Folk medicine urinary incontinence. Treatment of urinary incontinence with folk remedies. There are several types of male incontinence.

Urinary incontinence - unpleasant, but well known in medicine pathological condition. The essence of this condition is simple and clear: the patient is unable to retain urine without controlling the contraction of the muscles that close the exit from the bladder, which leads to the release of urine outside.

Distribution of urinary incontinence

Involuntary urination is common in children, women and the elderly. Moreover, in children, as a rule, urinary incontinence is observed at night during sleep. In adults, women and the elderly, urinary incontinence occurs most often during the daytime.

To promote washing urinary tract and elimination of microorganisms, it is important to increase water intake. For the treatment of cystitis we have herbal remedies that cover various aspects diseases. The latter is an excellent antiseptic urine, especially against bacteria, but since this is the case and Bilberry performs its duties correctly, it is important that the urine is as alkaline as possible, so it must be combined with alkalizing products, such as bicarbonate, which alkalizes urine.

Etiology of the pathological condition

The cause of involuntary urination in children is an unformed nervous system. In sleep, when consciousness is turned off, the incompletely formed central nervous system cannot control the muscles of the exit from the bladder.

Urinary incontinence in women, most often occurs after childbirth, due to damage to the muscle exit from the bladder during birth trauma. In older women, involuntary urination occurs in menopause due to hormonal disorders.

Una de Gato is another plant that helps to stimulate our immune system and therefore stops the infection. Its use is highly recommended for chronic cystitis accompanied by a lack of urination. Also anti-inflammatory and softening urinary tract is the root of Althea, which is also a mild analgesic. If we want to eliminate all pathogens, we must wash the urinary tract well with plants with diuretic activity, which stimulate the production of urine and facilitate its expulsion.

In older men, involuntary urination occurs due to the development of various diseases associated with lesions prostate.

Urinary incontinence may also occur due to trauma to the pelvis, pelvic and inguinal regions. And, this condition can also manifest itself in some diseases of the nervous system.

Traditional medicine and treatment of urinary incontinence

For this, we can use diuretic plants such as parsley, nettle and dandelion. Clinical researches position cranberries in the head in the treatment of cystitis and urinary tract infections. Cranberries have antiseptic and antibiotic effects on microbes that cause urinary tract infections. Cranberries have also been shown to reduce the levels of bacteria in the bladders of older women. There is an emerging interest in testing the ability of these substances to act on recurrent urinary tract infections that are common in geriatrics.

Involuntary urination has been known to mankind since time immemorial. It is quite natural that traditional medicine can offer a wide range of remedies to heal urinary incontinence. There are so many folk remedies and they are so diverse that we will focus only on the most effective and proven ones.

Means for the treatment of involuntary urination from the arsenal of traditional healers

Recurrent infections are very common in incontinent patients of both sexes. More than 73% of patients with urethral or bladder catheters and 40% of diaper users need to take antibiotics for urinary tract infections.

Other plant items that heal

Peralta Arjonnilla Pharmaceutical Technical Director of Grupo Castagni. Female sexual dysfunction can be quite comparable to the problem of impotence experienced by men, and interestingly, the incidence among women is much higher. Diabetes is chronic illness characterized by an increase in blood glucose levels that affects about 3 million people in Spain. This is a health issue that we should not leave aside as it becomes clear every November 14th, World Diabetes Day.

For children and with nocturnal involuntary urination

1. If children with nocturnal involuntary urination sleep deeply and for a long time, traditional healers recommend giving them three to six grains of freshly roasted coffee before bed.

2. Children are encouraged to consume honey. Honey promotes fluid retention in the body, has a calming effect on nervous system.

Horsetail is one of the oldest plant species on Earth. We can find it in Europe as well as in North America and Asia. Horsetail is currently one of the most consumed medicinal plants in the world. Summer is coming and with it the much desired holiday in which we will enjoy peaceful days of rest and relaxation. For nothing will make us bitter about these well-deserved holidays, nothing is better than taking with us a small natural kit that can help us with the typical inconveniences of the season.

Originally from the Mediterranean, sage is the most cultivated medicinal plant in the world due to its many health benefits, especially when combined with other plants to treat certain problems. But it is also widely known for its versatility in the kitchen, which can be used since ancient times to taste all sorts of dishes.

3. Nighttime involuntary urination (enuresis) folk doctors recommend about one hundred and twenty-five milliliters of agrimony seeds to insist on red wine.

The remedy must be taken in a small glass, with a capacity of about thirty milliliters three times a day.

4. Grind the roots of elecampane. Pour a glass of boiling water into the roots. Then, the infusion should be boiled over low heat for a quarter of an hour. It is necessary to insist, having previously wrapped the vessel, for four hours. After the infusion must be drained.

There are diseases that appear more often or are aggravated in certain time year: depression in spring and autumn, catarrhal processes in winter, allergies also in spring, migraine during a thunderstorm, etc. our body is also immune to the arrival of heat, where, among other things, heaviness of the legs, swelling of the ankles or pain caused by varicose veins veins, betray the deterioration of our venous system circulation.

Also known as the passion flower, the passion flower is one of the the best means against all kinds of nervousness. This plant, originally from Brazil and Peru, is rich in flavonoids that have a calming effect on the nervous system, helping to reduce stress and anxiety and allowing restful sleep. So if the stress of work, family problems or economic setbacks keep you out of balance, the passionate flower is your great ally.

With involuntary urination at night, the infusion must be taken, moreover, preferably with honey.

Other ways

1. If involuntary urination is frequent calls for urination, it is recommended to brew young branches of sweet cherries or cherries (not bad with the addition of honey).

2. It is necessary to pour a tablespoon of dill seeds with a glass of boiling water. After, wrap and insist for two to three hours. Strain out the infusion.

When we were little, we all took a dandelion from the garden to stab it and watch its tiny white strands spread through the air. But what many people don't know is that this fun plant also has beneficial properties for the body.

It is estimated that about 10% of the population suffers from migraine. This ailment, which is more common in women, can be alleviated by the various possibilities that nature offers, and without the need to resort to drugs. The flower system consists of 38 remedies made from thirty-four wildflowers and three cultivations. The last of the preparations is not a flower, but simply spring water.

You need to drink the infusion immediately in one go.

3. Folk healers in Russia since ancient times believed that the most reliable and true remedy for the treatment of involuntary urination is a mixture of two medicinal herbs hypericum perforatum and centaury umbrella. Herbs must be mixed in a one to one ratio.

The mixture must be brewed with boiling water and drunk instead of tea.

Urinary incontinence is the inability to control the flow of urine. For this reason, during the day or at night, there is an involuntary loss of a certain amount one or more times. Similarly, elderly people with benign prostatic hypertrophy and partial bladder discharge obstruction suffer from urinary incontinence.

In other words, a person cannot hold on to urine for the time it takes to get to the bathroom. This type of incontinence can be caused by urinary tract infections, diabetes, bladder stones, consumption of caffeinated drinks, and alcoholic drinks, among others.

4. Medicinal tea from corn columns with stigmas, with the addition of honey, is recommended to be brewed and used for involuntary urination in the form of frequent urination.

You need to drink tea several times a day.

5. Mix the leaves and berries of lingonberries in the amount of two tablespoons and the same amount of St. John's wort. The resulting mixture must be brewed by adding three cups of boiling water. After, the mixture must be boiled over low heat for ten minutes. Cool and drain.

Overflow incontinence This happens when the bladder is not completely empty and then fills up so much that it overflows and urine passes out. This can happen in cases of diabetes or the consumption of certain medications such as antidepressants, antihistamines, among others, which cause urinary retention first and then overflow incontinence.

Stress incontinence This is common in menopausal women and occurs when the muscles that support the pelvic floor cannot close the bladder well due to weakening caused by vaginal multiple births, collagen changes, etc. so these weakened muscles when there is an increase in pressure from the abdomen due to physical activity, such as coughing, sneezing, laughing or exercising, cannot contain urination.

It is necessary to take a decoction starting from sixteen hours of the day, distributing it into several doses before going to bed.

6. The phytomix helps well: it is necessary to mix two parts of parsley seeds, horsetail grass, common heather grass. Add to the mixture one part each of common hop cones, medicinal lovage root, bean leaves. The mixture must be brewed in a glass of boiling water and drained.

Functional incontinence. With this type of incontinence urinary system OK, but the person is suffering from diseases such as Parkinson's disease or mental illness such as Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia that prevent him from using it.

home remedies and herbal remedies for Urinary Incontinence #1 Take a tablespoon of vinegar daily with food, especially salads. Urinary incontinence remedies #2 Before breakfast, before breakfast, wave a little cinnamon. Urinary Incontinence Products #3 Pour 35 grams of horsetail into a liter of boiling water. Remove from fire and cool. Take three tablespoons distributed one at each meal.

It is necessary to drink with nocturnal urinary incontinence in the pharynx, distributing the intake during the day.

7. Marshmallow roots must be ground to a powder consistency. Six grams of powder should be poured into a glass of cold boiled water. After insisting for ten hours and drain.

Use the infusion, spreading the doses throughout the day.

Incontinence Remedies #4 Boil 1 teaspoon of sage in a cup of water for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, strain and drink a very hot infusion. Incontinence Products #5 Put some lime on a plate and put it under the bed. Then insert the bag of hops onto the pillow.

Reduce your intake of foods with salt because it causes fluid retention, which can cause incontinence overflow. Do Muscle Strengthening Exercises pelvic floor and urethra to better contain urine. To perform them, you must first determine which muscles. To do this, you only need to try to stop the jet during urination. The muscles that are contracted to prevent the drops from continuing are the ones that need to be implemented and strengthened.

8. One tablespoon of plantain leaves must be brewed with a glass of boiling water. Wrap the infusion and soak for an hour. After the infusion must be drained.

9. In cold water, it is necessary to infuse for eight hours about three teaspoons of shepherd's purse herb. After, drain.

Use at night involuntary urination three or four times a day, one to two tablespoons.

Having identified these muscles, they contract for five seconds, relax for another five seconds. Repeat this 12 times, at least eight times a day. Remember that the more repetitions you do, the better the results will be. Consume at least 8 glasses of water, because if you drink less liquid, the urine becomes more concentrated, which will cause irritation in the bladder and you will have to go to the bathroom more.

Urinary incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine. The victim has an urgent and sudden urge to urinate but is unable to retain urine. It suggests a hygienic, social and mental problem as it affects the patient's daily activities and reduces his quality of life.

10. Needs to be washed and dried eggshell, after, crush into powder. The powder must be mixed with honey, roll the mixture into balls.

There are balls several times a day.

11. Doctors recommend using a cold decoction of elm bark, viburnum and ash in a glass for involuntary urination.

12. Common agrimony, about a tablespoon of grass, is recommended to be brewed with a glass of boiling water. After, wrap, insist for an hour and drain.

Symptoms of Urinary Incontinence

Incontinence is not in itself, but a consequence of a change in the filling phase of the bladder, which occurs in many diseases. The main symptom of urinary incontinence, and the one that defines this problem, is the involuntary loss of urine. This can happen with coughing, sneezing, sex, or physical exertion. Depending on the type of incontinence, there will be more or less urine loss.

Causes of Urinary Incontinence

In some cases, this may be accompanied by pain and urinary infections, which often recur. In most cases, urinary incontinence is caused by weakening of the pelvic floor muscles that keep the urethra closed. When you lose your elasticity, some daily activities such as laughing, coughing, getting up and running can cause you to leak urine. However, these muscles can be strengthened again with the right exercises.

It is necessary to consume with honey, a quarter cup twenty minutes before meals up to four times a day.

13. Helps well herbal tea- brew forty - fifty grams of sage herb officinalis brew in a liter of boiling water.

Drink a glass three times a day.

14. Healers recommend drinking half a glass up to four times a day, a decoction of fresh or dried blueberries or blackberries.

In the case of women, the main causes of incontinence are related to the changes that occur during pregnancy, childbirth and menopause. Other causes of incontinence are overweight, medical problems, neurological damage, some medications that cause incontinence, like side effect, and even urinary infections that lead to bladder hypersensitivity.

Our goal is to help you stay informed, but they should never replace medical advice. It is very important that you consult your doctor about this or any other natural treatment, as well as about possible contraindications or incompatibility.

15. Grind the roots of wheatgrass creeping. In about four teaspoons of the root, add about a glass of boiled cold water. Insist in a cool place for twelve hours. After draining. In the roots, strained from the infusion, two hundred and fifty milliliters of boiling water should be poured and insisted for ten minutes. After drain and mix both infusions.

It is necessary to consume one hundred grams four times a day.

16. About fifty grams of St. John's wort should be poured with one liter of boiling water. Infuse for four hours. Strain after.

With prolonged and persistent involuntary urination, the decoction should be drunk unlimitedly, like water.

17. Mix four parts rose hips and one part foxglove. The mixture must be poured with water and boiled for half an hour. After you need to add a small amount of rosehip flowers. Then the mixture must be boiled twice and drained.

You need to drink the decoction cold, one glass twice a day..

Congenital anomalies in the bladder are common causes of enuresis. There are many recipes for solving this problem. Dill for urinary incontinence is used frequently and has shown beneficial effects on the urinary system. With the regular manifestation of enuresis, it is worth seeking help from a doctor in order to avoid serious pathologies and for effective treatment.

Urinary incontinence has long been treated with garden spice - dill.

Healing properties of dill

Dill in its composition is rich in vitamin C, carotene, vitamins B, nicotine and folic acid, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus and other valuable trace elements. With the help of this composition, dill grass is able to regulate the work in gastrointestinal system, to reduce indicators blood pressure, have a positive effect on the functionality of the heart, weaken pain in the head and help with insomnia. Thanks to useful properties Dill water:

  • relieves symptoms of cystitis and kidney ailments;
  • stimulates the diuretic and choleretic effect in the human body;
  • approved for use to increase lactation in breastfeeding women.

Dill treatment for enuresis

To date, dill in medicine is used to solve many problems and use any kind of herb (fresh or infusion). Enuresis can be cured with dill water. Such treatment is effective and applicable for all people, regardless of age indicators. To get rid of enuresis in children helps a long complex treatment, wherein special place allotted folk recipes. Herbal medicine with dill reduces involuntary urination and renders beneficial effect on the general state the patient's body.

Folk recipes

Dill seeds (1 tablespoon) brew with boiled water (200 ml) and insist for several hours. The resulting infusion is recommended to filter. Take in the morning after sleep on an empty stomach without sugar, but it is allowed to add a little honey. children adolescence and older people drink 200 ml of dill water at a time, younger children - 100 ml. After a ten-day course, a ten-day break is made and the treatment is repeated. At organic lesion in genitourinary system method is ineffective.

The following recipe has helped many patients with a favorable outcome in enuresis. Dill seeds (1 tablespoon) are recommended to be boiled in 200 ml of water over low heat. After cooling, strain the resulting broth. Drink this infusion in small sips, in the evening or before a night's rest. Treatment course lasts for 7 days.

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