Pulls the lower abdomen delay in menstruation. Delayed menstruation and pulls the lower abdomen. Possible pathological processes

2 day delay, pulls the lower abdomen, chest hurts - sooner or later every woman will face such signs. For some, this phenomenon is commonplace, someone has a glimmer of hope of becoming a mother, and someone begins to look for a reason for concern. Why is there a delay in menstruation? What does this indicate? Let's talk more about the current women's topic.

Monthly cycle

The menstrual cycle prepares a woman's body for a possible pregnancy.

The first menstruation (menarche) occurs between 12 and 15 years of age. In some cases, it is possible that from ten. There are also late menarche - at 15-17 years. Ends menstrual cycle at 45-50. Respectively, childbearing function woman disappears.

The beginning of the menstrual cycle occurs on the first day. In general, menstruation lasts three to seven days. Periodicity - 28-32 days. During this period, from 50 ml to 150 ml of secretions expire. It is a mistake to assume that only blood is released. Together with it, mucus and pieces of the endometrium are secreted. The initial volume of the menstrual secret is lighter, and in the end it becomes darker.

The cycle of menstruation directly depends on the work of the cerebral cortex, the hypothalamus (intermediate section), the pituitary gland and the uterus. If a woman has a 2 day delay, pulls her lower abdomen, then perhaps the reason lies in one of these systems, in hormonal disorders, changes in the activity of hormones, diseases of the reproductive system or others.

Delay is the norm

The menstrual cycle proceeds purely individually. It all depends on the characteristics of the woman's body and a number of factors. Moreover, these factors affect the duration of the cycle, the volume of secretions and bleeding intervals.

The delay can be 2-3 days, maximum - 7-10 days. Not more. There can be many reasons for the delay. Because the reproductive system women are complex mechanism, changes in it can be provoked by various external factors.

If the cause is not in pathologies internal organs, then the cycle normalizes itself over time. Otherwise, a woman needs to contact a gynecologist for examination and further therapy.

Pulls the lower abdomen: causes, delay

Influence the delay of the menstrual cycle physiological factors. Let's consider them in more detail.

  • Adolescence, lactation. During puberty, girls and nursing mothers do not have periods. This phenomenon is quite common. In adolescent girls, the menstrual cycle has not yet fully formed, and in mothers, hormonal changes occur in the body, as she feeds the baby.
  • Heavy physical activity and a jump in body weight. If a woman loses weight sharply, then menstruation can for a long time linger, or even be absent altogether. A similar process occurs in professional athletes before important competitions. Nature protects the body under pregnancy stress by reducing estrogen production.

  • Psycho-emotional disorder, stress. The menstrual cycle is regulated not only by sex hormones, but also by substances that the hypothalamus secretes (in the cerebral cortex). During stress, the hypothalamus malfunctions in an unusual mode. As a result - a violation of the cycle, the second day of delay, pulls the lower abdomen and hurts the chest.

  • Instrumental Methods diagnosis and treatment. Certain procedures that involve interference with the structure of the genital organs can cause a delay. Among these procedures, hysteroscopy, cauterization of cervical erosion, colposcopy, etc. are distinguished. These include abortion (forced or natural).

  • Oral contraceptive use. Contraceptives have a side effect - a delay and pulls the lower abdomen. This reason for the delay is not dangerous. The cycle will recover on its own. The delay can be caused by abrupt rejection from taking oral contraceptives. The ovaries do not receive synthetic hormones. It will take some time for normal function to recover.

  • Hypothermia.
  • Change of time zones.
  • Overwork.
  • Wrong diet nutrition.
  • Strict diet.
  • Unfavorable ecological environment.

Often, menstruation failure occurs in vegetarians, because certain nutrients are missing from the diet.

Delayed menstruation, pulls the lower abdomen and lower back - such discomfort usually occurs before menstruation. You shouldn't worry. And if a woman feels severe pain different nature in which case you should consult a doctor.


This reason for the delay in menstruation is one of the most common. The duration of the delay is more than four days. During this period, conception takes place.

If the delay was preceded by unprotected intercourse, then you need to buy a pregnancy test. As an alternative - donate blood to the level of hCG. Chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone. Its placenta secretes during pregnancy. Of course, the second method is more efficient and informative, since even the most sensitive and expensive tests can sometimes show a false result.

Drawing pain in the lower abdomen is a sure sign of pregnancy. This usually happens during the implantation of a fertilized egg in the lining of the uterus. The future fetus needs to extract epithelial cells for this. The uterus resists invasion foreign body To her. Consequently, the woman has a delay, pulls the lower abdomen, white discharge or bloody. Such selections can be taken as the beginning of a cycle. However, they are not long lasting. They can last only a couple of hours, maximum - during the day. And then they go away on their own.

Attention should also be paid to additional symptoms pregnancy:

  • nausea (especially in the morning);
  • dizzy;
  • weakness, drowsiness;
  • change in taste preferences;
  • mammary glands and nipple sensitivity increase;
  • irritability;
  • abrupt change of mood.

These signs do not always indicate conception. These symptoms may indicate premenstrual syndrome or gynecological disease. Drawing pain in the lower abdomen is not at all a sign of future motherhood. Sometimes this symptom may indicate not only the fertilization of the egg, but also the threat of abortion.

If the pain is intense in the lower abdomen, accompanied by secretions of dark or scarlet hues, fainting or high temperature, you should immediately consult a gynecologist.

Gynecological diseases

If the lower abdomen is pulled, the lower back hurts, the delay and the pregnancy factor is completely excluded, then the woman needs to urgently consult a gynecologist. Perhaps the reason lies in serious gynecological diseases. Let's take a look at the most common ones.

Inflammation of the reproductive organs

These inflammatory processes include such diseases: colpitis, adnexitis, endometriosis. The main alarming symptom is a pulling pain in the lower abdomen. With time pain change their character, become cutting and stabbing.

If the delay is 2 days and pulls the lower abdomen, the pregnancy test is negative, then there is high probability what is developing inflammatory diseases reproductive organs. It's about about inflammation of the appendages - adnexitis. This disease develops due to reduced immunity. Also a provocateur is the presence intrauterine device, stress, hypothermia. Adnexitis is manifested by such symptoms: sharp severe pain in the lower abdomen, fever.

Infectious diseases

There are a number of dangerous infectious diseases that are sexually transmitted, namely: chlamydia, candidiasis, which can end in gonorrhea. In addition to discomfort in the lower abdomen, STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) have their own symptomatic signs:

  • curdled discharge;
  • their unpleasant smell;
  • discharge is yellowish or greenish shades;
  • severe burning in the area of ​​the labia;
  • pain when urinating.

STDs should not be overlooked.

Polycystic ovaries

This disease provokes a hormonal imbalance or a violation of the production of estrogen and testosterone. It is these signs that cause a delay in menstruation. In addition, women begin to grow hair along male type(on the face, stomach, chest). Obesity is actively developing, greasiness of hair and skin, alopecia appears.


The premenopausal period is marked by a delay in menstruation. This phenomenon occurs when the functionality of the ovaries stops. Usually such a period catches a woman at 40 years old or even earlier. The premenopausal period is expressed by such symptoms: excessive sweating, hot flashes, decreased vaginal secretion, decreased libido. Possible increase or decrease in blood pressure, insomnia and increased fatigue.

If a woman notices a delay in menstruation, then you should make sure that there are no benign and malignancy on the ovaries. Such formations can also provoke pulling pain in the pelvic area and failure of the menstrual cycle.

Gastrointestinal lesions

If the 2nd day of delay, pulls the lower abdomen, lower back hurts, then perhaps lesions of the gastrointestinal tract should be suspected.

Pain can be caused by inflammation of the intestines (colitis). Perhaps it formed adhesions or a hernia, appendicitis. These diseases can delay the onset of menstruation by several days.

When the gastrointestinal tract is affected, a woman is overcome by pain in the abdomen different nature(stabbing, pulling, cutting), bloating, diarrhea or constipation, fever.

Diseases of the urinary tract

If a woman has a delay in menstruation for more than six days, the fact of pregnancy is excluded, then perhaps the reason lies in inflammation urinary tract. We should talk about diseases such as cystitis and pyelonephritis. These are kidney diseases, the appearance of which provokes a lack of progesterone. It is produced by the corpus luteum of the follicle and the adrenal glands. With a lack of this hormone, the menstrual cycle is delayed.

Acute and chronic form cystitis is a permanent infectious focus. Immediately the infection affects the ovaries. As a result, there is a violation of their functionality, directly there are problems in the production of the hormone. Therefore, there is a delay.

Chest pain

2 day delay, pulls the lower abdomen and appears sharp pain in the chest - these signs can be immediately taken by a woman as pregnancy. However, it is necessary to pass a series of tests and consult a gynecologist to confirm your guesses.

Sometimes chest pain can indicate an upcoming period. Their delay and pain in the chest are signs of the development of mastopathy. This disease is characterized by the formation of seals or small knots. Ignore such alarm bells just a health hazard. It is urgent to contact a mammologist. Experienced doctor refer the patient for a series of tests. It is immediately necessary to undergo an ultrasound of the mammary glands. Timely treatment help avoid surgery.

Chest pain may be due to severe loss weight, if the woman complies strict diet or malnourished.

What to do?

If the delay in menstruation is more than four days and there is severe pain in the lower abdomen, then the woman immediately needs to purchase a pregnancy test. This procedure is recommended by doctors to those women who regularly conduct sexual life, since no contraceptive, even the most expensive, can give a 100% guarantee against pregnancy.

If the pregnancy test is negative, then it is urgent to contact a gynecologist. Only a doctor will be able to point out the exact cause of the delay, based on tests and examination.

If the cycle fails, if bloody issues, severe pain in the chest and lower abdomen, you should immediately consult a doctor. Such anxiety symptoms can threaten a woman's life.

Listen to yourself and do not ignore the alarming symptoms.

Smirnova Olga (gynecologist, GSMU, 2010)

The monthly cycle sometimes shifts, so menstruation comes earlier or later than the due date. But the delay in menstruation and white discharge require attention from the woman. This is not only a sign of pregnancy, but also.

Probability of conception

During the first day of delay, white discharge in in large numbers with a dense structure may indicate early pregnancy.

With the help of this mucus (see photo), the body tries to protect the fetus from infections and other negative effects.

is not the only sign of a successful conception. Against the background of increased production of progesterone, other symptoms of fertilization occur:

  • an increase in the mammary glands and their sensitivity;
  • decreased immunity;
  • emotional instability;
  • change in eating habits;
  • increase or decrease in appetite;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • gastrointestinal disorder;
  • may hurt or pull the lower back, lower abdomen;
  • tingling in the uterus.

Even in the absence, a woman who is sexually active needs to determine the presence of pregnancy. It is better to buy two or three tests at once from different manufacturers. After the first procedure, a second check should be carried out after a few days. From the onset of the delay in pregnancy, the level of hCG doubles every 24 hours.

The probability of an erroneous test result

Home pregnancy tests do not guarantee exact result. A false negative one line can be caused by:

  • analysis on evening urine instead of morning;
  • violation of instructions;
  • the minimum content of hCG (early pregnancy);
  • using an expired test.

Therefore, pregnancy cannot be ruled out negative test with a delay in menstruation when there is white discharge and pulls the lower abdomen. To the signs of the beginning of the gestation period under such conditions, you can add drowsiness, increased fatigue.

If a woman used the test correctly, then an erroneous result cannot be already on the fifth or seventh day of the delay. By this time, even the lowest level of chorionic gonadotropin exceeds 25-30 mIU / ml in the urine. In case of any doubt, it is necessary to donate blood for this hormone in the antenatal clinic. Laboratory analysis gives a guarantee of the accuracy of the result and it can be carried out earlier than the time specified in the instructions for the pharmacy test strip.

Age changes and delay

The state of the hormonal background and its stability affect the monthly cycle. AT certain period life, the appearance of a delay or white mucus has its own causes and remedies.

Teenage Change

From the moment of menarche, the balance of hormones in the girl's body is very unstable. That is why the menstrual cycle is not constant.

AT adolescence insufficient production of progesterone may occur. The lack of a hormone does not allow the mucous layer of the uterus to come out in time, therefore menstrual flow may start later.

Sometimes bleeding can linger for a month: in November they were absent, and in December they went on time.

The regularity of the cycle should be finally established in the first or second year after menarche. If the periods do not go for a long time, it is extremely important to show the child to the doctor.

Among the common causes of regulation violations in juniors, it is worth highlighting:

  • bad ecology;
  • nervous breakdowns;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • the influence of drugs.

AT rare cases doctors diagnose the presence of:

  • pathology of the genital organs;
  • disorders in the brain;
  • infection or fungus.

reproductive age

The woman who is in childbearing age, the monthly cycle is 28–32 days. The norm is a slight shift, when menstruation can stand out later than last month. Any other violations must not be ignored. If there is no menstruation, and abundant white discharge is accompanied by the first week of the cycle, it is necessary to take a smear and undergo an ultrasound scan. With the help of the results of examinations, the doctor will be able to determine the source of leucorrhoea and choose a treatment.


The gradual fading of reproductive function cannot but affect the nature of menstruation and the time of their occurrence. This period may last for several years.

A woman begins to notice at first minor changes in the form of protracted or scant bleeding, as well as a slight delay (three to four days).

With the approach of menopause, the mucous layer of the uterus may not come out every month. But you need to make sure that white secretion instead of menstruation in this situation is associated precisely with menopause. In this age female body begins to become more vulnerable to various diseases.

How long can menstruation be absent

Gynecologists allow a delay in menstruation of 2-3 days in the presence of white discharge. But vaginal secret should appear homogeneous, not cause pain or other discomfort in a woman.

It is best to assess your condition based on the duration of the absence of menstruation:

First days. Duration - two or three days. Don't assume right away. serious violation if the fluid from the vagina is clear or whitish and odorless. It should not be accompanied by itching, burning, but the stomach may ache, as with PMS.

4–7 days. When, instead of menstruation, white discharge is characterized whole week cycle, you need to visit a doctor. The reason may be hidden both in a minor failure and in the development of pathology.

10 days. From this moment on, it is impossible to postpone a visit to the gynecological office. Prolonged absence monthly bleeding required complex diagnostics. Timely treatment of violations protects against the development of serious diseases of the reproductive system.

11–13 days. With a delay of two weeks or more, the female body needs help. In most cases, there is no menstruation due to external factors (nutrition, stress). But even without timely elimination non-dangerous reasons often develop into serious violations.

Reasons for the delay in rejected whites

Delayed periods with a negative test result and white discharge may occur due to the following factors:

  1. External (actions of a woman, lifestyle).
  2. Sexual (against the background of diseases).
  3. Hormonal ( oral contraceptives, internal failures).
  4. Not gynecological (disturbances in the work of other organs).

An extensive number of reasons that can provoke whitish discharge against the background of a delay complicates the diagnosis. Therefore, without the help of a doctor, it is impossible to identify the problem.


The vagina may release a whitish fluid with a slight delay when:

  • the presence of stress;
  • following strict diets;
  • antibiotic treatment;
  • taking antidepressants;
  • a sharp change in weight;
  • relocation;
  • hormone treatment;
  • improper intimate hygiene;
  • an allergic reaction to synthetics (underwear) and hygiene products;
  • intoxication (bad habits);
  • the influence of weather conditions;
  • hereditary predisposition.

The return of a normal cycle will depend only on the woman and the desire to improve her health. But if menstruation does not start on the third or fifth day, it is worth visiting the gynecological office. Even insignificant bad influence can lead to the development of serious pathology.


The normal functioning of the pituitary, thyroid, ovaries and adrenal glands provides stable state hormonal background. Various failures, the appearance of white discharge instead of odorless menstruation can occur against the background of:

  • taking contraceptives;
  • hormonal treatment;
  • problems with the endocrine system;
  • approaching menopause;
  • ovarian dysfunction.

It is very difficult to predict how much the menstruation will be delayed. Finding out the cause of the violation is recommended from two specialists at once: a gynecologist and an endocrinologist.


A delay of more than 7 days with a negative test result when the lower abdomen is pulled and white discharge appears may indicate a gynecological pathology.

The duration of the period of absence of menstruation is individual. The delay will be largely influenced by the stage of the disease and the current state of the hormonal balance.

Often whites instead of menstruation occur during such gynecological diseases:

  • cervical erosion;
  • polycystic ovaries;
  • thrush (candidiasis)
  • endometritis;
  • inflammatory process;
  • infectious diseases;
  • benign neoplasms;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • endometriosis.

Not gynecological

Problems with various systems organisms can not only provoke a delay, but also cause whitish discharge instead of menstruation. These diseases are not associated with the genitals:

  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diabetes.
  • thyroid disorders;
  • kidney disease;
  • appendicitis;
  • (cystitis).

What should be done

In case of delay, it is better for a woman to adhere to the following plan of action:

  1. Eliminate stress. Strong experiences can provoke a delay in menstruation both for several days and for a week.
  2. Take a pregnancy test. It is better to postpone the procedure in the morning, using the first urine.
  3. Assess feelings. In the absence of pain, burning, itching, you can postpone a visit to medical institution, but not with a long delay.
  4. Go to the doctor. First you need to be examined by a gynecologist.

Do not expect the delay (five days or more) and white discharge to go away on its own. Violation is not necessarily associated with a serious illness, so you do not need to be afraid of visiting a doctor. Regular gynecological examinations must be present in the life of every woman.

The normal menstrual cycle ranges from 26 to 33 days, provided that the woman is healthy and in good health. reproductive age. Girls who want to get pregnant strictly observe their calendar of "critical days". They perceive the slightest delay in menstruation as. Unfortunately, the absence of menstruation at the right time and pain in the lower abdomen. A delay in menstruation can be caused by many reasons that a woman needs to be aware of.

Delayed menstruation, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen

Late menstruation can be caused by serious pathologies:

  • ectopic pregnancy
  • ovarian cyst
  • possible internal bleeding of the uterus
  • risk of miscarriage

The only reason that is not related to dysfunction of the reproductive and other organs can be considered a psychological delay. A woman wants to have a child so badly that the same changes occur in her body as on early stage pregnancy - menstruation is late, the lower abdomen aches, the chest is poured. The reason is rather psychosomatic, later cycle normalizes.

In addition to serious illnesses, delayed menstruation and pain in the lower abdomen are caused by a number of factors:

  • Stressful situation. permanent residence in nervous tension violates normal exchange substances that cause menstrual disorders. Usually after 7 days, periods caused by stress do not linger;
  • A sharp change in climate and excessive passion for sunbathing. Holidays in hot countries winter period contributes to the delay of menstruation by several days;
  • Cancellation of contraceptives after prolonged use;
  • Sudden weight loss or rapid weight gain;
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (a hormonal disorder that prevents ovulation);
  • Consequences of gynecological procedures (cauterization of erosion);
  • Breastfeeding, postpartum period (restoration of a constant cycle can take up to two years).

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Most probable cause aching pain with a delay in menstruation - the inflammatory process of the female reproductive organs. Regularly repeated delays in menstruation require medical intervention, otherwise there is a risk of loss of reproductive function.

Menstruation can be up to 7 days late, a longer delay, pain, the appearance of atypical discharge signal internal violations organs.

No period but negative test

One of early manifestations Pregnancy is really considered to be minor pain in the pubic area, indicating hormonal changes in the body. But there should not be any doubtful discharge (spotting, bloody, brown).

The test may fail in the following cases:

  • pregnancy has occurred, but the substance in the test is not able to determine the presence of an embryo (it is necessary to check the probable conception no earlier than a month after the alleged sexual contact);
  • poor-quality (defective) test or the instructions for use were not followed;
  • conception did not occur, and the failure of the menstrual cycle is caused by other factors.

A blood test for the hCG hormone helps to accurately determine whether pregnancy has occurred or not. In a woman's body, human chorionic gonadotropin is produced after the egg is successfully fertilized. An analysis for its presence is given on the 12th day after the alleged conception, the day before blood sampling, physical activity is excluded.

If menstruation does not start on day 7, the stomach hurts, and the test result is negative, then the cause must be squeezed in violation of the body.

Doctor Makarova will tell you about the first signs of pregnancy.

Cycle failure after antibiotics

Some women tend to attribute the delay in menstruation to recent admission antibiotics. The menstrual cycle does go astray after a course of certain medications, but the failure is caused by the disease itself. Antibacterials are not able to affect the menstrual cycle.

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The more serious the disease, the more intensively the antibiotic is prescribed, the longer the course of treatment and the greater the dosage. Any disease is stressful for the body, and stress, as you know, negatively affects the constancy of the cycle.

Prophylactic antibiotics in the recovery period after surgery also affects the genital area. Antibiotic therapy is prescribed for hormonal disorders caused by spontaneous abortion or planned abortion. And any hormonal changes can contribute to a delay in regular periods.

Antibiotics affect the functioning of the liver, kidneys, digestive system, but to hormonal metabolism they have no relationship. As a preventive measure, immediately after the end of the course of medication, you can conduct a pregnancy test.

If the cycle fails after antibiotics, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

White discharge with delayed period

Along with a delay in menstruation, a woman may experience white discharge. Sometimes abundant white discharge appears in pregnant women, which indicates the formation of a mucous protective plug from infection.

Notorious stress can also be the culprit of white discharge. Doctors advise in this case to take mild sedatives and rest so that the failure of the cycle does not become permanent.

But, unfortunately, the discharge most often signals infections of the urogenital organs:

  • candidiasis (thrush)
  • oophoritis, salpingitis
  • inflammation of the appendages (adnexitis)

White discharge against the background of the delay appears due to transferred respiratory infections, and also as a result of hormonal imbalance of the thyroid gland of the adrenal glands.

Prolonged absence of menses warning sign. It is advisable to contact a gynecologist to take a smear for microflora, take blood and urine tests, and, if necessary, undergo colposcopy and ultrasound diagnostics.

Sometimes white discharge is not associated with a delay in menstruation, their occurrence is caused by an allergy to underwear, diabetes mellitus, and the use of hormonal contraceptives.

Cycle fluctuations and the occurrence of pain during a delay are affected by great amount factors other than pregnancy. This is the first sexual experience, the approach of menopause, excessive intensity of physical activity and weight lifting.

When there is discomfort in the stomach, and critical days do not come on time, girls think about pregnancy. However, in medicine, there are still many conditions when there is a delay in menstruation and the lower abdomen hurts. To make sure that conception has occurred, you need to check the urine for. If the test is negative and pulls the stomach during a delay, a variety of conditions can be assumed.

The influence of harmful substances

Modern girls are increasingly concerned about the problems associated with the violation of the cycle and delayed menstruation, while there is pain in the lower abdomen.

Doctors are confident that the deterioration of women's health is directly related to changes in the state of the environment. The ecosystem is actively polluted, which cannot but negatively affect the reproductive function of a woman, change the monthly cycle.

Causes from external environmental factors affecting latency:

  • air pollution from exhaust gases;
  • increased levels of radiation;
  • eating nitrates, preservatives, stabilizers, dyes, flavorings;
  • enthusiasm alcoholic drinks, cigarettes, including passive smoking;
  • contaminated tap water.

Influence at reproductive organs occurs through the soil. Industrial enterprises throw away environment harmful chemical substances, heavy metals(lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury), organic compounds. Chemical elements penetrate into groundwater, saturate plants, through milk and meat enter the female body.

It is worth noting that if the menstrual cycle proceeds without violations every month, there is no long delays, there is no pain in the lower abdomen, then we can talk about good health girls. Menstruation without pain, the regularity of the cycle is an indicator of excellent immunity and well-being. Vice versa, permanent delays, abdominal discomfort during menstruation, other undesirable phenomena, require close attention from both the woman and the doctor.

Location of the fetus outside the uterus

If the fetal egg is attached not to the internal cavity of the uterus, where it should be, but in other places, they talk about ectopic pregnancy. The fertilized ovum can be located in the lumen fallopian tube right or left, ovaries, peritoneum. It is impossible to endure pregnancy and give birth to a baby. That is why it is required to contact qualified obstetricians who will raise the question of the operation.

The most common is a tubal pregnancy. The delay in menstruation is combined with the following signs:

  • drawing pain in the lower abdomen, as during menstruation;
  • pain radiates to the lower back and rectum;
  • spotting scanty spotting, this is not menstruation;
  • signs of early toxicosis;
  • breast augmentation, discomfort when probing.

Specialists gynecologists cannot point out the characteristic symptoms when tubal pregnancy. The difficulty in diagnosing is due to the fact that all of the listed signs are accompanied by a standard pregnancy on early dates.

In such a situation, the test is positive, but it can also be negative. When the embryo is located outside the uterus, the concentration of the pregnancy hormone (hCG) is slightly lower, but it is still present.

Define accurate diagnosis helps laparoscopy, which is done not only in diagnostic, but also medicinal purposes. You should not bring your condition when laparoscopic surgery is required. Delaying the process can increase the pain in the lower abdomen, then they become cramping, cutting.

The growth and development of the egg can break the walls of the appendages, the condition is complicated internal bleeding. The state of health gradually worsens, the skin turns pale, sweating appears, pressure drops. The woman needs urgent hospitalization.

Uterine bleeding

Chest discomfort, pulling soreness of the abdomen are harbingers of a dysfunctional uterine bleeding. The situation is accompanied by a delay, while the test is negative.

The reasons for women are very diverse, but most often they suggest hormonal disbalance, which affects the uterine epithelium. The danger of the condition lies in the fact that bleeding does not provoke severe pain, but chronic anemia. In this case, the hormonal background is corrected with drugs.

According to the reviews of many young girls, they are not able to distinguish between standard menstruation and bleeding. Here are the signs by which it is determined:

  • blood secretions increase significantly in volume;
  • blood is not allocated in portions, but flows continuously;
  • there are no blood clots, which must be present during menstruation, since the mucous layer of the uterus is rejected;
  • ends menstruation over dark blood, with bleeding, the discharge is bright red constantly;
  • there is no characteristic smell of menstruation;
  • signs of anemia develop - weakness, problems with attention, loss of interest in food, drowsiness.

What to do? With a delay in menstruation and pain in the lower abdomen, it is necessary to urgently apply to women's consultation. No need to drag out the problem until the moment when you have to call ambulance. The pain may increase, and profuse bleeding needs urgent curettage in a medical institution.

Polycystic ovaries

A delay of several days, pain above the pubis occurs when the metabolism in the ovaries is disturbed. On glands that disrupt reproductive function, change the menstrual cycle.

At the same time, the whole endocrine system. The well-coordinated work of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, ovaries, thyroid gland, hypothalamus is upset, leading to delays and infertility.

In the body of a woman, the following phenomena are observed:

  • the monthly maturation of eggs in the ovaries is disrupted, there are problems with conception;
  • numerous vesicles filled with liquid exudate grow on the surface and inside the glands;
  • menstruation constantly comes with delays, interruptions, sometimes completely stops.
  • produced male hormones in large quantities (androgens).

Polycystic ovaries are explained by several theories. Predisposing factors include inflammation in the genital area, heredity, frequent abortions, childbirth with complications, obesity, uncontrolled diets. Diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex, and thyroid diseases also affect.

With polycystic ovaries, the test sometimes shows a positive reaction. Some women manage to get pregnant, but the disturbed hormonal background contributes to the termination of pregnancy at an early stage.

Threat of spontaneous abortion

With a delay in menstruation, even when a woman does not yet know about pregnancy, often there are drawing pains in the lower abdomen of a cramping form, with bloody discharge. Symptoms suggest that the fetus will not be able to reach a viable state and the pregnancy will end spontaneously at an early stage. It is possible to save further pregnancy at the beginning of an accidental interruption in extremely rare situations.

Among other things, spontaneous abortion includes a missed pregnancy, when the embryo dies without being removed from the uterine cavity, as well as pregnancy without gestational sac(anembryonic).

Causes of early miscarriages:

  • endocrine imbalance - hypothyroidism, progesterone deficiency;
  • autoimmune diseases - rheumatism, lupus erythematosus;
  • deformation of the internal cavity of the uterus - septa, adhesions, polyps, fibroids;
  • bicornuate uterine cavity;
  • inflammation, infections during pregnancy;
  • previous self-abortions and operational interruption.

The probability of miscarriage increases many times with habitual self-abortions, Rhesus conflict, multiple pregnancy, hypertension, physical activity, injuries, smoking. Pregnancy after IVF, the presence of an intrauterine device at the time of fertilization increase the risk of spontaneous abortion.

Slight pain in the lower abdomen and slight delay while sometimes they are not dangerous state . Perhaps the desired conception has occurred or menstruation will begin in the near future. But it happens that a delay in abdominal pain is a sign of very life-threatening conditions. To determine whether a violation of menstruation is a pathology, it is worth going to a gynecologist. Timely therapy will help prevent serious consequences for a woman.

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Is it possible to determine the onset of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation? Are there early signs of pregnancy, even before the delay? After all, many women say that they knew about their pregnancy even before positive result test? Or maybe you have already noticed some changes in your body?

All over the world it is customary to count the beginning of pregnancy from the first day of the last menstruation. And since ovulation occurs on average on the 14th day of the cycle, the first two weeks of pregnancy, in fact, you are not pregnant yet. During this period, an egg begins to form, which can later be fertilized. So the first signs of pregnancy appear 2-3 weeks after fertilization, in fact, already at 4-5 weeks of pregnancy. Simply put, at the 4th week of the cycle, even before the delay in menstruation, the onset of pregnancy may manifest itself with some signs.

If fertilization is successful, the organism future mother begins an active restructuring aimed at successfully bearing and giving birth to a child. These changes cannot occur imperceptibly and asymptomatically, the first minor signs appear, which, even before the delay in menstruation, may indicate the onset of pregnancy. Often they cause some inconvenience for a pregnant woman. But they are worth it! Having passed all these tests, the woman receives a well-deserved reward, a small miracle, her baby!

Even before the delay of menstruation, many women begin to listen to their body, here it hurts in the lower abdomen, they feel sick in the morning or have a headache. Could this be the first sign of pregnancy?

So, what happens in the body of a pregnant woman and what signs can indicate that pregnancy has come, even before the delay in menstruation? So, let's figure it out.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: slight bleeding.

Small spotting about 6-12 days after intercourse can be the first signs of pregnancy. A woman may have the idea that menstruation begins, but somehow unusually and at the wrong time. These secretions indicate that the fertilized egg is implanted in the wall of the uterus. Implantation discharge, as a rule, is not abundant, yellowish-brown in color.

Small spotting may occur after a delay, but in this case, you should be wary and immediately consult a doctor, as they may be a sign of a miscarriage that has begun.

33 early signs of pregnancy before missed period: change basal body temperature.

Women who keep a chart of basal temperature can easily determine the onset of pregnancy. An increase in basal temperature to 37 and above can be one of the first signs of pregnancy, even before the delay. If, in the absence of pregnancy, the basal temperature returns to normal a day or two before menstruation, then when pregnancy occurs, it remains at high values.

Basal body temperature is measured in the rectum, vagina, or mouth. Moreover, the measurement in the rectum is considered the most reliable. It is necessary to measure the basal temperature immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed.

An increase in basal temperature is a consequence of a change in the hormonal background of a woman, there is an increase in the hormone progesterone, which causes an increase in BBT.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: implantation retraction.

Implantation recession on the basal temperature chart is one of the first signs of pregnancy. There is a sinking in the second phase of the cycle for one day, when sharp drop temperature and then increase again. It's a consequence hormonal changes. Progesterone causes an increase in temperature, and with the onset of pregnancy there is a sharp release of estrogen, which causes a sharp drop in temperature.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: sometimes hot, sometimes cold.

“It’s hot, it’s cold” is one of the first signs of pregnancy. This is due to an increase in body temperature in the first weeks of pregnancy. That is why women complain, now of the heat, then of the cold. Sometimes it becomes unbearably hot and you want to open a window in winter, when all the family members are freezing, then it’s impossible to warm up under a warm blanket, it’s freezing and shivering. Also, a consequence of an increase in temperature in a pregnant woman may be reddening of the skin of the face in the evening.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: malaise.

Due to the increase in body temperature in the first weeks of pregnancy, many girls think that they are sick. Since even slight increase body temperature up to 37 is quite noticeable and not all women tolerate it equally well. rises general fatigue, performance and there is a feeling of malaise.

Also at this time, it is not uncommon for pregnant women to have symptoms of a cold, cough, sore throat, runny nose. This is due to the fact that in the first weeks of pregnancy, the general immunity of the woman's body also decreases slightly. These symptoms can be considered the first signs of pregnancy before a missed period.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: breast tenderness.

An increase in breast sensitivity is one of the first signs of pregnancy before a delay. Many women note that the breast increases, swells, and its sensitivity increases. Any touch becomes painful. Sometimes the chest hurts so much that it becomes almost impossible to touch it.

There are also changes on the skin around the nipples, the bumps in these places become more noticeable and liquid is released from the nipples when pressed. This suggests that the body is preparing for such important process, how breast-feeding. This symptom can appear even before the delay of menstruation, in 1-2 weeks of pregnancy.

Conversely, it is not uncommon for the chest to give no symptoms. Women notice that there are no changes in the breasts, whereas usually at this time before menstruation the breasts became painful.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: feel “fullness” in the lower abdomen.

In women during pregnancy, blood flow to the pelvic area is observed, and the uterus begins to grow rapidly. It is with this that the feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen is associated. The feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen can be considered one of the first signs of pregnancy. Women who are expecting a baby feel the uterus already from 1-2 weeks of pregnancy.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: increase or decrease in sexual desire.

Hormonal changes in the body are responsible for sexual attraction women. In the first weeks of pregnancy, it may decrease or, conversely, increase. And if there are none medical contraindications to sexual life, for example, the threat of miscarriage, then you should not deny yourself the joys of sex.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: tingling in the uterus.

Pregnant women always have colitis somewhere. Tingling in the uterus is a faithful companion of pregnancy. This is due to the rapid increase in the volume of the uterus, and in earlier periods, when it is too early to talk about the growth of the uterus, this is due to the fact that the blood flow to the organ area in the small pelvis increases, which causes tingling in the uterus. Tingling, strong or not so much, pain in the lower abdomen, either on the right or on the left, depending on which ovary the egg has matured in, are the first signs of pregnancy before the delay.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: insomnia.

Early signs of pregnancy before missed period include insomnia and restless sleep. Many women note that they want to go to bed earlier and fall asleep very quickly and soundly, but at the same time they wake up early, but they can’t fall asleep again. Or vice versa, in order to fall asleep you have to toss and turn in bed for a long time, and sleep becomes very restless.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: absent-mindedness, drowsiness, fast fatiguability.

Absent-mindedness, drowsiness, forgetfulness, fatigue - these are the companions and one of the first signs of a pregnancy that has begun even before the delay. This is due to the hormonal restructuring of the body - the woman's body prepares for pregnancy and makes the appropriate adjustments. The hormone progesterone is growing intensively and it is he who causes the oppression of the psyche of the pregnant woman. It becomes hard to concentrate on work, you want to sleep, or you just don’t feel like doing anything.

But do not worry, this condition will not last the entire pregnancy! Already at week 10, the production of the hormone estrogen by the placenta will begin, namely, it has an exciting effect on the psyche of a woman, is responsible for a good mood.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: pain in the lower abdomen.

The onset of pregnancy can be confused with the beginning of menstruation. Pain in the lower abdomen, as before menstruation, is one of the first signs of pregnancy. But menstruation does not start either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow ... In this case, you should go to the pharmacy and buy a pregnancy test. Many women complain that the pain in the lower abdomen continues during the entire pregnancy, precisely on the days when menstruation should be.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: back pain.

Pain or backache in the sacrum may indicate a pregnancy. Moreover, the lower back can hurt not only while standing or walking, but also occur during sleep, when it is impossible to find a comfortable position. The lower back hurts both in the supine position and on the side, and goes away when you get out of bed. And vice versa, there may be relief in the supine position, but pain when walking. Pain and backache can accompany a woman throughout pregnancy and are the first signs of pregnancy before a missed period.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: aversion to smells.

Aversion to odors, one of the milder variants of toxicosis. This symptom is one of the first signs of pregnancy even before the delay. There is no vomiting, but some smells that previously did not cause any emotions, such as the smell of boiled meat or some other food, may be disgusting and seem unpleasant. Rejection can be caused not only by the smells of food, but also by perfumes, cosmetics and others.

33 early signs of pregnancy before missed period: changes in taste.

Changing taste preferences clear sign pregnancy and can appear as early as 1-2 weeks after conception, that is, even before the delay. In connection with the hormonal restructuring of the body, the tastes of a woman also change. Those foods that were loved before pregnancy suddenly become tasteless or even disgusting. And vice versa, it can pull to eat something exotic and not familiar, which in ordinary life I didn't want to eat before pregnancy.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a delay in menstruation: toxicosis.

Not infrequently, toxicosis begins from the first week and is the first sign of pregnancy even before the delay in menstruation. It presents with nausea and vomiting. As a rule, moderate toxicosis does not threaten the health of either the woman or the child. It becomes dangerous only if, due to nausea and vomiting, a woman cannot take food and drink, as a result of which dehydration and weight loss begin.

From the first weeks of pregnancy, toxicosis can manifest itself as motion sickness in transport, intolerance to odors, and so on. However, as a rule, by the second trimester, these symptoms cease to torment the pregnant woman and the woman can return to normal nutrition.

Nausea itself can be a symptom of many other diseases, poisoning, and without other signs. clear symptom pregnancy cannot be considered.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: a feeling of discomfort in a sitting position.

The first sign of pregnancy even before the delay is a feeling of discomfort in a sitting position. Pregnant women complain that they can't find a comfortable sitting position. You have to constantly “fidget in your chair” before you manage to somehow more or less comfortably sit down.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: aversion to alcohol or simply rejection of it by the body.

In pregnant women, immediately in the first weeks of pregnancy, even before the delay in menstruation, there may be an aversion to alcohol, up to vomiting. The same applies to tobacco smoke. This is again due to hormonal changes in the body and changes in taste preferences.

Although it may be the other way around, suddenly there is irresistible craving, for example, to beer, which the woman did not drink at all before pregnancy and the taste was disgusting.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: frequent headaches.

Headaches often occur in pregnant women in the first trimester. These symptoms may be more indirect sign pregnancy. It is connected with abrupt change hormone levels in a woman's body. These pains, as a rule, disappear by the end of the first trimester, when the body has already completely rebuilt and prepared for pregnancy, and the level of hormones has leveled off.

33 first signs of pregnancy before missed period: frequent urination.

Frequent urination is not a very pleasant sign of pregnancy and may appear even before a missed period. Often, a pregnant woman can get up 10 times, or even more, during the night for a small need. This is connected again with the growth of female hormones, the restructuring of the body. The work of the kidneys changes temporarily. There is an intense flow of blood to the uterus, it increases in size and presses on bladder pregnant, which leads to an increase in the frequency of urination.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: increased vaginal discharge.

As mentioned earlier, during pregnancy there is a sharp flow of blood to the organs of the small pelvis, in particular to the uterus. This causes an increase vaginal discharge.

An increase in vaginal discharge, in turn, plays protective function- hydrogen ions, contained in large quantities in the vaginal fluid, protect the body of the expectant mother from harmful microorganisms.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: thrush.

But also, you should know that in this environment - the vaginal secret - is created favorable environment for the reproduction of yeast-like fungi candida, which cause the development of thrush. Thrush must be treated, as during childbirth it can increase the number of ruptures, and can also cause infection of the fetus.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: darkening of the skin around the nipples.

As already mentioned, the breast is one of the first to react to the onset of pregnancy and the darkening of the areas around the nipples may be the first sign of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation. However, this sign is rather indirect and without other more obvious signs of pregnancy...may be a symptom of PMS.

33 first signs of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation: irritation of the salivary center.

One of the first signs of pregnancy before a delay is an increase in salivation in women. Sometimes this can lead to sharp decline weight up to several kilograms. For pregnant women, such weight loss is not desirable and not safe. If this saliva is swallowed, it can lead to a change in acidity. gastric juice and as a consequence to problems with digestion.

33 first signs of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation: slight swelling of the hands, feet.

Slight swelling of the arms and legs is one of the first signs of pregnancy. As mentioned above, in the first weeks of pregnancy, i.e. Even before the delay in menstruation, a sharp increase in the hormone progesterone is observed in the woman's body. Progesterone, in turn, causes a delay in the woman's body of salts and excess fluid. Which leads to minor swelling of the hands and feet. If you clench your hand into a fist, it becomes noticeable that they have slightly increased in volume.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: bloating, indigestion.

One of early signs pregnancy, even before the delay in menstruation, an increase in the volume of the abdomen can be considered, when the uterus itself is still quite a bit enlarged. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy there is a slowdown in the bowels, which can lead to bloating and constipation. And also, due to hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman, blood flows to the pelvic organs, which leads to swelling of the intestinal walls.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: low blood pressure, fainting, blackouts.

A decrease in blood pressure is a fairly common sign of pregnancy and can appear even before a missed period. A decrease in pressure can lead to frequent dizziness, headaches, weakness, and sometimes even fainting. Often this happens in hot weather, when a pregnant woman has to stand for a long time or perform some other heavy load. Dizziness and fainting are also possible after hot bath, on an empty stomach.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: increased appetite.

An increase in appetite, one of the most well-known signs of pregnancy, can appear even at an early stage, even before the delay. The woman is suddenly attacked by "gluttony", there is an irrepressible craving for eating any products that were not wanted before, sometimes specific in taste.

33 early signs of pregnancy before a missed period: mood changes.

Frequent mood swings are a companion of pregnancy. Irritability, frequent change mood, tearfulness can manifest itself at an early stage of pregnancy, already in the first week after conception, that is, even before the delay in menstruation. A woman can be cheerful and suddenly start crying for no reason, or vice versa, an attack of bad mood can instantly change laughter and fun.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: feelings of anxiety and fear.

Consequence hormonal adjustment in the body of a pregnant woman there may be a feeling of anxiety and fear that occurs for no reason. As well as nervous excitement or causeless melancholy. These signs of pregnancy can appear as early as 1-2 weeks after conception, even before the delay in menstruation.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: HCG rise.

The growth of the hCG hormone is an objective sign of pregnancy. HCG is responsible for the normal course of pregnancy in a woman and is found only during pregnancy and sometimes with certain diseases. An increase in hCG is noted already in the first weeks of pregnancy, even before the delay in menstruation. You can track the growth of hCG using laboratory tests of urine and blood. A blood test for hCG allows you to detect the growth of hCG at the earliest possible time. You can also determine the growth of hCG using pregnancy tests. It makes sense to determine the level of hCG no earlier than 10-12 days from the intended conception.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: delayed menstruation.

Delayed menstruation is one of the most obvious and known symptoms onset pregnancy. However, a delay in menstruation can also be with a number of certain diseases, as well as the body's reaction to stress, hypothermia or abrupt change time zones, for example when traveling, going on vacation. But if you have an active and regular sex life and you have a delay in menstruation, you need to do a pregnancy test to confirm or refute doubts.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: positive test.

One of the simplest and available ways definition of pregnancy - pregnancy test. It is not expensive, the price starts from 12-15 rubles. It is very easy to use and is sold in almost every pharmacy. When can I do a pregnancy test? In this question, you must follow the instructions for the test. Most tests are designed to be used from the first day of a missed period. But there are more sensitive tests, the manufacturers of which assure that testing is possible at earlier dates, even before the onset of a delay in menstruation. It is advisable to do the test in the morning, while not urinating before the test for at least 6 hours. Then the concentration of hCG in the urine will reach the maximum level and more likely to get accurate results.

It should be noted that a positive test almost always means pregnancy, except exceptional cases when, in some diseases, an increase in hCG in the blood is also observed. However, a negative test does not always indicate the absence of pregnancy. Sometimes there are also cases when the second strip is visible very weakly and not clearly. In these cases, it is necessary to repeat the test after 2 days to confirm or disprove all doubts.

And in conclusion, I would like to say that the first signs of pregnancy before a delay in menstruation are always relative and may be symptoms of prolonged PMS. The most accurate sign of pregnancy is the absence of menstruation. In this case, to obtain an accurate result, you must consult a doctor.

Here is what medicine says about the first signs of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation. And psychologists advise women to relax and not rush in this important matter. Hurry and motherhood are not compatible. Therefore, we need to learn patience now. If the first signs of pregnancy appear before the delay in menstruation, you should wait for the first day of the delay and take a test. If the test is negative, there are no periods, and the first signs of pregnancy persist, you should wait two days and repeat the test. And it makes no sense to buy packs of tests, disappointed when one test after another shows a negative result. Attributing everything to the fact that the tests are not of high quality or you did them early. Such behavior leads to neurosis, which in turn leads to disturbances in hormonal background women and does not contribute to the onset of pregnancy. Tune in a positive way, you will become a mother in any case, not in this cycle, but in another!

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