How to choose the right contraceptive pills yourself. Selection of oral hormonal contraceptives. How to choose the right birth control pills with a doctor

The first birth control pills appeared on the US pharmacological market in 1960. Up to this point, than only women were not protected. Vinegar-soaked tampons, special ointments made from honey and cinnamon or lead were used. On the advice of Hippocrates, women douched with their own urine. Other well-known doctors of antiquity, for example, Dioscorides, advised them to drink decoctions of pennyroyal, juniper or asafoetida.

Each of the famous doctors considered his method ideal and reliable, but in practice, all these methods did not always work. It was only with the advent of birth control pills that a woman received a truly reliable method for preventing an unplanned pregnancy.

Evolution and types of birth control pills

The first contraceptive, called Enovid, contained huge doses of hormones by modern standards. It consisted of 10 mg noretinodrelacetate and 150 micrograms of mestranol. Not surprisingly, he had many side effects. However, modern contraceptives are distinguished by a sparing composition and very rarely cause negative consequences of use. Each drug contains two components: progestogen and estrogen. The modern classification of drugs looks like this:

  • Monophasic drugs - the amount of hormones in each tablet is the same.
  • Biphasic - tablets intended for administration in the second phase of the cycle contain a larger amount of progestogen.
  • Three-phase drugs - the content of estrogens in tablets intended for the first half of the cycle increases, and in the second, on the contrary, it decreases, and the amount of gestagens changes in the opposite direction.

Separately, it is worth highlighting a group of contraceptives called "mini-drank", which contain only one hormone in their composition - progestogen.

How to choose oral contraceptives?

There are no good or bad birth control pills. As there is no effective or ineffective. Most modern tools have a Pearl index below one. This means that with the correct use of birth control pills, out of a hundred women who were protected by this drug for a year, only one became pregnant. No other method of protection can boast of such reliability.

Depending on the duration of the reception

How to choose birth control pills? First of all, it will depend on whether you plan to take them for a long time or you need protection only once. Depending on this, the whole variety of modern oral contraceptives can be divided into those that are used throughout the month and those that are drunk once.


It is quite easy to distinguish between such contraceptive drugs. Their packaging is designed to be taken throughout the month and has 21 or 28 tablets. Depending on the composition, oral contraceptives should be taken from the first, second or fifth day of menstruation. It is better to drink at the same time, so that the intake of hormones matches the natural, physiological rhythm of the woman's body as much as possible.

After the entire package is drunk to the end, a break is made in the reception for seven days, in which menstruation comes. Then you can start drinking the next package. Modern oral contraceptives are so safe that with the right choice they can be taken for several years.

Only a doctor can choose an oral contraceptive that is right for you, after an examination and a series of tests.


Unlike long-term pills, emergency or postcoital contraceptives contain one or two pills per pack. They include a shock dose of the hormone, aimed at preventing the fertilization of the egg, or if this still happened, preventing it from attaching to the uterine wall.

Such drugs are intended to prevent pregnancy in force majeure situations, for example, if a condom breaks. They are effective no later than 72 hours after the incident of unprotected sex.

High doses of hormones make such drugs quite dangerous for women's health, so they can be used rarely and only in exceptional situations.

Depending on the hormonal background

Hormones determine not only how a woman feels, but also how she looks. Doctors distinguish three types of appearance, depending on whether estrogen, progesterone predominates in her body, or both of these hormones have an equivalent effect. According to the table, it is quite simple to determine which type you are.


Estrogen-dominated type Estrogen-

progesterone type

Type with a predominance of progesterone

Growth Often below average

sometimes average

Average More often high
Figure Features The figure is feminine, with well-developed breasts and wide hips. Women's, medium size More like a boy

with small breasts and narrow hips

Skin and hair Prone to dryness and brittleness Normal Hair can suffer from oiliness, skin is prone to acne
The volume and duration of menstruation The cycle is usually more than 28 days, menstruation is heavy and prolonged The cycle is 28 days, menstruation is moderate, the duration is from three to five days Short cycle, usually 21 days, scanty menstruation, duration no more than three days.
premenstrual symptoms Breast engorgement, mood swings, nervousness. Absent or weakly expressed, there are almost no mood swings. More often manifested by pain in the abdomen and lower back, fatigue, bad mood

Depending on the characteristics of the hormonal background, the doctor will select drugs with an enhanced estrogenic or progestogen effect.

Depending on age

How to choose hormonal contraceptives depending on age? Preparations with a minimum content of hormones are prescribed for nulliparous girls under the age of 25 years. They do not have a significant effect on the natural hormonal background. After the end of the reception, you can plan a pregnancy in six months.

At the age of 25 to 40 years, the selection of contraceptives is carried out individually, depending on the hormonal characteristics of the woman, the presence of pregnancies or abortions in the past, how long she wants to take the drugs and whether she plans to become a mother soon. After some drugs, pregnancy will have to be postponed for at least a year.

After 40 years, the production of hormones, and especially estrogens, in a woman's body gradually decreases. Mood swings, skin and hair problems, excess weight appear. As a rule, doctors prescribe drugs with a high level of estrogen, which, in addition to the contraceptive effect, help a woman get rid of the unpleasant symptoms associated with a lack of this hormone.

Any contraceptive drug should be taken only after consulting a doctor. Properly selected tablets will perform their main function and will not have side effects.

Selection rules

How to choose birth control pills so that their effect is maximum and side effects are minimal, only your doctor can answer. You can't handle this on your own. Despite the seeming simplicity of selection by age or hormonal characteristics, it is possible to determine the drug that is right for you only after a series of tests. The selection scheme will be something like this:

  1. Consultation with a gynecologist who will collect information about the features of your cycle and lifestyle, the presence of pathologies and pregnancies in the past.
  2. Analysis for oncocytology, which is a contraindication for most hormonal drugs.
  3. Mammologist consultation.
  4. Analysis of blood biochemistry, which includes the determination of hormone levels.
  5. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs on the fifth or seventh day of the cycle.

During the period of addiction to a hormonal contraceptive, which usually lasts from one to three months, weak spotting may appear, mood swings, changes in taste preferences and other symptoms associated with hormonal changes may occur. They usually go away on their own.

Contraceptives reliably protect against unwanted pregnancy, but they do not belong to the category of absolutely safe pharmaceuticals. You can reduce the risk of their side effects by using a system that helps you choose birth control pills by phenotype.

Contraceptive selection system

First of all, you need to remember that it is forbidden to buy this type of medicine on the advice of a mother, girlfriend or, say, sister, whom they seem to "good fit". The female body has many individual characteristics, and in order to take them into account as much as possible, you need to undergo a certain medical examination before taking birth control pills.

As a rule, the gynecologist prescribes an analysis to determine the level of sugar in the blood, the study of renal enzymes and hormonal levels.

And also offers to undergo mammography, ultrasound of the pelvic organs and breasts. It’s also a good idea to get checked out by an optometrist, because contraceptive drugs can contribute to the development of eye diseases.

When selecting the necessary funds, one should also take into account the constitutional and biological phenotypes of a woman.

They are divided into three types: estrogen, progesterone and balanced or mixed.

This type includes women of medium and short stature. They have a well developed chest. The skin and hair are dry, the voice is deep and feminine. The pubic hair is triangular in shape. Menstruation lasts from five days or more, causing nervousness and a tense emotional state. During this period, the mammary glands become denser.

The menstrual cycle lasts more than 28 days.

Pregnancy proceeds in them with virtually no symptoms, but the discharge of leucorrhoea is plentiful. In general, representatives of this phenotype have fragile physical data.

They are shown pharmaceutical products containing an increased amount gestagen– Microgenon, Minisiston and Regividon.

Tall women with a boyish figure and a rather low mutational voice belong to the progesterone phenotype.

They have poorly developed small mammary glands, pubic hair is located "like a man" in the shape of a rhombus.

Menstruation is not particularly prolific, lasts less than five days, but is accompanied by depression, pain in the lumbar region and lower extremities.

The menstrual cycle is shorter than the traditional 28 days. Scanty discharge of leucorrhoea. During pregnancy, nausea and vomiting may occur, and a strong weight gain is also possible. Hair is greasy. The same type also includes skin, which can have various rashes - acne, seborrhea.

It is better to focus on drugs that have antiandrogenic effect - Bepara, Clayra, Diana, Jess, Chloe, Yarina, Midiana, Janine.

Mixed or balanced phenotype

Representatives of this phenotype are of medium height, with a feminine voice and figure. Their chest is medium in size, but well developed. The menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, menstruation does not exceed 5 days and is virtually asymptomatic. Allocation of whites - moderate. They tolerate pregnancy well. Hair and skin are normal. The pubic hair is arranged in a female pattern.

They are likely to fit Novinet, Logest, Mercilon, Lindinet - 20 and 30, Femoden, Regulon, Tri-merci.

When choosing contraceptive pharmaceuticals, it is also necessary to take into account age indicators.

  • So, young nulliparous girls and mature ladies of late childbearing age are prescribed mainly medications from the Tri-merci group.
  • And mini-pills, which include Exluton, Continuin, Ovret, Micronor and Femulen, are recommended for women who have given birth, nursing mothers and more mature ladies.

The adaptation period to taking a new drug must necessarily take place under the supervision of a physician. Only an experienced specialist can correct the situation, taking into account the entire list of symptoms and the nature of complaints.

Features of taking drugs

Blisters with contraceptives contain from 21 to 28 tablets. It is necessary to start taking on the first day of menstruation, adhering to the following rules:

  • It is better to put the box in a conspicuous place so that when it catches your eye, it reminds you of the need for daily intake of pharmaceuticals.
  • Birth control pills are drunk at the same time.
  • Remembering the missed day, you need to immediately correct the situation, but at the same time during the day it is necessary to use condoms during intercourse.
  • If bleeding occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, you should not stop taking the drugs. Such symptoms are typical for the first three months of admission.
  • After vomiting caused by a birth control pill, you need to take another one.
  • The day of the medical abortion is the right time to start taking contraceptives. If this time is missed, you should wait for your period.
  • Not all drugs are compatible with such drugs.

Only a gynecologist can adjust the intake options.

When choosing pharmacological agents, you need to remember that there are no bad or good drugs. There are only those that are suitable for a particular woman and those that are categorically contraindicated or ineffective in her case.

Signs of the right choice of drugs

Picking up birth control pills by phenotype is quite simple. But since the individual characteristics of the body always make their own adjustments, for greater persuasiveness, several important criteria must be taken into account.

The well-being of a woman should eventually come not only back to normal, but also improve. According to experts, "mine" a contraceptive drug can serve as a prevention of the formation of cysts and even benign tumors. There are also cases of improvement in the condition of the skin and hair.

Hormonal contraceptives are modern means of contraception, in terms of their reliability and ease of use, as well as relative safety, which have long surpassed such methods of protection as condoms or vaginal suppositories.

With proper observance of the instructions for the use of birth control pills, the degree of protection against unwanted pregnancy is 99%. More than 70 million women around the world choose hormonal contraception as a method of protection.

The mechanism of action of contraceptives

The action of hormonal pills is based on changing the amount and ratio of estrogen and progesterone in a woman's body by introducing artificial analogues of these hormones into it.

This is necessary in order to create a hormonal background in the patient, which is characteristic of the state of pregnancy, i.e. in which ovulation is completely absent and, accordingly, the possibility of conception.

Pregnancy while taking hormonal contraceptives is also unlikely due to the fact that they make a woman's cervical mucus very viscous and thick, which prevents sperm from entering the uterus.

Moreover, under the influence of artificial hormones, the endometrium lining the inner layer of the uterus also changes and makes it impossible for an egg to attach to it.

Types of contraceptives

Depending on the method of entry into the body, contraceptives are divided into two kinds:

oral contraceptives (OC), which are available in the form of tablets and pills and are taken orally;

parenteral contraceptives (PC) that do not enter the body through the intestines (vaginal ring, patches, injections, intrauterine device)

Let's look at each of them in detail.

Oral contraceptives

Oral contraceptives are by far the most popular means of protection against unwanted pregnancies. There are two of them varieties:

combined oral contraceptives(contains both estrogen and progesterone)

progestogen oral contraceptives(contains only one synthetic analogue of progesterone)

The composition of any combined OK includes the same amount of progesterone, which blocks ovulation. The division of drugs into groups occurs depending on the content of estrogen in them, namely:

  • microdosed OK contain a very small dose of estrogen;
  • low-dose OK have a slightly higher dose of the hormone;
  • high-dose OK contain the highest dose of estrogen

But do not think that the higher the dose of estrogen in the drug, the more effective they are, it is not. A contraceptive is selected for each woman individually, taking into account her age, hormonal levels, the presence or absence of children, and lifestyle.

Microdosed COCs mostly prescribed to nulliparous women, a girl in her teens, or those over 35 years old. The constant dose of ethinylestradiol in them is 20 mcg, and progestin (75-150 mcg).

These are drugs such as Lindinet-20, Novinet, Mercilon, Logest, Jess Plus etc. This type of pills, in addition to protection, has a pronounced cosmetic effect and has virtually no side effects.

For those who have a spotting discharge on a microdose of hormones, as well as women who have given birth, contraceptive pills with a low dose of estrogen are recommended, namely: Yarina, Marvelon, Diane-35, Janine, Regulon, Silhouette, Tri-merci and etc.

The drugs in this category contain a dose of ethinylestradiol equal to 30 mcg, a dose of progestins - 150-300 mcg. According to research low-dose COCs contribute to the reduction of unwanted vegetation and seborrhea, as well as the disappearance of skin problems in the form of increased fat content and acne.

High-dose oral contraceptives usually prescribed as a treatment for diseases such as endometriosis, or during the treatment of hormonal disorders. These include: Tri-regol, Ovidon, Non-ovlon etc. These drugs are also prescribed to women as a means of contraception, if they use drugs that weaken the contraceptive effect during the treatment of COCs.

To progestogen oral contraceptives include mini-pills containing only a microdose of a progesterone analogue. This type of contraception is recommended for those who are breastfeeding, or for those who are not suitable for estrogen contraception. Often, progestin OK is prescribed to women with hormonal diseases of the genital area, such as,.

Mini-pills include the following drugs: Norkolut, Charosetta, Microlut etc. The effectiveness of mini-pills is lower than that of combined OK, therefore, when using them, you must strictly follow the instructions and adhere to the recommended scheme. Only half of the women who use this type of contraception completely block ovulation.

When choosing contraceptives, the hormonal background of a woman is necessarily examined and, depending on the predominance of certain hormones, the doctor prescribes to the patient monophasic, biphasic, or triphasic oral contraceptives.

Monophasic OK contain the same amount of estrogen and progesterone that a woman receives throughout her menstrual cycle. If a woman has hormonal disorders, the doctor will select her two or three phase OK, having different combinations of estrogen and progesterone content.

It is imperative to take such drugs without gaps and strictly according to the scheme, since they will mimic the different phases of your menstrual cycle.

parenteral contraceptives

Parenteral contraceptives differ from oral contraceptives in the way they are used. They are not taken orally every day, they are introduced into the body once in a large dose, being absorbed into the blood gradually, providing a prolonged contraceptive effect.

This method of protection is suitable for women who have given birth and who do not plan a second pregnancy in the near future. These include:

1)Vaginal ring "Novaring"

Nuvaring is a fairly effective method of hormonal contraception. It is a small soft ring that releases the hormones estrogen and progesterone when it is in the vagina, which go directly to the uterus and ovaries. This method of protection provides 99% protection against unwanted pregnancy.

Novaring does not have a negative effect on the liver, it is contraindicated in people prone to thrombosis, suffering from severe diabetes, etc. The price of the Novaring ring ranges from 1300-1500 rubles.

2) Subcutaneous implant - "Norplant"

Norplant is one of the newest ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy. It is an implant system consisting of 6 capsules with progestogen, which are sutured to a woman subcutaneously in the armpit area under local anesthesia. These ampoules provide a contraceptive effect for up to 5 years, gradually saturating the woman's blood with the necessary dose of hormones.

You can remove it earlier. After the expiration of the Norplant, you can immediately enter a new one in its place. With this method of contraception, hormones do not pass through the liver, which eliminates the adverse effect on it. The price for installing Norplant is on average 13,000-16,000 rubles.

3) Spiral "Mirena"

A very effective and popular method of hormonal contraception is the Mirena intrauterine device. The spiral does not affect the quality of sexual intercourse, it is installed for a long time and practically does not require any control.

But she has a significant disadvantage: after the installation of the spiral, a large number of patients have frequent bleeding or spotting, and therefore they have to abandon this method of protection.

Installation of the Mirena spiral is contraindicated in women with inflammatory processes in the small pelvis. The cost of installing the Mirena Navy is approximately 13,000-15,000 rubles.

4) Contraceptive patch "Evra"

The Evra contraceptive patch is also convenient to use, which is glued to the skin once a week and provides almost 100% protection against unwanted pregnancy.

It is able to stay on the skin despite exposure to moisture or the sun. Every day, a certain dose of the hormone is released into the blood from it, which is necessary to block ovulation. The price for the Evra patch is about 1000 rubles.

How to choose the right birth control pills

The question of how to choose the right birth control pill is very popular among women. Many of them prefer to choose hormonal contraception for themselves, or on the advice of friends or a pharmacist in a pharmacy, which is sometimes fraught with consequences. After all, not everyone knows about the side effects of hormonal pills, about contraindications to their use and that hormonal drugs cannot be taken for a long time.

Only a competent gynecologist can choose the right method of hormonal contraception after a carefully collected anamnesis of the patient, which includes: face-to-face consultation, taking a smear from the cervix for cytology, biochemical blood test (liver tests, glucose), coagulogram (blood clotting test), blood test on hormones, ultrasound of the small pelvis, ultrasound of the mammary glands and a consultation with a mammologist.

The doctor also needs to take into account the patient's age, height, weight, hair type, bad habits (alcohol, smoking), problematic skin, a tendency to be overweight, chronic diseases, the duration of the menstrual cycle and the characteristics of the course of critical days (abundance of discharge, number of days of menstruation, soreness ). We will not be superfluous to visit an ophthalmologist, since long-term use of OK can provoke the development of glaucoma and other eye diseases.

After analyzing the results, the specialist will be able to determine the phenotype of a woman ( estrogenic, progesterone or balanced) and on the basis of this, choose the appropriate hormonal contraception for her. Women with an estrogen phenotype tend to be short, feminine, with dry, irritated skin. Their menstruation proceeds with significant blood loss and lasts quite a long time. Such patients are mainly prescribed high-dose or medium-dose COCs, such as Triziston, Milvane, etc.

In women with a predominance of gestagens in the body, there is an external similarity with the male sex, high growth, small breasts, increased greasiness of the skin and hair. Menstruation in patients with this phenotype is painful and scanty, the cycle itself is short. In this case, it is recommended to take Zhanin, Jess, Yarina, since these drugs have an antiandrogenic component.

A balanced phenotype is characterized by a combination of the following features: average height, development of the mammary glands, normal fat content of the skin and hair, absence of PMS (premenstrual syndrome), menstruation of medium duration. For women with this phenotype, 2nd generation drugs are suitable: Femoden, Lindinet-30, Marvelon, etc.

In any case, the selection of birth control pills should be done by a doctor in order to take into account all your individual characteristics and get the maximum benefit from taking COCs with minimal consequences for the body.

How to take birth control pills

Standard packages of COCs have 21 tablets, but there are also preparations with 24 (for example, Jess) or 28 (Klaira) tablets in a blister. You need to take birth control every day, preferably at the same time of day. It is necessary to start taking it from the 1st day of menstruation, taking a week break after the end of the package, during which the woman begins her period. After 7 days, the woman should resume taking COCs, regardless of whether menstruation has stopped.

In the first 2 weeks of taking COCs (the very first pack), you need to additionally protect yourself, since the contraceptive effect begins to act only after 14 days from the start of taking the drug. Blocking ovulation begins immediately, but it is possible to guarantee maximum protection against unwanted pregnancy after taking the pills for a month.

It is better to put the packaging with pills in a conspicuous place so as not to forget to take them. If you miss a birth control pill, you should take it as soon as possible. In this case, during the day it is better to protect yourself with condoms. In case of vomiting, you will need to take another pill out of turn in order to avoid reducing the effectiveness of contraception and it is also better to protect yourself from unprotected contacts.

Intermenstrual bleeding is not a reason to stop taking oral contraceptives. It takes place to be the first 2-3 months of taking COCs and is a consequence of the body's addiction to hormones from the outside. If it is necessary to take drugs that reduce the effect of contraception, they must be protected for the entire period of their consumption. COCs after an abortion are taken either on the same day or a month later, when the first menstruation begins.

Even if the doctor selected the contraceptive pills for a woman, focusing on the results of her tests, taking oral contraceptives periodically need to be examined for the presence or absence of side effects from taking the pills. The preventive reception includes measurement of blood pressure, urinalysis, biochemical blood test, examination of the mammary glands, gynecological examination.

Contraindications to taking birth control pills

Birth control pills are absolutely contraindicated for women with the following diseases:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • rheumatoid;
  • multiple sclerosis (an autoimmune disease);
  • hyperthyroidism (enlargement of the thyroid gland);
  • thyrotoxicosis (excessive intake of thyroid hormones into the blood);
  • nalassemia (violation of the synthesis of any chain of hemoglobin);
  • myasthenia gravis (pathological muscle fatigue);
  • kidney dialysis;
  • retinitis pigmentosa (eye disease);
  • sarcoidosis (systemic connective tissue disease);
  • lymphogranulomatosis (malignant disease of lymphoid tissue);
  • Gilbert's syndrome (congenital hyperbilirubinemia)

Benefits of taking oral contraceptives

The criterion for correctly selected birth control pills is the cessation of intermenstrual bleeding after 3 months of the adaptation period, the woman's well-being, the disappearance of health problems (oily skin). If the pills are chosen well, they can be drunk for a long time, not forgetting to undergo an examination at least once every 6 months to exclude the negative effect of COCs on the body.

Regular intake of oral contraceptives is an excellent prevention of the development of benign, cysts, cancer of the uterus and ovaries. With the help of birth control pills, the condition of the hair and skin improves, increased hairiness disappears, and the frequency of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs decreases. COC helps fight such women's ailments as endometriosis and uterine fibroids.

Premenstrual syndrome and painful menstruation disappear, blood loss during critical days decreases, menstruation becomes regular. The advantages of birth control pills are also the convenience and ease of use, minimal side effects, low cost, the ability to delay or accelerate the onset of menstruation, and most importantly, almost 100% protection against unwanted pregnancy. Fertility usually returns within 2-6 menstrual cycles after stopping OCs.

Cons of birth control pills

But, despite the large number of advantages from taking COCs, in practice there are many negative aspects associated with them. Probably everyone has heard about the dangers of hormonal contraception, about the terrible consequences in the form of obesity, hair growth, ovarian dysfunction. All this took place, but in the distant past, when the doses of hormones in the preparations were huge. Now they are reduced by 50 times, but the cons of taking contraceptives still exist.

In the modern world, pharmaceutical companies make good money on the sale of medicines that a woman needs every month, so, of course, no one will publish truthful studies and reviews about their potential harm to the body. However, it is reliably known that long-term use of oral contraceptives provokes in the future the appearance of migraine, depression, hair loss, impaired body pigmentation, increased blood sugar, the development of osteoporosis, and vascular thrombosis.

The ovaries of a woman clearly interact with all organs. The uterus expects a fertilized egg every month, and even a small dose of hormones from the outside disrupt this fragile and such an important interaction, which affects the entire body. With a very long-term use of OK, the function of the female genital organs changes.

The amount of sex hormones produced is reduced, the proper functioning of the ovaries is suppressed, the structure of the endometrium of the uterus, its mucous layer changes, because its rejection occurs unevenly, in the future this may negatively affect the reproductive health of a woman, therefore it is recommended to take breaks when taking contraceptives.

In women taking OK for more than 3 years, the risk of developing increases. Those who drink contraceptives for more than 5 years often develop Crohn's disease (a chronic inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract). COCs provoke the formation of blood clots in any vessels, including the vessels of the brain, heart, pulmonary artery, which in the future increases the risk of pulmonary thromboembolism.

Of course, everything is individual, but the risk increases depending on the dose of hormones received and the so-called additional risk factors - smoking, especially in women over 35 years old, high blood pressure, genetic predisposition.

Taking oral contraceptives leads to the formation of spider veins on the body, the appearance of venous insufficiency and related complications. A serious disease that can also be triggered by taking COCs is multiple sclerosis (the risk increases by 35%).

For many, taking birth control reduces libido. In addition, COCs do not protect against sexual infections, so it is not advisable to use them for women who have a large number of sexual partners. Particularly at risk of all these pathologies are young nulliparous girls who, from their youth, begin to drink birth control pills.

And at the beginning of taking hormones and after the end of the OK, the body experiences a strong shake-up, so some women take months or even years to recover after taking birth control. Prices for birth control pills are quite high and fluctuate on average from 500 to 2000 per pack.

For many women, a big disadvantage in taking OCs is a thorough examination that must be completed before taking birth control pills. But, unfortunately, regardless of whether a woman chose OK for herself or started taking them after taking tests and consulting a doctor, it happens that the drug may not be suitable.

So which birth control is best? This question can only be answered this way: everything is individual and depends on the immune, hormonal system of a woman and the health of her body as a whole. Reviews about taking birth control pills are very contradictory, one drug is suitable for someone, another for someone else.

It is important to realize that there are no good or bad birth control pills, there are drugs that are suitable or not suitable for a particular person. But it is in your power to minimize the risks by taking birth control correctly.

First, some statistics: in Russia, by oral contraception are protected only 4% of women, while, for example, in France - 50%.
Such a negative attitude in our country is primarily caused by the manifestation of various side effects from taking hormones. Illiterate selection OK, leading to the oppression of the female body, which naturally causes a complete denial of the further use of this method of protection.
But everything could be different if the doctors were competent enough in this matter and without fail carried out hormone tests like they do in Europe.
What happens at the reception gynecologist in our country? oral contraceptives, so to speak, to choose from. And this is fundamentally not true!
The most important thing you need to know is that there is no such oral hormonal contraceptive that would suit everyone. Every woman's body is different and hormone levels we differ.
Do not generalize or talk about any specific COOK that you get fat or lose weight from it, that hair starts to fall out of it, acne appears, or libido drops sharply. About this COOK they say that he is not suitable for you hormones or completely contraindicated.
So, for example, you have an increased level estrogen, and the gynecologist prescribed a "modern" contraceptive "Jess" or "Yarina". What will we get? The skin will suffer significantly - it will become very dry, wrinkles will appear, hair will look like straw, fade and begin to fall out, weight will increase significantly, cellulite will appear, varicose veins will begin to progress rapidly, libido will drop, the uterus will dramatically decrease in size, the ovaries may even refuse to work. without admission OK. But not only are these hormonal pills won't fit female phenotype with the prevailing level estrogen, so in addition you put your body at great risk. AT OK "Jess" and "Yarina" contains drospirenone, which provokes the appearance of blood clots 3 times more often than tablets with levonorgestrel.
Now let's say you have an elevated level gestagens (androgens) and the gynecologist prescribed "Regulon" or "Rigevidon". What will we get? Acne, boils, dandruff will appear, hair will look like fatty icicles, weight will increase, libido will fall.
It also happens that "Regulon" prescribed for the treatment of cysts, normalization of the cycle, inflammation of the appendages, endometriosis, etc. If you're not chasing in hormonal pills for preventing unwanted pregnancy or they do not suit you, then it will be much more effective and safer to use an infusion of a boron uterus and a red brush. But, in no case do not combine the infusion of herbs with the reception oral contraceptives, since the upland uterus and the red brush have the properties of phytohormones, and interaction with hormonal contraceptive can cause significant harm to your body. In addition, the upland uterus thickens the blood, and when taken simultaneously with OK may lead to an increased risk of blood clots.
If the reception COOK is convenient and reliable for you method of contraception, but the responsibility of the gynecologist in terms of choice hormonal pills alarming, then you should definitely familiarize yourself with the table female phenotypes, based on which you can choose OK.

Defining your phenotype, special attention should be paid to similarities with the following characteristics: hair and skin type, premenstrual mood, duration of menstruation and menstrual cycle, amount of menstrual blood loss, menstrual "blood smearing", features of the course of pregnancy.



The prevalence of estrogens

Balanced look

Gestagens (androgens)

Lack of estrogen


very feminine




Low, medium

Medium, high

Low, high

Milk glands

Medium, rounded


flat chest

Hair type


hair type



oily, acne

Fine, permanent

prementstrual mood

Nervous tense


Tendency to depression


premenstrual symptoms

Breast engorgement

More often absent

Pain in the abdomen, leg muscles, lower back



Hypertension. Pain in the limbs


Cramps of the calf muscles



Can be


The duration of the menstrual cycle

More than 28 days

Less than 28 days

Less than 28 days or more than 1-3 months

Duration of menstruation

More than 5 days

Less than 4 days

Possibly less than 2 days.

Volume of menstrual blood loss

Small, there may be vicarious bleeding

Intermenstrual bleeding





minimal or abundant

varicose veins

Not typical

Not typical

Not typical

hip spasm

Not typical

Not typical


Not typical

deep, feminine


Low, mutation

High, poor in overtones

Normal or enhanced



Missing or reduced

course of pregnancy

Nausea, vomiting
Significant weight gain

The prevalence of estrogen:
- strong (more than 18 similarities): Lindinet-20***, Logest***, Mercilon*, Novinet*

Weak (up to 17 similarities with phenotype characteristics):
Minisiston-20(microdosed birth control pills

Microgynon, Rigevidon, Lindinet-30***, Femoden***, Marvelon*, Regulon*, Silest*, (low-dose birth control pills

Balanced look:
- Tri-Merci* (microdosed birth control pills: suitable for young girls who have had at least two normal menstrual cycles, as well as girls under 25 who have not yet given birth and have not had abortions);

- minisiston(low dose birth control pills: for young, nulliparous and giving birth women, as well as women in late reproductive age, leading a regular sexual life; also recommended if microdosed drugs did not block ovulation);

- Triziston, Triquilar, Tri-regol, Milvane*** (medium-dosed birth control pills: for women who have given birth or women in late reproductive age (preferably over 36 years old) who have regular sex life)

For girls and women with a normal skin type, but prone to dryness, the following drugs may also be suitable: Ministon-20(for girls under 25), Microgynon, Rigevidon, Lindinet-30***, Femoden***, Marvelon*, Regulon*, Silest

The prevalence of gestagens (androgens):
Jess*, Yarina* (microdosed birth control pills: suitable for young girls who have had at least two normal menstrual cycles, as well as girls under 25 who have not yet given birth and have not had abortions.);

Belara, Janine(low dose birth control pills: for young, nulliparous and giving birth women, as well as women in late reproductive age, leading a regular sexual life; recommended if microdosed drugs did not block ovulation);

Diane-35**, Chloe** (medium dose birth control pills: for women who have given birth or women in late reproductive age (preferably over 36 years old) who have a regular sexual life);

Estrogen deficiency:
Triziston, Triquilar, Tri-regol, Milvane***, Diana-35**, Chloe**, Desmoulins

After you have defined your phenotype, you should choose the least safe drug. After all, as you know, hormonal pills in varying degrees contribute to the formation of blood clots and can adversely affect the liver.
- drugs in bold are the safest;
*** - reduced risk of blood clots and harmful effects on the liver;
** - average indicator of negative impact;
* - increased risk of blood clots and harmful effects on the liver;
- drugs not marked with a star are extremely dangerous

And finally .. important points:
- application hormonal contraceptives with a progestogen component can cause the manifestation of depressive states, which is caused by a violation of the metabolism of glutamic acid. But, fortunately, this complication is easily stopped by taking vitamin B6;
- application oral contraceptives increases the risk of blood clots. Therefore, periodically (not daily) it is worth taking aspirin and no-shpu (at the same time);
- hormonal pills and aspirin lower vitamin C levels.

The conclusion suggests itself in the need to purchase a complex of vitamins and minerals for women before, during and after pregnancy. This must be done in order to cover the increased daily requirement for vitamins.

Visitors to our site are interested in how to choose birth control pills. This important question is answered by Evgenia Konkova, a consultant on modern hormonal contraception.

A gynecologist will help a woman choose the right birth control pills, taking into account the examination data and complaints (if any). To date, there are still myths that a detailed blood test for sex hormones will tell the doctor which drug to prescribe. This is a very common misconception!

The principle of selection of contraceptive pills includes:

  • Gynecologist's consultation
  • smear for oncocytology
  • Mammologist's consultation
  • Biochemical blood test (including lipid profile, AST, ALT, glucose)
  • Ultrasound of the pelvis on the 5th-7th day of the cycle

The specialist must know the patient's age, height and weight. Whether there were births / abortions, the menstrual cycle is regular or not, its duration, profusion, painful discharge. The following nuances are no less important: a tendency to be overweight, skin problems, the presence of chronic diseases, etc. Further, the doctor determines the woman's phenotype (estrogen, balanced, progesterone) and, based on all this, he can advise an oral contraceptive.

It is very important to understand that there are no good or bad oral contraceptives. There are drugs that are suitable or not suitable for a particular girl / woman.

    See article

Self-selection of birth control pills

If for any reason it is not possible to consult a doctor for the selection of birth control pills, use the following table, which will allow you to determine the phenotype and choose the drug yourself.

With self-selection of oral contraceptives (OC), first of all, the quality of menstruation should be taken into account. It is the nature of menstruation that reflects the hormonal background of a woman. Long and heavy menstruation indicates the predominance of estrogen activity, short and meager menstruation - the predominance of gestagen activity.

Now, knowing your phenotype, and having before your eyes the recommended list of contraceptive drugs, carefully study ours and choose the drug that best suits you (taking into account age, presence or absence of children).

Unfortunately, regardless of whether a woman chose OK herself, or she received advice from the best gynecologist in the city, sometimes it happens that you still have to act by trial and error in search of "your drug." This is because, to date, science, alas, has not invented an ideal and infallible way to select birth control pills. The body of each woman is individual, immune and hormonal statuses have their own characteristics.

The period of adaptation to a new oral contraceptive should be under the supervision of an experienced doctor who can correctly correct the situation, taking into account your symptoms and complaints.

The criterion for successful selection of OK is the absence of intermenstrual bleeding after the adaptation period (3 months), good health and improved quality of life. A woman can take such a drug for years, without harm to health, for as long as she needs it. At the same time, she is guaranteed not only reliable protection against unwanted pregnancy, but also the prevention of ovarian cyst formation, the development of uterine and ovarian cancer. Regular intake of OK reduces the incidence of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, reduces the risk of developing benign neoplasms of the mammary glands, improves the condition of the skin and hair. In addition to all of the above, it is also the treatment of acne, the disappearance of PMS, as well as the reduction of blood loss during menstruation.

We hope that all of the above information will help you make the right choice in your search for "your" contraceptive drug. And let all the troubles of the adaptation period bypass you.

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