ACC dosage for adults. ACC instructions for use (powder, tablets). Reviews of specialist doctors

ACC is a drug that has a pronounced mucolytic effect and is a stimulator of the motor function of the bronchopulmonary system, and also has additional weak antitussive, expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Its mucolytic action is associated with the destruction of sulfhydryl, mucoprotein and mucopolysaccharide bonds of sputum mucopolysaccharides and their depolymerization. To date, an important feature of ACC is the ability to reduce the viscosity of mucus, especially retains the greatest activity in the presence of mucopurulent or purulent sputum.

The ACC preparation is granules (orange) for preparing cough syrup or tablet form (effervescent tablets) ACC 100/200, granules (orange) for preparing a solution that is taken orally, effervescent tablets ACC Long. The drug is used as an effective and safe drug in the treatment of diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, nasopharynx, nasal cavity and sinuses, which are accompanied by a wet productive cough with a large amount of mucopurulent or purulent sputum, cough with sputum difficult to separate and in inflammatory processes of the paranasal sinuses, otitis and nasopharyngitis. It contains an active substance - acetylcysteine, which has mucolytic, anti-inflammatory, emollient, secretolytic, expectorant and secretomotor effects based on the destruction of mucopolysaccharide sulfhydryl, mucoprotein bonds of sputum that accumulates in the nasopharynx, airway lumen, paranasal sinuses, Eustachian tube, and this contributes to its easier expectoration of sputum, outflow and evacuation of mucus. Therefore, the drug ACC or ACC Long is the drug of choice in the treatment of bronchitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, otitis media, laryngitis, sinusitis and as an adjuvant in the treatment of pneumonia, bronchiectasis, obstructive tracheobronchitis and other CLD: bronchial asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis, pulmonary emphysema, pneumoconiosis cystic fibrosis and congenital diseases of the pulmonary system in children. With the prophylactic use of acetylcysteine, there is a decrease in the severity and frequency of exacerbations in patients with cystic fibrosis and chronic bronchitis.


The mechanism of action of the ACC preparation consists in its pronounced mucolytic, secretomotor and secretolytic effect on the mucous membrane of the bronchopulmonary system, which also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, due to the splitting of disulfide bonds of mucopolysaccharides of mucopurulent sputum and / or the secretion of the paranasal sinuses, Eustachian tube and nasopharynx. The anti-inflammatory effect of ACC is to reduce the activity of leukocyte chemotaxis and the binding of free radicals in the cells of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses, nasopharynx and respiratory tract. It also stimulates the ciliary activity of the epithelium of the bronchopulmonary system of the body. The mechanism of action of the ACC drug is based on the activation of the main hydrolyzing enzymes of the cells of the alveoli and bronchial glands with the active destruction of mucopolysaccharide, sulfhydryl and mucoprotein bonds of acidic sputum mucopolysaccharides, followed by their depolymerization, resulting in a decrease in sputum viscosity, an improvement in its outflow and expectoration, and this leads to a decrease in cough any etiology.


ACC has a good absorption capacity and is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract when taking any form of the drug - syrup, effervescent tablets, oral solution.

Indications for use of the drug ACC

Having high efficiency, excellent mucolytic, good expectorant, secretomotor and secretolytic, anti-inflammatory effects and antioxidant activity and antitussive effect, this drug is used in most cases for the treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, which are accompanied by a wet cough with the formation of thick mucopurulent or purulent sputum as an antitussive. And also for the treatment of acute and prolonged inflammatory processes of the nasal cavity - rhinitis, nasopharynx - rhinopharyngitis, as well as inflammatory processes in the accessory nasal cavities - sinusitis: ethmoiditis, sinusitis and frontal sinusitis, which are accompanied by the formation of a large amount of mucopurulent secretion.


  • Congenital pathology of the bronchopulmonary system.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Acute laryngitis, tracheitis.
  • Acute tracheobronchitis, obstructive bronchitis.
  • Chronical bronchitis
  • Acute pneumonia;
  • Acute and chronic nasopharyngitis, laryngotracheitis.
  • bronchiectasis.
  • Emphysema of the lungs.
  • Cystic fibrosis.
  • pneumoconiosis;
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Acute, lingering or chronic sinusitis.
  • Acute and chronic otitis.

How to use ACC

This drug has the following forms of release: in the form of granules (orange) for the preparation of cough syrup or tablet form: effervescent tablets ACC 100 or 200, granules (orange) for preparing a solution that is taken orally, effervescent tablets ACC-Long. And it is produced by Geksal AG Salutas Pharma GmbH, Germany.

ACC has the following forms of release:

  • Granules (orange) for the preparation of syrup 100 milligrams of the active substance acetylcysteine ​​​​in 5 milliliters of syrup. In a dark glass bottle of 30 grams and 60 grams of granules with a measuring spoon.
  • Effervescent tablets of 100 milligrams and 200 milligrams of the active substance, 20 and 25 tablets in a plastic or aluminum tube.
  • Orange granules for the preparation of an oral solution of 100 and 200 milligrams of the active substance, which in bags of a three-layer material composed of aluminum, paper and polythene contain 3 grams of granulate.
  • Granules for oral solution containing 200 and 600 milligrams of the active substance, 6, 10 or 20 sachets per pack.
  • Effervescent tablets containing 600 milligrams of the active substance, 6, 10 or 20 tablets in a polypropylene tube.


Contraindications to the use of ACC are individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the active substance of the drug - acetylcysteine ​​or its constituent auxiliary components.

It is contraindicated to take the drug ACC and ACC Long in early pregnancy and in children under two years of age, as well as peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum and the possibility of gastrointestinal bleeding, hemoptysis or pulmonary bleeding in history.

Special instructions and interaction with other drugs

With caution, the drug ACC should be taken by pregnant women and while breastfeeding. Taking this drug in this case is possible only with constant medical supervision.

With caution, this drug is prescribed for peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, hemoptysis, the threat of gastric or pulmonary bleeding, their history. In such cases, ACC should be taken only under medical supervision. It is not advisable to prescribe ACC simultaneously with true antitussive drugs containing codeine and causing suppression of the cough reflex. And also the drug is used with caution for varicose veins of the esophagus, bronchial asthma, diseases of the adrenal glands and other endocrine pathologies.

Side effects of ACC

Side effects when taking ACC are allergic reactions with individual intolerance to the active substance of the drug - acetylcysteine ​​or another additional component that is part of the drug, which manifest as angioedema, allergic dermatitis or urticaria. With prolonged and / or uncontrolled use of the ACC drug, a sharp deterioration in well-being, headache, inflammation of the oral mucosa, tinnitus, lowering blood pressure, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, tachycardia and bronchospasm may occur.

If these symptoms occur, it is necessary to stop using ACC and ACC Long and seek advice from your doctor.


An overdose of the drug ACC occurs when using adult forms of the drug in childhood, taking the drug in dosages exceeding the average therapeutic dose, or when the drug accumulates in the body, which occurs when its excretion from the body is disturbed, long-term use, or when its metabolism in the liver is disturbed.

Symptoms of an overdose of ACC are a sharp deterioration in well-being, a decrease in blood pressure, headache, tachycardia, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth and / or bronchospasm or an allergic reaction in the form of skin itching, allergic dermatitis or angioedema. In severe form, Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock may develop.

The use of ACC during lactation and pregnancy

Taking this drug at any stage of pregnancy (especially before the twenty-eighth week), like any other drug, is strictly contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy and is not recommended during lactation. It must be remembered that there is always a risk of a negative effect of the active substance of the drug on both the embryo and the developing fetus at a later stage of pregnancy. Therefore, the use of the ACC drug by pregnant women and during lactation is possible only under the condition of constant medical supervision.

ACC 100/200

This drug belongs to the pharmacotherapeutic group - mucolytic agents and is a stimulant of the motor function of the bronchopulmonary system. And it has the following forms of release: effervescent tablets of 100 milligrams and 200 milligrams of the active substance, 20 and 25 tablets in a plastic or aluminum tube.

And they are used in such dosages:

  • For children from two to five years of age, ACC is used: one tablet containing 100 milligrams of acetylcysteine ​​two to three times a day or half a tablet at a dosage of 200 milligrams two to three times a day (200–300 milligrams of acetylcysteine ​​per day).
  • Children aged six to fourteen years: One 100 milligram acetylcysteine ​​tablet three times daily or two 100 milligram acetylcysteine ​​tablets twice daily or half a 200 milligrams tablet twice daily.
  • Adults and adolescents over fourteen years of age: two tablets two to three times a day at a dosage of 100 milligrams of acetylcysteine ​​or one tablet of 200 milligrams two to three times a day (with an average daily dose of the active substance of 400-600 milligrams of acetylcysteine).

The drug ACC Long is prescribed orally, adults and adolescents over fourteen years of age, after eating, dissolving in a glass of water and taken immediately after dissolution, drinking plenty of liquid, since an additional volume of liquid potentiates the mucolytic effect of the drug.

The dosage for adults and adolescents over fourteen years of age is: one effervescent tablet containing 600 milligrams of acetylcysteine ​​once a day.

In case of violation of the function of the kidneys, liver, endocrine or cardiovascular diseases, take the drug ACC Long only after consulting with your doctor.

ACC for children

The drug ACC is an excellent development of the pharmacological company Geksal AG Salutas Pharma GmbH, Germany and is currently a very popular and effective drug that is widely used in medical practice - pediatrics, therapy and otolaryngology, as an antitussive mucolytic and anti-inflammatory drug. ACC is prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the bronchopulmonary system of allergic, infectious or catarrhal origin, which are accompanied by a pronounced wet cough with abundant mucous, mucopurulent or purulent sputum. It is also effective in complex therapy, as an additional remedy used for severe coughing with measles, influenza, parainfluenza and adenovirus infections and mumps. ACC also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects and is prescribed together with antibacterial and desensitizing drugs, probiotics and immunomodulators for infectious and colds of the pulmonary system complicated by a bacterial infection.

ACC is used in otolaryngology for the treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory processes of the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity - for the treatment of sinusitis and rhinitis in combination with other drugs: local anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and desensitizing agents. In this case, ACC stimulates mucociliary transport and has proven itself in the treatment of purulent sinusitis and rhinosinusitis.

Convenient dosage, pleasant taste of this drug is considered a hallmark of its use in childhood. Important criteria for the appointment of ACC in pediatric practice is the fact that it has not only an excellent mucolytic, but also an expectorant, mucoregulatory and anti-inflammatory effect on the mucous membranes of the child's respiratory tract and this contributes to liquefaction of sputum, its outflow and evacuation, by activating the cilia of the ciliated epithelium and additionally has an antitussive effect.

ACC is also used in the practice of a pediatrician for complex treatment of complicated childhood infectious diseases, preventive treatment of cystic fibrosis and congenital pathology of the bronchopulmonary system in children.

In pediatric practice, effervescent tablets of 100 and 200 milligrams are used in appropriate dosages.

ACC is widely used in pediatric otolaryngology and pediatrics in the treatment of subacute and acute ethmoiditis in children older than two years of age, as well as frontal sinusitis and sinusitis and in children older than five years of age. He has proven himself in the treatment of viral rhinopharyngitis, when a large amount of dried crusts and mucus is formed in the nasopharynx.

ACC price

ACC is a drug that is widely used in medical practice for the treatment of diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, nasopharynx and nasal cavity, which are accompanied by a wet cough, large amounts of sputum or accumulation of mucus. It is always available in pharmacies.

The average price of ACC from Geksal AG Salutas Pharma GmbH, Germany in granules for preparing a solution of 200 milligrams is on average from 197 rubles, granules for preparing a solution for oral administration containing 600 milligrams of acetylcysteine ​​- 146 rubles, granules for preparing syrup 100 mg / 5 ml - 130 rubles.

Like all medicines, ACC should not be used after the expiration date. Store the drug out of the reach of children and light, and after preparing the syrup - in the refrigerator. It is advisable to use the solution prepared on the basis of effervescent tablets immediately, but no later than two hours after preparation.

It is always necessary to start treating a cough with viscous, poorly separated sputum with the use of drugs that improve the rheological properties of bronchial secretions.

Mucus, which has become less viscous, is evacuated much easier and faster from the breathing tubes, making room for air and an updated mucous layer.

Among the drugs that can produce such an effect with bronchial sputum, ACC 200 powder is very popular. The instructions for use of water-soluble granules describe the method of administration of this secretolytic and give other important information about the drug.

In contact with


Composition of ACC in sachets

Soluble ACC (powder) 200 in the form of small granular particles is packaged in sachets of 200 mg, each containing:

  • acetylcysteine ​​(active ingredient);
  • additional ingredients - ascorbic acid, citrus and honey flavors, sucrose, saccharin.

Small granules look like a white or yellowish powder with a pronounced honey and citrus smell.

Mechanism of action

According to the pharmacological action, ACC (powder) 200 mg belongs to the group of expectorant mucolytic agents that exhibit a mucolytic effect, facilitating the evacuation of sputum.

These effects are achieved by direct action of acetylcysteine ​​on the rheological qualities ("fluidity") of bronchial mucus. Acetylcysteine ​​is effective even in the presence of pus in the sputum.

Method of use for cough

The instructions for use of ACC granules list several pathologies accompanied by a cough reflex when the use of this powder is appropriate:

  • with cystic fibrosis;
  • bronchiolitis, bronchiectasis;
  • lung abscess;
  • , or ;
  • laryngotrachetitis, .

How to dilute ACC in granules to prepare a solution of 200 mg of powder is written in the instructions for use of the drug.

Instructions for use

Before you dilute the ACC 200 powder, you should first familiarize yourself with the rules for using this medication, because compliance with the dosage and terms of use is the most important component for successful treatment.

How to breed?

There is no special technology in how to dilute ACC 200 or any other dosage. In the instructions for ACC 200 (powder), the method of application is described as follows:

  • a bag of granules should be cut with scissors or carefully torn along the upper edge;
  • pour the contents into a large bowl;
  • pour the powder with hot water (200 ml).

To dissolve ACC 200 in powder as quickly as possible, stir the solution with a teaspoon.

What water to dissolve?

Instructions for use for a reason emphasizes how to dilute ACC 200 (powder) to obtain the most effective efficiency. The water for diluting the pellets must be hot.

How to use?

Pay attention to such a nuance about the medication ACC 200 (powder) - how to drink it to achieve maximum effect.

  1. The instruction indicates that the solution should be drunk immediately after preparation, that is, hot after eating.
  2. Drinking a hot drink for colds and coughs will allow the active substances of the solution to be absorbed into the blood faster, and therefore, more likely to show a mucolytic property.
  3. If the patient has febrile condition (), you need to allow the solution to cool to warm or room temperature.
  4. Instructions for use do not advise keeping the solution prepared, but not drunk for longer than 3 hours.
The drug ACC 200 mg is designed for patients from 6 years old, the maximum dosage for adolescents under 14 years old is 600 mg per day, divided into several doses. But the accuracy of the dosage should be selected only in the presence of a doctor.

Is there such information - when using the ACC (powder) 200 medication, how to take other liquids: decoctions, infusions or teas? Yes, the instruction favorably refers to the additional use of other warm liquids, emphasizing that they will enhance the mucolytic effect of this drug.

How long can you drink?

Mucolytic drugs for colds are usually drunk for 5-7 days. In diseases with a long course, the dosage is determined by the doctor, and for the treatment of chronic diseases, long-term courses of ACC 200 mg (powder) are used. How long to take drugs for such a complex pathology as cystic fibrosis or chronic bronchitis depends on the remission factor.

Any long-term treatment regimen should be made by a doctor individually. Without the recommendations of a specialist, you should not drink ACC 200 (powder) for longer than 5 days.

Important information for patients

Before using any drug, the patient should not, but simply must, read the special instructions in the annotation. It is important to know not only how to dilute ACC 200 powder according to the instructions for use, but also what undesirable effects may occur during its use. And most importantly - is it possible for you or your child to take it at all. This question will be answered by the section "Contraindications" in the instructions for use of the powder.

This section contains a list of situations in which the use of ACC 200 granules is not possible:

  • with exacerbation of peptic ulcer;
  • in the presence of pulmonary bleeding or hemoptysis;
  • with any type of glucose-galactose deficiency;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • children under 6 years of age.

In addition, it is forbidden to take ACC 200 to patients with increased susceptibility to the active or additional ingredients.

Caution when using ACC 200 in granules is necessary when:

  • bronchial asthma (if severe exacerbation - prohibited!);
  • peptic ulcers in history;
  • diseases of the adrenal glands;
  • insufficiency of renal or hepatic activity;
  • increased susceptibility to histamine;
  • hypertension.

It must also be remembered that taking drugs, especially for a long time, can provoke undesirable effects in the form of allergic reactions, respiratory dysfunction, dyspeptic disorders, and others. A pronounced manifestation of side effects can be triggered by an overdose.

What reviews does the drug receive?

For several decades, ACC (powder) has been present on the pharmacological market, and patients continue to write mostly positive reviews of this medication.

Of the drug evaluations studied, none were found that reported experiences with drug side effects or cases of overdose. Most reviews call the powder the medicine on duty in the home first aid kit.

And yet there are several points that are named by consumers as the disadvantages of this powder:

  • a list of contraindications (it scares some away);
  • inability to use during pregnancy breastfeeding;
  • prohibition of use in young patients (from mothers of 2-3-year-old babies).

Everything else, including a pleasant taste and an affordable price, most of those who used ACC 200 according to the instructions for use, called the advantages of this drug.

ACC at a dosage of 600 mg of acetylcysteine ​​per sachet is designed for adult patients and is recommended for taking 1 time per day. Its taste may differ slightly from the powder discussed above, while the pharmacological properties are similar.

Prohibited for use by children and adolescents. You can read about the features of using the powder in this dosage in a separate instructions for use attached to the medication.

For small patients older than 2 years, you can pick up ACC in granules, packaged in sachets of 100 mg. Before starting treatment, you should consult with your doctor, clarify the nature of the cough (this can only be done by a specialist), and describe the duration of therapy. And be sure to read the instructions for use.

Useful video

See the following video for more information:


  1. The medication ACC 200 belongs to the group of mucolytic medications and is used in the treatment of coughs of various nature in patients older than 6 years, in which there is difficult sputum discharge.
  2. Before use, you must read the instructions for using the powder, find out how to dilute ACC 200, how to drink it, how long it takes to be treated and other important information.
  3. The most correct step would be to visit a doctor, clarify the diagnosis and receive clear recommendations for treatment.

In contact with

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug ACC. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of ACC in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. ACC analogues in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of bronchitis and dry cough in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Various forms of release of the drug for thinning sputum.

ACC- mucolytic drug. The presence of sulfhydryl groups in the structure of the acetylcysteine ​​molecule contributes to breaking the disulfide bonds of sputum acid mucopolysaccharides, which leads to a decrease in the viscosity of mucus. The drug remains active in the presence of purulent sputum.

With the prophylactic use of acetylcysteine, there is a decrease in the frequency and severity of exacerbations in patients with chronic bronchitis and cystic fibrosis.


Acetylcysteine ​​+ excipients.


  • respiratory diseases accompanied by increased formation of viscous mucus that is difficult to separate (acute and chronic bronchitis, obstructive bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchiectasis, bronchial asthma, bronchiolitis, cystic fibrosis, laryngitis);
  • acute and chronic sinusitis;
  • otitis media.

Release forms

Powder or granules for the preparation of syrup 100 mg.

Syrup 100 ml.

Effervescent tablets 100 mg, 200 mg, 600 mg long.

Solution for injection ACC injection - 100 mg and 300 mg in 1 ml.

Instructions for use and dosage

Powder or effervescent tablets

Adults and adolescents over 14 years of age are recommended to prescribe the drug 200 mg 2-3 times a day (ACC in the form of granules for oral solution / orange / 100 mg and 200 mg), or 200 mg 3 (ACC in the form of granules for preparation of a solution for oral administration of 200 mg) or 600 mg 1 time per day (ACC in the form of granules for the preparation of a solution for oral administration of 600 mg).

Children aged 6 to 14 years are recommended to take 100 mg 3 times a day or 200 mg 2 times a day (ACC in the form of granules for oral solution / orange / 100 mg and 200 mg), or 200 mg 2 times a day (ACC in the form of granules for the preparation of a solution for oral administration of 200 mg).

There is not enough data on the dosage of the drug in newborns.

In cystic fibrosis, children over 6 years of age are recommended to take the drug 200 mg 3 times a day (ACC in the form of granules for oral solution / orange / 100 mg and 200 mg or ACC in the form of granules for oral solution 200 mg ).

Children aged 2 to 5 years - 100 mg 4 times a day (ACC in the form of granules for oral solution / orange / 100 mg and 200 mg).

Patients weighing more than 30 kg with cystic fibrosis, if necessary, can increase the dose to 800 mg per day.

With sudden short-term colds, the duration of admission is 5-7 days. In chronic bronchitis and cystic fibrosis, the drug should be used for a longer time to prevent infections.

The drug should be taken after meals. Additional fluid intake enhances the mucolytic effect of the drug.

Preparation rules

ACC in the form of granules for oral solution / orange / 100 mg and 200 mg: 1/2 or 1 sachet (depending on the dose) is dissolved in water, juice or cold tea and taken after meals.

ACC in the form of granules for oral solution 200 mg and ACC in the form of granules for oral solution 600 mg: 1 sachet is dissolved with stirring in 1 glass of hot water and drunk, if possible, hot. If necessary, you can leave the prepared solution for 3 hours.


Adults and adolescents over 14 years of age are prescribed 10 ml of syrup 2-3 times a day (400-600 mg of acetylcysteine).

Children aged 6 to 14 years - 5 ml of syrup 3 times a day or 10 ml of syrup 2 times a day (300-400 mg of acetylcysteine).

Children aged 2 to 5 years are prescribed 5 ml of syrup 2-3 times a day (200-300 mg of acetylcysteine).

In cystic fibrosis, children over the age of 6 years are recommended to take the drug 10 ml of syrup 3 times a day (600 mg of acetylcysteine); children aged 2 to 6 years - 5 ml of syrup 4 times a day (400 mg of acetylcysteine).

With short-term colds, the duration of admission is 4-5 days. In chronic bronchitis and cystic fibrosis, the drug should be used for a longer time to prevent infections. In case of long-term diseases, the duration of therapy is determined by the attending physician.

The drug is taken orally, after a meal. Additional fluid intake enhances the mucolytic effect of the drug.

ACC syrup is taken with a measuring syringe or a measuring cup, which is in the package. 10 ml of ACC syrup corresponds to 1/2 measuring cup or 2 filled syringes.

Using a measuring syringe

1. Open the vial cap by pushing it in and turning it counterclockwise.

2. Remove the plug with a hole from the syringe, insert it into the neck of the vial and press it in until it stops. The stopper is designed to connect the syringe to the vial and remains in the neck of the vial.

3. It is necessary to firmly insert the syringe into the stopper. Carefully turn the vial upside down, pull the syringe plunger down and draw up the required amount of syrup (ml). If air bubbles are visible in the syrup, press the piston all the way down, and then refill the syringe. Then return the vial to its original position and remove the syringe.

4. The syrup from the syringe should be poured onto a spoon or directly into the child's mouth (in the buccal region, slowly, so that the child can swallow the syrup). While taking the syrup, the child should be in an upright position.

5. After use, rinse the syringe with clean water.

Ampoules for injections

Adults are prescribed intravenously or intramuscularly at 300 mg (1 ampoule) 1-2 times a day.

Children aged 6 to 14 years are prescribed intravenously or intramuscularly at 150 mg (1/2 ampoules) 1-2 times a day.

For children under 6 years of age, oral therapy is preferred, however, if indicated and parenteral administration is necessary, the daily dose is 10 mg / kg body weight.

For children under the age of 1 year, intravenous administration of the drug is possible only for health reasons in a hospital setting.

The duration of therapy is determined individually.

In chronic bronchitis and cystic fibrosis, the use of ACC INJECT for a long time can be combined with oral administration of the drug to prevent infections.

The mucolytic effect of acetylcysteine ​​is enhanced with increased fluid intake.

Injection rules

When administered intramuscularly during a shallow injection and in the presence of hypersensitivity, a slight and quickly passing burning sensation may appear, therefore it is recommended to administer the drug to patients in the supine position and deep into the muscle.

For intravenous administration, the first dose must be diluted with 0.9% sodium chloride solution or 5% dextrose solution in a ratio of 1:1. The drug should, if possible, be administered as an infusion.

In / in the injection should be carried out slowly (within 5 minutes).

Side effect

  • headache;
  • noise in ears;
  • stomatitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • heartburn;
  • nausea;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • tachycardia;
  • development of pulmonary bleeding as a manifestation of a hypersensitivity reaction;
  • bronchospasm (mainly in patients with a hyperreactive bronchial system in bronchial asthma);
  • skin rash;
  • hives.


  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute phase;
  • hemoptysis;
  • pulmonary bleeding;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period (breastfeeding);
  • children under 2 years of age (preparation in the form of granules for oral solution / orange / 100 mg and 200 mg, syrup and ACC 200);
  • children under 6 years of age (preparation in the form of granules for the preparation of a solution for oral administration of 200 mg);
  • children's age up to 14 years (preparation in the form of granules for the preparation of a solution for oral administration of 600 mg and ACC Long);
  • hypersensitivity to acetylcysteine ​​and other components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Due to insufficient data, the use of the drug during pregnancy is contraindicated.

For syrup: the use of the drug during pregnancy is possible only if the intended benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

If necessary, the use of the drug during lactation should decide on the termination of breastfeeding.

Use in children

Contraindicated in children under 2 years of age (preparation in the form of granules for oral solution / orange / 100 mg and 200 mg, syrup and ACC 200), up to 6 years (preparation in the form of granules for oral solution 200 mg) , up to 14 years (preparation in the form of granules for oral solution 600 mg and ACC Long).

special instructions

In bronchial asthma and obstructive bronchitis, acetylcysteine ​​should be administered with caution under the systematic control of bronchial patency.

When using acetylcysteine, cases of severe allergic reactions such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome and Lyell's syndrome have been reported very rarely. If changes in the skin and mucous membranes occur, the patient should immediately stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

When dissolving the drug, it is necessary to use glassware, avoid contact with metals, rubber, oxygen, easily oxidized substances.

Do not take the drug immediately before bedtime (the preferred time of admission is before 18.00).

With the development of side effects, you should stop taking the drug.

ACC (in the form of granules for oral solution / orange / 100 mg and 200 mg) 100 mg corresponds to 0.24 XE, 200 mg - 0.23 XE.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms

There is no information about the effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles and engage in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.

drug interaction

With the simultaneous use of acetylcysteine ​​​​and antitussives, due to the suppression of the cough reflex, dangerous mucus stagnation may occur (use the combination with caution).

With the simultaneous administration of ACC with vasodilators and nitroglycerin, an increase in the vasodilating effect is possible.

Synergism of acetylcysteine ​​with bronchodilators is noted.

ACC is pharmaceutically incompatible with antibiotics (penicillins, cephalosporins, erythromycin, tetracycline and amphotericin B) and proteolytic enzymes.

Acetylcysteine ​​reduces the absorption of cephalosporins, penicillins and tetracyclines, so they should be taken orally no earlier than 2 hours after taking acetylcysteine.

Upon contact of acetylcysteine ​​with metals, rubber, sulfides are formed with a characteristic odor.

Analogues of the drug ACC

Structural analogues for the active substance:

  • N-AC-ratiopharm;
  • N-acetylcysteine;
  • Acestine;
  • Acetylcysteine;
  • Acetylcysteine ​​SEDICO;
  • Acetylcysteine ​​solution for inhalation 20%;
  • Acetylcysteine ​​solution for injection 10%;
  • Mukobene;
  • Mukomist;
  • Mukonex;
  • N-AC-ratiopharm;
  • Fluimucil;
  • Exomuk 200.

In the absence of analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases that the corresponding drug helps with and see the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

ACC is a drug that has a mucolytic effect, that is, it fights cough. The medicine effectively fights phlegm. In addition, it has a less pronounced antitussive, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. The drug is manufactured by Hermes Pharma Ges.m.b.Kh. in Austria and Hermes Arzneimittel GmbH in Germany. ACC is available in pharmacies without a prescription.

The active substance of ACC is acetylcysteine ​​(an amino acid, a derivative of cysteine). The substance has a powerful expectorant effect, and also has an antioxidant effect.

The composition also includes excipients, the set of which varies depending on the form of release and type of drug.

Acc 100

ACC 200 (effervescent tablets)

ACC Orange granules

Release form

The drug is available in the following forms:

  1. Effervescent tablets with a dosage of 100 and 200 mg. White, round tablets with a blackberry odor, a slight sulfur odor may be present. Sold in 6, 10 and 20 tablets.
  2. Granules for the preparation of a solution inside, white, without foreign odors and flavors. Sold in 100 and 200 mg of the active substance. Three grams of granulate are packed in three-layer bags.
  3. Granules for oral solution with orange flavor. Homogeneous granules of white color with an orange smell.
  4. Syrup, transparent, colorless, with a slight cherry flavor. One bottle contains 200 ml of the substance. Dosing devices are sold with the syrup: a measuring cup and a dosing syringe.
  5. Syrup for children.

The active substance Acetylcysteine ​​facilitates sputum discharge. It affects the structure of sputum, reduces its viscosity. At the same time, the protective system of the membranes of the respiratory organs is restored. It shows the greatest effect in the presence of mucopurulent or purulent sputum. It has a pronounced expectorant effect.

The medicine is prescribed in the treatment of diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, nasopharynx, nasal cavity. ACC will relieve a specific symptom of these diseases: a wet, productive cough with copious or difficult to separate sputum.

In addition, Acetylcysteine ​​​​is able to neutralize toxic substances in case of poisoning with aldehydes, phenol.

ACC has a high absorption capacity. It is well absorbed, quickly absorbed from the stomach in any form of release. The maximum concentration in the blood occurs after 1-3 hours. The effect lasts up to 4 hours. In ACC Long, the action lasts up to a day. The half-life of the active substance ACC during normal kidney function is 1 hour. With liver failure, the period increases to 8 hours.

The drug remains active in the presence of purulent sputum.

With the prophylactic use of the active substance Acetylcysteine, the severity and frequency of exacerbations in chronic bronchitis and cystic fibrosis decreases.

Indications for use of ACC

ACC is taken to a greater extent in the treatment of diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, which are accompanied by the presence of mucous or purulent sputum. Also, the drug is prescribed for inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity and in the accessory cavities of the nose (sinusitis), accompanied by the formation of a large amount of purulent-mucous secretions.

  • diseases of the respiratory organs associated with the formation of sputum, including bronchitis, pneumonia, cystic fibrosis, bronchial asthma, bronchiolitis.
  • acute and chronic sinusitis.
  • otitis media.
  • bronchiectasis bronchitis.

Indications for use in different forms of release of the drug are different.

ACC syrup is taken with:

  • acute, chronic bronchitis, obstructive bronchitis.
  • tracheitis, laryngotracheitis.
  • pneumonia.
  • lung abscess.
  • bronchiolitis.
  • bronchial asthma.
  • inflammation of the middle ear.
  • sinusitis.

ACC effervescent tablets:

  • tracheitis, laryngotracheitis.
  • pneumonia.
  • lung abscess.
  • cystic fibrosis.
  • bronchitis.

With a dry cough, the effect of taking ACC will be observed only in combination with other drugs. ACC has primarily an anti-sputum effect, therefore, thanks to it, a dry cough will quickly take the form of a productive (wet).

Instructions for use ACC

  • adults - 10 ml of syrup 2-3 times a day.
  • children from 6 to 14 years old - 5 ml 3 times a day.
  • children from 2 to 5 years - 5 ml of syrup 2-3 times a day.

The dosage is carried out using a special measuring syringe. 10 ml of syrup - approximately two fillings of the syringe. The course for colds lasts 4-5 days. In chronic diseases, the duration of the course is prescribed by the doctor.

The syringe is used as follows:

  1. Open the vial cap (press and turn clockwise).
  2. Remove the stopper with a hole from the syringe, insert it into the neck of the vial and press as hard as possible.
  3. Insert the syringe firmly into the stopper. Carefully turn the bottle upside down, pull the plunger of the syringe and draw up the required amount of syrup. If bubbles are visible in the syrup, it is necessary to pour it back into the bottle and dial again.
  4. The syrup from the syringe should be squeezed onto a spoon or directly into the child's mouth.
  5. Rinse the syringe thoroughly with water after use.

Effervescent tablets are taken orally, after meals:

  • adults and children over 14 years old - one tablet per day.

Dissolve in one glass, taken orally immediately after dissolution. The antisputum effect will increase with additional fluid intake. Short-term colds are treated with a course of 4-5 days. In other cases, the course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor.

The granules dissolve in water, juice or cold tea. Taken orally after meals:

  • adults - 2 sachets with a dosage of 100 grams or one sachet with a dosage of 200 grams 2-3 times a day.
  • children from 6 to 14 years old - 1 sachet of 100 mg 3 times a day.
  • children from 2 to 6 - 1 sachet 1 time per day.

For colds, the course of treatment lasts 5-7 days. In other cases, the course is prescribed by a doctor.

The drug should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius, out of the reach of children.

The shelf life of effervescent tablets is 3 years.

The shelf life of granules is 3 years.

The term of the year for granules with orange flavor is 4 years.

The shelf life of the syrup is 2 years. After opening the bottle, store no more than 18 days.

Side effects and contraindications

The drug ACC should not be taken with:

  • sensitivity to the active substance Acetylcysteine ​​or other components;
  • stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer in the acute stage;
  • pregnancy (data on the effect of the active substance ACC during pregnancy and breastfeeding are limited, so the use of the drug during these periods is prohibited);
  • during the period of breastfeeding (if there is an urgent need to take ACC at this time, you should think about stopping breastfeeding);
  • pulmonary hemorrhage and hemoptysis;
  • lactose deficiency and intolerance;
  • liver failure;
  • hepatitis and renal failure in children.

The drug should not be taken by children under 2 years of age. ACC Long can be taken from the age of 14.

With caution, ACC should be taken with:

  • peptic ulcer in the past;
  • persistent high blood pressure.
  • bronchial asthma;
  • histamine intolerance;
  • varicose veins of the esophagus;
  • adrenal disease.

Taking ACC can cause some unpleasant side effects, however, they are extremely rare.

  1. Allergic reactions. Infrequently (i.e., according to the WHO classification, less than 1 case per 1000), itching, eczema, urticaria, tachycardia, lowering blood pressure appear. Very rarely (i.e. less than 1 case per 10,000) - anaphylactic reactions, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, Lyell's syndrome.
  2. Respiratory system. Rarely (1 case per 1000-10000) shortness of breath, bronchospasm appears.
  3. Sense organs. Uncommon: tinnitus.
  4. Gastrointestinal tract. Uncommon: stomatitis, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea.
  5. Others. Very rare: headache, fever.

With an overdose of the drug, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, heartburn, nausea appear.

The drug does not affect psychomotor activity and the ability to drive a vehicle or engage in other activities that require concentration and attention.

Interaction with other drugs

When using acetylcysteine ​​with other cough medicines, the effect of suppressed cough and, as a result, sputum stasis may appear.

ACC may reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics. It is recommended to use ACC and antibiotics at least two hours apart.

Activated charcoal reduces the effectiveness of the drug. Do not dissolve ACC in glasses with other drugs.

Acetylcysteine ​​reduces the toxicity of paracetamol to the liver.

Upon contact with metals or rubber, sulfides are formed with a characteristic odor. Therefore, the drug must be dissolved in glassware.

Combined use with vasodilators may lead to an increase in their action.

ACC analogues

The pharmaceutical market offers several drugs that have a composition and effect similar to ACC.

  1. Ambroxol. Expectorant, produced in the form of tablets. The active substance is the same as in ACC - acetylcysteine.
  2. Ambrohexal. Antisputum agent, produced in the form of syrup. Also, like ACC, it has a pronounced expectorant effect.
  3. . Mucolytic drug in the form of syrup. Designed for the treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory system.
  4. Fluimucil. Inexpensive Italian analogue, also related to antisputum drugs. Available in the form of effervescent tablets.
  5. Acetylcysteine. Effervescent tablets, Estonian analogue of ACC Long.
  6. Vicks Active ExpectoMed (effervescent tablets). It has a similar ACC release form and dosage of the active substance.

One of the effective drugs with an expectorant effect is ACC 100. Due to the healing properties of its active component, acetylcysteine, a thick pathological secret is liquefied and quickly removed from the airways, restoring the respiratory function of the body. Use ACC powder for children required after reading the instructions for use. It describes in more detail the method of using the powder, indications and contraindications.

Possibilities of using ACC in children

When prescribing ACC, according to the instructions for use, powder 100 is provided for children. This powder application rate is calculated for patients under 6 years old, and from six years old, 200 mg of ACC powder are prescribed.

Good results are obtained by using an ACC solution intended for injections, nasal lavage, and inhalation procedures. This is a highly effective medicine that does not have a negative effect on the patient's body, if you follow the instructions for use, is presented in various dosage forms and has an affordable cost.

Composition of a 100 mg sachet

ACC 100 powder for children, as indicated by the instructions for use, consists of:

  • 100 mg of acetylcysteine;
  • 2829.5 mg sucrose;
  • 12.5 mg ascorbic acid;
  • 8 mg saccharin;
  • 50 mg orange or lemon-honey flavor.

What is treated with acetylcysteine?

According to the instructions, baby powder ACC, where the active ingredient is acetylcysteine, is recommended for use in all types of diseases associated with the formation of a thick secret in the bronchial tree.

Cough is considered a sure sign of the presence of a pathogen in the airways; the reflex itself has a rather complex mechanism of action. Through reflex muscle contraction, the body tries to cleanse the respiratory organs of accumulated pathological mucus and normalize breathing.

There are two types of cough - wet and dry (unproductive). ACC powder for children is intended for the treatment of productive (wet) cough, accompanied by the formation of difficult-to-separate sputum. Its thick consistency, when accumulated in the bronchi, greatly complicates the process of release from the respiratory system.

For information! Given the narrowness of the airways in young patients, with frequent and intense coughing, their general well-being deteriorates, sleep and appetite are disturbed, and the healing process is delayed.

Thanks to the use of ACC 100 powder, instructions for use are attached to the preparation, mucopolysaccharides are cleaved, which form the basis of bronchial sputum formations. Under the influence of ACC powder - acetylcysteine, the pathogenic mucus acquires a viscous consistency and is much easier to evacuate from the air channels. A drug in the form of ACC powder, according to the instructions for use, is also prescribed for the treatment of purulent inflammation of the ear and sinusitis.

ACC powder 100 It is positioned as an effective children's remedy for diluting sputum formations and restoring the respiratory function of the body. The powder is used in accordance with the instructions for the treatment of pathological conditions of the respiratory organs with the accumulation of a thick secret in patients of any age category. After entering the body, according to the instructions for use, the active substance enters the liver, and through splitting is in the circulatory system.

How to dilute ACC powder for children described in more detail in the instructions for use. But before using it, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the clinical indications for which it is prescribed:

Instructions for using granules for children

How to breed?

To understand how to dilute ACC 100 powder for children you need to read the instructions for use. It states that the drug in granular form must be dissolved in liquid to a syrup state. Especially, parents of young patients need to know how to breed ACC 100 for children.

For information! The substances that make up the drug, according to the instructions for use, enter into a chemical reaction when interacting with metal or rubber, so it is better to use glass or porcelain containers.

For convenience, it is necessary to dilute ACC granules, for children under two years old, with warm liquid in a container up to the mark on the bottle. The dosage must be observed in accordance with the instructions for use.

What water to dissolve?

When appointed ACC 100 for children, instructions for using the powder indicate how to dilute it correctly so that the effect is as fast as possible. It is best for young patients to use boiled water, warm compote, juice, tea as a solution liquid.

How to use?

Figured out how to breed powder ACC 100 for children, you need to learn how to apply it to get a positive result. All the main recommendations are contained in the instructions for use.

Permissible rate for patients relative to their age:

  • For children whose age is from 14 years old and the adult category of the population, 400-600 mg of the active ingredient is prescribed per day.
  • For patients aged 6-14 years, the daily rate is 300-400 mg.
  • For babies 2-5 years old, the daily norm is 200-300 mg.
  • For infants and children under 2 years of age, if necessary, the attending physician prescribes 100-150 mg of the active ingredient during the day. The optimal dosage is selected gradually, starting with smaller doses. It is necessary to use the drug after reading the instructions for use.
One of the frequently asked questions is « How to take ACC 100 powder for children if cystic fibrosis is diagnosed?.

Patients weighing over 30 kg daily dose of the drug is not more than 800 mg of acetylcysteine. For children over 6 years old, the use of the drug in the amount of 600 mg of the active ingredient during the day is allowed. Small patients 2-5 years old are prescribed 400 mg of medication per day. And for infants and toddlers under two years of age, the daily intake of acetylcysteine ​​should not exceed 150 mg. It is allowed to use the medicine for the treatment of newborns only from the tenth day of life.

How to take ACC for children in powder form for many parents is not clear. It is recommended to use it, as indicated by the instructions for use, after eating, and the last use should be carried out a couple of hours before a night's rest. This is due to the action of the ACC powder, as a result of which there is an abundant discharge of sputum formations, which disturbs sleep.

How long can you drink?

According to the instructions for use, ACC for children in sachets used for acute respiratory conditions up to 7 days. Taking into account the stage and form of the pathological condition, the attending physician may prescribe a longer therapy, in the form of courses lasting several months.

Important information for parents

How to dilute and how to take ACC powder for children, detailed in the instructions. Here, the main thing is to drink the medicine immediately after its dissolution.

In order for ACC 100 powder, according to the instructions, to children, regardless of age, to bring relief and most effectively remove pathogenic mucus from the respiratory organs, the volume of water, juice, compote should be increased. Additional liquid will help increase the mucolytic property of the drug.

Important! In case of manifestation of any negative phenomena (attacks of nausea, nosebleeds, sleep disturbances, skin rashes, heartburn, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract), you should stop using all medical procedures and seek medical help.

It is imperative that before starting the treatment of a wet cough, it is necessary to study the instructions in more detail, which describes how to dilute the ACC powder for children and when it is best to use it.

What reviews does the drug receive?

Medicine ACC powder for children has mostly positive reviews. When using it, there is a rapid liquefaction of bronchial mucus and its effective removal from the airways.

In addition, among the reviews of ACC powder for children, it was noticed that it is chosen for the treatment of cough because of its pleasant taste, affordable cost and low likelihood of side effects. The instructions for use have all the main points on the use of the powder, as well as on its interaction with other drugs and storage conditions.

Medicine ACC 100, based on the numerous reviews of parents, is indeed an effective mucolytic and, when used in accordance with the instructions, facilitates the discharge of sputum formations from the lungs. It is often used for severe bronchitis, protracted flu, and colds.

Children's syrup ACC

As part of the syrup, as indicated by the instructions for use, based on 1 ml of the drug, there are:

  • 20 mg acetylcysteine;
  • 1.30 mg methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • 1.95 mg sodium benzoate;
  • 1.00 mg disodium edetate;
  • 1.00 mg sodium saccharinate;
  • 2.00 mg carmellose sodium;
  • 10% aqueous solution;
  • 1.50 mg cherry flavor.

The daily rate of ACC medication according to the instructions for use for each age category is different, so for:

  • adults and adolescents from 14 years of age are prescribed 30 ml of syrup, divided into three doses;
  • patients 6-14 years old are prescribed 15 ml of the drug, divided into 3 doses;
  • young children 2-5 years old are allowed to use 15 ml of syrup, divided into three doses.

If you are diagnosed with cystic fibrosis:

  • patients from 6 years of age are prescribed 30 ml of syrup, divided into three doses;
  • patients aged 2-5 years are recommended to use 20 ml of the drug, divided into four doses.
The duration of therapeutic therapy is 4-5 days, if colds do not cause serious complications. If cystic fibrosis has been established or there is a chronic form of bronchitis, then the duration of the treatment course will be determined by a qualified specialist.

For information! For ease of use, a measuring container or a measuring syringe is included with the medication.

Effervescent tablets ACC 100 mg

According to instructions, ACC granules for children applied from 2 years of age. They are pre-diluted with water. Effervescent tablets based on acetylcysteine ​​are also approved for the treatment of patients from two years of age.

One effervescent tablet contains:

  • 100.00 mg of the main ingredient;
  • 679.85 mg anhydrous citric acid;
  • 194.00 mg sodium bicarbonate;
  • 97.00 m of anhydrous sodium carbonate;
  • 65.00 mg mannitol;
  • 75.00 mg anhydrous lactose;
  • 12.50 mg ascorbic acid;
  • 6.00 mg sodium saccharinate;
  • 0.65 mg sodium citrate;
  • 20.00 mg blackberry flavor "B".

In mucolytic therapy, in accordance with the instructions for use, appoint:

  • 6 tablets distributed three times to children over 14 years of age and the adult population;
  • 3 tablets divided into three doses in patients 6-14 years of age;
  • 2 tablets for children 2-6 years old.
It is not recommended to exceed the indicated dosage in order to avoid the development of side effects and deterioration in the general well-being of the patient.

ACC powder: video instruction:

Analogues of ACC powder for children

The drug ACC in the form of granules with a dosage of 100 mg, as indicated by the instructions for use, can be replaced by drugs with the same active ingredient.

Among the effective analogues are:

  • Fluimucil;
  • Acestad;
  • Mukobene;
  • Acetylcysteine;
  • Acestine;
  • WixActive.

In the list of indirect substitutes for ACC 100 powder, other medications are noted that are distinguished by a pronounced mucolytic property:

  • Ambroxol;
  • Bromhexine.
Given the information from numerous reviews of the powder ACC for children and instructions for use, the drug, indeed, has a strong mucolytic and antidote effect. This drug in the form of a powder allows you to reduce the frequency and intensity of the cough reflex by thinning the thick pathological secretion and quickly removing it from the airways. But, despite the low likelihood of unwanted reactions, it is recommended to consult a doctor before using it. And before using the powder, you must read the instructions, which indicate how to breed ACC 100 for children for the most positive effect.
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