Ideal married couples according to the signs of the zodiac. The most ideal couples by zodiac sign

Perhaps you are the lucky one!

Previously, the question "Who are you according to the sign of the Zodiac?" was a silly cliché and a catchy catchphrase that never fails, writes Urbo.

This is because the common wisdom was that those born under certain star signs are more compatible with others.

Now this theory is mentioned less often, but it has not lost its relevance, so we still selected a list of the best couples for you.

Here are the very combinations of zodiac signs for a long and happy relationship:

Scorpio and Cancer.

This passionate couple strikes a balance between hard work and adventure. Scorpio will bring true loyalty into your life, which Cancer will appreciate. Cancer will keep emotions and unpredictability in the relationship.

Beware of some Scorpios who may try to take from you what is rightfully yours. When Scorpios lead "bad" tactics, they do not pay attention to how your life works.

Some of the more dangerous Scorpios may try to steal your partner just to prove they can!

Aries and Gemini.

This is another balanced pair. While Aries will demonstrate their determination, Gemini will make sure that you make the right informed decisions.

However, to get to the altar, you will have to work on the problems that your signs have. Sometimes Aries can be very impatient, this is worth paying attention to.

Gemini sometimes takes a long time, which increases Aries' impatience. If you're a Gemini, turn on the "patience and determination" mode and your romance will be incredible.

Sagittarius and Leo.

These two were made for each other. Each of them can be a little short-tempered and reckless, but they both tend to be positive and kind.

These mirror personalities can actually feed on each other. A real fire can blaze up between these two hot signs (but that can be good, especially in the bedroom).

Relationships can be threatened by Sagittarius's habit of not seeing potential problems until it's too late, and Leo's tendency to turn on an overbearing "boss". Stay open and you will always be together.

Libra and Aries.

Speaking of strong couples! This tandem combines diplomacy and leadership. Both of these signs will work together and can look forward to achieving high personal, social and professional goals.

However, those born under the sign of Aries are not the best at planning. Don't let your impulsiveness threaten your Libra relationship.

As for Libra, watch out for your natural tendency to flirt. Don't make an Aries jealous.

Pisces and Scorpio.

Pisces and Scorpio go together like yin and yang. While Pisces can cool things off with reserved and sometimes guileless demeanor, Scorpio will bring tension and passion to the relationship. When these two get together, they will definitely find a common language.

On the other hand, a situation may occur in which Scorpios control the life of Pisces too much. Be careful, study your partner well. Strategy is never redundant.

Virgo and Aquarius.

Pure bliss to watch this couple. Aquarius will constantly bring new ideas, while Virgo will analyze, think about the smallest details, while their partner moves on to the next big idea.

These two complement each other in that when Aquarius suddenly wants to be alone, Virgo can completely immerse herself in her thoughts.

Your main obstacle in a relationship is Aquarius's love of experimentation and Virgo's critical, perfectionistic nature. Learn to cooperate, and romance in a relationship is guaranteed.

Aries and Capricorn.

This is another powerful pair; both of them are ambitious and active, each of them brings his own style of leadership, helping each other to keep their ears open.

Whether they want to throw a party or conquer the world, if they decide to do it together, they will!

This amazing relationship can get in the way of Capricorn's occasional pessimistic reflections. If you're an Aries, you just need to cheer up your partner to keep moving forward and up again!

Pisces and Cancer.

Pisces and Cancer dress up a passionate couple. Cancer brings a new, romantic perspective, and Pisces will soak it up, respecting every gesture from their partner.

To get the most out of this relationship, Pisces will have to overcome the habit of keeping secrets from their significant other.

Cancer must remember not to overreact to difficult situations. Learn to calmly solve problems together and your path to a happy life will be easier than you think.

Gemini and Virgo.

This couple is really good together. Together they see all sides of the problem, which means they can break through all sorts of obstacles.

By joining forces, they will be able to achieve incredible success.

When this couple has an argument, they can say a lot, turning a minor conflict into a serious battle that threatens the relationship. Learn to breathe out and settle things peacefully.

Capricorn and Aquarius.

This couple is the perfect combination of leader and thinker. One develops the plan, while the other actively implements it.

Unfortunately, Capricorn and Aquarius are both a bit depressive. Here's how to deal with it: You can work together, drawing on your own experiences, to help your partner come out of a dark state.

Discuss your plans when you're both in a good mood so you're ready to face depression head on.

Taurus and Virgo.

This is one of the most stable, long-term couples. Taurus is a delightful home person who would rather spend an evening with Netflix and a loved one than in a club. Virgo also prefers a quiet life.

This strength is also their biggest potential weakness. Constant intimacy can make you forget what it means to go out, make new friends.

And when you finally decide to change the situation a little, one of the most unfortunate qualities of Taurus can come out: a tendency to jealousy.

Sagittarius and Taurus.

Everyone knows that people born under the sign of Sagittarius love travel, adventure and freedom. Meanwhile, most people born under the sign of Taurus prefer comfort and quiet. How can these two be such a great couple, you ask?

This is a couple of exceptions. Of all the zodiac sign combinations, the connection between Sagittarius and Taurus is the most powerful.

The task of Taurus is to give Sagittarius the complete freedom that he needs. Sagittarians need to remember how important a partner is to them, and be grateful for such a wonderful relationship.

Don't let a sudden whim make you forget who's next to you and what you've been through together.

When choosing a life partner, we are much more often guided by feelings than by calculation. However, the calculation can be not only material. It is no coincidence that they say that marriages are made in heaven. Your family happiness largely depends on the zodiac compatibility with your partner. It is important to understand that absolutely incompatible people do not exist. There are difficult cases, problematic situations, when in order to achieve harmony and mutual understanding in relationships, you have to make great efforts, and sometimes even change something in yourself. Therefore, before making a decision and connecting fate with the chosen one, it is worth knowing what tests the stars are preparing for you. This will help you be more tolerant of your partner's shortcomings and more soberly evaluate yourself.

Planets of family happiness

It is important to understand that the general horoscope for all signs of the Zodiac considers compatibility only according to the Sun. This is the most influential of the planets, which does not exclude the influence of other heavenly bodies. Therefore, the ideal option is to consult an astrologer who will accurately calculate personal natal charts, yours and your loved one, and see the possible difficulties for your couple.
The most important planets that affect compatibility are the Sun, which is responsible for the struggle or merger of two "egos", and the Moon, the patroness of feelings and emotions. Mercury determines the level of communication. With favorable aspects, it is thanks to this planet that you are so interested with your husband, you understand each other literally from a half-word. But if you often hear from a partner: “We speak different languages,” this signals problems with Mercury.

Everything can be fixed. How? The advice of an astrologer will help you or, for starters, your own instinct. Start the analysis of relationships with the influence of the Sun - this is what the general compatibility horoscope says.

♈Aries March 21 - April 19

She is independent, independent and does not tolerate any pressure. Rarely asks for help. Natural perseverance helps to achieve goals, but can complicate relationships in marriage. He likes to be in the center of attention, demonstrating his leadership.

The Aries woman prefers to dominate, which often causes complications in relationships, especially with strong-willed men. Another problem is her straightforwardness, the desire to call everything by its proper name. At the same time, natural energy makes it incredibly attractive.

A passionate lover, she knows how to be very romantic and gentle in bed. She is especially good with a man whom she truly trusts. With all the external independence, the Aries woman, having fallen in love, remains faithful to her chosen one, appreciates a long and lasting relationship.

With men of the Fire element - Aries, Lions, Sagittarius - mutual understanding arises, marriage can be very successful. Danger arises only in the event of a clash of ambitions. Earthly Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - a complex case, this is the unity of opposites. Happiness in such a union can be achieved only by starting to respect each other. With Air signs - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius - excellent compatibility. Spouses complement each other. Marriage with a Water man - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - is full of emotions and contradictions. This is one of the most difficult alliances, which can only be strengthened by honestly discussing problems.

♉ Taurus April 20 - May 20

Calm, balanced, practical, refined, and at the same time very sensual - many men dream of such a woman. Until they face the other side of her strength - incredible stubbornness and excessive earthiness.

In alliance with a man without unnecessary ambitions, she often becomes a “mommy” - she takes care of him, takes care of all household chores and confidently commands her husband. But the relationship with her husband-leader is developing rapidly - she stubbornly does not want to concede in anything, he is trying to tame her.

She is not looking for bed exotics and thrills, the Kama Sutra is not for her. But a man who managed to awaken her sensuality will never be able to forget her. The Taurus woman is made for passionate sex and tireless in bed. It is very important for her to sincerely love her partner, only then she will experience the highest pleasure.

With Earth signs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - relations are especially good in youth. Practicality, restraint - all this holds the marriage together. But over time, feelings can cool. A fiery Aries, Leo or Sagittarius is an attractive but dangerous partner. A great heat of passion can destroy this union. Air signs - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius - annoy Taurus with their unpredictability. Happiness is possible only if partners learn to yield to each other. Excellent compatibility with Water - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - is also complemented by complete harmony in sex.

♊ Gemini May 21 - June 20

It is difficult to understand her - she is elusive and changeable, like the wind. But therein lies its main attraction. Men go crazy from the unpredictability and whims of the Gemini woman, fascinated by her ability to change beyond recognition.

You definitely won't get bored with her. The Gemini woman cannot stand boredom and monotony. It is interesting to talk with her on any topic. But her talkativeness can sometimes be tiring. The ability to adapt to a man, to find an approach to him is the key to strong family relationships.

The Gemini woman is little interested in the physical virtues of her partner, she is more excited by the intellect. A man who has got such a beloved in bed should be prepared for the fact that every night she will be different - sometimes almost indifferent, and sometimes incredibly sensual.

Compatibility with fire signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - can be perfect. Everyone envy this couple. The problem lies only in the infantilism of the spouses, the inability to make adult decisions. Earth element men - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - rarely attract Gemini. Marriage is possible if it is built on mutual adaptability. Air Gemini, Libra, Aquarius are great partners for such a woman. Passionate love often develops into a strong friendship. The element of Water - Crayfish, Scorpio, Pisces - attracts Gemini with its mystery. Relationships can be long and lasting.

♋ Cancer June 21 - July 22

At first glance, she seems calm and very homely. But few people know what passions boil in her rich soul. The Cancer woman is incredibly emotional, but often prefers to hide her true feelings. Only someone who she fully trusts can find out her real one.

The secret of her attractiveness is in the feeling of vulnerability, spiritual defenselessness, which very much attracts strong men. Such a woman wants to patronize, groom and cherish. The other side of such sensitivity is resentment, which often makes relationships very difficult.

She likes sensual, tender caresses, long preludes, romantic atmosphere, confessions, affectionate words. She is all as if woven from feelings and emotions, so it is easy for a partner to hurt her with a careless remark. Does not accept extreme.

The relationship of the Cancer woman is most favorable in marriage with representatives of her Water element - Pisces and Scorpions. They are connected by emotionality and developed intuition. It is more difficult with Cancers - two recluses act depressingly on each other. Earth Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are good partners for Cancer. They bring firmness and practicality to the relationship, which she so lacks. The energy of the signs of Fire - Aries, Lviv, Sagittarius - attracts her only at first, then begins to annoy. With unpredictable Air Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, Cancer never feels completely safe.

♌ Leo July 23 - August 22

Hotness, impulsiveness, determination - there is so much fire in her! In love, the Leo woman most clearly reveals her temperament. She likes to be the center of attention, to be admired. Likes to command, but remains feminine.

The Leo woman is active, often taking the initiative herself. In love, he does not tolerate innuendo and halftones. It’s hard for a jealous man next to her, because she just needs fans. At the same time, such a woman is faithful, does not stoop to betrayal.

In bed, as in life, she seeks to command. Shyness and shyness are not about her. Leo Woman is a born actress, often loves role-playing games. Which, combined with natural passion, makes her an unforgettable lover.

An alliance with the signs of Fire - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - can be ideal if the spouses are connected by a common cause. True, conflicts on the basis of the struggle for leadership and scenes of jealousy are not uncommon. Air signs - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius - are able to inflate the inner fire of the Lioness into an unquenchable fire of passion. Sex is perfect, but the danger lies in the lion's lust for power. With representatives of the Earth element - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - a good marriage is possible in the second half of life, when Leo can come to terms with his opposite. Union with Aquatic Pisces, Scorpions and Cancers is often short-lived due to the complete mismatch of temperaments. Emotional Water signs can't stand Leo's looseness.

♍ Virgo August 23 - September 22

Her motto is happiness loves silence. The Virgo woman never puts her feelings on display. She attracts men with her prudence, sober outlook on life. Often, infantile representatives of the stronger sex are drawn to her - in search of support. Able to control emotions.

She is not one of those who can be seduced by eloquence, expensive gifts. In a relationship, first of all, he appreciates certainty, strength and stability. Very afraid to make a mistake. Order in everything is her credo. A Virgo woman can open her feelings only to someone she is sure of.

It is difficult for her to relax, as she attaches great importance to details, often unnecessary. But, having got rid of internal clamps and complexes, he can reveal his sensuality so vividly that it will be a great gift for a partner.

With her Earthly brothers - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - such a woman instantly finds a common language on the basis of practicality. True, romance in such a marriage is in last place. The signs of Water - Pisces, Scorpios and Cancers - can give the Virgo family happiness, because the same idealists, at the same time, bring emotions and creativity into the relationship. Fiery Aries, Leo, Sagittarius are able to break her heart, in response she tortures her partner with rules and regulations. Such a marriage will be saved by mutual concessions. An alliance with the signs of Air - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius - can start on the basis of intellectual searches, but will not last long.

♎ Libra September 23 - October 22

Balanced, peaceful - a Libra woman can be an excellent partner both in business and in love. She is always well-groomed, tastefully dressed, has a natural charm and charm. In conflicts, she is often ready to give in. At the same time, he is indecisive and sometimes frivolous.

Her dream is a union based on spiritual unity and intellectual equality. Since this option is not common, the Libra woman tends to idealize her partner at first, and then to be disappointed in him. But, if she has already made her choice, then this is for life.

At first, she may seem impassive. But this is only an external impression. In fact, the Libra woman is very sensual, but she needs conditions to unlock her potential. She attaches great importance to detail, sophistication, subtlety of foreplay. Rough sensuality repels her.

With representatives of her element of Air - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius - such a woman feels comfortable. The union holds together the search for diversity, common interests. Only inconstancy can interfere. The wisdom of Libra helps
Fire signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - to curb their temperament and not succumb to emotions. The practicality and materiality of Earthly Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn can annoy her, such a marriage is rarely successful. The danger in relations with the signs of Water - Pisces, Scorpions and Cancers - lies in the resentment of the latter, patience will be needed.

♏ Scorpio October 23 - November 22

She despises pretense and deceit. At the same time, for others it often remains mysterious and incomprehensible. The Scorpio woman is independent and may even seem harsh. But behind external cynicism lies natural sensitivity and vulnerability.

She attracts men with independence and pronounced sexuality. Possesses irresistible magnetism. At the same time, he does not tolerate understatement in relationships, strive to fully own the chosen one, his thoughts and feelings.

Her partner can only be envied - there are no prohibitions for a Scorpio woman in bed. She literally bathes in a whirlpool of passions, wants to try everything, including the exotic. It is important for her that a man has no less temperament.

Sexual and emotional compatibility are decisive in the union of a Scorpio woman with representatives of the signs of the elements of Water - Pisces, Scorpions and Cancers. Life is in second place here. The same passion can be present in marriage with Earth Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, but in this case it is built on the struggle of opposites. Constant quarrels will end in the same hot reconciliation. But conflicts with the signs of Fire - Aries, Lions, Sagittarius - literally exhaust Scorpio, who often has to defend himself and make excuses. In marriage with Air Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, mutual understanding is rare, there are too few points of contact.

♐ Sagittarius November 23 - December 20

Her appeal lies in her openness and positivity. The Sagittarius woman knows how to communicate, enjoy life and find the good even in trouble. Therefore, she easily overcomes any obstacles. She is courageous, enterprising and willing to take risks.

With all the outward looseness, a Sagittarius woman can be very faithful and devoted to her chosen one. It will open before him a whole world, both external and internal. At the same time, freedom for such a woman is the most precious thing. The partner should remember this in order to keep her.

In intimate relationships for Sagittarius, first of all, knowledge and freedom are important. She can completely liberate herself and give her partner a whole range of unforgettable sensations. At the same time, he likes to stretch the pleasure as long as possible.

The most favorable alliance is with the signs of Fire, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. Leadership conflicts are inevitable, but this will only enrich the relationship. Passion for travel and expanding horizons will strengthen the marriage of Sagittarius with Air Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Spouses will help each other not only in everyday life, but also in their careers. Living together with the signs of the Earth - stable and conservative Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - will quickly get bored with the restless Sagittarius. And Aquatic Pisces, Scorpions and Cancers will annoy with jealousy, excessive emotionality. Marriage can only be happy if you know how to give in.

♑ Capricorn December 21 - January 19

She attracts men with impregnability and purposefulness. At the first meeting, it rarely makes a bright impression, as it is closed and immediately builds a barrier. But, opening up, it enchants the interlocutor so much that he can lose his head.

With all the outward practicality of a partner in love, a Capricorn woman chooses, first of all, based on "chemistry", mutual attraction. And only then evaluates the human qualities of the chosen one. In a relationship, she does not believe in words, prefers concrete actions. Secretive, does not like to show her feelings, which often brings additional difficulties.

Natural conservatism does not allow her to relax, so the partner, first of all, needs to win the trust of the Capricorn woman. She prefers a familiar environment, does not like to experiment. But to those who can understand it, it can give a real sensual paradise.

A strong family, reliable partnership, ideal sexual compatibility - the key to a successful marriage with the signs of the Earth, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. But in alliance with Aquatic Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces, there will be something that she lacks so much - a sea of ​​emotions, passions and unpredictability. This can give rise to intense passion. The fiery charisma of Aries, Lviv and Sagittarius suppresses the Scorpio woman. Such a marriage will always be unequal - in the mental sense. Air signs - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius - not the best option for a union. Spouses can connect, rather, friendship.

♒ Aquarius January 20 - February 17

The Aquarius woman is elusive - she can be open, sociable, cheerful, or she can suddenly amaze with cold, prudent pragmatism. Her god is freedom. And in everything, both in personal relationships, love, and in views and principles. f

She loves subtle flirting, masterfully owns the science of seduction. For all its outward openness, it does not let you get close for a long time, it needs to be conquered. In personal relationships, the most unacceptable thing for her is the restriction of freedom and independence.

Constantly looking for new experiences, conservatism, stiffness, conventions and traditions are alien to her. In a partner, she is attracted not so much by physical virtues as by intelligence and looseness. In bed, she "loves with her ears", she needs compliments, words.

It is easier for an Aquarius woman to understand her brothers in the Air element - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. The union can be very creative, non-trivial, however, in the search for new experiences, you can miss important everyday issues. Marriage with representatives of the elements of Fire - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius - can completely turn her life around. These are real experimenters, comprehending the heights of knowledge. Earthly Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn fetter the Aquarius woman. Marriage can be successful in the second half of life, when not feelings and passions come to the fore, but domestic and family problems. The pessimism and emotional instability of Aquatic Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces makes an alliance with them unlikely.

♓ Pisces February 18 - March 20

Indecisive, extremely receptive and impressionable, she prefers to listen more than speak. The Pisces woman is very responsive, often shouldering the solution of other people's problems. The tendency to melancholy often prevents her from achieving her goals, she observes more than she acts. Has intuition.

In partnership, he seeks, first of all, mutual understanding and emotional intimacy.
In a man he sees a reliable and faithful defender, able to protect her from worldly storms. Romance is very important in a relationship for a Pisces woman, no matter how many years they have lived together.

She can give tenderness and affection to a man endlessly. Such a woman knows no limits in bed, but requires subtlety and naturalness. Does not tolerate rudeness, naturalism, cynicism in intimate games. She completely dissolves in love.

Union with Water signs - Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces - is built on a solid foundation of complete mutual understanding and trust. In such marriages, self-sacrifice of one spouse for the sake of another often happens. Physical intimacy and mutual complementation of temperaments strengthen relationships with the signs of the Earth - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Marriage can be strong. With Fiery Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, building a family will not be easy. Pisces will always have to fight for independence. The children of the element of Air - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius - are too fickle and this often injures Pisces.

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One of the most interesting topics for discussion in astrology is zodiac sign compatibility. Everyone wants to know how compatible they are in love with those they like.

True love is nothing, however, in order to get closer to a person, you need to get to know him better. This is the first difficulty that can be with bad love compatibility. The second difficulty is the future. If you have different goals and ways of solving problems, then it is unlikely that it will be easy for you to live together.

Couples with the same element

The happiest couples are those in which one element is present. At the same time, it is better that your soulmate is not of the same Sign as you are. The fact is that the element unites people with similar goals in life and some similarity in small things, in energy. If the Signs are different, then the characters will differ, therefore, in such unions there is much in common and complementarity.

The best couples of the elements of the Earth:

Taurus + Virgo. Such a union is incredibly strong, harmonious. In love, these people can be very happy. Between them very quickly there is a strong affection, love.

Capricorn + Virgo. This union is so strong that almost nothing can break it. These people love solitude, but may have a little trouble choosing a path together. Capricorns are stubborn and purposeful, while Virgos know how to listen, understand, and believe in people. This is a team for the ages.

Capricorn + Taurus. Within the element of Earth, this union is not as strong as the other two, but it is very productive. Both people in such a pair can learn a lot from each other.

The best couples of the elements of Fire:

Sagittarius + Leo. This is a very harmonious couple, in which everything is almost perfect. Such people like to be in each other's company always, so the fire between them flares up automatically.

Aries + Sagittarius. With Aries, it will be difficult for Lions to lead a life together, so Sagittarius should be in the place of Lions, who are perfectly suited for the dynamism and strength of Aries.

Aries + Aries. This is the best exception to the rule that lovers should not have one zodiac sign. Aries like people just like them, so they pair well with each other. These people can live together a long and happy life based on deep mutual understanding.

The best couples of the elements of Water:

Pisces + Scorpio. Such a marriage will be strong, because these people complement each other in everything. The development of each personality will begin to occur spontaneously, spontaneously. It is better for Scorpios to look closely at Pisces more often, but not be afraid that at first you may not like each other.

Scorpio + Cancer. These people value family and marriage, so betrayal in such an alliance will not be almost one hundred percent. It will be a very strong family in which peace will reign.

Cancer + Cancer. Another exception to the rule about the prohibition of the same Signs in love. Cancers can live together, but not always. It is important that such people have common views on life outside the family. The rest is not so important.

The best pairs of the elements of Air:

Gemini + Libra. Such a union is not particularly strong, but in its brightness such love can surpass any other. On this fuel of passion and attraction, the love between Libra and Gemini can live for a very long time.

Libra + Aquarius. Aquarians love and appreciate beauty with charm the most. Libra has this beauty and charisma, so there will always be complete harmony in this union. It is better when Libra is a lady, and a man is Aquarius.

Aquarius + Gemini. In everyday life, such people are terribly combined together, but as for sexual desire, it is incredibly high. There is also a commonality of interests.

Couples with different elements

Aries + Aquarius. This is one of the best unions in general. Aries is always striving for something new, and Aquarius is not against any changes.

Aries + Libra. Both sides have an irresistible thirst for adventure. This is a couple with incredible passion, attraction. In such a marriage, people will stand up for each other, because their life principles are very similar.

Taurus + Cancer. This is one of the most harmonious relationships. Cancers will appreciate the ability to listen in Taurus, and Taurus will always love Cancers because of their honesty. A man and a woman of such Signs usually get along well.

Gemini + Virgo. If there is mutual understanding and common goals, such a marriage will be very strong, despite the fickle nature of the Gemini. It will be difficult for the virgins, but this does not mean that they will not be happy.

Virgo + Leo. Many believe that such an alliance is extremely dangerous and difficult, but, contrary to all expectations, Virgo and Leo get along well together if the latter try not to bend their line. In such a marriage, disagreements should be avoided.

Sagittarius + Aquarius. Another union of Fire and Air. This is an incredibly powerful union that can become so bright that it will outshine any other. The main thing is to be honest with each other. If these people have the same goals, then they will be happy.

Cancer + Capricorn. In this marriage, there will be complete harmony between the representative of the elements of Earth and Water. Passion is not enough, but neither Capricorn nor Cancer needs it. Everyone lives their life within reasonable limits, which pleases both parties. This could go on forever.

Taurus + Pisces. These people will be very good together. The highest level of interoperability is achieved through out-of-the-box thinking on both sides. Love for Pisces and Taurus is something different from the general ideas of society. These people like to be together always.

Scorpio + Gemini. This is one of the most controversial unions that lives against all the rules. Gemini for some reason become different next to Scorpions. They seem to hypnotize each other. How it works, no one fully understands.

Each couple, regardless of which Zodiac Sign each of the parties belongs to, can be happy. Relationships are destroyed not by compatibility or circumstances, but by negative attitudes. Good luck, strong love, and do not forget to press the buttons and

In all horoscopes, a mandatory item is a description of the compatibility of signs, but, unfortunately, most of them describe only special cases using examples of pairs of signs, losing sight of the general principles for all. Although these principles are very logical and at the same time simple. And their understanding will help you figure out once and for all who, with whom, and, most importantly, how compatible.

So, according to classical astrology, whose principles guide the calculation of In-contri compatibility in the corresponding section, the signs of the Zodiac are suitable for each other in love and family relationships, if they do not contradict 2 main rules:

  • signs belong to the same parity
  • signs are not the same

Accordingly, from the first paragraph it follows that the signs belong to the same element or different, but complementary. As you know, there are only 4 elements - they are Fire, Earth, Air and Water. That. within each element, the signs are compatible with each other and pairs are compatible, representing a positive combination of the elements Fire-Air and Earth-Water. As you can see, everything is simple.

2 groups of compatible characters

Let's take the signs with their elements in order and consider clearly:

We see that the signs of the elements of Fire and Air are odd, and the signs of Earth and Water are even. Consequently, the compatibility of the signs of each pair of elements, both among themselves and inside, is very natural: Air helps Fire flare up more strongly, and Water fills the Earth, making it fertile.

Compatible signs of Fire and Air:
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius

Compatible Earth and Water Signs:
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces

On the other hand, in combinations of signs of different parity - these are pairs of elements Water-Fire, Water-Air, Earth-Fire, Earth-Air - a positive union is not observed. Moreover, even from the nature of the elements it is clear that some of these pairs are opposing. Therefore, their compatibility in love and family is considered negative.

This is how the compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac works in general terms at the level of compatible / incompatible. But there are a number of other characteristic features that depend on the relative position of a pair of signs.

7 types of compatibility between signs

A more detailed description of compatibility in a pair can be found by the location of the signs relative to each other on the zodiac circle. Moreover, both clockwise and counterclockwise. Only depending on the direction of the account, the role of your sign in the pair will change. Let's analyze how it works, using the example of the first sign - Aries.

Location: +1 and -1 sign from your
Pair type: "Best friend and best enemy" - incompatibility
Examples: Aries (1) - Taurus (2), Aries (1) - Pisces (12)
Description: The most popular pair of characters among all the others. They quickly make friends, but the conflict of the elements interferes with a serious relationship. Frequent problems: envy, rivalry, difference of interests and goals in life.

Location: +2 and -2 signs from your
Pair type: "Big brother and little brother" - compatibility
Examples: Aries(1) - Gemini(3), Aries(1) - Aquarius(11)
Description: a pair of signs of positively combined elements. It is important for each partner to understand their roles. The "older brother" is usually superior to the "younger" in age, experience, or character.

Location: +3 and -3 characters from your
Pair type: "Patron and adviser" - incompatibility
Examples: Aries (1) - Cancer (4), Aries (1) - Capricorn (10)
Description: A pair of signs of elements in conflict, but able to find common ground if desired. Alas, only in business, but not in the family sphere. For them, it is better to choose a common business than a house.

Location: +4 and -4 signs from your
Pair type: «Child and parent | Student and teacher "- compatibility
Examples: Aries(1) - Leo(5), Aries(1) - Sagittarius(9)
Description: A beautiful pair of signs of the same element. The "parent" must show all his wisdom, care and patience - more depends on him here. It is enough for a “child” to be not too capricious and capricious.

Location: +5 and -5 signs from your
Pair type: "Boa constrictor and rabbit" - incompatibility
Examples: Aries (1) - Virgo (6), Aries (1) - Scorpio (8)
Description: A couple about whom romance novels are written. No happy ending. First, a storm of feelings and emotions. At the end - the boredom and fatigue of the "boa constrictor", the broken heart of the "rabbit". We advise you to avoid, especially if "rabbit" is your sign.

Location: +6 and -6 signs from your
Pair type: "Opposites attract" - compatibility
Examples: Aries(1) - Libra(7)
Description: like the poles of a magnet, these signs are so different, but their attraction is just as strong. This relationship is highly recommended only for experienced and wise partners. Young people make many mistakes in such a couple and are rarely able to reveal their full potential.

Location: same sign
Pair type: "Me and my mirror" - incompatibility
Examples: Aries(1) - Aries(1)
Description: A common pairing among young partners. There is nothing easier than to start a relationship with someone just like you. But then there is nothing more dull and annoying than to see your own shortcomings nearby.

To everyone who is in search of an ideal relationship, the stars recommend not to neglect their advice.

The ideal relationship for you is a balance between stability and adventure. Libra will help you find it: it is with a representative of this zodiac sign that you can create a strong and very harmonious union. Well, if you are more interested in crazy sex, then look for meetings with Scorpio or Pisces.

You attract strong and independent personalities, of which there are many among Aries. Your union will surely turn out to be reliable: you won’t have to regret what you have done. When it comes to sex, Pisces and Cancer are your choice: they know how to make you feel like you're in seventh heaven.

You don't always know exactly what you need. Sagittarius will help you understand your desires. And at the same time it will show you what a real adventure is and teach you to enjoy life every day. In bed, you get along well with Capricorns and Cancers. They seem to know something about your secret sexual fantasies!

You need a partner you can rely on in any situation. Meet Capricorn: confident and reliable as a rock. Do not miss the chance to enter into a serious and lasting relationship with him. Well, you can flirt desperately with Aquarius and Scorpio: they will help you reveal your sexuality.

You need a partner with whom you can share knowledge: in a relationship, you constantly need to learn something. But you yourself love to teach - this cannot be taken away from Lviv. Gentle Aquarius can curb your ardor. Yes, and he has enough knowledge on a variety of issues. The ideal sexual partner for you is Pisces: they know how to throw a pinch of their mysticism into the fire of your passion.

You are attracted to things that you cannot explain. Scorpio will help you find clues: sexy, groovy and passionate. At the same time, it is quite possible to build a serious relationship with him: you are able to pacify his ardor. The energy of Aries is capable of turning you on, but you can’t count on “happily ever after” in such a union. Rather, it will be "bright and memorable."

But you and Aries can develop a very stable relationship: he will help you maintain balance. In addition, your views on beauty coincide, so you will always find something to talk about. As for sex, take a closer look at the familiar Taurus: in bed you will understand each other from a half-look.

You are a strong person and you need a strong partner. Aries is a great choice. You will easily find a common language, and you will never be bored in each other's company. Gemini can turn you on: you will like their easy nature and willingness to bold experiments.

You are bursting with ideas and bold plans. Aquarius will be able to share your passion. They will also appreciate your wanderlust and the ease with which you can take off. All in all, a great union. Cancers turn you on sexually: in bed, they will help you get rid of unnecessary thoughts.

Cancer is your bro. It will bring into your life those emotions that you, the main astrological control freak, sometimes lack so much. The ideal lover for you is Leo: expect passions and sparks from the eyes (in a good way).

Leo can unravel your mysterious nature and understand what you really are. He will not encroach on your independence, and your common desire to help people will only strengthen your union. If we talk about sex, then your ideal partner is Virgo: in bed you are on the same wavelength. Outside of it - not always.

You need a Leo: reliable, passionate and honest. With him, you can even go to an expensive restaurant, even to intelligence. The best lover for Pisces is Pisces. No one understands better what you want, but he will definitely understand - and how!

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