Discharge in women after unprotected sex. Is there always cause for concern? Frequent change of sexual partners - pleasant memories and unpleasant consequences Change of the sexual partner of excretion

Not every modern person begins a sexual life by entering into a marriage relationship. As a rule, young people prefer intimate relationships long before the appearance of a permanent partner - a husband. At the same time, not everyone knows what a frequent change of sexual partner can lead to, infections and the consequences after which are quite unpleasant.

What are the dangers of promiscuity for men and women?

It is not only about those diseases and infections that are sexually transmitted. Women often suffer due to the fact that the individual microflora of their genital organs is very sensitive to any impact. As a result of this, the work of almost all internal organs is disrupted, a malfunction occurs in the hormonal system, immunity is weakened, as a result of which the whole becomes vulnerable to various kinds of bacteria and viruses. Scientists were able to prove that with too active sex life with different men, women have an increased risk of developing the human papillomavirus. And this is the first and most likely prerequisite for oncological diseases of the female reproductive system.

Excessive emancipation in the sexual sphere is also not useful for men. The microflora of the male genital organs is also sensitive and vulnerable. Therefore, the risk of developing such unpleasant diseases as trichomoniasis, herpes, human papillomavirus and hepatitis increases.

Bacteria live on the mucous membranes of the genital organs, this is normal. A person can be a carrier of a virus for decades, but never know about it. Until favorable conditions are created for these dormant bacteria, and they begin their active reproduction.

One of the provoking factors is precisely the change of sexual partner. For example, ureaplasma and mycoplasma live on the mucous membranes of the vagina, but in very small quantities. With stress or the appearance of a new intimate friend (which is also for immunity), an increase in their number can be provoked, as a result of which you have to run to the doctor with terrible discomfort.

Infections that occur when changing sexual partners

Venereologists jokingly call all sexually transmitted diseases diseases of love. In fact, those who are faced with the negative consequences of "big" love are not in the mood for jokes. After all, the list of sexually transmitted diseases, unfortunately, is not limited to those that can be cured by packing pills. An example of this is AIDS, for which there is still no effective cure.

Candidiasis is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections. Its development is provoked by yeast-like fungi that react to changes in the acidic environment of the genital organs. This disease is quite common in both men and women. Symptoms are burning, cheesy unpleasant discharge, itching and severe irritation. Both partners need to undergo treatment. Even if one of them does not have any symptoms and discomfort, treatment is mandatory for both. Otherwise, infection will occur regularly.

An unpleasant disease after a change of sexual partner is bacterial vaginosis. It develops as a result of the active growth of bad bacteria that inhibit the activity of beneficial, protective microflora. There may be no symptoms, except for an unpleasant odor without any strong discharge. As a rule, this disease is not transmitted to a partner, but only causes inconvenience to a woman who prefers a variety of intimate relationships.

Chlamydia is an infection caused by intracellular microorganisms. Most often it develops as a result of the lack of means of protection, but in some cases a condom will not provide a guarantee of protection. Both men and women are affected by the disease. Symptoms are usually copious white or yellow discharge, burning, discomfort in the genital area, and pain when urinating.

Oncology of internal organs is a danger for women. The fair sex, who prefer casual intimate relationships and often change partners, are prone to the development of an insidious and dangerous disease - cervical cancer. It is provoked by the human papillomavirus, which is very "loving" free sexual relations. The more serious the attitude towards intimate contacts, the lower the risk of developing this disease.

Mycoplasmosis - is easily transmitted by sexual partners to each other, especially if sexual intercourse occurs for the first time. In women, it can manifest as pain in the lower abdomen, discharge, burning and itching in the vaginal area. In some cases, if left untreated, damage to the ovaries, uterus, and peritoneum is possible. Men may experience pain at the time of urination, pulling pain in the groin, slight discharge from the urethra, mainly in the morning.

These infections are most often found not only among people who prefer promiscuity. Unfortunately, even a one-time change of partner and an ongoing permanent relationship with him can provoke unpleasant symptoms. There is no need to be silent about this. Be sure to discuss the problem with your partner in order to identify and eliminate the cause for the future.

Unpleasant consequences of changing sexual partners

In advanced form, if left untreated, infections can lead to prostatitis, chronic pain in the groin, inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, and kidneys. It is extremely dangerous for the female body to ignore its health. this can lead to infertility, the inability of the uterus to hold the developing fetus. The ovaries can stop functioning and reproduce the egg, fully ready and ripe for fertilization. Irreversible changes also occur in the male body: sperm quality deteriorates due to immobility and improperly formed spermatozoa. As a result, conception becomes impossible.

herbs and folk recipes

Folk healers and healers have almost countless recipes that allow you to restore women's and men's sexual health. Certain plants, flowers and herbs have a powerful healing effect, they contain a fairly large amount of nutrients.

For the treatment of chlamydia you can use the following recipe:

3 teaspoons of chamomile (dried flowers);
- 2 teaspoons of alder cones;
- 2 teaspoons of horsetail;
- 2 teaspoons of string;
- 1 teaspoon of forgotten kopeck;
- 1 teaspoon of leuzea.

Absolutely all herbs are easy to buy at the pharmacy. However, if possible, you can prepare them yourself, in folk medicine they can be used at any time of the year, not only from sexual infections, but also for a number of other diseases. Mix all the ingredients, pour 800 ml of boiling water into 3 tablespoons of the collection. Leave to infuse for 12 hours, then strain. With chlamydia, it is necessary to take 150 ml before meals three times a day. It is recommended to take a course of at least three months.

Recipe for candidiasis and chlamydia

An effective folk remedy that will help to cope with a number of genital infections and at the same time can be used simultaneously with medications. For cooking you need:

2 teaspoons creeping thyme;
- 2 teaspoons of the root of the burnet medicinal;
- a tablespoon of string.

Mix all the herbs, pour 700 ml of freshly boiled water, leave for at least 10 hours. It is recommended to take half a glass a day three times before meals.

Viral genital herpes

With this disease, the healers recommend preparing the following recipe: take 2 tablespoons of the roots of the licorice plant, pour a glass of cold water, bring to a boil, leave on low heat for 20 minutes. After that, let the broth cool to room temperature, strain and can be taken as a medicine. It is recommended to drink a tablespoon in the morning and evening before meals. The infection can be overcome after a two-week course.

From sexually transmitted infections, the following recipe can also help: take the usual rose hips, a few mint leaves, oregano. Brew one bag of plain black tea in 400 ml of water, add the cooked herbs to it. It is most convenient to prepare such an infusion in a thermos. Leave to infuse for 45 minutes, then strain. It can be consumed as an alternative to regular tea or coffee. As a result of its use, you can not only get rid of genital infections, herpes, but also strengthen the immune system due to the high concentration of vitamin C.

In inflammatory processes in the genitourinary organs, it is useful for women to use such a folk remedy: in equal proportions, take the flowers of chamomile, calendula, coltsfoot, sweet clover. Mix all the plants, take four tablespoons of the resulting collection, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist 2 hours. Drink the resulting medicine in a third cup three times a day, preferably before meals. The course should be continued for at least a month.

Remember, folk remedies can be very effective, but this does not mean that going to the doctor and examination can be postponed. The sooner an infection is detected, the more likely it is to completely defeat it. Be mindful of your health so that you can spend time on your loved ones, not on

Pay attention to who you share your intimate energy with. Intimacy at this level intertwines the energy in your aura with that of the other person. These powerful connections, no matter how minor you think they are, leave spiritual after-effects, especially in people who do not practice internal or emotional cleansing.

The more you interact with someone on an intimate level, the deeper the connections, and the more the other's auras intertwine with yours.

Imagine the inconstancy and inconsistency of the aura of a person who carries these numerous energy fragments in himself!

What many people don't realize is that this erratic force is pushing positive energy away from you and attracting more negative energy into your life.

I always say, "Never sleep with someone you don't want to be." Lisa C. Patterson.

Intimate relationships between a man and a woman are built on the mutual exchange of sexual energy.

A woman uses the energy of the Earth, a man uses the energy of space.

In a couple that is aimed at a long-term, full-fledged relationship, due to such an exchange, harmony is created that gives strength and support to each partner.

In a situation where a woman does not have a permanent partner, she passes from man to man, that is, she often changes them, what happens is that she gives energy, the man accepts her, but she receives nothing in return.

As a result, constantly giving energy to different men, after some time it becomes devastated, because there is no mutual exchange, mutual balance, which contributes to the fact that a person is healthy and active. Well, diseases, stress, depression in a woman, dissatisfaction, because there is not enough energy to get it during sexual relations.

If she still finds a permanent partner, then soon this leads to quarrels. She no longer has the energy to give, and, unfortunately, the frequent change of partners leads to the fact that all these men take energy from her for a certain time. This time is indicated by studies at about 7 years.

And now, if we imagine that a woman had about twenty partners before she met a permanent man, what kind of energy she will have, how active she will be, and how long she will be active with a permanent partner if previous partners pulled energy from her. At the same time, they do not give anything away, because the relationship either ended or it was short-lived.

Sexuality you can feel

The sexuality of a woman or the sexuality of a man is not only some external manifestation. We can express sexuality through clothes, through makeup, through our behavior. But true sexuality depends on how much sexual energy is enough in a person.

Why? Because its presence contributes to inner sensations. It affects the confidence of a person, how liberated and free a person is. If there is not enough energy, a person is constrained, compressed, and no matter how outwardly he dresses up, or tries to make himself sexy, it will be felt by another person.

And when meeting, for example, if a woman tries to somehow form the image of a sexy woman, when communicating, a man will feel it. He may not be attracted to her because she does not have enough of this sexual energy. And the sexuality that she tried to show, it was only external, artificial. And this is important in order to find a partner and build relationships.

Sexuality can be immediately felt when you see a person and this sexuality is present in him - it blows directly from him, it is expressed in his gait ... The girl’s gait will not be feigned, from the hip, she will be natural, will be expressed in her femininity.

This is important, because when a man is looking for a partner, he is looking for a woman. And he wants her to be as feminine as possible, and femininity is manifested in softness, in suppleness, in the fact that she is more sensual, in her willingness to receive and give. Believe me - these are extremely important points in building relationships.

It is impossible to enter into a trusting relationship with a man, to fully open your heart to him, to be 100% open and loving with him, while there is at least some resentment against other men.

It is obvious that modern society refers to the issues of intimate life, much more liberated and free than in the days of our grandparents. Such concepts as extramarital relations, early onset of sexual activity and frequent change of sexual partners do not cause condemnation and rejection in most people. Personal life, finally, received the very "untouchability" and "non-intervention" that the liberated, free from prejudice youth has always striven for.

However, along with a whole gamut of pleasant sensations and sexual pleasures, there also came a huge set of medical problems and diseases that became the dark side of such a beautiful medal of free relationships at first glance. It suddenly turned out that even a serious approach to protection does not protect against a number of pathologies that can seriously affect future sexual health, including affecting the fertility level of both partners.

The dangers of promiscuity

One night stand can be an incredibly vivid memory, both for a woman and for a representative of the stronger sex. At the same time, unfortunately, these memories are not always pleasant, because, as a rule, entering into a casual relationship, it is not possible to find out even a minimum of information about the partner’s lifestyle. As a result, a night of non-committal love can end in a real problem, and in some cases even a tragedy. What is to be feared?

Sexually transmitted infections

Doctors distinguish a number of diseases, the priority mode of transmission of which is sexual contact. This category of diseases is characterized by a hidden danger, because an infected person for a long time may not be aware of the presence of an infectious agent in his body and note the asymptomatic course of the disease. During this period, the patient already poses a threat to his sexual partners and can become a source of the spread of the disease. The most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs) include:

  • combination of bacterial pathogens.

Most of the agents listed above are characterized by low sensitivity to drugs and do not manifest themselves for a long time. Signs of infection can be such uncharacteristic phenomena as discomfort and itching in the genital area, unusual discharge, pain in the lower abdomen, decreased sexual activity, rashes in the anogenital zone, and menstrual irregularities in women. In men, sexually transmitted diseases often cause such an unpleasant phenomenon as erectile dysfunction or, and also significantly reduce fertility. It is possible to suspect the presence of a sexual infection in the patient's body after studying.

Doctors say that such a high percentage of infertile couples is largely due to the presence of an active or latent sexual infection in the body of one of the partners. STIs are especially dangerous for women during pregnancy, because the inflammatory processes of the organs of the reproductive system that they provoke can cause miscarriage and miscarriage. In addition, if the pregnancy persists, the child is likely to be born infected and will have a genetic predisposition to the addition of additional infectious diseases. That is why it is extremely important to identify and eliminate hidden diseases of the genital tract at the stage of pregnancy planning.

Unfortunately, even a condom cannot provide one hundred percent protection against diseases transmitted during sexual intercourse. This is due to the likelihood of open contact of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, as well as the risk of rupture or spontaneous removal of the contraceptive. If this happens, you should remember that if you notice any suspicious symptoms in yourself, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible - urologist, venereologist or who will prescribe the passage of the complex and develop a rational antibiotic therapy regimen, taking into account the specific pathogen. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the treatment of infectious diseases of the genital area often turns out to be lengthy and expensive, especially when it comes to several pathologies at the same time.

You can make a comprehensive reliable analysis for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) at the Raduga multidisciplinary clinic, which uses the latest methods for studying biological material, including.

Changes in the individual microflora of the genital organs

It is interesting that even if the new sexual partner is completely healthy and the relationship with him promises to be serious and long-lasting, the woman may face serious problems of an intimate nature. First of all, there is discomfort and uncharacteristic manifestations, as a result of a change in the natural microflora when changing a sexual partner. Here, the thrush familiar to many women comes to the fore. This pathological process develops as a result of the activation and reproduction of fungal agents, which are normally one of the conditionally pathogenic components of the microflora of a healthy person. Symptoms of thrush are familiar to many:

  • discomfort and dryness of the mucous membranes of the genital organs;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • characteristic white curdled discharge;
  • itching and burning in the area of ​​the external labia and vagina;
  • discomfort during intercourse;
  • reduced fertility and non-pregnancy.

Also, if the individual balance of microflora is disturbed, natural local immunity decreases and the risk of infection with various infectious agents that provoke inflammation increases.

Increased risk of developing cervical cancer

Numerous studies have confirmed the fact that women who have casual sex are several times more likely to develop such a terrible oncological disease as cervical cancer. As it has become known in recent years, the cause of such a malignant process is the human papillomavirus, which is sexually transmitted. It is this form of papillomavirus that a person who prefers an open relationship risks acquiring. Despite the fact that an effective one has been developed, the best way to prevent cervical cancer is to control sexual intercourse and take sex seriously.

High chance of getting HIV

Human immunodeficiency virus infection is most likely through contact with an unfamiliar partner. The fact is that most often casual relationships have mutual approval, since in most cases such behavior is the norm for partners. Based on this, it is extremely difficult to control the state of one's health after each accidental contact, which increases the risk of contracting HIV.

Only timely diagnosis of all the diseases listed above will make it possible to eliminate the pathology and preserve sexual and reproductive health. You can pass a complete exam in the field of gynecology and reproduction, as well as in the detection of sexually transmitted infections and HIV, at the modern Raduga Diagnostic Center, where all studies are carried out quickly, guaranteeing the highest level of accuracy and reliability.

About doctors

Make an appointment with obstetricians-gynecologists of the highest category - and already today. We will do our best to accommodate you as soon as possible. Clinic Raduga is located in the Vyborgsky district of St. Petersburg, just a few minutes walk from the metro stations Ozerki, Prospekt Prosveshcheniya and Parnas. See.

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Transparent, odorless discharge in women should be present, they are not an indicator of the development of serious diseases, but signal that the girl's reproductive system is working normally. Quite often, the fair sex begins to be disturbed by transparent mucous discharge from the genitals and vagina. If such discharge from the female organs is without an unpleasant odor and does not cause any discomfort at all, then you should not sound the alarm when they appear and run to the doctor.

Features of the female body

Colorless mucous discharge in women is a biological fluid. It is the main indicator of the health of the female body, signals cyclical changes in the functioning of the ovaries. What is included in these fluid manifestations from the vagina? The cervical canal has special glands that secrete secretions from the vagina. They contain:

  • fragments of dead cells rejected by the vagina and uterus;
  • transudate from lymphatic and blood vessels;
  • moisturizing mucus secreted by the cervix;
  • useful (and not quite) microorganisms and fungi that inhabit the female organs.

Sweat and sebaceous glands, located near the urethra, can also become an additional external source of secretions. The microflora of the vagina in the normal state contains mainly lactic acid bacteria. Due to lactobacilli, clear discharge in women acquires a sour smell, which is the norm. All this mixes and leaves the female body. Do not forget that such vaginal manifestations are not a signal that it is worth sounding the alarm, but a sign that the female body is functioning normally.

The nature of the allocated secret

Various factors can change the nature of the secretion secreted from the vagina and uterus, that is, have a significant impact on the frequency and number of such manifestations. Anything can influence, even climate change due to moving or experienced stress. But most often, the girl's age, general health, hormonal balance, and much more have the greatest influence. Often there are such factors:

  • ovulation;
  • changes in the body before and after childbirth;
  • menstrual cycle;
  • pregnancy;
  • approaching menopause;
  • change of sexual partner;
  • a state of arousal;
  • lactation;
  • taking hormonal and contraceptive drugs.

Gynecologists have established that the norm is the release of no more than 4 ml of a clear liquid per day. Abundant mucous discharge, colorless or white, without streaks and odor, indicates the usual state of women's health, especially if such manifestations do not cause discomfort. The only thing that can be done if there is too much liquid is to use a daily pad.

You should not rush to the pharmacy for medicines if there is more clear liquid than usual. It is strictly forbidden in this situation to start self-medication with the help of medications. Maybe this will affect the release of fluid, but such manipulations can provoke the appearance and development of diseases. As a result, incretion may be accompanied by an unpleasant odor, swelling, discoloration of mucus, itching, discomfort, and other consequences of off-label use of drugs. It is better to sign up for a consultation with a doctor, because only a specialist can determine whether the patient is healthy or not.

Normal manifestations

Transparent discharge in women appears from the moment of puberty and accompanies them all their lives.

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They are absent only in girls, when the egg is just maturing and the hormone estrogen is not yet produced. After the first menstruation, a clear liquid begins to appear regularly, changing its consistency and volume in a certain phase of the cycle. Normal discharges are considered with the following indicators:

  • no unpleasant odor;
  • no irritation on the genitals;
  • body temperature is not higher than normal;
  • liquid consistency (at different phases of the cycle there may be jelly-like discharge);
  • transparent liquid without color change and the presence of streaks;
  • vaginal manifestations do not greatly exceed the norm;
  • do not cause discomfort in the vagina and pain.

Menstrual cycle

Little girls should not have any discharge from the genitals at all. Vaginal secrets can begin their formation only before the first menstruation. Most often, the first color secrets are slightly white, liquid, with a sour smell or without it at all. A transparent white liquid is the norm for women and girls, it moisturizes the uterus and vagina, protects them from infections. During the menstrual cycle, the properties of the secret change depending on a certain phase:

  1. During the first phase (from the last day of menstruation to the 11th day), the liquid is usually of a homogeneous type and comes out in a small amount. Usually the discharge is transparent or slightly white, slightly watery, semi-liquid, with a barely noticeable sour smell or without it at all.
  2. The next period is ovulation. It lasts 1-2 days, and during this period the amount of secretion increases. It is during the period of ovulation that transparent stretching mucous secretions are observed. They generally have no odor or are slightly sour.
  3. In the second phase, shortly before the onset of menstruation, the amount of secretion decreases again, it acquires a thicker consistency, resembling jelly in appearance. Before the menstruation itself, the volume of fluid secreted by the female genital organs increases. Such changes in women occur cyclically and cover their entire reproductive period.


When a woman is aroused, this is accompanied by the release of a large amount of watery fluid. It is a natural lubricant and increases the comfort of intimate relationships. When sexual intercourse is over, a special discharge appears from the vagina.

Sexual intercourse, not protected by a condom, provokes the production of a transparent, thick secret by the female genital organs. If sexual intercourse was interrupted or carried out using contraception, then after it there are scanty white or yellow discharge in women, resembling a cream in consistency. A few hours after intercourse, the female secret becomes liquid, white, abundantly produced.

Pregnancy and childbirth

When a woman carries a fetus, her body changes its hormonal status. Due to the fact that at the beginning of pregnancy, blood circulation in the genitals of the future mother increases, the vagina produces a large amount of a clear liquid, watery in consistency. As it approaches the end of gestation, it becomes more mucous and is produced even more abundantly. During this period of pregnancy, transparent, stretching mucous discharge is the norm for women. At the end of bearing a child, vaginal manifestations in the form of a very watery liquid can be considered dangerous. This suggests that there is a risk of premature birth, because such a liquid may turn out to be amniotic fluid.

By the end of 7-8 weeks after the baby was born, postpartum spotting is cleared of excess impurities. At first they look like thick mucus, but after a short period of time they become transparent and liquid, that is, as they were before the start of pregnancy. As long as breastfeeding continues, a very small amount of clear fluid in the female genital organs will be released. But if the vaginal manifestations have changed their color, acquired an unpleasant odor, and the discharge is accompanied by pain, itching, swelling or other abnormalities, this is a reason to consult a doctor, since such changes in the body indicate the onset of the disease.

The influence of hormonal drugs

During the period of taking any hormonal drugs (it can be both contraceptives and drugs with a different purpose), changes occur in the body in which the ovulation process is inhibited. Because of this, the amount of mucous, clear, liquid vaginal manifestations is significantly reduced. But this does not always happen. There are cases when, as a result of taking hormonal drugs, the amount of fluid from the genital organs increases markedly.

But the secreted mucus should not cause itching, discomfort, swelling, inflammation or smell. Since contraceptives create a suitable environment for the life and reproduction of various microorganisms, quite often, in addition to pills, doctors prescribe drugs that allow the microflora to recover. When hormonal drugs are stopped, the production of secretions from the female genital organs stabilizes and proceeds as usual.

Women's health with menopause

When a woman enters menopause, hormonal stability is disturbed and this leads to a change in the amount and nature of the mucus produced by the genitals. Vaginal manifestations are significantly reduced in number, this causes dryness inside the genitals, resulting in sensations of discomfort and even pain. Such changes occur due to the fact that the mucous membrane of the vagina and vulva become dry, thin and practically do not produce "lubrication". If during menopause the vagina began to produce a large amount of mucus, this may be a sign of a serious illness.

The reaction of the body to a change of partner

When a woman's sexual partner changes, instead of a normal clear liquid, the vagina may begin to produce thick, viscous mucus in large quantities. Such changes occur due to the fact that the microflora in the cervix, vagina and other female organs changes during sexual contact with a new partner.

Once in the female body, the flora of the new sexual partner provokes in the vagina the process of getting used to completely unfamiliar microorganisms, fungi, bacteria. Sometimes when changing a partner in the vagina, women may begin the process of rejection. In this case, there is often an increase in the amount of mucus produced, a change in its consistency and color. After a certain time, the female body gets used to the partner, and the vaginal microflora is restored. If you change sexual partners too often, then women can develop serious diseases that can even lead to infertility.

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Preventive measures

So that the female genital organs do not begin to produce "wrong" discharge, it is necessary to carry out prevention. And first of all, you need to worry about the proper implementation of the hygiene of intimate areas. And for this, you need to use intimate hygiene products when washing, containing extracts from medicinal plants, components with moisturizing properties, as well as lactic acid.

As you now understand, a clear liquid from the vagina is a sign that the female body is working as it should. The nature of the discharge can change under the influence of various factors, and this is the norm. But you need to be very careful and monitor the serious changes in the secret produced by the female body. If the discharge has acquired an unusual color or has begun to cause discomfort, then you should not risk your health, but you should immediately go to an appointment with a gynecologist. The reasons for such changes may be associated with serious diseases.

50 answers from a gynecologist to the most frequently asked questions at a doctor's appointment on ours.

sexual relations

Question: Is not having sex bad for your health?

Answer: No, it's not harmful.

Question: Can I have anal sex?

Answer: It is not advisable to have anal sex, as hemorrhoids and anal fissures may develop later.

Question: Is it true that if you have sex during your period, you can not get pregnant?

Answer: No, not true, you can get pregnant, during menstruation you need to refrain from sexual intercourse and in order to prevent inflammatory diseases.

Question: Can I get infected if I have a relationship with a married man?

Answer: You can. (In any case, you need to protect yourself)

Question: Is there always blood after the first sexual intercourse?

Answer: The first sexual intercourse is usually accompanied by a tear of the hymen, in which there is slight bleeding, but sometimes, due to the characteristics of the girl's body, bleeding does not occur. In this situation, it is better to consult a doctor.

Question: Why is it painful for me to have sex?

Answer: The reasons are different: inflammatory diseases, the characteristics of the girl's body, the characteristics of the partner's body. Do not be patient, seek help from a doctor.

Question: What should be done to prevent sexually transmitted infections?

Answer: Do not engage in promiscuous sexual relations, observe hygiene and protect yourself.

Question: What should be done after intercourse?

Answer: After intercourse, be sure to wash yourself and empty your bladder.

Question: If I often change sexual partners, is it harmful?

Answer: Harmful as it increases the risk of sexually transmitted infections.

Question: Why did my genitals become red and itchy after sex?

Answer: This may be a disease of the genital organs, there may be a violation of the rules of intimate hygiene, do not self-medicate, consult a doctor.

The most common diseases

Question: If the external genitalia are reddened and inflamed, what is it?

Answer: This is vulvitis. The reasons for it are varied: non-compliance with personal hygiene, mechanical factors, diseases of the vagina, the use of antibiotics, washing with chemicals. Do not self-medicate, consult a doctor.

Question: What is an STD?

Answer: STD is a sexually transmitted disease through unprotected sexual intercourse (oral, vaginal, anal).

Question: Why does itching of the external genitalia occur?

Answer: Itching of the vulva and surrounding skin can be a manifestation of STDs, sometimes it happens when personal hygiene is not followed, it can be a manifestation of an allergic reaction to a new hygiene product (intimate gel or pads).

Question: What is a condyloma?

Answer: These are wart-like growths on the genitals and skin of the anogenital region. May be a sign of herpes and other STDs.

Question: What are pubic lice?

Question: What is cervical erosion?

Answer: Erosion of the cervix is ​​a defect in the mucous membrane. Causes: 1. Sexual infections 2. Early onset of sexual activity 3. Injuries of the cervix (birth, abortion) 4. Violation. In girls, the method of chemical coagulation is used for treatment.

Question: Is abortion and its consequences so terrible?

Answer: Yes, they are different:

1. Perforation of the uterus - rupture of the uterine wall.

2. Hematometer - accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity.

3. Incomplete abortion - there are remnants of the placenta and parts of the fetus. Requires repeated scraping.

6. Gynecological infection (inflammation of the uterus, inflammation of the precursors).

7. Violation of the menstrual cycle.

8. Endometriosis.

9. Violation of the patency of the fallopian tubes.

10. Burdening the course of the next.

11. Infertility

Question: What to do after an abortion to reduce the risk of complications?

Answer: Exclude sexual activity for a period of 3-4 weeks, exclude physical activity for 2 weeks after an abortion, do not swim in the bath, in pools, do not swim in ponds, do not bask in the bath, do not sunbathe, monitor body temperature, character and the amount of secretions from the genital tract, for general well-being.

Question: What is mastopathy?

Answer: Mastopathy is a benign change in breast tissue, the main cause is a violation in the hormonal system of the body. Like any disease, mastopathy is better and faster to be treated in the initial stages.


Question: How often should you wash?

Answer: The toilet of the external genital organs should be carried out at least twice a day. And it is obligatory after the act of defecation (intestinal emptying).

Question: What is the best way to wash?

Answer: It is best to wash with neutral baby soap. Almost all commercially available intimate hygiene products cause irritation of the genital mucosa.

Question: How often should tampons be changed?

Answer: Vaginal tampons are changed every two hours.

Question: Can I swim during my period?

Answer: It is impossible, as inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs can develop.

Question: Should you shave your pubic hair?

Answer: It is not necessary at all, it is enough to cut them short, because. after shaving, irritation of the skin of the perineum often occurs.

Question: How does constipation affect a girl's health?

Answer: A crowded rectum, as well as a crowded bladder, contribute to the development of anomalies in the position of the genital organs, especially the uterus, congestion and menstrual dysfunction.

Question: Can you wear thongs?

Answer: It is not advisable to wear thongs, as the blood circulation of the internal genital organs may be disturbed.

Question: Is it possible to live sexually during menstruation?

Question: Should I douche?

Answer: No need. Douching increases the risk of inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs. Firstly, the natural microflora of the vagina is washed off, resulting in the reproduction of harmful microorganisms.

Secondly, irritation of the mucous membrane may appear. Thirdly, you can injure yourself.


Question: What is a barrier method?

Answer: When you use mechanical means to prevent sperm from entering a woman's vagina. For example, condoms. The condom protects against sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV infection. Ideal for people who have an irregular sex life.

Question: What are spermicides?

Answer: This is a chemical method of contraception, when means are used in the form of a cream, tablets, suppositories that immobilize spermatozoa. They are inserted into the vagina before sexual intercourse for 5-10 minutes.

Most often girls use pills Pharmatex

Question: How do pills work on the body?

Answer: Combined contraceptive pills inhibit the maturation of the egg, thicken the mucus in the cervix so that sperm cannot pass.

Question: Is it possible to take contraceptive pills to relieve menstruation.

Answer: Can. When taking pills, pain during menstruation decreases, menstrual cycles become regular and less plentiful. May improve the condition of hair and skin (with acne).

Question: Do contraceptive pills get better?

Answer: Not always, now modern COCs (Combined Oral Contraceptive) contain minimal doses of hormones, so girls do not get better.

Question: How to take COC correctly?

Answer: You need to start taking the pills on the first day of your period. 21 days are taken daily, 1 tablet at the same time. Then you need to take a 7-day break, during which menstruation comes. On the 8th day, start taking a new package.

Question: Can I choose my own pills?

Answer: If you have not taken contraceptive pills before, it is better to consult a gynecologist.

Question: Can I have an IUD inserted if I haven't given birth?

Answer: It is not desirable, because: 1) The risk of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic area increases. 2) The risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy increases. 3) The IUD is preferable for women who have given birth and are in permanent family relationships (as the risk of STIs is reduced).


Question: What should be the menstrual cycle?

Answer: The duration of the menstrual cycle is conventionally determined from the first day of the past to the first day of the next menstruation. (in 60% of girls it is 28 days), but the duration of the cycle can be either 21 or 30-35 days, and this is normal.

Question: How long should menstruation be?

Answer: The duration of menstruation is on average from two to seven days, blood loss is from 50 to 100 ml.

Question: Why do you need to keep a menstrual calendar?

Answer: To determine the duration of the menstrual cycle, its regularity and rhythm.

Question: If my period is late, is it always pregnancy?

Answer: Menstruation may be delayed due to pregnancy (check the test) bb-test.ru, due to malnutrition, due to diseases and dysfunctions of the nervous and endocrine systems, in the presence of an infectious disease, due to pathology of the cardiovascular system, after gynecological operations after trauma of the genitourinary tract.

Question: If menstruation is painful, do you always need to take painkillers?

Answer: No, in order to reduce pain, you can use rectal suppositories, herbal medicine, physiotherapy.

Question: Should there be discharge from the genital tract?

Answer: Should, normally, discharge from the genital tract should be in the amount of 2-4 ml per day, odorless, light and not causing irritation and itching of the external genital organs.

Question: Why do I have small breasts?

Answer: The mammary gland consists of lobes (15-25) and adipose tissue, so the size of the breast depends on the amount of adipose tissue, which, in turn, depends on the amount of female sex hormones. Also, the size of the mammary glands can be genetically programmed.

Question: Should there be discharge from the mammary glands?

Answer: No. Discharge from the nipples of the mammary gland can be signs of various diseases of both the mammary gland itself and diseases of other organs and systems, as well as a sign of pregnancy. It is necessary to apply for an appointment with a mammologist or a gynecologist.

Question: Why is it necessary to examine the mammary glands?

Answer: The mammary glands are hormonally dependent organs, so tumors can develop in them. Therefore, every girl should systematically, once a month, after menstruation, should conduct a breast examination itself.

Question: How often should you visit a gynecologist?

Answer: If you have no complaints, it is enough to visit it once a year.

Question: The therapist has appointed or nominated to me inspection at the gynecologist, and I do not live a sexual life. How will I be examined?

Answer: Inspection of girls (virgins) is carried out through the rectum. The day before, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines (make an enema or use a special remedy for cleansing the intestines).

Question: Why do I sometimes get more discharge from the genital tract, and then the discharge decreases without any treatment.

Answer: Allocations may appear during ovulation, while taking oral contraceptives. It is natural and harmless to the body.

Questions answered by a gynecologist Simonova E.Yu specially for .

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