Vasomotor rhinitis: symptoms and treatment in adults. The structure of the nasal cavity. Specific therapy for the disease

Vasomotor rhinitis can be attributed to the number of incompletely studied otorhinolaryngological pathologies, despite the high prevalence among adults and children. school age. The problem has no connection with the infection, it develops most often against the background of allergies and is manifested by increased reactivity of the vessels of the nasal mucosa to the action of various irritants. The disease cannot be completely cured. However, modern medicine offers a number of techniques to alleviate the patient's condition, increase the time of remission and reduce the severity clinical manifestations. For example, in vasomotor rhinitis, laser treatment and patient reviews about this method are of great interest.

The essence of pathology

Chronic vasomotor rhinitis is serious pathology, in which the vegetative regulation of the inferior turbinates, consisting of choroid plexuses, is disturbed. This leads to inadequate reactions on their part in response to the most common irritations of the nasal mucosa (leaving a warm room on the street, changing body position, inhaling aromas, etc.).

Vascular hyperreactivity in vasomotor rhinitis causes persistent nasal congestion and runny nose, requiring frequent or long-term use medications to facilitate nasal breathing.

Such a condition can often indicate the presence of general neuroses of the autonomic nervous system or generalized diseases in which rhinitis is only the tip of the problem. Factors increased risk For the occurrence of vasomotor rhinitis, the following situations may occur:

  • dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system or VSD ( vegetovascular dystonia) different types;
  • frequent colds infectious or allergic etiology;
  • sensitization of the nasal mucosa to various allergens;
  • prolonged psycho-emotional experiences, stress;
  • violations hormonal background in women during pregnancy, menopause, or adolescence;
  • chronic pathology of the digestive system;
  • the presence of anatomical abnormalities of the nose and facial skull- deviated septum, displacement of bones, polyposis or adenoid vegetations, tumors;
  • long-term residence in an area with poor ecology - smoke, gas pollution, dustiness;
  • sharp climatic conditions with temperature fluctuations or harsh cold climates;
  • work in hazardous industries (chemistry, pharmaceutical industry, perfumery);
  • addictions - smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction;
  • forced constant intake of antihypertensive drugs;
  • drug dependence on vasoconstrictor nasal drops;
  • hereditary burden in history.

Usually, one person has several causative factors, less often, the origins of the development of vasomotor rhinitis cannot be detected.

Clinical manifestations

Regardless of the cause this pathology has a characteristic clinical picture, which makes it possible to make a diagnosis already at the stage of the first visit to the doctor during an endoscopic examination of the nose.

For vasomotor rhinitis, the persistence or regularity of the appearance of symptoms is characteristic, indicating a violation of the functioning of the vessels of the nasal mucosa.

This is expressed in the following manifestations:

  • alternate nasal congestion on one side or the other - often appears in horizontal position torso, after taking alcohol, performing physical work, when weather and climatic conditions change;
  • coryza with watery transparent snot, sneezing, lacrimation - more typical for the allergic form of vasomotor rhinitis;
  • violation of the normal perception of aromas and odors;
  • nasality;
  • regular passage of mucus along the posterior pharyngeal wall;
  • cough and sore throat every night;
  • absence tangible effect from the use of vasoconstrictor drops in the nose compared with the start of treatment;
  • malaise, fatigue, headaches, impaired memory and attention, irritability, absent-mindedness.

During an ENT examination, you can see typical manifestations chronic vasomotor rhinitis - pallor and cyanosis of the mucous membrane in the nasal passages, an increase in the lower conchas, their slight contraction in response to exposure vasoconstrictor drug, deformity of the nasal septum is often found.

General principles of treatment

It is very difficult to treat vasomotor rhinitis, especially in the absence of data on the nature of the disease. An otorhinolaryngologist is involved in finding out the cause of the pathology and selecting a method of treatment, and it is necessary to contact him if the runny nose does not go away within a couple of weeks, and there are no signs of infection. In parallel with the examination, drug therapy is first prescribed with a possible subsequent connection surgical methods. The choice depends on the research data, stage pathological process, the state of the nasal mucosa, the presence concomitant diseases or complications.

Principles of treatment of chronic vasomotor rhinitis:

  1. Identification and elimination of factors predisposing to the disease.
  2. Examination and rehabilitation of foci of inflammation in the digestive organs (especially if there are corresponding complaints).
  3. Consultation of doctors of other specialties - endocrinologist, gynecologist, urologist, gastroenterologist.
  4. Detection and correction of structural anomalies and defects of the nose (crooked septum, polyps, cysts, displacement of facial bones).
  5. Regular sports or physical exercises in order to train blood vessels and maintain normal tone.
  6. Hardening procedures - contrast douches hands to elbows, swimming.
  7. Medical therapy:
  • hygiene of the nasal cavity with preparations based on sea ​​water up to 4 times a day - Morenazal with chamomile, Aqualor forte or extraforte, Aquamaris strong, Salin;
  • topical hormonal agents 1 or 2 times a day as prescribed by a doctor for a long course to accumulate the drug and consolidate the effect - spray in the nose Budesonide, Nasobek, Nasonex, Flixonase, Tafen or others;
  • antihistamines inside - tablets Cetrin, Zodak, Erius, Ksizal or other drugs for 10-14 days.
  1. Gradual weaning from vasoconstrictor drops with saline hypertonic solutions and local hormones.
  2. Methods of physiotherapeutic influence - ultrasound, electrophoresis, massage, acupuncture.
  3. Intranasal administration of corticosteroid drugs to form an anti-inflammatory depot in the nasal mucosa.

It should be noted that “making the vessels in the nose work” is not easy, usually a set of measures is required, each patient with vasomotor rhinitis can tell which method helped him get rid of the problem for a long time.

Therefore, there are so many reviews on the Internet about different ways treatment of this problem.

Operation types

Surgical treatment with vasomotor rhinitis, it is carried out in the absence of the desired effect from conservative measures, if it is impossible to wean from vasoconstrictors or at risk of developing complications. Today, the following types of surgical interventions are widely used:

  • operation of submucosal vasotomy (removal of vessels of the nasal mucosa) - an incision is made between the periosteal and submucosal layers, as a result of which blood accumulations are removed, the lower nasal conchas are reduced and the lumen of the nasal passages is restored;
  • galvanocaustic method - used less often than others due to high trauma;
  • the method of ultrasonic disintegration is the destruction of the cavernous bodies of the lower turbinates, instead of them a scar is formed, which is not filled with blood and does not create nasal congestion, the method is used infrequently;
  • coagulation of the vessels of the lower shells by radio waves - relatively new method, under the action of high frequency waves, the volume of the nasal conchas decreases, they lose the ability to fill with blood and swell;
  • laser photodestruction method - intracarcinal cauterization of altered areas is carried out, followed by the formation of scar tissue with foci of regeneration of the ciliated epithelium in the nose.

Features of surgical treatment

The meaning of all these operations is to destroy the overgrown choroid plexus nasal mucosa, reduce their size and make it impossible to increase in the future. This is achieved either by cauterization or removal of the inferior turbinates. The effectiveness of these methods is comparable with each other, a positive result (normalization of nasal breathing and getting rid of drug addiction) is achieved in about 50-60% of cases. It will depend on the stage of the disease, the condition of the nasal mucosa, comorbidities and individual characteristics organism.

The most common in modern ways radical solution to the problem permanent congestion nose is use surgical laser or devices powered by liquid nitrogen or cold plasma. These methods belong to minimally invasive surgery, are considered low-pain, are carried out under local anesthesia and endoscopic control and do not require a long stay in the hospital. Immediately after the operation, the person feels that he can breathe through his nose. However, as a result of the intervention, the patient receives an operating wound, on the surface of which, after a few days, crusts form, which again prevent normal breathing. Within 2 or 3 weeks, the patient must withstand difficult period and breathe through your mouth. Further, nasal breathing returns gradually. Unfortunately, for this reason, about half of the operated people do not stand up and return to the use of drops within a year after the operation, this is evidenced by numerous patient reviews.

Treatment with a laser beam

Distinctive feature laser treatment vasomotor rhinitis is a sparing approach to the nasal mucosa.

The task of the otorhinolaryngologist is to strengthen the wall of blood vessels in the lower nasal concha of a patient with vasomotor rhinitis and restore normal blood flow in them.

Some clinics offer this method - it is injected into the sinks with a syringe. medicinal substance, which strengthens the walls of the capillaries, then laser irradiation of the mucous membrane is carried out. Normalization of nasal breathing usually requires 6 to 8 such procedures with an interval of one day. The effectiveness of this method approaches 90%, and a stable positive result, according to patients, persists for many years. The key to success is regular visits to procedures and a positive attitude of the patient.

The essence of the method lies in the fact that the use of a laser improves the local metabolism inside the capillaries of the nasal mucosa, without destroying the tissue structure and without violating the natural physiology. At the same time, the process of evaporation of the overgrown vascular tissue occurs, which leads to a decrease in edema and an improvement in the patency of the nasal passages. This method can be used in different dose- with anti-inflammatory or stimulating purpose. The device is able to process the nasal mucosa laser beam with a certain power in continuous or pulsed operating mode. At the site of coagulation, a specific film is formed that protects wound surface from infection and bleeding. Efficiency increases with the simultaneous use of drugs to strengthen the vascular wall.


Laser treatment for vasomotor rhinitis is currently carried out in many specialized clinics. The advantages of this method are appreciated by both doctors and patients, who highlight them with a whole list:

  • targeted local impact on the nasal mucosa damaged by prolonged inflammation without violating the integrity of the shells;
  • influence on the causes and mechanisms of development of vasomotor rhinitis, and not only on the symptoms of the disease;
  • speed of execution - one session takes about 15 minutes;
  • no pain - only local anesthesia is required;
  • no bleeding - evaporation of vessels is carried out simultaneously with their cauterization;
  • high efficiency even with persistent and prolonged local inflammation;
  • ensuring sterility - a specific surface film protects the damaged nasal mucosa from possible impact pathogenic microbes;
  • not required special regime, the patient can lead a normal life during the entire time of the sessions;
  • a unique method that allows you to irradiate the entire surface of the nasal mucosa simultaneously.

The disadvantages are quite high cost treatment, which depends on the region, pricing policy clinics, the duration of the course of treatment and ranges from 6 to 12 thousand per procedure.

After watching the video, you will learn how to treat vasomotor rhinitis:


In the pursuit of commercial gain from an expensive procedure, doctors should not forget that this method may not give a positive result in the following situations, which patients should be aware of:

  • when trying to improve the condition of the nose in a patient with a year-round runny nose of allergic origin;
  • with obstruction of the nose due to severe deformation of the nasal septum;
  • with neurovegetative vasomotor rhinitis, provoked by insufficient thyroid function;
  • at constant attack nasal mucosa by aggressive factors from the external environment.

In such cases, only a short relief of the patient's condition is possible, since the laser beam is not able to eliminate the very cause of the disease. AT this case it can only be used as additional method to accelerate the recovery of the epithelium of the nasal mucosa.

It is rational to use the possibilities of the laser beam after the preliminary elimination of existing structural anomalies (correction, removal of polyposis growths, etc.).

These formations are removed if conservative treatment is not possible.

Laser treatment is often prescribed for such patient complaints:

  • constant growth of crusts in the nasal passages;
  • nasal congestion at night;
  • frequent violations of nasal breathing;
  • hypertrophy of the epithelium of the nasal mucosa;
  • termination or weakening of the effect of the use of vasoconstrictor drops after prolonged use.

However, this means that the capabilities of the laser are not always used for their intended purpose, sometimes the same method is used for different applications. This speaks not so much about the effectiveness of the method, but about the desire to make money on an expensive procedure. It is worthwhile to study the issue in advance, consult with a competent specialist, get acquainted with the opinions of practicing doctors and patient reviews.

Vasomotor rhinitis disturbs nasal breathing blocking the passage of air into the lungs. As a result, congestion occurs in the nasopharynx, and an inflammatory process often begins. In addition, due to the swelling of the mucosa, the outflow of discharge from the nasal sinuses is disturbed. This is fraught with the appearance of sinusitis and sinusitis in chronic form. Therefore, if this disease is suspected, treatment should be started immediately. Many doctors advise, in addition to the main therapy, to use folk remedies. They do not harm the body, while effectively removing inflammation and regulating the functioning of the nasal mucosa.

Causes and signs of vasomotor rhinitis

The vessels in the nose are very elastic. They can both decrease in size and increase. In this way, the body controls the air supply depending on temperature and other conditions. external factors. But if the elasticity of the vessels is broken, the nasal conchas begin to swell, preventing the normal supply of air, and vasomotor rhinitis occurs.

There are several main causes of this disease:

  1. 1. Hormonal changes. This cause occurs most often in women during pregnancy. The restructuring of the body that occurs at this moment causes a hormonal surge, which, in turn, entails a decrease in the elasticity of blood vessels. The disease can manifest itself in both sexes during adolescence.
  2. 2. Vasoconstrictor drops. Long-term use remedies for the common cold causes damage to the mucous membranes of the nose, most often irreversible. Vessels get used to the artificial constriction with medications and cease to be elastic.
  3. 3. Pharmaceutical preparations. Some medications can affect vascular tone in the worst side. These include impotence pills, anti-inflammatory drugs, and blood pressure medications.
  4. 4. Allergic reaction. If allergies are not treated on time, prolonged exposure to allergens will lead to vascular atrophy.
  5. 5. Physiological changes. Injuries and various formations in the nasal cavity (adenoids, growths, adhesions) often become the cause of the disease.

Vasomotor rhinitis is often confused with chronic runny nose. However, these two are completely various diseases. If vasomotor rhinitis occurs due to inflammation and vascular atrophy, then chronic rhinitis is the result of untreated acute rhinitis.


The peculiarity of vasomotor rhinitis is that its signs can appear and disappear quite suddenly.

The main symptoms of the disease include:

  • long-term nasal congestion;
  • labored breathing;
  • frequent sneezing;
  • itching in the nasal cavity;
  • copious secretion of mucus;
  • headaches and a feeling of pressure in the temples;
  • pain and a feeling of tension in the eyes;
  • weakness and general malaise;
  • aggravation of symptoms during a night's sleep.

These factors are typical for adults. The child may have additional signs diseases:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • memory impairment;
  • poor appetite;
  • migraine;
  • insomnia.

These symptoms are similar to other diseases of the nasopharynx, therefore, for staging accurate diagnosis you need to see a doctor.

Treatment with folk methods

If you do not start treatment of vasomotor rhinitis on time, it will turn into a chronic form. But drug therapy is also not an option, since most drugs are addictive, and during pregnancy and lactation, taking many drugs is prohibited. In this case, methods and means will be effective traditional medicine.


One of the most effective methods treatment of this disease - washing with decoctions medicinal plants. To carry out the procedure, you will need to take 3-4 tsp. dry herbs of calendula, sage or chamomile and pour a glass of boiling water. Insist for half an hour, let cool. With a similar decoction, you can wash the sinuses up to 4 times a day.

Also very effective saline washings. To prepare the solution, you need to take a teaspoon of sea or ordinary table salt and dilute in half a liter warm water. You can rinse the sinuses with a syringe or purchase at a pharmacy special device for washing (for example, Dolphin).


Good results with rhinitis gives the use of essential oils. The procedure is very simple. In a small container with hot water you need to drip 4-5 drops of eucalyptus, fir or juniper oil and breathe the released ether for several minutes. Essential oils effectively relieve swelling of the mucosa and eliminate inflammation.

For home inhalations, fresh onion. It needs to be grated on a fine grater, placed in a small plate and inhaled for 5-7 minutes with onion fumes. To avoid excessive tearing, the eyes must be kept closed.

Herbal decoctions

Relieves the symptoms of the disease rosehip decoction with the addition of dandelion root:

  1. 1. To prepare a drink, you need to take 50 g of crushed and dried raw materials, pour into a thermos and pour a glass hot water.
  2. 2. The remedy should be infused for 12 hours.
  3. 3. It is necessary to take a decoction in the morning after meals and before going to bed.

Chamomile baths help relieve inflammation:

  1. 1. First you need to prepare an infusion: pour 10-15 g of dried flowers with a glass of hot water and leave for 20 minutes.
  2. 2. Then filter the resulting infusion and let it cool to a warm state.
  3. 3. Rinse the sinuses with a syringe, tilting your head to one side and trying to keep the infusion inside as long as possible.
  4. 4. The procedure is carried out twice a week.

A decoction of mint effectively stops the inflammatory process in the nasal cavity. Brew it, falling asleep on a teaspoon of mint in 500 ml of boiling water, insist for half an hour and drink it like tea. Drinking the drink should last at least a month.

Drops and ointments

Very effective in vasomotor rhinitis treatment with drops and ointments from natural ingredients:

  1. 1. Beet drops. To prepare them, you need to take one peeled and washed beets and grate. Then move the beet mass to a two-layer gauze and squeeze the juice into a small container. Instill 2 drops in each nostril. The procedure is done within 7 days. After a week of rest, it can be repeated.
  2. 2. Honey ointment with mint. To obtain it, you need to add mint essential oil to honey in a ratio of 1: 2 and mix. lubricate inner surface nose twice a day, morning and evening.
  3. 3. Vaseline with walnuts. To prepare an ointment, you need to take a jar of ordinary Vaseline and mix it with a few leaves. walnut crushed in a blender. Smear the mucous membranes of the nose three times a day. Store this ointment in the refrigerator.


Physiotherapy procedures are very effective for the treatment of vasomotor rhinitis, allowing you to get rid of the disease without using the puncture method. Physiotherapy can be carried out at home with the help of special and improvised means. Physiotherapy treatments include:

  1. 1. Nebulizer. This is a modern inhaler that allows you to deliver drugs directly to the focus of the disease. Approved for use by both adults and children.
  2. 2. warming up. This method is also called dry heat". In a special bag from soft tissue heated salt is poured and applied to the nose. The procedure continues until the salt cools down. You can also use a boiled egg for heating.
  3. 3. Foot baths. This procedure will help in the fight against inflammation and swelling of the mucosa. To carry it out in a basin with hot water (37-40 degrees), you need to dissolve a few tablespoons of dry mustard and soar your feet for 15-20 minutes.

Treatment of the disease must be started on time. Otherwise, rhinitis can give complications to the middle ear or maxillary sinuses. Then it will be much more difficult to cure the disease.

In Greek, "rhinitis" means "inflammation of the nose." The essence of the disease is defensive reaction organism to the active penetration of foreign agents - viruses, bacteria and allergens. Vasomotor rhinitis proceeds sluggishly, so few people consider it dangerous disease and rush to heal. As a result, the disease begins to progress, the first complications appear, and the treatment of pathology becomes more difficult.

What is chronic vasomotor rhinitis?

Vasomotor rhinitis is a disease that affects children and adults. It is characterized by a chronic inflammatory process in the nasal cavity and nasopharynx, caused by a violation of the regulation of the work of blood vessels in the body - they begin to respond inadequately to external and internal stimuli. For example, instead of proper spasm, the capillaries, on the contrary, expand, and this causes swelling of the nose. Some doctors for this reason call vasomotor rhinitis false.

Disorder of the vessels of the nasal mucosa is usually accompanied by swelling, itching, sneezing and the appearance a large number mucous discharge. The disease acquires a chronic form, from time to time proceeding in remission. The weakening of the body, caused by hypothermia, beriberi, infections and viruses, again leads to the appearance of the disease.

There are two forms of the disease:

  • chronic vasomotor allergic rhinitis: the condition is due to a violation of the processes of blood supply to the nasal cavity due to exposure to allergens and other irritating factors;
  • chronic vasomotor rhinitis neurovegetative form: violated nervous regulation blood supply to the nasal cavity.

Less common is vasomotor rhinitis during pregnancy, which can only occur during childbearing.

In most cases, the disease is diagnosed in adults, mainly among women over 20 years of age. Less commonly, pathology is found in childhood and adolescence. Of course, it is impossible to call a runny nose a dangerous and severe pathology, but in reality it can seriously complicate the life of a sick person.


Detect with 100% certainty exact reason disease is difficult. Often interferes with diagnosis advanced stage pathological process, since many people, even suffering from chronic rhinitis, are not always in a hurry to consult a doctor. They turn to a specialist only when the disease begins to negatively affect the physical and psycho-emotional state. For example, such a person begins to be haunted by constant migraines or insomnia.

Consider the main causes of vasomotor rhinitis.

Environmental factors:

  • use of household chemicals, cosmetics and hygiene products;
  • polluted environment in large cities, living near chemical enterprises or work for them.

Nutritional factors:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • spicy and spicy food;
  • cold and hot food.

Pharmacological factors:

  • antidepressants and tranquilizers;
  • hormone-containing drugs, including contraceptives;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, paracetamol, etc.

violations affecting hormonal system human:

  • pregnancy;
  • period;
  • puberty;
  • menopause;
  • thyroid pathology.

weather factors:

  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • atmospheric pressure fluctuations.

Features of the structure of the nose and some of its diseases:

  • in childhood;
  • and nasal mucosa in children and adults.

The cause of the neurovegetative form of chronic vasomotor rhinitis is hypersensitivity nervous system against the background of stress or during a period of chronic fatigue.

Clinical picture

The symptomatology of the disease will be the same for the neurovegetative and allergic forms.

So, the symptoms of chronic vasomotor rhinitis:

  1. Nasal congestion.
  2. Unexpected bouts of itching in the nose and sneezing.
  3. Abundant mucous transparent selection from the nose.
  4. Headache, heaviness in the nose.
  5. Insomnia.
  6. Fatigue, weakness, impaired performance.

Body temperature in the chronic form of vasomotor rhinitis is practically never elevated. Nasal congestion often goes away on its own if you change the position of the body, or at night without the use of any medications. Against this background, many people feel healthy.


To put correct diagnosis, there is a need to consult several specialists at once: a neurologist, an otolaryngologist and an allergist.

Allergists, when making a diagnosis, conduct skin tests and detecting a chain of relationship with a particular foreign agent. Also, the allergenic mood of the body will indicate clinical analysis blood showing an increase in the number of eosinophils.

Otolaryngologist conducts diagnostic study, lubricating the nasal mucosa of the patient with a solution of adrenaline. With rhinoscopy, hyperemic areas on the mucosa can be detected, alternating with pale colored areas. X-ray examination may show overgrown hypertrophied tissues in the form of cystic formations and polyps, as well as inflammation in the sinuses.

A neurologist's consultation consists of necessary examinations aimed at detecting vegetovascular dystonia.


How to cure chronic vasomotor rhinitis? First of all, reduce the reflex excitability of the nasal mucosa, restore vascular tone and reduce their blood supply. Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis should be complex, combining conservative and physiotherapeutic effects, in rare cases - surgical intervention.

It should be noted that it is not often possible to cure this disease to the end, however, it is quite likely to achieve a long and stable remission.

Medical treatment chronic vasomotor rhinitis is as follows:

  • intranasal blockade with the use of anesthetics;
  • the appointment of medications aimed at improving the process of blood circulation: Stugeron, Aescusan;
  • vasoconstrictor drops (, Galazolin,), drugs with Atropine;
  • washing the nasal cavity with products based on sea water:,;
  • local sprays containing glucocorticosteroids: Nasobek,;
  • with allergic vasomotor rhinitis, spray into the nasal cavity Cromohexal or Allergodil, antiallergic drugs Suprastin, Zodak.

Physiotherapy with drug therapy contributes to a better cure of pathology:

  • diadynamic effect on the neck area, in places where the branches of innervation are located;
  • electrophoresis of the collar zone using Novocain, Zinc Sulphate, Calcium Chloride;
  • laser exposure to areas of nasal conchas;
  • phonophoresis with glucocorticosteroids;
  • reflexology;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • electroacupuncture;
  • breathing exercises;
  • nasal cavity massage;
  • contrast shower for the nasal mucosa.

For the treatment of vasomotor rhinitis, it is important to completely eliminate the problems of the nasopharynx, namely, to get rid of the foci chronic infection, correct nasal septum defects, minimize negative impact adverse factors - allergens, nicotine, hypothermia and much more.

Surgical treatment for vasomotor rhinitis is required in case of ineffectiveness of the drug treatment, with constant relapses of the disease and the development of its complications.

Features of treatment in children

Many parents ask whether chronic vasomotor rhinitis in a child is a focus of infection or not. This question can be answered positively, since in childhood and adolescence, vasomotor rhinitis and chronic tonsillitis, adenoiditis, or are closely intertwined. Less often in children, the cause of the disease is the curvature of the nasal septum.

As a rule, when eliminating the above diseases and disorders clinical picture vasomotor rhinitis disappears: the amount of discharge from the nose decreases, bouts of itching and sneezing disappear, nasal breathing is restored. Less commonly in children, the disease has a neurovegetative and allergic basis.

Treatment of chronic vasomotor rhinitis in children should be carried out with caution, since long term appointment serious drugs can cause the development of atrophic rhinitis, which is a consequence of the pathological thinning of the nasal mucosa. In this case, the child begins to feel increased dryness in the nose.

Therefore, experts insist that the treatment of vasomotor rhinitis in childhood should be carried out under the supervision of an ENT doctor and with the obligatory observance of such safety measures as quitting smoking in the presence of a child, excluding pets, pollen and dust from his environment, using medicines according to the dosage.

When is surgery required and how does it work?

Surgery for chronic vasomotor rhinitis is the only treatment option for the neurovegetative form of the disease. Surgical treatment is also required when a violation of the structure of the structure of the nose is diagnosed (for example, a curvature of the nasal septum) or pathological condition nasal mucosa (for example, hypertrophy).

Surgical treatment of chronic vasomotor rhinitis in adults lasts no more than 20 minutes. During surgical intervention, depending on the pain of the procedure, the patient may be offered general or local anesthesia.

After the operation is completed, the patient must be under the supervision of medical personnel for several hours. In severe situations, hospitalization for several days may be required. Depending on the state of health, the patient can return to daily life 4 days after the operation.


This will require:

  • constantly strengthen the immune system with the help of hardening and moderate physical exertion;
  • reduce the number of stress factors as much as possible;
  • avoid hypothermia and colds, which usually appear against this background;
  • monitor the state of the hormonal background, if any signs of a violation appear (changes in menstruation, enlargement of the thyroid gland, etc.), it is necessary to inform the doctor about this;
  • watch the blood vessels.

It is also important to prioritize healthy food, accept multivitamin complexes as needed. Doctors advise people suffering from chronic vasomotor rhinitis to visit the sea and coniferous climate more often, therefore, as soon as possible, it is advisable to get out of the city or go to the sea. It is also important to completely abandon bad habits.

Every year, people suffering from vasomotor rhinitis should be examined by a doctor. This should be done regularly to prevent complications of the disease, often resulting in sinusitis and chronic rhinitis.

Useful video about the treatment of vasomotor rhinitis

Vasomotor rhinitis is a runny nose that is on the list of the most common in humans.

Being chronic, without timely competent treatment, it is able to significantly disrupt the usual way of life, developing into other categories of the disease that are more dangerous to health.

Vasomotor rhinitis is infectious disease, which results from negative impact environment(microbes, dust, damp air), which manifests itself in the form of swelling of the tissues of the nasal cavity shell and subsequent copious excretion from the nose. It has different kinds, seasonal to chronic.

In contact with

Distribution of vasomotor rhinitis

The allergic form of rhinitis is not contagious, but a certain group of people has a hereditary predisposition to it. Worldwide, according to statistics, about 600 million people suffer from rhinitis. Among the forms, it occupies a leading position. About 25% of patients in Russia and up to 30% in Europe have this form.


Mankind has been familiar with the manifestation of this disease since antiquity. Hippocrates was the first to be interested in its explanation. Later, in Rome famous doctor Galen described the structure of vasomotor rhinitis without knowing it. Further works in the study of the disease passed from the Arab physician Aviatsenna, to John Bastok. From Bastok to the Russian doctor L. Silich.

Causes of the disease

Among the causes of vasomotor rhinitis are:

  • Infectious lesion - resolves on its own in 50% of cases, however, with possible failures in work immune system, infection is the main cause;
  • weather - high humidity, prolonged exposure to the cold can cause complete or partial nasal congestion;
  • hormonal changes - women during pregnancy, or during menstrual cycle most susceptible to various allergens, since the attention of the body is drawn to other processes. In most cases, women are affected;
  • stress - stressful situation can also provoke an exacerbation of the disease;
  • taking medications - when taking a number of drugs, the disease can be mistaken for a side effect.
  • constant intake of nasal drops - frequent use This type of drug leads to irritation of the nasal mucosa, as a result, the patient observes complete symptoms.
  • environment - gas pollution, dust, strong odors capable of developing vasomotor rhinitis.
Lack of treatment can transform vasomotor rhinitis into a chronic form.

Main symptoms

Vasomotor rhinitis occurs when correct operation blood vessels nasal cavity. Normally, the nasal concha has a certain size that does not impede the flow of air. As a result of violation of vascular tone and their increased blood supply causes swelling of the mucosa. This leads to the following symptoms:

  • Significant difficulty in breathing;
  • copious discharge of fluid from the nose;
  • complete or partial loss of smell;
  • nasality;
  • the presence of specific mucus accumulating in the throat;
  • feeling of pressure in the sinuses.

With a slight runny nose, you immediately rush to apply expensive medications? Find an alternative to them and use for folk treatment.

In the case of an allergic form, the following is added to the list of symptoms:

  • Itching and burning;
  • redness of the nose, eyelids, lacrimation;
  • sometimes - an increase in body temperature.

Types of disease

There are several forms of vasomotor rhinitis:

  • Neurovegetative - this form is caused by a violation of the chain nervous mechanisms. As a result, the mucous membrane reacts with all the abundance of symptoms in response to common stimuli.
  • Allergic - caused by contact with the mucous substance-allergen. It is divided into two main types:

■ Seasonal or, as it is also called, "hay runny nose", in most cases associated with the pollen of plants that are in bloom. It is especially acute in spring, when the flowering of allergenic plants is at its peak. If left untreated, it can become permanent.

■ constant - the presence of this form is due to the constant contact of the patient with the allergen. Mostly pets, household chemicals, dust in the apartment. The occurring cases of the "combined allergen" create additional difficulties in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

Diagnostic methods

On the initial stage treatment, a thorough examination by an otolaryngologist is required.

On examination, a group of clinical signs is distinguished:

  • Enlargement of the side walls of the nose (edema);
  • poor contraction of the walls during breathing;
  • the color of the inflamed mucous membrane in red.

Self-diagnosis and prescription of treatment will not relieve the patient of the presence of the disease, but only temporarily help to get rid of the symptoms, without eliminating the need for professional medical intervention.

Complexity correct setting diagnosis outside the doctor's office lies in the fact that vasomotor rhinitis is often confused with allergic. The result of self-treatment is the modification of vasomotor to medication. The patient becomes dependent on vasoconstrictor drops.

Differential Diagnosis

To exclude other diseases, the following steps are performed:

  • Taking a blood test from a patient - decoding a blood test can give complete picture about the functioning of the immune system. Detection advanced level leukocentric series of cells (with allergic form);
  • scratch test - scratches are applied to the patient's skin in order to study the effect of applied allergens on the wound. At the site of contact, the reaction manifests itself in the form of swelling, itching or redness;
  • study of nasal secretions - along with the results general analysis blood, in the analysis of the nasal secretion, the presence of eosinophils can be detected, which directly indicates the allergic form of the disease;
  • x-ray and CT CT scan) - often vasomotor rhinitis develops in conjunction with the presence, and other inflammatory processes in the nasal mucosa. Radiography, as well as CT in a hospital, are able to diagnose such cases.

One of the distinguishing features of this type of disease is the alternate congestion of the sinuses. The sink is laid on the side on which the patient lies most often.

How to treat the disease

Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis has a variety of methods differing in intensity.

In the first couple, the patient is recommended breathing exercises. Exercises of this type, carried out several times a day, can partially restore the ability to breathe normally. Basic rules for performing breathing exercises:

  • The back should be straight. Forefinger place above the bridge of the nose, large and medium on both sides of the wings of the nose;
  • exhale through the nose and close the left nostril with your finger. As much as possible deep breath do through the free nostril, pinching it at the end. Hold your breath for 10-15 seconds. Repeat with the other nostril.

Important! Exhalation should be twice as long as inhalation. Performing this manipulation, taking into account the rest 10 times a day, you will greatly facilitate your nasal breathing before going to the doctor.


  • Purpose antihistamines- despite the fact that they are among the anti-allergic drugs, antihistamines successfully suppress the disposition to irritants;
  • corticosteroids - most effectively eliminate symptoms. Appointed as long-term treatment to reinforce the positive impact.


  • Separation of the mucous membrane of the lower part of the nasal concha from the bone. As a result of this, a scar is formed with a further decrease in the lateral nasal cavities;
  • photodestructive laser intervention. The heat emitted by the laser beam burns the tissues under the mucosa, causing them to shrink.


Healing with complex treatment will be faster. Therefore, physiotherapy is also prescribed with medication:

  • Electrophoresis - impact electric current with calcium chloride leads to positive result within 2 months;
  • phonophoresis - ultrasound accelerates blood circulation, acting on the opening of blood vessels. It is used strictly in combination with hydrocortisone ointment;
  • acupuncture procedures (acupuncture).

Homeopathic remedies are not able to fully get rid of this disease. Washing with water and salt, of course, can relieve your condition for a couple of hours, but otolaryngologists around the world would recommend that you spend this time on the road to the office, rather than using this as the main therapy.


Preventive measures include:

  • Restoration and strengthening of immunity. Taking vitamins A, C and E;
  • daily wet cleaning of the house;
  • purification of the air from pathogenic bacteria. Certain category of essential oils, with high probability can help in their complete destruction;
  • ventilation and tempering. Gradual adaptation to low temperatures able to smooth out the "shock" of a long stay in the cold.


In general, the disease has a favorable prognosis for treatment. It is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner and get appropriate recommendations without wasting time searching for home remedies for getting rid of rhinitis on the Internet.


If symptoms are detected, you should not hesitate to contact an otolaryngologist. Drug treatment and prevention are the most effective in preventing the disease and its recurrence.

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