lesion of the endocrine glands, which is characterized by the development of drowsiness, as well as a decrease in interest in life, poverty of emotions. This condition can develop after suffering, as well as after removal of the thyroid gland.

If the production of thyroid hormones decreases in the body, this is reflected in all metabolic processes. Consequently, oxygen starvation of the brain develops, fluid accumulates in the brain tissue, due to which the convolutions swell and the integrative abilities of the brain deteriorate. Therefore, if during the examination a person claims “I sleep a lot”, the reasons for this can sometimes be discovered by an endocrinologist.


With the development of this disease, which is also called adrenal insufficiency, it decreases, there is a decrease in appetite, severe fatigue, and instability of the stool. With kidney disease, if a person sleeps a lot, what does this mean, you should ask your doctor.


With this disease, vessels of various calibers are damaged, an unstable carbohydrate balance is noted. Provided that the treatment is not carried out correctly and balanced, due to fluctuations and blood sugar are possible ketoacidotic , hyperglycemic , hypoglycemic conditions . It can also damage the cerebral cortex, develop encephalopathy, which leads to daytime sleepiness. About how to get rid of drowsiness and lethargy, a diabetic should ask the attending physician.

brain injury

After a head injury, concussion, cerebral hemorrhage, various disorders of consciousness are possible, in particular, stupor. This condition resembles a long sleep and can go into a coma.


This disorder is still one of the most mysterious. At lethargy a person falls into a prolonged sleepy state, in which all signs of vital activity are inhibited - breathing slows down, the heartbeat becomes very slow, reflexes of the skin and pupils are not detected. Lethargy is not pure sleep, but a strong inhibition of the activity of the cerebral cortex, as well as all systems of the human body. A similar condition can develop with a variety of mental illnesses, nervous exhaustion, intoxication, dehydration, etc.

For those who are very tired and want to sleep, yawning is normal. Yawning is an uncontrollable reflex that consists of a deep, slow breath in and a quick breath out. Thus, more oxygen enters the body, as a result of which the blood flow is activated. As a result, metabolic processes are normalized, the brain begins to work more actively. Causes of yawning are physiological and pathological .

Physiological can be associated with a lack of air, a decrease in body activity, strong emotional stress, severe fatigue. Also, yawning can occur as a result of a "chain reaction" - when one person starts to yawn, other people sometimes join him too.

Pathological causes are associated with the development of a number of diseases. In particular, a person can yawn while in a pre-fainting state, as well as before an epileptic seizure. In addition, constant yawning may indicate:

  • problems with hormones;
  • scattered ;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • problems with thermoregulation in the brain;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;

Therefore, with the constant manifestation of yawning, you need to contact a specialist.

What to do if drowsiness develops

The exact answer to the question of what to do if you want to sleep can only be obtained by visiting a doctor. Of course, if we are talking about the fact that a person always lacks sleep, after which he really wants to sleep, then in this case a good rest will help, as well as a correction of the daily regimen. You should go to bed earlier to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. Many of those who wondered what to do in order not to want to sleep, it was after changing the regime that they felt much better, and the problem of what to do in order not to want to sleep at work was resolved on its own.

But if you are constantly worried about drowsiness when you sleep well, it is important to get diagnosed and determine the cause of this condition. In this case, the doctor who will prescribe the correct treatment will be able to answer how not to want to sleep.

Those for whom the question of how to deal with chronic fatigue is relevant should not immediately drink medicines that are positioned on different sites, like pills for fatigue and drowsiness. Such drugs should be prescribed by a doctor who forms a general treatment regimen. Before using a folk remedy, it is also better to consult a doctor. Only after tests and examinations, it is possible to determine which vitamins are lacking in the body, which minerals should be taken, etc.

Regular physical activity often improves energy levels. In people who lead a mostly sedentary lifestyle, metabolic processes worsen, stagnation of blood flow is noted, adrenal function worsens, therefore, products adrenaline slows down. As a result, sleep is disturbed, irritability is manifested. Therefore, physical activity is necessary every day - they need to be gradually increased.

How to get rid of constant fatigue depends on the disease in which such a symptom develops. The answer to the question, if there is a breakdown, what to do, can sometimes be found by donating blood for analysis, or by performing an ultrasound examination of the thyroid or pancreas. It is especially important to pay attention to the breakdown in the child if close relatives are sick or have other ailments. If the cause of such standing is correctly found, the doctor will tell you how to remove such symptoms by prescribing the correct treatment. What to do with a breakdown in an elderly person also depends on the diagnosis. But it is important to consider that with a prolonged decline in strength, there may be problems in the functioning of the immune system in people of any age.

Therefore, timely and high-quality diagnostics, treatment of diseases are necessary if a person is sick, and proper sleep, nutrition and physical activity are very important for every person at any age.

Finding the causes of overwork can be difficult if you don't know the difference between tired and sleepy. Some disorders are not always correctly interpreted by the person himself and there is a substitution of concepts and an incorrect assessment of his condition. Let's figure out how to get rid of fatigue, drowsiness and the causes of apathy and learn to distinguish between these forms of our condition.

The difference between extreme fatigue and daytime sleepiness

According to sleep disorders, fatigue means an overwhelming feeling, lack of energy and weakness associated with physical or psychological problems.

In simple words, these are sensations of muscle weakness and lack of energy, but without drowsiness. People feel the need to rest, want to sit on a chair or lie down, but do not want to sleep.

Sleepiness is the need to sleep during the day. A person with excessive daytime sleepiness has a desire to fall asleep or falls asleep during the daytime at the workplace.


Understanding the differences is important to finding effective treatments, especially for insomnia. Many people with insomnia try to sleep when they feel tired but not sleepy. Moreover, they take sleeping pills, which will not cure their problem, but only aggravate the situation.

The concept of apathy and causes

Loss of life enthusiasm, emotions and "drive" - ​​is diagnosed as apathy and carries a number of health problems. Traditionally, indifference is seen as a sign of depression (may be a side effect of some antidepressants).

But scientists believe it could also be a key sign of dozens of other health conditions.

What causes this condition in healthy people?

Many people with apathy are mistaken for being lazy or showing signs of depression. This condition is an underestimated problem in people with chronic neurological disorders (such as Parkinson's disease).

It is important to distinguish apathy from depression, because these are completely different states, or rather, one flows into another if a person is not helped to cope in time.

Neurologists define apathy as diminished emotion (positive and negative), lack of concern for symptoms, lack of motivation, and emotional emptiness.

In comparison, the key points of depression are:

  1. deep sadness;
  2. tearfulness or guilt;
  3. hopelessness about the future.

In other words, a person sees only the worst side in everything. Doctors note that, unlike people with depression, people with apathy can sometimes be happy.

The exact cause of this condition is unclear, but evidence points to changes in brain function from a physiological standpoint.

For example, studies show that older people with heart disease may suffer from a state of indifference due to a decrease in blood supply to the brain, as a result of vasoconstriction of the brain.

On the psychological side, those people who lose their enthusiasm, who have no goals in life and hope for its improvement, are most at risk.

Causes of extreme fatigue and drowsiness


One of the most common causes is a syndrome with complaints such as:

  1. difficulty falling asleep;
  2. frequent nocturnal awakenings;
  3. disturbed daily routine;
  4. irritability;
  5. lack of energy;
  6. memory problems;
  7. problems at work or in the family.

Due to the lack of adequate sleep, insomnia will also cause excessive daytime sleepiness, which can affect important activities such as driving or working.

JETLAG(Jet Lag) biorhythm failure due to sudden change of time zone.

Appears when you force your body to change the biological clock faster than usual (flying in an airplane).


  1. fatigue during the day;
  2. disturbed sleep;
  3. insomnia - unable to sleep;
  4. poor concentration.


Causes severe fatigue mainly in the morning, because the beginning of sleep and the time of awakening is delayed by a couple of hours compared to ordinary people.

The person feels drowsy and goes to bed very late, around 2-6 am and wakes up between 10:00 and 13:00. This syndrome is most common in teenagers and young adults, but can occur at any age.


A person breathes little during a night's sleep, oxygen levels drop, and carbon dioxide levels build up, causing morning headaches, nausea, fatigue, and daytime sleepiness.


Because of:

  1. diabetes;
  2. thyroid disease;
  3. menopause;
  4. postmenopausal women;
  5. pregnancy in the first and third trimester;
  6. after pregnancy (low iron).


Present during winter when it gets darker earlier than in summer. Occurs only in winter and lasts until February.


People with a stroke may develop shortness of breath during sleep or pauses in breathing, which can lead to extreme tiredness and sleepiness during the day.


Antidepressants may cause drowsiness. Drugs that lower high blood pressure and normalize the heart rate are also a common underlying cause and cause sedation.

How to get rid of feelings of fatigue, lethargy and apathy

Fatigue is different from drowsiness and is associated with a feeling of exhaustion and lack of energy. Some people think they are sleepy even though they don't feel like sleeping.

Causes include a wide range of medical, psychiatric and neurological disorders, including multiple sclerosis and autoimmune disorders.

That's why it's important to see a doctor if you have this condition every day for more than 3 weeks.

People with excessive sleepiness tend to fall asleep at inopportune times and circumstances (at work, while driving, etc.). Caused mainly by lack of sleep or its poor quality. To get rid of this condition, it is enough just to adjust your daily routine.

Apathy should not be "launched", because it can very quickly turn into depression. Taking multivitamins and a complex of vitamin B group will help the body in the psychological struggle and resistance to this condition.

If you feel that you are unable to control yourself, then it is recommended to contact a narrow specialist to resolve issues of how to get rid of fatigue, drowsiness and the causes of apathy.

Denial of responsibility:

this information is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease and should not be used as a substitute for medical advice from a licensed healthcare professional. If you suspect that you may have health problems, contact your doctor immediately!

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