Signs of poisoning in a puppy. Signs of poisoning in dogs - how to save your pet? Necessary measures for the prevention of poisoning

Poisoning in dogs is common. They can be caused by both poor-quality food and toxic substances. Intoxication with some toxic substances can lead the animal to death in a matter of minutes. This article tells you what to do if your dog is poisoned, what symptoms to look out for, and when to take your dog to the vet immediately.

Causes of dog poisoning

Dogs are not very picky about food. They love to try everything, take it in their mouths and gnaw. Poisoning can occur for a variety of reasons:

  • when eating stale and poor-quality food. A dog can eat rotten or spoiled meat, some animals are even attracted to the smell of such food. A dog can also get poisoned by expired dog food;
  • ingestion by a pet of drugs or narcotic substances left by the owners in an accessible place;
  • the use of dog poison or toxic substances. Now cases of intentional poisoning of dogs are very common. People who do this are called dog hunters. They lay out the poison in the walking areas of pets, they can mix it into pieces of meat and bread;
  • dog eating household chemicals, detergents. For example, an animal might drink from a bucket filled with floor washing liquid or eat a bar of soap;
  • chemical gases. It can be fumes, cigarette smoke, chemical weapons. If the dog lives on the territory of an industrial enterprise, it can inhale the fumes of chemicals;
  • due to contact with toxic substances on the mucous membranes, hair or skin. This may be an incorrectly applied tick or flea remedy to the animal's skin;
  • home plants, rhododendrons, daffodils, tulips, azaleas are poisonous for animals;
  • sweetener xylitol - it is fatal to the body of the animal. Just one tablet can lead to hypoglycemic coma and death of the dog.

Please note that puppy poisoning can be caused by the wrong food for age.

Suspicious food - instant action

If you notice that your dog has eaten something on the street, it seems suspicious to you, be vigilant. This is not the case when you should rely on luck. In no case do not feed the dog immediately after poisoning. This can significantly aggravate the situation by accelerating the absorption of the poison into the body.

If we talk about first aid, then you have to take several actions. Follow the step by step instructions.

  • In each case of poisoning, the first step is to rid the body of further exposure to toxic substances. Induce vomiting in the animal. This can be done in several ways. Large amounts of water (but not with a salt solution, as this can lead to another type of poisoning in a dog). You can use hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting. Check the dosage with a specialist, as much depends on the breed of dog, its weight and age.

Some hosts are able to induce vomiting mechanically. You just need to press on the root of the tongue. But be careful! You yourself know firsthand about the power of your pet's jaws. Do not use popular methods (salt, mustard, soda, etc.).

  • Unfortunately, even vomiting is not able to fully rid the dog's body of the action of a toxic substance, so you need to use sorbents. Activated charcoal is perfect for this purpose. It is necessary to give the dog medicine at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. Other sorbents applicable to humans are also suitable (enterosgel, smecta, polyphepam, etc.). All of these remedies are applicable even if you fail to induce vomiting.
  • Give the animal a saline laxative. The dosage is also specified by the specialist. Thus, toxic substances will be removed from the body as quickly as possible.

After that, you just have to watch the dog. It is better to repeat the intake of sorbents after a while. If deterioration is observed, repeat the operations. In parallel with the provision of first aid, try to contact the veterinarian.

Main clinical manifestations

Symptoms of poisoning in dogs develop during the first days after the poisonous substance enters the animal's body. Clinical manifestations depend on what exactly the dog was poisoned with, how the poison got into the body and its amount.

Below are the main signs of dog poisoning with various substances.

Food poisoning

If the dog has been poisoned by food, the first symptoms may begin to appear within a few hours after eating. In a puppy, they can develop faster.

Clinical manifestations of food poisoning:

  • general weakness of the animal, it becomes inactive, lethargic, refuses to play with its favorite toys;
  • poor appetite, the pet refuses to eat food offered to him;
  • vomiting, at first, food residues may be present in the vomiting, and then mucus, gastric juice and bile;
  • profuse diarrhea, stools are liquid, watery, may have a fetid odor;
  • increased discharge of gases may be accompanied by intestinal colic, abdominal pain, while the animal whines and groans.

Poisoning with rat poison

  • impaired coordination of movements. The owners first of all notice their pet staggering when walking, it can fall to one side, crash into walls, hit corners;
  • the appearance of convulsions in all muscle groups. At the same time, the head of the animal tilts back, its paws are extended, convulsions may be accompanied by the release of white foamy saliva from the mouth;
  • severe vomiting and diarrhea, which may be bloody.

First aid for a poisoned dog

All owners should know what to do if the dog is poisoned. When poisoned with medicines or poisons, there is no time to think, as the pet can die in a matter of minutes. First aid for a dog in case of poisoning is provided by the owners, after which the animal should be immediately taken to a veterinary clinic.

Remember that if a dog has been poisoned by acid or alkali, it is forbidden to induce vomiting in it and wash the stomach yourself! This will lead to even more damage to the walls of the esophagus and stomach and to severe internal bleeding.

Tools that should always be in the first aid kit

There are several medicines that a dog needs in one case or another. In order not to run headlong after them to the pharmacy after the disease has occurred, always keep them in the first aid kit:

  1. Vitamin B6 injections. It is also called "Pyridoxine". Available at any pharmacy.
  2. Vitamin K1. It can also be purchased at a pharmacy. Only K3 can replace it (and even then partially). A special veterinary drug is not sold in Russia (but better check, times are changing).
  3. Unithiol. This is an excellent antidote. It is quite expensive, it can be used only with the permission of a doctor.
  4. Atropine. It is needed only in exceptional cases. You most likely will not be able to buy it, and rightly so, since the drug is extremely toxic. It may only be used by a qualified technician.
  5. Medicines that can cause vomiting. They are also quite dangerous to your dog's health if you use them incorrectly. Therefore, the doctor should supervise the reception.
  6. Laxatives.
  7. Furosemide or other diuretics.
  8. Syringes.

There are several types of poisoning, and each of them requires a different approach to treatment. Below is a detailed description of how to save a dog from poisoning and what to do before going to the vet.


As soon as you notice changes in your pet's health that resemble poisoning, remove his food bowl. On the first day of illness, the dog should fast. You can start eating only after the permission of the veterinarian.

Hunger is necessary for rest and unloading of the digestive system. In case of poisoning with poisons and chemicals, there is a high risk of developing internal bleeding, it can be triggered by food.

Gastric lavage

Treatment at home should begin with gastric lavage. To do this, you will need a 20 ml syringe and clean table water at room temperature. Enter 20-40 ml of water into the dog's mouth and press the root of the tongue with your finger. Don't be discouraged if you can't induce vomiting. Water will dilute the toxic substance in the stomach, reduce its concentration and negative impact on the mucous membrane.

Gastric lavage is contraindicated in:

  • black cough and vomiting (symptoms of gastrointestinal bleeding);
  • etching with acids or alkalis;
  • disturbance of the animal's consciousness.

Do not add drugs, potassium permanganate or herbal decoctions to gastric lavage solutions. Potassium permanganate is prohibited for use in animals, even in low concentrations it can cause burns to the mucous membrane.

When your dog consumes acids and alkalis, do not try to neutralize these substances. For example, if a dog that has been poisoned by vinegar (acid) tries to neutralize the contents of the stomach with a solution of peroxide (alkali), a powerful chemical reaction will occur in the stomach, as a result of which a large amount of gas is formed. The mucous membrane of the stomach can not withstand and burst.


You can make your own dog enema. Take a small pear (volume 50-100 ml), fill it with plain water at room temperature and insert it into the dog's rectum.

Then you should wait until the animal goes to the toilet, and repeat this procedure again. Do an enema should be until the appearance of clean water. Do not add drugs or other substances to the bowel cleansing solution.

Sorbents are a group of drugs whose action is aimed at binding and removing toxins from the digestive system. There are a lot of sorbents. All of them differ in dosage. We will consider the rules for taking the simplest and most common sorbent - activated carbon. This drug can be found in almost every home first aid kit.

The dosage should be calculated according to the weight of the animal: for 10 kg - 1 tablet. For example, the weight of an animal is 5 kg - half a tablet, if 30 kg - 3 tablets. You can give a little more, there will be no harm from it. For example, with a dog weighing 17 kg, take 2 tablets rather than 1.5. Grind the required amount of activated charcoal and stir it with 5-10 ml of plain water. Pour the resulting solution into the pet's mouth through a syringe (without a needle).

Drinking regime

The process of soldering a poisoned animal is long and painstaking. After vomiting and diarrhea, the dog is dehydrated. It should be watered little by little and often. Pour 5 ml of water into her mouth every 5-10 minutes.

Please note that in case of isoniazid poisoning, the dog must be given an antidote - vitamin B6 - within the first 30 minutes. If there are cases of deliberate poisoning of dogs in the area where you live, buy this vitamin and carry it with you at all times. If necessary, administer it to your animal immediately. Consult with your veterinarian in advance about the rules for dosing and administering this antidote.

Treatment in a veterinary clinic

Only a veterinarian will be able to determine the exact cause of the animal’s poor health, make a diagnosis and tell the owners how to help the dog in this situation.

If the condition of the animal is critical, it will be left in the hospital. In case of mild poisoning, the doctor will write out the rules of diet, drink and schedule a visit to the clinic for injections and droppers.

Treatment for poisoning may consist of the following groups of drugs:

  • antispasmodics;
  • sorbents;
  • corticosteroids;
  • enzymes;
  • laxatives;
  • anticonvulsants;
  • solutions for intravenous rehydration;
  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Do not self-medicate your pet. Even if after the first aid you gave him a little better, take him to the veterinarian for an examination and consultation. Treatment at home can be carried out only after the appointment of a doctor.

Prevention of dog poisoning

According to statistics, the most important cause of acute poisoning in dogs is the carelessness and inattention of the owners. The following are guidelines to help you protect your pet from poisoning:

  • check the date of manufacture of the products you feed your dog, do not give her expired food;
  • walk your pet in a muzzle, so you will be sure that he does not swallow something on the street;
  • wean the puppy to pick up and eat something during walks;
  • keep medicines, detergents, cosmetics, alcohol out of the reach of the dog.

Poisoning in dogs can lead to serious consequences and death. First aid is provided by the owners, after which the animal must be taken to an appointment with a veterinarian. Self-medication can be not only ineffective, but also life-threatening for the pet.

Poisoning in dogs is the result of poison entering the body. This can happen intentionally (someone wants to poison the dog) or accidentally. The danger to the dog's life is acute poisoning, which can be very difficult.

With the advent of activists who call themselves dog hunters (dog hunters), even the usual dog walking in the city can end in tragedy. These cruel people set out to destroy stray dogs. To get their way, they scatter poison baits across parks and lawns where inquisitive animals roam.

So, a tidbit picked up on the street can lead to the death of a pet. This has already happened in Moscow's 50th Anniversary of October Park, resulting in the death of about 12 domestic dogs from the poison. The poisoned animals died in terrible agony: the owners, not prepared for such a situation, did not know how to help them ...

And not so long ago in Vladivostok, a diver dog Boniface, known in Russia and other countries of the world for his underwater exploits, died of poisoning. She also fortified herself with a poisonous substance on a walk ...

All dog poisoning can be divided into food and non-food. Non-food ones arise due to the bites of poisonous insects and animals, the ingress of harmful chemicals on the coat, skin, respiratory organs and mucous membranes.

Food poisoning occurs when toxins enter the dog's digestive system. This is the most common problem as the dog may pick up something while walking. A dog can get poisoned by spoiled food, rat poison left over from disinfestation, available drugs, or isoniazid that someone may have spilled on purpose.

Symptoms of poisoning in a dog

Symptoms depend on what the animal was poisoned with. The most common symptoms are:

  • weakness,
  • shiver,
  • profuse salivation,
  • vomit,
  • convulsions,
  • diarrhea,
  • rapid shallow breathing,
  • depressed state or, conversely, overexcitation.

Typically, symptoms of poisoning in dogs come on quickly and worsen rapidly.

When poisoned with rat poison, the dog will have a fever, and the mucous membranes will turn pale. Tachycardia is also observed, the animal groans.

With isoniazid poisoning, other symptoms occur. The animal's consciousness is confused, it can start to run randomly, while it sways, it loses orientation. Vomiting, drowsiness also occurs, foam appears from the mouth, often bloody, respiratory depression occurs, prolonged convulsions, coma.

First aid for dog poisoning

What to do if a dog is poisoned? What to give her? It is always very important to determine its cause. In this case, not a minute can be lost, since the poison quickly penetrates the body, and the dog's condition becomes more and more difficult.

In any case, the first aid should be to remove the poison from the body. In case of food poisoning, it is necessary to induce vomiting: with a saline solution (a tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm water) or by diluting hydrogen peroxide 1: 1.

If the dog has been bitten by an insect. Something cold should be applied to the affected area: ice or a compress. When bitten by a snake, the poison must be removed immediately from the wound.

If toxic chemicals come into contact with the dog's skin, they should be washed off with plenty of water. In case of poisoning with vapors of chemical compounds, the animal must be taken to a well-ventilated room or outside. When inhaled vapors of turpentine and gasoline and vomiting. She needs to give a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, and a little later - a laxative.

Help with isoniazid poisoning in dogs

  • When the first suspicions appear, you need to induce vomiting, for example, with a saline solution (a tablespoon in a glass of water) or pour half a glass of vegetable oil into the mouth.
  • Since this drug is well adsorbed by activated charcoal, the dog should be given 1-3 grams of activated charcoal per 1 kg of weight.
  • It is also necessary to introduce an antidote - pyridoxine (B6) (3-5 g) and give Corvalol: 30 drops per 40 kg.
  • The dog needs to be constantly watered, you can use milk diluted with water. And urgently contact a veterinary clinic or.


How to cure a dog from poisoning? How to help her?

  • In case of food poisoning, then you need to clean the dog's stomach with adsorbents. These are activated carbon, egg white, burnt magnesia, kaolin (white clay). You can give your dog strong tea, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, milk.
  • For the final removal of toxins, the stomach is washed with a probe, and if more than two hours have passed since the poisoning, an enema of salted water is used (a teaspoon per glass of water), but the water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees.
  • Further treatment is prescribed by the doctor after the diagnosis is established. For example, in case of poisoning with rat poison, an antidote is needed - vitamin K. Drip infusions of solutions are also carried out: Ringer-Locke, glucose, Trisol. Cardiac drugs, diuretics, iron preparations are used.

The dog itself can get poisoned accidentally, and it can be poisoned by an evil neighbor, who is annoyed by her loud barking. In any case, for a loving owner, this is a real grief.

How to help your beloved pet if he is poisoned? We'll talk about this below.

Causes of dog poisoning

Dogs are not picky about food, they gnaw, grab everything you throw at them on the fly, so poisoning in them can occur under the influence of various substances. Of practical importance is the division of poison depending on the way it enters the animal's body. Therefore, the following causes of poisoning are most likely.

The first signs of poisoning in dogs may be similar to the manifestations of infectious diseases. Especially often, owners confuse poisoning and the initial stage of viral enteritis. This disease is also characterized by vomiting and refusal to feed. The owner assumes that the dog is sick and therefore does not eat anything. What to do, because in this case, most first aid measures will only worsen the situation? Viral enteritis is characterized by white, frothy vomiting that worsens as symptoms develop. And in case of poisoning, there are often signs of damage to the nervous system.

What are the symptoms of poisoning in dogs?

The main signs of poisoning in dogs include:

First aid for dog poisoning

In any case, you should contact your veterinarian. Many poisons can have a delayed lesion. But first, you should provide first aid for the poisoning of the dog.

Attention! It is impossible to provoke vomiting in case of poisoning with oil products, caustic alkalis and acids. Since the reverse passage of these toxic substances through the esophagus, a chemical burn can occur.

What to give a dog in case of poisoning?

It is advisable to drink milk only if the dog has been poisoned by salts of heavy metals (lead, mercury). Otherwise, it can cause harm by speeding up the absorption of poison from the stomach and intestines.

Dog poisoning treatment

Treatment should be prescribed by a veterinarian. When a dog is poisoned, specific symptoms are important and therefore treatment can be quite narrow. In the clinic, if necessary, the animal will do:

  • gastric lavage;
  • deep cleansing enema;
  • they will introduce a specific antidote - an antidote;
  • prescribe diuretics to accelerate the removal of poison from the blood;
  • carry out symptomatic treatment aimed at maintaining liver function, heart activity, restoring breathing;
  • with severe convulsions, anticonvulsants may be required, and with foodborne illness, antibiotic treatment may be required.

Treat your dog yourself

What to do at home if the dog was poisoned by a poison known to you?

Self-medication is justified only if you are sure that the animal has been exposed to the following poisons.

After any food poisoning, the dog is kept for a day without food, given plenty of fluids. Feeding starts with small amounts of food, let's easily digestible food:

  • cottage cheese;
  • egg;
  • liver;
  • oatmeal;
  • curdled milk;
  • lean boiled meat.

Rehabilitation therapy is also carried out.

Remember that a veterinarian should prescribe medications. If you are unable to take your dog to the veterinarian, try to get advice over the phone, describing the situation in detail.

To determine what to give the dog in case of poisoning, it is necessary to analyze the symptoms of intoxication. This will help to find out the type of toxin and correctly provide first aid. Then the animal must be shown to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

Causes of dog poisoning

Toxins enter the body of an animal in the following ways:

Poisonous substances are classified according to the degree of dissolution. Assimilated in the body of the animal at different rates. Dangerous as substances with a fast, and with a slow degree of dissolution.

In the first case, the animal's health deteriorates rapidly - assistance in case of such poisoning should be provided immediately. High risk of death. Substances with a slow degree of assimilation are dangerous in that you can miss the time for treatment.

The following toxins are the cause of poisoning:

  1. Medicines. Intoxication occurs due to isoniazid, painkillers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
  2. chemicals. The pet can be poisoned by fertilizers, solvents, cleaning products, rodenticides (rodenticides). Rat poison works even if the dog has eaten the remains of an animal that died from the poison.

Symptoms of intoxication

The very first signs of poisoning are vomiting and incoordination. The animal begins to fall on its side and on its hind legs. The dog may have vision problems: the pet will start poking its muzzle into objects.

Symptoms will depend on the type of toxic substance:

  1. Isoniazid. Causes vomiting, convulsions, impaired coordination.
  2. Rodenticides. When poisoned with rat poison, blood appears in the secretions of the animal. Spontaneous convulsions occur, coordination is disturbed. Due to bromethalin, seizures begin, reflexes sharply increase, pupils become different sizes. Anticoagulant rodenticides cause lameness, coughing up blood, shortness of breath, and nosebleeds.
  3. Chemistry with ethylene glycol (antifreeze, polishes, detergents, paints). The dog's urination increases, there is a strong thirst, vomiting, coordination is disturbed. The animal stops responding to external stimuli.
  4. Acetaminophen preparations. The animal loses its appetite, looks lethargic. He vomits, mucous membranes become pale.
  5. NSAIDs. In case of poisoning, the dog refuses to eat, vomiting of a dark brown color occurs. A characteristic symptom is black feces.

First aid rules

If you suspect intoxication, you should call your veterinarian for emergency advice. The specialist will explain how to help the dog. In parallel, one should try to determine the potential type of poisonous substance, its possible dose and the approximate time of poisoning. The procedure for first aid will depend on the type of toxic substance.

In case of poisoning with rodenticides, ethylene glycol agents, NSAIDs, painkillers with acetaminophen, it is necessary to induce vomiting in the animal. Only water at room temperature can be used.

The liquid is poured into the esophagus in large quantities. To induce vomiting in dogs, hydrogen peroxide at a concentration of 1.5% is used with caution. It is mixed with water in equal proportions. The dosage of the solution is calculated taking into account body weight: for every 5 kg, 1 tsp is required. liquids.

Apomorphine hydrochloride will help to urgently induce vomiting in a dog. It is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously. The dosage is 0.004 and 0.008 mg per kg. The drug should be used after consulting a doctor. You can not induce vomiting with confusion, paralysis of the larynx, with seizures. Contraindication - poisoning with alkali and other caustic substances.

Further steps in helping with poisoning:

  • gastric lavage;
  • the use of adsorbents and laxatives;
  • bowel cleansing with an enema.

First aid rules for poisoning with other types of toxic substances:

  1. Acetaminophen preparations. The dog is given N-acetylcysteine.
  2. NSAIDs. The animal should be washed out of the stomach.
  3. Isoniazid. The pet needs to enter pyridoxine. Then they induce vomiting, give adsorbents and laxative salts.
  4. Bromethalin. Induce vomiting, wash the stomach and give a laxative. The necessary antidote does not exist.

Means that should always be in the home first aid kit to combat intoxication:

  1. Vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine). For animals that weigh up to 20 kg, 3-4 ml of the substance is needed, and for dogs heavier than 40 kg - 7 ml. For small breeds, 1.5–2 ml is required. The agent is administered intramuscularly. It is necessary to make an injection without additional diagnostics immediately in the event of vomiting and impaired coordination. After the introduction of the drug, the dog must be delivered to the veterinary clinic within 20 minutes. Experts advise to draw the required amount of pyridoxine into a syringe and carry the drug with you while walking. Can be used preventively - pyroxidine will not harm the pet's health.
  2. Vitamin K 1 (phytomenadione). Antidote for anticoagulant rodenticides. It is administered intramuscularly. The dosage is 5 mg per kg. The substance is part of the preparations K-Ject and Konakion.
  3. Adsorbents (activated carbon, Enterosgel, Enterozoo).
  4. Laxative salt (magnesium and sodium sulfate).
  5. Vikasol. It is used as an analogue of phytomenadione.

After providing first aid, the dog must be taken to the veterinary clinic. It is advisable to take a sample of the suspected toxic substance with you.

Treatment of intoxication

In the future, the animal is prescribed procedures, injections and droppers. The treatment regimen is selected by the veterinarian, taking into account the type of toxin and the severity of the animal's condition.

Treatment options for a pet after poisoning:

  1. In case of intoxication with ethylene glycol, an ethanol solution is administered at a concentration of 20%, hemodialysis, forced or peritoneal diuresis are carried out.
  2. In case of poisoning with acetaminophen, ascorbic acid and gastroprotectors are prescribed. Oxygen treatment is carried out, infusion therapy is carried out.
  3. Animals affected by NSAIDs are prescribed antiemetics, gastroprotectors. According to the indications, transfusion therapy is carried out.
  4. For the treatment of intoxication with anticoagulant rodenticides, vitamin K 1 continues to be used, blood transfusion and oxygen therapy are carried out.

Caring for a dog after food poisoning

On the first day, the animal is not fed. The dog must have free access to water. After poisoning, the pet needs a special diet. The doctor may prescribe medicinal canned food. If the dog eats natural food, easily digestible foods are left in the diet. At first, it can be low-fat broth, boiled rice. Later, the pet is given chicken, beef. The duration of the diet is determined by a specialist. The animal should return to the usual diet gradually.


To prevent intoxication, you should start training your pet. It is necessary to teach the dog not to pick up objects from the ground, not to take food from the hands of strangers.

Every dog ​​lover knows what a wonderful and devoted friend a four-legged pet can be. He knows how to rejoice, grieve, wait, suffer and love just like people. And also hurt. Among canine ailments, poisoning is hardly the first line in terms of frequency and prevalence. Let's not talk about unscrupulous manufacturers who produce low-quality food, about evil neighbors who throw pieces flavored with poison to your pet. All this is true in real life, but...

No matter how sad the statistics are, they are also inexorable: in almost 90% of cases, the owners themselves are to blame for the poisoning of the dog. No, not from dislike for the animal. Everything is much simpler, and therefore, probably, more terrible. Banal frivolity, inattention, the eternal "maybe" and irresponsibility lead to the fact that the universal pet suffers and suffers, and sometimes even dies. Forewarned is forearmed. Available information, compliance with simple rules will help both experienced and novice dog owners avoid trouble. Read, memorize, do.

5 DON'T! for every dog ​​owner

If you are concerned about the health of your pet, then before demanding obedience and obedience from a pet, learn by heart the simplest prohibitions:

  1. DO NOT feed spoiled food to your dog. A dog is not a pig, what is intended to be thrown out should be thrown out.
  2. DO NOT leave household chemicals (cleaners, disinfectants, bleaches, detergents, preparations for watering and treating plants, household poisons from rodents) and a home first aid kit with medicines within reach.
  3. DO NOT violate the dosage of drugs, even vitamins or antihelminths.
  4. DO NOT save on animal nutrition by feeding him products of unknown origin or from a manufacturer with a dubious reputation.
  5. DO NOT leave your dog unsupervised for a walk. Animals are not as picky about food as the same cats. Do not feed many breeds with bread, just let them rummage through the garbage.

What is poisoning and how does it happen

Poisoning, it is also intoxication, is the defeat of the body by toxic substances. You can become their victim from anything:

  • spoiled food;
  • drug overdose;
  • household chemicals and poisons;
  • prolonged inhalation of paint fumes, etc.

By type of intoxication into two categories:

  1. food. Toxic substances enter the body through the tongue, esophagus, stomach when licking, swallowing, drinking a dangerous product.
  2. non-food. The poison affects the body through the skin (bite) or lungs (inhalation of fumes).

The health, and sometimes the life of the pet, depends on how prompt the determination of the symptoms of poisoning and the provision of first aid will be. Signs of intoxication begin to appear within 3-6 hours after ingestion. It all depends on how strong the poison was.

Signs of poisoning in a dog

Symptoms of intoxication can manifest themselves in different ways, it depends on what caused the disease and how much toxins got into the body. But there are signs accompanying ANY poisoning in a quadruped. Their presence is cause for immediate concern:

  1. Diarrhea.
  2. Vomit.
  3. Salivation.

In addition, the animal has characteristic deviations in behavior and physiology:

  • a state of depression or overexcitation;
  • convulsive contractions of the body;
  • weakness, lethargy (may be accompanied by trembling);
  • lack of appetite;
  • rapid shallow breathing.

Some cases of poisoning are especially dangerous:

  • Rat poison, arsenic. When it enters the dog's stomach, it causes severe intoxication. The stool and saliva come out with blood, there is a jump in temperature, the mucous membranes turn pale. The poor animal groans and suffers from tachycardia. The breath of the animal gives off the smell of garlic.
  • Isoniazid. This TB drug is deadly to canine health. Ingestion of isoniazid tablets causes bloody foam, convulsive muscle contractions, confusion, loss of orientation. The dog staggers, thrashes around erratically, chokes, and as a result falls into a coma.

Delaying death is like or How to provide first aid to a poisoned dog

Self-medication is strictly prohibited! Some signs of poisoning are similar to the symptoms of infectious diseases, and only a qualified specialist can determine this. Only, being in absolute certainty that it was the cause of the disease, you can try to help the animal on your own. In other cases, you must immediately provide first aid and contact the veterinary clinic.

For food poisoning:

  1. Induce vomiting by giving the dog a strong salt solution (1 tbsp per 1 tbsp of water) or 0.5 tbsp. vegetable oil. Even by force!
  2. Give absorbent. Based on 10 kgdogs 1 tab. activated carbon. Coal can be replaced with white clay.
  3. Drink a laxative (magnesia, vaseline oil, etc.).
  4. Gastric lavage with an enema

A veterinarian in a clinic can do probing.

For snake or insect bites:

  1. Get rid of snake venom or insect sting.
  2. Apply a compress with ice or moistened with cold water.

In case of poisoning with rat poison or arsenic:

  1. Give absorbent before the dog becomes lethargic or coma.
  2. Make a gastric lavage with an enema with warm water.

In case of poisoning with isoniazid tablets:

  1. Induce a gag reflex.
  2. Give an absorbent.
  3. Give an injection of pyridoxine (B6).
  4. Drink corvalol (30 drops per 40 kg dog weight).
  5. Plentiful drink, preferably milk diluted with water 1:1

For non-food poisoning:

  1. If chemicals come into contact with the skin, rinse with plenty of running water.
  2. In case of pulmonary intoxication, take the animal to fresh air, give sunflower oil to envelop the vessels and a laxative.

After providing first aid, you need to deliver the animal to the veterinarian or call him at home. All other medical manipulations are prescribed only by him, based on the condition of the pet.

Protein intoxication or the consequences of an improper diet

The key to the health of any organism is proper, balanced nutrition and dogs are no exception. If your pet eats unprepared professional food, then do not be lazy, carefully study the information about the dog's diet.

Owners who believe that the more meat, the better, are fundamentally mistaken. An excess of muscle meat, as well as poultry meat, leads to protein poisoning. Offal is the ideal meat food for an animal. There are a lot of carbohydrates in the tripe, which are so necessary for the pet.

Protein overload is easy to determine:

  • a very sickening odor began to emanate from the dog's urine;
  • urine has become a strange, non-standard shade;
  • the animal began to climb, more often baldness begins with the tail, then passes to the ridge and muzzle;
  • the dog's skin becomes dry and flaky (clearly visible when combing);
  • wool loses brightness and softness;
  • the animal all the time tries to relieve itching by scratching;
  • weight gain stops.

Oversaturation of the body with protein is cumulative. The disease can manifest itself only after weeks of malnutrition and at first does not bother the dog. Protein poisoning is treated simply, it is enough to bring the dog's diet in line and after a while its health will return to normal.

1. You can make a dog vomit in a simple way:

  • open the dog's mouth, taking the upper jaw with one hand and pressing the lower jaw with the second;
  • place a pinch of salt or soda on the root of the tongue;
  • close the mouth and stroke the throat to swallow the product;
  • make sure that the dog has swallowed the substance (the animal begins to lick its lips).

In case of poisoning with oil products, in no case should you induce vomiting. See a doctor immediately!

After therapeutic anti-toxic procedures, observe the diet:

  • The first day - hunger and heavy drinking.
  • The second day - light food with lots of vitamins.
  • Further, on the recommendation of a doctor, gradually moving to a normal diet.

The dog's menu should include all the necessary elements. In the absence of a lack of minerals or vitamins, the dog will have much less cravings to pick up everything that “lies badly” from the floor..

First aid kit

Each dog owner should have a first aid kit on hand, equipped with the most necessary things to help his pet before arriving at the clinic or the arrival of a doctor at home:

  • Activated carbon or kaolin.
  • Vitamin B6.
  • Syringes for injection.
  • Enema.
  • Vitamin K1, K3.
  • manganese or magnesium.
  • Absorbents (polypefam, enterosgel, etc.).
  • Corvalol.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.

Health to you and your four-legged pets!

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