How to cure a prolonged runny nose in an adult? Causes and treatment of protracted rhinitis in adults Long snot in a child

Broken state, constant malaise, headache, pain in the eyes, persistent cough, runny nose? Most likely, this is a cold - a disease that does not depend on the season. It is worse when a protracted cold begins, which can last for a long time - two weeks or more than a month. Sometimes it is not possible to recover for a whole season, a protracted ailment exhausts a person, weakens the body so much that considerable funds have to be used for recovery and treatment, spending not only time, but also money. In addition, a prolonged cold weakens an already weak immune system.

Slight malaise in the form of a slight runny nose and fever on the first day. In the next 2-3 days, the symptoms of a cold become more pronounced: the nose constantly flows, the cough does not stop, the head splits, it hurts the joints, it makes you sleepy, at times it makes you sweat. With normal immunity in adults, this should pass in 5 days or a week. But if a cold does not go away on the fifth day, or after 2 weeks, or after a month, this is a sign that the body cannot overcome inflammation, in medical terms, immunity is very bad if it could not cure the disease itself for a certain period of time.

It is easy to catch a cold with such immunity, it is much more difficult to treat a protracted cold if the body is not able to cope on its own.

Why won't a cold go away? There are many reasons, here are a few of the main ones:

  1. Lack of vitamins and microelements.
  2. Bad dream.
  3. Stress, nervousness.
  4. Depression, depression.
  5. Unfavorable ecology.
  6. Smoking.
  7. Alcohol abuse.
  8. Living in a dry unventilated room.
  9. Irregular house cleaning;
  10. Incorrectly started treatment.
  11. Transferred "on the legs" or SARS.
  12. Abrupt climate change.
  13. Virus attacks, mycoplasmas and chlamydia.

Attention! The last reason is the recent discovery of physicians. Previously, it was believed that chlamydia and mycoplasma cannot be the reason that a cold does not go away for a long time, that these are the causative agents of STDs. But studies have shown the opposite: the simplest microorganisms are transmitted by airborne droplets, have a detrimental effect on the cell and weaken the immune system.

What is dangerous sluggish form of the disease

Even if the immune system is not weakened, it is possible to defeat the disease in 2-3 days in very rare cases, but if the cold drags on for three or even five weeks, serious complications cannot be avoided. How long should it take from the onset of the disease to? Ideally, the doctor should be called on the first or second day of malaise. In extreme cases, after three to five days, contact the clinic yourself. If everything drags on to the last, it is possible that instead of a slight indisposition, serious health problems will begin.

If you catch a cold and are not treated correctly, you can get the following complications:

  • sinusitis, frontal sinusitis - diseases of the nose, very unpleasant, difficult to treat, often turning into chronic ones;
  • , accompanied by a barking cough, which drags on for 2 to 3 months;
  • otitis, followed by meningitis;
  • laryngitis, pharyngitis;
  • pneumonia is unilateral or bilateral, and in smokers it is usually basal;
  • problems with the urinary tract: cystitis, nephritis, in men - urethritis and prostatitis;
  • heart disease;
  • arthritic lesions of the joints;
  • complication of previously acquired ailments.

How many days can pass before the onset of more serious problems depends on many factors: age, health in general, the presence of bad habits, the climate in which a person lives, heredity, nutrition and social environment.

How to be treated?

To begin with, you should understand what you do not need to do if the illness has been going on for a long time:

  • No need to swallow indiscriminately all the antibiotics that were advised in the pharmacy. Even the most expensive of them is not a panacea for all diseases.
  • You should not “evaporate” a cold with a broom: a sluggish form suggests subfebrile body temperature, which in a hot room can rise to critical, which will aggravate the situation very seriously.
  • You should not run to a familiar healer for a dubious drug "for all sores." It is unlikely that fly agaric tincture or anything like that can put a person on his feet as quickly as an immunostimulant.

Remember! Uncontrolled intake of antibiotics leads to a weakening of the whole organism. Against the background of taking non-prescribed drugs, it is difficult to identify the clinical picture of serious, and even dangerous diseases! And dubious sorcerers' decoctions can lead to poisoning, sometimes fatal!

How to treat and what will the doctor treat?

To begin with, the therapist will collect an anamnesis, send the patient for tests: blood (general and biochemical), urine, then prescribe tests for viruses. And only after collecting the necessary information will decide how to cure the disease. Usually all studies are ready in 2-3 days.

In the presence of viruses, antibiotics are not included in the treatment regimen, they are needed. Another thing is if the disease is caused by bacteria, then the doctor will either prescribe antibiotic injections or prescribe it in tablets.

Concomitant therapy - antipyretic, analgesic, expectorant drugs, nasal drops, vitamins and immunomodulators. How quickly a sluggish, annoying disease will recede directly depends on the correctly chosen treatment regimen and on the patient's behavior, which consists in sufficient sleep, proper hygiene and good nutrition.

Good drugs for SARS

  • Sinupret. It relieves swelling of the nasopharynx, restores the voice, fights the symptoms of otitis media, and is effective for treating sinusitis, sinusitis, and frontal sinusitis.
  • Imupret. Antiviral medicine, contains 7 plant extracts, is perfect as a stimulant of defense forces, removes swelling of the throat and nasal sinuses.
  • Tonsipret. Completely homeopathic remedy, effective for relieving pain, swelling, eliminates purulent plugs in the tonsils. Helps increase resistance to infections.

It is not worth hoping that the ailment, which for some reason does not disappear for quite a long time, will evaporate in 2 to 3 days. After how many weeks or days health will be restored, it directly depends on the internal defenses of the body. And he needs help with this.

How to strengthen immunity?

So that diseases do not acquire a long-term character, and mild SARS do not drag on for a long time, it is worth strengthening the immune system artificially and naturally.

The artificial way is reduced to the use of pharmaceutical preparations, plant and synthetic immunomodulators, they are present in abundance on the windows of all pharmacies. The most prescribed: "Esberitox" (herbal remedy), "Neovir" (synthetic drug), "Viferon" (complex medicine). The action of all medicines is aimed at suppressing strains of viruses, increasing the activity of cells - the body's defenders. Taking medication will speed up your recovery.

In addition to taking medicines, you will have to strengthen the body with proven, always working methods:

  • enough sleep, go to bed before midnight;
  • maximum ;
  • engage in at least three times a week feasible loads, preferably in the fresh air;
  • do not drink strong drinks, or minimize their use: applies not only to alcohol, but also to coffee, strong tea;
  • walk past fast food without noticing it;
  • remove cigarettes from your life;
  • buy valerian extracts, motherwort and other sedatives at the pharmacy so that they are at hand in case of stress;
  • take Eleutherococcus a few drops a day;
  • observe hygiene not only personal, but also at home;
  • buy a humidifier;
  • apply seawater rinses to the throat and nose.

A healthy and correct lifestyle is not only words, it is protection from long, exhausting diseases, including colds.

Constant nasal congestion and rhinorrhea prevent a person from living a full life, communicating normally with people around him, working and sleeping. As a result, not only his physical condition suffers, but the emotional side. The person becomes irritable, there is a frequent change of mood and performance decreases. How to treat a prolonged runny nose in adults?

To quickly get rid of the symptoms of chronic rhinitis, you first need to establish the cause of the disease:

Rhinitis is delayed if the treatment of the disease was not started on time or it was carried out incorrectly.

In addition, chronic inflammation contributes to a weakened immune system with severe concomitant pathology.

To correctly diagnose and establish the cause of the disease, a comprehensive examination of the patient is necessary:

  1. blood test (PCR, ELISA, immunological study);
  2. allergy tests;
  3. microscopic analysis of swabs from the nasopharynx;
  4. bakposev discharged from the nasal cavities;
  5. x-ray examination of the paranasal sinuses;
  6. rhinoscopy.

In addition, working conditions are analyzed and the severity of concomitant diseases is assessed.

In the absence of the effect of drugs for allergic rhinitis, desensitization of the body can be carried out.

home treatment

You can treat a long runny nose at home, but only after consulting a doctor. The main directions of therapy:

  • elimination of the cause of rhinitis (cessation of contact with the allergen, the fight against infection);
  • nasal lavage;
  • prescribing medications;
  • use of folk remedies;
  • carrying out warming procedures;
  • appointment of inhalations;
  • performing a massage;
  • nutritional compliance.

A cold begins with sneezing, nasal discharge, and general malaise. As soon as signs of the disease were noticed, it is necessary to begin treatment. The nose wash procedure can be used for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes. Her task:

For treatment, the following solutions can be used:

  1. finished preparations, for example, Humer, Marimer, Dolphin;
  2. saline;
  3. non-carbonated alkaline water;
  4. a solution of salt (4 g), two drops of iodine and warm water with a volume of 300 ml;
  5. decoctions of herbs (oak bark, sage, calendula, St. John's wort). For cooking, pour 15 g of grass with 260 ml of boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour. To enhance the healing properties of the solution, you can add 30 ml of aloe juice;
  6. peeled, chopped garlic cloves (4 pieces) should be poured with 650 ml of boiling water, left for half an hour, covered with a lid. Before washing, you need to add aloe juice. The ratio of infusion and aloe juice (3: 1);
  7. fresh beetroot juice should be diluted with water 1:10, add a couple of grams of salt.

Medical therapy

It is not recommended to treat a protracted runny nose exclusively by alternative methods. Only an integrated therapeutic approach allows you to quickly get rid of the symptoms of the disease. If, you need to contact an ENT doctor to determine the cause of the disease and treatment tactics.

What can be prescribed for the treatment of rhinitis?

Medications in the form of a nasal spray or drops must be applied to the cleansed nasal mucosa.

Group and name of the drug The action of the drug Application features
Vasoconstrictors (Otrivin, Xymelin, Nazivin) Blood vessels at the injection site spasm, thereby reducing mucosal swelling and hypersecretion. Thus, nasal breathing is restored and nasal congestion is reduced. The duration of the effect depends on the composition of the drug, it can be from 4 to 12 hours. Treatment course - 5 days
Nasal spray with antihistamine action (Allergodil, Fenistil) Reduces mucosal swelling, rhinorrhea, itching and sneezing It is prescribed for the allergic origin of the common cold
Nasal spray with hormonal components (Baconase, Nasonex) Has a powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effect It is prescribed for severe allergic, vasomotor rhinitis
Antihistamines in tablet form (Cetrin, Zodak) Block the development of an allergic reaction, reduce tissue swelling It is prescribed for allergic genesis of rhinitis
Oil preparations for topical use (Pinosol) Envelops the mucosa, protects, moisturizes it, improves regeneration It is prescribed for atrophic type of rhinitis
Homeopathic remedies for nasal use (Luffel, Euphorbium Compositum) Reduce the severity of edema, rhinorrhea, increase local protection, eliminate infection It is prescribed for a long course, it is not addictive
Antibacterial drugs (Amoxicillin, Cefotaxime) Fight infection, reduce inflammation Prescribed for chronic rhinitis of a bacterial nature

Runny nose treatments

A long runny nose must be treated not only with drugs, but also with useful procedures. Thermal treatments can be used for local or general warming. For a passing runny nose, warming the nose with boiled potatoes, an egg wrapped in a scarf, a bag of salt or buckwheat is useful.

During the procedure, there should be no burning sensation, so if necessary, wrap the heat source with an additional cloth. It should be applied to the bridge of the nose and paranasal sinuses. The duration of warming is a quarter of an hour. After the procedure, a slight hyperemia of the skin may remain, so the skin must be lubricated with baby cream.

General warming is carried out with the help of foot baths with mustard, mustard plasters, rubbing the chest, as well as the interscapular zone. You can enhance the effect by taking hot tea with linden, lemon, raspberries, currants or honey, after which you need to wrap yourself in a blanket.

If the runny nose dragged on for 2 weeks, inhalations can be carried out. For this it is recommended to use:

  • boiled potatoes, herbal decoctions, essential oils - for hot inhalation;
  • chopped onion, garlic, essential oils - for a cold procedure.

If recovery is delayed, you can help the body get rid of the pathology with the help of massage. Its action is:

Within 10 minutes, it is necessary to massage certain points on the face. In this case, the fingers should be warm, and movements should not cause pain. The points are located:

  • in the area between the eyebrows above the bridge of the nose;
  • near the outer corners of the eyes at a distance of 1 centimeter;
  • near the wings of the nose, stepping back 1 centimeter in the direction of the ears;
  • above the upper lip in the projection of the outer edges of the wings of the nose.

Folk recipes for nose drops

To keep a runny nose from bothering you for more than a week, you need to use folk remedies for rhinitis. For the preparation of nasal medicines, you can use:

  1. aloe juice;
  2. carrot, beet juice;
  3. onion, garlic juice;
  4. a decoction of eucalyptus, sage, chamomile for washing the nasal cavities;
  5. ginger infusion - for oral administration in order to strengthen immunity;
  6. essential oils (eucalyptus, pine, tea tree);
  7. honey, propolis.

For each person, therapy for a runny nose may be different, given its individual characteristics. We have reviewed the most commonly used medications for nasal congestion and rhinorrhea. Note that herbal preparations can cause an allergic reaction, so be careful in choosing medicines.

It's been a week now, and the snot has not gone away, moreover, they have acquired yellow and green tones. "Surprise", of course, unpleasant. Mom and baby are already tired of the common cold, and there is no end to this problem. Indeed, we are already talking about prolonged snot in a child.

The usual procedures for cleansing the nasal passages do not give results, the baby's nose is blocked, and the green color of the snot causes anxiety and confusion among parents. What to do and how to help the child? Definitely - run to the pediatrician and children's lore!

Where do lingering green snot come from in a child?

The very appearance of green snot is a signal that the bacteria have come to grips with the child's immune system. Runny nose turned into a complication. Most likely, the baby "caught" SARS, and did not cope with the viruses on his own. Weakened immunity of the baby and opened the "gate" for the entry of bacteria.

Bacteria spread rapidly through the bloodstream, and can affect not only the sinuses, but nearby organs.

The main thing is to exclude such diseases as:

  • sinusitis (inflammation of the maxillary sinuses);
  • frontal sinusitis (inflammatory process in the frontal sinuses);
  • ethmoiditis (inflammation of the ethmoid labyrinth);
  • otitis (inflammation of the middle ear).

All these inflammatory processes, as a rule, occur with elevated body temperature, general malaise, pain in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, superciliary arches, and maxillary sinuses. The appearance of a purulent process is considered dangerous. Almost always with sinusitis there is a green purulent discharge from the nose.

In rare cases, a purulent process can provoke the development of meningitis (inflammation of the meninges).

We wrote about how to overcome green snot in the article [green snot in a child at 3-4 years old].

Important! Parents of the baby, seeing green snot, should clearly know that these are non-physiological and non-allergic snot. Simple snot (physiological) is always transparent and well blown out.

Treatment of a chronic runny nose in a child

Try to get advice from the ENT, and do not treat the green snot in a child on your own. Follow strictly the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor. Treatment will be selected taking into account the age and condition of the child.

How to treat lingering snot in infants

First of all, treatment should begin with cleansing the nose. To do this, 1-2 drops of saline solution are dripped into each nostril, which is prepared independently or purchased at a pharmacy. The crusts soften and come out of the nose.

If the nose is very stuffy, 0.01% Nazivin or other drugs based on oxymetazoline are used.

From the age of five months of a child's life, pediatricians recommend using the system otrivin baby. This is a very convenient tool that helps to clean and moisturize the nose due to salt drops, as well as to suck the nozzles with an aspirator. The system also includes interchangeable nozzles. You can learn the correct technique with the help of video lessons, for example this one.

After using the Otrivin baby system, the doctor may prescribe vasoconstrictor drops, such as xylene or vibrocil. These drops relieve puffiness, improve nasal breathing. Vibrocil has an additional property - antiallergic. This makes it possible to treat a combined protracted runny nose when the baby suffers from allergies.

All vasoconstrictors are prescribed only by a pediatrician or a pediatric ENT. An overdose of these drugs is fraught with unpleasant and dangerous complications.

In no case should you drip breast milk into your nose. Such a “treatment” is an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic microflora, which causes purulent processes in the nasal cavity and the spread of infection.

When the viral origin of a protracted runny nose is proven, interferon preparations in drops are often used. They are prescribed 2 drops three times a day. The most commonly used is influenza. Before using interferons, do not forget to first clean the baby's nose with saline, and suck out the mucus with an aspirator.

Some parents have been using beet juice, aloe, kalanchoe since 8-9 months. But, most likely, the doctor will not offer them, especially in cases where there is diathesis and other allergic reactions in the baby.

Although it would be unreasonable to refuse these funds if the baby is not allergic. In this case, simply dilute the juice with warm boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1 and drip three times a day, 2 drops.

All warming procedures for prolonged green and yellow snot require consultation with a doctor. A direct contraindication to them are purulent processes of the nasal and other sinuses.

Treatment of a protracted runny nose in infancy has its own characteristics and requires special vigilance of parents. Check out a few rules that will help not harm the baby:

  • follow the exactly prescribed dosage of drugs (do not drip 3 drops if 2 are prescribed);
  • do not use sprays in infants;
  • remove the nipple from your mouth when sucking mucus from the spout;
  • to clean the nose, use flagella, aspirators, mini-syringes;
  • the solution for instillation should be at room temperature.

How to treat a prolonged runny nose in infants

What medicines are allowed for the treatment of the common cold after one year of age?

Currently, the following drugs are used to treat lingering green or yellow snot in children:

  • vibrocil (combined drug for all forms of the common cold);
  • protorgol (an excellent silver-based antiseptic);
  • rhinopront (a remedy for allergic and infectious rhinitis, constricts blood vessels);
  • vasoconstrictor drugs: xylometazoline, nazivin, tizin, oxymetazoline (take these drugs for a maximum of 5 days);
  • polydex with phenylephrine (used for acute and chronic rhinitis);
  • pinosol (homeopathic drops based on essential oils, have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects);
  • pharmaceutical salt solutions based on sea water, there are many of them: aqualor, quicks, salin and others;
  • rinofluimucil (combination drug for the treatment of the common cold and sinusitis);
  • antibiotics, eg isophra;
  • sinupret (homeopathic drops with a pronounced anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating effect);
  • antihistamines: loratadine, erius, claritin and others.

All drugs are prescribed only by a doctor! It should be remembered that even homeopathic remedies in large doses can harm the baby.

In addition to drugs, methods are used that help to quickly restore the body from the disease, as well as prevent the recurrence of rhinitis in the future. These include:

  • cleansing and washing the nose of the child at least three times a day throughout the illness;
  • daily wet cleaning of the children's room and airing (always);
  • creating a comfortable temperature in the nursery (about 20 degrees);
  • walking with the baby in the fresh air in the absence of elevated body temperature;
  • enhanced drinking regime with the use of vitamin drinks: fruit drinks, compotes, juices, herbal teas (during a cold);
  • if you experience pain in the head and sinuses - immediately contact the children's ENT.

A good effect is given by the following physiotherapeutic methods of treatment, which can be done in the clinic:

  • electrophoresis;
  • UHF or microwave;
  • UV (ultraviolet radiation);
  • laser therapy;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • other.

All these procedures are released only in the direction of the attending physician. Usually appoint a course of 5-10 procedures.

If green or yellow lingering snot bothers a child under 1 year old, then a doctor's consultation is definitely needed.

Green snot in a child can also be successfully cured using folk methods, how to do this - we wrote in the article [treatment of green discharge from the nose with folk remedies].

How to prevent the appearance of green and yellow lingering snot in children?

The main preventive measure that will protect against viruses and colds, as well as prevent the development of a protracted runny nose with green snot, is the creation of a set of conditions for the stable functioning of the child's immune system, and in particular:

  • rational nutrition (include more fiber in the diet);
  • charger;
  • walks in the fresh air at any time of the year;
  • rest on the sea coast and coniferous forests;
  • sport games;
  • hardening (contrast shower);
  • visiting the pool;
  • getting up and going to bed at the same time;
  • dosed viewing of TV programs;
  • the use of vitamins in the autumn-winter period;
  • the use of oxolinic ointment during the epidemic of influenza and SARS.

Chronic runny nose in children disrupts the rhythm of visiting kindergartens, schools, and also creates problems for parents who are constantly forced to take sick leave. Prevention is the basis of health, because it is better to prevent illness than to waste time, nerves and money on fighting lingering snot!

Treatment of lingering snot - the answer from a qualified ENT

Attention, only TODAY!

Prolonged runny nose in children (aka chronic rhinitis) is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, which lasted more than 7 days. If you do not urgently begin to eliminate it, complications may arise that can even lead to disability.

Most often, a prolonged runny nose in babies appears in winter, when the weather is damp and the thaw begins. In order for the disease not to become chronic, it is necessary to treat it in a timely manner.

Any children's runny nose is subject to treatment, otherwise it can become chronic!

Types of rhinitis

A child may begin a prolonged runny nose of different types, each of which is characterized by its own symptoms. Consider the features of each of them:

  1. Vasomotor - appears due to increased sensitivity of the nasal mucosa to various irritants (cigarette smoke, strong odors, chemicals, etc.). This type of disease can also develop as a result of foreign objects entering the nose, due to stress or certain pathologies (for example, adenoids, deviated septum) (see also:).
  2. Allergic - occurs due to the ingestion of an irritant (dust, pollen, animal hair, etc.) on the nasal mucosa. Such a runny nose can cause a child to sneeze, clear discharge from the nasal passages, shortness of breath, severe lacrimation, rashes on the skin, cough, etc.
  3. Infectious rhinitis develops as a result of pathogens (viruses, fungi, bacteria) entering the nasal mucosa. Microbes provoke its inflammation.

Causes of a protracted runny nose in children

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You should not start treating a runny nose in a child without finding out the cause of its occurrence. It can signal the development of a dozen different diseases, many of which are quite serious. Consider the main causes of rhinitis in children 2-4 years old. It is provoked:

  • allergic reaction;
  • sinusitis;
  • injury or damage to the nasal mucosa;
  • hyperplasia of adenoid tissues (we recommend reading:);
  • dryness in the room;
  • abuse of nasal drops.

allergic reactions

Allergens that contribute to the occurrence of a runny nose can get on the baby's nasal mucosa. In this case, pollen, cigarette smoke, dust, food (strawberries, milk, chocolate, honey, eggs), animal hair, etc. act as irritants.

Signs of allergic rhinitis are frequent sneezing, white transparent mucus from the sinuses, skin itching, urticaria, conjunctivitis. There are also more severe cases when a runny nose provokes the development of spasms in the bronchi, and it is very difficult for the baby to exhale.

A runny nose can be allergic in nature and occur when an allergen gets on the nasal mucosa


If a child does not have a runny nose for a long time, then this may indicate complications, one of which is sinusitis. This pathology consists in the accumulation of pus in the sinuses of the nose, as a result of which the inflammatory process begins. Sinusitis in children requires complex treatment, during which antibiotics are necessarily used. If the disease is very advanced, the baby may need a puncture or sinus lavage.

Sinusitis is manifested by severe headache and ear pain. If a child at 2-4 years old makes such complaints, then he should be quickly shown to the doctor in order to avoid complications such as meningitis, deafness, and mental retardation.

Trauma or damage to the mucosa

Rhinitis can occur as a result of mechanical, chemical or thermal damage, that is, as a result of injury to the nasal mucosa. An injury can occur, for example, due to the "favorite" activity of some children - picking their nose with a finger, pen, pencil.

Depending on the degree of damage, the doctor prescribes the necessary treatment. If the mucosa is not severely injured, then everything can be corrected with the help of wound healing agents. In other cases, surgical intervention is required.

Hyperplasia of adenoid tissues

Another reason why children 2-4 years old develop a prolonged runny nose is hyperplasia (pathological growth) of adenoid tissues near the base of the nasal cavity from the side of the pharynx.

An enlarged tonsil blocks the nasal passages, preventing the child from breathing normally. The accumulation of snot is accompanied by a constant sensation of a lump in the throat and a violation of nasal breathing. Pathology is quite common in babies.

Dryness in the room

Due to its structure, a child's nose, unlike an adult, reacts negatively to poor-quality air. If the air in the room is too dry, the body may react to it with a prolonged runny nose.

In order to save the child from this type of rhinitis, you just need to humidify the air. If the parents do not have such an opportunity, then there is only one thing left - to stock up on clean scarves and wait for the heating season to end.

Abuse of nasal drops

There are two reasons for the development of a runny nose from drugs:

  • as a side effect of the drug taken;
  • rebound effect (when drugs are taken in excessive doses).

The second type of rhinitis, which is also called drug-induced, can manifest itself 4-6 days after the start of treatment for the common cold with vasoconstrictors. If the drops are used longer than the period recommended by the doctor, the mucous membrane gets used to them, and the treatment becomes ineffective. The drug will have to be canceled, and this threatens to increase the swelling of the nasal mucosa, that is, its congestion. That is why you should not use vasoconstrictor drops longer than the time indicated in the instructions.

One of the causes of a prolonged runny nose can be the abuse of vasoconstrictors.

How can you help your child recover faster?

Each parent wonders what to do if a runny nose in a child does not go away for a long time. How to quickly cure it? To start:

  • carry out wet cleaning in the room where the baby is located;
  • ventilate the room;
  • install a humidifier;
  • clean the baby's nose with a damp gauze turunda.

There is no need to give a child strong medicines if a runny nose does not affect his well-being. The gentle mode will be the most acceptable for him in this situation. It consists in simple rules of care:

  • the baby should be left at home instead of the usual trip to kindergarten or school;
  • take a walk with your child - the walk should not last more than an hour.

Children who have begun to snot should drink a lot (for example, compote, homemade jelly, lemon tea). To cure a baby, he can be given milk with honey, but on condition that he is not allergic to the product.

A large amount of liquid drunk with rhinitis will help the baby recover faster

Don't forget to clear your nose. To do this, you need to use a saline solution. Suitable drugs such as Otrivin, Marimer, Aquamaris. Regular washings are the key to a quick recovery.

Therapy depending on the cause of the disease

As a rule, not all parents at the first symptoms of rhinitis in a child seek medical help. They try to eliminate the disease on their own, without finding out the causes of its occurrence, and this is their main mistake. All mothers and fathers should know that the effectiveness of treatment directly depends on the nature of rhinitis. Let's get acquainted with the principles of treatment of different types of rhinitis in more detail.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

If, as a result of diagnostic measures, it was found that the baby's rhinitis is allergic in nature, then the first measure to combat it is to identify the allergen and protect the child from contact with the irritant. Next, the allergist will prescribe antihistamines or nasal drops with a vasodilating effect. Do not forget that the latter should be used no more than 3 times a day and no longer than a week.

Vasodilating drops are considered the safest option for children. They fight nasal congestion in the baby and make breathing easier.

Therapy for vasomotor rhinitis

Many methods are used to treat this type of rhinitis. The simplest of them is treatment with medications. The little patient is prescribed:

  • vasoconstrictor drops (decongestants);
  • rinsing the nasal cavity with saline (we recommend reading:);
  • topical antihistamines (to block sensitivity to irritants);
  • anticholinergics (to control and block the symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis);
  • corticosteroids (to eliminate signs of illness).

If conservative methods of treatment have not yielded results, the baby undergoes surgical therapy:

  • laser photodestruction;
  • radioelectrocoagulation;
  • ultrasonic disintegration;
  • vasotomy.

Laser therapy for chronic colds

Elimination of an infectious disease

For the treatment of prolonged infectious rhinitis in children, the following therapeutic measures are used:

  1. local treatment (the nose is instilled with saline and cleaned with an aspirator or pear, warmed with warm salt);
  2. taking general strengthening and immunomodulatory drugs;
  3. physiotherapy procedures.

If infectious rhinitis does not go away for more than two weeks, and yellow-green pus is released from the sinuses, the child is prescribed antibacterial drugs. They can be in the form of ointments, and in the form of sprays and liquid medicines.

General Treatments

Regardless of the reason for the baby's snot, everything must be done so that they can easily flow out of the nasal cavity. In this case, you need to ensure that the mucous membrane does not dry out. There are several methods of treating prolonged rhinitis in children, each of which has its pros and cons:

  1. medication;
  2. folk remedies;
  3. with the help of physiotherapy.

Quartz heating of the nose

The use of medications

  • vasoconstrictor (Nafthyzin, Nazivin, Galazolin, etc. to eliminate swelling of the nasal mucosa) - taking this group of drugs has severe time limits;
  • antihistamines (Claritin, Suprastin, Telfast, Levocabastine, etc.) - for the treatment of an allergic form of the disease;
  • antiviral (Interferon, Gerferon, Oksolin, etc.) - for the treatment of infectious rhinitis;
  • antibiotics (Bioparox, Polydex, etc. (we recommend reading:).) - for the treatment of bacterial rhinitis;
  • moisturizing drops (Aqua Maris, Aqualor, etc.) - to maintain the normal functioning of the nasal mucosa.

Treatment at home

If the baby has snot, and there is no way to get to the doctor, then you can start treatment at home, following this scheme:

  • rinse the nose using water with sea salt;
  • using an aspirator to remove mucus from the nasal passages;
  • drip nose with special drops;
  • using an inhaler, carry out inhalation;
  • lubricate the nose with warming ointment.

Do not forget that self-medication is very dangerous, so take your child to the doctor as soon as possible. Only he can prescribe effective treatment.

Physical procedures

In some cases, the method of physiotherapy is more effective than any medication. For the treatment of a child, there are many different devices for home use. One of these is a nebulizer that breaks down the drug into micro particles. The medicine, when inhaled, does not enter the blood and digestive system. It only affects the nasal mucosa.

The device for UV irradiation of the nasal cavity will help cure a runny nose in 5-6 procedures. In addition, it is used for quartzing rooms.

Another runny nose in a child is eliminated with a blue lamp. It should be noted that this method is not used for all types of diseases.

Features of the treatment of children in 2-3 years

When a child is only 2-3 years old, it is very difficult to treat a runny nose. The range of drugs for this age is limited, and many folk methods are undesirable, as they can harm him. In addition, a 2-3-year-old baby is unlikely to know how to blow his nose properly, which also complicates the recovery process. What to do in this case? How to treat rhinitis in a child? The answer is simple - follow the doctor's recommendations.

Treatment should be carried out as follows:

  • clean the nose of mucous accumulations using saline or sea salt products (Physiomer);
  • use vasoconstrictor drops to restore breathing through the nose;
  • use antibacterial or antiviral drugs to treat the disease;
  • make sure that the conditions in which the child lives contribute to a speedy recovery.

In order for the recovery to proceed faster, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for this: the optimum air temperature should be 20 degrees, humidity - 50-60%

In general, the treatment of a runny nose in a 2-3-year-old child does not differ from the treatment of children of other age categories. The main thing is to ensure that the drugs are appropriate for the age of the small patient.

Difficulties in the treatment of rhinitis in children

Nasal congestion brings babies a lot of inconvenience, because, compared to adults, they do not know how to get rid of snot by blowing their nose. Because of this, a large amount of secretion accumulates in their nasopharynx, which makes breathing difficult, there is a feeling of nausea, headaches begin and appetite completely disappears.

Toddlers can’t understand what their mother wants from them, trying to clean or rinse their nose. In response to these actions of hers, they are mischievous, turn their heads, preventing her from completing the necessary procedure. In order to avoid such difficulties, parents should take an organized approach to the treatment of snot in children.

As a rule, a runny nose after a cold lasts about two weeks. During this time, the amount, density and color of mucus may change, which indicates various changes in the body. If after two weeks the runny nose not only does not go away, but also intensifies, it is considered protracted. Thick, dark yellow or green mucus should be of particular concern. This means that the runny nose has moved from a viral infection to a bacteriological one.

Prolonged runny nose is dangerous because it can lead to complications and diseases of the lower respiratory tract. Prolonged runny nose is a risk of osteomyelitis, meningitis and even sepsis. If the runny nose does not go away, it often leads to otitis media and chronic diseases of the throat cavity. All this suggests that there is no need to give up on such a seemingly harmless symptom as a runny nose. He needs to be treated, and as soon as possible. But first it is worth understanding the reasons for its appearance.

Why does a runny nose linger

But why does a runny nose not go away in two weeks? Why does it develop into serious complications and a prolonged flow of mucus from the nose? There may be several reasons for this.

  1. Low immunity. Immunity can be weakened by a serious illness, poor nutrition, insufficient exercise. With such weak defenses, the body simply cannot cope with a runny nose.
  2. Latent infectious diseases. If all the forces of the body are aimed at fighting hidden infections or bacteria, a runny nose does not go away for a long time.
  3. Allergy. Often, a runny nose can simply be allergic.
  4. Adenoids. If you suffer from persistent runny noses and regular nasal congestion, you need to have your adenoids checked by a specialist. Enlarged adenoids very often cause not just prolonged, but chronic rhinitis.
  5. Hypothermia. The work of some people is associated with regular hypothermia - rescuers, divers, etc. In such conditions, a runny nose can also be delayed due to the fact that he simply does not have time to recover.
  6. Wrong treatment. A runny nose with a cold also requires treatment, but only competent. Simple washings, moist air and a sufficient amount of liquid will very quickly bring the nose in order. If you often and constantly use vasoconstrictor drops, this can lead to chronic drug-induced rhinitis.

An injury or deviated nasal septum can also cause a prolonged runny nose.

With a runny nose, the flow from the nose does not stop, especially in the open air and at low temperature. In addition, congestion is present, a person cannot breathe freely through his nose, the mucus becomes purulent, yellow or green. Often this is accompanied by a lack of smell, itching in the nose. In addition to this, the head hurts, sleep worsens, and rapid fatigue appears. Whatever the cause of a runny nose, you need to get rid of it, and as soon as possible.

How to get rid of a protracted allergic rhinitis

It often happens that a person is being treated for a cold, and a runny nose has an allergic cause. Allergic mucus is usually clear and thin, although sometimes it can also be thick and rather yellow. In this case, you must first eliminate the allergen. Analyze what a runny nose can be associated with. Maybe you've got a pet in your house, you've been given a new indoor flower, or you've started sleeping on a different pillow. Often a runny nose is seasonal - during the flowering period of many trees and plants. If it is not possible to identify the allergen, you can take allergy tests in a medical facility, which will accurately help you identify the source of irritation of the mucosa.

After eliminating the allergen, you need to drink a course of antihistamines. It is a course, not a one-time appointment. The fact is that after a long exposure to the allergen on the body, treatment is also required for a long time.

With frequent allergic rhinitis, you should pay attention to the condition of the intestine. Indeed, often the walls of the intestines are responsible for immunity and the ability to resist various allergens. It is necessary to regularly cleanse the intestines, get rid of constipation. Try not to clean the room yourself if possible. After all, excess dust can provoke the reappearance of a runny nose. Remove all things from the house that contain cotton wool and fluff, get rid of soft toys and old bedspreads, mattresses and blankets that collect dust. Wash your curtains often. Store winter clothes in airtight bags, clean cobwebs regularly, and wet clean more often. Do not use household chemicals at home, regularly clean the filters of humidifiers and air conditioners.

How to cure a runny nose in an adult at home

To cure a runny nose, it must be treated. Do not abandon the treatment, even if you notice the first improvements - bring the matter to the end. Otherwise, the disease will return again. Our tips will help you get rid of a protracted runny nose at home.

  1. Washing. Ordinary washings are not only the cheapest, but also the most effective remedy for a runny nose, no matter how this runny nose is - protracted or just started. For washing, we need a small kettle and warm salt water (a teaspoon per liter of liquid). Flushing can be done over a sink, tub, or basin. Pour water into the kettle and put the spout to one of the nostrils. Slowly tilt your head to the side so that at a certain angle the liquid begins to pour out of the second nostril. Repeat the procedure with the other nostril. If the mucus with a runny nose is thick and yellow, you can add furatsilin to the water. It will disinfect the nasal passages and speed up recovery.
  2. Inhalations. Sometimes it happens that severe nasal congestion does not allow rinsing. In this case, you need to do inhalation. Pour hot water into a bowl and cover with a towel. Inhale hot air vapors and warm up the mucous membranes. To relieve swelling and open nasal breathing, add a drop of Asterisk balm to hot water. It is based on essential oils that will help you start breathing through your nose. You can do inhalations based on medicinal herbs - chamomile, calendula, sage.
  3. Compress. Make small cotton wicks and soak them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and honey. Leave the wicks in your nose for half an hour. This is a fairly effective remedy if you do the procedure several times a day. Instead of potassium permanganate, cotton wool can be moistened in onion juice, garlic, saline.
  4. Nasal drops. Among the folk remedies for the treatment of a protracted runny nose, aloe, onions, garlic, Kalanchoe, and beets can be noted. Dilute the juice of the selected plant or vegetable with water and instill two drops in each nostril. Very effectively runny nose is treated with oils - almond, peach and sea buckthorn. To achieve an antiseptic effect, you can use a decoction of propolis.
  5. warming up. You can warm your nose and sinuses with two boiled eggs. Just put warm eggs on both sides of your nose and wait for a while. It is very convenient to warm the nose with salt. Heat the salt in a frying pan, pour it into a cloth bag or handkerchief and attach the bundle to your nose. However, remember that you can warm your nose only after consulting a doctor - if the mucous masses are purulent, warming up can aggravate the situation.

If you can't manage a runny nose on your own for a few days and don't see improvement after home treatment, see your doctor. The ENT will give you a correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

Here are some medications that may be helpful for a runny nose. However, remember that they should be used only after consulting a doctor.

  1. Vasoconstrictor drops. Their reception is justified only in cases where a person cannot breathe normally and live from nasal congestion. Remember that such drops should not be used for more than five days, otherwise addiction may occur. These drugs can be presented in the form of sprays or drops. Among the most popular are Naphthyzinum, Sanorin, Vibrocil, Otrivin, etc.
  2. Salt solutions. These remedies are effective at the onset of the disease, they perfectly wash off the virus from the nasal mucosa, so they can also be used as a prophylactic. Absolutely safe even for children and pregnant women. This is Aquamaris, Dolphin, Snoop.
  3. Antibacterial agents. If the runny nose is of a bacterial nature, combined preparations are used - Polydex, Protorgol, Isofra, Collargol.
  4. General drugs. Sinupret, Sinuforte and Nasobek can be called as general remedies that can cope with a runny nose of any etiology.
  5. Antibiotics. To cure a protracted bacteriological rhinitis, antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action are often prescribed.

Self-medication is dangerous, it can lead to consequences. Be sure to consult your doctor before taking any medication.

If the body cannot overcome a runny nose, it means that the immune system is weakened. Along with local treatment, it is very important to do a general strengthening of the body. Drink vitamins, eat right and fully, spend more time in the fresh air. Rest more, try to get enough sleep, be less nervous. It is very important to regularly ventilate the room and provide humid air in the room. Harden the body so that later illnesses proceed easily and without complications. By following these simple rules, you can help your body defeat a protracted runny nose.

Video: how to treat a lingering runny nose

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