Tablets after an unprotected act are called postinor. What pills are taken out of binge

Sometimes during sexual intercourse such an unpleasant event as a rupture of a condom can occur, which will entail the ingress of seminal fluid into the woman's body. Also, during sex, partners may forget use a contraceptive. And some couples even have sex without a condom, while using coitus interruptus as a method of contraception.

Without being careful, all this can lead to unwanted pregnancy, which is a serious problem for both partners.

What is emergency contraception within 72 hours

One of the methods of emergency contraception is special pills for unwanted pregnancy, which you need to accept a woman within 72 hours. This medical method is aimed at suppressing the chances of getting pregnant through unprotected intercourse.

These are medications that contain a huge dose of the female steroid hormone - gestagen (progestogen), which suppresses ovulation by affecting anterior pituitary gland. Also, gestagen thickens the cervical mucus, which makes it difficult for the sperm to move towards the egg.

If fertilization has occurred, then under the action of steroid female hormone the endometrial layer regresses, thereby making it impossible for the zygote to attach to the fallopian tube.

In other words, the principle of action of these drugs is based on artificial stimulation of menstruation in women. A uterine contraction occurs, resulting in the egg is washed out.

Thus, emergency contraceptive pills can stop pregnancy at conception within 72 hours.

Name of drugs for emergency contraception

Nowadays, medicine provides a fairly large selection of pharmacological therapy for unwanted pregnancies.

Postinor- a contraceptive drug that includes the substance levonorgestel - a synthetic progestogen. The medicine prevents pregnancy in about 85% of cases. The drug must be taken within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse.

Ginepriston- the active component of mifepristone. Accept within 72 hours.

- the drug contains the same substance as the previous one. Accept within 72 hours.

Jenale- the active substance mifepristone is a synthetic steroid antiprogestogen. Causes inhibition of ovulation, prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg. Take the drug within 72 hours of having sex.

Such a drug as regulon not suitable as emergency contraceptive, but with long-term use, regulon provides a contraceptive effect.
Regulon is a combined contraceptive drug. Its pharmacodynamics is inhibition of the effect of gonadotropin, inhibition of ovulation and prevention of sperm penetration into the cervical canal.

Rules for the use of tablets

It is important to take emergency contraceptives early after unprotected intercourse, preferably within the first 12 or 24 hours. The deadline is 72 hours, after which the contraceptive will not work. Remember, the sooner emergency contraception is used, the greater the chance of successful drug action.

But this type of contraception is an extreme method. Emergency contraceptives can be used only twice a year due to the huge consequences for the body in kind of hormonal imbalance, which is very dangerous for women's health and can lead to a long range of diseases.

Side effects

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • rashes;
  • swelling of the limbs and face;
  • aching, pulling pains in the lower abdomen;
  • ectopic pregnancy - a complicated pregnancy when a fertilized egg attaches itself outside the uterine cavity. This is a medical emergency, a life-threatening condition;
  • mastopathy - pathological fibrocystic changes in breast tissue. In the mammary gland, the formation of painful fine-grained seals occurs. This is a good education. However, there is a high risk of their malignancy and transition to a malignant tumor process;
  • uterine bleeding is a serious condition that also requires emergency medical care. Life threatening;
  • infertility (emergency contraception is especially dangerous for women who have never given birth);
  • thrombosis - hormonal drugs can provoke thrombosis, which in turn can lead to pulmonary embolism, strokes;
  • Crohn's disease - hormonal drugs increase the risk of Crohn's disease by 3 times;
  • emotional lability.

It is worth noting that the choice of the drug is best done with a specialist doctor. Do not rush to take the first contraceptive that comes across without first consulting a gynecologist. Improper use of hormonal drugs is very dangerous for both health and life. The doctor will select a drug that is more suitable for you, tell you the risks that you can expect after taking the drug. Under the supervision of a specialist, the effects of taking these drugs are significantly reduced.

If for some reason you still cannot go to a gynecologist, then carefully read the instructions before taking the drug. This is important not only for the correct application of the pharmacological action, but also for your health.

After taking hormonal drugs, within two weeks, it is advisable to consult a doctor, even if you feel well and do not show any complaints.


For girls under 16 years of age, taking emergency contraception is contraindicated, since they have not formed ovulation and menstruation cycles. This can lead not only to infertility, but also to irreparable health problems. Other

Do not under any circumstances take oral contraceptives for confirmed pregnancy, there is a high risk of ectopic pregnancy.
The use of hormonal contraceptives is excluded in case of pathology of the liver, biliary tract, liver failure. In case of impaired glucose absorption or lactose intolerance, the use of these drugs is also prohibited.

It is forbidden to use drugs at the stage of breastfeeding. Don't breastfeed your baby for a day if the drug was taken.

An interesting fact is that in the body of a breastfeeding mother, the hormone prolactin is secreted, which, under certain conditions, practically excludes pregnancy for a woman at this time.

Hormonal contraceptives are contraindicated if a woman has had an ectopic pregnancy in the past, with tumors, with increased blood clotting, or with long-term use of corticosteroids, with anemia, Crohn's disease.

Any pathology on the part of a woman's body can cast doubt on the use of hormonal contraceptives. You should think twice before taking these drugs, weighing the pros and cons.

Each organism is individual, and especially female. It is difficult to say how a healthy body will react to a hormonal surge. In some cases, the consequences after taking oral emergency contraceptives do not appear, or they appear slightly, while in other cases, taking hormones can lead to serious consequences for a woman's health. There is a big risk that not only the reproductive system will suffer, but the whole organism as a whole.

Unwanted pregnancy can lead to social problems, especially at a young age. To prevent unwanted consequences, before taking emergency contraceptives, it is better to consult a gynecologist who will prescribe you a more gentle medicine.

A hangover is a very unpleasant condition of the body that can occur in a drinking person after heavy consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Hangover symptoms are: headache, nausea, extreme thirst, chills and fever, general weakness, changes in blood pressure.

A hangover can occur even after a very modest dose of drunk alcohol. It can be so strong that it is impossible to raise your head and get out of bed.

Hangovers and their causes

If in the morning you feel an unbearable headache, nausea, remorse, dry mouth, this means that you have a hangover. Yesterday, during a plentiful feast, the body was dehydrated, and this is why the feeling of dryness in the mouth. The cause of nausea is that vitamins are removed from the body, including vitamin B6, which is responsible for the functioning of the digestive system. The cause of pain in the head is the expansion of blood vessels in the brain.

Different people tolerate the state of a hangover after drinking in different ways. Someone suffers greatly, someone does not get sick at all. Everyone deals with a hangover differently. All methods used can be useful. It is undesirable only to get drunk with alcohol. Such a hangover often develops into a rather protracted binge. Why does a hangover occur and what should be done to get rid of it, which pill to take?

The main hangover factors

  • body poisoning. The breakdown of alcoholic beverages produces poisons in the human body. Drinks such as vermouth, tequila, whiskey and rum are especially harmful. They force the liver to process, together with alcohol, various impurities to it;
  • body dehydration. This is not a lack of fluid, but its incorrect distribution in the body. Part of the fluid passes into the face area. Evidence of this is his puffiness and bags under his eyes;
  • disruption of the brain. It is caused by acetaldehyde, which appears as a result of the breakdown of alcohol in the body. The nervous system becomes so sensitive that even soft sounds and dim lights irritate a person. He may appear, expressed in the occurrence of causeless feelings of guilt and shame. This feeling can persist for some time after a hangover.

hangover cure

requires the consumption of a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. The body tries to restore and normalize all organs and their functions. How to get rid of a hangover faster? To do this, you need to get rid of the above hangover factors.

  • elimination of toxins. They can be removed physically. This is done with an enema and gastric lavage. If it is impossible to use this method for various reasons, pharmacy sorbents can be used. These include: activated charcoal tablets, drugs Lignosorb, Polyphepan, Liferan. Medicines are recommended to be taken after consulting specialists. The doctor may recommend succinic acid and Eleutherococcus tincture to raise the tone;
  • good lemon juice, diluted with water 1:1, honey, kvass, fermented milk products, cabbage and cucumber pickle. They are drunk in unlimited quantities. The process of detoxification of the body is accelerated by a contrast shower, bath, sauna or bath. They also help eliminate dehydration;
  • elimination of dehydration. To redistribute fluid in the body, it is recommended to take fluid and a diuretic at the same time. It can be water and non-alcoholic beer or natural coffee, cabbage or cucumber pickle and oat broth;
  • normalization of the nervous system. What do they drink for a hangover in this case? Doctors may recommend glycine. It is part of the gelatin. The conclusion suggests itself: the best snack when drinking alcoholic beverages is jelly, fish soup, jellied fish, jelly. Of the tablets can help: Picamilon, Panangin, Mexidol, Enterosgel. Milk is effective.

Home remedies help to get rid of an unpleasant state after drinking:

  • after waking up, get out of bed and take a cold shower. This procedure will invigorate the body and give it strength;
  • a compress of ice cubes in a plastic bag can be applied to a sore head with a hangover. Blood vessels under the influence of cold will narrow, the pain will subside;
  • It is very useful to take a hot bath with various essential oils. The removal of toxins will accelerate by about 20-25 times. Water should have a temperature of 35-37 degrees. Rosemary and lavender oils work well. The duration of the bath should not exceed 20 minutes. As a result, the kidneys actively excrete salts and poisons from the body;
  • to remove the decay products of alcohol, you can go into the steam room of the sauna 2-3 times for 4-5 minutes. Toxins are almost completely eliminated from the body;
  • helps to overcome a hangover alternating shower. 3 seconds of warm shower are replaced by 2 seconds of hot water. Then 5 seconds of cold shower;
  • gymnastics. A few simple physical exercises and stretches saturate the body with oxygen, give vitality. Gymnastics for the eyes has a good effect. You need to move them from side to side 30 times. Do not turn your head while doing this. Slow inhalation for 6 seconds, holding the breath for the same 6 seconds and slow exhalation also have a beneficial effect;
  • a hearty breakfast after an overdose of alcohol is a prerequisite for a speedy recovery. Fried eggs with greens and bacon will enrich the weakened body with vitamins and freshen the breath. You can cause an appetite with sauerkraut and brine;
  • drinking plenty of mineral water with the addition of a small amount of lemon juice, rosehip broth helps with a hangover just like kefir and milk.

Folk remedies for dealing with a hangover

The people have long known some ways to get out of a hangover state:

  • tea with lemon balm and mint allows you to quickly remove toxins from the body. You can drink chamomile tea, green tea, yogurt and milk;
  • mix a fresh chicken egg with a glass of tomato juice, pepper, salt and drink this cocktail;
  • put some willow bark in your mouth and chew it. You can buy it at any pharmacy;
  • chew 2-3 cardamom seeds and swallow them. Cardamom can be replaced with cumin seeds;
  • cabbage or cucumber pickle, kvass - means long known to the people;
  • tea from rosemary, dandelion, peppermint, milk thistle relieve headaches. Drink it in half a glass every 30 minutes;
  • in the Caucasus they drink matsoni - a milk drink, which is better than other well-known means.

In especially severe cases, when these funds do not help, a hospital and a dropper are needed.

How to avoid a hangover

The most understandable, but also the most unacceptable way is not to drink alcohol at all, never and nowhere. In our society, total sobriety is a utopia. There is another way: you need to drink in moderation. Do not chase the place of the leader in terms of the amount of alcohol drunk during the party. Skip some toasts, don't drink the entire glass. Then the next morning it is unlikely that a hangover will visit you.

There is another way - to drink with everyone on an equal footing, but at the same time have a good snack. It is also important to follow some rules so that the next morning you do not suffer from a hangover. Therefore, take into account the following tips:

  • Try not to drink alcohol on an empty stomach. This can be regarded as the introduction of alcohol intravenously. Before the feast, you need to have a light snack and take activated charcoal. Tablets are taken in the amount of 5-6 pieces;
  • drink a lot - eat more. Food fills the stomach and leaves less room for alcohol. It is better to eat foods that contain a large amount of carbohydrates. It can be rice, potatoes, pasta. These products are natural absorbents. Fish and meat slow down the process of alcohol absorption, normalize metabolism. It is undesirable to eat alcohol with fatty foods;
  • when drinking alcohol, you need to drink more fluids. No carbonated drinks are recommended. They only intoxicate more, but do not sober;
  • during the party it is recommended to smoke as little as possible. This is not easy to do, but you have to be able to overcome yourself. If you want to drink, smoke less. Otherwise, morning hangovers can be terrible;
  • before the feast, you should take 1-2 tablets of Festal. They will help the absorption of food into the walls of the small intestine and prevent the onset of severe intoxication;
  • when taking alcohol, it is not recommended to get involved in sweets and grapes. These products accelerate the absorption of alcohol;
  • the break between taking glasses should be at least 30 minutes. At this time, you can chat with friends, dance, take part in entertainment;
  • do not mix alcohol. How you start the party is how you end it. A hangover after vodka occurs less frequently than it happens after champagne, alcoholic cocktails and wine. Red wine alone can cause headaches, but mixed with other alcoholic beverages, this pain can be terrible. If you often have migraine attacks, then drinking alcohol is not recommended.

If the circumstances are such that it is impossible not to mix the drinks, then they should be drunk with an increase in the degree. That is, beer, wine, vodka, but not vice versa. Lowering the degree leads to rapid intoxication and a severe hangover.

  • while drinking, do not hold alcohol in your mouth. Alcohol has the peculiarity of being absorbed into the blood through the mucous membranes of the mouth. Intoxication in this case occurs much faster. It is better to drink a glass in one gulp, without savoring its contents;
  • before drinking alcohol, you can drink a raw chicken egg if you are not allergic to it. This will help not to get very drunk;
  • some regulars of feasts recommend eating a piece of lard or butter before drinking alcohol. This advice is not entirely correct. The fact is that oil or fat forms a thin film that envelops the walls of the stomach. It prevents alcohol from being absorbed into the bloodstream. But this film lasts about 2 hours. After this time, a person gets drunk in a matter of minutes. This can harm the body. Yes, and look at such a person is unpleasant;
  • if a person feels that he has drunk too much, it is necessary to induce him to vomit. Cleansing the stomach will sober him up and protect him from the morning hangover;
  • the old method of sobering up is known: in a glass of cold water you need to drop 4-5 drops of ammonia and drink in one gulp;
  • returning home from the guests, do not rush to go to bed. Try to drink tea with a sandwich;
  • you need to pour water into a mug or jar, put it on the bedside table. At night, when thirst arises, it is very useful for eliminating dehydration;
  • Before going to bed it is good to drink cow's milk. You can replace it with cream;
  • Try to sober up as much as possible before going to bed by any means. Good sobering up sex. But do not overdo it: no one has yet canceled a stroke and a heart attack.

After heavy libations of alcohol, a good sleep is important. If you can’t fall asleep, you feel dizzy with your eyes closed and nausea sets in, then you can resort to the help of proven recipes:

  • try to sleep sitting up. Wake up - go to bed. This is a fairly effective technique;
  • you can lie on your back, hang your legs on the floor so that your feet touch the floor. This technique also helps to fall asleep.

How to get rid of a hangover in other ways?

  • Validol will help with severe nausea. The tablet should be placed under the tongue;
  • a headache will help relieve a citramone tablet. You can replace it with aspirin, but it irritates the walls of the intestines and stomach;
  • Previously, canned sprats drenched in tomato sauce were a good remedy for getting rid of a hangover. Sprat of modern production does not save you from a hangover;
  • relieves a hangover with hot broth, even from a cube of "Maggi";
  • don't smoke with a hangover. It can toughen the agony by 50 percent;
  • it is better not to get drunk with alcohol, although many may disagree with this. Such a hangover can develop into a long binge;
  • ice cream helps to get rid of unpleasant sensations, especially cream ice cream. 2-3 servings can replace a dropper;
  • Asparkam will help get rid of a hangover. Dissolve 10-20 tablets in a glass of hot water and drink. This remedy normalizes the work of the heart. But you should not get too carried away with pills, and you need to consult a doctor.

What should be in your first aid kit

In the home first aid kit should be a set of tools to combat a hangover. It needs to include:

  • festal;
  • ammonia;
  • paracetamol;
  • Activated carbon;
  • vitamins C, B or complex;
  • motherwort;
  • validol;
  • citramon;
  • sorex;
  • Alka-Seltzer;
  • alka-Prim;
  • asparkam;
  • methionine;
  • pentalgin;
  • lemontar.

From drinks you can use:

  • brine;
  • fermented milk products: kefir, milk, fermented baked milk, cream;
  • plain water;
  • tomato juice;
  • mineral water;
  • kvass.

From food:

  • hodgepodge, borscht or okroshka;
  • ice cream;
  • fresh raw chicken eggs;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • lemon;
  • bouillon cubes.

But isn't it easier to give up alcohol? It's hard, but anyone can do it. Nothing and no one prevents you from giving up bad habits. You just have to decide on it. If you can't take this step, remember the tips above. After all, the vast majority of newfangled are placebo and do not have a special therapeutic effect. Neither validol nor pentalgin can replace a sober lifestyle.

Thanks for the feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone managed to save her husband from alcoholism? Mine drinks without drying up, I don’t know what to do ((I thought of getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things and only after reading this article, I managed to wean my husband from alcohol, now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a divorce? Why sell online?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their markup brutal. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editorial response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is indeed not sold through the pharmacy chain and retail stores in order to avoid overpricing. Currently, you can only order official website. Be healthy!

You will need

  • - doxycycline;
  • - metronidazole or trichopol;
  • - fluconazole or flucostat;
  • - tsiprolet or digital;
  • - bifi-forms;
  • - vitamins;
  • - oral contraceptives.


Termination of pregnancy at any time is always stressful for the female body. After all, abortion is a complex and very painful process that a woman has to go through during and intervention. After the operation, the doctor without fail, in order to avoid complications after an abortion, prescribes drugs that should help the body recover and prevent the development of possible inflammation.

Among the mandatory medicines that help protect a woman's body from the penetration of infections that cause inflammation, powerful antibiotics and antimicrobials such as doxycycline, metronidazole, fluconazole. They are affordable, however, it should be remembered that drugs often seriously affect the liver and other vital organs. But at the same time, they are very effective, which is why they are prescribed in most cases of abortion. However, with strict adherence to all the recommendations of the doctor, the negative consequences of taking the drugs can be avoided.

Doxycycline is very powerful and should be started immediately after an abortion. Take the drug twice a day, 100 mg or 0.1 g (1 capsule) after meals. But you can drink it no more than 7 days. Usually 5 days is enough.

10. Damage to internal organs.
11. Perforation of the uterus.
12. Lethal outcome.

Often a woman who has had her first abortion suffers from a deep sense of guilt. Negative emotional background may not disappear for 5-10 years. As a result, dysfunction of the hormonal system is formed.

What is the danger of abortion for a woman who has not given birth

The statistics are catastrophic. 75% of patients with a diagnosis of "infertility" decided on premature disposal of the fetus during the first pregnancy.

The phenomenon of "primary miscarriage" is observed. The female body remembers the scenario for the development of the first pregnancy. In the future, he tries to carefully follow it.

Often, further childbearing is impossible. The cervix, opened for the first time through artificial intervention, loses its elasticity. This has a significant impact on the ability of a woman to carry the next fetus for the prescribed amount of time.

Often there is a failure of the menstrual cycle. The decision to have a first abortion can lead to disruption of the functioning of the glands of the endocrine system. Menstruation becomes irregular, sexual pathologies and obesity occur.

Almost 100% of artificial cases entail endometritis. Inflammatory processes that form in the uterus, lead to stagnation of blood in the uterine cavity. Its walls contract worse, spasms appear. If the disease is left without due attention, the result is chronic, the consequence of which is infertility.

A woman who wants to become a mother, have a family and be healthy should not decide on an abortion. To reduce the risk of premature pregnancy, it is wiser to use high-quality contraceptives.

Related videos


  • Pregnancy after medical abortion
  • Impact of abortion on subsequent pregnancy
  • infertility after abortion
  • Why is abortion dangerous? Possible consequences of an abortion

Abortion is an artificial or natural termination of pregnancy for up to 25 weeks. Abortions are divided into early, which are performed for up to 12 weeks, and late - they are done only for medical reasons. Abortion is an operation that can cause complications.


Complications after an abortion occur in 35% of cases. And that's a pretty big number. About 70,000 women die every year due to complications after abortion. The most common complication of abortion is severe bleeding. They occur when large vessels are damaged. Such situations require immediate surgery. The consequences are so severe that blood transfusions are often necessary.

During an abortion, the doctor may injure the uterus. This often happens when her neck is stretched. Medical instruments can rupture the uterus. In this case, it is completely removed. With delay, a woman can quickly from blood loss.

Anesthesia is another reason why complications may develop. Often, against the background of anesthesia, there is a violation of the heart rhythm, liver function and breathing. The most formidable complication of anesthesia is anaphylactic shock.

After an abortion, after some time, inflammatory processes may occur, due to the penetration of infection into the wound. Often there is salpingitis - an inflammatory process in the uterine, peritonitis, metroendometritis or parametritis. In rare cases, it is possible that blood poisoning is sepsis. This condition requires immediate antibiotic treatment.

Women suffering from a disease in which the function of blood clotting is impaired are prone to the formation of blood clots. After an abortion, a blood clot can enter the general circulation and cause an embolism. Treatment depends on the location of the thrombus and its size.

After an abortion, chronic inflammatory processes often develop. As a rule, they occur after acute inflammation. An undiagnosed infection in the early stages gradually becomes chronic. In this case, there is a high probability of an ectopic pregnancy (when the egg develops not in the uterine cavity, but in the peritoneum, or most often in the fallopian tube).

Perhaps the saddest consequence of an abortion is infertility. Many agree to an abortion and never think about the consequences. Most often, infertility after an abortion develops due to complete obstruction of the tubes.

After an abortion, there may be irregularities in the menstrual cycle. Menstruation becomes profuse and painful.


Think carefully before going for an abortion. After all, under your heart you carry a little man who wants to live!

Preparations containing mifepristone (Mifepristone, ATC code (ATC) G03XB01) at a dose of 10 mg
Name, manufacturer Release form Pack., piece Price, r

Gynepriston, Russia, Mir-pharm tablets 10mg 1 330-690
Zhenale, Russia, Izvarino pharma tablets 10mg 1 260-570

Agesta (Agesta), Russia, Biochemist tablets 10mg 2 No
Preparations containing Levonorgestrel (Levonorgestrel, ATC code (ATC) G03AC03)
Name, manufacturer Release form Pack., piece Price, r

Common forms of release

Postinor, Hungary, Gedeon Richter tablets 0.75 mg 2 305-610
Escapelle, Hungary, Gedeon Richter tablets 1.5 mg 1 360-670

Rare and discontinued release forms

Escinor-F (Escinor-F), India, Fami Ker tablets 0.75 mg 2 No

Commercial names abroad (abroad): Mifepristone preparations - Korlym, Mifeprex; Levonorgestrel preparations - Plan B, Next Choice, Postinor.

Website author's responses to typical visitor requests:

If sex takes three days, how many Postinor tablets should I take?

If by three days we mean three days (72 hours), then Postinor manufacturers in such a situation do not guarantee anything, the admission period stated in the annotation is up to 72 hours. You can try to take a pill, then the next after 12 hours, but the result is very doubtful.

When can I have sex after using Postinor?

You can immediately receive the field, but the manufacturer recommends - first sex, then - the reception of Postinor.

Which is better: Postinor or Ginepriston?

Genale or Postinor?

Ginepristone and Genale are not hormonal drugs, therefore, in general, they cause much less harm to a woman's hormonal system than Postinor.

Can I take emergency birth control while breastfeeding?

How long after taking Postinor tablets can I breastfeed?

Emergency contraceptives and feeding are incompatible things. That is, of course, you can take it, but breastfeeding will have to be stopped for a while. In the case of Prem Postinor, this period is 24 hours, and for Jenale and Ginepriston it is much longer - a break of 2 weeks is needed.

Ginepristone: side effects after what time do they appear?

Ginepristone: is bleeding possible after application?

Side effects may appear almost immediately (nausea, pain in the lower abdomen) or in the interval from a day to a week (bleeding).

How long after the act should I take birth control pills?

The earlier the better. As time goes on, efficiency decreases. Manufacturers of all drugs declare a maximum period of 72 hours (three days), later the probability of pregnancy increases much.

Which is better: Postinor or Escapel against pregnancy?

In terms of effect, they are approximately equivalent, since they contain the same active substance. Postinor contains half of it, so it must be taken in the amount of TWO tablets with an interval of 12 hours. Escapelle is taken in ONE tablet, this makes it more convenient.

Will Postinor be effective after three unprotected intercourse?

If taken on time - with a high degree of probability will be.

Can I leave my baby after taking emergency birth control pills?

Postinor and Escapel practically do not affect the pregnancy, but in the case of Ginepriston and Genale, the situation is worse. These drugs are antagonists of the pregnancy hormone progesterone, with their help in higher doses, pregnancy is interrupted, so if the pregnancy persists, unpleasant surprises are possible (it is not known how an "underrupted" pregnancy will develop).

Is it possible to shift critical days after Postinor?

Possible up to a week, in rare cases up to 10 days. From the first day of the delay, a pregnancy test can be used to clarify the situation.

Postinor - doctor's review

The drug is very old, back in the mid-eighties of the last century it was actively sold in pharmacies of the Soviet Union and was widely used by the population.

The drug performs its task, especially with early (first - maximum second day after the act) application.

Of the unpleasant aspects of his actions, I note the following. Taking Postinor deals a rather heavy blow to the "heart" of the female reproductive system - the ovaries. It manifests itself most often in the following:

With a single and even more so repeated intake, it shifts the onset of the next menstrual bleeding, and the woman simply does not understand what phase of the cycle she is currently in. Hence the inability to understand whether the madam is pregnant or not, and whether unprotected sex is possible today. And bleeding can be expected at any time.

In general, taking the drug twice a year is possible, more often it is highly undesirable, and in general it is better to replace it with drugs containing the progesterone pregnancy hormone antagonist - Mifepristone (Ginepristone, Genale, Agesta - the second plate on the page), they cause a smaller blow to the hormonal woman's system.

Although Ginepriston is also not honey, in some patients it gives side effects and shifts menstruation.

When taking Ginepristone, do not forget about 2 hours of fasting before and after.

And if you plan to use fairly frequent postcoital drugs, it is better to think about other means of contraception.

Postinor - instructions for use. Prescription drug, information intended for healthcare professionals only!

Postcoital oral contraceptive

pharmachologic effect

Synthetic drug with a contraceptive effect, pronounced gestagenic and antiestrogenic properties. At the recommended dosing regimen, levonorgestrel inhibits ovulation and fertilization if sexual intercourse occurs in the preovulatory phase, when the possibility of fertilization is greatest. It can also cause changes in the endometrium that prevent implantation. The drug is not effective if implantation has already occurred.

Efficacy: Postinor tablets can prevent pregnancy in about 85% of cases. The more time elapsed between sexual intercourse and taking the drug, the lower its effectiveness (95% during the first 24 hours, 85% from 24 to 48 hours and 58% from 48 to 72 hours). Thus, it is recommended to start taking Postinor tablets as soon as possible (but no later than 72 hours) after sexual contact, if no protective measures have been taken. At the recommended dose, levonorgestrel does not have a significant effect on blood coagulation factors, fat and carbohydrate metabolism.


When taken orally, Postinor is rapidly and almost completely absorbed. Absolute bioavailability is almost 100% of the dose taken. After taking 0.75 mg of levonorgestrel, Cmax in serum, equal to 14.1 ng / ml, is reached after 1.6 hours. After reaching Cmax, the content of levonorgestrel decreases. T1 / 2 is about 26 hours.

Levonorgestrel is excreted approximately equally by the kidneys and through the intestines exclusively in the form of metabolites. Biotransformation of levonorgestrel corresponds to the metabolism of steroids. Levonorgestrel is hydroxylated in the liver, metabolites are excreted in the form of conjugated glucuronides. Pharmacologically active metabolites of levonorgestrel are unknown. Levonorgestrel binds to serum albumin and to sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). Only 1.5% of the total dose is in free form, and 65% is associated with SHBG.

Indications for the use of the drug POSTINOR

  • Emergency (postcoital) contraception (after unprotected intercourse or unreliability of the contraceptive method used).

Method of application and dosage

The drug is taken orally. It is necessary to take 2 tablets in the first 72 hours after unprotected intercourse. The second tablet should be taken 12 hours (but not later than 16 hours) after taking the first tablet.

To achieve a more reliable effect, both tablets should be taken as soon as possible after unprotected intercourse (no later than 72 hours).

If vomiting occurs within 3 hours after the 1st or 2nd dose of the Postinor tablet, then another Postinor tablet should be taken.

Postinor can be used at any time of the menstrual cycle. In the case of an irregular menstrual cycle, pregnancy must first be excluded.

After taking emergency contraceptive, local barrier methods (eg, condom, cervical cap) should be used until the next menstrual period. The use of the drug during repeated unprotected intercourse during one menstrual cycle is not recommended due to an increase in the frequency of acyclic spotting / bleeding.

Side effect

Allergic reactions: possibly - urticaria, rash, itching, swelling of the face.

Transient side effects that occur with varying frequency and do not require drug therapy: sometimes (1-10%) - vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, breast tenderness, delayed menstruation (no more than 5-7 days; if menstruation is delayed for more than long term, it is necessary to exclude pregnancy); often (more than 10%) - nausea, fatigue, pain in the lower abdomen, acyclic spotting (bleeding).

Contraindications to the use of POSTINOR

  • adolescence up to 16 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • rare hereditary diseases such as lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption;

With caution: diseases of the liver and biliary tract, jaundice (including history), Crohn's disease, lactation.

The use of the drug POSTINOR during pregnancy and lactation

Postinor is contraindicated for use during pregnancy. If pregnancy occurred while using an emergency method of contraception, then, based on the available data, an adverse effect of the drug on the fetus was not detected.

Levonorgestrel is excreted in breast milk. After taking the drug, breastfeeding should be stopped for 24 hours.

The drug is prescribed with caution to patients with diseases of the liver and biliary tract, is contraindicated in severe liver failure.

Data on the use of the drug in patients with impaired renal function are not provided.

special instructions

Postinor should only be used for emergency contraception. Repeated use of the drug Postinor during one menstrual cycle is not recommended.

The effectiveness of Postinor tablets after unprotected intercourse, in which contraceptives were not used, decreases over time:

The drug does not replace the use of permanent methods of contraception. In most cases, Postinor does not affect the nature of the menstrual cycle. However, there may be acyclic spotting and a delay in menstruation for several days. With a delay in menstruation for more than 5-7 days and a change in its nature (scanty or heavy discharge), pregnancy must be excluded. The appearance of pain in the lower abdomen, fainting may indicate an ectopic (ectopic) pregnancy.

Adolescents under 16 in exceptional cases (including rape) need to consult a gynecologist to confirm pregnancy.

After emergency contraception, a consultation with a gynecologist is recommended to select the most appropriate method of permanent contraception.

Emergency contraception does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

With violations of the function of the gastrointestinal tract (for example, with Crohn's disease), the effectiveness of the drug may decrease.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms

The effect of Postinor on the ability to drive vehicles and mechanisms has not been studied.


Increased severity of side effects. There is no specific antidote. Carry out symptomatic therapy.

drug interaction

With the simultaneous administration of drugs-inducers of liver enzymes, the metabolism of levonorgestrel is accelerated.

The following drugs may reduce the effectiveness of levonorgestrel: amprecavil, lansoprazole, nevirapine, oxcarbazepine, tacrolimus, topiramate, tretinoin, barbiturates, including primidone, phenytoin, and carbamazepine, drugs containing St. rifabutin, griseofulvin. Levonorgestrel reduces the effectiveness of hypoglycemic and anticoagulant (coumarin derivatives, phenindione) drugs. Increases plasma concentrations of corticosteroids. Women taking these drugs should contact their doctor.

Preparations containing levonorgestrel may increase the risk of cyclosporine toxicity due to suppression of its metabolism.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Terms and conditions of storage

List B. The drug should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature of 15 ° to 25 ° C. Shelf life - 5 years.

Ginepristone (Zhenale) - instructions for use. Prescription drug, information intended for healthcare professionals only!

Clinico-pharmacological group:

Antigestagenic drug. Postcoital oral contraceptive

pharmachologic effect

Synthetic steroid antiprogestogen drug, (blocks the action of progesterone at the receptor level), does not have gestagenic activity. Antagonism with glucocorticoids is noted (due to competition at the level of communication with receptors).

Increases the contractility of the myometrium by stimulating the release of interleukin-8 in choriodecidual cells and increasing the sensitivity of the myometrium to prostaglandins. Depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, it causes inhibition of ovulation, changes in the endometrium and prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg.



After a single oral dose of 600 mg, Cmax is reached after 1.3 hours and is 1.98 mg / l. Absolute bioavailability is 69%.


Plasma protein binding (albumin and acid α1-glycoprotein) is 98%.


T1 / 2 - 18 hours. Elimination is carried out in two phases: first, a slow elimination of the drug (the concentration of mifepristone in the blood plasma decreases by 2 times between 12-72 hours), then a rapid elimination phase.

Indications for the use of GINEPRISTON®

  • Emergency postcoital contraception (after unprotected intercourse or if the method of contraception used cannot be considered reliable), as well as in case of unsuccessful use of other methods of contraception (including an error in the use of the calendar method, unsuccessful interruption of sexual intercourse, rupture or slipping of the condom).

Dosing regimen

The drug is administered orally in a single dose of 10 mg (1 tablet) within 72 hours after unprotected intercourse.

To maintain the contraceptive effect, you should refrain from eating 2 hours before taking the drug and for 2 hours after taking it.

Ginepriston® can be used in any phase of the menstrual cycle.

Side effect

From the digestive system: nausea, vomiting.

From the side of the central nervous system: dizziness, headache.

From the reproductive system: spotting from the genital tract, menstrual irregularities.

Allergic reactions: urticaria.

Other: discomfort in the lower abdomen, weakness, hyperthermia.

Contraindications to the use of GINEPRISTON®

  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • long-term use of Glucocorticosteroids;
  • acute or chronic renal failure;
  • acute or chronic liver failure;
  • the presence of severe extragenital pathology;
  • hypersensitivity to mifepristone (history).
  • severe liver failure;
  • use in adolescents under 16 years of age;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose/galactose malabsorption;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

With caution, the drug should be prescribed in violation of hemostasis (including previous treatment with anticoagulants), chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (including bronchial asthma), severe arterial hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, chronic heart failure.

The use of the drug GINEPRISTON® during pregnancy and lactation

Ginepriston® is contraindicated for use during pregnancy.

You should stop breastfeeding for 14 days after taking the drug.

Application for violations of liver function

Contraindication: acute or chronic liver failure

Application for violations of kidney function

Contraindication: acute or chronic renal failure

special instructions

The use of the drug Ginepriston® does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS.

Avoid concomitant use of Ginepristone with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.


Taking Ginepristone in doses up to 2 g does not cause unwanted reactions.

Symptoms: possible adrenal insufficiency.

Treatment: symptomatic therapy.

drug interaction

The drug interaction of the drug Ginepriston® is not described.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is dispensed by prescription.

Terms and conditions of storage

List A. The drug should be stored out of the reach of children, dry, dark place at a temperature not exceeding 30°C. Shelf life - 3 years

How often, in a fit of passion, we forget about prudence and lose our heads! Most passionate hugs in the morning end with the thought: "I can get pregnant." No need to panic! the site talks about the best means of postcoital contraception.

After unprotected sex a huge number of images fly through your head related to the family, unnecessary marriage, difficult childbirth, etc. First of all, you should not panic.

You should wash yourself with warm water and douche (rinse the vagina with warm water or a spermicidal solution). In this case, you need to be very careful, since inept douching can easily injure the delicate vaginal mucosa, as well as upset the balance of microflora.

Of course, these measures will not help to avoid pregnancy, but it is still possible to slightly reduce its likelihood (according to statistics, douching reduces the chance of getting pregnant by only 10-15%).

Of course, the main methods of so-called post-coital (after sexual intercourse) contraception are much more complex methods.

Modern medicine offers several options for contraception after unprotected intercourse to protect a woman from an unwanted pregnancy.

Gestagens and antigestagens - which is safer?

Hormonal contraception


The body of a woman is such that her entire reproductive system is subject to hormones - substances of a special structure produced in different organs.

Modern doctors have "tamed" hormones by learning to control them. This is what emergency contraception is based on.

Fertilization occurs within a few days after intercourse, so it is so important to influence this mechanism already in the early stages.(the first 72 hours the effectiveness of the drug is high, then it decreases sharply).

It is best to take the drug within the first 12-24 hours after unprotected intercourse.

The probability of getting pregnant after unprotected intercourse when taking hormonal drugs is approximately 1-2%, and these drugs are relatively easily tolerated.

Reproductive function is restored already in the next cycle, the drug has practically no effect on the hormonal background as a whole with a single use.

Preparations do not protect partners from infections, since hormones have no effect on viruses and bacteria.

This way not used for permanent contraception, because in this case it can disrupt the hormonal system.


If you are worried about symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, severe bleeding from the genital tract, dizziness, then consult a doctor, he will help you cope with poor health.

To hormonal postcoital contraception include progestogens and antiprogestogens.

Post-coital protection with... IUD!

Gestagens and antigestagens



In postcoital contraception high doses of the hormone progesterone are used, which affects changes in the inner surface of the uterus (endometrium).

Progesterone also blocks ovulation (the release of a mature egg from the ovary), if it did not occur before intercourse, and, accordingly, there will be nothing for spermatozoa to fertilize, pregnancy will not take place.

Progesterone is also used in oral contraceptives, but in much smaller doses. This hormone is found in preparations:

1 tablet after intercourse within 48 hours, but no later than 72 hours. 12 hours after the first dose, you need to take another 1 tablet.
"Postinor" can be used on any day of the menstrual cycle.

1 tablet within 96 hours of intercourse. A new generation drug, safer than Postinor.

These drugs contain very high doses of the hormone progesterone, which, if used frequently, can impair ovarian function.

In a pharmacy, these funds are sold without a doctor's prescription, but you need to monitor your well-being and, if necessary, immediately contact the clinic.


They do not use high doses of the hormone progesterone, but small doses of antiprogesterone, which is a more effective method of preventing unwanted pregnancy.

Such a modern postcoital drug is "Ginepriston" ("Agest"). It also inhibits ovulation and prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg.

The drug is used 1 tablet inside for 72 hours after unprotected intercourse. "Ginepriston" can be used in any phase of the menstrual cycle.

Intrauterine device (IUD)


This method is applicable to women who have had childbirth and abortion in the past.

Especially setting a spiral is dangerous for women who already had a history of inflammatory diseases (inflammation of the appendages, vagina and uterus), as well as those with chlamydia, mycoplasmas or viruses.

If an unforeseen situation happened to you, do not panic. Calculate your menstrual cycle - you may not be able to get pregnant on this day.

With a regular cycle, "risky" days are 7-9 before ovulation and 1-2 after ovulation (ovulation occurs on day 14 with a 28-day cycle). We repeat that this method is effective only with a regular cycle.

If these are still fertile days, use the above methods. Unfortunately, all of them only prevent unwanted pregnancy, but do not protect against sexually transmitted infections.

Therefore, if the intimacy did not occur with a permanent partner, it is recommended that you definitely visit a gynecologist and check for infections - pass smears and tests. In addition, the gynecologist will evaluate the correctness of therapy, monitor your menstrual cycle and, if necessary, correct it.


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