Treatment of intestinal disorders in children. Prevention of gastric disorders. When diarrhea is due to improper diet

Separately, it is necessary to consider the disorder in an infant. Features of the chair is associated with the start of the digestive system, its addiction to nutrition outside the womb.

The first month bowel movements occur up to 10 times a day. In the second month, the frequency decreases, and the excretion of feces may be delayed for 3-4 days. During this period, this condition is considered normal if the child eats well, sleeps, and his tummy is not swollen. You need to start treatment with watery, frothy stools, accompanied by mucus and a pungent odor. The reasons are the first feeding, artificial nutrition in the absence of breast milk, poisoning, infection, increased fat content of mother's milk.

To prevent the onset of intestinal disorders, a nursing mother must adhere to a diet. It is necessary to give up spicy, sweet, fatty, so that the composition of milk does not change.

Signs of illness

Availability the following symptoms indicates that an intestinal disorder has come:

  • The chair of the child became frequent;
  • Refusal of food is observed;
  • The stools have acquired a liquid, mucous or watery state;
  • The child presses the legs to the stomach and complains of pain;
  • Irritability, restlessness and crying.

The appearance of such signs indicates the need to consult a doctor. It is much more difficult for a child's body to cope with problems gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, any dysfunction of the stomach in children should be noticed at an early stage.

Causes of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract:

  1. Diarrhea due to diet

The main reason is overeating, excessive consumption of sweet and fatty foods. A sharp change in climate and frequent moves can provoke an upset in children. The combination in one meal of a variety of foods that do not go well with each other (dairy products and salted fish.).

In newborns, diarrhea appears due to an increase in the volume of food. The stomach simply cannot cope with large volumes. Overfeeding, abrupt transition to new products, use of food not for age are the main causes for diarrhea.

  1. Cold, intestinal infection or poisoning

If diarrhea is the result of food poisoning or infection, then children experience vomiting, weakness, headaches and abdominal pain, fever, drowsiness, etc.

SARS can occur with symptoms of indigestion. The problem of the intestine is accompanied by a runny nose, sore throat, cough.

  1. Dysbacteriosis of the stomach

For this reason, intestinal disorders occur as a result of a violation of the microflora of the stomach. This is due to the negative nutritional impact on the microorganisms of the colon. The main symptoms of dysbacteriosis are stomach pain, diarrhea, alternating with constipation.

  1. Lack of lactase ulcerative colitis

Lactase deficiency is characterized in children with a deficiency in the body of the enzyme lactase, which is involved in the digestion of lactose and milk sugar. The disease occurs as a result of past dysbacteriosis, taking medications, intolerance to breast milk, or is hereditary. Often, such a disorder can manifest itself from the first days of a baby's life. The stool becomes liquid, frothy with sour smell.

To normalize digestion, milk intake should be excluded from the child's diet. If a lactose-free diet is observed, the symptoms resolve in an average of 3 days. If the baby is fed the wrong artificial formula, then the transition to a new mixture should be gradual over 2-3 days.

Lactase deficiency can occur not only in infants, but also in older children. It should be remembered that lactose is found not only in dairy products, but also in bread, confectionery, mayonnaise, wheat flakes, etc. Therefore, treatment should be combined with a suitable diet. A more serious disease is colitis, Crohn's disease. The main symptom is diarrhea with blood. Loose stools accompanied by pain in the abdomen. If this condition occurs, you should immediately visit a medical facility for examination of the colon.

Normalization of bowel function

Treatment of disorders of the stomach should be prescribed in a timely manner. Incorrectly selected drugs can significantly worsen the condition. Therefore, only the attending physician should make a diagnosis and select funds. Do not self-prescribe antiviral or antimicrobials as well as antibiotics and probiotics. It is recommended to consult a doctor immediately if an upset stomach does not go away within a day.

Prolonged diarrhea affects the balance of the intestinal microflora and cause disturbances in the digestive processes. Diarrhea causes dehydration. If the bowel disorder is not caused by an infection, then treatment is reduced to eliminating the symptoms and following a diet. Among the drugs used to eliminate stomach dysfunction in children, one can name Estimate, Linex, Hilak forte.

If a child is under the age of one year, then he can take Smecta, which has absorbent and astringent properties. You need to start with 2 sachets per day. If the child more than a year, then the dosage of the drug is increased. For babies, Hilak forte is suitable, which includes biosynthetic lactic acid. Linex is applicable for the normalization of the work of the stomach of children from six months.

Folk remedies

In the treatment of dysfunction, well-known folk methods. For young children, folk remedies should be used with caution. If they do not eliminate the symptoms in the near future, you should consult a doctor to diagnose the disease.

To replenish the lost fluid during diarrhea, it is prepared saline solution. A pinch of salt is added to slightly sweetened boiled water. Liquid is taken 1 teaspoon every 5-10 minutes.

Rice broth is also used. The recipe for children is 1 part rice to 3 parts water. Boil the mixture over low heat for 7 minutes. After the broth cools down and the liquid drains. The child should eat up to 100 grams every hour. If treatment is started in the morning, then by the evening the baby's condition should improve.

An infusion of chamomile and mint is used in equal parts. A tablespoon of the dry mixture is brewed with 200 ml of boiling water. After 30 minutes, the infusion is filtered.

Blueberry jelly can help a child with an upset stomach. Ingredients: a little water, 1 tablespoon potato starch and dry blueberries. All ingredients are mixed and begin to cook over low heat. A glass of water is poured in small parts and brought to a boil. Kissel is consumed warm. Bird cherry fruits are mixed with blueberries, 3:2. One tablespoon of the mixture is poured with boiling water. The broth is boiled for 20 minutes and filtered. Take half a glass 3 times a day.


Nutrition rules are divided for infants and children older than a year. With an intestinal disorder in a newborn, you should refuse complementary foods and monitor the effect of breast milk on the well-being of the baby. If it is impossible to cancel artificial nutrition, then you need to take breaks between meals from 8 to 12 hours long. Include dairy products in your diet. A child from 6 months old can add a decoction of rice to food.

A baby who is not yet a year old can return to a normal diet again only after a complete recovery. New foods are added to the diet no more than once every two days.

Children over one year of age follow the following diet:

  • Vegetable puree soups, mashed potatoes;
  • Rice porridge;
  • Kefir;
  • Baked apples;
  • Crackers or biscuits.

Products are prepared without the use of oil, on water. It is forbidden to consume dairy products, raw fruits and vegetables, fatty foods. Meals are taken in portions. Food is crushed with a blender. If diarrhea is moderate, the amount of food is reduced by 30%, and with a pronounced degree, it is reduced by half.

Prevention of stomach diseases

To avoid the occurrence of intestinal disorders in children, it is necessary from early childhood to teach them to be clean and follow a number of rules:

  • Washing hands before eating;
  • Drinking only boiled water;
  • Washing hands after using the toilet.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and colds often force parents to seek help from pediatricians. Digestive disorders require competent treatment, otherwise the baby's diarrhea can become chronic. True, some experienced moms already know the main secret of treating the problem.

We will also find out what to do with an intestinal disorder in a child, and we will also arm ourselves useful information about the causes, methods of treatment of the disease in different childhood.

Intestinal disorders in a newborn baby

When a woman has her first baby, she is not always oriented in what is a normal stool and what is called diarrhea. In the first month after birth, a baby can defecate from 4 to 10 times a day. And most often this happens after feeding. In the second month of life, bowel movements become more rare. It also happens that the child does not poop for 3-4 days in a row. And this is a variant of the norm, if the baby eats well, sleeps, his tummy is not swollen. Initial period work digestive system is its adaptation to extrauterine nutrition.

The help of a pediatrician is necessary for a baby if his stools are too watery, frothy, with a pungent odor, mucus. This is the indigestion of the baby. The root cause of the problem in artificial children is the rejection of cow's milk, to which mothers transfer children in case of insufficiency or absence of breast milk; infection; poisoning; increase in the fat content of mother's milk.

Parents should contact their pediatrician urgently if:

  1. The child constantly cries and refuses food.
  2. His stool became much more frequent.
  3. The child constantly presses the legs to the stomach.
  4. Fecal masses became liquid, watery, mucous.

Often the causative agent of diarrhea in children under one year old is rotavirus. Treatment of the problem at this age should be carried out under the guidance of a pediatrician.

The main secret treatment of intestinal disorders in children is to prevent dehydration. This applies to both infants and older children. After all, with diarrhea, fluid leaves the child's body, the water balance is disturbed. The danger of dehydration of the baby's body is that vital minerals and vitamins leave with loose stools. The child is weakening before our eyes due to dehydration.

Most often, children under one year old are hospitalized and treated under the constant supervision of a pediatrician. Rehydration should be started as soon as possible. For this, there are ready-made pharmacy solutions of electrolytes intended for the infant body. They restore fluid balance and intestinal mucosa.

Intestinal disorder in a child due to nervousness, during teething, from milk, after antibiotics

Not so long ago, violations of the intestinal microflora, poisoning, and malnutrition of the child were considered the main cause of diarrhea. Today, among the possible reasons, doctors name and mental disorders, children's stress. They are able to trigger the mechanism of intestinal disorders. Children's walls digestive tract in such a situation are subject to a strong influence of nerve impulses. They contract faster, the transit of intestinal contents is accelerated - and this is how diarrhea occurs. On nervous grounds, diarrhea in babies often happens. And the stress factor can be physical punishment, the loss of a loved one, a strong fright.

Many mothers know that diarrhea during teething of the first teeth in a child is a frequent occurrence. The kid takes everything that comes in his way into his mouth, and inflamed gums are an additional source of weakening. defensive forces organism. Therefore, when intestinal problems appear, you first need to carefully examine the baby's gums. Most likely, the teething sites will be a little swollen. Usually diarrhea, if the child has an upset bowel on the teeth, goes away in a day or two. But it is necessary to drink heavily during this period the baby.

Often children are prescribed antibiotics, and the consequence of their use is diarrhea. The reason is that this category of drugs disrupts the microflora of the children's intestines. And very often after antibiotics, the disorder is accompanied by green chair, abdominal pain and deterioration in general well-being. Often the above symptoms are accompanied by fever, nausea, vomiting, irritation of the anal area.

A good pediatrician, when prescribing antibiotics, immediately prescribes prebiotics to the baby. It can be linex, enterol, bifidumbacterin, hilak-forte.

As for indigestion after breast milk, then most likely the reason is that the nursing mother ate something very fatty, which also affected the composition of her milk. Therefore, in order to avoid digestive disorders in crumbs, lactating women need to carefully monitor their diet.

Intestinal upset in a child and fever, vomiting, loose stools

All of these signs are caused by teething, taking antibiotics, intestinal infections. In early preschool age, the cause of such problems may be malnutrition, stale foods.

Whatever causes the disorder with the above symptoms, the child must be shown to the pediatrician, heavily watered, kept on a diet.

How to treat intestinal upset in a child up to a year, at 1 year, 2, 3, 5 years

If we talk about the risk group for intestinal disorders, then these are children under one year old and mostly artificial. Pediatric statistics states that due to pathologies of the digestive system, 0.2% of babies under one year old die every year. Therefore, the first step in the treatment of disorders in children of this age is a prompt appeal to a pediatrician.

At the age of two years, two stools per day are considered the norm. Children older than two years go to the toilet once a day. That is, at 2, 3, 5 years, frequent and loose stools are a symptom of an intestinal disorder. By the way, at this age, diarrhea may not be an independent disease, but one of the signs of acute respiratory infections, allergies. Sometimes the onset of measles, scarlet fever can be accompanied by diarrhea in a baby. That is why it is important that the doctor prescribes the treatment after determining the exact cause of the pathology.

Medicines: what to give

Smecta has proven itself in the treatment of diarrhea in children of any age. This is the so-called cytomucoprotector. It is allowed to take it to the baby from the first month of life. The drug has astringent and absorbent properties. From one month to one year, it is necessary to give the crumbs two sachets of medicine per day for three days. Babies older than a year - 4 sachets on the first day, on the second - three, on the third - two. For children of five years of age, three sachets of smecta on the first day and two on the second will be enough.

Linex is a popular drug that normalizes the microflora of the children's intestines. The only contraindication to its use is intestinal hypersensitivity. Normobact is a combination of lacto- and bifidobacteria. It is best used for mild disorders. Approved for use from six months.

Hilak forte contains biosynthetic lactic acid. The drug is prescribed to children from infancy.

Intestinal disorders in children: treatment folk remedies

Since ancient times in Russia, folk remedies, in particular rice water, have been used to treat intestinal disorders in children. For children, it is prepared at the rate of three parts of water and one part of cereals. You need to boil the remedy for 5-7 minutes on low heat, let it cool a little, drain the broth and give it to the baby every hour for 50-100 grams. By the end of the day, the child's condition is normal. Rice congee is the most The best way treatment of bowel disorders.

You can use an infusion of mint and chamomile, taken in equal proportions. A tablespoon of the mixture is poured with 200 grams of boiling water. Strain after 30 minutes.

Blueberry jelly for treating a baby is prepared as follows: a tablespoon of dry blueberries is mixed with a tablespoon of potato starch and a little water. Gradually add another glass and, while stirring, bring to a boil. The child should drink such jelly warm.

Homeopathy for intestinal disorders in children

Many mothers prefer homeopathic remedies in the treatment of the problem. But a homeopathic doctor should prescribe them and prescribe a treatment regimen, taking into account concomitant diseases and age of the young patient.

Most often, preschool children with intestinal disorders are prescribed colocynths (wild watermelon). The remedy is also used for intestinal colic.

Hamomilla is prescribed for infants when pathology accompanies teething.

Arsenicum album (or white arsenic) homeopaths prescribe for diarrhea and general low immunity of the baby, frequent morbidity.

Nux vomica (or chilibuha) is used to treat disorders, with children's overeating, vomiting, nausea.

Intestinal disorder in a child: nutrition, diet

Medicamentous, homeopathic, alternative treatment will be ineffective if the child does not follow a diet during the period of illness. Therefore, you need to know how to feed a child if he has an intestinal disorder.

From the diet at this time, all dairy products, raw vegetables and fruits, fatty foods are excluded. It is recommended to give the child baked apples and bananas, rice, buckwheat and oatmeal boiled in water, croutons. This is what you can eat with intestinal disorders until the patient gets better.

It is important to increase the amount of liquid in the diet. Mineral water, rehydrating solutions, dried fruit compote, black tea, and rosehip tea may be drinking options for a sick baby.

Keep him on this diet for another day or two after his diarrhea stops. Then gradually introduce other foods to the menu.

Intestinal disorder in a child: Komarovsky

At the first sign of disorders, the pediatrician advises parents to remember what they fed the child with. Perhaps the cause of the problem was fast food, chips, cake from the store? Mr. Komarovsky strongly recommends giving water to a child with intestinal disorders often, in small portions. It can be non-carbonated mineral water, a decoction of raisins or rose hips, dried fruit compote, just boiled water. The temperature of these drinks should correspond to the body temperature of the sick baby.

Yevgeny Komarovsky is sure that hunger and drinking plenty of water is a safe way to treat pathology in preschoolers. Appeal to pediatrician it is necessary if an intestinal disorder occurs in a baby or a child under one year old.

After normalizing the stool, improving the general condition of the baby, Mr. Komarovsky recommends gradually introducing lean cottage cheese, lean meat, and milk porridge into the child's menu.

Especially for - Diana Rudenko

» Treatment of children

Intestinal upset in a child - causes, symptoms, methods of treatment and prevention

Parents always perceive illnesses of their own baby as a tragedy, because a child, especially a baby, is not able to explain exactly where and what specifically worries him. He only cries and acts up, and in the meantime, the list of alleged diseases is only expanding. One of the most common problems is intestinal dysfunction in children. It is accompanied by diarrhea, impaired appetite and sleep, general malaise and even a rise in temperature. In this article, we will consider what causes an intestinal disorder in a child, what methods of examination, treatment and prevention of diseases of this organ are commonly used.

What can cause an upset stomach in a child?

Intestinal infections that cause food poisoning in children are referred to as "dirty hand disease". In other words, healthy baby becomes infected from a patient with an intestinal infection through unwashed hands, dishes, dirty toys and other objects.

Also the cause of this disease often become E. coli, which are found in expired or low-quality fermented milk products, such as yogurt and kefirs. The source of no less dangerous dysentery bacillus can be unboiled milk, raw water, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, dirty vegetables, berries or fruits. Salmonellosis is provoked by foodstuffs contaminated with its pathogens (boiled sausage, chicken eggs, unwashed greens). As for food poisoning, which also gives children a lot of anxiety, it occurs due to staphylococci that multiply intensively in confectionery in the heat. The presence of staphylococcus in the intestines of a child, however, like any other infection, is a signal for immediate action on the part of the parents. How to determine what caused the intestinal disorder in a child? This will be discussed further.

Why is an ultrasound of the intestine prescribed for a child?

Ultrasound is considered one of the most accurate and effective ways diagnostics of internal organs. Among all other survey methods, its main advantages are safety and relative cheapness. Ultrasound does not involve X-rays, is painless and allows you to get a clear picture of the processes occurring in the intestines of the child. So, with the help of ultrasound you can see:

  • Benign and malignant neoplasms.
  • Malformations of the intestine.
  • The shape and size of the intestine.
  • Presence of injury.
  • The structure and structure of the internal organ.
  • The origin of inflammatory processes.

In addition, an ultrasound of the child's intestines helps to identify some dangerous pathological conditions, such as: hemorrhage in the intestinal wall, appendicitis, adhesive obstruction, tumors and inflammations, diverticulitis (pocket-like protrusions of the intestinal mucosa), as well as Crohn's disease - a complex chronic inflammation of the intestine.

Only after the child has undergone an ultrasound of the intestine, the doctor can determine the cause of the onset of symptoms and then prescribe effective treatment.

A child has staphylococcus in the intestines - symptoms and treatment

If, after an ultrasound and additional laboratory tests (stool cultures), the doctor diagnoses colonies of staphylococcal bacteria in your child, you should not panic. Modern medicine is quite capable of overcoming this disease with the help of antibiotics. The only thing to remember is that the prescription of the drug is carried out after determining the type of strain of bacteria, because staphylococcal infection is resistant to some antibiotics.

Staphylococcus enters the child's body by the household or alimentary route (the virus enters through the gastrointestinal tract). At the same time, the baby has symptoms of ordinary food poisoning - vomiting and diarrhea, a decrease in pressure, a rash on the palms, sharp pains in the abdomen, weight loss, loss of appetite. There may also be an increase in temperature - more than 38 ° C. Note that in the intestines of a child, staphylococcus may be present in small quantities. However, with a strong weakening of the immune system, it begins to multiply intensively, leading to inflammatory processes and diseases.

The treatment of staphylococcus is complex, because as drugs alone destroy pathogenic bacteria not always possible. This should be done by an infectious disease specialist or a gastroenterologist. Based on the research findings, medical specialist prescribes appropriate medications. Restoring the microflora in the intestines of a child with the help of probiotics is the next stage of therapy. Normalization of the work of the body will lead to the fact that the colonies of staphylococcus will be replaced by bifidobacteria, enterococci and lactobacilli (the main types of non-pathogenic intestinal microflora). As a rule, the treatment of staphylococcus is quite long, so please be patient in advance.

Prevention of staphylococcus and other intestinal diseases

How to protect your child from such a dangerous disease? This question is asked by many parents. We want to assure you that it is not difficult at all. Hygiene and strengthening the immune system is a panacea for many diseases. The following procedures will also help prevent the development of bacteria in the intestines of a child:

  • Vaccination with anti-staphylococcal sera.
  • Regulation of the amount of vitamins and minerals in the baby's body, healthy nutrition.
  • Walks in the fresh air and hardening of the body.

It is very important to observe the basic rules of hygiene - washing hands after each visit to the toilet and before eating, drinking only boiled milk and water, storing cooked meals in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days, as well as thoroughly rinsing fruits and vegetables with boiling water.

Bathing children in fresh water should be done with extreme caution, because the causative agents of intestinal diseases such as dysentery can live in water for up to 50 days. And a baby who has had dysentery for another month after recovery is considered a carrier of the infection. In no case do not allow him to contact other children. Remember, if you take the necessary measures in time, you can prevent many intestinal infections. In any case, if any symptoms appear, do not hesitate to visit a doctor. Consultation of a qualified pediatrician will never be superfluous.

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Inflammation of the large or small intestine in a child. Stomach diseases

Bowel Inflammation Symptoms and Treatment

In this article, we will look at the reasons why bowel inflammation symptoms diseases of the colon and small intestine, and also inflammation of the stomach in a child .
Previously, inflammation of the intestines in a child was considered an exception, but over time, such cases become more frequent. Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis are classified as diseases of adults, but doctors inform that in young patients these ailments are detected on advanced stages due to the similarity of symptoms with viral gastritis.

Harmful bacteria that enter the small intestine of a child provoke enteritis (inflammation of the intestines). The intestinal mucosa is damaged by toxins (endotoxin, enterotoxin, exotoxin).

Colitis- a consequence of inflammation and dystrophic phenomena of the large intestine. Inflammation affects one or more sections of the intestine. In most cases, proctitis is diagnosed (inflammation distal) or proctosigmonditis (inflammation of the sigmoid and rectum).
Colitis in a child can be chronic and acute. Most often, children are faced with such varieties inflammation of the small intestine. acute ulcer. non-infectious, ulcerative, chronic non-infectious, spastic colitis.

Diet for inflammation of the intestine for a child: When intestinal colitis relapses, the baby is transferred to a sparing diet. It is recommended to use broths, decoctions of a mucous consistency, steamed meat dishes, cereals, jelly, omelettes and white crackers. You can add fruits and vegetables to the diet when the patient gets better.

Chronic colitis is diagnosed in a child with incorrect feeding, long-term use of antibacterial drugs. congenital pathologies of the intestine, chronic infectious diseases. Among the causes of chronic intestinal inflammation in children and cardiovascular problems. defects in the endocrine system. allergies. protein, vitamin deficiency.

With inflammation of the stomach the baby's stomach swells, vomiting occurs with the consistency of curdled milk. With simultaneous inflammation of the stomach and intestines in a sick child, diarrhea begins, the feces are green, with a nasty sour smell. The child is in severe pain, he constantly bends his legs. Significant weight loss is noted.

stomach disease caused by bad milk, poor breast hygiene, breastfeeding more than once every 2 hours, colds, hard to digest food.

A patient with inflammation of the stomach is prescribed a strict diet. Barley, salepny and rice broths with milk sugar are useful for the child. Warm compresses are applied to the abdomen. Sugar water, juices, jams with water are taboo. Thirst can be removed with boiled water with Aconite 3 (10 drops per glass).

Next, we will take a closer look at how to treat inflammation of the large and small intestines in children. What symptoms indicate that a child is developing I have inflammation of the intestines or stomach What treatment is most effective for acute or chronic colitis, gastritis. frequent constipation. enterobiasis, ascariasis. peptic ulcer and other diseases of the stomach.

Now you know what causes inflammation of the intestines in a child what symptoms are observed in certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, what treatment is used for inflammation of the large or small intestine, as well as the stomach in children.


Urology. Urological diseases. Internal diseases The main symptoms of bowel disease - symptoms, causes, treatment, drugs, in children

The main symptoms of bowel disease - symptoms, causes, treatment, drugs, in children

Among the main complaints in diseases of the intestine, most researchers include pain, flatulence, intestinal movement disorders (constipation or diarrhea) and intestinal bleeding.

Intestinal pains are characterized by the absence of a strict dependence on the time of eating, and at the same time, their obvious connection with the act of defecation, which is expressed, as a rule, in alleviating pain after defecation or passing gases. These signs distinguish intestinal pain from stomach pain.

The nature of intestinal pains allows us to subdivide the last pains, singing and cramping, with short, suddenly recurring attacks. Aching pains are persistent and typical of inflammatory bowel disease. When the peritoneum is involved in the inflammatory process, pain is accompanied by muscular protection.

Localization of pain is very pathopyumopichpa. So, pain in the right iliac region appears with inflammation of the appendix, the caecum. Intestinal obstruction causes acute pain in the left lower abdomen. The same phenomena are observed with sigmoiditis. Pain in the umbilical region is more often observed with inflammatory changes small intestine. Diseases of the rectum are accompanied by the development of pain in the perineum with the appearance of blood in the stool.

Irradiation of intestinal pain is very diverse. For example, in the chest lower limbs. A similar feature of the manifestation of intestinal pain often leads to diagnostic errors.

Intestinal pains depend either on their convulsive contraction smooth muscle(spasm of the intestines), or from distension with gases. There may be a combination of causes of pain syndrome.

Spasmodic pains are associated with the development of vegetative neurosis or irritations that occur during inflammatory bowel processes. Distension pains arising from distension of the intestines with gases are blunted by the prolonged existence of swelling. With intestinal obstruction, pain is aggravated due to intestinal peristalsis.

Tenesmus, or rectal colic, is characterized by frequent and painful urge to fall down with a feeling of convulsive contraction of the intestine. Defecation does not occur, Tenesmus develops with inflammatory and ulcerative lesions of the intestine.

Flatulence (bloating) is characterized by a painful feeling of fullness in the abdomen. flatulence cause increased gas formation in the intestines, its violation motor function, aerophagia (swallowing air) and some disorders of higher nervous activity. With intestinal obstruction, the clinical picture of flatulence is supplemented by increased peristalsis.

A sure sign of bowel disease is diarrhea (diarrhea). It is observed in various intestinal infections, intoxications, endocrine pathology and allergies. It develops under the influence of the rapid advancement of food slurry with active peristaltic bowel movements. The appearance of diarrhea is also possible under the influence of malabsorption in the intestine. Excretion into the intestinal lumen a large number inflammatory secret, irritating intestinal receptors, leads simultaneously to increased peristalsis, and to malabsorption. This mechanism is characteristic of inflammatory processes in the intestine. An imbalance between the fermentative and putrefactive flora of the intestines is another cause of diarrhea. The predominance of fermentative flora leads to bloating - fermentative dyspepsia develops. It is observed with the abundant use of foods rich in carbohydrates. Secretory insufficiency of the stomach causes hyplos dyspepsia. In this case, first of all, the process of protein digestion suffers. Mushy stools, characteristic of fermentative dyspepsia, have an acidic reaction, a large number of gas bubbles, vegetable fiber and iodophilic microbes. The stools that appear with putrefactive dyspepsia contain muscle fibers with preserved transverse and longitudinal striation and smooth ends (creatorrhea). The reaction is alkaline. Iodophilic flora is absent.

Lesions of the large intestine lead to the appearance of mild diarrhea that does not violate the general condition of the patient. On the contrary, inflammatory changes in the small intestine cause, due to violations of the motor and absorption functions of the intestine, profuse diarrhea, causing the development of metabolic disorders in the patient's body, including electrolyte imbalance.

Constipation - prolonged retention of feces in the intestines (over 2 days). The frequency of stools is significantly influenced by the diet: eating plant foods leads to an increase in the frequency of defecation, and taking a sufficient amount of meat causes a tendency to constipation.

Constipation is divided into organic and functional. Organic constipation is associated with mechanical obstacles - narrowing of the intestinal lumen, which is caused by the development of a tumor, scarring, adhesions, as well as anomalies in the development of the intestine.

Functional constipation appears due to the influence of alimentary, neurogenic, infectious, toxic, endocrine, kinetic factors.

Ulcerative lesions of the intestine can lead to the development of intestinal bleeding. They are observed in tumors, invasions, infectious processes in the intestine.

When collecting an anamnesis, special attention is paid to clarifying the characteristics of nutrition, the frequency of meals, the presence of bad habits. Important information about earlier previous diseases intestines and other organs. A number of bowel dysfunctions are associated with the professional route of the patient.

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How does indigestion manifest in children? The symptoms of this pathological condition will be listed below. You will also learn about why this disease develops and how it should be treated.

Basic information

Indigestion in children is a fairly common occurrence. As you know, the mentioned organ is one of the main elements that make up the human digestive system. Interruptions in his work have a negative impact not only on the patient's well-being, but also on his health in general.

Functional indigestion in children is special condition, in which one of the functions of the organ in question is violated (for example, motor or secretory). At the same time, the small patient feels a noticeable pain in the epigastrium and experiences a significant feeling of discomfort.

A characteristic feature of this condition is the absence of any structural changes in the gastric mucosa. Thus, the diagnosis is made on the basis of a patient interview, existing symptoms, test results and other studies.

Varieties of the disease, their causes

Indigestion in children, or rather its variety, is determined by several factors that caused an imbalance in its work. Primary disorders are independent diseases. The main reasons for their development are the following:

Why does indigestion occur in children? The secondary causes of this pathology are accompanying factors or the consequences of other diseases of the internal organs. These include the following:

  • vascular and heart diseases;
  • malfunctions of the digestive tract;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • chronic infections;
  • organic or functional diseases CNS.

Most often, indigestion in children occurs not because of one, but because of several factors that were mentioned above.

Symptoms of the disease

Now you know what constitutes such a pathological condition as indigestion. Symptoms in children, however, as in adults, can be different. In modern medicine, there are several clinical pictures of this disease:

  • dyspeptic;
  • painful;
  • mixed.

Usually functional disorder stomach in children is accompanied by such unpleasant symptoms as pain in the epigastric region. At the same time, both children and adults talk about paroxysmal pains, which usually concentrate in the navel and are intermittent.

Babies with this pathology may develop mild soreness, especially when pressing on the stomach.

Signs of illness

If the temperature and indigestion in a child, you should definitely contact the pediatrician. It is also necessary to visit a doctor if a small patient has poor appetite, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, as well as belching with the smell of rotten or sour food and nausea, turning into vomiting.

According to experts, strong vomiting reflex the child may indicate the presence of pylorospasm. It should also be noted that difficulties with swallowing food in a baby may indicate the development of cardiospasm.

Other symptoms of the disease

How is indigestion manifested in children (treatment of such a disease should be carried out only by a gastroenterologist)? The disease in question in children is often accompanied by excessive sweating, emotional instability, instability of the heart and blood vessels, as well as other internal organs.

It should also be noted that such a disorder of the main digestive organ has special forms in which symptoms such as aerophagia (i.e. severe belching air), acute expansion of the stomach and habitual vomiting (including sudden bouts of vomiting).

All of these symptoms require special attention from doctors. But in order to make a correct diagnosis, one should rely not only on the identified signs of the disorder, but also on the results of the tests. Only in this case, the specialist will be able to prescribe the necessary treatment, as well as adjust the diet of his patient.

According to statistics, children and adolescents suffer from gastric disorders much more often than adults. This fact is explained by the fact that it is young people, who are inextricably linked with computers and other electronic equipment, who regularly experience psycho-emotional overload. By the way, against this background, many children and teenagers forget about regular and full-fledged meals, snacking on hamburgers and washing them down with highly carbonated drinks. Usually the results of such behavior are not long in coming.

The child has an upset stomach: what to do?

Modern food products do not always meet all quality and safety requirements. Therefore, diseases of the digestive tract came out on top among all the others.

Very often, this problem occurs in young children and adolescents, especially if their parents do not particularly monitor their diet. So how to treat an upset stomach in a child? To eliminate the cause of this disease, doctors recommend using non-drug methods. As them, experts offer the following:

  • Normalization of the diet. This includes the choice of high-quality and safe products, the presence of various hot dishes on the menu, the regularity of meals, the absence of coffee, hot chocolate and carbonated water among the drinks consumed, as well as the complete exclusion of fried, spicy, fatty and salty foods.
  • If indigestion in an adult is associated with harmful working conditions, then they must be eliminated. To do this, you should refuse to work at night, as well as cancel frequent business trips.
  • Healthy lifestyle. This method of eliminating the causes of gastric upset involves regular sports and physical education, alternating work and rest, and giving up bad habits (for example, smoking or alcohol abuse).

In most cases, with an upset stomach, such measures can not only significantly improve the patient's condition, but also eliminate malfunctions in the work of other internal organs.

Temperature and indigestion in a child can be observed not only in early, but also in adolescence. By the way, in such children, the signs of the pathology in question are very similar to gastritis. To put more accurate diagnosis, morphological confirmation is required.

Medicines for indigestion in children are used for more serious disorders, as well as the presence of a huge number of symptoms of this disease. In addition, in this condition, the patient is prescribed a special diet.

Medical treatment

What remedy for indigestion for children should be used? Experts say that to eliminate motor disorders, babies can be prescribed medications from the following groups: antispasmodics, anticholinergics, selective cholinomimetics and prokinetics. If it is necessary to correct secretory disorders, then doctors recommend the use of antacids or anticholinergics.

In case of vegetative disorders, it is allowed to use drugs and various herbs that have a sedative effect. Also, with such a pathology, acupuncture, antidepressants, electrosleep, massage, gymnastics, and water procedures are often used. If gastric disorders have arisen due to psycho-emotional overload, then a psychiatrist's consultation is indicated.

Treatment of young children

If teenagers and adults with indigestion can be prescribed various drugs and other procedures, then for young children such treatments are not suitable. So what to do if a similar disease occurs in a baby?

The main condition for successful treatment of indigestion in a young child is the use of a sufficient amount of fluid, which helps prevent dehydration.

If, with gastric pathologies, a child willingly and more often takes a breast, as well as a bottle with a mixture, then he should not be limited in this. Also, in addition, the baby is required to give an electrolytic solution. The drug "Regidron" can act as it. This tool will help restore the water balance in the child's body.

According to experts, in case of gastric disorders, fruit juices with glucose should not be given to the child. Also, kids are not allowed to drink carbonated drinks. If you neglect this advice, then the listed products will contribute to increased diarrhea and significantly aggravate the condition of the child. By the way, it is not recommended to give babies fixing drugs, as they are contraindicated for children under 12 years old.

If a sick child is already 6 months old, then with the development of severe diarrhea, he can be given mashed ripe banana or rice water. For older children, starchy foods and chicken are ideal.

If a loose stool with an upset stomach in a child is observed for two days or more, and dietary restrictions do not affect his condition in any way, then you should definitely consult a doctor. Buy on your own medicines, intended for the treatment of this condition, is not recommended in pharmacies.


The feasibility of using certain drugs, their doses, as well as the duration of therapy for gastric disorders are determined only by the doctor.

If the disease in question is secondary causes development, then treatment should be directed both to the elimination of the main symptoms, and to those pathologies that caused the disorder itself. To do this, a sick child or an adult with complaints of severe pain in the stomach must be registered with a general practitioner or gastroenterologist for a period of 12 months. In this case, examinations of the patient should be carried out every six months.

Diet for indigestion in a child is very important for the healing process. The correct diet for a baby or an adult is prescribed by a doctor. In this case, the doctor must give the patient a brochure indicating the prohibited and permitted products.

When especially severe cases patient is scheduled for an appointment sedatives and moderate loads.

If, after some time, the main signs of gastric disorders no longer recur, then more intensive therapy is not required. In this case, the patient is removed from the register.

If you do not see a doctor in time for an upset stomach, then the child may experience serious disorders in the digestive tract, which can turn into a peptic ulcer or chronic gastritis. In this case, the symptoms and treatment will differ significantly.

Proper nutrition of a child with an upset stomach is very important. Usually a special diet is used during an exacerbation of the disease. At the same time, nicotinic acid and additional vitamins C and group B.

All dishes intended for a sick baby should be steamed exclusively. Also, products can be consumed in boiled form.

Eating with an upset stomach should be fractional, that is, up to 6 times a day. As the main symptoms of the disease are eliminated, the patient is transferred to a balanced diet. He is also recommended a sparing diet.

What kind preventive measures What can you do to prevent indigestion for you and your child? The primary prevention of the disease in question is the introduction of a healthy lifestyle. This will not only entail the elimination of many causes that cause disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract, but will simply improve the patient's condition.

According to experts, proper observance daily routine, lack of physical overload, balanced diet, as well as eliminating nervous tension will help to significantly reduce the number of patients, including children, with the mentioned diagnosis.

If a child has diseases of the abdominal organs or helminthic invasions are observed that contribute to the development of gastric disorders, then preventive measures must be carried out in conjunction with treatment that is carried out on this moment time. In order to rehabilitate a small patient, he is shown sanatorium therapy.

The health of the child is the most worrying issue for every mother. And yet, no baby is immune from the development of a particular disease. Among the most common diseases in babies, indigestion should be noted, this disease is especially common in children. summer period. In a child, indigestion is most often accompanied by frequent loose stools, elevated temperature, vomiting, general weakness. What should I do if my child has an upset stomach? First of all, you need to determine the factor that could provoke the disorder in order to be able to eliminate the cause of the baby's illness.

Very often, the cause of indigestion in children lies in ingestion. Almost every child is affected by this infection before the age of 5 years. Rotavirus infection provokes the development of gastroenteritis, which adversely affects digestive function. As a result, poor absorption and digestion of food occurs.

Indigestion in children can also be caused by:

  • taking medications;
  • improper preparation of the mixture during artificial feeding of the baby;
  • food;
  • lack or absence of certain food enzymes in the baby's gastric juice;
  • concomitant diseases.

Indigestion can occur as a result of intoxication of the body after eating spoiled foods or toxic substances.

In addition, indigestion can be of a bacteriological nature, that is, a so-called intestinal infection occurs. Intestinal infection can be caused by various viruses and bacteria. The most common intestinal infectious diseases are dysentery and salmonellosis, but in medical practice there are dozens of other types of CI. Intestinal infections can occur in both adults and children.

Infectious eating disorder in toddlers is often referred to as "dirty hand disease". As a rule, infection occurs as a result of unwashed or poorly washed hands, through household items, toys, while using unwashed vegetables and fruits. To be more precise, E. coli develops in expired fermented milk products.

Also, the causative agent can be, which actively multiplies in hot weather in a variety of confectionery products. Salmonella can enter a child's body when eating foods contaminated with salmonella. It can be eggs, meat and sausages.

Some types of bacteria can be carried by rodents. Such disease-causing organisms come into contact with the use of fruits and vegetables that have been stored in pantries or cellars. Dysentery bacillus can live in pipelines, therefore, to protect the child from developing dysentery, give him only boiled water.

To make up for fluid loss, give your baby tea, compote, fruit drink, glucose solution or a special Regidron solution, the powder of which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

You can prepare your own rehydration solution. For this you will need 1 teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of salt. Add a little salt, otherwise the baby will not drink the solution. A few drops of freshly squeezed orange juice will not only improve the taste of the resulting drink, but also enrich the child's body with potassium.

Try to give the child water at intervals of 5-10 minutes, while it is not necessary that the child drink a lot, it is enough to give a teaspoon to an infant and a tablespoon to an older child. The more and the more often the child drinks, the better.

In addition, you need to give the child an absorbent, for example, Smecta, Polysorb or Polyphepan. If in stool ah there is mucus, greens or blood streaks, you will also need to undergo a course of antibiotic therapy, which your doctor will prescribe.

If the baby has a fever and its value exceeds 38 degrees, then it needs to be brought down. For digestive disorders, drugs containing paracetamol are more preferable. However, suppositories with paracetamol are effective only when the baby's stool frequency does not exceed 10 times a day, so for diarrhea, use an antipyretic in tablets or in the form of syrup.

If an upset stomach occurs in an infant who is on breastfeeding, it is necessary to take a break in feeding and review the diet of the mother. It is also important to solder the baby with boiled water or saline solution. After the condition of the crumbs improves, you can gradually return to the usual feeding regimen.

If the baby is bottle-fed, it is necessary to withstand a break between feedings of 8-12 hours, then transfer the child to fermented milk formulas. If the child's age has reached 6 months, then you can periodically mix the mixture with rice water. As for other complementary foods, they can be introduced into the diet gradually with an interval of two days. That is, on the third day you can enter into the diet vegetable puree, then only on the 6th day give the baby meat, etc.

New products for the baby should be introduced into complementary foods only after the final recovery of the crumbs.

If the disorder happened in older children, they must be transferred to a special dietary diet. In most cases, a diet that includes rice porridge cooked in water, grated vegetable soups, mashed potatoes without adding milk or butter, kefir, crackers and biscuit cookies, baked apples will be ideal.

It is important to adhere to this rule: portions should be small, but you need to eat often with a short interval of time.

If there is a possibility that indigestion is caused by mushroom poisoning or poisonous plants, while there is no vomiting, it is important to induce a gag reflex as soon as possible in order to remove poison from the body. You can induce vomiting by irritating the root of the tongue by pressing. If the signs of mushroom poisoning are mild, you still need to call an ambulance or take the child yourself to the infectious diseases department of the children's hospital.

After an upset stomach, the child, as a rule, is put on a dispensary record, which is monitored for a year. At the dispensary registration, the gastroenterologist evaluates the patient's condition, prescribes a control EGDS, together with which a biopsy of the gastric mucosa is performed. Based on the results of the EGDS biopsy, a decision is made to remove the child from the register.

With timely treatment of indigestion and diet, the disease ends in recovery. Otherwise, the development of chronic and even peptic ulcer is possible.

To avoid indigestion, the following rules must be observed:

  • Be sure to wash your hands before every meal.
  • be sure to wash your hands with soap after using the toilet;
  • do not drink raw water and milk;
  • pour boiling water over vegetables and fruits before eating them;
  • store cooked meals in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

In addition, you should not buy food in spontaneous markets and feed your child in fast food cafes. During the hot season, try to cook food for one meal only, as indigestion can be caused even by quality food after it has been warm.

Pay attention to the fact that the dysentery bacillus is able to survive for 50 days, so be careful about bathing a child in fresh water.

If, however, your child gets sick with dysentery, do not allow him to communicate with other children, as a person is a carrier of dysentery within a month after recovery. This will protect healthy children from the development of intestinal infections.

As for kindergarten visits, this should be postponed. With the infectious nature of indigestion, the pathogen can persist in the child's body for a rather long period of time, therefore, before receiving a certificate of recovery, it is necessary to pass an analysis of feces for the presence of the pathogen. If a pathogen is detected, it will be necessary to re-analyze after a certain period.

Try to prevent food poisoning of the baby with plant toxins. To do this, do not allow the child not only to collect, but also to touch plants that may be poisonous. Mushrooms in any form should not be present in the food of children under 7 years of age, since gastric juice a child at this age does not yet contain the enzymes necessary for the digestion of complex foods.

Salmonella infection can also be avoided if you follow some rules for preparing food for you and your baby:

  • wash your hands not only before and after cooking, but also after each operation;
  • you need to defrost poultry meat in a separate container, avoid contact of meat with other products;
  • carry out the culinary processing of minced meat on the same day when it was bought in the store;
  • soft-boiled eggs cannot be cooled in cold water, because the preservation of heat inside the egg contributes to the destruction of bacteria;
  • it is necessary to fry the meat until the ichor ceases to stand out from it.

Mother's actions in case of indigestion in a child

So, with an upset stomach in a baby, your actions should be as follows:

- firstly, every mother should know that diarrhea and vomiting can lead to dehydration, so it is necessary to water the child often, in small doses and the right drinks - boiled water, saline solutions, dried fruit compote. From saline solutions, you can use Regidron, diluted according to the instructions, or prepare a solution for rehydration yourself. You can also give the child Smecta or Polysorb to absorb substances that irritate the intestines;

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Intestinal disorders in a child: how to treat?

Intestinal disorders in a child under the age of 10 years are quite common.

This is due to the fact that in children the body is not yet fully formed, as a result of which it will be vulnerable to infections and other negative factors.

Minor dietary changes, stress, medication, or an infection in a child can cause intestinal upset.

In turn, children's diarrhea without timely treatment often provokes dysbacteriosis, dehydration, reduced immunity and a general deterioration in the child's well-being.

Intestinal disorders can be effectively treated by normalizing nutrition and using medication. The medicine for infectious diseases should be selected by a doctor.

Intestinal Disorders in Children

The causes of intestinal disorders in children are infectious and non-infectious.

There are more than 10 groups of viruses that cause intestinal symptoms in a child. The most common are rotavirus and enterovirus infections.

The main cause of intestinal upset of a viral nature in children under 5-6 years old is rotavirus infection - intestinal flu.

The name is due to the fact that during the illness both intestinal symptoms and signs of respiratory diseases appear.

The temperature in the acute period of the disease in children can reach 39 degrees (in a child, the disease will be more severe than in an adult).

Infection with enteroviruses is less common, and their diagnosis will be more difficult due to the diversity individual reactions on the disease (from diarrhea, muscle and headaches to photophobia).

Enteroviruses can affect not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also other body systems.

With adenovirus, catarrhal symptoms (rhinitis, conjunctivitis) are more pronounced.

Among the most common bacterial intestinal infections in children are coli, dysentery, and salmonellosis.

Sometimes only a specialist can differentiate symptoms, make a correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

Treatment will directly depend on the characteristics of the disease. The doctor selects the necessary remedy on the basis of tests, whether it is antiviral drugs, antimicrobials or antibiotics.

Diarrhea in children is also provoked by poisoning, stress, allergies or dysbacteriosis. In a child, diarrhea may appear at a high temperature and during teething.

Sometimes indigestion in children also causes malnutrition, in which the body has a deficiency of essential trace elements.

In a breastfed baby, diarrhea can also be caused by improper nutrition of a nursing mother, so women need a strict diet during this period.

From a young age, it is worth carefully monitoring the nutrition of the baby. In infants, digestive problems may occur due to the first complementary foods.

Even timely complementary foods can cause individual intolerance. To pick up suitable for the child food, sometimes you have to try many options.

In infants, the symptoms of intestinal upset are manifested in a qualitative change in stool and frequency of defecation.

Behavior in children usually becomes more restless. Any medicine should be given to a baby only after agreement with the pediatrician.

Treatment of non-infectious causes

Treatment of intestinal upset should be timely and appropriate to the cause that caused it. The wrong medicine will not only not cure, but even aggravate the situation.

Therefore, it is not necessary to carry out self-treatment of prolonged diarrhea in a child and to select medications without an accurate diagnosis.

If the symptoms do not go away within a day, then you should consult a specialist.

The child has prolonged diarrhea can provoke changes in the balance of intestinal microflora and disrupt metabolic processes and digestive processes. In addition, diarrhea provokes dehydration.

If the cause of the bowel disorder is not an infection, then the treatment is to follow the diet and eliminate the symptoms.

The diet should exclude dishes that activate peristalsis. It is worth giving up raw vegetables and fruits and bakery products. It is not recommended to consume legumes, mushrooms or nuts.

A diet for indigestion implies that food should only be steamed, stewed or baked.

Food should be as easy to digest as possible, so it should be crushed with a blender or in another way. Diet involves reducing portions.

With moderate diarrhea, the diet should be reduced by 30%, and with severe diarrhea - by 50%. Such a diet will reduce the load on the digestive tract.

The treatment of diarrhea always involves the control of the water-salt balance in the body, since with diarrhea a large amount of minerals is washed out of the body.

Therefore, a diet for a gastrointestinal disorder in a child involves frequent drinking. In this case, you can not drink immediately before a meal or immediately after it.

To control the electrolyte balance as much as possible, you can use Regidron.

With an intestinal disorder in a baby, it is worth continuing to breastfeed. But a nursing woman needs to be especially careful about her diet at this stage of feeding.

If complementary foods have already been introduced at this time, then it is worth making sure that the disturbances in the work of the intestine did not begin because of it.

If there is confidence that complementary foods are not the cause of dysfunctions in the digestive tract, then you should simply reduce portions for a while and increase the amount of liquid consumed by the child.

Treatment of infectious bowel diseases in children

As a rule, a high temperature indicates an infection and the presence of inflammatory processes in the body.

If you have a high temperature, you should seek medical help on the same day. Treatment of infectious diseases depends on what pathogenic microorganism provoked the disease.

For example, rotavirus and enterovirus infection mostly treated symptomatically.

Sometimes a specialist may prescribe antiviral agents to shorten the acute period of the disease and reduce the risk of complications.

But modern medicine cannot offer specific drugs to combat these viruses, therefore drugs of general action are used.

Based on the symptoms that appear, children are prescribed antipyretics, antispasmodics, painkillers (if necessary), antiemetics and solutions that maintain electrolyte balance in the body.

To prevent the possible development of dysbacteriosis, the child will most likely be prescribed medications that positively affect the intestinal microflora (prebiotics).

Of course, the treatment of an adult child and a baby will be different, because the younger the child, the more difficult the disease will be tolerated.

infections bacterial nature treated with antimicrobial agents. In some cases, experts recommend antibiotics. Means are selected on the basis of analyzes for a certain type pathogenic microorganisms.

Medicines should be prescribed by a specialist on the basis of studies.

If on your own, for example, it is inappropriate to start taking antibiotics for a viral infection, then you can worsen the situation by weakening the intestinal microflora, as a result of which dysbacteriosis will also be added to the symptoms of the underlying disease.

Treatment of infectious diseases also implies a special diet. The diet will be the same as for a non-infectious bowel disorder.

And infections, and poisoning, and other causes of intestinal disorders in children today can be quite successfully treated, and preventive measures (good nutrition, vaccinations, increased immunity, etc.) will reduce the risk of infectious diseases to a minimum.

Timely referral to a specialist competent treatment and diet will help to quickly cope with any bowel disorder with minimal consequences.

Intestinal disorder in a child

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and colds often force parents to seek help from pediatricians. Digestive disorders require competent treatment, otherwise the baby's diarrhea can become chronic. True, some experienced mothers already know the main secret of treating the problem.

We will also learn what to do with an intestinal disorder in a child, and we will also arm ourselves with useful information about the causes, methods of treating the disease at different childhood ages.

Intestinal disorders in a newborn baby

When a woman has her first baby, she is not always oriented in what is a normal stool and what is called diarrhea. In the first month after birth, a baby can defecate from 4 to 10 times a day. And most often this happens after feeding. In the second month of life, bowel movements become more rare. It also happens that the child does not poop for 3-4 days in a row. And this is a variant of the norm, if the baby eats well, sleeps, his tummy is not swollen. The initial period of the digestive system is its adaptation to extrauterine nutrition.

The help of a pediatrician is necessary for a baby if his stools are too watery, frothy, with a pungent odor, mucus. This is the indigestion of the baby. The root cause of the problem in artificial children is the rejection of cow's milk, to which mothers transfer children in case of insufficiency or absence of breast milk; infection; poisoning; increase in the fat content of mother's milk.

Parents should contact their pediatrician urgently if:

  1. The child constantly cries and refuses food.
  2. His stool became much more frequent.
  3. The child constantly presses the legs to the stomach.
  4. Fecal masses became liquid, watery, mucous.

Often the causative agent of diarrhea in children under one year old is rotavirus. Treatment of the problem at this age should be carried out under the guidance of a pediatrician.

The main secret of treating intestinal disorders in children is to prevent dehydration. This applies to both infants and older children. After all, with diarrhea, fluid leaves the child's body, the water balance is disturbed. The danger of dehydration of the baby's body is that vital minerals and vitamins leave with loose stools. The child is weakening before our eyes due to dehydration.

Most often, children under one year old are hospitalized and treated under the constant supervision of a pediatrician. Rehydration should be started as soon as possible. For this, there are ready-made pharmacy solutions of electrolytes intended for the infant body. They restore fluid balance and intestinal mucosa.

Not so long ago, violations of the intestinal microflora, poisoning, and malnutrition of the child were considered the main cause of diarrhea. Today, among the possible causes, doctors also name mental disorders, childhood stress. They are able to trigger the mechanism of intestinal disorders. The walls of the children's digestive tract in such a situation are strongly affected by nerve impulses. They contract faster, the transit of intestinal contents is accelerated - and this is how diarrhea occurs. On nervous grounds, diarrhea in babies often happens. And the stress factor can be physical punishment, the loss of a loved one, a strong fright.

Many mothers know that diarrhea during teething of the first teeth in a child is a frequent occurrence. The kid takes in his mouth everything that comes in his way, and inflamed gums are an additional source of weakening the body's defenses. Therefore, when intestinal problems appear, you first need to carefully examine the baby's gums. Most likely, the teething sites will be a little swollen. Usually diarrhea, if the child has an upset bowel on the teeth, goes away in a day or two. But it is necessary to drink heavily during this period the baby.

Often children are prescribed antibiotics, and the consequence of their use is diarrhea. The reason is that this category of drugs disrupts the microflora of the children's intestines. And very often after antibiotics, the disorder is accompanied by green stools, abdominal pain and a deterioration in general well-being. Often the above symptoms are accompanied by fever, nausea, vomiting, irritation of the anal area.

A good pediatrician, when prescribing antibiotics, immediately prescribes prebiotics to the baby. It can be linex, enterol, bifidumbacterin, hilak-forte.

As for indigestion after breast milk, then most likely the reason is that the nursing mother ate something very fatty, which also affected the composition of her milk. Therefore, in order to avoid digestive disorders in crumbs, lactating women need to carefully monitor their diet.

Intestinal upset in a child and fever, vomiting, loose stools

All of these signs are caused by teething, taking antibiotics, intestinal infections. In early preschool age, the cause of such problems may be malnutrition, stale foods.

Whatever causes the disorder with the above symptoms, the child must be shown to the pediatrician, heavily watered, kept on a diet.

How to treat intestinal upset in a child up to a year, at 1 year, 2, 3, 5 years

If we talk about the risk group for intestinal disorders, then these are children under one year old and mostly artificial. Pediatric statistics states that due to pathologies of the digestive system, 0.2% of babies under one year old die every year. Therefore, the first step in the treatment of disorders in children of this age is a prompt appeal to a pediatrician.

At the age of two years, two stools per day are considered the norm. Children older than two years go to the toilet once a day. That is, at 2, 3, 5 years, frequent and loose stools are a symptom of an intestinal disorder. By the way, at this age, diarrhea may not be an independent disease, but one of the signs of acute respiratory infections, allergies. Sometimes the onset of measles, scarlet fever can be accompanied by diarrhea in a baby. That is why it is important that the doctor prescribes the treatment after determining the exact cause of the pathology.

Medicines: what to give

Smecta has proven itself in the treatment of diarrhea in children of any age. This is the so-called cytomucoprotector. It is allowed to take it to the baby from the first month of life. The drug has astringent and absorbent properties. From one month to one year, it is necessary to give the crumbs two sachets of medicine per day for three days. Babies older than a year - 4 sachets on the first day, on the second - three, on the third - two. For children of five years of age, three sachets of smecta on the first day and two on the second will be enough.

Linex is a popular drug that normalizes the microflora of the children's intestines. The only contraindication to its use is intestinal hypersensitivity. Normobact is a combination of lacto- and bifidobacteria. It is best used for mild disorders. Approved for use from six months.

Hilak forte contains biosynthetic lactic acid. The drug is prescribed to children from infancy.

Intestinal upset in children: treatment with folk remedies

Since ancient times in Russia, folk remedies, in particular rice water, have been used to treat intestinal disorders in children. For children, it is prepared at the rate of three parts of water and one part of cereals. You need to boil the remedy for 5-7 minutes on low heat, let it cool a little, drain the broth and give it to the baby every hour for 50-100 grams. By the end of the day, the child's condition is normal. Rice water is the best way to treat intestinal disorders.

You can use an infusion of mint and chamomile, taken in equal proportions. A tablespoon of the mixture is poured with 200 grams of boiling water. Strain after 30 minutes.

Blueberry jelly for treating a baby is prepared as follows: a tablespoon of dry blueberries is mixed with a tablespoon of potato starch and a little water. Gradually add another glass and, while stirring, bring to a boil. The child should drink such jelly warm.

Homeopathy for intestinal disorders in children

Many mothers prefer homeopathic remedies in the treatment of the problem. But a homeopathic doctor should prescribe them and prescribe a treatment regimen, taking into account concomitant diseases and the age of the young patient.

Most often, preschool children with intestinal disorders are prescribed colocynths (wild watermelon). The remedy is also used for intestinal colic.

Hamomilla is prescribed for infants when pathology accompanies teething.

Arsenicum album (or white arsenic) homeopaths prescribe for diarrhea and general low immunity of the baby, frequent morbidity.

Nux vomica (or chilibuha) is used to treat disorders, with children's overeating, vomiting, nausea.

Intestinal disorder in a child: nutrition, diet

Medicamentous, homeopathic, alternative treatment will be ineffective if the child does not follow a diet during the period of illness. Therefore, you need to know how to feed a child if he has an intestinal disorder.

From the diet at this time, all dairy products, raw vegetables and fruits, fatty foods are excluded. It is recommended to give the child baked apples and bananas, rice, buckwheat and oatmeal boiled in water, crackers. This is what you can eat with intestinal disorders until the patient gets better.

It is important to increase the amount of liquid in the diet. Mineral water, rehydrating solutions, dried fruit compote, black tea, and rosehip tea may be drinking options for a sick baby.

Keep him on this diet for another day or two after his diarrhea stops. Then gradually introduce other foods to the menu.

Intestinal disorder in a child: Komarovsky

At the first sign of disorders, the pediatrician advises parents to remember what they fed the child with. Perhaps the cause of the problem was fast food, chips, cake from the store? Mr. Komarovsky strongly recommends giving water to a child with intestinal disorders often, in small portions. It can be non-carbonated mineral water, a decoction of raisins or rose hips, dried fruit compote, just boiled water. The temperature of these drinks should correspond to the body temperature of the sick baby.

Yevgeny Komarovsky is sure that hunger and drinking plenty of water is a safe way to treat pathology in preschoolers. An appeal to a pediatrician is mandatory if an intestinal disorder occurs in an infant or a child under one year old.

After normalizing the stool, improving the general condition of the baby, Mr. Komarovsky recommends gradually introducing lean cottage cheese, lean meat, and milk porridge into the child's menu.

Especially for - Diana Rudenko

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The child has diarrhea: what to give in the first place (pills, drugs, folk remedies) and why is it dangerous?

Diarrhea - rapid (more than 2 times per day), uncontrollable excretion of feces in liquid form. This is due to the accelerated passage of intestinal contents. Almost all young parents faced this nuisance and often shrugged their hands in confusion about what to do if the child has diarrhea: wait until everything goes away on its own, or take some measures, treat, use folk remedies.

It is desirable to know as much information as possible about this intestinal disorder in order to prevent complications. And first of all, you need to think about what caused it.

The reasons

Most of the causes of diarrhea depend on the age of the child. For this or that period of a baby's life, special factors are characteristic that contribute to liquid bowel movements. This is especially true for the little ones.

Here, for example, what can be dictated by diarrhea in an infant:

  • formation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • on the teeth when they erupt;
  • enzyme / lactose deficiency;
  • if diarrhea is observed in a breastfed baby, this may be a reaction to mother's milk: it is too liquid, excessively fatty or contains laxatives due to the mother not following a special diet;
  • incorrect introduction of the first complementary foods;
  • artificial mixture.

External causes (typical for any age):

  • food poisoning from low-quality products;
  • fruits and vegetables that have a laxative effect;
  • very often there is diarrhea after antibiotics.
  • constant prolonged stress, nervous disorders;
  • poor hygiene: dirty hands, unwashed vegetables and fruits;
  • binge eating.

Internal diseases:

  • infections: salmonellosis, dysentery, gastroenteritis, rotavirus;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane in the stomach, intestines, esophagus;
  • allergy;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: ulcer, chronic colitis, enteritis, achilia of the stomach, pancreatic insufficiency;
  • internal hemorrhoids;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • helminths;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • kidney failure.

So the cause of diarrhea in a child can be a variety of pathologies and age features organism. But with the same frequency, the causes are malnutrition and poor hygiene. Therefore, parents need to carefully monitor these aspects in order to exclude such a nuisance. Depending on where exactly the failure occurred, diarrhea can be of different types.

Note to parents. Diarrhea caused by stress is called bear disease. It happens in children if for some reason they are afraid to go to kindergarten or school, or because of family conflicts. To eliminate such diarrhea, you need to give a sedative, make a relaxing herbal bath, and in advanced cases- go with the child to an appointment with a psychologist.


Depending on the causes and mechanism of the course, diarrhea in children can be of different types. Focusing on the classification, doctors prescribe treatment.

Depending on the reasons

Any infectious disease can be the cause: dysentery, salmonellosis, food poisoning, viruses, amoebiasis. Until the child is 2 years old, in winter he often becomes a hostage viral diarrhea. Incubation period may last several days. It all starts with vomiting, continues with diarrhea, in the end it all ends with fever, muscle and headache (read about diarrhea with vomiting in our article). Average duration- a week.

The main reason is a long-term violation of the diet, a monotonous, vitamin-poor diet, food allergies to food or medicines.

The reason is the disturbed process of digestion due to secretory insufficiency of the liver, stomach, small intestine, pancreas.

This is the result kidney failure or poisoning (most often with arsenic or mercury).

Is a consequence of suppression by antibiotics (rarely - other medicines) intestinal flora of the intestine and dysbacteriosis.

The reason is stress, anxiety, fear, worries, a state of depression.

Depending on the flow mechanism

  • Hypokinetic: mushy, thin, small amount, fetid odor as a result of a reduced rate of movement of food through the intestines.
  • Hypersecretory: profuse, watery diarrhea is a consequence of increased excretion of salts and water into the intestines.
  • Hyperkinetic: not abundant, liquid, mushy, the reason is the increased speed of food moving through the intestines.
  • Hyperexudative: watery, not abundant, with blood and mucus, formed when fluid enters the inflamed intestine.
  • Osmolar: fatty, abundant, with the remnants of undigested food, occurs with reduced absorption of salts and water by the intestines.

In addition, depending on the severity of the course, doctors can give the child chronic or acute diarrhea. The first lasts for three weeks, the second during this period can be stopped.

This does not apply to some specific situations. For example, it is impossible to say exactly how many days diarrhea on the teeth can be: for someone it can be a single one, for some it will torment the child until the tooth comes out. This sometimes takes a week or more. Treatment will depend not only on these classifications, but also on the nature of the bowel movements and associated symptoms.

Sometimes it happens. When going on vacation with your child, keep in mind that he may develop "traveler's diarrhea", which is diagnosed when the climate changes. After adaptation, the stool disorder will disappear.

Clinical picture

Everyone is used to the fact that children's diarrhea yellow color- this is to some extent the norm, indicating the absence in the body serious pathologies. The most common cause is indigestion due to poor quality food. But there are times when liquid stool in a child is of a completely different color, and even with different impurities. Having carefully studied them, parents will be able to understand the cause of diarrhea and respond to this trouble in a timely manner.

Too light diarrhea in a child can have a variety of reasons, among which is dangerous disease like hepatitis.

Mucous, diarrhea with water is a common symptom of intestinal infections, overeating, intolerance to cow's milk. The general condition of the child does not suffer. Leads to dehydration quickly. Very dangerous for babies.

Bloody stools are indicative of a bacterial infection. With greenish lumps and red streaks - dysentery. Green or orange flakes - salmonellosis or coli infection. This raises the temperature.

Pay special attention to diarrhea white color. For babies, in most cases, it is not terrible, as it is a reaction to breast milk. But at an older age white diarrhea- the main symptom of hepatitis.

Green diarrhea with an unpleasant, pungent odor, fever, weakness, complaints of headache, pain in the abdomen, vomiting - this is an infection.

In infants in the first days of life, black diarrhea is the norm, as it comes out meconium. In the future, he may become alarm signal internal bleeding or abuse of certain drugs (activated charcoal or bismuth, for example).

If the child is 1 year old or younger, foamy diarrhea indicates lactose deficiency, dysbacteriosis or celiac disease in infants. In older children, diarrhea with foam is a symptom of acute intoxication.

So when diarrhea begins, it is worth taking a closer look at the child's feces in order to draw the appropriate conclusions and take the necessary measures. If they are unusual in their content, they are even recommended to be left until the doctor arrives, who, thanks to them, can make the correct diagnosis. But sometimes and yellow diarrhea may indicate serious problems with health if it is accompanied by a whole bunch of other symptoms.

  1. Nausea, vomiting.
  2. Abdominal pain.
  3. Lethargy, inactivity.
  4. Often, diarrhea in a month-old baby is accompanied by crying and rejection of the breast.
  5. Lack of appetite.
  6. Bad dream.
  7. In children of the first year of life, diarrhea during teething is usually accompanied by fever.
  8. Itching of the anus is an internal hemorrhoid.
  9. Headache.

The greater the bouquet of symptoms collects diarrhea, the worse. This means only one thing - a serious disease, one of the signs of which it is. If diarrhea is accompanied by fever and bloody discharge, a doctor should be consulted immediately. In the absence of these dangerous manifestations, it is recommended to wait a day: if the diarrhea does not go away after this time, you still need to go to the hospital.

By the way... diarrhea is a defensive reaction of a small organism, which is trying to get rid of toxins as quickly as possible.


To exclude serious diseases from the causes of diarrhea, the following diagnostic tests are carried out in the hospital:

  • analysis of feces for helminths and dysbacteriosis;
  • x-ray to study the speed of movement through the intestines of a special substance - carbolene or barium sulfate;
  • coprogram;
  • blood tests - general (mandatory) and biochemical (to detect specific diseases);
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • sigmoidoscopy - examination of the rectum;
  • bakposev feces and vomit.

The choice of methods will depend on the condition of the baby, the nature of his bowel movements and the alleged causes of gastric upset. After confirming the diagnosis, the doctor will decide on the appointment of treatment.

About the shortcomings. If the presence of pathogenic microorganisms is suspected, bacteriological culture of the child's feces is carried out. Among the huge disadvantages of this analysis is too long to wait for results (from 5 to 10 days).


One of the most topical issues for parents - how to treat diarrhea in a child in order to prevent the development of complications. Therapy will be aimed primarily at eliminating the underlying cause of the intestinal disorder.

Medical treatment

  1. The first thing to give a child from diarrhea is any of the saline solutions: Regidron, Glucosan, Oralit, Gastrolit, Enterodez or Citroglucosolan. Dissolve a sachet of the medicinal mixture in clean drinking water, boiled and cooled.
  2. For the same purpose, give a solution of glucose.
  3. At temperature - preparations containing paracetamol. If fever and diarrhea in a one-year-old child - in the form of candles, older - suspensions.
  4. The best cure for diarrhea is sorbents for removing toxins from the body: Smecta, Polyphepan, activated carbon, Polysorb, Neosmectin, Enterosgel.
  5. Symptomatic tablets for diarrhea: Calcium carbonate, Diarol, Bismuth, Tanalbin, Imodium.
  6. If the cause of diarrhea is a serious illness, hospitalization is not ruled out.
  7. In case of dysbacteriosis, drugs for diarrhea are prescribed to normalize the intestinal microflora: Acipol, Colibacterin, Bifiform, Linex, Bifikol, Enterol, Bifilin, Lactobacterin, Bifidumbacterin and other bacteriophages and probiotics.
  8. To cure diarrhea in a child caused by intestinal infections, antibiotics are prescribed: Nevigramone, Ercefuril, Furazolidone, Nergam, Gentamicin, Kanamycin, Rifampicin, Tienam, Meronem, Anamycin sulfate, Ciprofloxacin, Ceftazidime.
  9. It is forbidden for parents to independently treat diarrhea with antibiotics, including giving children without the permission of a doctor Levomycetin, which can only worsen their condition.
  10. Enzyme therapy: Festal, Pankurmen, Pancreatin, Abomin-pepsin, Panzinorm forte, Digestal, Mezim forte, Creon.
  11. Antiallergic (antihistamine) drugs.
  12. Antispasmodics for pain relief: Spazmomen, Papaverine, Drotaverine.

Folk remedies

If diarrhea is not accompanied by dangerous symptoms, there are no suspicions of pathology, or a visit to the doctor is postponed for some reason, time-tested folk remedies for diarrhea can help. They will tell you what to do in order to somehow alleviate the condition of the child.

  1. To prevent dehydration at home, you can prepare the following treatment solution. per liter pure water- 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar, 1 tsp. soda and salt. If the child has severe diarrhea, you need to drink 2 tsp each. every 10-15 minutes.
  2. Anti-inflammatory, astringent, antiseptic collections of medicinal plants from blueberries, peppermint, knotweed, chamomile, cumin, immortelle, sage, bird cherry, alder, cinquefoil.
  3. Dried films of chicken stomachs.
  4. At home, a decoction of dried pear fruits will help stop diarrhea in a child.
  5. Starch solution: a teaspoon of starch in half a glass of cold water, sweeten.
  6. An infusion of dried pomegranate peel.
  7. Steep rice porridge on the water without salt.
  8. Thick rice water is the best remedy for diarrhea for children, which can be prepared at home and is recommended by doctors.
  9. Chamomile, mint tea.
  10. Watery puree from fresh carrots.

Even such treatment at home should be carried out with extreme caution so as not to harm the child, especially if he is still very young. Given that diarrhea in any case is a consequence of a gastrointestinal disorder, you need to properly organize baby food these days.


Parents need to keep in mind what to eat with a child with diarrhea. Fractional, but frequent meals and thorough chewing of food are recommended. At the same time, it is necessary to limit animal fats and carbohydrates. Balanced Diet with diarrhea is important aspect treatment.

Allowed products:

  • wheat bread croutons;
  • soups on a low fat-free broth with the addition of cereal decoctions from barley, semolina, rice, as well as meat puree, meatballs, egg flakes;
  • from meat - beef, veal, turkey, chicken;
  • steamed lean fish;
  • fresh cottage cheese;
  • steam omelette or soft-boiled eggs;
  • cereals on the water: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • fruit juices, excluding grapes, plums, apricots.

Prohibited products:

  • dairy;
  • coffee;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • spicy dishes;
  • rich, fatty soups;
  • salinity;
  • fast food, popcorn, chips, nuts;
  • sweets, chocolate, ice cream;
  • soda.

So that complete treatment diarrhea in children should be comprehensive and include not only medications to eliminate symptoms and the underlying disease. It also involves a fairly strict diet, which must be continued even after the restoration of the stool for at least 3-4 more days to consolidate the results.

Folk remedies in this therapy are auxiliary and optional. If medical care is not provided to the child in a timely manner, complications cannot be avoided.

Healthy Recipe. To prepare rice water, you need to choose a white, not steamed variety, but in no case gray. Soak for 12 hours. Pour 2 tablespoons of rice into 2 cups of boiling water. Keep on low heat for an hour, stirring regularly and adding boiled water. Strain after half an hour.


Much depends on the timeliness and literacy of the treatment of childhood diarrhea: whether the patient will be hospitalized or not, how much powerful drugs he is assigned. Backlash and the deterioration of the general condition of the child in such cases is far from uncommon. The frivolous attitude of parents to diarrhea and delay in going to the doctor can result in the following complications:

  • convulsions;
  • dehydration;
  • indigestion;
  • a consequence of dysbacteriosis - dermatitis, bronchial asthma, chronic gastroduodenitis, intestinal dyskinesia, proctosigmoiditis;
  • intestinal infections can lead to neurotoxicosis, cerebral edema, electrolyte disturbances, infectious-toxic shock, sepsis, hemolytic-uremic syndrome, toxic-dystrophic condition;
  • complications after dysentery - intestinal bleeding, pericolitis, arthritis, neuritis, encephalitis, dysbacteriosis, malnutrition, anemia, hypovitaminosis, pneumonia, otitis media, pyoderma;
  • fatal outcome.

It will take a very long time to treat the consequences of neglected diarrhea, which broke out against the background of a serious illness. Each of these pathologies in itself is dangerous for the health of the child. Therefore, take timely measures to eliminate diarrhea from the first hours of its appearance.

There is an opinion. The most common cause of childhood diarrhea is called dysbacteriosis, which until recently was defined as independent disease. Recently, however, this concept has been called a whole complex of gastrointestinal disorders.


Parents should understand that diarrhea is not always a harmless phenomenon that can be taken lightly. It's one thing if the child just ate something. And if the cause was a serious illness requiring immediate treatment?

In order to avoid all worries about this, it is recommended that certain preventive measures be observed, which must be taken care of from the first days of the baby's life.

  1. Teach your child about hygiene early years.
  2. Thermally process eggs, milk, fish, meat, which he eats.
  3. Fried and marinated dishes - in limited quantities. All products are best baked, boiled, stewed or steamed.
  4. Wash vegetables, fruits, berries before eating.
  5. Drink only bottled, purified, boiled water.
  6. Monitor the freshness and quality of products.
  7. Wash hands after walking, playing with animals, using the toilet, before every meal.
  8. Breastfeeding with the mother following an appropriate diet.
  9. Proper introduction of complementary foods.
  10. Correct selection mixtures for artificial feeding.
  11. Do not lick the baby's personal items (pacifiers, spoons). This can lead to intestinal infections.
  12. Strengthening immunity.
  13. Creating a cozy psychological atmosphere that eliminates stress.
  14. Ban on swimming in public places.

Compliance with the prevention of childhood diarrhea does not guarantee 100% safety. However, it will reduce the risk of developing intestinal infections and other pathologies that are the most common causes of diarrhea. Take care of the health of your baby from the first days of life - and then you will not have to be afraid of complications and unpleasant consequences.

In addition to the article, we want to draw your attention to cosmetic products for children, especially shampoos and bath products. Carrying out this fun procedure every day, many do not even know what it is fraught with.

Read carefully the composition of baby shampoo. If there are components from the list, immediately discard it - Sodium lauryl / Laureth Sulfate, Coco Sulfate, all types of PEG, MEA, DEA, TEA, silicones, parabens, dyes.

These substances penetrate the scalp, enter the bloodstream and are deposited in the organs, which can lead to serious diseases. These chemical components are very dangerous for both adults and children. We recommend that you choose washing cosmetics with a natural composition, which is actually not so simple.

Supermarket shelves are littered with many brands, but 98% of solid chemistry. Recently, 20 kinds of cosmetics manufacturers have been tested by our testing department. The results were not encouraging. The only company that has passed all safety tests is Mulsan Cosmetic.

From total number The company is distinguished by a significantly shorter shelf life of goods compared to other manufacturers. This is explained by the absence of aggressive preservatives. For those who could not find safe means, we recommend the official online store of the manufacturer Be careful in your choice, read the composition of not only food, but also cosmetics and household chemicals.

Diarrhea in a child: causes and treatment

With infections, there is a foamy stool (a sign of rotavirus infection), painted in various colors, for example, the color of marsh mud in salmonellosis, in the form of raspberry jelly in amoebic dysentery, white in hepatitis. Diarrhea in a child may be accompanied by vomiting, abdominal pain, an increase or decrease in body temperature, and other symptoms.

Infants are especially affected by stool disorders. Frequent causes of diarrhea in children can be a violation of sanitary and hygienic standards (dirty hands, water, poorly treated nipples, bottles, toys, etc.), diet (inappropriate age and volume of food); intolerance to milk (lactase deficiency), cereal proteins (gluten enteropathy); cystic fibrosis; allergy; intestinal dysbiosis.

Due to the peculiarities of the digestive system of young children infant reacts with stool disorder to almost any irritant: the introduction of complementary foods or the transition to artificial feeding, another milk formula, infectious and inflammatory diseases (ARVI, otitis media, etc.), a sharp change in climate, teething, even emotional stress in the family.

With each loose stool, an adult child loses 100-200 ml of fluid, and a breast - 50-100 ml. Therefore, with frequent loose stool the child may become dehydrated. Its symptoms are: thirst, dry skin and a decrease in its elasticity, weakness, lethargy, drowsiness, refusal to eat and drink, infants possible retraction of a large fontanel.

An important diagnostic sign is a decrease in the amount of urine (it is dark, concentrated, excreted in small portions) and the frequency of urination (in infants less than 10 times a day, in older ones less than 4-5 times). Dehydration is especially dangerous for infants and young children, since the loss of fluid relative to their weight is significant. Young children are shown urgent hospitalization at the first signs of dehydration.

Pathological conditions and diseases accompanied by diarrhea in children.

Diarrhea associated with malnutrition

The cause of diarrhea in children can be overeating, abuse of fatty and sweet food, excess vegetables and fruits in the diet. Diarrhea provokes the use of a large number of unusual varied foods at one time and / or poorly compatible products (for example, milk with herring). This situation often develops after visiting guests or a cafe, a hearty meal for festive table. When moving to other cities and countries, the child may develop "travelers' diarrhea" due to a sharp change in the diet. Diarrhea associated with eating disorders is sometimes accompanied by abdominal pain and vomiting, the general condition of the child usually does not change. Recovery of bowel function occurs after the normalization of the diet. For get well soon in some cases, the appointment of enzymes (mezim forte, festal, etc.), anti-diarrheal drugs (loperamide, imodium), sorbents (activated carbon, estimate, etc.) is shown.

In infants, acute indigestion (dyspepsia) is often the result of a discrepancy between the volume and composition of food and the physiological capabilities of the child's body. Causes may include overfeeding, abrupt transition from breastfeeding to artificial or changing to a different formula, introducing complementary foods too quickly, and eating foods that are not appropriate for the age of the baby. Dyspepsia in infants is manifested by diarrhea, severe regurgitation, vomiting, intestinal colic.

breeding baby from a state of dyspepsia consists in the gradual restoration of a normal diet. After the appearance of unpleasant, symptoms of dyspepsia, it is necessary to skip one feeding, replacing it with water, chamomile tea or saline solution (regidron, saline, 5% glucose solution). The next feeding and all the first days of the gastrointestinal disorder must be fed to the child breast milk or a mixture at the same hours as usual, but cutting the volume of feeding by 2 times.

The missing volume of food is replenished with the same fluids (water, saline, etc.). Feeding is not yet possible. On the second day, the child already receives up to 1/2 of the amount of food given to him by age. For 3-4 days, the volume of food is gradually brought to full. From the 5th day, you can carefully try to introduce complementary foods that the child received before the illness. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe enzyme preparations and sorbents.

Intestinal infection, food poisoning, SARS

Diarrhea in intestinal infections and food poisoning is accompanied by vomiting, abdominal pain, fever and deterioration of the general condition (headache, weakness, lethargy, decreased activity, drowsiness, etc.). There are also acute respiratory viral infections with diarrheal syndrome, the disease is accompanied by catarrhal symptoms (cough, runny nose, sore throat, etc.).

Intestinal dysbacteriosis, irritable bowel syndrome

Intestinal dysbacteriosis is a qualitative and / or quantitative violation of the intestinal microflora (microorganisms living in the large intestine). Dysbacteriosis and the associated irritable bowel syndrome are manifested by abdominal pains of a bursting nature, aggravated in the evening, flatulence, stool disorders (diarrhea, constipation or their alternation). With severe dysbacteriosis, the stool is liquefied, undigested, green, with an unpleasant odor.

lactase deficiency

The cause of the disease is the lack or absence in the child's body of the enzyme lactase, which digests milk sugar, lactose. This condition can be congenital and inherited, and also be the result of past intestinal infections, intestinal dysbacteriosis, allergies to cow's milk proteins, taking certain medications (antibiotics, hormones, antipyretics, etc.). Milk sugar intolerance in infants is often temporary, passing, associated with the immaturity of the baby's intestines. Over time, the child grows up and such lactose deficiency disappears.

Usually, symptoms of lactase deficiency appear from the first days of a child's life. Every feeding of the infant is accompanied by copious, thin, frothy, sour-smelling stools. Also characteristic are intestinal colic, flatulence, rumbling in the abdomen, frequent regurgitation and vomiting, poor weight gain. Diagnostic criterion is the presence of carbohydrates in the feces of the child (analysis of feces for carbohydrates).

Leading in the treatment is the exclusion (or significant restriction) of milk from the child's diet. Usually, on the 2-4th day of following a lactose-free diet, the child calms down, diarrhea, vomiting, intestinal colic are stopped, and from 4-5 days he begins to gain weight. "Artists" are shown milk formulas that do not contain lactose (lactose-free) or with a low content of it (low-lactose). Transfer to a new mixture is carried out gradually, within 2-3 days, with the gradual replacement of feeding one mixture with another.

A breast-fed baby is shown a pharmacological preparation: the enzyme lactase (trade name Lactraz). It is added to every feeding. In case of intolerance to the enzyme or its ineffectiveness, the child is transferred to an artificial mixture that does not contain lactose.

Although the problem of lactase deficiency is more relevant for infants, older children can also suffer from milk intolerance. It is important to know that lactose is found not only in milk and dairy products, but can also be present in other foods and dishes in a “veiled” form. These are bread, pastries, confectionery, lollipops, corn and wheat flakes, instant soups, mayonnaise, margarine, ready-made meat dishes (cutlets), seasonings, etc. Therefore, always pay attention to the composition of the product.

How long to follow a lactose-free diet?

Children with congenital insufficiency enzyme and hereditary milk intolerance, it is necessary to follow a lactose-free diet for life. With temporary immaturity of the intestine, lactase activity normalizes by about a year. In such infants, it is recommended to leave a diet with milk restriction during the first year of life, followed by a gradual introduction of dairy products into the diet, starting with fermented milk products containing live bioculture (bifikefir, bioyogurt, etc.). If lactose deficiency was the result of an intestinal infection, then a diet for several months will be required to restore the intestines.

Celiac disease (celiac disease)

This disease is associated with intolerance to the cereal protein - gluten. It is found in wheat, rye and oats. The reasons may be a congenital genetic defect (a disease of a hereditary nature) or intestinal diseases (giardiasis, ascariasis, intestinal infections, etc.). Usually the disease begins at the end of the first year of life, after the introduction of cereals and bread into complementary foods. Clinically, it is manifested by frequent, abundant, frothy stools with an unpleasant odor, weight loss, growth retardation, and the development of vitamin, protein, and fat deficiencies. In severe cases, significant emaciation is characteristic with a large swollen belly standing out against its background.

In therapy, the leading is the appointment of a gluten-free diet. Dishes containing semolina, oatmeal, pearl barley, barley, wheat groats, pasta, bread and all products and confectionery products containing wheat, rye, barley flour are excluded from the diet. If a strict diet is followed, diarrhea in children stops within 2 weeks, body weight returns to normal during the first year, and height - within 2 years. Prognosis with diet and proper treatment favorable child.

cystic fibrosis

it hereditary disease accompanied by glandular damage. The most commonly affected are the digestive and respiratory system. Characterized by the alternation of persistent diarrhea and constipation (up to intestinal obstruction, requiring surgery). The feces are not digested, offensive, shiny in appearance and greasy to the touch, poorly washed off the skin of the child and the pot. The diagnosis is confirmed by scatological examination and a special sweat test.

Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis

The leading symptom of these diseases is the appearance of loose stools with red blood, accompanied by pain in the abdomen. The appearance of blood in the stool in a child can be a symptom of very serious diseases and requires a mandatory visit to the doctor with a subsequent examination of the large intestine.

Other causes of diarrhea in children

Often diarrhea is accompanied by food allergies. The thought of it may be prompted by the connection of the occurrence of diarrhea with the use of certain foods. Diarrhea is also caused by impaired magnesium metabolism and some endocrine diseases, various stressful situations, intense fear, emotional shock. For example, fear of passing an exam, a responsible performance, a sudden fright. In the people, this condition is called "bear disease." There are other, rarer causes of diarrhea in children, here we have touched only on the most common ones. It is possible that it was they who caused the disorder of the stool in your baby. Therefore, if a child has diarrhea, be sure to consult a doctor.

Treatment acute diarrhea. What diet to follow?

The diet depends on the pathology that caused the diarrhea. If the cause of the disease is not yet known or the disorder of the stool is associated with nutritional errors, intestinal infection, food poisoning, it is recommended to follow certain rules.

How to replenish the loss of fluid?

To prevent dehydration of the body, it is necessary to replenish fluids and salts lost with frequent loose stools. Salt solutions Regidron, Glucosolan, Citroglucosolan (they are sold in a pharmacy) are dissolved in boiled water according to the instructions indicated on the sachet. The amount of fluid is prescribed depending on the severity of dehydration. The approximate amount of liquid is given below:

  • Children under one year: 130-170-200 ml per 1 kg of the child's weight per day.
  • Children 1-5 years: 100-170 ml per kg of child's weight per day.
  • Children 6-10 years old: 75-110 ml per kg of child's weight per day.

The fact that the child receives a sufficient amount of fluid is evidenced by normal portions of urine and regularity of urination. In addition to saline solutions, a child can drink boiled water, tea, chamomile tea, mineral water without gas, compote without sugar or with a minimum amount of sugar, fruit juices diluted in half with water, rice water. Recipe for drinking with diarrhea: 250 ml of grapefruit or orange juice, a pinch of table salt, a teaspoon of sugar.

What medicines can be given to a child?

Of the drugs in the treatment of acute diarrhea, sorbents are used (enterosgel, activated charcoal, polyphepan, filtrum, entegnin, pecto, smecta, etc.), with increased gas formation and intestinal colic- espumizan, sub-simplex, dysflotil, for pain and abdominal cramps - antispasmodics (no-shpa, papaverine, duspatalin) and other drugs as prescribed by a doctor. Antidiarrheal "fixing" drugs such as Imodium or Lopedium can be given to children from 6 years of age in cases of very frequent stool exhausting child. They are contraindicated in dysentery, flatulence, colitis, a tendency to constipation. Recipes "fixing" herbal preparations.

  • Mix in equal parts fennel fruits, oak bark, sage leaves. 1 st. l. collection pour a glass of cold water. insist on room temperature 10 minutes. Boil for 15 minutes, strain. Take 1 glass (adult dose) 3 times daily before meals.
  • Mix 4 parts of serpentine rhizomes and chamomile flowers and 5 parts of plantain leaves and blueberries. 1 st. l. collection pour a glass of boiling water, boil in a water bath for 30 minutes. Cool 10 minutes, strain. Take 1/4 cup (adult dose) 2 times daily before meals.
  • Mix 3 parts of bird cherry and 2 parts of blueberries. 1 st. l. collection pour a glass of boiling water. Boil 20 minutes, strain. Take 1/4-1/2 cup 3 times a day.
Dietary nutrition of a child with acute diarrhea

Feed the child should be according to appetite: if he wants to eat, feed him, if he does not want to, do not force him!

Fatty, fried, smoked foods, pickles, gas-forming and intestinal contraction foods (milk, cabbage, especially sauerkraut, pickled vegetables, mountains, beans, onions, tomatoes, sweet fruits, grapes, fresh apples, cucumbers, eggplants, mushrooms, black bread, fresh baking, sugar, kvass).

  • fruits and vegetables after heat treatment, fresh fruits without skin, juices with pulp;
  • jelly;
  • rice water;
  • blueberries, pears, lingonberries, cornelian cherry, fresh quince or in the form of compote;
  • mashed vegetable soup with rice, white bread croutons, cereals on the water (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal);
  • mashed potatoes in water with vegetable oil;
  • dairy products;
  • omelette.

With caution, you can give your child boiled meat and fish, turned through a meat grinder or in the form of steam cutlets.

Breastfeeding Breastfeeding infants are encouraged to continue breastfeeding, and artificial infants are switched to soy, lactose-free, or low-lactose formulas.

"Experienced" parents already know that most often kids get colds and stomach diseases. Therefore, indigestion in both young children and preschoolers is not uncommon. What are their causes, how to treat disorders with medicines and folk remedies? Let's find out in detail.

Diarrhea during teething is a common occurrence. It usually lasts two or three days. main reason disorder in this case lies in painful sensations in the child's mouth and short-term irritations during this period of the nervous system.

The disorder during the eruption of milk teeth most often disappears without treatment and the use of special measures of influence. Therefore, mom should not be scared and panic if the baby's stool becomes liquid. The main thing that a mother should do at this time is to calm her child and make sure that she drinks enough water to avoid dehydration.

Indigestion in an infant up to a year

Rotavirus is one of the most common causes of diarrhea in infants. Any child under the age of five can catch it. This virus causes gastroenteritis, which affects the digestive tract.

Then the food that enters the body is poorly absorbed in the stomach. In addition to rotavirus, causes of diarrhea in infants may include:

  1. Illiterate preparation of an adapted mixture.
  2. Antibiotics.
  3. Food poisoning.
  4. Deficiency of food enzymes.

In cases of indigestion in such small children, you should not self-medicate, but you should immediately consult a doctor.

Upset stomach in children after antibiotics

The cause of an upset stomach in children is often the use of antibiotics. In this case, the pediatrician prescribes means for the normalization of the intestinal microflora, the main functions of which are protection against pathogenic bacteria.

If antibiotics were the cause of the disorder, then from children's menu all dairy products and raw vegetables, fatty foods are excluded. The baby at this time can eat bananas and baked apples, crackers and boiled rice. You should provide him with a sufficient amount of drink in the form of compotes and mineral water without gas, sweet tea and vegetable broths. Rehydrating solutions are also recommended.

Diarrhea in children after antibiotics requires a combination of treatment with a strict diet. This is the key to a speedy recovery.

To restore the intestinal microflora after antibiotic treatment, a long course of treatment is needed. Dysbacteriosis is always easier to prevent than to treat. That is why, when antibiotics are prescribed, prebiotics are prescribed in parallel with them. These include bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Pediatricians in such cases prescribe Pobifor and Enterol, Bifidumbacterin and Lactobacterin, Hilak-forte and Lineks.

Indigestion in children: symptoms and signs

Many new mothers do not always distinguish between the usual stool of a small child and indigestion due to the fact that newborns normally empty their intestines often. The frequency of emptying in infants depends on the type of feeding. If we talk about breastfed children, then their stools are yellow, liquid, soft. The child poops 5-6 times a day. But formula-fed babies defecate much less frequently, for example, 1-2 times a day. The chair of such children is dense, with a pungent odor.

Parents who suspect their babies have diarrhea should look out for the following signs:

  1. Stool swelling.
  2. Its watery, similar to mucus from the nose with rhinitis.
  3. The appearance of a pungent odor in the stool.
  4. Presence of fever and fever.
  5. Weight loss.

The above signs of diarrhea in a young child require immediate medical attention. If we are talking about older children who can talk about their well-being, then stomach pains, thirst, and headaches are added to the above symptoms.

Indigestion in children: treatment

The key to successful treatment of indigestion is fluid intake to help prevent dehydration. If a child willingly or more often takes a breast, a bottle with a mixture, then there is no need to limit him in this. It is necessary to give the patient an electrolytic solution, which may be Regidron. It will help restore the water balance of the child's body. But you should not give your child fruit juices with glucose. Taboo at this time - carbonated drinks. They will only increase diarrhea and aggravate the condition. You should not give the baby fixative medications, they are not recommended for use before the age of 12.

If the baby is already six months old, then with diarrhea it is worth offering him a piece of banana, rice water. For older children, chicken meat and starchy foods are suitable.

If you observe loose stools in your child for two days or more, dietary restrictions do not help, then be sure to hurry up with a visit to the doctor. It is not worth buying medicines at the pharmacy on your own.

During the period of diarrhea, before the doctor examines the baby, it is recommended to take water breaks, that is, do not feed the baby for about 6 hours, but only give water. The exception is breastfed babies. They need to be applied to the chest more often. After agreement with the doctor, you can give the child sorbents. The baby should eat in small portions and only diet food.

The diet for diarrhea provides for the exclusion from the children's diet of sweet, fatty, spicy foods, smoked meats. Give the baby buckwheat porridge and rice, fat-free kefir. For preschoolers, it can be baked apples and crackers, oatmeal, disinfectant herbs. Even if the disorder has stopped in a day or two, it is still worth taking an analysis for dysentery.

Indigestion in children: folk remedies

Most often, indigestion occurs in the summer, and the reason for this is poor hygiene (dirty hands and unwashed food). If the disorder is really caused by the use of unwashed vegetables and fruits, then the following alternative treatment recipes will help get rid of this:

  1. Rice broth. One part of rice is poured into six parts of water, boiled over low heat until the rice is ready, and after that the rice broth is drained. Drink it warm, 2-3 tablespoons every two hours.
  2. Tincture of walnut partitions on alcohol or vodka. It is given to the patient in 6-8 drops, mixed with water before a meal. Do this three or four times a day. Nut tincture is an antiseptic that cleanses the stomach.
  3. Decoction of St. John's wort with the addition of chamomile. You need to take a teaspoon of pharmaceutical dry herb St. John's wort, a pinch of chamomile, pour a glass of water and boil for 1-2 minutes. Cool and strain. Children drink such a remedy 50 grams once.
  4. Kissel from blueberries. Take a tablespoon of dry blueberries and cook jelly out of it, adding a teaspoon of starch to ½ liter of liquid. You can use jelly with the addition of a small amount of sugar.

Indigestion in children: Komarovsky

Pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky, with indigestion in babies, advises parents to remember what they fed their children. And if these are cakes from the store, then most likely there is poisoning. In the first hours of an intestinal infection, the doctor advises helping the child's body cleanse itself by drinking fluids. He advises to cleanse the large intestine with an enema.

Mr. Komarovsky, in case of indigestion, advises giving children non-carbonated mineral water and a decoction of raisins, rose hips and dried fruit compote, green tea and simply boiled water. The temperature of the drinks should be the same as the body temperature. Komarovsky believes that there are two safe way treatment of childhood intestinal infections: this is heavy drinking and hunger. Negatively with indigestion, the child is affected by the excitement of the parents. The doctor advises them to monitor the color of children's urine. There is no shortage of fluid in the baby's body if it is light. An appeal to a pediatrician, according to Komarovsky, is mandatory for diarrhea in children under one year old.

After the patient's condition improves, Yevgeny Komarovsky strongly advises against resuming the child's nutrition with goodies. He recommends keeping the baby on a diet for a few more days. Low-fat cottage cheese, rice and oatmeal, baked apples will help the children's stomach return to normal.

Especially for - Diana Rudenko

With infections, there is a foamy stool (a sign of rotavirus infection), painted in various colors, for example, the color of marsh mud in salmonellosis, in the form of raspberry jelly in amoebic dysentery, white in hepatitis. may be accompanied by vomiting, an increase or decrease in body temperature and other symptoms.

Infants are especially affected by stool disorders. Frequent causes of diarrhea in children there may be a violation of sanitary and hygienic standards (dirty hands, water, poorly processed nipples, bottles, toys, etc.), diet (inappropriate volume and composition of food for age); intolerance to milk (lactase deficiency), cereal proteins (gluten enteropathy); cystic fibrosis; ; intestinal dysbiosis.

Due to the peculiarities of the digestive system of young children, an infant reacts with a disorder of the stool to almost any irritant: the introduction of complementary foods or the transition to artificial feeding, another milk formula, infectious and inflammatory diseases (, etc.), a sharp change in climate, even emotional stress in the family .

With each loose stool, an adult child loses 100-200 ml of fluid, and a breast - 50-100 ml. Therefore, with frequent baby loose stool dehydration may develop. Its signs are: thirst, dry skin and a decrease in its elasticity, weakness, lethargy, drowsiness, refusal to eat and drink; in infants, a large fontanel may relapse.

An important diagnostic sign is a decrease in the amount of urine (it is dark, concentrated, excreted in small portions) and the frequency of urination (in infants less than 10 times a day, in older ones less than 4-5 times). Dehydration is especially dangerous for infants and young children, since the loss of fluid relative to their weight is significant. Young children are shown urgent hospitalization at the first signs of dehydration.

Pathological conditions and diseases accompanied by diarrhea in children.

Diarrhea associated with malnutrition

Cause diarrhea in children there may be overeating, the abuse of fatty and sweet foods, an excess of vegetables and fruits in the diet. Diarrhea provokes the use of a large number of unusual varied foods at one time and / or poorly compatible products (for example, milk with herring). This situation often develops after visiting guests or a cafe, a hearty meal at the festive table. When moving to other cities and countries, the child may develop "travelers' diarrhea" due to a sharp change in the diet. Diarrhea associated with eating disorders is sometimes accompanied by abdominal pain and vomiting, the general condition of the child usually does not change. Recovery of bowel function occurs after the normalization of the diet. For a speedy recovery, in some cases, the appointment of enzymes (mezim forte, festal, etc.), anti-diarrheal drugs (loperamide, imodium), sorbents (activated carbon, estimate, etc.) is indicated.

In infants, acute indigestion () is often the result of a discrepancy between the volume and composition of the food and the physiological capabilities of the child's body. Causes may include overfeeding, abrupt transition from breastfeeding to artificial or changing to a different formula, introducing complementary foods too quickly, and eating foods that are not appropriate for the age of the baby. Dyspepsia in infants is manifested by diarrhea, severe regurgitation, vomiting,.

The removal of an infant from a state of dyspepsia consists in the gradual restoration of a normal diet. After the appearance of unpleasant symptoms of dyspepsia it is necessary to skip one feeding, replacing it with water, chamomile tea or saline solution (regidron, saline, 5% glucose solution). The next feeding and all the first days of a gastrointestinal disorder, it is necessary to feed the baby with breast milk or formula at the same hours as usual, but cutting the volume of feeding by 2 times.

The missing volume of food is replenished with the same fluids (water, saline, etc.). Feeding is not yet possible. On the second day, the child already receives up to 1/2 of the amount of food given to him by age. For 3-4 days, the volume of food is gradually brought to full. From the 5th day, you can carefully try to introduce complementary foods that the child received before the illness. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe enzyme preparations and sorbents.

Intestinal infection, food poisoning, SARS

With intestinal infections and food poisoning, it is accompanied by vomiting, abdominal pain, fever and deterioration of the general condition (weakness, lethargy, decreased activity, drowsiness, etc.). There are also acute respiratory viral infections with diarrheal syndrome, the disease is accompanied by catarrhal symptoms (, sore throat, etc.).

Intestinal dysbacteriosis, irritable bowel syndrome

Intestinal dysbacteriosis is a qualitative and / or quantitative violation of the intestinal microflora (microorganisms living in the large intestine). Dysbacteriosis and the associated irritable bowel syndrome are manifested by pains in the abdomen of a bursting nature, aggravated in the evening, flatulence, stool disorders(diarrhea, constipation or their alternation). With severe dysbacteriosis, the stool is liquefied, undigested, green, with an unpleasant odor.

lactase deficiency

The cause of the disease is the lack or absence in the child's body of the enzyme lactase, which digests milk sugar, lactose. This condition can be congenital and inherited, and also be the result of past intestinal infections, intestinal dysbacteriosis, allergies to cow's milk proteins, taking certain medications (hormones, antipyretics, etc.). Milk sugar intolerance in infants is often temporary, passing, associated with the immaturity of the baby's intestines. Over time, the child grows up and such lactose deficiency disappears.

Usually, symptoms of lactase deficiency appear from the first days of a child's life. Every feeding of the infant is accompanied by copious, thin, frothy, sour-smelling stools. Also characteristic are intestinal colic, flatulence, rumbling in the abdomen, frequent regurgitation and vomiting, poor weight gain. The diagnostic criterion is the presence of carbohydrates in the child's feces (analysis of feces for carbohydrates).

Leading in the treatment is the exclusion (or significant restriction) of milk from the child's diet. Usually, on the 2-4th day of following a lactose-free diet, the child calms down, diarrhea, vomiting, intestinal colic are stopped, and from 4-5 days he begins to gain weight. "Artists" are shown milk formulas that do not contain lactose (lactose-free) or with a low content of it (low-lactose). Transfer to a new mixture is carried out gradually, within 2-3 days, with the gradual replacement of feeding one mixture with another.

A breast-fed baby is shown a pharmacological preparation: the enzyme lactase (trade name Lactraz). It is added to every feeding. In case of intolerance to the enzyme or its ineffectiveness, the child is transferred to an artificial mixture that does not contain lactose.

Although the problem of lactase deficiency is more relevant for infants, older children can also suffer from milk intolerance. It is important to know that lactose is found not only in milk and dairy products, but can also be present in other foods and dishes in a “veiled” form. These are bread, pastries, confectionery, lollipops, corn and wheat flakes, instant soups, mayonnaise, margarine, ready-made meat dishes (cutlets), seasonings, etc. Therefore, always pay attention to the composition of the product.

How long to follow a lactose-free diet?

Children with congenital enzyme deficiency and hereditary milk intolerance must follow a lactose-free diet for life. With temporary immaturity of the intestine, lactase activity normalizes by about a year. In such infants, it is recommended to leave a diet with milk restriction during the first year of life, followed by a gradual introduction of dairy products into the diet, starting with fermented milk products containing live bioculture (bifikefir, bioyogurt, etc.). If lactose deficiency was the result of an intestinal infection, then a diet for several months will be required to restore the intestines.

Celiac disease (celiac disease)

This disease is associated with intolerance to the cereal protein - gluten. It is found in wheat, rye and oats. The reasons may be a congenital genetic defect (a disease of a hereditary nature) or intestinal diseases (giardiasis, ascariasis, intestinal infections, etc.). Usually the disease begins at the end of the first year of life, after the introduction of cereals and bread into complementary foods. Clinically, it is manifested by frequent, abundant, frothy stools with an unpleasant odor, weight loss, growth retardation, and the development of vitamin, protein, and fat deficiencies. In severe cases, significant emaciation is characteristic with a large swollen belly standing out against its background.

In therapy, the leading is the appointment of a gluten-free diet. Dishes containing semolina, oatmeal, pearl barley, barley, wheat groats, pasta, bread and all products and confectionery products containing wheat, rye, barley flour are excluded from the diet. Following a strict diet diarrhea in children stop within 2 weeks, body weight returns to normal within the first year, and height - within 2 years. The prognosis for a child with proper diet and treatment is favorable.

cystic fibrosis

This is a hereditary disease, accompanied by damage to the glands. The most commonly affected are the digestive and respiratory systems. Characterized by the alternation of persistent diarrhea and (up to intestinal obstruction, requiring surgery). The feces are not digested, offensive, shiny in appearance and greasy to the touch, poorly washed off the skin of the child and the pot. The diagnosis is confirmed by scatological examination and a special sweat test.

Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis

The leading symptom of these diseases is the appearance of liquid stool with scarlet blood, accompanied by pain in the abdomen.
The appearance of blood in the stool in a child can be a symptom of very serious diseases and requires a mandatory visit to the doctor with a subsequent examination of the large intestine.

Other causes of diarrhea in children

Often diarrhea is accompanied by food allergies. The thought of it may be prompted by the connection of the occurrence of diarrhea with the use of certain foods. Diarrhea is also caused by a violation of magnesium metabolism and some endocrine diseases, various stressful situations, severe fear, and emotional shock. For example, fear of passing an exam, a responsible performance, a sudden fright. In the people, this condition is called "bear disease."
There are other, less common causes diarrhea in children, here we have touched only on the most common ones. It is possible that it was they who caused the disorder of the stool in your baby. Therefore, when the appearance diarrhea in a child be sure to see a doctor.

Treatment of acute diarrhea. What diet to follow?

The diet depends on the pathology that caused the diarrhea. If the cause of the disease is not yet known or the disorder of the stool is associated with nutritional errors, intestinal infection, food poisoning, it is recommended to follow certain rules.

How to replenish the loss of fluid?

To prevent dehydration of the body, it is necessary to replenish fluids and salts lost with frequent loose stools. Salt solutions Regidron, Glucosolan, Citroglucosolan (they are sold in a pharmacy) are dissolved in boiled water according to the instructions indicated on the sachet. The amount of fluid is prescribed depending on the severity of dehydration. The approximate amount of liquid is given below:

  • Children under one year: 130-170-200 ml per 1 kg of the child's weight per day.
  • Children 1-5 years: 100-170 ml per kg of child's weight per day.
  • Children 6-10 years old: 75-110 ml per kg of child's weight per day.

The fact that the child receives a sufficient amount of fluid is evidenced by normal portions of urine and regularity of urination. In addition to saline solutions, a child can drink boiled water, tea, chamomile tea, mineral water without gas, compote without sugar or with a minimum amount of sugar, fruit juices diluted in half with water, rice water. Recipe for drinking with diarrhea: 250 ml of grapefruit or orange juice, a pinch of table salt, a teaspoon of sugar.

What medicines can be given to a child?

Of the drugs in the treatment of acute diarrhea, sorbents are used (enterosgel, activated charcoal, polyphepan, filtrum, entegnin, pecto, smecta, etc.), with increased gas formation and intestinal colic - espumizan, sub-simplex, disflotil, with pain and abdominal cramps - antispasmodics (no-shpa, papaverine, duspatalin) and other drugs prescribed by a doctor. Antidiarrheal "fixing" drugs such as Imodium or Lopedium can be given to children from 6 years of age in cases of very frequent stools that exhaust the child. They are contraindicated in dysentery, flatulence, colitis, a tendency to constipation.
Recipes for "fixing" herbal preparations.

  • Mix in equal parts fennel fruits, oak bark, sage leaves. 1 st. l. collection pour a glass of cold water. Infuse at room temperature for 10 minutes. Boil for 15 minutes, strain. Take 1 glass (adult dose) 3 times daily before meals.
  • Mix 4 parts of serpentine rhizomes and chamomile flowers and 5 parts of plantain leaves and blueberries. 1 st. l. collection pour a glass of boiling water, boil in a water bath for 30 minutes. Cool 10 minutes, strain. Take 1/4 cup (adult dose) 2 times daily before meals.
  • Mix 3 parts of bird cherry and 2 parts of blueberries. 1 st. l. collection pour a glass of boiling water. Boil 20 minutes, strain. Take 1/4-1/2 cup 3 times a day.
Dietary nutrition of a child with acute diarrhea

Feed the child should be according to appetite: if he wants to eat, feed him, if he does not want to, do not force him!

Fatty, fried, smoked foods, pickles, gas-producing and intestinal contraction foods (milk, cabbage, especially sauerkraut, pickled vegetables, mountains, beans, onions, tomatoes, sweet fruits, grapes, fresh apples, cucumbers, eggplants, mushrooms, black bread , fresh baking, sugar, kvass).

  • Fruits and vegetables after heat treatment, fresh fruits without skin, juices with pulp;
  • jelly;
  • rice water;
  • blueberries, pears, lingonberries, cornelian cherry, fresh quince or in the form of compote;
  • mashed vegetable soup with rice, white bread croutons, cereals on the water (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal);
  • mashed potatoes in water with vegetable oil;
  • dairy products;
  • omelette.

With caution, you can give your child boiled meat and fish, turned through a meat grinder or in the form of steam cutlets.

Infant nutrition
It is recommended that breastfeeding infants continue to be breastfed, artificial babies are transferred to soy, lactose-free or low-lactose mixtures.

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