What to do if the right side of the head hurts. What to do if the right side of the head often hurts? Why does the right side of my head hurt? Depression and stress

Many people, faced with various problems with health, prefer not to fight them, but to hush them up, pretending that nothing happened. Do you want an example? Please! "Hurts Right side heads ”- with such a complaint, we most often go not to an appointment with a therapist (which would be correct), but to a pharmacy or an omniscient friend. In the first case, they will definitely help you: they will listen to complaints, perhaps they will send you to some additional tests and eventually write necessary medicines.

The second option is much “easier”, since in the pharmacy you will immediately receive advice to buy another patented remedy, and a conversation with a friend about problems will be reduced to a leisurely and very long conversation over cognac. This approach, of course, is not correct, since headaches can hide both harmless problems(overwork, fatigue), and formidable pathologies leading to very grave consequences.

Because before answering eternal question“To be treated or not to be treated”, it is worth understanding the issue more carefully and understanding what diseases can be accompanied by a headache on the right side.

The disease has been known since ancient times, and the most famous patient was, according to legend, Pontius Pilate. At the heart of the violation chronic pathology neuralgic character, and any effective methods no treatment yet. The foregoing does not mean at all that you will be forced to endure pain for many decades, and in most cases the attacks can be stopped. Their frequency can be different: some suffer from migraine 2-3 times a year, but it sometimes overtakes some "lucky ones" several times a day. The pain is throbbing, can be observed in the right or left side of the head, but sometimes the symptoms spread to both hemispheres. The average number of attacks is from 2 to 8 per month, each of which in the acute phase can last from 4 hours to 8 days.

The nature of pain sensations (localization both on the right and on the left, but rarely at one point) can be different, but if they can usually be dealt with with analgesics, then doctors sometimes cannot overcome the accompanying clinical manifestations. First of all, these include auditory or visual hallucinations, vomiting, indigestion, extreme prostration and photophobia.

For symptomatic therapy, an integrated approach is most often used, including the use of strong analgesics, blockers calcium channels, anticonvulsants and antidepressants. If there are appropriate indications, the doctor may prescribe drugs designed to restore the microflora of the stomach and intestines. When all this doesn't work therapeutic effect, the patient will have a long examination in the hospital.

Cervical osteochondrosis

The disease is considered age-related, since it mainly affects people over 35 years of age who do not consider healthy lifestyle life and moderation in eating something necessary. The pain is most often mild, but constant (rarely pulsating), and with any turn of the head, its intensity can increase dramatically.

Treatment cervical osteochondrosis analgesics (even powerful enough) are rarely effective, so patients may be offered a relaxing massage and rubbing warming ointments into painful areas of the neck, and if the attack is particularly acute, it is best to take horizontal position and try to relax.

It is important to remember that without treatment of the underlying disease, the effectiveness of treatment will drop dramatically, therefore, with such a diagnosis, it is worthwhile to apply for treatment as soon as possible. qualified help. It is also highly desirable to normalize the daily regimen, spend more time in the fresh air and follow the recommendations regarding healthy eating.

cluster headache

It has been known for a long time, but no plausible hypotheses explaining its origin have yet been put forward. Characteristic features cluster pain - localization at one point (behind the ear / slightly behind the eye sockets; on the right, left or top) and frequency. The patient can feel great for almost the whole year, but for 14-20 days completely turn off from life due to unbearable nightly attacks: shooting, bursting or even explosive.

As in the case of cervical osteochondrosis, conventional painkillers are ineffective, and potent analgesics are not spared from serious side effects. A warm bath, tea, medicinal tinctures and varied folk remedies, but this should be taken care of in advance. Alcohol can provoke an “extraordinary” attack.


Favorite horror story of patients overly concerned about their own health. Severe throbbing pain in your head? I have glioma! Knocking in the temple and tiredness rolled in? The diagnosis is ready - a meningioma. Pain in the back right? I know it's glioblastoma! Such alarmists are a wonderful example of the medical student syndrome, when a person finds symptoms of 90% existing diseases.

In fact, everything is not so sad. Firstly, neoplasms are often benign, which means they do not metastasize and are successfully treated. Secondly, a tumor detected in time in most cases is safely removed, and after a course of chemotherapy and radiation, a stable remission occurs.

If doctors really deal with malignant neoplasm(the reasons for its formation in this case do not play any role), the pain in most cases can be characterized as dull and bursting, and not sharp and cramping. Most often (but not always) it is localized in the right hemisphere of the brain and tends to increase in stressful situations or in the morning. Possible concomitant symptoms- disorder of consciousness, epileptic seizures and hallucinations.

As you might guess, the treatment of only a headache in this case is a half-hearted task. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the tumor and reduce the likelihood of recurrence, and only after that deal with the subjective complaints of the patient. Which, we repeat, timely diagnosis and timely treatment gives certain chances for a successful outcome.

intracranial hematoma

Most often, it is formed as a result of bleeding from one or more burst vessels, although in some cases a hematoma may be the result of a stroke, various injuries, or congenital anomalies in the structure of blood vessels.

Immediately after the formation of a hematoma, it does not remind of itself in any way, but a gradual (from 2-3 hours to several days) increase in its volume gives a dull, but constant pain, general lethargy, confusion, bradycardia, convulsions, and often vomiting. Therefore, if you do not take urgent action, increasing symptoms can lead to the most severe consequences. In this case, it is important to understand that the source of pain is rarely located at one point: it can not only radiate to the neck, shoulders and chest, but also manifest itself in sharp, shooting attacks somewhere behind the ear behind. Treatment and monitoring of patients with suspected intracranial hematoma(and, as a result, with the pain caused by it) is possible only in a hospital setting: symptomatic therapy is unlikely to succeed.

Contact head injury

In normal civil life getting it is so easy, and the risk group traditionally includes athletes (football, boxing, contact martial arts) and people of "military" professions. But there are no special reasons for relaxation, since even the most cautious are not able to insure against an accident or a fall.

At first, pain attacks are hardly noticeable and can be explained by completely harmless reasons, and if circumstances are successful, this will be limited to this, and treatment will be reduced to taking several strong pills. But in some cases, the resulting violations turn out to be much more serious, and then the occurrence of pain attacks(sharp, sharp or "shooting"). Vomiting may suddenly begin, consciousness may become clouded, or coordination of movements may be disturbed. It is possible to help such a patient, but it would be a big mistake to stop the pain attack itself without taking into account the cause that caused it.


It is fraught with the fact that quite a long time can pass from the moment of injury to the appearance of the first symptoms, when the person has already calmed down and forgotten about the incident. The pain is most often throbbing or paroxysmal (the reasons lie in damage to brain tissue), and the list of other clinical manifestations is supplemented constant ringing in the ears, increasing weakness, vomiting, dizziness, and even sometimes a mental disorder (feeling that someone is always behind).

Concussion symptoms described mild degree often go away on their own strong pain annoys the victim for a few more days. But, unfortunately, this is not always the case. With extensive internal injuries the patient's condition gradually worsens, and the pain attacks intensify and become longer.

Costen's syndrome

This is enough rare disease temporomandibular joint can be provoked various infections, gout, rheumatism and some other pathologies. characteristic clinical manifestation- pain in the front of the head, ear and sinuses, which is why Costen's syndrome can be confused with the manifestation of one of the ENT diseases. It is also possible to experience a burning sensation, dry mouth, or, conversely, increased salivation. If the diagnosis is confirmed by X-ray examination, the treatment will consist in eradicating the cause of the syndrome: correcting malocclusion or prosthetics.

Tonsillitis (inflammation of the palatine tonsils)

The pain is explained by one single cause - toxic irritation of the palate, and its intensity, localization (right or left) and appearance may be different. Many are accustomed to being treated with analgesics in such a situation, which in general case not quite right. It is possible and necessary to take 1-2 tablets, but without therapy for the underlying disease, seizures will torment the patient for a very long time.

Problem tooth

If you have a sharp headache, and the dentist last time visited a few years ago, the causes of discomfort may lie in caries or any other dental disease. Most often, the attack is strong enough and the pain is localized in that part of the head where it is located. problem tooth. Unpleasant sensations(sharp and shooting, but most often localized at one point or a small area) are easily stopped by analgesics, but if the root cause is not eliminated, they will definitely return.

Pain in the right hemisphere of the brain - common nonspecific symptom many diseases, which is a sign of impaired vascular tone of the brain and spinal cord. Cephalgia may present as independent disease(migraine, tension headache), and as one of the symptoms of the syndrome, for example, intoxication.

The pathophysiology of headache is an extension or sharp narrowing vessels. Temporary change in the diameter of an artery or vein by mechanical means is annoying nerve endings soft tissues cranium (meninges), resulting in pain.

It should be remembered that there are no sensitive pain receptors in the brain tissue itself, so the brain cannot get sick. Unpleasant sensations are localized in the structures of the cranium, however, the location of the pain is subjectively regarded by a person as if the brain itself hurts.

The reasons

Why can it hurt right hemisphere heads? Causes of cephalgia:

  1. Prolonged stress: stress at work, the period before exams, working with large quantity information.
  2. Sleep disorders: poor sleep, lack of rest, superficial sleep, nightmares, drinking alcohol before bed.
  3. Incorrect posture, uncomfortable posture at work, uncomfortable workplace.
  4. Poor nutrition, violation of the prescribed diet, frequent use alcohol.
  5. A big load on the eyes, constant work in front of the monitor without breaks or gymnastics for the eyes.
  6. Pain in the head on the right side may appear on the background low level blood sugar during fasting; high content carbon dioxide while staying in stuffy room; insufficient saturation of the brain with oxygen.
  7. Neurotic disorders: general anxiety disorder, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder.
  8. Big clinical depression, somatic depression.
  9. or low blood pressure.
  10. Increased body temperature.
  11. Violation hormonal background: failure of the menstrual cycle, thyroid disease.
  12. Pain in the head behind the ear on the right can be a consequence bacterial diseases nervous system: with meningitis or encephalitis.
  13. With common infectious ailments: influenza, cholera, whooping cough, hepatitis, malaria, tuberculosis.

Types of pain

Cephalgia manifests itself in the following types:

  • Tension pains. By a person, this kind of pain is perceived as squeezing the head both on both sides and on one side. Subjectively, it seems as if the eyes and forehead are trying to escape from the head. Typically, an attack of tension pain lasts up to half an hour.
  • Migraine is a throbbing pain in the head on the right side, however, the localization of pain in migraine is not a defining feature. Cephalgia extends to the eyes, mouth, jaws, and neck. A migraine attack can last for several hours.
  • cluster pain. This type is characterized by burning and piercing pain on one side of the face. Perceived as a sharp headache in the right hemisphere. Accompanied by redness and sweating on the side of painful sensations. Cluster pains are combined with nasal congestion and lacrimation. The cluster type of cephalalgia is manifested by attacks that last from 15 minutes to several hours.
  • Pain in the back of the head on the right can occur after drinking coffee. A large number of caffeine affects the tone of cerebral vessels - this causes pain. Cephalgia can also occur with a sharp withdrawal of the drink. For example, if a person constantly drinks coffee and does not drink one day, he risks getting headaches.
  • Headache on the back of the head on the right - one of the symptoms hypertension or high blood pressure. Most often, cephalgia with hypertension is manifested by throbbing pain. Unpleasant sensations are accompanied by numbness, visual impairment, low performance and nosebleeds.
  • Ricochet pains. This type of cephalalgia appears after the use of drugs, such as side effect. paradoxical phenomenon: pain may occur when long-term use painkillers. The way out of the situation is the abolition of the drug, which causes a side effect.
  • Dumb and aching pain. Happen with neoplasms in the brain. The tumor mechanically compresses parts of the brain and skull, thereby touching the nerve endings, which leads to pain. Usually such cephalalgia appears in the morning and is accompanied by vomiting.
  • Kosten's syndrome. Some infectious and rheumatic diseases lead to damage maxillofacial joint, which is accompanied by pain on the right side. Also hurts: ear, sinus, language.

When to See a Doctor

A single episode of headache is not an indication for a medical consultation. One attack of cephalalgia does not harm and does not entail negative consequences. It is important for a person to follow the chronology of headaches: to monitor the frequency of episodes and their duration. Periodic and prolonged cephalgia is one of the indications for contacting a therapist. Factors under which it is necessary to take a consultation with a doctor:

  1. First time headache.
  2. The presence of stroke and traumatic brain injury in the biography.
  3. Eye diseases. For example, glaucoma.
  4. Diseases of the ENT organs (ear, throat and nose). Inflammation of these organs can go to the brain.

Treatment and prevention

Cephalgia is treated in the following ways:

  • Medications. These are painkillers belonging to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Used in severe pain hormonal preparations and narcotic substances.
  • Massage.
  • Acupuncture.
  • Physiotherapy.

The main goal of prevention is to avoid situations in which a headache occurs: drugs, stress at work, loud noise or disturbing light during sleep. To nonspecific prevention applies to: balanced diet, enough sleep, taking vitamins, listening to light music.

People often complain of recurrent headaches. But only half of all people suffering from pain seek medical advice. Of course, head pain does not always require immediate hospitalization. Discomfort in the head can occur after a heavy labor day, with colds and after hypothermia. But also the causes of headaches can be associated with serious diseases.
Causes of headache:

  • overwork;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • nervous tension;
  • increased pressure in the vessels;
  • infectious diseases;
  • tumors and cysts of the brain;
  • migraine;
  • headaches in case of poisoning;
  • brain injury;
  • smoking.
Hurts left side heads

It is often difficult for patients to describe the discomfort that occurs in the head, clearly localize the pain and determine the frequency of its occurrence. But there are times when a person clearly complains of pain in one half of the head. Discomfort or pain on one side is very feature disease such as migraine.

Migraine is a fairly common cause of headaches. Women suffer from migraines slightly more often than men. Among women, the frequency of migraine is approximately 20%. Men also have cases of migraine, approximately 6% of the male population suffers from this disease. Children almost never suffer from migraines. Most often, migraine headaches bother people aged 25 to 55 years.

Causes of migraine

In most cases, migraine has a genetic heredity. The vessels of the brain during migraine spasm under the influence of endogenous serotonin. A sick person is given a predisposition to migraine attacks, which are provoked by external factors.

In women, sex hormones are of great importance in the development of migraine. The regularity of migraine attacks is often associated with menstrual cycle. The intensity and frequency of headache attacks in women after menopause decreases.

Factors that provoke seizures are called triggers. Headache may result from the impact of altered weather conditions or certain foods. A migraine attack can be triggered by strong smells or flashes of light. Some drugs can also cause migraine headaches.

Causes of migraine attacks:

  • bright sunlight;
  • flickering light;
  • loud continuous noise
  • canned meat products;
  • aged cheeses;
  • red wines;
  • nuts;
  • bean products;
  • champagne wines;
  • carbonated sweet waters.

Spasm of cerebral vessels can be triggered by severe dehydration, as well as excessive fluid intake. Long periods of fasting can also cause vasospasm in the brain.

Medications that can trigger an attack:

  • nitroglycerin and other nitrates;
  • oral contraceptives;
  • reserpine preparations.

People suffering from seizures need to limit the use of foods that can be triggers and cause spasm of cerebral vessels. Also, if possible, avoid sudden changes temperature and hypothermia.

migraine symptoms

For migraine characteristic symptom is pain on one side of the head. Intense pain spreads to the left or right hemisphere of the brain, as well as to part of the face. If the pain appears on the left, discomfort often given to the left eye or nasal septum. The pain in the left side of the head during an attack is very intense and debilitating. Discomfort begins at the top of the head and spreads to the left or right hemisphere. Often the pain is accompanied by an unpleasant throbbing sensation in the temples or the top of the head.

An attack can develop suddenly, but very often a migraine is preceded by some sensations - an aura. Migraine aura may be manifested by temporary visual impairment, hypersensitivity or dizziness. Some patients complain of the appearance of a foggy veil half an hour before the pain attacks. There are times when the aura begins with goosebumps on the left or right side of the face. Each person's migraine aura can have its own characteristics.

Migraine attacks are also characterized by nausea and vomiting. The patient is irritated harsh sounds and bright lights. At severe course the patient may experience temporary violations coordination, and even paresis of the limbs on the left or right.

Migraine attacks usually last longer than two hours. Prolonged attacks can last longer than two days. After the pain passes, the person feels severe drowsiness and fatigue. Unpleasant painful sensations may occur in the neck and facial muscles.

Seizure treatment

Migraine pain is not always relieved with conventional painkillers. Migraine is treated by neurologists. Only they can appoint necessary drugs. For the treatment of seizures, drugs of several groups are used.

In mild forms of the disease, combined painkillers containing caffeine are used. Usually, caffeine is released in combination with aspirin, paracetamol or ibuprofen. Caffeine relieves spasm of cerebral vessels, and allows you to stop pain, and the anesthetic component relieves inflammation and swelling.

Combined drugs for the treatment of seizures:

  • citramon;
  • copacil;
  • farmadol;
  • pentalgin.

With more intense pain in one hemisphere, doctors prescribe more strong drugs from the triptan group. The most commonly used drug is sumatriptan. This drug acts on serotonin receptors and relieves spasm of cerebral vessels.

Preparations containing sumatriptan:

  • sumamigren;
  • antimigraine;
  • stopmigraine;
  • amigraine;

In cases of ineffectiveness from the use of painkillers and triptans, the use of anticonvulsants. Anticonvulsants are designed to treat epileptic seizures. But with a deeper study of the drugs in this group, they showed their effectiveness in the treatment of headache attacks. Pregabalin is the most commonly used anticonvulsant drug.

Anticonvulsants to treat seizures:

  • lyrics;
  • habana;
  • algerica;
  • neogabine

You can freely purchase only drugs from the group of combined analgesics. Other medications for the treatment of seizures can only be prescribed by a neurologist or therapist. Summatriptan and pregabalin are generally well tolerated, but they must be taken with particular regularity. Dosages depend on age, weight, as well as the severity of the course of the disease.

Except drug treatment During migraine attacks, it is very important to drink enough fluids. You should not drink too much water, but with repeated vomiting, the patient may develop dehydration.

During a migraine attack, it is best for a person to lie down on the bed. Bright light irritates and provokes the continuation of the duration of the attack. In this regard, it is better to turn off the light and close the curtains.

Migraine warning signs:

  • paresis or paralysis of facial muscles;
  • paralysis of one half of the body;
  • speech disorder;
  • the appearance of hallucinations;
  • severe repeated vomiting.

In cases where the migraine lasts longer than two days or there are anxiety symptoms need to call an ambulance or go to the hospital.

Unilateral headaches are often the first symptom of a migraine. Painkillers after a while cease to have any effect, and the attacks become stronger. Therefore, if the patient is constantly in pain right part head, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Forever forgetting about headaches that radiate to the right will help complex adequate therapy. To do this, you should contact a specialist and undergo a diagnosis, including a brain tomogram, a study of blood vessels, and a blood test. The decision to conduct such an examination can only be made by the attending physician.

Self-medication is not worth it, the patient can reduce pain syndrome due to analgesics, which are not recommended for a long time. Spasms that remind of themselves more than 3 times a week indicate the presence of a chronic pathology.

Experts say that the pain that occurs in the right hemisphere of the head indicates a disease such as migraine. Spasms can increase gradually and disturb for quite a long time.

migraine is common genetic disease most commonly seen in women. Pathology is transmitted through the generation or from mother to her daughter. Sometimes men are haunted by a severe headache, but this occurs in rare cases.

Spasms can be localized on one side and give to the forehead, right temple, eye. Before an attack, you may experience:

  • deterioration of vision, flies, small stars appear before the eyes;
  • hearing impairment, the presence of water, accumulation of air can be felt in the ears;
  • extraneous noise, bright light, odors increase spasms and can cause unbearable migraines;
  • nausea, persistent vomiting, only increase the pain syndrome;
  • severe headache on one side (spasms are felt on the right, then on the left, but if they are of a short-term nature, then this is not a migraine);
  • spasms on the one hand may indicate the presence of a serious pathology after an injury.

Headache in the right side of the head may be short-lived, but repeated up to 15 times a day. In this case, the pupils may narrow, the eyes turn red, increased tearing may appear, and the nasal passages may be blocked.

Pain causes redness of the eyes

The causes of pain syndrome can be hidden in the presence of the following pathological conditions:

  1. Glaucoma.
  2. Inflammatory process occurring in the frontal sinus.
  3. Eye diseases.
  4. hereditary predisposition.
  5. Brain injury, skull.
  6. The presence of a neoplasm on the right side of the head.
  7. Osteochondrosis.
  8. Damage to the jaw (its lower region).
  9. Presence of internal bleeding.

Very often the head hurts in the morning after an evening feast. Similar state due to the fact that alcohol prevents normal blood flow. You can get rid of severe spasms that radiate from behind or behind the ears with the help of a simple analgesic and a long rest.

But, if the pain syndrome worries after small doses of alcohol, then it is possible we are talking not about hangover syndrome but about migraines. Attacks accompanied by unilateral pain in the ears, temples, forehead are associated with serious pathologies of the brain.

Main symptoms of migraine

The causes of pain syndrome are most often hidden in brain dysfunction associated with injuries.

Migraine symptoms:

  • painful, severe throbbing spasms localized in the temples or eyes;
  • a harbinger pathological condition sensitive, visual disturbances appear;
  • seizures are accompanied severe vomiting, constant nausea, intolerance to extraneous noise, photophobia. In addition, the disease literally chains the patient to bed, preventing him from leading his usual lifestyle. The duration of such a headache, spasms in the right hemisphere - no more than a day;
  • migraine is observed at the age of 20-40 years, and is very often main reason disability in women;
  • The main symptom of migraine attacks is the concentration of spasms. They appear either on the left or on the right side of the head. But pain can alternate only during attacks: if it constantly moves from the right side to the left and changes its location in a short time interval, then this is not a migraine.

If the right side hurts frontal part, while spasms are exclusively unilateral in nature - this is direct evidence that the patient's body is inflammatory process. For example, migraine-like symptoms are observed after an injury. Therefore, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Cluster pain attacks

A similar symptomatology, in which the patient has unbearable headaches on the right or left side, makes itself felt, cluster pathology. It appears suddenly and continues for a certain period of time. Strong, pulsating tingling during attacks are localized in the ears, eyes, neck, temples and affect one of the cerebral hemispheres.

Pain, spasms in the head on the right are accompanied by bursting blood vessels in the eyes, reddening of the skin of the face, as the patient's pressure increases and blood gradually rushes to the head.

Experts have not yet been able to fully understand the causes and nature of cluster headaches. With help antispasmodic drugs, analgesics reduce the intensity of seizures fails, which significantly prolongs the suffering of the patient. The only way out of the situation for the patient is peace and complete silence.

What to do with severe headaches?

If a migraine attack suddenly caught the patient at home, you should try to reduce the load on neck-collar area, avoid stressful situations, try to lie down. Very often, the back right half of the head hurts due to neuralgia of the nerve, so the patient should wear a turtleneck or "golf".

They have an effective effect water procedures With sea ​​salt or needles. If the spasms do not have a sharp character, then they can be eliminated with the help of simple painkillers.

It is necessary to follow the nature of the attacks for several days. Note all changes in the intensity, nature of the pathological condition, localization, time of their appearance and duration.

Very often, the head hurts on the right side due to an incorrect posture during work, rest, a hard, uncomfortable pillow, or tilting the head to the same side. You should try to eliminate all the causes that contribute to the appearance of spasms, and the attacks will leave the patient in 2-3 days. If the pathological condition only worsens, you should immediately consult a specialist.

Regardless of where exactly the head hurts, you can not do massage on the affected area. You should not endure a serious ailment on your feet, randomly take pills. Install real reason, and only a competent doctor can cure the patient. At the initial stages, it is possible to reduce the pain syndrome in just 7-14 days; in advanced conditions, even surgery may be required.

How to get rid of migraine attacks?

To eliminate unpleasant discomfort, you need to find out why the right side of the head hurts. Migraine is very difficult to treat, but complex therapy help to improve the pathological condition, prevent disability. But it should be noted that only a specialist can prescribe competent treatment, based on diagnostics, analyses.

Eliminate acute attacks, can be in the early stages of the disease. The best and simplest remedy is a long sleep, after which most often the headaches disappear on their own.

Sleep is the best medicine

Some patients also face another situation - seizures occur during rest, and after waking up, the patient feels significant discomfort. Painkillers can help with these symptoms. However, their effect is short-lived.

After a certain period of time, the patient's body ceases to perceive potent drugs, and the pain gradually intensifies. Therefore, experts recommend combining medications to treat a pathological condition.

Exist effective drugs to fight the disease, but they are quite expensive and do not help in all cases.

Basic preventive measures

It is easier to prevent a pathological condition than to treat it for quite a long time, especially if the right side of the head constantly hurts and aches. First of all, experts recommend leading a correct, healthy lifestyle. You should adhere to a certain daily routine, do not overstrain.

Most effective measures prevention of migraine attacks is:

  1. Complete nutrition. Daily menu should contain fresh vegetables, fruit. Must be abandoned food additives, preservatives, fatty foods.
  2. Consumption enough liquids. Every day you need to replenish the body with several liters of water. This is enough for the full functioning of the vessels.
  3. Strong loads. It is recommended to take long walks on foot: refuse the elevator or sign up for swimming, in the sports section.
  4. Aromatherapy. Nice smell medicinal eucalyptus, mint renders beneficial action on the patient's nervous system. Therefore, if the patient feels slight spasms, you can gently rub fragrant oils in the region of the temples.
  5. Meditation and yoga classes. Eastern culture teaches the patient how to better relax and concentrate, eliminate fatigue, maintain body tone. You need to control your emotions on your own, especially in a state of stress. This will help prevent pain, migraine attacks.

If the patient has serious pathology or traumatic brain injury, all actions should be coordinated with a specialist. Only a doctor can draw up an individual comprehensive program preventive procedures. Must be installed allergic reactions if yes, then in what form they are expressed.

The head behind the ear on the right can hurt and throb various reasons. But in some situations, this may indicate the presence of a serious, life-threatening, human disease.

Thanks to the full comprehensive examination it is possible to establish the causes of the pathological condition in the patient in a timely manner, to select an adequate, complete treatment. Therefore, in the presence of severe prolonged migraine attacks, it is recommended to immediately contact your doctor.

Headache may present different manifestations. Sometimes the attack begins in one place and gradually moves over the entire area of ​​the head. In another case, pain is felt in one area.

The characteristic signs of a headache attack may indicate the cause of its occurrence. Many diseases of the brain, injuries, disruption of blood vessels entail attacks of headache.

Why does the headache occur on the right side?

In order to permanently recover from seizures, you must go to the hospital and undergo an examination. For such purposes, a tomogram of the brain, a blood test, and blood vessels are often prescribed. The decision on the need for analysis can be made by the doctor.

It is not recommended to treat a headache on your own, you can stop the attack by taking painkillers, but they should not be used often. With pain that occurs more than three times a week, we can talk about chronic headaches.

Very often migraine is expressed in this form. Doctors have come to the consensus that the tendency to migraine attacks can be inherited. Women are most prone to this disease.

Doctors believe that pain that occurs on one side of the head indicates the presence. Pain may increase gradually and medications cease to help in stopping the attack. If the disease began to appear unexpectedly and the feeling of pain is strong, contact the hospital.

Usually, pain in one part of the head may indicate a malfunction of the brain. Men can also suffer from migraine, although this disease is observed in them quite rarely.

The headache appears on the right side of the head, almost always immediately severe and can be given to the right eye, temple and forehead. Before such an attack, certain signs may appear.

- vision may deteriorate, stars or flies will fly before the eyes;

- hearing is dulled, there may be a feeling of stuffiness in the ears;

- very bright light loud noise, a pungent smell will increase pain, and may even provoke an attack;

- very often seizures can begin with the manifestation of vomiting, nausea, which will noticeably interfere normal course your life, such an attack can last about a day;

- Severe pain is felt on one side. It can be felt, then on the left, then on the right, but if this happens during one attack, this is not a migraine;

- pain in the right side of the head may indicate the development of a serious illness or after an injury.

At paroxysmal hemicrania pain attacks come every day and the sensations are very acute. It will hurt not only the right side of the head, but also the eye, ear, neck, forehead and temple. The entire right side will be the epicenter of the attack. The pain will be boring or cutting. A throbbing sensation is rare, but it may seem that all the teeth on the right side are in pain.

Attacks can be short-term, but begin more than fifteen times a day. With such an attack, redness of the eyes can occur, the pupils narrow, there is a strong tearing, the nose is blocked on the right side. Causes of pain attacks on the right side of the head:

  • glaucoma;
  • various eye inflammatory diseases;
  • inflammation of the frontal sinus;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • tumor formation on the right side;
  • any head injury
  • osteochondrosis;
  • internal bleeding;
  • dysfunction of the lower jaw.

What measures to take?

One of the irritants can be an unpleasant or pungent smell, if it bothers you try not to use this perfume, deodorant or other accessories that can reproduce this irritant.

If the pain is very strong, take an anesthetic pill, but this is often not recommended. Treatment medicines can only be prescribed by a doctor.

For the treatment of migraine, you can take "No-shpa", "Paracetamol" or " Acetylsalicylic acid". When choosing a drug yourself, be sure to read the instructions and pay attention to the dosage.

For the treatment of headache attacks on the right side, it is necessary to undergo medical examination and find out the root cause and only then choose the methods of treatment. To do this, you need to examine the brain and exclude the presence of any formation, then you can move on to other procedures.

If the cause of migraine attacks is high blood pressure, be sure to choose a medicine that can stabilize it. This measure will help relieve headache attacks.

To avoid taking drugs, you can use folk remedies or aromatherapy. This may be useful herbal teas to drink instead of coffee and strong black tea. Try to drink tea from mint, chamomile with lemon, lie down, try to sleep. After waking up, the attack should pass.

Highly in a good way massage may be used to relieve an attack. You can do it yourself. To do this, sit in a chair and try to relax, then massage your head with your fingertips.

You can start from the place where the pain is felt most strongly, then go to the whole head, forehead, temples. This must be done within ten minutes. Relief should come in about twenty minutes. It must be remembered that in case of injuries and tumors, massage is prohibited.

If the headaches are very strong and at the same time you feel sick, dizzy - urgently contact the hospital, call ambulance. Because such symptoms may indicate the possibility of a stroke or hemorrhage. In some cases, it may be necessary surgical intervention, but only a doctor can make such an appointment.


Preventive measures must be taken in combination. It is very important to lead a healthy lifestyle. Observe the regime of the day, sleep at least six to eight hours a day. Do not overwork and learn to relieve overstrain, both physical and mental. It is very important to be outdoors every day. A migraine attack can cause strong smell needles.

Yoga or meditation classes have a very good preventive effect. This helps to relieve fatigue and maintain the nervous system in the right tone. Learn to deal with stressful situations, it is very important point in the prevention of headache attacks.

It is imperative to eat right. Include fruits and vegetables in your diet. Avoid fatty, salty and smoked foods, as well as foods containing food additives and preservatives. This approach to nutrition can significantly reduce the risk of migraine attacks.

It is necessary to drink about two liters of water per day, such a measure normalizes the functioning of blood vessels and maintains the level of fluid in the body. If you begin to feel that a headache attack may begin, try eating an orange or a tangerine, perhaps the attack will recede. Preventive measures become effective if they are applied for a long time.

Aromatherapy can be very helpful. You can have peppermint or eucalyptus oil with you and, when an attack begins, rub one drop into your whiskey, take a walk down the street or ventilate the room. The attack may not start or be short-lived.

You can make a habit of not using the elevator or walking to work. Such exercise stress is feasible for everyone, and the benefits from it are very great. First of all, it is physical activity and a walk along fresh air. If possible, you can visit the pool, in order to improve.

If you have a serious illness or injury, coordinate all your actions with your doctor and draw up an individual program preventive measures. It is imperative to find out if you have an allergy, if so who provokes it and how it is expressed.

This is necessary so that you can choose components from aromatherapy or medicinal herbs for sure. Allergies can manifest as migraine attacks and headaches. Headaches on the right side may indicate migraine attacks. Women are more likely to be affected by this disease and may be genetically disposed to it.

For their treatment, you need to go to the hospital, but when stopping, you can take an anesthetic pill. Self-medication is strictly prohibited. If necessary, get tested and keep a seizure diary. This can help to make the correct diagnosis.

Drug treatment can be combined with folk ways, but permission for such a complex must be given by your doctor. A complex approach can affect the duration of treatment and the quality of the result.

Headache attacks may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness. Such signs may indicate serious illness and the underlying cause must be treated.

It is important to learn how to cope with stressful situations, because this cause is the most common and can turn into a disease of the central nervous system or bring the body to exhaustion.

Master the relaxation method and keep your immunity in the right tone, such simple preventive measures can help you reduce the number of headache attacks on the right side to a minimum.

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