Psychosomatic causes and treatment of ovarian cysts. Psychosomatic factors of ovarian cysts Psychosomatics of ovarian cysts Liz Burbo

The structure of female behavior in recent decades has ceased to resonate with the nature of its essence. The woman became the earner, the conqueror, the engine in the huge mechanisms of social movements. However, they forgot to explain to the subtle, mental, deeply feeling female psyche that it should also become frosty and shrink into the framework of a rough work unit.

What does psychosomatics study

To answer the question why not a healthy woman, but a woman who is being treated, has become a modern trend, science is called upon, which is still considered alternative - psychosomatics. polycystic, ovarian cyst, the inability to conceive or enjoy physical intimacy, any acquired pathology of the reproductive organs and even painful periods - all this finds a natural justification in the depths of the subconscious, which puts forward the disease as a protective reaction of the body against distorted natural ideas. The well-known psychotherapist Valery Sinelnikov, who also specializes in women's health, describes the impact of psychosomatic effects on the body as a determining factor in a person's well-being, against which various predisposing conditions exacerbate the situation, such as infectious infections, poor nutrition, and the environment.

Also, according to the therapist, it is impossible to derive any specific algorithm for solving a psychosomatic problem, as well as to build a single treatment regimen for, for example, all stomach diseases. A person and the settings of his body are individual and each violation in the functionality of this most complex structure is unique and unrepeatable.

Origin in psychosomatics

The conflict of a huge difference in the upbringing that a modern woman received, and real life, which dictates its own conditions, is the main reason why the female body is unbalanced and cannot tune in to the right rhythm. One of the causes of cysts in the body (from psychosomatics) is considered to be a short, but reflected in the upbringing of several generations, an era that condemns sexual relations as something unacceptable. This gave rise in the minds of people (mainly, of course, women) the belief that physical attraction is a shameful fact that requires censure.

With a strong subconscious belief in their own "wrongness", women for many years entered into intimate relationships, gave birth to children and passed on that "sex is evil" to their daughters, dooming them to the same fate. The current situation has changed somewhat - now the weak half of humanity deliberately suppresses the feminine in itself, defending the right to go forward on an equal footing with the man, for whom such conflicts do not exist at all. The payment for emancipation came not from the opponents of equality, but from within the woman herself - from the deepest layers of her pure mental essence.

Causes of women's diseases

A woman's rejection of her own character traits, or, more simply, dislike for herself - the way she is, fills her soul with contradictions and forces her to make undesirable compromises. Charity often atones for the refusal to have children of one's own, inattention to one's own children is compensated by increased love for grandchildren, hatred of a husband often leads to loyalty towards the destruction of someone else's marriage. As can be seen from the above examples, the problem itself does not go away, moreover, attempts to disguise and justify it are sometimes completely unacceptable actions, and as a result, internal conflicts.

If, having received an alarming signal in the form of a developing pathology, one does not try to establish contact with upset mental adjustments, a chronic condition develops. A good psychotherapist or a frank and independent evaluative analysis of one’s agreement with the actions performed and the priorities set will help to understand the intricacies of the contradictions between the physical and subtle bodies.

Distortion of ideas about the most important

If we talk about exclusively female diseases, such as cysts and inflammation of the ovaries, the causes of conflicts should be sought in the psychological attitude towards the male sex as a whole. At the same time, a specific representative of the sex, as a rule, does not play a certain role, since he is only the personification of what the male half as a whole represents.

There are several main factors of wounding the feminine through the male energy:

  • The lack of security that arises in the presence of men is often an extension of a mother's unsuccessful relationship with her husband.
  • A firm instilled belief that physical intimacy defiles, degrades a woman and elevates a man above her. This also includes the belief that enjoying sex is a sin.
  • Resentment against the entire male gender for a relationship that once did not work out, or even because of a symbolic resentment against male polygamy. One betrayal once transferred by a partner hangs a stereotype on all representatives of the sex, excluding any form of trust in advance.
  • Physical abuse by a man - perhaps not even the woman herself, but her mother or grandmother, since such insults are often deposited in the genetic memory. This gives rise to a deep psychological trauma, aggravated even in the process of upbringing, which will necessarily bear the imprint of man-hatred.
  • Fear of childbirth, which can take on the fear of the process of childbirth, but at the same time has a deep subconscious rejection of taking on maternal responsibility or being forced to depend on a man during a long stage of pregnancy and recovery.

The vast majority of attitudes that lay in a woman future diseases like an ovarian cyst, psychosomatics unequivocally assigns to childhood, when information is received at the level of maximum activation of the senses. Therefore, psychotherapists and psychologists are especially advised not to express accumulated grievances and disappointments in the presence of children, even of a very young age.

Psychosomatic diseases of the ovaries

Psychosomatics conditionally calls problems with the opposite sex as the causes of cyst disease in the body, but this is only the tip of the iceberg, since these problems are always based on a woman’s disagreement with her current situation. The vocation of a woman is to create, create, give life. The loss of the ability to form a new one entails the destruction of all natural female attitudes that regulate the cyclical processes in the body.

A woman, convinced of her failure, unsure that the children born to her will be healthy, that a man next to her can be happy, in fact, is engaged in self-destruction.

How ovarian diseases occur in psychosomatics

What it is - an ovarian cyst in psychosomatics, can be well understood using the example of a simple tuning fork - a device with which musical instruments are tuned. When struck by any force, the tuning fork always produces the sound “la” of the 1st octave with a frequency of 440 Hz. This is invariable and is the reference pitch for tuning any instrument.

Imagine that this “la” vibration is the ideal setting for a woman’s healthy body. No matter how strong and unpredictable circumstances arise around, a woman who meets her essence and does not contradict it will always sound like a note “la” of the 1st octave. But now the position of her personal perception has changed. With the tuning fork, that is, the settings of the body, no changes have occurred, it both vibrated to “la”, and continues, because it is inherent in it by the creator. The consciousness of a woman stubbornly resists this, either taking a masculine position and lowering the height of its own sounding to a primitive “mi”, or inflated with insults, helplessly breaking into “re”.

Thus, there are already two vibrations, one stable, and the other "walking". A stable vibration - our deepest essence, transferred to the forerunner, primordial femininity and an ideal state of female health - will involuntarily constantly come into contact with an unstable one, and dissonance will always arise at the place of their joining. This dissonance between our laid “la” and acquired incomprehensibly what pulls a side effect in the form of a violation of the healthy vibration of the reproductive organs, including an ovarian cyst. Women are considered in this way - according to the degree of deviation from the ideal sound.

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay's ovarian cyst

What does the author of numerous works on psychology - Louise Hay say? The psychosomatics of ovarian cysts is explained by a violation of the psychological stability of a woman. According to a psychologist, it is the accumulation of grievances and disappointments that, for some reason, remain unspoken and unresolved, lead to the appearance of erosions, tumors and facilitate the penetration of infections into the female body.

The psychosomatics of an ovarian cyst is the first indicator of a woman's protest against the existing situation in her life, therefore, before contacting a gynecologist, a woman needs to reconsider her attitude to what she has emotionally and in life, and to what she really would like have.

Therapeutic treatment

Even if the introspection allowed you to see the essence of the problem, it should be understood that the treatment of ovarian cysts with psychosomatics is a method akin in action to the principles of homeopathy - the result is correct, but it is not possible to reach it immediately and in general, it all depends on the attitude to therapy. Therefore, it is impossible to avoid going to a doctor who deals with women's health directly, as well as course treatment with all prescribed medications.

Of course, whether to lie down on the operating table or not is purely the patient's decision, but if the doctor reasonably insists on the removal of an ovarian cyst, psychosomatics is best considered as a method of promising treatment, and immediate measures should be relevant.

When to Seek Psychosomatics

Of course, it is good when, even without visible health problems, a woman tries to regulate her psychological comfort and does not miss the opportunity to talk with a psychoanalyst. In favor of preventing the disease of ovarian cysts, psychosomatics names at least one reason - the absence of the need to subsequently take drugs that distort the hormonal background of a woman.

Another thing is if the disease has already been detected, and the question arises - is this a signal of a violation of mental settings? Here the conclusions are not as unambiguous as it might seem - every woman can have a cold of the ovaries, accidentally infect or have a predisposition to cysts at the genetic level. An isolated case is not an indication that the problems are located deep in the psyche, but of course, only if these problems are not obvious.

Recurring ovarian cysts, according to psychosomatics, are already an alarming value, especially if they branch out with multiple complications or increase in number. Actually, already the second case of the disease is considered as a stable influence of the negative psychofactors mentioned above. In this case, an appeal to psychosomatics is necessary, although you will not receive such an appointment in the office of the attending gynecologist. Official medicine is not yet ready to recognize the impact on physiological disorders in the body as mental components.

Self-help psychological help

Any intelligent creature that is not capable of learning eventually stops developing and degrades. Such a parallel can also be drawn with respect to our organism, in particular, our informative mental base. Looping on the initially received information that the relationship between a man and a woman is a shame, and mom can work not only on a par with dad, but much more, clearly prevents the assimilation of a new information flow coming to us from within, from the depths of the natural essence.

It is possible to transcend personal stereotypes only by opening up to new information and allowing ourselves to realize that there are values ​​that are more in line with our essence and bring real satisfaction. Change your habits, find a foothold on which you will feel comfortable and confident. Don't let someone else's values ​​become yours. This is the very first thing you can do for yourself.

What qualities need to be attracted

It is wrong to say that the indicated qualities necessary for the cure of an ovarian cyst by psychosomatics must be acquired, since all of them are already present in the original female nature:

What emotions do you need to get rid of?

Getting rid of some personal qualities, even if it is known that they take away your health, is very difficult, because this is the same piece of your personality. Work for the future, that is, to prevent ovarian cysts in the future, obliges to get rid of:

  • constant mental return to people or events that left a negative mark in the memory;
  • obsessive desires that are contrary to your conscience;
  • trying to please everyone at once;
  • relationships that drain you, not nourish you;
  • constant self-flagellation, thoughts on how one could act in certain situations.

It is easy to see that the tips of the last two sections are aimed at the same goal - restoring peace of mind by getting rid of the accumulated negativity and activating a positive attitude.

Explaining in the language of psychosomatics, a cyst of the left or right ovary, oncology, erosion, infertility - all these are fruits from one bunch - the loss of the feminine. And restoring her nature, a woman, on her own or with the help of a specialist, will begin to sound in tune with her ideal tuning fork.

The genitals consist of soft tissue, thus they express the essence of the mother - the mother's attitude to the world. Although the health of the soft tissues of each person depends on the mother, but the person himself determines whether he will increase or decrease the negativity of the mother.

Everything that exists is a unity of opposites, which means that any whole has a feminine and masculine side.

Pregnancy develops in the uterus. The uterus as a whole is symbolically related to the mother = motherhood. As your womb is, so is your mother, and so are you as a mother. The left half of the uterus expresses your mother's attitude towards the male sex. The right half of the uterus expresses your mother's attitude towards the female sex. The front wall of the uterus expresses the life of your mother's feelings, the back wall expresses the strength of your mother's will. In the upper part of the womb are problems related to the future and spirituality, in the lower part - problems related to the past and materiality. The state of the uterine cavity expresses accordingly the latent thoughts of your mother. The furious life struggle of the mother, as well as the shame and anger due to the sexuality of the children, find expression in the uterus of the daughter in the form of a kind of neoplasm, which bleeds if the mother fights against it, and is latent if the mother does not want to hear anything about the daughter's problems. And if the mother is closed in herself, if she hides her inability and shame, and the daughter strengthens this maternal character trait in herself, then the daughter's menstrual cycle stops.

Excessive feeling of motherhood is excessive femininity, or excessive emotionality, or the accumulation of excess in the uterus, contributes to the formation of tumors. The more pronounced the excessive motherhood, the more the fibroid grows outward, causing even the so-called knots on the legs. The more secretive motherhood is, that is, the less a woman has the opportunity to show motherhood, the more the tumor grows towards the uterine cavity.

During pregnancy, the site of the placenta indicates what your baby mainly eats. If the placenta is fixed on the front wall of the uterus, then the child receives nourishment from the strength of the mother's feelings, if on the back wall, then the mother's willpower is more developed. And if a mother in raising children considers prosperity to be the most important condition, for which she and her husband work hard around the clock, without thinking about the spiritual needs of children, then the placenta is fixed in the lower part of the uterus, and for the birth of a child it will take C-section. Otherwise, both would have died. In modern conditions, the location of the placenta can be accurately determined using ultrasound diagnostics.Correcting the way of thinking can change the incorrect position of the fetus.

In the female genital organs, as a systemic whole, the female part is represented by the oviducts, and the male part by the ovaries. Their condition carries very important information about the impact that the mother seeks to have on family members with her views:

The health of the right oviduct indicates how the mother wants to see her daughter's relationship with the female sex;

The health of the left oviduct indicates how the mother wants to see her daughter's relationship with the male sex;

The health of the right ovary indicates how the mother relates to her son;

The health of the left ovary indicates how the mother treats all other men, including her husband and son-in-law.

The desire of a woman to remake her husband sexually has a negative effect on the ovaries. A high rate of ovarian disease indicates a large number of women who seek to remake their husbands. In men, testicular disease occurs much less frequently. This means that men are much more sexually satisfied with their wives.

What does mother mean? This is the organ of motherhood. What do ovaries mean? The ovaries are the male side of the female reproductive organs. In the human body, every organ has a feminine side and a masculine side. The female side of the male reproductive organs is the testicles. The male side of the female reproductive organs is the ovaries. Left ovary - strange men. My husband is a strange man, but my son is my own. If there are problems with the left ovary, then the woman’s relationship with her husband is not in order, the right ovary is sick - there are problems with her son. If your right breast is sore, ask your doctor to examine your left ovary. If a woman has had breast surgery and found metastases, doctors remove the female genital organs. In such cases, doctors are right, because it is not always possible to establish the primary focus.The cause of breast disease is always a woman's inability to be a woman who sincerely loves a man.

If the organ is surgically removed, this indicates a corresponding negative attitude of the mother, which intensified in the daughter, and as a result, mental denial turned into material denial.

An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a woman does not want to share her baby with anyone. It speaks of maternal jealousy, opposed to anyone encroaching on the child.

For a normal pregnancy, a woman must have a physical presence of the uterus, oviduct and ovary.

The egg matures in the ovary. By the time of maturation of the egg, the oviduct moves closer to the ovary and descends with its fringed end to the surface of the ovary. The mature egg is drawn into the open end of the oviduct and, by means of a wave-like movement of the oviduct, follows the direction of the uterus, ready for pregnancy. In the same place, in the oviduct, the egg meets with moving spermatozoa, and one of them fertilizes it. The pregnancy that began to develop rapidly is transferred to the cradle of motherhood - the uterus, which is supposed to wait and love the one for whom it was created - the child.

The female womb invisibly tells how a woman's mother feels about motherhood, including motherhood of her daughter. There are mothers who want their daughter to become pregnant, and there are those who are fundamentally against it. The ideas of each mother depend on her experience and beliefs. Most admit the idea of ​​a daughter's pregnancy if the conditions important for the mother are met.The daughter's uterus tells how the life of the daughter, who has mastered the mother's way of thinking, is developing - she corrected it or aggravated it. If the mother denies sexuality, then the daughter's uterus rejects sexuality, in particular pregnancy.

Many women and men are not physically handicapped, but remain childless. Why is a man unable to fertilize a woman, which prevents the fusion of the sperm with the egg?

Once I happened to get acquainted with how communication occurs between the ovary and the egg in a childless woman. It happened outside of normal time and space. The woman had a mature egg in her right ovary. The oviduct approached the ovary like a beautiful young woman. Like fingers, the ends of the fringe descended to the surface of the ovary, and the oviduct froze, waiting for the ovary = male to do its job. It was like a piece of work, where one person does his part, and the other does his part. The ovarian capsule froze with fear, tensed up, its internal pressure began to rise. The surface of the ovary under internal pressure began to break and reject the egg. I was hoping to see how the egg enters the oviduct, but to my surprise and chagrin, the released egg, along with the fluid surrounding it, slipped past. The oviduct did not notice this: his interest was turned to something else. I was amazed by what I saw. The organs of the same body behaved in relation to each other as aliens, or, to put it another way, these woman and man in it behaved as aliens.

What did it mean?

Oviduct and ovary right the sides pointed to the woman's cool relationship with her brother. She did not learn to be affectionate towards her brother, she did not learn to become a woman through her brother. This woman has left the oviduct also never came close to the ovary, all the eggs rushed into the abdominal cavity and died. Such was the relationship of a woman with her father - distant and alienated. The mother of this woman did not know how to love her husband, which is why the atmosphere in the family was permeated with coldness and prudence. Her daughter did not know how to love either her father and brother, or men in general. She did not know how to become one with a man. In such women, the release of the egg is like breaking during ovulation, which can lead to ovarian bleeding, and the woman is taken to the operating table.

Very soon I was able to compare what I saw with the work of organs in a woman with three children. Her right oviduct approached the ovary like a good fairy and froze in tremulous expectation. It was impossible to resist his quivering call of love. A moment later, the ovary stirred - he accepted the call - and began to rise to the oviduct. They united quickly and softly, like a lover's embrace. There was an amazing strength in this unity, which did not allow them to move away from each other. The excited tension increased, and suddenly the lower edge of the oviduct began to secrete a sticky substance that sealed the junction and spread over the surface of the ovary. Under the influence of enzymes contained in gluten, the film around the egg dissolved, and released the egg, as if by a vacuum, was sucked into the depths of the oviduct.

At that moment, I realized: it was the force of the kiss that caused the discharge of a sticky substance from the end of the oviduct, similar to that which is released when kissing the lips. The oviduct of this woman pressed to the ovary with a kiss of love, So she herself kissed her brother. The kiss of the oviduct was fertilizing. Love contributed to the release of enzymes that removed the obstruction from the road. The oviduct of the left side held itself more tensely and fearfully, but moved forward with love and tenderness, as if asking for consent and rejoicing that it did not hear refusal. The parents of this woman were divorced: her mother forbade any talk about her father, but her daughter lived with dreams of her father's love. As a child, she dreamed of climbing onto her father's lap, hugging him tightly and kissing his whole face, erasing his worried expression.

If a woman knows how to convey to her husband with a kiss all her spiritual love, then her oviduct does the same. This is a healthy oviduct of a healthy woman. In spirit, I watched childless women kiss, and they were surprised when I described what they want to say to their husband with their kiss. Most often, a kiss expresses habit, expectation, disappointment, bitterness, hopelessness, order, admonition, repulsion, sense of duty, satiety, playfulness, film imitation. In marital relationships that have become commonplace, as a rule, kissing is dispensed with. You can have sex without them. The ability to kiss dates back to childhood and, regardless of gender, expresses spiritual love.

It has become very fashionable to have sex without love. You can put cream on your lips, you can lubricate your genitals with oil, you can grow a fetus in a test tube, but this is not normal. The spiritual and physical body of a person needs the right nutrition for both. Natural secretions, indicating the proper functioning of the body, must be able to exit. Otherwise, they cause harm. All sorts of artificial improvised means, although they can evoke emotions, they do not contribute to a natural, natural intimate connection.

If a woman is extremely negative about sex and avoids it with fear because she has an unpleasant experience, then every time her husband seems to commit violence against her. Sex without love sooner or later causes a woman to dry up the mucous membranes of the external genitalia and vagina, which causes great pain. If a woman in her malaise and antipathy begins to hate her husband and wish him bad, then she develops cancer of the external genital organs. And her daughter's vaginismus — a spasmodic contraction of the vagina — can destroy her daughter's ability to live a sexual life and deprive her of the happiness of motherhood. If only such a mother, at least, did not forbid, under the slogan of morality, the beautiful spiritual love of her daughter and father.

A mother kisses her little son, and through the kiss he learns to love a woman. A little daughter kisses her father and learns to love a man. A kiss is a serious lesson in which a person learns to give love out of himself. By playing the love game in childhood, a person learns what lies ahead for him in adulthood. Parents who shame their children for this game, because they see abnormality in it, destroy normality themselves. Fear of perversions should not ruin people's lives. Pure spiritual love eschews all that is evil.

If a sincere child's heart loves her father, then a little daughter is not ashamed to hug, caress or kiss her father. With age, caresses only change their form of expression, while love persists. The daughter's love brings happiness to the father as well. This is expressed in the perfect cooperation of the left oviduct and ovary. The perfect spiritual love of sister and brother, devoid of false shame, never becomes sexual. The sister's love for her brother, her hugs and kisses are an expression of warmth of feelings and support, but at the same time it is the love of a woman for a man. So the brother learns through his sister to accept the love of a woman, and this will bring him happiness in adulthood. Thanks to this, the cooperation of the right oviduct and ovary is perfect. Whoever did not learn this in childhood, I advise him to mentally return to childhood and correct his mistake in order to become a truly adult. And whoever does not have a brother, let him learn to love his non-existent brother, or the brother who died because of the mother's abortion. Ask forgiveness from everyone involved for your mistakes and forgive them.

The work of the female genital organs is characterized by constant variability.However, a woman must constantly give a man spiritual love in order to be able to receive his physical love. The genital organs of a man are able to work stably until old age. Their health is determined by the mindset of a man, which in turn depends on the attitude of his parents to life and that a man can only change himself.If a man constantly has to prove his sexual viability, then he is not destined to have sex for a long time.

The prostate gland is the organ of paternity. Prostate health reflects the mother's attitude towards her husband and men as the embodiment of fatherhood, as well as the reaction of the son to the mother's vision of the world. A mother's love for her husband, respect and reverence for her husband provide the son with a healthy prostate gland. The basis for the functioning of the male genital organs is a good and rapidly changing blood supply. The blood supply depends on the feeling of guilt. Feelings of guilt associated with performance, prosperity, success, masculinity, love, the ability to sexually satisfy a woman, impair the functioning of the genital organs. The genital organs are located in the area that controls economic problems.

Not outlived paternity leads to the growth of the prostate gland. A father who cannot, dares, or is not allowed to show his fatherhood feels rejected and harbors heartache. Very few mothers can understand the thoughts of the father and his love for children. The world opens before the child through the mother. It is good if the mother is a mirror, but it is bad if she is a crooked mirror in her relationship with her father.

If a woman loves the primordial male power, then she attracts a male athlete. If a woman likes tall, courageous men, but at the same time she has a sad experience in relation to them, then she will not choose such a husband, and if she chooses, then she will have to repent of her choice. If a woman experiences a feeling of helplessness, fear for her weakness and therefore is afraid to get a weak husband, then she will get an outwardly weak husband, whose strength will increase and also manifest itself outwardly, provided that the wife’s love outgrows fear.No man is weak because of his height. The strength of short men lies in their intuition, brilliant common sense and willpower. A man gains strength through the love and respect of a woman.

If a woman despises and hates men of small stature or too sensitive men, then she will have to suffer from such a husband. The wife's malice destroys in her husband what she hates in him. As a result, looking back at her past life, the woman waves her hand in disappointment and says: “Ah, he always was like that!” What contempt, what unwillingness to see one's own mistakes lies in this unfortunate woman! And what poisonous malice! But this is clearly visible only to an outside observer.

A man who has become submissive due to the domineering nature of his mother does not dare to approach his wife, because he is afraid of hearing a death sentence from her lips: "I do not love you. I don't need you." The experience acquired in the parental home does not allow young people to get to know each other better. The husband approaches his wife to make him a man, and the wife expects her husband to make her a woman. Fear they don't like me does not allow a woman to love a man, and a man to approach a woman with a loud and imperious expression of feelings, as women expect. Neither he nor she knows that with their thoughts, as well as behavior contrary to their desires and addictions, they hurt themselves. They don't know what man and woman are opposites in everything, which become one through mutual compliance. There is the first mutual disappointment, which only increases with time. A woman does not love such a man, and a man does not have the power to love.

The first sense organ is the ears. Therefore, a woman loves with her ears. She wants to hear that her love is needed.In reality, this body of hers wants to hear how the love of a woman flows throughout her body into the body of a man. This flow is accompanied by ringing.This ringing fills the lovers, leaves the bodies and rushes into infinity. This is how spiritual unity happens. His gentle silence says to the woman:"You are a woman who loves a man and that makes you a woman."Silence is needed to hear this.Gradually, the woman begins to feel that she is completely entering the man. She does not want to hear anything, even if they say something to her, because she wants to hear how her love flows into a man. There is no need to hear anything, because the woman heard the main thing - love.

The second sense organ is the eyes, and therefore a man loves with his eyes. He wants to see the truth. It is very important for a man to hear and see that his love is needed, that his love gives a woman happiness. It is no coincidence that between the organs of hearing, sight and love is the organ of communication - the throat. Regardless of the gender of a person, the source of true love comes through the chakra of communication. For most people, family life depends on the ability to express love in words, until they learn to read each other's minds. If a man feels that he is obliged to speak, then he is not free in love.

The fear of being deceived in love is great in both women and men. Fear attracts what frightens a person, and beautiful words will not help here.. At best, only many years later, a person understands that these words were only emotions.

Usually I tell women: “How can a husband tell you that he loves you if he really loves you?” If a man is silent, then he loves.Release your anger and fearthey don't like meand then you will understand it.

The man is assigned the role of the guilty, the woman is the accuser. Even if a woman does not dare to express her opinion, but instead pouts and acts up, it still affects the sexuality of a man, because the subconscious mind fixes any humiliation in the 2nd chakra. What is in a man from the mother attracts to itself the same in the wife..

The composition and speed of movement of fluids in the body depend on the work of the heart, and thus on the feeling of guilt. As guilt increases, fluids thicken. The same applies to sperm. As a result, the amount of sperm decreases. As sperm thickens, sperm movement slows down until it stops altogether. Gradually, the spermatozoa begin to die. First, their shape changes, then the tails die off, and the spermatozoa disintegrate. Men's despair and anger at their body accelerate this process.. Such sperm is unsuitable for fertilization.

Such latent impotence sooner or later develops into an inability to have sexual intercourse. The erection of the penis depends on the movement of blood in the genitals. The blood symbolizes the woman. An erection of the penis comes from filling the arteries with blood. Arteries are a woman. The penis relaxes when the surging blood passes into the veins. Vienna is a man who gets satisfaction from the fulfillment of women's desires. Consequently, the work of the male genital organs depends entirely on how a woman manifests itself in a man. In other words, the son's sexual function is determined by the mother's attitude towards his father.

If the mother is ironic about her husband's sexual characteristics, then the boy's testicles do not descend. A boy who is afraid to show his sexual characteristics to his mother - what if his mother makes fun of him - leaves the testicles not lowered. A similar humiliation experienced in a previous life, or, conversely, the humiliation of a husband can become a karmic debt that will have to be redeemed. A woman who ridicules her husband directs her overflowing love towards her son, and with her overprotectiveness can frighten his masculinity so much that he will have abnormally small genitals. The mother, tenderly spanking the baby on the bare bottom, is love itself. And a mother who shames a boy for bare sexual characteristics can scare a child for life.

Fear holds back growth, anger increases—this rule applies to everything. The penis and testicles of active and aggressive men are larger than those of cautious and modest men. And whoever becomes too aggressive, illness awaits him.

A man who, at least in his sexual frustrations

Looking for fault in women;

Finds that women are to blame;

I am sure that the woman is to blame;

Believes that all women are equally bad;

Feels like he has to suffer because of it,

earns inflammation of the genital organs. With increased anger, a more serious disease arises.

The child is the sum of the parents. There are also cases that already in the womb of a child cancer develops. Because mother, unable to love the father of the child - her husband, because of her obligatory nature "heroically" endures intimacy with him, and every time the husband seems to rape her.

The more we are ashamed to love and express our love, the denser the energy of this stress in us and the more severe the disease. Love cannot be proven, love must be expressed.

What does it mean to express love? Here you are, for example, walking down the street and you see guys and girls hugging and kissing. What is a demonstration, an expression of love? No, this is proof of love. And they always prove what is not. This is not love - this is sex, sheer sex, with which people deceive, first of all, themselves.

From a non-medical point of view, the female ovaries are the focus of the creative process of procreation, the source of the natural feminine principle. Ovarian diseases are manifested in functional deviations of their activity, when the pathology of these glands becomes an obstacle to the fulfillment of their main task - participation in the reproduction of offspring.

An ovarian cyst is often diagnosed in women of reproductive age. The severity of the disease depends on the type of cyst, which may differ in a benign course, and may cause infertility.

A biopsy of an ovarian cyst is performed to examine the biological tissue not only of the neoplasm, but also of the ovarian regions, if there is a suspicion of their pathological lesion. More often, a biopsy is done in order to exclude a malignant course of the process. With confidence in the benign nature of the cyst, determine the tactics of treatment, depending on many factors.

The reasons for the development of ovarian cysts remain unclear to the end of traditional medicine, but many experts do not exclude their psychosomatic nature.

A woman diagnosed with an ovarian cyst needs constant monitoring by a gynecologist. But it is equally important to combine medical methods with the professional help of a psychologist who will tell you how to restore peace of mind and support the manifestation of positive emotions.

The health of our body is inextricably linked with a good psycho-emotional mood. Nervous shocks, experiences and problems that a person hides in the depths of the subconscious do not disappear without consequences, but can become the causes of somatic, that is, bodily diseases. The subtle organization of the close relationship between mental balance and bodily health is studied by psychosomatics.

This science considers a person as an object, not limited to the physical body, but in conjunction with the energy fields that surround him (aura). Psychosomatics, combining the experience and practice of clinical medicine, psychology and psychopathology, explains the development of physical diseases by the state of anxiety, depressive disorders, guilt, which have a destructive effect on the aura, leaving the physical body without energy protection.

Psychologists say that women tend to feel and understand subtle psychic energies more vividly than men, to feel the world around them with the slightest shades of emotions and excitement. The boundaries of such susceptibility contribute to the fact that the fair sex is more difficult to endure adversity and stressful situations. This often plunges them into a state of excessive demands on themselves, excessive tension, when they try to decide everything on their own, without the help of men, sometimes resenting them.

Such a violation of the harmony of the soul, according to adherents of psychosomatics, provokes the formation of pathological changes in the female genital area. The inability of a woman to cope with negative negative energy flows gives rise to bodily problems of a female nature, for example, breast diseases or polycystic ovaries.

Psychosomatic causes of ovarian cysts

Psychosomatics considers diseases of the female genital area as an internal conflict between the nature of a woman to reproduce the genus and the desire to achieve an equal position in society while giving up her femininity, and an ovarian cyst is formed as a reaction to this conflict. Stressful situations stimulate the production of androgens in a woman - male hormones in the adrenal glands, but in the presence of a hormonal failure, the ovaries are also activated, which leads to an excess of androgens. The female body seems to doubt its natural essence, which leads to a violation of the function of the ovaries, designed to create the reproductive process.

From the point of view of psychosomatics, an ovarian cyst represents accumulated negative emotions, psychological overload, overload of the body with dissatisfaction with oneself. Structurally, a cyst is similar to a bubble that grows as the amount of liquid content in it increases.

Polycystic ovaries in psychosomatics is considered as a woman's subconscious desire to forcefully limit the onset of pregnancy, contrary to the nature of a woman. The reason for this desire can be various fears, and as a result, the female body is faced with a problem when the ovaries do not release eggs during the maturation of the follicles, and the follicles that have passed the growth phase are converted into multiple cysts.

Psychosomatic reasons for the appearance of an ovarian cyst are associated with the individual mental characteristics of a woman, depending on her age category and relationship with a partner, aspirations for certain positions in society and internal self-organization. Women's psychology is a subtle structure that needs to be understood and studied in order to understand the true causes of physical ailments.

Psychological causes that provoke somatic diseases:

  • feeling of defenselessness and self-doubt;
  • low self-esteem;
  • dissatisfaction with physical and sexual data;
  • lack of harmonious relations with a partner;
  • failures in sexual experience or its long absence;
  • the spread of taboos on familiar things, criticism of loved ones;
  • inability to rejoice in successes and achievements;
  • accumulated grievances and inability to forgive;
  • family problems that migrated from childhood;
  • feeling of disappointment, wounded pride, envy.

How to help yourself, taking into account the lessons of psychosomatics

Psychosomatics as an interdisciplinary scientific direction, not denied by traditional medicine experts, considers diseases of the physical body as a result of a negative perception of the world and the production of negative thoughts into the external environment, studies the close relationship between the body and emotions. In other words, the body, through physical deviations, signals the bodily shell that there is a need for some kind of change.

By changing oneself, going beyond the framework habitually outlined since adolescence, a person is able to develop and progress. Tightness and self-restraint, anxiety and uncertainty, mental disharmony and dissatisfaction with oneself lead to undesirable manifestations of emotions of anger, irritability, anger.

Mental problems in a woman are projected onto the state of her reproductive system, causing functional disorders. To change the psycho-emotional mood for the better helps:

  • positive perception of the female essence;
  • trust in intuition;
  • freeing thoughts from negativity;
  • rejection of relationships that do not bring satisfaction;
  • love for the physical body and its perception in its natural form;
  • rejection of self-deprecating criticism;
  • forgiveness of old grievances and good nature;
  • broadcasting positive thoughts to the outside world.

An ovarian cyst is a formation that often has a benign course. But the excessive accumulation of negativity provokes the progression of the disease, which can lead to serious complications and even oncology. Psychosomatics views an ovarian cyst as a constant process of scrolling and accumulating grief and resentment with an ever-growing sense of anxiety.

What can be done to mentally free the body from the cyst and prevent its formation in the future? The origins of the problem must be sought in the internal psychological state, which must be brought into a position of balance, to feel the absence of negative and disturbing thoughts based on love for oneself and the world around.

Researchers and promoters of healing by psychosomatic methods

The problem of the influence of a person's mental state on the health of the body has occupied researchers since ancient times. Even Hippocrates and Galen described the relationship of human temperament with the ratio of the most important body fluids (lymph, blood, bile).

Models of psychosomatic disorders were proposed by F. Alexander and F. Dunbar in the middle of the last century. In modern times, the recommendations of the gynecologist L. Viilm, known for the books “Soul Light” and “In Accord with Oneself,” are very popular. Her literature is a guide on how to cope with physical illness by getting rid of the "tension cells" created by stress, freeing the body and soul for full development.

Separately, it is necessary to note the merits of another researcher in the field of psychosomatics. Louise Hay, although not a professional doctor, based on many years of experience in studying the relationship between psychological causes and physical illnesses, has compiled her own methods that help the body exit the state of illness with the help of positive emotions and thinking.

Starting with a small pamphlet, she then wrote a programmatic book, You Can Heal Your Life, which went through several huge editions. This and her other books are aimed at popularizing the theory and methods according to which a person can achieve self-healing by changing their attitude towards themselves and turning their thinking towards positive emotions.

She is the creator of a unique table in which the correspondence of a physical disease to a certain thought or life position is derived. Louise Hay has developed a system of affirmations - special verbal formulations that can fix a person's attitudes on a subconscious level that improve his psycho-emotional state, thereby contributing to his recovery.

According to Hay's theory, an ovarian cyst is associated with a woman's negative attitudes associated with the denial of femininity and feminine principles. Cysts are formed from the accumulation of anger at a partner, the accumulation of resentment, excessive feelings of anxiety. According to the method of Louise Hay, getting rid of self-criticism and negativity of negative emotions helps the resorption of cystic formations and contributes to a speedy recovery.

Psychosomatics has a number of supporters and followers who continue to study this area. Thanks to O. Torsunov, S. Konovalov, V. Zhikarentsev, S. Lazarev, psychosomatics develops and provides effective assistance to people.

Thought is material, it is embodied in our affairs, in relationships with people, in our illnesses and general well-being.

This statement has recently surprised almost no one and finds many supporters. The thinkers and healers of antiquity adhered to the same opinion.

Psychosomatics is a science located at the intersection of medicine and psychology, believes that the connection between the soul and the body is so strong that unstable emotions and unbalanced human behavior lead to the appearance of diseases.

Who is Louise Hay?

One of the authorities of psychosomatics is Louise Hay, an American researcher of this problem. She experienced the mechanisms of disease on herself.

She was diagnosed with uterine cancer, which this woman coped with in a few months. Such a successful cure was preceded by a long way of reflection and analysis of one's own life.

Louise Hay knew about the negative impact of unresolved problems and unspoken grievances on any, the strongest organism.

Turning to psychosomatics, Louise Hay came to the conclusion that her illness appeared as a result of her inability to let go of the situation, due to her belief in her own inferiority as a woman.

She chose affirmations as beliefs - beliefs drawn up according to special rules.

These affirmations, repeated over several months, have made her a healthy person and a confident woman.

Louise Hay did not stop there, she decided to help other people and began to promote her experience.

Based on the results of her research, she compiled a table of the causes of diseases, known as the Louise Hay table, which draws a connection between illness and a person’s emotional problems.

Louise Hay table - what is it?

The stereotypes of our thinking are formed on the negative experience received by a person. This postulate of psychosomatics and the table of diseases are closely related to each other.

If you change these old beliefs, you can completely get rid of many problems and diseases. Each incorrect installation leads to the appearance of a certain disease:

  • cancer is an old resentment;
  • thrush - subconscious rejection of your sexual partner;
  • cystitis - containment of negative emotions;
  • allergy - unwillingness to accept something or someone into your life, perhaps even yourself;
  • thyroid problems - dissatisfaction with the quality of life.

Louise Hay believes that the cause of the disease will disappear after the person realizes the emotional problem. The disease does not appear just like that, it is sent to each person in order for him to think about its psychological causes. To facilitate these searches, the table of Louise Hay is intended.

Table of diseases Louise Hay

  1. First you need to find your problem in the first column, where the diseases are arranged in alphabetical order.
  2. On the right is the probable cause that led to the disease. This information should be read carefully and be sure to consider and comprehend. Without such study, you should not use this table.
  3. In the third column, you need to find an affirmation that matches the problem, and repeat this positive belief several times throughout the day.

The positive effect will not be long in coming - the established peace of mind will lead to an improvement in health.


Probable Cause


In this book, Louise Hay writes that we create all diseases for ourselves, and we ourselves are able to treat them with our thoughts. Thoughts are material, it is no longer a secret for anyone. But, it’s not enough to know that thoughts are material, you also need to learn how to constantly direct them in the right direction, not allow negative thoughts into your head, try to always be positive.

With the help of the techniques and affirmations that the author of the book reveals to us, we can gradually get rid of many negative stereotypes that have firmly settled in our heads and prevent us from living peacefully and happily, without illness.

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