Treatment of diabetes with soda according to Neumyvakin. Treatment of diabetes mellitus with neumyvakin peroxide, soda Neumyvakin ivan pavlovich treatment of diabetes

I. P. Neumyvakin


This book is not a textbook on medicine, all the recommendations given in it should be used only after consultation with your doctor.


The following circumstance prompted me to write this book. His book “Ways to get rid of diseases. Hypertension, diabetes ”I wrote based on my own experience with an analysis of what has been developed by medicine in various fields, with practically no one, including endocrinologists, without consulting.

After the book was published, to make sure that what was written in it was correct, I turned to leading specialists in diabetes, who, in fact, did not make any comments on it. At the same time, they noted that the book is topical and really reflects the state of diabetes in our country and the right direction, which should be the basis for both prevention and treatment of diabetes. That is why the idea arose to write a separate book on diabetes, especially since this disease is currently in first place, both in terms of the number of patients and mortality, not to mention the fact that these people are practically excluded from the social sphere of life. Why did I, not an expert in the field of endocrinology, begin to talk about what, in my opinion, even specialists do not know? Somewhere I read that the process of cognition goes through three stages (this is in antiquity). Whoever reaches the first one becomes arrogant, whoever reaches the second one becomes humble, and whoever reaches the third one realizes that he knows nothing. For example, the words of Socrates are widely known: "I know that I know nothing." I don’t know how much this is inherent in me, but it is true, because in my medical practice, and in life, I was placed in such conditions that forced me to constantly look for new ways and make decisions, doubting what was gained in that or any other field of science. What led me to this was that when I was doing aviation medicine, someone noticed my constant desire to know more than I needed at this stage. This was probably the reason why I was sent to work in astronautics. At the dawn of the formation of a new discipline, there was a distribution of directions: some began to deal with water, some with food, some with psychology, hygiene, but no one agreed to deal with such a problem as providing medical care to astronauts, considering it very difficult. I was persuaded to take up this task by the academician P. I. Egorov, former chief physician of the Soviet Army, and in the last years of I.V. Stalin's life, in fact, his personal doctor (by the way, he was arrested in the famous case of doctors), who was in charge of the Healthy Person Clinic at the Institute of Biomedical Problems, and academician A. V. Lebedinsky, assuring that I will mainly be engaged in completing first-aid kits for astronauts during flights. Then I was engaged in the analysis of physiological materials coming from spacecraft, and the development of methods for assessing the state of the respiratory organs, and indirectly - determining the metabolism of astronauts in flight, which was the subject of my Ph.D. thesis, for the completion of which I asked for one month. Soon I came to the conclusion that the prospect of space exploration will require not only a set of medicines, but also the creation of a set of measures to provide any type of medical care in space flights, up to the creation of a space hospital (hospital).

Despite being busy, S. P. Korolev found time and attention for a new nascent industry - space medicine. On one of my visits to the clinic to the academician P. I. Egorov, which was located on the territory of the 6th clinical hospital in Shchukino, and the issue was resolved that I would be in charge of the direction of work on the creation of means and methods of providing medical care to astronauts. Soon, realizing that you can’t fly far on drugs alone, already in 1965 I attracted all extraordinary-thinking specialists from various industries to this problem and received praise when defending my doctoral dissertation “Principles, methods and means of providing medical assistance to astronauts during flights of various durations” , written not on the basis of the totality of work performed, but in the form of a scientific report (which, by the way, was the first in medicine) from an academician O. Gazenko:“I have not yet known such work in terms of its diversity, the volume of work performed in my practice. Probably, only the forces of gravity and the closed nature of the work did not allow Ivan Pavlovich to attract to the work he carried out all those who he needed, no matter where he was.

In the field of my activity were academicians B. E. Paton(President of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences), B. P. Petrovsky- the Minister of Health of the country and his deputy in charge of astronautics, A. I. Burnazyan, A. V. Lebedinsky- physiologist, A. A. Vishnevsky- surgeon, B. Votchal- respiratory pathophysiologist, V. V. Parin- electrophysiologist, L. S. Persianinov- obstetrician-gynecologist, F. I. Komarov- Head of the medical service of the Soviet Army, professor A. I. Kuzmin- traumatologist, K. Trutneva- ophthalmologist, G. M. Ivashchenko and T. V. Nikitina- dentists, V. V. Perekalin- chemist, R. I. Utyamyshev- radio engineer L. G. Polevoy- pharmacologist and many others. The versatility of knowledge, an indefatigable interest in everything new, the originality of thinking of these and many other persons involuntarily passed on to me. Plans were drawn up, which provided for the solution of particular problems subordinate to the main goal - the creation of a hospital on space ships. Special requirements for products supplied to spacecraft required a revision of views on the causality of diseases, their relationship with each other and, most importantly, on the effectiveness of the same type of treatment with chemical drugs, regardless of the nature of the disease. Despite the enormous respect for those with whom I had to work, I involuntarily had to doubt the expediency of splitting medicine into narrow-profile approaches, specialized areas that would sooner or later lead to its collapse. That is why in my own, and especially in my latest books, for more than 15 years (although I was convinced of this back in 1975), I began to say that there are no specific diseases, but there is a state of the body that needs to be treated. Of course, it is easiest to criticize the existing foundations of official medicine, which has actually departed from the postulates laid down by our physiologists about the integrity of the body, in which everything is interconnected and interdependent, but in my books I propose a way out of the current crisis in medicine, speaking about the causality of diseases, methods and ways to eliminate them.

Diabetes is a chronic disease and develops against the background of metabolic disorders. In addition to the conservative method of treatment, there are many alternative methods. One of the popular methods of drug-free treatment of diabetes is the method of Professor Neumyvakin.

Professor I.P. Neumyvakin suggests using hydrogen peroxide and soda for treatment, since, in his opinion, it is these two simple substances that guard human health and help cure diabetes forever.

Neumyvakin speaks of type 1 and type 2 diabetes as a disease that occurs due to an unhealthy lifestyle. Indeed, scientists have long proven that diabetes develops not due to an excess of glucose in the menu, but due to the immunity of cells to this substance. Violation of glucose uptake occurs in case of metabolic disorders and obesity.

Treatment with drinking soda is aimed at restoring the natural acid-base balance in the body, the violation of which is often observed in diabetes mellitus.

Treatment with soda: indications and contraindications

An increase in the acidity of the liver provokes the development of diabetes. Neumyvakin offers an alternative treatment for type 2 diabetes - using ordinary baking soda.

Soda helps:

  • improve metabolism;
  • elimination of toxins;
  • normalization of stomach acidity;
  • restoration of the nervous system.

Baths with soda help to improve overall well-being. The antiseptic properties of this product will help speed up the healing of ulcers and wounds, which is especially true for diabetics.

Soda removes toxins from the body and improves the effect of medications. In diabetes, it is used as regular baths or taken orally.

Such treatment should be started only after consulting a doctor. Baking soda is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • insulin-dependent form of diabetes;
  • individual intolerance;
  • gastritis and stomach ulcer;
  • low stomach acid;
  • the presence of cancer.

Treatment with sodium bicarbonate is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

The use of sodium bicarbonate as a medicine will help to get rid of excess weight and improve overall well-being.

How to use soda correctly?

Baths with baking soda will help improve metabolism and get rid of excess weight. For one standard bath of hot water (about 38-39 0 C), you will need a half-kilogram pack of soda. Baths are taken every other day for 20 minutes for two weeks.

Another treatment option is internal medication. To do this, dissolve a little soda in a glass of warm water and drink in one gulp. In the first week of taking the medicine, you need to use a quarter teaspoon of soda in a glass of water. The solution is drunk on an empty stomach daily for seven days. If no side effects occur at this stage, take half a teaspoon of soda daily for the next week.

Treatment is carried out in a course of two weeks. Then you need to take a two-week break and, if desired, the course can be repeated. As a rule, baking soda after two weeks of intake in type 2 diabetes improves metabolism and increases the susceptibility of cells to glucose.

Hydrogen peroxide

Another common alternative treatment for diabetes is hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide helps to eliminate toxins, normalize the acid-base balance of the body, and also increases the susceptibility of cells to insulin. This substance is produced in the stomach of a healthy person, therefore, when used correctly, hydrogen peroxide does not pose a health hazard.

The substance can be taken orally, administered intravenously, and also used as compresses.

Peroxide compresses are used for skin diseases, but this treatment also improves tissue regeneration. To prepare the medicine, add hydrogen peroxide (two teaspoons) to a quarter cup of warm water. Then a compress is moistened in this solution and applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. In diabetes, this method can be used to accelerate wound healing.

When taken internally, hydrogen peroxide is taken with water three times a day. At the beginning of treatment, the permissible maximum amount is 1 drop of peroxide per day. It is diluted with 50 ml of water. Every day, the amount of the drug and the frequency of administration are increased in such a way as to reach the maximum allowable number of drops of peroxide - 10 drops per day.

Having reached 10 drops, it is necessary to take a break for 3 days, and then the treatment can be continued by drinking 10 drops of the drug daily. Reception can be divided into two parts - 5 drops of the product to drink in the morning and 5 drops in the evening.

What should be remembered?

Having figured out whether it is possible to drink baking soda and hydrogen peroxide in diabetes, it should be remembered that alternative methods will not replace conservative treatment.

Soda and peroxide are auxiliary drugs, and the main medicine is prescribed by a doctor who observes how diabetes develops in a patient and decides how and what to take for the patient.

Alternative therapeutic methods can harm your health, so be sure to consult your doctor before starting treatment.

Diabetes mellitus cannot be cured, so there is no need to think that soda or peroxide will completely relieve the disease. These remedies can improve the patient's condition, as can a balanced diet and regular physical activity. However, not a single alternative or folk method of treatment will help if the patient does not follow the recommendations prescribed by the doctor to normalize his own condition. Do not wait for instant relief by breaking the diet and leading a sedentary lifestyle. The treatment of diabetes requires an integrated approach, and only the actions of the patient depend on his well-being.

Many patients, when they learn about their diagnosis of diabetes, at first cannot come to terms with it. They often refuse to take medication prescribed by their doctor and look for other alternative ways to get rid of the disease. Treatment of diabetes according to Neumyvakin is one of such methods.

Probably, every housewife has a jar of white powder of sodium bicarbonate in her locker among other spices and cereals. It is widely used in cooking, household, but few people know about the healing properties of this product.

Professor Neumyvakin decided to fill this gap in people's knowledge and even published a book on the correct use of alkali for the treatment of many diseases, including the state of resistant. How effective is his technique? This still needs to be dealt with.

Why does the body need soda?

If we talk about the product through the prism of “sweet sickness” therapy, then it should be noted that it was actively used to save the lives of soldiers during the Second World War. There are many cases in history when field doctors and paramedics brought military personnel out of the terminal state of ketoacidosis by injecting sodium bicarbonate solution into a vein.

The reason for everything is the effect on the acid-base balance of the patient's blood. Treatment of diabetes with soda according to Neumyvakin is based on the same principle of work.

The sequence of pathological processes in the body with hyperglycemia can be represented as follows:

  1. Constant hyperglycemia leads to the formation of unwanted metabolic products - ketones. They have the ability to shift the pH of the serum to the acid side.
  2. The normal level of acid-base balance is 7.3-7.4. When it changes to lower values, "acidification" of the blood develops, which leads to loss of consciousness, disorders in the work of all organs and systems. In the absence of adequate assistance, even death can occur.
  3. Soda is a classic alkali. It restores the pH values ​​and normalizes the work of the body in conditions of acidosis.

Thus, the treatment of diabetes mellitus with soda according to Neumyvakin is based on a simple chemical reaction. Most remember her from school desks. However, you should immediately learn that such therapy will not be able to cure the disease, but only temporarily reduce the symptoms.

Recovery should be comprehensive with the use of appropriate medications, and a regimen of physical activity.

How is diabetes treated according to Neumyvakin?

Based on the theory of "acidification" of the whole body due to persistent hyperglycemia, the professor suggests taking sodium bicarbonate daily as an effective remedy.

use the method of treating diabetes with soda according to Neumyvakin very carefully

The recipe and mode of administration is as follows:

  1. ¼ teaspoon of white powder should be mixed in 250 ml of hot water or milk.
  2. The liquid should ideally be heated to a temperature of 60-65 ° C. Then the unconventional remedy will be better absorbed.
  3. It is necessary to use such a solution 15 minutes before each meal 3 times a day.
  4. The duration of therapy is 2 weeks, then you can increase the dose to 1 teaspoon.
  5. According to the recommendations, according to Neumyvakin, soda can be spent all your life - according to the rules described in his book.

Clear dangers for diabetic patients

However, you should not take this method as the basis for recovery from the "sweet disease". There are many risks and undesirable consequences, which are little described in the author's creation.

They should include:

  1. Rapid formation of stomach and duodenal ulcers. The thing is that soda really first reduces the acidity of all cavities where it gets. After transit through the digestive tract, it causes a reflex increase in the production of hydrochloric acid by the epithelium of the stomach. He tries to compensate for the acidity quenched by bicarbonate, and allocates HCl even more strongly. Instead of lowering the pH, the patient gets an increase. It is not uncommon for patients to come to the clinic with gastric bleeding due to an open ulcer after 3 weeks of such soda therapy.
  2. soda according to Neumyvakin is, in general, a myth. The main cause of the disease is that there is no own insulin. If it is not introduced artificially, then no other medication can do anything with hyperglycemia. Here, one change in the acid-base balance will not help. To bring out of a coma - perhaps, to maintain the level of glucose in the blood constantly - no.
  3. Regular intake of sodium bicarbonate adversely affects the digestion process. The product is a very strong laxative and often leads to diarrhea if used improperly. Promotes the development of flatulence and impairs the absorption of nutrients.

Ultimately, the modern patient must understand that long-term treatment with soda according to Neumyvakin harms the body more than it heals. You can not reduce the healing properties of bicarbonate, but you do not need to raise it to the status of a panacea.

It is better to apply it as an antiseptic for external use or in the following situations:

  • Purulent runny nose;
  • Gargling with sore throat;
  • Catarrhal bronchitis.

For the treatment of such a complex disease as diabetes, it is not suitable. The main thing is to consult a doctor and choose an individual set of health measures.

Neumyvakin about diabetes

I. P. Neumyvakin


This book is not a textbook on medicine, all the recommendations given in it should be used only after consultation with your doctor.


The following circumstance prompted me to write this book. His book “Ways to get rid of diseases. Hypertension, diabetes ”I wrote based on my own experience with an analysis of what has been developed by medicine in various fields, with practically no one, including endocrinologists, without consulting.

After the book was published, to make sure that what was written in it was correct, I turned to leading specialists in diabetes, who, in fact, did not make any comments on it. At the same time, they noted that the book is topical and really reflects the state of diabetes in our country and the right direction, which should be the basis for both prevention and treatment of diabetes. That is why the idea arose to write a separate book on diabetes, especially since this disease is currently in first place, both in terms of the number of patients and mortality, not to mention the fact that these people are practically excluded from the social sphere of life. Why did I, not an expert in the field of endocrinology, begin to talk about what, in my opinion, even specialists do not know? Somewhere I read that the process of cognition goes through three stages (this is in antiquity). Whoever reaches the first one becomes arrogant, whoever reaches the second one becomes humble, and whoever reaches the third one realizes that he knows nothing. For example, the words of Socrates are widely known: "I know that I know nothing." I don’t know how much this is inherent in me, but it is true, because in my medical practice, and in life, I was placed in such conditions that forced me to constantly look for new ways and make decisions, doubting what was gained in that or any other field of science. What led me to this was that when I was doing aviation medicine, someone noticed my constant desire to know more than I needed at this stage. This was probably the reason why I was sent to work in astronautics. At the dawn of the formation of a new discipline, there was a distribution of directions: some began to deal with water, some with food, some with psychology, hygiene, but no one agreed to deal with such a problem as providing medical care to astronauts, considering it very difficult. I was persuaded to take up this task by the academician P. I. Egorov, former chief physician of the Soviet Army, and in the last years of I.V. Stalin's life, in fact, his personal doctor (by the way, he was arrested in the famous case of doctors), who was in charge of the Healthy Person Clinic at the Institute of Biomedical Problems, and academician A. V. Lebedinsky, assuring that I will mainly be engaged in completing first-aid kits for astronauts during flights. Then I was engaged in the analysis of physiological materials coming from spacecraft, and the development of methods for assessing the state of the respiratory organs, and indirectly - determining the metabolism of astronauts in flight, which was the subject of my Ph.D. thesis, for the completion of which I asked for one month. Soon I came to the conclusion that the prospect of space exploration will require not only a set of medicines, but also the creation of a set of measures to provide any type of medical care in space flights, up to the creation of a space hospital (hospital).

Despite being busy, S. P. Korolev found time and attention for a new nascent industry - space medicine. On one of my visits to the clinic to the academician P. I. Egorov, which was located on the territory of the 6th clinical hospital in Shchukino, and the issue was resolved that I would be in charge of the direction of work on the creation of means and methods of providing medical care to astronauts. Soon, realizing that you can’t fly far on drugs alone, already in 1965 I attracted all extraordinary-thinking specialists from various industries to this problem and received praise when defending my doctoral dissertation “Principles, methods and means of providing medical assistance to astronauts during flights of various durations” , written not on the basis of the totality of work performed, but in the form of a scientific report (which, by the way, was the first in medicine) from an academician O. Gazenko:“I have not yet known such work in terms of its diversity, the volume of work performed in my practice. Probably, only the forces of gravity and the closed nature of the work did not allow Ivan Pavlovich to attract to the work he carried out all those who he needed, no matter where he was.

Without a doubt, diabetes is a complex disease that is difficult to cure. If you read the confession of a diabetic who has been struggling with the disease for more than a year, it becomes clear that it is almost impossible to cure the disease, no matter what medications the patient uses, it is difficult to overcome the disease completely.

Of course, if you start healing at an early stage of the development of the disease, then there is an opportunity to cope with the disease, but therapy at a late stage does not allow you to achieve a positive result.

For this purpose, both certified medicines and traditional methods are used to normalize health. For example, the recovery of a patient with soda according to Neumyvakin. A way to normalize health without the use of medications will help eliminate the most difficult symptoms.

Dr. Neumyvakin recommends the treatment of type 2 diabetes according to a special scheme, which involves the use of certain manipulations. But it is important to always remember that Neumyvakin recommends treating the disease without any medication. The folk method can be combined with the normalization of human health with medicines.

The essence of this technique

The disease develops against the background of a clear violation of the body's metabolic processes. First of all, the hormonal background suffers, then problems begin with the implementation of other vital processes. Violations affect the kidneys, liver, stomach and other internal organs responsible for many processes.

By the way, the work of not only internal organs is disrupted, but all other parts of the body may suffer. For example, with a severe infection, problems can begin in various parts of the body, such as the lower or upper limbs.

It is important to understand that the treatment of type 2 diabetes according to Neumyvakin occurs in a certain order. Neumyvakin recommends treating diabetes mellitus with hydrogen peroxide and dietary calcium bicarbonate. He is sure that two means will help to cope with this ailment.

It should be noted that the improvement of a person according to the I.P. Neumyvakin diabetes scheme, the myths and reality about which raise a number of controversial issues, is based primarily on the fact that the patient should restore the correct daily routine and lead an exceptionally healthy lifestyle.

Basically, this ailment occurs with metabolic disorders, eating food containing a lot of glucose.

As a result, the cells of the body cannot fully cope with the absorption of sugars, and the body's resistance to glucose begins to develop.

Recommendations for the implementation of therapeutic measures

Sugar level

The method developed by Dr. Neumyvakin for the treatment of diabetes, the myths and reality about which haunt many experts, is based on the treatment of the disease using two available products.

Dietary calcium bicarbonate, as Neumyvakin claims, helps to restore the natural acid-base balance of a person, it is known that such disorders are often observed in diabetics, although they can also occur in people who do not suffer from the disease.

The doctor is sure that an increase in the level of acidity of the liver secretion causes the development of the disease. Ways to get rid of diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, according to Neumyvakin, lie in the plane of using ordinary soda to improve the patient. As a result, the acidity of the internal environment of the patient is significantly reduced. Accordingly, important life processes and the ability of cells to properly absorb glucose are restored.

If you follow the method of I.P. Neumyvakin, the ways to get rid of diseases of hypertension and diabetes are actually quite simple. It is enough just to reduce the acidity of the environment. This method is recommended to treat only type 2 disease.

It must be remembered that the recovery of a person according to Neumyvakin occurs due to the fact that calcium bicarbonate has a whole range of positive effects on the body:

  • promotes the removal of toxins from the patient's body;
  • actively improves metabolism;
  • normalizes the level of acidity;
  • restores the health of the nervous system.

Of course, while healing a person, Neumyvakin immediately argues myths and reality with the above properties. Soda contributes not only to improving the well-being of a person, it has a general antiseptic effect.

After all, thanks to this product, you can speed up the healing process of ulcers and wounds of varying complexity.

All about contraindications when using the Neumyvakin method

As mentioned above, therapy can be carried out with medicines and folk remedies, causing a number of negative consequences. In this regard, there are certain contraindications, in the presence of which it is better not to improve health with calcium bicarbonate.

Of course, food calcium bicarbonate has many advantages, but there are also contraindications to the use of a chemical compound. The chemical reagent is used both as a component of baths and for internal use.

In the works of Neumyvakin, Ivan Pavlovich tells what recipes will help get rid of the violation with the help of soda. Having carefully studied the advice of Ivan Pavlovich, therapeutic measures can be carried out by any person and therapeutic measures will give a positive result.

The main list of contraindications includes:

  1. A form of the disease involving the administration of insulin injections.
  2. Individual intolerance to the component is possible.
  3. The presence of an ulcer or gastritis.
  4. Low acidity.
  5. The presence of any cancer.

In all other cases, therapy for a type 2 disorder can be carried out without unnecessary fear with the help of a chemical reagent.

It should also be remembered that treatment according to the Neumyvakin method is prohibited during pregnancy or at the time when a woman is breastfeeding a child.

Of course, in order for the therapy according to the method indicated above to occur correctly, you need to remember that you should always undergo a complete examination first and clarify if there are any contraindications to the use of this folk remedy.

How is dietary calcium bicarbonate used?

In order to properly treat the disorder, each patient needs to know as much as possible about the endocrine disorder. It is important to understand which internal organs this product has a negative effect on, which life processes may suffer as a result of the development of a “sugar” disease.

You need to know what medications, folk methods of therapeutic effects will help overcome the disorder. For example, not everyone knows that hydrogen peroxide on guard of health always stands in the same place along with soda.

It is Professor Neumyvakin who recommends exercising with these two products. Only this method can be used with a "sugar" disease of the second type, the treatment of type 1 diabetes with this method is absolutely not recommended. Even more, among the contraindications there is a point that states that the "sugar" disease of the first type is not treated with food calcium bicarbonate or hydrogen peroxide.

After carefully reading the recommendations given by Dr. Neumyvakin, it becomes clear that you can use peroxide both inside and for preparing a bath, just add 0.5 kilograms of a chemical reagent to a standard bath, the procedure lasts about twenty minutes.

Neumyvakin's research on the "sugar" disease made it possible to understand that such a simple chemical compound as calcium bicarbonate will help overcome the disorder at an early stage of development. Various recipes that the doctor has developed are very easy to prepare. For example, you can dilute the mixture in a glass of slightly heated water, the resulting mixture should be drunk in one gulp. Only in this case, it is important to remember that in the first week of recovery, only a quarter of a spoonful of soda should be added, after which the dosage can be slightly increased to half a spoonful.

Also on the Internet there are many videos with detailed instructions on how to treat the disorder with this technique. Therefore, each patient has the opportunity, if desired, to learn more about such a scheme.
How to use hydrogen peroxide?
It has already been said above that, in addition to soda, Neumyvakin also recommends treating with hydrogen peroxide. This chemical compound also helps to eliminate toxins from a person, restores the acid-base balance. In addition, the chemical compound allows you to improve the level of insulin perception, which plays a very important role in the process of processing glucose.

If we talk about how to treat the disease with the help of the above product, then it is important to remember that you can also lower blood sugar with the help of ordinary hydrogen peroxide. The substance can be taken orally, administered by injection, dropper, or as a compress.

In order to effectively treat a “sugar” ailment with peroxide, you need to understand at what dosage the chemical compound should be administered or taken orally, as well as how to properly prepare compresses from it.

If we talk about recipes regarding the latest healing technique, then in this case you need to dilute two teaspoons of the substance in a quarter cup of warm water.

After that, a piece of tissue is dipped in the prepared solution and applied to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin on which the wound has formed.

What should be remembered when using calcium bicarbonate and peroxide?

When using hydrogen peroxide and calcium bicarbonate for healing, a person should not forget that these compounds are alternative compounds that do not replace the use of conservative methods, but complement them.

Peroxide and are adjuvants that complement the main medical course of recovery recommended by the attending endocrinologist. When carrying out health-improving and therapeutic measures, the attending physician monitors the entire process

A patient undergoing a therapeutic course needs to know that the use of alternative methods will not be able to help recovery if the patient does not follow the recommendations received from the attending physician regarding the provision of regular physical activity and dietary adjustments to the body.

When using alternative systems and methods of healing, one should not expect instant relief and improvement in health.

In addition, improvements should not be expected in the case of a regular violation of the diet and a sedentary lifestyle.

In the implementation of the recovery of the body suffering from diabetes, you should use complex methods and follow all the recommendations of the attending physician.

A patient with diabetes should be aware that the long-term use of such an alternative method of treatment. How treatment with baking soda can do more harm than good to a person.

For this reason, treatment with soda and peroxide should not be elevated to the rank of a panacea and this healing technique should not be used for a long period of time.

The most optimal way of application is external use:

  • when a purulent rhinitis is detected;
  • gargling with inflammation;
  • with the development of catarrhal bronchitis.

It should be remembered that before using soda or peroxide, you should consult with your doctor.

How to treat diabetes according to Neumyvakin is described in the video in this article.

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