You can drink so as not to get pregnant. What pills should I take so as not to get pregnant and the rules for taking them. Good and effective birth control pills after the act: a list with names

If you use condoms, it's best to know in advance what to do if they break. In this situation, there is no time to find out the reasons, it is necessary to take measures so that pregnancy does not occur. Funds emergency contraception are different, their choice must be approached based on the situation.

Before using contraceptives, you need to study their positive and negative qualities.

SOS contraception is used after unplanned intercourse or in situations where the main option for protection against pregnancy has failed. If you are sure that conception has occurred, you must take action within 3 days. Contraceptives for such cases can be one of the types:

  • drugs next day;
  • installation of an intrauterine device;
  • combination drugs.

Women should familiarize themselves with these in advance, and remember that they cannot replace basic contraceptives. This is due to the fact that doses of hormones negatively affect not only reproductive function, but also the body as a whole.

Of these options, spirals have fewer side effects, the risk of conception when using them remains minimal. If conception occurs with these devices, then the woman has to decide what is best: to bear the child and remove the coil or terminate the pregnancy.

Features of contraceptive drugs "72 hours"

"Next day pills" differ in that they must be taken after possible fertilization and before implantation. You have only 72 hours, but you need to understand that delay increases the chances of conception. By 65-72 hours after intercourse, the effectiveness of most drugs decreases to 45-65%.

A 72-hour pregnancy pill is used in cases where the harm from abortion or fetal development for the body is higher than from taking it. Gynecologists recommend using them in cases where after childbirth by caesarean section less than 3 years have passed, as well as in a number of other cases, for example, after rape.

Since in our country emergency funds sold without a prescription, women often use them to prevent conception when it is not desirable, and the usual method of protection has not worked.

How do they work?

Work in several ways at once birth control pills taken after the act within 72 hours:

  1. Do not allow the onset of ovulation, suppressing the activity of the ovaries.
  2. The contractions of the fallopian tubes are suppressed, preventing the fertilized egg from reaching the uterus quickly.
  3. They thin the layer of the endometrium, preventing the fetal egg from attaching.
  4. Cervical mucus becomes thicker under the influence of hormones, it clogs the cervix, preventing sperm from getting inside.

In most cases, these processes occur under the influence of large doses of hormones that trigger the process of natural rejection of the endometrium in the body, that is, menstruation.

At this time, the uterus contracts, throwing out a fetal egg. The production of specific hormones that support pregnancy is blocked.

Is it possible to use vaginal capsules in SOS cases?

Doctors recommend that if a little time has passed after intercourse, use not oral options, but local ones. Exist special tablets from pregnancy after the act for the vagina, not providing pathogenic influence on the woman's liver and digestive system.

They can be used when absorption is impaired nutrients in the intestine. The only drawback of local capsules is their low efficiency, even with timely use they help only in 85% of cases.

The most popular drugs are:

  • "Benatex";
  • "Pharmatex";
  • "Ginakotex".

The main advantage of vaginal capsules is that they are safe as they are not hormonal. However, you should use the Yuzpe method or oral emergency contraceptives to be more effective. Without the use of other means, the risk of conception is high.

emergency contraception

To interrupt fertilization, options from two groups can be used:

  • non-hormonal;
  • containing large doses of estrogen.

Using hormonal drugs side effects are possible, but the risk of pregnancy after their use is lower. In the event of complications, you should always consult a doctor. This is due to the fact that some symptoms may indicate an ectopic pregnancy.

If after taking estrogens you feel pain in the limbs, aching joints, then this means the wrong dosage. Most often, the body reacts this way to high doses of hormones, but this condition quickly passes.

What is the Yuzpe way?

The Yuzpe method is an unusual use of oral contraception to prevent pregnancy. For him, not SOS drugs are used, but ordinary oral pills that can be bought at every pharmacy for affordable price. Efficiency when taken in the first 24 hours after sexual intercourse reaches 94%.

Most often in emergency cases are used:

  • "News";
  • "Femoden";
  • "Minisiston".

At one time, you need to drink 4-5 birth control pills, and after 12 hours repeat the procedure. Emergency contraception using the Yuzpe method is recommended to be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, since it is necessary to choose the correct dosage of oral hormones.

Right choice the drug should also be entrusted to a specialist. If pregnancy does occur, it is necessary to have an abortion, since contraceptives negatively affect the condition of the fetus.

Active ingredient - levonorgestrel

The most common hormonal contraceptives, taken in the first 72 hours after unprotected intercourse, most often contain synthesized by artificial means progesterone - levonorgestrel. Their names:

  • "Postinor" is a remedy in which the dose of the hormone is divided into 2 doses. To prevent conception, you need to drink 2 tablets, each containing 0.75 mg of levonorgestrel. The drug is well tolerated, side effects are rare. You can not take it with problems with the removal of bile and insufficient functioning of the liver. When taken after 72 hours, its effectiveness will be only 58%, when used on the first day after unprotected intercourse, the chance of not getting pregnant is above 95%.
  • Escapelle is more convenient to take due to the fact that you need to drink only 1 dragee. Its effectiveness on the third day after sexual contact is 58%. After taking it, vomiting may develop, in which case it will be necessary to take another pill. It is permissible to take the medicine "Cerukal" at the same time - it will save you from vomiting.
  • "Eskinor F" is sold in two versions: a package with two capsules of 0.75 levonorgestrel and one with a dosage of 1.5 mg of this active substance. It is more easily tolerated than similar drugs.

All of these options are based on a synthetic hormone. Their main disadvantage is a strong effect on the cycle and fertility.

In each tablet unwanted pregnancy, taken for 72 hours, contains as much hormone as female body produces in a year. Against the background of a hormonal shock, ovarian function is suppressed, which leads to temporary infertility.

Active ingredient - mifepristone

Mifepristone-based contraceptives block the action of progesterone. As a result, the changes necessary for implantation do not occur in the endometrium. Also, against the background of this synthetic steroid, the strength of uterine contractions increases, which allows you to quickly get rid of a fertilized egg. The most effective are contraceptive pills "72 hours" with the names:

  • "Mifegin";
  • "Miropriston";
  • "Pencrofton".

All of them have an efficiency of about 50% when taken on the third day, on the first day they prevent pregnancy in 85% of cases. Their advantage is that they are not hormonal. On the menstrual cycle have no influence. If pregnancy does occur, you will have to resort to surgery or medical abortion, because large dose steroids can harm the fetus, cause developmental pathologies in it.

How are 72 hour contraceptives used?

Preparations based on levonorgestrel and mifepristone must be used in the first three days after sexual intercourse, which could lead to fertilization. If you need to take more than one pill, then the first dose should be taken within 24 hours after intercourse, and the subsequent ones should be used according to the instructions.

Despite the fact that they can be used for several days, remember the effectiveness. It is necessary to try as soon as possible to take contraceptives that last for 72 hours. Their effectiveness gradually decreases, by the end of 3 days it reaches 45-55%. If you drink them immediately after the act, the chances of preventing conception are higher. After using them, you must consult a doctor:

  • there is a possibility of pregnancy,
  • do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

If you have used mifepristone-based postcoital agents and the pregnancy persists, you need to have an abortion. Large doses of steroids adversely affect the fetus. For this reason, visiting a doctor should not be delayed.

Of course, it is better not to bring the situation to the point of using methods to prevent conception, but if we compare abortion and taking SOS drugs, the latter have several advantages:

  • the body recovers faster;
  • if the instructions are followed, complications occur less frequently;
  • hospitalization is not required;
  • for one-time use serious violations there is no hormonal background.

However, SOS remedies cannot be considered a panacea. They are not recommended to be used more than 4 times a year. They can lead to infertility if a woman uses them several times within 1-3 months. It is important to follow the instructions so that no harm to the body is observed.

What are the side effects?

The most common side effects of taking SOS drugs are:

  • swelling and discomfort in the mammary glands;
  • nausea, sometimes turning into vomiting;
  • migraines and severe headaches;
  • allergic reactions, most often expressed by rash and itching;
  • pulling and cutting pains in the lower abdomen;
  • mood swings.

If they pass quickly, there is no need to panic. If these symptoms persist for a week or more, you should consult a doctor. Taking high-dose contraceptives leads to a short-term failure of the reproductive system, which affects the entire body.
Complications from the use of tablets

There are several consequences that can lead to the use of drugs for emergency assistance. You should know about them before taking the pills, as they may be irreversible:

  1. Ectopic pregnancy - more common when using drugs based on levonorgestrel, since against their background the motility of the fallopian tubes decreases.
  2. Severe bleeding that can only be stopped by surgical cleansing of the uterine cavity. This is a fairly common complication that occurs in women with an unstable cycle.
  3. Infertility - happens when girls under 16 years old use SOS contraception, as well as when they are used frequently.
  4. 3 times the risk of Crohn's disease.
  5. Blood clots - usually occurs when a woman has problems with blood clotting. Can lead to negative consequences: stroke, thromboembolism pulmonary artery and death.

Due to the likelihood dangerous complications must carefully read the instructions for contraceptive pills that you want to accept. If you have contraindications to the use of such funds, it is better to refuse them.

Negative consequences that require medical intervention, after use emergency ways observed in only 2% of women.

When is the use of tablets "72 hours" contraindicated?

If there are several cases where contraceptives may not work as expected or become dangerous for the woman. You should not take drugs when:

  • liver and kidney failure;
  • when taking coagulants;
  • having problems with blood clotting;
  • a decrease in the blood erythrocyte mass and the amount of protein containing iron;
  • history of ectopic pregnancy;
  • taking synthetic hormones and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • malignant tumors;
  • malabsorption of nutrients in the intestine;
  • Crohn's disease.

SOS-drugs can aggravate the listed pathologies, as well as lead to their complications. In particular, when cancerous tumors large doses of steroids and hormones provoke the growth of neoplasms, especially those that have affected the organs of the female reproductive system and the mammary glands.

Is it possible to use 72 hour preparations during lactation?

During pregnancy and lactation, most drugs should not be used. Mifepristone is used to induce labor on later dates pregnancy. He is able to penetrate breast milk therefore it is recommended to stop natural feeding of the baby for 36 hours.
Levonorgestrel adverse effect on pregnancy on early dates does not render.

It is not recommended to use it after confirmation of implantation, as hormonal disbalance capable of harming the woman herself. During lactation, this drug can be used in extreme cases. After you drink it, you must refrain from breastfeeding for 8 hours.

In the life of every woman there comes a moment when she is mentally ready to become a mother. Every woman has this desire in different ages. Well, if she wants to become a mother before the age of thirty - the body is completely ready for this. But the more time passes after thirty years, the less likely get pregnant. At birth, a girl has about 400 eggs in her ovaries. Starting at about the age of thirteen, a girl matures one egg every month. And by the age of thirty, there are not so many eggs left. Let's add here perfect health, a slower metabolism (over the years it slows down for everyone) and the consequences of various female ailments. In the end - there great desire become pregnant, and the possibility of having a child is melting before our eyes.

- this is the natural state of a woman, which occurs after the merger male cell(sperm) and female (ovum). As a result of fusion, a fetal egg is first formed inside the female genital organs, which is first attached to the wall of the uterus, and then a human embryo grows and develops from it. The pregnancy process lasts about forty weeks. All processes that take place inside a woman are controlled by hormonal system organism.

In order to become pregnant, a woman needs, firstly, the egg to mature. Secondly, so that the sperm gets to the egg. And, thirdly, so that the fertilized egg is securely attached to the wall of the uterus and begins to develop. If at least one of these conditions is not met, pregnancy will not occur.


One of the best natural remedies- it's sage. Sage contains natural estrogen and is perfectly safe means. A decoction is prepared from sage (per glass warm water- one teaspoon of herb), which is drunk three times a day for ten to eleven days.

psyllium seeds

One tablespoon of psyllium seeds is poured with one tablespoon of boiling water. Both men and women take two tablespoons four times a day.

Adam's root

Two tablespoons of root pour a glass of boiling water. The decoction is drunk four times a day.

In order to get pregnant, decoctions of herbs, rose petals also help.

vitamins to help you get pregnant

One of the main vitamins that allows you to conceive a child faster is this. Another name for vitamin B9. This vitamin is recommended to start taking even at the stage of pregnancy planning - two to three months in advance and if you can’t get pregnant. Except folic acid pregnant women are prescribed vitamin E (tocopherol) and vitamin A (ascorutin). These three vitamins can be taken either individually or as part of complex vitamins for pregnant. But required condition is the doctor's control. Do not exceed the dosage of some vitamins, such as vitamin A, because this can cause negative effects on the fetus.

A lot of these vitamins (B9, A and E) are found in vegetables and fruits. For example, carrots, pumpkins contain a lot of vitamins A and E, and lettuce, parsley, spinach, peaches contain folic acid.

How long does it take to get pregnant

The question is difficult to answer even for the most qualified doctor. It depends on so many factors - the state of health of the spouses, their age, their lifestyle, habits, nutrition, how often sexual intercourse occurs, their emotional state(which is important) and even the climate in the family.

Many women are interested in which pills to drink to get pregnant. This question is also best answered by a doctor, because by no means alone hormonal medications you can't assign yourself. Only after complete medical research because the cause of infertility can be different factors. And pills for conceiving a child are also perfect different action. In addition, they have contraindications. Taking such medicines uncontrollably, a woman can bring herself more harm than good and even remain barren forever.

In general, in order to get pregnant, you need to act comprehensively. Firstly, married couple gotta get rid of everyone bad habits, start leading healthy lifestyle life, spend more time outdoors.

Secondly, make your diet right, excluding everything rich, refined, sweet, fatty, salty, smoked, fried, and giving preference to protein foods.

Thirdly, a woman must keep a calendar of the menstrual cycle. This is done in order to determine the day of ovulation for successful conception child. There are several ways to calculate ovulation, starting from measuring basal body temperature body, counting the days of the cycle and ending with ovulation tests.

Fourth, at the stage of pregnancy planning, both spouses must pass medical examination. Especially for a woman, to eliminate all problems associated with conception.

Only after one year has passed, and the couple has not been able to conceive a child, can you turn to doctors with this problem. Depending on the problem, the gynecologist will prescribe certain kind medicines. If the problem is that ovulation does not occur or the eggs are too small, then gonadotropic drugs are prescribed. "Puregon", "Klostilbegit", "Menogon". If the problem is that the fertilized egg cannot make its way to the uterus, medications are prescribed with chorionic gonadotropin person to help solve the problem. And if the fertilized egg cannot attach to the wall of the uterus, then drugs are needed with female hormone progesterone. it "Duphaston", "Utrozhestan", "Cyclodinone".

In addition to synthetic drugs, in order to get pregnant, you can use decoctions of herbs - sage, psyllium seeds, hog uterus, red brush, Adam's root. The most important thing is to take such decoctions only under the supervision of a doctor.

Situations when you need to take pills in order not to get pregnant often happen in the lives of women. Unprotected intercourse with random connection, rape, broken condom can lead to unwanted pregnancy. To prevent conception at home, there are emergency contraceptives that can be easily purchased without a prescription at any pharmacy. These drugs are highly effective and easy to use.

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    Action of emergency contraceptives

    Medications that inhibit ovulation and help prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex are called emergency contraceptives. Their name already suggests that they are intended for exceptional cases and cannot serve as a permanent contraceptive.

    The mechanism of action of such drugs is carried out in two directions:

    1. 1. The active substance in the composition of the product does not allow the egg to leave the ovary. Spermatozoa that are in the uterine cavity die after some time, and fertilization does not occur.
    2. 2. The drug makes the mucus in the cervix thicker, which prevents sperm from entering the organ.

    Double action makes oral contraceptives urgent use effective in preventing conception and allows their use in all cases where there is a risk of unwanted pregnancy.

    The active ingredient in these drugs is levonorgestrel or mifepristone.

    Admission deadlines

    To achieve maximum effectiveness, the drug with levonorgestrel or mifepristone should be used in as soon as possible after unprotected sexual contact. If within three days it was not possible to take an emergency contraceptive, its further use is unjustified.

    In the case of attachment of a fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus, these medicines are useless - they do not have an abortive effect.

    The best result of the action of the contraceptive is possible when it enters the body during the first 24 hours after intercourse (95%). Over the next 48 hours, the efficiency decreases to 85%, during another 72 hours there is a decrease in efficiency to 60%. Drinkemergency contraceptive pills can be taken at any time of the day, regardless of meals.

    Emergency contraceptives are not safe medicines: their use more than 3 times during the year leads to a violation hormonal balance in the body, menstrual irregularities, infertility. For permanent reception women who have regular sex should use combined oral contraceptives or use barrier methods.

    Medicines based on levonorgestrel

    Drugs that are very popular among women are drugs based on levonorgestrel (synthetic progestogen) - Postinor and Escapel.


    Postinor is available in a package containing two tablets, one of which is taken no later than 3 days after unprotected contact, the second - after 12 hours. The medicine is suitable for preventing unplanned pregnancy in the following situations:

    • casual sexual contact;
    • rape;
    • skipping another pill of a combined contraceptive;
    • breaking or slipping of a condom;
    • displacement of the contraceptive cap or cervical diaphragm;
    • exit from the vagina of a spermicidal cream or suppository.

    Postinor can be used in any phase of the menstrual cycle. It is not recommended to use the product during repeated sexual contact without protection during one monthly cycle due to the risk of uterine bleeding.

    If pregnancy has already occurred, it is not advisable to take the drug.

    Girls adolescence the medication is prohibited, its use is justified only in case of rape, after consulting a gynecologist and a thorough medical examination.


    Despite the high contraceptive effectiveness, Postinor has many disadvantages. It should not be used frequently in order to avoid malfunction of the ovaries and disruption of the monthly cycle.

    One hundred percent effectiveness from taking is observed only in women with regular menstruation- with an unstable cycle, the effect decreases, and the onset of pregnancy becomes possible. The action of the drug weakens the disease digestive system, Crohn's disease, simultaneous reception tetracycline and ampicillin antibiotics, PPIs.

    Postinor should not be taken by women who have had hepatitis of any type, who have acute and chronic pathologies liver and gallbladder. During lactation, the feeding of the child for the duration of the drug is stopped for at least 12 hours.


    Escapelle - modern analogue Postinora. Levonorgestrel, the content of which is twice as high in Escapel, reduces the risk of fertilization by taking just one tablet. It is necessary to drink it within 72 hours after sexual contact, the maximum result is guaranteed within the first day.

    If the drug has entered the body when conception has already occurred, you can not worry about the condition of the fetus: levonorgestrel in the dose contained in the drug does not cause negative consequences for the development of the child and does not have an abortive effect.

    To minimize adverse effect levonorgestrel, Escapel is acceptable for use no more than once every 3-6 months.

    Features of admission and side effects

    Escapel has the same contraindications as Postinor. The simultaneous use of both drugs is not allowed. If diarrhea or vomiting occurs within 3 hours after drinking the pill, the guarantee of the absence of fertilization is reduced, so an additional dose must be taken.

    Effects of levonorgestrel use may occur with both agents. They consist in:

    • the development of an ectopic pregnancy;
    • uterine bleeding;
    • the risk of infertility, especially if levonorgestrel is taken by a young nulliparous girl;
    • the risk of thrombosis.

    Side effects develop infrequently, manifested by headache, nausea, itchy skin rashes, breast swelling, pain in the lower abdomen.

    Mifepristone-based preparations

    emergency contraceptives based on mifepristone (Ginepristone, Genale) are highly effective in preventing unplanned pregnancy. To the two directions of the mechanism of action of levonorgestrel, these drugs add one more - they do not allow the fertilized egg to gain a foothold in the uterine cavity, that is, they have a slight abortive effect.

    The drug is most effective in the first 72 hours after intimacy without use contraceptive methods. The required dose is one tablet.

    Mifepristone is prohibited during pregnancy due to a negative effect on the fetus, therefore, if the drug did not work and conception occurred, a medical abortion is indicated. breastfeeding after taking Genale or Ginepriston, they stop for two weeks.

    The effectiveness of drugs decreases with alcohol. Within two hours before and after taking the pill, you must refrain from eating.

    Some women as means emergency contraception use funds based on mifepristone - Agesta, Miropristone, Mifeprex, thereby exposing their health to a significant risk. These drugs cannot be recommended for independent application because they are intended for medical interruption pregnancy and are allowed only in a hospital under medical supervision.

    Mifeprex is contraindicated in women over 35 years of age, especially those who smoke, have kidney and liver diseases, infections and inflammation of the genital area, anemia, uterine fibroids.

Tablets after unprotected act necessary in several cases: if the condom broke or slipped off, the partners forgot about the means of protection, or rape occurred. These medicines are used to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. These can be emergency contraceptive drugs based on levonorgestrel or mifepristone, antiseptics, antiviral and antibacterial agents and others.

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    emergency contraception

    Emergency contraception refers to pills that prevent unwanted pregnancy after unprotected intercourse has already taken place. Synonyms such as "fire" or postcoital contraception are sometimes used. There are several methods to reduce the likelihood of conception in the absence of measures before or during intimacy:

    • taking a birth control pill after intercourse or the next day's pill;
    • installation of a spiral for 6 days after coitus;
    • taking an increased dose of combined oral contraceptives with estrogen and progestogen.

    The principle of action of tablets

    There are two kinds contraceptive contraceptives emergency action.Both refer to preparations containing hormones:

    • A group that includes drugs with active substance levonorgestrel (progestogen): Postinor, Escapel.
    • Tablets produced on the basis of mifepristone (antigestagens).

    In addition, there is the Yuzpe method, based on the reception higher doses some hormones. The effectiveness of protection against unwanted pregnancy in this case reaches 75-80%, depending on the duration of medication.


    The mechanism of action of drugs with this active substance consists of several stages:

    Action Description
    Delayed ovulationLevonorgestrel prevents the release of the egg from dominant follicle if you drink the drug on the eve of ovulation. In this case, the influence of hormones (follicle-stimulating and luteinizing) is suppressed.
    Changes in the composition of cervical mucusThe viscosity of the mucus of the cervical canal increases: it becomes thick, the process of sperm entering the uterus slows down
    Reducing the likelihood of implantation of a fertilized eggTwo mechanisms contribute to this. Firstly, the structure of the endometrium changes - the drug causes the reverse development of proliferation processes, excludes it possible transition into the secretory phase, which is necessary for normal ovulation. Thus, there is a mild abortive effect. Besides, active substance affects the contractility of the fallopian tubes, reducing it, which slows down the delivery gestational sac into the uterine cavity: if it gets there with a delay, implantation is no longer possible

    One tablet of Postinor contains a large dose of hormones, when taken in a woman, a serious hormonal imbalance occurs. The World Health Organization does not recommend the use of such contraceptives. The instructions for the drug indicate that even for healthy woman it is not allowed to use the medication more than 4 times a year or once a cycle.

    Some women take the drug uncontrollably, which is unacceptable and extremely dangerous. When taking Postinor, ovarian function is impaired. Even with a single use of the drug, it is necessary certain time for their recovery, in each case it is individual.


    Emergency contraceptives of this group are similar in action to the previous ones:


    Indications for the use of emergency contraception should be serious enough - when a woman is sure that in case of pregnancy she will have an abortion. The most common uses for these medications include:

    • rape;
    • condom damage;
    • displacement of the helix or vaginal diaphragm;
    • skipping oral combined contraceptives.

    Admission rules

    To maximize the effectiveness of emergency contraception, you need to follow certain rules reception.

    Instructions for preparations containing levonorgestrel

    Postinor is applied no later than 72 hours after intercourse:

    • The first tablet is drunk immediately.
    • The second - after 12 hours, no later than 16.
    • If vomiting or severe diarrhea occurs, an additional tablet must be taken within 3 hours.

    Escapelle or Eskinor-F are taken in the amount of 1 tablet once within 72 hours. The effectiveness of drugs depends on time:

    • If the medication was taken after 2 hours, the effectiveness of protection against unwanted pregnancy is about 95%.
    • When used on the second day, it decreases to 75%.
    • When taking the drug within 49-72 hours after sexual intimacy, the reliability drops to 58%.

    It is necessary to refuse levonorgestrel-containing drugs in the following conditions:

    • confirmed pregnancy (if the egg is implanted, it is almost impossible to expel it from the uterus);
    • age less than 16 years (when the cycle, ovulation and menstruation have not been established);
    • lactose intolerance (tablets include glucose, galactose and lactose, which can cause unpleasant side effects);
    • Crohn's disease;
    • hormone-dependent tumors;
    • ectopic (tubal) pregnancy in history;
    • stage breastfeeding(or there is a ban on feeding during the day after taking);
    • violation of menstrual cycles, permanent delays, bleeding outside of menstruation or their excessive profusion;
    • pathology of the liver and biliary tract, liver failure;
    • increase in blood clotting.

    Mifepristone-based preparations

    Contraceptive pills after coitus, such as Genale, Ginepriston, Mifolian and others, are taken once. The tablet must be taken within 72 hours of contact. 2 hours before consumption and for 2 hours after, you should refuse to eat.

    Mifepristone and preparations based on it are not recommended for drinking under the following conditions:

    • lactation (prohibition of feeding for two weeks);
    • anemia;
    • bleeding disorders or anticoagulant therapy;
    • porphyria;
    • taking glucocorticoids;
    • renal and liver failure;
    • severe chronic diseases;
    • pregnancy;
    • age over 35 years (with caution).

    Pills containing estrogen and progestogen

    When choosing the Yuzpe method, COCs are taken as emergency contraception - combined oral contraceptives. Few women are familiar with this method, but sometimes it acts as a worthy alternative to other pills. Within 72 hours, take 2 to 4 tablets at a time, depending on the dose of hormones in the composition. Re-admission is carried out after 12-16 hours.

    The most commonly used agents are Rigevidon, Non-ovlon, Ovidon, Silest.

    Side effects

    Before using birth control pills, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of possible undesirable effects:

    Pathology Description
    Ectopic pregnancyRisk of occurrence given state increases several times, as the process of egg transport is disrupted
    BleedingFrequent disruptions of the menstrual cycle can provoke massive bleeding, which can only be eliminated by scraping the uterine cavity
    Risk of infertility in the futureFor girls who are in puberty, pills can disrupt irregular menstrual cycles and cause infertility
    thrombus formationHigh doses of drugs can provoke the formation of blood clots, which can lead to stroke, pulmonary embolism and even death, especially in women with impaired hemostasis, smokers and after 35 years
    Crohn's diseaseThe risk of this pathology when taking oral contraceptives or means of "fire" contraception increases by 3 times

    It should also be remembered side effects that causes the use of such drugs:

    • mastalgia (swelling and soreness of the mammary glands);
    • severe headaches, migraine;
    • emotional instability;
    • allergic reaction;
    • severe nausea and vomiting;
    • drawing pains in the lower abdomen.

    STD prevention

    The main sexual infections are divided into bacterial and viral. bacterial infection after unprotected sex can be prevented if treatment is started on time, the viral infection cannot be stopped.

    Bacterial STDs include:

    To viral infections relate:

    • genital herpes;
    • hepatitis B and C;
    • human papilloma virus.

    Through unprotected intercourse, you can become infected and not sexually transmitted diseases skin (lice, scabies, molluscum contagiosum).

    Necessary actions

    The measures to be taken to avoid infection depend on the elapsed time:

    • In the first 2 hours, emergency preventive measures are used. In the period from 2 to 4 hours, their effectiveness will be lower. After 4 hours, such measures do not make sense.
    • In the next 72 hours, prophylaxis with medicines is carried out.
    • After 3 days, any manipulations will be not only ineffective, but also harmful. Medicines will "blur" the picture of the disease, cause resistance to antibiotics and transfer the infection into a latent form.

    In the absence of symptoms, tests for major bacterial infections are taken after 14 days. After 1.5 months - for syphilis, after another month and a half - for HIV, hepatitis and herpes.

    If symptoms appear and a certain infection is suspected, it is not recommended to select drugs on your own. First, you need to get the results of the tests, pass the bakposev to determine the sensitivity to antibiotics (subject to bacterial infection) or consult a doctor immediately.

    emergency prevention

    It is carried out independently or by contacting the point of individual prevention of STDs. Such points work around the clock, you can find out their location in the city skin and venereal dispensary. Most often they are organized near the station, hotels, large car parks, recreation areas and markets.

    The prevention point is a cabinet with an examination chair and a separate toilet. First of all:

    • Wash hands with soap and empty bladder, Rinse warm water sexual organs.
    • Next, the doctor wipes intimate areas sterile gauze wipes, treats with a cotton ball with an antiseptic solution.
    • Douching of the vagina and urethra is performed. The vagina is washed with 150-200 ml antiseptic solution(using Chlorhexidine or Miramistin). 1 ml is poured into the urethra, 2 ml for a man. An alternative to drugs are potassium permanganate (for douching the vagina) and silver nitrate (for the urethra).
    • After treatment of the genital organs, it is necessary to refrain from urinating for two to three hours.

    If in the next 2 hours it is not possible to visit the prophylactic office, the procedure is carried out at home. Action algorithm:

    • Urinate immediately after intercourse - this will help wash pathogenic bacteria from the urethra.
    • Rinse the external genitalia, treat with antiseptic solutions that contain chlorhexidine, miramistin or povidone-iodine.
    • Inject the medicine into the urethra (1-2 ml) and into the vagina (10 ml). Effective use of antiseptics in the form vaginal suppositories and tablets.

    Optimal an option is to treat the genitals and urethra with an antiseptic in the first minutes, and then contact a preventive center.

    Medical prevention

    Use this prophylaxis venereal diseases too often it is impossible: the drugs used are harmful to the body and can provoke the insensitivity of other bacteria to antibiotics. It is allowed to use this technique if the risk of infection is high - provided that the time preventive measures omitted:

    • If syphilis is suspected, a single injection of benzathine benzylpenicillin into the gluteal muscle is effective.
    • With gonorrhea - a single dose of 400 mg of Cefixime.
    • With chlamydia - 1000 mg of Azithromycin.
    • Against Trichomonas - 2 mg of Tinidazole orally once.

    If there are several infections and it is not known exactly what kind of sexually transmitted diseases the partner has, combinations of drugs can be taken. The most commonly used medication is Safocid. It is active against the most common sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia) and fungal diseases. The composition includes 4 tablets that are drunk at a time: Fluconazole, Secnidazole (2 pcs.) And Azithromycin.

    Antibiotics should be used with caution, especially if you have allergies or bronchial asthma. An effective supplement to antibiotic therapy is the intake of antiviral and immunostimulating drugs, a list of which is presented in the table:

    Name Description A photo
    ViferonUsed in the form of candles for rectal administration. Increases local immunity, reduces the risk of infection with herpes and hepatitis B and C
    GenferonAvailable in the form of suppositories for vaginal and rectal administration. The composition of the drug includes taurine, which enhances the effect of interferon, and benzocaine (gives an analgesic effect)
    VagiferonSold in the form vaginal suppositories. The composition contains: interferon, metronidazole ( antibacterial drug With a wide range action) and fluconazole - an antifungal agent
    Interferon inducersProduced in the form of tablets, they stimulate the production of their own interferon
    epigen intimateRelease form - spray, has an immunostimulating, antiviral, antipruritic, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect

Many modern women take birth control pills. In order not to get pregnant and not harm your health, you need to know which pills and how to take.

Birth control pills are made up of synthetic hormones: estrogen and progesterone. These hormones are produced naturally each woman has a small amount. Their production increases during pregnancy to suppress ovulation.

Contained in contraceptive pills, estrogen and progesterone, entering the body of a woman, inhibit the production of hormones of the luteinizing and follicle-stimulating type. As a result of the action of the pills, ovulation does not occur. Some types of contraceptives change the lining of the uterus, making it more viscous, which reduces the likelihood of egg attachment.

Contraceptive pills are divided according to the type of hormone they contain into 2 types:

  • Combined;
  • Progestin or mi-drank.

Combination birth control pills contain the hormones estrogen and progesterone, while progestin pills contain only one hormone, progesterone.

How to take combined oral contraceptives

Reception starts combined tablets from day 1 of the cycle and continues for 21 days. Then you need to take a break in the application - 7 days. Pack of 21 active tablet and a schedule for the days of the week, so as not to miss an appointment. In some types of tablets, there are 28 pieces in a package, of which 7 pieces are inactive, which are taken when there should be a break so as not to get confused.

How to take Mi-Pili (progestin pills) correctly

Progestin tablets come in packs of 28, all of which are active. They must be taken daily, 1 tablet, without interruption. There should not be more than 24 hours between doses of tablets. so it's best to take them at the same time.

In the first 2 weeks of starting the reception, it is necessary to use other methods of contraception. Mini-pills contain only the hormone progesterone and have a cumulative effect, so they do not work for the first 14 days of taking them.

How to take non-hormonal birth control

Non-hormonal contraceptives are available as vaginal tablets, which are inserted directly into the vagina a few minutes before sexual intercourse. They contain substances that destroy spermatozoa when they enter the vagina, and fertilization of the egg does not occur.

Unlike hormonal contraceptives, these pills are not dangerous for women's health They can be used during pregnancy and lactation. A few minutes before sexual intercourse, you must insert the tablet into the vagina and wait a while until it melts. After the introduction of the pill, you should refrain from taking a shower and washing with soap.

Non-hormonal contraceptives do not need to be taken on a schedule, but for daily use they don't fit. It is also worth considering that an allergic reaction to the components of the drug is possible, therefore at unpleasant sensations you should take a shower and no longer use these tablets.

How to take birth control pills for the first time

How to take birth control pills so as not to get pregnant is advised by gynecologists for the first time. The first time you take a pill is on the 1st day of your menstrual cycle., then the action will begin from the day of application. If you started taking contraceptives from the 2nd to the 7th day of the cycle, then you need to additionally protect yourself in the first week, since the effectiveness of the pills will be low during this period.

When you start taking contraceptives after the 7th day of the menstrual cycle, their action will begin only after a month. During this month you need additional funds protection so as not to get pregnant.

How to take if you missed a dose

If a combined contraceptive pill is missed at 1-2 weeks of intake, it should be taken as soon as possible, while other contraceptives should be used for several days. When a tablet is missed on the 3rd week, you must also take it immediately, skip the break - 7 days, that is, continue to take the package until the end.

If at the initial intake of contraceptives 1 day of the cycle is missed, this is allowed, but it is necessary to additionally protect yourself in the first days of taking the pills.

Progestin contraceptive pills are taken strictly at the same time, a delay of no more than 3 hours is allowed. If you miss taking a pill, you must immediately drink it and take the pill on schedule, that is, you will have to take 2 pieces on 1 day. In order to avoid pregnancy, it is recommended to use other contraceptives for the next 2 days.

When more than 2 mini-pills are missed, their effectiveness drops, so it is recommended to protect yourself during sexual intercourse in other ways before menstruation.

How to take birth control pills after the act during the day

In order not to get pregnant after intercourse, you need to know how to take birth control pills. Preparations that are taken immediately after sex contain a lot of hormones. Under their influence, the uterus is greatly reduced and a miscarriage occurs.

It is necessary to take birth control within 3 days after sex. When pills are taken in the first hours after intercourse, the chance of getting pregnant is very low. When contraceptives are taken for 2-3 days, pregnancy is more likely to occur.

Features of admission after childbirth, if there is no menstruation

In order for pregnancy not to occur in the first months after childbirth, it is also necessary to properly protect yourself. You can start taking pills no earlier than 4-6 weeks after childbirth, and regardless of the presence of menstruation.

When breastfeeding, it is not recommended to use complex contraceptive pills, they affect milk production. And you can start taking mini-pills as early as 4 weeks. In the absence of lactation, it is possible to take pills from 6 weeks after birth, even if menstruation has not resumed. In this case, preference should be given to complex oral contraceptives.

Oral contraceptives while breastfeeding

During lactation, the woman's body produces the hormone prolactin, it suppresses the occurrence of ovulation, and, therefore, pregnancy does not occur. But it is worth remembering that this happens if breastfeeding is regular, at the first request of the child. When the intervals between feedings increase, prolactin is produced less and ovulation can begin at any time.

At this time, it is worth choosing contraceptives. During lactation, it is recommended to opt for progestin oral contraceptives. Mini-pills do not affect the production of milk, do not have a negative effect on the body of the mother and child. After breastfeeding is completed, you can switch to complex oral contraceptives.

How to take birth control for nulliparous

In order not to become pregnant and not cause harm to health, nulliparous women or young girls need to know how to take birth control pills correctly.

In order not to get pregnant, it is important to read the instructions on how to take birth control pills, follow the dosage and time of administration.

Nulliparous girls can be prescribed complex oral contraceptives, in which a small amount of the hormone estrogen. Or the choice can be made in favor of monocomponent mini-pill tablets containing only progesterone. Contraceptives are taken general instruction, there are no special features in the application.

birth control pills after abortion

Abortion is an operation after which, as after any surgical intervention rehabilitation is needed. For some time after an abortion, a woman cannot become pregnant hence the need for contraceptives. Hormonal oral contraceptives can be started on the day of the abortion.

Tablets will not only protect a woman from unwanted pregnancy, but will also help to adjust hormonal background, including restore the menstrual cycle and prevent inflammatory diseases in the reproductive system.

What is the chance of getting pregnant after taking birth control

If you strictly follow the schedule for the use of contraceptives, then pregnancy, most likely, will not occur. When taking pills for some reason is irregular, 1 or more pills are missed, the likelihood of getting pregnant increases significantly. After stopping the pills, pregnancy can occur as early as the first menstrual cycle.

But it should be remembered that it is necessary to drink up to the end the started package and only then stop taking contraceptives. Doctors recommend waiting for some time before planning a conception so that a regular menstrual cycle is established. If oral contraceptives were taken for a long time, a year or more, then pregnancy will not occur immediately.

Under the influence of hormones reproductive function was suppressed and it takes some time to recover. On admission contraceptive probability getting pregnant increases with vomiting and diarrhea, especially if a little time has passed since the reception. The tablet may not be completely absorbed and not work. It is recommended to take another tablet during this period.

What food reduces the effectiveness of contraceptives

In order not to get pregnant, you need to know how and in combination with which products to take birth control pills for them. better assimilation. When taking oral contraceptives, do not abuse fatty foods , since it is fats that to some extent inhibit the absorption hormonal pills, reduce their effectiveness.

Also, you should not use decoctions and tinctures of some herbs, especially St. John's wort, hogweed, ginseng. They can also reduce the effect of contraception. But foods rich in fiber, such as nuts, fruits, mushrooms, dried fruits, on the contrary, will help hormones to absorb faster.

What drugs reduce the effectiveness of contraceptives

The effectiveness of birth control pills is reduced when taking antibacterial drugs. It is not necessary to stop using oral contraceptives during the treatment period, but it is necessary to use additional contraceptives during and for 7-10 days after taking antibiotics.

Paracetamol and drugs containing it in the composition can reduce the effectiveness of contraceptives. Most often it is found in medicines from SARS, flu and colds, so you need to carefully study the composition of the funds taken. Antidepressants and sorbents can affect the absorption of hormones. After taking it, you should wait for a while, and then drink contraceptive.

Bleeding on admission

From how dangerous bleeding is when taking contraceptives, the period when it began and its nature speaks. Contraceptive pills contain hormones in different proportions, so you need to choose a type that is more favorable for the body.

If on initial stages taking pills appeared spotting bloody issues- This is the period of addiction of the body to the drug. If the discharge does not decrease, but becomes more abundant, this species hormonal contraceptives does not fit. But you can’t just stop taking them, you should, on the contrary, double the dose to 2 tablets per day until the bleeding stops.

Abrupt withdrawal of contraceptives can also provoke uterine bleeding therefore, you should finish the packaging and only then stop taking it.

The omission of several birth control pills can provoke the onset of bleeding, you should drink the missed pills during this period and continue to take them according to the schedule.


Contraceptive pills have the following contraindications:

  • venous disease associated with thrombosis;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney failure and other kidney diseases;
  • pancreatitis, especially in the acute phase;
  • liver disease;
  • the presence of tumors;
  • migraine;
  • pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.


Levonorgestrel contains a synthetic gestogen, which is present in emergency contraceptives. It is quickly absorbed by the body and begins to act within 1-3 hours after ingestion.

It has positive reviews about effectiveness, but often manifest side effects as:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness.

Preparations containing levonorgestrel have a cost of 350 to 550 rubles.

mifepristone tablets

Mifepristone tablets are used for medical abortion. Within 2 hours after taking it, you must be under the supervision of a doctor. The active substance mifepristone provokes a miscarriage, it must be used no later than the 12th week of pregnancy.

According to reviews, the effectiveness of drugs with mifepristone is very high, side effects are not often noted. The price of tablets containing mifepristone varies from 1200 to 1500 rubles.


"Postinor" is a contraceptive pill that is taken for emergency interruption of conception. In order not to get pregnant, you should take "Postinor" no later than 72 hours after intercourse, since the longer the time interval, the lower the effect. The drug contains the active substance levonorgestrel, which inhibits ovulation and changes the uterine mucosa.

Has mostly positive reviews high efficiency, but also marked Negative influence on the body, the drug provokes inflammatory processes in genitourinary system. The price of Postinor is 300-400 rubles.


The active ingredient in Escapel is levonorgestrel. Contraceptive is used as a means of emergency contraception, no later than 72 hours after sexual intercourse. The longer the period of time after unprotected sex, the lower the effectiveness.

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