Violet eyes in humans. People with purple eyes. Purple contact lenses

According to scientists, purple eye color cannot exist in nature. The lilac shade is acquired through the use of lenses, surgical operations to change the color of the iris and the use of medications that give a brightening effect. Myths about people with natural violet colors are widespread in the world, but there are no scientific confirmations of the phenomenon and reliable facts.

Causes of lilac color

The rare color in some people is explained by the video editing technique and the incorrect designation of the color scheme, which is close to blue.

People with purple eyes in 98% use ophthalmic agents to visually change the picture. The violet color without artificial modifications cannot exist. In photographs, "real" shades are achieved by applying filters and Photoshop tools. There are unsubstantiated legends about a genetic defect called Alexandria syndrome, which is often associated with the course of indigo children. In esotericism, it is believed that people with real lilac irises have developed extrasensory abilities, so purple eyes cause an increased resonance in society.

Also, the legend of people with lilac eyes by nature originated in India on the territory of Kashmir. Rare shades of the iris are justified by special climatic conditions and rarefied air. However, studies show that the predominant eye color in this region of India is brown, with rare natural blues and grays.

The presence of red eyes in one of the parents does not affect the formation of the color of the child's iris.

And there is also a theory that the eye-catching lilac color may be formed due to a gene mutation caused by mixing the scarlet eyes of an albino and the blue shades of a partner. However, from a medical point of view, this is impossible, since in albinism the visual organs are completely devoid of pigments. When inherited, the red hue of the parent's iris will not affect the formation of eye color in the child.

Eye color formation mechanisms

The color of the natural iris depends on the concentration of pigments, which vary based on the genotype, and the blood vessels in the eye. Mixing two shades of father and mother can give the child an unusual color. When mixing sky and green shades by inheritance, there is a chance to form a turquoise color. However, at this point, no information has been received on how to get natural purple eyes when crossing.

Often photographers retouch the visual organs, giving the iris poisonous and unusual colors. Lilac - one of the most popular.

Effective ways to change color include:

  • wearing colored lenses;
  • surgical installation of the implant;
  • laser illumination.

Others are green. But have you ever seen someone with naturally purple eyes? Probably not. Although this eye color does exist. The reasons for its appearance include two components: one of them is associated with myth, the other with reality.

The possibility of having purple eyes is associated with a disorder called

"The Origin of Alexandria". Although the presence of such a disease is unknown today, it is quite possible that it existed in the past. According to legend, several centuries ago in a small Egyptian village there was a mysterious flash of light in the sky, which affected all the inhabitants. After that, they began to have children with purple eyes. The first such child was a girl named Alexandria, born in England in 1329. At birth, her eyes were gray or blue, and then within six months they turned purple. Subsequently, the inheritance of eye color was passed on to her four daughters. However, they were healthy and lived to be a hundred years old. As you know, people with purple eyes have perfect vision. Although it may be a natural condition and not the result of a genetic defect or mutation.

The eye can be explained medically. It's connected with

albinism - a genetic disorder caused by an altered gene that prevents the development of melanin. This condition results in a lack of pigmentation in the skin, hair, and eyes. Along with these symptoms, a person suffering from albinism may have purple eyes. In fact, the absence of melanin gives rise to the red color of the eyes, since all the vessels become visible through the iris. Sometimes blue collagen is reflected more strongly in the eyes. However, in very rare cases, red and blue hues can combine to form purple. But there is another explanation as well. Albino people are hypersensitive to sunlight. allows light to enter the eye, and this is what can contribute to the appearance of a purple color.

Speaking of such a genetic mutation, one cannot fail to mention the famous actress Elizabeth Taylor. Her purple eyes and dark hair have captivated millions of people around the world and brought her immense popularity. Although there is currently a lot of controversy about whether Taylor's eyes were purple by nature. In favor of the naturalness of the color is evidenced by the fact that at that time there were no contact lenses. Lens production began in 1983, and purple-eyed Elizabeth Taylor appeared on screen as Cleopatra as early as 1963. Many, however, believe that her eyes were not purple, but gray-blue. After all, as you know, purple is one of the intermediate shades between blue and gray.

So, the basis for the presence of purple eyes is a genetic defect. The conditions of its origin are associated both with a legend, which, unfortunately, cannot be verified, and with albinism, of which most of us have a visual representation. Be that as it may, the possibility of having natural purple eyes is not excluded, although this is a very rare condition.

Have you ever seen a person with amber eyes? What about a person with green or red eyes? Not?! Then, you will be a little surprised if you find out that everything is not some kind of myth given over the centuries, but quite real. Although there are not so many people with such rare eye colors, but they still exist.

However, there is nothing sci-fi or extraordinary about it. Everything is quite natural, since he depends mainly on the pigmentation of the iris of the eye.

What is the iris of the eye: light, psycho-emotional and hereditary components

The iris of the eye is an almost impenetrable thin and movable diaphragm of the eye with a pupil in the center, located behind the cornea (between the posterior and anterior chambers of the eye), in front of the lens. The color of the iris depends mainly on the amount of a coloring pigment called melanin (responsible for color, affects the tone of the skin and hair), as well as on the thickness of the shell of the eye itself.

There is a direct dependence of the color of the eyes on the reaction of the pupil to light, that is, the pupil, reacting to light,. With a narrowed pupil, the pigments of the iris are concentrated and the eyes begin to darken, and with an enlarged pupil, on the contrary, the pigments of the iris are dispersed and the eyes begin to brighten. In addition, the emotions that a person experiences also affect the size of the pupil, and, depending on the psycho-emotional state, his eye color may be different.

Eye type. For different people, these are combinations of combinations of four main factors:

  1. the blood vessels of the iris have a bluish tint: blue, cyan, gray;
  2. the content of the coloring pigment (melanin) in the iris: brown, black;
  3. the content of individual substances in the iris (often associated with liver disease): yellow;
  4. bloody iris (only in case of albinism): red.

If we correlate these factors with each other, then a certain color will be obtained as a result. For example, marsh is a mixture of brown and blue, green is yellow and blue, and so on.

Top 5

What do you think the eye color is? To be honest, it's difficult, or most likely impossible, to determine, since there are so many different shades of eye colors, but some of which are very rare and very rare.

Below is a list of 5 varieties of eye colors (from the rarest to more or less natural), which are rarer, which, in turn, makes them more unique from the rest.

1. Purple eye color: hoax or reality!

It turns out that the purple color of the eyes is. There is an opinion that it is impossible to have purple eyes from nature. This is not entirely true. Purple eyes come from mixing red and blue hues.

From a genetic point of view, purple eyes are similar to blue eyes, namely a reflection, a pigment, or a variant of the blue color. However, there are scientific facts that prove that people living in the remote and high-altitude regions of Northern Kashmir have purple eyes. However, this unique eye color is very rare.

Varieties of purple eye color: ultramarine (bright blue), amethyst and hyacinth (blue-lilac).

2 Green Eyes: The Red Hair Gene

Green eyes are second only to purple in terms of rarity. This type of eye color is determined by a small amount of the coloring pigment, melanin, which, in combination with the light brown or yellow pigment lipofuscin (distributed in the outer layer of the iris of the eye), gives the green coloring of the eyes. T

This coloration is usually uneven with many different shades. There is an opinion that the red hair gene may play a role in the formation of green eyes. Pure green is extremely rare (only 2% of the world's population has green eyes). Carriers of this color are found mainly in Central and Northern Europe, less often in the southern part of Europe. According to a survey of adults in Holland and Iceland, green eyes in men are much less common than in women.

Varieties of green eye color: bottle green (dark green), light green (light green with a yellowish tint), emerald green, grass green, jade, leaf green, emerald brown, aqua (blue- green).

3. Red eye color: albino eye

Red eyes are called albino eyes, although rather than the rule, since blue and brown eyes are more common in them. Such a rare phenomenon is associated with the absence of the coloring pigment melanin in the ectodermal and mesodermal layer of the iris, and therefore the color of the eyes is determined by the blood vessels and collagen fibers of the iris. Sometimes, but very rarely, the red color of the eyes, when mixed with the blue color of the stroma, can turn into violet (magenta).

4. Amber eye color: golden eyes

Amber color, in fact, is a kind of brown. These are clear, bright eyes with a pronounced warm golden color. True amber eyes are very rare, and due to the monotonous light yellow-brown coloration, the eyes have a rather exotic look, like the eyes of a wolf. Sometimes, amber eyes can be characterized by a reddish-copper or golden-green tint.

Varieties of amber eye color: yellowish brown, golden brown.

5. Black eyes: high concentration of melanin

Black eyes, although considered rare, are much more common than all the previous ones. Due to the fact that the black iris has a very high concentration of the coloring pigment melanin, the light that falls on it will be almost completely absorbed. This type of eye is distributed mainly among the Negroid race: in East, South and Southeast Asia. In addition to the black iris, the color of the eyeball may have a grayish or yellowish tint.

Varieties of black eye color: bluish black, pitch black, obsidian, pitch black, dark almond-shaped, thick black.

Congenital eye disorders or heterochromia

Heterochromia is a congenital or acquired (due to diseases or injuries) eye disorder in which there is a different color of the irises of a person’s eyes, that is, a person has eyes of a different color.

Heterochromia is divided into two types:

  • complete (eyes completely different in color);
  • partial or sector (part of the eye has a color difference from the rest of the iris).

While this is more common in dogs and cats, people also have cases heterochromia, as, for example, in the famous American actresses Daniela Roy and Kate Bosworth.

Video - why the eyes are so different

Purple, red, green, black, amber! There are very few people with such eye colors, but this in no way underestimates, but, on the contrary, gives more and more uniqueness and extravagance. Violet is the color of purity and psychic energies, green is the color of youth and vitality, amber- strength and endurance the black- mysticism and magic, and red- ambition and passion.

Do you have a rare color? Which have you seen most unusual eye color?

The variety of eye colors in people is amazing, but most of the inhabitants of the planet have a gray, brown or blue tint of the iris. Blue, green, red, yellow eyes are much less common. The rarest eye color is purple, however, it is not easy to meet such an anomaly, and therefore most people are sure that this is just a myth. But this is a reality, and such a phenomenon can be seen at least in the photo.

The rarest eye color in the world

Purple eyes. The purple hue of the iris is the result of mixing shades of red and blue, so genetically it is just a variant of the iris with blue pigment. Blue pigment is not uncommon at all, it is present in all blue-eyed representatives of the Caucasian race. Unlike blue eyes, blue and blue-lilac eyes are much less common, but amethyst or purple eyes are a rarity in the world. But, since genetics does not reject the possibility of the existence of lilac eyes, you can see them.

Purple irises are found among representatives of one of the nationalities in the highlands of Northern Kashmir. Violet-colored eyes were possessed by a famous American actress, whose beauty conquered the whole world.

Doctors refer the lilac iris to the list of symptoms of the Alexandria syndrome. The symptomatic picture of this genetic disease includes highly developed muscles, thick fingers, often patients have no body hair, and women do not have a menstrual cycle, although fertility is normal.

Green eyes. A pure green tint of the iris is rare, as is purple, but variations of this hue in combination with light brown or gray are common. Such chameleon eyes change shade against the background of clothes of a certain color. Among the options for a green iris, bottle green, light green, emerald green, grassy, ​​jade, emerald brown, green foliage and sea green are distinguished.

There is an opinion, unconfirmed by scientific research, that the green eye gene is adjacent to the red hair gene, but in practice green-eyed people are brunettes and brown-haired, sometimes even blondes are found. The green shade of the iris without admixture of another color is present in 2% of the inhabitants of the Earth. Most of them are residents of Central Europe and Russia. Studies are of interest, according to which the color of the iris is affected by the gender of a person: among the adult population of Holland, there are fewer green-eyed men than green-eyed representatives of the weaker sex.

Red eyes. The red color of the iris is an exception to the rule, since it is found only in albinos, which are characterized by a lack of melanin in the tissues.

With such a genetic feature, the color of the iris is simply absent, and blood vessels are visible through the tissues and collagen fibers of the iris, which makes the color of the eyes reddish. In the presence of blue pigment, the iris takes on a purple hue.

Golden or yellow eyes. The yellow color of the iris is a special case of the brown color. Yellow eyes, depending on the amount and density of the pigment, can be either rich yellow-brown, gold, amber, or light yellow, which looks exotic and resembles the color of the eyes of cats or wolves.

Often such eyes have a dark rim on the iris. So, despite the light color, yellow eyes can be bright, attracting attention with their unusualness.

Black eye color. Dark to light brown eyes are the most common iris coloration on the planet, but the high concentration of melanin that makes eyes truly black is rare.

This feature is typical for the peoples of Africa, belonging to the Negroid race, and the peoples of East, South and Southeast Asia, who are representatives of the Mongoloid race. Often, ebonite-black eyes are combined with a grayish or yellowish tint of the eyeball.

With congenital or acquired heterochromia, the color of the eyes in humans varies. Heterochromia can be complete or partial. In the first case, the irises of a person's eyes will be of different colors, both similar in shade and contrasting. With partial heterochromia, abnormal pigmentation is central or sectoral, when one or more areas of the iris in one or both eyes differ in color.

A birth defect is due to a mutation, it only concerns the appearance of the eyes and does not pose additional problems. Acquired due to trauma or chronic diseases, heterochromia is accompanied by all sorts of complications, such as organic or functional transformations in the nervous system. Interestingly, congenital anomalous coloration of the eye membrane is more common in girls, while the strong half of humanity is less likely to demonstrate such a phenomenon.

Gray, black, brown, blue - each person has a certain shade of eyes, inherited. But there are also quite unusual colors in nature - for example, purple. The lilac shade appears as a result of a genetic mutation of the “origin of Alexandria”.

In newborns, the eyes are usually gray or blue, but after the age of six months, the color changes. It is a rich purple hue with dark or copper notes that appears during puberty due to gene doubling.

This feature has no effect on visual function. Read more about purple eye color below.

Violet eyes in humans are rare, but they do develop on the basis of a double genetic series. This mutation does not indicate ophthalmic problems, but it may be associated with cardiovascular pathologies.

A look into history

Previously, only people with brown eyes lived on earth, but then the earth collided with a comet, the ice age began, and active genetic mutations began to take place.

In difficult new conditions, only people with brown eyes had the strength to survive - they coped with difficult circumstances themselves, helping others to do it.

Other mutating changes gradually appeared - blue, blue, gray, as a result of marriages of people with different shades of eyes, children began to be born with different combinations of these colors.

What Science Says

From the point of view of biology as a science, the shade of a person's eyes is determined by the pigmentation of the iris. Taking into account the type of pigment substance, the characteristics of its distribution, a certain shade appears.

Vessels, fibers of the iris are important, since the shades of the shell depend on the entry of the dye, the density of the fibers - they are blue, brown, green, yellow amber, hazel or honey, blue.

By the way. Rare is not only lilac, but also emerald eye color - it is found in only 2% of the world's population.

Some researchers say that during the time of the Inquisition, a lot of red-haired green-eyed girls burned down, which is why today this color is so rare (the shade of the eyes is inherited).

Unusual mutations

The shade of the iris is largely determined by abnormal and simply unusual gene mutations. With aniridia, for example, there is no iris - partially or completely.

This disease is associated with congenital pathological defects and a number of other problems such as photophobia, cataracts, changes in the structure of the cornea. There are people in nature with just different eyes.

A common point of view suggests that there are no lilac eyes in nature. For example, Elizabeth Taylor made them with color filters, later actresses and mere mortals began to use special lenses to change the color of the iris.

In the 14th century in Alexandria there was an outbreak of a strange new disease for that time - it’s hard to say whether it’s true or not, but so the legend goes.

After the population of the village recovered, babies began to be born with gray and blue eyes, but then the color of the shell changed to purple.

Vision and health in children were normal, including in adulthood. Sometimes purple eyes are associated with Marchesani syndrome, but this syndrome is already a serious unpleasant problem.

Pathology is very rare, inherited, people grow poorly, have underdeveloped limbs and poor eyesight.

They also say that the owners of eyes of a rare violet hue live in the mountains of Kashmir. India has an unusual climate and rarefied air, due to which the corresponding mutations supposedly develop.

True or is it? Kashmiris, like most Asians, have brown eyes, gray and blue shades, but infrequently.

Popular eye shades

The main shades of the iris of the eye:

  1. Blue - it is obtained as a result of a gene mutation, it has existed for more than 10 thousand years.
  2. Blue - there is little melamine, the iris is usually brown. Blue is not the pigment itself, the corresponding visual effects are obtained by scattering light.
  3. Gray - the most common and at the same time rare at the same time. The fact is that the gray shade is constantly changing - taking into account clothes, weather, nature, mood, well-being of the owner, it can become more heavenly or asphalt.
  4. Green is a rare variation, green-eyed hair is usually red, blond.
  5. Brown is the main pigment, the most common shade.
  6. Yellow - the amber color of the iris is as unusual as lilac, but usually causes less surprise.


Some people with a purple tint to the iris are albinos. There is even a disease called albinism, which develops as a result of genetic disorders that affect the production of melanin.

The lack of pigment is the reason for the red tint of the eyes, since blood vessels are visible through the iris in this case. But if the blue collagen in the eye reflects more strongly than most, the iris can turn lilac.

Also, the purple tint is associated with photosensitivity, as a result of which light begins to penetrate through the iris and causes a purple tint to appear.

What eye color is the least common?

Purple is rare, but there are other rare effects of gene mutations. An example is the red iris, which occurs in albino people who are deprived of the natural pigment of hair and skin. The red color is nothing more than blood in the small vessels of the iris.

Other unusual shades are black and amber, which are also very rare. Only about 2% of people on the planet have green eyes.

Any genetic mixtures of parents can also give unusual combinations - for example, yellow, amber, tea. The reason is the mixing of shades and the individual characteristics of the body. Naturally, not only relatively neutral honey, marsh, but also turquoise eyes are obtained.


Today, the eyes can be given almost any shade with the help of lenses - there are options for permanent, temporary wearing. If there is a desire to stand out from the crowd, then why not, the main thing is to use high-quality products and do not forget about the rules for their use.

Show business stars, young people who are eager to stand out from the crowd are very fond of such image changes. Retouchers, photographers do image processing in special programs, it is possible to change the shade of the iris on the video.

So if you want to briefly change the shade of the eyes, use lenses or Photoshop. Most colored lenses are designed for one-day wear, it is not recommended to exceed this period.

And remember - not all rare shades that you see in the photo are the same in nature.


In nature, purple eyes are found, but very rarely, although some experts say that their existence is nothing more than a myth. Violet eyes are beautiful, unusual, they are often associated with mystical abilities.

Such people do not have special diseases, but they are often credited with either longevity, or a poor state of immune defense, problems with the heart, blood vessels.

The mutation has not been thoroughly studied, so we do not undertake to say that all violet-eyed people have serious systemic pathologies that create cause for concern. Vision is usually good, other features are also not noted.

An unusual shade appears not at birth - babies have blue, blue, gray eyes, but over time the iris begins to change. This becomes especially obvious towards the end of the first year of life, the color is finally established by adulthood or the end of puberty.

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