What to do if there are problems with the stool? Neglect of frequent constipation threatens with problems. Medications for constipation in adults - laxatives

Constipation in adults common problem. They can be called and not proper nutrition, and in a sedentary manner life, and taking some medications. Regardless of the cause of occurrence, the problem of their prevention is very relevant.

Like it or not, constipation interferes full life. And besides, constantly accompanying you chronic problems with stool can lead to more serious illnesses up to rectal cancer.

If the body does not remove decay products of vital activity - toxins, etc., then through the walls of the intestine they enter the bloodstream, destroying us from the inside.

Even short-term constipation can cause quite severe poisoning of the body. This is also reflected in appearance, and on general well-being - manifested by chronic fatigue and depression.

Of course, it is worth fighting constipation, without postponing this matter in long box. It is impossible to allow the development of a chronic form of the disease. There are many different medications to improve stools, but in this article we will look at the use of fluids to combat constipation.

If you have problems with stools, you should not immediately run to the pharmacy for a laxative. It will simply eliminate the symptom, and the problem will remain with you. The constant use of laxatives causes the body to become addictive, and it learns to work independently.

Remember better that a person for the most part consists of liquid. For normal functioning all internal organs, the body needs to maintain a balance of moisture content. After the stomach has processed food, it goes to the thin, and then to colon.

In the event that the cells do not have enough moisture, it is absorbed to the maximum by the intestinal walls from the feces. This leads to the fact that the stool turns into a dehydrated solid environment, and this is what becomes the main cause of constipation.

Therefore, the real treatment of the intestines in this situation is possible not with laxatives, but with the help of normalizing the amount of moisture in the body. I think you will agree that it is in our power to monitor the amount of fluid consumed. This will positive influence throughout the body, including the intestines.

But it is worth remembering that not all liquid is useful. Alcoholic drinks can lead to dehydration, as well as excessive consumption strong tea or coffee.

Dairy products, especially kefir, have an excellent effect on the fight against constipation. Doctors recommend drinking at least a glass of kefir every day before going to bed, and you will soon forget about the delicate problem.

In addition, there are ways to overcome constipation with plain boiled water. To do this, in the morning, without getting out of bed, drink a glass of clean, settled water. Then after a few minutes, drink a cold green tea sugarless.

Drink another glass just before breakfast cold water. The whole strength of this recipe is that scientists have proven the ability of cold water to influence peristalsis.

Hot or warm boiled water increases the temperature in the intestines and reduces its ability to move food to nothing.

Agree, it is not difficult to control the amount of fluid in the body. A person should simply drink at least two liters of water per day, excluding liquid foods and fruits. It is best to use spring, mineral or bottled water. Do not get carried away with carbonated drinks.

So we talked about constipation in adults, bowel treatment, boiled water for constipation, how it helps. If a Taken measures did not help to solve the problem, it is recommended to consult a doctor. After all, constipation can also signal various diseases. Also, immediate medical consultation requires constipation in children.

Such pathology as constipation in adults occurs quite often. Prolonged lack of bowel movements leads to deterioration general well-being and can provoke. Therefore, difficulties with bowel movements cannot be left to chance. This is especially true for frequently recurring intestinal stagnation.

What causes constipation in adults?

With the appearance of poor bowel movements, it is quite difficult to determine the main cause of the pathology. The fact is that there are a lot of factors that can provoke the absence of a chair.

But there are basic , which are divided into subjective and objective. First - external factors that negatively affect the human body, as well as the lifestyle of the patient and his bad habits. Objective - of various origin, affecting the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

A common reason for the absence of normal stools is a poorly adjusted diet, characterized by an unbalanced diet and low-quality products. Also, debilitating diets or a long gap between meals can lead to problems with emptying.

In addition, the following factors can affect bowel dysfunction:

  • lack of fiber;
  • hypodynamia (inactivity);
  • frequent stress;
  • depression;
  • disruption of the part of the brain responsible for the functioning of intestinal motility;
  • some medicines, especially their long-term use;
  • diabetes;
  • the presence of scars, adhesions, inflammation or tumors in the intestines;
  • stomach diseases.

Also, diseases of the liver and pancreas lead to difficulties with defecation. Constipation may occur due to poisoning chemicals, provoking chronic intoxication organism.

In addition, endocrine problems are among the causes of constipation. Manifested this pathology improper production of hormones, which leads to dysfunction of some organs of the gastrointestinal tract and intestines.

In adults, difficulty with bowel movements can be a symptom of poor intestinal patency due to pathologies in the intestines. digestive system. Such constipation is called reflex, and they most often consist in the surgical correction of the disease.

Often, poor defecation in adults is observed against the background of hypokinetic causes. These include pathological disorder digestion, which most often occurs due to sedentary image life.

How to understand what is constipation?

Each organism is individual, and if for one person a bowel movement once every 2 days is the norm, then for another it is a deviation. Therefore, in order to understand that stool retention is constipation, it is necessary to listen to the existing additional features this process.

The main symptoms of constipation are:

  • increased gas formation, accompanied by hardening of the abdomen;
  • bloating;
  • discomfort and pain in the abdomen;
  • loss of appetite;
  • feeling of pressure in the stomach and rectum;
  • strong attempts during an attempt to defecate;
  • occurrence of anal fissures.

How acute the symptoms will be depends on the degree of neglect of constipation and the cause that influenced its development. The longer it will keep stagnant process in the intestines, the more signs of pathology will appear.

Intoxication with constipation, lasting more than four days is fraught with serious consequences, such as:

  • prostration;
  • skin rashes;
  • vomit;
  • weight loss;
  • loss of working capacity;
  • disruption of the liver;
  • sepsis, etc.

Besides, prolonged absence stool can lead to damage to the intestinal mucosa. As a result, there may be internal bleeding. Also, accompanied by intoxication, negatively affect the body's immune forces and are the cause of hemorrhoids.

Treating bowel problems

With frequent stagnation of feces in the intestines, a completely understandable question arises as to whether how to treat constipation in adults. First of all, it should be understood that the fight against poor bowel movements should be directed to the root cause that led to problems with bowel movements.

Treatment of constipation in adults starts with a complete medical diagnostics. After determining the factor that provoked a bad stool, the patient is prescribed a suitable therapy.

For successful restoration of defecation, treatment must be comprehensive. Which type of therapy will be chosen depends on the underlying ailment and the nature of constipation.

Problems with bowel movements are treated in the following ways:

  • taking medications;
  • special ;
  • massages and therapeutic exercises.


It is recommended to treat chronic constipation with the help only in last resort when other methods have proven useless. Therefore, in case of problems with bowel movements, it is not necessary to immediately resort to the use of drugs that improve the functioning of peristalsis.

are very diverse and can only be prescribed by a doctor. In addition, it is the specialist who is able to determine safe dosage for a particular patient and choose the right drug.

Laxatives for adults consist of the following drugs:

  • irritating and enhancing the function of peristalsis;
  • affecting the density of feces and changing their consistency;
  • softening feces for free passage.

Stool restorative preparations are sold both in the form of tablets and suppositories and drops. When using them, it is important to adhere to the recommended dosage and not exceed the duration of administration. Otherwise, such treatment can provoke addiction and then go into chronic form. In addition, improper use of laxatives often results in severe diarrhea and dehydration.

Colon cleansing with enema

Constipation in adults, what to do, if there is no stool for more than 3-4 days and symptoms of intoxication appear? In this case, it is very important to restore the process of bowel movement and prevent further poisoning of the body.

Cleanse the intestines prolonged constipation can be done using the procedure. This is what helps to quickly get rid of accumulated feces and stop intoxication. To prepare the solution, ordinary boiled (non-hot) water and natural-based oils are used.

If constipation does not have serious symptoms, and feces are partially released, then you can clean the intestines with the help of traditional medicine, which includes:

  • herbal decoctions;
  • the use of castor oil;
  • massages;
  • special gymnastics.

Decoctions to restore defecation are made on the basis of herbs that activate peristalsis (hay leaves, buckthorn, marshmallow, flax seeds, agar-agar, etc.). To improve the effect, several components are often used at once. But with this treatment of constipation, one should be careful in dosage.

As for, it can not be used by everyone and in small quantities. It is strictly forbidden to drink castor oil at any stage of pregnancy and for children under three years of age.

Gymnastics and abdominal massage for constipation helps to activate peristalsis and improve bowel function. It is especially useful to resort to these procedures in morning time shortly after waking up.

Remember, before starting, it is better to consult a doctor. Only a specialist knows how to restore a chair without causing even more harm to the body.

Have a healthy lifestyle modern men and women have recently taken their place of honor among other, very numerous, priorities. Finally, we began to pay attention to whether we eat well, whether we move enough, whether we sleep well. We take vitamins, dietary supplements and probiotics, take care of your body, and do prevention.

But, despite this, an organism that works "like a clock" is a rarity. According to medical statistics, every second adult has a tendency to constipation or already suffers from it. And most of"sick" do not consider this a problem and generally do not realize that constipation is a disease that needs to be treated.

Defecation is natural physiological process, on which no one focuses attention if it passes in the normal mode. Do not cause concern and occasional delays and difficulty in stool. A person really begins to worry that something is wrong with his intestines when he feels heaviness, weakness, pain in the abdomen, and all attempts to go to the toilet turn out to be fruitless.

Atonic constipation is formed with reduced intestinal tone: weak peristalsis is not able to transport with normal intensity stool causing them to slow down and stop.

Spasmodic constipation is caused, on the contrary, by hypertonicity of the intestine, when its walls randomly contract, causing spasms in one area or another. Thus, the stool is simply clamped by the intestine itself and cannot move forward.

How to independently determine what kind of constipation torments the patient? To do this, it is enough to know the signs of both disorders - they differ significantly and their differentiation is not difficult.

Sign of violation Atony Spasm
Feeling constipatedThere is a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, pain of a aching naturePain in the abdomen is intense, with a pronounced spastic character, may be accompanied by bloating
Appearance of fecesThe first portion of the stool is dense, corky, comes out with great difficulty. After her departure, the stool is plentiful, more liquidDry, hard stools that come out in loose pieces, resembling sheep feces
Soreness of the processThe moment of defecation is accompanied by pain and creates great pressure on the anus, therefore, injuries (cracks), damage to the mucous membrane, bleeding are not excludedThe process of emptying is difficult, but pain is unlikely
How and how to cure constipation in adults?

If the patient wants to get rid of constipation, he should not do it on his own. Self-medication is permissible only if the cause of the violations is nutritional errors. enough to organize correct mode and balanced diet , and the stool normalizes by itself.

However, to ensure the identification true reason constipation can only examination by a proctologist and, according to indications, from other specialists - a gastroenterologist, a neuropathologist, an endocrinologist. For chronic constipation you will need diagnostic measures unpleasant, but necessary.

Such as endoscopic examination of the intestine, fluoroscopy, which will assess internal state intestines, the presence of inflammation, ulcers, tumors in it. Even after exclusion serious pathologies you can start looking for other reasons. Treatment for constipation in adults includes symptomatic therapy and elimination of trigger factors.

To symptomatic remedies include measures to remove acute manifestations stool retention, that is, relief of the act of defecation, reduction of pain, spasms, bloating and other symptoms. For these purposes, laxatives are most often used.

Do an enema cool water, it is possible with the addition of glycerin or salty saline. For adults, a large pear is taken. If it is not enough, you will need an Esmarch mug, which allows you to “wash” the intestines well. An ineptly delivered enema can damage anus and stretch the intestines, so you need to know the rules for this manipulation:

  1. The syringe should be disinfected and lubricated with oil, cream for easy administration.
  2. It is necessary to insert the tip into the anus carefully, with a slight twisting movement, to a shallow depth.
  3. The liquid starts slowly, if a large volume - with stops.
  4. The water in the enema should not be warm.
  5. After setting the enema, you need to clamp the sphincter and try to restrain the urge to defecate for at least a few minutes. This is necessary to soften the feces.

Enema - long known and effective remedy but it is not often used. Instead of a traditional enema, you can buy a pharmacy microclyster called Microlax, which is easy to use and has a milder effect.

Helps induce bowel movements rectal suppositories. The most popular candles used for constipation are glycerin. They irritate the intestinal blocking mechanism, cause active peristalsis, soften the feces and lubricate the anus for easier emptying.

Medications for constipation in adults - laxatives

As for laxatives, with sluggish motility, you can take a drug that irritates the intestinal walls and stimulates its peristalsis. These are drugs based on senna (Regulax, Senade, Gerbion) and bicasodile (Dulcolax, Bisadil, Pirilax and others). Treatment with such drugs should not last more than 10 days, because. this can lead to addiction.

Softer action and high level laxatives based on lactulose have safety. These are slow-acting probiotic preparations that stimulate growth. intestinal flora and increase stool volume. These include:

  • Dufalac,
  • Good luck,
  • Poslabin,
  • exportal,

They are prescribed even to pregnant women and babies.

Osmotic laxatives are well suited for a single bowel cleansing. They are based on salts and help retain water in the intestines. These agents include Forlax, Fortrans, magnesium sulfate.

If the retention of feces is spastic in nature, laxatives are unlikely to help. Help should be aimed at relieving spasm - these are antispasmodic drugs (No-shpa, Papaverine), warm baths, abdominal massage, sedatives.

Along with pharmaceutical preparations all sorts of popular folk recipes to combat constipation:

It should be understood that enema and laxatives are not a treatment. It is necessary to treat the cause of the disease, and this takes time, patience, and often a complete change in lifestyle.

Diet and proper nutrition is the main factor in the treatment of constipation in adults

Without changing the nature of the diet, it makes no sense to treat constipation. If you continue to eat irregularly, dry food, eat fast food and convenience foods, you will never get rid of problems with the toilet.

  1. An adult does not have to give up their favorite foods, it is enough to increase the consumption of vegetables, fruits, whole grains. They need to eat several servings every day.
  2. With a lack of fiber, bran can be added to the diet - they are not digested and do not add calories to the diet, but they stimulate intestinal motility well, help to form the desired volume and consistency of the stool.
  3. The norm of water consumption for adults prone to constipation is at least 1.5 - 2 liters per day. It is better to replace milk with sour-milk drinks.

If a person sits all day, his muscles do not work, including losing their tone and intestinal walls. No wonder they say that movement is life. With a tendency to constipation, it is necessary to allocate time for physical activity, if it is not possible to increase it during the day.

Suitable for any exercise that involves muscles abdominals, running, swimming, dancing and any other kind of fitness.

Treatment of underlying diseases

If the examination revealed diseases that adversely affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to take all measures to eliminate them. Here it is impossible to give specific recommendations - this is the business of the attending physician.

Proper treatment will get rid of constipation forever, although this process is not fast. In no case should you start the disease and leave it to chance. In this case, you can bring yourself to extreme unpleasant consequences:

  • , lack of vitamins, anemia due to poor absorption useful substances in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • poisoning of the body with fecal masses, which is expressed in weakness, sleep disturbances and emotional state, decreased performance, nausea and dizziness;
  • education fecal stones, obstruction, peritonitis, requiring urgent, often surgical, treatment;
  • persistent, hemorrhoids, prolapse of intestinal loops, eversion of the mucosa.

Strict dietary restrictions - stress for the body, which can lead to a failure in the activity of the digestive system. One of its manifestations is problems with stool during a diet. However, this is not a reason to give up the desire to lose weight. To normalize stool during and after a diet, losing weight use medical preparations but there are other ways to solve the problem. It's about about eating natural products.

Causes of violation of the stool during the diet

Problems with bowel movements are manifested both by constipation and loose, frequent stools, for example, with a protein diet.

Violations are due to the following factors:

  • Consuming too few calories (less than 1000 kcal per day) usually leads to regular constipation.
  • Insufficient amount of fiber in the composition of the consumed products. It is she who normalizes the work of the intestines, binding the feces.
  • Drinking insufficient water. When losing weight, it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water per day, otherwise the feces do not soften, which leads to constipation.
  • Lack of breakfast. Morning meal adjusts the body to the usual mode of operation.
  • Stress. They also happen outside the process of losing weight, but if a constant nervous tension fall on given period, violation of the defecation process is aggravated.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.

Some people consider bowel problems with a diet to be harmless, but this is a misconception. Long-term violation of the stool leads not only to the fact that weight loss will not be achieved, but also to serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, stagnant feces are a source of toxins.

Methods of treatment

Before resorting to medications to normalize the stool, try using natural ways which will definitely not harm the body.

The richest source of fiber is fruits and vegetables. Attention should be paid to cabbage, beets, carrots.

Do not forget that excessive consumption of plant foods provokes bloating. For supporting regular stool and getting rid of discomfort in the abdomen, reduce the amount of vegetables and fruits in the diet and diversify it with protein foods.

Try to drink as much liquid as possible. Water softens feces, so they are more easily excreted from the body.

Don't forget about physical activity. Try to move more, go in for sports. This will stimulate the activity of the body, including the digestive tract. Distribute physical activity according to the amount of calories consumed. If the body does not receive enough energy, it is difficult for a person to play sports.

Take in the amount of calories that will allow a person to maintain a normal life. As a rule, for an adult, this amount is 1500 kcal (+ -300 kcal).

What to eat for constipation

With a low-carbohydrate diet, constipation is observed, which provokes increased content fats and proteins in the diet.

To increase the carbohydrate content, diversify your diet with nuts, vegetables, fruits, berries, cereals, mushrooms, legumes. They contain a small amount of carbohydrates, but rich in fiber, so they help restore normal stool.

It is advisable to use foods that do not need long-term heat treatment- they will retain a maximum of useful substances and fiber.

Bran (wheat, rye) is known for its intestinal benefits. Pour the product hot water and let it swell for half an hour. The mixture is consumed separately or added to other dishes, increasing the amount daily. You need to start with a small dose - no more than 5 g / day.

Do not rush to use laxatives for constipation. Under the influence of drugs, the body gradually loses the ability to cope with the process of defecation on its own, or, in other words, weaned from doing it. Over time, this leads to intestinal diseases, which will be impossible to fight without the help of a doctor.

If you cannot do without the use of medications, consult a doctor who will recommend a suitable drug. It is also necessary to resort to the help of a nutritionist when the body is working properly with the help of proper nutrition and physical activity failed.

If diet and lifestyle adjustments don't work, the diet you choose isn't right for your body.

How to normalize loose stools

Some people consider liquid frequent stool during a diet harmless phenomenon. Sometimes losing weight is even happy, believing that this will help to get rid of excess weight faster. In fact, diarrhea can be accompanied by inflammation of the intestines. In addition, with loose stools, the body gets rid of not only waste products, but also useful substances.

The phenomenon often accompanies protein diet, which has a stressful effect on the body, which, in the absence (or a meager amount) of carbohydrates and proteins, wastes them from the internal reserve. As a result, it quickly disappears. excess weight, fat leaves, and water leaves the muscles. Metabolic disorders and causes a violation of the defecation process.

To normalize liquid stool with a protein diet, you need:

  • reduce the amount of consumed vegetables and fruits, milk, kefir;
  • to eat rice porridge boiled in water;
  • include boiled eggs in the diet, skim cheese, infusion of pomegranate peels;
  • regularly drink strong unsweetened tea;
  • increase the amount of fluid consumed, because the body is quickly dehydrated.

There is an opinion that diarrhea is indicated by the use strong coffee and chocolate, but some people experience the opposite after using these products.

Remember that normal stool is a sign of health, and the latter is much more important than the successful result of losing weight.

Related materials

Problems with stools, constipation in adults - not everyone knows what to do in this case. The disease is aggravated by natural shyness, unwillingness to admit to the doctor about such a personal problem. Meanwhile, constipation has long been the scourge of most elderly people and is gradually “getting younger”, causing inconvenience even to 30-40-year-olds. Typical appearance chronic constipation in women who have given birth, office workers, drivers, those who move little due to sedentary work, diseases, way of life.

Neglect of frequent constipation threatens with problems

It makes no sense to run to the doctor at the first cases of unsystematic bowel movements. A sign of its failure motor function are frequent delays chairs for three or more days. For six months, it is quite easy to regulate the problem, but if you start it and suffer more than a year, constipation in an adult develops into chronic condition, which is quite difficult and takes a long time to treat.

There are many reasons that have formed various:

  1. Neurogenic. provoked various kinds mental disorders. Happens to everyone age categories, especially in women sensitive to worries, stresses and shy children.
  2. Mechanical. It appears due to birth defects, the appearance of a tumor, polyps in one of the sections of the colon. A similar type that complicates defecation can be found even in newborn babies.
  3. Endocrine. It is provoked by a disease of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, ovaries of women.
  4. Hypokinetic. It is typical for people who are forced to sit for a long time due to the nature of their activities and neglect the movement, elementary daily exercises.
  5. Alimentary. Caused by the consumption of food poor in fiber.
  6. Toxic constipation occurs after poisoning with certain drugs, morphine, nitrobenzene, nicotine, lead.
  7. Reflex. Thus, the body of an adult reacts to pathogenic diseases some internal organs.

The busyness of adults often leads to the fact that they do not pay attention to the impending illness. If problems with bowel movements occur very rarely, the alarm really does not need to be sounded. But if the symptoms indicate the appearance of chronic constipation, you need to identify the cause and learn how to eliminate it. Symptoms that indicate constipation are considered too dense feces, pain during each emptying. At the end, in the stool, you can see small droplets of blood, a specific-smelling mucus. Many adults, along with unsystematic stools, are tormented by flatulence and a constant feeling of discomfort in the intestines. Long term exposure symptoms lead to constant feeling chronic fatigue, lack of energy, strength, unwillingness to perform even ordinary daily activities.

Find causes and eliminate them

The first step in the long-term struggle with constipation that occurs in adults is the elimination of the cause. To begin with, perhaps through experimentation, studying the body's response to various stimuli, is to be found.

If the chair does not appear after nervous stress due to work, family circumstances, meeting unpleasant, challenging negative emotions people, you can try to change the circumstances. If you change jobs, you can’t avoid communicating with brawlers, you should resort to harmless sedatives, tune in to a positive attitude.

Toxins entering the body are easier to deal with. Just change one type of medicine for an analogue, quit smoking, avoid a poisoned environment. If a professional activity led to constipation, exercise or long evening walks will definitely help. To this end, it is even worth getting a dog: you definitely need to walk it, even if you really don’t want to.

For violations in hormonal background an adult must resort to folk ways fight constipation, eliminating its occurrence with diets, the use of decoctions, salads, food, which is characterized by an abundance of fiber. And only the presence of a tumor, polyps requires the intervention of specialists. If all methods have been tried, but the systematic stool still has not improved, you should definitely go for an examination to the doctor.

Simple and affordable ways to eliminate constipation

The easiest way to relieve stools is to take medications that irritate the intestines and provoke fecal expulsion.

But there is one nuance that they prefer not to mention in advertisements: especially effective miracle cures cause rapid addiction, and an adult will no longer be able to empty himself, by natural urge, but only by taking a pill, dripping drops. Intestinal tissues are deformed, development is provoked malignant tumors, the necessary substances are removed from the body by a forced method along with feces.

The exception is salt from the Czech Republic, taken orally castor, vaseline, almond, olive and even sunflower oil. It is better to alternate oil intake with microclysters sold in pharmacies, or ordinary enemas from a decoction of chamomile, rhubarb root, senna leaves, buckthorn bark. If the state of health is already very bad, the chair was absent for more than 3 days, saline solutions will cause immediate diarrhea, relieving the condition and improving well-being. After such a procedure, due to its debilitating effect, it is better for an adult to lie down for 1-2 hours.

Adults should begin to resist the threat of constipation in the morning by drinking 200 g of water on an empty stomach. room temperature and then doing some simple exercises:

  • lying imitation of cycling;
  • lying massage for five minutes of the abdominal area, periodically strain the muscles in the massaged area;
  • standing half-squat, legs apart. Slowly strain the muscles of the perineum, buttocks;
  • swing your foot forward, to the sides, leaning on a stable object;
  • squats or half squats;
  • turns, slow rotation of the lower body.

Charging will not help if it is not supplemented with proper nutrition, tinctures. For example, the use sauerkraut or the brine left after it. The liquid should always be slightly warm, it is advisable not to use more than half a glass a day. Works great as a laxative without side effects freshly squeezed juice raw potatoes, which you need to drink 200 g at a time. Excellent folk remedy, which also improves immune system- water with honey dissolved in it (200 g per tablespoon), drunk after waking up. We must not forget about kefir with any kind vegetable oil. Its consumption is preferably before bedtime. Pregnant women should increase their grape intake or drink a glass of grape juice daily.

The list of tinctures that help adults includes various compounds of fennel, buckthorn, licorice, anise, black elderberry. Excellent proven itself in solving the problem of constipation cassia holly, laxative joster, yarrow. All of them are sold in a pharmacy, before use, it is enough to pour them with boiling water, insist for a while, strain and drink, like any green tea.

Going for groceries, be sure to pay attention to the purchase of vegetables, which should be consumed daily in the form of salads seasoned with oils, fruits, juices. It is important to have cereals in the diet, bread exclusively from wholemeal flour containing bran. Everything that helps not only to digest and remove the food consumed from the body, but also acts as a scraper on the intestines, stimulating it to independently systematic work.

No need to dwell on constipation, concentrating your life around the disease. Less worries, negative mood and more walks, positive, sports. Constipation will definitely recede, turning into one of the memories.

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