Dandruff is transmitted from a person. Is it possible to get dandruff from another person. How to choose the right cleanser for daily use at home to get rid of dandruff

Perhaps every person knows what dandruff looks like on the scalp, even if he himself has not encountered this phenomenon. This problem is widespread among both men and women, and can occur in children, especially in adolescence.

Dandruff can also appear in bald people. Faced with this phenomenon, people ask questions such as finding an effective treatment for the disease, why dandruff is dangerous, whether it can be transmitted from person to person, what types of dandruff exist, etc. Let's try to get answers to these and some other questions.

Nature of pathology

Dandruff is small flakes of keratinized skin, which are formed as a result of a decrease in the duration of the cycle of natural renewal of skin cells. Dandruff on the head can be unevenly distributed, for example, occur mainly on the temples or forehead.

Also, there is often a change in the intensity of its formation, an increase and decrease in the area of ​​​​the lesion. It is noted that with regular washing of the head, the amount of dandruff decreases, and as a result of the use of special shampoos and means to combat this phenomenon, it may disappear completely, but most often it reappears after some time. The characteristic signs of dandruff are:

This is because such measures are symptomatic treatment and do not contribute to the elimination of the causes of the disease. Of course, scalp care, frequent washing help to improve the nutrition of hair follicles, to some extent even facilitate the process of removing fat, but cannot affect the process of formation of dysfunction of the sebaceous glands. Meanwhile, the identification and elimination of the causes that provoked the appearance of seborrhea is an indispensable condition for the successful treatment of dandruff.

Development factors

The mechanism of dandruff formation consists of two main points: an imbalance in the natural microflora of the epidermis and the conditions that provoked this violation. The following conditions can lead to an imbalance that leads to the development of dandruff:


Often dandruff is a symptom of a disease called seborrhea. Seborrhea is a consequence of dysfunction of the sebaceous glands, which occurs against the background of hormonal imbalance. These violations consist in changing the qualitative composition of sebum and the intensity of its secretion.

With dry seborrhea, sebum becomes viscous, so its exit to the surface of the skin is difficult, there is a lack of it on the surface of the epidermis. Further, the formation of seborrheic crusts and foci of peeling occurs. They can occur in any part of the skin, but most often dandruff is localized:

On the surface of the skin of a healthy person, there is a huge number of different microorganisms, most of which can provoke the development of a disease if conditions are favorable from this point of view. Among these microorganisms is the fungus Malassezia, the amount of which is insignificant within the normal range. However, under the influence of a number of reasons, including those listed above, this ratio may be violated.

As a result, the amount of fungus can reach 60-70%, and in some cases 90% of the total number of microorganisms. Such a surge in the population of this type of opportunistic fungi leads to disruption of the sebaceous glands and a change in the qualitative composition of sebum.

Depending on the nature and intensity of these changes, a person develops oily, dry or mixed seborrhea in mild, moderate or severe form.


At first glance, it may seem that a small white “grain”, resembling sea sand entangled in the thickness of the hair, is always the same for all people. However, it is not. There is, for example, such a thing as "tubular dandruff". In this case, the scales have an oblong shape, which is why they are often mistaken for nits. However, "tubular dandruff" is just one type of loose scale that is also not passed from one person to another.

When it comes to the types of dandruff on the head, it is identified according to its appearance. As you know, there are such types of dandruff on the head:

Accordingly, the resulting scales can be either sticky, large as a result of impregnation with excess sebum, or small and easily crumble as a result of a lack of sebum. If you look at dandruff under a microscope of any kind, you can find fragments of the thinnest crust through which hair breaks through, as well as individual plates that resemble a sheet of paper torn into small pieces.

What is the danger of the disease?

Of course, every person suffering from dandruff is interested in how dangerous this symptom is, whether it can lead to complications, whether it is possible to get dandruff, how to get rid of it, and whether dandruff could have been prevented. First of all, we will answer the question of whether dandruff is contagious.

Is it possible to get infected?

If we talk about dandruff resulting from traumatic external factors, such as the influence of cosmetics or a hair dryer, as well as the presence of internal diseases, then, of course, the question of the contagiousness of such dandruff does not arise. If dandruff is caused by a fungal or infectious skin lesion, then infection is possible through household items:

Separately, it is worth talking about the danger to others of dandruff resulting from seborrhea. Having considered the mechanism of formation of this phenomenon, we can conclude that the development of the disease is strictly individual and due to a combination of a number of circumstances.

The fungus Malassezia is present on the surface of the skin of every person and is not dangerous in itself.

Seborrhea is not a fungal infection in the full sense of the word, respectively, it does not have transmission routes characteristic of this kind of disease. Therefore, the opinion that, along with exfoliated scales, the causative agent of the disease is transmitted from a person suffering from seborrhea to other people is unfounded and erroneous.

The fact that among the reasons that encourage the fungus Malassezia to actively reproduce, there is a hereditary predisposition, also does not mean at all that dandruff is inherited, for example, from mother to child. Only the predisposition can be inherited, not the disease itself. In other words, the question of whether dandruff is transmitted from one person to another can be answered in the negative.

In general, in this case, the term “infected”, “infected” is incorrect, since the occurrence of seborrhea is not an infection, but the development of a disease within a single organism. That is, you should not be afraid that such violations will be transmitted to another person.

An interesting fact, but the scalp of a completely bald person is not at all immune to dandruff. This is due to the fact that the presence of hair is not a condition for the formation of foci of peeling. As mentioned earlier, dandruff on the face, or rather the scales of the exfoliated epidermis affected by seborrhea, can also occur in the nasolabial folds, as well as cover the forehead.

Moreover, in a bald person, the localization of damaged skin areas will be clearly visible. For example, the main area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin can be clean, and flaky spots will be traced on the temples and above the forehead.

It is important to remember that it is impossible to determine at first glance what kind of dandruff a person has and whether it can be infected. Most often, the carrier of the symptom does not even know what nature the dandruff that has arisen from him has. Therefore, when dealing with him, you need to be careful.

Complexity of therapy

The main danger of dandruff is the inhibition of hair follicles and, as a result, weakening and hair loss. In addition, the resulting itching provokes a person to comb the affected areas and damage the skin. It should also be remembered that in the absence of treatment and in conditions of rare shampooing, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe affected areas and the intensity of dandruff formation, and hence the degree of hair damage, will increase. Therefore, to improve the condition of the scalp, dandruff can and should be treated.

Often, people who are faced with the problem of dandruff make many efforts to eliminate the hated small scales. However, this approach is erroneous and therefore ineffective. The use of special shampoos and anti-dandruff products will certainly get rid of the white “groats”, but this will not solve the problem, but only temporarily prevents the appearance of new scales. Therefore, dandruff is likely to reappear very soon.

Often, for people, the use of anti-dandruff products becomes almost the norm of life. They know that refusing a special shampoo will lead their head to such a state that all previous efforts will be in vain. Therefore, as their main care, these people choose certain brands of hair and scalp care products to keep dandruff under control. This approach is fundamentally wrong.

Proper treatment in this case should be comprehensive and include the following mandatory items:

In order to fully implement such treatment, it is necessary to undergo an examination, establish the type of disease, its causes, and receive expert advice in accordance with the data obtained.

As a preventive measure for the formation of dandruff, various traditional medicines can be used, which will not only prevent relapse, but also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the scalp as a whole.

  • Causes of dandruff
  • Symptoms of dandruff
  • Principles of dandruff treatment
  • Shampoos for the treatment of dandruff
  • Folk methods of treatment
  • Other treatments for dandruff

How to get rid of dandruff quickly and effectively? Almost every person has faced this problem at least once in their life. Dandruff in the hair spoils the appearance of a person. The head looks untidy and unpleasant.

Causes of dandruff

What is dandruff and how to deal with it? First you need to identify the causes of its occurrence, so that you can act on the cause itself, and not its consequence.

Dandruff is exfoliated particles of skin, which, when combed, not only fall on the hair roots, but are also distributed along the entire length. With a slight detachment, these particles are completely invisible, but if this process occurs very quickly, they become visible to the naked eye.

What causes dandruff? There are many reasons why dandruff appears:

Depending on what type of hair a person has, there are different types of dandruff - dry and oily.

Dry scales appear when the scalp is overdried. They are almost the same size, mostly small. Distributed throughout the scalp. Occasionally they can be localized in certain areas.

Why does dandruff appear with oily skin? Exfoliated scales stick to the hair roots and are not removed in time when combing. Each time their number increases, they stick together, become large and noticeable.

Where does dandruff come from if a person regularly cares for the scalp and hair? Another sign that may indicate the risk of this disease is excessively dry or oily scalp. If at the same time dandruff appeared, the causes of its occurrence, most likely, are in violation of metabolism.

Symptoms of dandruff

What dandruff looks like, everyone knows. This is not an isolated occurrence, and people with dandruff can be found anywhere.

However, in the early stages of the disease, visible signs may not be noticed. If dandruff has just appeared, at first it will be very small, and only over time the number of scales will begin to increase. They will be not only near the roots of the hair, but along their entire length, on the shoulders, back, clothes. With the progression of the disease and the absence of measures aimed at getting rid of dandruff, these scales can stick together, increasing in size.

The appearance of dandruff is accompanied by severe itching. Itching and dandruff are symptoms that often appear together. When scratching, the number of scales increases, and sometimes the itching is so unbearable that a person can damage the skin to the point of bleeding.

Is dandruff transmitted from person to person?

Is dandruff contagious? Indeed, very often in the queue at the store or in transport you can meet a person who has a lot of dandruff. The first reaction of almost every person will be the desire to move as far as possible.

It's not worth worrying. After all, what is dandruff? These are loose pieces of skin. They exfoliate mainly under the influence of internal factors and diseases, but not under the influence of viruses and bacteria.

The only exception is dandruff, which appears under the influence of a fungus. Theoretically, it can be transmitted from person to person. But even in this case, there is no need to be afraid, since 90% of people on the planet have this fungus, but not everyone gets dandruff. Therefore, to the question of whether dandruff is contagious, there is only one answer - no. You can be calm and not bypass people with signs of this disease.

Principles of dandruff treatment

How to get rid of dandruff forever? Since the reasons for its appearance are mainly internal factors, such as chronic diseases of internal organs and systems, it is necessary to contact a specialist - a trichologist, who will prescribe an appropriate examination and treatment. If dandruff appears, the causes and treatment should be interrelated. Without eliminating the cause, it is impossible to achieve a stable result. This is the only way to permanently remove dandruff from the head.

In addition, it is necessary to reconsider the approach to the choice of cosmetics and head care. Although not often, the fight against dandruff can be quite successful by changing the brand of shampoo or the frequency of shampooing.

The traditional topical treatment for dandruff is to use special shampoos, which include antifungal drugs.

How to remove dandruff quickly and reliably? An important role in the successful treatment of this disease is played by the choice of treatment according to the type of dandruff (oily or dry). Some methods are perfect for people with oily skin type and will not help those who have dry skin at all. Therefore, the approach to treatment should be individualized, all factors must be taken into account.

Shampoos for the treatment of dandruff

How to get rid of dandruff if there is no way to visit a specialist? Many try to do it on their own with the help of special shampoos. If dandruff has recently appeared, treatment with them can be effective.

How to quickly beat dandruff with shampoo? To do this, you need to choose the right tool. The modern market offers many products to combat dandruff, but you need to choose not the first shampoo or cream that comes across. First, you should carefully analyze its composition. It should include at least 2-3 components that help get rid of dandruff:

  1. Ketoconazole. Antifungal drug. Contributes to the effective treatment of fungal infection, removing one of the causes of the disease.
  2. Sulfur. It will help to quickly get rid of dandruff, as it helps to effectively remove the affected scales from the scalp.
  3. Zinc pyrithione. Antibacterial agent. It does not allow the attachment of a bacterial infection when combing the scalp.
  4. Selenium sulfide. It affects the division of skin cells on the head, slows down this process. Thanks to this, strong dandruff on the head will no longer be.
  5. Salicylic acid. It is an exfoliating agent that helps to quickly get rid of damaged skin particles.
  6. Tea tree oil. It has antifungal and antiseptic properties.

The most popular products are Sulsen paste, Nizoral, Sebozol, Mycozoral, Friderm zinc, etc. shampoos. Products with a complex composition intended for the treatment of dandruff are Keto Plus, Algopix, Kelual DS, Elfa, Phytosylic, NodeDS, etc.

These cosmetic and medicinal products should be used only during the period of exacerbation of the disease and the active appearance of dandruff. If the number of scales began to decrease, you need to gradually eliminate the use of these products, alternating them with conventional shampoos and masks. To remove dandruff from the head, it may take more than 1 month of treatment. Do not use medicated shampoos and pastes all the time. This can make the hair addictive and over time the problem may reappear. In addition, even if some remedy helped to remove exfoliated scales from the head, during the next exacerbation of the disease, it may not work. In this case, you should use another tool that has a completely different composition.

How to get rid of dandruff with shampoo? When washing your hair, you should follow certain rules:

  1. Shampoo should be applied to wet hair and left on for at least 5 minutes. Otherwise, the medicinal substance may not have time to act on the affected skin.
  2. Shampoo should be used in combination with a special cream. The duration of application of creams is at least 20-30 minutes.

Folk methods of treatment

How to cure dandruff with folk methods? After all, special shampoos and creams have a rather high cost. Not everyone can afford to regularly use these tools.

How to deal with dandruff has been known since ancient times. Old recipes are very popular in our time, with their help you can get rid of this problem.

With oily scalp, alcohol tincture of calendula shows a good result. It is necessary to lubricate the scalp with tincture, wrap it with a towel and hold for 20-30 minutes, then rinse the hair with warm water. The procedure must be carried out 2-3 times a week.

Dandruff treatment is carried out with herbal infusions. To do this, use an infusion of nettle. 1 st. l. chopped herbs need to pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist for a day and strain. The infusion is rubbed into the scalp for 2 months 2 times a week. Subsequent rinsing of the hair is not required, which helps to facilitate hair care. When using this method, the scalp is well cleansed, nettle infusion helps to reduce the production of sebum and improve metabolic processes in the epidermis.

Folk recipes are striking in their diversity and involve the use of fermented milk products - yogurt, kefir, whey, etc. How to treat dandruff on the head with fermented milk products? Sour milk is applied to the entire length of the hair, while it must be rubbed well into the scalp. It absorbs sebum well and cleanses the skin. The application time is at least 30 minutes, after which the hair should be washed with warm water with the addition of mustard (1 tablespoon of dry mustard should be taken for 1 liter of water).

Burdock oil will successfully help get rid of dandruff for a man or woman. It can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently if the necessary raw materials are available. Burdock root needs to be chopped, take 1 tbsp. and pour 200 ml of refined vegetable oil. Infuse the mixture in a dark place at room temperature for 2 weeks, then strain. The product is rubbed into the scalp 40-50 minutes before shampooing at least once a week for 2-3 months. This method is best suited for the treatment of dry dandruff. Burdock oil effectively moisturizes dry hair and scalp, restoring their structure.

A mask of chicken eggs, sunflower oil, honey and mayonnaise will help fight dandruff. Treatment with this remedy is carried out for several months. To prepare the mask, you need to beat 1 egg until foam forms, add 1 tbsp. the remaining ingredients are sunflower oil, honey, mayonnaise. The mixture is applied to the scalp for 20-30 minutes, after which it must be washed off with warm water.

Acetic acid in the treatment of dandruff

How to beat dandruff in men and women? To do this, you can use 6% apple cider vinegar, which almost every housewife has. It can be used as a hair rinse or as part of a mask with the addition of medicinal herbs.

For rinsing, you need 1 tbsp. water at room temperature add 4 tbsp. apple cider vinegar. After rinsing with vinegar, the hair should be additionally rinsed with warm water.

A folk recipe for dandruff is the use of a mask based on apple cider vinegar. Additionally, it can include medicinal herbs - chamomile, mint, etc. The mask is prepared very simply. You need to take 1 tbsp. water, add 2 tbsp. vinegar and decoctions of medicinal herbs in an arbitrary amount. The mixture is evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair. After that, the head should be wrapped in polyethylene and warmed up a little with a hair dryer. The duration of exposure to this mask is 20-30 minutes, after which it must be washed off with warm water. The course of treatment is at least 2 months.

Acetic acid effectively cleanses the scalp, normalizes the acid-base balance, and eliminates the fungus. Organic acids, which are part of this product, contribute to the closing of keratin scales, so that they are much less flaky. Medicinal herbs have an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, which contributes to the speedy healing of the skin and relieves itching.


Causes of dandruff

To figure out if this is possible, you first need to know what dandruff is and why it develops. It is keratinized scales - the remnants of dead cells that exfoliate monthly from a healthy scalp. This is a natural physiological process common to all people. It involves the microscopic fungus Malassezia. A certain amount of such fungi is present on the scalp of each person. But this is imperceptible until any adverse factors appear. These include:

This list could go on. But everything listed above has nothing to do with whether there is someone with dandruff nearby or not. This suggests that there is no reason to believe that dandruff is contagious; it simply becomes more abundant and noticeable under the influence of these factors.
You can get rid of such dandruff by eliminating the causes that caused it. The use of special shampoos and herbal infusions that successfully cope with the visible consequences of adverse factors will also help. It is clear that dandruff cannot be caught as a contagious disease; its appearance is simply an indicator of the deteriorating state of the human body.

Dandruff as a symptom of skin diseases

You can avoid the severe consequences of infection with seborrhea or psoriasis by applying these simple tips.
When dandruff appears, it is difficult for a non-specialist to determine whether it is a skin reaction to negative external and internal factors or whether it is a symptom of a fungal disease. The best thing is to get tested and consult a doctor. So you can choose the right strategy to deal with it from the very beginning.

So, you should not be afraid: ordinary dandruff is not transmitted to others. Compliance with elementary hygiene rules protects against skin diseases that also cause this problem. And if such a disease has nevertheless developed, a timely visit to a doctor will make it possible to quickly deal with it.


Dandruff- this, as a rule, is not a dangerous disease, but is a very unpleasant cosmetic defect. Most often, we want to get rid of dandruff for aesthetic reasons. Dandruff is divided into normal (dry) and oily. Dry hair is better visible, it crumbles from the hair with intensive movements of the head and when combing the hair.
As a result, our hair and shoulders are covered with white pollen. oily dandruff less noticeable, but, unfortunately, more problematic. In this case, it adheres firmly to the scalp and is more difficult to get rid of. Dandruff in a neglected state can cause severe hair loss.

How to choose a dandruff shampoo?

If dandruff is not too strong, you can try to eliminate it with the help of special shampoos. They are available in most stores and pharmacies. Modern products contain substances that make it possible not only to easily get rid of dandruff, but also to prevent its recurrence. When choosing a shampoo, pay attention to the composition. Do not be guided by the price or brand.

It is most important that the shampoo contains at least one of the following components:

- salicylic acid

- tar

Even if these names sound scary, they are the best in the fight against this scourge.

When dandruff shampoos never be guided by its smell and color. The more pleasant the shampoo smells, the more chemicals it contains. But most often it is the chemical components that are the cause of dandruff. Also, remember that not every anti-dandruff shampoo actually fights dandruff! Do not believe the same in the inscriptions about clinical trials. As a rule, this is not true. When buying a shampoo, pay attention to the content of natural ingredients in it. The more there are than this product should be more effective.

It is best to go for shampoo directly to the pharmacy. Pharmacies offer many more effective dandruff products than those often advertised on television. Ask your pharmacist for advice. If you feel that he is not oriented or immediately offers you the most expensive product, it is better to go to another pharmacy. Some anti-dandruff products don't smell very good or come in unsightly packaging. Let it not bother you. A strange smell can be emitted by preparations that include sulfur, zinc and tar. Their big advantage is efficiency! If conventional anti-dandruff remedies do not work, buy the drug at a pharmacy. He must help you.

A prerequisite for the effective operation of the shampoo is its regular use. However, if the second package of shampoo does not give the desired result, do not hesitate, but urgently go to a dermatologist. He will assess the condition of the scalp. Sometimes dandruff can be a precursor to more serious conditions like psoriasis. You should definitely go to the doctor if dandruff has become even more active and there is a constant itching of the scalp.

Is dandruff contagious?

Dandruff itself is not contagious, but... It can be contagious when it is caused by certain types of fungus. Thus, we can catch them quite easily in the barbershop. It is enough that the hairdresser will use the same comb and there is a risk of catching something. Therefore, in hairdressing salons, after use, all tools (scissors, brushes, combs) must be specially processed. If you don't want to pick up something at the barbershop... better watch the master's hands. Pay attention to where he got the comb from, you can politely ask if the tools have been disinfected.

Causes of dandruff:

- improper use of cosmetics,

- poor washing of hair from conditioner and shampoo,

- Improper scalp care

- prolonged fatigue and stress,

- malnutrition,

- an organism weakened by chronic diseases,

- Excessive use of foams and hairsprays.

Sometimes dandruff appears in those who often visit the pool. Excessive amounts of chlorine in the water can lead to dry skin and the formation of oily areas on the scalp.

Overdried scalp and improper use of cosmetics can also contribute to the formation of dandruff. Some doctors claim that the tendency to dandruff may have a genetic cause.

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Olive oil

If you find yourself with dry dandruff, high-quality olive oil can be an effective remedy in the fight against it. Its main task is to nourish the scalp without clogging the pores. It is necessary to rub 2 tablespoons of olive oil into the skin before each shampooing. This massage should last about 5 minutes. It not only relaxes, but also nourishes problem skin.

Lemon juice

If the skin is oily, and dandruff remains on the comb, lemon may be useful. It is enough to lubricate the skin with half a lemon before each hair wash. It is best to squeeze the juice on the hair and rub it well. Then rinse well and wash your hair with anti-dandruff shampoo. Attention - the lemon should not get into the eyes!


Dandruff is horny scales that appear in the scalp. It is a physiological phenomenon that occurs every four weeks. Also, this phenomenon can be a sign of skin diseases, such as psoriasis.

Psoriasis is one of the most common chronic diseases, which manifests itself as a rash on the scalp in the form of a pink-red inflammatory formation covered with silvery-white scales. It separates and looks like dandruff.

Seborrheic dermatitis is divided into two types:

  • Fatty. It manifests itself in the case of increased oiliness of the scalp. Such dandruff is larger and exfoliates in small layers, such scales are saturated with sebum. For this reason, the hair becomes oily, after which seborrhea and unpleasant itching of the head appear. Oily seborrhea is revealed by the fact that the hair becomes sticky, quickly polluted, and itching of the head increases.
  • Dry. With dry seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff occurs if the skin of the scalp is very dry and is accompanied by splitting and brittle hair. Such seborrhea looks like small scales. Hair becomes dry and dull.

Causes of dandruff

There can be many reasons for its occurrence. Among them:

  • the causative agent of seborrhea may be psoriasis;
  • the appearance of skin fungi;
  • lack of vitamins A, B weakens the protection of the immune system;
  • dandruff may appear due to banal emotional stress or improper hair care;
  • incorrect functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • hormonal changes;
  • malnutrition, saturated with fats, spicy foods;
  • climate change;
  • stressful state, nervous or emotional tension. They affect the growth of yeast;
  • the presence of a fungal or infectious disease;
  • the wrong choice of hygiene products intended for hair and scalp care procedures can cause seborrhea. For example, with the constant use of hairspray, a film layer is formed that disrupts the water-lipid metabolism, which causes dandruff;
  • during pregnancy and childbirth, puberty or menopause, hormonal changes occur that cause seborrhea;
  • a change in the microflora of the scalp can lead to the rejection of a hat in the winter, which will lead to the appearance of dandruff;
  • There are a number of other reasons that are related to the endogeneity of the body: metabolic disorders, fungal damage to internal organs and endocrine disorders.

It should be noted that there are quite a lot of people with this disease. Dandruff rarely occurs in children. It begins to actively appear during changes in the hormonal background, which occurs during puberty. And in a large number of people from twenty to forty years old, and at the age of fifty years and above, it gradually decreases.

Also, do not confuse dandruff with other skin lesions. For example, the skin can be very dry and flake off in particles, while not being dandruff. As mentioned above, if such a situation arises with the scalp, with the appearance of redness, an inflammatory reaction, or even bleeding spots, then it is best to contact a trichologist. White or yellowish flaking is indicative of a more serious condition such as dermatitis, psoriasis, or microspores.

If you find symptoms and signs of dandruff, itching of the head, loss of white or yellowish scales, redness that does not go away within a few weeks, it would be best to consult a doctor.

Is it possible to get dandruff?

Many, noticing dandruff in other people, begin to worry that it is contagious. However, it is not. There are many reasons why dandruff appears, but they are mainly associated with changes in the body and this is not accidental.

There are many thousands of microorganisms and fungi on the human body, one of which is the yeast fungus Malassezia. This fungus is also present in healthy people. If there is a violation in the functionality of the sebaceous glands or changes in the PH-indicator, then the microorganisms increase in number and thereby provoke the appearance of irritation of the skin of the scalp, which accelerates the process of cell renewal. After connecting them together, the scalp begins to peel off and itch. This peeling is dandruff.

You can practically get dandruff, but only if it is caused by a fungal infection of the scalp, an infection, or another disease. The source of infection is other people's household items such as hats, scarves, combs, hair dryers, and so on, through which it is transmitted.

And then in this case, the fungus can be transmitted from person to person, which, having spread in the head area, will subsequently cause dandruff. The infection can also be transmitted to people with a weakened immune system. These funds should not be exchanged, as this is a lack of hygiene. Dandruff is contagious if it is caused by a fungal or infectious disease, but otherwise not.

Why does tubular seborrhea develop?

The reason is a violation of the sebaceous glands, often in the direction of increased secretion production. At the same time, the activity of opportunistic microflora changes and the vital activity of fungi of the genus Pityrosporum increases, which further increase inflammation of the scalp. The presence of any skin pathologies or immunodeficiency states aggravates the condition.

What factors lead to the launch of pathological mechanisms that contribute to the formation of dandruff?

  • Metabolic disorders, hypovitaminosis;
  • Insufficient hygiene (skin contamination or, conversely, washing your hair too often);
  • Poor nutrition;
  • Excessive emotional and physical stress;
  • Skin pathologies: psoriasis, eczema;
  • Viral hepatitis, HIV, chronic pathologies accompanied by a decrease in immunity.

Tubular dandruff is more often observed in adolescents during puberty and is associated with hormonal changes. Hormonal changes can also occur in adults, for example, in men with pathologies of the adrenal glands and testicles, which upset the balance between estrogens and androgens.

This is what psoriasis looks like on the elbows. Even if the disease has not spread to the scalp, tubular dandruff can develop due to a violation of the skin barrier. The same goes for others

In women, pathology occurs against the background of the frequent use of aggressive styling products, as well as during serious hormonal changes (pregnancy, menopause). Dandruff in children is not uncommon, especially if the child is often sick, has a weak immune system.

Also, seborrhea can manifest itself against the background of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, with uncontrolled use of drugs or the need for long-term medication for any chronic disease. Dermatologists note that almost every person suffering from tubular dandruff has stomach problems of varying severity.

What does seborrhea look like?

The manifestation looks like a small droplet, firmly sitting at the base of the hair. The scalp may be inflamed (hyperemic).

To make it clearer what tubular dandruff looks like on the head, the photo is presented below.

Scales of an elongated shape, linked to the hair shaft - this is what tubular seborrhea looks like

It can be seen that in the photo tubular dandruff can be confused with nits.

This picture is a schematic representation of tubular dandruff.

Dandruff is distinguished by such features:

  • The characteristic changes associated with seborrhea are reddening of the skin of the scalp, hair changes, and increased fat content.
  • Definition of fungi of the genus Pityrosporum. To identify the presence of microorganisms that cause seborrhea, you can use a Wood's lamp. The specialist directs the light of the lamp to the affected areas and determines the green glow (this is how fungi of the genus Pityrosporum manifest themselves).
  • Good response to topical antifungal therapy.

Tip: Crush the scale with tweezers, the nits will make a cracking sound.

Causes and symptoms

White scales in the hair not only give a person an untidy, sloppy look, but also cause a lot of trouble: redness of the scalp, itching, and even hair loss. The causes of the disease are many. One of them is nervous tension. Frequent stress, emotional upheaval can trigger the appearance of dandruff, but it is almost impossible to get infected with it.

Is it possible to get dandruff through a comb?

The chance of getting dandruff from another person is very small. Trouble can appear only if a person has a very weakened immune system, there are microtraumas on the skin, and dandruff itself is caused by a fungus. On the comb there can be various microorganisms that can become the focus of any disease, including a fungal infection. In other cases, dandruff is not contagious and is not transmitted either through a comb, or through a hair dryer, someone else's hat, or through close contact. Although it is preferable to use your own hygiene products and hats.

Hormonal failure in the body

Hormonal disruptions increase the production of fat.

A change in the hormonal status leads to disruption of the sebaceous glands, to an increase in the production of fat, which prevents the scales from falling off in time and they accumulate in the form of dandruff. Dandruff is a mild clinical form of seborrheic dermatitis. With a dry form of seborrhea, the scales are small, white. Hair often split, become brittle, lose shine. With oily seborrhea, hair can fall out. The scales are yellowish in color, stick together in flakes.

Violation of the digestive tract

Unbalanced diet, lack of vitamins E, A and D, Abuse of sweet, fried, canned, fatty meat leads to a decrease in liver function, congestion in the gallbladder, enhances the work of the sebaceous glands and the number of white scales increases. In this case, you will need to consult not only a dermatologist, but also a gastroenterologist. Dandruff can appear from dehydration, so you need to drink enough water between meals.

Skin diseases

In humans, on the skin of the scalp there is more than 40% of the fungal flora, which prevents viruses and bacteria from penetrating. With failures in the immune system, this figure is more than 70%. The sensitivity of the skin can become aggravated to the waste products of fungi and then peeling appears. Dandruff can be an external sign of an autoimmune disease - psoriasis. When, as a result of the aggression of one's own immune cells, necrosis of the surface layers of the scalp occurs. Therefore, exfoliation of these layers in the form of white scales is observed.

Wrong hair care

Frequent shampooing dries out both hair and skin.

If your scalp is oily and you wash your hair frequently, the scalp will sweat more and become dirty, and the risk of white scales will increase. Daily washing of overdried scalp, especially in hard water, can also provoke this condition. It is not recommended to often use a hair dryer, cosmetic products that are not suitable for skin type. You can’t walk without a hat in winter, and in summer you can’t stay in the sun for a long time without a hat.

Causes of dandruff

Modern life makes everyone think about their neat appearance. But every person has peeling of the skin on the head. This happens with the natural renewal of the skin. But a physiological problem can also happen, bringing a lot of trouble. This problem is called dandruff. The body begins to intensively get rid of dead old cells, which may contain some harmful and dangerous substances. Microbes may also be included.

Many people think that dandruff is a contagious disease. At the sight of a person with light scales on his clothes and on his head, many have a not entirely pleasant feeling. But the fact that dandruff is contagious is just a myth that has been around for a long time. It is non-transferable and completely harmless. The cause of dandruff is the activity of tiny fungi that live in the skin of each individual. The appearance or absence of dandruff depends on the general state of health, immunity and skin. Troubles can occur with some chronic diseases, with a sharp change in climate, with various stresses. Most often, dandruff is a sign of reduced immunity.

Dandruff is not transmitted to other people, but it is not completely harmless. Due to the strong peeling of the skin on the head, increased hair loss can begin. The cause may be psoriasis. Pink-red formations appear on the scalp. They are usually covered with white scales that resemble dandruff. Seborrheic dermatitis is also known. It happens:

  • fatty;
  • dry.

Oily dermatitis appears with oily skin. Dandruff is large. It peels off in small flakes. Hair becomes more and more oily every day. They get dirty and sticky. With dry dermatitis, dandruff appears in the case of overdried skin on the head. Hair becomes brittle and split. The cause of seborrhea can be the wrong choice of detergents and hair care creams. Varnish, which is used when styling hair, is able to form a film layer. It, in turn, disrupts the water-fat metabolism and causes dandruff.

There are many people with similar diseases. Dandruff is very rare in children. It usually appears during puberty. After 50 years, the problem is minimized. With itching of the head and the appearance of signs of dandruff, with the loss of yellowish or white scales, redness in the head, it is better to immediately consult a doctor.

A few simple rules for fighting dandruff

In the fight against dandruff, you must follow a few fairly common hygiene rules:

  1. Do not use other people's towels and combs.
  2. Combs should be washed periodically with a solution of soda.
  3. Items for maintaining personal hygiene should be changed in a timely manner.
  4. Wooden combs and combs are changed at least once every six months. Otherwise, because of the fat accumulated on them, microbes can begin to multiply.
  5. Use special anti-dandruff shampoos.
  6. Adjust your daily routine and nutrition.
  7. Get more sleep, spend time outside, take your essential vitamins A and B.
  8. After washing, rinse your hair with nettle decoction. It strengthens the bulbs and makes the skin healthier.
  9. Good quality olive oil works very effectively. It nourishes the skin and does not clog pores. Before washing, you need to apply and rub 2 tablespoons of oil into the scalp.
  10. Before washing your hair, you can moisten your head with half a lemon, squeezing the juice out of it. Do not allow juice to get into eyes.

You can completely get rid of the problem only with the help of a systematic approach. Only shampoo will give a visible effect to the eye, but not for long. For a complete cure, you need to know exactly the cause of the imbalance and eliminate it. You can balance the diet by excluding salty and spicy foods, fatty and fried foods, alcohol and flour dishes from the diet. Eat more fruits and vegetables, milk and dairy products. It is necessary to include magnesium and copper, calcium, zinc in your diet. It is obligatory to take vitamins A, B, C, E. To dry your hair, you should use a hairdryer and various irons less often.

A trichologist will prescribe radical pharmaceutical products. These can be drugs that reduce itching and irritation, antifungal and antibacterial agents. Basma, walnut, onion peel are capable of defeating dandruff.

What it is?

Dandruff is a white (or light yellow) flake that forms on the skin of the scalp as a result of the death of skin cells.

This process is considered natural for humans (skin cells change every 4-5 weeks). Thus, a small amount of dandruff is considered normal, and this phenomenon is not considered a disease.

Attention! If dandruff is abundant, this may indicate the presence of certain problems. Often, an excessive number of scales indicates the presence of a disease such as seborrhea.

What causes dandruff? This disease occurs due to violations of the sebaceous glands (changes in the amount of fat secreted or its chemical composition). As a result, the pores of the scalp are clogged, irritation and inflammation occur on its surface.

Can dandruff itch your head? This may not be a symptom of dandruff at all, but a reaction to a shampoo change, recent stress, or a change in your usual diet.

In order to understand how dandruff occurs, it is necessary to understand how the skin of the scalp is arranged. The epidermis of the skin consists of several layers of cells.

In the lower layer (basal) there is an active division of cells. At the same time, newly formed cells displace earlier ones into the upper layers of the epidermis. This is how the cells of the scalp are renewed.

The upper layer of the epidermis consists of dead cells, which contain a large amount of keratin.

Over time, when newer skin cells enter the top layer, the old ones turn into scales and peel off from the surface. This is how dandruff occurs.

This process of renewal of skin cells occurs continuously. This is necessary in order to protect the skin from external influences, to maintain normal microflora.

It is known that a huge number of all kinds of microorganisms live on human skin (including one that is considered the main cause of the formation of an excess amount of dandruff).

Negative changes in the work of the human body contribute to its more active reproduction.

A photo

photo of dandruff under a microscope:

Reasons for the appearance

The main cause of dandruff is a fungus that develops on the surface of the scalp. Its activation can be caused by factors such as:

It is believed that one of the predisposing factors for the formation of dandruff is age. Changes in the condition of the scalp are observed mainly in adults, while dandruff is very rare in children.

Signs of seborrhea

The clinical picture of the disease depends primarily on its variety, however, there are a number of common signs, the totality of which indicates the presence of an ailment:

  • an increased number of light scales on the scalp. In this case, the scales can either easily separate from the surface of the skin, or fit snugly against it and the base of the hair.
  • Change in skin condition. It becomes more oily, or, conversely, excessively dry and irritated.
  • Change in the condition of the hairline (hair gets dirty quickly, falls out profusely).
  • Feelings of discomfort (severe itching, burning), inflammation, wounds appear on the scalp.

Disease classification

Seborrhea occurs as a result of a violation of the secretion of sebum in the scalp. Depending on the manifestations of the disease, there are several of its varieties.

Thick oily seborrhea

The main cause of the disease is a violation of the hormonal background, in particular, an increased amount of male sex hormones. Thus, men of young and mature age (over 20-25 years old) are at risk.

Male hormones cause thickening of the secretion of the sebaceous gland, as a result of which the lumen of the gland is clogged. The main signs of this form are the expansion of the pores of the skin, a change in its color and oiliness (the skin acquires a grayish tint, becomes more oily).

Excess sebum serves as a source of nutrition for bacteria, respectively, they begin to multiply more actively, which leads to a violation of the microflora. Excess sebum sticks together the scales of dead cells, as a result of which large dandruff is poorly separated from the surface of the skin.

Learn more about oily seborrhea here:

Liquid oily seborrhea

This form occurs more often in women (starting from adolescence). The abundance of female sex hormones causes liquefaction of sebum, an increase in the amount of its production.

Signs of the disease are the formation of small light lumps on the scalp, which are difficult to separate from its surface.

The skin becomes more oily, the hair becomes more greasy. Patients often experience intense itching.

The cause of the disease is considered to be dysfunction of the sebaceous glands, when the secretion is too small. As a result, the scalp becomes drier, flaking occurs.

The lack of sebum leads to a change in the composition of the skin (growth of the upper layer of the epidermis), as a result of which there is a greater number of dead cells, and, as a result, increased scaling. The scales are small, dry, easily separated from the surface of the skin.

About dry seborrhea, see this video:

Seborrheic dermatitis

Occurs when an inflammatory process joins the main signs. At the same time, reddish areas with more abundant peeling appear on the scalp.

The patient feels severe itching, often blood sores form on the affected areas of the skin as a result of scratching.

Diagnosis of the disease

In order to establish the presence of the disease, the patient needs to contact a dandruff specialist doctor - a trichologist. The doctor conducts a hardware examination of the scalp.

The epidermis is examined at multiple magnification. This allows you to determine the extent of the problem, the type of disease, and, therefore, prescribe the correct treatment.

How to get rid?

What to do for dandruff? Proper treatment begins, first of all, with the establishment of the causes that provoked the development of the disease, and their elimination.

The next stage is the elimination of the consequences, the normalization of the condition of the scalp and strong glands.

Remedies for the disease

First of all, it is necessary to choose the right remedies (shampoos, lotions). Since therapy should be aimed at normalizing the function of the sebaceous glands, preparations that penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin should be selected.

Ordinary shampoo will not work in this case. Anti-dandruff products should contain active ingredients, such as:

Healing procedures

The use of darsonval for dandruff is often used. The procedure is the impact on the scalp of high frequency current pulses.

The procedure is painless for the patient, reminiscent of combing with a special apparatus. As a result of darsonvalization, the general condition of the skin and its vessels improves, the effect of the apparatus promotes rapid regeneration, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

With fatty forms of seborrhea, a positive effect is achieved with the help of ozone therapy, when a certain amount of oxygen is introduced into the epidermis. As a result of such exposure, the skin becomes drier, sebum secretion decreases.

Cryomassage - exposure to liquid nitrogen helps relieve itching, inflammation.

Mesotherapy (vitamin injections) normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, nourishes the hair follicles, improves the general condition of the scalp and hair.

Whether it is necessary to treat?

It all depends on the amount of dandruff, the presence or absence of symptoms of the disease. So, if there is a formation of a small amount of scales that are easily separated from the scalp, while the patient does not feel itching and pain, this condition is considered normal.

Attention! If the characteristic symptoms mentioned above are observed, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since in this case we can talk about the presence of seborrhea. And if treatment is not started on time, such unpleasant complications as inflammation of the scalp, hair loss can occur.

Preventive measures

Preventing the development of seborrhea with all its unpleasant consequences is quite simple. For this you need:

Causes of dandruff

Dandruff on the head is keratinized skin cells that cover the epithelium in layers, causing itching and irritation.

Statistics show that every second person on the planet has faced this problem. An interesting fact is that young people aged 15 to 25 often suffer from the disease. The causes of dandruff are varied:

  • A hormonal disorder leading to dysfunction of the sebaceous glands.
  • Disturbed metabolism and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, disorders of the endocrine system.
  • Wrong shampoo. Severe dandruff can be like an allergic reaction to a poor-quality remedy. When you change the shampoo, the problem disappears.
  • Frequent stresses that provoke a decrease in immunity, and as a result, the normal microflora of the epidermis changes.
  • Lack of vitamins and nutrients, in particular, keratin, vitamins A, D.
  • The presence of fungus and skin diseases. Seborrhea is the main source of dandruff, and with psoriasis, the epithelium layer is covered with plaques that crumble.

Symptoms that the skin suffers from dandruff

According to the physicochemical composition of the secretion of the sebaceous gland, dry and oily dandruff are distinguished. The table will help to distinguish the signs:


Characteristics of oily seborrhea.

Oily seborrhea is common on the head and face. An increased hormonal background leads to the fact that the bactericidal ability of the secret is reduced, abundant sebum secretion appears and a comfortable environment for the development of the fungus is formed. The greasy film on the surface does not allow the epidermis to breathe, which reduces the quality of nutrition of the hair follicles. Dandruff appears especially actively in summer and late spring, when the sebaceous glands work more actively. Oily seborrhea is divided into thick and liquid type. Characteristic features will help determine the type.

Differences between thick and liquid seborrhea

Features of both types of seborrhea are shown in the table below:

Symptoms of dry seborrhea.

This variety is characterized by insufficient work of the sebaceous glands. The lack of sebum leads to the fact that the skin is less moisturized and becomes vulnerable. Itchy outgrowths of scales appear, which as a result cover the entire head, easily crumble and remain on clothes in the form of sticks. The structure of the hair becomes thin and brittle.

Mixed type of dandruff

Mixed seborrhea - the presence of signs of oily and dry appearance.

This fact is explained by a violation of the production of sebum in different places. For example, abundant sebum secretion occurs on the face or neck, but the skin on the head is dry. It is worth noting that this form of seborrhea leads to seborrheic alopecia or, more simply, baldness. Treatment of a mixed species requires an integrated approach.

Tubular seborrhea

Tubular dandruff is a special type of fungus that looks very much like ordinary dandruff in the form of balls. It is worth noting that she received such a name from people because of external manifestations. Its peculiarity is that the skin remains intact, while the hair suffers. They are covered with a network of small grains that look like sand. The skin signals itching, but contrary to popular belief, the tubular appearance is not contagious.

Seborrheic dermatitis

When the skin is covered with red foci that flake and become inflamed, dry growths appear - these are manifestations of seborrheic dermatitis. The head is very itchy, the red areas become inflamed, the areas behind the ears, neck and eyebrows are especially affected. Hair usually suffers from dryness, brittleness and split ends. Seborrhea is easily treated, but if profuse dandruff does not go away for a long time, it is worth checking if the skin is suffering from lichen or eczema.

Where does dandruff appear?

Dandruff appears not only on the head, but also on all hairy parts of the body.

Scales are observed in places where the sebaceous glands are present. The fact is, there is a relationship between the cells of the skin and the fungus: the fungus is involved in the decay of keratinized cells, and the abundant secretion of sebum nourishes the pathogenic organism, giving it the opportunity to actively multiply. Therefore, dandruff often appears in the following places:

  • scalp skin;
  • brows;
  • on the beard of men;
  • chest, back.

Whether dandruff can appear in the intimate area (in particular, on the labia) or on the legs is of interest to many. Itching, irritation and an unpleasant odor on the labia - most likely thrush. Thrush does not contribute to the appearance of a problem on the hair of the pubic zone. If the skin is covered with small grains - a reaction to low-quality clothes or washing powder. Moisturizing cream will help solve the problem.


  • https://voloskoff.ru/lechenie/perhot/zarazna-li-perhot.html
  • http://mirledi.net/prichiny-i-foto-trubchatoj-perxoti/
  • http://EtoGribok.ru/perhot/inoe/zarazna-li.html
  • http://ExpertPoKozhe.ru/perhot/zarazna-li-perxot.html
  • https://hairsecrets.online/zabolevaniya/seboreya/perhot.html
  • http://EtoGribok.ru/perhot/vidi/vidy-perhoti.html

Whether dandruff is contagious or not depends on the underlying cause. White scales can appear regardless of age, gender, hair type. Normal dandruff, not caused by a fungus, is considered a non-contagious condition of the scalp. The epidermis is updated in 26-28 days. This is how long it takes for new cells to mature. But for various reasons, the update fails and the process goes much faster. Cells do not have time to mature and die. This condition is called hyperkeratosis, and dead white scales are called dandruff, which is not contagious.

Causes and symptoms

White scales in the hair not only give a person an untidy, sloppy look, but also cause a lot of trouble: redness of the scalp, itching, and even hair loss. The causes of the disease are many. One of them is nervous tension. Frequent stress, emotional upheaval can trigger the appearance of dandruff, but it is almost impossible to get infected with it.

Is it possible to get dandruff through a comb?

The chance of getting dandruff from another person is very small. Trouble can appear only if a person has a very weakened immune system, there are microtraumas on the skin, and dandruff itself is caused by a fungus. On the comb there can be various microorganisms that can become the focus of any disease, including a fungal infection. In other cases, dandruff is not contagious and is not transmitted either through a comb, or through a hair dryer, someone else's hat, or through close contact. Although it is preferable to use your own hygiene products and hats.

Hormonal failure in the body

Hormonal disruptions increase the production of fat.

A change in the hormonal status leads to disruption of the sebaceous glands, to an increase in the production of fat, which prevents the scales from falling off in time and they accumulate in the form of dandruff. Dandruff is a mild clinical form of seborrheic dermatitis. With a dry form of seborrhea, the scales are small, white. Hair often split, become brittle, lose shine. With oily seborrhea, hair can fall out. The scales are yellowish in color, stick together in flakes.

Violation of the digestive tract

Unbalanced diet, lack of vitamins E, A and D, Abuse of sweet, fried, canned, fatty meat leads to a decrease in liver function, congestion in the gallbladder, enhances the work of the sebaceous glands and the number of white scales increases. In this case, you will need to consult not only a dermatologist, but also a gastroenterologist. Dandruff can appear from dehydration, so you need to drink enough water between meals.

Skin diseases

In humans, on the skin of the scalp there is more than 40% of the fungal flora, which prevents viruses and bacteria from penetrating. With failures in the immune system, this figure is more than 70%. The sensitivity of the skin can become aggravated to the waste products of fungi and then peeling appears. Dandruff can be an external sign of an autoimmune disease - psoriasis. When, as a result of the aggression of one's own immune cells, necrosis of the surface layers of the scalp occurs. Therefore, exfoliation of these layers in the form of white scales is observed.

Wrong hair care

Frequent shampooing dries out both hair and skin.

If your scalp is oily and you wash your hair frequently, the scalp will sweat more and become dirty, and the risk of white scales will increase. Daily washing of overdried scalp, especially in hard water, can also provoke this condition. It is not recommended to often use a hair dryer, cosmetic products that are not suitable for skin type. You can’t walk without a hat in winter, and in summer you can’t stay in the sun for a long time without a hat.

Is dandruff contagious? This question interests many. When they notice white scales on the back, in the hair of the head of a nearby person, they wonder if they will be transmitted to me. Dandruff spoils the opinion of a person, causes a lot of trouble. Let's try to understand this situation, to understand where the dandruff of the head comes from.

What is dandruff?

This is the body's reaction to irritation, the rapid appearance of scaly exfoliation that appears on the scalp. The illness lasts for a long time. The symptoms are similar to those of psoriasis. The most common skin disease of a chronic nature, characterized by the appearance of inflammation on the surface of the human head, covered with scales. They are identical to exfoliation with dandruff.

Psoriasis-like chronic inflammation caused by Malassezia furfur has two varieties:
The first appears with an increase in the level of lubrication of the scalp. Branches exfoliate in small plates. Hair takes on an oily appearance, an instinct for combing the scalp arises, caused by their stickiness, rapid pollution. The irritation builds up over time. A skin disease develops, caused by an increase in the functionality of the secretions of the sebaceous glands, which change the normal state of sebum.

With dry seborrheic inflammation that affects the scalp, dandruff occurs when the hair is dry, brittle, split along the entire length or at the tips. They become dry, change their natural shade, fade.

Conditions for dandruff

The conditions for the appearance of this disease are varied, depending on the physiological characteristics of the human body:

  • the appearance of psoriasis, provoking its occurrence;
  • the development of skin fungi, the appearance of a fungal rash;
  • lack of retinol, thiamine, which cleanse the body of harmful molecules that have the ability to limit the spread of certain diseases;
  • constant psychological, physical stress;
  • violation of the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • restructuring of the body during gestation, during puberty, menopause;
  • saturation of foods with unbeneficial enzymes, seasonings;

  • fluctuations in atmospheric temperature, seasonal changes;
  • stress, mental overload, affecting the appearance of a yeast infection;
  • existing infectious diseases;
  • the use of substances unverified by specialists used to improve the quality of hair, scalp, creating surface coatings, a failure in the production of lipids, provoking the appearance of the disease. Many shampoos contain substances that create the same effect when washed;
  • refusal of a headdress, being on the street at sub-zero temperatures, warm in the summer. Affects the change in the microflora of the scalp, the appearance of dandruff;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • permanent hair coloring

The causes of dandruff include processes that lie in the internal environment of the human body: fungal activity, endocrine disorders. A dependence on the age of the patient was noted. The likelihood of dandruff on the head of children is low. In adults, the appearance of dandruff decreases with age, but does not disappear.

The coincidence of many external manifestations of skin lesions can be an indicator of the manifestation of other skin diseases. In such cases, when redness appears, particles of dry skin on the hair of the head noticed by a person, it is necessary to contact a specialist who diagnoses and treats hair diseases, selects medical products for their care, and identifies the causes of diseases. White exfoliation indicates the appearance of dandruff, inflammatory skin lesions as a result of chemical, physical, biological factors, mycotic disease of body parts (hair, nail plates).

Violations of the activity of the glands responsible for lubricating the skin leads to the growth of microorganisms, inflammation of the scalp, an increase in the death of its cells, which leads to the appearance of dandruff.

Is it possible to get dandruff

A disease is contagious when it is the result of a skin or other disease affecting the head. It is transmitted through the use of foreign items of clothing, household items - head scarves, winter earflaps, caps, combs, combs, nail scissors, hair dryers that contribute to the transmission of dandruff plates. You should refuse to use them by other people, observe personal hygiene.

The appearance of dandruff can be associated with its infection by pets. Independent, uncontrolled behavior of a cat outside the home leads to the appearance of fleas, ticks, and dirt on its skin, which contribute to dandruff. Upon contact with a person, they are transmitted, his infection occurs. Only the timely full recovery of the animal guarantees the safety of others.

Dandruff is contagious if caused by a fungal or infectious disease. In other cases, it cannot be a source of infection.

Can you get dandruff through a comb?

When combing the hair of the head between the teeth of the comb, massage brush accumulates dirt, hair falling out, all kinds of skin exfoliation, which may contain microorganisms that are the source of the disease. Using someone else's household item, a person transfers microorganisms to his scalp that can become a focus of the disease. To prevent this, it is necessary to use only individual hygiene items, not to share them with others, relatives, colleagues. In everyday life, regular cleaning of the comb, its washing is required.

Dandruff treatment

You can finally get rid of the disease if you adhere to the systematic fulfillment of the conditions for eliminating its causes. Used dandruff shampoos give a visible effect, but are not a way to completely eliminate it. It is required to achieve a complete balance of the work of human organs, to remove the cause of dandruff.

To do this, you need to balance the daily diet, give the body a good rest. From the diet it is required to exclude salty, spicy, fried, fatty foods and snacks, alcohol. It is desirable to reduce the consumption of sugar, sweets, flour products.

The preferential consumption of a large number of vegetables, fruits, milk, sour cream, eggs, chicken meat, cheese will allow the body to activate the effect on the foci of dandruff. The use of trace elements of copper, magnesium, calcium, zinc, vitamins have a beneficial effect on the body, strengthening its immunity. A good long sleep, everyday walking will improve the functioning of all human organs, will lead to a decrease in the appearance of dandruff on the head.

If dandruff occurs, use balms, shampoos from well-known manufacturers, masks and lotions. In addition, give up irons and hair dryers. Use specialized pharmacy products, soft gel-like hair shampoos.

Pharmaceutical preparations containing antibacterial, antifungal components are considered the most effective. They exfoliate the scalp, relieve irritation. The list of applications can be found at the appointment of a trichologist.

Folk treatments for dandruff

That dandruff is contagious has long been known. In many cases, life-tested methods are used to get rid of dandruff: nettle infusion, onions, burdock (burdock) roots, onion peel, walnut shell, basma.
Tea tree, basil, chamomile, lemon, mint oils are used.


Causes and symptoms

White scales in the hair not only give a person an untidy, sloppy look, but also cause a lot of trouble: redness of the scalp, itching, and even hair loss. The causes of the disease are many. One of them is nervous tension. Frequent stress, emotional upheaval can trigger the appearance of dandruff, but it is almost impossible to get infected with it.

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Is it possible to get dandruff through a comb?

The chance of getting dandruff from another person is very small. Trouble can appear only if a person has a very weakened immune system, there are microtraumas on the skin, and dandruff itself is caused by a fungus. On the comb there can be various microorganisms that can become the focus of any disease, including a fungal infection. In other cases, dandruff is not contagious and is not transmitted either through a comb, or through a hair dryer, someone else's hat, or through close contact. Although it is preferable to use your own hygiene products and hats.

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Hormonal failure in the body

Hormonal disruptions increase the production of fat.

A change in the hormonal status leads to disruption of the sebaceous glands, to an increase in the production of fat, which prevents the scales from falling off in time and they accumulate in the form of dandruff. Dandruff is a mild clinical form of seborrheic dermatitis. With a dry form of seborrhea, the scales are small, white. Hair often split, become brittle, lose shine. With oily seborrhea, hair can fall out. The scales are yellowish in color, stick together in flakes.

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Violation of the digestive tract

Unbalanced diet, lack of vitamins E, A and D, Abuse of sweet, fried, canned, fatty meat leads to a decrease in liver function, congestion in the gallbladder, enhances the work of the sebaceous glands and the number of white scales increases. In this case, you will need to consult not only a dermatologist, but also a gastroenterologist. Dandruff can appear from dehydration, so you need to drink enough water between meals.

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Skin diseases

In humans, on the skin of the scalp there is more than 40% of the fungal flora, which prevents viruses and bacteria from penetrating. With failures in the immune system, this figure is more than 70%. The sensitivity of the skin can become aggravated to the waste products of fungi and then peeling appears. Dandruff can be an external sign of an autoimmune disease - psoriasis. When, as a result of the aggression of one's own immune cells, necrosis of the surface layers of the scalp occurs. Therefore, exfoliation of these layers in the form of white scales is observed.

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Wrong hair care

Frequent shampooing dries out both hair and skin.

If your scalp is oily and you wash your hair frequently, the scalp will sweat more and become dirty, and the risk of white scales will increase. Daily washing of overdried scalp, especially in hard water, can also provoke this condition. It is not recommended to often use a hair dryer, cosmetic products that are not suitable for skin type. You can’t walk without a hat in winter, and in summer you can’t stay in the sun for a long time without a hat.

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Seborrhea treatment

When dandruff appears, do not self-medicate. It is impossible to cure seborrhea without the participation of a doctor. Therefore, an important consultation with a dermatologist or trichologist is essential. Treatment should be comprehensive and include:

  • Systemic drugs that are taken orally.
  • External therapy in the form of shampoos, masks, lotions.
  • Physiotherapy and hardware treatment:
    • ozone therapy;
    • cryotherapy;
    • darsonval;
    • mesotherapy.

It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it later. Therefore, in order to avoid seborrhea, it is recommended to take care of strengthening the immune system: it is important to eat right so that there is no beriberi. You can and should eat more vegetables: carrots, herbs (vitamin A), bananas, strawberries (vitamin B), cabbage, rose hips (vitamin C). Try not to get into stressful situations, properly care for your hair. And although dandruff in most cases is not transmitted from person to person, you should not use other people's personal hygiene products.


Dandruff- this, as a rule, is not a dangerous disease, but is a very unpleasant cosmetic defect. Most often, we want to get rid of dandruff for aesthetic reasons. Dandruff is divided into normal (dry) and oily. Dry hair is better visible, it crumbles from the hair with intensive movements of the head and when combing the hair.
As a result, our hair and shoulders are covered with white pollen. oily dandruff less noticeable, but, unfortunately, more problematic. In this case, it adheres firmly to the scalp and is more difficult to get rid of. Dandruff in a neglected state can cause severe hair loss.

How to choose a dandruff shampoo?

If dandruff is not too strong, you can try to eliminate it with the help of special shampoos. They are available in most stores and pharmacies. Modern products contain substances that make it possible not only to easily get rid of dandruff, but also to prevent its recurrence. When choosing a shampoo, pay attention to the composition. Do not be guided by the price or brand.

It is most important that the shampoo contains at least one of the following components:

- salicylic acid

- tar

Even if these names sound scary, they are the best in the fight against this scourge.

When dandruff shampoos never be guided by its smell and color. The more pleasant the shampoo smells, the more chemicals it contains. But most often it is the chemical components that are the cause of dandruff. Also, remember that not every anti-dandruff shampoo actually fights dandruff! Do not believe the same in the inscriptions about clinical trials. As a rule, this is not true. When buying a shampoo, pay attention to the content of natural ingredients in it. The more there are than this product should be more effective.

It is best to go for shampoo directly to the pharmacy. Pharmacies offer many more effective dandruff products than those often advertised on television. Ask your pharmacist for advice. If you feel that he is not oriented or immediately offers you the most expensive product, it is better to go to another pharmacy. Some anti-dandruff products don't smell very good or come in unsightly packaging. Let it not bother you. A strange smell can be emitted by preparations that include sulfur, zinc and tar. Their big advantage is efficiency! If conventional anti-dandruff remedies do not work, buy the drug at a pharmacy. He must help you.

A prerequisite for the effective operation of the shampoo is its regular use. However, if the second package of shampoo does not give the desired result, do not hesitate, but urgently go to a dermatologist. He will assess the condition of the scalp. Sometimes dandruff can be a precursor to more serious conditions like psoriasis. You should definitely go to the doctor if dandruff has become even more active and there is a constant itching of the scalp.

Is dandruff contagious?

Dandruff itself is not contagious, but... It can be contagious when it is caused by certain types of fungus. Thus, we can catch them quite easily in the barbershop. It is enough that the hairdresser will use the same comb and there is a risk of catching something. Therefore, in hairdressing salons, after use, all tools (scissors, brushes, combs) must be specially processed. If you don't want to pick up something at the barbershop... better watch the master's hands. Pay attention to where he got the comb from, you can politely ask if the tools have been disinfected.

Causes of dandruff:

- improper use of cosmetics,

- poor washing of hair from conditioner and shampoo,

- Improper scalp care

- prolonged fatigue and stress,

- malnutrition,

- an organism weakened by chronic diseases,

- Excessive use of foams and hairsprays.

Sometimes dandruff appears in those who often visit the pool. Excessive amounts of chlorine in the water can lead to dry skin and the formation of oily areas on the scalp.

Overdried scalp and improper use of cosmetics can also contribute to the formation of dandruff. Some doctors claim that the tendency to dandruff may have a genetic cause.

home pharmacy

Olive oil

If you find yourself with dry dandruff, high-quality olive oil can be an effective remedy in the fight against it. Its main task is to nourish the scalp without clogging the pores. It is necessary to rub 2 tablespoons of olive oil into the skin before each shampooing. This massage should last about 5 minutes. It not only relaxes, but also nourishes problem skin.

Dandruff flakes on the head

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