Smoking from a psychological point of view. The percentage of smokers who have this symptom is indicated in brackets. Basic principles of the program

Smoking- the most common addiction of the 21st century. Many are interested in the psychology of the cause of smoking, why there is an irresistible desire to smoke, which causes a similar effect, because not only nicotine affects the body? Yes, now there is a separate direction - the psychology of smoking, within the framework of this issue, research is being carried out, dissertations and books are being written.

The topic is very relevant and in demand, post-Soviet space leads in the number of cigarettes smoked, medicine is sounding the alarm. Every year, 2.5 million people die from smoking-related diseases. Let's take a closer look psychological reasons smoking, how does the need for regular smoking arise and is it possible to fight this addiction?

The main psychological causes of smoking

Psychology, the causes of smoking are of persistent interest, as doctors come to the conclusion that the basis of addiction is a psychological factor. What causes the desire to smoke and does not give up the habit?

1. The motives of youth, the stage of adolescence

  • Imitation of adults or your friends:

    in many ways, the preferences of the child are formed in the family, however, society leaves its mark.

  • not to be an "outcast", worse than one's environment, self-doubt, lack of one's opinion, fear of standing out.

  • However, it all starts small:
    and often smoking can turn into drug use, which is even more dangerous, leading to death.
  • Fashion influence: "everyone smokes and I will".
  • Protest:

    the desire to show independence, to challenge society, "I can manage my life myself, make decisions."

  • An example of favorite characters:

    literature and cinema also have an influence, often favorite characters are depicted as smoking, there is a desire to be like them. An aura of mystery is formed in girls, confidence in guys due to smoking.

2. The main psychological motives of adults

As you can see why a person smokes, the psychology of smoking is quite extensive, each person has his own internal causes, which are hidden behind the habit of smoking. Usually a person thinks about saying goodbye to cigarettes in critical situations - loss of health, sad experience of loved ones or on an emotional background - an awareness has come, he has grown consciously, he no longer needs reinforcement of confidence or family, loved ones are not very supportive, they ask you to think about this issue.

If now you have come to the idea of ​​changing your life consciously and are ready to decide to lead healthy lifestyle life, in the next chapter we give the main ways to quit smoking.

Psychology, causes of smoking give the key to understanding the issue of smoking addiction. To overcome the craving for smoking, it is worth overcoming psychological dependence, but there is also nicotine addiction, which manifests itself on physical level. That is why it is difficult for people to part with bad habit. There's a violation chemical processes in the brain, the body gets used to living using nicotine. However, even more often the desire to smoke arises in connection with certain situations of life, a reflex is developed.

How to be? Can you quit smoking on your own? Experts and psychologists say that you can overcome addiction if you accept it important decision and act clearly in accordance with their convictions. It is necessary to form the thought: “I smoked, but now I will never”, if it seems difficult, then for a shorter time: “I will not take cigarettes for a month”, then continue to increase the period.

It is important to mentally tune in very decisively, bypass kiosks and smoking areas, try to be less in the company of smokers, look for ways to replace, how to distract yourself, occupy your body during periods of craving for cigarettes.

Our readers have discovered a guaranteed way to quit smoking! It's 100% natural remedy, which is based exclusively on herbs, and mixed in such a way that it is easy, at no extra cost, without withdrawal syndrome, without gaining excess weight and without being nervous to get rid of nicotine addiction ONCE AND FOREVER! I want to quit smoking...

The world has great amount people who have overcome addiction, they experience changes in their lives thanks to willpower and a clear life purpose. We just decide and act. We now challenge cigarettes and our addiction. Who - whom, we strive with all our might to gain victory. You can use a public statement, tell relatives that you quit smoking. This will encourage refusal, so as not to be convicted of violating your decision.

Basic rules for quitting smoking according to Robert West's book "I don't smoke anymore"

  1. Make a final decision, set deadlines, if difficult "never".
  2. believe that you can overcome smoking and make addiction a thing of the past.
  3. Find clear justifications, why you don’t want to smoke anymore - thanks to the refusal, you can gain health (the pulse normalizes, the risk of heart attack, the lungs are restored, the skin is restored healthy look, avoid cancer), you will save a lot of money, calculate the amount that can be directed to rest, purchase important things, you will be able to calmly communicate with non-smokers without causing discomfort, learn to feel life to the fullest - tobacco disrupts the perception of taste, you will feel more confident, overcoming cravings for smoking. This is an important achievement in life, imagine how pleasant it is, after a while, to say: “I smoked, and now I quit, I could.”
  4. You can use chewing gum to replace smoking or others medical preparations making it easier to quit nicotine.
  5. Tell nearest people about your decision, their support will help in the fight against smoking and add responsibility.
  6. Realize: “I am a man of my word, I make decisions for my life and will act clearly, according to decision”, you should not pay attention to smoking acquaintances, friends, everyone has their own life, and everyone is responsible for their actions, they will still envy the manifestation of willpower on your part.

Why is it difficult to quit smoking?

Psychology, the reasons for smoking are a matter of concern to many people. Often a situation arises when they start smoking in company with friends, then the need for nicotine grows, and it is difficult to decide to quit. However, everything is possible with sufficient perseverance, the longer you can live without nicotine, the easier it will be to do without it.

Much of the difficulty lies in psychological habit, cigarette smokers become family, like friends, they may miss the state that they experienced before. This is difficult to understand for a non-smoker, but a reflex is laid in the brain to enjoy smoking, which is associated with both nicotine and psychological need.

How to overcome psychological addiction?

To overcome addiction to smoking, it is necessary that the volitional part of a person prevail over the physical, instinctive, learn to suppress desires. Usually, at the beginning of smoking cessation, there is an urge to smoke in a familiar environment, therefore trips are useful to switch, an increase in appetite is possible, a love for sweets manifests itself, as a need to replace nicotine in the body. However, this trend lasts only a couple of months, then the body is rebuilt and gets used to living without nicotine.

Interestingly, even famous people often become heavy smokers, so Barack Obama, one of the US presidents, smoked for 30 years and only in 2011. finally decided to give up cigarettes once and for all, declaring this in writing in the newspapers. So, anyone can deal with a similar situation.

Often people justify the need for smoking to relieve stress and maintain concentration, however, this is a visible effect, nicotine does not reduce stress, but only compensates for the lack of a substance in the body, which causes a certain euphoria, relief, it seems that thoughts have become clearer, and they are the same as an ordinary non-smoking person, always capable of logical thinking.

If you are afraid to get better, you should not rush to go on a diet and quit smoking at the same time, it will be extremely difficult, it is better to first overcome the craving for nicotine, and then go on diets and sports activities, because the need for nutrition may increase at first, nicotine chewing gum and patches may partially relieve tension.

Psychology, the causes of smoking are distinguished among fears and psychological factors- the occurrence of irritability, anxiety, even depression, but remember: everything is temporary, the body will soon get used to it and restore the process chemical exchange without nicotine. It is important to resist the first time, then the urge to smoke appears less and less.

How to develop your willpower, resistance to nicotine?

  1. Clearly define your no-smoking formula- you should not use: "I will try not to smoke", it is better: "I decided to quit smoking forever."
  2. Control your progress towards your goal, praise mentally for every step, every victory over your physical part of the brain that requires nicotine.
  3. Find a role model- a person who has overcome addiction or leads a lifestyle that is a benchmark for future life. Read the success stories of people, recharge with positive, everything is in the hands of a person, the main thing is to believe and strive. More often it is worth imagining yourself in a new role, forming an internal image of a person free from harmful addictions.
  4. Search as much as possible more reasons to part with cigarettes— read about the dangers of nicotine, look at examples from life, no one wants to part with life ahead of time, lose health, get cancer, stroke, lose loved ones who do not like tobacco smoke. Worth finding yours special reasons not imposed by society, to realize and make a clear decision.
  5. Maintain mental balance- in a state of fatigue, stress, it is difficult to fight smoking, remember about good rest, prolonged sleep, minimization of worries and anxieties, avoid troubles in life and situations that cause the desire to smoke.

The simplest solution is not to start smoking, because even 1 cigarette is already an incentive to continue smoking, and constant use greatly complicates the situation. However, it is human nature to create difficulties in one's own life path and then heroically fight them. Often the reason is the lack of understanding that getting used to is easier than quitting, but you should never despair, there is always a way out.

It is important to stock up on faith and perseverance in an effort to get rid of smoking. We remember the wonderful prospects that open up in this case- health, additional finances, more social circle, pride in their achievements.

Psychology, causes of smoking are investigated by psychologists for a long time, one of the successful books is considered - " The only way quit smoking forever" Alena Carr. The man who wrote the book himself went from a very heavy smoker who significantly damaged his health to a person who broke out of the "nicotine prison" and actively helps others fight addiction.

He argues that almost all smokers would be happy to quit, but fear slows down, constantly postponing for later, believing that they will always have time. Alan has developed a technique that makes it easy to overcome addiction and avoid weight gain.

Basic principles of the program

  • people live without realizing that they are in a “nicotine trap”;
  • smoking is 99% psychological problem, and it can be solved by understanding this issue;
  • it is important to believe that quitting is easy, discomfort last only a few days and to a greater extent - this is not physical pain, but a craving for a cigarette on psychological level, habit;
  • the main obstacle is the feeling that you cannot live without cigarettes, you will lose peace, the ability to relieve stress. This is all a false belief - a healthy lifestyle is much brighter and more enjoyable;
  • it is worth considering that you give money regularly for a remedy that destroys health and shortens life. Maybe stop letting tobacco companies raise capital at your expense?

Psychology, the reasons for smoking make it possible to realize that all human fears are illusory and far-fetched, everyone can safely quit smoking, believing in their own strength and making an important decision on a conscious level. The main thing is to understand: the desire to smoke arises not because it is pleasant and useful, but as a result of a lack of nicotine in the body and craving for pleasure on an instinctive level, a vicious circle arises.

While smoking, there is a feeling of relief, but this is associated with the cause of addiction, and not with a specific beneficial effect. Nicotine penetrates the cells and teaches them to use it in exchange, in fact, it does not bring much benefit to the body, rather harm, judging by the statistics. It is worth stopping postponing a fateful decision for later, but muster up the courage and say decisively: “No”!

We wish you to find motivation and gain strength to fight smoking!

A few secrets..

Each of the smokers, at least once, but wondered: "How to quit smoking?". If, however, smokers do not just ask such a question, so to speak for general development, but are set up and want to quit - half the battle is done. There is no exact answer how exactly to quit smoking, each smoker must find the way that suits him, not the easiest, but the one that suits him. Quitting smoking is not easy, especially if you have a long history of smoking.

Tobacco addiction is considered one of the most invincible. But every smoker should remember that mankind has accumulated vast experience in the fight against smoking, and if you want to quit smoking, it is quite possible. In what ways? Completely different. So, for example, in the West, it is perfectly normal to look at the use food additives or special medicines from smoking. Cigarette substitutes and any of their modifiers are also widely used. Do not forget about the professional help of specialists. Alternative Methods in the fight against a bad habit, acupuncture or coding can be considered.

For success…

In order to quit smoking forever, and not for some time, motivation is needed and, of course, an understanding of the reasons that make us take a new cigarette. Each of us has heard that smoking is an easy drug and addictive. Of course, every smoker will disown and in no case recognize himself as a drug addict, on extreme case dependent, but that doesn't change much.

Why and when do we smoke? Firstly, during smoking, stimulation of the sense organs occurs, which gradually becomes a habit, and the body requires a constant repetition of sensations. In addition, we reach for a cigarette when there is nothing to do, or when we see that the interlocutor is reaching for a cigarette. Some seek to interrupt the monotonous chain of events with constant smoke breaks, or simply thereby shirk work. We often hear that smoking calms, in moments of terrible melancholy and minor, you can smoke a pack of cigarettes almost in one fell swoop.

If there is a goal to quit smoking forever, then you need to learn how to relax, put your thoughts and your mood in order without cigarettes. It is the lack of skills in raising our mood, destroying boredom that leads us to start smoking or even drinking.

The hardest part is setting yourself up for failure.

There are several tips to help you get through the first days of quitting, which are considered to be the most difficult. You need to return to these tips daily, until the need for them disappears. And when will she disappear? Every smoker will feel it on their own.

The first thing that needs to be taken into account, understood and accepted is the significant harm to health that we inflict on ourselves by constantly adhering to such a bad habit. Of course, smoking cessation propaganda is now on highest level, relevant laws have also been adopted, but until we ourselves understand how dangerous it is for health and what consequences it can have, we will have to wait a long time for results in the fight against smoking.

Tobacco smoking is harmful to health

One cigarette contains a huge amount harmful substances Three types of toxins are considered especially hazardous to health. The first - resin, which contain in their composition carcinogenic substances that strongly irritate the tissues of the bronchi and lungs. The involvement of carcinogens in the formation of lung cancer has been proven. Moreover, all smokers are threatened cancer not only of the lungs, but also of the larynx and oral cavity(at non-smokers These 2 types of cancer almost never occur). In addition, the resin negatively affects the cleansing processes in the lungs, can paralyze them and damage the alveoli of the lungs, which is why various diseases lungs characteristic of smokers - COPD, chronic bronchitis, the main symptom of which is a chronic cough.

The second toxin is directly nicotine, which is considered a narcotic substance with a pronounced stimulating effect. Like any drug, nicotine is addictive and gradually becomes addictive. Nicotine is able to stimulate the heart rate, increases arterial pressure. Nicotine is characterized by a two-stage mechanism of action, initially it excites, and then depletes.

When quitting smoking, there is withdrawal syndrome which will take about a couple of weeks. The withdrawal syndrome is characterized by excessive irritability, sleep disturbances, unreasonable anxiety and a decrease in overall tone.

The third group - toxic gases(hydrogen cyanide, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, etc.). The most toxic compound is carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide forms a very strong bond with hemoglobin, respectively, the amount of hemoglobin decreases, which is able to carry oxygen to the tissues of the body, this is how oxygen starvation. You can clearly feel oxygen starvation when physical activity shortness of breath appears almost immediately.

Tobacco smoke also contains carbon monoxide, which can damage the walls of arteries, which greatly increases the risk of narrowing. coronary vessels which will almost inevitably lead to heart attacks or strokes.

These are only a small part of the consequences of smoking, in fact there are a huge number of them. It is worth remembering that all human body are interconnected, and the same oxygen starvation can provoke serious negative consequences.

Smoking can cause atherosclerosis of blood vessels, heart attacks and strokes, disorders of the immune system. In a negative way smoking affects endocrine system . Every woman smoker should remember that smoking causes premature aging organism and skin in the first place.

For men, a particularly relevant consequence may be impotence. On the reproductive system women, smoking also has an impact – infertility, childbirth physical disabilities or even stillbirth.

Of the quick consequences that can develop in just a couple of months - a change in the taste of food, the presence of abundant dental deposits, there is even a special term in dentistry - "smoker's plaque". Also common to all smokers halitosisbad smell out of the mouth, regardless of how long ago the cigarette was smoked. When smoking, salivation of the oral cavity is disturbed - the secretion of saliva, namely saliva is a protective factor of the oral cavity and is able to deal with abundant dental deposits, remove food debris, and so on. In addition, according to dental studies, smokers are more likely to register caries, gum disease and various inflammatory diseases mouth and even lips.

After the above, the decision to quit smoking may seem right, but in the meantime, doubts arise, especially among heavy smokers. There will always be excuses, because there is no desire to deprive yourself of daily support with cigarettes. It's hard to imagine how you manage without smoke breaks, and do a hundred things during the waiting hours? But there is an answer to this as well.

We don't lose anything

We can even say we get it, firstly, the risk of earning is significantly reduced oncological disease. In addition, the work of the whole organism is significantly improved, because there is no oxygen starvation. Of course, all these concepts seem abstract, distant, and it turns out that the fear of being left without a “magic” stress reliever is more significant. But all these fears are phantom, and you can fight it.

When quitting smoking, there can be no later, and you should not postpone smoking cessation until Monday, the beginning of the month or New Year. Once you decide to quit smoking, you need to do it right away. Need to be ready for feeling unwell, on at least, in the first week, the formed discomfort cannot be eliminated, it just needs to be experienced.

It is necessary to prepare for the fact that the brain can send provocative messages, but you cannot respond to them, even despite the categorical requirement of the brain "just one puff"!

One of effective ways Quit smoking is coding, and you need to code yourself. And the most important coding tool is self-hypnosis. Arrange a competition, which is stronger: willpower or addiction!? The incentive can be an analysis of what smoking gives? If you think about it and figure it out, then apart from harm to health, waste of time and money - nothing!

It is worth remembering that it is not always possible to quit smoking on the first try - and this is normal. Even after failed attempts you should not hang your nose, you must continue to fight, fight for your health. In addition, it is necessary to quit smoking exclusively for yourself, not for friends, girls / men, but for yourself, because everything positive results from smoking cessation will go to you, and not to those dear and close, although they will also get to their share.

You cannot achieve success by constantly finding excuses for smoking another cigarette. And you can find a lot of excuses - too nervous environment, stress, difficulties at work, a session, and so on. The main difficulty and the main stress is the rejection of nicotine.

A separate discussion deserves the issue of weight gain after quitting smoking - this is especially true for women. If you set yourself up for a set excess weight or replace cigarettes with buns and cakes, then of course weight gain is guaranteed. And cigarettes have nothing to do with it. Overeating is the cause of weight gain, not smoking cessation.

For experienced smokers, you can use some tricks, for example, engage in self-hypnosis - "I will not smoke until noon", "I will not smoke until the end of the working day", etc. Sometimes such attitudes help more effectively in the fight against smoking than the attitude of quitting smoking once and for all, and step by step they bring you closer to the goal.

It is necessary to protect yourself from stress, to minimize communication with people who can cause excessive irritation. It is also necessary to eat regularly and not arrive in a hungry state. It is necessary to constantly occupy yourself with something, it is desirable that the actions be active, occupying all the attention. Psychologists advise to have with you something to occupy your mouth, in literally. Lollipops, chewing gum, sometimes even seeds will do - if the situation allows.

For long-term smokers it is quite difficult to quit smoking immediately, experts advise in this case to quit smoking gradually, slowly - gradually reducing the number of cigarettes. But at the same time, it is worth remembering that reducing the number of cigarettes can be as difficult as complete failure from them.

Smoking is now considered by doctors not as a bad habit, but as chronic illness prone to relapse even after long time after quitting tobacco. It ranks higher on the physical and mental addiction scale than alcohol, amphetamines, and hashish. Therefore, if you cannot cope with your addiction on your own, use the help of a narcologist, do not be afraid, no one will put you on record.

What can a narcologist offer?

Initially, nicotine replacement therapy may be offered. These are various nicotine chewing gums, patches, inhalers containing pure nicotine. The dosage is selected individually. This will get rid of psychological dependence from cigarettes, the need to "hold a cigarette in hand." Do not use with cigarettes! After a couple of months, the dosage is gradually reduced over 2-3 months until complete withdrawal in order to prevent withdrawal syndrome.

A drug plant origin Tabex helps those who want or are forced to give up nicotine. His therapeutic effect is based on the fact that, against the background of smoking, it creates unpleasant symptoms nicotine overdose, which stimulates the reduction in the number of cigarettes smoked or quit smoking altogether.

Zyban tablets are a nicotine-free remedy for nicotine addiction. Blocks the pleasure of smoking. The action of the substance bupropion is based on its antidepressant properties, which gives the quitter psychological comfort, which is an important factor in the process of quitting smoking.

But treatment involves a serious attitude of the patient himself and his motivated desire to quit smoking, so the main condition for successful treatment and sustainable remission is serious attitude patient to treatment and careful implementation of all recommendations.

Why does a person smoke? Why does he take up a cigarette again and again? reasons for smoking? Now we'll find out.

Reasons for smoking

1. Smoking gives you a sense of confidence

Some people, especially those who are shy and insecure, use a cigarette to feel more confident. In order to join the society and become a part of it.

What to do?

Increase confidence and self-esteem. Look for positive ways to feel great. Ask yourself: "What will give you confidence" This can be playing sports, buying expensive and stylish clothes, a prestigious job and much more.

2. Smoking gives peace of mind

Frequent stress and anxiety leads to strong nicotine addiction. A person gets used to using a cigarette as a support in difficult situations. Like an antidepressant. And so it is important to learn how to manage your stress and be able to calm down and maintain composure.

If your reason for smoking is to calm down, then autogenic training, meditation techniques or breathing exercises.

3. Smoking promotes pleasure

This is also quite common reason for smoking. And many smokers are so attached to cigarettes because they do not know how to receive positive emotions in positive ways. Therefore, if you also belong to this category, you need to answer only one question: “What will make me happy?” And then just start doing it.

4. Smoking as a way to relax

One of the main reasons for smoking is the association of cigarettes and relaxation. That is, people think that smoking helps to relax, rest and put their thoughts in order.

And if you smoke for this reason, then you need to try other ways to relax. For example: you can take baths, go to nature or read your favorite book.

5. Smoking helps you focus and think

Some people use cigarettes as a focus aid. It illusory helps to think, reflect, comes to some decisions.

What can replace smoking here? Concentration, meditation and contemplation of beauty contribute well to concentration.

6. Smoking helps switch attention

Some people are used to using smoking as a kind of switch. Once, completed the case, you need to smoke a cigarette. Otherwise it's difficult. What to do here? Look for another way. For example, you can wash your face cold water and if time permits it is better to take a shower. This will help not only to switch, but also to relieve unnecessary energy from you.

Many people know that cigarettes have negative impact for the whole organism. Often such knowledge comes down to understanding that after a while an active smoker develops coughing, shortness of breath may occur, teeth will turn yellow. Not everyone knows what happens inside the body. And the fact that smoking is the first and most basic cause of mental disorders, most people do not even suspect.

Numerous studies by scientists have long proved that smoking not only changes the character of a person in the worst side, but also makes him more aggressive, anxious, very irritable. Mental capacity and memory is drastically reduced.

The effect of smoking on the psyche

Smoking is classified as a special type of addiction, which leads to the destruction of the psyche. But the effects of smoking are not so obvious in comparison with alcoholism or drug addiction. At the same time, none of the smokers consider craving for cigarettes to be something very dangerous and destructive for their psycho-emotional state. Many active smokers often compare their addiction to chocolate, thrill or special types products.

Is this really so, and is it even possible to compare such habits?

  1. Cigarettes, like any drug, are physically addictive.
  2. Both of these addictions negatively affect the human psyche at any age. Especially such manifestations are observed in adolescents, when their body is still in active development.
  3. Compared to drugs, changes in the psyche occur much more slowly during smoking than during the use of drugs or alcohol.

These comparisons show that smoking is different from narcotic substances only weaker external manifestations but over time they become more pronounced.

Why is it that a completely healthy, active and adequate person, when he says that smoking destroys his health, only nods his head indifferently and continues to smoke? Cigarettes like alcohol and fast carbohydrates, are dangerous to health, but at the same time a huge number of people around the world regularly use them. The answer is very simple - in all these cases, the subconscious programs of a person or psychosomatics are involved.

Contrary to common sense, anyone can become addicted to such harmful substances. This does not mean at all that he is weak or he does not have willpower, he just has not yet fully realized what programs control him and why he regularly reaches for a cigarette, alcohol or another dose of drugs.

Negative effects of nicotine on the psyche

Smoking and the psyche are things that are inextricably linked. nicotine as well a large number of toxic substances found in cigarettes is a substance that penetrates the human brain very quickly. Regular smoking produces the "hormone of happiness" in the body.

After the first three or five cigarettes smoked, the brain and subconscious remember a certain chain: smoking a cigarette - excitation of certain systems in the body - pleasure. That is why, the body begins to demand another cigarette.

But the main reasons that mental and physical health smoker is greatly worsened, are that over time the body needs much large quantity nicotine. Many experts say that long-term active smokers often feel “nicotine hunger”. The brain is occupied with the same question: “how to smoke the next cigarette as soon as possible”, and not with how to cope with nicotine addiction.

Such changes do not appear immediately, the first signs may appear only after 2-3 years of smoking.

At first, cigarettes cause calm and relaxation, but only after a while - aggression, irritability and mental imbalance.

In addition, nicotine and toxic substances lead to cell hypoxia. nervous system and vasospasm. Over time, cells die and mental activity is greatly dulled.

The effect of nicotine on the brain during passive smoking

Many people are not irritated by the process of smoking, but by tobacco smoke. If a person is passive smoker, when it enters his body, tobacco smoke affects all nerve receptors. small particles cigarette smoke give the brain a certain signal, this is manifested by aggression, nervous breakdowns, headache, nausea and other negative factors.

Why do people smoke? “Thank God for creating cigarettes that allow a person to collect his thoughts or, at least, take on a philosophical look” (Christopher T. Buckley “Smoking Here”). Non-random quote.

It is the desire to concentrate, prepare for a responsible step, get rid of stress for a while, muffle pain and fear - the main reasons to move the ashtray closer, strike a match or lighter, bring a cigarette to the fire and take the first puff. This is what most smokers think.

After 2 paragraphs

As psychological prerequisites that provoke the initial craving for smoking, but are always strictly individual, are often called:

  • desire to imitate parents, idols, peers
  • the desire to attract the attention of the opposite sex (to create the image of a "cool macho" or "mysterious stranger")
  • the need for communication (and, conversely, the need to isolate oneself from everyone)
  • kind of protest against existing conditions(at home, outdoors, at work, etc.)

These prerequisites look frivolous only at first glance. After all, all of them really lead to the formation of a persistent psychological dependence on the process of smoking. Gradually, a kind of ritual appears, supposedly ordering a troubled life: a morning cigarette, a cigarette after a meal, a cigarette before bedtime, etc.

And, mentally giving up tobacco, the smoker loses many illusions: the illusion of communication, the illusion of the team, the illusion of calmness. But the most important thing is the illusion of one's individuality.
The wrong fight against smoking

It is obvious that the problem of nicotine addiction cannot be solved at the state level, since this does not take into account the psychology of smoking and the way of thinking of the smoker. So, for an experienced smoker and often for those who are just about to start smoking, legislative preventive actions aimed at combating this bad habit. Including offering some alternative. Usually this:

  • total ban on tobacco advertising
  • healthy lifestyle promotion
  • visual aids psychological impact(for example, inscriptions on packs)
  • smoking ban in public places
  • multiple price increases for tobacco products
  • sale of cigarettes only in specialized stores

To all these measures, smokers often find witty, in their opinion, solutions:

  • “I know what brand of cigarettes to buy even without advertising”
  • “Healthy lifestyle is the choice of rich people who have nothing to do”
  • “I wonder what they will write on the next pack?”
  • “Time to change jobs (favorite restaurant, hotel, social circle)”
  • "I'll switch to self-garden"
  • “These are all the intrigues of the lobby of retail chains”

Such protest and justification statements better than any definitions illustrate the psychology of smoking as a process to which the life of a nicotine-dependent person is subject.

After 8 paragraphs

How the psychology of smoking can help you quit smoking

So, if the psychology of both a beginner and a heavy smoker is always based on the illusion of individuality, then in order to turn him away from this bad habit once and for all, you should destroy it (the illusion) or show its reverse side. Coming to oneself with the help of a cigarette (for example, in the morning with a cup of coffee, after a hard conversation with a boss, during a period of hard work), a person acquires for a while the ability to drown out all the experiences associated with an abundance of impressions. And not only negative, but also positive.

In other words, the smoker, acquiring an imaginary individuality, voluntarily gives up a significant part of his "I". Only from these positions is it possible to fight this bad habit and on the condition that the impact will just be of a strictly individual nature - with the help of a psychologist or at the cost of independent efforts.

Specially for Alexandra Maksimova

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