Comprehensive diagnosis and treatment. Full examination of the body - in one day! What usually includes a complete medical examination

Many of us try to avoid doctor visits by putting them off until something really hurts. But it must be remembered that if you pass in time, you can get rid of expensive treatment in the future, and a high-quality and timely diagnosis will avoid undesirable consequences and speed up recovery several times.

Every adult living in a large or industrial city should periodically pass.


  • General body check-up
  • Cardiology check-up
  • Check-up Women's Health
  • Check-up Men's health
  • Cancer check-up
  • Neurological check-up
  • Gastroenterological check-up


Modern living conditions dictate new requirements and put forward new areas of service in modern medicine. Not every client can be satisfied with the service in a public medical clinic. This is inconvenient and not beneficial for the patient for a number of reasons.

Our center offers VIP service for patients who have special requirements for the quality of medical services. It is this service that will help the patient receive medical care as efficiently and quickly as possible.

Services provided to patients by our staff

  1. Patient supervision by a personal manager;
  2. Individual approach to all issues: drawing up a personal treatment schedule, organizing an individual appointment with a specialist at a time convenient for the patient;
  3. Meeting and accompaniment by a personal manager;
  4. Filling and registration of all medical documentation by a personal manager throughout the course of examination and treatment;
  5. Compliance with the established treatment schedule, supervision of all stages of treatment by a personal consultant;
  6. Full and timely informing about the progress and results of diagnostic and laboratory examinations.
  7. If necessary, a personal manager takes care of all disputes, monitors the course of treatment, visits the patient in the hospital.

The most modern medical techniques, high quality service, the use of unique techniques for examination and treatment - all this is included in the concept of service and is provided in full to our patients.

Each patient of our center receives an individual examination program. The physical condition of the patient, the individual characteristics of the organism are taken into account, as well as the nature and employment of the patient.

Personal manager for the patient

From the first visit to the medical services center "Medins" and until the end of treatment, the patient is accompanied by a personal manager who will inform about the results of examinations and tests, inform about the dates of the next consultations, and keep him informed about the treatment process. The patient can contact his manager at any time and ask all his questions, solve problems with his help. Each problem is solved in the shortest possible time, a full, exhaustive answer is given to any questions.

Service in our center is, first of all, increased attention and care for the patient.

It is this type of medical care that can provide an opportunity to conduct an examination and treatment of a disease at a qualitatively new, innovative level.

Another indispensable condition for service is efficiency, and this is what allows you to restore health in the shortest possible time, as well as prevent undesirable development of the disease in a timely manner. For this purpose, our center has developed a service.

Service "Examination of the body in 1 day" It is intended for patients who not only take care of their health, but also value their time. The main purpose of the survey is to assess the state of human health, identify diseases at an early stage and prevent cancer.

If you need quality medical care, we are waiting for you in our center. We are ready to offer you our help and make your life bright and healthy.



COST OF THE PROGRAM: from 14 000.

  • General urine analysis
  • General blood analysis
  • Biochemical blood test (18 indicators)

Instrumental diagnostics

  • ECG with interpretation
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys, adrenal glands

Expert advice

  • General practitioner consultation
* at the end of the program you receive the results of analyzes, studies and a recommendation sheet.


COST OF THE PROGRAM: from 34,500 rubles.

Laboratory and diagnostic studies

  • General urine analysis
  • General blood analysis
  • Biochemical blood test (21 indicators)
  • Coagulogram
  • Electrolyte research
  • Rheumatoid factor
  • C-reactive protein
  • Antistreptolysin-O
  • Thyroid hormones

Instrumental diagnostics

  • ECG with interpretation
  • (2 projections)
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs (liver, gallbladder, pancreas)
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys, adrenal glands
  • Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages (TVUS)
  • Thyroid ultrasound

Expert advice

  • General practitioner consultation
  • Consultation with a gynecologist / urologist


COST OF THE PROGRAM: from 41,000 rubles.

Laboratory and diagnostic studies

  • General urine analysis
  • General blood analysis
  • Coagulogram
  • Electrolyte research
  • Rheumatoid factor
  • C-reactive protein
  • Antistreptolysin-O
  • Thyroid hormones
  • Tumor markers (REA, PSA total, CA 125, Cyfra 21-1, CA 19-9, CA 15-3)

Instrumental diagnostics

  • echocardiography
  • ECG with interpretation
  • Rg-graphy of the chest organs (2 projections)
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs (liver, gallbladder, pancreas)
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys, adrenal glands
  • Ultrasound of the prostate (TRUS)
  • Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages (TVUS)
  • Thyroid ultrasound
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands
  • Duplex scanning of the main arteries of the head
  • Gynecological swabs for flora

Expert advice

  • General practitioner consultation
  • Consultation with a gynecologist / urologist
  • Endocrinologist's consultation
  • Consultation with a cardiologist
  • Consultation of a gastroenterologist
  • Consultation of a neurologist


Laboratory and diagnostic studies

  • General urine analysis
  • General blood analysis
  • tumor markers

Instrumental diagnostics

  • ECG with interpretation
  • Holter monitoring
  • 24 hour blood pressure monitoring
  • Rg-graphy of the chest organs
  • bladder ultrasound
  • prostate ultrasound
  • Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
  • Detection of Helicobacter pylori
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the spinal cord of the thoracic region
  • Colonoscopy

Expert advice

  • Consultation with a urologist
  • Consultation of a neurologist
  • Surgeon's consultation



COST OF THE PROGRAM: from 78,000 rubles.

Laboratory and diagnostic studies

  • General urine analysis
  • General analysis of feces
  • General blood analysis
  • Biochemical blood test (25 indicators)
  • tumor markers

Special gynecological examination

  • Collection of material for flora
  • Collection of material for cytological examination and KPI
  • Microscopic examination of a smear for flora (sample from the cervical canal, vagina, urethra)
  • Diagnostic examinations of scrapings from the cervix and cervical canal

Instrumental diagnostics

  • ECG with interpretation
  • Holter monitoring
  • 24 hour blood pressure monitoring
  • Rg-graphy of the chest organs
  • Ultrasound of the organs of the hepatobiliary system (liver, gallbladder, pancreas and spleen)
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys, adrenal glands and retroperitoneal space
  • bladder ultrasound
  • Echocardiography with Doppler Analysis
  • Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages (TVUS)
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands
  • Color triplex scanning of arteries of the lower extremities
  • Color triplex scanning of the veins of the lower extremities
  • Doppler ultrasound of the brachnocephalic arteries of the brain
  • Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
  • Detection of Helicobacter pylori
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain
  • Colonoscopy

Expert advice

  • Consultation with a gynecologist
  • Consultation of a neurologist
  • Surgeon's consultation
  • Consultation of a traumatologist-orthopedist
  • Consultation with an ophthalmologist


  • Stay in a 2-bed ward of the therapeutic department


COST OF THE PROGRAM: from 26,000 rubles.

Laboratory and diagnostic studies

  • General urine analysis
  • General blood analysis
  • Biochemical blood test (20 indicators)
  • Coagulogram
  • Electrolyte research
  • Thyroid hormones

Instrumental diagnostics

  • echocardiography
  • ECG with interpretation
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys, adrenal glands
  • Thyroid ultrasound
  • Biomicroscopy of the fundus

Expert advice

  • Consultation with a cardiologist
  • Consultation with an ophthalmologist


COST OF THE PROGRAM: from 19,000 rubles.

Laboratory and diagnostic studies

  • General blood analysis
  • Biochemical blood test (20 indicators)
  • Coagulogram

Instrumental diagnostics

  • echocardiography
  • ECG with interpretation
  • Duplex scanning of the main arteries of the head and neck
  • Duplex scanning of arteries of the lower extremities

Expert advice

  • Consultation with a cardiologist


COST OF THE PROGRAM: from 30,500 rubles.

Laboratory and diagnostic studies

  • General urine analysis
  • General blood analysis
  • Biochemical blood test (20 indicators)
  • Coagulogram

Instrumental diagnostics

  • ECG with interpretation
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys, adrenal glands
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs
  • Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
  • Detection of Helicobacter pylori
  • Colonoscopy


Good health does not always mean that a person is completely healthy. Preventive examinations help in advance to identify diseases that lead to disability or death. The treatment will be as effective as possible, since the process is always easier to stop before it goes too far. Not everyone can afford to pay for specialist consultations, but you can use the State Medical Examination Program.

Is it possible to get a medical examination for free

Preventive medical examinations on a free basis in the Russian Federation have been introduced since 2013. According to the results of the examination, the doctors determined that most of the visitors to the medical centers did not know about their diseases. To take advantage of the opportunity to check the state of health, you need to know the rules by which the population is served.

State Medical Examination Program

The order of the Ministry of Health "On the approval of medical examinations" indicates which categories of the adult population have the right to be regularly examined free of charge. The state program is designed to identify groups of diseases that account for up to ¾ of all deaths in the Russian Federation. More often, cardiovascular, pulmonary, oncological diseases and diabetes mellitus lead to death.

According to the order of the Ministry of Health, medical examination of the population is carried out throughout the territory of the Russian Federation. For adults over the age of 21, a free examination is possible once every three years. There is an abbreviated inspection program, you can use this service once every two years. For certain categories of the population, medical examinations are carried out more often - annually.

Medical examination 2018

People who can get a full medical examination free of charge under the Federal program must be born between 1928 and 1997. At the same time, the age of a person who can undergo medical examination in a polyclinic is strictly regulated. If the inspection time is missed, you should wait for the next date, on which the examination of people of a particular age is scheduled.

What years of birth fall under the medical examination in 2018

Since not all citizens of the Russian Federation will be able to undergo a free medical examination in 2018, it is worth finding out which years of birth are included in the current list. People born in 1928, 1931, 1934 and so on until 1997 can count on a free medical examination. It does not matter the social status of the patient - employee, student, housewife.

What is included in the survey

The patient's examination program is prepared individually - age, the presence of chronic diseases and gender matter. Each visitor receives a “route sheet”, which indicates the plan for visiting specialists. The stages of screening are as follows:

  • Therapist. The specialist conducts primary screening - interviews the patient, measures height, weight, blood pressure. The therapist performs a number of rapid tests for the presence of cholesterol and blood sugar free of charge. Further, the doctor gives a referral for a general and biochemical blood tests, a general urine test.
  • Since 2018, a new examination has been introduced - a blood test for HIV infection.
  • The women go to the gynecologist. The examination includes an oncological examination - the doctor takes a smear from the cervix for cytology in order to detect cancer at an early stage.
  • Men go to the urologist. The doctor will detect prostatitis, prostate cancer and other diseases of this type.
  • All age groups receive a referral for electrocardiography, fluorographic scanning of the chest for early detection of heart disease and bronchopulmonary diseases. Based on the results of the research, the patient is referred for a consultation with a cardiologist, pulmonologist.
  • Appointed eye test, consultation of an endocrinologist, dentist.

People who are 39 years old at the time of medical examination are assigned additional studies. Their list also depends on gender:

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis is performed every 6 years.
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands for women is planned every three years up to the age of 50, then a year later.
  • Diagnosis of glaucoma is carried out - measurement of eye pressure.
  • From the age of 45, the risk of developing colon cancer increases, so a fecal occult blood test is performed.
  • From the age of 51, the patient is sent for examination to a neurologist, and men donate blood to detect an antigen indicating prostate cancer.

The goal of the program is to identify signs of chronic non-communicable diseases, to diagnose the development of oncology. Based on the results of the first stage of the examination, the therapist gives a referral for tests or consultations of narrow specialists. A patient's medical passport is created, in which all information about the state of his health is entered. After all consultations and analyzes, the therapist assigns one of the three health groups to the ward, on the basis of which procedures, exercise therapy or treatment are prescribed.

Where to go

Institutions where you can undergo a complete examination of the body are strictly regulated. You should contact the clinic to which the patient is assigned, according to his place of registration. You can get information about who is the local therapist and the time of the doctor's appointment at the reception. In addition, information about the rules of medical examination is placed on information stands in the clinic.

How to pass

To get a free whole body examination, you should start with a visit to the district therapist. The doctor prepares a route map and informs about where and when you can take tests and get advice from narrow specialists. All examinations are carried out during working hours, therefore, employed citizens should contact the management of their enterprise (place of work) in order to get a day off or a day off while visiting the clinic. According to the Labor Code, this day should be counted as a working day.

Is it possible to get medical examination in another city?

A full examination of the body in a state clinic is carried out only if the patient is attached to it. In order to undergo a medical examination in another medical institution (in your own or another city), you must fill out the “application for attachment” form and submit documents to the registry along with your passport and medical policy. After the administration prepares the necessary documentation for the patient, you can undergo a medical examination at a new address.

Clinical examination of children

There is a procedure for medical examination for minors, approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. These are the three categories of medical examination:

  • Prophylactic. This is a comprehensive examination of children 1, 3, 7, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17 years old. The examination includes consultations of a pediatrician, ophthalmologist, ENT specialist, endocrinologist, surgeon, orthopedist, dentist, neurologist. Blood tests (general and biochemistry), urine tests, fecal analysis for worm eggs, coprogram are performed, scrapings are taken for enterobiasis. Sometimes the pediatrician prescribes additional examinations.
  • Preliminary. This examination is carried out before the child enters an institution - a kindergarten, school, technical school, university.
  • Periodic. Examinations are carried out annually and are organized in kindergartens and schools. For each age, the scope of research is different.

All types of examinations are carried out in the children's polyclinic, but sometimes specialists come to the school and conduct a physical examination on the spot. Before the medical examination, the parents of the child must sign the consent form. If it is decided to refuse to examine the child, the medical institution must be notified about this. Children over the age of 15 can personally consent to a medical examination by filling out a form.

Medical examination of pensioners

The program of medical examination of the population does not contain a separate article regulating the examination of pensioners. This category can undergo a free medical examination in a clinic on a general basis. There are groups of citizens who can undergo a medical examination annually, regardless of age:

  • disabled participants in hostilities, WWII;
  • veterans of the Great Patriotic War who received a disability due to military operations, a general illness or injury;
  • people who were prisoners of concentration camps during World War II.

Health diagnostics should be carried out annually, the same opinion is shared by World Health Organization, who recommended as a preventive measure to regularly undergo examination by qualified specialists. In this case, you should not be limited to a superficial examination, but find time to conduct a complete medical examination. In this case, the chances of detecting a serious disease at an early stage increase significantly, and, as a result, the likelihood of its successful treatment increases.

Our clinic offers you the opportunity to undergo a medical examination in comfortable conditions in 1-2 days.

You will pass:

  • consultation with the leading family doctor of the clinic
  • instrumental and laboratory diagnostics
  • functional check

You'll get:

  • detailed health report
  • treatment recommendations
  • recommendations for necessary additional examinations

General diagnostic programs (check-up) for adults

Special diagnostic programs (check-up) for adults

General diagnostic program (check-up) for children

What is screening?

Perhaps, after reading the title, many will ask themselves the question: “What is screening?”.

In fact, the vast majority of people have no idea about it, and some have not even heard the word! Meanwhile, many of these people body screening could help avoid serious health problems! After all, it has long been known that the earlier it was possible to detect a problem, the more chances for its successful elimination. From this it follows that a periodic full examination of the body of people at risk for a particular disease can help to "catch" the beginning of the development of pathology and take active and effective measures to cure it. At the same time, the price of a complete diagnosis of the human body in our clinic in Moscow is immeasurably lower than the cost of treating advanced diseases, both in monetary and moral terms!

It is widely believed that Screening means "Sifting, selection." In personnel management, this may be the case. But this word has another translation: "Protection", "Protection of someone from something unfavorable." It is this meaning that underlies the term "screening studies".

Full / comprehensive examination of the body

Generally speaking, from time to time pass complete (comprehensive) medical examination is worth any adult living in Moscow or in another large or industrial city, since, as a rule, the environmental situation in such places is in itself a risk factor for various diseases. This is the price that people pay for the opportunity to be closer to "civilization".

It should not be thought that we are talking exclusively about the elderly. Unfortunately, the tendency towards "rejuvenation" of many formidable diseases, which arose during the development of industry and technology, is not weakening, but, on the contrary, is intensifying. Increasingly, young people, by generally accepted standards, are diagnosed with oncological diseases, which are the result of not only an unfavorable environmental situation, but also an unhealthy lifestyle, disruption of work and rest, physical inactivity, an unbalanced and saturated diet with harmful products, and the like. But not only oncological diseases have become “younger”! Diseases of the cardiovascular system, lungs, liver, and other organs have become “younger”.

None of us can be completely sure that these terrible diseases have not yet taken root in our bodies, which is why a periodic comprehensive medical examination of all organs and body systems is a necessity, not a luxury (by the way, the price of screening studies in Moscow is relatively low , as you can see by looking at the table below) for any person from the age of 30 - 35 years!

What screening programs does GMS Clinic offer?

It is clear that the problems that arise in people of different sexes and different age categories are of a different nature. In order to most effectively identify these problems and, at the same time, optimize the cost of this process for our patients, GMS Clinic specialists have developed several programs, each of which is designed and recommended for people of a certain gender and age.

It should be noted that, despite some differences in the volume associated with the specific characteristics of the people included in the group for which this or that screening program is intended, they all require a complete examination of the body, including computer diagnostics, all necessary tests and studies. , allowing to draw correct conclusions about the state of the human body as a whole and about the work of its individual systems.

That is, we can say that the periodic passage of a complete examination of the body by people with the performance of the necessary studies and analyzes for their age and gender, minimizes the risk that a person will suddenly face the fact that he has a serious disease in an advanced stage.

Why GMS Clinic?

Screening examination in the modern sense of the term is a complex and high-tech process that includes many laboratory tests, computer diagnostics of the body, the latest medical equipment is involved in this process.

But, of course, not only advances in medical technology make screening effective. The main condition is the highest qualification and practical experience of doctors and specialists! After all, computer diagnostics of the body is insufficient, its results will not say anything to a non-professional. For their correct interpretation, the doctor often must have not only a solid baggage of theoretical knowledge, but also intuition, which comes with experience. Only then, with the help of a screening study, it is possible to detect a disease at a very early stage, when there are no obvious symptoms yet, there are only its first precursors.

We, at GMS Clinic, employ professionals of the highest standard, many of them have experience in clinics in Europe and the USA. Their professionalism and experience are harmoniously complemented by the most modern diagnostic and laboratory equipment, excellent conditions created in our clinic. All this makes screening in our clinic extremely effective! It would not be an exaggeration to say that GMS Clinic is on a par with the best European and world clinics! By contacting us, choosing one of our screening programs, you are not just spending money - you are investing in your health and prosperity!

You can learn more about our medical examination programs from the table above, and if you have any questions, please contact us by phone +7 495 781 5577, +7 800 302 5577 . You will find the address and directions to our clinic in the Contact Information section.

Why GMS Clinic?

GMS Clinic is a multidisciplinary medical and diagnostic center that provides a wide range of medical services and the ability to solve most health problems with Western-level medicine without leaving Moscow.

  • No queues
  • Own parking
  • Individual approach to each patient
  • Western and Russian standards of evidence-based medicine

In Moscow, several dozen health centers operate on the basis of city polyclinics. If the clinic you are attached to has a health center, you can get a free preventive examination there. It can be done at any age, once a year, and the visit itself will take from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

You can take an examination without an appointment at any convenient time (according to the schedule of the polyclinic). To apply, you will need a passport and a compulsory health insurance policy.

2. What procedures does the examination include?

A preventive examination consists of a number of procedures, including:

  • measurement of height, body weight, waist circumference, determination of body mass index;
  • measurement of blood pressure and diagnosis of arterial hypertension;
  • determination of the level of total cholesterol in the blood by an express method, diagnosis of disorders of fat metabolism;
  • determination of the level of glucose in the blood by the express method, detection of diabetes mellitus;
  • determination of the total cardiovascular risk (the risk of developing cardiovascular complications over the next 10 years is assessed);
  • determination of the concentration of carbon monoxide in the exhaled air (allows you to assess the severity of smoking and identify the fact of passive smoking);
  • spirometry - assessment of the main indicators of the respiratory system;
  • bioimpedancemetry - determination of the composition of the human body, the ratio of water, fat and muscle mass;
  • express assessment of the state of the heart by ECG signals from the limbs (performed using a cardiovisor);
  • determination of the ankle-brachial index (detection of early signs of atherosclerosis in the vessels of the lower extremities);
  • measurement of intraocular pressure and visual acuity testing (both studies are carried out on modern equipment, intraocular pressure is measured by a non-contact method);
  • reception (examination) of a dental hygienist with an assessment of hygiene and diagnosis of diseases of the oral cavity.

3. What will happen after the examination?

After the examinations, you will be directed to an appointment (examination) with a doctor at the health center. He will give recommendations, including on the correction of identified risk factors - unhealthy diet, overweight, smoking, low physical activity.

  • high blood pressure and shortness of breath
  • elevated levels of cholesterol in the blood, signaling problems with metabolism
  • an increase in glucose levels and the possibility of diabetes mellitus
  • overweight as a result of metabolic problems, hormonal disruptions
  • frequent headaches, malaise, chronic fatigue

Many chronic diseases proceed in a latent form. Only a general examination can reveal them. Few people listen to the advice of doctors to regularly do an electrocardiogram, an X-ray of the chest organs, and make an appointment with specialists for preventive purposes. There is not enough time for this. By paying for the service, you will pass the necessary tests and visit doctors on the territory of one medical institution. The whole procedure usually takes 1-2 days.

Comprehensive health insurance includes:

    A full range of tests - general clinical blood and urine, flora and oncocytology, biochemical blood screening (glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL, LDL, total bilirubin, AST, ALT, etc.).

    One of the tests of the patient's choice. The therapist will recommend which of the proposed list is more appropriate to do with your clinical picture. So, on the eve of surgery, you can take a blood test for the prothrombin index, and in the recovery period after fractures, you can undergo a study on the total calcium content.

  • Medical appointments of specialists - neurologist, ophthalmologist, surgeon, obstetrician-gynecologist or urologist. As well as an additional consultation of one of the doctors - an otolaryngologist, a cardiologist, an endocrinologist, a mammologist, a gastroenterologist, a dermatologist or a proctologist.

Under the terms of insurance, the patient can independently choose one narrow specialist, whom he will visit for free

The price of an initial consultation with a urologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist or other private doctor varies from 1,500–2,000 rubles. If you visit narrow specialists in private clinics, it will cost more than the cost of a full examination under insurance with analyzes for functional studies.

What diagnostic tests can be done free of charge as part of insurance

Under the terms of insurance, the patient can undergo free of charge such studies as:

  • complex ultrasound of the liver, gallbladder and ducts, pancreas; kidneys; spleen
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs / prostate and bladder, for women / men, respectively
  • electrocardiogram
  • chest x-ray
  • gastroesophageal duodenoscopy

In addition, the patient chooses one additional study on the recommendation of a specialist. The surgeon will refer you for an x-ray of the lumbosacral or cervical spine, a gynecologist for a mammogram, an otolaryngologist for a study of the paranasal sinuses or respiratory functions.

Individual studies are expensive in private clinics, and the savings on a comprehensive study is a huge amount

The final stage is a consultation with a therapist. The patient receives answers to exciting questions, a medical opinion and recommendations. The cost of such a comprehensive service is 12 - 15 thousand rubles. It all depends on the clinic where the examination is scheduled.

4 reasons to choose a comprehensive medical examination under the insurance program:

  1. economic benefit. The total cost of analyzes, studies and consultations included in the program does not exceed the amount of 12 - 15 thousand rubles.
  2. Effective Care. A separate visit to an otolaryngologist, pulmonologist or urologist does not give a complete picture of the state of health, as well as several tests without consultation or additional studies. Therefore, for those who are interested in maintaining health, and not just in need of a “tick” of the working report, this approach is suitable.
  3. Saving time and nerves. Theoretically, these services can also be obtained at the municipal clinic, but the cost of such “health care” will be the loss of nerve cells and a lot of time in queues, coupons and a showdown.
  4. High quality of services. Only accredited laboratories, qualified specialists, offices equipped with modern diagnostic equipment become participants in insurance programs under VHI.

The cost of this service under the insurance program is low. Annual control is necessary for both an elderly person and a student who is used to thinking about anything but health. A policy issued for a year will be more useful than persuasion and scheduled examinations in a regular clinic. Keeping track of your health in this way is much easier and more enjoyable!

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