What is the childbearing age of a woman. Late reproductive age. When can you give birth

Theoretically, a woman can give birth at any time from the beginning of the menstrual cycle until the onset of menopause. Recently, there has been a tendency among women in a number of developed countries to delay childbearing until a career has been made, a house has been bought, etc. Increasingly, first births occur when the mother's age approaches 35-40 years (and often more).

However, the most optimal age for the first birth is the period from 20 to 27 years. At this age, the woman's body is fully formed, ready for bearing the fetus and childbirth. In addition, the expectant mother has reached psychological and social maturity and can take responsibility for her child.

Pregnancy in early age less desirable, since the risk of complications is high, up to a miscarriage. In addition, it shows that in young women in labor, babies often have less weight and develop more slowly compared to their peers who were born to more mature ones.

In addition, a too young mother is often psychologically unprepared for permanent care for the child and does not have the means to provide him with everything necessary without outside help.

Late pregnancy also has its negative sides. After 35 years, the reproductive function begins to gradually fade away. And the risk of having a handicapped child with genetic abnormalities, for example, with Down syndrome, on the contrary, increases dramatically.

If the risk of having a child with Down syndrome in a woman at the age of 20 does not exceed 1:1000, for a woman in labor at the age of 40 it is already an order of magnitude higher - about 1:100.

Therefore, if a woman plans to turn 35, she and her partner should definitely get a genetic consultation.

What is the optimal reproductive age for a man?

In order for a man to fertilize a woman, a high quality (viability, density, mobility) of his germ cells - spermatozoa is necessary. In most healthy individuals, the production of spermatozoa that fully meet these requirements occurs between 20 and 35 years of age. After 35 years, the number of mobile viable spermatozoa begins to noticeably decrease, and, accordingly, the probability of fertilization decreases. Although there are many cases when men became fathers at a very respectable age.

The number of women under 34 who have difficulty conceiving or bearing a child, in last years doubled. Therefore, it has become fashionable to plan motherhood in advance, five or even ten years in advance. Why take the risk? Moreover, there are a lot of centers and specialists who will determine how fertile you are (that is, you are able to conceive and endure), and help extend your fertile period - for this you no longer need to go abroad, as before.

1. Take an ovulation test
Age is the main factor affecting fertility. The optimal conception period for most women is between 23 and 31 years of age. Then fertility begins to fall by about 3% annually, and 10 years before the onset of menopause, it becomes problematic to conceive naturally. It is impossible to calculate the onset of time X, but you need to focus on the number 41 (for Russian women, menopause begins on average at 51 years old), and already at 35 years old, take ovulation under control. You can check whether your body produces an egg in each cycle, you can do it yourself - by buying in a pharmacy home test for ovulation (Frautest, Ovuplan, ClearBlue or any other brand). You need to test 3-4 months in a row for 5 days in the middle of the cycle. A negative result is a reason for a visit to the doctor and further research.

2. Freeze the egg
Cryopreservation of an egg is still a rare service (storage costs about 17,000 rubles a year), but after 12 years - the shelf life of a frozen egg - everything will pay off. If you decide, contact the clinic where they do IVF. For starters, you have to submit standard analyzes for infections and to be examined by a gynecologist. The next stage is a two-week course of injections of follicle-stimulating hormones, which begin to be done on the second day of the cycle. Thus, your body will be forced to produce a record dozen at a time instead of one or two eggs. Not to take from you more money. Just after defrosting, only three or four will be working. When the material matures, it will be removed (the procedure is done under general anesthesia) and preserved for a year to begin with. The contract with the clinic where the eggs are stored must be renewed annually and done just in time - for the sake of the safety of future children.

3. Get your weight in order
Waist is needed not only to attract a quality father-producer. Lack, as well as excess, of fat in the body can cause hormonal imbalance. As a result, too large or too skinny girls the production of eggs by the ovaries is disrupted. Fortunately, not permanently, but only until the weight returns to normal. For its (norm) definition, the Belgian sociologist and statistician Adolf Quetelet came up with BMI - body mass index. To calculate it, you need to divide your mass (in kilograms) by the square of your height (in meters). It is believed that the BMI of a potential mother should fluctuate between 20 and  25 units. Going beyond these limits is already a risk. Recently, a study was conducted in the Netherlands, which showed that for every unit above 29, fertility drops by 4%.

4. Quit big sport
Physical activity is helpful. Within reasonable limits. American doctors set norms for women who are about to conceive  to run no more than 10-12 km a week and work out in the gym no more than one hour a day. Because if you ride an exercise bike too hard, your menstrual cycle can go astray or ovulation can stop. This is mainly due to the loss of adipose tissue - which is what we usually strive for. However, fat is also a source and storage of female sex hormones - estrogen. Therefore, in case of failures in the cycle, you must immediately stop training.

5. Don't drink coffee and stop smoking
Everyone who smokes knows that it is harmful. But the fact that the chemicals that accumulate in the body of a smoker disrupt the level of estradiol - the main estrogen steroid hormone, few know. To delay the onset of menopause and increase fertility by 30%, you just need to stop smoking. By the way, your feat will reduce the risk of miscarriage in the event of pregnancy. Coffee (as well as products containing caffeine) can not be quit for good. Just reduce the dose to one cup a day.

6. Change your diet
Recently, The Fertility Diet was published in the USA. It contains interesting data. For example, that sweets, potatoes, white bread and other foods rich in " fast carbohydrates" interferes with ovulation, and " slow carbohydrates» and products with high content iron - on the contrary, help to conceive. Also, for those who sooner or later plan to become a mother, it is recommended to eat more dairy products - with the highest possible fat content. This will level up female hormones estrogen. As for vitamins, Special attention pay attention to folic acid(vitamin B6) - it increases the chances of conceiving. When planning a pregnancy, it is advisable to start taking folic acid and vitamin C (in the first phase of the cycle) and vitamins A and E (in the second) about six months in advance.

7. Pick up a contraceptive
Taking oral hormonal contraceptives does not harm fertility. On the contrary, when the tablets are chosen correctly, you can adjust hormonal background. What you need - to reduce the level of androgens or increase the level of estrogen - will show a blood test for hormones. It will have to be taken twice - in both phases of the cycle. After that, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate oral contraceptive or, if there are contraindications, he will advise against taking them.

8. Make an ultrasound
Watch your health. Some female diseases make themselves felt by pains in the lower abdomen and in the lower back, menstrual irregularities. Others, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or endometriosis, are good at camouflage. Or even asymptomatically lurk in the body, slowly destroying reproductive health. But if you visit a gynecologist every six months and do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, any disease can be caught at an early stage.

9. Don't have an abortion
Abortion itself is not dangerous and does not make it impossible to give birth healthy child in future. Dangerous complications after it. This is, first of all, a serious hormonal breakdown - regardless of whether it is a medical or mechanical abortion. In the second case, there is a high probability of injury, which can provoke endometritis - inflammation of the uterine mucosa. Long to recover or use reliable contraceptives? The choice is obvious.

10. Take care of a man
Theoretically, he can become a father even after 70 years, but in half of the cases it is not possible to conceive a child precisely through his fault - due to a decrease in the number of motile spermatozoa. To prevent this from happening, it is enough for him to perform two simple rules- do not pinch or heat the scrotum area. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to persuade a man to abandon the car and change sedentary work in the office for healthy heavy physical work. But he can stop keeping the laptop on his lap for a long time, sleeping in hot tub and in the sauna, wear tight underpants and ride a bicycle with an uncomfortable seat. And by the way, some people could have sex more often - 2-3 times a week. In order to improve the quality of sperm.

Everything is in the head!

The scientific director of the Institute of Perinatal and Reproductive Psychology, Professor Galina Filippova, explained why problems with conception are often associated with mental health and what to do with it.

How does the brain affect our ability to get pregnant?

Believe it or not, he plays a key role! You must really want a child. I mean that the motivation must be so strong that your desire to give birth must be accepted by you inside. Many women are surprised: I really want to become a mother, I consciously want to! But they do not understand that inside they may have a strong unconscious resistance. In the left hemisphere, all mammals have a part of the brain called the "dominant motherhood", it is responsible for organizing our behavior associated with the birth of children. And in the right hemisphere there is another important center - it is called the "dominant of anxiety." If for some reason he is in an excited state, then he can suppress the “dominant motherhood” and, accordingly, the ability to conceive. That is, your own brain - without your NATO knowledge - sends signals to the body: not pregnant, it's dangerous now! If this happens for a long time, functional changes may begin during internal organs- ovulation stops hormonal balance etc.

In what cases is the "dominant anxiety" activated?
The cause can be any unresolved issue that you are responding to. Your social environment is of great importance. For example, if you have a tense relationship with your mother-in-law, your own mother or husband, or you are afraid (even subconsciously) that the birth of a child will limit your personal freedom, then the dominant anxiety will be constantly aroused and it will be difficult for you to get pregnant. In my practice, there are often couples who have scandals just during the period of ovulation - like clockwork! - and they, accordingly, these days avoid intimacy. Perhaps they unconsciously experience anxiety, do not want a child, although they themselves deny it. By the way, men also have a dominant anxiety - it can suppress the activity of sperm with the same success as the function of the ovaries in women. I had a patient to whom my mother used to say all the time in childhood: “I had 20 abortions before you, but left you, you moron, so that now you ruin my life!” Unego, accordingly, stood a "block" for the birth of his own children.

But there are women who “fly from the wind” ...
They do not have a subconscious fear of having children or, for example, that hyper-responsibility that is characteristic of many successful modern women having difficulty conceiving. Those who get pregnant "from the wind", for one reason or another, are not afraid that the child will prevent them from living.

How to remove these blocks?
Often, pregnancy occurs when we simply let go of the problem, stop stressing ourselves and stressing our partner. Many women diagnosed with infertility decide to adopt a child and then unexpectedly become pregnant themselves - sometimes already at the adoption stage. This happens because they either stop experiencing stress - torturing themselves and their husbands in order to conceive at all costs - or they simply internally take a parental position. And then everything works out! In general, it is important for a woman to realize her fears and find out: the child will help or hinder her. Many fear that the latter will happen, without good reason.

How do you help women?
With each individual we study family history- in particular, what image of the mother a woman carries in herself (as a rule, it is copied from her own mother, and if it is negative, this can also prevent her from getting pregnant), but usually we go deeper and look at least 3-4 generations family scenarios. Of course, we also analyze your current life situation - at work, with your man, parents, etc. As a result, we find out your “subconscious plan” - after all, most often you yourself know perfectly well when you can “allow” yourself to become pregnant. As a result, we develop your personal "plan of motherhood".

Issue price

At the Southern California Reproduction Center, one cycle of egg freezing costs $7,000, but most people do several cycles and then they give a discount. In Russia, it costs from 150,000 rubles plus storage - from 8,000 to 18,000 rubles a year. In Moscow, eggs can be frozen in the Perinatal medical center, Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology. V. I. Kulakov and at the European Medical Center. There is a way out even if your man's sperm or your own eggs are not suitable for some reason - in the same centers you will be prompted by the contacts of donor material banks.


Ilona (36 years old):"I got pregnant by a stranger"
Two months ago I had a daughter from a man whose name I didn't even know. Prior to this, my husband and I had been unsuccessfully trying to conceive for five years. To be honest, of the two of us, I wanted more children. The wife was fine with it. We had common interests, mutual friends, at first - good sex. True, he liked the oral story better, but for my sake he performed his marital duty once a week as it should be. However, over time, the bed of pleasure turned into hard work. The husband frequented striptease clubs, from where he returned, to put it mildly, drunk. Or he pretended to be asleep and deliberately snored loudly. At the same time, I did not want to go to the doctor, arguing that I was barren and there was no need to try. But I've been to many doctors and they said the problem wasn't with me. Once at a colleague's birthday party in the bathroom, I had sex with a friend of a friend. As they say, quickly. There was no great pleasure. But two weeks later, the test showed that I was pregnant. While I was deciding how to tell my husband about this, a colleague told the guy from the bathroom everything. That person found me, we started dating. I left my husband without much regret.

Maria (45 years):“Without pills it would be easier”
When I got a boyfriend (I was 16), I went to women's consultation to write me birth control pills. Naturally, secretly from the parents. Soon I became very fat. I had to tell everything to my mother, who poured me on the first number. But there was nothing to fix. I have remained fat. Worse another. I couldn't get pregnant. Treatment for infertility did not work. The first three years after the wedding, my husband and I were terribly worried about this. Then they reconciled. For 15 years they got used to living together, got dogs and even seemed to calm down. And four years ago I got pregnant. It turned out by chance. My stomach ached, we went to the district clinic and found out that I was in my fifth month. All this time I had menstruation, there was no toxicosis, and indeed no deviations from the norm. Moreover, I smoked and did not deny myself other joys of life. Luckily, it didn't affect my daughter. A year ago, when I turned 44, I also gave birth to a son - also naturally. I think I'll stop there for now.

It is important for women to stay young and beautiful as long as possible. During the period career development absolutely not up to family and children.

But after 30, the girls catch on and rush to conceive a baby. Read what is reproductive age women and how to prolong it.

What does the reproductive age of a woman and a man mean and when does it occur?

The reproductive age of a woman is the ability of the body to endure and give birth to healthy offspring. The first eggs mature by the age of 14.

In some girls, the first menstruation may come later or earlier. It depends on many factors: heredity, environmental situation and nationality.

However, at such a young age, if a girl can bear a child, then she may have problems with delivery.

The body, which will become an ideal container for a strong seed, will be formed at the age of 17-18.

Important! The first menstruation in a girl is called menarche.

The ideal age for conception, bearing and birth of a baby is considered to be between 18 and 35 years. After thirty, a woman's fertility weakens, the chances of becoming pregnant become less and less.

With medical support, it is possible to conceive a baby and give birth to a healthy heir even at the age of 40, but natural extinction, as a rule, occurs at the age of 50.

For men, the situation is different. The boy matures during the period of sexual desire. A guy is able to conceive a child even at the age of 15. However, out of psychological caution, it is better to postpone the creation of a family for several years.

Important! The ideal age for a man to conceive a child is between 28 and 35 years.

However, on the eve of his thirtieth birthday, the guy's sperm may give way.

Because of the conduct unhealthy image life, bad ecological situation and nervous strain the activity and quality of the seed can be significantly reduced.

Due to the decrease in erection, it will be problematic for a man to conceive a child in old age.

However, sperm motility persists up to 70 years. In medicine, there have been cases when men fertilized women even after 90 years.

Extension of the function for conception by folk remedies

Traditional medicine will help prolong the youth of the female body.

By leading a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and moderate physical activity, you can save the ability to conceive for a few more years.

Try simple recipes described in the table:

It is impossible to prevent menopause, but it is possible to alleviate its course. To prolong female fertility, use all of the above methods from the age of 40 years.

Pay attention to the hereditary factor, when menopause began in women in the family on the maternal side.

Important! Before use, consult your doctor. In some cases, there may be allergic reactions due to individual intolerance to the components.

What is the difference between reproductive age and biological age?

The biological age is not indicated in the personal document. When the passport says 45 years old, in fact, according to the results of tests and the state of health, a woman can be only 35.

To know exact number small tests for well-being and diagnostics of a doctor will help.

Important! The reproductive age usually lasts up to 45 years, and the biological can extend this figure to 50.

The main difference is that the reproductive age is the period from 18 to 45 years, and the biological age is from birth to death.

It is difficult to say the exact figure to which the state of the body corresponds, it will help to determine more precisely analyzes and ultrasound studies.

Advice! Also on the Internet you can find simple online tests biological age.

How else can you stop the fading

A woman can help her body without the help of folk recipes.

If a person cannot influence the ecological state of the planet in an instant, then it is worth knowing a few rules. The main thing is to maintain overall health as long as possible.

To do this, when choosing a place of residence, give preference to coastal areas or forests, where factories and chemical enterprises are far away.

Also keep in mind that in the city a person breathes more and more exhaust gases and dust.

Prolong a woman's ability to conceive with the following tips:

  • Give up bad habits. Quit smoking, do not abuse alcoholic beverages.
  • Eat right. Your diet should contain a maximum of fruits and vegetables, a minimum of smoked meats, pickles and sausages.
  • Choice of sexual partner. With promiscuity, you can get a whole bunch sexually transmitted diseases as a gift.
  • Rest. Correct Mode work and rest has not been canceled. Do not sit at the computer for a long time, try to spend more time on fresh air.
  • Herbal support. Physicians may suggest homeopathic remedies support.

    Such drugs do not contain synthetic hormones, they are made on the basis of bee royal jelly or pollen.

Important! Previously developed treatment regimens hormonal contraceptives to stop aging.

However, such drugs have too many side effects and are poorly accepted in old age.
In the hands of a woman her youth.

From right image life and a harmonious state of mind depends on the future and the possibility of conception after 40 years. Take care of your health.

Useful video

Infertility in women


- the inability of persons who have reached childbearing age to reproduce offspring due to a violation of fertilization or implantation of a fertilized egg. Marriage is considered fruitless if a woman's pregnancy does not occur within a year of regular sexual intercourse (sexual intercourse at least once a week) without the use of contraceptives and methods.

The percentage of infertile couples reaches 15. The cause of an infertile marriage may be a violation in the reproductive system of one or both spouses. The diagnosis of infertility in a woman can be established only after the exclusion of infertility in a man and with positive samples confirming the compatibility of sperm and cervical mucus.

Infertility in women is divided into:

  • primary and secondary (respectively, in the absence or presence of pregnancy in history);
  • relative (the possibility of pregnancy is not excluded);
  • absolute (pregnancy is impossible due to the absence of the uterus, ovaries or fallopian tubes for various reasons).

Causes of infertility in women

The cause of infertility can be:

  • lack of ovulation;
  • insufficiency of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle.

The chronic absence of ovulation may be the result of a violation of the rhythm of the release of luliberin and gonadotropins, which develops after neuroinfection, intoxication, emotional stress, trauma, childbirth, etc.

Chronic lack of ovulation is a symptom of many endocrine diseases. Manifestations of chronic lack of ovulation, in addition to infertility, are menstrual disorders - dysfunctional uterine bleeding, oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea. Other causes of infertility may include:

  • adhesive process in the small pelvis;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • external endometriosis, etc.

A decrease in the production of progesterone can lead to infertility due to a decrease in peristalsis of the fallopian tubes in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, defective secretory transformation of the endometrium and impaired implantation of a fertilized egg.

Functional pathology of the fallopian tubes can lead to infertility - a violation of their contractile activity due to inflammatory processes in the pelvis, incl. in the uterine appendages, violations of the hormonal function of the ovaries and changes in the ratio of estrogen and progesterone in the body. common cause infertility is an organic pathology of the fallopian tubes, including obstruction, adhesions, torsion, as well as the condition after surgery on the fallopian tubes.

Organic changes in the fallopian tubes can be the result of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, fallopian tubes, as well as a complication after childbirth, abortion, operations on the pelvic organs (for example, in women who have undergone appecectomy).

treatment of functional tubal infertility

use psychotherapy, sedatives, tranquilizers, antispasmodics, in the preovulatory period - prostaglandin production blockers: naproxen, indomethacin, ibuprofen, acetylsalicylic acid. Physiotherapy is also effective:

  • hydrogen sulfide baths;
  • exposure to ultrasound in a pulsed mode;
  • electrical stimulation of the fallopian tubes.

The prognosis for timely treatment is satisfactory.

organic tubal infertility

attach great importance to the treatment of chronic inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs. Long-term (more than 2 years) conservative treatment tubal infertility develop dystrophic changes fallopian tubes, the folds of the mucous membrane grow together, in the muscular membrane develops connective tissue, the receptor apparatus of the fallopian tubes is damaged. Therefore, timely surgical treatment tubal infertility. Absolute contraindication to the operation is tuberculosis of the genital organs.

Relative contraindications:

  • age of women over 35;
  • duration of tubal infertility for more than 3 years;
  • frequent exacerbations of a chronic inflammatory process in the uterine appendages and an acute inflammatory process during the previous year;
  • a pronounced adhesive process in the small pelvis;
  • hydrosalpinx large sizes, upon removal of which no more than 5 cm of the fallopian tube will remain.

Prevention of tubal infertility includes prevention and rational treatment inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, timely diagnosis and treatment of appendicitis, rehabilitation activities in early dates after gynecological operations in young women.


infertility due to gynecological diseases,

not accompanied by a violation of ovulation and the function of the fallopian tubes can be:

  • external and internal endometriosis;
  • malformations of the cervix and body of the uterus;
  • post-traumatic changes in the cervix;
  • cervicitis;
  • endometritis.

Immunological infertility

in women, it is caused by the appearance of antibodies to spermatozoa. It is diagnosed with the help of tests for the compatibility of sperm and cervical mucus, the detection of antibodies to spermatozoa in the blood serum and cervical mucus.

The treatment of this form of infertility has not been developed enough, glucocorticoid drugs with immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory properties are used, artificial insemination with the husband's sperm injected directly into the uterine cavity, bypassing its cervix.

Folk remedies for female infertility:

  • For

    infertility treatment folk remedies

    it is useful to drink as tea a decoction of herb adonis. Brew 1 cup boiling water 1 tbsp. herbs, insist, wrapped, 2 hours and strain. Drink 3 times a day.

  • Drink a decoction of the herb of Adam's root. Brew 1 cup boiling water 2 tsp. herbs, insist, wrapped, 2 hours and strain. Drink 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day.
  • Brew 1 cup boiling water 1 tsp. sage herbs and leave for 30 minutes. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Another way: drink 1 des.l. 2 times a day on an empty stomach and in the evening juice fresh plant sage. The drug should be taken within 12 days immediately after the cessation of menstruation.
  • Brew 1 cup boiling water 1 tbsp. plantain seeds, boil over low heat for 5 minutes. and insist 1 hour. Drink 1-2 tbsp. 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The same recipe is used for

    male infertility

    Course 1-2 months.

  • Brew 0.5 l of boiling water 3-4 tbsp. knotweed, insist, wrapped, 4 hours and strain. Drink 1-2 cups 4 times a day 20 minutes before meals.
  • Brew 0.5 l of boiling water 3 tbsp. herbs ramishia lopsided and insist in a thermos overnight. Drink 150 ml 3-4 times a day 1 hour after meals. The same plant helps with many female diseases.
  • Folk

    healers say: in order to cure infertility, you need to eat young.

  • As a fumigation, inhale the smoke from the burned St. John's wort, it is useful for infertility.
  • Inhale the smoke from the burned kirkazon seeds.

Noni juice also helps in the treatment of infertility.


Menopause is called the autumn season in a woman's life. It signals the end of the reproductive age and the beginning of the aging of the female body. Many ladies, trying to delay the onset of autumn in their lives, are looking for an answer to the question of how to restore menstruation during menopause.

In this publication, we will consider whether it is realistic to do this during the menopause, and also in what ways it is possible to achieve this goal. In addition, we will focus on an effective set of preventive measures.

Menstruation during menopause

Menopausal changes do not happen overnight. This is a fairly long period of time, which is divided into the following stages:

  1. Premenopause - in this period of time, the first symptoms begin to appear specific symptoms, which signal the beginning of the extinction of the hormonal function of the ovaries.
    In the body, the level of female sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone - decreases. As a result, changes in the menstrual cycle begin. Its duration varies, as well as the number menstrual flow, and the so-called critical days. Normally, the stage begins at 45-47 years. If the symptoms started earlier, then doctors diagnose the woman with an early menopause.
  2. Menopause or menopause is, in fact, the last independent menstruation.
    But it can only be determined after the fact. Gynecologists make an appropriate diagnosis 12 months after the last menstruation, during which there was no menstrual bleeding. The accepted norm for the onset of menopause is 50 years.
  3. Postmenopause is the last stage in which the ovaries have completely completed their hormonal function, and there is no more menstruation.

Menopause in all women has its own individual characteristics, which are due to the state of health and hereditary predisposition.

About the phases of menopause.

When can menstruation return?

The easiest time to recover is during menopause. At this stage, ovulation occurs, and women can still become pregnant. Due to the onset of ovarian dysfunction, the level of sex hormones decreases, and precisely this leads to a delay in menstruation.

What is a "menstrual cycle" anyway?

When a lady takes drugs that can forcefully increase the level of estrogen production, the menstrual cycle is restored and reproductive function is prolonged. In addition, a woman maintains her health and youth. Indeed, with the onset of menopause, signs of aging inevitably appear: wrinkles, gray hair and thinning hair.

Many women are interested in whether it is possible to restore menstruation during menopause. At this stage, there are no more periods, but they can come if you take medications that increase the level of sex hormones in the body.

If the specialists establish that it is possible for a particular patient to prolong the childbearing function, then she will be offered existing methods restoration of the menstrual cycle. Menstruation after menopause, that is, at the postmenopausal stage, is no longer restored.

At early menopause ladies should always consult a gynecologist. When the termination reproductive function comes earlier than the time provided by nature, then it proceeds hard and is accompanied by various complications cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems. Timely selected therapy will help delay the onset of menopause and become effective prevention concomitant diseases.

At the beginning of the menopause, namely in the first two stages, it is still possible to restore menstruation. To do this, you need to contact a gynecologist and undergo an examination.

Methods for restoring menstruation

To date, women can restore menstruation by such methods:

  • drug treatment;
  • application of traditional medicine recipes;
  • carrying out prevention.

It is important to understand that the menstrual cycle is a manifestation of the possibility of fertilization of a woman and the birth of a child. So the lady needs to return reproductive function, and then the menstrual cycle will be restored.

To do this, you should contact a specialist, and not self-medicate, so as not to waste precious time and not harm your health.

Treatment with hormonal drugs

What is amenorrhea?

Medicines should be prescribed only by a doctor. All drugs can be divided into 2 large groups: hormonal and non-hormonal. Means from the first group contain synthetic hormones that artificially increase the level of estrogen and progesterone in the body of a lady and thereby maintain normal functioning reproductive system of the body.

Gynecologists prescribe such drugs after an examination and the results of a blood test for hormones. The doctor selects a hormonal agent, dose and course of treatment.

It is impossible to change the dosage on your own, as well as continue or stop taking the medicine. A woman can provoke uterine bleeding or harm your health.

To the most popular hormonal drugs relate:

  1. Divitren - imitates hormonal activity and thereby provokes the activity of the organs of the reproductive system.
    Prevents the development of endometrial hyperplasia - the growth of the uterine mucosa.
  2. Kliogest - combination medicine containing estrogen and progesterone.
    During menopause, it softens the intensity of symptoms and stimulates the organs of the reproductive system in order to resume menstruation.
  3. Cyclo-Proginova - compensates for the lack of estrogen and promotes the regeneration of the endometrium.
    Thus, preparing it for the action of progesterone and the onset of menstruation.

Choose a drug for a woman, as well as correct dose only a doctor can. The entire course of treatment should be under the supervision of a gynecologist. Self-medication, a lady can provoke serious health problems, up to the development of a malignant neoplasm.

Therapy with non-hormonal drugs and herbs

If a woman is contraindicated in the use hormonal drugs, then she can be prescribed drugs that have phytohormones in their composition - substances that are found in some plants and are identical in composition to sex hormones.

They are rich in such plants: cimicifuga, red clover, soybeans and others.

  1. Besser Alter - the composition of the medicine includes Altai herbs that stimulate the activity of the ovaries.
    Thus, the reproductive function of the lady is restored, and, accordingly, menstruation comes.
  2. Feminal - establishes acyclic menstruation, and also reduces the manifestations of premenstrual and menopausal syndromes.
  3. Estrovel - helps to normalize the menstrual cycle, provoked by hormonal imbalance.

In spite of natural composition their medicines should be taken only after consultation with a gynecologist.

Traditional medicine in order for menstruation to come suggests drinking infusions of such herbs:

  • mint;
  • oregano;
  • lindens;
  • parsley.

Preparing the infusion is very simple - you need to take a tablespoon of grass and pour it with a glass of boiling water. Insist under a closed lid for 10-20 minutes, then strain. Take three times a day.

Fresh parsley must be included in your daily diet. It should be added to salads, first and second courses. Mint and lime can be brewed with black or green tea.

Preventive measures

It is always better to do prevention than cure. When we are talking about menopause, it is not a disease, but natural aging organism.

But every lady can delay the onset of menopause, as well as improve her health, in order to eventually reduce the intensity of the manifestation of menopausal symptoms and easily survive this stage of her life.

Our lifestyle directly affects the onset of menopause.

To do this, a set of preventive measures should be taken:

  1. Change your diet.
    The basis of the daily menu should be fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as protein found in seafood, fish, lean meat, cottage cheese, cheese and all legumes. It is necessary to reduce the amount of fats of animal origin, and use all kinds of nuts and high-quality vegetable oil - olive, linseed, sesame, sunflower. You should refuse or minimize the use of: smoked meats, fried and fatty foods, sweets and fast food.
  2. News active image life.
    Regular but moderate exercise stress plus walking in the fresh air strengthens the immune system and prolongs the youth of the body.
  3. Correct daily routine.
    In order to have good health, it is important to adhere to the regimen: 8-hour night rest, eating at the same time, playing sports.

Equally important for prolonging a woman's reproductive age mental attitude. Optimism, good mood, stress resistance - the best allies of a woman.


The onset of menopause is an irreversible process, but it can be delayed and prolong the reproductive age, and with it the youth of the soul and body. This should be taken care of in advance and prevent menopause, which will also improve health.

At the first violations of the menstrual cycle, it is important to consult a gynecologist in order to choose correct therapy, which supports reproductive function and regulates the menstrual cycle accordingly. We wish you good health!

What do you know about the restoration of the menstrual cycle during menopause?

Modern women quite often postpone the birth of children. For someone, a career comes first, someone does not want to bind themselves with unnecessary obligations, someone is not healthy, and someone is simply not ready for the responsibility that the need to raise a child imposes.

At the same time, everyone says that the optimal age for the birth of a child is “as early as possible”, but no one thinks about what this could turn out to be.

Firstly: the expectant mother must understand that she is taking care of the life of another person. Secondly, modern conditions do not always allow them to calmly and thoroughly deal with children.

Our doctors say that the childbearing age of a woman is 18-25 years. After that, the risks increase. improper development fetus and increase the risk of miscarriage. However, in the West, the birth of the first child after 30 years has long become the norm.

Childbearing age of a woman: the sooner the better?

Despite the fact that they are now actively promoting giving birth as early as possible, this can not only adversely affect, but also in literally ruin a woman's life. A successful and established business woman or wealthy adult woman are in a better position than a young girl who is torn between study and work.

Mature ladies usually pay more attention to their health, so it's safe to say: best age for the birth of a child - the one when a woman is ready to give birth.

In addition, women who have crossed the “dangerous” milestone for childbirth of 25 years old strive to keep their pregnancy and follow all the recommendations of leading obstetricians and gynecologists, while young mothers sincerely hope that everything will turn out by itself.

Women in adulthood usually plan a pregnancy and are willing to work to prevent complications. Young women, unfortunately, quite often become pregnant due to the banal. As a result - unwanted pregnancy, the inability to have an abortion and the birth of an unplanned child, who needs to devote all his time and effort.

Why is age important for having a baby?

Domestic medicine classifies all pregnant women over 25 years old as increased risk. This term has a very negative effect on psychological state women, especially when doctors claim that ideal age for the birth of a child was missed.

However, it is not. A huge role in the development and successful outcome of pregnancy is played not by the real age indicated in the passport, but by the biological age. If all the organs of a forty-year-old woman function the same, or even better, than those of a twenty-year-old woman, then the chances of normal flow pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child is much higher.

So if you are going to have your first child after 30 years, and the doctors unanimously say that the moment has been missed, you can safely change the gynecologist. Contact another medical center: they know for sure that the childbearing age of a woman in Russia is no different from the childbearing age of Western women. And if in the West they give birth quite calmly at 30 and 40 years old, then in Russia the outcome of pregnancy will depend not on age, but on the health of the woman.

What determines the optimal age for having a baby?

The factors that influence the successful outcome of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy and strong baby are quite simple:

  • the physical condition of the woman. If the mother does not have any chronic diseases, leads healthy lifestyle life and follows all the advice of a gynecologist at the planning stage and during pregnancy, her chances of giving birth to a healthy first child after 25 years are very high;
  • father's health. The childbearing age of men does not matter - a man can become the father of a healthy child both at 15 and at 60 years old. Another thing is that the presence of chronic diseases and bad habits significantly reduce the possibility of conception and birth. healthy baby.

There is nothing supernatural in this: the health of parents is the key to a successful outcome of pregnancy. Age for the birth of a child does not play a significant role.

The optimal age for the birth of a child from an ethical point of view

Despite the fact that a woman can become a mother even at 40, and a man can become a father at 60, one should not forget about the ethical side of the issue. How younger parents the longer they can stay with their child.

The average age of life for men in Russia is 64 years. To conceive a child, being a fairly mature person, is practically leaving him an orphan.

So the childbearing age of women in Russia does not exceed 25 years - doctors consider this not only especially safe time for procreation, but also the most optimal age for the appearance of an heir, whom the mother and father will need to raise and educate.

Everything has its time. For the birth of children in our lives, a special, not so long period of time has been allocated. The reproductive age of a woman is a special period when she is able to conceive, bear and give birth to healthy children. In each country, the boundaries of this age are set differently, and in each individual case they fluctuate and depend on many factors.

reproductive capacity directly related to the menstrual cycle. Since the fertile age of a woman is the period when she is able to conceive and carry a child, it is limited to the first and last maturation of the egg. On average, this period lasts from 14-15 years to 44-50 years. However, the timing is influenced by many factors - from heredity to conditions and lifestyle.

Fertile age begins with the maturation of the first egg in the girl's body. Today, the timing of this process has shifted, and often puberty occurs by the age of 11-12. And although in fact a girl at this age is able to conceive a child, it will not be easy for her growing body to bear it.

The end of reproductive age coincides with the cessation of the menstrual cycle. As soon as the last egg in a woman’s body matures and leaves, she loses the ability to conceive a child, which means that her reproductive age passes. This is because, unlike male body, which constantly produces new spermatozoa, the entire supply of eggs female body receives during the period prenatal development, and then gradually consumes it without creating new ones.

But in men, the reproductive age is much longer - it starts at 13-14, and ends by 60-70 years. Although doctors do not advise becoming fathers so late: the quality of the male seed decreases over the years.

In general, the age at which women give birth to children is steadily growing all over the world, including in Russia.

How to increase your childbearing age

The female hormonal system responsible for the functioning of the genital organs is very sensitive to the slightest external influence. Therefore, a woman's childbearing age - its duration, start and end dates - is influenced by a lot of factors:

  • the presence or absence of stress, overwork;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • healthy or unhealthy diet, nutritional adequacy;
  • sports;
  • the presence or absence of excess weight;
  • bad habits(alcohol, smoking, drugs);
  • chronic diseases, the presence of gynecological diseases, surgery on the abdominal cavity;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • heredity;
  • region of residence;
  • race and nationality.

It has long been noticed that the inhabitants of the southern countries enter the fertile age earlier, but also leave it earlier than their northern sisters. In many Asian countries, marriage at 16 is considered normal. At the same time, a 45-year-old woman there looks much older than her European peer. They also give birth earlier.

In the United States, it is considered normal to give birth to the first child not at 20-25, as in Russia, but at 30-40 years old. At the same time, thanks to hormone replacement therapy, the manifestations of menopause are pushed back to the age of 55+.

And if the factor of heredity and nationality cannot be influenced, then it is quite possible to exclude all habits harmful to health in order to prolong and, it is quite possible. After all, they significantly affect the age at which a woman can become pregnant. By eliminating bad habits, improving nutrition and starting to play sports, you can prolong the youth of the body and its ability to conceive.

When can you give birth

In medical practice, it is customary to divide the reproductive age into two periods:

  1. early - from the first menstruation to 35 years;
  2. late - from 35 years to menopause.

early reproductive period

The early period can also be conditionally divided into two segments - from the first menstruation to 19-20 years and from 20 to 35 years. Despite the fact that physiologically the body is ready for conception at the age of 12-15 (after the first menstruation), it will be very difficult for a young mother to endure and give birth to a healthy baby. Her body itself is still growing and developing, many systems are not ready for the stress that pregnancy causes. First of all, it is dangerous for the mother herself, as it is often accompanied by complications:

  • rapid childbirth;
  • weak contractions;
  • breaks and bleeding;
  • discrepancy between the size of the fetal head and the birth canal of the mother;
  • premature birth.

In addition, there is no need to talk about the psychological readiness of a young girl for such a responsibility as motherhood, when she herself is still just a child.

Therefore, most doctors agree that the best age for the birth of the first child is the period from 19-20 to 35 years. At this time, the woman's body is fully formed and ready for stress:

  • the hormonal system works optimally and without disturbances;
  • the muscles of the uterus and small pelvis are elastic and easily stretched;
  • bone joints are mobile;
  • chronic diseases have not yet accumulated;

Pregnancy at this age is usually desired and planned. Future parents have already formed as individuals, have reached a certain standard of living and are ready for the birth of a baby. At this age, it is much easier for a woman to recover from childbirth, it is easier to establish breastfeeding.

late reproductive period

After 35 years, the late reproductive age begins. At this time, the woman's body begins to prepare for the onset of menopause - more often ovulation does not occur in cycles, hormonal disruptions are possible. Very often, the susceptibility of the uterus decreases, due to which the fertilized egg cannot gain a foothold in it. not easy. chronic diseases that most have mature women interfere with conception.

Late pregnancy can also be accompanied by a number of complications that are dangerous for both the baby and the mother:

  • hypoxia;
  • spontaneous abortion (miscarriage);
  • premature or late birth;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • premature rupture of amniotic fluid or placental abruption;
  • abnormalities in the development of the fetus;
  • weak labor activity.

However, at late pregnancy there are pluses - after it, the risk of genital cancer decreases and even life expectancy increases. Psychologists are sure that there are even more advantages - at this time, a woman has already reached certain heights in her career, built a family, accumulated life experience. In addition, in their opinion, it is at this age that the maternal instinct fully wakes up.

Psychologist's opinion

The reproductive period is primarily the period of fertility, during which a woman retains the ability to conceive and bear children. The duration of the fertile period always depends on the boundaries of the reproductive age.

In the life of every woman begins with the onset of the first menstruation and ends with menopause. Based on demographic analysis, it has its own limits: the lower one is the age of 15 years, the upper one reaches the mark of 50 years. But still, the duration of the reproductive period directly depends on the health of the woman.

The right to reproductive choice is an integral part of human rights. And the opportunity to exercise their reproductive rights must certainly be guaranteed by the state and be secured with the help of special legislation.
Today, the activities of public and state organizations should primarily be aimed at protecting reproductive health women and those segments of the population who are at risk for both social and medical reasons.

In recent years, the late reproductive age of women has begun to attract more and more attention. This is primarily due to the fact that the population of this area has increased significantly.

The fair sex aged 35 to 45 make up about 30% of the total number of women of reproductive age.

Women of late reproductive age are primarily at risk due to pregnancy. In this category of women, pregnancy is rarely planned and in most cases ends in abortion.

Late reproductive age and can be violated even in the previous period, this occurs in connection with the social, economic and sanitary conditions of modern life.

The onset of pregnancy at a late reproductive age is enough high probability miscarriage, postpartum hemorrhage, the birth of children with reduced body weight, etc. Quantity spontaneous miscarriages, which are associated with genetic disorders, in women whose reproductive age approaches the period of perimenopause, reaches 75%. Although an aged woman and pregnancy are quite compatible concepts, especially at the present time.

Based on the above, women of this age are a group of the population that needs a special program for the protection of reproductive health. Late reproductive age also needs a special differentiated approach to the appointment of a safe and effective contraception, which will combine both preventive and medicinal qualities. The need of many women for effective contraception during the perimenopausal period is obvious and requires intervention from both society and the state as a whole. This will help raise the demographic situation in our country and improve the quality of life.

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