Omeprazole similar drugs. Omeprazole: analogues and substitutes, modern and without side effects. Composition and form of release


10 reviews


by date

    Renata Ermakova

    Omeprazole in this form, unfortunately, did not fit. Maybe I got on an unscrupulous manufacturer, who knows. I also had to buy a rabelok and start treatment on a new one. but more than 5 months have passed and my GERD is silent so far. I even break my diet a little sometimes and it's okay.


    I encountered many drugs in this life to get rid of heartburn. But so far the only one that fits me perfectly is Rabelok. It acts faster and after a month of taking heartburn, you can not remember for at least half a year.

    the drug is good, it eliminates heartburn for several days, but unfortunately, it does not eliminate the causes. You still need to find and fix the source of the problem. Otherwise, by relying on temporary relief, you can earn more serious problems.

    I like to eat junk food, but after that I constantly have heartburn. To cope with it, I carry Omitox in my purse, an effective remedy. I recommend. I like to eat junk food, but after that I constantly have heartburn. To cope with it, I carry Omitox in my purse, an effective remedy. I recommend.

    As a student, I got hooked on doshiki and other fast food stuff. Earned an ulcer like that. I was treated for a long time and now I have heartburn. The doctor prescribed Omitox. Nice business. Drank, and heartburn does not bother. As a student, I got hooked on doshiki and other fast food stuff. Earned an ulcer like that. I was treated for a long time and now I have heartburn. The doctor prescribed Omitox. Nice business. Drank, and heartburn does not bother.

    I want to support those who have a stomach ulcer. My uncle went through this disease and fortunately made a full recovery. Of course, I had to limit myself and be treated for a long time. I sat on omeprazole preparations - this seems to be the most modern and safe standard of treatment. Specifically - Omitoks. Unpleasant symptoms pass very quickly, but do not be deceived ... I want to support those who have a stomach ulcer. My uncle went through this disease and fortunately made a full recovery. Of course, I had to limit myself and be treated for a long time. I sat on omeprazole preparations - this seems to be the most modern and safe standard of treatment. Specifically - Omitoks. Unpleasant symptoms pass very quickly, but you should not be deceived - you need to continue treatment until complete healing. Has anyone had such an experience?

    I would like someone to give me the same advice that I am writing to you now: man, do not waste money and time on other medicines - take Omitox. I would like someone to give me the same advice that I am writing to you now: man, do not waste money and time on other medicines - take Omitox.

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The medicine is indicated for diagnoses:

  • pancreatic adenoma;
  • different types of ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Release the medicine in tablet form. Tablets have a fairly low cost (from 30 to 60 rubles), so the need to pick up analogues of Omeprazole, as a rule, arises if the patient has contraindications, or the specialist recommends taking a more effective (complex) medication or medication of another form of release.


Analogue Ranitidine belongs to the group of drugs - blockers of histamine receptors (H2) located in the stomach. The action of the drug is designed to reduce the production of hydrochloric acid and prevent the subsequent destruction of the mucous membrane of the organ.

The composition of Ranitidine has the active substance of the same name, as well as additional components in the form of chemical elements.

The indications include:

  • prevention and treatment of diseases of the ulcerative (erosive) type of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • exacerbation of inflammation of the stomach, as well as 12 duodenal ulcer;
  • prevention of bleeding of the upper esophagus;
  • prevention of the passage of gastric juice into the respiratory tract.

Contraindications according to the instructions:

  • intolerance to one or more components contained in the composition;
  • period of pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • childhood.

Ranitidine is sold in pharmacies in the form of tablets with a dosage of 150 or 300 mg. The cost of a medicine, depending on the manufacturer, varies from 16 to 60 rubles. Among inexpensive analogues - Ranitidine is the cheapest.


The drug - Omez, differs from other generics of the original drug in its complex effect. Omez is a universal medicine recommended even for mild forms of stomach pathologies.

The composition of Omez differs in the form of release. Pharmacies sell two types of capsules with different dosages of the active ingredient (omeprazole):

  • white - 10 mg;
  • transparent - 20 mg.

The drug is also sold in the form of a dry suspension for the preparation of an injection solution. As part of a dry product - 40 mg. active substance.

  • ulcerative pathologies of the stomach;
  • reflux of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • subinvestigative erosive inflammation after NSAIDs;
  • Zollinger syndrome;
  • pancreatitis;
  • dispersion.

Omez is contraindicated:

  • when feeding a child with mother's milk;
  • during gestation;
  • under the age of six;
  • when the body reacts to the composition;
  • in case of diagnosing bleeding; perforation or obstruction (mechanical) of the stomach or intestines;
  • with a pituitary tumor.

A wider range of action Omez is reflected in its price. An analogue of Omeprazole costs an average of 230 rubles.


To treat violations of the process of secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, I use modern drugs that contain pantoprazole as an active ingredient. The drug has the same name. Despite the fact that the active substance is different, its effect on the body is similar, so they can replace the original. Indications for taking tablets are similar.

Omeprazole analogues containing pantoprazole are a kind of synonyms for the original medication. A feature of the funds is that they are not contraindicated for lactating and pregnant women.

The price is from 170 to 300 rubles.


Considering imported generics of the original remedy for blocking the increased release of hydrochloric acid, experts recommend paying attention to Nolpaza (Slovenia). The main active ingredient in the composition is pantoprazole at a dosage of 20 or 40 mg.

An analogue of Omeprazole is produced in the form of tablets containing, in addition to the active ingredient:

  • mannitol;
  • calcium stearate;
  • sorbitol;
  • sodium carbonate.

The complex action of the composition is aimed at normalizing the work of gastric secretion to prevent or treat ulcerative erosive diseases and their consequences.

Contraindications include:

  • neurotic dispersion;
  • liver pathology;
  • bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hypovitaminosis.

In pharmacies, if it is necessary to replace Omeprazole, an analogue can be purchased for 150 rubles (20 mg dose) or 240 rubles (40 mg dose).


The newest broad-spectrum gastrointestinal treatment is Emanera, one of the exceptional drugs that can be taken by children and adults, including pregnant women. The drug is developed on the basis of esomeprazole.


  • gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • erosion of the walls of the stomach;
  • bacterial lesion (bacterium Helicobacter pylori);
  • idiopathic hypersecretion;
  • increased secretion of gastric juice.

For children under twelve years of age, the medicine can only be prescribed by a doctor. Generics of omeprazole with esomeprazole are not recommended for diabetes, impaired renal function and allergies to the composition.

The price of the drug is from 250 to 700 rubles


The Russian analogue of the original medicine - Esomeprazole, which contains a substance with a similar ignorance, is the most ideal alternative to Omeprazole in terms of its effect, as well as the price (up to 160 rubles on average).

Esomeprazole is produced in the form of tablets, as well as a lyophilisate used to dilute the injection solution.

Generic is prescribed for indications similar to the original drug, however, it is often used for prophylactic purposes.

Like many analogues, Esomeprazole is contraindicated in children, pregnant, lactating women and with intolerance to the substances that make up the drug. It is also prescribed with caution to people with renal insufficiency.


The most expensive substitute for the original is Pariet. Its cost ranges from 850 to 3600 rubles. The difference in price depends on the dosage of the active substance and the number of tablets in the package.

Pariet was developed by the well-known company Johnson & Johnson. It contains a unique substance - rabeprazole sodium.

The analogue is used to treat the gastrointestinal tract, as well as to eliminate the symptoms of dispersion and gastritis associated with increased production of gastric acid:

  • belching;
  • heartburn;
  • vomiting with bile;
  • pain in the left hypochondrium.

Pariet should not be used in pregnant women, nursing mothers, children under 18 years of age and patients diagnosed with renal insufficiency.


Used for the treatment of erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach, Lansoprazole capsules in pharmacy chains are sold only with a prescription from the attending physician. The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the body's reaction to the main drug substance with the same ignorance - lansoprozole at a dosage of 15 mg or 30 mg.

Lansoprazole can be prescribed by a doctor for the following diagnoses:

  • erosive esophagitis;
  • gastrointestinal ulcers;
  • dispersion (non-ulcerative);
  • the presence of Helicobacter pylori.

In addition to contraindications similar to the previous drugs, Lansoprazole is forbidden to be taken for oncological pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Price from 500 rubles.


Another prescription generic is Losek. Its cost can be from 300 to 400 rubles per pack. Indications include a list of pathologies of the stomach and duodenum associated with high production of acidity in the gastrointestinal tract.

The active substance is similar to the original drug. The release form has several types: capsules, tablets and powder for injection.


  • gestation;
  • feeding the child with breast milk;
  • age under 16;
  • kidney / liver failure.

Losek is able to provoke multiple side effects, so its use is controlled by a doctor.


Rabeprazole capsules are used as a generic of Omeprazole tablets. The composition of the drug contains auxiliary substances of chemical origin, as well as the main component - rabeprazole sodium.

Rabeprazole has contraindications similar to the above medicines. This generic cannot be taken without a doctor's prescription, as it can cause serious side effects.

Cost: 140 - 240 rubles.

When deciding what to replace Omeprazole with, a person hardly thinks about buying cheaper pills for treatment, since this remedy has the lowest cost. However, if due to contraindications or side effects it is required to select analogues of the drug, then you should follow the doctor's recommendations.

The drug "Omeprazole" is a wonderful remedy for problems with the stomach and the digestive system as a whole. Its use not only helps in the fight against various diseases, but also prevents their reappearance. We will talk about this drug in our article.

general characteristics

The drug "Omeprazole", reviews of which will be discussed later, is one of the most modern antisecretory agents that help with peptic ulcer and erosive-inflammatory pathologies of the upper gastrointestinal tract. This medication is able to suppress the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and reduce its activity. A distinctive feature of the drug "Omeprazole" is that it acquires its therapeutic properties only after entering the acidic environment, which is characteristic of the stomach.

The drug "Omeprazole" is able to level the effect of the main "culprit" of peptic ulcer and gastritis - a microorganism called Helicobacter pylori. That is why it is necessarily included in the list of medicines that eliminate the effects of Helicobacter pylori infection in duodenal ulcers and stomach ulcers. The medicine "Omeprazole" not only significantly improves the patient's well-being, but also leads to a decrease in the likelihood of such pathologies in the future.

Dosage form

The drug "Omeprazole" (price, reviews on the use of this medication will be described below) is presented on the pharmaceutical market in different dosage forms. It can be purchased:

  • In enteric capsules containing 10 mg or 20 mg of the main active ingredient - omeprazole. At the same time, they are usually placed in blister packs of seven pieces, and one pack with the drug can contain from one to four such plates. However, some manufacturers prefer to pack the capsules in plastic jars of 30 or 40 pieces.
  • In tablets MACS (pellets), coated and containing 10, 20 or 40 milligrams of the active substance.
  • In powders for infusion solutions, placed in vials of 40 milligrams. Each package of medicine usually contains 5 of these containers.

Those who wish to buy this medicine in pharmacies will be disappointed on their own. The drug "Omeprazole" is released only on prescription.

Indications for use

Reviews of the medication described in this article testify to its high efficiency. It is used to treat a wide variety of gastrointestinal pathologies, such as:

In each case, the patient is assigned a special dosage and treatment regimen. Therefore, it is so important to listen to the doctor's recommendations when taking the medicine "Omeprazole".

Instructions for use

Feedback on the use of this tool is mostly positive. However, its uncontrolled use can adversely affect the work of the digestive tract and lead to serious consequences. Therefore, you must strictly follow the instructions when taking this drug. "Omeprazole" must be drunk before meals or at breakfast. If repeated medication is necessary, then it is usually prescribed in the evening. In this case, the capsules are not recommended to be divided into parts or chewed, but it is prescribed to swallow whole with a small amount of clean water.

If Omeprazole pellets (tablets) are used as a healing agent, then they can be dissolved in acidified water, juice or yogurt. 15-20 milliliters of liquid will be enough. In this case, the diluted drug must be drunk within half an hour.


Usually, in a volume not exceeding 20 milligrams per day, the drug "Omeprazole" is prescribed. Feedback from patients suggests that this dose is sufficient for effective treatment. However, the specialist can adjust it depending on the general condition of the patient and the severity of the pathology. Therapy with the drug "Omeprazole", as a rule, lasts no more than two months, after which a long break is necessary.

For severe diseases, such as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, the minimum dose of the drug is 60 milligrams. In the future, the doctor can increase it to 120 mg / day, used in two doses - in the morning and in the evening. But patients with concomitant liver pathologies should not take Omeprazole more than 20 milligrams per day.

Side effects

Quite rarely, side effects from taking the medicine "Omeprazole" are observed. Patient reviews testify to this. As a rule, unpleasant consequences occur with prolonged or improper use of the drug. Such violations are fraught with numerous symptoms: nausea, bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation. Some patients develop headaches and dizziness. Experts say that after stopping the intake, all side effects disappear on their own.

In addition, the drug "Omeprazole" may cause some more discomfort. Instructions, patient reviews indicate that its excessive use threatens:

The above symptoms indicate that the drug "Omeprazole" should be taken with great care and in no case should it be treated on its own.


Patients call the drug "Omeprazole" very popular and highly effective. Reviews similar to these can be heard not only in Russia, but also in Europe. The fact is that this medicine has many generics, which contain an identical chemical compound in their composition, but differ significantly in price. The most popular analogues allowed in Russia are the following medicines:

  • "Gastrozol";
  • "Bioprazole";
  • "Omephez";
  • "Omez";
  • "Omezol";
  • "Ulzol";
  • "Omeprazole-Richter";
  • "Omeprazole-Acre";
  • "Losek MAPS" (pellets);
  • "Losek";
  • "Gasek";
  • "Omephez".

There are other analogues of the means described by us. True, they are not registered in Russia:

  • "Omeprazole-Astrapharm" (Ukraine);
  • Gasek (Switzerland);
  • "Cerol" (India);
  • "Omeprazole-Darnitsa".


At a very moderate cost, you can buy the medicine "Omeprazole" in pharmacies. Reviews, its price are actively discussed on specialized forums, which indicates the popularity and demand for this tool. The cost of a domestically produced drug is low and quite affordable for every patient. So, capsules "Omeprazole" of 20 mg in the amount of 14 pieces cost customers 15-19 rubles, 28 capsules already cost 25-35 rubles. The maximum price for the Russian "Omeprazole" rarely exceeds 60 rubles per pack.

However, it should be remembered that the cost of drugs varies not only depending on the number of tablets or capsules in the package, but also on the recognition of the manufacturer. For example, for 10 capsules of the Indian analogue of "Omeprazole" - the drug "Omez" - you need to pay 65 rubles, and the Indian "Omez D" in capsules No. 30 is already estimated at 244 rubles. European analogues cost in pharmacies from 300 rubles and more. And for individual drugs, patients will have to pay up to 1,500 rubles per pack, which, as a rule, is enough for a full course of treatment.

International name

Omeprazole (Omeprazole)

Group affiliation

proton pump inhibitor

Dosage form

Capsules, enteric capsules, powder for solution for infusion, coated tablets

pharmachologic effect

Proton pump inhibitor, reduces acid production - inhibits the activity of H + / K + -ATP-ase in the parietal cells of the stomach and thereby blocks the final stage of HCl secretion. The drug is a prodrug and is activated in the acidic environment of the secretory tubules of parietal cells.

Reduces basal and stimulated secretion, regardless of the nature of the stimulus. The antisecretory effect after taking 20 mg occurs within the first hour, maximum after 2 hours. Inhibition of 50% of the maximum secretion lasts 24 hours.

A single dose per day provides a quick and effective inhibition of day and night gastric secretion, reaching its maximum after 4 days of treatment and disappearing by the end of 3-4 days after the end of the dose. In patients with duodenal ulcer, taking 20 mg of omeprazole maintains intragastric pH at 3 for 17 hours.


Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (including prevention of relapse), reflux esophagitis, hypersecretory conditions (Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, stress ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, polyendocrine adenomatosis, systemic mastocytosis); NSAID gastropathy.

Eradication of Helicobacter pylori in infected patients with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer (as part of combination therapy).


Hypersensitivity, childhood, pregnancy, lactation. With caution. Renal and / or liver failure.

Side effects

From the digestive system: diarrhea or constipation, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, flatulence; in rare cases - increased activity of "liver" enzymes, taste disturbances; in some cases - dry mouth, stomatitis, in patients with previous severe liver disease - hepatitis (including jaundice), impaired liver function.

On the part of the hematopoietic organs: in some cases - leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, pancytopenia.

From the nervous system: in patients with severe concomitant somatic diseases - dizziness, headache, agitation, depression, in patients with previous severe liver disease - encephalopathy.

From the musculoskeletal system: in some cases - arthralgia, myasthenia gravis, myalgia.

On the part of the skin: rarely - skin rash and / or itching, in some cases - photosensitivity, erythema multiforme exudative, alopecia.

Allergic reactions: urticaria, angioedema, fever, bronchospasm, interstitial nephritis and anaphylactic shock.

Other: rarely - gynecomastia, malaise, visual disturbances, peripheral edema, increased sweating, the formation of gastric glandular cysts during long-term treatment (a consequence of inhibition of HCl secretion, is benign, reversible).

Application and dosage

Inside, the capsules are usually taken in the morning, the capsules should not be chewed with a small amount of water (just before a meal or during a meal).

With exacerbation of peptic ulcer, reflux esophagitis and NSAID gastropathy - 20 mg 1 time per day. For patients with severe reflux esophagitis, the dose is increased to 40 mg 1 time per day. The course of treatment for duodenal ulcer - 2-3 weeks, if necessary - 4-5 weeks; with gastric ulcer and esophagitis - 4-8 weeks.

Patients resistant to treatment with other antiulcer drugs are prescribed 40 mg / day. The course of treatment for duodenal ulcer - 4 weeks, for gastric ulcer and reflux esophagitis - 8 weeks.

With Zollinger-Ellison syndrome - 60 mg; if necessary, the dose is increased to 80-120 mg / day (in this case, it is prescribed in 2-3 doses).

For the prevention of recurrence of peptic ulcer - 10 mg 1 time per day.

For the eradication of Helicobacter pylori, "triple" therapy is used (for 1 week: omeprazole 20 mg, amoxicillin 1 g, clarithromycin 500 mg - 2 times a day; or omeprazole 20 mg, clarithromycin 250 mg, metronidazole 400 mg - 2 times a day day; either omeprazole 40 mg 1 time per day, amoxicillin 500 mg and metronidazole 400 mg - 3 times a day) or "double" therapy (for 2 weeks: omeprazole 20-40 mg and amoxicillin 750 mg - 2 times a day day or omeprazole 40 mg - 1 time per day and clarithromycin 500 mg - 3 times a day or amoxicillin 0.75-1.5 g - 2 times a day). A special dosing regimen. In case of liver failure, 10-20 mg are prescribed; in case of impaired renal function and in elderly patients, correction of the dosing regimen is not required.

special instructions

Before starting therapy, it is necessary to exclude the presence of a malignant process (especially with a stomach ulcer), because. treatment, by masking symptoms, may delay the correct diagnosis.

Taking it with food does not affect its effectiveness.


May reduce the absorption of ampicillin esters, Fe salts, itraconazole and ketoconazole (omeprazole increases gastric pH).

Being inhibitors of cytochrome P450, it can increase the concentration and reduce the excretion of diazepam, indirect anticoagulants, phenytoin (drugs that are metabolized in the liver through cytochrome CYP2C19), which in some cases may require a reduction in doses of these drugs.

At the same time, long-term use of omeprazole at a dose of 20 mg once a day in combination with caffeine, theophylline, piroxicam, diclofenac, naproxen, metoprolol, propranolol, ethanol, cyclosporine, lidocaine, quinidine and estradiol did not lead to a change in their plasma concentration.

Enhances the inhibitory effect on the hematopoietic system of other drugs.

There was no interaction with concomitantly taken antacids.

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