In what position to put the newborn to sleep. Positions of a newborn during sleep - what threatens the life of a child in a position on his back and how to put him to sleep. Causes of restless sleep and how to fix them

A body rolled up into a ball, arms and legs crossed, knees under the chin - this is the position the baby takes before birth in the womb. But after giving birth, everything changes. A tight cozy corner in my mother's tummy is replaced by a large bed. Now you need to look for a new comfortable position for sleeping and waking. So what position (on the back, tummy or on the barrel) is preferable for the little man?

On the back

This is a comfortable and safe sleeping position for the baby. Thus, it is possible to lay the crumbs both for a short daytime and for a relatively long night's sleep. If the little one does not like to fall asleep in this position, let him fall asleep in a different position, and when he is sound enough to sleep, put him on his back.

REMEMBER! There are situations when it is worth limiting lying on the back (for example, with dysplasia hip joints) - then the doctor recommends frequent laying of the awake crumbs in the position of a frog (on the tummy with legs wide apart).

On the tummy

This position is suitable for being awake, but not for sleeping. If the baby likes to fall asleep like this, let him do it, but then be sure to turn it over on its back, because in this position the baby can bury his nose in a mattress or blanket and he will have difficulty breathing. Studies show that sleeping on your stomach does not guarantee the safety of young children - in this position, the risk of instant infant death syndrome increases seven times! So don't risk it. But with peace of mind let the baby "walk" on the tummy after waking up: it is more convenient for him to look around and train the muscles of the neck, back and shoulders, raising and holding the head.

REMEMBER! One "session" of lying on the tummy should not last longer than fifteen minutes.

on the side

This position is recommended for daytime sleep, when you have the opportunity to control the baby. Even more Small child can independently roll over from side to back, but he will not be able to return to his original position (this skill comes only at the age of 5-6 months). It is recommended to lay children on their side, who spit up profusely after eating (so the baby will not be able to choke). Some pediatricians advise placing a blanket or bath towel under the back of the little one so that the baby cannot roll over.

REMEMBER! If you often lay the baby on its side, try to ensure that once it lies on the left, and the other time on the right side. Also keep in mind that the side position is not suitable for babies with hip dysplasia who are not yet three months old.

Head above body level

This position is mandatory when feeding crumbs. The head of a baby who suckles at the breast or drinks milk from a bottle should be above body level. Otherwise, the little one will choke on milk and swallow a lot of air during feeding, and this Right way to painful colic and profuse regurgitation.

REMEMBER! Even if you hold your baby correctly during feeding, this does not negate the need to hold him for several minutes after sucking on the breast or bottle in an upright position.

Calm, healthy, deep and sweet newborn baby sleep among other factors, it also depends on the position in which the baby sleeps. Until he can roll over on his own, and puts him in the sleeping position mom or dad. , restores strength and cognizes the world. At first, the baby sleeps a lot. Staying in the arms of Morpheus, the baby grows, develops, analyzes and remembers what he saw and heard. In addition, in the phase of deep sleep, the child produces growth hormone. In order for the baby to sleep well, the mother bathes him in decoctions of herbs, gives him a massage, breastfeeds before going to bed, and. However, it turns out that sleeping position plays an important role.

Sleep on tummy

There is data that sleep on stomach can cause SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). However, scientists were unable to substantiate these data and did not confirm them in any way. In the same time baby sleeping on stomach feels safe. He is comfortable, he sleeps more peacefully. While sleeping on your stomach the muscles of the back, neck and shoulder girdle are strengthened. Lying on his stomach, the baby slightly raises lower part body, resulting in improved blood supply to the brain. At the same time, the baby's legs are in the correct physiological position, they are widely separated, which is the prevention of hip dysplasia. Clinging to the warm bed with the body, the baby loses less heat, so it does not freeze. Besides, gastrointestinal tract in the position on the tummy, it works more actively, milk is absorbed better, colic is less disturbing. It is worth laying the baby on the tummy at least during the daytime sleep.

Sleep on your back

While sleeping on your back the baby can freely move his arms and legs and turn his head. However, the movements of newborns are still sharp and uncoordinated, so babies often wake themselves up with their hands and scratch their faces. Trim your baby's nails promptly. You can also not tightly wrap the handles at night with a diaper, and leave the legs free. Imitation of a gentle hug will improve the baby's sleep. You can not lay the baby on the back if he has a stuffy nose. So it will be more difficult for the baby to breathe, because the swollen nasopharynx partially overlaps the throat.

Sleep on your side

Side position- the most common for babies who often spit up. Under the back of the baby, place a folded terry towel, a blanket or a special pillow-roller. Then he won't roll over onto his back. Just change the position of the child, each time putting him to sleep on the other side.

Sleeping in the fetal position

Some time after birth, the baby will try to take the position in which he spent the previous few months: he pulls his legs to his tummy, and presses his arms to his chin. But at the end of the month, the baby should already move away from this position. If this does not happen, it is worth visiting a pediatrician and excluding muscle hypertonicity in a child.

Sweet sleep conditions

1. Don't swaddle your baby. When the baby is tightly swaddled in fabric, he stops feeling his legs and arms, starts to cry and get nervous. The child's circulation worsens, there is a risk of hypothermia. It is better to put on a loose cotton overalls for the baby, and instead of a blanket, use a zippered envelope or a sleeping bag that fastens on the shoulders and expands to the bottom. So the baby will be able to move freely and at the same time will not open at night.

2. Baby doesn't need a pillow, you should not put folded diapers under your head. It is better to slightly raise the crib or mattress from the side of the headboard by placing a small plank under the legs.

3. If possible do not put the baby to sleep immediately after eating. Give him the opportunity to burp, swear in your arms with a column. So, colic will not disturb the baby at night, and he will sleep more peacefully.

Sweet dreams with your baby!

The first months of a baby's life are associated with risk. A young mother, who previously did not have to take care of a child, goes to bed with fear, fearing that the baby would suffocate in her sleep or choke on the liquid she spits up. Several good advice help you set up sleeping place baby, create an optimal microclimate and provide him with a sound healthy sleep.

Ventilate the room where the child sleeps in the morning and evening. When airing, wrap the baby well or transfer it to another room for a while. Control the temperature, it should fluctuate between 18-22 degrees, optimally - 20-21. Check air humidity. If the child breathes dry air, he will soon begin to cough, as the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and larynx dries up. It is recommended to buy a humidifier. If this is not possible, then resort to an alternative. Brew chamomile, linden or string, or better, take saline at the pharmacy. Moisten a diaper or gauze cut with the prepared composition and hang it on batteries if it is winter outside. In summer and spring, hang gauze or a diaper near a crib, cradle. saline fumes or herbal decoction will promote soft breathing and will favorably affect general condition child . After all, he will not breathe dusty dry air, but a natural herbal or salt extract. In addition, these concentrates act as antimicrobial agents. Do not swaddle the baby, give him space and the opportunity to move. Let the spine and limbs form naturally rather than atrophy. The child should sleep on a firm, level surface. If the baby sleeps with his parents, and the mattress is springy, then it should be with an orthopedic slope. In a crib, it is enough to lay a simple mattress with an ecological filler. Remove the pillow from the crib, discard this idea. A fragile, unformed spine will deform and twist in this position. It is better if the child gets used to sleeping without a pillow. When the baby is sleeping, avoid bright lights and harsh sounds. At the same time, do not try to walk on tiptoe and speak in a whisper. If the child gets used to perfect silence, then it will be very difficult for him to sleep, and you will suffer from constant whims at the slightest creak. Walk, talk normally, listen to music, watch TV (but do not let the screen shine on the child if he sleeps in the same room with his parents). Do not take these recommendations as liberties, the advice is for a prudent person, and the noise should not be regular, powerful and deliberate. For several months after birth, it is recommended to use two postures for short and long sleep: lying on the back and on the side. If you put the baby on the back, then be sure to turn the head to the side. This forethought is necessary for the flow of saliva and milk mass that babies regurgitate after feeding. If you put to sleep on the side, then just see that nothing interferes with the crumbs. Place a blanket under the back, let the baby lean on it. Change your sleeping position and head rotation regularly one side to another. At 3 months, you can already put the baby to sleep on the tummy, this will significantly reduce colic. Check your baby's sleep regularly.

With the advent of a new member in the family, parents have the same question: how to put a newborn to sleep? Most dads and moms go to the Internet to get an answer to it. This article will tell you how best to put your newborn to bed. You will learn about the features of this procedure and get acquainted with the nuances of the process. You can also get the opinion of experts on this matter.

Ask your doctor about how to properly put your newborn to bed

Each baby in the children's clinic is assigned to a specific area, which is supervised by a pediatrician. If you have a question about how to put a newborn to sleep at night or in daytime hours, - visit medical institution and ask your doctor.

The pediatrician will tell you in detail that the baby in the first year of his life should sleep on a hard surface. Also, you do not need to cover the child and put a pillow under his head. It is worth folding the diaper several times and placing it at the head of the bed. Doctors believe that in such conditions the spine of the newborn will take the correct position. Is it really? Some modern pediatricians have a completely opposite opinion about how to put a newborn to bed. Consider the main nuances and conditions.

Co-sleeping or staying in a crib?

Before you put your newborn to bed, you need to decide on the place of his rest. Doctors differ greatly on what is best for the baby. Some doctors believe that the baby should be with his mother for a long nine months. A sharp separation can adversely affect the neurological condition of the baby. That is why experts recommend that mothers arrange co-sleeping. Put the newborn with you. In this case, you do not have to get up for the next feeding. In the first months of life, the child should not be separated from the mother for more than two hours.

Other doctors say that the place of a newborn baby should be determined separately. The child needs to buy a separate comfortable bed or cradle. There is no place for a baby in a mother's bed. Only the baby's father should sleep there.

Proper bedding

How to put a newborn to sleep? If you are in the mood for joint sleep, then the issue with bedding usually does not arise. The baby sleeps on his mother's sheet and takes cover with her blanket. However, you still need to maintain personal hygiene. At co-sleeping the child needs to put his own diaper on. Place it directly on your sheet. Also get a small blanket that will cover the baby.

If you are placing a child in a crib, then you must definitely buy a mattress and a pillow with a blanket. Most pediatricians recommend firm mattresses made from natural materials. Pillows should only be used on the advice of a physician. Often these are orthopedic devices. Doctors also advise not to cover the baby, but to place it in a sleeping bag.

Hard or soft?

How to properly put a newborn baby to sleep? Is it really necessary to use only hard surfaces and refuse soft featherbeds, blankets and pillows?

Nowadays, parents often face the fact that their children refuse to sleep in their beds. Babies fall asleep perfectly in their mother's arms, but after being put into the cradle, they begin to cry. What is the reason for such concern? It's all about sleep conditions. In ancient times, babies were placed on lush soft featherbeds, and a small pillow was placed under the head. In such conditions, newborns slept sweetly and for a long time. It is worth noting that many generations grew up in such cradles. At the same time, people do not suffer from curvature of the spine, from which new hard mattresses “rescue” and orthopedic pillows.

Ambient conditions

How should a newborn be put to sleep? What should be the conditions surrounding it? After all, only in a comfortable environment will the baby sleep soundly and calmly.

First of all, before putting the newborn to bed, you need to ventilate the room. However, make sure that the temperature in the room does not fall below 20 degrees. Also, do not heat the air to more than 25 degrees. Remember that newborn children, due to the underdevelopment of thermoregulation, quickly freeze and overheat. Make sure that the baby is dressed in comfortable, breathable clothes that do not have large buttons and piercing objects.

Download or not?

How to put a newborn to sleep? Many new parents resort to the motion sickness procedure. While grandmothers and experienced moms they say that this is fraught with accustoming to hands. In fact, if your baby gets used to falling asleep in his arms with rhythmic rocking, then later it will cause a lot of inconvenience. Is it right to rock a newborn baby?

Many doctors, pediatricians and neurologists say that in the process of rhythmic rocking, the child develops normal work vestibular apparatus. Often, patients with a violation of this function are recommended to ride on a swing. In the first months of a child's life, he is disturbed by pain in the tummy. That is why the baby cries and twists its legs. In the process of motion sickness, the child is distracted and calms down. That is why rocking the baby to sleep is not only possible, but also necessary. This will help to avoid the cries of the crumbs and excessive nervous tension of the mother.

In what position?

How to put a newborn to sleep? Should the baby lie on his back or stomach during rest? What can you say to new parents about this?

In most maternity hospitals, babies are laid on a barrel. In this case, a special roller or rolled towel is placed under the back. This position will help prevent the baby from choking while spitting up. However, in many countries, doctors practice sleeping on the stomach for newborns. In fact, in this position, the baby will be somewhat more comfortable. The arms and legs will not frighten the baby, and the gases from the tummy will be able to exit sooner. In Russia, pediatricians do not allow putting the baby on the stomach until the umbilical cord falls off. On average, this time is two weeks. Many babies love to sleep on their backs. However, you should not practice this position at night. Quite often, babies spit up and can choke on these masses.

What conclusion can be drawn about the position of the baby in a dream? Put your baby to sleep exactly the way he/she is comfortable. However, with a pose on the stomach, it is worth removing the pillow from under the head of the newborn. This will help to avoid sudden death.

How to put a newborn to bed: some ways

Already after the first month of the baby's life, mom and dad develop a certain technique with which they lull the baby to sleep. In fact, there are many ways to put a newborn to sleep during the day or at night. Some of them are presented to your attention.


Many babies fall asleep perfectly during feeding. It doesn't matter if your baby is eating breast milk or a mixture. In newborn babies, it is strongly expressed sucking reflex. While suckling, they calm down and fall asleep safely. Do not forget to hold the crumbs with a "column" so that the air leaves the stomach.

How to put a newborn to sleep in a crib

If you want to teach your baby to fall asleep in your bed, then it’s worth saying that at this age it will not be easy to do. A nipple, a bed pendulum and a mobile will come to your aid. Lay your baby on the bed and rock gently. If the baby is worried, give him a pacifier. Such laying can last quite a long time. Remember that the baby must be fed and have a clean diaper or diaper.


Sometimes simple stroking helps to put a newborn to sleep. Find a point on the forehead between the eyebrows and make circular motions clockwise. All your touches should be gentle. Such stroking calms the newborn, and he quickly falls asleep.


You have learned how to put a newborn to bed. Remember that during the day there should be monotonous noise around the child. At night, turn off the lights, radio, and TV. If you have to feed or change clothes, then use a night light, and keep all conversations in a whisper. Sweet sleep for your baby!

You bring a newborn from the hospital, and he is so small, fragile, defenseless ... It becomes scary to touch him, to pick him up. This is especially scary for young parents. And, of course, the first question that begins to worry them is how a newborn should sleep. What should be the baby's bed, how to put to sleep, in what position, etc. All this is very important to know in order to create for the baby favorable conditions for sleep and minimize the risks to life.

Sleep conditions for a newborn

To have baby was stronger and more deep dream, it needs the following conditions:

  • clean air in the room;
  • temperature not higher than 25 ° C (ideally - 20 ° C);
  • the correct humidity is about 60-70%;
  • no bright lights, no loud noises.

Naturally, the room of the newborn should be washed, the dust wiped off. If this daytime sleep then the curtains are drawn. The baby himself does not need to be wrapped in a blanket if the temperature in the nursery is above 22 ° C. Overheating is fraught with unpleasant health consequences.

Sleep positions

It is very important in what position the baby sleeps, because so far most he spends his time sleeping. let's consider comfortable positions in which it is better to lay the crumbs.

on the side

The side position is the safest.

The safest sleeping position for an infant is the side-lying position. This is how pediatricians, as well as doctors in maternity hospitals, advise laying babies (at least for the first time). The thing is anatomical features the structure of the stomach and esophagus of infants, namely, in the absence of a pronounced cardiac sphincter. Therefore, after feeding, the baby can spit up profusely. At this point, it is best to lay it on its side to avoid the risk of choking.


It's even more safe posture than sleeping on your side. Sleeping sideways is good for children who spit up frequently or who suffer from colic. This posture contributes to a better discharge of gas.

So that the child does not roll over and does not take other poses, it must be correctly placed. Under the back you need to put a diaper or blanket rolled up with a roller. It is also necessary to ensure that the baby does not scratch himself, this can be avoided by putting scratches on him.

Tip: the child must be periodically turned over to the other side, otherwise torticollis may occur.

On the back

When the baby sleeps on his back, his head should be turned to the side.

Sleeping a newborn on his back is both beneficial and dangerous. It is useful because it is physiological, natural for him. Dangerous due to the fact that the baby. In the supine position, he can choke on burping masses.


  1. When laying the newborn on the back, the head should be turned to the side and fixed with a diaper roller so that it cannot turn on its own.
  2. The position of the head must be changed periodically to avoid torticollis.
  3. So that the baby in this position does not scratch and does not wake himself up with his hands, it is better to swaddle him. If the baby does not like to lie swaddled, he is nervous, then it is recommended to lay him, for example, on his tummy.

The position on the back is not recommended if the baby is diagnosed with hip dysplasia, if he has signs of muscle hypertonicity (he will constantly pull his arms, preventing himself from sleeping), and also with colic (with abundant gas formation, the newborn will not be able to sleep soundly).

On the tummy

The most best pose- on the tummy: prevents colic, is the prevention of infant mortality syndrome

The pose on the stomach is a prevention, firstly, of colic (it works well in this position digestive system, gases escape better), and secondly, the infant mortality syndrome, one of the causes of which is, again, the danger of choking when spitting up. Posture on the tummy will prevent backfire regurgitation.

In addition, in this position, the muscles, bones of the back and neck are strengthened, and over time it will be easier for the child to learn to hold the head.

If the baby likes to sleep on his stomach, then certain safety precautions must be observed:

  • buy a hard mattress, better orthopedic;
  • sleep without a pillow;
  • do not lay oilcloth sheets in the crib;
  • toys are best hung over the bed, and not placed at the head of the baby.

But even with these precautions, it is better to look after the baby while sleeping on your stomach.

In the fetal position

If a child has been sleeping for more than a month with legs pulled up to the tummy and arms pressed to the chest, this may indicate muscle hypertension (hypertonicity). But if after 3-4 weeks the baby straightens up and sleeps in normal positions, then there is no cause for concern.

Important! In whatever position the baby would sleep, from time to time it must be turned over to the other side or change its position in order to avoid tissue lying down, deformation of the unsettled bone skeleton, squeezing veins and muscles.

Putting to bed

Laying the baby, you need to stroke or lightly pat him to calm down.

Research on infant behavior shows that the child is already in infancy remembers the sequence of ongoing actions, and if something is missed, he will begin to act up, he will not be able to fall asleep for a long time. It is correct to lay the baby in such a way that this process takes place quickly and painlessly, for which, before going to bed, it is advisable to repeat the same actions, at the same time, in the same sequence.

  1. To calm the child and improve sleep, they bathe him in water with herbs, do light massage stroking, then feeding.
  2. Do not lay down a newborn immediately after feeding. It's good to raise it for a few minutes in vertical position so that he can burp the extra air.
  3. Putting to bed, the mother can sing a lullaby to the baby in a low voice, gently stroking and patting him at night.

Newborn bedding

A monthly baby sleeps 18-19 hours a day, older children (3 months - a year) sleep less, but still at least 15-16 hours. That is almost all the time. Therefore, the task of parents is to decide where to sleep for the baby and arrange his sleeping place.

Some parents buy a crib in advance, others put the baby to bed with them. On the one hand, it is convenient for both parents and children, since there is no need to get up at night for feeding, and the baby is calmer mother's breast. On the other hand, it is dangerous, as sleeping parents can crush the baby. Pediatricians warn: do not accustom the child to the parent's bed!


Requirements: safety, hygiene, moderate rigidity. Specialists in pediatrics and orthopedists recommend a hard, dense orthopedic mattress that sags slightly under the weight of the baby. This is primarily the prevention of curvature of the spine.

because of active development bone and muscular system it is forbidden to lay out a child on a soft surface for up to a year, especially on downy mattresses.

A hard or moderately hard mattress is part of the prevention of infant mortality syndrome. Even burying his nose in it, the baby will not suffocate, since a flat surface without creases will not be able to block oxygen for the baby.

Since children love to chew on their crib (especially when teething), it is better if it is not well sanded and varnished.

Pillow-positioner will keep the baby in the best position for him

Very handy for baby care. Various modifications of such pillows, mattresses, blankets, pillowcases, cocoon beds for newborns help to keep the baby in the position in which he was put to sleep, fixing the head in the desired position. With cushion positioner breastfed baby must sleep soundly.

Buckwheat pillows

Recommended for newborns by neonatologists. Such orthopedic pillows filled with buckwheat husks easily repeat the outlines of the head and neck of the crumbs in any position, contribute to proper formation spine and cervical flexure. In addition, the pillow has a massaging effect, improves blood circulation in the head and neck, and soothes the baby well.

Cocoon diapers

The diaper-cocoon will provide restful sleep baby

There are zippers or Velcro, easy to use, allow you to quickly fix the arms and legs of the baby, leaving him freedom of movement. Such soft swaddling prevents sleep disturbance, as the baby cannot wake and scratch himself with his hands. These give the baby the impression of being in the womb.


What the baby sleeps in depends on several factors: the temperature in the apartment, the time of year (in the summer you can not dress the baby at all, leaving only a diaper), his well-being, age, etc. The most comfortable clothing is a jumpsuit with scratches. It does not constrain movements, protects the delicate skin of the crumbs from its own sharp nails. It is warm in it, it is convenient to take it off and put it on, which is especially good for those parents who use diapers. The jumpsuit is ideal for children of both sexes.

These recommendations should definitely be taken into account, especially if parents want their child to sleep peacefully all night. And if the child sleeps peacefully, then mom and dad also sleep, which gives them the opportunity to feel full of strength and desire to communicate with their baby.

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