Stitching pain in the heart in pregnancy. Why does the heart hurt in early or late pregnancy and what to do in this situation? What to do if a pregnant woman has a heart attack

Complaints of women that the heart hurts during pregnancy are common. The doctor should take into account the emotional state of the expectant mother, check the history of life and information about past diseases. Sometimes you have to talk with relatives and close people.

The symptom of pain in the heart during pregnancy in the second half of the term does not mean a severe cardiac pathology in a woman. But such manifestations require a targeted additional examination.

Unplanned pregnancy - the cause of cardioneurosis

Unfortunately, pregnancy rarely occurs as planned, when the spouses decide together to have a baby.

Failure to comply with the contraceptive regimen leads to a unilateral decision of the mother. The beginning of an unexpected pregnancy takes place in disputes, uncertainty, in the organization of life, doubts about the future family budget. All questions require perseverance, deliberate actions, calmness from a pregnant woman, although the body has already begun to rebuild due to hormones.

During pregnancy, the obstetrician-gynecologist has to monitor the mental state of the patient, give advice on changing behavior, adapting to new conditions. Not everyone can afford to consult a psychologist. Such an emotional background contributes to the occurrence of cardioneurosis.

Symptoms are reduced to aching, stabbing pains in the region of the heart. They may be accompanied by a feeling of palpitations, lack of air, sleep disturbance. As a rule, these symptoms occur after conflicts, nervous overload, in a stuffy hot room.

Consideration should be given to the greater sensitivity of the pregnant woman to changes in weather conditions, resentment, the appearance of suspicion and incredulity in character.

Neurotic pains in the heart during pregnancy are eliminated on their own after the creation of the necessary living conditions, the attentive attitude of loved ones. Special medications are not required. It is recommended to provide daily walks, proper nutrition, stop night work.

Why does pain appear?

The objective cause of pain can be a significant increase in the load on the heart of the expectant mother. Starting from the sixth week and up to the 34th, the need of the fetus for nutrition is continuously increasing due to the placental circle of additional blood circulation.

The fetus grows, forms its own organs. Everything needs oxygen. Since there is no connection with the air yet, he demandingly takes everything he needs from his mother. Therefore, a woman should create larger reserves than before pregnancy. With insufficient "coverage" of the body's expenses, iron deficiency anemia, vegetovascular dystonia, preeclampsia appear, there is a threat of placental rejection and premature birth.

The doctor must check the level of iron in the blood serum, hemoglobin, if, in addition to pain in the heart, other symptoms appear:

  • skin pallor,
  • dizziness,
  • tachycardia,
  • headache,
  • weakness.

The severity of iron deficiency anemia increases gradually, does not appear immediately.

The vascular system of a woman may be unprepared for the load. She reacts with spastic contractions or, conversely, with an expansion and a drop in tone. The coronary arteries change in the same way. Violations are classified as functional. They do not threaten the development of ischemia and myocardial oxygen deficiency.

A planned pregnancy proceeds much better when conception occurs after a course of vitamin therapy, preparation of the hormonal background of the expectant mother.

mechanical pressure

The growing uterus from the second half of the term by pressure on the diaphragm compresses the lung tissue and the heart. This is especially enhanced in a long sitting position of a pregnant woman, with an uncomfortable posture in a dream.

In such cases, the heart hurts during pregnancy due to additional obstructions. It changes its position in the chest from vertical to horizontal. Throwing blood with each contraction becomes more difficult.

The woman feels palpitations, stabbing pains. The condition is facilitated by the adoption of a comfortable posture: half-sitting with a pillow under the lower back and knees. There is no danger to mother and baby. Fatigue must be compensated for with sufficient rest, to monitor the loads.

It is important to control the level of blood pressure, to monitor swelling in the legs and feet, the rate of weight gain.

Load on the spine

Additional heaviness in the form of a pregnant uterus increases the load on the spine, especially in the thoracic and lumbar regions. A change in the bend contributes to irritation of the roots of the spinal cord and causes radiculitis pain.

Pressure with a long term on the lower ribs in a sitting position creates a picture of intercostal neuralgia

They are associated with the position of the body, turns, tilts. By nature, they are close to shooting, more often unilateral. Perceived as pain in the heart, if localized on the left side of the chest.

In this case, pain is also associated with movements, breathing. They do not affect the condition of the child.

Can pregnancy cause serious heart disease?

Pregnancy cannot cause a primary pathology, since it has many adaptive mechanisms that protect the mother and fetus before childbirth. Another thing is the exacerbation of existing chronic cardiological diseases. If a woman has heart problems, the issue of the possibility of pregnancy should be resolved in advance with a cardiologist.

  • heart defects in the stage of decompensation;
  • myocardial dystrophy;
  • active rheumatic heart disease;
  • pronounced arrhythmias;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • malignant hypertension.

Pain in the heart is persistent, accompanied by shortness of breath, edema, a violation of the rhythm of contractions, high blood pressure. This condition of the mother is dangerous for the development of the fetus. It threatens the formation of congenital severe diseases, malformations due to the constant lack of oxygen in the blood.

If a woman insists on pregnancy, she is managed by a cardiologist and an obstetrician-gynecologist at the same time

Most often, the entire period of pregnancy has to lie in a specialized maternity ward. Delivery is carried out using a caesarean section, since independent childbirth is very dangerous for a woman.

The risk group includes:

  • all first-time births over 30;
  • expectant mothers with overweight;
  • identified multiple pregnancy;
  • if the previous pregnancy was complicated.

What examination does the doctor prescribe?

According to the nature of pain sensations, it is customary to distinguish:

  • ischemic pain from a lack of blood circulation - pressing in the form of seizures, associated with physical activity, lasts up to 15 minutes, radiates to the left shoulder, jaw, shoulder blade;
  • other cardialgias are aching, stabbing pains that are not associated with physical stress.

To determine the tactics of therapy are prescribed: ECG and ultrasound of the heart. These methods are most available in outpatient settings. Allow:

  • see the size of the heart and large vessels;
  • determine the thickness of the walls of the ventricles and atria;
  • monitor the ejection of blood and the operation of individual chambers;
  • check the correctness of the rhythm.

Is pain in the mother's heart dangerous for the fetus?

For the development of the fetus, any disease of the mother is dangerous. The development of oxygen starvation due to disruption of the heart and blood vessels leads to the pathology of the tissues of the brain and other organs. Difficulties during pregnancy affect the health of the already born child for a long time.

It has been established that hypoxia contributes to gene mutations and manifestations of many hereditary diseases that cannot yet be cured. The belief that “children outgrow illnesses” is refuted by analysis and long-term observations of the family.

In early childhood, a child may be characterized by increased excitability. By school age, it turns out that it is difficult for him to study due to reduced attention and memory. Disruption of the formation of normal immunity threatens with frequent infectious diseases, a severe course with the development of complications.

Features of pain treatment

A pregnant woman is always recommended to limit herself to exercises, soothing walks, auto-training, a diet rich in vitamins. In the daily diet must be present without fail: raisins, bananas, dried apricots, apples, fish dishes, dairy products. After childbirth, all health problems gradually disappear. Joy and new worries, the feeling of motherhood prevails in every mother.

Special gymnastics allows you to ensure good health

If a pregnant woman has serious illnesses, then conventional treatment is possible only if the mother's life is threatened. Drugs have a toxic effect on the fetus, so doctors use only special light drugs.

Prevention measures

It is possible to reduce the likelihood of exacerbation of chronic diseases accompanied by pain in the heart during pregnancy only with the help of a preliminary examination and a preparatory course of treatment. It is strictly forbidden to smoke and drink alcohol.

All domestic problems must be resolved before pregnancy in order to minimize negative emotions. A woman should be especially careful if the family has relatives with heart disease.

The expectant mother must be completely confident in her ability to carry and give birth to a healthy baby without serious consequences for her body. You should tell your doctor about persistent pain. Perhaps they signal the appearance of a failure in the normal course of pregnancy, precede other pathological manifestations. Compliance with medical recommendations will help to avoid complications.

Carrying and giving birth to a child is a big stress for a woman. For some, this is a joyful, expected event, while someone did not plan to become a mother at all in the near future. In any case, there is a completely understandable reason for excitement and a serious shake-up for the nervous system. The heart of a pregnant woman cannot but respond to such changes in the body. Therefore, heart pain is not such a rarity for a woman in position. What do they mean, and is there any reason for concern for the expectant mother?

There are enough reasons for heart pain in pregnant women. They may be a variant of the norm or indicate any serious violations that should be treated in a timely manner. By itself, the bearing of a child in a healthy woman cannot provoke heart disease, because nature provides for special adaptation mechanisms to the ongoing changes in the circulatory system. Problems arise in those who, before the conception of the baby, already had pathologies of a cardiological nature (arrhythmia, rheumatic heart disease, heart defects, severe hypertension, myocardial dystrophy). The condition of such women can be significantly aggravated due to the increased workload. Therefore, some of them are contraindicated in pregnancy.

The most common causes that are physiological and not dangerous to the health of the future woman in labor:

  1. Cardioneurosis can occur on the basis of excessive unrest. In the early stages of pregnancy, sometimes the heart hurts when a woman "digests" incredible news (which is not always desirable). During the second trimester, she worries about the health of the developing organs of the unborn baby, and in the last month she is afraid of the upcoming birth.
  2. The heart hurts during pregnancy often in the early stages (up to the 10th week). Why? At this stage, the placental circulatory system is formed, the body is rebuilt, the myocardium adapts to a new, more intensive mode of operation. During the period of adaptation, excessive tension of the vessels or their excessive relaxation is possible. Therefore, a woman's heart needs a lot of oxygen and nutrients. Their deficiency provokes discomfort and pain in the chest, iron deficiency anemia. Additional signs: dizziness, weakness, pallor, nausea, fainting, headache (otherwise - early toxicosis).
  3. The last trimester is characterized by a significant increase in the volume of the abdomen. An enlarged uterus creates pressure on the internal organs, shifts their usual position. When the diaphragm, lungs and mediastinum are compressed, there are difficulties with breathing, a feeling of tightness, heaviness in the chest. The central organ of the circulatory system itself is also located differently at this time - horizontally. Due to these reasons, the heart hurts in some pregnant women.
  4. The expectant mother is gaining weight, especially by the ninth month of pregnancy. This is an additional burden on the heart. To provide blood to the fetus and the enlarged body of a woman, the myocardium is forced to work with greater intensity. Hence the rapid heartbeat, and ischemia attacks, accompanied by heart pain.
  5. Discomfort and pain in the region of the heart occur during late pregnancy due to the tension experienced by the spine (thoracic and lumbar region). It bends due to the shift in the center of gravity caused by the growing belly, which pulls the body down. Nerve roots in the spinal cord are compressed and cause pain. She looks like a heart. This phenomenon is commonly called intercostal neuralgia.
  6. Tachycardia and hypoxia can also occur for other reasons: hot weather, stuffy room, increased physical activity, long stay in an uncomfortable position, nervous stress, coffee abuse, tight clothing, a sudden change in weather, too heavy lunch or dinner.

The nature of pain in the heart during pregnancy

A pregnant woman's heart can hurt in different ways. By the nature of the sensations, the doctor makes assumptions about the true cause of the deterioration in well-being.

What is angio pain?

The word "angious" comes from the Latin "ango" (squeeze, squeeze), so angio pain is a feeling of squeezing, compression, burning, heaviness in the chest. Sometimes unpleasant symptoms spread to the left arm, give to the shoulder blade, the shoulder, neck, back, bottom of the chin go numb, the state of health deteriorates sharply, it becomes difficult to breathe. This is how people describe their condition at the time of an acute ischemic attack - angina pectoris. Similar signs accompany the development of an even more dangerous pathology - myocardial infarction. If a pregnant woman is constantly worried about angiosthesia, it is necessary to sound the alarm.

In expectant mothers, the chest can be strongly squeezed after high loads, an emotional outburst, and pain is also due to the restructuring of the body during pregnancy. The immediate cause of the attack is oxygen starvation.


Painful sensations in the chest of this type can be caused by both cardiac and non-cardiac pathologies. What unites these pains? All of them have nothing to do with ischemia, and their occurrence is not always related to emotional or physical stress.

Distinctive features of cardialgia:

  • These are long-term states.
  • There are cutting or stabbing pains in the heart during pregnancy.
  • There may be aching sensations.
  • Pain symptoms spread to the entire chest area (diffuse).
  • Unpleasant signs become stronger when a woman sneezes, takes a deep breath or coughs.

Varieties of cardiac causes of such pain:

  • myocarditis;
  • endocarditis;
  • pericarditis;
  • hypertrophic changes in the myocardium;
  • development of dishormonal cardiomyopathy.

When the heart still hurts during pregnancy (non-cardiac causes of cardialgia):

  • osteochondrosis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • bronchitis, pleurisy;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • abdominal trauma.

Pain in the heart can occur after taking No-shpy tablets, which are prescribed to many pregnant women as a drug to reduce the tone of the uterus with pulling sensations in the lower abdomen.

Is pain in the mother's heart dangerous for the fetus

Heart pain in certain cases can pose a danger to the mother and the unborn child. Short-term discomfort caused by physiological causes should not cause alarm. But if the pain syndrome indicates the presence of a pathology of the heart or other organs, there is reason for serious unrest.

Most often, during pregnancy, the following conditions develop that threaten the woman and the fetus:

All these phenomena can disrupt placental blood flow, which is fraught with hypoxia for a child. Lack of oxygen can lead not only to a developmental delay and the formation of serious intrauterine pathologies, but also to premature birth, and even to the death of the fetus. In some cases, doctors talk about a threat to the life of the mother. Therefore, if serious pathologies of the heart are detected, an obstetrician-gynecologist can prescribe a delivery to a woman by caesarean section at a certain stage, when the natural process of giving birth to a baby has not yet begun.

Prevention measures

In order for pregnancy to proceed easily and calmly, without heart pains, it is necessary to prepare for it in advance. What is important is the psychological mood of a woman, her sufficient material security, and most importantly, her state of health at the time of conception of a child. After passing a preliminary examination, the expectant mother will be able to determine the date of pregnancy in accordance with the identified pathologies (taking into account the required time for their treatment). It is useful to drink a course of vitamins before this, do not take drugs, do not smoke and do not drink alcohol at all.

It is not recommended to treat pain in the heart with medications during pregnancy. To relieve anxiety symptoms caused by a disorder of the nervous system, it is allowed to drink valerian tincture. It is necessary to take "Validol", "Corvalol", "Nitroglycerin" and other medicines only as a last resort and with the permission of a doctor.

To prevent an attack of pain in the heart directly during pregnancy, you need to follow the following recommendations:

  • Eat properly. The menu should include foods rich in magnesium and potassium (raisins, dried apricots, bananas, apples, fish, milk). You can not overeat, you should give up sweets and muffins, so as not to gain excess weight or increase blood sugar levels.
  • Rest a lot. Try not to be nervous. Find activities that bring positive emotions.
  • Move more. This is a prerequisite for improving blood circulation. Special physical education for pregnant women strengthens muscles and blood vessels, saturates the body with oxygen, and prepares a woman for childbirth.
  • Use coffee and strong tea with caution, completely abandon alcoholic beverages and cigarettes.
  • Try to lie in a comfortable position while resting at night. Do not cross your legs while sitting, put a pillow under your lower back or lean back in a chair.

During pregnancy, the load on the entire body of a woman increases. Kidneys, liver, lungs are forced to work for two, the nervous system is also under high stress. The heart is the main muscle of a person, it bears the main responsibility for the functioning of the emerging fetal life support systems. Therefore, persistent pain in this organ should be reported to the doctor immediately. He will help to understand why he cuts or presses in the chest, if necessary, prescribe treatment or calm the woman's false alarm. Use home methods for pain relief should be used with caution, only after consulting a specialist.

You may also be interested in:

  • Causes of pain in the heart of a pregnant woman
  • Prevention of heart disease during pregnancy

A woman is very scared if her heart hurts during pregnancy. During this special period, the whole organism of the expectant mother begins to change, to work a little differently, because now he needs to support the vital activity of the new organism. That is why weight is gained and various organs can give out painful "signals". The heart is no exception.

Causes of pain in the heart of a pregnant woman

As soon as you feel severe pain in the heart area, you need to contact your doctor to diagnose the cause and subsequent treatment, which only he can prescribe.

What could be the prerequisites for such frightening sensations?

  1. Physiological reason. An enlarged belly displaces organs, puts pressure on the chest, and thus can cause pain in the heart during pregnancy. In addition, this organ has to work for two for some time, which increases the load on the heart muscle and the speed of its work.
  2. Experiences, nervousness, even the slightest stress are dangerous for the heart of a woman in position.
  3. Heart diseases such as angina pectoris and hypertension. In this case, you need to be examined by a doctor, because if hypertension (high blood pressure) is accompanied by headaches, then treatment should be started immediately.
  4. Sudden weather changes can cause heart pain during pregnancy. Magnetic storms make themselves felt precisely through sharp heart pains. Frost or heat adversely affects the condition of many people, especially pregnant women. Therefore, hypothermia in the winter season and long exposure to the sun in the summer should be avoided.
  5. Uncomfortable posture. Oddly enough, lying or sitting in an uncomfortable position can cause discomfort in the heart of a pregnant woman. The pain goes away if you change the position of the body.
  6. iron deficiency. This reason can only be identified by a medical professional. In this case, a complex of vitamins is prescribed, which will help replenish the microelements in the woman's body. It is recommended to consume more dairy products, eggs, fruits and vegetables, which will help keep the amount of nutrients at a certain level, which will be enough for both mother and child.
  7. Vegetovascular dystonia or intercostal neuralgia. They are diagnosed only by doctors, so if you feel pain in the left side of the body, you should contact a medical professional and go for an examination.
  8. preinfarction state. Severe and sharp pains in the heart during pregnancy can be an important signal of a heart attack. At this point, urgent medical attention is needed. Although such cases are rare, they threaten to terminate the pregnancy.
  9. Heart disease that was before pregnancy. Some heart diseases are more pronounced during childbearing. A woman should always be in touch with a doctor, as diseases can be transmitted to the child or seriously affect the development of the fetus. Constant diagnostics will help save the life of the mother and the unborn baby.

There is no need to delay a visit to the hospital, because you cannot know exactly why your heart hurts during pregnancy. You should not listen to the advice of girlfriends or grandmothers, because some causes of pain, for example, a pre-infarction condition, can be fatal in a baby.

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Prevention of heart disease during pregnancy

Self-medication during pregnancy becomes really impossible. Corvalol, Valocordin and other medicines that help get rid of pain in the heart area are unacceptable for a pregnant woman.

In order not to go to the doctor with complaints that the heart hurts during pregnancy, you need to follow a few simple rules that can protect you from pain:

  1. Walk in nature more often, be outdoors and get pleasant emotions.
  2. At least for the duration of pregnancy, stop drinking alcohol and smoking. It’s already hard for your body, because it works for two, and bad habits make it work even harder.
  3. Physical activity should be present in your life even during pregnancy. Talk to your doctor about which exercises you can do and which ones you should avoid. Yoga, sets of exercises for pregnant women, breathing exercises and more will help not only maintain a good body shape, get rid of pain, but also be more energetic.
  4. A balanced diet will help fill the body with the necessary trace elements and vitamins. It is better to give up fatty foods, sugary drinks and junk food. They will only satisfy your taste buds, but will not bring benefits to you or your baby.
  5. You need to drink plenty of fluids. It will not only help to alleviate well-being, remove harmful substances from the body, but will also have a beneficial effect on the baby.
  6. Try to avoid stressful and conflict situations, if possible, find a reason for joy and enjoy every day.

Remember that pregnancy is an important period of time not only for your baby, but also for you.

Listen to your body, pay attention to pain; it is better to visit a doctor unscheduled and be sure that everything is going well than to find out about terrible diagnoses later.

Follow the doctor's recommendations, even if they seem insignificant or unimportant to you. The healthcare professional knows what is best for your baby and for you. Do not engage in self-medication and strong physical exertion - this can negatively affect the course of pregnancy.

Do not get depressed, even if you think that you have absolutely nothing to do: read your favorite book, come up with redevelopment of an apartment or children's room, do needlework, or just meet friends. Any positive emotions will do you good.

Complaints of soreness in the heart, tingling sensation and discomfort accompany many pregnant women. These symptoms do not mean that a woman is developing a serious pathology, but their presence cannot be ignored.

Can pregnancy cause heart disease

Pregnancy creates a serious burden on the circulatory system and body of a woman; she is not able to provoke the development of cardiac diseases, if any were not observed before the conception of a child. Any pain that is not associated with cardiopathologies is considered physiological and is caused by an increase in the uterus.

The period of bearing a baby provokes the development of chronic diseases. In the presence of serious heart disease, a woman should consult a cardiologist at the stage of conception planning and receive appropriate recommendations. With defects (at the stage of decompensation), rheumatic heart disease, myocardial dystrophy, as well as malignant hypertension, severe arrhythmias and cardiomyopathy, conception is not recommended.

These diseases are accompanied by severe pain, shortness of breath, swelling, severe fatigue, heart rhythm disturbances, pathologically high blood pressure. This condition threatens the health of the pregnant woman and the development of the fetus. The baby constantly receives less oxygen from the mother's blood, which is fraught with fetal hypoxia, the formation of severe developmental anomalies, and congenital heart pathologies.

Is the pain in the heart of the mother dangerous for the unborn child

Violation of the normal well-being of the expectant mother is a potential source of threat to the baby. If the mother has an exacerbation of chronic cardiac pathology, she needs to be accompanied by a cardiologist and an obstetrician-gynecologist who monitors the pregnancy. He will control the development of pathology, as well as the condition of the growing baby. If maternal health problems are serious (preeclampsia, anemia, cardiomyopathy), are not detected in time and are not treated, the fetus may develop oxygen starvation (hypoxia).

A significant lack of oxygen in the blood flowing to the baby threatens to disrupt the functioning of his heart, as well as pathologies in the development of the brain and internal organs. Severe violation of the blood circulation of the fetus provokes premature birth.

Lack of oxygen during fetal development does not always cause serious congenital pathologies. Signs of hypoxia in a healthy child: nervous excitability, noted in the first years of a child's life, inability to concentrate, frequent colds, weak immunity.

The physiological pain syndrome associated with the growth of the fetus is not dangerous for its health. The risk is only unjustified self-treatment undertaken by a woman to eliminate it.

Causes of pain

Why does heart pain occur?

The main reason why the heart begins to hurt at the beginning of pregnancy is a significant increase in the load on this organ. In the early stages (1 trimester), hormonal changes begin, leading to an increase in the amount of blood. The child constantly increases the need for nutrition, which provides him with a placental circle of blood circulation. Developing, the baby requires more oxygen supplied to him by blood cells.

The cardiovascular system generates and pumps an increased amount of blood. The increased load is manifested by a drop in vascular tone, their expansion, spastic contractions, changes in the coronary arteries, therefore, heart pain appears in the early stages of pregnancy, accompanying some expectant mothers throughout the entire period of bearing a baby.

Other reasons:

  • Mechanical compression causes pain in the heart during pregnancy. A growing child needs more space. Increasing in size, the uterus compresses the pulmonary artery and diaphragm. For this reason, many expectant mothers in the later stages complain that they cannot sleep lying on their left side at night. This also leads to the fact that a woman in an “interesting position” has a numb left hand, and her heart rate increases.
  • Load on the spine due to the growing size of the uterus, causes discomfort on the left in the region of the heart, which manifests itself at 6-9 months. From the second trimester, the load on the thoracic and lumbar regions increases, the roots of the spinal cord are compressed. Spinal pains are given to the left side of the sternum, it hurts under the ribs, so they can be easily confused with cardiac pathology.
  • Vitamin B deficiency. It is also to blame for the fact that the expectant mother experiences discomfort in the left side of the chest (at the same time, it seems to her that her heart has begun to bother), due to a lack of vitamin B, which provokes a violation of metabolic processes in the nervous tissue.
  • Preeclampsia. Swelling of the limbs and organs causes an increase in blood pressure and pain in the heart muscle. This condition requires an urgent appeal to the observing gynecologist.
  • Anemia. Iron deficiency in the blood causes tingling, shortness of breath, fatigue.

The occurrence of physiological pain syndrome is affected by the age of the mother, her body weight, and blood pressure indicators.

What are the pains during pregnancy

Pain in cardiology is divided into:

  • Ischemic. They are provoked by physical, emotional stress causing insufficient coronary blood flow. Painful sensations are burning, pressing, "squeezing" the left side of the sternum. They radiate to the shoulder, left arm, chin, or shoulder blade.
  • Cardialgia caused by defects, vegetative-vascular dystonia, inflammation. Characterized by spilled, stabbing and aching sensations in the sternum. Aggravated by coughing and deep breathing.

The nature of the sensations allows you to determine the cause of the condition and choose the tactics of treatment.

Why you should see a doctor

If before conception the girl had no cardiac pathologies, and unpleasant symptoms in the form of slight tingling, discomfort and heaviness are noted due to fatigue, being in a stuffy room, an uncomfortable sleeping position and are not accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, then heart tingling and a feeling of slight constriction in the chest at night are considered not dangerous and do not require a visit to a specialist.

Pain and discomfort should never be ignored.

It is necessary to call a doctor if they are accompanied by:

  • puffiness;
  • pressure increase;
  • tightness behind the sternum;
  • shortness of breath;
  • feeling that the stomach hurts (uterine tone);
  • increased sweating.

In any case, it is necessary to contact a specialist because of pain. Even if they are not associated with serious health problems, it is important to make sure that the change in the mother's condition does not harm the child.

The reason for the appeal is the sick heart of the expectant mother. Knowing about the presence of cardiac pathology, she must appear to a specialist in order to avoid negative consequences for the child and to ensure that the period of bearing the crumbs is not overshadowed by complications.

In cardiology practice, all pain in the chest is divided into three large groups:

  • Functional pain - more often associated with psycho-emotional disorders, accompanied by phobic attacks, which have a different, sometimes pretentious nature. Numerous examinations do not reveal any cardiac pathology.
  • Cardiac pains are different in intensity, nature and duration of pain in the cardiac region, arising as a result of cardiac and non-cardiac pathology, not associated with myocardial ischemia;
  • Anginal pains are pressing pains in the cardiac and retrosternal region that occur at the height of physical or mental stress, pains occur with oxygen deficiency in the myocardium, pains are often accompanied by arrhythmias, shortness of breath, severe weakness. However, pressing retrosternal pain can occur in various diseases that are not at all associated with myocardial ischemia.

Why does the heart press during pregnancy

The main cause of pressing pain in the retrosternal region, both during pregnancy and outside it, is myocardial ischemia - this is an absolute or relative lack of oxygen in the muscle tissue of the heart, leading to temporary transient dysfunction or permanent damage to the organ. Such pains are called anginal, they occur at the height of physical or psycho-emotional stress, radiate to the left half of the body (arm, shoulder, shoulder blade), accompanied by arrhythmias, shortness of breath, severe weakness.

If the heart presses during pregnancy, this is always a concern for cardiologists and gynecologists.

Any cause that can cause a lack of oxygen in the tissues of the heart can lead to an anginal attack, and therefore cause pressing pains in the heart.

Speaking about anginal pain during pregnancy, first of all, they mean two main reasons:

  • Decreased or impaired coronary blood flow caused by diseases of the cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis, vasculitis of various etiologies, disturbances in the structure of the coronary bed).
  • Iron deficiency anemia, when an anginal attack is caused by an insufficient amount of hemoglobin to transport the oxygen necessary for the heart.

Pregnancy in patients with such a pathology is difficult, therefore, from the first days of pregnancy, women are observed not only by a gynecologist, but also by a cardiologist.

The risk group, which is identified and monitored at the stage of pregnancy planning, includes women:

  • late reproductive age;
  • patients with diabetes;
  • with a history of hypertension;
  • having congenital and acquired heart defects;
  • long-term smokers;
  • having a hereditary predisposition for coronary artery disease or hyperlipidemia

In addition, this group includes:

  • women with multiple pregnancies;
  • pregnant women in a state of preeclampsia;
  • women who have had an infection during pregnancy.

However, there are many other reasons that cause pressure pain in the chest:

  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine. With this pathology, pain caused by compression of the nerve fiber is aggravated by movements,
  • Intercostal neuralgia - with the disease, the nerve fibers that pass in the intercostal spaces become inflamed. Pain is accompanied by shortness of breath due to impaired chest excursion. Neurologist Fr.
  • GERD - pain occurs with spasm of the muscles of the esophagus, the pain is often of a pressing nature and retrosternal localization.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the stomach. Gas accumulates in the stomach cavity, squeezing the diaphragm, which leads to difficulty breathing and pressing pain in the chest.

In addition, during pregnancy, pressing chest pains can occur under the action of external causes:

  • weather change;
  • hot season;
  • stuffiness in the room;
  • uncomfortable body position;

But only a doctor can conduct a differential diagnosis of all these conditions after a complete examination.

Presses the heart in the 1-2 trimester of pregnancy

Changes in the CCC that occur during pregnancy in a woman's body are aimed at maintaining gestation and creating conditions for the proper development of the fetus. However, the depth of changes and the speed of the dynamics of these changes place increased demands on the body of a pregnant woman.

Among the most significant:

  • An increase in BCC, this indicator begins to increase from the first weeks of gestation.
  • An increase in BCC provokes functional myocardial hypertrophy.
  • Hypervolemia develops due to an increase in blood plasma, the number of red blood cells also increases, but not proportionally, which causes a decrease in hemoglobin concentration, functional anemia occurs.
  • There is a compensatory tachycardia.
  • A sharp decrease in OPS.
  • The IOC (the amount of blood ejected by the heart per minute) increases - this indicator increases from the beginning of the fetal period, reaching a maximum by the end of the second trimester.

All these changes lead to more intense work of the myocardium, requiring an increased amount of oxygen. With a normally working heart, the body copes with these loads, but if there is an initial pathology of the coronary bed, then anginal pain occurs.

However, hypoxia can occur in early pregnancy for other reasons: coffee abuse, being in a stuffy room, physical stress, a sudden change in weather - all this provokes excessive tachycardia and can cause pressing pains in the heart.

At the very beginning of gestation, when the cardiac system adapts to an enhanced mode of operation, activation of the ANS occurs, accompanied by vascular dystonia, leading to an even greater load on the intensively working myocardium. This requires more oxygen and can lead to discomfort and pressure pain in the retrosternal area.

Presses the heart in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

The third trimester of pregnancy is the final stage in the development of the fetus. Changes begin in the female body, preparing it for the upcoming birth.

The sharply enlarged pregnant uterus puts pressure on the internal organs, changing their normal position. Pressure on the diaphragm can cause not only difficulty breathing, but also unpleasant sensations of discomfort, sometimes in the form of pressing pains in the chest.

By the last trimester of pregnancy, a woman's body weight increases, sometimes significantly, which is an additional burden on the myocardium, causing tachycardia and anginal attacks.

Sometimes, if the heart presses during a pregnancy of 36 weeks, and the pain is accompanied by signs of LV systolic dysfunction, it is necessary to exclude peripartum cardiomyopathy. This is a disease of unknown etiology that occurs a month before childbirth or within six months after childbirth. Of course, signs of left ventricular failure come first here, but pressing pains in the chest are not at all uncommon.

But more often, discomfort and pressing pains in the chest occur as a manifestation of vertebral syndrome, due to the tension experienced by the spine due to a shift in the center of gravity in late pregnancy. As a result of compression of the nerve roots, there are pains similar to anginal.

Presses the heart during pregnancy: tests and examinations

Of course, not every pressing pain in the chest is a manifestation of coronary disease, but such pain should never be ignored, especially when it comes to a pregnant woman.

The algorithm for examining such patients has been developed thoroughly, for pregnant women it includes:

Laboratory research

  • analysis of capillary blood with the determination of hemoglobin, hematocrit, leukocyte formula;
  • blood sugar test;
  • urinalysis with sediment examination;
  • analysis of venous blood with the determination of C-reactive protein, AST, ALT, creatinine, microelements;
  • lipidogram,
Non-invasive research
  • ECG at rest and during an attack
  • 24 hour Holter monitoring
  • EchoCG.

If the pathology is not detected, the patient is referred for a consultation with a neuropathologist, gastroenterologist, neuropsychiatrist.

Consequences of pressing chest pains for mother and baby

Almost all pregnant women experience pain and discomfort in the chest, but most often this is just a manifestation of a normal pregnancy. The danger is:

  • IHD with disorders in the coronary bed of atherosclerotic or other genesis. At present, the presence of atherosclerosis in pregnant women is far from uncommon in obstetric practice. This is due to the fact that more and more women give birth in the late reproductive period. Complications in this case can be: AMI, acute circulatory failure (pulmonary edema), severe rhythm and conduction disturbances - all this is a severe cardiac pathology with a possible fatal outcome.
  • Cardiac pathology of non-ischemic origin, accompanied by pressing pains in the chest: heart defects, myocardial dystrophy, cardiomyopathy, severe forms of GB.
  • Severe forms of iron deficiency anemia.
  • Preeclampsia is a severe complication of pregnancy, accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, edematous syndrome, persistent increasing pressing pains in the chest.

These diseases are dangerous not only for the mother, but also for the fetus, they can cause severe forms of fetoplacental insufficiency, severe forms of fetal hypoxia, intrauterine development anomalies, and even death.

Other diseases accompanied by pressing pains in the chest (myositis, osteochondrosis, gastrointestinal diseases, psychoemotional disorders), although they require medical supervision, do not pose any threat to the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus.

Svetlana Aleksandrova, cardiologist, specially for the site

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