Gynecology. Making an appointment at the antenatal clinic Logon - Ac is a paid gynecology

Gynecologist in Moscow is a specialist in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the female reproductive system. The tasks of a gynecologist include solving issues of conception, pregnancy and childbirth. Here you can consult a gynecologist, gynecologist, endocrinologist under comfortable conditions and at the lowest price. All specialists of the Medical Center are professional and licensed doctors.

A gynecologist-endocrinologist is a specialist in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases associated with the female reproductive system, which appeared as a result of hormonal system disorders.

Consultation of a gynecologist-endocrinologist It is necessary in cases where a hormonal imbalance occurs in a woman's body, which has arisen as a result of external influences, such as unfavorable ecology, the effects of stress, an unhealthy lifestyle, and much more. Such changes cannot be ignored, since hormones regulate the reproductive function and are the basis of the metabolism in the body, which threatens with serious consequences for a woman.

The reproductive function of a woman is regulated at the following levels, failures and malfunctions in which cause violations:

  • Pituitary,
  • Hypothalamus,
  • Cortex,
  • Ovaries and organs of the reproductive system (mammary glands, uterus, skin and bones, adipose tissue).

Indications for a gynecological consultation

A consultation with a gynecologist-endocrinologist may be necessary for a woman of any age if the following symptoms are detected:

  • precocious puberty, revealed when secondary sexual characteristics are detected;
  • a pronounced premenstrual period, accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, weight gain, soreness and swelling of the mammary glands;
  • violations or complete absence of the menstrual cycle;
  • painful menstruation;
  • the appearance of masculine signs in women (hair growth according to the male pattern: on the face, on the chest, in the middle of the abdomen; voice changes);
  • impossibility to become pregnant within a year, in the presence of an active sexual life without protection;
  • miscarriage;
  • detection of signs of metabolic disorders, such as obesity or a sudden change in weight, acne and skin rashes;
  • the onset of climate syndrome;
  • a consequence of operations on the organs of the reproductive system.

But not only this series of symptoms can be a reason to visit a gynecologist-endocrinologist. A completely common situation is a consultation before taking hormonal contraceptives, which can only be prescribed by this specialist.

It is important to understand that only a gynecologist-endocrinologist is able to eliminate the causes of cosmetic defects, such as acne on the skin, hair loss and excessive oiliness, hair growth on the face and chest, and even excess weight. All this is caused by changes in the hormonal system, and should be eliminated first of all by this specialist, and then by a dermatologist, trichologist or cosmetologist.

Preparing for a consultation

In order to visit a specialist on the part of the patient, no mandatory preparation is required. It is worth taking care of personal hygiene. To conduct a successful consultation and subsequent examination, on the eve of visiting a doctor, it is necessary to stop drinking alcohol and smoking.

It is necessary to have with you early examinations, such as ultrasound, blood tests, opinions of other doctors. This is necessary so that the doctor has clear grounds for making a diagnosis and prescribing the right treatment, and additional examinations can also be prescribed by the doctor.

Of the additional diagnostic procedures that allow to reveal the picture of the state of health, the following are carried out:

  • blood test for hormones (such as progesterone, estrogen, FSH, PRL, thyroid and adrenal hormones, etc.),
  • general blood analysis,
  • blood test for glucose and insulin levels,
  • taking swabs for flora and PCR,
  • testing for sexually transmitted infections,
  • breast ultrasound,
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs,
  • thyroid ultrasound,
  • adrenal ultrasound,
  • colposcopy,
  • examination of the uterine cavity,
  • endometrial biopsy,
  • electroencephalography,
  • CT and MRI of the pituitary gland.

Also, the doctor may refer you to other specialists for examination.

Stages of examination by a gynecologist endocrinologist

The entire consultation process can be divided into stages:

  1. history taking

The doctor studies the patient's health history, in particular the state of health in a given period of time. Certain aspects of the medical history are important factors:

  • age, gender and occupation,
  • the presence of complaints and symptoms,
  • clarification of the presence of chronic diseases and predisposition to them,
  • list and history of taking medications,
  • past medical history,
  • family history.
  1. Inspection

Inspection subject to external and internal genital organs on the gynecological chair.

  1. Purpose of the survey

It is carried out to clarify the causes of changes in the hormonal background, to make a diagnosis, as well as to prescribe effective methods of treatment and prevention.

Some diseases detected by a gynecologist endocrinologist

Gynecologist-endocrinologist diagnoses the following diseases:

  • Sclerosis and polycystic ovaries,
  • ovarian dysfunction,
  • endometriosis,
  • Primary and secondary infertility.

A consultation with a gynecologist-endocrinologist in Moscow should be visited if you are faced with reproductive problems and if you are planning a pregnancy. Today, this service is incredibly popular, as such problems affect women of all age groups and social status, and anyone wants to stay beautiful, feel happy and healthy. Consultation of a gynecologist-endocrinologist in Moscow at the MDC-S takes place in comfortable conditions and is carried out by qualified specialists.

Gynecology as a direction in medicine and the gynecologist himself are important specialists for every woman and the preservation of her female health, the normal functioning of the reproductive system. So gynecology, as a science, is important to maintain her health, but also to ensure the health of her unborn child by maintaining the health of the mother.

When is it necessary to visit a gynecologist?

An appointment with a gynecologist is most often carried out at a local clinic in which a girl or woman is registered. Today, you can make a preliminary appointment either by coming to the reception, choosing a convenient day and hour for an appointment with a specialist, or using the Internet - fortunately, many clinics practice this service today.
So modern technologies make it possible to choose the shortest path to a medical institution - any woman can make an appointment with an ultra-specialist.
A visit to a gynecologist in any private or public clinic requires a woman to have a special gynecological package. In particular, the presented set includes a disposable diaper and latex gloves, vaginal examination mirrors and a spatula for taking biological material for research. The kit may also include laboratory glasses for analysis - this is rare and therefore gynecologists have them in their arsenal. When you decide to make an appointment and examination with a gynecologist, take all this with you.
Directly at the doctor's appointment, the specialist interrogates the woman, her complaints and symptoms that bother her, then conducts a visual examination of the genital organs, palpates the chest to detect mastopathy or uncharacteristic seals in the mammary glands. After that, he conducts a more detailed examination of the genital organs with the help of mirrors and takes the necessary biomaterials for examination - in other words, he takes a smear for examination.
After examining and receiving test results, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment, if required by the diagnosis, or gives recommendations to maintain the general condition of the body and the reproductive system in particular.

Examination process

If at a gynecologist’s appointment the doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis, but is not sure of its accuracy, diagnoses a deviation in the normal functioning of the woman’s body, he prescribes a second examination. So repeated consultation and examination are necessary to confirm the diagnosis, prescribe treatment and clarify all aspects of the course of the disease necessary for the doctor.
When the diagnosis is made, the course of treatment is completed - the patient should be re-examined and examined by a gynecologist. This will determine whether there are traces of pathology, how effective or ineffective the treatment was, whether the woman recovered completely. In this case, the doctor conducts a second examination on the gynecological chair, conducts a sampling for the study of biomaterial and, based on the results of the study, determines the effectiveness of the chosen course of treatment.
If there is a need to repeat the course of treatment, drugs are changed or a course of maintenance therapy is prescribed. In the issue of maintenance therapy, the doctor prescribes suppositories and vitamins - they will help restore the positive microflora of the vagina, restore its normal performance.
Every woman should remember - once every six months, go through an examination by a gynecologist, pay due attention to the rules of personal hygiene and, if certain negative symptoms occur, go through an examination with a doctor.

Gynecology "Logon - As" is one of the positively recommended clinics in Moscow. The most modern methods of diagnostics and treatment are used here. But the main advantage of this clinic is a qualified staff of gynecologists and an individual approach to each patient.

Diagnosis and treatment of diseases in the clinic of gynecology Logon-As

Gynecology Clinic Logon - As will relieve any gynecological diseases, in particular:

Acute and chronic diseases of the female genital organs

We treat such women's diseases as inflammatory processes (adnexitis, bartholinitis, vulvitis, etc.), erosion, tumors, hormonal disorders (myoma, cyst, mastopathy, etc.), menstrual disorders, menopause, infertility, etc.

A professional approach, an attentive gynecologist and cozy rooms will make your treatment not only effective, but also as comfortable as possible.

Infectious venereal diseases

We will help get rid of such sexually transmitted diseases as: chlamydia, gardnerellosis, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, etc. Treatment of all diseases is carried out according to the best methods recommended over the years and experience using the most modern and accurate diagnostic methods. This is far from the entire list of services. More details can be found.

Clinic of gynecology Logon - Ac is a professional approach:

Step 1. Initial appointment with a gynecologist

When making an appointment for an initial examination, the gynecologist will carefully listen to all your complaints, you will get a general idea of ​​​​your illness, find out exactly what tests you need to take to make an accurate diagnosis.

Step 2. Each gynecological diagnosis is evidence-based

Your diagnosis will be made on the basis of the most modern and accurate diagnostic methods: ultrasound, laboratory tests, and other as needed. All analyzes are taken in our gynecological center.

Step 3. Individual treatment plan

After receiving the results of diagnostic studies, you will be given an accurate diagnosis and an effective treatment plan will be written. You will pass each step on the way to health under the sensitive and attentive supervision of your attending physician.

Step 4. Control inspection

After completing the treatment according to the plan, you will be convinced of the exact healing of the disease, receive recommendations from the doctor on maintaining a positive result and further preventive measures.

Logon - As is a paid gynecology

We have been working since 1998 in Moscow

More than 20,000 grateful customers

100% guarantee for the safety of treatment

The best ratio of price and quality

Make an appointment with our gynecologists specialists.

A person makes an appointment with a doctor and goes to the clinic when he realizes that the symptoms that he has developed require medical attention. A symptom is a sign, based on which the doctor examines the patient's condition and can make a preliminary conclusion about his well-being. Any disease manifests itself through a symptom. They are internal or external. If you do not pay attention to their presence, the disease will worsen, there will be difficulties with the diagnosis and treatment will take longer than if the person went to the clinic on time.

Not always with a serious illness, a person experiences severe pain. Sometimes a symptom does not bother him too much, however, it should be remembered that it can be a harbinger of a dangerous illness.

There are ailments and that speak of the same diseases in women and men and require seeking medical help:

  • weight loss. If a person is losing weight rapidly - losing about 5 percent of their total body weight per month - they need medical attention and may need to go to the hospital for more tests.
  • heat.
  • vision problems.
  • headache - sharp, severe or systematic.
  • problems in consciousness, such as: loss of orientation in space, confusion of thinking, hallucinations. Sudden loss of memory of one's personal details and location.
  • numbness of body parts, fainting, confusion, loss of control over speech and movements.

Symptoms in women, in which you should make an appointment with a specialist:

  • pulling, sharp, sharp pain in the lower abdomen on the right or left may be a harbinger of adnexitis.
  • vaginal discharge, accompanied by an odor as a sign of thrush.
  • heavy menstrual bleeding, acute pain in the pelvic area can warn of the development of endometriosis.
  • irregularity, irregular menstruation.
  • burning, pain in the chest, change in the appearance of the nipples, the release of fluid from them.

Symptoms of serious diseases in men:

  • itching in the groin, sharp pain during urination, in the lumbar region.
  • pain in the lower back, anal, groin, pain during ejaculation.
  • erectile dysfunction, blood in the urine, semen, frequent urge to urinate, sharp pain.

Any symptom that causes discomfort, pain or anxiety may indicate the onset of a serious illness, so do not put off a visit to a medical clinic.

Reasons why a person “drags out” an appeal to a doctor:

  • fear of finding a serious illness. One of the defense mechanisms of the human psyche is avoidance of a problem. It gives an illusory sense of security that may not last long. If there is a serious illness, and a person pretends that "everything is in order" and it just seemed to him later, he can find himself in a hospital room - at best.
  • fear of trusting doctors - strangers, flaunting their shortcomings, diseases.
  • rejection of one's own illness, shame. This happens in cases of diseases that relate to the intimate sphere.
  • the lack of funds for treatment is another reason why the patient does not seek help, because he believes that quality medical care can only be paid. However, if you feel unwell, you can seek advice and help from a doctor at the district clinic, presenting your passport and policy. In this case, the doctor's appointment will be free of charge, and include the necessary studies.

You can make an appointment with a doctor for a fee. To do this, you need to find a specialist who can work with symptoms that bother a person or, if you don’t know which doctor to contact, you need to contact a therapist.

Enrollment in a polyclinic at the place of residence is usually carried out on the day of treatment or a little later - on any free day for an appointment.

What will happen if you do not pay attention to disturbing symptoms for a long time, do not make an appointment with a doctor and do not receive the necessary treatment?

  • risk of acquiring a chronic disease.
  • deterioration of mental and physical condition.
  • more expensive and longer treatment than at that time, if you go to the clinic on time.
  • late treatment provokes a complication of the diagnosis.
  • development of complications.

Sometimes, patients, not wanting to make an appointment with a free or paid doctor, self-medicate. They search the Internet for answers, try to self-diagnose their condition, prescribe medications based on symptoms and how they feel. Thus, “delaying” the appeal to a specialist is fraught with even more dangerous and serious harm, because a person, taking medicines without a prescription, risks worsening his condition and well-being.

Time is of the essence in cases where the disease develops rapidly, but the symptoms do not worsen. A person can pay with his life for not making an appointment with a doctor at a polyclinic on time.

When should you contact the clinic?

You should not wait for the moment when the disease manifests itself especially brightly and, instead of minor symptoms, it turns into a pain syndrome. The later patients make an appointment, the more difficult it is to make a diagnosis, because one disease can provoke the development of another. Therefore, the decision to make an appointment with a doctor in a paid or free clinic means to protect yourself from the complications that many chronic and acute diseases lead to.

An appointment with a doctor can be made via the Internet, or by contacting the district registry by phone or by coming there in person.

You should not resort to the use of antibiotics by prescribing them yourself, or after consulting with relatives and friends. Before prescribing treatment, the doctor prescribes the necessary tests, determines the individual picture of the disease and selects drugs taking into account the age characteristics of the person, the clinical picture and symptoms.

Risking the health and life of a child for those parents who do not make a timely paid or free appointment with a pediatrician can be a real crime.

The younger the children, the more dangerous procrastination can be. A small child who is not able to say what exactly hurts or bothers him is at great risk of receiving the wrong treatment if the parents themselves try to help him - they give medicines that, in many cases, relieve the symptom, but do not eliminate the cause of the disease. A children's doctor, relying on practical experience and professionalism, qualitatively diagnoses the child's condition and prescribes the necessary treatment.

When does a child need medical advice and examination?

  • high, which is not knocked down by antipyretics.
  • dizziness and fainting. Sometimes parents attribute such dangerous symptoms to overwork and fatigue, while they can be harbingers of serious diseases, such as concussion, circulatory disorders, diseases of the vestibular apparatus, and inflammatory processes.
  • vomiting, disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • sleep disorders.
  • post-vaccination negative state - pain, swelling, malaise, temperature.
  • abdominal pain.

Children often complain that their stomach hurts. Out of habit, parents resort to local anesthetics and, after a while, the pain may subside. However, doctors warn that this should not be abused in response to the child's complaints. Abdominal pain can be symptoms of such serious and dangerous diseases as food allergies, inflammation of the duodenum, diseases of the gallbladder and stomach, damage to the liver and spleen, hernia, inflammation of the genital organs in girls or testicles in boys.

Parents should know that if the pain does not subside within 6 hours, the child feels unwell, he has other disturbing symptoms and sensations, then you should call an ambulance team or make an appointment for the child with a pediatrician for a fee.

How useful is online consultation?

Currently, Internet services on medical portals are quite popular, using which a patient can receive help without leaving home.

Advantages of communication within the "doctor-patient" at a distance:

  • You don't have to leave your home to get medical care.
  • no queues, no unnecessary information, no search for the right specialist, no need to take tests, tense waiting, high fees for medical services.
  • fast data processing. Electronic consultation of the patient does not take much time - it is enough just to find the right doctor, describe the disturbing symptoms to him and, almost immediately, get information about the approximate diagnosis and useful recommendations.
  • if the doctor does not make a diagnosis at a distance and understands the need for testing to clarify the clinical picture of the disease, then he can recommend where the patient should go next to alleviate his condition or get information about the presumptive diagnosis.
  • saving time. With the help of Internet resources, a person not only quickly finds a specialist who is ready to devote time to him, but also quickly receives feedback on a possible diagnosis and necessary treatment methods.

Disadvantages of online counseling and treatment.

  • lack of personal contact. Even if the meeting takes place via video link, the doctor does not have the opportunity to evaluate everything that happens to a person - to assess how he moves, talks, in what condition the cover of his skin, tongue, whites of the eyes, and hears only a description of the symptoms. Thus, the correctness of the diagnosis may be questionable.
  • in order to clearly see the clinical picture of the disease, the doctor needs to comprehensively study the patient's condition - from physical to psycho-emotional. Internet resources do not provide such an opportunity.
  • inability to examine the patient. It is impossible to make a correct diagnosis if the specialist does not have the patient's test results in his hands.
  • inability to establish close contact.

Therapeutic work in any direction involves the establishment of relationships. When a patient comes to see a doctor, they communicate, and a certain contact is established between them. A personal meeting allows you to establish a special level of trust and sympathy, in which the doctor selects high-quality treatment, being sincerely interested in its effectiveness, and the patient trusts him, talking about his problems, symptoms, anxieties. During an online consultation, especially if it takes place in a correspondence format, trust is not established. This greatly complicates therapeutic work, diagnosis and may interfere with treatment.

Currently, you can make an appointment with a doctor for free or for a fee, using special services for this - on a general website where regional institutions are available or on the websites of private clinics in the city and region. They provide a database of specialists so that you can make a paid appointment with a doctor and go to the clinic. As a rule, private clinics offer a wide range of services and operations, many of which meet new and modern standards of treatment.

If a patient wants to make an electronic appointment with the right doctor, then he needs to go to the website of the clinic where he wants to be served, select a specialist by last name or, if he does not have such data, find a category that matches his symptoms. For example, cardiology, gastroenterology, neurology, gynecology, and so on, enter data about yourself, select the day and time of the appointment. The server will offer options for receiving a selected specialist and will send information about the confirmation of reception by e-mail or mobile phone.

You can make an appointment with a doctor for a fee or for free - the decision depends on the needs of the patient.

The cost of paid services

Private clinics that position themselves as advisory, diagnostic or medical centers offer services of high-level and qualified specialists. What is the cost of a paid appointment with doctors in a private clinic? The hour of work of a specialist, examination of the patient in the clinic, operations, treatment and further support depend on many factors:

  • location and popularity of the medical institution;
  • specialization and level of professionalism of doctors;
  • complexity of treatment;
  • the number of procedures and specialists involved in the diagnosis, rehabilitation, treatment.

How much does an hour of paid medical appointments at a regional clinic or online consultation cost? It can vary from 1000 rubles to 8000-10000 rubles. An appointment with a doctor is a necessary measure for those who care about their health, do not self-medicate and want to maintain good health for many years.

A doctor of narrow specialization engaged in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system.


An operating practicing gynecologist who knows not only conservative methods of treatment, but also performs surgical procedures.


An oncologist-gynecologist deals with the treatment of malignant tumors of the pelvic organs in women.

On our portal you can choose a gynecologist, gynecologist-oncologist from the best clinics in Moscow and make an appointment with him via the Internet or by phone. Questionnaires of doctors with information about their work experience, education and patient reviews will help you find a good specialist.

Popular questions about the gynecologist

When is it necessary to see a gynecologist?

An appointment with a gynecologist is needed for: pain in the lower abdomen, violation of the menstrual cycle, itching and burning in the vagina, thrush.

Where can I find a good gynecologist?

On the . To choose a good gynecologist, we advise you to look at patient reviews and pay attention to the education and work experience indicated in the doctors' questionnaire.

I am looking for a gynecologist, advise someone.

You can see patient reviews about doctors, choose the right doctor and make an appointment with a gynecologist via the Internet or by phone. It is also worth paying attention to the education and work experience of the specialist indicated in the questionnaire.

Which gynecology clinic should I contact?

Choosing a clinic is no less important task than choosing a specialist. On our site you can find a good one based on patient reviews and ratings of clinics.

How is an appointment with a gynecologist?

An appointment with a gynecologist begins with an analysis of the nature of complaints, the characteristics of the menstrual cycle, and the presence of sexual activity. Next is the examination of the mammary glands, examination on the gynecological chair and palpation of the abdomen. During the examination, it is mandatory to take a smear from the cervix.

How to prepare for a gynecological appointment?

A visit to the gynecologist should be planned before menstruation or in the first days after it ends. It is necessary to stop douching and sexual intercourse 1-2 days before the examination, and take a shower immediately before the visit. It is not recommended to use various deodorizing intimate hygiene products.

How is the recording through DocDoc?

You can choose a good specialist and make an appointment with him on the website or in the DocDoc mobile application. You can also make an appointment by phone.

Note! The information on this page is provided for your information only. To prescribe treatment, consult a doctor.

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