Large lymphocytes in the blood are increased. What to do if the lymphocytes in the blood are elevated? Non-dangerous causes of increased lymphocytes

If lymphocytes in the blood are elevated, this may indicate the development serious pathologies in the body, although only a specialist can give a more accurate assessment of this condition. In any case, an excess of lymphocytes is a signal of the body that should not be ignored.

Main functions of lymphocytes

Norm of lymphocytes and interpretation of analyzes

Lymphocytes - essential elements immunities that remember pathogens dangerous infections and pass on information about them to other generations, forming a sustainable defense against diseases.

The number of lymphocytes in the blood is determined by a general blood test, the standards for which are determined separately for each age group.

In children younger age the number of lymphocytes is normally higher than in adults.

Important! An increased content of lymphocytes in the blood is not a reason for panic. This is just a signal of the body to the changes taking place in it, with the help of which many diseases can be detected and prevented.

An increase in lymphocytes in the blood does not always indicate diseases

When deciphering the results of a blood test, the absolute and relative deviations lymphocyte levels:

  • Relative values ​​determine the percentage of lymphocyte cells in the total amount of the leukocyte formula. Enhanced Level lymphocytes in the blood normal amount leukocytes may indicate the presence of purulent, inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Absolute values ​​mean a condition in which the level of lymphocytes in the blood exceeds age norms(in adults - 4 * 10 9) - lymphocytosis .. This may indicate a serious viral infection, the development of hepatitis, pathology endocrine system.

In case it is found high performance lymphocytes in the blood, a more detailed diagnosis of the leukocyte formula is carried out, which takes into account the combination of an increase in lymphocytes with a decrease or increase in other blood cells.

Increased lymphocytes: dangerous and harmless causes

The reasons why lymphocytes in the blood are elevated may be inflammatory processes, viral infections, allergic reactions, oncological diseases. A more accurate cause of an increase in lymphocytes in the blood can only be determined by a specialist.

Non-dangerous causes of increased lymphocytes

A slight increase in the level of lymphocytes or an increase in relative indicators with a general decrease in the level of neutrophils can occur in heavy smokers, with hormonal failures, with serious physical and psycho-emotional stress(in men).

Elevated lymphocytes in the blood in women are often observed during menstruation, menopause, pregnancy.

Poisoning with certain drugs can also cause an increase in lymphocytes. This condition is possible when taking chloramphenicol, phenytoin, analgesics, levodopa, valproic acid, etc.

Levomycetin can provoke an increase in lymphocytes in the blood

If a increased amount lymphocytes in the blood is observed under the listed conditions, then after a while the lymphocytes increase and return to normal.

Increased lymphocytes and disease

A sharp increase in lymphocyte counts may indicate more dangerous states organisms, which we will discuss below.

  • Chronic and acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
  • Varieties of monocytic leukemia.
  • Myeloma.
  • Lymphogranulomatosis.
  • Radiation damage.
  • Lymphosarcoma and lymphoma.
  • Metastases in the bone marrow.
  • Respiratory viruses (ARVI, parainfluenza, acute respiratory infections, influenza, adenovirus).
  • Herpes viruses, with the spread of the pathogen in all tissues.
  • Chickenpox, rubella, measles viruses.
  • hepatitis viruses.
  • Infectious mononucleosis and Epstein-Barr virus.
  • Syphilis.
  • Brucellosis.
  • Mycoplasmosis.
  • Chlamydial infection.
  • Whooping cough.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Toxoplasmosis.
  • Ureaplasmosis.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Eczema, psoriasis.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus.

Important! A sharp and significant increase in lymphocytes in the blood and a change in the leukocyte formula may indicate the presence of oncology in the body. Tumors that are difficult to diagnose at an early stage can often be detected by an increase in lymphocytes in the blood.

An analysis of the level of lymphocytes in the blood can also indicate malignant tumors.

Reduced lymphocytes in the blood can also indicate the development of pathology in the body. Such a decrease can be caused by:

  • Transferred severe viral infection;
  • Taking medications (cytostatics, corticosteroids);
  • bone marrow depletion;
  • Renal and heart failure;
  • Immunodeficiency states (AIDS).

If a general analysis blood showed violations of the norm of the content of lymphocytes in the blood, you should immediately contact a therapist for a more accurate diagnosis.

Accurate diagnosis

The main task of diagnosis is to determine the type of lymphocytosis, i.e. the causes that caused an increase in blood lymphocytes. The doctor will determine if this is due to malignant changes, or if the release of lymphocytes is the result of exposure external factors. In the first case, leukemia can be diagnosed, and in the second, a common acute respiratory disease.

But on early stages diseases, it is difficult to immediately identify the cause of lymphocytosis. A more accurate picture will help to make a combination and changes in other blood test indicators:

  • If the level of lymphocytes increased simultaneously with the general level of leukocytes, these indicators indicate the presence of acute viral infections and serious illnesses blood (lymphoma, lymphocytic leukemia).
  • A simultaneous increase in platelets and lymphocytes practically does not occur and usually indicates the development of two pathologies in the body that cause an increase in the corresponding type of indicators. If platelets are low and lymphocytes are high, this may be due to an autoimmune disorder in the body.
  • If, against the background of an increase in lymphocytes, neutrophil indicators are lowered, then this may be caused by poisoning. medications or the presence of a viral infection in the body.
  • An increase in lymphocytes and erythrocytes at the same time often occurs in heavy smokers.
  • If lymphocytes are elevated and monocytes in the blood are lowered, this may indicate the development of oncology.

For installation accurate diagnosis in any case, blood tests alone will not be enough. For more exact definition may need additional tests, ultrasound, radiography and other research methods, as a result of which the doctor will make a diagnosis, determine the treatment regimen, or refer you to a narrower specialist.

Smoking can cause an increase in lymphocytes and red blood cells

How to lower the level of lymphocytes

Therapeutic treatment is selected depending on the cause of the change in the level of lymphocytes.

In infectious and viral diseases, anti-inflammatory and antiviral drugs, antibiotics, means to increase immunity.

At neoplastic diseases a course of chemotherapy is usually prescribed, while the patient is under the constant supervision of doctors.

Once the underlying cause is treated, blood counts return to normal over time.

It should be understood that an increase in the content of lymphocytes is not a disease. This condition should be considered as a symptom that allows timely detection of the development of pathology in the body.

The absolute content of lymphocytes is increased - what does this mean?

What does it mean if abs lymphocytes are elevated? Lymphocytes are cells of the leukocyte group that are responsible for resisting human body attacking infections, and in addition they are among the first to meet cancer cells and opposes them. For this reason, an increase or decrease in this indicator is serious signal organism, that pathological processes begin to arise in it.

common data

In human blood, there are three types of lymphocytes, which are different in their spectrum of action:

  1. T-lymphocytes are responsible for the defeat of intracellular infections and provoke the immune system to attack.
  2. NK lymphocytes are designed to attack cancer cells.
  3. B-lymphocytes, in contact with proteins of a foreign nature, begin to actively secrete immunoglobulin. They mainly provoke a longer immune response of the body.

This substance is determined by a general blood test using a modern microscope or fully automatically. These methods have a strong difference, which causes a noticeable difference in the result obtained. But even received reliable result cannot be interpreted without comparison with the norms for a given age.

When compiling the leukocyte formula, it is determined general level lymphocytes:

  1. When the amount of leukocytes in the blood is within the normal range or increased, then it is necessary to calculate the percentage in total mass of this substance, which is calculated as a percentage and is called the relative content.
  2. When the level of leukocytes is low, then it is necessary to additionally count the leukocyte cells that are in 10 9 / l of blood - this is the absolute content.

Increase in lymphocytes

This health condition is called lymphocytosis or lymphocytophilia, and this disease is classified depending on some features.

  • absolute lymphocytosis, which can be determined by different values ​​of total lymphocytes. The code is high in B-cells, in the body with big share probability that an inflammatory process occurs with the presence of pus. If a we are talking about T-cells, then the body has been attacked by allergens or substances that cause rheumatoid diseases;
  • relative, which is determined by an increase in lymphocytes, but a decrease in other leukocytes. It occurs due to viral infections, pathologies thyroid gland and typhoid fever.

The speed of the process of increasing lymphocytes:

  • reactive lymphocytosis, which occurs with an immune failure. When the situation is more serious, there is an increase in the liver, spleen and lymph nodes;
  • malignant, occurs in oncology and occurs in acute and chronic form, which greatly complicates the diagnosis and treatment;
  • post-infectious, as the name suggests, it occurs during the recovery period after an illness and is the only variety that should not be treated, as it occurs on its own.

The reasons for the development of such lymphocytosis are very different from allergies, infections, oncology, intoxication to pregnancy.

Symptoms and reasons for the increase

Since the rapid creation and death of this substance still leads to characteristic diseases, you can easily notice them yourself:

  1. Temperature rise.
  2. Enlargement and characteristic surface, felt on palpation, of the lymph nodes.
  3. Pain during this process, when the place of touch begins to turn red.
  4. Loss of appetite.
  5. Headache.
  6. Deterioration of well-being.

In medicine, it is customary to single out several reasons why such a condition in the blood can occur:

But in children, the situation is somewhat different, here, from the tenth day after birth, the number of lymphocytes gradually increases and becomes 60% of the total number of white cells. But this condition lasts only up to seven years, and then the lymphocytes are equated to an adult value. Based on this, in babies, lymphocytosis is considered to be physiological norm but only if there are no unusual symptoms.

By itself, this pathology, that in adults, that in children, should not be treated, since these are just symptoms, treatment should be directed to the cause of the increase in this substance.

Differences between absolute and relative lymphocytosis in a blood test

A few years ago, I wrote about the difference between viral and bacterial infections according to a general blood test, which cells become more and less with various infections. The article has received some popularity, but needs some clarification.

Even at school they teach that the number of leukocytes should be from 4 to 9 billion (× 10 9) per liter of blood. Depending on their functions, leukocytes are divided into several varieties, so the leukocyte formula (ratio different types leukocytes) in a normal adult looks like this:

  • neutrophils (total 48-78%):
    • young (metamyelocytes) - 0%,
    • stab - 1-6%,
    • segmented - 47-72%,
  • eosinophils - 1-5%,
  • basophils - 0-1%,
  • lymphocytes - 18-40% (according to other standards 19-37%),
  • monocytes - 3-11%.

For example, in a general blood test, 45% of lymphocytes were detected. Is it dangerous or not? Do I need to sound the alarm and look for a list of diseases in which the number of lymphocytes in the blood increases? We will talk about this today, because in some cases such deviations in the blood test are pathological, while in others they are not dangerous.

Stages of normal hematopoiesis

Let's look at the results of a general (clinical) blood test of a 19-year-old guy with type 1 diabetes. The analysis was made at the beginning of February 2015 in the laboratory "Invitro":

Analysis, the indicators of which are considered in this article

In the analysis, indicators that differ from normal are highlighted with a red background. Right now in laboratory research word " norm' is used less often, it has been replaced by ' reference values" or " reference interval". This is done so as not to confuse people, because, depending on the diagnostic method used, the same value can be either normal or abnormal. Reference values ​​are selected in such a way that they correspond to the results of analyzes of 97-99% of healthy people.

Consider the results of the analysis highlighted in red.


Hematocrit - proportion of blood volume per shaped elements blood(erythrocytes, platelets and thrombocytes). Since there are much more erythrocytes numerically (for example, the number of erythrocytes in a unit of blood exceeds the number of leukocytes by a thousand times), in fact, hematocrit shows what part of the blood volume (in%) is occupied by erythrocytes. AT this case the hematocrit is at the lower limit of normal, and the rest of the red blood cells are normal, so a slightly reduced hematocrit can be considered a variant of the norm.


In the aforementioned blood test, 45.6% of lymphocytes. It's slightly higher normal values(18-40% or 19-37%) and is called relative lymphocytosis. It would seem that this is a pathology? But let's calculate how many lymphocytes are contained in a unit of blood and compare with the normal absolute values ​​of their number (cells).

The number (absolute value) of lymphocytes in the blood is: (4.69 × 10 9 × 45.6%) / 100 = 2.14 × 10 9 / l. We see this figure at the bottom of the analysis, next to it are the reference values: 1.00-4.80. Our result of 2.14 can be considered good, because it is almost in the middle between the minimum (1.00) and maximum (4.80) level.

So, we have relative lymphocytosis (45.6% greater than 37% and 40%), but no absolute lymphocytosis (2.14 less than 4.8). In this case, relative lymphocytosis can be considered a variant of the norm.


The total number of neutrophils is considered as the sum of young (normally 0%), stab (1-6%) and segmented neutrophils (47-72%), their total is 48-78%.

Stages of development of granulocytes

In this blood test total neutrophils is equal to 42.5%. We see that the relative (in%) content of neutrophils is below normal.

Let's calculate the absolute number of neutrophils in a unit of blood:

There is some confusion regarding the proper absolute number of lymphocyte cells.

1) Data from the literature.

2) Reference values ​​of the number of cells from the analysis of the laboratory "Invitro" (see blood test):

3) Since the above figures do not match (1.8 and 2.04), we will try to calculate the limits of the normal indicators of the number of cells ourselves.

  • The minimum allowable number of neutrophils is the minimum of neutrophils (48%) of the normal minimum of leukocytes (4 × 10 9 /l), that is, 1.92 × 10 9 /l.
  • Maximum allowable amount neutrophils is 78% of the normal maximum of leukocytes (9 × 10 9 / l), that is, 7.02 × 10 9 / l.

In the analysis of the patient 1.99 × 10 9 neutrophils, which in principle corresponds to the normal indicators of the number of cells. The level of neutrophils below 1.5 × 10 9 / l is definitely considered pathological (called neutropenia). A level between 1.5 × 10 9 /l and 1.9 × 10 9 /l is considered intermediate between normal and pathological.

Is it necessary to panic absolute number neutrophils is located near lower bound absolute norm? No. With diabetes mellitus (and even with alcoholism), a slightly reduced level of neutrophils is quite possible. To make sure that the fears are unfounded, you need to check the level of young forms: normal young neutrophils (metamyelocytes) - 0% and stab neutrophils - from 1 to 6%. The commentary to the analysis (did not fit in the figure and cut off on the right) states:

When examining blood on a hematological analyzer, no pathological cells were found. The number of stab neutrophils does not exceed 6%.

In the same person, the indicators of the general blood test are quite stable: if not serious problems with health, then the results of analyzes made at intervals of six months to a year will be very similar. Similar results of the blood test of the subject were several months ago.

Thus, the considered blood test, taking into account diabetes mellitus, stability of results, lack of pathological forms cells and the absence of an increased level of young forms of neutrophils can be considered almost normal. But if in doubt, you need to observe the patient further and prescribe a second general blood test (if an automatic hematology analyzer is not able to detect all types of pathological cells, then the analysis should be additionally examined manually under a microscope just in case). In the most difficult cases, when the situation worsens, a bone marrow puncture (usually from the sternum) is taken to study hematopoiesis.

Reference data for neutrophils and lymphocytes

The main function of neutrophils is to fight bacteria by phagocytosis (absorption) and subsequent digestion. Dead neutrophils make up an essential part of pus during inflammation. Neutrophils are " ordinary soldiers» in the fight against infection:

  • there are many of them (about 100 g of neutrophils are formed and enter the bloodstream every day, this number increases several times with purulent infections);
  • they do not live long - they circulate in the blood for a short time (12-14 hours), after which they go into the tissues and live for a few more days (up to 8 days);
  • many neutrophils are secreted with biological secrets - sputum, mucus;
  • the full cycle of neutrophil development to a mature cell takes 2 weeks.

The normal content of neutrophils in the blood of an adult:

  • young (metamyelocytes) neutrophils - 0%,
  • stab neutrophils - 1-6%,
  • segmented neutrophils - 47-72%,
  • Total neutrophils - 48-78%.

Leukocytes containing specific granules in the cytoplasm are granulocytes. Granulocytes are neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils.

Agranulocytosis is a sharp decrease in the number of granulocytes in the blood until they disappear (less than 1 × 10 9 / l of leukocytes and less than 0.75 × 10 9 / l of granulocytes).

The concept of neutropenia is close to the concept of agranulocytosis ( decreased number of neutrophils- below 1.5 × 10 9 /l). Comparing the criteria for agranulocytosis and neutropenia, one can guess that only severe neutropenia will lead to agranulocytosis. To conclude " agranulocytosis”, insufficiently moderately reduced levels of neutrophils.

Causes of a reduced number of neutrophils (neutropenia):

  1. severe bacterial infections
  2. viral infections (neutrophils do not fight viruses. Virus-affected cells are destroyed by some types of lymphocytes),
  3. oppression of hematopoiesis in the bone marrow (aplastic anemia - a sharp inhibition or cessation of growth and maturation of all blood cells in the bone marrow),
  4. autoimmune diseases ( systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis and etc.),
  5. redistribution of neutrophils in organs ( splenomegaly- enlargement of the spleen)
  6. tumors of the hematopoietic system:
    • chronic lymphocytic leukemia (a malignant tumor in which atypical mature lymphocytes are formed and accumulate in the blood, bone marrow, lymph nodes, liver and spleen. At the same time, the formation of all other blood cells, especially with a short life cycle- neutrophils);
    • acute leukemia (a tumor of the bone marrow, in which a mutation of the hematopoietic stem cell occurs and its uncontrolled reproduction without maturation into mature cell forms. Both the common stem cell precursor of all blood cells and later varieties of precursor cells for individual blood sprouts can be affected. The bone marrow is filled with immature blast cells that crowd out and suppress normal hematopoiesis);
  7. deficiencies of iron and certain vitamins ( cyanocobalamin, folic acid),
  8. action medicines (cytostatics, immunosuppressants, sulfonamides and etc.)
  9. genetic factors.

An increase in the number of neutrophils in the blood (above 78% or more than 5.8 × 10 9 / l) is called neutrophilia ( neutrophilia, neutrophilic leukocytosis).

4 mechanisms of neutrophilia (neutrophilia):

  1. increased production of neutrophils:
    • bacterial infections,
    • tissue inflammation and necrosis burns, myocardial infarction),
    • chronic myeloid leukemia ( a malignant tumor of the bone marrow, in which there is an uncontrolled formation of immature and mature granulocytes - neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils, displacing healthy cells ),
    • treatment of malignant tumors (for example, with radiotherapy),
    • poisoning (exogenous origin - lead, snake venom, endogenous origin - uremia, gout, ketoacidosis),
  2. active migration (early exit) of neutrophils from the bone marrow into the blood,
  3. redistribution of neutrophils from the parietal population (near blood vessels) into the circulating blood: during stress, intense muscular work.
  4. slowing down the release of neutrophils from the blood into the tissues (this is how glucocorticoid hormones act, which inhibit the mobility of neutrophils and limit their ability to penetrate from the blood into the inflammation site).

Purulent bacterial infections are characterized by:

  • development of leukocytosis - an increase in the total number of leukocytes (above 9 × 10 9 / l) mainly due to neutrophilia- increase in the number of neutrophils;
  • shift of the leukocyte formula to the left - an increase in the number of young [ young + stab] forms of neutrophils. The appearance of young neutrophils (metamyelocytes) in the blood is a sign of a severe infection and proof that the bone marrow is working with great stress. The more young forms (especially young ones), the stronger the tension immune system;
  • the appearance of toxic granularity and other degenerative changes neutrophils ( Dele bodies, cytoplasmic vacuoles, pathological changes in the nucleus). Contrary to the well-established name, these changes are not caused by " toxic effect» bacteria on neutrophils, but a violation of the maturation of cells in the bone marrow. The maturation of neutrophils is disturbed due to a sharp acceleration due to excessive stimulation of the immune system by cytokines, therefore, for example, in in large numbers toxic granularity of neutrophils appears during the breakdown tumor tissue under the influence of radiation therapy. In other words, the bone marrow prepares young "soldiers" to the limit of its capabilities and sends them "to battle" ahead of schedule.

Drawing from the site

Lymphocytes are the second largest leukocyte in the blood and come in different subtypes.

Brief classification of lymphocytes

Unlike "soldier" neutrophils, lymphocytes can be classified as "officers". Lymphocytes “learn” longer (depending on the functions they perform, they are formed and multiply in the bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen) and are highly specialized cells ( antigen recognition, triggering and implementation of cellular and humoral immunity, regulation of the formation and activity of cells of the immune system). Lymphocytes are able to exit the blood into tissues, then into the lymph and return back to the blood with its current.

For the purposes of deciphering a complete blood count, you need to have an idea of ​​the following:

  • 30% of all peripheral blood lymphocytes are short-lived forms (4 days). These are the majority of B-lymphocytes and T-suppressors.
  • 70% of lymphocytes are long-lived (170 days = almost 6 months). These are the other types of lymphocytes.

Of course, when complete cessation hematopoiesis, first the level of granulocytes in the blood drops, which becomes noticeable precisely by the number neutrophils, because the eosinophils and basophils in the blood and in the norm is very small. A little later, the level of erythrocytes (live up to 4 months) and lymphocytes (up to 6 months) begins to decrease. For this reason, bone marrow damage is detected by severe infectious complications which are very difficult to treat.

Since the development of neutrophils is disturbed before other cells (neutropenia - less than 1.5 × 10 9 / l), then in blood tests it is relative lymphocytosis (more than 37%) that is most often detected, and not absolute lymphocytosis (more than 3.0 × 10 9 / l).

Causes of an increased level of lymphocytes (lymphocytosis) - more than 3.0 × 10 9 / l:

  • viral infections,
  • some bacterial infections ( tuberculosis, syphilis, whooping cough, leptospirosis, brucellosis, yersiniosis),
  • autoimmune diseases connective tissue (rheumatism, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis),
  • malignant tumors
  • side effects of drugs,
  • poisoning,
  • some other reasons.

Causes of a reduced level of lymphocytes (lymphocytopenia) - less than 1.2 × 10 9 / l (according to less stringent standards, 1.0 × 10 9 / l):

  • aplastic anemia,
  • HIV infection (primarily affects a type of T-lymphocyte called T-helpers),
  • malignant tumors in the terminal (last) phase,
  • some forms of tuberculosis
  • acute infections,
  • acute radiation sickness
  • chronic kidney failure(CKD) in the last stage,
  • excess glucocorticoids.

Causes, symptoms, types of lymphocytosis

Lymphocytes are responsible for protecting the body's immune system, they circulate through the blood and tissues, identifying and destroying pathogens and foreign microorganisms. Thus, the level of lymphocytes may indicate the state of the body on this moment. Lymphocytosis is a condition in which there are too many lymphocytes in the blood compared to the norm. The opposite phenomenon - a decrease in lymphocytes, is called lymphocytopenia. What is lymphocytosis, what are its causes and when should you seriously take care of your health, will be discussed today.

Functions of lymphocytes in the body

The main function of lymphocytes is to maintain the health of the body by working in the immune system. However, in order to achieve it, cells are needed, each responsible for its own task.

They remember disease-causing cells and microbes as harmful and alien and store information about this throughout their existence. It is thanks to them that possible vaccination and immunity to once-in-a-lifetime illnesses. In total, such cells make up 10-15% of the total number of lymphocytes.

Responsible for destruction harmful microorganism or a virus. T-cells are subdivided in turn into T-killers (break down foreign cells), T-helpers (help maintain the main reaction), T-suppressors (ensure that cell destruction does not spread to native healthy blood cells). T cells occupy approximately 80%.

Sometimes not only foreign cells can harm the body. The action of NK-lymphocytes is aimed at the destruction of tumor cells, as well as body cells, exposed to the virus and those in the area of ​​infection.

Causes of lymphocytosis in adults

Conditionally distinguish between reactive and malignant lymphocytosis. The first is due to the protection of immunity from the disease and disappears a month or two after recovery, the second is associated with oncological diseases not related to external factors.

In order to determine the root cause of the deviation, one blood donation is not enough. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe additional examination, including bone marrow examination, a more detailed analysis of the state of lymphocytes, etc.

The causes of lymphocytosis in the blood can be as follows:

  • Viral (measles, whooping cough, chickenpox, HIV, hepatitis, SARS, rubella, etc.);
  • Bacterial diseases (tuberculosis, brucellosis, syphilis, etc.);
  • Injuries;
  • Burns (including solar);
  • Hypersensitivity to drugs;
  • blood transfusions;
  • Postoperative condition after removal of the spleen;
  • Autoimmune diseases (lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis);
  • Emotional overstrain, nervous breakdowns;
  • Constant and frequent smoking;
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency in the body;
  • A condition with a risk of developing a tumor (malignant thymoma);
  • Oncological diseases (chronic lymphocytosis, lymphoblastic leukemia, malignant lymphoma).

The causes of lymphocytosis in children are usually due to the imperfection of the immune system in childhood. However, the reasons listed above should not be excluded, especially if the child has lymphocytosis for a long (more than six months) period of time.

In children preschool age lymphocytosis is often observed, but in general this does not indicate a serious disease.

Lymphocytosis in children under one year old may also appear due to incompletely formed immunity. It is important to pay attention to the behavior of the child and not to introspect if you do not have medical education. Feel free to clarify primary diagnosis see a doctor, perhaps he will prescribe drugs to maintain immunity or intestinal microflora.

Absolute and relative lymphocytosis

Looking at the results of a general blood test, one can pay attention to the fact that the lymphocyte count appears in two forms: relative and absolute lymphocytosis.

The absolute value characterizes the number of lymphatic cells per liter of blood. With absolute lymphocytosis, the indicators exceed 3.6 * 10 9 /l. The relative indicator is the percentage of lymphocytes in the blood, if the total number of leukocytes is taken as 100 percent. In addition to lymphocytes, these include neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes, and basophils. The norm of the relative indicator is 19-37%.

It also happens that the absolute content of lymphocytes is within the norm, but the relative content is not, and vice versa. Relative lymphocytosis in adults is more common than absolute lymphocytosis. In this case, the absolute figure may even be lowered.

Relative lymphocytosis is observed in diseases during which the number of other types of leukocytes listed above decreases: for example, neutropenia and relative lymphocytosis are quite combined as a result of a complete blood count. This means that for some reason there are much more lymphocytes than the rest of the leukocyte cells, that is, relative lymphocytosis is observed. Granulopenia what is it? This is another option for a decrease in the number of leukocytes, it can also be observed with lymphocytosis. Such deviations from the norm are typical for children under 6 years of age.

Diseases that occur with relative lymphocytosis are usually caused by viruses, infections and a decrease in the protective function of the body: typhoid fever, leishmaniasis, brucellosis, etc. Other causes of relative lymphocytosis in adults:

  • The presence of autoimmune abnormalities;
  • Addison's disease;
  • Splenomegaly;
  • Hyperthyroidism.

Relative lymphocytosis is especially susceptible to children under two years of age.

Absolute lymphocytosis is a symptom characteristic of acute infections: measles, rubella, whooping cough, chickenpox, scarlet fever, as well as tuberculosis, hepatitis C, hyperthyroidism, AIDS, lymphosarcoma, etc.

In any case, when making a diagnosis, it is necessary to take into account other factors: individual characteristics, genetic predisposition to diseases, the general leukocyte formula, the results of analyzes of a narrower specificity and comprehensive examination organism.

Symptoms of lymphocytosis

Lymphocytosis may not manifest itself in any way and can be detected only with a detailed examination, or it may have obvious symptoms, differing depending on the root cause - the underlying disease.

Infectious lymphocytosis is often associated with the following symptoms: inflamed tonsils, enlarged lymph nodes, fever up to 40 degrees, worsening general condition body, nausea, weakness, chills. Sometimes exhaustion is added to them, headache, irritability and nervous strain. The feverish period in this case can last up to a week.

Infectious lymphocytosis can also affect the patient's skin in the form of a rash that looks like scarlet fever, which disappears on its own in a few days.

The presence of AIDS or hepatitis is accompanied by abrupt change body temperature, exhaustion and chills.

Other signs of possible lymphocytosis include:

Treatment of lymphocytosis

As a rule, the treatment of lymphocytosis is positive character, but the success of recovery largely depends on the nature of the disease, the speed of response to it and well-placed treatment.

In order to eliminate lymphocytosis in the blood in adults, they can prescribe:

  • antibiotics;
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs and procedures;

In the presence of malignant tumors:

For the treatment of children:

As measures for the prevention of lymphocytosis, the following are provided:

  1. Regular blood donation;
  2. Maintaining immunity;
  3. Healthy and nutritious food;
  4. Emotional calm;
  5. Healthy sleep.

Lymphocytes are part of the white blood cells whose main function is immune, that is, protecting the body from foreign bacteria, infections and internal diseases. Today we will talk about such a deviation as increased lymphocytes in the blood, what it means, why this happens, and what needs to be done after receiving such an analysis result.

Unlike other leukocyte cells (, etc.), lymphocytes are able and obliged to destroy their own infected or mutated cells.

Norm of lymphocytes

When they say that the lymphocytes in the blood are increased, it means a comparison with a certain value taken as the norm.

In analysis blood cells two characteristics of the number of lymphocytes are accepted - their absolute value (that is, what number of cells themselves are in the volume of blood) and relative (what percentage is occupied by lymphocytes, if the total number of all immune cells - leukocytes is taken as 100%).

Accordingly, the increase in lymphocytes in the blood can be absolute and relative, as well as their normal rate. The absolute content is usually measured in units / l, and relative as a percentage. In women and men, the rate of lymphocytes is approximately the same, however, it varies depending on age.

Age - Absolute (LYM#) - Relative (LYM%)

Children under one year old - 2-11 * 10 9 / l - 45-70%

Children 1-2 years old - 3-9.5 * 10 9 / l - 37-60%

Children under 4 years old - 2-8 * 10 9 / l - 33-49%

Children under 10 years old - 1.5-7 * 10 9 / l - 30-50%

Children 10-16 years old - 1.2-5.3 * 10 9 / l - 30-45%

Adults over 16 years old - 1-4.9 * 10 9 / l - 20-37%

Most often, it is the ratio of lymphocytes in the total volume of white cells that matters, but the absolute indicator is sometimes also important for correct diagnosis organism.

Causes of an increase in lymphocytes in the blood

There are two main groups of factors affecting the increased content of lymphocytes in the blood.

Reactive lymphocytosis

A reactive increase in the number of lymphocytes in the blood means that the blood cells began to produce more than in normal condition, due to the corresponding immune response to the disease. Reactive lymphocytosis usually resolves 1–2 months after recovery.

An elevated level of lymphocytes in the blood in this case may indicate:

  • viral diseases(eg, HIV, whooping cough, infectious mononucleosis, lymphocytosis, etc.);
  • diseases that people get sick once;

These groups of diseases are partially in contact with the first point, but nevertheless it is worth paying special attention to them, since in this case especially high lymphocytes in the blood of an adult will be observed. These are Measles, Chickenpox, Rubella, etc.

Removal of the spleen is often accompanied by an increase in lymphocytes. If lymphocytes are elevated in an adult who smokes malignantly and for a long time, this bad habit can also cause lymphocytosis.

  • Recovery;

Not always at high content lymphocytes in the blood causes are negative. Minor lymphocytosis may indicate recovery of the body after serious illnesses.

  • Hypersensitivity;

Reaction to injury, reaction to medication.

  • Autoimmune processes

Diseases during which immune cells take native cells of their body as foreign and begin to destroy them are called autoimmune and can also affect the fact that lymphocytes or leukocytes in the blood are elevated. What this means and what factors cause such a failure in immunity has not yet been reliably elucidated. These include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus.

  • endocrine diseases;

For example, hyperthyroidism.

Hazardous chemicals such as arsenic, tetrachloroethane, heavy metals etc., can cause an increase in blood lymphocytes in men and women working in a harmful environment. But even representatives of other professions have a risk of poisoning. hazardous substance may be contained in the medication taken, which is why it is so important to pay attention to the composition of the drug and not to self-medicate.

Malignant lymphocytosis

If lymphocytes in the blood are elevated, examination for precancerous and neoplastic conditions is necessary. These include malignant thymoma, lymphoproliferative disease, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, malignant lymphoma, and forms of leukemia.

It is very important to be examined if you find that the lymphocytes in the blood are elevated in an adult or child after repeated tests.

But as mentioned above, a blood test alone is not enough to make a diagnosis. Your doctor may prescribe some of these procedures for you to determine why your lymphocytes are elevated in your blood:

  • definition of subpolations of lymphocytes;
  • tomogram;
  • bone marrow examination;
  • x-ray chest;
  • search for an infectious agent;
  • detection of anomalies in the chromosomes of the nuclei of lymphocytes;
  • molecular genetic tests;
  • Ultrasound of some organs.

Symptoms of manifestation

Of course, the main indicator that the level of lymphocytes is exceeded is the result of a blood test, but with lymphocytosis, there is also an increase in some organs: lymph nodes, spleen, liver. At the same time, the growth of organs in volumes is not a reason to refute or confirm the presence of oncology.

Since they can contribute to an increase in the level of lymphocytes in the blood various factors from a simple infection to malignant tumor, it is necessary, when receiving a result with a deviation from the norm, to focus the attention of the doctor on this. In many cases, the course of serious diseases such as cancer depends on the stage at which it was detected.

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Each person should know that his blood contains special cells that can provide information about the presence in the body in time. various diseases. These cells are called lymphocytes.

Lymphocytes are components of white blood (leukocytes) that form part of the immune system. Lymphocytes perform one main and important function. They provide an immune response to the body if some foreign body is found in the body. Alien invasions are various viruses, bacteria, etc.

Clearly about lymphocytes

Analysis for determination

You can determine the lymphocytes in the blood and their number using the very simple research- a blood test. Such clinical analysis allows identify the total total lymphocyte count.

  • The analysis should be taken on an empty stomach, that is, after the last meal, more than 8 hours should pass. As a rule, it is carried out in the morning.
  • Dinner before the test should not be dense, light.
  • Doctors also advise before a blood test for 1 or 2 days not to eat fried, fatty, not to drink alcohol, but most people neglect this rule.
  • Smoking should be stopped an hour or two before the study.
By following these recommendations, the blood test will be the most accurate.

The value of the results of the analysis and acceptable standards

A screening study of blood will allow you to find out whether lymphocytes in the blood are elevated or lowered. Exist allowable norms the presence of lymphocytes, which indicate that everything is in order with the body.

talk about availability elevated lymphocytes in the blood is possible only if these values ​​are much higher than normal values.

Absolute and relative lymphocytosis

Relative lymphocytosis is much more common than absolute lymphocytosis. Relative lymphocytosis is determined in all diseases that are accompanied by a decrease in other types of leukocytes, for example, in viral infections, etc.

Absolute lymphocytosis is typical mainly for acute infections, such as rubella, mumps, whooping cough, etc.

Reasons for the increase

The reasons for the increase in lymphocytes in the body of an adult great multitude. But one of the main reasons is diseases of varying severity. Let's analyze them.

Reasons for the increase in men:

  • various inflammations in the pelvic organs, Bladder and kidneys;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • wrong diet;
  • taking any medication.
  • premenstrual period;
  • malnutrition;
  • various infections, viruses, bacteria;
  • burns;
  • malignant tumors;
  • arthritis;
  • large blood loss, for example, during menstruation;
  • diabetes.

In addition, an increase in the number of leukocytes is observed during pregnancy. To which, in addition to diseases, causes such as severe stress, violated emotional condition, toxicosis.

Increase symptoms

An increase in blood lymphocytes in an adult may be asymptomatic or with their presence. The presence of certain signs depends on the cause of their appearance. Sometimes the symptoms can be understood because of what happened their increase.

Cells of the human immune system that form bone marrow. These cells are responsible for essential function in the body - recognition and extermination of infections and bacteria through the formation of immunity.

Normal is the number of lymphocytes in the blood of any adult within forty percent of the total number of leukocytes. The level of lymphocytes in young children clearly depends on the age of the child and can change as the child grows: in a newborn, this figure ranges from 20 to 25%, in a baby who is a week old - 40-45%, and older than a week and up to six years 45 to 65% of lymphocytes are considered normal.

The condition when lymphocytes are higher than normal is called lymphocytosis, which is divided into relative and absolute.

Relative lymphocytosis - in this state of the body, the percentage of lymphocytes in the blood increases, but their absolute values ​​in the analysis remain within the normal range. The reasons for the occurrence of such a condition when lymphocytes are above normal are varied. This can, for example, be facilitated by any inflammatory process in the body, which is accompanied by purulent formations. With such a pathology, the level of such indicators as leukocytes in the blood test will, on the contrary, be lowered, while the lymphocytes are above normal. Why is this happening? Neutrophils contribute to all these disorders, and the level of lymphocytes in the blood remains at the same level. But at the same time, in the leukocyte picture, the number of lymphocytes will still be above the norm. This will happen due to a decrease in the number of indicators - neutrophils, and in other words, the percentage of any type of leukocytes will change. Leukocytes include lymphocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes, and basophils. - this is the state when leukocyte formula lymphocytes are more than normal in percentage terms.

Absolute lymphocytosis is when the entire number of lymphocytes (their total number) in the blood picture rises sharply. This pathology may indicate the presence of diseases in which there is an increased stimulation of lymphopoiesis.

In medical practice, the most common is absolute lymphocytosis, which is a sign of the following serious diseases:

  • various viral infections (such as all types of hepatitis, CMV, etc.);
  • tuberculosis (pulmonary or extrapulmonary;
  • lymphocytic leukemia - acute or chronic tumor of the bone marrow;
  • malignant formations of the lymphatic system (sarcomas);
  • increased function and other systems.

An increased number of lymphocytes in children usually indicates the presence of childhood infectious diseases: such as scarlet fever, measles, chickenpox and others. Lymphocytosis can also be provoked by taking certain medical preparations, anemia, malnutrition, neurasthenia and Crohn's disease.

To eliminate the condition when lymphocytes are above normal, it is necessary to diagnose a disease that has led to a change in normal blood counts. To do this, be sure to contact your doctor, who should prescribe additional tests to minimize the risk of a diagnostic error. After identifying the disease, it is necessary to be treated strictly according to the appointments of a specialist. Treatment can be long, it all depends on the present disease. After rehabilitation, repeated tests are mandatory. If an increased number of lymphocytes remains in the blood, then this indicates that the doctor made a mistake in diagnosing the disease, and the identification of the disease that provoked lymphocytosis should be continued.

Lymphocytes are a type of leukocyte - white blood cells. They carry out immune function. Lymphocytes are one of the main cells of the immune system, like monocytes and neutrophils, which are responsible for the production of antibodies - molecules aimed at destroying foreign particles and removing them from the body. If they are lowered or increased, then such data indicate that a failure has occurred in the body. The first phenomenon is called lymphopenia, the second - lymphocytosis. Normally, the level of these cells in the blood can change during the day, under the influence of various internal / external factors (stress, temperature changes, premenstrual syndrome and etc.). However, further diagnosis is absolutely necessary if the lymphocytes are elevated. Lymphocytosis is an increase in lymphocytes relative to the norm. Depending on age, the following normative indicators are distinguished:

The content of lymphocytes in the blood, normal

When lymphocytes are elevated

An increased content of lymphocytes in the blood is determined by a general blood test. There are 2 types of lymphocytosis: absolute and relative. In the first case, all types of leukocytes are increased, in the second - only lymphocytes (the indicators of other white blood cells are lowered: segmented neutrophils, monocytes, etc.). To determine the ratio various types leukocytes in the blood, a special leukocyte formula is used in the analysis.

Causes of lymphocytosis

Why is it possible to find out about changes in the number of blood cells only during analysis? Lymphocytosis does not specific symptoms- only a general blood test can determine it. The interpretation of the result is carried out by specialists of biochemical laboratories, and on its basis, as well as based on the data of the medical history or the nature of the patient's complaints, the doctor can put forward a hypothesis about the reasons for the increase and prescribe a further examination. An increase in the level of lymphocytes can be caused by a number of factors that are specific to adults and children.

In children

An increased number of lymphocytes in children can be caused by:

  1. Viral disease: lichen, whooping cough, malaria, chicken pox(chickenpox), measles, viral hepatitis and others;
  2. Infection: influenza, SARS, tonsillitis and others;
  3. Purulent-inflammatory processes;
  4. Bronchial asthma;
  5. Leukemia

Lymphocytes can also be elevated during the course of other diseases, with various individual characteristics organism. Exact reasons can only be determined after complete examination. It should also be remembered that sometimes lymphocytes remain elevated even some time after recovery in the blood test can be observed.

If lymphocytes are elevated in adults

The increase in lymphocytes, detected in the analysis of an adult, may be due to:

  1. Various diseases of an infectious and viral nature: all kinds of colds, flu, SARS, hepatitis, mononucleosis and others;
  2. Systemic blood disease: lymphosarcoma, leukemia, lymphocytic leukemia and others;
  3. Bronchial asthma;
  4. serum sickness;
  5. Various diseases of the endocrine system: thyrotoxicosis, Addison's disease, acromegaly and others;
  6. Hypersensitivity to certain drugs;
  7. Neurasthenia;
  8. Vasculitis;
  9. The recovery period after the disease;
  10. Poisoning with dangerous chemicals: arsenic, lead and others.

The number of lymphocytes that deviates from the norm may be evidence of the presence of other diseases - in each case it is individual. Deciphering a blood test is not a sufficient basis for making a particular diagnosis - such a conclusion can only be given based on the results of a complete examination by qualified doctors. It should also be remembered that if monocytes and other types of leukocytes are lowered, then this may also indicate that lymphocytes are increased . In each case, if a disease is suspected, a detailed decoding of all indicators should be carried out.

Lymphocytosis in pregnancy

The number of white blood cells (lymphocytes, monocytes, etc.) is a very important indicator during pregnancy. Why are gynecologists watching him so closely? The reasons for this are that normally the body maintains a level of leukocytes that is safe for the fetus, i.e., lymphocytes carry out their functions and do not pose a threat to the destruction of foreign father antigens, which must be in the embryo. If the lymphocytes are elevated, then this situation can cause a miscarriage. Therefore, pregnant women need to closely monitor the level of lymphocytes and other leukocytes. Regular blood tests will help with this. This is especially necessary in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. You will also need to see a doctor if the leukocytes are low.


Lymphocytosis is not independent disease. If the lymphocytes are above the norm, then this means that some pathological processes are taking place in the body. To eliminate them, you must:

  • Reveal the reasons. For this, a comprehensive examination is prescribed. Consult with a specialist. Deciphering the data of any analyzes and studies should be carried out only by an experienced doctor.
  • Get treated. Specific appointments are given depending on the disease found. If neutrophils, monocytes and other types of colorless blood cells often deviate from the norm, then this suggests that you need to immediately contact a specialist. It should also be remembered that a decrease in the level of lymphocytes after an illness does not always indicate its complete passage.

Increase in other types of white blood cells

The total level of leukocytes in the blood is also very important indicator. Monocytes and segmented neutrophils can have a direct effect on the level of lymphocytes. For example, if these blood cells are relatively low, then lymphocytes are high. and monocytes, this means that a virus or infection is present in the body. With any change in the level of leukocytes in the blood, a re-analysis, a detailed decoding and a comprehensive examination will be required.

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