stages of obesity in children. Obesity in children and adolescents: photos, treatment and prevention of problems. When does childhood obesity occur?

Obesity in infants is an overweight problem in a child associated with a list of causes. It is only necessary to worry and take action when the infant's normal weight after a few months exceeds 15%. Often, overweight disappears in children upon reaching one and a half years, but if this does not happen, such a child is recorded in the risk group for those prone to obesity.

Usually the parents themselves are to blame if their child is overweight. This may be due to banal overfeeding. In such situations, it is important to adhere to the correct feeding regimen and follow the diet of the baby. If parents practice artificial feeding, it is advisable to correctly approach the choice of adapted mixtures. It is worth choosing a product only by age and taking into account the advice of experts.

Children say! We walk with a child (4 years old) in the park. The wind carried the smell of freshly cut grass. The kid concluded:
- Smells like a lawn mower.

Also, obesity in infants may appear due to health problems, in particular, due to endocrine diseases. Therefore, in the absence of special medical diseases, there can be no talk of early complementary foods. Supplementation with water, juices, milk can also cause the problem of overweight. At an early age, such inclusions in the diet of a newborn should not be.

The hereditary factor affects obesity in infants no less than other consequences. So, if one of the parents is prone to a similar problem, the baby automatically falls into the risk group. However, it is not necessary for the child to struggle with overweight.

Parents in the piggy bank! Obesity in infants during breastfeeding is not manifested, since enzymes mother's milk quickly absorbed by the body crumbs. Therefore, feeding on demand is not prohibited.

Signs and stages of obesity in a child up to a year

Before taking any independent measures to combat obesity in infants, it is necessary to determine exactly whether the child's overweight is a problem. Your pediatrician will help you figure this out.

At home, parents can notice some signs of pathology on their own. Depending on this, the disease can be divided into several forms of complexity.

The first signs of obesity in infants must be stopped so that the baby's health does not worsen. On the initial stages pathology to get rid of it is much easier and faster.

The kids are talking! The child eats fish. I ask:
- Delicious?
- Delicious, but not sweet.

Effective ways to treat obesity in infants

After consulting several specialists (pediatrician, endocrinologist, neurologist, geneticist) and conducting some examinations, obese infants are prescribed appropriate treatment, consisting of several stages.

Diet food

First of all, obese infants are prescribed special diet. A similar one is being developed by a children's specialist. It should include a variety of products containing substances and elements necessary for normal growth and development of the child. At the same time, it is necessary to think over the menu of the newborn so that he does not get better. Every month, such a diet is necessarily adjusted. Overweight babies under one year of age should eat lean meat, eggs, fish, vegetables and fruits. If the baby is not yet six months old, the emphasis is on right choice mixtures.

Physical activity

When the baby is still too small, but there is a bust in weight, physical activity is assigned to him: massages, gymnastics and physiotherapy. It is possible to carry out such procedures for a child, starting from 5 months. Be sure to consult your doctor about the exercise therapy complex for infants. Do exercise with your child. Remember: the baby should try to imitate you.

For a more detailed introduction to physical activity for obese babies, watch our video lesson.

Drug treatment

In the case of drug treatment, you need to be extremely careful. You should carefully study the instructions for each drug and follow the doctor's recommendations. Treatment of obesity in infants begins with the third stage. The therapy also includes approved drugs that affect weight loss. Babies definitely need calcium: in addition to affecting overweight in a newborn, this drug prevents development.

Toddlers can be prescribed physiotherapy, which includes mud therapy, swimming in mineral baths, aerotherapy, and hydrotherapy.

Complications of obesity in infants

Attention! It is necessary to treat obesity in infants immediately, as soon as symptoms appear, since the development of irreversible consequences is very likely.

It is impossible to neglect weight gain in a child under one year old, since the development of concomitant diseases is possible:

  • diabetes mellitus of the second degree;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract, indigestion;
  • sleep disturbance, problems with the nervous system;
  • regular headaches, impaired posture, decreased immunity.

How to prevent obesity in infants?

To reduce the likelihood of developing obesity in newborns, it is necessary to follow simple preventive measures. These methods are similar to the tactics of treating overweight problems in babies.

From the infancy period, parents should teach the child to eat right, exclude overfeeding and early complementary foods, and make the feeding ration fairly balanced. The child should be hardened - this will help develop such a habit in the future.

If obesity is suspected in a child, measures should be taken promptly to eliminate excess weight.

At the end of the article, watch a video from Dr. Komarovsky about the problem of overweight in children.

Obesity in children and adolescents can be called one of the serious problems of our time. The number of such patients is increasing every day and it is simply appalling. It is very easy to explain this trend, because main reason overweight body - lack of physical activity, and malnutrition.

In some cases, obesity can be the result of malfunctions thyroid gland, neoplasms in the brain, as well as other serious health problems. For this reason, each parent is simply obliged to carefully monitor the health of his child, and any deviations in weight should alert and encourage him to consult a doctor.

If obesity begins to develop in early childhood, then it can cause dangerous complications. In children with overweight significantly increases the risk of such ailments:

  • diabetes;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • liver failure;
  • disorders of the gallbladder.

Already in adulthood, such patients will be subject to relatively early development infertility, myocardial infarction, and coronary disease hearts.

The tactics of treating obesity will depend entirely on its prerequisites and include the following principles:

  1. quality diet;
  2. constant physical activity;
  3. medical or surgical treatment (if necessary).

By and large, you still need to know at what point you can start talking about obesity of varying degrees. The weight of each individual child will directly depend on his gender, height, and genetic predisposition.

No less important will general state health and eating habits.

Medicine knows several ways to detect excessive body weight in a child.

The main causes of obesity in children

There are 2 main types of obesity:

  • alimentary (caused by poor nutrition and lack of adequate physical activity of the child);
  • endocrine (occurs in children and adolescents with severe glandular problems) internal secretion: adrenal glands, thyroid gland, and ovaries).

Based on some characteristics that accompany obesity, it will already be possible to assume the cause of this process.

If the child has excess weight, then you should first pay attention to his parents. If overweight is also observed in them, then we can talk about improper eating behavior.

Such a family can consume enough a large number of high-calorie foods meals that will contain excessively many carbohydrates and fats. If so, then most likely the child suffers from alimentary obesity.

In such a situation, the child's obesity will be entirely due to the discrepancy between calories consumed and energy expended. This energy imbalance is the result of the patient's low mobility.

If a we are talking about infants, then excess body weight is a consequence of inadequate introduction of complementary foods, which are excessively rich in carbohydrates and fats. Older children can be overweight if they spend all their time playing computer games or watching TV. All the energy received from food remains in the fat depot.

Important distinguishing feature alimentary obesity - malnutrition and an inadequate way of life.

In cases where the child has been overweight since birth, or there are some delays in its development, it is very likely that obesity is due to congenital problems with the thyroid gland. Developmental delay can be manifested by a delay in:

  1. teething;
  2. holding the head.

In addition, swelling of the baby's face may be observed. All of the above will indicate hypothyroidism.

In cases where obesity of varying degrees is observed against the background of mental retardation, muscle weakness and strabismus, then in this case we can talk about the presence of congenital genetic anomalies, for example, Down syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (as in the photo).

Obesity in children and adolescents. Symptoms

If obesity of any degree is accompanied by the following symptoms, then there is a possibility of acquired hypothyroidism:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • low school performance;
  • poor appetite;
  • dry skin;
  • constipation;
  • bags under the eyes.

This type of hypothyroidism is characterized by problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland, and a significant deficiency of iodine. As a rule, an ailment, if more than a girl during puberty, can cause a lack of menstruation (amenorrhea) or other violations of this cycle.

If excessive mass is deposited on the abdomen, neck, face, then it is possible that the child suffers from Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome. It is also characterized by other symptoms, for example, disproportionately thin arms and legs, the rapid formation of stretch marks purple(they are also called striae).

With this disease, there is an overabundance of hormones that are produced by the adrenal glands.

If obesity of varying degrees in children is accompanied by headaches, then they may indicate the presence of a tumor. Against the background of weight problems and migraines, other symptoms may also be observed:

  1. breast enlargement (both boys and girls). Galactorrhea (excretion of milk from the glands), a violation of the menstrual cycle in girls may be noted. If this happens, then we are talking about prolactinoma - a neoplasm in the pituitary gland that produces prolactin (the hormone responsible for milk production during lactation). In addition, prolactinoma is possible in boys. In this case, there will also be an increase in the chest, pain in the head, and other manifestations of high intracranial pressure;
  2. in the case when the indicated symptoms are also accompanied by signs of hypothyroidism, then, most likely, obesity in adolescents will be caused by a pituitary tumor. As a result, there will be a violation of the production of a hormone that stimulates the thyroid gland;
  3. while joining and characteristic manifestations Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome exists high probability pituitary tumors. Such a neoplasm will produce an excessive amount of ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone), which is responsible for the release of glucocorticosteroids by the adrenal glands.

There are cases when a male teenager will experience symptoms of delayed puberty and gynecomastia. The most probable cause of this process can be called adipose-genital dystrophy. This disease is caused by a lack of pituitary hormones that stimulate the development of the mammary glands.

In girls, the listed symptoms will indicate the presence of polycystic ovaries.

What is the main danger of obesity?

Obesity in children (photo) can cause too early diseases not typical for this age group:

  • hypertension;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • cardiac ischemia.

These diseases can significantly worsen the well-being of the child and reduce the quality of his life.

There are following complications of obesity varying degrees gravity:

  1. From the side of cardio-vascular system: atherosclerosis, increased blood pressure, chronic heart failure, angina pectoris. These problems, which are characteristic of the elderly, cause many problems for overweight children;
  2. On the part of the digestive system: chronic inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), hemorrhoids, frequent constipation. The deposition of fat in the liver causes lipid hepatosis (steatosis). This disease is characterized by insufficient liver function due to the displacement of normal adipose tissue. Quite rarely, steatosis causes cirrhosis of the liver;
  3. On the part of the bones and joints, deformations of the skeleton can be observed, pain in the joints, and flat feet. Overweight children will suffer from valgus deformity of the knees (the legs will be in the shape of the letter X);
  4. When the hormone insulin, which is produced by the pancreas and ensures optimal absorption of glucose, is insufficient, type 2 diabetes mellitus occurs. Symptoms of diabetes are: drowsiness, constant thirst, excessive appetite, weakness, frequent urges to urination;
  5. Obese children will suffer from sleep disorders such as snoring and apnea (periodic lack of breathing).

Women who are obese from early childhood have a high chance of remaining infertile for life.

Obesity of varying degrees in children and adolescents may be the cause of many social problems. Such children will have serious difficulties in communicating with their peers.

Often, depression develops against this background, which can aggravate obesity with drug addiction, alcoholism and eating disorders, for example, bulimia or anorexia (as in the photo).

How is obesity treated?

Tactics for getting rid of extra pounds the child will directly depend on the causes of their occurrence. AT without fail the doctor will recommend:

  • medical nutrition;
  • normalized physical activity;
  • drug therapy;
  • surgical intervention (if necessary).

Treatment of obesity in childhood and adolescence is a very lengthy process. Each of its stages must necessarily be agreed between the parents of a sick child and the attending physician.

Diet food and exercise

The main goal of the diet and physical activity- not just weight loss, but also high-quality prevention of further weight gain. If the child is slightly obese, only nutrition specifically designed for weight loss will be shown to the child.

Weight loss should always be gradual. Sudden weight gains are simply unacceptable!

Special nutrition must be followed strictly in accordance with the recommendations of the endocrinologist. The doctor will take into account all the individual characteristics of the sick child's body and calculate his daily need for fats, carbohydrates, protein, trace elements, and vitamins. It could be, for example, .

Physical education will include:

  1. swimming;
  2. aerobics;
  3. outdoor games on the outdoors;
  4. athletics.

In order for a child to become interested in sports, each parent must set his own example, encourage him for any achievements.

Even the usual daily 30-minute walks will help improve the well-being of the child, and reduce the likelihood of complications of obesity of varying degrees.

Not the last role will be played by a favorable psychological point view of the climate in the family. It is important to help the child overcome the constraint of being overweight and let him know that this should not be obsessed with.

Obesity in children is one of the serious metabolic disorders, which is manifested by the deposition of adipose tissue. This disease brings with it many other problems. , which are very difficult to deal with. In addition, the child's health is constantly poor, since living, just moving around and doing some kind of work with excess weight is not at all easy.

Obesity is a condition in which the weight of the child exceeds the normal parameter by more than 15%. You can also talk about obesity if the body mass index (BMI) of the child exceeds 30. As practice shows, children living in the city suffer most from obesity, and the reason for everything is haste and snacks on the go, in McDonald's, pizzerias and stalls selling buns , shawarma, fast food. It is unlikely that such establishments can be found in the village.

But in countryside there is another danger - cooking with animal fats that have high calorie content. Therefore, balance and a rational approach are important in everything.

Today, there is a significant increase in children diagnosed with obesity in the world. And this is a serious endocrinological problem. In almost 80% of adults who suffer from obesity, problems of excess weight began in adolescence.

There are many reasons for this state of affairs. But in its nature of development lies polyethology, which means one of the main roles is played by heredity and the environment. So, for example, if both parents suffer from obesity, then the risk of its occurrence in a child is approximately 80%, with obesity only in the mother - 50%, only in the father - 35-40%.

In addition, at risk are children whose birth weight was more than 4 kilograms. However, congenital obesity is diagnosed extremely rarely - only in 1% of cases. Also, those babies who are on artificial feeding and they gain a lot every month, they can suffer from obesity. In newborn babies, obesity often develops due to overfeeding with artificial nutrition. As a rule, it is extremely rare to overfeed a child with mother's milk.

Breastfeeding baby - effective prevention obesity in later life.

If you believe the statistics, then obesity most often develops due to a violation of the diet, frequent snacking and refusal to exercise. Foods that can cause fat deposits include:

  • bakery products;
  • fast food;
  • soda;
  • sweets;
  • juices;
  • desserts;
  • sweet teas.

The diet of the child should consist of foods containing proteins and fiber. It is also important to support water balance. You should not spend a lot of time in front of the TV or computer and eat food at the same time, since this simply does not control its amount. You need to play outdoor games or at least just take a walk in the yard every evening.

Very often, obesity in children and adolescents appears due to the fault of the parents, as they refuse to work with the diet and follow the diet. And if it does not interest adults, then the child even more so.

Obesity in children is not always a consequence of genetics, sometimes it is one of the acquired serious pathologies. For example, This disease can occur against the background of such diagnoses:

  • Down syndrome;
  • meningitis;
  • Cohen's syndrome;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • Pradel-Willi syndrome;
  • a brain tumor;
  • Ischenko-Cushing syndrome;
  • encephalitis.

Obesity can be caused by an iodine deficiency in the body, leading to hypothyroidism. Other an important factor are stressful conditions. They are associated with the child's admission to school, a change of residence, a quarrel with loved ones.


Two forms of obesity can be distinguished: secondary and primary, depending on the time of occurrence.
Primary obesity is of the following types:

  1. alimentary, caused malnutrition;
  2. exogenous-constitutional, caused by hereditary factors.

If genetics is to blame, then it is not the excess weight itself that is inherited, but the peculiarities of the course metabolic processes in the body. If we talk about the first type of primary obesity, then it occurs before the age of 3 years, in children 5-7 years old and in adolescents aged 12-17 years. Although its manifestation at a different age is not excluded, but less often.

Secondary obesity occurs due to diseases of a different nature. One of frequent varieties This type is endocrine obesity, which can simultaneously occur with diseases of the adrenal glands and ovaries, as well as problems with the thyroid gland.

Degrees of obesity in children (table)

In order to identify this disease in a child, you need to calculate his body mass index (according to the author, it is called the Quetelet index), which is calculated by simple steps: the weight of the child must be divided by the value of his height squared. Let's consider a simple example. For example, a boy is seven years old, his height is 1.5 meters, and his weight is 50 kilograms. To calculate BMI, you need to square 1.5, this will be 2.25. Then 50 must be divided by 2.25, the BMI value will be 22.2. After that, you need to refer to the table of average height and weight (given below) for girls and boys and understand if the BMI is within the normal range. As we can see, these indicators are normal, and the child is not obese.

Norms of weight and height of children under 17 years old

As a rule, the most common degrees of obesity can be called the first and second, which are diagnosed in 80% of children. In the absence of nutritional correction, these degrees quickly progress to more severe ones.


Of course, main symptom Obesity is visible to the naked eye - it is overweight in children. If the disease occurs in children younger age, then the appearance of such symptoms is not excluded:

  • developmental delay;
  • constipation;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • little activity;
  • infectious diseases (more often than among peers).

Alimentary obesity occurs with the following symptoms:

  1. body fat on different parts of the body.
  2. the appearance of shortness of breath;
  3. increased blood pressure;
  4. loss of interest in physical activity.

Secondary obesity is characterized by more diverse features:

  • children late begin to hold their heads, walk, sit;
  • teeth appear much later than in children of their age;
  • drowsiness;
  • decreased performance and school performance;
  • crashes menstrual cycle in girls;
  • dryness of the skin.


Obesity itself is a dangerous disease. It can develop into complications, thereby worsening the patient's condition. If the diet for overweight children 7 years of age is not followed and treatment is refused, the following diseases may develop:

  1. type 2 diabetes mellitus;
  2. atherosclerosis;
  3. haemorrhoids;
  4. pancreatitis;
  5. hepatosis;
  6. angina;
  7. hypertension;
  8. anorexia;
  9. cholecystitis.

In addition, obesity can lead to other diseases and consequences, such as flat feet, changes in posture, psychological disorders, arthrosis, and scoliosis. Very often, overweight children suffer from depression due to the ridicule of peers and classmates.

If a child has been diagnosed with obesity since birth, then there is a risk of infertility when the reproductive period is reached.

Diagnosis of the disease

Surely we all remember how we were touched by chubby children at birth - this is really touching. For a newborn baby, this is the norm - after all, he only eats and practically does not move. After about 10 months, when the baby learns to walk, all the swelling disappears, as his motor activity increases, and all fats are burned.

However, many parents, seeing how chubby their child was born, are worried - and not whether he is sick with obesity. Only a doctor can diagnose this, but if you do not overfeed the child, then there can be no talk of any obesity. Precisely in order to prevent this disease, every month during the first year of the child, his height, abdomen, and head are measured and measured. In addition, the pediatrician has a special table of averages for a boy and a girl, how many kg they should gain per month.

And therefore, such symptoms that appear externally should not disturb parents:

  • rounded tummy protruding forward;
  • plump arms and legs;
  • tight thighs.

If the child begins to gain more than the prescribed norm, then the pediatrician must adjust the baby's nutrition and his daily routine, if he is more than six months old. Indeed, at the age of 6 months, a child can be interested in toys. It is at this age that babies learn to crawl - which means they are active.

Development of obesity in children

As a rule, obesity begins to develop when a child gains a lot of weight, and his parents, grandparents are touched and rejoice at the appetite of their pet. When a doctor talks about obesity, they often do not listen to him and say that he will outgrow it, continuing to feed the baby in the same moderate way. You can’t do this, you need to listen to the recommendations of the pediatrician, especially if the baby is a newborn and is bottle-fed. Failure to comply with the recommendations is fraught with the possibility of developing the first degree of obesity.

If no action is taken, then obesity can develop into a second degree., and the child will regularly eat large amounts of food, since his stomach will be ready to receive food in such quantities. But with the second degree of obesity, other symptoms of the disease, which were mentioned above, may appear. At this degree, only 50% of parents decide to see a nutritionist, because they understand that the child is in danger and sick.

If the parents at this time also decide that the child will “outgrow”, then obesity progresses to the third degree, when all the relatives of the chubby baby begin to sound the alarm. They understand that their child is sick and do not know what to do. At this stage, symptoms of diabetes mellitus, joint pain may appear. It is at this stage of the development of the disease that 90% of parents turn to the doctor, but sometimes it is already very difficult to recover.


Treatment for obesity in children should be comprehensive. First of all, you need to follow a diet in order to lose those extra pounds. Often with obesity appear and accompanying illnesses which must be treated without fail. In addition, do not forget to engage in the prevention of excess weight and maintaining the condition that was achieved through treatment.

As mentioned above, diet for obese children should be selected individually Thanks to it, you can lose excess weight. The most important thing is to regularly count the calories of food eaten per day, and eat at least 5 times a day, in small portions. You also need to rationally allocate time. With baby preschool age you should walk as often as possible, engage in outdoor games. With schoolchildren 7-8 years old, a lot of time should be devoted to sports and circles for development.

If there are concomitant diseases, then you need to contact narrow specialists. Also in case of obesity, the doctor prescribes the following procedures:

  • psychotherapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • hydrotherapy (especially good swimming).

But sometimes all these measures are not enough to treat obesity, because adolescents may have psychological disorders, and therefore the child will need to be shown to a doctor who can identify the causes of “jamming” problems. After all, that is why most often overweight is gained in a child of 10 years and older, which occurs against the background of stress.

It is not recommended to use medications for treatment, as they can negatively affect a growing body. These drugs can be very effective, but should only be taken by teenagers over the age of 15. Surgical operations children are also not shown.


Of course, the main measure for treatment is diet. However, you should not resort to a diet found on the Internet. It is necessary to select the menu and nutrition for the child individually, together with the doctor, not forgetting about allergic reactions. It is also very difficult for children to explain why they should not use this or that product. Therefore, at the heart of the diet, favorite foods should be present in some form so that the child does not boycott his parents and does not refuse food at all. With obesity of the 2nd degree in children, it is necessary to reduce the number of calories. You can do this with fat. plant origin and carbohydrates.

If we talk about teenagers at the 3-4th degree of obesity, then the diet for them should be chosen very strictly. It will be necessary to exclude all sweets, berries and fruits, starchy vegetables, pasta.

  1. Last meal no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
  2. The last meal should not be heavy. A glass of low-fat kefir is effective as a dream book.
  3. Between meals, breaks are at least 3-3.5 hours.
  4. Most of the food should be eaten in the morning.

Physical activity

In order to burn excess fat, just following a diet will not be enough, you still need to engage in physical activity. If a teenager is obese, then he can play sports at home. To do this, you need to purchase a simulator, choose a set of exercises. Alternatively, buy a subscription gym. Toddlers need to walk fresh air, play outdoor games, sign up for a sports club.

Exercise therapy for obesity is necessary measure to alleviate the condition and treat the patient. It is necessary to choose methods for its implementation according to the age and weight of the patient. You can conduct classes in the following forms:

  • morning exercises;
  • jogging before bed
  • outdoor games;
  • training sessions.

A set of exercises can be anything, but you should start with simple exercises: walking on toes, heels, full foot. When exercising, you must use various organs and muscle groups.


Prevention of obesity is one of the most difficult tasks in the modern world. The first thing parents should start with is to teach the child to correct regimen nutrition. You also need to pay a lot of attention to the regime of the day, walk daily with the child in the fresh air.

Any parent should instill a child's interest in physical education and sports, as it is very important for its development. But in this case, parents should be an example for their child.

Prevention of obesity is very important, as in recent years this disease is only gaining momentum in popularity. And no matter how sad it may sound, but the disease appears more and more often in children. different ages. Many people mistakenly believe that obesity causes nothing but difficulty in moving. However, this serious illness, which is very difficult and can affect many human organs.

Coping with obesity is very difficult for adults, let alone children. That is why you should not allow a set of extra pounds: with a predisposition to the disease, you need to deal with its prevention, and when the first symptoms appear, treat and eliminate extra pounds.

How to deal with obesity in children and adolescents, possible consequences excess weight gain updated: October 20, 2016 by: admin

So in adolescents they call a condition in which their body weight is exceeded by normal indicators for their age. This problem is caused mainly by a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, some psychological reasons, or hormonal disruptions. People who are overweight with childhood are more prone to infertility, myocardial infarction, and cardiac ischemia.

How to determine

Obesity in adolescents is a condition in which they are overweight. normal parameter by 15%. A sign is also a Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than 30. Such indicators are more often observed in children who live in cities. This is due to the use of fast food, pizzas, shawarma and other junk food. In rural areas, this is due to cooking with animal fats.

Causes of obesity in children and adolescents

Excess normal weight body can be caused different reasons. Depending on them, two main risk factors are distinguished:

  1. Alimentary. In this case, excess body weight is the result of a sedentary lifestyle and improper diet.
  2. Endocrine. More serious factor. With it, weight problems arise due to metabolic syndrome, diseases of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland and ovaries in girls.

Only a doctor can identify a specific cause on the basis of an examination, a conversation with the child and parents, and other studies. Obesity in adolescents develops due to pathologies such as:

  1. Heredity. It's not the most common cause, because even with a genetic predisposition, weight gain requires an excess of food.
  2. congenital obesity. This includes children who were born weighing more than 4 kg. This type is diagnosed in only 1% of cases.
  3. Violation of the diet. One of the most common reasons for weight gain. The patient does not eat at the same time, and the diet consists of harmful products.
  4. Lack of physical activity. Long lying during the day, sedentary games, watching TV or being at the computer contribute to weight gain.
  5. Hypothyroidism. This disease leads to iodine deficiency in the body, which causes endocrine disorders. This state promotes weight gain.
  6. Acquired diseases. Not only genetic factors lead to an increase in body weight. It may occur in the background:
  • meningitis;
  • Prader-Willi syndrome;
  • encephalitis;
  • Cohen's syndrome;
  • Ischenko-Cushing syndrome;
  • brain tumors.


According to the main classification criterion, obesity in adolescents is divided into types depending on the cause. It can be primary and secondary. There is also mixed childhood obesity, which is caused by factors from both of the above groups at once. Primary develops due to genetic pathologies. It is not the weight itself that is inherited, but the peculiarities of the course of metabolism in the body.

Children with first-degree obesity are more likely to be age group up to 3 years, 3-5 years and 12-17 years. At other times it is much less common. This form is further divided into several types:

  • exogenous-constitutional, or idiopathic, which is associated with heredity;
  • alimentary, caused by improper diet.

The next type is secondary obesity, which develops against the background of other diseases, proceeding simultaneously with them. Pathologies can be associated with the thyroid gland, ovaries or adrenal glands. Based on this, the following subtypes of secondary obesity in adolescents are distinguished:

  • endocrine;
  • associated with defects in genes;
  • medication;
  • cerebral.


Depending on how much the percentage of weight exceeds normal levels, the degree of overweight is distinguished. This allows you to assess the risks possible complications, although any deviation is dangerous. There are 4 degrees in total:

  1. First. In this case, the body weight of a teenager exceeds the norm by 15-20%. Obesity 1 degree in children is the least dangerous of all. At this stage, the disease is more often diagnosed.
  2. Second. The indicator of excess over normal weight is already 20-50%. Obesity of the 2nd degree - already leads to discomfort, the child has the first health problems.
  3. Third. Means that body weight is more than normal by more than 50%. Here, a serious complex treatment is already mandatory.
  4. Fourth. It is diagnosed when the weight is exceeded by 100%. The most dangerous stage when observed severe complications up to diabetes, hypertension, etc.

Table of norms of weight and height

In 80% of children, the first and second degree are noted. To determine the pathology, it is necessary to know the exact weight. The value of body weight is compared with normal values, which are reflected in the centile table. It contains several values ​​at once. First to speak average value weight depending on age - from 1 year 3 months to 17 years. Additionally, the range of normal body weight is indicated, within which it can change without harm to health. In addition to weight, the centile table also contains the average height for each age and the range of healthy indicators.

Symptoms of obesity in adolescence

Primary and secondary obesity in adolescents have a number of common symptoms, and characteristics characteristic of each form. The main one is visible to the naked eye - these are large body volumes due to a significant layer of fat, as seen in the photo. Signs of nutritional obesity in adolescents include:

  • dyspnea;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • lack of interest in physical activity;
  • fat deposits in different parts of the body.

Endocrine symptoms appear against the background of problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland, ovaries, adrenal glands. Signs of this condition are:

  • poor appetite;
  • bags under the eyes;
  • weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • fatigue;
  • dry skin;
  • poor school performance;
  • constipation.

When excess body weight is accompanied by headaches, it may be a sign of a tumor. Against the backdrop of this problem, there may be the following symptoms:

  • gynecomastia - an increase in the mammary glands in boys and girls;
  • galactorrhea - secretion of milk from the mammary glands;
  • violation of the cycle of menstruation in girls;
  • delayed development during puberty.

What is the danger of being overweight in a child

Excess weight in a child can cause diseases that are not typical for childhood. they not only worsen the quality of life, but also reduce its duration. For this reason, obesity in adolescents is considered dangerous pathology. It can cause problems with different systems organs. Obesity in girls leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle. Due to a decrease in progesterone levels, problems with conception may develop in the future.

Consequences and complications

Excess weight affects not only the physical, but also mental health. Peer ridicule, dissatisfaction with oneself and constant worries lead to prolonged stress which only exacerbates the situation and leads to social isolation. Many adolescents develop flat feet, poor posture, scoliosis and arthrosis. In addition to these pathologies, mental disorders, excess body fat causes:

  1. Cardiovascular diseases. Arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, chronic heart failure, angina pectoris stand out here.
  2. Pathology of bones and joints. These include skeletal deformities, flat feet, scoliosis, joint pain.
  3. Endocrine diseases. In the absence of insulin, type 2 diabetes mellitus develops.
  4. Digestive diseases. In this group, there are frequent constipation, cholecystitis (chronic inflammation of the gallbladder), pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas). Due to fatty deposits in the liver, lipid hepatosis develops.
  5. mental illness. In this category, complications are sleep disturbance, sleep apnea syndrome (breathing disorder), psychosocial disorders.


Due to the many reasons that can lead to weight gain, more than one specialist is involved in the diagnosis. To identify the nature of overweight, it is necessary to consult such doctors as:

  • psychologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • nutritionist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • neurologist;
  • physical therapy doctor;
  • cardiologist;
  • geneticist;
  • gynecologist;
  • endocrinologist.

Detection takes place in several stages. The first of these is a visual inspection, the collection of information. The doctor needs to find out the features of the daily routine of the family, eating behavior and the presence of chronic diseases. In addition to examination, obesity in children and adolescents is diagnosed on the basis of the following examinations:

  • measurement of height, weight, waist, chest, calculation of BMI;
  • thickness measurement skin fold regarding adipose tissue;
  • laboratory procedures.

Collection of information about the child

To determine possible reasons problems of excess weight, the doctor begins with an examination. He asks his parents about the diet. For newborns, the specialist needs information about the method of feeding up to a year. About older children, the doctor needs to know about their dietary habits, physical activity, level of physical fitness and the presence of concomitant chronic diseases.

Measurement of anthropometric data and calculation of BMI

To calculate BMI, you need to measure body weight and height. The first value is taken in kilograms, the second - m. Growth for substitution in the formula must be squared. Further, by this value it is necessary to divide the body weight in kilograms. The general BMI formula looks like this - weight (kg) / height squared (sq.m). If we compare the calculated BMI and standard values, you can determine the presence of obesity in a teenager:

BMI (kg/sq.m)

Degree of pathology


Excess weight

1 degree

Very tall

2 degree

Too high

3 degree

Bioelectric resistance

This is a bioimpedance method, which is a measurement of the thickness of the skin fold in relation to adipose tissue. It belongs to the category of non-invasive and very simple. The method itself is based on the fact that different tissues of the body in their own way are able to conduct weak electricity. During the procedure, the percentage of water is directly estimated, while fat is determined indirectly. Thresholds for diagnosis are the 95 centiles.

Laboratory diagnostics and hardware research

To finally identify the cause of obesity in a teenager, the doctor prescribes a few more instrumental studies. Their list includes the following procedures:

  1. Blood chemistry. It detects the level of glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides, the increase of which increases the risk of developing diabetes and atherosclerosis. Having determined the protein, the specialist can draw a conclusion about the condition of the liver.
  2. Blood and urine test for hormones. It is prescribed by a doctor if the endocrine nature of overweight is suspected. In the case of congenital hypothyroidism, a decrease in the amount of thyroid hormones is detected in the blood.
  3. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and CT scan(CT). These procedures are necessary if a pituitary tumor and other diseases are suspected.

Treatment of obesity in children and adolescents

After determining the cause of the disease, the doctor can prescribe adequate therapy. In general, the treatment regimen involves the use of the following methods:

  1. Individual diet. It is necessary for weight loss and further prevention of gains. It is prescribed individually based on the past diet of a teenager. Weight loss must be gradual. A sharp decrease in body weight or its jumps are unacceptable.
  2. Physical education. Sport helps to improve the general condition of the child, help reduce body weight and relieve signs of depression. Teenagers can do aerobics, physical education, outdoor games.
  3. Taking medication. basis drug therapy become appetite suppressants. If obesity in adolescents is associated with endocrine system, then the patient is prescribed hormonal drugs.
  4. Psychological help. This applies to the family, which should support the teenager by switching to proper nutrition with him. Parents need to set an example by the fact that they themselves play sports.
  5. Surgery. It is carried out only in the presence of vital important indications when the patient may die without surgery.

Nutrition correction and individual diet

Proper Diet for a teenager, the exact number of calories can be determined by a dietitian. The goal here is to slow down the formation process subcutaneous fat and stimulation of the burning of already fat cells, which requires a large amount of protein. It is important that the patient receives all the necessary nutrients. To do this, the diet should include:

  • freshly squeezed juices without sugar;
  • vegetables and unsweetened fruits;
  • lean varieties meat and fish;
  • eggs;
  • milk and dairy products low fat;
  • vegetable oil for dressing salads;
  • decoctions of fresh or dry fruits;
  • butter in morning porridge.

Healthy foods should be replaced in the diet junk food, which previously constituted the diet. The wrong food is presented in next list:

  • salty, spicy, sour dishes;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • semi-finished products;
  • semolina;
  • canned kissels and compotes;
  • wheat bread;
  • fat meat;
  • strong meat broths;
  • sugar, jam;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • spices;
  • coffee;
  • cocoa;
  • first flour pasta premium.
  • Adolescents need to eat little and often - up to 6-7 times a day (3-4 of them will be main meals, and 2-3 will be snacks). Breaks between meals are 3-4 hours. High-calorie food should be in the morning. For lunch, it is preferable to cook meat or fish. To replenish calcium reserves, it is recommended to include cottage cheese in the diet daily.


In addition to a diet, regular exercise is required to burn fat. Walks in the fresh air, outdoor games, classes at home in a sports corner, morning exercises must be in the daily routine of a teenager. The selection of a set of exercises is best left to a specialist. Parents are advised to choose the following activities:

  • for young children, even for those who have just learned to walk - walking;
  • at the age of 4-5 years - a sports section, for example, skiing, swimming, acrobatics;
  • for teenagers - it is worth discussing in more detail what sports he likes so that classes bring pleasure.

Medical therapy

It is important to study the contraindications before using the medicine and side effects, after all, many medicines are prohibited for adolescents. Only a doctor prescribes certain drugs. Depending on the degree, they can be prescribed:

  • Orlistat - allowed from the age of 12;
  • Metformin - used from the age of 10 years;
  • Phentermine - dangerous with an increase in pressure;
  • Fluoxetine - indicated in case of sleep apnea and bulimia.

Psychological help

Teenagers are different in that they live in the present, so what is happening now is more important to them. In such circumstances, it is not worth explaining how obesity in adolescents will affect their future life, about 10 years later. It is better to identify the bad sides of overweight by presenting the child with specific situations. There are several more simple tips who will provide psychological support to the child:

  • make a shopping list together, include only healthy foods;
  • to cheer with the words - “even if now your weight is above the norm, but we are working on this problem and we will definitely cope”;
  • explain that playing sports is not a duty, but another opportunity to enjoy a lifestyle, so you can choose what he likes;
  • explain that the ridicule of peers should not be upsetting, because it is more important how a person perceives himself, and not the opinion of others, all the more expressed not in a tactful form, but in the form of name-calling;
  • determine the role of electronic devices in a child's life, explain that sitting at them for a long time worsens health, and doing the same thing for a long time reduces the pleasure of such a pastime.


Such a radical method is rarely resorted to, only in exceptional cases. The indication for surgery is high risk lethal outcome. In most cases, adolescents undergo gastric banding. This operation can be carried out by different methods, but all of them are aimed at reducing the size of the stomach. This leads to a decrease in the amount of food consumed and promotes gradual weight loss.

Disease prevention

Measures for the prevention of obesity in adolescents are almost the same as in the case of its treatment. The main procedures are diet and physical activity. It is important to teach children from an early age healthy eating so that as a teenager he could observe it. Daily walks in the fresh air, active games or sports should be in the daily routine of all children. Prevention of obesity in children includes control emotional state especially during adolescence. To do this, you need to talk with the child more often, be interested in his life and problems.


To date, the problem of obesity in children is the most acute. A few decades ago, this issue did not exist, and now many parents clutch their heads, looking for a way to treat their child. The disease develops from early childhood, when chubby legs and arms are observed. Of course, we are not talking about well-fed babies now, because many lose weight with age, and the weight returns to normal. Here we are talking about the fact that parents cannot catch the moment when big cheeks develop into a serious problem. Why do children get overweight and how to deal with it? You will find answers to these questions in our material.

Main reasons

Many doctors are very concerned this pathology. After all, this is a negative trend, ignoring which can lead to dire consequences. Therefore, a lot of research has been devoted to this problem in recent years.

So, the causes of obesity in children include:

  1. Wrong diet. Of course, this is the most common reason for the onset of the disease. The baby consumes significantly more calories than he needs. Accordingly, he is gaining extra pounds, and this process is difficult to stop. It is necessary to revise the rules for the child's nutrition, to exclude fast food, pastries and sweets.
  2. Heredity. Obesity in children also occurs due to the presence of the older generation. According to the results of numerous studies, if one parent is overweight, the probability of the same diagnosis in a child is 40%. If mom and dad have a problem, the risk increases to 80%.
  3. Sedentary lifestyle. Modern life is full of entertainment of a computer nature. Obesity in children and adolescents appears due to lack of motor activity. Online games have replaced outdoor activities like football and volleyball. The situation is aggravated by the negative example of parents who relax in front of the TV, lying on the couch.
  4. Hormones. Violations in the work of the endocrine glands lead to obesity. There are several diseases that provoke the occurrence of excess weight. These include diseases of the adrenal glands, pancreas, thyroid gland, etc.
  5. Syndrome Itsenko - Cushing. At this disease there is an increased level of hormones responsible for the production of insulin. As a result, the baby has increased fat deposition, coupled with small stature.


The main symptom is appearance. In children, there is an increase in the layer of subcutaneous fat and the deposition of fat in the hips, back, sternum, etc. Other characteristic signs of obesity in children and adolescents can also be distinguished:

  • increased sweating, shortness of breath during physical activity;
  • elevated arterial pressure, decreased performance;
  • significant deformation of the figure, the deposition of fat in various parts body;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • pain in muscles and joints.

Symptoms directly depend on the type of ailment, we will talk about them a little later. Due to change appearance the child often becomes depressed, his self-esteem decreases. Therefore, apart from drug treatment The child will also need psychological help.

in children

If parents notice the changes in time external character in your child, the problem can be easily dealt with. To make it easier, as a result of research, experts came up with a certain classification of obesity:

  • Primary (alimentary, exogenous-constitutional).
  • Secondary (for example, endocrine).

There are four degrees of obesity in children:

  1. The baby's weight exceeds normal rate by 15-25%. Outwardly, there are no special changes, the child seems a little well-fed. In most cases, parents do not see the problem at this stage, thinking that a good appetite is the key to good health.
  2. Here body weight exceeds the norm by 26-50%. The child has the first problems, it is difficult for him to climb the stairs, shortness of breath appears. Observed excessive sweating, the first signs of depression, the upper and lower limbs.
  3. The indicator is exceeded normal weight by 51-100%. In this situation, the child feels constant pain joints, high blood pressure. The worst thing is that diabetes mellitus develops, and this incurable disease. In addition, obesity in children, especially the third degree, causes a lot of peer ridicule. This leads to psychological and emotional breakdowns.
  4. The weight of the child exceeds the norm by more than two times. As you understand, this is a neglected form of the disease, which is difficult to treat.

The danger of the disease for the child

Being overweight is not just an aesthetic problem. In addition to bullying peers, the disease can lead to other consequences. Including we are talking about diseases characteristic of adults. So what is the risk of obesity in a child?

If you ignore the symptoms or reach such a stage that the treatment will be useless, you can acquire a lot of diseases. Often, diabetes mellitus, liver dystrophy, cardiac ischemia, hypertension, etc. develop. Among other things, a person’s life is shortened, as the body weakens from year to year. Particularly affected gastrointestinal tract baby. Therefore, obese children are more likely to be diagnosed with diseases such as pancreatitis, cholecystitis, and fatty liver. The heart may also suffer, as there have been cases of atherosclerosis and angina pectoris.

But the most serious load falls on the skeleton, joints and cartilage. Every minute they have to withstand excess weight. Under such a mass, deformation of the organs is inevitable, which leads to a change in proportions and severe pain.

Problems of psychology

Obesity in children is a great reason for the rest of the guys to have fun and laugh. It's not their fault because they don't understand the seriousness of the situation. The parents are to blame. After all, they did not notice the change in the child in time. Obese adolescents find it incredibly difficult to communicate with their peers. It is difficult to establish contact with other guys, to adapt to the social environment. Plus, overweight babies often have trouble sleeping.

Children are cruel in their ignorance, and therefore they can make an outwardly different child an outcast. Unfortunately, childhood trauma leaves an imprint for life. That's why this situation calls into question future life and the establishment of a family. In the case of a girl, if she gives up and does not fight the disease, the birth of a child is unlikely.

Parents should monitor not only good appetite, but also the good health of the child. If you have already encountered such a problem, you must follow all the recommendations for the treatment of obesity in children from the attending physician.


Early detection diseases will stop the development of pathology in connection with the appointment effective therapy. The first diagnosis is carried out by parents, evaluating the appearance of the baby. If it seemed to mom and dad that the child was overweight, you should immediately consult a doctor. The question arises: to which doctor should I take the child? For starters, in any case, it is worth visiting a pediatrician. In the future, if necessary, he will send you for research to other specialists.

Diagnosis of obesity in children is based on the results of the following procedures:

  • taking an anamnesis, in other words, the doctor conducts an in-depth interview in order to find out the characteristics of nutrition, physical activity, etc.;
  • anthropometry - here the doctor registers indicators of growth and body weight, waist circumference, hip circumference and other necessary data;
  • the bioelectrical resistance method is a measurement of the thickness of the skin fold in comparison with adipose tissue.

To finally understand the causes of the pathology, the pediatrician sends the child to a neurologist, endocrinologist, nutritionist, cardiologist, psychologist, etc. Of course, this does not happen in all cases, but only if necessary. If you need to confirm the diagnosis, other medical measures: biochemical and general blood test, ultrasound procedure thyroid gland, magnetic resonance therapy of the pituitary gland.

How to get rid of excess weight?

Depending on the degree of obesity and the reasons that led to this condition, therapy is prescribed. the main task- eradicate the root of the problem. In any case, the most effective option is a comprehensive treatment that includes:

  • proper nutrition;
  • normalization of physical activity;
  • drug therapy.

Period full recovery quite long, so the solution of the problem must be taken seriously. Each step must be coordinated with the attending physician, as well as follow all his recommendations. So, let's look at the methods of treatment in more detail.

Diet and exercise

Without proper nutrition and physical activity, it is impossible to cope with the problem. These methods are aimed not only at weight loss, but also at preventing further relapse. If a child has a disease of the first degree, then he will be prescribed proper nutrition, with which you can reduce body weight. Other events in this case are not assigned.

A diet for obese children is compiled by an endocrinologist. The specialist takes into account the smallest details of the body and prescribes the most efficient mode nutrition in each case. Sharp weight loss is unacceptable, it will only aggravate the situation. Therefore, the endocrinologist studies the body's need for proteins, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins, and only after that makes up a diet.

Usually, all types of animal fat, pasta, sweets, cookies, semolina, etc. are completely excluded. Low-fat meats, low-fat cottage cheese and kefir are recommended for consumption. Bread can only be special, made from wholemeal flour, for example "Borodinsky". The main component of the diet is vegetables and fruits.

As for exercise therapy for obesity in children, the complex should include swimming, aerobics, athletics and outdoor games. To make it easy for a child to accustom to sports, parents should show their own example and encourage the child for achievements. You need to start small: walk with your baby every day for at least half an hour. At a minimum, this will improve the baby's well-being and prevent the development of complications.

Psychological help

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of psychology, namely the atmosphere in the family. The child will need constant support, which can only be given by the closest people. You need to convey the idea that you should not focus on overweight, we must live on.

As already noted, such children become objects of ridicule on the street. In especially difficult situations, the guys get used to the role of a clown and cannot get out of it. Then only the help of a qualified psychologist will save you. Much in the treatment of obesity in children depends on the involvement of parents. Recommendations for them:

  • communicate more with the baby, give him necessary support;
  • set an example, give up unhealthy foods and follow a diet with your child;
  • organize a sports corner, instill a love of physical culture by your own example;
  • encourage and praise the baby more, talk about his originality and uniqueness, celebrate even the smallest achievements;
  • Choose the right clothes for your child. Linen is perfect as a material, because it visually hides magnificent forms. This is necessary to eliminate the complexes.

Medical therapy

This method is prescribed extremely rarely, because its effectiveness is questionable. The essence of the treatment medicines comes down to a decrease in appetite. In other words, the doctor prescribes drugs that the child will not want to eat for a while after drinking.

At the same time, most medicines that are theoretically able to cope with the problem are prohibited for children under 16 years of age. This method of therapy is used only at the third stage of obesity. Then the doctor can prescribe the following remedies:

  • "Orlistat". A drug that inhibits gastrointestinal lipases.
  • "Metformin". If obesity leads to diabetes, then this medicine can help.
  • "Phentermine". Psychostimulant, appetite suppressant.


During the diagnosis, doctors measure the size of adipose tissue. This is done in order to understand how much fat is deposited. If the problem lies in metabolic disorders, then one of the most effective means is a massage. With it, you can do the following:

  • improve metabolism;
  • reduce fat deposits in certain areas;
  • improve general condition musculoskeletal system;
  • bring back to normal muscle tone;
  • increase the efficiency and elasticity of muscle tissue.

Some children suffer from heart problems, in which case it is necessary to carry out the event with extreme caution. Only qualified specialist can do this type of massage.

Surgical intervention

We will not consider this method in detail, since it is practically not used for persons under 18 years of age. This is not necessary if the patient's condition is more or less normal. To surgical intervention(for example, bandaging or gastric bypass) are resorted to only if there are serious vital indications. For example, there is a high probability of death if the operation is not performed. Often, a radical method is used in relation to children who are diagnosed with the fourth degree of obesity.


Preventive measures should be taken from infancy. An overfed child will not develop faster. But the disturbed metabolism is very difficult to restore. In fact, in children is similar to the treatment of this disease. In other words, it includes two main points: physical activity and proper nutrition.

From early childhood, teach your child to healthy food, avoid processed foods, chips and soda. It is recommended to feed the baby four times a day, preferably at the same time.

As for teenagers, they often make a choice in favor of computer games. The task of parents is to interest the child in sports, it is necessary to encourage for any achievement, even the most insignificant. Don't forget about psychological support. If your child is overweight, act as his friend. In this case, even a long period treatment will pass imperceptibly.

Obesity in children is very serious problem. Unfortunately, the trend is negative, and every year there are more and more such cases. Parents should carefully monitor the child's diet, motivate to physical activities. It is best to set your own example, then it will be easier for the baby to adapt. To solve the problem globally, you need to fight it in every family.

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