Gum rinses: what treatment options exist. The most effective folk remedies for inflammation of the gums. The right choice of elixirs

Therapeutic rinses are prescribed by the dentist, explains Yulia Klouda, head of Startsmile, an expert magazine on dentistry. They contain medicinal substances and are designed to deal with a specific problem, such as bleeding gums or increased plaque formation.

We do not recommend buying such a remedy without consulting a doctor - instead of the expected benefit, you may simply not get any effect. In the worst case, even worsen the condition of the gums or teeth.

There are also all kinds of whitening rinses. However, do not expect that after their application, the teeth will become whiter by 3-4 tones. effect professional whitening cannot be achieved with a rinse, but due to the oxygen and hydroxyapatites contained in it, some lightening of the enamel can be achieved. Plus, the tool will contribute to its strengthening and remineralization. Just remember: if you have an individual intolerance to hydroxyapatite, such rinses are contraindicated for you.

Medical rinses: types and benefits

There are many rinsing agents with a therapeutic effect, because their scope is rather narrow. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for all oral problems at once.

The first type of conditioner- those that are designed to combat the increased formation of tartar. The latter is hardened plaque that forms both on the surface of the tooth and at its root. Of course, only a dentist can deal with a subgingival calculus, but with a supragingival calculus, in addition to a toothbrush and paste, a rinse aid can fight. To do this, it must contain substances that destroy microorganisms and prevent the formation of tartar: calcium citrate, alcohol, chlorhexidine, which improves the blood supply to the gums, and neovitin, which relieves inflammation and pain.

The second type of conditioner helps to prevent caries, strengthen enamel and increase tooth mineralization. Such a rinse should be kept in the mouth for at least two and a half minutes, so that everything useful material assimilated to the maximum. The composition necessarily contains calcium and fluorine. It is this product that orthodontists recommend to those who wear braces: due to hygiene difficulties during orthodontic treatment, the risk of caries increases.

The third type of conditioner helps patients with bleeding gums and a tendency to caries. Such products contain cetylpyridinium chloride, listerine and triclosan - all of these substances destroy bacteria and relieve inflammation. And listerine and triclosan are also effective against plaque and tartar.

Can medicated rinses harm?

Each of the substances described above in the composition of rinses has a side effect.

  • Alcohol, for example, can irritate the mucous membranes and dry the mouth.
  • Chlorhexidine is not recommended to be used too often, because it may cause black or brown spots on the teeth, as well as dry mucous membranes and burning. Moreover, with prolonged use, chlorhexidine causes an opposite reaction - an increase in plaque and tartar.
  • Neovitin and cetylpyridinium chloride should not be used during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Calcium citrate can cause allergies in the form of a rash or itching, as well as stomach problems (pain, nausea, flatulence, diarrhea or constipation).
  • Triclosan kills not only harmful, but also beneficial bacteria, and with frequent use, some of pathogenic bacteria become resistant to its action.
  • With an excess of fluorine, fluorosis develops - red or brown spots appear on the enamel, it becomes brittle, and defects in dental tissue gradually appear.
  • An excess of calcium causes nausea, vomiting and constant thirst.

Of course, the content of all these substances in rinses is not so high as to necessarily provoke such side effects, but at the first sign of an allergy, you should stop rinsing and contact your dentist.

So apply or not?

Rinsing agents are not capable of causing serious harm to health if they are not swallowed. But it is advisable to use them only after thoroughly brushing your teeth with a brush and paste - only they can remove the plaque film, through which beneficial substances in the rinse aid cannot penetrate.

And it is better to choose products from the same product line: they complement each other, namely, comprehensive care will allow you to quickly defeat the problems you are struggling with.

AT modern society hard to find people who have absolutely healthy teeth. Among the main diseases are caries and periodontitis. And if the first leads to the loss of one tooth, then the second can leave a person completely without them in a short time. And there are many more various diseases. What can be done to maintain healthy teeth or significantly improve their condition? How to rinse inflamed gums?

Signs of gum disease

Periodontitis is one of the gum diseases that deprives a person of teeth. The first signs of this insidious disease can be redness and inflammation is noticeable already at the initial stage: if you look closely at the gums, you can find swelling, swelling. But usually the first symptoms are missed and do not see a doctor until they notice spotting. This is especially true when brushing your teeth. And if the disease is not treated and progresses, then the blood begins to stand out when eating.

There are other gum diseases that cause discomfort including itching and burning.

How to rinse inflamed gums to stop destructive processes?

Series "Forest Balsam"

For this, special toothpastes and rinses have been created. One of the famous and popular brands is "Forest Balsam" - rinse for gums. Instructions for its use states that after two weeks from the start of rinsing oral cavity with this remedy, gum bleeding is significantly reduced, their condition, like teeth, is normalized.

The tool prevents the growth of bacteria that contribute to the appearance of painful sensations.

Rinse aid eliminates by increasing the secretion of saliva.

Often, people using removable dentures initially feel severe discomfort. There may be abrasions and other backfire. Rinsing the mouth with "Forest Balsam" facilitates their well-being, removing inflammatory processes.

Variety of funds

The series "Forest Balsam" includes various means for dental and oral care. They are designed to heal inflammatory processes gums and their prevention. It includes:

  • broth toothpaste medicines with extracts of fir and oak bark. It gently cleans the teeth, heals the gums and protects them from inflammatory diseases;
  • balm for gum treatment;
  • herbal rinses.

In turn, rinses can be different, depending on the extracts of medicinal herbs that they contain.


Under the brand name "Forest Balsam" there are several types of mouth rinses. They are named according to the herbs and plants that were used in their creation.

Promotes healing of wounds and removes inflammation, swelling. Fir protects the oral cavity from germs. Nettle provides vitamins and minerals. Chamomile prevents the growth of bacteria. Birch sap tones and supplies vitamins.

In addition, there is "Forte Balsam Forte", which has in its formula 8 herbal ingredients and 90 percent consisting of decoctions of medicinal herbs, including raspberries and lingonberries (antioxidants), calendula (pain relief and soothing). This drug effective for all gum diseases.

Medicinal products from the "Forest Balsam" series have confirmed their effectiveness during clinical research which were held in 2008.

Appearance and release form

Rinse aid "Forest Balsam" - green liquid. It is packaged in plastic bottles of 100, 250, 400 ml. They are protected from forgery by an engraving indicating the manufacturer. The lid doubles as a measuring cup.

Shelf life up to 3 years.

What substances are included in the Forest Balsam conditioner?


The preparation includes water, ethyl alcohol, various oils and extracts medicinal plants. decoction of five medicinal herbs removes inflammation, strengthens the gums and prevents the growth of bacteria. Oils soften tissues, relieve irritation and itching. The product also contains sodium fluoride. Mass fraction fluoride is 0.02%, alcohol - a little more than 1%.

The formula of the therapeutic rinse includes the antiseptic triclosan, which fights harmful microbes.

It also contains various benzoates, preservatives. But their content is insignificant. Otherwise, "Forest Balsam" - a mouthwash for gums - would not have been stored even for a week. The instruction allows the appearance of sediment in the bottle. This is due to the fact that the composition of the drug includes various natural components. The sediment does not affect the quality and medicinal properties rinse aid.


How to use "Forest Balsam", gum rinse? The instruction says that it is used every day when caring for your teeth. The number of rinses depends on the condition of the gums. If you use Forest Balm (gum rinse) for prevention, the instructions recommend doing this twice a day. If gum problems have already arisen, then you can repeat the procedure more often, for example, every time after eating.

For this you need:

  • brush your teeth with any paste,
  • take a full capful of rinse aid;
  • rinse your mouth for 1 minute. Forest Balsam Forte is used for 30 seconds. Do not swallow the product;
  • for some time after application, do not drink water or rinse your mouth with something else.

Users say what is better to apply toothpaste"Forest balm". After all, it is developed on the basis of the same substances as the rinse aid. Therefore, the positive effect of the paste will be enhanced.


There are clinical indicators of the action of drugs.

Forest Balsam rinse, based on sage and pine nut oil extracts, with regular use, reduces bleeding gums in more than 70% of patients. More than 80% of users stop bleeding. And all patients cease to feel pain when eating and brushing their teeth.

How do users rate "Forest Balsam" - rinse for gums? Reviews indicate that it freshens breath, heals wounds in the mouth in case of accidental damage. In addition, they found that mouthwash slows down the formation of plaque.

Many users like the taste of the product. Of course, he is a little "vigorous". But this is due to the presence of alcohol in it. It is believed that the strength of the burning sensation depends on the condition of the gums. The more inflammation, the more pain.

Not everyone helps "Forest Balm" (gum rinse). Reviews are also negative. Some patients have complained that severe inflammation he doesn't help. For it is necessary to resort to stronger methods. Nevertheless, doctors do not recommend postponing this mouthwash, for gums. Having healed with Listerine or other strong remedy, they advise to return to the series "Forest Balm" for the prevention of diseases of the oral cavity.

Users complain that the product is not very economical, it is quickly consumed. But its price is low, in the range of 100-300 rubles, so it will not be difficult to purchase any drug from this series.

Rinse "Forest Balsam" - an emulsion for auxiliary oral hygiene. It contains active ingredients with curative and preventive properties.

Rinse is used in courses to eliminate a specific clinical problem. It is important to choose the right tool to ensure effective therapy or prevention and do not harm the body.

The need to use

Incorrect and insufficient oral hygiene leads to the formation of microbial plaque. It is a collection of food debris and bacteria. In the early stages, plaque is soft, it is easily removed with a brush, but if it is not removed, it begins to adhere more closely to the tooth enamel, gradually turning into tartar.

The deposition of the latter renders negative impact on the gum and is the cause of infection of tissues with infections. As a result, microcirculation in the vessels is disrupted and the dentogingival junction is destroyed. Subsequently, a harmless plaque leads to progressive pathological changes- inflammatory processes in the bone tissue.

To exclude the development of pathologies, it is necessary to provide proper care behind the oral cavity, which includes the following items:

  • Cleaning teeth from plaque with a toothbrush daily;
  • Application aids for oral hygiene, including rinse aid;
  • Influence the surface tissues of the gums with a massage (gently stroking with a soft toothbrush along the outside gums for three minutes for each jaw).

If the first symptoms appear, as well as for the prevention of dental plaque, it is imperative to take into account the dentist's recommendations for additional and thorough oral care.

It is necessary to rinse the mouth with auxiliary hygiene products from the "Forest Balsam" after each mechanical cleaning of the teeth, throughout the course. This will improve the microbiological condition of the oral cavity. Due to their properties, the products will complement the action of a regular paste, which means they will improve the microflora of the mouth.

Key properties of "Forest Balsam":

  1. Reducing the number of bacteria that cause adverse processes.
  2. suppression of inflammation and effective fight with bleeding.
  3. Supporting natural tissue regeneration.


The tool is produced by the concern "Kalina". The product range includes different types of products, however, each unit is characterized by a common set of main active components. So, the composition of the rinse includes the following group of chemicals:

  • water;
  • glycerol;
  • alcohol;
  • Surfactants (surfactants);
  • solvent;
  • antistatic;
  • film former;
  • retainer;
  • flavor;
  • emulsifier;
  • softener;
  • humidifier.

The above components give the rinse aid color, taste and the possibility of long-term storage. They are present in different proportions in all such products, which is why It is not recommended to use any rinse aid constantly.. Its action must be targeted and limited in time to the appointed course.

Of the active ingredients in the composition of "Forest Balsam", ethanol (1.32% vol.), Triclosan, fluorine (0.02%), as well as natural extracts various plants, depending on the type of specific emulsion.

For example, decoctions of oak bark, fir, chamomile, yarrow, St. John's wort. There are aloe juice, extracts of nettle, calendula, echinacea and so on. The solution is dispensed in a vial with a volume of 250 and 400 ml.

As for the pharmacological action, it consists in increasing the secretion of saliva, improving protective function oral cavity, reducing bleeding gums, as well as reducing discomfort from wearing dentures. For everybody separate species rinse aid from the Kalina concern has its own indications.


It is forbidden to use the product for children under seven years of age. It is recommended to dose the drug with a cap (1 full container for 1 procedure). Rinse your mouth for one minute. Use the product at least twice a day, after brushing your teeth with a brush.

After application, it is undesirable to eat or drink for half an hour, so that the active components of the product have time to penetrate into the tissues and provide a therapeutic or prophylactic effect. Prohibited from ingestion.

Using rinse aid, you can achieve the following positive results in maintaining oral hygiene:

  • Cleansing of dental deposits; Compared to toothpaste, which cleans only the surface of the enamel from food and microbes, the rinse penetrates into hard-to-reach areas and provides a more thorough cleaning of the gums, spaces between teeth, tongue, and palate.
  • Effective and long-term prevention. After using the product, it is not necessary to rinse your mouth with water, so positive impact components of the agent on the microflora of the oral cavity continues.


There are the following varieties of mouthwashes "Forest Balsam":

  • « Naturalfreshness»; New composition provide fresh breath, prevention of caries, cleansing and protection against bacteria (price 100 rubles).
  • « Forte»; Reduces the number of microbial organisms, eliminates inflammation, helps cells recover (price 143 rubles).
  • Forsensitiveteeth; Reduces sensitivity for 12 hours, gently removes microbes, removes the first signs of bleeding (price 203 rubles).
  • Naturalwhiteningandcare; Helps restore the natural whiteness of teeth, prevents the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity, removes the first accumulations of plaque (price 100 rubles).
  • Atinflammation; Relieves inflammation, strengthens gums, stimulates natural tissue regeneration (price 95 rubles).
  • Againstbleeding; Strengthens blood vessels, eliminates inflammatory processes, provides prevention of periodontal disease (price 87 rubles).
  • intensiveprotection; Prevents exposure of the neck of the tooth, soothes the gums, removes inflammation, has an antimicrobial effect (price 85 rubles).
  • Professionalprotection; Suitable for daily protection, prevention, stimulates regenerative processes in tissues (price 85.90 rubles).
  • Forpreventiondiseasesgums; Prevents the formation of caries, provides strengthening and nutrition of the gums (price 124.90 rubles).

The manufacturer produces targeted tooth rinses that are applicable to eliminate a particular problem. To choose the right remedy, you need to determine the symptoms and follow the indications for a particular drug:

  • Mild gum inflammation and slight bleeding during brushing - use mouthwash 2 times a day after brushing your teeth;
  • Pronounced form of inflammation, pain during chewing - rinse after each meal;
  • Acute gingivitis, bleeding and / or discomfort when brushing and eating - rinse every time after eating;
  • Age-related weakening of the gums - 2 times a day for prevention;
  • Regeneration of gums when wearing dentures - “Forest Balsam. Special care- twice a day after brushing.

Thus, "Forest Balsam" offers a targeted, integrated approach to solving a particular periodontal problem.

We watch a small video review of this conditioner in the following video:

Opinions of dentists

Not on the manufacturer's website detailed description composition of the rinse, but a lot is said about the presence of natural ingredients in it. This is incorrect, because the product contains various chemically active substances - solvents, fragrances and other synthetic compounds.

Some rinses in this series contain triclosan. Its fight against microbial organisms is much more effective than, for example, a decoction of chamomile or other medicinal herbs. Triclosan is non-toxic, but it is not recommended to use it longer than prescribed by the treatment course..

Microorganisms in the oral cavity tend to get used to the action of this antibacterial substance and mutate. In this regard, the effect of any other drugs aimed at eliminating bacteria is sharply reduced. Prolonged use of triclosan leads to dysbacteriosis.

The composition of the "Forest Balsam" also includes alcohol. Its antiseptic properties are widely known, but it will be problematic to combine the use of the product and driving a car.

As for another component - fluorine, then it is quite often criticized, since, according to some reports, it can reduce the sensitivity of the teeth. One way or another, there is an allowable daily rate the use of fluorine.

For daily oral care, it is allowed to use products with a concentration of this substance not more than 0.05%. AT " forest balm» its amount is 0.02%. Thus, the standards are met.


The vast majority of consumers note that the Forest Balsam conditioner has a good quality-price ratio. It can be used for prevention and maintenance therapy between main treatment courses (anti-inflammatory).

More serious problems(bleeding, sensitivity, caries) cannot be eliminated only with the help of this remedy, it can only be considered as an auxiliary component in the treatment.

You can leave your feedback about the Forest Balsam conditioner in the comments to the article.

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  • Tatyana Petrovna

    June 5, 2015 at 18:55

    This balm appeared on our bathroom shelf after my husband noticed that his gums began to bleed while brushing his teeth. Now she uses Forte Forest Balsam conditioner twice a day. He says that the gums have become noticeably stronger, small wounds in the mouth are healing. Sometimes I also use this balm when it is necessary to refresh the oral cavity - the aroma is unobtrusive, pleasant, I like it. In addition, the price, compared to other conditioners, is very reasonable. We use it in combination with Forest Balsam toothpaste.

  • Julia

    June 15, 2015 at 05:56 pm

    A very recognizable bottle of Forest Balsam conditioner, for some reason it is always the first to catch the eye in a pharmacy. In general, a rinse, a kind of final stage of brushing your teeth, it refreshes the mouth well and maintains the health of our teeth. I always rinse my mouth after brushing my teeth in the morning, so I feel more confident.

  • Yuri

    March 29, 2016 at 09:52 pm

    Despite the fact that "Forest Balsam" is inexpensive, I settled on it. I really liked the rinse aid against inflammation of the gums. My gums sometimes get red and sometimes bleed. And in combination with special pastes This balm gives excellent results. On the advice of the dentist, I always take breaks in the application. "Forest Balsam" differs from many other rinses in its specific aroma due to the presence of plant extracts in it, but I like it, it's nice to feel not only the usual smell of menthol.

  • Alyona

    November 5, 2017 at 7:03 am

    In general, we have been using the Forest Balsam rinse for many years, for the reason that my mother has periodontal disease, and as far as I can remember, my gums have been bleeding since childhood, and for prevention, the rinse has become an indispensable drug. The rinse aid is also effective in the fight against plaque and freshens the breath. I am glad that the composition includes useful herbs as well as an affordable price.

In addition to toothpaste, there is another useful tool for daily dental care. It's a rinse aid. It effectively destroys pathogenic bacteria, disinfects the oral cavity and prevents the development of various dental diseases. Such products can be purchased at a pharmacy or a hygiene store. Let's figure out how to make the right choice of mouthwashes, what to look for when buying.

What is rinse aid for?

Mouthwashes have been around for quite some time. Initially, they were produced to disinfect the oral cavity, but gradually manufacturers improved their products, and now they are also used to prevent and treat dental diseases.
Mouthwash performs the following functions:

What is the benefit of rinse aid?

Dentists advise to use it hygiene product to all people, even those who have absolutely healthy teeth and gums. Mouthwash has a number of benefits.

Who is contraindicated in the use of rinsing liquids?

Despite all the benefits of rinsing agent, its use is still contraindicated for some people. In what cases is it not recommended to use mouthwash?

What is in the mouthwash?

Among the huge variety of mouthwashes, preventive and therapeutic agents can be distinguished. Product composition different manufacturers differs. However, it is possible to single out the main components that make up this type of hygienic liquids.

Which conditioner to choose?

Dentists recommend using mouthwash for daily oral hygiene. In this case, the teeth will become much stronger and healthier. And in order for the tool to give the best effect, it is necessary to approach its choice correctly. When choosing a hygiene product, you should pay attention to the solution of which dental problems its action is directed to.
Typically, mouthwashes are used to prevent the development of caries, strengthen the gums, and eliminate the increased sensitivity of tooth enamel.
When choosing a rinse aid, you need to be guided by some rules. If you're looking for a caries preventative, look for rinses that contain amino fluoride or sodium fluoride at no more than 250 ppm.

Important! Antiseptic liquids that contain chlorhexidine, triclosan, benzydamine, methyl salicylate should not be used for more than two (if absolutely necessary, three) weeks in a row. Longer use of such a remedy will lead to a violation of the microflora of the oral cavity, drying out of the mucous membranes, the appearance bad smell. ×

Products that include herbal extracts and herbal ingredients are suitable for long-term use, especially if you have gum problems. If among the components of the rinse aid there is ethanol, it can not be used by children, as well as car drivers.

To receive from the chosen means maximum benefit, it should be used regularly, at least twice a day after brushing your teeth. After eating, you can also use rinse aid. Rinse your mouth for at least one minute. If you are using a fluoride rinse, choose a calcium-based toothpaste without fluoride to enhance beneficial effect rinsing agent.

Overview of mouthwashes from different manufacturers

On sale you can find a huge range of mouthwashes. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers produce quality products that really improve dental health. In order not to get lost among such an extensive selection, we will consider the most famous brands of rinses that have proven themselves well among dentists and their patients.

forest balm

Trademark "Forest Balsam" is very popular among residents of Russia and neighboring countries. Thanks to the natural ingredients that make up the products of the Lesnoy Balsam brand, toothpastes and rinses are often used to improve teeth and gums.

Products of this brand are in demand among Russian and European consumers. Colgate rinses not only strengthen teeth, but also help whiten them. Due to the high quality and reasonable prices, everyone can use the products of this manufacturer to maintain the health and beauty of their teeth.


Listerine brand rinses are excellent not only for the prevention of various dental diseases, but also for their treatment. In addition, they restore the natural shade of tooth enamel and effectively fight against unpleasant odors. Prices for goods of this manufacturer are available to most consumers.

rinse aid rating

When compiling the rating of rinsing liquids, the criteria by which consumers choose one or another product were taken into account. Feedback from people who use rinses is of paramount importance. When compiling the rating of rinse aids, the following characteristics were taken into account:

The rinse liquid is the same an important tool daily oral hygiene, like toothpaste. It not only helps to avoid the development of many dental diseases, but is also used in the fight against those that already exist.

Overview of rinses for the prevention of dental diseases

For people who do not have dental problems, it is preferable to use fluids designed to prevent oral problems. Medicinal rinses in this case are not needed.

Rinse Colgate Plax "Refreshing Mint" 250ml

This hygiene product is intended for use by adults and children.

Attention! Colgate Plax Refreshing Mint Rinse is suitable for daily use. It helps fight disease-causing microbes and protects teeth throughout the day. ×

Rinse Listerine "Strong Teeth healthy gums", 250ml

Judging by consumer reviews, this rinse is identical in its action to the rinse, which was discussed above, so everyone can choose the most suitable option for themselves.

Rinse "Medicinal herbs", 275 ml, SPLAT

This conditioner got a lot positive feedback from consumers and has established itself as one of the highest quality products.

Overview of rinses with therapeutic action

To combat various dental diseases, it is necessary to pay attention to therapeutic agents for rinsing the mouth. Consider the most popular of them.

Rinse "Forest balm with extract of oak and fir bark on a decoction of herbs" 400ml

Colgate Plax Tea Freshness Rinse 250ml

This rinse is suitable for daily use by patients suffering from hypersensitivity teeth.

Rinse Splat "Active" 275ml

This tool is suitable for patients with diseases of the teeth and gums, and is also recommended for anyone who wears braces or other orthodontic constructions.

Choice of rinse aid

Choose your mouthwash based on your needs. If you have sensitive mucous membranes and want to protect them from unnecessary irritants, these remedies are suitable for you:

If your teeth are healthy and you just want to buy a hygienic product that will freshen your breath and make you tooth enamel whiter, stop your choice on such means:

If you are concerned about any dental problems that you want to eliminate, as well as improve the health of your teeth and gums, choose rinses with medicinal plants:

By including mouthwash in your oral care products and using it daily, you will keep your teeth beautiful and healthy for years to come.

Choice of rinse aids and their functions

There are three types of rinse aids depending on the functions:

  1. Deodorants. They are used for hygienic purposes, freshen breath.
  2. Whitening. Improve appearance teeth.
  3. Therapeutic. Used against caries, tartar and plaque, have an analgesic effect.

All these solutions give a feeling of freshness in the mouth. Rinsing agents contain active substances that destroy bacteria and clean teeth in hard-to-reach places. They are used to prevent diseases of the oral cavity and relieve unpleasant odors.

The composition of liquids is significantly different. Much depends on their functions. The main components of the solutions are:

  • antiseptics;
  • fluorides;
  • calcium citrate;
  • herbal decoction.

A specific type of rinse aid is suitable for solving a specific problem. Each tool has its own set of active elements. Therefore, when choosing, it is advised to focus on the existing diseases, the very cause of the unpleasant odor. Acquire better means one firm, complementing each other.

Although many solutions are able to eliminate bad smell from the mouth, they have a temporary effect and do not always eliminate the very causes of bacterial growth. The use of rinse aid cannot replace daily care behind the oral cavity, it only complements it.

Plant-Based Rinses

All more people choose safe foods for their health. Natural rinses do not contain alcohol, sugar, dyes, chemical preservatives. Some of them can be used by pregnant women and children from 2 years of age. Unlike antiseptics, mouthwashes plant-based can be used regularly.

Some of the most effective herbal remedies include:

  1. Forest balm. Reduces bleeding gums, inhibits the growth of bacteria, eliminates dry mouth. It consists of 90 percent decoctions of medicinal herbs, contains oak bark, Birch juice, chamomile and fir, calendula and raspberries.
  2. Splat complete. The product is produced in Russia on the basis of nettle extract. It is recommended for the prevention of diseases of the oral cavity, it perfectly eliminates unpleasant odors.
  3. Elmex. A German remedy that does not contain antibiotics that lead to dry mucous membranes, as well as dyes, alcohol and antiseptics. Makes breath fresh, protects teeth from caries. The solution is sold only in pharmacies.

Some people prefer to use their own mouthwash. The advantage of this tool is natural composition without dyes and other additives. The best rinses to eliminate odors are a decoction of oak bark, walnut leaves, mint and sage, as well as a solution with drops. essential oils.

Mouthwashes are generally prohibited for children under 6 years of age. If the solution contains alcohol - up to 12 years. Suitable for children:

  • Miradent;
  • Gum Gunior;
  • Lacalut for children.

These rinses do an excellent job with bacterial plaque, fight children's teeth problems and eliminate bad smell.

Popular conditioners

Antiseptics and inhibitors are used for stomatitis, mucosal erosions. They are able to eliminate bad breath, which is associated with the growth of sulfur-producing bacteria. The most popular are:

Antiseptic rinses should be used strictly according to the instructions. It is best to apply them a few minutes after brushing your teeth. The course of treatment usually ranges from 2 weeks to 1 month. The liquid must not only be taken into the mouth, but rinsed well so that it gets on back wall tongue and destroyed the remaining bacteria.

Do not forget about regular visits to the dentist, treatment and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, oral cavity. To get the best effect from the product, it is advised to use it twice a day, and if possible after each meal. Before using the solution, it is better to consult with a specialist who will help you choose desired rinse aid.

Also read with this:

How to choose the right mouthwash -

  • If you take a mouthwash to prevent caries -
    it is desirable to use products based on aminofluoride (it is also called the term "Olaflur") or sodium fluoride. But keep in mind that products with aminofluoride will be the most effective, because. aminofluoride remains on the teeth even after rinsing (in the form of a film), from which fluorine will continue to penetrate into the tooth enamel for another 1-2 hours.

    It is also worth paying attention to the concentration of fluorine in the solution. It should be around 250 ppm. In addition, try not to buy rinses containing antiseptics, otherwise such products cannot be used for more than 2-3 weeks.

  • Usage scheme -
    Use mouthwash 2-3 times a day, immediately after brushing your teeth. Rinse your mouth for about 1 minute. If you're using a mouthwash that contains fluoride, then it's best to use a calcium-based, non-fluoride toothpaste first. In this case, the strengthening of the teeth and the anti-caries effect will be maximum.
  • If the rinse aid contains antiseptics -
    for example, chlorhexidine, triclosan, methyl salicylate, benzydamine, cetylpyridinium chloride and others, then the course of using such an agent cannot exceed 2-3 weeks, otherwise you can get oral dysbacteriosis, dryness and irritation of the mucous membrane, persistent bad breath after canceling such rinse aid.

    Rinses with antiseptics are best used only as part of complex therapy gingivitis and periodontitis (inflammation of the gums) in parallel with other drugs, and only after the removal of dental deposits on the teeth at the dentist. But if the rinse contains only plant components (extracts and decoctions of herbs), then such rinses are suitable for the prevention of exacerbations of chronic inflammation of the gums, and they can be used on an ongoing basis without interruption.

  • Alcohol content -
    if you drive a car or take a mouthwash for a child over 6 years old, then pay attention to the alcohol content. Most rinses contain alcohol as a solvent.

The best rinses for the prevention of caries -

Comments: rinse Elmeks "Protection against caries" in our opinion is the best conditioner today, what is on the shelves of pharmacies and shops. It contains fluorine, including in the form of the most effective component - Aminofluoride, which, during rinsing, very quickly forms a film containing fluorine on the teeth, from which fluoride will penetrate into the tooth enamel for a long time. According to all studies, aminofluoride is the most effective component for the prevention of dental caries.

In addition, Elmex is one of the few rinses that does not contain alcohol, as well as various antibiotics and antiseptics, leading to oral dysbacteriosis and dryness of the mucosa, i.e. it can be used continuously for a long time. Can be used in children over 6 years of age.

2. Rinse PRESIDENT "Classic plus" -

Comments: President Mouthwash is a high-quality mouthwash based on sodium fluoride and plant extracts that have an excellent breath-freshening effect.
Sodium fluoride has a good caries-preventive effect, which is achieved by strengthening tooth enamel. Sodium fluoride is slightly inferior to Aminofluoride in terms of effectiveness, so we put this rinse in 2nd place.

It does not contain alcohol, so it can be used by motorists, children over 6 years old. The composition does not contain antibiotics and antiseptics, which can be harmful to oral health when long-term use.

Rinses for gum inflammation -

Deciding to use rinses to reduce inflammation in the gums, bleeding - remember that rinses and other remedies do not cure, but only mask the symptoms. Gingival inflammation is caused by mild microbial plaque and hard supragingival and subgingival deposits that accumulate in the mouth as a result of poor oral hygiene.

Therefore, in order to cure inflammation, you need to remove causal factor, i.e. remove dental deposits from the teeth, after which the dentist will prescribe you a course of home anti-inflammatory therapy, which may also contain the following rinses. The use of a rinse without removing dental deposits will lead to the fact that the symptoms will decrease outwardly, but the inflammation will go unnoticed until you notice irreversible changes - the appearance of tooth mobility.

Means that can be used as part of the complex treatment of gingivitis and periodontitis:

Comments: Lakalut mouthwash contains a high concentration of the antiseptic Chlorhexidine, as well as an astringent for bleeding gums - aluminum lactate. Therefore, it can also be used in the complex therapy of gum inflammation, but the course is not more than 3 weeks. The content of sodium fluoride helps to strengthen the teeth. Highly effective remedy, we recommend!

Comments: Paradontax is a quality rinse, although in composition (in our opinion) it is slightly inferior to the previous remedy. It contains the antiseptics chlorhexidine and eugenol, as well as sodium fluoride to strengthen teeth. It is advisable to use the course no more than 3 weeks.

Comments: President Profi rinse contains the antiseptic chlorhexidine, as well as extracts of medicinal plants. The classic composition, effective in the complex treatment of gum disease. Due to the presence of an antiseptic - the course is no more than 3 weeks. Suitable for children over 6 years old.

4. Rinse aid "LISTERINE gum protection" -

Comments: Listerine is a mouthwash that contains a very active non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, methyl salicylate. The fluoride content is only 100 ppm, so the anti-caries effect will be less than that of previous products. It is advisable to use a course of no more than 2 weeks in the complex therapy of gingivitis and periodontitis.

Comments: Asepta is a mouth rinse containing very strong antiseptics such as benzydamine and chlorhexidine. In this regard, it can be recommended to use Asepta in the complex therapy of gingivitis and periodontitis. The course of application is not more than 2 weeks, otherwise oral dysbacteriosis, dryness and burning of the mucous membrane may occur.

Because benzydamine, in addition to the antiseptic effect, also has an analgesic effect (in connection with which, after rinsing, the sensitivity of the mucous membrane may be disturbed and a feeling of numbness may occur) - this rinse can be successfully used for aphthous and erosive forms of stomatitis, because erosions and ulcers in the oral cavity are very painful, as well as after surgical interventions in the oral cavity.

6. Rinse COLGATE Plaks "Complex Protection" -

Comments: Colgate Mouthwash contains ingredients for "all diseases" at once: sodium fluoride strengthens teeth and therefore helps protect against caries, potassium citrate reduces tooth sensitivity, and cetylpyridinium chloride is an antiseptic that is used in the treatment of gum disease.

Cetylpyridinium chloride is not recommended for use in the presence of open wounds or ulceration in the oral cavity, stomatitis, tk. it slows down wound healing. The course of application is no more than 2 weeks. With prolonged use, irritation and dryness of the mucosa, allergic reactions, and oral dysbacteriosis are possible.

Comments: Glister is a mouthwash containing only the antiseptic "cetylpyridinium chloride" among the active ingredients (the same component is found in the Septolet lozenges used to treat the throat. The previous rinse also contains cetylpyridinium chloride (see application features above) .

It is advisable to use this rinse only for inflammatory gum disease. The course is no more than 2 weeks. With prolonged use, irritation and dryness of the mucosa, allergic reactions, and oral dysbacteriosis are possible.

Means that can be used to prevent exacerbation of chronic inflammation of the gums:

Comments: Mexidol dent is an oral rinse that contains the Mexidol ® component, which has an anti-inflammatory effect on the mucous membrane, as well as an amino acid complex that allows you to moisturize and soften the mucous membrane for a long time, as well as increase the local immunity of the mucous membrane, making it less susceptible to bacteria and viruses.

Comments: the manufacturer does not publish on its website detailed composition, and talks only about natural ingredients, which is absolutely incorrect, because. the composition includes organic solvents, and fragrances, and a large number of others chemical compounds, and some rinses in this series even contain the antibacterial component triclosan.

It must be said that triclosan has a much greater effect (expressed in a decrease in bacterial growth, a decrease in gum bleeding) than decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs, which have a fairly moderate anti-inflammatory effect compared to antiseptics and antibacterial components. Triclosan is safe, but it is still undesirable to use it for too long, because. this can lead to dysbacteriosis of the oral microflora.

Forest balsam has a good price / quality ratio. As a practicing periodontist, I can recommend the use of triclosan rinses only if the dental plaque has been removed by a dentist first. Rinses containing active ingredients only from medicinal plants - as maintenance therapy between the main courses of anti-inflammatory therapy at the periodontist.

Comments: SPLAT mouthwash has a mild antiseptic effect (due to the content of plant components - nettle extract and biosol), as well as polydon ® - a component that helps dissolve the organic matrix of plaque.

This composition allows us to recommend this rinse only for the prevention of gum disease. This rinse is not suitable for treating gum disease or strengthening tooth enamel. But its advantage is that it does not contain alcohol, as well as antibiotics and antiseptics, and therefore is suitable for long-term use.

Rinses for hypersensitive teeth -

Comments: this Elmex rinse has the best composition of all rinses to reduce hypersensitivity. If you really want to quickly reduce tooth sensitivity, then it is ideal to use it in combination with Lakalut Extra Sensitive toothpaste.

In addition to highly effective components such as aminofluoride and potassium fluoride, the rinse contains a modern protective polymer (dimethyl-amino-ethyl methacrylate-polycarbamyl-polyglycol), which forms a unique protective film on the enamel surface. Aminofluoride, among other things, has a high anti-caries activity, tk. it significantly strengthens tooth enamel.

Comments: Lakalut Sensitive rinse is a good quality product, but in composition it is somewhat inferior to the previous rinse. Its composition differs little from the Lacalut Active rinse, except that it includes the more effective fluoride component Aminofluoride (instead of sodium fluoride in Lacalut Active).

This rinse contains a strong antiseptic Chlorhexidine, and an astringent for bleeding gums - aluminum lactate. Therefore, it can also be used in the complex therapy of gum inflammation, but the course is not more than 3 weeks.

We hope that our article on the topic: Mouthwashes turned out to be useful to you!

How to choose the right mouthwash?

Mouthwash is chosen depending on the purpose of use. After operations to remove teeth, the doctor may recommend antiseptic rinses, but it is not recommended to use them for more than two weeks, as this leads to oral dysbacteriosis. Rinses for the prevention of caries should contain fluorides that restore the mineral composition of enamel - aminofluoride or sodium fluoride at a concentration of 250 ppm.

Use this remedy twice a day after brushing your teeth. In this case, it is not recommended to use fluorinated toothpastes, but to give preference to calcium-based products.

The components that should be in a good antiseptic are triclosan, benzydamine, methyl salicylate, chlorhexidine. Triclosan is often included in toothpaste to prevent caries - it inhibits the growth and reproduction of bacteria for 12 hours after the last brushing of teeth. Nonetheless, antiseptics are not suitable for daily use, as they disrupt the microflora of the oral cavity, due to which bad breath will appear immediately after the remedy is discontinued. Rinses with triclosan, chlorhexidine and other antiseptics are used in the treatment of inflammatory gum disease, after dental operations to prevent infectious processes.

Rinses based on herbal extracts have moderate bactericidal activity, preventing the growth of pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity without the risk of dysbacteriosis, therefore they are ideal for daily use.

The best rinses for caries

    Elmex. Caries protection. One of the best conditioners on the market today. Contains sodium fluoride and aminofluoride, which restore tooth enamel. Immediately after rinsing, a film forms on the teeth that protects them from external influences and restoring its mineral composition. The absence of antibiotics and antiseptics in the composition makes this remedy ideal for daily caries prevention. It does not contain alcohol, so it can be used for rinsing the mouth from the age of six in children.

    PresidentClassic plus. The rinse is made on the basis of plant extracts, contains sodium fluoride and the natural sweetener xylitol, which does not provoke reproduction pathogenic microflora and promotes enamel remineralization processes. The restoration of the mineral composition of tooth enamel occurs due to sodium fluoride in the composition of the product - one of the best fluorine-containing rinse components after aminofluoride. Melissa, chamomile and sage extracts have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects, eliminate bad breath and are not addictive.

Does not contain alcohol, so it is safe to use for children from the age of six.

Rinses for gum disease

Rinses of this group help to eliminate negative symptoms inflammatory processes in the gums, however, they cannot be used as the only treatment, it is necessary to eliminate the original cause of inflammation. Most often, inflammation of the gums is provoked by hard dental deposits and soft microbial plaque, for which rinsing is not enough to eliminate. Therefore rinse aids can be used as additional remedy as part of a comprehensive treatment prescribed by a dentist.

In addition to home therapy, it is necessary to remove tartar and other deposits from the dentist. Otherwise, the symptoms of inflammation will disappear, but the disease will get worse. chronic form and can lead to tooth loss.

Prophylactic rinses against periodontitis, gingivitis and other inflammatory diseases:

    Lacalut Active. Lakalut Aktiv rinse contains the antiseptic chlorhexidine at a concentration of 0.25%, the astringent component aluminum lactate and sodium fluoride, which restores the mineral composition of tooth enamel. Not suitable for daily use, it is used as part of complex therapy against inflammation and bleeding of the gums for no more than three weeks in a row. Does not contain ethanol.

    Paradontax. The rinse from Paradontax contains the antiseptic component chlorhexidine, sodium fluoride for enamel remineralization, alcohol base and eugenol, which has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. Due to the presence of ethanol in the composition, it cannot be used for children, the concentration of fluorides is 250 ppm. Apply in a course of two to three weeks, for daily use does not fit. Motorists and people with alcohol dependence use with caution.

    PresidentPro. Anti-inflammatory rinse based on herbal extracts, which is approved for use in children school age. Does not contain alcohol and fluorides, dangerous when swallowed, active ingredients of plant origin - chamomile and lemon balm extract, sage, and xylitol sweetener. It contains the antiseptic component chlorhexidine, which is why it can not be used for more than three weeks.

    Listerine. Mouthwash from an Italian manufacturer, made on the basis of plant extract eucalyptus and thymol, obtained from thyme essential oil. The main active anti-inflammatory component is methyl salicylate. It contains sodium fluoride at a low concentration of 100 ppm, so the remineralizing effect of the product is less pronounced than the anti-inflammatory one. It is used in a course of two weeks for prevention or as part of a complex treatment of gingivitis. Contains ethanol, so care must be taken when using in children, drivers of vehicles or people with alcohol dependence.

    Asepta. Rinse from a Russian manufacturer with a powerful antiseptic and analgesic effect, used to treat stomatitis, periodontitis and gingivitis, as well as for prevention infectious complications after extraction of teeth and other surgical procedures in the oral cavity. The antiseptic components benzydamine and chlorhexidine at a concentration of 0.15% and 0.05%, respectively, inhibit pathogenic microflora and eliminate pain in erosive stomatitis. It is used for no longer than two weeks according to indications, as it has side effects in the form of dysbacteriosis, dryness and burning in the mouth, numbness of the mucous membrane as a result of exposure to benzydamine. Does not contain ethanol.

    Comprehensive protection against Colgate Crying. it complex tool works in three directions at once - reduces the sensitivity of teeth to temperature, chemical and physical irritants, inhibits pathogenic microflora and remineralizes tooth enamel. To solve these problems, it includes the following components - sodium fluoride at a high concentration of 225 ppm, potassium citrate, which reduces tooth sensitization and the antiseptic component cetylpyridinium chloride.

    Thus, it can be used to solve several common problems of teeth and gums at once. The rinse is an excellent tool for the prevention and treatment of gingivitis, periodontitis and other inflammation of the gums as part of a complex therapy prescribed by a doctor. Does not contain alcohol, so it is safe for use by vehicle drivers. There are warnings about using it for more than two weeks - the constant use of a rinse with antibiotics leads to halitosis and a violation of the microflora of the oral cavity. Means based on cetylpyridinium chloride cannot be used if there are open wounds that do not heal for a long time in the mouth - this slows down their healing and provokes complications.

    Glister Amway. Antiseptic mouth rinse based on cetylpyridinium chloride, used for inflammatory gum disease, to eliminate halitosis (bad breath caused by pathogenic microorganisms). hinders education soft plaque and dental deposits. Use with caution as it contains alcohol. The rules for using products with cetylpyridinium chloride in the composition should be taken into account - they cannot be used in the presence of open wounds, ulcers and abrasions on the mucous membrane, since this component slows down tissue regeneration. Among side effects- dryness, burning, allergic reactions and stains on the enamel. Use no longer than two weeks as part of the complex therapy of gum disease.

Prophylactic rinses against chronic inflammatory gum disease:

    Mexidol Dentprofessional. A rinse that contains a powerful anti-inflammatory component - methylhydroxypyridine succinate and excipients - licorice root extract and a complex of amino acids. The action of this remedy is aimed at restoring local mucosal immunity, which is an excellent prevention of inflammatory processes provoked by bacterial pathogens. It is recommended for use by people who wear dentures, as it helps prevent stomatitis, as well as chronic inflammation gums The product contains alcohol, so it should not be used by people who are undergoing treatment. alcohol addiction, motorists and children use with caution.

    Forest Balm. A series of mouth rinses from a Russian manufacturer based on natural ingredients - extracts and oils medicinal plants, among which are fir, sage, St. John's wort, nettle, chamomile, celandine, yarrow. Also in the composition of rinses there are such natural ingredients as propolis, oak bark, pine nut oil and artificial components - sodium fluoride, triclosan.

    Despite the fact that all 12 types of rinses are positioned by the manufacturer as natural products for daily use, their composition does not always correspond to these recommendations. So, triclosan is a well-known antibacterial agent, it is often included in the composition of therapeutic pastes and antiseptic rinses, as it inhibits the growth of pathogenic microflora, prevents the formation of plaque and removes bleeding gums.

    The effect of its use is noticeably more tangible than the anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action. medicinal herbs so don't mention it like main component incorrectly. Moreover, dentists do not recommend using triclosan-based products daily, so as not to provoke oral dysbacteriosis. The optimal scheme for the use of this remedy is a course of two weeks after the removal of tartar in the dental office.

    Splatcomplete. The rinse contains components of plant origin - nettle extract and biosol, which have moderate bactericidal properties. AT preventive purposes this tool can be used daily, as it does not contain antiseptics and fluorides; the absence of alcohol in the composition allows it to be used to prevent diseases of the teeth and gums in children. Polydon, which is part of the rinse, prevents the formation of soft plaque and dental deposits, dissolving its organic component.

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Rinses for hypersensitive teeth

    Elmex Sensitive plus. The rinse contains fluorides - potassium fluoride and aminofluoride, which strengthen tooth enamel and seal dentinal tubules, reducing tooth sensitivity and reaction to temperature stimuli. The synthetic polymer dimethyl-amino-ethyl methacrylate-polycarbamyl-polyglycol in the composition of the product reduces the sensitivity of the teeth, forming a protective film on their surface. The components of the rinse prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria and have anti-carious activity. The fluoride concentration is 250 ppm, the product does not contain alcohol, so it can be used for the prevention and treatment of tooth sensitization in children.

    Lacalut Sensitive. The composition of the Lakalut Sensitiv rinse is similar to Lakalut Active, but contains a more effective fluorinating component - aminofluoride. Possesses antiseptic properties due to the content of chlorhexidine, it has an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect, prevents gum bleeding. The concentration of fluorides in this tool is 250 ppm, does not contain ethanol, so it can be safely used to treat and prevent inflammation in children and motorists. However, due to the content of antiseptics, it is impossible to use the product for more than three weeks in order to avoid dysbacteriosis.

Why are more and more consumers paying attention to these drugs?

These preparations are called elixirs for teeth in a different way. In Sweden, in 1965, studies were conducted that helped scientists come to the conclusion that mouthwash significantly reduces the risk of caries. Since then, they have become indispensable both at home and in medical institutions.

The drugs are rich active substances, which remove the bacteria that cause caries, gingivitis. Elixirs are an additional action of toothpaste. They perform the following functions:

  • clean teeth in hard-to-reach places where even toothbrushes cannot penetrate;
  • freshen breath;
  • used to prevent diseases of the oral cavity;
  • help eliminate unpleasant odors from the oral cavity.

And you can use them whenever you want. In a word, this modern facilities which are very convenient to use.

About the manufacturers who took care of us

These are reputable companies that the whole world knows. Buying a modern mouthwash balm from well-known manufacturers (Colgate, Listerine, Brilard, Swissdent, President, Dontodent, Apa Care) is now not a big deal. Just understand that there are such hygienic and medicinal products.

In order to know which drug to buy, first consult with your doctor. It is he who will tell you what kind of mouthwash you need. Consumers write reviews that are not always adequate, but all because they use drugs without consulting a doctor.

Therefore, in order to buy a therapeutic rinse, which contains active substances, you need to go to the pharmacy, but only after a medical consultation.

Another thing is if you want to use a hygiene product. Here you can already look at your needs and composition. Hygiene rinses strengthen tooth enamel. But medical preparations eliminate dental problems.

What is the help of fluoride rinses?

Mouthwash formulated with fluoride helps:

  • Remineralize, strengthen and restore enamel, even when a chalky stain (the initial stage of caries) already appears.
  • Use braces and dentures.
  • Prevent periodontal inflammation.
  • Reduce tooth sensitivity.

Because thanks liquid form such a drug, all interdental spaces are processed without difficulty.

The right choice of elixirs

Toothpastes and elixirs are the perfect complement to each other. That is, their composition must be identical. It is advisable to first consult a dentist about which toothpastes and rinses are right for you.

If this is not possible, then simply choose the right toothpaste and mouthwash, the instructions of which will help you find out if they can solve the same tasks. But know that everything should be used in moderation.

For example, if you have an antiseptic paste, and there is chlorhexidine in the rinse, then use such preparations for no more than 2 decades per month.

What conditioners to use

There are two types of elixirs you can use. There are conditioners:

  • Anti-caries.
  • Anti-inflammatory.

All of them are made on the basis of calcium and fluorine ions, which just strengthen tooth enamel and help reduce diseases.

They must be used regularly and at any time of the day. When you brush your teeth, when you eat, when you feel the staleness of your breath. That is, there are no contraindications.

But, as we know, each human body has its own personality, so it's good to ask your dentist for advice on how to choose a mouthwash. It is these experts who help you choose worthy conditioners that will provide you with an invaluable service:

  • Destroy unpleasant odors.
  • Can thoroughly clean your teeth.
  • Free them from plaque.

If you need it, the same doctor will advise you on the means for prevention.

An elixir named after the person who invented it

Listerine mouthwash has gained worldwide fame. The drug was approved along with the quality mark. He was awarded this honor by the American Dental Association.

It was invented by the English scientist Joseph Lister. And this tool number 1, although it was born 100 years ago. The fact is that when using Listerine, you can not be afraid of food debris in hard-to-reach places, the drug will help prevent inflammation:

  • in the gaps between the teeth;
  • under dentures, crowns.

And this is due to the fact that the drug is made on the basis of 4 unique essential oils: eucalyptus, menthol, methyl salicylate, thymol. All of them effectively fight bacteria that can easily exist in the oral cavity. Listerine Mouthwash contains components that reduce the content of viable bacteria that have settled in the oral cavity.

Even if the inflammation has already begun, the best mouthwash will be of great help to you if you use it regularly. Thanks to medicinal qualities of this drug, it will be possible to get rid of pain, remove a little swelling, after two days it will be possible to forget about the problem. Also, with regular rinsing with Listerine, the teeth become white. And besides, there is a neutralization of odors from the mouth after eating spicy, spicy food, smoking a cigarette, drinking alcohol, etc.

Listerine mouthwash has been replenished with a new line, which includes:

  • "Refreshing mint";
  • "Whiteness of teeth";
  • "Protection of teeth and gums".

This elixir does not give side effects.

Additions that are standard care can be called balms-conditioners

In addition to rinses, there are balms-rinses for the mouth. The line of such preparations is represented by the Lyon Dentor System balm conditioner. The balm consists of:

  • concentrated glycerin;
  • mixtures of glycosyltregaose solutions;
  • decomposition products of hydrogenated starches;
  • POE - hydrogenated castor oil;
  • odor regulators;
  • flavorings, etc.

They are also used to prevent the formation of tartar and plaque. They have anti-inflammatory actions. Are applied with taste of mint, menthol, citrus.

Mode of application

By the way, in order for the oral cavity to be well cleaned, it is desirable to use an irrigator. These devices are very easy to use. But this is, let's say, an expensive, albeit effective tool. Although it justifies its cost. It is very important to know how to use the rinse aid correctly so that it can give you the maximum benefit. Rinse your mouth only when you brush your teeth.

Only in this case will the effect of fixing on the surface of the teeth and unimpeded penetration of fluorine and calcium ions into the surface layers of the enamel be observed. Rinses can be used by dropping 20 to 30 drops in 200 ml of water. In order for the teeth to be able to assimilate these elements, it takes up to three minutes. Rinse for several minutes with straining force, as if passing the solution through your teeth. After you rinse your mouth, it is advisable not to eat or drink for 30 minutes.

Cosmetic and therapeutic rinses

As you understand, in the modern market you can buy different kind mouthwash. The price will depend on which group of the drug you prefer: cosmetic or therapeutic.

Rinses belonging to the cosmetic group will not be able to improve the health of the oral cavity. They will only give freshness to the breath and mask the unpleasant odor.

Another thing is if you, after consulting with your doctor in advance, decide to remove problems with a rinse aid: anti-cariogenic or antibacterial.

The anti-cariogenic rinse has its own contraindications, and not all patients can use it, because there is the presence of 0.05% sodium fluoride.

Separately, let's talk about antibacterial rinses.

Antibacterial rinses

Among them are drugs with antibacterial effects. High efficiency against plaque on the teeth and inflammation of the gums gives such a mouthwash. Reviews indicate that the drug really helps:

  • reduce the formation of plaque;
  • prevent inflammation of the gums;
  • reduce bleeding gums;
  • inhibit the growth of bacteria.

Indeed, due to the content of triclosan, zinc, essential oils, menthol, etc., which are active substances, they improve the condition of the oral cavity.

The adhesion of bacteria to the surface of the teeth and the reduction of plaque can be seen if the doctor prescribes Chlorhexidine. The mouthwash in this category must be used correctly so that there is no staining of the teeth.

So, in order to achieve the effect of using a conditioner, you need to choose it correctly. The dentist will help you with this. You will see for yourself that a consultation with a dentist was not superfluous.

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