Methods for measuring basal temperature to determine ovulation. Is there a low BBT during normal pregnancy? Rules for measuring basal temperature for charting

Basal temperature - this is resting body temperature after at least 6 hours of sleep. AT different phases menstrual cycle a woman's basal temperature is constantly changing under the influence of hormonal changes in female body.

Measurement basal body temperature body bt - a simple functional test that every woman can learn at home. The method is based on the hyperthermic (temperature) effect of progesterone on the thermoregulatory center located in the hypothalamus.

Why you need a basal temperature chart

By drawing up a graph of fluctuations in basal temperature, you can absolutely accurately predict not only the phase of the menstrual cycle in this moment but also suspect possible deviations from the norm. Let's list what exactly you might need basal body temperature measurement skill in everyday life:

1. If you want to get pregnant and cannot predict when ovulation occurs - a favorable moment for conceiving a child - the release of a mature, fertile egg from the ovarian follicle into abdominal cavity;
or vice versa - you do not want to get pregnant, thanks to the basal temperature (BT) you can predict “dangerous days”.
2. To determine pregnancy in the early stages with a delay in menstruation.
3. With regular measurement of basal temperature, you can determine the possible reason for the delay in menstruation: pregnancy, lack of ovulation or late ovulation.
4. If your gynecologist suspects that you have hormonal disorders, infertility in you or your partner: if pregnancy has not occurred after one year of regular intercourse, the gynecologist may recommend that you take a basal body temperature (BT) to determine possible causes infertility.

5. If you want to plan the gender of your unborn child.

How to measure basal temperature (BT) correctly

As you can see correct measurement basal body temperature (BT) helps answer many important questions. Most women know why they need to measure basal temperature (BT), but few know how to properly conduct a study. Let's try to deal with this issue.

Firstly, you need to immediately understand for yourself that no matter what the obtained indicators of basal temperature (BT) are, this is not a reason for self-diagnosis, and even more so for self-treatment. Only a qualified gynecologist should deal with the interpretation of basal temperature charts.

Secondly, there is no need to draw any fleeting conclusions - basal body temperature (BT) needs at least 3 menstrual cycles to more or less accurately answer questions - when do you ovulate, and do you have hormonal disorders etc.

Basic rules for measuring basal temperature (BT)

1. It is necessary to measure basal temperature (BT) from the first day of the menstrual cycle (from the first day of menstruation), otherwise the graph will not reflect the full dynamics of changes.

2. You can measure your basal body temperature (BT) in your mouth, vagina, or anus, the latter is more preferable. Many gynecologists believe that it is the rectal method that is more reliable and gives fewer errors than all the others. In the mouth, you need to measure the temperature for about 5 minutes, in the vagina and in the rectum for about 3 minutes.
If you measured your basal temperature (BT) in one place, then the location of the thermometer and the duration of the measurement cannot be changed the next time you take a measurement. Today in the mouth, tomorrow in the vagina, and the day after tomorrow in the rectum - such variations are not appropriate and can lead to false diagnosis. Underarm basal temperature (BT) cannot be measured!

3. It is necessary to measure the basal temperature (BT) at the same time, preferably in the morning, immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed.

4. Always use the same thermometer - digital or mercury. If using mercury, be sure to shake well before use.

5. Write down the results immediately, while making notes if there was something on that day or the day before that could affect the basal temperature (BT) indicators: alcohol intake, flight, stress, acute respiratory infections, inflammatory diseases, increased physical activity, sexual intercourse the night before or in the morning, reception medicines- sleeping pills, hormones, psychotropic drugs etc. All these factors can affect the basal temperature and make the study unreliable.

When you receive oral contraceptives measuring BBT does not make any sense!

Thus, in order to make a complete chart of basal body temperature (BT) fluctuations, you will need to label the indicators:
- date of the calendar month;
- day of the menstrual cycle;
- indicators of basal temperature;
- the nature of the discharge from the genital tract on a certain day of the cycle: bloody, mucous, viscous, watery, with yellowness, dry, etc. It is important to mark this for completeness of the picture of the compiled schedule, since during ovulation, discharge from cervical canal become more watery;
- notes as needed certain day: there we enter all the provoking factors listed above, which can affect the change in BT. For example: I took alcohol the day before, didn’t sleep well or had sex in the morning before the measurement, etc. Notes must be made, even insignificant ones, otherwise the resulting graphs will not correspond to reality.

Generally speaking, your basal temperature records should look like this in a table:

Date Day mts BT Highlights Notes

5 July 13th 36.2 Watery, transparent Drank wine the day before
July 6 14th 36.3 viscous, transparent _________
July 7 15th 36.5 white, viscous _________

Normal basal temperature chart

Before you start drawing up a schedule for basal temperature (BT), you need to know how the basal temperature should normally change under the influence of hormones?

The menstrual cycle in a woman is divided into 2 phases: follicular (hypothermic) and luteal (hyperthermic). In the first phase, the follicle develops, from which the egg is subsequently released. In the same phase, the ovaries intensively produce estrogens. During follicular phase BT is below 37 degrees. Then ovulation occurs - in the middle of 2 phases - approximately on the 12-16th day of the menstrual cycle. On the eve of ovulation, BBT drops sharply. Further, during ovulation and immediately after it, progesterone is released and BT rises by 0.4-0.6 degrees, which serves reliable sign ovulation. The second phase is the luteal, or it is also called the phase corpus luteum- lasts about 14 days and if conception does not occur, it ends with menstruation. In the phase of the corpus luteum, very important processes take place - a balance is maintained between low levels of estrogen and high levels of progesterone - in this way the corpus luteum prepares the body for possible pregnancy. In this phase, the basal body temperature (BT) is usually kept at around 37 degrees and above. On the eve of menstruation and in the first days of the cycle, the basal body temperature (BT) again drops by about 0.3 degrees and everything starts anew. That is, normally for each healthy woman there should be fluctuations in basal temperature (BT) - if there are no ups and downs, then we can talk about the absence of ovulation, and as a result, infertility.

Consider examples of basal temperature (BT) graphs, as they should be in normal and pathological conditions. The basal temperature (BT) chart you see below reflects two normal physiological states that a healthy woman may have: 1-lilac curve - basal temperature (BT), which should be during a normal menstrual cycle, ending with menstruation; 2 - light green curve - basal temperature (BT) of a woman with a normal menstrual cycle, we will end in pregnancy. The black line is the ovulation line. The burgundy line is a mark of 37 degrees, it serves for visualization of the graph.

Now let's try to decipher this chart of basal temperature. Please note that a mandatory sign of basal temperature (BT) is normally a two-phase menstrual cycle - that is, both the hypothermic and hyperthermic phases should always be clearly visible on the graph. In the first phase, basal temperature (BT) can range from 36.2 to 36.7 degrees. We observe these fluctuations on this chart from days 1-11 of the cycle. Further, on the 12th day, BBT drops sharply by 0.2 degrees, which is a harbinger of the onset of ovulation. On the 13-14th day, a rise is visible immediately after the fall - ovulation occurs. Next, to the second phase - basal temperature (BT) continues to rise by 0.4-0.6 degrees compared to the first phase - in this case up to 37 degrees and this temperature (marked with a burgundy line) lasts until the end of the menstrual cycle and drops before the start of menstruation - on the 25th day of the cycle. On the 28th day of the cycle, the line breaks, which means that the cycle has ended and a new menstrual cycle has begun. But another option is also possible - the light green line, as you can see, does not fall, but continues to grow to 37.1. This means that a woman with a light green line on the basal temperature (BT) chart is most likely pregnant. False-positive results of measuring basal temperature (an increase in basal temperature in the absence of a corpus luteum) may occur in acute and chronic infections, as well as with some changes in the higher parts of the central nervous system.

Important to know when charting your basal temperature!

1. Normally, the menstrual cycle in a healthy woman is from 21 to 35 days, most often 28-30 days, as in the graph. However, for some women, the cycle may be shorter than 21 days, or vice versa, longer than 35. This is a reason to contact a gynecologist. Maybe it's ovarian dysfunction.

2. The graph of basal temperature (BT) should always clearly reflect ovulation, which divides the first and second phases. Always immediately after the preovulatory decrease in temperature in the middle of the cycle, a woman ovulates -on the chart this is the 14th day marked with a black line. Therefore, the most optimum time for conception is the day of ovulation and 2 days before it. On the example of this chart, the most auspicious days for conception there will be 12,13 and 14 days of the cycle. And one more nuance: you may not detect a preovulatory decrease in basal temperature (BT) immediately before ovulation, but only see an increase - there is nothing to worry about, most likely ovulation has already begun.

3. The length of the first phase can normally change, lengthen or shorten. But the length of the second phase should not vary normally and is approximately 14 days (plus or minus 1-2 days). If you notice that the second phase is shorter than 10 days, this may be a sign of insufficiency of the second phase and requires a consultation with a gynecologist. In a healthy woman, the duration of the 1st and 2nd phases should normally be approximately the same, for example, 14 + 14 or 15 + 14, or 13 + 14, and so on.

4. Pay attention to the temperature difference between the averages of the first and second phases of the graph. If the difference is less than 0.4 degrees, this may be a sign of hormonal disorders. You need to be examined by a gynecologist - take a blood test for progesterone and estrogen. In approximately 20% of cases, such a monophasic graph of BT-basal temperature without a significant temperature difference between the phases is a variant of the norm, and in such patients the hormones are normal.

5. If you have a delay in menstruation, and the hyperthermic (increased) basal temperature of BT lasts more than 18 days, this may indicate a possible pregnancy (light green line on the graph). If menstruation nevertheless came, but the discharge is rather meager and at the same time the basal temperature of BT is still elevated, you urgently need to contact a gynecologist and take a pregnancy test. Most likely - these are signs of a miscarriage that has begun.

6. If the basal temperature of BT in the first phase rose sharply for 1 day, then fell - this is not a sign of concern. This is possible under the influence of provoking factors that affect changes in basal temperature (BT).

Now let's look at examples of BT basal temperature charts for various gynecological pathologies:

The graph is monophasic, i.e. almost without significant temperature fluctuations of the curve. If the rise in basal temperature (BT) in the second phase is weakly expressed (0.1-0.3 C) after ovulation, then this possible signs lack hormones - progesterone and estrogen. You need to take a blood test for these hormones.

If ovulation does not occur and the corpus luteum produced by progesterone does not form, then the basal temperature (BT) curve is monotonous: there are no pronounced jumps or drops - ovulation does not occur, respectively, and a woman with such a basal temperature (BT) schedule cannot become pregnant. An anovulatory cycle is normal in a healthy woman if such a cycle occurs no more than once a year. Accordingly, during pregnancy and lactation, the absence of ovulation is also the norm. If all of the above does not apply to you and this situation is repeated from cycle to cycle, you definitely need to contact a gynecologist. Your doctor will prescribe hormone therapy for you.

The basal temperature of BT rises a few days before the end of the cycle due to hormonal deficiency and does not decrease immediately before menstruation, there is no characteristic preovulatory retraction. The second phase lasts less than 10 days. It is possible to get pregnant with such a schedule of basal temperature (BT), but there is a high probability of miscarriage. We remember that the hormone progesterone is normally produced in the second phase. If the hormone is not synthesized in sufficient quantities, then BT rises very slowly, and the pregnancy may be terminated. With such a schedule of basal temperature (BT), it is necessary to pass an analysis for progesterone in the second phase of the cycle. If progesterone is lowered, then hormonal preparations - gestagens (Utrozhestan or Duphaston) are necessarily prescribed in the second phase. Pregnant women with low progesterone are prescribed these drugs for up to 12 weeks. With a sharp withdrawal of drugs, a miscarriage may occur.

In the first phase, the basal temperature of BT under the influence of estrogens is kept within 36.2-36.7 C. If the basal temperature of BT in the first phase rises above the indicated mark and if you see sharp jumps and rises on the graph, then most likely there is a lack of estrogens. In the second phase, we see the same picture - ups and downs. On the graph, in the first phase, the basal temperature of BT rises to 36.8 C, i.e. above the norm. In the second phase, sharp fluctuations from 36.2 to 37 C (but at similar pathology may be higher). Fertility in these patients is drastically reduced. For the purpose of treatment, gynecologists prescribe hormone therapy. Seeing such a graph, there is no need to rush to draw conclusions - such a picture can also be observed in inflammatory diseases. gynecological diseases when everything is in order with estrogens, for example, with inflammation of the appendages. The chart is shown below.

You see in this chart with sharp declines and rises that due to inflammatory process it is problematic to determine when ovulation occurred, since the basal temperature of BT can increase both during inflammation and during ovulation. On the 9th day of the cycle, we see a rise, which can be mistaken for an ovulatory rise, but this is most likely a sign of an inflammatory process that has begun. This basal temperature (BT) chart proves once again that it is impossible to draw conclusions and make diagnoses based on the basal temperature (BT) chart of one cycle.

We remember that at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the basal temperature of BT is lowered. If the temperature at the end of the previous cycle decreased, and then rose sharply to 37.0 with the onset of menstruation and does not decrease, as can be seen on the graph, perhaps we are talking about a formidable diseases - endometritis and you urgently need treatment from a gynecologist. But if you have a delay in menstruation and at the same time the basal temperature of BBT remains elevated for more than 16 days from the start of the rise, you are probably pregnant.

If you notice that during 3 menstrual cycles you have stable changes on the chart that do not correspond to the norm, you need to consult a specialist.

So, what should alert you when compiling and deciphering basal temperature (BT) charts:

Graphs of basal temperature (BT) with low or high temperature throughout the cycle;
- cycles less than 21 days and more than 35 days. This may be a sign of ovarian dysfunction, clinically manifested by bleeding in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Or there may be another picture - the cycle is always lengthened, which is expressed in constant delays more than 10 days of menstruation, while there is no pregnancy;
- if you observe a shortening of the second phase according to the charts;
- if the schedules are anovulatory or the manifestations of ovulation are not clearly expressed on the schedule;
- graphs with high temperature in the second phase for more than 18 days, while there is no pregnancy;
- monophasic graphs: the difference between the first and second phase is less than 0.4 C;
- if the BT schedules are absolutely normal: ovulation occurs, both phases are complete, but pregnancy does not occur within a year with regular unprotected intercourse;
- sharp jumps and rises in BT in both phases of the cycle.

If you follow all the rules for measuring basal temperature, you will discover a lot of new things. Always remember that you do not need to draw any conclusions on the basis of the obtained graphs. This can only be done by a qualified gynecologist, and then only after additional research.

Obstetrician-gynecologist, Ph.D. Christina Frambos.

It is useful for every girl who is planning a pregnancy to know how to keep a basal temperature (BT) chart. This is not difficult, but the process requires a lot of patience, because you will have to celebrate BT every day for at least two to three months. It is better to analyze the resulting graphs together with a gynecologist. However, with the help of this method and without a doctor, you can learn a lot about your health and ability to conceive. Our article, written together with an obstetrician-gynecologist, will help you with this.

Basal body temperature and body temperature are not the same thing. BBT is measured not under the armpit, but in the vagina, in the mouth or (most often) in the anus. This is not the temperature of the surface of the body, but the temperature internal organs. Basal temperature changes noticeably even with a slight change in the level of some female hormones.

Body temperature does not depend much on the day of the monthly cycle, but BT changes markedly when the phases of the cycle change. That is why OB/GYNs and women themselves have been charting BT for decades to figure out how the reproductive system works.

The method was invented in the 50s of the 20th century in Great Britain. Professor Marshall discovered that the hormone progesterone (one of the main hormones of the female reproductive system) can significantly affect temperature. female body. According to the basal temperature, fluctuations in the level of the hormone can be quite accurately determined. And since the amount of progesterone changes throughout the cycle, according to the BT schedule, you can understand at home how the ovaries work.

BT will even help to tell if conception has occurred. Of course, you will receive a clear answer to this question only after a delay with the help of special tests or analyses. But the graph will tell you that pregnancy is not excluded.

However, do not think that the “thermometer in the ass” is a mandatory item in the program of all women who want to get pregnant. Not at all. When planning a pregnancy, it is completely optional to measure the basal temperature. It is much more important to undergo at least a minimal medical examination by a gynecologist and a therapist - to be tested for infections, the level of basic sex hormones, general analysis blood, etc.

But there are situations when the method of measuring basal temperature will be really useful:

  1. If you can not get pregnant for 6-12 months. If the "experience" is less, there is absolutely nothing to worry about yet. You just have to keep trying. If more - we can already talk about infertility, and you need to undergo a serious examination by a doctor. But in this time period, the schedule will help you navigate when ovulation occurs (and aim to “work” on future pregnancy these days). BT will also help you make sure that your reproductive system is working properly.
  2. If you have been advised to measure BBT by a doctor. This method is not the main one in diagnostics, but how helper method it has been used successfully for a long time. For example, it will help your doctor find out if you are maturing. dominant follicle and whether there is ovulation. However, as a rule, the doctor asks the patient to supplement the BBT measurement with ovulation tests. And keep in mind that no doctor has the right to diagnose and prescribe treatment only on the basis of BT schedules! it additional method research, but nothing more;
  3. If you are in a hurry to get pregnant and want to know exactly when your fertile days come.

Do you trust this method?

Let's be clear: many modern doctors consider this method obsolete. Even 10 years ago, BT scheduling was a mandatory item in the examination of patients who have difficulty conceiving.

Now a number of doctors have abandoned this study in favor of other - more accurate and less painstaking - methods. For example, ( special ultrasound) and ovulation tests.

Indeed, in some situations, the BT schedule will be inaccurate and can be misleading:

  • If you measure the temperature incorrectly;
  • If you measure BBT for only one month. The only chart is not informative. It is necessary to carry out measurements at least three cycles in a row;
  • If there is a chronic or acute illness(not necessarily related to gynecology);
  • if you have hypo- or hyperthyroidism (thyroid disease);
  • You are taking sedatives or hormonal medications

and in some other situations.

However, if done right, BT can still serve as a free yet valuable diagnostic tool.

Of course, you yourself should not make any diagnoses and take medications based on the BBT schedule. This is an inaccurate method, and self-treatment is unacceptable!

How to measure basal temperature correctly

There are three main ways to measure basal temperature:

  • in the mouth (orally);
  • in the vagina (vaginally);
  • in the anus (rectally).

Each of them has its pros and cons, while the third method is considered the classic and most accurate. Refrain from experiments: if you start measuring in your mouth, continue until the end of the cycle. AT next cycle, if the measurement method seemed inconvenient, it can be changed.

You can measure the basal temperature with a conventional (mercury) thermometer, and electronic thermometer, but always high quality and accurate. After all, if you have, for example, a sore throat, then it does not of great importance What is your temperature - 38.6 or 38.9. But when measuring BT, every tenth of a degree carries great sense. The mercury thermometer is held for 6-7 minutes, the electronic one - until the signal plus 2-3 minutes, it will turn out more accurately. During one cycle, you should not change the thermometer. For reasons of hygiene, the thermometer must be wiped with alcohol after measurement.

BT is measured early in the morning immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed and not even moving (the thermometer must be shaken off in advance and put on the nightstand next to the bed, but not under the pillow). It is important that you get at least three hours of uninterrupted sleep before waking up (without going to the bathroom or fetching water).

The main rule for measuring basal temperature is to keep the thermometer lying down, in a relaxed state, almost half asleep, without moving. Record the result (put it on the chart) immediately - it is easy to forget.

If it was not possible to measure in the morning, it is pointless to do it in the afternoon. Indeed, during the day, the basal temperature is unstable, it jumps depending on emotional state, exercise, food, etc.

Why is the schedule falling apart?

Some conditions can affect your basal temperature and make the chart unreliable. Continue to measure BBT, but note the days when the following circumstances were in effect:

  • SARS or other viral, as well as bacterial diseases with a rise in temperature;
  • taking certain medications, such as hormonal or sedatives. When taking oral contraceptives, ovulation is suppressed, so measuring BBT is generally pointless;
  • injury, surgical interventions, including small ones (for example, your tooth was pulled out);
  • stress, insomnia;
  • alcohol intake;
  • indigestion;
  • moving, flight, especially with the change of time zones;
  • sexual intercourse.

Analyzing the graph, you need to make an adjustment for these factors.

How to build a graph

To plot your basal temperature, click on this template and save it to your computer (and fill it out right there) or print it out.

Click to enlarge the template. Download it to your computer and fill it out right there. Or print and fill out by hand.

The numbers in the upper column are the days of the menstrual cycle (not to be confused with the days of the month). Every day after measuring the temperature, put a dot in the appropriate column. To plot, at the end of the cycle, connect the points in sequence with a line.

After the chart is filled in, you need to draw an overlay line. To do this, you need to look at the temperature values ​​\u200b\u200bin days 6 to 12. A line is drawn above them. This line is service, it is needed only for clarity.

Below, on an empty field, you can make notes. For example, "from 12 to 15 dts - a tooth ached, the temperature rose." “Cycle day 18 is a lot of stress.”

What should be the normal basal temperature

Normally, the basal temperature changes throughout the cycle, and the graph is two-phase.

The duration of the cycle and the length of each phase for each woman is different, so we give approximate, indicative figures.

During menstruation, BT is usually 36.7-37 degrees. When the bleeding stops, the temperature drops slightly. In the first phase of the monthly cycle (from 1 to 10-15 days) in a woman high level estrogen and low level progesterone. Immediately after menstruation, the normal basal temperature is low. In a healthy woman, it rarely rises above 36.6.

Before ovulation, it may decrease slightly. And after ovulation, it rises to 37 and above. The difference between the phases is 0.4-0.8 degrees.

The basal body temperature can normally drop slightly before the most monthly ones. If this does not happen, this may indicate both individual characteristics and a possible pregnancy.

Here is an example of a basal temperature chart.

If your schedule is similar to the one in the picture, then most likely you are ovulating and your ovaries are working properly. If there are deviations, if there is no clear rise in temperature in the second phase of the cycle, this may indicate (although not necessarily) some hormonal problems.

How to determine ovulation according to the schedule

By how the basal temperature changes, you can calculate ovulation - that important point when the egg is released from the ovary and fertilization is possible. A normal basal temperature chart suggests quite sharp fluctuations. Before ovulation, BBT decreases slightly, and then, during ovulation, it rises quite sharply. On the chart, at least three points in a row must be above the overlapping line. The ovulation line is drawn vertically - it separates low temperatures from high ones.

If, for example, BBT was 36.5, and then the basal temperature was 37, then this means that ovulation has occurred. If you are planning to conceive, you should have sex two days before, during, and two days after ovulation.

But keep in mind that you should not use this information as a method of contraception. The "danger days" method is extremely unreliable. He gives high percent spontaneous pregnancies. If you use contraception only on "dangerous days", be prepared to get pregnant within a year with a 10-40 percent chance (this variation is due to the fact that the risk was analyzed using different methods).

The unreliability of the "dangerous days" method is due to the fact that viable spermatozoa can "hold out" in the female genital tract for several days. And wait for the covulted egg. In addition, the method of measuring basal temperature cannot determine ovulation with 100% accuracy.

BT in various pathologies

Basal temperature can tell whether a woman is healthy and even help with a specific diagnosis.

We publish examples of basal temperature charts with decoding.

Anovulatory cycle

If the schedule is monotonous, if there is no rise in temperature in the second phase, we can talk about the absence of ovulation and that this cycle and. That is, the dominant follicle does not mature or matures, but for some reason does not burst. Accordingly, a mature egg does not come out, and there can be no conception in this cycle. Normally, every woman has from 2 to 6 anovulatory cycles per year (than older woman, the more there are). But if such a picture is observed for several months in a row, this can be a source of problems with conception. You need to see a doctor.

Estrogen-progesterone deficiency

If there is a rise in temperature, but it is small (01-0.3 degrees), this may indicate insufficiency of the corpus luteum phase (estrogen-progesterone deficiency). In this situation, ovulation occurs, fertilization may even occur, but the level of hormones is insufficient to support the pregnancy. This condition is corrected hormonal drugs(they must be prescribed by a doctor).

Short second phase

(after ovulation) is normally 12-16 days. If it is shorter than 10 days, this may indicate the insufficiency of the second phase. A covulted egg, even if it is fertilized, will not be able to penetrate the endometrium, and pregnancy will not occur. In this case, deciphering the basal temperature graph is not difficult: pregnancy is problematic. Contact your doctor.

The duration of the first phase is not so important: it depends on individual characteristics women and has little effect on the ability to conceive.

Estrogen deficiency

If in the first phase BBT is high (36.7-37 degrees), this may mean that you do not have enough estrogens - important female hormones. If this condition is confirmed by tests, then it must be corrected with special medications.


Also heat in the first phase, it can be triggered by inflammation of the appendages or other gynecological inflammatory diseases.

Signs of an inflammatory disease

Attention: these graphs can only suggest the presence of problems! This is not a diagnosis and not a reason to take medication.

What deviations should be reported to the doctor

monotonous graphs, when the temperature is above or below 37 throughout the entire cycle, while the temperature drops are less than 0.4 degrees;

  • too short monthly cycle(21 days or less);
  • too long monthly cycle (more than 36 days);
  • if there is no clear ovulation on the chart, and such a picture is observed for several cycles in a row;
  • if during the cycle there are sharp unsystematic jumps in BT. However, this state can be explained by various external and internal factors that affect temperature (alcohol intake, stress, somatic diseases etc.);
  • if the schedule is normal, but the desired pregnancy does not occur within 12 months.

BT during pregnancy

If at the very end of the cycle the temperature does not decrease, but remains high (37 degrees and above), there is a chance that you are pregnant. Normally, it will stay at the level of 37-37.5 for the entire first trimester. A sharp decrease may be accidental, or it may mean complications during pregnancy. You should not panic, but it is better to contact your gynecologist.

Some women experience the peak of sexual excitability on the days of ovulation, and this is physiologically justified. But then the use of a physiological method of contraception from pregnancy, based on sexual abstinence during ovulation, is especially difficult for partners whose frequency of sexual intercourse reaches a fairly high level.

In addition, with strong love unrest and nervous stress additional ovulation may occur (especially with episodic, irregular intercourse) and then not one, but two eggs mature in one menstrual cycle. This should be remembered when choosing one or another method of contraception. And since it is impossible to accurately assess when ovulation will occur at home, physiological method is the most unreliable after the withdrawal method.

Description of the basal temperature method.

Immediately after ovulation (most auspicious time for conception) in the body of a woman, the hormone progesterone is released. This hormone contributes to a rise in body temperature by 0.4 - 0.6 degrees and occurs within two days after ovulation. Ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle and thus divides the cycle into two phases - the first and second. In the first phase, before ovulation, your body temperature is usually lower than in the second phase, when ovulation has already occurred. With sufficient production of the hormone progesterone, starting from the middle of the cycle, there is an increase in body temperature, which is a fairly reliable sign of ovulation. The second phase of the cycle normally lasts 13-14 days, and before the onset of menstruation, the temperature usually drops again by 0.3 degrees. If the basal temperature remains at the same level throughout the cycle, there are no ups and downs on the graph, then we can talk about the absence of ovulation, and as a result, female infertility.

What is the method of measuring basal temperature based on?

The basal body temperature method is based on determining the time of temperature rise in the rectum by measuring it daily and abstaining from sexual intercourse in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, including the first three days of temperature rise after ovulation. It is known that at the time of ovulation, the basal (rectal temperature) decreases, and the next day it rises. And if for several (at least three) months a woman measures the temperature in the rectum daily, she will be able to determine when she ovulates.

The principle of its operation is to determine the approximate date of ovulation according to the temperature curve. To do this, it is necessary to measure rectal temperature every day (it is more convenient to use a thermometer specially created for this area) and mark it by drawing a kind of graph. You should start from the first day of the cycle, which corresponds to the first day of menstruation. It is best to carry out this procedure in the morning, without getting out of bed, for 5-6 minutes.

It has been noticed that, as a rule, ovulation occurs on the day when the temperature is the lowest: one day you will find that the line of the temperature curve, which was flat before, suddenly drops sharply - this is the day of ovulation. Then, the next day, the temperature rises just as sharply, and this corresponds to the beginning of the second, luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. At the same time, it must be remembered that the egg lives from 24 to 48 hours after leaving the follicle, therefore, even at an increasing temperature, you should refrain from sexual intercourse for several days. In general, the first phase of the menstrual cycle is considered relatively safe, when the segment temperature chart is an approximately straight line. The menstrual cycle without ovulation, or with two ovulations is also reflected in the graph of the temperature curve.

The method of measuring basal temperature is quite rigid in terms of leaving a not too long period in which pregnancy is impossible. For example, with a cycle of 28 days, only 10 of them are safe. In the case of a lack of progesterone, which can be detected with special survey, safe period even shorter. The method is also inconvenient in that the temperature must be measured daily, especially at the beginning of its use. Later, when several menstrual cycles have successfully passed, it is possible to stop changes during menstruation and after a significant increase in temperature is recorded in the second phase of the cycle. It should be noted, however, that any viral or respiratory disease makes the results unreliable. The same applies to heavy physical activity to active sports.

The method of measuring basal temperature is most suitable only for those women who have established a regular menstrual cycle lasting at least 26 and no more than 30 days, leading a fairly calm lifestyle, not subject to stress, colds and others. negative reactions environment. Presumably, less than one percent of women would classify themselves in this category.

Thus, if you do fitness, occasionally dig beds in the country, catch a cold or periodically worry, including about an unwanted pregnancy for you, you are at risk - the temperature curve graph indicators become less reliable.

The method of measuring basal temperature and plotting a temperature curve can be recommended as a means of planning pregnancy for those couples who do not want to use other methods of contraception for religious reasons, but in principle are ready for the birth of a child. (Recall that not all religions allow the use of such methods as condoms, oral contraceptives, intrauterine device etc.)

To calculate "dangerous days" with protection according to the calendar, it is necessary to measure BT for at least 3-4 cycles. " Dangerous days"are calculated as follows: from the day on which the temperature crossed the 37.0 line, 6 days are counted back and forward. When normal cycle at 28 days this will be: the maturation of the egg occurred on the 14th day.

14–6=8 (on the 8th day from the beginning of menstruation, "dangerous days" began).

14 + 6 = 20 (on the 20th day from the beginning of menstruation, the "dangerous days" ended).

Thus, from 1 to 7 days of the cycle and from 21 to the end, you can live without protection.

"Dangerous days" are made up of 2 factors: for about 6 days, spermatozoa can live in the uterus, waiting for the maturation of the egg; about 6 days the egg lives, waiting for fertilization.

ATTENTION! If in different cycles the day of crossing the level of 37.0 "walks" (for example, the egg matures on days 12, 18, 13), then to determine the "dangerous days" subtract 6 from the LESS indicator (in this case, day 12) and add 6 to the MORE (in in this case, day 18). Thus, in the given example, "dangerous days" are from 6 to 24 days. Of course, in this state of affairs, the physiological (calendar) method of protection is of little use.

The same applies to short cycles. For example, if the cycle lasts 21 days, then the maturation of the egg occurs already on the 7th day. "Dangerous days", respectively, from 2 to 13, if the day of ripening does not "walk".

Symptothermal method of contraception

This is the most sensitive and safe (as far as possible) method. natural contraception, it includes the rules for the method cervical mucus and basal body temperature.

By measuring your basal body temperature (BT) every morning during your menstrual cycle, you can find out the fertile and non-fertile phases.
Measure BT in the rectum every morning at the same time before getting out of bed, write down, build a graph.

Using records for the first half of the menstrual cycle, the highest of the "normal low" temperatures should be determined. An abnormally high temperature due to fever or other conditions should not be taken into account.

Draw a line at the highest of these temperatures. This line is called the covering or temperature line.

The non-fertile phase begins in the evening of the 3rd day of the rise in temperature above the covering line.
If within 3 days the temperature has dropped to the cover line or below it, this may mean that ovulation has not yet occurred. To avoid pregnancy, wait 3 consecutive days for the temperature to rise above the cover line before resuming sexual intercourse.

After the start of the non-fertile phase, there is no need to continue recording the temperature. Temperature measurement can be stopped until the start of the next menstrual cycle. You can have sexual intercourse until the 1st day of the next menstruation.

For the purpose of contraception, one should refrain from sexual intercourse from the beginning of menstruation until the evening of the 3rd day of the rise in temperature above the covering line.

After graduation menstrual bleeding You can have intercourse on the evening of every second "dry day" during the non-fertile period before ovulation (this is the "dry day" rule used in the cervical mucus method);
the fertile phase begins with any mucus or wet feeling in the vagina (this is the "early mucus" rule used in the cervical mucus method); in this phase, you should refrain from sexual intercourse;
should refrain from sexual intercourse until the rules of the "rush day" and changes in temperature are applied;
in cases where these rules define the end of the fertile phase in different ways, the most conservative rule should always be followed, i.e. the one that determines the longest fertile phase;

Following the temperature change rule, a woman is infertile after the 16th day. At the same time, if you follow the "rush day" rule, she is fertile until the 18th day. Therefore, she should follow the more conservative "peak day" rule and not have sexual intercourse until the 18th day.

In the process preparation for motherhood, women use many ways to determine. One of them is the study of basal body temperature. For convenience, this phrase has been abbreviated - BT.

  • What is basal body temperature?

    Body temperature, subject to calm state, is called basal. It's measured rectal way by inserting a thermometer into the rectum. Basal temperature is considered the lowest after a long sleep. It is able to reflect the hormonal processes occurring in the female body. The two main functions of measurement are the determination exact day and identify gynecological diseases.

    Some women use information obtained through research for the purpose of contraception. This method can hardly be called error-free. The probability of conception in this case is quite high. Much more benefit measurement method rectal temperature brings

    REFERENCE! In the process of measuring BT, it is important to follow the established rules. Otherwise, the result will not be reliable.

    How to measure to determine ovulation?

    All processes taking place in reproductive system women are carried out in strict sequence. They are accompanied characteristic features. Exit is a must successful conception. There are many methods by which you can identify with the greatest accuracy - a special test, ultrasound monitoring, as well as using the method of measuring BBT.

    The result will be accurate only if follow all the rules. During the measurement, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

    • The most preferred is mercury thermometer.
    • It is necessary to measure BT after continuous sleep, lasting at least 6 hours.
    • Results should be recorded daily without missing a single day.
    • Manipulations are carried out at the same time of day.
    • Before measurements, no body movements can be made. That is why the thermometer should be placed in the immediate vicinity of the bed.
    • Hold a thermometer in the rectum need at least 5 minutes.
    • Any factors that may affect the result should be indicated in the graph (sexual intercourse, stress, medication, climate change, poor sleep).

    To maintain a measurement schedule, it is better to use a separate notebook or notepad. Space should be provided for additional footnotes for each day. The days of the cycle are marked horizontally. The vertical is indicated measurement temperature.

    Each day is marked with a dot in front of the corresponding indicator. At the end of the cycle all points are connected. A graph is drawn that allows you to understand when it happened.

    IMPORTANT! According to the BT schedule, the attending physician can determine the nature of the existing diseases.

    How to determine pregnancy according to the schedule?

    Regular filling of the BT schedule allows you to notice any deviations I am in a woman's body. There are norms that the temperature must comply with at certain stages of the menstrual cycle. Before the onset of menstruation, the temperature drops. If conception has occurred, then the parameters remain at the same level.

    Graph-based observations help determine whether pregnancy is still present. before the delay of menstruation. This is especially true in cases where a woman needs to take medical preparations. Taking some of them can adversely affect the development of the fetus.

    With a successful conception, the following items will be reflected on the woman’s chart:

    • Implant retraction 5-12 days after follicle rupture.
    • No temperature fluctuations at the end of the cycle.
    • The indicators will not fall below the level of implantation retraction.

    REFERENCE! If there are deviations in the course of pregnancy, BT will not meet the standards.

    Implantation retraction may coincide with the appearance of pinkish or spotting. They often occur as a result of tissue injury. in the process of implantation. Signs of conception before a delay appear extremely rarely. They include mild nausea, dizziness, appetite disorders and increased sensitivity of the mammary glands.

    The information provided by the built measurement graphs will more reliable when used in conjunction with other features. During the exit period, mucous secretions appear, an increase in libido is noted.

    Correct basal temperature measurement makes it possible to control the processes occurring in the female body. Violations of the measurement technique lead to the fact that all manipulations become useless.

Surely many of the fair sex have heard about this medical term as "basal temperature". But not everyone understands what in question. While this definition is directly related to the preservation of women's health. And now everything is in order: what is basal temperature, for what purpose it is measured and how to do it correctly.

Basal temperature - what is it?

How general concept, basal temperature is the lowest body temperature measured at rest. But special meaning the observation of such indicators has for the fairer sex, since such a temperature reflects hormonal cyclic changes in a woman's body. So, observing BT, it is possible without analyzes and medical examinations take care of your reproductive health.

If we talk about what a woman's basal temperature is, then we can formulate the following definition: these are temperature fluctuations that occur as a result of the production of certain hormones by the ovaries.

Why measure BT?

Analyzing the definition of basal temperature, it is easy to conclude that the thermometer readings change during the month in a certain way, depending on the phase of the cycle. Regularly monitoring such changes in the body by measuring BT, at home, without tests and complex diagnostic tests, you can watch women's health. What exactly can be found out by conducting such an observation:

  1. The presence or absence of ovulation in a woman.
  2. Determine the most favorable days of the cycle when the likelihood of conceiving a child is high.
  3. Assess the viability of the menstrual phases during the cycle, and therefore, detect deviations in the hormonal background.
  4. Confirm pregnancy on your own early term.
  5. Find out the cause of infertility.

BT as a method of contraception

What does basal temperature mean as a method of protection against unwanted pregnancy? It is known that the conception of a child can occur directly on the day of ovulation or within 48 hours after it. And, as mentioned above, it is the method of measuring BT that determines the ovulatory day. To do this, you need to conduct regular observations of temperature changes and display the data on a graph. After ovulation is marked on the curve, it will not be difficult to calculate the days on which the conception of a baby is most likely - these are 2 days before and 1 day after the marked indicator. During this period, you should refrain from intimate relationships or use other methods of contraception.

Basal temperature when planning pregnancy

When planning a couple to conceive a baby, you can also use the method of monitoring the basal temperature. By regularly measuring indicators, a woman can determine the favorable days of the monthly cycle, in which the likelihood of fertilization increases significantly.

In order to get the right indicators, self-control and discipline are required. Since such a temperature should be measured strictly in the morning, without getting out of bed, preferably without even changing the position of the body after waking up, it is very important to follow all the recommendations, since any violation of them will lead to a distortion of the indicators. What should be done:

  1. It is preferable to use a mercury thermometer. It is this type of device that will show the most reliable results.
  2. Take measurements rectally or intravaginally. The first way is preferable.
  3. Measure temperature after continuous sleep (at least 6 hours).
  4. It is necessary to carry out the procedure at the same time every day.
  5. The results obtained should be immediately recorded and then transferred to the basal temperature chart (you can read about how to do this correctly in the corresponding section of the article).
  6. When interpreting the data obtained, the day of the menstrual phase should be taken into account. Basal temperature directly depends on this factor.

Factors affecting BT indicators

In order to obtain reliable data on BBT indicators, it is important to exclude, if possible, factors that can lead to false results. Namely:

  • taking medications, especially hormonal ones;
  • the use of oral contraceptives and the uterine spiral;
  • lack of sleep;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • sexual relations less than 6 hours before measurements;
  • stress;
  • overwork;
  • diseases, including viral;
  • elevated body temperature.

What indicators of BT are considered the norm?

In order to correctly decipher and analyze the obtained measurement results, one should compare them with the norms established in medicine. What should be the basal temperature of a healthy non-pregnant woman, read below.

There are three phases female cycle: follicular, ovulatory and luteal. During each such period, the ovaries produce certain hormones that contribute to normal conception and childbearing women.

In the follicular phase, the maturation of the egg occurs due to the increasing levels of the hormone estradiol. During this period, BT fluctuates from 36.2 to 36.8 degrees. The phase ends with a "pre-ovulatory fall" - sharp decline indicators by approximately 0.3 degrees before the release of the egg from the follicle. This is what the basal temperature should be during ovulation.

In the luteal phase, due to an increase in the level of progesterone in a woman's body, BT indicators also increase. During this period, the thermometer will show from 37.0 to 37.4 degrees. And only a few days before the onset of menstruation, the temperature will drop to the level of the follicular phase. It is this cycle of basal temperature that a healthy woman should have.

How to determine ovulation?

By measuring the temperature regularly, you can calculate the day of ovulation. On the chart, this day will normally be displayed as follows:

  1. The first 12-16 days of the menstrual cycle will have indicators up to 36.7 degrees.
  2. Then there is a drop in temperature by 0.3-0.5 degrees, which indicates the release of the egg from the follicle. This usually happens on the 12-16th day of a woman's cycle.

BT to determine pregnancy

In addition to determining ovulation, using the temperature measurement method, you can confirm pregnancy at the earliest possible date. In the presence of conception, progesterone levels only increase. So, the thermometer will fix high performance BT in the second period of the cycle. If a basal temperature of 37.1-37.6 is noted at the end of the luteal (second) phase, and there are no monthly menstrual flows, then it is likely that the woman is pregnant.

In addition, a pregnant woman's chart will record an implantation temperature drop approximately a few days after ovulation. This drop is caused by the attachment of a fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus. fixed low rate only 1-2 days, and then the temperature rises again and reaches marks above 37 degrees.

Is it necessary to measure the basal temperature during the period of a woman carrying a child?

Often, women monitor their rectal temperature readings after sleep in order to calculate the most auspicious days cycle to conceive a baby. After the desired fertilization has been confirmed, expectant mothers stop paying attention to measurements of this kind. After all, the goal has been achieved and there is no more point in doing it. Let's figure out what basal temperature is during pregnancy and whether there is a need to measure it during this period.

In fact, doctors recommend continuing to measure BBT, since this diagnostic method often allows timely detection of hormonal abnormalities during pregnancy. It is worth remembering that any unreasonable decrease in performance is an occasion for an unscheduled visit to the doctor. In this case, it is better to play it safe and do additional tests and surveys.

What should be the basal temperature during pregnancy? Indicators should not be below 37 degrees. Otherwise, a low temperature may indicate a threat of miscarriage, missed abortion, anembryony.

Thus, by measuring BBT, it is possible to suspect violations in the process of pregnancy development even before the onset of symptoms, contact a specialist and receive timely medical care. Often something as simple as taking your temperature after sleeping can help prevent serious complications or even save a life.

Deviations from the norm

In case of deviation of indicators from the established norms, especially if such a situation is observed for several months in a row, the possibility of influencing the results should be assessed. external factors and then see a doctor for additional examination. It is especially important to visit a specialist in a timely manner if there are other complaints, or the woman is pregnant.

When to see a doctor:

  • in the first half of the cycle, the temperature is above 37 degrees;
  • there is no preovulatory drop in performance;
  • in the second half of the monthly cycle, a low basal temperature is recorded;
  • between the phases, the temperature difference is less than 0.3 degrees.

It is important to understand that it is impossible to make a diagnosis based on basal temperature alone.

How to build charts?

For the convenience of interpreting the measurement results and the clarity of the obtained indicators, it is recommended to keep a graph of basal temperature. To do this, you can select a special notepad. It must be drawn in the following columns:

  • basal temperature;
  • cycle day;
  • menstrual flow;
  • additional information.

The Y-axis in such a graph will be the basal temperature (from 35.5 to 37.8), and the X-axis will be the days of the cycle. In the column " menstrual flow» indicates the corresponding days of the cycle. And in " Additional Information» various information is noted that can negatively affect the reliability of the BT measurements, for example, taking medications. An example chart is provided below.

Curve types

In medicine, it is customary to classify the curves obtained as a result of measuring BT on a graph - this simplifies the decoding of indicators and speeds up the process of determining deviations from the norm. There are two types of curves:

We talked about what “basal temperature” is and why it is measured. But it is important to note that this diagnostic method is only additional remedy monitoring of their own health, accessible to every woman. It is by no means possible to make diagnoses on your own, and even more so to engage in self-treatment, based only on the results obtained. If abnormalities are found, consult a doctor for the correct interpretation and evaluation of the results.

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