What to do with an upset stomach in a child. Why do children often have diarrhea? Varieties of the disease, their causes

"Experienced" parents already know that most often kids get colds and stomach diseases. Therefore, indigestion in both young children and preschoolers is not uncommon. What are their causes, how to treat disorders with medicines and folk remedies? Let's find out in detail.

Diarrhea during teething is a common occurrence. It usually lasts two or three days. main reason the disorder in this case lies in the pain in the child's mouth and short-term irritations during this period nervous system.

The disorder during the eruption of milk teeth most often disappears without treatment and the use of special measures of influence. Therefore, mom should not be scared and panic if the baby's stool becomes liquid. The main thing that a mother should do at this time is to calm her child and make sure that, in order to avoid dehydration, she uses enough water.

Indigestion in an infant up to a year

In infants, one of the most common causes diarrhea is rotavirus. Any child under the age of five can catch it. This virus causes gastroenteritis, which affects the digestive tract.

Then the food that enters the body is poorly absorbed in the stomach. In addition to rotavirus, causes of diarrhea in infants may include:

  1. Illiterate preparation of an adapted mixture.
  2. Antibiotics.
  3. Food poisoning.
  4. Deficiency of food enzymes.

In cases of indigestion in such small children, you should not self-medicate, but you should immediately consult a doctor.

Upset stomach in children after antibiotics

The cause of an upset stomach in children is often the use of antibiotics. In this case, the pediatrician prescribes means for the normalization of the intestinal microflora, the main functions of which are protection against pathogenic bacteria.

If antibiotics were the cause of the disorder, then from children's menu all dairy products are excluded and raw vegetables, fatty food. The baby at this time can eat bananas and baked apples, croutons and boiled rice. You should provide him with a sufficient amount of drink in the form of compotes and mineral water without gas, sweet tea and vegetable broths. Rehydrating solutions are also recommended.

Diarrhea in children after antibiotics requires a combination of treatment with strict diet. It's a pledge Get well soon baby.

To restore the intestinal microflora after antibiotic treatment, a long course of treatment is needed. Dysbacteriosis is always easier to prevent than to treat. That is why, when antibiotics are prescribed, prebiotics are prescribed in parallel with them. These include bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Pediatricians in such cases prescribe Pobifor and Enterol, Bifidumbacterin and Lactobacterin, Hilak-forte and Lineks.

Indigestion in children: symptoms and signs

Many young mothers are not always distinguished by an ordinary chair small child and indigestion due to the fact that newborns normally empty their bowels frequently. The frequency of emptying in infants depends on the type of feeding. If we talk about breastfed children, then their stools are yellow, liquid, soft. The child poops 5-6 times a day. And here are the kids artificial feeding defecate much less frequently, for example, 1-2 times a day. The chair of such children is dense, with a pungent odor.

Parents who suspect their babies have diarrhea should look out for the following signs:

  1. Stool swelling.
  2. Its watery, similar to mucus from the nose with rhinitis.
  3. The appearance of a pungent odor in the stool.
  4. Presence of fever and fever.
  5. Weight loss.

The above signs of diarrhea in a young child require immediate medical attention. If we are talking about older children who can talk about their well-being, then stomach pains, thirst, and headaches are added to the above symptoms.

Indigestion in children: treatment

Basic condition successful treatment indigestion is the use of fluids to help prevent dehydration. If a child willingly or more often takes a breast, a bottle with a mixture, then there is no need to limit him in this. It is necessary to give the patient an electrolytic solution, which may be Regidron. It will help restore water balance. child's body. But you should not give your child fruit juices with glucose. Taboo at this time - carbonated drinks. They will only increase diarrhea and aggravate the condition. You should not give the baby fixative medications, they are not recommended for use before the age of 12.

If the baby is already six months old, then with diarrhea it is worth offering him a piece of banana, rice water. For older children, chicken meat and starchy foods are suitable.

If you observe loose stools in your child for two days or more, dietary restrictions do not help, then be sure to hurry up with a visit to the doctor. It is not worth buying medicines at the pharmacy on your own.

During the period of diarrhea, before the doctor examines the baby, it is recommended to take water breaks, that is, do not feed the baby for about 6 hours, but only give water. The exception is breastfed babies. They need to be applied to the chest more often. After agreement with the doctor, you can give the child sorbents. The baby should eat in small portions and only diet food.

The diarrhea diet provides for the exclusion from the children's diet of sweet, fatty, spicy food, smoked meats. Let's baby buckwheat porridge and rice fat-free kefir. For preschoolers, it can be baked apples and crackers, oatmeal, disinfectant herbs. Even if the disorder has stopped in a day or two, it is still worth taking an analysis for dysentery.

Indigestion in children: folk remedies

Most often, indigestion occurs in the summer, and the reason for this is poor hygiene (dirty hands and unwashed food). If the disorder is indeed caused by the use unwashed vegetables and fruits, then the following folk treatment recipes will help get rid of this:

  1. Rice broth. One part of rice is poured into six parts of water, boiled over low heat until the rice is ready, and after that the rice broth is drained. Drink it warm, 2-3 tablespoons every two hours.
  2. Tincture of walnut partitions on alcohol or vodka. It is given to the patient in 6-8 drops, mixed with water before a meal. Do this three or four times a day. Nut tincture It is an antiseptic that cleanses the stomach.
  3. Decoction of St. John's wort with the addition of chamomile. You need to take a teaspoon of pharmaceutical dry herb St. John's wort, a pinch of chamomile, pour a glass of water and boil for 1-2 minutes. Cool and strain. Children drink such a remedy 50 grams once.
  4. Kissel from blueberries. Take a tablespoon of dry blueberries and cook jelly out of it, adding a teaspoon of starch to ½ liter of liquid. You can use jelly with the addition a small amount Sahara.

Indigestion in children: Komarovsky

Pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky, with indigestion in babies, advises parents to remember what they fed their children. And if these are cakes from the store, then most likely there is poisoning. In the first hours of an intestinal infection, the doctor advises helping the child's body cleanse itself by drinking fluids. He advises to cleanse the large intestine with an enema.

Mr. Komarovsky, in case of indigestion, advises giving children non-carbonated mineral water and a decoction of raisins, wild rose and dried fruit compote, green tea and just boiled water. The temperature of the drinks should be the same as the body temperature. Komarovsky believes that there are two safe way treatment of childhood intestinal infections: it is plentiful drink and hunger. Negatively with indigestion, the excitement of parents affects the child. The doctor advises them to monitor the color of children's urine. There is no shortage of fluid in the baby's body if it is light. An appeal to a pediatrician, according to Komarovsky, is mandatory for diarrhea in children under one year old.

After the patient's condition improves, Yevgeny Komarovsky strongly advises against resuming the child's nutrition with goodies. He recommends keeping the baby on a diet for a few more days. Low-fat cottage cheese, rice and oatmeal, baked apples will help children's stomach bounce back.

Especially for - Diana Rudenko

Various digestive problems can occur in babies in different ages. Such eating disorders in a child really scare mommy. Many parents find it difficult to decide what to do in such cases. Indigestion in children should be treated differently than in adults.

What causes?

Most often, this functional disorder occurs in babies in the first year after birth. The digestive system of a newborn baby is still very sensitive to various new foods. Wrong treatment may lead to different chronic diseases bodies gastrointestinal tract.

The reason that leads to indigestion for babies is often the introduction of new complementary foods into the diet. Children who at birth have congenital defects in the structure of organs digestive system or those born prematurely tend to be much more likely to suffer from eating disorders.

When introducing new complementary foods to a baby within 1 year of life, try not to combine all the foods in one meal. For example, a combination of meat and fruit puree can lead to indigestion in a baby. These foods should be given different time feeding.

In babies at the age of 2 years, there is often a violation of the stool and indigestion as a result of various viral infections.

Viruses, entering the body, cause severe intoxication and lead to the development of severe diarrhea.

Most often, at 3 years old, babies become infected with rotavirus infection. In this case, they experience severe abdominal pain and multiple loose stools appear. Rotavirus infection is treated symptomatically.

In older children, indigestion often leads to a violation of the rules of personal hygiene. Pathogenic microbes get on hands while playing outside or going to the toilet. If a child forgets to wash his hands well before eating or after visiting the toilet, then he can also easily catch the disease.

According to statistics, schoolchildren most often suffer from indigestion after eating poorly washed vegetables and fruits. Such products are a real biological bomb for the child's body.

Insufficient processing of fruits and vegetables contributes to the preservation pathogenic bacteria, which, when ingested in short term can cause digestive problems in babies.

Main symptoms of indigestion

Various reasons that affect the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, lead to the development of a strong inflammatory process and disruption of the proper functioning of the organs. Typically, such a reaction occurs within a few hours from the moment the provocative product enters the child's body.

started inflammatory process leads to the appearance characteristic manifestations diseases:

    soreness in epigastric region and all over the belly. The pain syndrome can change its intensity. Subsequent meals only exacerbate the situation. The pain is of moderate intensity, pulling character. In some cases, colic is observed.

    Nausea and vomiting. The child is nauseous almost constantly. Relief comes only from the use of drugs antiemetics and sorbents. Vomiting is eaten contents, multiple. After it, the child usually feels some improvement in well-being.

    Liquid stool. Usually it is frequent, with a very unpleasant sour smell. The stool contains numerous undigested residues food. The more abundant the stool, the more fluid and electrolytes the baby loses. This leads to a deterioration in well-being and an increase in general weakness.

    Bad condition. Children usually become very lethargic. They have reduced or no appetite at all. Any touch to the stomach can increase pain syndrome. Children may sob, and severe pain- even cry. At severe symptoms loss of electrolytes babies constantly want to sleep. Babies refuse breastfeeding.

    Temperature rise. It occurs when an upset stomach occurs due to infection with viruses. At viral infections body temperature rises to 38-38.5 degrees. The baby can feel constant thirst, losing weight. Fever is often present.

How to treat?

When the first symptoms of indigestion occur, be sure to show the baby to the pediatrician. A doctor's examination is needed to rule out dangerous diseases that require immediate surgical intervention- Appendicitis may be hiding behind similar symptoms.

If a children's doctor did not reveal any dangerous surgical diseases and confirmed the presence functional disorder, then in this case it is assigned symptomatic treatment. All drugs that are prescribed to babies must be prescribed taking into account age.

All drugs that are prescribed for indigestion can be divided into several groups:

    Sorbents. They are used to eliminate toxic metabolic products that are formed during inflammation, as well as to normalize the stool. Usually babies are prescribed: "Enterosgel", "Smektu", activated carbon. Apply these medicines should be 2-3 times a day for 5-7 days. Usually on the second day of admission there is positive effect. Such drugs are well tolerated and practically do not cause side effects.

    Antispasmodics. They can be taken for pain. Usually used only as directed by the attending physician. Self-administration and use of such drugs can lead to a pronounced decrease blood pressure and even aggravate the course of the disease.

    Symptomatic. Used to eliminate accompanying symptoms found in indigestion. These include decongestants, as well as drugs that normalize motor skills. Usually prescribed for babies over two years old.

During eating disorder Be sure to give your child enough fluids.

AT severe cases with severe diarrhea, oral rehydration is required. For this, water-electrolyte compositions are used.

For the first couple of days of illness, infants should limit the introduced complementary foods. Breastfeeding should not be stopped. The baby must be offered cooled to room temperature boiled water. The baby should be fed on demand. On the first day of illness, the baby may refuse to breastfeed and eat much less. This the symptom will pass after normalization.

During an upset stomach, you can eat well-boiled cereals cooked in water. Dairy products should be postponed until the baby is fully recovered. fruit or vegetable puree in the early days of illness, they can aggravate the condition and lead to more frequent stools. On the first day, doctors recommend reducing total food offered to the child. Do not overload the inflamed gastrointestinal tract with an excessive amount of food.

The gastrointestinal tract in our body is represented by several departments: mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon, anus. Digestion and absorption of food takes place throughout the intestines. If this process is disturbed, a condition such as dyspepsia develops. Dyspeptic disorders are also subdivided into disorders various departments gastrointestinal tract, depending on which of the departments is localized pathological process(indigestion, indigestion).

The following dyspeptic disorders are distinguished:

1. Violation of appetite.
2. Taste disorders.
3. Heartburn.
4. Nausea.
5. Vomiting.
6. Belching.
7. Pain in the abdomen.
8. Bloating.
9. Constipation.
10. Loose stools.

Causes of stomach and intestinal disorders

Let's look at each of these violations separately.

Appetite disorders

Appetite disturbance. Appetite is the subjective sensation of hunger. The appearance of hunger is associated with arousal nerve center in the brain, which is responsible for our satiety. There are two ways to stimulate this center. The first is associated with receptors directly in the wall of the stomach. When the stomach is full of food, its walls stretch, and an impulse from the receptors is transmitted to the brain, telling it that we have already eaten. But this impulse is very weak and easily depleted. Then the second way of regulating the feeling of hunger is turned on. In this case, the impulse comes directly from all the cells of our body, which report that glucose (the main source of energy in our body) has entered the cells, and they can now safely continue their work. Once the glucose is used up, the cells will send a signal to the brain that they need food again. Thus, we develop a feeling of hunger. At various diseases appetite can either increase or decrease.

Decreased appetite can be observed in diseases of the stomach, when receptors do not transmit information to the brain about the filling of the stomach, with vomiting, pain when eating, with mental illness, with colds when, due to intoxication, the hunger center is inhibited, with endocrine diseases.

Increased Appetite may be observed at various tumors nervous system, mental illness, endocrine diseases ( diabetes), helminthic infestations.

taste disorders

Taste disorders. Taste changes can be in the form of a decrease in taste, when the child does not feel the taste of food, or these sensations are very weak, or taste sensations can be perverted when completely non-edible foods seem very tasty to a child.

Decreased taste can be observed with colds, when due to inflammation in the oral cavity and intoxication, the transmission of a nerve impulse from taste buds to the brain is reduced.

perversion of taste very often seen in iron deficiency anemia. Iron is part of a large number of enzymes, including those that help our receptors on the tongue perceive the taste of food. If there are few of these enzymes or they are not full-fledged, a condition can be observed when children eat clay, sand, and earth with great pleasure. At the same time, taste buds perceive these products in a completely different way, not like in ordinary children.


Heartburn is pain and a feeling of acid in the mouth, and is associated with the entry of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus. The esophagus is a muscular "tube" that connects the mouth to the stomach. The esophagus ends with a sphincter. The sphincter is a ring of muscles that, by contracting, prevents the passage of food. Normally, food, passing through the esophagus and sphincter, enters the stomach, where it undergoes chemical attack acids, and then moves further into the intestines. The esophagus, by contracting, contributes to the promotion of food in only one direction. If the peristalsis (wave-like contractions of the muscles) of the esophagus is impaired, if the sphincter that limits the esophagus from the stomach does not close well, the acid in the stomach is thrown into the esophagus. The esophageal mucosa does not have the protective properties of the stomach to resist the action of acid, so inflammation of the esophageal mucosa develops. With inflammation, irritation of the receptors that are located in the wall of the esophagus occurs, and a sensation of pain appears. AT childhood such a state is very common, since there is still no harmony between nerve endings that cause the sphincter to contract and the nerves that relax it. Very often, during sleep, the action of the nerves that relax the sphincter exceeds the action of the opposing nerves. At this time, acid can flow not only into the esophagus, but also into oral cavity where it destroys tooth enamel. In such children, caries is very often observed, therefore it is necessary to examine children with caries for the presence of gastroesophageal reflux (reflux of acid from the stomach into the esophagus).

Call similar states may: neurological diseases, structural features of the body (most often tall, very thin children get sick), viral and bacterial infections, helminthic invasion.


Nausea is a subjective, unpleasant, painless feeling of fullness in the stomach and an urge to vomit. Most often, nausea precedes vomiting, but in some cases, vomiting may be absent. The feeling of nausea can develop when the vomiting center in the brain is irritated. Such irritation can occur during intoxication with infectious, viral diseases, in mental illness.


This is the process of emptying the stomach from its contents through the mouth. Vomiting is a reflex act, that is, it occurs after the excitation of the center of vomiting in the brain. Most often, vomiting is preceded by nausea, but in some conditions (for example, with mental illness), vomiting may occur without nausea.

Excitation of the vomiting center can occur during intoxication, when toxic substances act directly on the center of vomiting, and when irritated by receptors located in the wall of the stomach, which transmit nerve impulse to the center of the vomit. Excitation of the receptors of the stomach wall can be observed with excessive stretching of the stomach wall, which is very often observed with overeating, especially when mental illness such as bulimia. Also, irritation of the receptors of the stomach wall is possible when toxic or poisonous substances enter the stomach.


Belching is the process of contraction of the stomach, diaphragm, relaxation of the sphincter and the release of air from the stomach through the mouth. Air can both enter the stomach in the process of swallowing food, and be formed directly in it during the decomposition of food. If a child swallows food too eagerly, chewing it badly, a large amount of air enters the stomach, which irritates the walls of the stomach and causes its reflex contraction. Also, air can be swallowed by a child with various neuroses. In this case, belching will not be associated with food intake. In case of violation of the movement of food through digestive tract stagnation of food in the stomach is possible. If food stays in the stomach for too long, it begins to rot, is excreted a large number of gas, which causes belching, most often with bad smell (putrid smell). Based on the fact that food should not stay in the stomach for too long, the doctrine of separate meals. The chemical processing of vegetables requires much less time than the processing of meat. Therefore, according to the followers of this teaching, meat will retain vegetables in the stomach and cause them to rot. However, this statement is correct when conducting an experiment outside the body. In the stomach at careful chewing food comes in the form of chyme - a homogeneous formation, where all components are crushed and processed evenly. You can observe a similar picture if you chop some vegetable and a piece of meat in a blender. Such a piece of chyme in the stomach will be evenly processed by gastric juice and gradually excreted further into the intestine. Therefore, it is important not to eat separately, but to chew food thoroughly, which is what children should be taught from early childhood, and not eat in a hurry.

Stomach ache

The sensation of pain in the abdomen can occur when the receptors located in the wall of the stomach are irritated. This can be observed with inflammation of the gastric mucosa, with pathological effects gastric juice on the gastric mucosa, when toxic and poisonous substances enter the stomach, when the walls of the stomach are stretched, which can occur when overeating, increased formation of gases in the stomach.

The pains can be hungry when they appear on an empty stomach, most often they are associated with irritation of the receptors by gastric acid, or are associated with food intake: they occur during meals (such pains most often occur due to spasm of the esophageal sphincter and difficulty in moving food) or after eating (these pains are most often associated with stretching of the stomach wall due to a large amount of food or due to increased gas formation). Also, abdominal pain can be associated with a violation of the contraction of the gallbladder and relaxation of the sphincters of the biliary tract.

Normally, the process of bile secretion occurs as follows: increased amount bile in response to food intake gallbladder contracts, pushing bile into excretory ducts, the sphincter that connects bile ducts relaxes the intestines, allowing bile to enter the intestines. In case of violation of coordinated actions (dyskinesia) from the side of the gallbladder and sphincter, pain in the abdomen may appear, especially after eating fatty and spicy foods, which contribute to increased bile formation. Dyskinesia can manifest itself in hypotonia of the gallbladder, when there is no contraction of the gallbladder wall and bile from it does not enter the excretory ducts and a violation of the joint work of the gallbladder and the sphincter of the bile ducts, when the gallbladder contracts and the sphincter does not relax, due to which bile does not enter the intestinal lumen.


This disorder is observed with increased gas formation in the stomach and intestines. Normally, increased gas formation is observed in children from three weeks to three months of life, when the intestinal microflora is just beginning to form, the intestines are colonized with bacteria necessary for life. During this period, there are slight disturbances in digestion, but they do not affect the development of the child. It is very important during this period to preserve breastfeeding, because it contributes proper formation intestinal microflora. Also, increased formation of gases in the intestines may be due to the lack of enzymes that break down certain foods. It may be caused by hereditary diseases. Such diseases with increased gas formation are: lactase deficiency, celiac disease, glycogenosis.

In lactose intolerance, children cannot digest the lactose found in milk because they lack the enzyme lactase. At the same time, intolerance develops not only on cow, but also on breast milk. Such children need to use formulas based on soy proteins or lactose-free formulas for feeding.

Children with celiac disease develop intolerance to gluten. Gluten is found in some cereals: wheat, rye, barley. The appearance of bloating and stool disorders is associated with the introduction of cereals based on these cereals into the diet of children. For nutrition, such children need to buy cereals that do not contain gluten-rich cereals (rice, buckwheat, corn). At an older age, you need to buy products that indicate that they do not contain gluten.

With glycogenoses, the process of absorption and utilization of glycogen is disrupted. The disease can manifest itself from the first days of a child's life. The treatment requires a diet rich in carbohydrates and proteins, but with a lower fat content. The milk that the child receives must be skim, the same applies to cottage cheese.


By "constipation" I mean a decrease in the frequency of bowel movements compared to age norm or complete absence stool for a long time. The number of bowel movements depends on the nutrition that the child receives and his age. AT infancy if the child receives only breast milk, he has a bowel movement after each feeding (6-8 times a day). If the child is bottle-fed, then the number of defecation acts is reduced to 1 time per day. Therefore, if a child who receives breast milk has a bowel movement only once a day, this can be regarded as constipation.

The food that the child receives also contributes to the promotion stool along the intestines. Eating coarse fiber (vegetables, cereals, wholemeal flour) helps to increase intestinal motility. Some substances, such as iron, on the contrary, slow down the movement of feces through the intestines, thus provoking constipation.

In the promotion of feces through the intestines, not only the muscles of the intestines take part, but also the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, so if the child flabby stomach with poorly developed muscles, this can also lead to constipation.

Constipation may also be associated with psychological state child. Some children may develop constipation due to fear of defecation. This can be observed when anal fissures when defecation causes pain.

Loose stools (diarrhea)

Loose stools are most often referred to when talking about an upset bowel. An increase in stool and a change in its consistency can be caused by both an infectious agent and other reasons. The appearance of loose stools can be caused by an increase in intestinal motility, when the process of formation of feces is disturbed. This condition can be observed with errors in the diet, helminthic invasion, various mental states and stress. In this case, there is no intoxication of the body (fever, weakness), since there is no infectious agent that would release toxins into the blood.

Also, the appearance of rapid loose stools may be associated with increased excretion fluids into the intestinal lumen. This condition is most commonly seen in hereditary diseases associated with enzyme deficiency (lactase deficiency, celiac disease, glycogenosis). With these diseases, the stool will have its own characteristics: it will be frothy, as it is observed increased gas formation, steatorrhea can be observed - excretion with feces of a large amount of undigested fats. With steatorrhea, the stool is oily sheen, poorly laundered from the walls of the toilet bowl. Steatorrhea is very often observed with biliary dyskinesia, when bile does not enter the intestinal lumen poorly and because of this, a violation of the digestion of fats occurs.

With diarrhea, it is very important to establish the nature of the stool disorder: infectious or non-infectious. The presence of diarrhea in a child is very dangerous, because with liquid stool the child loses large amounts of electrolytes and fluids, which can lead to disruption of the heart and other organs.

Treating an upset stomach and intestines in a child

Dyspeptic disorders are very rarely isolated (single), most often it is a complex of digestive disorders. It is very important to conduct a thorough examination of children with the presence of dyspeptic disorders, because they can be a manifestation of many serious illnesses(hereditary, infectious, surgical). It is necessary to establish the cause that caused the appearance of dyspepsia in a child.

Treatment is based on acting directly on the factor disturbing stomach and intestines. The most common for all manifestations of dyspepsia will be a recommendation to follow a diet with the exception of foods that provoke the appearance of digestive disorders. In case of insufficiency of digestive enzyme systems, the use of replacement therapy is recommended.

Pediatrician Litashov M.V.

Almost every parent has experienced this an unpleasant problem like indigestion in children. With the manifestation of such an ailment, it is worth alerting and constantly monitoring the well-being of the crumbs, since if it worsens, it is urgent to call an ambulance. What symptoms should you pay attention to first of all and what first aid can you give your baby to alleviate his condition?

Causes of indigestion in a child

Indigestion in children causes cramps and pain in the baby's abdomen, often accompanied by diarrhea, and sometimes vomiting may also occur. The causes of this condition can be viruses, infections and bacteria, which, getting into the baby's body, begin to multiply rapidly, violating normal functioning organism, intestinal infections are especially dangerous. It is enough to eat unwashed fruit or eat food with unwashed hands once, how you can catch this disease, which will then be difficult to get rid of. One of the reasons that a child may develop an upset stomach is intolerance to certain types of foods. To avoid such unpleasant illness, it is worth introducing new products with caution, especially when it comes to the first complementary foods in infants.

If a child older than 3 years has an intolerance to any product, in this case, it is necessary to seek the advice of a doctor. Often, overeating in a newborn baby can cause indigestion. It is necessary to control the process and amount of food intake by the baby. Often, such a problem occurs in a newborn baby, since at this age the digestive system has not yet been formed in babies. Therefore, you need to try to eliminate this situation. If the baby often overeats, mom needs to control this process.


If a virus or infection enters the child's body, then most often it causes diarrhea, fever, worsening general well-being. Rotavirus infection- This is a common disease in young children, which is caused by non-compliance with the personal hygiene of the child. With such a disease, it is necessary to strictly monitor water balance crumbs, as dehydration can cause complications. After recovery, it is worth observing therapeutic diet Don't force your baby to eat if he doesn't want to.

Other reasons

An upset stomach in a baby can cause allergic reaction body into a foreign protein, which, when ingested, is not digested and causes a disorder. Often the product that causes an allergic disorder is milk. Not everyone can digest its specific protein normally, so if parents notice that the baby has diarrhea after eating dairy products, it is necessary to exclude them from the menu and consult a doctor.

Diarrhea in a child may appear on the background antibiotic therapy when he is on a course of antibiotics. The fact is that these drugs are aimed at the destruction of bacteria that have formed in the body as a result of complications. However, antibiotics not only kill pathogenic microorganisms, but also those needed for normal operation organs of the gastrointestinal tract. It turns out that during this period dies most of intestinal microflora, and this is the cause of the disorder.

Main symptoms

Most often, the first symptom that something is going wrong in the body is the appearance of nausea and vomiting. If the disease is severe, then the crumbs can vomit several times a day. short span time, while he has a lot of pain and twists in his stomach, against the background of all this, the child becomes capricious and irritable, during this period the temperature begins to rise and diarrhea appears.

If the diarrhea does not go away within a day and the child does not feel better, the fever cannot be brought down, you should not wait any longer, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

First aid

First of all, if the baby is very ill, you need to call an ambulance, since similar symptoms may be due to appendicitis. It is important to know that if appendicitis is suspected, in no case should the baby's stomach be washed. It is forbidden to give painkillers, as this may interfere with the diagnosis. If the baby vomits, he has diarrhea and fever, you need to give him antipyretic drug. Until I arrived Ambulance, you need to constantly water the baby clean water.

Treatment of the disorder

It is necessary to establish the cause of the disorder and do not self-medicate.

It is necessary to establish the cause of the disorder, for this the doctor sends the baby for an examination, during which the root cause of the disease is established. If the tests show the presence of an infection, in this case, the doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics. In no case should you take such a medicine at your own discretion, as this is fraught with serious consequences.


If you have an upset stomach, you need to take medication activated carbon. This medicine will not harm the child, but it will help to quickly and effectively absorb and remove toxins from the body of the crumbs. Preparations such as Smecta, Enterol and Enterodez have absorbent properties and have a pleasant taste. Helps balance electrolytes in the body medicinal product"Rehydron", which must be diluted in a glass of water.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies in the fight against the disorder is the reception herbal infusions, which have a fixing property. To prepare the product, 1 tbsp is taken. l. fennel fruit, oak bark and sage leaves. Combine the ingredients and pour 250 ml cool water, let it brew for 15 minutes, then boil and boil for another 20 minutes. You need to use the infusion for 3 tbsp. l. several times a day. To restore electrolyte balance, you can prepare a remedy at home. To do this, boil a glass of water and let it cool, then put 1.5 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tsp salt and 0.5 tsp. soda, stir well and give the child a tablespoon every 5-10 minutes.

With an upset stomach in a child, it is very important not to rush and not stuff him with pills and potions.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause that caused the disease.

If this cannot be done at home, then you need to call a doctor or visit a children's clinic. Treatment is carried out only after an accurate diagnosis.

Reasons for the disorder

Long-term practice shows that this trouble happens more often in the summer, when caring parents begin to feed their child with berries and fruits.

provoke disease state capable of the following factors:

  • intestinal infection;
  • violation of the diet;
  • acute poisoning;
  • low quality products.

Per last years The number of children who suffer from allergies has increased significantly. This feature of the child's body must be taken into account when diagnosing any disease.

Intestinal infection in both children and adults is caused by various bacteria and viruses. The list of diseases of this type includes dozens of positions.

Most often, the child is diagnosed with dysentery or salmonellosis. Virologists know that the nutrient medium for the development coli are lactic acid products that have expired.

It is strongly not recommended to feed a child with products that are not the first freshness. The likelihood of indigestion in this case increases significantly.

In the same way as in situations where hygiene requirements are not systematically observed.

Indigestion in children is often caused by salmonella bacteria. Microorganisms of this type start and develop in eggs, meat and sausage products.

Until a certain age, the child is prepared food according to special recipes.

Feed him meat delicacies can only be done in small doses and only with high quality products.

Intestinal pathogens enter the body in different ways. On the dirty hands A person at any age can have malignant microbes.

Employees of the sanitary and epidemiological service do not get tired of reminding about this danger. Their recommendations should be taken seriously.

Diagnosis of the disease

Correctly diagnosed with an upset stomach in a child allows you to prescribe appropriate treatment in a short time.

The main symptoms of the disease are well known to an adult - diarrhea, abdominal pain, dizziness and vomiting.

An experienced pediatrician knows that many diseases in children have exactly the same symptoms. If the baby does not get better within the first two days, then you need to call a doctor at home or go to the clinic.

According to experts, a baby under one year old cannot be treated at home. The only drug that is allowed to be given to the patient is dill water.

It is also necessary to go to the local doctor for an appointment when the child complains of various abdominal pains.

Such symptoms may indicate not only an upset stomach, but also other pathologies, such as appendicitis or liver disease.

When visiting medical institution in a sick child, vomit and feces are taken for research.

If the infectious nature of the disease is confirmed, then blood from a vein is additionally taken for analysis. This is necessary to find out if the body produces the antibodies necessary to fight the infection.

How to treat the disorder?

Functional indigestion can be treated with folk remedies at home. When I got sick Small child, this should be done with great care.

With diarrhea, significant dehydration occurs. At the first stage, it is very important to replenish the loss of fluid and salts.

For these purposes, a the simplest solution, which is taken for rehydration. In fact, this is slightly sweetened boiled water, to which you need to add a pinch of salt.

It is enough to give one teaspoon of the solution every 5 to 10 minutes. Further treatment carried out depending on the diagnosis.


Long-term practice confirms that the most common cause of indigestion in children is a violation of the diet.

AT normal conditions parents try to feed the child according to the schedule. Nutritionists and pediatricians call for this.

It often happens that a child is allowed to eat for festive table an extra slice of cake or watermelon. This weakens the control over the compatibility of products.

As a result, after such feasts, the baby begins nausea and diarrhea. To normalize the condition, you need to give him boiled water and activated charcoal tablets.

The function of the stomach and intestines in a child is restored after the diet is normalized. At infants indigestion occurs when complementary foods are introduced into the diet.

This should be done carefully, in small portions. It is desirable to feed the child with some one mixture.

When the baby starts having diarrhea and spitting up, you need to skip one feeding and replace it boiled water or a weak decoction of chamomile.

For two days, the little one needs to be fed as before, but reduce the amount of food by half. The missing amount is supplemented with slightly sweetened boiled water.

Poisoning or intestinal infection

Symptoms of indigestion in case of poisoning are the same as in other cases - diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. To them is added fever body.

Most often, poisoning occurs when eating mushrooms and canned food. The first thing to do in such a situation is gastric lavage.

This procedure can be performed at home. The child needs to drink plenty of water, and then make him vomit.

After cleansing the stomach, it is necessary to show the patient to a doctor who will prescribe treatment. After such an incident, you need to feed him on a sparing diet.

Rice porridge on the water mashed potatoes without oil, sweet tea with breadcrumbs.

When a child has an upset stomach intestinal infection, his condition is characterized by general lethargy, physical weakness and drowsiness.

Treatment is prescribed after a fecal examination and biochemical analysis blood.

Functional indigestion in this case is accompanied by severe diarrhea.

Infection after identification is suppressed with the use of antibiotics. The attending physician explains how to feed the child during treatment.

There is folk remedies, which allow you to successfully get rid of pathogenic microorganisms.

Prevention of gastric disorders

It is psychologically more difficult to treat a child than to accustom him to cleanliness. To prevent indigestion in children, you must follow a few simple rules.

The child must early age perform the following procedures:

  • wash hands before eating;
  • wash hands after going to the toilet;
  • drink only boiled water.

It is the responsibility of the parents to teach him how to do the listed procedures correctly.

In addition, it is necessary to thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables bought on the market under running water.

Baby food should not be stored in the refrigerator for more than one day.

Adults should feed the child only freshly prepared meals, and use only the same themselves.

It should be remembered that many products lose their quality within an hour after storage in a warm place. If a child eats such food, then with highly likely he will have to prescribe treatment and diet.

It is very important to avoid contact healthy child with a person who recently had dysentery. The virus of this disease remains active for another month after completion of treatment.

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