Eating disorders in children. Eating disorders in children Psychological causes of eating disorders in children

Epidemiological data indicate a high incidence of eating disorders - more than half of young children. Violations are typical both for children with neurological pathology and developmental delay (in 80% of cases), and for normally developing children - in more than 25% of cases.

It is in childhood that the basic habits are formed, the foundation is laid. Long-term violations adversely affect the health of children and the psychological climate of the family.

In more detail about eating disorders in children in a conversation with the head of the Department of Dietetics and Nutrition of the SBEI DPO RMAPE of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, professor, doctor of medical sciences Tatyana Nikolaevna Sorvacheva.

What is eating behavior?

– Eating disorders are caused by a wide range of factors that negatively affect the process of feeding, eating and intake of nutrients.

In foreign practice, criteria for diagnosing eating disorders have been developed: persistent refusal to eat for more than 1 month; the absence of diseases that cause refusal to eat; incorrect types of feeding (sleep feeding, compulsive feeding, forced and mechanical feeding, entertainment during feeding, eating for more than 30 minutes); gagging when trying to feed.

What causes eating disorders?

- Eating behavior begins to form even in the period of intrauterine development. The nature of nutrition and taste preferences of the mother influence. Subsequently, the child's eating behavior is influenced by the type of feeding, the introduction of complementary foods, and the eating habits of the family. Eating disorders are most common in children aged 2–6 years.

Eating disorders are dominated by appetite disturbances. Appetite is an emotional desire of a person for a certain food. In practice, pediatricians distinguish the following types of appetite: normal, increased, decreased, rarely - selective.

What are the consequences of eating disorders in childhood?

– Long-term eating disorders are associated with insufficient intake of essential nutrients, deficiency of a number of micronutrients and vitamins, growth and developmental delays, cognitive retardation, stressful situations in the family, violation of parent-child relationships and psychological health of the family.

– What is the treatment?

– Treatment should be differentiated depending on the type of disorders.

It is necessary to observe the following principles of correction: normalization of parent-child relationships and the psychological climate in the family, the formation of proper eating behavior, including through hunger, the formation of the child's right attitude and interest in food. At the stage of formation of eating behavior, it is possible to use specialized mixtures for nutritional support in order to correct the diet. If necessary, a multidisciplinary approach is important with the involvement of a pediatrician, nutritionist, gastroenterologist, psychologist.

In modern culture, such phenomena as unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity are common. Children are also subject to this. Experts say that today's children are the first generation to have poorer health than their parents.

What's more, when unhealthy eating is combined with a sedentary lifestyle and our culture, which has a thin body as the benchmark, it all leads to eating disorders. According to statistics, 23% of modern girls and 6% of boys suffer from them. Therefore, eating disorders pose a danger to the younger generation. Fortunately, parents are able to prevent them, but for this it is necessary to intervene as early as possible. Intervention in adolescence, when children assert their right to autonomy, is less effective.

What can be done to prevent an eating disorder in a child? Above all, help him develop a healthy body and a healthy attitude towards it.

1. Help your child form the right relationship with his body

You should love your body, no matter what you see in the mirror. But under the influence of modern culture, many of us have an obsession with being thin. We strongly condemn ourselves for not conforming to this ideal image. Therefore, when we see how a child begins to gain weight, all our self-condemnation turns on, and we project it onto the child, worrying that he will struggle with being overweight all his life. Unfortunately, children pick up our fears and conclude that there is something wrong with them. Parents should develop a healthier relationship with their own bodies so as not to pass on feelings of shame and inferiority to their children.

2. Explain to your child how the media promotes an ideal body image that has nothing to do with reality.

Explain that the images of models on the covers of glossy magazines are always processed in Photoshop and are simply unrealistic. Describe how the modern beauty industry sets unrealistic standards of beauty that people then begin to look up to. Talk to your child about how beautiful appearance alone does not make a person happy.

3. Show your child an example of good nutrition

Recognize that the child takes an example from you in everything. If you drink carbonated drinks, your kids will too. If you'd rather nibble on carrots than chips for a snack, your kids will, too. All your good and bad habits are adopted by your children. Do you want to change your child and protect him from bad habits? Change your habits. Health, good vitality and appearance will be an additional reward to you in addition to the good habits of your children.

4. Don't talk about diets

Don't follow any diets, just eat healthy food. Make exercise a permanent part of daily life in your family. Studies show that diets do not give the desired result, but only lead to overeating later. In addition, diets can change the body's chemistry, which can cause a person to gain weight again, making it much harder to lose it the next time. Only a constant healthy diet and physical activity helps to maintain an optimal body weight.

If you want to teach your child self-control, start by teaching him to listen to his own body. Is he hungry or does he eat a lot just out of habit? If the child asks you for sweets, instead of saying "no", tell the child that you will buy them next time: "The candy store will always be here. We will come here on special occasions, not every day.” Studies show that this approach teaches a child to make more informed decisions, while a simple refusal leads to the fact that the child has a strong desire for sweets and, as a result, overeats when you buy them them.

5. Don't make fun of your child if he has gained extra weight - this hurts his self-esteem

Instead, get him into regular physical activity and reduce the amount of sugar in his diet. If you decide that the child should lose weight, all family members should follow a special diet. Changing eating habits is difficult for everyone, so you should not expect your child to refuse treats that everyone else in the family will eat.

6. Learn more about nutrition

Over the past century, the number of people suffering from overweight has increased, and this percentage continues to grow. At the same time, the percentage of various diseases is also growing. The reasons are a sedentary lifestyle, constant stress, overeating and an evolutionary tendency to eat more during periods of prosperity.

However, nutritionists claim that the main cause of overweight is processed foods. Recently, people are consuming less saturated fat and more processed foods. Modern products have a long shelf life. They are tasty, but less useful. They are made with hydrogenated fats, preservatives, corn syrup, and carbohydrates that have been stripped of their nutritional value. All this is very harmful to the body and leads to chronic diseases when we get older. But even from childhood, they cause addiction and inflammatory processes in the body.

And, of course, most processed foods contain sugar. Studies show that more than 10% of our daily calories come from added sugar, which negatively affects the entire body. As a result, more fat is deposited in the body than under the influence of other carbohydrates.

7. Cut out junk food and don't stockpile food.

Do not eat unhealthy food and do not stock up on food except on special occasions. The whole family can suffer from this. If children see adults eating unhealthy food, they will follow suit. They will eat everything, sometimes secretly. Many teenage girls develop bulimia when they first surreptitiously eat ice cream and then vomit.

8. Encourage your child to eat vegetables.

Kids usually don't like new foods the first time they try them. But sooner or later they get used to it. Research shows that children are more likely to eat foods they are already familiar with.

9. Involve your child in sports

Every child needs regular physical activity. When girls play sports, they begin to have a positive attitude towards their body, and this attitude remains with them throughout their lives. When children find a sport they enjoy, there is a high chance that this hobby will stay with them for years to come. Instead of telling your child that exercise is essential for weight loss, tell them that exercise changes the body's biochemistry and makes us healthier and happier. Encourage your family to play sports together as a family every weekend.

10. Never comment on other people's looks.

If you focus on how thin or fat people look, then the child concludes that appearance is important, and begins to think that people always pay attention to his appearance.

11. If you leave a child with a nanny, tell her what the child can eat and what not.

Too strict attitude towards the child causes him

a strong desire to secretly eat unhealthy food. On the other hand, if the nanny allows him to eat chips and drink carbonated drinks every day, this will nullify all your attempts to teach him to eat healthy.

12. Raise a child

Raising your child will help you reduce the chance of your child becoming overweight as an adult.

13. Reduce stress levels

Children who have high levels of stress hormones are less healthy physically. They also tend to be overweight.

14. Watch less TV

Children who watch TV for 2 hours or more every day are prone to overweight and high cholesterol. Probably, the reason is not only a sedentary lifestyle associated with watching TV, but also advertising of harmful products. Researchers say that children are highly influenced by advertising, which is why advertising aimed at children (including television) is banned in many countries.

Paradoxically, parents, realizing that proper nutrition is the key to health, sometimes themselves are the cause of eating disorders in children. And often these disorders are not directly related to food - they have a deeper, psychological basis.

There are three types of eating disorders: malnutritionleading to depletion of the body;binge eating, in which, on the contrary, there are problems with being overweight;dependence on constant chewing- “some tasty” unhealthy foods and drinks with unnatural, enhanced tastes.

Malnutrition as a response to force-feeding

Stress, ailments, bad mood can reduce appetite and dull the feeling of hunger. If parents begin to force-feed the child, then according to the principle of the formation of a conditioned reflexan associative link between food intake and negative emotions is fixedthat the child is experiencing. Such exposure leads to the fact that the child will not like to eat at all. At an older age, low self-esteem can become the reason for limiting oneself in food - after all, in adolescence, self-esteem is closely related to the attitude towards one's body.

Overeating as a psychological defense

When a person does not satisfy some important need, he can be said to experience a kind of hunger. If a child feels emotional emptiness, experiences a lack of love, acceptance, security, communication, does not feel his own significance, weight, does not have the opportunity to make up for this deficit directly, hewill try to satisfy psychological hunger with food. The constant desire to eat is a kind of protective reaction to difficult circumstances. It must be understood that if parents try to exclude overeating, but do not change the psychological situation, they will deprive the child of the usual protection. If a child is upset, experiencing stress, then he can intuitively reach for food - it's like in infancy, when, crouching on his mother's breast, he received nourishment, comfort and protection.

Constant chewing: goodies and harmfulness

Food can influence an unsatisfactory emotional state, acting as a kind of antidepressant. This especially applies to all sorts of "goodies and harmfulness" that have an unnaturally bright taste. The trap is thatbright taste sensations help us forget about everything in the world.The intensity of flavor depends on the concentration of flavor enhancers, sugar, salt and spices. With the frequent use of such foods and drinks, taste buds are rebuilt: more neutral, natural tastes cease to bring pleasure, and a kind of addiction is formed. Important to remember -It is not the stomach that requires “goodies”, this need comes from the “head”.Often, adults themselves provoke such an addiction, teaching them to “eat” troubles or, for example, educational stresses with candy.

Nutrition problems are easier to prevent than to get rid of them later. In order not to cause negative emotions in relation to food and not to provoke eating disorders, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • If you notice that your child is eating too much or too little, try to understand and understand what is the reason, what is the psychological background.
    • Do not force-feed children:try to work up an appetite, exclude snacks. In addition, eating should bring pleasure to the child. A beautifully presented dish increases the appetite.
    • Never force you to finish eating the entire portion,if the child ate less food.
    • Do not punish or manipulate foodby depriving the child of food or forcing something to eat.
    • Never punish or reproach children for not wanting to eat.Plan the meal schedule so that the child has time to get hungry.
    • Do not teach your child to “stick and drink” trouble.Any negative feeling should be expressed directly, and not disappear with a candy stuck in your mouth.
  • The attitude in the family to food should be respectful, but without building it into a cult. Do not transfer the manifestations of your attention and care only to food, buying goodies for your child instead of, for example, spending time together, playing and caresses.
  • When picking up a child from kindergarten or school,ask first about what happened to him during the day,and only then about what and how much he ate.
  • The child should feel that he is loved - no matter how, when and how much he ate;that it is more important than food, situations and circumstances associated with food.
  • Do not discuss thinness / fullness and other physical features of the child;do not make predictions about how your children will grow up (fat or thin), do not associate this with the fact that they will not love him, or will treat him negatively.

The most important prevention of eating disorders is a happy infancy, when nutrition is indeed the most important life process. The ideal option is prolonged breastfeeding “on demand”, with a gradual, non-traumatic weaning from the breast. If a mother is bottle-feeding a baby, it is important not to forget about emotional contact during feeding.

The psychological parameters of eating behavior and its disorders to a greater extent determine the personal attitude to eating and its methods. These include various factors:
- violations of the relationship in the "mother-child" system in early childhood;
- unacceptable for a child in early childhood ways of eating;
- stress, frustration situations;
- personal problems of the child and adolescent;
- conflict families;
- problems in interpersonal relationships in the family, children's institutions, with peers and other people around.

Family doctors deal with the issues of proper nutrition, and the problem of eating behavior, until recently, occupied medical psychologists. Apparently, such consideration of the functioning of the same system is unjustified, since the physiological and psychological parameters of the vital activity of the human body are inextricably linked and should be considered as a whole.

Depending on age, eating behavior and its disorders are distinguished according to the causes of its occurrence, the characteristics of the personal response of the child and adolescent, the structure of symptoms and the mechanism of their occurrence.
In an infant and young child, eating disorders are often combined with a violation of appetite. Most often, they, especially those suffering from a neuropathic constitution, have hyporexia and anorexia.

Symptoms of anorexia and hyporexia

Symptoms of anorexia and hyporexia can manifest as follows:
- complete or partial refusal of food;
- preference for a certain consistency of food (liquid, solid);
- slowing down the feeding process;
- eating only certain foods (cereals, fruits, sweets);
- Refusal of various foods (dairy products, meat);
- protest against changing the menu, demanding only the same dishes;
- protest against the stereotype of the feeding process.

The psychological reasons for this eating disorder can be different:
- Wrong way to feed the baby;
- insufficient patience on the part of the nursing;
- the inability of the mother or another person to find the right approach to the child during feeding;
- a mechanical approach to the feeding process (“if only the child swallowed food”);
- increased excitability or lethargy of the child during feeding;
- endless prodding him to eat food, the taste of which the child often does not fully feel or the dish is unpleasant to him;
- the initial violation of the relationship in the "mother-child" system:
- force-feeding, which usually ends in vomiting and can lead to habitual vomiting in response to any psychogenic stimulus (psychosomatic disorder);
- family conflict situations, especially during the feeding of the child;
- when breastfeeding, the mother should be occupied with all her thoughts and feelings only with the baby, and not with her own problems;
- a change in the habitual stereotype of a child's life, which is a stressful situation for him (moving to another apartment, separation from his mother, attending a kindergarten, etc.). Also, many other reasons that violate the "psychological homeostasis" of the child.

Often, for a child with anorexia, the very process of eating, its unusual smell and taste, or even preparation for eating is unpleasant. The child shows anxiety at the sight of a chair and a table at which he is fed, bowls and spoons.
Parents and persons involved in feeding the baby come up with a lot of tricks in order to feed him.
Cases from practice come to mind. Zhanna, 3.5 years old, was fed by her father, putting her on his shoulder so that she could sort out the pendants of the chandelier during feeding.
Until the age of 2, Irochka took food from her mother's hands, while throwing cutlery out of the table drawer.
Misha, 4 years old, when moving to another city for several months preferred to drink lemonade and eat pieces of cookies, refused other dishes, and was force-fed.

How to defeat hyporexia and anorexia if it is not associated with somatic diseases?

First of all, the child should be examined for the absence of organic disorders from the digestive system.
Then it is necessary to understand the psychological reasons for such eating behavior, the presence of neuropathic features of the child's constitution.
Advice that parents can give on coping with this type of eating disorder might include the following:
- to understand the correctness of their behavior in relationships with a small child in general;
- change the stereotype of feeding a child;
- feed at a common table in the presence of other people and do not fix attention on the process of feeding the child, but rather on the consumption of food by other family members;
- enable the child to eat on his own (pour some of the food into the bowl and help him eat);
- allow him to eat from the common table even with his hands the food he likes.
There can be many tips and options for changing feeding methods, but the main thing is that the child likes it. It is advisable to conduct sessions of play therapy on a plot related to eating behavior.

Case from practice: Zhenya, 10 months old, with hyporexia, was seated right on the dining table surrounded by people close to him and allowed him to choose pieces of food from the plates, outwardly not paying attention to his actions. Adults savored the food with pleasure, showing it to the child with all their appearance. A week later, the child, together with his mother, ate the offered food, which she allegedly ate. And gradually "tears" from the table and he chose the way of feeding and dishes. The problem with food intake has ceased to be dominant for the child and the family.

What is rumination?

Rumination (regurgitation disorder) is the conscious regurgitation of food, which is often re-swallowed or spit out.
The symptom appears in infancy more often in boys with a neuropathic constitution, but may occur or continue into older age. Regurgitation is also observed in healthy children when they are not properly fed or they are in a situation of emotional deprivation (restrictions).

There are 2 forms of rumination:
1) psychogenic form, which is based on:
- severe violations in the system of relationships "mother-child";
- the presence of stressful situations for the child (separation from the mother, conflict situations in the family);
- personality disorders in a mother who does not adequately treat her child;
2) the second option arises in mentally retarded children according to its own special mechanisms.

To get rid of rumination, timely conversations with the mother help to establish the right contact with the child, the selection of an adequate method of feeding for him.

In some cases, attention to the child in the family is clearly insufficient and is replaced by various benefits, gifts, and he needs emotionally rich contacts with parents, their warmth and care.
In such cases, rumination can occur even at school age.

For example, Luda, 10 years old, from a prosperous and wealthy family, whose mom and dad are more busy with their own affairs and business partners than with their own child. From childhood, the girl was brought up by periodically changing nannies. Luda was very worried that “an alien visiting aunt, not her mother” was constantly with her. From childhood, the girl grew up neuropathic, easily excitable, ate poorly, periodically regurgitated food. At school age, after a quarrel between her parents during lunch at the table, Luda began to chew her food thoroughly, then spat it out into a plate and swallowed it again.

Such eating behavior aroused indignation among the parents, and the girl was kicked out from the common table, which sharply worsened her condition. This went on for 2 years, she was scolded, but no one was sorry. In the end, the parents turned to a doctor and a child psychologist. Parents were interviewed about the unfavorable psychological climate in the family and advice was given on how to normalize relationships with the girl. Luda underwent a course of psychotherapy and became a completely healthy child.

What is a peak?

Pika is the eating of inedible or unpleasant-tasting objects (waste, garbage, sand, chalk, paint, etc.). The disorder is partially manifested in mentally retarded children or in families with an asocial structure, in “homeless children”. The prognosis depends on the treatment of the underlying disease - mental retardation, changes in the social status of the family and the child.

In some cases, the peak occurs in healthy children - they eat chalk, lime, which requires the attention of family doctors to study the state of the child's metabolic processes.
In adolescence, eating behavior takes on an even more personal perspective. Adolescents establish motives and values, orientation to the appearance of their body.

In adolescence, the following main forms of eating disorders are considered: anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.
These disorders are observed in girls and boys in a ratio of 10:1.
The pathogenesis of these eating disorders in adolescents has several points: genetic factors; family influences; socio-cultural impacts; dietary measures aimed at weight loss; features of personal response to their appearance and the shape of their body; Vulnerability to restrict or impose food on adolescents.

Criteria for the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa according to ICD-10

- body weight is 15% below normal;
- weight loss is caused by the patient himself;
- violation of the body scheme and its proportions;
- an overvalued idea of ​​its exorbitant thickness;
- secondary endocrine disorders from the pituitary-hypothalamic and gonadal system;
- secondary disturbances in the system of functions of the digestive system up to the appearance of organic changes.

Clinic: the disease of anorexia nervosa begins with the fact that the patient refuses high-calorie foods, excludes fruits, butter, milk, meat, fish from the diet and brings himself to a minimum food intake. So, for example, one girl ate 1 apple a day and drank 1 glass of water. Usually in a conversation, such patients talk about a full "food day", three meals a day and the use of the entire set of foods. Comparison of information from the words of relatives and the patient about the dishes that the patient consumed during the day should alert the doctor. They explain their fasting with various theories and do not consider their eating behavior to be wrong. It is based on an overvalued idea about its exorbitant fullness and distortion of the image of its body and proportions.

In a number of cases, the starting point for such behavior is a phrase accidentally thrown by someone about their appearance. For example, a 14-year-old girl came to school after the summer holidays and heard from her friends the phrase: “You overeat over the summer, so you can get fat.” Since then, she began to restrict herself in food, threw it away, came up with a “modest diet” for herself, and ... for 8 months, with a height of 168 cm, she weighed 38 kg. But at the same time, she considered herself fat and aggressively resisted the requests and insistent demands of her parents to change her diet. Along with a strict diet, teenagers opt for enhanced physical education and try to move a lot. For example, a girl did homework while standing, a boy, after eating any food, did five-kilometer runs. And all this is aimed at getting rid of excess calories and excess weight.

In a patient with anorexia nervosa, selective eating behavior is noted, which is distinguished by a special food ritual. Sometimes they cook food and feed family members with pleasure, strive to make them eat as much as possible and literally feed them.
The perception of one's own body is characterized by a violation of the body scheme, namely, an incorrect assessment of the proportions of one's body. They constantly seem to have exorbitantly enlarged hips and a fat belly.

The personal characteristics of patients are typical: excessively developed ambition and high self-esteem, perseverance and perseverance in achieving their goals, introversion and a fairly high intelligence, which does not decrease even at the cachectic stage of the disease.

So, a girl of 17 years old took exams in the final class for one five, despite the fact that she weighed only 32 kg with a height of 165 cm and her parents brought her to the exam, because due to physical weakness she could not move independently.

According to DSM-4, 2 types of anorexia nervosa are distinguished based on what means and methods are used to achieve the desired thinness, which, due to an overvalued idea, the patient naturally does not recognize:
- restrictive type, in which the patient begins to actively restrict himself in food, reaching a complete refusal to eat food;
- a cleansing type, in which there is an alternation of a special diet and "gluttony" with the aim of artificially inducing profuse vomiting, cleansing with laxatives.

Bulimia nervosa is initially characterized by food attacks in which the patient consumes a large amount of food, usually easily digestible and does not require cooking - "you need to eat everything quickly!"
There is a loss of control over excessive food intake. Such food attacks most often occur in situations of psychological stress (exams, violations of interpersonal relationships with peers), or in the presence of emptiness, or imperceptibly for a person (watching TV shows, movies).

An attack of gluttony usually stops when the stomach is full, when vomiting or other sensations of discomfort from the digestive tract appear. This is followed by cleansing from food: artificially induced vomiting, taking laxatives, cleansing enemas.
But in some cases, such food attacks become more frequent and become habitual, turning into a stable state of overeating and obesity. This reveals a constant desire for food, even with a feeling of satiety, attempts to resist obesity in various ways, an obsessive fear of obesity. In a person, due to a change in the hierarchy of motives and values, overeating continues and an overvalued idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis body image is formed.

With anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, somatic changes appear in various internal organs and systems at different stages of the disease:
- the appearance changes - a violation of the weight and proportions of the body;
- there are violations of the skin and its appendages;
- pronounced caries;
- swelling of the salivary glands;
- endocrine disorders - disorders of the pituitary-adrenal system and thyroid function, amenorrhea;
- disorders in the digestive system - habitual constipation, periodically nausea and vomiting, lack of hunger and satiety, pain in the epigastric region and along the intestines, and over time organic disorders of the digestive tract occur;
- laboratory data - a change in the blood picture (leukopenia, anemia), electrolyte imbalance, changes in lipid metabolism and then all types of metabolism, a decrease in total protein and albumin.

In advanced cases of the disease, cachexia or obesity require treatment in specialized hospitals.
Anorexia nervosa may intersperse with attacks of bulimia, especially in adults in the presence of a prolonged frustrating situation or chronically repetitive stressful situations.
Therapy for anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa should be carried out by family doctors in conjunction with medical psychologists, and in protracted cases with psychiatrists.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Psychology
Kyiv Institute of Social and Cultural Relations
child psychiatrist of the highest category
Kyiv City Psychoneurological Hospital No. 2

1. Zinchenko S.M. Medical psychology. Head helper. Kyiv. KISKZ. 2009. p. 341.
2. Children's psychoneurology. Under the editorship of prof. L.A. Bulakhova. Kyiv. "Health". 2001. p. 496.
3. Khaitovich M.V., Maidannik V.G., Kovalova O.A. – Psychotherapy in pediatrics. Nizhin. "Aspect-Polygraph". 2003. p. 216.
4. Venar Ch., Kerig P. - Psychopathology of the development of childhood and adolescence. St. Petersburg, Prime-Eurosign, 2007, p.670.
5. Nora Newcomb - the development of the personality of the child. 8th ed. SPb, Peter. 2003, p. 640.
6. Psychology of development. Ed. Martsinkovskaya T.D. Moscow. "Academy", 2001. p. 352.

Department of Health of the City of Moscow
Scientific and Practical Center for Mental Health of Children and Adolescents. G.E. Sukhareva
Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology, Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogov
Department of Child Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, RMANPO

with international participation


Moscow, December 11-12, 2018


Dear colleagues!

We invite you to take part in the work of the II All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation “Sukharev Readings. Eating Disorders in Children and Adolescents”, which will take place on December 11-12, 2018 in Moscow.

The end of the 20th - the beginning of the 21st century was marked by a significant increase in mental illness, especially in childhood and adolescence. Children with mental disorders are faced by doctors of various specialties. Children and adolescents with eating disorders are among the most severe group of patients.

Today, eating disorders are a heterogeneous group of various mental disorders, including both classic anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, as well as numerous syndromic eating disorders in various mental illnesses, including autism spectrum disorders, mental retardation, endogenous diseases and others

The high social significance and relevance of this topic are due to the severe consequences of such conditions. Diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of eating disorders require a comprehensive multi-professional approach involving different specialists: psychiatrists, pediatricians, gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, cardiologists, nutritionists, crisis and family psychologists.

We invite all interested specialists, representatives of the parent community and public organizations to take part in our conference.

List of main issues planned for discussion:

  • Eating disorders as a polynosological category;
  • Anorexia and bulimia: modern views on etiology, epidemiology, diagnosis, classification, pharmaco- and psychotherapy;
  • Features of eating behavior in children with various mental disorders: autism spectrum disorders and other developmental disorders, schizophrenic spectrum disorders, affective disorders, etc. Modern approaches to etiology, phenomenology, diagnostics, pharmaco- and psychotherapy;
  • Somatic disorders in children and adolescents with eating disorders: modern approaches to diagnosis and treatment;
  • Eating disorders in the practice of a pediatrician, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist, nutritionist, cardiologist, pathologist and other specialists. Issues of professional interaction;
  • Organization of care and routing of children and adolescents with eating disorders;
  • Crisis and urgent conditions in children and adolescents with eating disorders;
  • Working with the family of a child with eating disorders;
  • Evaluation of the quality of medical care for children and adolescents with eating disorders;
  • Issues of student and postgraduate teaching of child psychiatry and related disciplines.

Objectives and expected results Activities

The purpose of the event is to form a consolidated position on the creation of an effective system for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of children and adolescents with eating disorders.

Expected results Activities

  • Development of new approaches to the classification of eating disorders;
  • highlighting the main biological, psychological and social factors underlying various eating disorders in children and adolescents;
  • development of a set of measures that contribute to the timely identification and further routing of children and adolescents with eating disorders;
  • formation of a unified system for early detection, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of children and adolescents with eating disorders;
  • development of a system of multiprofessional interaction with the participation of psychiatrists, pediatricians, gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, gynecologists, nutritionists, cardiologists, psychologists and other specialists, as well as representatives of the parent community for the complex therapy and rehabilitation of children and adolescents with eating disorders.

The target audience: psychiatrists, psychotherapists, pediatricians, gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, gynecologists, nutritionists, cardiologists, pathologists, clinical psychologists and other specialists, as well as teachers, parents, journalists, representatives of public organizations.

Conference Chairman:

Bebchuk Marina Alexandrovna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Director of the State Budgetary Institution of Health "Scientific and Practical Center for Mental Health of Children and Adolescents. G.E. Sukhareva DZM.

Organising Committee:

  • Osmanov Ismail Magomedtagirovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Chief Freelance Specialist Pediatrician, Chief Physician of the Children's Clinical Hospital named after. Z.L. Bashlyaeva DZM, Director of the University Clinic of Pediatrics, SBEI HPE Russian National Research Medical University. I.I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Hospital Pediatrics No. 1, SBEI HPE Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogov Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
  • Petryaykina Elena Efimovna, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Chief Freelance Specialist Pediatric Endocrinologist of the Moscow Department of Health, Head of the Center for Pediatric Endocrinology, Chief Physician of the Morozov Children's City Clinical Hospital DZM;
  • Shevchenko Yury Stepanovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Child Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, FGBOU RMAPE, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
  • Shmilovich Andrey Arkadievich, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head. Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology, Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of Russia;
  • Zinchenko Yury Petrovich, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Head of the Department of Methodology of Psychology, Vice President of the Russian Academy of Education, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education;
  • Kholmogorova Alla Borisovna, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head. Department of the Faculty of Psychological Counseling, MSUPU;
  • Portnova Anna Anatolyevna, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Federal State Budgetary Institution “FMRCPS named after A.I. V.P. Serbian” of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Chief freelance child psychiatrist of the DZM;
  • Basova Anna Yanovna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Deputy Director of the GBUZ "NPTs PZDP them. G.E. Sukhareva DZM" on scientific work.

Register to participate in the conference, you can apply for a speech and get acquainted with the latest version of the program on the website

Requests to speak accepted until November 1, 2018

General requirements for the acceptance and execution of abstracts:

Call for Abstracts carried out before November 20, 2018 The Organizing Committee reserves the right to refuse to publish a paper that does not meet the criteria for a high-quality scientific research or is not suitable for the topic.

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