From diarrhea to the child 1 year of a medicine. What can be given to a child for diarrhea - effective remedies and prevention. Diet and Diet

Diarrhea or diarrhea is a disease gastrointestinal tract characterized by the appearance of frequent loose stools. This problem can be solved with a sparing diet and effective modern pharmaceuticals. In order to stop diarrhea, it is necessary to make a choice based on the individual qualities of the patient (age, predisposition to allergies, personal preferences) from the list of the following diarrhea medicines for children and adults: Lopedium, Loperamide, Imodium; Enterofuril, Stopdiar.

It must be remembered that for the fastest and effective treatment diarrhea, you need to take any in combination with an adsorbing (Smecta, Filtrum-Stee) and easy-to-take medicine to restore the lost intestinal microflora (Linex, Bifiform). The use of pharmaceutical preparations should be accompanied by constant replenishment of fluid lost during diarrhea. The patient should drink at least 2 liters of plain water per day, preferably with the dissolution of agents containing useful ions in it, such as Regidron. They help restore electrolyte balance and normalize the functioning of damaged organs and systems.

What medicines to apply?

1. Smekta.

Medicine natural origin, it is extracted from the shell rock. It belongs to the group of sorbents, that is, it absorbs harmful substances, toxins, excess enzymes and acids from the gastrointestinal tract, which provoke diarrhea, and gently naturally removes them from the body. Envelops the intestinal walls, enhancing the protective properties, provoking the regeneration of damaged tissues, destroying harmful bacteria and promoting further development useful and restoration of normal microflora.

Unlike most sorbents, Smecta powder does not affect intestinal motility in adults and children, it has few contraindications. Even the most capricious child can easily take a solution of this medicine, as it has a pleasant orange taste. A big plus is that it is allowed to be used for children under one year old, pregnant women and nursing mothers without dose adjustment.

It must be remembered that it is desirable to use Smecta during poisoning after gastric lavage. During the first dose, an adult needs to drink a solution of 2 sachets of the drug, then take 1 every 8 hours. Children under one year old should be given one sachet per day, an older child - two, starting from 2 years old - in adult dosage. Be sure to maintain a short pause of 1.5-2 hours between taking Smecta and any other medication, as it can adsorb and significantly reduce its effectiveness.

Overdose occurs intestinal obstruction. Sometimes children do not like the taste, then they use any similar adsorbent (Neosmectite, Enterosgel).

2. Lopedium.

Since Smecta has little effect on intestinal motility and does not have an overwhelming effect on the formation and exit of loose stools, it will be most effective to use antidiarrheal agents such as Loperamide or Imodium tablets and Lopedium capsules. They can be taken by adults and children from 6 years of age.

The therapeutic effect lies in the interaction of their constituent substances with receptors in the intestine. They instantly enter the bloodstream: the tablets dissolve, and the capsules covered with a special shell are swallowed. The medicine quickly reaches its destination. The drugs are very slow contractility internal organs, sharply reduce their secretion, due to which there is a strengthening effect. However, any of these medicines must be taken with caution, as with uncontrolled frequent use the effect will be so strong that the stool will disappear for several days. Therefore, it is advisable to use them only for adults with acute diarrhea not aggravated by other symptoms. On average, the composition is completely out of all body systems within 10 hours after ingestion.

Do not take Loperamide, Imodium, or Lopedium if you suspect infectious diarrhea: delay rich harmful bacteria fecal masses in the body will only contribute to the aggravation of the disease. If diarrhea in adults or children is accompanied by fever, it is better to refrain from using Imodium and other similar drugs, since this is a remedy for diarrhea and nothing more. It will not cure irritable bowel.

Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation and is taken only in very severe cases when no other methods provide positive action. The risk for the fetus is too high, so if earlier the mother coped with diarrhea only with the help of Loparemide, then during the period of gestation and feeding the child will have to get used to other, more safe medicines. Also, the use of Imodium and Lopedium is not recommended for increased gas formation, swelling, acute forms diseases accompanied by pain and fever, colitis.

If the drugs caused side effects, then it is urgent to rinse the stomach and then stop using them completely.

3. Enterofuril.

Unlike other remedies used to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and eliminate malfunctions of its functioning, it has not only antidiarrheal, but also antimicrobial effects. The drug normalizes intestinal motility and has a disinfecting effect, suppressing the activity of pathogens and eliminating main reason appearance of loose stools. The drug has no systemic effects, is not adsorbed in digestive organs, which means it gives a small amount side effects. The drug is active only in the intestines, so it is not addictive.

Therapy of diarrhea with the drug Enterofuril can be carried out in children and adults. The child will easily drink a spoonful of a special syrup, the dose of which is specially designed for childhood, and a mature patient will easily swallow the capsule. After consumption, there healing effect, and then the substances processed by the body are excreted with feces. The medication should not be taken for more than a week at a dosage, according to the instructions.

Children's composition is designed for kids from a year. It is best to take one hour after a meal, following the dosage indicated in the instructions. Adults should preferably take 2 tablets of 200 mg every 6 hours, doses for children are determined according to their age.

If for some reason Enterofuril is not suitable, then you can choose its analogue Stopdiar, which contains the same medicinal substance, but available in slightly different forms: banana syrup for children under 6 years old and tablets for adults. Has at least pronounced action applied regardless of meal times. The drug is well tolerated, rarely causes side effects, but it can not be used to treat pregnant and lactating women, since clinical research not enough has been done in this regard.

If the effect of these drugs does not appear within 3 days, then you need to contact a specialist to determine the cause of the onset of the disease and prescribe a course of antibiotics.

4. Linex.

During diarrhea, not only the water-salt balance suffers, but also the balance beneficial microflora inside the large intestine. Loose stools remove normal microorganisms, depriving the body of natural defenses and important component digestion and absorption, therefore, in order to return the necessary functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it is required to apply medicinal products from diarrhea, containing beneficial bifidus and lactobacilli and a nutrient medium for them.

These drugs include Linex, it is an antidiarrheal and anti-inflammatory agent with a large spectrum of action. His positive effect built on the fact that the dense shell of the capsule does not dissolve in the stomach, bringing essential bacteria to the intestines intact. Microorganisms successfully take root in their natural environment and resume the work of beneficial microflora, defeating pathogenic effects and further poisoning processes due to absorption harmful substances weakened intestines. Linex has a positive effect on digestion, releasing enzymes and enzymes, contributing to the production of acids.

This medicine is used for diarrhea caused by food poisoning, after long-term use antibiotics, diarrhea caused by medical physiotherapy procedures (radiological studies) and in various forms of diarrhea, which are a response to stress and neuroses. Specialist doctors include it in the list of medicines included in the treatment of all types of infectious diarrhea.

Linex practically does not cause side effects, there are no special rules except one: it cannot be used with alcoholic drinks, because ethanol and its compounds destroy beneficial bacteria. It is allowed to use in infants, pregnant women in any trimester and lactating, as its components do not penetrate into breast milk and placenta. But it is contraindicated in patients suffering from serious chronic diseases(diabetes, AIDS), as well as people who have undergone organ transplants. The medicine is used with caution in newborns, it is advisable to first find out from the pediatrician what was the cause of the diarrhea.

Linex is available in the form of capsules for adults and children over 2 years of age. For younger children, powders are used, packed in sachets, which must be dissolved in water before taking. room temperature. Capsules required to drink large quantity water or milk. During the treatment of diarrhea, the dose for an adult and a child from 2 years old is 2 capsules 3 times a day. Infants give 1 sachet per day or, if the pharmacy does not have a drug in this form, then you can simply give 1 capsule per day, after breaking it and dissolving its contents in 1 teaspoon of water.

In what cases should you contact a specialist?

There are a number of cases where self therapy contraindicated and you need to consult a specialist doctor:

1. The effect of taking drugs and syrups does not appear 3 days after the start of drug therapy.

2. Diarrhea affects a child under 1 year old or, conversely, an elderly person.

3. Diarrhea is accompanied by fever, sharp pains in the abdomen in the region of the stomach or intestines.

4. Tar-colored stool.

5. Vomiting "coffee grounds".

6. Weakness, dry mouth, pallor skin, sunken eyes. These are the first signs of dehydration.

Often liquid stool- this is not just a consequence of a small food poisoning or overeating, but also a symptom of a more serious and intractable disease, so you should not take it lightly, self-medicating and suppressing the disease with capsules and tablets.

Diarrhea (diarrhea) is an accelerated (more than 2 times a day) excretion of liquid stools, which is associated with an accelerated passage of intestinal contents due to increased peristalsis or with impaired absorption of water in the large intestine and the release of a significant amount of inflammatory secretion by the intestinal wall.

In most cases, diarrhea is a sign of acute or chronic colitis(disease of the large intestine) or enteritis (disease of the small intestine).

Distinguish diarrhea infectious, alimentary, dyspeptic, toxic, drug and neurogenic.

Infectious diarrhea observed in dysentery, salmonellosis, food poisoning, viral diseases (viral diarrhea), amoebiosis, etc.

Currently quite common viral diarrhea. In children, the leading cause of acute infectious diarrhea is rotavirus. Most often, rotavirus diarrhea occurs in children under 2 years of age in the form of sporadic cases; epidemics of rotavirus infection are possible, usually in winter. In adults, rotavirus is rarely the causative agent of gastroenteritis, and the process caused by it is erased.

Incubation (latent) period for rotavirus infection lasts from one to several days. Start viral gastroenteritis acute - with vomiting, severe in children; then diarrhea appears, and also general symptoms infections: head and muscle pain, fever, but these phenomena, as a rule, are moderately expressed. Abdominal pain is not characteristic of viral gastroenteritis. The diarrhea is watery, the fluid lost with diarrhea contains little protein, but a lot of salts. Viral diarrhea in adults it lasts 1-3 days, in children - twice as much. Severe dehydration (dehydration) can threaten the life of the patient, and therefore therapy is reduced mainly to replacing the lost fluid - a drink containing glucose and salts is prescribed (glucose stimulates sodium absorption). The liquid is administered at the rate of 1.5 liters per 1 liter of stool, but the main control is the visible filling of the vessels of the skin and mucous membranes.

Antibiotic therapy for watery diarrhea does not affect the duration of the disease.

Alimentary diarrhea may occur as a result of a prolonged violation of the diet, a monotonous, vitamin-poor diet, or if you are allergic to one or another food products(strawberries, eggs, crabs, etc.) or medicines (iodine, bromine, some sulfonamides, antibiotics, etc.).

Dyspeptic diarrhea observed in violation of the digestion of food masses due to secretory insufficiency of the stomach, pancreas, liver or insufficient excretion small intestine some enzymes.

Toxic diarrhea may result from kidney failure (uremia), mercury or arsenic poisoning.

Medical diarrhea are the result of suppression by drugs (most often antibiotics) of the physiological flora of the intestine and the development of dysbacteriosis.

neurogenic diarrhea observed in violation nervous regulation motor activity intestines (for example, diarrhea that occurs under the influence of excitement, fear).

diarrhea symptoms

The frequency of stool with diarrhea is different, bowel movements - watery or mushy. The nature of bowel movements depends on the disease. So, with dysentery, the feces first have a dense texture, then it becomes liquid, scanty, mucus and blood appear in it; in amebiosis, it contains vitreous mucus and blood, sometimes blood soaks the mucus and the stools take on the appearance of raspberry jelly. With diarrhea, there may be pain in the abdomen, a feeling of rumbling, transfusion, bloating. Finally, rectal colic, or so-called tenesmus, may occur. They are manifested by frequent and painful urge to the bottom with a feeling of convulsive contraction of the rectum and its sphincter, defecation does not occur, but sometimes lumps of mucus can be released.
Light and short-term diarrhea have little effect on the general condition of patients, severe and chronic lead to exhaustion, hypovitaminosis, pronounced changes in the organs.

Diagnosis of diarrhea

To determine the cause of diarrhea, a stool test is performed. The severity of diarrhea is judged by the speed of passage (advance) through the intestines of carbolene (the appearance of black feces after taking carbolen by the patient after 2-5 hours instead of the normal 20-26 hours) or barium sulfate during x-ray examination.

It is aimed at eliminating the cause that caused diarrhea. For example, with hypovitaminosis, appropriate vitamins are prescribed, with achilia of the stomach, gastric juice or its substitutes, in case of pancreatic insufficiency - pancreatin or panzinorm, festal, etc.

Since fluid is lost during diarrhea, it is necessary to immediately begin to compensate for its loss. For this, salt solutions are recommended, which are prepared by dissolving one sachet of a mixture of salts in 0.5 liters of pure drinking water, previously boiled and chilled. The Finnish drug Regidron has proven itself very well, which contains sodium chloride 3.5 g, sodium citrate 2.9 g, potassium chloride 2.5 g, glucose 10 g. Glucosan is also used (sodium chloride 3.5 g, sodium bicarbonate 2.5 g, potassium chloride 1.5 g, glucose 20 g) and Citroglucosan (sodium chloride 1.5 g, potassium chloride 1.25 g, sodium citrate 2-water - 1.45 g, glucose 7.5 g). Every 12-24 hours, a fresh solution of salts should be made; the prepared solution should not be boiled.

For diarrhea not associated with an infection, a sparing diet is indicated (frequent fractional nutrition, restriction of carbohydrates, refractory fats of animal origin), while it is recommended thorough chewing food.

As symptomatic remedies use calcium carbonate, bismuth preparations, tanalbin.

With diarrhea, anti-inflammatory, astringent and antiseptic effect is exerted the following fees medicinal plants:

1. Blueberries (berries) - 20.0;
peppermint (leaves) - 20.0;
snake mountaineer (rhizome) - 20.0;
chamomile (flowers) - 30.0.
The infusion is taken warm 3-4 times a day, 0.5 cups 20-30 minutes before meals.

2. Potentilla erectus (rhizome) - 10.0; immortelle (flowers) - 20.0;
cumin (fruits) - 20.0; blueberry (berry) - 20.0; sage (leaves) - 30.0.
The infusion is taken 0.5 cup 2-3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals.

3. Bird cherry (fruits) - 60.0;
blueberry (berry) - 40.0.
Take 1/4 - 1/2 cup of decoction 3-4 times a day.

4. Gray alder (seed fruit) - 70.0;
snake mountaineer (rhizome) - 30.0.
Take 1/4 - 1/2 cup of infusion 3-4 times a day.

5. Potentilla erectus (rhizome) - 20.0;
snake mountaineer (rhizome) - 80.0.
Take 1/3 - 1/2 cup of infusion 3-4 times a day.

With diarrhea caused by dysbacteriosis, prescribe drugs that normalize the intestinal microflora: colibacterin, lactobacterin, bifikol, bifidumbacterin.

If cholera, salmonellosis, food poisoning are suspected, patients are subject to immediate hospitalization in the infectious diseases department.

Folk remedies for diarrhea

1. Dried films of chicken stomachs. When cutting a chicken carcass, wash the stomach, separate the film from it. Rinse her in cold water and put to dry on a clean sheet of paper (it will dry the next day). For diarrhea film chicken stomach crush into powder and take 2 times a day for 1/2 - 1 teaspoon with water. Films should be stored in a box in a cool, dry place.

2. A decoction of dried pears (has a fixing effect).

3. Starch solution. Dilute 1 teaspoon of starch in 1/2 cup of cold boiled water. Can be cooked in the form of jelly, slightly sweetened. Take a glass 2-3 times a day.

4. Tincture of partitions walnuts. Chop 300 g of walnuts and take out the partitions that separate the parts of the kernel. Pour them with 250 ml of 70-degree alcohol and leave for 3 days. Adults take 6-10 drops diluted boiled water, 3 times a day, children are not recommended.

5. Infusion of dry pomegranate peel. Pour 1 teaspoon of dry pomegranate peel into 1 cup of water. Boil for 10-15 minutes, insist, wrapped, 2 hours, strain.
Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals, small children - 1 teaspoon.

6. Rice porrige, boiled in water hard-boiled without salt, (recommended for both adults and children).

7. Rice congee(recommended for diarrhea in children). Pour 1 tea cup of washed rice with 6-7 cups of water, put on low heat and boil.
Cool the resulting broth, strain and give the child 1/3 cup every 2 hours.

Diet for diarrhea and indigestion

  • bread in the form of crackers from 200 g of wheat flour bread premium; other bakery products excluded;
  • soups on fat-free low meat, fish broth with the addition of mucous decoctions of cereals (barley, semolina, rice), boiled and pureed meat, steamed dumplings, meatballs, egg flakes;
  • meat and poultry - lean and lean beef, veal, turkey in the form of water-boiled cutlets, dumplings, meatballs; soufflé from boiled meat;
  • fish - low-fat varieties of fresh fish, boiled in water or steam, in the form of meatballs, cutlets or a piece;
  • dairy products - freshly prepared calcined cottage cheese or unleavened mashed cottage cheese, are excluded whole milk and other dairy products;
  • eggs - 1-2 soft-boiled or in the form of a steam omelet;
  • cereals - pureed cereals on the water (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat);
  • vegetables - only in the form of decoctions added to soups;
  • snacks are excluded;
  • drinks - tea, especially green, black coffee and cocoa on the water; diluted fruit juices from berries and fruits, except grapes, plums, apricots.


Frequent loose stools or diarrhea occurs under the influence of external factors or associated with disease. An unpleasant syndrome is difficult to tolerate by adults, let alone kids. Used to get rid of diarrhea various forms drugs. The smallest are more suitable solutions, syrups, suspensions. Capsules and tablets for the treatment of diarrhea are usually intended for older children. To choose the right drug, you need to know the causes of diarrhea and the presence of possible contraindications.

Causes and symptoms of indigestion

Diarrheal attacks are various reasons. The most common in children are:

  • poisoning with low-quality or stale products;
  • infection pathogenic bacteria and viruses;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • unusual food;
  • climate change;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • stress, fear.

Diarrhea in a child is usually accompanied by pain and bloating, nausea, and the appearance of cracks in the anus from tension. In the latter case, lubrication helps. anus"Bepanthen" or baby cream.

A serious consequence of prolonged diarrhea is dehydration. It manifests itself constant thirst and dry skin. In the smallest, fluid loss in large volumes can lead to death. The water-salt and vitamin balance is disturbed during diarrhea. The doctor will advise special complexes to restore it.

Choosing the Right Medication for Diarrhea

Which remedy will help the child depends on the cause of the disease. With diarrhea due to stress or fear, fixing, reducing peristalsis, as well as sedatives. Prebiotics help with dysbacteriosis. If diarrhea is caused by an unusual or rich food, the consequences will be eliminated enzyme preparations(for example, Pangreatin, Enterol, Pangrol 400, Mezim Forte).

For food poisoning or intestinal infections, simple diarrhea pills for children will not help. You will need antibiotics and antiviral pharmaceuticals, which can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Call ambulance it is necessary if the diarrhea lasts more than a day, the feces are very dark or with flashes of blood, the temperature rises. Health care required for severe diarrhea in infants, children with cardiovascular problems, as well as dehydration. It is accompanied painful sensations in the kidney area, dryness oral cavity, convulsions and lack of desire to urinate for more than 5 hours.

Which tablet preparations are suitable for children?

You can give your child diarrhea remedies only on the recommendation of a doctor. There are no harmless medicines, all have contraindications. Often diarrhea pills have age limit. But perhaps there is an analogue of the illegal drug with a smaller amount active component suitable for toddlers.

Beneficial Probiotics

Contains beneficial micro-organisms digestive functions. These tools support defensive forces body, improve metabolism, restore microflora. They must be taken with intestinal dysbacteriosis, after taking antibacterial drugs, with dyspepsia. The presence of live bifidobacteria and lactobacilli does not allow dissolving tablets in hot water.

What will be useful for children:

  • "Lactobacterin" (not possible with lactose intolerance);
  • "Bifidumbacterin";
  • "Bificol";
  • "Bifiform" (for children over two years old);
  • "Linex" (additionally relieves flatulence);
  • "Acipol";
  • "Normobakt";
  • "Hilak forte".

Drugs that slow down intestinal motility

To stop severe diarrhea before dehydration occurs, medications will be needed to reduce contractions in the walls of the esophagus and reduce the urge to defecate. They are used when intestinal disorders non-infectious nature. Tablets will act quickly: a maximum of an hour.

Such means include "Imodium". It can help even with infectious diarrhea on early stages disease development. Not recommended for children under 6 years of age.

The chewable version of the tablets ("Imodium Plus") contains special substances - defoamers. They reduce the formation of gases, reduce bloating and pain in the peritoneal region.

Imodium analogues are Lopedium, Enterobene, Diara, Stoperan, Loflatil, Suprelol and Loperamide. Be sure to look at the instructions for what age you can take them. So, the now popular "Loperamide" is allowed only for teenagers from 12 years old.

Antibiotics and antimicrobials

If diarrhea is due to an intestinal infection, antibiotic pharmaceuticals will be needed to combat them:

Means At what infectious lesions bowel effectively What age is allowed
"Ftalazol" At acute dysentery, colitis and enterocolitis. Since two months.
"Tetracycline" Wide spectrum of action. From the age of eight.
"Levomitsetin" A wide spectrum of action (destroys even bacteria that are not sensitive to tetracycline). From the age of three.
"Furazolidone" With food poisoning, dysentery. Since the year.
"Enterofuril" Broad spectrum of action (does not violate the intestinal microflora). From the age of seven.
"Tannacomp" Wide spectrum of action. Relieves inflammation and spasms. You can also drink for prevention, for example, while on vacation in exotic countries. Since birth.
"Intetrix" affects various intestinal diseases not only bacterial, but also fungal in nature. Treats amoebiasis. From the age of 14.
Sulgin With dysentery, colitis. Since the year.
Alpha Normix (Rifaksimin) A wide spectrum of action, has anti-inflammatory properties. From 12 years old.

You can not expect an instant effect from such drugs. active substances it takes some time to suppress the growth of pathogenic microflora.

Enterosorbents against toxins

They adsorb waste products pathogenic microbes in the digestive organs, remove toxins and have an astringent effect. Due to this, inflammation in the mucous surfaces and spasms are reduced.

Such funds include:

  • "Polysorb MP";
  • "Atoxil";
  • "Waitsorb";
  • "Kaopectat";
  • "Silix";
  • "Attapulgite".

"Enterol", in addition to improving enzymatic function, has antimicrobial and antitoxic effects. It is not given to a child under one year old. "Gastrolit" is an entersorbet antidiarrheal agent, and also normalizes the electrolyte balance. It is allowed even for babies.

The most popular detoxifying agent is activated carbon and its analogues "Carbactin", "Sorbeks", "Carbolen Ultra-Adsorb". After him stool turn black. But you don't have to be scared, normal reaction organism.

How to persuade a child to take medicine?

Most preschool and younger children school age do not burn the desire to drink medicines, fearing their bitter, nasty taste. But diarrhea needs to be treated. Here are a few tricks for parents to easily persuade them to feed their child a healing agent:

  1. Turn taking pills into a game. For example, offer them to your favorite teddy bear or come up with a fun fairy tale about the warrior Pill and his battle with harmful bacteria.
  2. Explain in detail why medication is needed. Older children are willing to ask questions about health and accept logical explanations.
  3. Do not get angry at a disgruntled baby spitting out medicine. You need to react calmly and kindly, to persuade them to swallow the pill. You can not forcibly shove the medicine, especially crying crumbs. He might choke on a pill.
  4. If the pills are bitter, do not deceive the baby, otherwise he will not believe you next time.
  5. Don't let the baby play with medicines. He must receive them from mom or dad or from the attending physician immediately before taking.

It is undesirable to give whole tablets or even halves to a crumb under three years old - he may choke. Usually they are ground and diluted with boiled water or milk mixture. It is better not to use juices and other sweet drinks - they can react with the drug and cause negative consequences.

The remedies recommended by the doctor for diarrhea should be kept in the first-aid kit just in case. But so that they do not have to be used, control the baby's nutrition and make sure that he washed his hands with soap and water. Zinc supplements are also advised to prevent food poisoning.

Little children are susceptible to acute attacks. viral infections much more often than adults, so a child can have diarrhea at any time. The cause of indigestion is most often poor hygiene and contact with carriers of the infection, therefore, first of all, keep your hands and food clean and be sure to protect your baby from communicating with patients.

Why does diarrhea occur in babies at 1-2 years old?

Disorder digestive tract can manifest itself from many reasons, depending on the causative agent of the disease, these types of diarrhea are distinguished:

  • infectious - the cause of such a disease is pathogenic bacteria that cause dysentery, salmonellosis, etc. Rotavirus is the main causative agent in this case. By affecting the inner lining of the intestine, it contributes to sharp increase temperature and feeling unwell. This type of disease is most often manifested in children under 2 years of age, adults are affected by acute intestinal infection much less frequently;
  • alimentary - manifested as a result of a violation of the diet, taking strong medications or with pronounced allergic reactions;
  • dyspeptic - most often occurs in a child at the age of 1 or 2 years, the cause of this disorder is the inability of the body to properly digest food. In most cases, this problem goes away on its own after 2 years, when internal organs already fully formed;
  • toxic - diarrhea that occurs due to poisoning or with uremia (renal failure), can equally often occur in adults and in babies under 1 year old;
  • medication - a consequence of long-term use of antibiotics, against which dysbacteriosis develops and the natural intestinal microflora is disturbed;
  • neurogenic - diarrhea on the background nervous stress and experiences, such a disorder is often accompanied by an increase in body temperature, an acceleration of the heartbeat and excessive excitement.

Regardless of the cause of diarrhea in a child at 1 or 2 years old, the disorder should be treated immediately, since prolonged diarrhea leads to dehydration of the body, due to which many organs begin to function incorrectly, general state health is drastically deteriorating and the immune system may not fully recover.

The main symptoms of diarrhea in babies

Symptoms of diarrhea in children can manifest themselves in different ways: someone will have all of the listed symptoms, while other babies will notice only one of the listed symptoms.
The main signs of diarrhea:

  • liquid feces with impurities spotting, mucus or jelly-like streaks, the composition depends on the type of diarrhea;
  • abdominal pain, bloating;
  • stabbing or cutting sensations in the lower abdomen;
  • heat;
  • nausea and dizziness.

To diagnose the cause of diarrhea in a child, a stool test should be performed. Based on the indicators of the presence of barium sulfate in the composition of the feces, the cause of the disorder can be established. Making an accurate diagnosis greatly simplifies the treatment process, because for different type diarrhea requires different medications.

Proper treatment for diarrhea in babies

How to treat diarrhea in a child in 1-2 years?

In no case should the treatment of young children be carried out independently, because many medicines are not intended for use under the age of 1 year, most of them can be used from 2 years old, and for the smallest, special syrups and suspensions have been developed with the minimum amount medicines.

If at least a few symptoms of diarrhea appear in a child, you should immediately call a doctor who will put accurate diagnosis. Before the arrival of the doctor, the baby should be given salt water to drink; for crumbs from 1 year old, you can use the Regidron pharmacy solution, diluted with a glass of water. If there are no pharmacy saline solutions at home, you can prepare a special mixture - per glass warm water you will need ½ tablespoons of salt and 2 tablespoons of sugar, this composition is stored for no more than a day. At high temperature you should give the baby an antipyretic in the amount indicated for his age.

Basic rules for the treatment of diarrhea in babies under 1 year old:

  • Breastfeeding should be continued in full, the best option there will be an increase in the number of feedings per day;
  • In addition to food, the child should often be offered to drink, after each episode of diarrhea, the baby should drink at least 50 ml of liquid, for this plain water, brine and berry compotes and fruit drinks;
  • If the baby is sick after drinking, try to give him small doses, for example, from a spoon. In the case when the baby vomited all the liquid, be sure to continue to give the child water, but in much smaller sizes;
  • In case of fever, special syrups for newborns should be used. Starting from the 2nd month, "Panadol" is shown;
  • From medicines you can use special suspensions with the taste of berries and fruits, however, they should be used according to the instructions.

Tips for treating diarrhea in a child older than 2 years:

  • You don't need to follow a special diet, but initial days disease, it is recommended to feed the baby with 4 main ingredients: bananas, breadcrumbs, rice and apples. Starting from the second day, the menu should be more varied, add meat, vegetables and dairy products to the diet;
  • Drinking plenty of water for a baby over 2 years old is just as necessary as for newborns less than 1 year old, so every 1.5-2 hours the baby should drink 200 ml of liquid;
  • If diarrhea does not stop for 3-4 days, special pharmacy solutions and mixtures should be used;
  • At temperatures above 38 degrees, the intake of antipyretics is necessarily indicated, these can be syrups, tablets or suppositories. It is not recommended to knock down a lower temperature;
  • When a child constantly vomits after eating and liquid, be sure to call a doctor, because it greatly dehydrates the body, and it will not work to make up for the lack of water after a while with ordinary solutions, it remains only to carry out systemic droppers, which is possible only in a hospital.

There is no single cure for diarrhea in babies at 1 or 2 years of age, because depending on the cause of diarrhea, the methods of treating it differ. When it comes to the health of the child, you should not self-medicate, because folk methods, with their effectiveness, for a fragile organism can bring more harm than benefit.

Diarrhea in a child serious symptom which cannot be ignored. There are many remedies that help with indigestion in children. different ages. When choosing them, it is necessary to take into account the cause of the ailment, and also not to forget about possible contraindications and side effects.

When to Use Diarrhea Remedies

diarrhea is defensive reaction which aims to cleanse the body. It can be one-time, when it is not worth resorting to the use of medicines, you can cope with the help of diet and plentiful drink. And there are times when medical assistance is urgently needed.

Diarrhea in a child is not only discomfort, but also serious reason dehydration

You need to see a doctor and take medication if:

  • the urge to go to the toilet becomes frequent. Maximum amount bowel movements:
    • for newborns - 10 times a day;
    • from 1–4 months - 7 times;
    • from 5–12 months - 6 times;
    • from 1–3 years -5 times;
    • from 4 years old - 4 times;
  • feces have a fetid odor;
  • diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting and nausea;
  • there is pain in the abdomen;
  • body temperature rises;
  • stool changes its color to greenish, white, raspberry;
  • feces are frothy or have streaks of mucus and blood;
  • poisoning is suspected.

In case of poisoning, before the doctor arrives, you need to give the child a sorbent. Its amount depends on the body weight of the baby.

To get rid of diarrhea, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause of this symptom in a child. The choice of means for treatment will depend on this.

Diarrhea, diarrhea in a child - video

Causes of diarrhea in children

The main causes of diarrhea in children are:

  • eating disorders;
  • penetration into the body of infection;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • poisoning;
  • new foods in the diet (especially in children under one year old);
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • food intolerance;
  • binge eating.

Loose stools in a child under one year old who eats only breast milk or a mixture, is considered the norm.

Depending on the cause of diarrhea, there are:

  • infectious - in case of poisoning and infectious diseases;
  • alimentary - arising from monotony in nutrition and lack of vitamins;
  • dyspeptic - with violations in the digestion of food, insufficient secretion of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • toxic - with renal failure;
  • neurogenic - with stress, overstrain, especially often appear in school-age children.

It happens that diarrhea in children occurs when the climate changes, from nervous tension as a reaction to teething.

The effect of drugs for diarrhea in children

Means that will help a child with diarrhea can be divided into the following groups:


These are products that, when ingested, cleanse it of toxins and poisons. Sorbents are indispensable for diarrhea that occurs as a result of poisoning or an infectious disease. Also used to cleanse the body of allergens. The sorbents are: Activated carbon, Polisorb and others.


Drugs that direct their action to normalize the ratio of harmful and beneficial microorganisms in the intestine. They are used for intestinal disorders caused by infection, dysbacteriosis, increased gas formation. These include: Acipol, Bifidumbacterin, etc.


Drugs that inhibit reproduction pathogenic bacteria and stimulate the growth of beneficial microorganisms. They are used for diarrhea caused by poisoning and dysbacteriosis. This group of drugs includes Hilak Forte, Primadophilus, etc.


Substances that help digest food when the organs of the gastrointestinal tract cannot cope with this function. They can be used for diarrhea caused by overeating, intolerance to any product, diseases of the pancreas, liver, gallbladder. These include: Creon, Pancreatin, Pepsin, etc.

Enzymes needed for diarrhea caused by overeating

Means that restore water balance

At prolonged diarrhea Your child may show signs of dehydration:

  • drowsiness;
  • weakness;
  • dryness and peeling of the skin;
  • retraction of the fontanel (in children under one year old);
  • decrease in the amount of urine, its dark color.

Dehydration is especially dangerous for children, since water is involved in all body processes. Its deficiency can cause kidney failure and disturbances in brain activity.

To prevent dehydration in the event of diarrhea, it is necessary to use products that restore water balance. These include: Regidron, Glucosolan, etc.


They are prescribed for diarrhea, which is caused by harmful bacteria. It is impossible to give a child antibiotics without the recommendation of a doctor. In particular Levomycetin, which can harm the health of the baby. In intestinal infections, more often prescribed: Gentamicin, Amoxicillin, Ftalazol, Tetracycline, Furazolidone.


Get rid of diarrhea caused by rotavirus infection, interferon-based antiviral drugs will help. Such a tool is Viferon.

Medications that relieve associated symptoms

Such drugs are aimed at getting rid of:

  • for abdominal pain: No-Shpa;
  • for nausea and vomiting: Motilium;
  • for heartburn: Phosphalugel.

Motilium relieves nausea and vomiting

homeopathic remedies

Good efficacy in diarrhea in children is shown by homeopathic remedies. They operate on the principle that it is necessary to treat a disease with something that can cause it. The dosage of such drugs must be discussed with the doctor. To homeopathic remedies that will help the child with diarrhea include: Aloe, Alice 3x, Hamomilla, etc.

Potassium permanganate for diarrhea

A solution of potassium permanganate acts as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. Therefore, it will be effective for diarrhea that is associated with food poisoning. However, it should be remembered that an incorrectly made solution can burn the gastric mucosa. To use potassium permanganate orally and rectally, it should be a pale pink color.

Video: intestinal infections - School of Dr. Komarovsky

Forms of release of funds from diarrhea and rules for use

Remedies that help with diarrhea in a child can be in the form of:

  • tablets;
  • capsules;
  • granules;
  • powder;
  • suspensions;
  • solutions;
  • gels;
  • drops.

For children under 3 years old, it is better to take drops or powders. Older children can swallow tablets and capsules.

Ineffective for diarrhea will be drugs in the form rectal suppositories, as they may not have time to fully act and come out.

All drugs should be taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor, drinking plenty of water.

When Not to Use Diarrhea Remedies

Medicines for diarrhea should be given with caution to the child. There are such contraindications for use:

  • Availability allergic reaction on any component;
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer;
  • internal bleeding;
  • kidney failure;
  • enzymes are forbidden to be taken in acute pancreatitis.

Side effects that may occur when taking the funds:

  • constipation;
  • when taking antibiotics - dysbacteriosis;
  • nausea.

Table: a list of drugs that are prescribed for children with diarrhea

Name Release form Active ingredient Indications Contraindications From what age does it apply Price
Aloegranulesvarious types of Aloefor any type of diarrheafrom 1 year125 r.
  • belladonna D6;
  • potassium dichromate D8;
  • American lakos D6;
  • mercury soluble according to Hannemann D6;
  • bee venom D6.
used for indigestion associated with an allergic reactionallergic reaction to ingredientsfrom 5 years old230 r.
Activated carbontabletsActivated carbon
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer;
  • stomach bleeding.
since birth5 p.
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • gastrointestinal infections;
  • bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis.
  • lymphocytic leukemia;
  • allergic diathesis;
  • hypersensitivity to penicillins.
from 1 year37 p.
Acipolcapsuleslive acidophilus lactobacilliallergic reaction to ingredientsfrom 3 months325 r.
BifidumbacterinpowderBifidobacterium bifidum
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • bowel dysfunction.
since birth231 r.
Viferoncapsulesinterferonacute respiratory viral infections259 r.
capsulespancreatininflammatory and dystrophic diseases of the stomach, intestines,
accompanied by disorders of digestion
acute pancreatitisfrom 6 months295 r.
Lactofiltrumtabletslignin hydrolysisdisorders of the intestinal microflora
  • intestinal obstruction;
from 1 year273 r.
Linexcapsuleslebenintreatment and prevention of dysbacteriosisallergic reaction to ingredientssince birth269 ​​r.
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • feeling of fullness in the epigastrium.
  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • intestinal obstruction.
from 1 year582 r.
NormobactpowderLactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 + Bifidobacterium BB-12Y
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • loss of appetite.
allergic reactionfrom 6 months415 r.
Pancreatin for childrentabletspancreatin
  • diarrhea;
  • flatulence;
  • heaviness in the stomach.
acute pancreatitisfrom 3 years old20 p.
  • dyspepsia;
  • gastritis.
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer.
from 1 year180 r.
Polysorbpowdersilicon dioxide colloidal
  • acute and chronic intoxications;
  • food and drug allergies.
  • peptic ulcer;
  • intestinal atony;
  • gastrointestinal bleeding.
contraindicated in body weight less than 35 kg124 r.
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • food allergy;
  • poisoning rotavirus infection.
allergic reactionfrom 6 months560 r.
  • sodium chloride;
  • sodium citrate;
  • potassium chloride.
restoration of water and electrolyte balance
  • impaired renal function;
  • intestinal obstruction.
weight not less than 5 kg402 r.
Smectapowdersmectite dioctahedral
  • diarrhea;
  • bloating and intestinal discomfort.
intestinal obstructionfrom 6 months152 r.
Tetracyclinetabletstetracyclineinfectious and inflammatory diseaseskidney failurefrom 8 years old97 r.
Phosphalugelgelaluminum phosphate gel 20%
  • functional diarrhea;
  • gastritis;
  • heartburn;
  • stomach ache.
kidney dysfunctionfrom 3 months186 p.
  • acute dysentery;
  • colitis;
  • gastroenteritis.
  • Graves' disease;
  • acute hepatitis.
from 3 years old27 p.
  • dysentery;
  • giardiasis;
  • food poisoning.
kidney failurefrom 3 years old61 p.
Hamomillacapsuleshamomilla recutitafights diarrhea that occurs in a child at the time of the appearance of teethallergic reaction to ingredientsfrom 4 months280 r.
Hilak fortedropsgerm-free aqueous substrate of metabolic products of Lactobacillus
  • diarrhea, flatulence, constipation;
  • gastrointestinal disorders caused by climate change;
  • syndrome of insufficiency of digestion, dyspepsia.
allergic reaction to ingredientssince birth259 r.
Enterogerminasuspensionbeneficial spores of Bacillus clausiidisorders of the intestinal microfloraallergic reaction to ingredientsfrom 6 months424 r.
Enterosgelpastepolymethylsiloxane polyhydrate
  • poisoning and intoxication;
  • acute intestinal infections.
intestinal atonyfrom 1 year377 r.
Enterofurilcapsulesnifuroxazidediarrhea of ​​bacterial originfructose intolerancefrom 3 years old288 r.

Folk remedies for diarrhea in children

Before giving a child traditional medicine diarrhea, you should consult your doctor.

  1. Rice broth. Rice decoction will help children of any age, even babies, from diarrhea. To prepare it, you need 1 tablespoon of rice and half a liter of water. Boil on fire for 45 minutes. After that, strain the broth, cool. Give your child 2 tablespoons every 2 hours. Babies - on the throat.
  2. Decoction of oak bark. Give to children from diarrhea from 1 year. To prepare, take 1 teaspoon of bark and boil in a glass of water for 10 minutes. Filter, cool, give children a tablespoon every 2 hours.
  3. leaf tea walnut. Can be used from 3 years for diarrhea. To do this, take one sheet, wash it and pour boiling water over it. Insist 10 minutes. Drink without adding sugar. You need to drink 3 cups per day.
  4. Cherry decoction. It will help with diarrhea in children from 12 years old. A glass of boiling water pour 5 g of bird cherry berries. Boil 30 minutes. You need to drink 100 ml 3 times a day.

Folk remedies - photo gallery

A decoction of bird cherry will help children from diarrhea from 12 years old Tea from walnut leaves can be taken by children from 3 years old
A decoction of oak bark will help with diarrhea Rice broth will help with diarrhea in a child of any age

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