What is bad for the prostate. Lean animal and fish meat. Principles of nutrition and what is good for the prostate

At the present time, such a male disease as prostatitis is spreading more and more. Many are not even familiar with the meaning of this word. This disease affects the male sex at any age.

What is prostatitis

Prostatitis is one of the diseases in urology, which occurs only in males. There is inflammation of the prostate gland, which is accompanied by swelling. The reasons for this disease can be different.

  1. Sedentary work, sedentary lifestyle.
  2. Constipation.
  3. Air pollution.
  4. Irregular sex or long abstinence from it.
  5. Poor synthetic and tight underwear.
  6. Hypothermia.
  7. Unbalanced nutrition.
  8. Stressful situations, poor sleep.
  9. All kinds of infections.
  10. Chronic diseases.
  11. Caries.

Doctors divide prostatitis into several types:

  1. Infectious - infection caused by bacteria, viruses and various microorganisms.
  2. Sometimes prostatitis appears due to stagnation of blood in the pelvis, this type of prostatitis is called non-infectious. It happens much more often than infectious. About ninety percent of men suffer from this type of prostatitis.

Symptoms of the disease

There are sharp pains in the perineal region, a burning sensation and pain during urination, sometimes there is an increase in temperature, poor health. A common symptom of prostatitis is pain in the lumbar region.

Pain with such a disease always accompanies sexual intercourse, the quality of sex decreases and desire disappears altogether. After such disappointing symptoms, stress begins, there is no erection, orgasm is achieved either very hard, or, conversely, very quickly. If you do not pay attention to the above symptoms, then prostatitis will turn into impotence.

Consequences of prostatitis

Due to prostatitis, the level of male hormones decreases and, as a result, attraction to the opposite sex gradually disappears. Prostatitis is a common cause of impotence. Another bad consequence of this disease is male infertility. About forty percent of men are prone to infertility due to the chronic stage of the disease.

Read also: Candles with propolis from prostatitis - treatment with minimal health risk

Not all men can guess that they are sick with chronic prostatitis. He can hide for a long time, but then gradually remind of himself. Problems with the toilet begin, pain occurs, which can lead to the development of cysts and stones in the prostate gland.

If a man has been diagnosed with prostatitis, it is necessary to consult an andrologist. He will help to find out the cause of the disease and prescribe a course of treatment. But in parallel with the treatment, you need to eat right.

Fundamentals of proper nutrition for prostatitis

Products in the treatment of this disease should be with a minimum amount of cholesterol, which is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, which clogs them more and leads to stagnation of blood in the genitals.

Food must be rich in proteins and contain a large number of calories. Foods containing sugar and starch should be excluded from the diet. If a man wants to take care of his health and avoid prostatitis, it is worth removing such foods as spices, various sauces, fried and smoked foods, fatty meats, caffeine-based drinks, and soda from the diet. You should also give up bad habits, such as smoking and drinking alcohol.

Everything that is useful against the prostate is useful for the whole organism as a whole.

What foods are good for prostate

When choosing a diet, you should consult a doctor who can recommend a particular product individually for each patient.

Lean animal and fish meat

Meat is rich in protein, and fish dishes contain amino acids and omega-3. These foods have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. You need to use boiled or steamed, but not fried.

Vegetable and fruit dishes

Vegetables and fruits are very rich in vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is necessary to consume vegetables and fruits every day, preferably raw. After all, when the body is sick, it needs doubly the intake of vitamins.
In the inflammatory process, carrots, cucumbers, fresh tomatoes, cabbage, zucchini, watermelon, melon and pumpkin help well. These products are desirable to eat both raw and boiled. Make salads dressed with oil and add fresh herbs to them.

The prostate is often referred to as the “male heart”. This organ ensures the vital activity of spermatozoa, throwing into them during ejaculation enzymes, zinc ions, various vitamins, immunoglobulins. Also, a secret is secreted from the prostate gland, which dilutes the ejaculate. In addition, the location of the prostate is such that it covers, practically, from all sides the channel for the exit of urine (through it the necessary components are thrown into the sperm), therefore, when this organ is ill, negative processes affect the function of urination.

Usually, with diseases of the prostate gland (adenoma, prostatitis), different symptoms are observed. But most of them are associated with violations of the urination system, such as delays, emptying if desired, pain when walking "in a small way", a sluggish stream and other similar signs.

For prostate ailments, the doctor, after an accurate diagnosis, prescribes a comprehensive treatment, which includes taking a variety of drugs and a variety of medical procedures. But also doctors in such cases recommend sticking to a certain diet and eating only foods that are healthy for the prostate gland. This is also an important part of the course of healing, since it allows you to supply the diseased organ with the necessary trace elements and minimize factors that irritate it.

Let's start with unhealthy foods

Food ingredients that should not be consumed in such diseases. In diseases of the prostate gland, many foods should not be included in your diet.

These include:

Salt It causes fluid retention, thereby contributing to an increase in blood pressure. This is a very negative factor that interferes with the normalization of the prostate.
Smoked meats They have an irritating effect on the diseased organ.
Beer Products such as this drink contain a large number of female hormones. This can cause prostatic hypertrophy.
Alcohol It leads to degeneration of the prostate lobules. As a result, the quality of the ejaculate is impaired, which can cause infertility.
Carbonated drinks They contain a large number of flavors and a variety of dyes. This has a negative effect on the condition of the diseased organ, irritating it.
Spicy sauces, marinated products They also negatively affect the condition of the prostate.

In addition, it is necessary to limit the use of various muffins, sweets and flour products. They make more intense fermentation in the stomach. As a result, microflora disturbances occur in the intestines.

For the normal functioning of the prostate gland, it is necessary to consume foods every day that contain the necessary trace elements and useful vitamins. In such cases, the sperm will have a complete set of elements required for fertilization. In addition, the use of food ingredients that have a negative effect on the prostatic secretion should be avoided. These are too fatty dishes, and dishes with a lot of carbohydrates.

A diet with a daily calorie content of no more than 2800 kcal is recommended. Of these, fats - up to 70 grams, about 80 proteins - 100 grams, carbohydrates - up to 400 grams. It is important that two-thirds of the fats are vegetable. The fact is that similar "animal" products are the cause of atherosclerotic plaques that appear on the walls of blood vessels.

This significantly impairs blood flow, including in the pelvic area. The fats contained in marine fish are good for consumption. They are unsaturated and therefore have an antioxidant effect. It is important to use foods that have enough zinc. Such food improves immunity and stimulates production. If prostatic hyperplasia or prostatitis is observed, then doctors advise increasing the volume of water consumed to a couple of liters daily. This, in turn, promotes more urination and allows you to quickly remove harmful bacteria from the lower urinary tract.

What can and should be consumed in these diseases?

The prostate requires certain foods to function properly:

lean meat These are poultry, fish, and also some parts of beef. They are an excellent source of protein and synthesize immunoglobulins.
pumpkin seeds They contain a large amount of zinc - a very useful trace element for the prostate gland. These seeds also contain vitamins E and A.
Eggs They contain lecithin. Therefore, the nutrition of these products has a positive effect on the prostate, especially on the production of a special secret by this body.
walnuts They stimulate metabolic processes. Nuts also contain zinc, phosphorus, calcium and vitamins E and C.
Olive and sunflower oil Such products are an excellent supplier of vitamin E.
Citrus These fruits improve immunity. They also allow you to maintain the acidic indicators of the ejaculate at the right level.
Seafood These are rapana, mussels and a variety of oysters. They contain many trace elements and vitamins useful for the prostate.
Buckwheat It is necessary for the normal functioning of the gland, since it contains eight important amino acids that are indispensable.
Almond This is a good source of protein. It also contains zinc, magnesium and other important micronutrients, not to mention a host of vitamins.
dairy products These include ryazhenka, kefir. They allow you to restore the intestinal microflora (this is important after undergoing antibiotic therapy for the treatment of prostatitis), normalize the work of the stomach, and have a positive effect on blood flow in the pelvic area.
Tomatoes These vegetables are rich in lycopene. It is an antioxidant that significantly reduces the risk of prostate cancer. It is enough to consume half a kilogram of fresh tomatoes daily or three tablespoons (tablespoons) of tomato paste, and a couple of glasses of tomato juice can also replace them.

Most importantly, before using these products, try to compose your diet with the involvement of your doctor so that it is most effective.

Every man should know what is good for the prostate. The health of this body is very important. In addition to possible problems with sexual activity and conceiving a child, prostate diseases can be a deadly threat.

Proper balanced nutrition and will help prevent many diseases.

Proper nutrition

You can only find out which products will be useful for each specific case on an individual basis, that is, a man will need to consult a doctor and pass a series of specific tests.

Composing a daily diet, it is necessary to give preference to vegetables, fruits, cereals and legumes. Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants. The functionality of the prostate gland is significantly increased if you use:

  • parsley;
  • dill;
  • green beans;
  • asparagus.
Legumes protect against prostate cancer!

Serving legumes. Cereals also have similar qualitative characteristics. It has been proven that prostate cancer is more often diagnosed in men who suffer from overweight. Cereals are low in calories, therefore safer for health.

The male body needs fat. It is recommended to give preference to:

  • vegetable oil;
  • olive oil;
  • walnuts;
  • mackerel;
  • tuna;
  • salmon;

Particular attention should be paid to which products are good for the prostate, should be patients who already have problems in this area. The optimal diet for cancer and other prostate problems should include the following foods:

  • tomatoes;
  • Brussels sprouts;
  • red and green peppers;
  • spinach;
  • peas;
  • beans;
  • liver;
  • red meat;
  • rice bran;
  • sesame seeds;
  • watermelon;
  • dog-rose fruit;
  • yeast.

Vitamins such as B6, B12, C, folic acid and iron must be supplied to the body with food. With their help, the development of anemia is prevented, which often leads to prostate hypertrophy. People with high cholesterol need to control the daily intake of meat, and also give preference to beef. In the event that it is not possible to fill the lack of iron with food, the necessary element can be introduced into the body in the form of tablets or injections. Such activities are carried out only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Men with high cholesterol need to control meat consumption

prostate massage

It is not necessary to do prostate massage only when there are some problems in the patient's history that cancel such treatment. The preventive procedure, which is carried out approximately 2 times a week, if performed correctly, will not only have a healing effect, but will also become a pleasant pastime for a man.

You can massage the prostate on your own or with the involvement of someone close to you, but initially it is recommended to trust a specialist. Professional performance will allow a man to understand the technique of massage, after which it will not be difficult to carry it out on his own.

The prostate gland can be massaged only if there is no inflammatory process. For example, when massage has a positive effect on the treatment process, but as soon as the disease becomes acute, the effect on the organ will be inappropriate. In addition to unpleasant pain, the inflammatory process can intensify.

Massage technique

For the normal functioning of the prostate gland, a man needs its massage.

The procedure itself does not take much time, but if it is carried out for the first time, then the preparation may be delayed. It is very important that the man is completely relaxed. If this can be achieved, then the procedure will be completely painless and even give the man pleasure.

Approximately one hour before the session, a man needs to empty his intestines. If there are problems with the stool, you can do a cleansing enema. To improve efficiency, massage is performed with a full bladder. But it should be borne in mind that a strong desire to urinate will not allow a man to relax. Therefore, approximately 30 minutes before the procedure, a man needs to drink about 2 glasses of water.

It is believed that the most optimal position is the position when a man lies on his stomach. Before starting the procedure, the massage therapist must wash their hands and put on sterile gloves. There should be no nails on the hands.

Another important nuance during the massage is the use of a sufficient amount of lubricant.

The required amount of lubricant is applied to the fingers and begin to gently massage the anus. All movements should be gentle and measured. Massage at this pace for as long as it takes until the sphincter begins to relax. Only then can the finger itself be inserted into the anus. If at some point a man feels pain, you need to stop entering. You should expect that 1 time massage may not work.

The prostate is approximately 5 cm deep. It is difficult to miss it. It is a tubercle, the size of a walnut. When the finger reaches the gland, light circular strokes begin in the direction from the sides to the center of the organ. It is recommended to massage alternately. First the left side of the gland, and then the right. Finish the procedure by stroking its central part.

The total duration of prostate massage takes 2-3 minutes.

The finger is removed from the anus as smoothly as it was introduced. A sudden movement can provoke spontaneous contraction of the sphincter muscles, which will cause pain.

When the massage is completed, the man should empty his bladder. Together with urine, the secret that has accumulated in the gland should leave the body.

Outdoor massage

The man needs to lie on his back and place both palms on the area above the pubic bone. The fingers should be touching. With the ring and middle fingers, they begin to gently press on the lower abdomen. All movements are performed smoothly and slowly.

Without lifting your fingers from the skin, you need to move your right hand a few centimeters to the side. Do the same with the left hand. Diverging in different directions, the fingers will stretch the skin. Next, you need to raise your fingertips 1-2 cm higher and continue the massage until they reach the navel. After each raising the fingers up, light pressure on 1 place is performed for a minute. After that, the return journey begins.

All movements should be as accurate as with a direct effect on the gland.

In the area from the navel to the pubic joint, the parenchymal tissue of the prostate is located. If all movements are performed correctly, then at the end of the massage, most men release a few drops of prostatic juice.

Not only healthy products for the prostate and its massage affect the health of a man. There are many other factors that can affect the human body. One of the equally important points on the way to a healthy lifestyle is proper rest and sleep.

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the tissues of the prostate gland. A very common disease in men aged 20-50 years.

The prostate gland performs an important function in the male body, it produces a secret that includes hormones, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The prostate regulates the production of testosterone, ensures the viability and motility of spermatozoa, and is responsible for the erection function of a man.

This organ is located under the bladder and covers part of the urethra. In an inflamed state, the prostate exerts increased pressure, even on an empty bladder.

Causes of prostatitis.

More often than others, people leading a sedentary lifestyle suffer from prostatitis, this is an “occupational” disease of drivers, officials and office workers.

Inflammation of the prostate is caused by bacterial and viral infections, including sexually transmitted infections.

The reason may be frequent hypothermia of the body. Ice fishing enthusiasts, skiers and other people who spend a lot of time in the cold are at risk.

Stagnation and circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs.

The cause of congestion is interrupted sexual intercourse or sexual abstinence.

Nicotine addiction.

The abuse of foods rich in cholesterol leads to blockage of blood vessels and impairs blood flow, including to the pelvic organs.

Physical and psychological overload, frequent stress, can also play a negative role.

The first signs of prostatitis may not be pronounced and may not cause severe discomfort to the man. With congestion or microbes entering the prostate gland, micro inflammation develops. The process can be asymptomatic for more than one year before turning into an acute form. It is important to pay attention to the symptoms of developing prostatitis in time and start treatment as early as possible.

Symptoms of prostatitis.

  1. Difficulty urinating, discomfort and burning.
  2. The stream of urine is weak or even drop by drop.
  3. Difficulty starting urination, or it is intermittent.
  4. It can happen in very small amounts.
  5. There is a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.
  6. False urge to urinate.
  7. Frequent urge to urinate, especially at night
  8. Urinary incontinence on urging.
  9. Unpleasant sensations at the time of defecation.
  10. The appearance of mucous secretions.
  11. The presence of mucous white threads in the urine.

In chronic prostatitis, the temperature rises. In the lower abdomen, groin, lower back, inner thighs, pain occurs.

Chronic prostatitis can cause sexual disorders and potency disorders. The inflammatory process often leads to male infertility, since the prostate is responsible for the viability of spermatozoa.

Prostatitis- the disease is serious and secretive, it can develop unnoticed for a long time, or the ailments will be minor. Therefore, you should be alert and take action, with any signs characteristic of this disease.

Prostatitis disease, its main symptoms and causes. The function of the prostate gland and the importance of timely treatment for the physical and sexual health of men.

The role of food in the treatment of prostatitis.

An important role in the prevention and treatment of many diseases is played by proper nutrition and lifestyle. You can not underestimate the rationality of nutrition, and in the treatment of such a dangerous disease as prostatitis. Errors in nutrition, reduce the effect of drug treatment and increase the frequency of exacerbations of the disease.

The explanation is very simple. Poor nutrition and foods rich in cholesterol provoke congestion in the pelvic area.

What foods should be excluded from the diet.

Food should not contain excess calories, this leads to obesity and causes congestion.

The lack of fiber-rich foods in the diet leads to the formation of constipation, this is also one of the causes of blood stasis.

Too fatty food contains harmful fats that form cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels and narrow their lumen. As a result, the blood flow becomes difficult and congestion again.

Be sure to avoid foods that irritate the prostate. These are alcohol, hot spices and seasonings, smoked meats, strong tea and coffee.

Healthy foods.

For the normal functioning of the prostate gland, you need a complete, balanced diet, rich in proteins, vitamins, trace elements and amino acids.

A good source of vitamins and microelements are fresh fruits, berries and vegetables, especially those not subjected to heat treatment. They are rich in fiber, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the intestines, and is a good prevention of constipation. Especially useful are carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, melons, watermelons, cauliflower.

For good health and maintaining immunity, ascorbic acid is necessary. This vitamin is found in sufficient quantities in citrus fruits, gooseberries, black currants, fresh herbs and rose hips.

Vitamins A and E are found in large quantities in vegetable oils, fish and nuts. These products are also rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega-3.

The source of B vitamins are cereals and cereals. Bran and wholemeal bread are very useful.

Vitamins C, A and E are the strongest antioxidants, they protect the body from free radicals, the main culprits of cell destruction and aging. They restore tissues affected by the inflammatory process, strengthen the immune system and enhance the protective functions of the body.

Trace elements such as iron, zinc and calcium are extremely important. The main source of iron intake are animal products. These are beef, beef liver and tongue, chicken, rabbit and fish.

All dairy products are rich in calcium: milk, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir and fermented baked milk. Fermented milk products also contain bifidus and lactobacilli, which are beneficial for intestinal microflora. They improve digestion and strengthen the immune system.

For the prostate gland, zinc is very important, which is involved in the production of testosterone, the male sex hormone. Zinc is found in parsnips, celery, parsley, nuts, pumpkin and pumpkin seeds, fish and seafood.

Follow the drinking regime , water consumption should be at least two liters.

Be sure to include honey in your diet. The healing properties of honey and bee products have long proven their effectiveness in the fight against many diseases. It is unlikely that in nature, there is still a substance with the same rich chemical composition.

It is an indispensable source of vitamins and microelements, it has anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and antioxidant effects.

A diet enriched with all the necessary nutrients will increase the effectiveness of treatment and speed up recovery.

Any disease that is accompanied by the development of the inflammatory process causes chronic fatigue, weakness. This is due to the fact that the body completely expends all the forces and resources to fight the pathology.

Therefore, in addition to taking medication prescribed by the doctor, it is important to follow a special diet, remove all harmful foods from the diet.

Particular attention should be paid to the menu during an exacerbation of the disease. The article will tell about what you can’t eat with men and drink.

Before you figure out what you can not eat and drink with prostatitis, you should understand what such a disease is. Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland.

Normal and inflamed prostate

Without effective treatment and proper diet, pathology can provoke adenoma and. In the first case, it is a neoplasm of a benign nature, in the second, it is malignant.

In both cases, unpleasant symptoms and serious complications for the health of a man occur. Also, inflammation of the prostate gland leads to impotence and infertility. Therefore, it is important to treat this disease.

Why diet?

Adenoma and cancer do not always develop against the background of inflammation of the prostate gland. Therefore, having learned that it is impossible to eat with prostatitis, men have a question: is it necessary to follow the diet prescribed by the doctor?

It is not easy to give up the already familiar lifestyle, favorite drinks and dishes. But a healthy diet in case of illness can significantly improve well-being, and is also a prevention of exacerbation of the disease.

In addition, it is worth remembering that the diet is a temporary restriction. So, if a man wants to recover as quickly as possible, you should know how to organize proper nutrition for prostatitis, contraindications to certain drinks, food.

The following foods that are harmful to the prostate interfere with the treatment process:

  • high-calorie food. It provokes an increase in body weight. And in combination with a sedentary lifestyle, this causes congestion in the pelvic organs;
  • fatty meals. Complicate the work of the gastrointestinal tract. They cause constipation and exacerbations of the disease;
  • alcoholic drinks. They create an additional load on the organs of the male genitourinary system. This provokes an exacerbation of the inflammatory process;
  • starchy foods. For example, potatoes.;
  • vitamin deficiency. It leads to a decrease in the body's defenses. Low immunity reduces the effectiveness of drug therapy to zero.

If a man cares about his health and wants to get rid of inflammation of the prostate gland, it makes sense to review the diet and exclude certain foods for a while. At the same time, immediately after the improvement of the condition, it is not worth stopping the diet. After all, the disease can return.

Diet principles

A healthy diet for prostatitis involves limiting the intake of salt and salty foods.

Such food provokes the formation of edema. And excess fluid causes deterioration of microcirculation, stagnation of blood in all tissues and organs, including the prostate gland.

Therefore, more steam dishes should be included in the menu. Also, products can be prepared by boiling them. During an exacerbation of the pathology, doctors recommend eating easily digestible food. For example, vegetable puree, stew, fruit. Steamed or slow-cooked vegetables are a source of vitamins and do not take much energy to digest.

It is useful to drink sour-milk drinks for prostatitis. In stores, unfortunately, it is difficult to find a natural dairy product. Therefore, when choosing, you need to pay attention to the composition, quality and shelf life. Kefir must be bought fresh. The old product has a fixing effect and causes the appearance. And this negatively affects the inflamed prostate gland. It is best to cook kefir yourself from fresh homemade milk and sour cream.

Dairy products are very useful, but only if they are fresh.

Many men are interested in whether it is possible to use ice cream with prostatitis, because this product is also considered dairy. Unfortunately, today ice cream is often made from milk substitutes, preservatives and dyes are added, which have a bad effect on the condition of the prostate. In addition, this product contains a lot of sugar and is high in calories. And high-energy meals with such a disease are contraindicated.

The diet should not completely exclude meat. After all, the male body does not tolerate the absence of highly nutritious foods. Preference should be given to lean meats and fish. At the same time, meat dishes should be eaten in small quantities. It is advisable to combine such food with boiled vegetables. So the meat is digested better.

Many men love beer. It is difficult for them to refuse this drink.

Doctors are allowed to drink this type of alcohol, but occasionally and in a minimal amount.

But from the use of cocktails, which consist of several types of alcohol-containing drinks, flavor enhancers, one must refrain.

A diet for inflammation of the prostate gland cannot be called very strict. Many of your favorite foods can be eaten, but in small amounts. For those people who are at risk of developing prostatitis, it is better to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition all the time.

What drinks are prohibited?

Alcoholic drinks, especially when, it is better to remove from the menu.

Alcohol negatively affects the pelvic vessels, disrupts blood flow.

In addition, many drugs cannot be taken with alcohol: a reaction resulting from a combination of alcohol derivatives and drug components can lead to unpredictable serious consequences.

True, some doctors in the period of remission and weakening of inflammation of the prostate are allowed to drink vodka or wine. In this case, the dose should be strictly limited to 100 and 200 grams per day, respectively. But still it is better to exclude these drinks.

The following drinks are also prohibited:

  • strong coffee, green and black tea. Caffeine irritates the organs of the genitourinary system, disrupts the process of urination, which has a detrimental effect on the inflamed prostate;
  • cocoa, hot chocolate;
  • carbonated drinks. Negatively affect the digestive system, cause gas formation. As a result, there are pains in the lower abdomen, diarrhea. The condition of the prostate is getting worse;
  • kvass. It contains yeast, which contributes to the fermentation process in the intestines.

It is better to replace all drinks harmful to the prostate with pure mineral water without gases, freshly squeezed juices from fruits, vegetables or berries, dried fruit compotes, decoctions and natural fermented milk products.

What products are prohibited?

The condition of the colon affects the prostate. After all, these organs are located nearby. Therefore, during an exacerbation of prostate inflammation, it is better to abandon those products that provoke increased gas formation.

Foods that cause gas

It is necessary to exclude from the diet those dishes that have irritating properties, remove all heavy and fatty foods. In addition to the fact that such food impedes the functioning of the intestines and stomach, it also inhibits metabolic processes in the male body, can weaken the immune system, and cause dysbacteriosis.

What foods can not be eaten with prostatitis is given below:

  • sweet pastries;
  • beans and peas;
  • fresh cabbage;
  • spices, spices;
  • radish, radish;
  • mustard;
  • smoked products;
  • sorrel;
  • pickles;
  • rich meat or fish broths;
  • mushroom, fish and meat sauces;
  • offal;
  • fatty meats, fish;
  • salo;
  • mushrooms;
  • canned foods.

In China and Japan, prostate disease affects a tiny percentage of the entire male population. And, as you know, in these countries, men eat little meat. Their diet is dominated by vegetable fats, foods rich in trace elements and minerals.

Doubt the effectiveness and usefulness of the diet is not worth it. It is better to review your diet and stick to a healthy diet to eliminate the likelihood of a recurrence of the disease.

What products should be included in the menu?

Having dealt with the fact that you can not eat with prostatitis, it is worth considering healthy foods that contribute to recovery. Let's start with the fact that beets, carrots, cucumbers and tomatoes are very useful for prostatitis, like many other fresh vegetables.

In the daily menu, you must include food that is rich in minerals, trace elements, vitamins, for example:

  • fried eggs for a couple of yolks;
  • buckwheat porridge;
  • corn;
  • shrimps;
  • prunes;
  • dried apricots;
  • boiled beets;
  • stewed cabbage;
  • oatmeal;
  • pumpkin;
  • watermelon;
  • vegetable marrow;
  • fresh greens.

It is worth additionally buying a vitamin complex to make up for the deficiency of useful elements and increase the protective forces of the male body.

Useful video

List of foods that help prevent prostate cancer:

Thus, any diet involves the rejection of a number of products or limits their use. It is important to understand that those dishes and drinks that the doctor does not recommend eating and drinking adversely affect the state of the body, nullify the effectiveness of treatment. Therefore, if there is a desire to recover quickly, you need to know which foods are bad for the prostate and which are good. And also strictly follow the recommendations of the attending physician.

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