Macropen suspension for children instructions for use. One of the safest antibiotic options for children is Macropen suspension: instructions for use, cost and recommendations for parents. Side effects after taking

Excipients: potassium polacrilin, magnesium stearate, talc, microcrystalline cellulose.

Shell composition: methacrylic acid copolymer, macrogol, titanium dioxide, talc.

8 pcs. - blisters (2) - packs of cardboard.

pharmachologic effect

Macrolide antibiotic. The mechanism of action is associated with the inhibition of protein synthesis in bacterial cells. In low doses it has a bacteriostatic effect, in high doses it is bactericidal.

Active against gram-positive bacteria: Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., Corynebacterium diphtheriae; gram-negative bacteria: Listeria monocytogenes, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Neisseria meningitidis, Bordetella pertussis, some strains of Haemophilus influenzae, Legionella pneumophila; anaerobic bacteria: Clostridium spp.

Active against Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Erysipelothrix spp., Ureaplasma urealyticum, Chlamydia (including Chlamydia trachomatis), Mycoplasma hominis.


After oral administration, it is rapidly and fairly completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Concentrations exceeding those found in serum are created in the internal organs (especially in the lungs, parotid and submandibular glands) and skin after 1-2 hours. At a therapeutic concentration in the blood and tissues, it remains for 6 hours. It is metabolized in the liver with the formation of two pharmacologically active metabolites. It is excreted mainly with bile, a small part - by the kidneys (<5%).


Infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by pathogens sensitive to midecamycin (especially if there are contraindications to the use of penicillin antibiotics), incl. diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, oral cavity, skin and soft tissues, urinary tract, scarlet fever, erysipelas, diphtheria, whooping cough.



Individual. Inside adults - an average of 400 mg 3 times / day; maximum daily dose- 1.6 g; children - 30-50 mg / kg / day in 2 divided doses. In severe infections, the frequency of administration can be increased up to 3 times / day. The duration of treatment is 7-14 days.

Side effects

Rarely: anorexia, feeling of heaviness in the epigastrium, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, transient increase in liver transaminase activity and serum bilirubin concentration (in predisposed patients).

drug interaction

With simultaneous use with, warfarin - their excretion decreases; with ergot alkaloids, carbamazepine - the intensity of their metabolism in the liver decreases.

special instructions

Choosing the right antibiotic is the key to good treatment. Very often, the usual medications that doctors prescribe in clinics either do not help or cause allergies in a child. Suspension Macropen is considered a reserve antibiotic. It can be used for both children and adults.

Description of the drug

Macropen belongs to the group of macrolide antibiotics. It is produced by the Slavic pharmaceutical company KRKA.

The antibiotic is available in 2 forms.

Operating principle

Like any antibiotic Macropen, it is immediately absorbed into the blood. Thus, it directly affects the microbes that caused the disease. The drug has a wide spectrum of action. It is good to use for the main pathogens of infections in children.

The antibiotic contains midecamycin, which disrupts the process of reproduction of microorganisms. This stops the growth of bacteria.


Macropen well removes not only the symptoms, but also the very cause of the disease. It is usually prescribed for the following diseases:

  • When an infection occurs in the respiratory tract;
  • In the inflammatory process of the skin and subcutaneous fat;
  • If the kidneys, bladder or ureter is exposed to an infectious process.

It is necessary to take antibiotics if the bacterial flora began to actively multiply and poison the body. In this case, the body needs outside help.

Macropen can also be prescribed during prophylaxis against diarrhea and whooping cough. These diseases cause dangerous infections. They can be very difficult and eventually lead to serious consequences.

Any antibiotic should only be taken on the advice of a doctor.

Contraindications and side effects

Macropen has a small list of limitations compared to other antibiotics. It is contraindicated to drink:

  • Children under the age of 3 years.
  • Human liver pathology.
  • People with hypersensitivity to antibiotic components.
  • With an existing allergy to acetylsalicylic acid.

Pregnant women should take this drug with caution.. It is forbidden to drink an antibiotic while breastfeeding. After all, its components enter breast milk. If a woman needs to drink a course of Macropen, then she needs to stop breastfeeding.

Side effects when taking this antibiotic include:

  • diarrhea
  • decreased appetite;
  • gagging;
  • the occurrence of discomfort in the epigastric zone;
  • jaundice.

If a person is prone to allergies, then rashes may appear on his skin. If side effects occur, it is recommended to choose another antibiotic.

Mode of application

This antibiotic must be taken by mouth before meals.. Tablets are intended for adults. Each tablet contains 400 mg of the substance. It is necessary to take funds 3 times a day. Tablets are also prescribed for children whose body weight reaches more than 30 kilograms. The dosage is exactly the same as for adults.

Macropen in the form of a suspension is prescribed for children weighing less than 30 kilograms.. In order for babies to take this medicine better, it contains saccharin and flavoring. For convenient measurement of the required amount of the substance, there is a measuring spoon in the box.

Instructions for use are included with each bottle. 100 ml of warm water is poured into a container with granules. After that, the mixture is well shaken. Shake the mixture before giving the medicine to the child.

The dosage of the antibiotic depends on the individual characteristics of the child..

  • Newborns up to 2 months weighing up to 5 kg are prescribed 3.75 mg 2 times a day.
  • Children over 2 years old with a body weight of up to 5 kg should drink 7.5 ml of the substance also 2 times a day.
  • Children from 10 to 15 kg need 10 ml every 12 hours.
  • From 15 to 20 kg, 15 ml is already required.
  • A child weighing more than 20 kg is prescribed 22.5 ml 2 times a day.

The course of treatment is usually 7 to 14 days. If the pathological process occurs in a severe degree of severity, treatment can be increased up to 20 days.

Angina refers to infectious diseases. It comes with severe symptoms. You can become infected with bacterial sore throat through the airborne route. Therefore, no one is immune from this disease. If the treatment of angina is not started in time, then soon it will develop into chronic tonsillitis. Macropen is the best drug that copes well with the bacteria of this disease.

This antibiotic can be prescribed immediately when the first symptoms of a sore throat appear. This does not require a preliminary sensitivity analysis. Macropen is able to give a positive result in any form of angina.

Angina is the most common disease, but not all people take treatment seriously. But the disease is very dangerous. It requires adequate treatment. With improper treatment, the development of rheumatism may begin or the first signs of heart disease will appear. With the timely intake of Macropen, namely in the early stages of the disease, it is possible to completely destroy the streptococcal infection.

Acute sinusitis is caused by pathogenic agents, and this antibiotic can improve the elimination of these agents. You can take it immediately, without waiting for the results of the sensitivity test.

The drug is effective even in chronic sinusitis. But for this form of the disease, it is first recommended to pass a culture of microflora. This will let you know if there is sensitivity to macrolides.

Macrolide antibiotic.

Preparation: MACROPEN
Active ingredient: midecamycin
ATX code: J01FA03
KFG: macrolide antibiotic
Reg. number: P No. 015069/02-2003
Date of registration: 23.06.03
The owner of the reg. credit: KRKA d.d. (Slovenia)


Coated tablets, round, slightly biconvex, with a notch on one side and a beveled edge, white.

Excipients: microcrystalline cellulose, potassium polacrilin, magnesium stearate, talc, methacrylic acid copolymer, macrogol, titanium dioxide.

8 pcs. - cellular contour packings (2) - packs of cardboard.

Granules for suspension for oral administration small, orange in color, with a slight smell of banana, sweet taste; the prepared suspension is orange in color, with a slight smell of banana.

Excipients: methyl parahydroxybenzoate, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, sodium saccharin, mannitol, dispersion yellow (E110), citric acid, hypromellose, disodium phosphate (anhydrous), banana flavor, silicone defoamer.

Dark glass bottles with a volume of 115 ml (1) complete with a dosing spoon - packs of cardboard.

The description of the drug is based on the officially approved instructions for use.


Macrolide antibiotic. Inhibits protein synthesis in bacterial cells. Reversibly binds to the 50S subunit of the bacterial ribosomal membrane. In low doses, the drug has a bacteriostatic effect, in high doses it is bactericidal.

Active against intracellular microorganisms: Mycoplasma spp., Chlamydia spp., Legionella spp., Ureaplasma urealyticum; Gram-positive bacteria: Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Listeria monocytogenes, Erysipelothrix spp., Clostridium spp.; Gram-negative bacteria: Neisseria spp., Moraxella catarrhalis, Bordetella pertussis, Helicobacter spp., Campylobacter spp., Bacteroides spp.



After oral administration, midecamycin is rapidly and fairly completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.

Serum Cmax of midecamycin and myocamycin (midecamycin acetate) are 2.5 mg/l and 1.31-3.3 mg/l, respectively, and are reached 1-2 hours after ingestion.


High concentrations of midecamycin and myokamycin are created in the internal organs (especially in the lung tissue, parotid and submandibular glands) and skin. MIC is maintained for 6 hours.


Midecamycin is metabolized in the liver to form 2 metabolites with antimicrobial activity.


T 1/2 is approximately 1 hour. Midecamycin is excreted in the bile and to a lesser extent (about 5%) in the urine.


Infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to the drug:

Infections of the respiratory tract, urinary system, genital organs caused by Mycoplasma spp., Chlamydia spp., Legionella spp. and Ureaplasma urealyticum;

Infections of the respiratory tract, skin and subcutaneous tissue caused by microorganisms sensitive to penicillin;

Treatment of infections in patients with hypersensitivity to penicillin antibiotics;

Treatment of enteritis caused by Campylobacter spp.;

Treatment and prevention of diphtheria and whooping cough.


The drug should be taken before meals.

Adults and children weighing over 30 kg Macropen is prescribed 400 mg (1 tab.) 3 times / day. The maximum daily dose for adults is 1.6 g.

For children weighing less than 30 kg the daily dose is 20-40 mg / kg body weight in 3 doses or 50 mg / kg body weight in 2 doses, with severe infections- 50 mg/kg of body weight in 3 divided doses.

The scheme of administration of Macropen in the form of a suspension for children (daily dose of 50 mg / kg of body weight) is presented in the table.

The duration of treatment is from 7 to 14 days, with treatment of chlamydial infections- 14 days.

To prepare the suspension, add 100 ml of boiled or distilled water to the contents of the vial and shake well. It is recommended to shake the prepared suspension before use.


From the digestive system: possible loss of appetite, stomatitis, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, increased activity of hepatic transaminases and jaundice; rarely - a feeling of heaviness in the epigastrium; in some cases, severe and prolonged diarrhea, which may indicate the development of pseudomembranous colitis.

Allergic reactions: possible skin rash, urticaria, itching, eosinophilia.


Severe liver failure;

Hypersensitivity to midecamycin / myokamicin and other components of the drug.


The use of Macropen during pregnancy is possible only if the intended benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

Midecamycin is excreted in breast milk. When using Macropen during lactation, breastfeeding should be stopped.


As with the use of any other antimicrobial drugs, overgrowth of resistant bacteria is possible during long-term therapy with Macropen. Prolonged diarrhea may indicate the development of pseudomembranous colitis.

With prolonged therapy, the activity of liver enzymes should be monitored, especially in patients with impaired liver function.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms

It was not reported about the effect of Macropen on the speed of psychomotor reactions and the ability to drive a car and other mechanisms.


There are no reports of serious intoxication caused by Macropen.

Symptoms: possible nausea, vomiting.

Treatment: conducting symptomatic therapy.


With the simultaneous use of Macropen with ergot alkaloids, carbamazepine, their metabolism in the liver decreases and the concentration in serum increases. The simultaneous appointment of these drugs with Macropen is not recommended.

With the simultaneous use of Macropen with cyclosporine, warfarin slows down the excretion of the latter.


The drug is dispensed by prescription.


Tablets should be stored in a place protected from moisture, out of the reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Suspension granules should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life - 3 years.

The prepared suspension can be used within 14 days if stored in a refrigerator.

The discovery of antibiotics literally opened a new era in medicine and saved many lives that would otherwise be simply doomed. But over time, the pathogenic microflora adapted to antibiotics and began to mutate, gaining resistance to various drugs.

To avoid this and maintain the effectiveness of drugs, the pharmaceutical industry has to resort to regular updating of formulations and the invention of new drugs. With their help, you can treat many dangerous and extremely unpleasant diseases. Among such means is also.

Macropen tablets are a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug that belongs to macrolides. This is a large group of antibiotics of natural or semi-synthetic origin, which have the least toxicity of all currently available types of drugs with similar properties.

The main active ingredient is midecamycin, a natural antibiotic, which in small doses has a bacteriostatic effect, that is, it inhibits their growth and reproduction, and in high doses it is bactericidal, that is, it destroys pathogenic microflora.

Available in the form of tablets, coated with a smooth shell, or as granules used to prepare a suspension, which is most often used to treat children.Long-term use of the drug requires the use of monitoring the state of the liver, especially if the patient has problems with the functioning of this organ or is chronically ill.

Macropen can interact with a number of drugs, such as Warfarin, Carbamazepine, and others.

When used in parallel with other medications, a medical consultation is required.

The drug must be stored in a dry, closed to sunlight place with a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years. Keep away from children, especially ready-made suspension stored in the refrigerator, which has a sweetish taste and can be mistaken for a drink.

The drug Macropen tablets is active against a wide range of bacterial infections and can be effective in the presence of the following diseases:

  • Respiratory diseases:, pneumonia, including atypical, (tonsillitis), legionnaires' disease (legionellosis), diphtheria.
  • Stomatitis.
  • Enteritis.
  • Lesions of soft tissues and skin, erysipelas.
  • Trachoma.
  • Brucellosis.

Infectious diseases of the urogenital area: urethritis, including nonspecific, gonorrhea and syphilis.

Such widespread use and pronounced effectiveness of the drug determined its popularity and frequency of prescription in sick adults and children. Macropen can be used as a backup if a patient is allergic to beta-lactam drugs.

Dosage and application rules

Young children (up to 3 years) Macropen tablets are not prescribed, replacing them with a suspension. The dosage of the drug depends on the body weight of the child:

  • Up to 5 kg - 3.75 ml of the mixture.
  • With a weight of 5 to 10 kg - 7.5 ml of suspension.
  • With a weight of 10 to 15 kg - 10 ml.
  • If the child weighs from 15 to 20 kg - 15 ml.
  • For children weighing 20 to 30 kg - 22.5 ml.

The suspension is given to babies twice a day, before meals. To get the finished product, add 100 ml of distilled water to a bottle with dry powder and mix thoroughly. Before each dose of the drug, it must be gently shaken until smooth. Store the prepared solution in the refrigerator, warming it to room temperature before each use. Shelf life in the refrigerator - no more than two weeks (in a tightly closed bottle).

Older children and adults are prescribed Macropen in the form of tablets.The dosage for children is 30 to 50 mg per kilogram of body weight. This is the daily dose of the drug, which should be divided into three doses if the existing infectious disease is severe or moderately severe.

With a relatively mild course of the disease, it is allowed to divide the daily intake of the drug into two doses.

Adult patients are prescribed 400 mg of the drug three times a day. Taking medication - before meals, drinking plenty of water. You can not use milk and other dairy products, juices. When treating with antibiotics, alcohol must be excluded from the menu - even minimal doses can cause negative reactions, especially in people with a tendency to allergies. The patient may feel dizzy, a flush of heat to the face, redness of the skin, lightheadedness.

The duration of treatment with the drug is a week - 10 days, in the presence of chlamydial infections - up to 2 weeks. It is impossible to reduce or extend the time of taking the medicine on your own. In the first case, this can lead to undertreatment of the disease, its resumption or its transition to a chronic state. In the second case, there may be negative reactions from the liver, kidneys, digestive system, a change in the blood picture and the development of fungal infections against the background of inhibition of the intestinal microflora (candidiasis - thrush).

Contraindications and side effects

Macropen tablets are contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, an allergic reaction to the drug.
  • The presence of severe or complicated forms of renal and / or liver failure.
  • The age of the child is under 36 months (in the case of the use of a tablet preparation).
  • There are restrictions on admission during pregnancy and lactation, as well as if the patient has an allergic reaction to aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid).

Side effects that may be caused by this drug include the following:

  • Lack of appetite up to the complete refusal of food.
  • Nausea.
  • Vomit.
  • Digestive disorder.
  • Feelings of heaviness in the stomach and abdomen.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Jaundice.
  • Change in the blood picture in the area of ​​liver enzymes.
  • Eosinophilia.
  • General weakness.
  • Bronchospasm.
  • Manifestations of an allergic reaction in the form of rashes, urticaria, severe itching, swelling of the mucosa.

Side effects may be grouped, less pronounced or very noticeable. It all depends on the individual susceptibility of the patient and the degree of damage.

During pregnancy and lactation, the instruction allows the use of the drug with caution. This means that the decision on the appointment is made by the attending physician, taking into account the potential threat to the health of the patient and to the viability of the fetus.

Such a decision is made only if the expected benefit from the use of the drug far outweighs the potential harm to the fetus.

The main active ingredient Midecamycin actively penetrates into breast milk and can cause serious harm to the body of a child who is breastfed. Women who are scheduled for health reasons should stop breastfeeding and transfer the baby to food with special mixtures suitable for his age.

A complete, exact analogue of this drug does not exist, but there are a number of drugs that belong to the so-called group analogues, that is, they correspond to Macropen in their properties and main actions. In principle, the result of using analogues is very similar to the action of the described remedy, but has a number of nuances.

Among the drugs that can act as analogues of Macropen, there are the old tried and tested, but not in all cases effective Erythromycin, as well as relatively new drugs Clarithromycin, Clarithromycin-Verde, Clerimed, Klarbakt and many others.

Of those often prescribed as a replacement, we can mention drugs from the same macrolide group as Macropen - Zetamax Retard, Oleandomycin, Rovamycin, and Sumamed forte, Ecomed and others.

The use of these drugs, their selection and prescription are entirely within the competence of the attending physician and depend on the severity of the disease, its type, the age of the patient and the presence of other health problems, taking into account the existing general contraindications.

Macropen is a broad-spectrum antibiotic from the group of macrolides. The active ingredient of this drug, midecamycin, disrupts the formation of proteins in the cells of microorganisms.

Getting into the body in a small amount, it has an immobilizing effect on bacteria, in high concentrations it kills pathogenic microflora.

In this article, we will consider why doctors prescribe Macropen, including instructions for use, analogues and prices for this drug in pharmacies. Real REVIEWS of people who have already used Macropen can be read in the comments.

Composition and form of release

The drug is produced in the form of coated tablets Macropen, and granules for the preparation of a suspension for oral administration.

  • The active ingredient of this drug is midecamycin.

Clinico-pharmacological group: macrolide antibiotic.

What helps Macropen?

The drug is prescribed for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases that are caused by microorganisms that are sensitive to the active components of the drug. These include:

  1. diphtheria and whooping cough;
  2. Enteritis caused by Campylobacter spp.;
  3. Infections of the subcutaneous tissue and skin;
  4. Community-acquired pneumonia, chronic bronchitis in the acute phase, sinusitis, otitis media, tonsillopharyngitis.

Also used for diseases of the genitourinary system caused by Ureaplasma urealyticum, Legionella spp., Chlamydia spp., Mycoplasma spp.

Pharmacological properties

Macropen is an antibiotic from the group of macrolides. The drug inhibits the synthesis of proteins in the cells of infectious agents. In low doses, the drug has a bacteriostatic effect (stops the growth and reproduction of pathological microorganisms), in higher doses it is bactericidal (completely destroys the pathogen).

In accordance with the instructions for use, the antibiotic drug in question is used in cases where these diseases are caused by such bacteria:

  • Staphylococcus;
  • Corynebacterium diphtheriae;
  • Listeria monocytogenes;
  • Clostridium;
  • Neisseria;
  • Mycoplasma
  • Chlamydia;
  • Legionella;
  • Ureaplasma urealyticum;
  • stretococcus;
  • Moraxella catarrhalis;
  • Bordetella pertussis;
  • Helicobacter;
  • Campylobacter;
  • Bacteroides.

Depending on the dosage prescribed by the attending physician, Macropen can have both bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects on the listed pathogens.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions for use, Macropen is taken orally before meals or 1 hour after a meal, if necessary, the tablet is crushed or chewed with a sufficient amount of liquid.

  • Adults and children weighing more than 30 kg Macropen appoint 400 mg (1 tab.) 3 times / day. The maximum daily dose for adults is 1.6 g.
  • For children weighing less than 30 kg, the daily dose is 20-40 mg / kg body weight in 3 doses or 50 mg / kg body weight in 2 doses, for severe infections - 50 mg / kg body weight in 3 doses.

The scheme of administration of Macropen in the form of a suspension for children (daily dose of 50 mg / kg of body weight in 2 divided doses) is presented below:

The duration of drug therapy should not exceed 7 days. In the absence of the expected therapeutic effect, the patient is recommended to consult a doctor again to clarify the sensitivity of the infectious agent to the drug.

The daily dose of Macropen for the prevention of diphtheria is determined at the rate of 50 mg per 1 kg of the patient's weight and is taken in 2 divided doses. The duration of therapy is 7 days, then it is recommended to conduct a control bacteriological study.

Whooping cough prevention is carried out during the first 14 days after contact with an infected person at a dose of 50 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day, the course of treatment is 7-14 days.


Instructions for use prohibit the use of an antibiotic if:

  • there is a pronounced liver failure;
  • individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the drug.

Antibiotic Macropen can be prescribed to children from 1.5-2 months. Macropen tablets, unlike the suspension, can only be used in relation to children from 3 years of age.

Side effects

Possible side effects of the drug:

  1. Allergic reactions: urticaria, rash, itching, bronchospasm, eosinophilia;
  2. Digestive system: nausea, vomiting, feeling of heaviness in the epigastrium, stomatitis, diarrhea, loss of appetite, increased activity of hepatic transaminases and jaundice; in individual cases - prolonged severe diarrhea (may indicate the development of pseudomembranous colitis);
  3. Other: weakness.

Taking a dose of the drug in excess of the therapeutic dose can cause nausea and vomiting, while specific treatment is not provided. Sorbents should be taken to accelerate the elimination of the drug and symptomatic therapy should be carried out.

Macropen analogs

There are no analogues for the active substance. Macropen analogues belonging to the same pharmacological group (second generation macrolides): Clarithromycin, Azithromycin, Josamycin.

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