Cookies sugar calorie content. How many calories in cookies. Nutritional value and chemical composition "Biscuits, sugar from premium flour"

The owners of the patent RU 2358431:

The invention relates to the food industry, namely the production of diabetic flour confectionery products. The composition contains wheat flour of the highest grade, corn starch, extruded rice, stevioside, fructose, margarine, melange, pasteurized cow's milk, whole milk powder, salt, baking soda, ammonium carbonate salt and flavoring agent with the following choice of ingredients content, wt.%: wheat flour premium - 51.6-54.8, corn starch - 3.6-4.9, extruded rice - 3.1-3.8, stevioside - 0.06-0.07, fructose - 5.49-6 ,18, margarine - 18.5-18.8, melange - 3.9-4.4, pasteurized cow's milk - 3.0-3.8, whole milk powder - 4.4-5.7, salt - 0 .33, drinking soda - 0.47, ammonium carbonate salt - 0.35, flavoring agent - 0.8, water - according to the calculation. At the same time, the exclusion of sugar from the recipe is ensured, the nutritional value increases and the energy value decreases, the range of diabetic flour confectionery products expands. 1 tab.

The invention relates to the food industry, namely the production of diabetic flour confectionery products.

The closest in technical essence and the achieved result is sugar cookies "Jubilee", containing wheat flour of the highest grade, corn starch, powdered sugar, margarine, pasteurized cow's milk, invert syrup, melange, salt, drinking soda, ammonium carbonate, vanilla powder and essence [Recipes are not cookies / VNIIKP. - M.: Food industry, 1986. - 248 p.].

The disadvantage of the prototype is the high sugar content, high energy and low nutritional value.

The technical objective of the invention is the exclusion of sugar from the recipe, increasing the nutritional value and reducing the energy value, expanding the range of diabetic flour confectionery products.

To solve the technical problem of the invention, a composition for the preparation of sugar cookies is proposed, characterized in that it contains premium wheat flour, corn starch, extruded rice, stevioside, fructose, margarine, melange, pasteurized cow's milk, whole milk powder, salt, drinking soda, ammonium carbonate salt, flavoring agent with the following choice of ingredients content, wt.%:

The technical result consists in increasing the food value and reducing the energy value of finished products, in replacing sugar with natural sweeteners. Biscuits of the proposed composition are recommended as a preventive and diabetic product for the nutrition of various population groups: both healthy people and people suffering from diabetes.

It also ensures the regulation of the quality index of the dough (bulk weight) and the finished biscuit (wetting, sugar content) and reduces the cost of the finished product.

Stevioside and fructose are natural sweeteners that are safe for human life and health, have an intense sweet taste and allow you to create products of a given nutritional and energy value, including products for people with diabetes. The beneficial properties of stevioside have been confirmed by numerous studies. It has been proven that it contributes to the prevention of diabetes mellitus, the rapid healing of wounds, the restoration of the cardiovascular and immune systems, the maintenance of blood pressure, and the metabolism in the body without the participation of insulin (Lisitsin V.N. Stevia is a source of health and longevity of the nation) . / I.P. Kovalev // Food industry. - 2000. - No. 5. - P.38). The degree of sweetness of stevioside ranges from 200-300 in relation to the sweetness of sucrose. In addition, it contains practically no calories, is stable during heating and long-term storage, exposure to acids and alkalis, is highly soluble in water and is able to prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

Production of stevioside [Golubev V.N. Resource-saving technology of natural food sweetener - stevioside. / M.G. Gedrich, I.A. Rusakova. // Food industry. - 1997. - No. 5. - S.10] includes the following main steps: processing the leaves and stems of stevia in the extractor to obtain a homogeneous mass; separating the aqueous extract by separation; purification of the obtained extract by ultrafiltration and diafiltration; reverse osmosis concentrated to obtain a product containing 55-60% stevioside; final purification on ion-exchange columns; drying concentrate. The finished product contains up to 96% stevioside.

Fructose is the sweetest of natural sugars, its sweetness is 1.45-1.73. During metabolism in the human body, fructose, along with sucrose, is a source of energy. In terms of calories equal to sucrose, fructose is effectively absorbed by the human body and can be used by diabetics as a daily food component within the range of 0.5 g per 1 kg of human weight, with the exception of extremely rare cases of hereditary resistance to fructose. The use of fructose by patients with diabetes mellitus can reduce the dose of insulin they take.

Extruded rice is characterized by a high content of water-soluble substances, dietary fibers, which remove food metabolites from the body, are able to bind radionuclides and salts of heavy metals, regulate physiological processes in the digestive organs and prevent many human diseases.

Sugar biscuits are prepared as follows: an emulsion is prepared by successively mixing fructose, stevioside, pasteurized cow's milk, whole milk powder, extruded rice, melange and mixing for 4-5 minutes, after which water, salt, soda, carbonic ammonium salt and margarine are dosed . The emulsion is stirred for 4-5 min until the dissolution of the crystalline raw material. Flavoring agent is added while stirring on the working stroke. The temperature of the emulsion is not more than 38°C; at this temperature, no separation of the emulsion is observed.

The emulsion from the intermediate container, without stopping mixing, is loaded into the dough mixer by means of a volumetric dispenser, then the pre-prepared mixture of wheat flour and starch is loaded on the working stroke. The dough is kneaded for 2-2.5 minutes until a dough of uniform consistency is obtained. The humidity of the dough is 17.5-17.8%. Cookies have the following composition, wt.%:

The preparation of cookies is illustrated by the following examples.

Example 1 Cookies are prepared as follows: an emulsion is prepared according to the claimed recipe by successively mixing 6.18 kg (6.18%) fructose, 0.07 kg (0.07%) stevioside, 3.0 kg (3.0%) pasteurized cow's milk, 4.4 kg (4.4%) dry whole milk, 3.1 kg (3.1%) extruded rice, 4.4 kg (4.4%) melange and mix for 4-5 min, after which water, 0.33 kg (0.33%) salt, 0.47 kg (0.47%) soda, 0.35 kg (0.35%) carbonic ammonium salt and 18.5 kg (18 .5%) margarine. The emulsion is stirred for 4-5 min until the dissolution of the crystalline raw material. With stirring on the working stroke add 0.8 kg (0.8%) flavoring. The temperature of the emulsion is not more than 38°C; at this temperature, no separation of the emulsion is observed.

The emulsion from the intermediate container, without stopping mixing, is loaded into the dough mixer by means of a volumetric dispenser, then a pre-prepared mixture of 54.8 kg (54.8%) of wheat flour and 3.6 kg (3.6%) of starch is loaded on the working stroke corn. The dough is kneaded for 2-2.5 minutes until a dough of uniform consistency is obtained. The humidity of the dough is 17.5-17.8%. Cookies have the following composition, wt.%:

The finished dough from the dough mixing machine is unloaded onto a belt conveyor and fed into the funnel of the forming machine. Forming the dough is carried out on a rotary machine. Molded dough pieces are fed into the oven and baked for 3 minutes in three thermal zones of the oven at a temperature of 210-270-160°C, respectively.

Example 2. The technology for the production of cookies in example 2 is similar to the technology of example 1. Cookies with this content of components are well loosened, with a clear pattern on the surface, pleasant taste and high wetness. The recipe and quality indicators of cookies are shown in the table.

Example 3. The technology for the production of cookies in example 3 is similar to the technology of example 1. Cookies with such a content of components have a well-developed porosity and high wettability. The recipe and quality indicators of cookies are shown in the table.

Example 4. The technology for the production of cookies in example 4 is similar to the technology of example 1. The increased content of margarine contributes to the production of plastic dough and allows molding dough pieces of the correct shape, with a clear pattern on the surface and obtaining products that meet the requirements for sugar cookies. The recipe and quality indicators of cookies are shown in the table.

Biscuits include natural food ingredients without reducing consumer properties, while maintaining high quality and safety of finished products.

As can be seen from the table, the introduction of steviozode, fructose and extruded rice into the sugar cookie recipe improves the quality of the finished cookie, giving it a more attractive original look, reduces the energy value of the finished product, and allows expanding the range of diabetic flour confectionery products.

When using stevioside in an amount of less than 0.06%, fructose in the amount of 5.49%, extruded rice in the amount of 3.1%, the energy value of the biscuits slightly decreases and sugar is not completely excluded from the recipe. When using stevioside in an amount of more than 0.07%, fructose in the amount of 6.18%, extruded rice in the amount of 3.8%, the quality of the dough and cookies deteriorates, and the cost of the product increases.

The proposed composition of sugar cookies allows you to:

Eliminate sugar from the cookie recipe;

Increase the nutritional value of cookies;

Reduce the energy value of the product;

Reduce flour consumption;

Expand the range of diabetic flour confectionery products.

Comparative characteristics of the proposed composition with the prototype
Components and indicators of the compositions of the samples The content of the components in the examples, mass fractions. Characteristics of indicators by examples
Prototype (control) 1 2 3 4
Wheat flour 53,5 54,8 53,2 52,0 51,6
Corn starch 4,0 3,6 4,2 4,8 4.9
Rice extruded - 3,1 3,4 3,7 3,8
Powdered sugar 15,5 - - - -
invert syrup 2,1 - - - -
Stevioside - 0,07 0,07 0.06 0,06
Fructose - 6,18 5,88 5,69 5,49
Margarine 18,7 18,5 18,6 18,7 18,8
Melange 2,7 4,4 4,2 4,0 3,9
Pasteurized cow's milk 1,9 3,0 3,4 3,6 3,8
Whole milk powder - 4,4 5,1 5,5 5,7
Salt 0,34 0,33 0,33 0,33 0,33
Soda 0,38 0,47 0,47 0,47 0,47
Ammonium carbonate salt 0,28 0,35 0,35 0,35 0,35
flavoring 0,1 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8
vanilla powder 0,5 - - - -
Quality indicators
Color Golden Golden
Smell Pleasant, pronounced, peculiar to the recipe Very pleasant, pronounced, characteristic of the recipe
Structure Less crumbly Delicate, crumbly
Bulk weight of the emulsion, g / cm 3 1,2659 0,9814 0,9809 0,9803 0,9800
Bulk mass of dough, g / cm 3 1,1449 0,9814 0,9807 0,9801 0,9798
Dough moisture, % 16,45 17,64 17,60 17,54 17,43
Flow humidity, % 4,5 6,2 6,1 6,0 5,9
Cookie wetness, % 159 184 189 195 198
Alkalinity of biscuits, deg 1,5 1,6 1,6 1,6 1,6
Energy value of cookies, kcal 466 459 454 452 449

Composition for the preparation of sugar cookies, characterized in that it contains premium wheat flour, corn starch, extruded rice, stevioside, fructose, margarine, melange, pasteurized cow's milk, whole milk powder, salt, drinking soda, ammonium carbonate salt, flavoring in the following the choice of the content of ingredients, wt.%.

2. Nutritional value

At present, there has been a steady upward trend in the demand of the population for flour confectionery products. At the same time, the priority is given to long-term storage products, high taste qualities from mainly domestic raw materials.

Technologies for the manufacture of sugar biscuits involve the use of raw materials with a wide range of quality indicators and unstable properties. At the same time, the lack of comprehensive research and a scientifically substantiated basis for improving the technological process significantly reduces the technical and economic indicators of production. The instability of the process is also characterized by high losses of solids, a large amount of recyclable waste and a decrease in its technological reliability.

One of the main operations for the preparation of flour confectionery products is obtaining a dough with certain physical and chemical parameters for each group of products. Dough is a dispersed system that combines a liquid dispersion medium and a solid dispersed phase.

Loosening the dough is an important technological stage in the production of baked goods, which affects the structure and, as a result, the taste of the product. However, the use of excessive amounts of chemical disintegrants leads to the appearance of an off-flavour. In addition, when carbon ammonium salts are used, a large amount of ammonia is released into the atmosphere.

To solve this problem, scientists from the Research Institute of the confectionery industry conducted a series of studies to improve the quality of confectionery products while reducing the amount of chemical baking powder. One of the directions for the implementation of the task is the introduction of malt extract into the product formulation, the most obvious advantages of which are giving a pleasant taste and aroma to baked goods. The use of malt extract helps to improve taste sensations and preserve the freshness of baked products, which is due to the maltodextrins contained in it. Malt extract is a natural coloring agent that can be used as a substitute for artificial colors. The color of the product is improved due to the interaction of amino acids and sugars in the malt extract (melanoidino reaction - formation).

Specialists of the Scientific Research Institute of the confectionery industry determined the possibility of using malt extract in the production of flour confectionery. We have developed a method for preparing it for production and introducing it into the dough. The research results made it possible to establish the possibility of reducing the content of chemical baking powder (up to 70%) in sugar cookie recipes.

When creating progressive technology, we developed and patented methods for stabilizing the quality indicators of sugar cookies, and also modernized a number of processes in order to reduce the range of changes in its quality indicators at the exit of each technological operation (see figure). The developed technology was tested under production conditions and implemented at JSC "Confectionery Plant" Kuban ".

On the example of the production of sugar biscuits, the following positive technological effects were established when using malt extract.

The degree of its influence on the plasticity of the dough was determined. The latter increases, which is explained by the presence of proteins with foaming ability, as well as the activation of the proteolytic power of the enzyme, which promotes the formation of soluble proteins. The action of the latter is manifested in the softening of gluten and an increase in its extensibility (the manufacturability of biscuit production improves). Due to the presence in the malt extract of 60-70% maltose, up to 20% glucose, fructose and sucrose, the density of the dough is reduced to 1200 kg / m ', i.e. by 10% compared with this indicator of the control sample.

Baked products have 12-14% more volume, well-developed uniform porosity, smoother surface and intense color. The biscuit density is reduced to 345 kg/m'! (almost 10%), and wetting increases to 215%.

The optimal selection of raw materials makes it possible to form additional functional properties of sugar cookies, increase its nutritional and biological value as a result of an increase in the amount of protein by 20% and a decrease in energy value by 10%. Significantly increases the amount of endogenous vitamins: C and B - 2 times, B - by 60%, mineral elements Ca, K and P - almost 1.5 times and Fe - by 65%.

The nutritional value cookies is determined by its high calorie content and digestibility. Cookies have a pleasant taste and attractive appearance. Due to the low humidity, most of the products are a valuable food concentrate with a long shelf life. The high nutritional value of cookies is due to the significant content of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Butter biscuits are the most high-calorie - 1979 kJ / South Ossetia.
Physical and chemical indicators are established depending on the type of biscuits. So, the mass fraction of total sugar in terms of dry matter (according to sucrose) should be no more than: for sugar cookies 27%, protracted 20%, butter cookies not less than 12%. Mass fraction of fat: in sugar cookies from 2 to 30%, in protracted from 7 to 28%, rich at least 2.3%. Humidity: sugar cookies 9-10%, protracted 5-9.5%, butter cookies no more than 15.5%, maximum deviation +2%. Humidity is determined by drying a sample of biscuits in an oven.
Wetting (swelling) characterizes the porosity of products: in sugar cookies it should be at least 150%, in protracted - 130%, sugar - 110%. Wetness is the ratio of the mass of the wet biscuits over a certain period of time to the mass of dry biscuits, expressed as a percentage. Good cookies get wet quickly in water. To determine the wettability, a three-section cage made of stainless steel mesh with openings no larger than 2 mm2 is used. A cell with cookies is immersed in a vessel with water at a temperature of 20 ° C for 2 minutes. After draining excess water, the cage is weighed along with the wet biscuits.

Biscuits - a product made from wheat dough, containing a significant amount of sugar and fat, of small thickness and various shapes.

Energy value, or calorie content - the amount of energy released in the human body from food during digestion. The energy value of a product is measured in kilocalories (food calories - kcal) or kilojoules (kJ) per 100 grams of product.

Nutritional value is a complex property of food products, including energy, biological, physiological and organoleptic values, digestibility and good quality.

The nutritional value of cookies is determined by their high calorie content and digestibility. The main raw materials for making cookies are: flour (highest, 1st grade), sugar, fat, in addition, milk, eggs, flavors, chemical baking powder are added to the dough. The high nutritional value of cookies is due to the significant content of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

The sugar content in cookies affects not only their taste and nutritional value, but also the structure of the dough. Increasing the dosage of sugar in the recipe makes the dough softer and more viscous. However, too much sugar in the recipe leads to a very spreadable dough that sticks to the equipment. Products made from such a dough are too hard and dry.

Fats not only increase the calorie content and nutritional value of products, but also improve their taste properties. They increase the friability of products, improve the color in the fracture, contribute to a longer preservation of the freshness of products - they delay staleness. The dough under the influence of adding fat becomes more friable, crumbly. As a rule, solid fats are used - margarine, cooking fats. The mass fraction of fat in cookies ranges from 3.0 to 30.0% and depends on the type of flour used and the type of dough obtained.

Other additions are also introduced into the cookie recipe. So, milk and eggs improve the nutritional value of cookies, its structure: milk - increases the friability of cookies, eggs - porosity.

To flavor cookies, as a rule, flavorings are used.

Unlike bakery products that have acidity, cookies have some alkalinity, which occurs as a result of the fact that chemical baking powder decomposes during baking, leaving alkaline compounds in it - soda, ammonia. Alkalinity in foods is undesirable: it causes an increased consumption of acidic gastric juice during digestion and thereby worsens its work. The maximum allowable alkalinity rate for all types of biscuits made using chemical leavening agents is 2°.

Due to the low humidity, most products are a valuable food concentrate with a long shelf life. The high nutritional value of cookies is due to the significant content of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Butter biscuits are the most high-calorie - 1979 kJ per 100 g.

Table 1

Chemical composition of biscuits

Product name

Energy value, kcal

Digestible carbohydrates, %

Acids, %

Minerals, mg

Vitamins, mg

Mono- and disaccharides

Starch and polysaccharides




1. Literature review.

1.1. Nutritional value and chemical composition of sugar cookies.

1.2. Factors that shape the quality of sugar cookies.

1.2.1. Raw material.

1.2.2. Technology (or Production Processes).

1.3. Classification and new directions in the assortment of sugar cookies.

1.4. Requirements for the quality of sugar cookies.

1.5. Factors that preserve the quality of sugar cookies.

1.5.1. Package.

1.5.2. storage modes.

2. Materials and methods for the study of sugar cookies.

2.1. Research objects.

2.2. Methods for studying the quality of sugar cookies.

2.2.1. range indicators.

2.2.2. The procedure for analyzing the state of packaging and labeling of sugar cookies.

2.2.3. Organoleptic methods for the study of sugar cookies.

2.2.4. Physico-chemical methods for the study of sugar cookies. Determination of the mass fraction of moisture. Determination of titratable acidity. Determination of wetness of cookies.

3. Research results

3.1. Analysis of indicators of the range of studied samples of sugar cookies.

3.2. Analysis of the state of packaging and labeling of sugar cookies

3.3. Organoleptic assessment of the quality of sugar cookies

3.4. Physical and chemical indicators of the quality of sugar cookies

Bibliographic list.


Confectionery is an element of the average Russian consumer's daily grocery basket. Among other priority purchases, the purchase of “something for tea” is considered necessary.

Cookies are the most common type of flour confectionery. For the preparation of cookies, wheat flour of the highest, first and second grade is used with the obligatory addition of fat and sugar. The shape can be square, rectangular, round or curly.

Depending on the recipe and the characteristics of the preparation, cookies are divided into sugar (baked from a plastic, easily torn dough), lingering, rich.

Since childhood, we all love sweets, confectionery, and especially cookies. And even if we are already adults and influential people, we can afford our favorite cookies with tea. And it is this cookie that takes us to the world of childhood. How long ago did cookies come into existence? As the story says, cookies appeared in the human diet literally simultaneously with bread. And that's about ten thousand years ago. And it turns out that we can say that the history of cookies is the culinary history of mankind.

Cookies were not always sweet. Our today's cookies were very different from the cookies of those ancient times. Today we are used to sweet cookies, but then, 10 thousand years ago, they were not sweet, as they are now. Sugar appeared in the human diet much later, and until that time the taste of cookies was not the most pleasant.

Cookies were also made from different types of flour. The people living in Europe made biscuits from wheat flour, and the people who lived in the East made biscuits from rice flour. Later, people began to use oatmeal, corn and other types of flour for making cookies.

Oddly enough, the wars that took place over the centuries and trade caravans, travel - all this contributed to the exchange of recipes for cookies, marmalade and other sweets. The assortment of early cookies did not please with its diversity, which cannot be said about today. There are cookies for the most demanding taste.

To date, no one can accurately determine the number of types of cookies. All cookies differ in their composition of dough and fillings, icing, as well as in shape, color, etc.

In the context of the financial crisis in Russia, there has been a trend towards a shift in consumer demand towards inexpensive but high-quality biscuits. Since the publication of the first review on the development of the biscuit market in Russia (2007), the market has changed somewhat. In this situation, an increasing number of Russians began to buy not cakes, but cookies, waffles and gingerbread. Also, from a reliable source, information was received that premises for the production of "confectionery" are in high demand in the industrial real estate market.

The purpose of our work will be led by interest in cheap sugar biscuit products, as well as to identify the flour grade of our biscuits, because it is not indicated on the packaging label by the marketing organization. How good is it, and is it possible for it to compete in the biscuit market at a given time. Analyzing our products, we will compare their compliance with GOSTs and state standards. We also need to show in this course work our merchandising skills in the field of the food industry. Will approach the study of products in a dense way, as it is done in everyday life by already established merchandisers.

For analysis in our term paper, we took five samples from four different manufacturers, these are:

Sugar Cookies - Creamy Morning, Brook, Ladushki, Caprice and


In our work, we show the whole process of making sugar cookies, methods for studying the quality of sugar cookies and the results of our


1. Literature review

1.1. Nutritional value and chemical composition of sugar cookies

Consider the chemical composition and nutritional value of the finished product. Since sugar cookies formed on stamping and rotary machines can consist of three grades (highest, first and second), we will consider the highest grade.

Chemical composition and nutritional value of the product "cookies, sugar from premium flour"

The list shows the content of nutrients (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 g of the edible part.

Calorie content of sugar cookies of the highest grade:

Calories (Calories): 417 (kcal)

The nutritional value:

Calories: 417 (kcal)

Proteins: 7.5 (g)

Fat: 9.8 (g)

Carbs: 74.4 (g)

Dietary fiber: 2.3 (g)

Organic acids: 0.5 (g)

Water: 4.5 (g)

Mono- and disaccharides: 23.6 (g)

Starch: 50.8 (g)

Ash: 1 (gr)

Saturated fatty acids: 2.1 (g)

Cholesterol: 23 (mg)

What vitamins are in Cookies, sugar from premium flour:

Vitamin PP: 0.7 (mg)

Vitamin A: 0.01 (mg)  Beta-carotene: 0.008 (mg)

Vitamin A (RE): 11 (mcg)

Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 0.08 (mg)

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 0.05 (mg)

Vitamin E (TE): 3.5 (mg)

Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent): 1.9 (mg)


Calcium: 29 (mg)

Magnesium: 20 (mg)

Sodium: 330 (mg)

Potassium: 110 (mg) Phosphorus: 90 (mg)

Iron: 2.1 (mg

1.2. Factors that shape the quality of sugar cookies

In the production of sugar cookies, various raw materials are used to form a certain structure of the product, an attractive appearance with a pleasant taste and aroma. The main types of raw materials are flour, granulated sugar, fats, egg products, baking powder. Additional ones include, for example, nuts or cocoa, which give additional flavor characteristics.

The quality of raw materials must meet certain requirements of GOSTs, OSTs, TUs, as well as biomedical requirements and confirmation of a hygienic certificate or quality certificate.

It is advisable to make sugar cookies from flour with medium and low quality gluten, regardless of its quantity, since flour with high quality gluten gives less favorable results: cookies are more brittle, less swollen and porous, since the rise of dough during baking is less in this case .

The fineness of flour grinding has a strong influence on the quality of cookies - the coarser the grinding, the smaller the specific surface area of ​​flour particles and, consequently, the surface of contact between flour and water.

The surface of molded biscuits is very varied, with sugar biscuits having a more complex pattern. Cookies of all kinds must have a clear stamp imprint. The surface must be free from defects, the color of the biscuit is yellow, the taste and smell of the biscuit must be pleasant, characteristic of the variety, without defects. The appearance in the fracture of the biscuit should be evenly porous, without voids and traces of unmixed. The most important physical and chemical indicators of biscuit quality are humidity, mass fraction of total sugar, fat, ash, insoluble hydrochloric acid in 10% solution, sulfurous acid, alkalinity, wetness.

The moisture content of normal quality biscuits depends mainly on the type of biscuit and the type of flour, as well as other factors. The equilibrium moisture content of the cookies is important. Biscuits are hygroscopic, their equilibrium moisture content strongly depends on the relative humidity of the air. Moisture standards for biscuits are set depending on the above properties of biscuits and are: for sugar biscuits made from premium flour, molded on stamping and rotary machines - from 5 to 9.0% and from 5.0 to 8.0% of the 1st grade . The moisture content of cookies is strongly influenced by their thickness: the larger it is, the more moisture remains in the cookies during baking.

The following defects also affect the formation of the quality of sugar cookies:

Form defects - deformation, the presence of scrap, as well as tears, i.e. traces of a break of pieces of cookies stuck together during baking with ribs;

Defects in appearance, i.e. surfaces - an indistinct imprint of a stamp, swellings, furrows, depressions, a rough surface, inclusions of crumbs, burrs along the edges, shells from below (taking into account their sizes), traces from the bottom of the edges, seams of sheets and transport canvas;

Color defects - uneven coloring, browning of the edges or the whole cookie, burnt places;

Defects in the fracture - uneven porosity, voids, traces of unmixed, unbaked places;

Defects in taste and smell - extraneous, taste and smell, indistinct aroma of the perfume.

biscuits assortment quality

Energy value, or calorie content - the amount of energy released in the human body from food during digestion. The energy value of a product is measured in kilocalories (food calories - kcal) or kilojoules (kJ) per 100 grams of product.

Nutritional value - the content of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the product.

The nutritional value of a food product is a set of properties of a food product, in the presence of which the physiological needs of a person for the necessary substances and energy are satisfied.

Vitamins, organic substances needed in small amounts in the diet of humans and most vertebrates. The daily human need for vitamins is a few milligrams or micrograms. Unlike inorganic substances, vitamins are destroyed by strong heating. Many vitamins are unstable and "lost" during cooking or food processing.

1. Sugar cookies - a flour product made from a plastic, easily torn dough with a high content of sugar and fat. It has brittleness, high swelling capacity and porosity. On the front surface of sugar cookies, a pattern is usually stamped due to the production of a plastic dough having an easily torn consistency (Table 1).

According to the table above, sugar cookies serve as an excellent basis for depositing caramel, marmalade, marshmallow masses and boiled condensed milk on them, therefore the dough for it is prepared under conditions that prevent gluten from swelling.

Table 1

sugar cookie

Nutritional value and chemical composition

Sugar biscuits made from premium flour

Sugar cookies from flour of the first grade



Alimentary fiber:

Organic acids:

Mono- and disaccharides:

Saturated fatty acids:



Vitamin PP:

Vitamin A:

Beta carotene:

Vitamin A (RE):

Vitamin B1 (thiamine):

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin):

Vitamin E (TE):


trace elements

2. Long biscuits - layered, containing less sugar and fat, are produced from elastic dough (the moisture content of which is almost 1.5 times higher, and the sugar content is 2 times less than sugar dough) on high productivity production highly mechanized lines. When kneading dough with such structural and mechanical properties, it is necessary to create conditions for the most complete swelling of gluten proteins, which are predetermined by the recipe composition of raw materials and technological parameters of dough kneading (Table 2).

table 2

Nutritional value and chemical composition of hard cookies

Nutritional value and chemical composition

Long biscuits made from premium flour

Long biscuits from flour of the first grade



Alimentary fiber:

Organic acids:

Mono- and disaccharides:

Saturated fatty acids:



Vitamin PP:

Vitamin A:

Beta carotene:

Vitamin A (RE):

Vitamin B1 (thiamine):

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin):

Vitamin E (TE):

Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent):


trace elements

3. Butter cookies - differs from other types in that butter is used for its production. It is produced from dough of various shapes and small sizes, diverse in its properties and containing a large amount of sugar, fat and egg products. Depending on the method of preparation and recipe, butter biscuits are divided into sand-removable, sand-jigged, whipped, croutons and nuts. The main element of the set of equipment, which determines the performance, is the molding dough depositing machine of the MTK type. Butter biscuits, unlike sugar and lingering ones, are incredibly diverse. The dough used to make this type of cookie does not have a clear recipe, so butter cookies can be shortbread, puff, whipped or oatmeal. This species resembles the taste and appearance of homemade cookies (Table 3).

Table 3

Nutritional value and chemical composition of butter cookies

Nutritional value and chemical composition

Butter cookies

Butter cookies almond



Alimentary fiber:

Mono- and disaccharides:

Saturated fatty acids:



Vitamin PP:

Vitamin A:

Beta carotene:

Vitamin A (RE):

Vitamin B1 (thiamine):

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin):

Vitamin E (TE):

Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent):


trace elements

4. Galette biscuits - (French Galette - boulder, naked), large biscuits, mostly rectangular in shape, replacing bread, able to maintain their qualities for a long time. They are made from wheat flour with the addition of yeast, chemical leavening agents, salt and sugar. These are flour products, which are dry canned bread intended for use with tea and first courses. Biscuits are made without sugar and fat, with different contents. In appearance, biscuits are similar to hard cookies, but they are thicker. Biscuits are produced from flour of the highest and first grades, or from wholemeal flour (Table 4).

Table 4

Nutritional value and chemical composition of biscuits

Nutritional value and chemical composition

Premium flour biscuits

Biscuits from flour of the first grade



Alimentary fiber:

organic acids

Mono- and disaccharides:

Saturated fatty acids


Vitamin PP:

Vitamin E (TE)

Vitamin B1 (thiamine):

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin):

Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent):


trace elements

5. Cracker biscuits - or dry biscuits, characterized by thin-walled layering and brittleness, differs from biscuits in a high fat content; may be with flavoring additives (cumin, anise). A cracker is made from wheat flour of the highest and 1st grade, with weak gluten. The shape of the cracker can be rectangular, square, round and round (Table 5).

Table 5

Nutritional value and chemical composition of cracker biscuits

Nutritional value and chemical composition

Cracker with bran

Premium flour cracker



Alimentary fiber:

organic acids

Saturated fatty acids

Mono- and disaccharides:


Vitamin PP:

Vitamin E (TE):

Vitamin B1 (thiamine):

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin):

Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent):


trace elements

Thus, the current level of knowledge about the composition of cookies helps to find objective criteria for determining its quality, cookies contain a whole vitamin complex, inorganic substances in the form of trace elements, including fluorine, calcium, magnesium, which can be dissolved in water and serve as an anti-sclerotic agent . Particular mention should be made of phosphorus and its compounds, which are very important for maintaining the normal activity of the cardiovascular system. The use of the Flagman premix in the production of biscuits makes it possible to increase the nutritional value, the attractiveness of the product for the modern Russian consumer market due to its unique composition (the complex of vitamins and mineral iron is optimally balanced). Vitamin-mineral premix "Flagman" includes vitamins: B1, B2, B6, B12, PP, E, folic acid, β-carotene and the mineral iron. This composition of the premix ensures that the losses of vitamins of the group are replenished. In up to the level of natural content arising from the processing of grain, the storage of flour and the baking of biscuits. Cookies with vitamins and iron can be produced on the basis of existing technological lines of any types and designs without additional capital costs and changes in technological processes. Despite such significant advantages, it should not be forgotten that a typical meal, consisting of bread, biscuits and cooked food in excess, with insufficient consumption of raw food, disrupts the normal state of the blood and tissues in relation to the most important chemical elements.

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