Risk factors and prevention of HIV infection and AIDS. The impact of HIV and AIDS on the immune system - symptoms of the disease at different stages

In addition to the well-known sexually transmitted diseases (infectious, predominantly sexually transmitted), which include syphilis, gonorrhea, soft chancre, in the early 80s. in the USA, as well as 2-3 years later, a previously unknown disease began to spread in Western Europe and a number of other countries. Studies have shown that this disease is characterized by a slowly progressive defect in the human immune system, which leads to the death of the patient from secondary lesions associated with a violation of the immune system. This disease is called acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).

AIDS - it is the final stage of an infectious disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and transmitted through sexual contact and blood.

For the first time, HIV infection in its final stage (AIDS) was described in 1981 in the USA. In the 80s. the spread of HIV infection in the territories of Europe, Australia, and Asia was noted. According to WHO, the number of people infected with HIV in the world in 1992 reached 12 million people, of which 2 million people developed AIDS.

The highest percentage of infected people is among the population of the Caribbean, Central Africa, the USA, and Western Europe. Mostly urban residents are affected. On the territory of the former USSR, HIV infection has been registered since 1985. According to the Russian Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS, as of January 1, 2000, 29,190 people infected with the immunodeficiency virus (HIV) were registered in Russia, of which 398 people have AIDS, among children infected 761, AIDS patients 127.

The causative agent of the disease is the human immunodeficiency virus. Two modifications of the virus are known - HIV-1 and HIV-2. The virus dies at a temperature of 56 ° C for 50 minutes, at 70-80 ° C - after 10 minutes, it is quickly inactivated with ethyl alcohol, ether, acetone, 0.2% sodium hypochlorite solution and other disinfectants.

The source of the infectious agent is a person at any stage of the infectious process. You can become infected with the virus through sexual intercourse, transfusion of blood and its components, use of a medical instrument contaminated with blood containing pathogens. The possibility of transmission of the virus during sexual intercourse is due to traumatization of the skin and mucous membranes of partners. The greatest degree of trauma occurs during intercourse through the anus, which determines the fastest rate of spread of the virus among homosexual men.

Transmission of the virus through kissing on the lips is unlikely. The possibility of transmitting the virus through “everyday” kissing, sharing cutlery, toilet, towel, etc. was rejected based on the results of long-term observation of the families of the infected.

Transmission of the virus through transfusion of infected blood leads to infection in 80-100% of cases. A high risk of infection is intravenous injections performed with non-sterile needles and syringes, which had previously performed the same procedure on an infected person. The most likely to become infected in this way exists among drug addicts.

Virus transmission in dental practice, at cosmetic procedures, in hairdressing salons is theoretically permissible, but so far

not registered.

In our country, there is a trend towards a mixed type of diseases. Infections were registered as a result of sexual contacts, transfusion of infected blood and nosocomial infections.

zheniya associated with violation of the rules of sterilization of medical instruments.

The main direction in the prevention of HIV infection is the education of the population from school age on proper sexual behavior: limiting the number of sexual partners and using condoms.

The next direction of prevention is to ensure strict compliance with the rules for the use and sterilization of syringes, needles and other instruments in medical institutions, as well as the use of syringes and disposable blood transfusion systems.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the health and life of each person primarily depends on himself, on his knowledge of risk factors and on the correctness of the chosen lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle, purity in the relationship between the sexes, marital fidelity is the best prevention of AIDS. Its important measure is the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, as well as the fight against drunkenness and drug addiction.

One who leads a normal sex life, observes elementary rules of personal hygiene, and does not use alcohol and drugs can be protected from AIDS.

It should always be borne in mind that today HIV infection is spreading in Russia, as well as in the West, mainly through sexual contact, and the number of infected people is steadily growing. Half of the cases of infection occur in the age group from 15 to 24 years. Most people infected with HIV remain outwardly healthy, that is, the virus may not manifest itself for many years, and only special blood tests reveal the presence of infection in a person. A person may not know they are infected, passing the virus on to other people.

During HIV infection, four periods are distinguished: incubation, primary manifestations, secondary manifestations, and the period of lesions.

Incubation period lasts from 3 days to several

The period of initial manifestations, associated with the dissemination (spread) of HIV infection, lasts from several days to 2.5 months, but can take up to 1 year.

The period of secondary manifestations lasts from several months to 8-10 years. There is an active immune restructuring.

Duration period of defeat - from several months to 3-5 years. It begins from the moment when a disease is first clinically noted, indicating a decrease in immunity. During this period, the development of simple and herpes zoster, furunculosis is possible. Fever, unmotivated weight loss are possible. Over time, new lesions appear. When they come

are life-threatening, it is customary to talk about the development of AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome).

Many of the symptoms of AIDS are inherent in such diseases, how malignant tumors, pneumonia, diarrhea (diarrhea), etc.

The main cause of morbidity and mortality from AIDS is not the virus itself, but other infections and diseases that the body cannot resist as a result of the action of HIV infection.

In conclusion, we note that so far there is no vaccine that protects against contracting HIV infection. There is also no radical method of treating AIDS, AIDS is still incurable and inevitably leads to death.

Nature gave man a mind, using which he creates an artificial habitat for a more comfortable life. But this same mind should help a person learn to live safely in the real environment that he created. Before doing something, you need to think about what it is for and what it can lead to. Let's hope that reason still wins.

Finally, let's talk about responsibility. per infection with HIV infection, provided for by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Article 122 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation states:

"one. Knowingly placing another person in danger of contracting HIV infection is punishable by restraint of liberty for a term of up to three years, or arrest for a term of three to six months, or imprisonment for a term of up to one year.

2. Infecting another person with HIV infection by a person who knew that he had this disease is punishable by imprisonment for term up to five years."

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is the final stage of the infectious disease HIV, which in turn is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus. This virus, after penetrating into the liquid medium of the body (blood, semen, etc.), intensively spreads, develops, killing CD4 lymphocytes. This is a special type of blood cells that are part of the immune system, being its main components.

AIDS is a deadly disease of modern civilization, threatening the existence of all mankind. Therefore, it is given increased attention of scientists of all countries. However, for a long time, scientists have not been able to develop a drug that would help prevent or stop the uncontrolled destruction of the immune system. In this regard, the struggle of humanity against AIDS is to promote healthy lifestyle measures, preventive measures and disseminate detailed information about the disease among people around the world.

We will also not stand aside and talk today about HIV and AIDS, preventive measures, what are the symptoms of AIDS. All this is our conversation today. First, let's briefly recall how the virus enters the human body:

How is the disease caught?

It must be said right away that in most cases the virus is transmitted through sexual contact, hetero- or homosexual. Also, often the virus enters the bloodstream of drug addicts, through the use of one syringe for all. Also, through an injection, the virus can enter the blood of an ordinary person during surgical procedures and even in the dentist's office, if disposable needles and instruments are not used. The virus can be passed from an infected pregnant woman to her baby.

AIDS symptoms

This disease cannot be called an ordinary infection, which can always be characterized by its inherent symptoms. In this case, there is a whole complex of symptoms that have the peculiarity of disappearing, then reappearing. Therefore, an infected person does not always detect his disease in time, and from the moment of infection with HIV infection to AIDS itself, it can take up to 10 years.

The degree of progression of the disease depends on many factors. For example, from a strain that has entered the body of a virus, from the genetics of an infected person, his state of health, including psychological. Also, the rate of progression depends on the social conditions of life and other factors.

Often, the virus can stay in the body for a long time, invading the cells of the immune system and showing itself in no way until a certain time.
In general, there are main stages in the development of the disease, which are expressed by the following symptoms:

At an early stage, after a few months from the moment of infection, the state of health suddenly deteriorates sharply. The temperature rises, the size of the lymph nodes increases, the head hurts a lot, and rashes are possible on the body. There is a decrease in appetite, aches all over the body, like with the flu, fatigue and weakness.

This stage of the disease usually lasts about a month, more precisely, about 3 weeks. But these symptoms may be absent altogether, and the period of carriage of the immunodeficiency virus may drag on for years. However, one must be aware that, despite the absence or scarcity of symptoms at an early stage, a person carrying the virus at this time is highly contagious.

As we have said, later symptoms may appear years after infection. But during this period they are expressed quite clearly. Patients have regular night sweats, increased body temperature. They complain of chronic fatigue, weakness. They have no appetite, there is a sharp weight loss.

In addition, this period is characterized by the regular occurrence of severe diarrhea. Lymph nodes are greatly enlarged, dark red neoplasms (tumors) appear on the skin, oral mucosa, and nasal passages.

At this time, cases of respiratory infectious diseases are multiplying. The patient's breathing is superficial, there is a dry cough.

The last stage of AIDS is characterized by the presence of the listed signs constantly, the intensification of their manifestation, progression, which ultimately leads to a sad ending - death.

Prevention measures

The entire period of stay in the body, the virus does not lose its activity, gradually becoming one of the active elements of the blood. Therefore, with poor or insufficient processing of injection needles and other instruments that come into contact with blood, the risk of contracting AIDS is very high.

When injecting, use only your own disposable syringes and needles. A toothbrush and a razor should also be individual. When visiting a doctor, including a dentist, also insist on the use of only disposable or sterile instruments. Ensure that disposable instruments are used for acupuncture, in-salon tattoos, body piercings, etc.

It must be remembered that one of the most effective methods of prevention is sexual intelligibility. That is, one should avoid sexual contact with numerous casual partners, do not use the services of prostitutes, and refuse group sex. Limit your sexual contacts to only one, proven partner, use condoms. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

In addition to well-known venereal diseases, which include syphilis, gonorrhea, chancre, in the early 80s in the United States, and 2-3 years later in Western Europe and a number of other countries, a previously unknown disease began to spread. Studies have shown that this disease is characterized by a slowly progressive defect in the human immune system, which leads to the death of the patient from secondary lesions associated with a violation of the immune system. This disease is called acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).

AIDS is the final stage of an infectious disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and transmitted through sexual contact and human blood.

For the first time HIV infection (in its final stage AIDS) was described in 1981 in the USA.

In the 1980s, the spread of HIV infection to territories previously free from it (Europe, Australia, Asia) was noted.

A small percentage of those infected are among the population of the Caribbean, Central Africa, the USA, and Western Europe. Mostly urban residents are affected. On the territory of the former USSR, HIV infection has been registered since 1985, in our country about 1,600 people infected with HIV, including 500 children, have been registered. More than 200 people developed AIDS, more than 100 people died. There has been a rapid increase in the number of infected people.

Two modifications of the virus are known - HIV - 1 and HIV - 2. The virus dies at a temperature of 56 ° C for 30 minutes, at 70-80 ° C - after 10 minutes, is quickly inactivated with ethyl alcohol, ether, acetone, 0.2% solution sodium hypochlorate and other disinfectants.

The source of the infectious agent is a person at any stage of the infectious process. You can become infected with the virus through sexual intercourse, with a transfusion of blood and its components, a medical instrument contaminated with blood containing pathogens. The possibility of transmission of the virus during sexual intercourse is due to traumatization of the skin and mucous membranes of partners. A mother can pass HIV on to her fetus.

Transmission of the virus through kissing on the lips is unlikely. The possibility of transmission of the virus during "everyday" kisses, sharing cutlery, toilet, towel was rejected based on the results of long-term observation of the families of the infected.

Transmission of the virus by transfusion of infected blood leads to the disease in 80-100% of cases.

A high risk of infection is intravenous injections performed with non-sterile needles and syringes, which had previously performed the same procedure on an infected person.

The most likely to become infected in this way exists among drug addicts.

Transmission of the virus in dental practice, cosmetic procedures, hairdressing is theoretically possible, but has not yet been registered.

In our country, there is a trend towards a mixed type of epidemic. Infections as a result of sexual contacts, transfusion of infected blood and nosocomial infections associated with violation of the rules of sterilization of medical instruments have been registered.

The main direction in the prevention of HIV infection is considered to be education of the population, starting from school age, on proper sexual behavior: limiting the number of sexual partners and using condoms. All countries have anti-AIDS committees, they carry out a lot of preventive work among the population and, above all, in risk groups: among adolescents, drug addicts, homosexual men. The latter are considered the most susceptible to the disease, since male sperm, once in the male body, reduces immunity even in the absence of HIV, and even more so if it is present.

One of the simplest and most effective ways to prevent all sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS is cleanliness in intimate relationships, partnership, and the absence of casual intimate contacts. With the rise of STDs, the use of a condom becomes an elementary hygiene requirement.

The second direction in prevention is to ensure strict compliance with the rules for the use of syringes, needles and other instruments in medical institutions, as well as the use of disposable syringes and blood transfusion systems.

A healthy lifestyle, purity of gender relations, marital fidelity is the best prevention of AIDS.

HIV infection in the 21st century has become a real plague, an invasion that is very difficult to fight. This misfortune affects not only adults, but also small children, pregnant women, youth and the elderly. Everyone is equal before HIV and absolutely each of us can become infected with this disease. That is why the prevention of HIV and AIDS is by far the most urgent topic that should be raised both in families and in preschool and school institutions.

HIV risk factors

HIV infection is an infectious disease that, penetrating into the human body, progresses very slowly. The cause of the lesion is the human immunodeficiency virus, which penetrates deep into the human immune system, as a result of which the body can additionally become infected with a malignant tumor, infection - as a result of which the infected person dies after a certain time.

HIV is the initial stage of the disease; AIDS - acquired human immunodeficiency syndrome - is the final stage of the defeat of the body by HIV infection (that is, in the absence of the necessary treatment).

How can you get HIV infection?

The main source of infection and carrier of HIV infection is a person. Moreover, it is a sick person who can transmit HIV infection to another through sexual contact, then through blood, syringes with needles, knives, pins and other piercing and cutting instruments that contain the blood of a person with HIV. A third and also very common mode of HIV transmission is from mother to fetus.

How is HIV transmitted through sexual contact?

Sexual contact with an HIV-infected person in 90% of cases can lead to irreversible infection. The risk is significantly increased if sexual intercourse by an HIV-infected and healthy person occurs without protection (that is, without a condom).

HIV is most common among homosexual couples - in this case, HIV is transmitted much more often, 2-3 times. In men, the concentration of HIV in the semen is much higher than in the mucus of the woman's vagina.

HIV can be transmitted not only through direct sexual penetration, but also during oral and anal sex.

Transmission of HIV through blood

In the blood of an infected person, the highest concentration of a dangerous virus. If the blood of an HIV-infected person enters the bloodstream of a healthy person, then infection cannot be avoided.

Transmission of HIV through the blood can occur during medical procedures - blood sampling for analysis, operations, blood transfusions. It is the transmission of HIV through blood that is the main way of infecting those who “sit” on injecting drugs (in such a society it is customary to share a needle and syringe).

The HIV virus can pass from a healthy person to a sick person through mucous membranes (for example, when blood enters the eye area or into the oral cavity). There are known cases of HIV infection through a razor, a tattoo or permanent makeup procedure, as well as through manicure accessories in the salon.

Transmission of the HIV virus from mother to child

An HIV-infected mother transmits the virus to the fetus during pregnancy, that is, the virus penetrates even when the child is conceived; in the process of labor activity; during breastfeeding, that is, after the birth of the child.

In 100% of cases, a child becomes infected with HIV from an infected mother.

HIV is not transmitted if...

Now it's time to debunk some of the myths about how HIV is transmitted. So, a healthy person will not be able to get HIV when:

  • Embrace;
  • Kisses on the cheek (this is not about deep kisses with penetration of the tongue);
  • Through a handshake of an infected/healthy person;
  • Through household items;
  • After visiting the pool, shower, sauna, etc.
  • After .

HIV immediately dies if it is treated with alcohol, essential oils or acetone. It is completely possible to destroy HIV when heated to 60 degrees, as well as when completely boiled.

After HIV infection, symptoms appear after 3 weeks. The development and course of HIV in the human body can last for several months or several decades.

First symptoms of HIV/AIDS

The first most characteristic symptoms of HIV/AIDS are:

  • A sharp decrease in human body weight;
  • Increased drowsiness;
  • Feeling of persistent fatigue;
  • Complete or partial loss of appetite;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Recurrent severe headaches;
  • Pathological enlargement of lymph nodes throughout the body.

HIV prevention

During sexual contact with an HIV-infected person, the only possible prevention of infection is the use of a condom. At the same time, it is not recommended to use vaseline-based lubricants, as they significantly reduce the strength of condoms. The risk of HIV infection is present in the following cases: during any type of sexual contact, when semen or vaginal secretions get on the oral cavity or mucous membranes, as well as on injured, damaged skin (wounds, cuts).

The only way to prevent HIV in people who use drugs is to treat this addiction and use individual needles and syringes.

In HIV-positive parents, HIV prevention of the unborn child is taking antiviral drugs during an already completed pregnancy, delivery by caesarean section, and refusal to breastfeed.

When carrying out medical manipulations, the only method of prevention is the use of disposable injection instruments. If we are talking about donation, then only a thorough check of donor blood for HIV will reduce the risk of infection.

Until now, doctors have not invented a vaccine against HIV infection, therefore, the only measure of protection against death as a result of AIDS is timely prevention.

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