How to be healthy in our time. How to be healthy and strong? Eat at least four hours apart

The famous proverb says: "A healthy mind in a healthy body."

Health is important factor in the life of every person, because healthy body allows a person to be strong, and to engage in any activity.

Ayurveda is an ancient science of health that teaches that a disease should be treated when it is not there yet, and not when a person is already sick. That is, it is easier (and, by the way, sometimes cheaper) not to get sick at all than to be treated every time.

When a person is sick, it is very difficult to live a full life. Of course, there are exceptions when people rise above their illness and perform miracles. For example, A. Meresyev, who, having lost his legs, not only survived, but also continued his career as a pilot. There are, of course, other examples of those who, despite their limited opportunities(or increased needs?) achieved success in life and came to his goal, but this is just an exception that confirms the rule.

That is why it is important to understand that taking care of your body is essential for full life and achieving your goals.

An ancient Vedic scripture says: "One should want only healthy life, that is, self-preservation, for the purpose of man is to ask questions about the Absolute Truth. Nothing else should be the goal of his activities. " Srimad Bhagavatam" (1.2.10).

This means that a healthy body is the tool that helps us fulfill our destiny, and if we do not take care of it, then this is tantamount to going on a long journey by car and, for example, not changing the oil in the engine, filling it with poor quality fuel or do not monitor the condition of the brake system.

All this is because the car needs maintenance and, if we do not pay attention to it, then it is unlikely to take us to our destination.

It is the same with health, there are necessary things without which our body cannot be strong and resilient.

Daily regime.

This is very important point because all processes in the body have a "memory" and, if a person has a sleep and wakefulness regimen, then with more likely body can withstand heavy loads in the form of physical or mental work.

Proper healthy eating.

It is also an important item, without which the body will not be able to fully function. Proper nutrition- a guarantee that the body will receive the correct ratio of nutritional elements necessary for its life. A few words about nutrition also affected

Rejection of bad habits.

Physical exercises

The main thing here is to choose for yourself what brings pleasure and joy. It can be anything:

– yoga (Yoga does not need a lot of strength, but it develops flexibility and endurance, and yoga also teaches you how to breathe correctly) Yoga has not only a physical side, but also a spiritual one,

traditional views sports: running, swimming, skiing, football (develops endurance, teaches you to work in a team, develops the habit of working on yourself and constantly improving)

Power training(workout or gyms). The only difference is in the setting: workout implies the absence special devices for body work, mainly used own weight, and you can practice using absolutely simple objects: benches, horizontal bars, etc. In the gym, in addition, there are special equipment and equipment conducive to exercise, as well as the environment and the society of the people who are there. The environment makes a person, therefore, the more often we are next to people who are working on themselves, the more we begin to do it ourselves.

morning work-out also gives vigor and strength for the coming day, since during physical exercises in the morning, many processes are launched in the body aimed at the work of the brain, digestive system and muscles. Therefore, if the day begins with a charge, then in this way we make a contribution to our health, and as a bonus it passes more productively.

Psychological balance

It is no secret that many diseases begin with stress, lack of sleep and other factors that are not restrained by the nervous system. Calm attitude to surrounding things trains and any person can learn it.

spiritual practice

Practice helps to rise above the problems of duality in the material world, and as a result, a person acquires a calm mind and feelings of happiness.

Summing up, let's outline the main thing - our daily productivity depends on how friendly we are with our body. A healthy lifestyle will allow you to always be in great shape. Stick to a daily routine, eat right, exercise and lead conscious life I pay attention internal processes development. If we properly maintain our body, then it gives us all its strength and this leads to the fact that we are able to act, think and develop at full strength. And remember, the guarantee of your health is your responsibility towards your body.

Why are we sick? How to become a healthy person?

Firstly, diseases depend on our thoughts - the sources of the formation of human life.

With his thoughts, a person attracts either good or bad. Realize and study yourself and your views on life, your attitude to the world around you (claims, disagreements). Understand in yourself how you plant diseases for yourself, which feeds and enhances the factor of the work of the disease.

Secondly - fears, they have a huge impact on your condition. Forget about them, believe in yourself and your strength.

Thirdly, be healthy in soul even then. Your body will be in harmony with you. There is no more fruitful occupation than to know yourself.

Fourth, do not become a hostage to the disease. As this happens, the doctor says that a disease has appeared, and the person has let in himself through experiences, emotions, thoughts and begins to immerse himself in it, i.e. into the information flow, in which there are millions of people with this disease. You, in turn, like others like you, begin to give your illness into this information flow. vital energy through your experiences. Now imagine what a tiny part of you you are and how this disease potential will consume you, in a second. You will remain a permanent hostage there if you do not find a way out. Exit in the expansion of consciousness.

Fifth, health depends on your approach to life. You know, like in the cartoon: " With such an attitude, you will not sell a cow". Man is the nature of active formations, energy, human body 80% consists of water. All this can't hurt. A disease is a block formed not by a task that needs to be solved.

Sixth, it is necessary to separate information and your consciousness. Information is sick, it can be viral, inflammatory, excitatory, catarrhal, infectious, and all this is strengthened in the mind. In the case of a change in your consciousness and perception, you do not allow this information into yourself, otherwise the information is strengthened. Again, the cartoon about "Laziness" sticks quickly and captures in its nets that it's hard to get rid of and get out of slumber. Illness is a slumber in your life, it absorbs all vital juices.

Seventh. The disease recedes when you deprive it of nourishment, realize how it was formed, what thoughts strengthened it and understood the principle of its work in you.

Eighth. It's time to stop treating only the body, with a sick mind you will not move anywhere. Your soul is also the source of your health. And often you think about it when you are sick. I rarely think, considering that it has nothing to do with it. And you are very much mistaken. Strong-willed people are healed.

The soul is healed, which means that consciousness and perception are healed, the body is healed.

"Healing begins with the destruction of blocks and any restrictions. The destruction of slave thinking". Those who realized this, gained freedom healthy life regardless of the limits of human capabilities. Regardless of the obstacles, and the measure of the complexity of the disease, their consciousness has discovered in itself an inexhaustible source of strength.

Believing in yourself, this method works for all people against all diseases: physical, psychological, including spiritual state. All that is required is to turn off the trust in words and the fear of the unknown.

By resisting the disease within himself, a person inflicts even greater damage on the splinter of his disease than with the very attempt to force it out of the body, as most of us do, thereby putting pressure on the wound, partly not only emotionally, but also physically injuring it even more than It was.

The whole secret of the process of healing human ailments lies in the distraction of the mind from the disease itself. By switching his views on life, a person thereby stops concentrating on negative traits sick. And this, in fact, significantly reduces the strength of its development.

being exposed feeling unwell, people begin to complain and tense up, creating an unquestioningly sour expression, and indifference to everything that happens around. However, this may indicate earlier that all attempts at self-healing and displacing a splinter from oneself is a certain tension. And tension, as you know, is stress, and it is typical for it to irritate not only the wounded soul, but also the wounded body. So-called "magnetism of processes" occurs. And so there is a vicious circle.

If a person is worried about a bodily ailment, this ailment is interested in the person himself, because putting on him peace, a certain connection arises between them.

Discomfort and pain can subside only after we remove our attention from them.

Thus, thinking about something else, a bodily wound in as soon as possible, may drag on and not bother us. Since the main source of her progress initially is not so much the depth of her cut as annoying thoughts directed at her with great internal indignation, they say: " you bother me".

In addition, it must be said that, thus concentrating anxious thoughts on the certain disease, we thereby strain her hearth - with excitement, because we are worried about our health, and this is true. This means that we are partly worried about her, because at the time of the outflow of the disease, she is part of us. Therefore, the very outflow of this process is dangerous not so much by the fact of the disease that has arisen, as by the force of the vibration generated on it. nervous system our subconscious.

In general, it is believed that a person has a very huge, complex internal resource. Therefore, in the fight against pathogenic cells, the body itself, having studied the structure of irritation, highlights the most required amount useful for their recovery, substances. Thus, the wound becomes subject to regression and heals on its own.

Since ancient times, seekers and enlighteners have said: " Love your illness for its good", and sooner or later everyone who tried to comprehend the meaning of this system came to this conclusion in the same way. For suffering is another way to self-development and knowledge of happiness - an axiom of a truly happy person. And a happy person is a healthy, cheerful and vigorous capable expand your consciousness and perception, heal your consciousness and body, and know yourself.

Be healthy with us! We look forward to seeing you all at our seminars.

This article gives practical advice on how to become a healthy person without drugs and any magic. It is up to you to use the advice that will be given here, and it depends only on you whether you will be healthy or will be constantly sick.

Many people don't know that various diseases that arise in the body are the result of wrong behavior and even bad thinking. Below are the conditions for acquiring health and longevity, which Ayurveda speaks of.

Necessary conditions for absolute human health

Some of these conditions are known modern medicine and science, and some do not. Remember these conditions:

  1. Proper nutrition;
  2. The correct mode of rest (sleep);
  3. Human perspicacity is the ability to distinguish truth from falsehood;
  4. A slight attachment to objects of pleasure and feelings (to money, to a husband or wife, to children, to a car, etc.);
  5. Generosity - donations and charity (this is special condition mind, which helps to get rid of serious ailments);
  6. Balanced lifestyle and avoidance of extremes;
  7. The tendency to tell the truth (truth);
  8. Patience and the ability to forgive (resentment is one of the main causes of many diseases);
  9. Willingness to serve pure and exalted people.

I am sure that some of these points were completely unexpected for you. But it works, that's a fact. It is precisely because of the lack of knowledge about these things that the attempts of modern physicians to fight serious illnesses are so insignificant.

Always remember that dissatisfaction in the mind breeds negative emotions, which dry out a person from the inside and cause heat in the thin, and sometimes in physical body person. All this completely destroys the internal balance and leads to serious illnesses.

Ways to cure diseases

Exist various ways how to become a healthy person and recover from diseases, but since we are talking on the basis of Ayurveda, then on the basis of it I will list three main methods of treatment (drugs are already an extreme method):

  • detoxification (removal of toxins) - applicable for simple diseases that have arisen due to a violation of the daily regimen;
  • effects on the mind (repetition of mantras, the application of tree bark and stones, various rites) - affect problems arising under the influence of fate (karma), which cannot be eliminated by detoxification;
  • the most subtle methods(meditation as a way to calm and balance the mind; studying Holy Scriptures and reflections on them; communication with exalted and spiritual people).

The treatises say that the maximum lifespan of a person is predetermined from the very beginning. And if we live right and follow healthy lifestyle life, we can live this period.

But many people today shorten their lives by everyone accessible ways(intoxication, malnutrition and daily routine, and much more).

The main pillars of human health

So, we have come close to the point through which you can directly regulate your health, namely, improve it (most people need to improve their health, as it is spoiled due to wrong image life). If you want to learn how to become a healthy person, then study in detail the rules of behavior in these three areas:

  • Proper nutrition;
  • Correct sleep;
  • Organized sex.

Most best products for food: vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, dairy products.

When cooking human consciousness matters who prepares it. Ayurveda says that the most best food which we have prepared ourselves. Human consciousness is imprinted on cooked food. The sharpness and purity of consciousness very much depends on who prepares the food.

Ayurveda also states that grain sprouts are junk food.

Even when food has opposite qualities, it is unfavorable when it clashes within a person. For example, it is not very good to mix raw and cooked food.

There is an example modern product- yogurt, in which products of different qualities are mixed. Therefore, it is not as useful as many people think.

The most favorable order of eating: sweet, then salty and finally something airy and light.

Not earlier than 2-4 hours after the previous meal. And since the metabolism of people is different, you need to eat after the previous food has been digested, and this is 3-4 hours, and sometimes more. It all depends on the severity of the food eaten.

It is also important to eat when the appetite comes in the stomach and not in the mind.

How to become a healthy person with proper sleep?

Today, many people have problems with sleep. And even for those people who believe that they have no problems with sleep, with big share probabilities may be these problems.

There is 5 things that depend on normal sleep:

  • Human happiness (no normal sleep - no mood, no happiness);
  • Digestion of food important processes in the body occur precisely in a dream; so you need a healthy normal sleep);
  • The power of man (at normal sleep there is a natural force);
  • The ability to procreate (it is disturbed by poor sleep);
  • Knowledge and ignorance (if a person sleeps a lot or late, then he sinks into ignorance).

Sleep is a very important factor influencing human health. Unfortunately, so many people are reckless about sleep and sleep incorrectly.

Physiology of healthy sleep

During the day, a person interacts with this world. In other words, our senses actively interact with sense objects. The eyes are looking at something, the ears are listening to something, and so on.

Healthy sleep is when feelings naturally break away from the objects of the senses and dive inward.

Can you remember it sleepy state when eyes close. This is just the moment when feelings go inside. Something similar happens at the time of death. That is, every day we rehearse death.

During sleep, the following processes occur:

Feelings enter the mind, which in turn enters the ego (false self). Further, the ego dissolves, and we cease to feel ourselves ( deep dream). Only at this moment there is a real rejuvenation and real rest.

When the ego dissolves, then our soul (or spark of consciousness) connects with the aspect of God in the heart (Super Consciousness). At this moment, it is charged and receives energy. This is healthy sleep.

Don't force yourself to sleep too little. If you need to sleep, then sleep better. But remember that in matters of sleep, as in matters of nutrition, it is better to have a little undersleep than a little oversleep.

The sleep rate is determined individually. Waking up with an alarm clock is not good. You need to learn how to get up without an alarm.

Ideal to get up at 4 am(study: ).

At this time, the mind is at its calmest and purest. It is very easy for a person to wake up and get up at this time. morning dream not helpful but harmful.

The recipe for how to become a healthy person with the help of proper sleep simple:

Gotta go to bed early and get up early.

A big mistake is that in the evening people try to have time to finish what they did not have time to do during the day. So they are busy until midnight or later, and in the morning everything starts anew.

It is much more favorable to go to bed early and then try to get up early in the morning. Then the day will go calmly and measuredly, and you will not need to constantly catch up with time.

I kindly ask you not to watch TV before going to bed. Also, don't eat at night.

Daytime sleep is very unfavorable. The exception is special need in a dream during the day. For example, when a person is sick or very tired.

  • Good for meditation before bed

To really have a healthy sleep, to wake up with a real sleep, and so that the sleep is not too long, practice meditation for at least a few minutes.

A few minutes of meditation can save you a few hours of sleep, or make you sleep deeper. Meditations are different, but you can at least calm your mind, take a deep breath, focus inside yourself. As a result, there is an amazing feeling of wholeness and harmony inside.

  • You can just focus your mind on something good and sublime

It is enough just to observe (in the mind) something good. Then there will be a switch from the "doer" mode to the "observer" mode, and the process of "turning in" will begin, which was described above.

  • Feel gratitude for everything that happened in the past day

There is nothing more powerful for eliminating stress than gratitude. If we try to understand at least how much of everything we get in life absolutely free of charge (health, talents, opportunities, etc.), then there will be an understanding that we are given a lot, a lot.

Also check out this article for additional valuable tips:

Sex regulation for a healthy life

In matters of sex, one should be chaste.

Chastity is Attentive attitude to sexual (reproductive) energy. The duration of a person's life greatly depends on this energy.

If a person is very fond of sex, wasting sexual energy, then this will adversely affect health and spiritual well-being.

Of course, you can only have sex with your beloved husband or beloved wife. Be moderate in this matter, as in matters of nutrition and sleep. Especially dangerous is excessive passion for sex for men - they become weak as a result of this.

How to become a healthy person: a brief summary

Understand that the rationality of a person lies not in deftly curing diseases, but in getting sick with them as little as possible. And for this there is simple ways that you learned in this post.

So, once again about how to become a healthy person - the main conditions:

  • correct and healthy eating(ideally vegetarian, freshly prepared and offered to God);
  • the correct mode of the day (read:);
  • regulated sex with your beloved close husband or wife.

Put things in order in these three areas of life and you will see how not only health will improve, but life in general.

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Video about the best way to be a healthy person:

http://website/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/kak-stat-zdorovym-chelovekom.jpg 320 640 Sergei Yuriev http://website/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/logotip-bloga-sergeya-yurev-2.jpgSergei Yuriev 2017-07-17 05:00:35 2018-06-18 15:07:56 How to become a healthy person: 3 pillars of human health

Part 1

healthy eating

    Drink more water. An adult needs to drink 2-3 liters (about 8 glasses) of water per day, and a child needs 1-2 liters (about 5 glasses). Beverages such as tea and coffee are excluded from this volume. Water helps maintain body temperature and flushes out toxins.

    Advice: if you don't like to drink plain water, add some lemon, lime or other 100% juice.

    Have breakfast. Light healthy breakfast- guarantee of health. With a breakfast that contains lean protein and whole grains, you won't need to snack before lunch. Studies have shown that those who don't eat breakfast eat more. In order not to overeat during the day, do not skip breakfast.

    Eat right. Half of the serving should consist of vegetables and fruits. Add to them low-fat foods rich in protein, dairy products and cereals. You will feel much better after switching to a new diet. At first, you will probably miss the sweet, but once you overcome this addiction, it will become much easier.

    • Remember that not all fats are bad. Healthy fats can be found in rich in fat fish, such as salmon or tuna, in avocados, nuts, and olive oil. These foods are essential for a balanced diet.
    • Try to spread your meals evenly throughout the day. You don't have to constantly snack on something.
  1. Eat at the right time. Right time eating is the key to health. For easy digestion in the evening, have dinner between 5:00 pm and 8:00 pm; avoid late snacking, which will load you with extra calories and can disrupt sleep. If you need a nighttime snack, choose unsalted nuts, seeds, fruits, or vegetables.

    Eat less meat. Vegetarianism - good way consume fewer calories and increase your intake of minerals and vitamins. Vegetarianism has a beneficial effect on the health of the cardiovascular system. Try if you do not switch completely to vegetarianism, then at least limit the consumption of meat. Choose a few days a week when you will not eat meat, and also replace red meat with chicken, turkey or fish.

    Limit your sugar intake. Carbohydrates are main part diet, but fast carbohydrates are unhealthy. They contribute to a rapid burst of energy, and then a rapid decrease in it, which causes a feeling of hunger. fast sugars, other than those found in fruits, are high in calories and do not contain useful substances. Avoid fast carbohydrates and added sugar, but you can consume sugar in limited quantities.

    • Fruits contain simple sugars but they may be part of healthy diet as they are full of vitamins and nutrients. Eat fruit with the skin whenever possible.
  2. Read the label carefully to choose the most useful product. Processed foods are often a bad choice, but sometimes you can find good options. A package of frozen broccoli is much better than the pizza next to it. In general, avoid processed foods whenever possible, but if you can't, read the label and look carefully for added salt, sugar, and fat.

    Discuss with your doctor if you need to take nutritional supplements. Food additives may be vitamins or minerals. Supplementation increases the absorption of nutrients from food. You can take a multivitamin every day or take a monovitamin that you are deficient in, such as calcium, vitamin D, or B12.

    • Do not start taking vitamins without talking to your doctor, especially if you are already taking any medications.
    • Remember that taking vitamins is not a substitute for a healthy diet.
  3. Try partial fasting for calorie control and endurance. Partial fasting means not eating for 12-16 hours. You can practice it every day or a couple of times a week. Fasting helps burn fat and increase energy endurance. This helps control calorie intake.

    • For example, have breakfast at 6:00 am and don't snack until 6:30 pm.
    • You can also try eating normally on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, and fasting on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
    • This diet is not for everyone. In particular, it is not suitable for people suffering from diabetes or hypoglycemia. Check with your doctor before you start practicing this kind of fasting.

    Part 2

    Physical exercises
    1. Get yourself in shape. In addition to helping you lose weight and increase self-esteem, exercise also has a positive effect on the body and mind. Healthy the cardiovascular system reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Sign up for a pool, walk or run in the park as often as possible.

      Maintain a healthy weight. Our constitution depends on weight and physique. A person with an endomorph constitution can weigh more than a person with an exomorph constitution.

      • Being underweight is bad too! Don't try extreme diets. There is no magic diet for weight loss - even if there was one, then exclude nutrients from the diet is not possible. Slowly changing eating habits is safe and beneficial for long-term health.
      • You can learn how to lose weight without dieting from this article. Just remember that only real athletes who are able to burn a lot of calories can afford to make a diet error, but they don't because they know it's hard on the body. Even if you are consuming more calories than you need, make sure they contain healthy ingredients- the heart, brain, muscles, bones, organs and blood are unable to work on empty calories.
    2. alternate different types physical loads. If you can run 8 km without stopping or lift dumbbells heavy weight, it does not mean that you are healthy. If you do only one exercise, then you will train only one muscle group. Try other types of exercise, like swimming or core training, and you'll be surprised you can't handle them!

      • What to do? Alternate workouts. Load different groups muscle improves fitness and prevents injury, and also does not let you get bored. Include aerobic and strength training in your workout plan. Your muscles will be happy with such loads.
    3. Exercise in moderation. It goes without saying that you need to train wisely. Each movement increases the risk of injury, so it is necessary to observe correct technique doing exercises!

      Discover new possibilities. News active image life is not just about running on the sidewalk or walking in gym, it means to be active every day and all the time. If you walk 10 more steps here and there every day, in general, the difference will be noticeable.

      • Don't know where to start? Park the car away from work or from the entrance to the store. Ride your bike to work or school. Climb up the stairs. Get a dog and walk it every day. Take a walk in the park during your lunch break. Ride your bike to the coffee shop.

      Part 3

      emotional health
      1. Think positively. It is unbelievable what power the mind has over everything. A positive attitude towards a situation can turn an obstacle into an opportunity. You will not only feel better about everything that happens, but also strengthen your immune system, which will be easier to cope with colds and diseases! Harvard researchers won't lie.

        • First, learn to be grateful. If you start thinking about some bad things, stop yourself. Instead, think of two things that you are grateful for. Your brain will understand this pattern over time and will itself rearrange your thoughts.
      2. Be satisfied. This recommendation means not only "to be satisfied with life" (although this is also), but above all "to love yourself and give yourself pleasure." If you are on a diet, then sometimes allow yourself a little sweet. If you want to watch a stupid TV show with popcorn, then do it. Even if it's small things that make you happy, do them.

        Think simpler things. If you focus on unattainable goals, it will make you indifferent and lazy. Why try to achieve the impossible? Think realistically. Undoubtedly, we must think about the future, but not about what will never happen.

        • It's much easier to be emotionally healthy and happy when you're focused on something. If you want to act in films, then think about screen tests and how to get into the film industry at all. "Now" always comes faster than "later" - put your goals in order!
      3. Fight stress. It is very important. If there are many reasons for unrest in your life, then everything else fades into the background. The house and consciousness are cluttered, and relationships become tense. Take five minutes to do this and think - how do you deal with stress? What are you doing to calm down and relax?

      4. Choose your friends wisely. Everyone knows that there are people who take away all the strength. But if you are friends with them just because they have a cool car or stylish clothes, then such friendship will not give anything but fatigue. Unfortunately for emotional health It is better to get rid of such people in your environment. They do nothing good, but often we tolerate them to avoid unpleasant situations. Make a gift to your mental health and stay away from such people. In the future, you will be satisfied.

        • Not sure how to recognize a toxic friend? How to end such a friendship? Read the wikiHow articles!
        • Spending time with friends is good. Human - social being, so try to hang out with people who make your life more fulfilling.
      5. Be more productive. One of better ways is to say to yourself: “I have so many things to do today!” You will seem to be constantly busy. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that if you concentrate, you can do anything. Now imagine that you are constantly productive.

        • Create a to-do list. A calendar or diary is great for this. And remember: think small. Set yourself small tasks that you plan to accomplish.
        • Remember to leave time for learning so you can always learn something new. This will prevent cognitive deterioration.
      6. Take breaks. This recommendation is similar to the step about being satisfied. Sometimes you need to do what you feel is necessary, regardless of what is required of you. the world. Feel no guilt, just eat a Kit Kat bar, go to a club or get a good night's sleep. You will get twice the boost of energy if you do a pleasant thing.

        • This also applies to exercise. When a person constantly does the same exercise, his muscles get used to it, he gets bored and starts to take off. Therefore, instead of in again go for a run on Sunday, go to the pool. This is not laziness, these are new solutions.
      7. Find emotional balance. Even if all other aspects of health are in in perfect order, it will not be complete if you suffer from mental instability. Everyone needs support sometimes, and there are a lot of little things that can help you feel better. If the problem is deeper, then you will need to learn how to deal with emotional pain or even depression.

        • Once you've finished working on yourself, start working on relationships with other people. Learn to recognize manipulators and, if necessary, learn to fight back in order to build healthy relationships later on.
      8. Don't forget to make time for creativity. For example, you can do music, theater or art. Art gives a sense of satisfaction, which has a positive effect on health. Listening to or playing music, dancing, amateur theater or painting all improve the mental and physical health. Express yourself creatively and enjoy the creativity of others.

        • Find a creative hobby or sign up for a class.
        • Get creative with your friends.
      9. Travel more. Travel helps improve physical and mental health. Traveling allows you to grow creatively, relaxes and helps you learn something new. Traveling keeps you active and reduces your risk of depression.

        • Traveling can be an unaffordable luxury if you're on a tight budget. In such cases, try at least occasionally to go somewhere for a day or two.

      Part 4

      healthy habits
      1. Make a daily routine. A daily routine will help you set aside time for food, exercise, and stress reduction. Having a routine will also allow you to set aside time for hobbies and friends. Make your daily routine work for you!

        • On some days, change your usual routine so that life does not seem monotonous.
        • Change your daily routine until you find the most suitable option.

In summer, sex should be practiced no more than twice a month, but physical hunger, unlike sexual hunger, is harmful at any time of the year. However, it is necessary to eat thoughtfully and according to certain rules. We talk about these and other (quite feasible) principles of a long and happy life from the point of view of Tibetan medicine.

Tibetan medicine is one of the oldest in the world. Over time, she borrowed something from Hinduism, Ayurveda and Chinese traditional medicine. Although our medicine predates Buddhism, Tibetan doctors often apply the principles of Buddhist philosophy. For example, when we are treating addictions, we always tell the patient about the importance and shortness of life, about how difficult it is to get a human incarnation in the process of reincarnation, about the fact that by changing our life, we change the lives of other people.

The world-famous doctor Phuntsog Wangmo outlined her postulates of a harmonious life for Marie Claire.

1. Teach yourself the right attitude to food

In general, the meaning of life in food ─ in literally. When food is digested, the so-called “pure” substance is separated from the “impure” substance - the transparent juice is separated from the cloudy sediment, which in small intestine produces excrement. Transparent juice from the stomach and intestines enters the liver, where it is also divided into pure and impure parts: pure turns into blood, and the sediment forms gastric mucus. Further, the pure part of the blood forms muscles, and the impure part becomes bile. From the transparent juice of the muscles, fat is formed, which protects the body from the cold, and the impure part of the muscles forms the secretions of the nine openings of the body. From the transparent juice of fat, bones and cartilage are formed, and from the impure part - lymph nodes and fatty secretions. The pure part of the bones forms the bone, head and spinal cord, and the sediment grows in the form of teeth, nails and hair. net part bone marrow forms a seed, and impure - turns into various lubricants of the body. Finally, the impure part of the seed participates in the formation of sperm, and the pure part becomes an immaterial substance, the color of life - this is the basis life force, beauty and longevity.

Phuntsog Wangmo graduated from the University School of Traditional Medicine in Lhasa, headed the Shang Zhung Institute of Tibetan Medicine in Italy, and now continues her practice in the USA and Russia

Tibetans follow the rule “eat in the morning like a king, in the afternoon like a monk, and in the evening like a beggar” and never drink hot food cold drinks

2. Pair foods the right way

Tibetans are very sensitive to the combination of products. Incompatible products These are eggs and fish, eggs with any dairy products, fish with milk or brown sugar and lentils. On an empty stomach it is useful to drink a glass of warm boiled water (the main thing is to always drink fresh, not yesterday boiled water!). In the morning it is better to eat warm food (porridge, wholemeal bread), for lunch - meat, for dinner - something light, such as stewed vegetables. Move after dinner, in no case do not go to bed immediately (and if you already went to bed on a full stomach, sleep on your right side - this will help the food to digest).

3. Eat at least four hours apart

Otherwise, you are deceiving the body: it begins to digest new food, leaving the old one. This is how “mashupa”, which means “indigestion”, arises, and slags are formed. If you want to have a snack, it is better to drink tea or water, but do not eat solid food. Our stomach has four pockets. Two should be filled with food, one with liquid, and the remaining one for mixing and digesting food. It is important to adhere to precisely these proportions and not overeat - part of the stomach must remain empty so that there is energy to digest everything well. First you need to eat food that is digested faster, and then heavier food. Therefore, it is ideal to eat fruits half an hour before a hearty meal, otherwise the processes of decay will begin in the stomach and gases and toxins will form.

4. Remember that fasting is bad

We believe that this is how you lose power. But sometimes you can - only while you are young and no more than one or two days. It is necessary to enter into hunger gradually, as well as to leave, giving preference to soft, warm, oily food. Sitting on juices and fruits is bad, especially for people of Slime and Wind. This reduces the digestive fire and body heat - especially during the cold season (many fruits are better to eat in summer and early autumn). And, as I said, we do not welcome vegetarianism, as well as bioadditives. Vitamins, amino acids and trace elements are best obtained from natural products, including meat. For example, if it turns out that you do not have enough calcium, I will definitely recommend you a thick decoction of bones. As for the moral side of meat-eating, Tibetans believe that if there is a choice between human life and animal life, the former is much more important. A cow is reborn as a cow millions of times, her chances of getting a human incarnation are infinitely small.

5. Keep Your Man's Brain and Semen in Balance

When a man talks a lot, it's bad, he becomes like a woman. And in Tibet, they believe that male self-confidence is directly related to the good functioning of the kidneys (you can strengthen their functions in winter with the help of ginseng root). With regard to sex, we also recommend observing seasonality. Winter, when the sperm is dense, - best time to conceive, you need to have sex often. In spring and autumn - two or three times a week, and in summer (this is not perfect time for conception) - twice a month.

6. Think smart

Here are five binding rules healthy life: respect for all people, modesty, honesty, keeping promises, as well as brevity, laconicism. Too many words spoil karma. Also in Tibetan medicine It is believed that the original causes of disease are the "three poisons of the mind": ignorance, anger and attachment. Anger and aggressive behavior in relation to other people, to nature - this is a provocation, which, in turn, can bring illness. Often, when faced with difficulties, people ask: “Why?”. But even if they got an answer, what would that change? There is no point in feeling like a victim - accept the situation as it is, and then figure out what can be done.

“I don't treat like your doctors and I don't say 'you should do this and not do that',” says Dr. Phuntsog Wangmo. ─ But a lot really depends on you. For example, if you breathe more consciously (slowly inhaling with your stomach and exhaling calmly), health and high level energy guaranteed. When you wake up, tune in to a positive mood, because the sun always shines, even if you do not see it.

7. Work on yourself

The Buddha said: “Want to know who you were in past life- look at your life today. If you want to know who you will be in your next life, look at your life today.” If, for example, you have a beautiful appearance, it means that you did something good in a past life. Karma is not destiny. It's just the principle of cause and effect. Translated from Sanskrit, this word means "action". Every action we take creates a predisposition to certain result. It is believed that in childhood we work off past karma (that is, according to what kind of childhood you had, you can assume how you behaved in a past life), and in old age - the future one. Everything in life is impermanent, so there is no need to become attached to the current situation. At every moment we make a choice and, accordingly, improve or worsen our karma. Therefore, if something does not suit you, start working on yourself.

Photo: Getty Images, press archives

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