How to choose a glucometer for home use for a person with diabetes? Which glucometer is better to buy: expert reviews, best models and specifications

Improper nutrition characterizing an excess of fats and carbohydrates, stress, sedentary image of life are only the main factors contributing to the development of diabetes. Previously quite rare, in the 21st century this disease has become one of the most common on our planet, so many doctors are already starting to talk about an epidemic of diabetes. And the forecasts are disappointing: according to UN health experts, the number of people with this disease will only increase in the near future.

Today, the diagnosis of diabetes is not a sentence at all, and people who suffer from this disease may well lead the same active image life like everyone else. However, the paramount issue on which their very life sometimes depends is the ability to control blood sugar levels in order to avoid its uncontrolled decline or rise, and if sharp fluctuations nevertheless happened - to have time to take all necessary measures.

A glucometer is a handy device for measuring blood sugar levels.

Due to the fact that portable devices appeared on the market of medical devices glucometers, now almost every patient gets such an opportunity, which significantly improves the quality of his life. You can buy such a device without any restrictions, and detailed instructions, which in without fail included with every glucometer, will allow you to quickly and without special problems master its use.

Usually, in addition to the device itself, the kit also includes a finger pricking pen, as well as disposable lancets and test strips, which belong to the consumable category. This means that they will have to be purchased in the future. However, these are, in fact, the only additional costs that you will face.

It is only worth turning Special attention ensure that the lancets and strips are the exact brand of your meter and are not past their expiration date. Otherwise, the correct readings of the device are not guaranteed. Therefore, before purchasing it, be sure to make inquiries about how things are with consumables in your city.

Capabilities of modern glucometers

The principle of operation of the glucometer is quite simple: after a finger puncture, which is performed automatically, a drop of blood is applied to the so-called test zone of the strip, which, as a rule, is highlighted in a different color. After that, information about the level of sugar in the blood is read from it and after a certain time period is displayed on the display ( this indicator depending on the manufacturer and type of glucometer, it can vary from 5 to 45 seconds).

The ease of use of this medical device increases and due to the fact that dozens, and sometimes hundreds of results of previous analyzes are stored in his memory. Based on them, you will be able to get the most complete and objective picture of your health, which will have the most positive impact on the overall course of treatment and will allow you to avoid various complications that often accompanies this disease.

However, those people who believe that only diabetics should constantly monitor their blood sugar levels are deeply mistaken. Doctors recommend even healthy people to undergo this procedure once a month, since the amount of glucose is the most important indicator. general condition organism. Regular blood sugar checks are one of the most effective ways prevention of diabetes, especially for those at risk.

Portable glucometers are indispensable not only for individual use, but also in cases where it is required to conduct a mass survey of the population. For this reason, they can be used very successfully in medical institutions.

The glucometer is an easy-to-use and at the same time very reliable device that allows you to know your blood sugar level at any time and thus makes life much easier for all those who suffer from diabetes. In a word, if you carefully monitor your health, then you simply cannot do without a glucometer!

A glucometer is a device that no diabetic can do without. When measuring, you should follow the rules for using a glucometer, since the accuracy and correctness of the result depend on this. After all, with diabetes, especially type 1, it is extremely important to get exact number which will help keep the disease "in check". The principle of operation of all glucometers is the same, and the range is wide. To choose a convenient and practical device, it is important to know its purpose and features of work.

What is a glucometer for?

Let's start with the fact that a glucometer is an indispensable thing for a diabetic, which measures the level of sugar in the blood. Glucose - beneficial substance, which is used in many body processes and provides energy for the organs to work smoothly. In diabetes, the blood glucose level rises and excess amount turns natural sugar from helper to pest. The heart, blood vessels, kidneys, as well as the endocrine system suffer. A stable glucose indicator is from 4 to 5.9 mmol / l (immediately after eating, the units of measurement are 1-2 higher). If the measurement shows more than high performance then, it's with big share likelihood of diabetes.

It becomes necessary to measure indicators daily and, in order to make life easier for a diabetic, glucometers were invented. The device is designed to determine the amount of sugar and is a device that consists of an electronic unit and a display. For those who strictly monitor their health, some types of devices can even store the results of the latest measurements in memory. The kit includes:

  • the electronic unit;
  • lancet - a stabbing object for taking material;
  • test strips;
  • batteries;
  • case.

Varieties of the apparatus

There are many companies on the market that produce glucometers, the attending physician will help you choose the device.

Device types are divided into 3 types:

  • Electrochemical. The determination of glucose is based on chemical reaction electric current. In this way, external influence is minimized, which ensures the accuracy of the glucometer. Another convenience is the test - the strips are equipped with a capillary, which makes it possible to carry out the procedure at home.
  • Photometric. The device shows the glucose level by the color intensity of the test strip. The strip itself is treated with a special substance, which, upon contact with the reagent, colors it and, depending on the color saturation, the indicator is determined. The level meter is not a number, but a color, so the result error is high.
  • The non-contact type works on the principle of a spectrometer - it scans the spectrum of the palm, thus reading the level of glucose release.

Machine functions

Specifications of the glucometer:

  • measurement method (electromechanical or photometric);
  • the presence of additional parameters, for example, a ketone body meter;
  • a large amount of memory, which helps to keep electronic statistics to track trends in the best or the worst side state changes;
  • synchronization with a computer, allows you to keep an electronic diary.

How does a glucometer work?

Electrochemical, photometric, non-contact such three types of glucometers exist on this moment.

The principle of operation of the glucometer depends on its type. Take, for example, photometric. Photometric devices mean optical system measurements. Such a device does not show a number, but acquires a shade on the test strip, and using an optical system, the desired indicator is determined. The more intense and richer the color, the higher the number. This method does not give clear results, so it has become obsolete and has been replaced by the electrochemical method. With an electrochemical type glucometer, results are shown by measuring electric current during glucose oxidation.

Measurement Rules

The instructions for storing and using the glucometer are simple: store it in a dry place where the device will be protected from temperature changes. Test strips have a shelf life - after opening the package, they are used for 3 months. Don't forget about hygiene rules before analysis: washing hands and disinfecting the puncture site. The needle is used once, and the fingertip or forearm is chosen for the puncture. The analysis is carried out according to a strict algorithm. Carrying out glucometry is carried out on an empty stomach.

Algorithm for measuring blood with a glucometer:

  1. Prepare items for the procedure: alcohol and cotton wool, connect the device.
  2. Before the procedure, wash your hands with soap and dry them.
  3. Insert the needle into the lancet, adjust the puncture depth, and insert the test strip into the machine.
  4. Before piercing a finger, you need to treat the injection site with alcohol, place the lancet in the place where the puncture will be performed, press the button.
  5. Apply a drop of material to the test strip, wait less than 40 seconds.
  6. As soon as the result is obtained, the strip is thrown away, it is forbidden to reuse it.
  7. Apply cotton wool to stop the bleeding.

To date, in any pharmacy you can find a huge number of various devices for measuring pressure, blood sugar and pulse. For people who suffer diabetes very important and sometimes even indispensable device that measures the amount of sugar in the blood. Widespread different kinds portable in order to measure the amount of sugar at home.

Glucose is a very important constituent substance in the body, which serves to ensure that the body has enough energy for normal life and human activities. In the case when the amount of glucose is at least slightly higher than the norm, from source of life it simply simply turns into the strongest poison for the body, which gradually leads a person to sudden death.

Why do you need a glucometer?

A large amount of glucose in the human body usually always leads to such dire consequences, as severe kidney damage, as well as damage nervous system, greatly increases the fragility of blood vessels in the body. Endocrine system healthy person strictly monitors blood glucose levels. The norm is an indicator in the amount of 4.1 to 5.9 mmol / l. If a person has a disease such as diabetes, the mechanism for regulating the amount of glucose in the blood is quickly disrupted. To measure sugar or glucose in the blood was created special device called , which helps to determine the level of glucose in the blood. This device is simply necessary for people with this disease. It can save you time, because you will no longer need to take tests at the clinic often, and you can do this without leaving your home with the help.

Diabetes and glucometers.

Diabetes mellitus is a disease that occurs quite often. Diabetes mellitus can be hereditary disease and acquired during life. Diabetes mellitus is a disease that today modern medicine cannot heal. But if you strictly follow the course of this disease, then you can practically full life except for some items that are not compatible with diabetes. If you follow the doctor's clear instructions, you can avoid many serious consequences, such as, for example, the development of related this disease secondary complications. The most important thing in the treatment of diabetes is the strict control of the amount of glucose in the blood. To do this, you can use control methods such as diets, daily physical exercise, taking medications that lower blood glucose levels, and taking doses of insulin. which can help maintain blood glucose levels. But in order to perform these procedures, it is necessary to know every day how much glucose is in the body, since the glucose level is constantly changing depending on the rhythm of life and nutrition. Therefore, people with diabetes simply need to have a device in the house called, which can help to know the level of sugar.

How to choose a glucometer?

speed of work,


The amount of information stored


In addition, you should take into account:

Difficulty of use. The more complex the device, the longer the test takes,

Analysis error,

The quality of the materials from which the device is made,

Screen size, numbers and image quality. Sick with poor eyesight it is better to choose models with the presence of voice notification,

Possibility of obtaining statistical data for certain period (average),

The presence of auto-encoding or the presence of a chip with each pack. Otherwise, each time before using the device, you will have to manually enter the code, the test strips can be packaged in individual bags, or they can be in tubes. Individual packages are more convenient if testing is not carried out too often (for type 2 diabetes).

It is convenient if the device can be connected to a computer and data can be processed using special programs.

When buying a device for a child, it is worth choosing those that require as little blood as possible, as well as those with the thinnest lancet needles.

For those who will carry the device with them, the weight of the device itself is important (it is usually quite small), as well as the weight of all consumables that you will have to carry with you all the time: a bottle of , packaging - these together can be quite voluminous package.

The most popular and modern glucometers.

It is very easy to handle, works quickly, and the analysis requires a small volume of blood - only 1-2 microliters. The display with large numbers will allow people with impaired vision to use the device. The device has the function of automatic shutdown 1-2 minutes after the end of use. After opening, you can use until the expiration date. has an infrared port, which makes it easy to exchange information with a personal computer.

The first glucometer in which 50 is immediately inserted in the form of a replaceable cassette. Forget about jars of test strips - insert a cassette and use it on the road, on the street, at home or at work. The case has a built-in pen for piercing fingers with a drum for six lancets. The handle can be detached from the body. The kit comes with a micro-USB cable for connecting to a computer. The measurement time is about 5 seconds. does not require coding.

Diabetes - serious illness that destroys the entire body. It affects the organs of vision, kidneys, the cardiovascular system, the work of many organs and systems is disrupted. At the same time, it is very important to control the amount of sugar in the blood, but constantly going to clinics is not very convenient, especially if the analysis needs to be done several times a day. The way out is to purchase a glucometer, a miniature home laboratory with which you can easily, quickly and without any queues measure blood sugar. So, how to choose a glucometer What features to pay attention to when buying?

Currently under development new generation glucometers. These are non-contact non-invasive glucometers, which are called "Raman glucometer", developments are carried out on the basis of Raman spectroscopy. According to scientists, this glucometer of the future will be able to scan the patient's palms and analyze all the biochemical processes that occur in the body.

Choosing a glucometer pay attention to its convenience and reliability. It is better to choose models of well-established manufacturers from Germany, America, Japan. It is also worth remembering that each device will require its own test strips, which are usually produced by the same company. Stripes will continue to be the main consumable on which you will constantly have to spend money.

How does a glucometer work?

Now let's figure it out how does a glucometer work? Before you start measuring, you need to insert special test strips into the device, they contain reagents that react. Now your blood is needed: for this you need to pierce your finger and put some blood on the strip, after which the device will analyze and display the result.

Some models of glucometers, when using special strips, additionally determine the level of cholesterol and the amount of triglycerides in the blood, and this is very important. This information will be especially useful for people with type 2 diabetes, since this disease is most often associated with overweight, and hence with metabolic disorders in the body, which leads to elevated content blood glucose. Such additional functions make the device much more expensive.

Functionality of the glucometer

All models of glucometers differ from each other not only in appearance size, but also in terms of functionality. How to choose a glucometer the most suitable for you? It is necessary to evaluate the device according to such parameters.

  1. Expendable materials.
    First of all, determine how affordable the test strips are, because you will have to buy them often. Test strips have a limited expiration date, so don't stock up on them years in advance. Stripes are the cheapest. domestic production, American ones of the same series will cost you twice as much. The regional factor should also be taken into account: strips of certain manufacturers may not be available in local pharmacies.
  2. Accuracy. Now check how accurate measurements device. Here it is better to trust foreign manufacturers, but even they have an error of up to 20%, but this is considered acceptable. The accuracy of readings is also affected misuse device, taking certain drugs, as well as improper storage of the strips.
  3. Calculation speed. You should pay attention to how quickly the device calculates the result. The faster he does, the better. On average, the calculation time in different devices is from 4 to 7 seconds. At the end of the calculation, the meter beeps.
  4. unit of measurement. Next, pay attention to what units of measurement the result will be shown in. In the CIS countries, this unit is mmol/l, for USA and Israel relevant mg/dl. These indicators are easily converted, for example, in order to get the usual mmol / l from mg / dl, or vice versa, you need to multiply or divide the result by 18, respectively. But for some, this will seem like a rather complicated procedure, it will be especially difficult for older people. Therefore, purchase glucometers with a measurement scale that is familiar to your consciousness.
  5. The amount of blood. It is also important to pay attention to how much blood is needed to measure in this model. Basically, glucometers "require" from 0.6 to 2 µl of blood per measurement.
  6. Memory. Depending on the model, the device can store from 10 to 500 measurements. Decide how many results you need to save. Usually 10-20 measurements are sufficient.
  7. Average result. Notice if the instrument automatically calculates averages. This function will allow you to better assess and monitor the state of the body, because some devices can display averages for the last 7, 14, 30, 90 days, as well as before and after meals.
  8. Dimensions and weight should be minimal if you have to take the glucometer with you everywhere.
  9. Coding. When using different batches of strips, before you start using them, you will have to set up the glucometer on them, insert the chip and enter a certain code, this is often difficult for older people. Therefore, look for models with automatic coding for them.
  10. Calibration. All blood sugar levels listed are for whole blood. If the glucometer measures blood sugar, then 11-12% must be subtracted from the value obtained.
  11. Additional functions. It can be an alarm clock, backlight, data transfer to a computer, and many others, which makes using the device more comfortable.

If you can’t decide which glucometer to choose, the best option for you is to consult a specialist doctor. He will advise with medical point vision, which device is better, taking into account your individual characteristics.

Choosing a glucometer depending on age

All glucometers can divided into four conditional categories:

  1. Glucometers for the elderly with diabetes.
  2. Glucometers for young people with diabetes.
  3. Glucometers for people without diabetes.
  4. Glucometers for animals.

Glucometer for the elderly

This category of glucometers is the most popular, because it is in old age that this disease most often develops. dangerous disease. The body must be strong, big screen, with large and clear numbers, measurements are accurate and human intervention in the measurement is minimal. In case of erroneous measurements, it is desirable that sound signal, and not only an inscription appeared.

Test strip coding should be carried out with the help of a chip, preferably automatically, but not by entering numbers with buttons, because it is difficult for the elderly. Since measurements for this group of people will have to be done frequently, pay attention to the low cost of test strips.

Older people, as a rule, find it difficult to understand the latest technology, so you should not buy a device for them, equipped with many additional and completely unnecessary functions such as computer connection, average value, huge memory capacity, high sample rate, etc. In addition, additional features significantly increase the cost. It is also worth paying attention to minimal amount moving mechanisms in the device which can break quickly.

Another important indicatoramount of blood necessary for measurement, because the smaller the puncture, the better, since measurements will sometimes have to be made several times a day. In some polyclinics, test strips are issued free of charge for patients with diabetes. Therefore, it is necessary to find out which models of glucometers they are suitable for, because this will help save a lot.

Glucometer for a young man

For this group of people, after accuracy and reliability, the first place is high measurement speed, compactness, functionality and appearance.

It is easy and interesting for young people to master the latest technology, so the device can be with many additional functions, especially since many of them will be very useful. There are features to help you diabetic diary, you can also easily program the device, and it will mark when the analysis is done, before meals or after, some glucometers are capable of save measurement statistics long time , also data can be transferred to a computer etc.

Glucometers for people without diabetes

Usually, the need to purchase a glucometer arises in people over 40-45 years old who want to monitor their health, as well as people from the group: people who had this disease in their family, as well as people with overweight and metabolic disorders.

This category is best suited for easy-to-use devices with minimal extras, no code for testers, and test strips with a long shelf life and a small number of strips, as measurements will be performed infrequently.

pet blood glucose meter

Our smaller brothers are also susceptible to diabetes, but, unlike people, they are not able to complain about their ailments. Therefore, you will have to monitor your pet's blood sugar levels. First of all, this applies to older cats and dogs, as well as overweight animals. But there are many other factors that lead to diabetes in animals. If the doctor made such a serious diagnosis for your beloved pet, then the issue of acquiring a glucometer becomes simply vital.

Animals need a device that requires a minimum amount of blood for analysis, because in order to calculate correct dosage insulin, you will have to take measurements at least 3-4 times a day.

Additional functions of glucometers

Many devices are equipped additional features which extend the functionality of the glucometer.

However, all these functions significantly increase the cost of devices, and in practice they are not used so often.

How to check the glucometer for accuracy?

When choosing a glucometer, it is advisable to check it for accuracy. How to check? To do this, you will need to quickly measure your blood sugar with the device three times in a row. If the device is accurate, then the measurement results should differ from each other by no more than 5-10%.

You can also compare the analysis done in the lab with the data from your instrument. Do not be lazy, go to the hospital, and then you will definitely be sure of the accuracy of the glucometer you purchased. A small error between laboratory data and a home glucometer is acceptable, but it should not exceed 0.8 mmol / l, provided that your sugar is not more than 4.2 mmol / l, if this figure is higher than 4.2 mmol / l , then the margin of error can be 20%.

Also, you need to learn and remember the norms of blood sugar.

To be 99.9% sure of your own choice and accuracy of the glucometer, it is better to give preference to eminent manufacturers who will not risk their name and sell low-quality goods. So, Gamma, Bionime, OneTouch, Wellion, Bayer, Accu-Chek have proven themselves well.

The best blood glucose meters 2016

Let's move from selection tips to specific models and consider what are the best glucometers on the market today.

An excellent portable and functional glucometer, moreover, it is quite affordable. It comes with a case, lancet device, 10 lancets and 10 test strips. Extra features not here. A good option for those who need to control their health at home, at work, and while traveling.

A good glucometer for the elderly: large screen, large numbers, all test strips are encoded with one code. In addition, you can display the average blood sugar values ​​for 7, 14 or 30 days. You can also measure the sugar level before and after meals, and then reset all values ​​​​to the computer. The glucometer is convenient for an elderly person to use independently, and its additional functions will allow the patient's children to keep all indicators under control.

This glucometer is called one of the most accurate among those on the domestic market. Convenient, compact, stylish, with a large screen and large numbers. Includes lancet device, 10 lancets and 10 test strips.

A cheap glucometer from a German manufacturer that allows you to measure whole blood. In addition, the device allows you to display the average sugar value for 7, 14 and 30 days, keep track of the sugar content before and after meals.

The Austrian company offers an excellent value for money glucometer with a large screen, light weight and a lot of additional features. So, it can determine the average values ​​for a week, two, three and a month, notify both hypo- and hyperglycemia with sound signals.

One of the most important steps in the treatment of "sweet sickness" and maintaining stable levels of glycemia remains the constant and accurate control of the amount of glucose in the patient's serum. It is impossible to go to the clinic several times a day and take the appropriate tests there.

In order to ensure monitoring of the patient's condition, it is recommended to purchase a portable device. But, how to choose a glucometer for home? There is on the market great amount variety of models, each of which is unique in its own way. The main thing is the convenience and reliability of the device.

Who needs a glucometer?

There is a widespread belief that only sick people with persistent hyperglycemia should buy such a device. However, the circle of people who would do well to have such a pocket assistant is somewhat wider.

These include:

  1. Patients with .
  2. People with insulin resistance (2nd variant of the disease).
  3. Elderly persons.
  4. Children whose parents suffer from carbohydrate metabolism disorders.

Even for healthy people, such a device will not be superfluous in home first aid kit. You can never predict at what specific moment you will need to measure glycemia.

How to choose a glucometer for home?

For patients with sweet sickness» monitoring of the amount of glucose in the serum plays essential role in the prevention and maintenance wellness. If a person knows exactly his indicators, he can independently influence them and take appropriate measures.

To do this, he needs a high-quality and reliable device with a user-friendly interface. Many people wonder about which glucometer to choose for the home.

There are several important criteria to be guided by when buying a product:

  1. Working mechanism. There are 2 main types of products on the modern market: photometric and electrochemical devices. In terms of accuracy, they practically do not differ. However, the second type of aggregates is more convenient for patients, since the result is shown on a small screen. At the same time, when using photometric glucometers, it is necessary to compare the color of the test strips with the proposed equivalents. Such a procedure sometimes causes difficulties in the correct interpretation of the results even for doctors, not to mention ordinary patients.
  2. The presence of a voice announcement. A very practical feature for patients with . Some models notify the result by voice or various sound signals. For the most part, the device "beeps" when the sugar is too high in the serum.
  3. The amount of blood to analyze. This is especially important if the appliance is used by children. The less material you need to take, the better.
  4. The time it takes to get results. Most models have the same indicators that fluctuate within 5-10 seconds.
  5. The presence of built-in memory. The function of displaying the previous measurement result remains very convenient. In this case, the diabetic can better control the dynamics of changes in glycemia.
  6. Additional indicators. There are models with the ability to test serum for ketones or triglycerides. Such devices are more expensive, but help to better control the course of the disease.
  7. The number of test strips and their versatility. One of important points. The fact is that individual manufacturers produce glucometers that require only a certain type of accompanying material. These test strips are often more expensive than generic test strips and are more difficult to obtain. This causes inconvenience to the user.
  8. Availability of warranty for the device.
  9. Price.

With the help of these criteria, the answer to the question - how to choose a glucometer for diabetes at home - will come by itself!

Popular glucometer models

Among such devices, there are the most common samples that have won the trust of many patients due to their reliability and convenience.

One Touch Select Simple is one of best glucometers for home

They should include:

  • . Strict design, only the necessary functionality, availability sound signals, large screen - all that is needed for the patient. The approximate price is 900-1000 rubles.
  • One touch select. A slightly more advanced model with the function of marking food intake. The device is easy to operate and easy to use. It costs 1000 rubles.
  • Accu-Chek Mobile. Representative of a new generation of glucometers with a cable for connecting to a computer. Ideal for lovers of technology and a variety of electronics. It has an excellent lancet pen for painless finger puncture and a capacity of 50 test strips. The main disadvantage is the price of 4,500 rubles.
  • Contour Average device. "Workhorse" for an ordinary diabetic. Reliable, easy to use, no frills. Estimated price - 700 rubles. Patient reviews testify to the high practicality of this device.

Now you know how to choose a glucometer for your home. The main thing is to find the device that is right for you. Given the above information, it will not be difficult to do this ...

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