Ovarian corpus luteum cyst - what you need to know about the pathology. Treatment of a cyst of the corpus luteum of the right and left ovary: symptoms, causes

Failure of the menstrual cycle at least occasionally happens to every woman. The reasons for this are not always frightening. The female reproductive system is sensitive to any changes in the hormonal background, the state of the nervous system, any ailment. Sometimes some hereditary feature of the organism makes itself felt. If there are no unpleasant symptoms, then the woman is in no hurry to go to the doctor. However, a violation of the cycle may indicate the occurrence of neoplasms in the ovaries, such as a corpus luteum cyst. By detecting pathology with the help of a simple examination, complications can be prevented.


What is a corpus luteum cyst

In the ovaries, such benign neoplasms as cysts often occur. Depending on the location and nature, they pose a lesser or greater threat to a woman's health. The least dangerous are the so-called functional cysts, that is, associated with the cyclic functioning of the ovary. Unlike dysfunctional ones (formed on the ovaries, regardless of the processes of the cycle from cells of foreign tissues, such as the endometrium), they can disappear without medication. Functional cysts include the corpus luteum (luteal) and ovarian follicular cysts.

The corpus luteum is a special gland that appears after ovulation (rupture of the follicular membrane after the maturation of the egg). It is colored yellow by lutein, a dye produced by ovarian cells. The yellow gland produces the hormone progesterone, without which the fetus cannot be fixed in the uterus and develop. This gland is formed both in one ovary and in both.

A corpus luteum cyst is a cavity formed by stretched tissue and filled with lymph fluid and blood. The shell of the corpus luteum protrudes. The cyst has the shape of a ball on a thin stalk. After maturation, it has a size of 4-10 cm. It has a dense protective capsule.

Education can occur in girls from the very beginning of puberty and throughout the entire reproductive period, regardless of whether conception occurs after ovulation or not. After 50 years, such anomalies rarely appear.

As a rule, neoplasms consist of one cavity, located in one of the ovaries.

Types of neoplasms in the corpus luteum

A corpus luteum cyst forms on the side of the uterus or behind it. Neoplasms are divided into "right ovarian cyst" and "left ovarian cyst". In the right ovary, pathology is more common, since, due to the anatomical features of its location and blood supply, the maturation of the egg in it occurs more often than in the left.

Asymptomatic, symptomatic and recurrent forms of pathology may occur.

Asymptomatic neoplasms a small size is not removed, they only monitor their condition for several months.

Symptomatic occur once, disturbing the woman with pain.

Recurrent cysts as well as symptomatic, require the use of various methods of treatment.

Video: What is a corpus luteum cyst, is it dangerous during pregnancy

What are the possible complications and consequences

In some cases, corpus luteum cysts go unnoticed. The deviations of the cycle caused by them disappear after 2-3 months, since the neoplasm in the corpus luteum resolves on its own (the maximum period for which this can happen is six months). But this is not always the case. The following complications may occur:

  1. The rupture of the cyst, the ingress of the fluid filling it into the peritoneum. This leads to peritonitis, a life-threatening condition.
  2. Internal bleeding. Violation of the integrity of the neoplasm leads to an outpouring of blood into the ovary, which entails apoplexy (rupture). This requires removal of the ovary.
  3. Fluid suppuration in the cyst, as a result - blood poisoning.
  4. Torsion of the peduncle of the corpus luteum cyst. This leads to impaired blood flow in the ovary, tissue necrosis, which can also cause sepsis.

Comment: Twisting of the cyst leg can occur at the moment of a sharp change in posture, slight physical exertion, during intercourse.

In pregnant women, a neoplasm in the corpus luteum can resolve in the 2nd trimester. In rare cases, it disappears only in the last weeks, performing the function of the corpus luteum, continuing to secrete progesterone. Such an anomaly does not affect the condition of the pregnant woman and the development of the unborn child. The removal operation is performed if the cyst has a diameter of more than 5 cm (to avoid complications).

Causes of the formation of a luteal cyst

Such a pathology occurs when, simultaneously with the follicle membrane during ovulation, a rupture of small vessels occurs, the blood from which enters the corpus luteum and stretches its membrane. The size of the cystic cavity formed in this case depends on the diameter of the ruptured vessel, the coagulability of the woman's blood, and the physical stress to which the body is subjected.

The likelihood of formation of a corpus luteum cyst is increased in athletes, as well as in women who have to lift weights at work or at home, which contributes to the disruption of the movement of lymph and blood through the vessels located in the ovaries.

An important factor that leads to the appearance of such a neoplasm is hormonal imbalance in the body, in particular, a violation of the ratio of hormones produced by the pituitary gland and regulating the course of cycle processes. The use of emergency contraceptive drugs (that is, medical abortion performed immediately after conception) can provoke a hormonal shift. Postinor or escapel are taken as such drugs.

A corpus luteum cyst occurs after a woman has been treated for infertility with drugs that stimulate ovulation and the formation of a corpus luteum (for example, clomiphene). Such drugs are also prescribed before the IVF procedure.

The following factors also lead to hormonal disorders:

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages;
  • a sharp change in body weight with a passion for weight loss diets;
  • metabolic disorders, thyroid disease;
  • early onset of sexual development;
  • abortions;
  • emotional stress;
  • hereditary predisposition.

The formation of a cyst of the corpus luteum is possible only during the course of the processes of the menstrual cycle. Experts believe that an important reason that such pathologies began to be detected more often in modern women is a decrease in their number of pregnancies and childbirth, that is, the onset of a much larger number of menstruation than in previous generations.

In the old days, women had 5-6 or more children. The total number of periods between pregnancies they had was much less than most of today's women who give birth to 1-2 children, and are protected from pregnancy with the help of special drugs. Therefore, the occurrence of menstrual pathologies has become more likely.

Video: Causes of functional formations of the ovary

Symptoms of pathology in the corpus luteum

Most often, the presence of a luteal cyst does not affect the well-being of a woman. Sometimes there are symptoms such as heaviness, fullness in the lower abdomen on the right or left side, depending on the location of the cystic cavity.

The cyst, as part of the corpus luteum, continues to produce progesterone, which leads to a lengthening of the second phase of the cycle, delayed menstruation, an increase in the duration of menstruation due to uneven rejection of the endometrium. Symptoms appear mainly when complications occur. So, when twisting the leg of the cyst, a woman feels a sharp pain in the groin, nausea. Vomiting appears, blood pressure drops, dizziness, temperature may rise. Painful weakness.

Similar symptoms that can cause fainting also occur if a cyst ruptures. Rupture of blood vessels leads to manifestations of symptoms of blood loss: weakness, drowsiness, shock, pressure drop, skin pallor, increased heart rate.

Diagnosis of pathology

A corpus luteum cyst can be detected by palpation during a gynecological examination. It is groped in the form of a dense rounded body on the side or behind the uterus.

With the help of a blood test for the content of the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), the absence or presence of pregnancy, the ectopic location of the fetal egg, are established.

Ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries allows you to clarify the nature of the pathology in the corpus luteum, their presence and location. To determine the rupture of the vessels of the corpus luteum and ovaries, Dopplerography (ultrasound examination of the vessels) is performed.

Laparoscopy is used to select tissues and contents of the corpus luteum cyst to clarify the benign nature of the neoplasm.

Treatment for cystic cavities in the corpus luteum

For small, uncomplicated symptomatic or recurrent cysts, medical treatment is performed. Hormone therapy with oral contraceptives is prescribed to restore the normal production of female sex hormones. For this purpose, anti-inflammatory and painkillers are used, as well as therapeutic baths and vaginal douching to eliminate foci of inflammation.

Physiotherapy methods are used that promote resorption of the corpus luteum cyst: pelotherapy (treatment with mud), laser therapy, electrophoresis, magnetotherapy.

Warning: Prohibited procedures associated with warming the lower abdomen, hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches), bathing in hot water. It is required to avoid physical stress, sexual intercourse. All this contributes to the rupture of the membrane of the cystic cavity in the corpus luteum and the occurrence of complications.

Vitamins, medicines are prescribed to restore the functioning of the stomach, intestines, liver and kidneys. Such treatment is usually carried out within 1-1.5 months. If resorption of the corpus luteum cyst does not occur, then it is surgically removed. Most often, laparoscopic husking of the cyst is performed without affecting the surrounding tissues. After its removal, the ovary is sutured.

If the cysts are very large, bleeding occurs, the tissues of the cyst and the surface of the ovary are affected by necrosis, then a complete removal of the ovary is performed (laparotomic oophorectomy).

In order for the corpus luteum cyst not to occur, it is necessary to avoid the uncontrolled use of contraceptives, remember the effect of any hormonal drugs on the state of the female body, eat rationally, and avoid lifting weights. In order to notice an anomaly at an early stage, to avoid the development of complications, it is necessary to undergo a gynecological examination at least once every six months for a preventive purpose.

If the diagnosis is established accurately and there are no contraindications, after consulting with a doctor, you can use folk remedies to dissolve the cyst. For oral administration, a decoction of walnut partitions is used (4 tablespoons for 3 cups of boiling water). Boil for a quarter of an hour and insist until cool. Take several times a day for half a cup. Burdock juice also helps, which should be drunk 2-3 times a day for 1 month.

Cysts that sometimes form in the ovary can be of a different nature, occur for a number of reasons and require a different approach to their treatment. The cyst of the corpus luteum refers to the functional formations of the tissues of this organ and, unlike other types of cysts, under the condition of an uncomplicated course, it can disappear spontaneously without any therapy.

What is an ovarian corpus luteum cyst

The luteal cyst refers to neoplasms of a functional nature, i.e. to those that are associated with the performance of certain functions by the body, in particular, the organs of the female genital area. Cyclic processes constantly occur in a woman’s body during the fertile (childbearing) period: a follicle, called the Graafian vesicle, matures monthly in the ovary, which eventually bursts and releases an egg ready for fertilization on a traditional “journey”. In place of the bursting follicle, a temporary gland remains, called the corpus luteum because of the color given to it by the lipochromic pigment. The corpus luteum secretes hormones (androgens, progesterone, estradiol) that prepare the lining of the uterus (endometrium) to receive a fertilized egg. When pregnancy occurs, iron continues to function during the first months.

A luteal cyst occurs when, for some reason, the corpus luteum has not undergone regression. In such a case, due to circulatory disorders, an accumulation of fluid of a serous or bloody nature occurs in it. Neoplasms can be quite large in size - most often their size ranges from 6 to 8 cm, moreover, there are cases when they reached 20 cm in diameter. The incidence of this pathology usually does not exceed 3-5%.

Gynecologists differentiate between a pathology that develops during pregnancy and one that is formed on the basis of an atrezated follicle, i.e. one whose development went according to a stray scenario, when the egg did not come out of it, but began to degrade, decreasing in size.

Depending on the localization, the pathology can be either right-sided or left-sided, and based on its structure, it can be a single-cavity or multi-cavity formation, consisting of several chambers that communicate with each other. In most cases, cysts are single-cavity, one-sided and are a capsule filled with reddish-yellow contents.

The corpus luteum cyst is a benign neoplasm and in most cases it resolves successfully without treatment in 2-3 menstrual cycles. In addition, they never degenerate into malignant tumors.

Luteal cyst and pregnancy

In the presence of an uncomplicated luteal cyst of a small size, which a woman may not even be aware of, it is likely to become pregnant, since the second ovary continues to function correctly. If the neoplasm has reached a large size, or its course has become complicated, it is necessary first to achieve its resorption, and then plan the child.

It should be noted that the luteal cyst that developed during pregnancy does not threaten either the woman or the fetus. In most cases, reverse development occurs spontaneously by about the 20th week of pregnancy, when the formed baby place (placenta) completely takes over the synthesis of hormones.

What causes pathology

Gynecologists do not have a common opinion about the causes of the development of the disease. Most of them are inclined to believe that such a scenario failure can be caused by a hormonal imbalance, and the immediate development of a neoplasm can be caused by a disorder in the blood and lymph circulation in the ovary.

Some experts explain the relationship between today's increase in the number of these pathologies and the decrease in the frequency of childbearing by the fact that the more ovulation occurs in the female body, the higher the risk of developing an ovarian cyst.

Factors that increase the risk of developing a neoplasm include the following:

  • taking hormonal drugs that stimulate ovulation, such as Clomiphene;
  • abuse of oral contraceptives;
  • passion for mono-diets;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • artificial termination of pregnancy;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • inflammatory diseases of the ovaries (oophoritis) and appendages in general (adnexitis);
  • increased physical activity, stress;
  • underweight or overweight.

How can neoplasm manifest itself

When not too large, luteal cysts usually do not give any symptoms. These neoplasms can arise and dissolve imperceptibly - women in many cases simply do not suspect that such processes occur in the ovary.

As the size of the neoplasm increases, the patient develops a feeling of fullness and discomfort in the lower abdomen, a feeling of pain during defecation and when pressing on the abdominal wall from the side of the lesion. In addition, the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone, can cause menstrual cycle failure and increased menstruation. In the absence of an inflammatory process in the ovary, the lymph nodes are not enlarged.

With a complicated course of a cyst - torsion of its legs, impaired blood circulation of the ovary, accompanied by rupture of the cystic cavity with subsequent hemorrhage into the abdominal cavity, symptoms of an "acute abdomen" may develop:

  • acute pain in the lower abdomen, and sometimes throughout the abdominal cavity;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • fever;
  • tension of the abdominal wall;
  • stool and gas retention;
  • no signs of intestinal peristalsis;
  • fainting state.

Diagnosis of pathology

When diagnosing a luteal cyst, it is important to differentiate this neoplasm from an endometrioid cyst and malignant tumors. The following methods are commonly used for diagnosis:

  • vaginal-abdominal examination, which allows to determine the approximate size and localization of the cyst - the luteal cyst is usually located on the side or slightly behind the uterus, has a smooth oval shape and is mobile when palpated;
  • Ultrasound - allows you to determine the nature and density of the contents of the tumor, its structure and exact size (the echogenic signs of a luteal cyst are the visualization of parietal inclusions of a small size (0.5-1 cm), the presence of blood clots, high sound conductivity);
  • color dopplerography - allows you to confirm or refute the presence of a circulatory network in a neoplasm and, thus, to differentiate from a malignant tumor;
  • pregnancy test - to determine the presence or absence of pregnancy;
  • laparoscopy - a detailed clarifying study of the abdominal cavity using a fiber optic probe, carried out for the presence of cystic drift, ectopic pregnancy, cysts, malignant tumors;
  • tumor marker CA-125 - in case of suspicion of a malignant process.

In what cases it is necessary to treat a neoplasm

Patients with asymptomatic small cysts are recommended to be observed by a gynecologist for several menstrual cycles, since there is a high probability of spontaneous regression of the formation. If the cyst does not resolve on its own, treatment is indicated.

Medical treatment and physiotherapy

For the treatment of uncomplicated luteal cysts, hormonal therapy is used, for example, Duphaston, which is an analogue of natural progesterone. In addition, the patient may also be prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Ibuprofen, Voltaren, etc., and vitamin therapy.

For successful resorption of the cyst, in some cases, physiotherapeutic methods are used - electrophoresis, magnet, irrigation with anti-inflammatory drugs and herbs.

Physiotherapy with the use of thermal procedures is strictly prohibited. The patient is contraindicated:

  • mud and ozocerite wraps;
  • saunas, steam rooms;
  • hot baths;
  • hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches).

At the time of treatment, a woman should limit sexual intercourse, refrain from physical exertion and sudden movements, so as not to cause torsion of the cyst legs or perforation (rupture) of the neoplasm.


If conservative treatment fails, the doctor recommends surgical removal of the cyst. In the absence of complications, cystectomy is performed by a sparing laparoscopic method. During the operation, the cyst is husked within the healthy tissues of the ovary.

With a complicated course of a cyst - necrotic processes in the tissues of the ovary, perforation of the neoplasm, bleeding, etc. an emergency surgical operation (laparotomy) is indicated, accompanied by the removal of the affected ovary (oophorectomy).

Traditional medicine

Borova uterus, rhodiola, winter-loving

For the most effective treatment of a corpus luteum cyst, plants such as the upland uterus, rhodiola (red brush) and winter love are used. These herbs contain phytoestrogens, flavonoids, coumarins, organic acids, etc., which contribute to the resorption of the formation.

There is a treatment regimen for these herbs, painted according to the periods of the menstrual cycle. For each cycle, it is necessary to prepare an infusion of the desired ingredient daily, for which a teaspoon of grass is steamed with a glass of boiling water, wrapped and allowed to brew for 20-30 minutes, then strain and consume. Raw materials for the preparation of infusions can be bought at any pharmacy.

Treatment should begin immediately after the end of menstruation. During the first week, take 1/3 cup of infusion of the boron uterus three times a day half an hour before meals, or an hour after it, during the second week - an infusion of rhodiola, and in the third week - an infusion of winter love in a similar way. After the menstruation has passed, the treatment can be repeated. For greater effect, vitamin E can be added to the infusions (1 ampoule each).

Burdock juice

Such treatment is best done in the summer, since the juice can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2-4 days. To prepare juice, freshly picked clean (washed and dried) burdock leaves should be ground in a meat grinder and squeezed through several layers of gauze. You need to take the drug according to this scheme:

  • the first 2 days after menstruation - twice a day, a teaspoon half an hour before meals or an hour after it;
  • 3rd and 4th - three times a day for a teaspoon;
  • from the 5th day until the beginning of the next menstruation - three times a day for a tablespoon.

After the end of the month, the course can be repeated.

Plants used to treat luteal cyst (gallery)

Boron uterus contains phytoestrogens Rhodiola is rich in flavonoids and organic acids Winter love helps to normalize blood circulation in the organs of the genital area
Burdock juice helps accelerate the resorption of the luteal cyst

Carrying out treatment with folk remedies, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the cyst with the help of ultrasound.

Prognosis and prevention of the disease

The corpus luteum cyst in most cases has a favorable prognosis, being easily treatable or resolving spontaneously. However, if therapy is still necessary, one should not neglect the advice of a doctor and self-medicate.

Patients who are recommended for surgical removal of the cyst should not be delayed with the operation, since the earlier the intervention is performed, the lower the risk of damage to healthy ovarian tissues and the development of complications that require a large emergency surgical operation, ending with the removal of the organ.

Some concomitant diseases of the female genital area - infectious, inflammatory, can complicate the course of the disease and require additional therapy.

A cured or resolved cyst does not leave any consequences for the woman's body and does not affect either sexual life or the ability to become pregnant.

As measures for the prevention of luteal cysts, you can specify the following:

  • timely diagnosis and treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the female genital area;
  • correction of hormonal imbalances;
  • regular examination by a gynecologist.

Elena Malysheva talks about an ovarian cyst (video)

The corpus luteum cyst is a non-dangerous pathology with a high chance of self-regression. However, the patient should not ignore the presence of such a cyst, since, in some cases, the course of the disease can be seriously complicated if therapeutic measures are not taken in a timely manner.

The ovarian corpus luteum cyst is a capsule filled with fluid or blood. The disease often occurs without symptoms, but sometimes there is discomfort in the groin or lower abdomen, and the menstrual cycle is disturbed. Because of this, the pathology is detected by chance, during preventive examinations or during pregnancy.

A corpus luteum cyst is dangerous with possible complications that require urgent surgery. But sometimes education regresses (disappears) by itself, without intervention from doctors.

The gland that develops monthly in the ovary after the follicle is called the corpus luteum. It produces - the type of hormone necessary for the normal course of pregnancy. The characteristic color is due to the presence of lipochromic pigment.

From the middle of the cycle, the development and growth of the corpus luteum occurs. Its maximum size is 2 cm, while one of the edges comes over the ovary. If fertilization does not occur, then by the end of the luteal phase, the corpus luteum undergoes involution and completely resolves, and the production of progesterone stops. When pregnancy occurs, this gland does not disappear, but increases more and more actively synthesizes the hormone.

In case of malfunctions in the functioning of the reproductive organs, the corpus luteum does not regress, blood circulation is disturbed in it and serous or bloody contents accumulate. A cyst is formed, the size of which can reach up to 8 cm. The disease is diagnosed in approximately 3-6% of women of childbearing age.

Formations in the form of cysts of the corpus luteum can develop during pregnancy or without it. Most often they are a single cavity located on the left or right and filled with a reddish-yellow liquid. Sometimes the disease is eliminated on its own, the cure occurs after a few months, and during pregnancy - from the 16th week, when the placenta is formed.

The reasons

The formation of cysts of the corpus luteum is associated with the individual characteristics of the functioning and structure of the ovaries. The exact causes of the disease remain unknown, but most experts agree that the pathology develops when the balance of hormones produced by the pituitary gland is disturbed. They control the work of the ovaries and affect the blood circulation in them.

Several risk factors for the development of a corpus luteum cyst have been identified:

  • reception, for example, Postinor;
  • the use of drugs that stimulate ovulation, before IVF or to eliminate infertility;
  • unbalanced diet, including diets for weight loss;
  • deficiency or excess of body weight;
  • intense regular physical activity;
  • frequent stress, mental overload;
  • work in hazardous production;
  • infections of the reproductive system and their complications (salpingitis, oophoritis, etc.);
  • and their consequences;
  • early onset of the first menstruation;
  • thyroid disease.

There are several additional theories about the causes of the development of the disease. According to one of them, the tendency to form cysts appears in utero in some girls, before birth. And it is realized under favorable circumstances - puberty, hormonal failure, inflammatory processes.


A corpus luteum cyst may not manifest itself in any way, but sometimes women note the following symptoms:

  • drawing pain in the lower abdomen;
  • discomfort, fullness and some heaviness in the groin, left or right;
  • increased pain during exercise or sexual intercourse;
  • violation of menstruation, most often - a delay in menstruation;
  • an increase in basal temperature compared to the usual for this period.

All these signs appear from the middle to the end of the cycle, that is, in the second phase. They disappear along with the resorption of the cyst.

Corpus luteum cyst and pregnancy

Quite often, a corpus luteum cyst is accidentally discovered during a routine ultrasound during pregnancy. During this period, its presence does not pose a threat either to the child or to the gestation process itself. But the absence of a corpus luteum can cause a lack of hormones, which increases the risk of miscarriage.

In pregnant women, the cyst disappears on its own by the beginning of the second trimester. From the 16th week, the placenta begins to function and takes over the tasks of the corpus luteum, namely the production of hormones.

But if a cyst is found, the expectant mother needs to be more careful: avoid intense physical exertion, sudden movements, including during sexual contact. There is a risk of rupture of the cyst, after which emergency surgery is required. Everyone knows that such procedures during pregnancy are highly undesirable.


Diagnostic procedures for suspected corpus luteum cyst begin in the gynecologist's office. The doctor conducts a clinical survey: collects an anamnesis, writes down complaints, clarifies the symptoms. Then he examines the patient on the gynecological chair. In the presence of a disease, a tight formation is palpated in the lateral or posterior wall of the uterus. Based on the data obtained, an ultrasound is prescribed and.

During the pelvic ultrasound procedure, the corpus luteum cyst is a homogeneous structure. It is round, 4-8 cm in diameter, with clear and even edges, a fine suspension is possible inside. For a more accurate diagnosis, dynamic ultrasound is performed in the first phase of the cycle.

For differentiation with other diseases, color Dopplerography, a study to identify the CA-125 tumor marker, may be prescribed. Procedures are also carried out to exclude pregnancy.

Laparoscopy is necessary when a corpus luteum cyst needs to be differentiated from other neoplasms, as well as when it is detected. The method allows you to see the internal structure of the pelvic organs using a mini-camera inserted into the hole on the abdominal wall.


A corpus luteum cyst is not harmful in itself, but its complications can be dangerous.

These include:

  • Torsion of the pedicle of the ovary. It can be complete (360° or more) or partial (less than 360°). With this complication, the vessels and nerves are squeezed, as a result of which the innervation and nutrition of the ovary are disturbed. There is a complication of sharp and acute, reminiscent of colic, pain. There is also general weakness, lowering blood pressure, dizziness, bouts of nausea and vomiting. In some cases, the temperature may rise, constipation may develop. Most often, this complication occurs when the cyst becomes large in size (more than 5 cm in diameter). An ovarian torsion requires emergency surgery.
  • Rupture of the cyst. Complication is extremely rare. Characterized by sharp piercing pain in the lower abdomen. In addition, nausea, vomiting, weakness, cold sweat, dizziness and pre-syncope may occur. The temperature stays the same. The pain does not subside with a change in position. A ruptured cyst may require urgent surgery if bleeding is diagnosed.
  • Violation of the menstrual cycle. Most often, this complication is manifested by a delay in menstrual bleeding. It occurs due to the predominant influence of progesterone. This hormone lengthens the secretion phase, as a result of which the rejection of the mucosa in the uterine cavity occurs later, that is, menstruation itself begins with a delay. A corpus luteum cyst can increase the absence of menstruation by no more than 2 weeks.
  • Internal bleeding. With this complication, rupture of the corpus luteum cyst leads to bleeding into the peritoneum and / or into the pelvic cavity. Characteristic symptoms: weakness, which, with heavy bleeding, turns into drowsiness, lethargy, a state of shock. Skin turns pale, heart rate increases, blood pressure drops. Depending on the severity of bleeding, medical or surgical treatment may be carried out.


Since the corpus luteum cyst is able to disappear on its own, sometimes the doctor decides not to carry out therapeutic measures, but to observe its changes. In this case, a woman does not need to do anything for 3 months, but it is worth limiting physical activity and avoiding sudden movements. Then an ultrasound is performed, during which it turns out how the size of the cyst has changed: increased, decreased, or remained the same.

If the formation regresses or at least does not increase, then the observation is extended for another 3 months. After this period, another ultrasound is performed, and a decision is made on the need for surgical intervention.

Sometimes, in parallel with monitoring changes in the cyst, the doctor prescribes an appointment. These drugs allow the ovary to recover, making the resorption of the cyst more likely.

An operation to remove a corpus luteum cyst is prescribed after 6-8 months of monitoring its changes. If during this period the formation has not been eliminated on its own, then the probability of self-healing is extremely small. Surgical intervention is also required when complications develop. If severe pain is observed, ovarian torsion is diagnosed, or a cyst has ruptured with large bleeding, then surgery is indispensable.


In order to prevent the development of a corpus luteum cyst, it is necessary to visit the gynecologist's office every six months for a preventive purpose. Timely detection and proper treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes in the reproductive system, elimination of hormonal disorders help reduce the risk of the disease. It is also important to use effective contraceptive methods to avoid abortion procedures.

Preventive measures include the observance of the basics of personal hygiene. Moderate physical activity without sudden movements and a balanced diet will help not only avoid the development of a corpus luteum cyst, but also maintain overall health.

A corpus luteum cyst of the ovary is a formation that can be eliminated on its own. In itself, it often does not affect the health of a woman and does not manifest itself in any way. But in the absence of diagnosis and treatment, the disease can lead to dangerous complications.

For the timely detection of a corpus luteum cyst, it is necessary to undergo preventive examinations by a gynecologist twice a year. Due to the fact that self-healing is possible, it is first necessary to observe changes in the size of this formation. If the cyst becomes smaller, then no intervention is required. With its increase, an operation to remove it is necessary.

Useful video about the corpus luteum cyst

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A corpus luteum cyst is an ailment that every woman of reproductive age can face. In most cases, there are no symptoms, which makes the disease difficult to diagnose at an early stage. If left untreated, it can provoke ovarian rupture, thereby reducing the opportunity to become a mother.

The corpus luteum forms in one of the ovaries in the second phase of each menstrual cycle. Designed to produce the hormone progesterone, thereby helping to maintain pregnancy. Occurs at the site of a ruptured follicle, from which a mature egg came out. If pregnancy does not occur, the corpus luteum involution occurs, and it turns into a white formation, forming a kind of scar.

If the regression did not happen, a cyst forms on the corpus luteum. It is also called luteal or functional.

Cyst of the corpus luteum

A functional corpus luteum cyst can resolve on its own over several menstrual cycles. This condition does not require medical intervention. If growth increases, and the dimensions begin to exceed the allowable 8 cm, treatment will be required.

The process of the onset of the disease is not fully understood. The main factor is the imbalance of the hormonal background of a woman, but other reasons can also provoke the development of pathology.

Why is a corpus luteum cyst formed:

  • uncontrolled intake of hormonal drugs;
  • a history of ectopic pregnancy;
  • regular abortions;
  • imbalance of hormones in the body;
  • chronic diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • heavy physical and mental stress, severe stress;
  • underweight or overweight.

The corpus luteum, which is cystically altered, may also be the result of a genetic predisposition, or individual characteristics of the organism. It occurs regardless of the age category, but the presence of previous problems with the reproductive organs in a woman can aggravate the anamnesis.


The cystic corpus luteum is not so easy to recognize if its dimensions do not exceed the allowable and do not cause pain. Therefore, in most cases, the disease is asymptomatic, goes through all stages of development, including involution, and may disappear without a trace. However, if the cyst of the corpus luteum of the right ovary or the left has grown more than the permissible norm, the symptoms will make themselves felt.

Cyst symptoms:

  • Aching pain on the right or left, depending on the location of the formation;
  • Violation of the menstrual cycle, delays, uncontrolled discharge;
  • Large sizes can put pressure on the bladder, causing a frequent desire to urinate;
  • Discomfort during intercourse.

If the neoplasm does not resolve, it may rupture. It is characterized by severe symptoms and requires emergency surgical intervention.

Signs of a ruptured cyst:

  • There is an acute cramping pain in the place of the left or right ovary;
  • A sharp rise in body temperature without signs of SARS;
  • Vomiting not associated with meals;
  • Arrhythmia, tachycardia;
  • dizziness, fainting;
  • Paleness of the skin;
  • Bleeding not related to the menstrual cycle.

If you have any symptoms of a corpus luteum cyst, treatment should be started as early as possible to avoid complications.


At an early stage of development, it is quite difficult to diagnose. In this case, an ultrasound will help assess the condition of the ovaries. In the presence of a minor neoplasm, the doctor chooses expectant tactics due to the possibility of cysts to resolve on their own.

There are several diagnostic options that help to understand the full clinical picture of the disease. The doctor will select the most suitable for the individual characteristics of the patient.

Diagnostics includes:

  • Transvaginally. Before the procedure, the doctor will advise you to empty your bladder for better visibility of the transducer;
  • Transabdominally. This method of research is carried out on a full bladder, since the liquid transmits ultrasonic rays well.

The cyst of the corpus luteum of the left ovary, as well as the right one, is remarkably visible on ultrasound, even with small sizes. This allows you to control the entire process of the development of the disease. Ultrasound shows not only the size of the neoplasm in the ovary, but also the nature of the cyst.

  1. Laparoscopy. The procedure is a minor operation that allows you to conduct a qualitative examination of the abdominal organs. For the procedure, a 2 cm incision in the lower abdomen is sufficient. Preparation includes:
  • general blood tests, urine, feces;
  • coagulogram (blood test for clotting);
  • donating blood for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis;
  • biochemical analysis;
  • blood test for tumor markers (CA-125);
  • consultation of narrow specialists (cardiologist, endocrinologist, etc.);
  • it is imperative to follow a diet that excludes gas-producing food a few days before the operation.

With a corpus luteum cyst in the left or right ovary, laparoscopy is the most informative method for diagnosing the disease. The procedure can also be used to remove an ovarian cyst.


At the appointment, the doctor will tell you how to treat a corpus luteum cyst, as well as prescribe the appropriate drugs. The tactics of action will be dictated by the stage of development of the neoplasm.

Medical therapy

Preparations for treatment are selected hormonal, as well as to eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

  1. Hormonal pills, contraceptives. Showing drugs containing natural or synthetic estrogen and progesterone.
  2. Painkillers. They are prescribed to eliminate pain and improve the quality of life of the patient.
  3. Anti-inflammatory drugs. Help to fight the symptoms of the disease.

It is important to remember that only a doctor has the right to prescribe hormonal drugs. Self-treatment of the cyst of the yellow body of the right and left ovary is prohibited. It is dangerous to aggravate the situation.

Surgical intervention

With the help of the laparoscopy procedure, the removal of the yellow cyst or the entire ovary (in severe cases) can be performed.

States where intervention is indicated:

  • Ovarian cyst. Removal is indicated in case of its progressive growth over several months. After the operation, in some cases, pregnancy is indicated if the girl has not had children before.
  • Torsion of the legs of the "chocolate" cyst. The condition provokes a violation of blood flow in the fallopian tube, which is fraught with consequences. In this case, the lower abdomen may constantly hurt.
  • Rupture of the neoplasm. With all the contents of the ovarian cyst goes into the ruffled cavity. It threatens to open bleeding and death.

Surgical manipulations are prescribed by a specialist only in extreme cases, when the hormonal effect on the disease does not give any results.

Alternative methods of treatment will also help to reduce the cyst of the corpus luteum, return ovulation and restore a regular menstrual cycle. You can find out the TOP 10 folk remedies for an ovarian cyst.


Physiotherapy is widely used in the postoperative recovery of a woman after surgery on the reproductive organs. They can also be prescribed if the cyst of the corpus luteum hurts.

Physiotherapy helps:

  • normalize the functioning of the hormone of the reproductive system;
  • prevent the recurrence of the disease;
  • prevent the occurrence of adhesions;
  • reduce hCG growth and allow the cyst to dissolve on its own.

The most common procedures are:

  1. Electrophoresis is a method of administering drugs using an electric current.
  2. Magnetotherapy - the impact on the disease with the help of a magnetic field.
  3. Ultrasound - has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves metabolic processes.
  4. Phonophoresis is a type of exposure to ultrasonic waves.
  5. Acupuncture is the effect of acupuncture on specific points in the body.

The effectiveness of the procedures depends on the size of the formed cyst, the quality of the surgical operation and the individual recovery characteristics of the woman.


Preventive measures taken by a woman will help prevent the development of education on the right, left, or both ovaries. What can be done to protect yourself from the problem?

  1. Do not take oral contraceptives and hormonal drugs without consulting a gynecologist.
  2. Avoid abortion.
  3. Do not work in hazardous conditions.
  4. Avoid systematic heavy lifting.
  5. Lead a healthy lifestyle with moderate exercise and a nutritious, balanced diet.
  6. Treat inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs in time.
  7. Regularly (2-3 times a year) to be examined by a gynecologist.

Rarely, the disease is formed due to a genetic predisposition. In most cases, a woman can influence the risk factors and protect herself from the problem. To do this, it is enough to follow all the recommendations of the doctor, as well as carefully monitor your women's health. This will help to avoid the formation of an ovarian cyst in the corpus luteum and save yourself from more serious problems.

Remember! Only the attending physician is able to tell in detail what a yellow cyst of the right or left ovary is, why it can occur and what treatment is needed.

Ovarian corpus luteum cyst: symptoms and treatment

A cyst of the corpus luteum of the ovary is a tumor-like structure that is formed as a result of the origin of natural processes - the maturation and opening of the dominant follicle. In the normal state, the formation is not a pathology, has no pronounced symptoms and passes on its own in several cycles. If the cystic corpus luteum has not resolved, then it must be treated. In case of complications, even surgical intervention may be required, but these cases are rare. It is impossible to say unequivocally how quickly the cyst resolves. The average period of regression (reverse development) is 1-6 months.

  • What is an ovarian corpus luteum cyst
  • The reasons
  • Symptoms
  • Signs on ultrasound
  • How to treat
  • ovarian corpus luteum cyst and menstruation
  • The nature of menstruation and discharge
  • Feel
  • Can an ovarian cyst burst?
  • Symptoms of a ruptured cyst
  • Surgical treatment of complications

What does a corpus luteum cyst mean?

A corpus luteum cyst is a formation that forms at the site of a covulated follicle. The wall content got its name because of the special color. Inside the corpus luteum contains a reddish liquid.

If a tumor has formed, this means that it has taken place. The luteal cyst is a functional neoplasm and is usually asymptomatic. When anxiety appears, a woman is prescribed treatment, which includes hormonal drugs.

Regression of a cyst is a condition in which it gradually decreases and disappears. After ovulation, the corpus luteum functions for 10-14 days. Normally, its dimensions are 15-20 mm. If the volume of the luteal sac is larger, then they speak of cystic formation.

Yellow body cyst: causes

The luteal cyst differs from the endometrioid and dermoid cysts in that it is functional and has other mechanisms of formation. The causes of a large corpus luteum are:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • puberty in an adolescent girl;
  • taking ovulation-stimulating hormonal agents (Klostilbegit, after an hCG injection,);
  • , including medication (after an early abortion);
  • treatment with oral contraceptives, as well as gonadotropin-releasing hormones (after the abolition of Buserelin, Diferelin, Zoladex);
  • infections and acute inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • emotional instability;
  • bad habits;
  • sports;
  • dieting, anorexia or.

The cyst of the corpus luteum has natural causes. This distinguishes it from pathological ovarian tumors, including follicular cysts. A woman's ovaries monthly form a dominant follicle that releases. At this point, the formation of the luteal body occurs. A follicular cyst, on the other hand, is formed due to an overgrown follicle that did not open at the right time. The causes of hemorrhage in the luteal cavity and the formation of a hemorrhagic cystic-altered body can be increased physical activity or rough sexual contact. In this case, the patient needs immediate treatment.

Corpus luteum cyst: symptoms and signs

Often, a cyst of the corpus luteum of the ovary does not cause symptoms in women. Indirectly, a delay in the next menstruation may indicate the formation of a tumor. You can determine the cause of the violation of the cycle with the help of ultrasound. In rare cases, the luteal capsule can be confused with pathological cysts. MRI will help to differentiate the problem in this case.

In practice, a large corpus luteum is discovered incidentally during ultrasound or diagnostic laparoscopy. Sometimes the tumor may be accompanied by such manifestations as:

  • one side;
  • pain when walking;
  • bloating of the lower abdomen;
  • slight increase in body temperature;

These signs can also be a symptom of other pathological processes. Therefore, you should be examined and, if necessary, treated.

Cyst of the corpus luteum: signs on ultrasound

The reference point for the diagnosis of a corpus luteum cyst is an ultrasound of the ovaries. On the basis of ECHO-signs, the diagnosis is confirmed or refuted. During the procedure, the specialist receives a photo of the gonad with parietal formation on the screen. It looks like a small elevation on one side. Also, the luteal body can be bilateral or even located in both ovaries (after double ovulation). Echo signs are signs of a corpus luteum cyst on ultrasound:

  • the neoplasm has a rounded regular shape;
  • its walls are characterized by non-uniform thickness;
  • inside the capsule contains polymorphic tissue;
  • ovarian tissue is determined along the periphery;
  • there are physiological signs of the corpus luteum;
  • conducts sound waves well;
  • there is a large amount of vascular tissue;
  • the size is from 2 to 4 cm.

It is easy enough to confuse a luteal cyst with an endometrioid one. However, the latter usually grows and may be two-chambered. If it has not gone away after menstruation and has not even decreased in volume, the need for removal should be considered. are always dangerous for their consequences, accompanied and treated only by surgery.

Yellow body cyst: treatment

Since in most cases there are no symptoms of a large luteal mass, specific therapy in women is not performed. The tumor resolves on its own after menstruation, gradually decreasing in size. If a woman has complaints, then a corpus luteum cyst requires mandatory treatment. The method of its implementation will depend on how many days the delay is, whether there is a positive pregnancy test and what description of the ultrasound is received.

Often a large luteal body appears during pregnancy. If this happens, then the woman is not prescribed therapy. By the beginning of the second trimester, the body will get rid of it on its own. It is recommended to remain calm and exclude sexual activity in order to prevent apoplexy or the formation of a retention tumor.

If the test is negative and pregnancy is excluded, then the patient is prescribed drug therapy. Before treating a neoplasm, it is necessary to take tests: hormones, tumor markers (CA-125) and find out why a large luteal body appears. In the absence of the effect of drugs, it is recommended to remove the capsule using laparoscopy. If the patient has no complaints, then before treating a luteal or ovarian cyst, doctors choose a wait-and-see position for 3-6 months.

Corpus luteum cyst and delayed menstruation

If a woman has a corpus luteum cyst, then most likely she has a delay in menstruation. For treatment, it is necessary to induce menstruation. For this purpose, preparations containing progesterone are used: Utrozhestan, Dufaston, Prajisan and others. How the corpus luteum cyst resolves during menstruation is monitored by ultrasound.

If a neoplasm occurs monthly, then it is recommended to conduct hormonal therapy with oral contraceptives or use Norkolut. Conception in this case will be impossible, but menstruation will become regular and painless. After the drug is discontinued, pregnancy will occur fairly quickly. To increase the likelihood of conception, it is recommended to track favorable days: observe the nature of the discharge, and also use vitamins.

The nature of menstruation

Menstruation with a corpus luteum cyst may come later than expected and be unusual. In the process of bleeding, a large volume of the endometrium comes out in the form of mucous clots. In the early days, the stomach may hurt. Scanty discharge should alert the woman and force her to see a doctor. Menstrual bleeding against the background of a corpus luteum cyst can be protracted and last up to 7 days. If it does not go away after a week, and its rate does not decrease in the first 4 days, hemorrhage should be excluded.


If you are concerned about the pain in the cyst of the corpus luteum, how to treat - the gynecologist will tell. Symptomatic painkillers are usually prescribed: Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Nimesulide. If the cyst gives a temperature, then they will also be effective. The elimination of pain with folk remedies is performed by applying a heating pad. However, this method is not allowed for all women and has contraindications.

Treatment of a corpus luteum cyst with Duphaston is very popular. This drug is prescribed to patients to induce menstruation. The drug produces progesterone, as a result of which it creates the illusion of the second phase of the cycle for the ovaries and uterus. After its cancellation, menstrual bleeding begins within a few days, and the cyst, as a rule, gradually regresses. Treatment with Duphaston is carried out for 1-2 weeks, the drug must be taken daily. The dosage is determined individually for each patient. Do not be afraid to gain weight from Duphaston. The dosage of the drug is too small, and the period of its use is short.

Can a corpus luteum cyst burst?

If the cyst of the corpus luteum bursts, the signs of rupture will have a vivid manifestation. Apoplexy is the first thing that a tumor is dangerous for. This condition is accompanied by bleeding and can be fatal. The causes of this condition are intense physical activity and sex. There are cases when, with a large luteal body, even yoga was forbidden, since there was a high risk of rupture.

Rupture of the cyst of the corpus luteum of the ovary

The rupture of the corpus luteum cyst is manifested by symptoms:

  • acute constant;
  • weakness by the type of fainting;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • bluing of the umbilical region on the abdomen.

If there are signs that the cyst has burst, the patient needs immediate medical attention. Treatment of this complication is exclusively surgical. It is unacceptable to try to cure a cyst rupture on an outpatient basis or use folk remedies.

Rupture treatment

If intra-abdominal bleeding or hemorrhage into the cyst is confirmed, then surgery is necessary. In most cases, laparoscopy is performed, which involves reduction of the cyst capsule. The manipulation is performed under anesthesia and does not take much time. The removed segments are necessarily sent for histology. The faster the operation is performed, the more likely it is to save the ovary.

After treatment, it is important to determine why the cyst is forming. If the cause is a hormonal failure or an inflammatory process, it is necessary to undergo an additional examination and eliminate the cause. To prevent the formation of an adhesive process, Longidaza is prescribed, and antibacterial therapy is also carried out. You can return to your usual lifestyle after the operation in 2-4 weeks.

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