How can you define a disease? The main alarming signs of the disease: respiratory pathology. Definition of diseases by the main features: body position

Localization of the complaint.
Feel.(What exactly does the patient feel?)
- Times of Day(at what time of the day does it decrease or increase?)
- Temperature(how does local and general heat affect?)
- Weather(how does rain, cold, wind, or weather change affect?)
- Movement and rest(influence of motion and rest, sudden movements?)
- body position(how does the symptom change standing, sitting, lying down (on the back \ stomach \ right and left side)?
- Other irritants(influence of touch, pressure, tight clothing, body shaking, noise, light, smells, etc.)
- Food(changes before, during and after meals? How does skipping a meal affect?)
- Drink(changes after drinking? Cold/hot drinks?)
- Dream(changes during and after sleep, from lack of sleep?)
- Menses(changes before, during and after menstruation?)
- sweating(changes from sweating and its suppression?)
- Emotions(Influence of strong emotions: anger, grief, etc.)
Associated symptoms Their appearance is associated with the complaint, but is not associated with it pathogenetically (for example, during pain in the heart, itching in the nose).
! Etiology(this is the factor after which the complaint appeared)


How long ago did your complaints start? What do you think caused them to occur? What were the first manifestations of the disease? In what order did the complaints appear, and what can you attribute each complaint to?
Did the disease develop gradually or abruptly? What, in your opinion, provoked the exacerbation of the disease?
How did you manage your complaints? Have you been treated by a homeopathic doctor before? If so, what drugs did he prescribe and with what effect? From other doctors? What was your diagnosis, and on what basis? What did previous doctors prescribe for you and what was the result?
Have your relatives had the same diseases as you? They caused them early death? Have you or your relatives suffered from oncology, gonorrhea, syphilis? Any other serious illnesses?


Head. Do you often have headache and what kind? Dizziness?
Breath. Do you have cough? Is it dry or not? What kind of sputum is separated? Are there asthma attacks?
Heart. Are you worried about chest pains? Palpitations, interruptions in the work of the heart? Racing, or just high blood pressure?
The musculoskeletal system. Do you have joint pain? In back? In other places? Are there contractures somewhere?
Digestion. Is there any pain in the abdomen, what kind? Worried about burping? Lots of gas coming out? Is the stool normal (how many times a week, look, smell, consistency, blood)?
Urinary system. How many times a day and night do you urinate? Unpleasant sensations in the process? What type of urine, color, smell? What volume? Is there any sediment? Do you have urinary incontinence when laughing, coughing, sneezing?
Menses. When did your periods start? You currently have violations menstrual cycle(duration, frequency, regularity)? What type of discharge (color, abundance, smell, texture)?
What is your physical and mental condition before, during and after menstruation?
Are there whites? What are they in color, texture, smell? Not annoying?
Dream. Do you suffer from insomnia? What is it connected with? How fast do you fall asleep? Do you wake up at night and why? What position do you sleep in? Some people in their sleep talk, scream, toss and turn, grind their teeth, laugh or cry, sleep with open eyes. And you? Do you often have nightmares? Similar dreams?
Sweating. Are you a sweaty person? How and under what circumstances do you sweat? What parts of the body sweat the most? How do you feel during and after sweating? What is the nature of your sweat, its appearance and smell?
Leather. What is unusual about your skin? Is there itching, rashes, neoplasms, birthmarks, freckles, cracks, ulcers, etc?


Time. What time of day do you feel the worst? The best thing?
At what time of the year do you feel better or worse?
Is there any periodicity of manifestations of the disease?
Temperature. Are you a chilly or hot person? How do you react to heat, including rooms, beds, radiators?
How do you tolerate cold and freezing, do you often get cold? How do you dress in winter and in cold weather, do you wear gloves? Some people do not tolerate both heat and cold. And you?
How do you cover yourself at night when you sleep? Do you stick your feet out from under the covers?
How do you handle drafts?
Weather. How do you cope with the weather change?
intense cold? Heat? High humidity? Dry weather? Bright sun? Fog? Snow? How do you feel before, during and after a thunderstorm? How do you feel about strong wind? South or North?
Geography. How do you feel in the mountains? On the sea? In a pine forest? What climate seems the most harmful to you? Where would you like to spend your holidays?
Air. Some people can safely work in an unventilated area. And you? How often do you go outdoors?
Water. How do you feel about water procedures(bath, shower, bathing, sea ​​water)? What water temperature is most comfortable for you? If you get wet feet or get caught in the rain, how will this affect your health?
Movement/rest, body position What is the most comfortable body position for you - lying, sitting, standing, walking, etc.? Why? Which one is the most comfortable and why?
Endurance. Are you involved, or have you been actively involved in the past, in any sport or fitness? Do you love to dance? Do you consider yourself a resilient person? How do you feel during and after exercise?
water exchange. Do you have thirst? How much water do you drink per day? Do you usually drink cold or hot drinks? Do you have a tendency to edema?
Eating. How do you feel before and after eating? What is your appetite? Do you get hungry at any unusual time? Do you get up at night to eat? How do you cope with skipping meals?
Food addictions. What foods do you love the most, if you drop all taboos? Which ones disgust you? What makes you feel worse? (How do you feel about sweets, pastries, salty, beer and strong alcohol, tea and coffee, sour, spicy, fatty, eggs, meat, fish, smoked meats, bread, butter, cabbage, onions, garlic, fruits, milk, cheese, ice cream, vinegar, etc.) Do you like hot or cold food?
Smoking. How many cigarettes do you smoke per day? How long ago? How do you feel after smoking or being in a smoky room?
Medicines. What medications do you not tolerate? How does intolerance manifest itself? What vaccinations did you have? Were there any consequences after them?
bleeding and regeneration.
Tolerance of tight clothing.
Fainting. Do you often faint? When does it happen?
Transport. How do you feel in transport (car, bus, ship, plane, elevator, subway)?


What in your character would you like to change? Can you call yourself irritable? Hot-tempered? Very jealous? What character traits stand out for you? How has your character changed since the onset of the disease? Does it happen that you have longing, sadness, doom? When and why does it happen?
Have there been difficult sad events in your life that you still remember? Can you say that after such an event you started having health problems?
All people cry from time to time. And in what cases can you cry (films and books, reproaches, insults, etc.)? Some hold back, others don't, do you? How do you feel after crying? How do you respond to comfort?
Have you ever fallen into despair? Under what circumstances do you experience a feeling of horror, anxiety, fear? Some people are afraid of the dark, heights, loneliness, public speaking, thieves, crowds, some animals, death, illness, loss of reason, misfortune, poverty, noise, water, thunderstorms, etc. What are you afraid of?
At the worst moments of your life, you are visited by thoughts of death, bad forebodings, obsessions, disgust for life, etc.? (Some think about suicide, others talk about it, others are going to commit it, there are those who lack courage. And you?)
How do you feel about company and loneliness? How do you feel in a crowded room?
Do you often have outbursts of anger? Do you blush or turn pale when angry? How do you feel after a fit of anger?
How do you handle waiting (in traffic, in a queue)? At what pace do you walk, talk, write, eat? Do you gesture a lot?
Some people suffer when their things are not folded in a strict order, while others are deeply indifferent. And how do you feel about it? Can you call yourself a lazy person? Do you often put things off until later?
(Assess the patient's behavior during the consultation).


Many homeopaths believe that the importance of symptoms is graded as follows: etiology > unusual symptoms(they cannot be explained from the standpoint of pathogenesis) > mental symptoms > general symptoms> private symptoms.
It is also necessary to take into account the severity and subjective significance of the complaint. In accordance with these data in the search, you can choose the strength of the complaint from 1 to 4 points. Or choose the force that maximizes the significance of the complaint for the search from your point of view.

Diagnostics by the face at first causes slight bewilderment in readers. Is it possible? Although ... In the frantic pace of our lives, we often do not have enough time, we are in a hurry, we are late, we get sick, we are unwell, and we stop only when the disease hits us with all our might on the forehead. But sometimes by outward signs it is possible to determine that the disease is approaching. After all, nothing is taken from nowhere and the disease does not arise in one day. So there are certain signs, signs, noticing which, we can suspect something is wrong ..

Not so long ago I wrote an article, but today ... Today we will read and make a diagnosis in the face.

This problem is the definition of diseases by the face, diagnostics by the face has been dealt with for a long time, in China the science of pathophysiognomy is even highly developed, in the countries of the East it is believed that a doctor who cannot identify diseases by the face is not a doctor. Our surgeon Pirogov generally compiled an atlas with the telling title “The Face of the Patient”, where he wrote that every disease leaves its own trace on the face of a person.

At least once a day, but we look at ourselves in the mirror and are able to notice changes. This is especially true for women. It's not that they were more attentive, the weaker sex is just more concerned about how he looks and, accordingly, more scrupulously approaches all the bad signs that sometimes even appear overnight.

face diagnostics

What do we most often notice in the reflection of a mirror that catches our eye?

Most often this acne and comedones (blackheads), who have chosen some part of your face for themselves.

Pimples in the lower part of the face make you think about endocrine problems - something with (especially our chin hints at this), adrenal glands, ovaries.

If the rash appears in T-shaped area of ​​the face, this indicates problems with the gastrointestinal tract, especially attention should be paid to the intestines. Dysbacteriosis is possible. It is in this zone that teenage acne is most often localized. (this is a word about what eats in large quantities the younger generation, all sorts of chips, snacks, crackers, fast food, filled with Coca-Cola, and even beer. In general, which does not add health to their body) And the appearance of a rash indicates that the kidneys and organs of the gastrointestinal tract can no longer cope with the removal of toxins and toxins, and therefore the skin is forced to turn on its additional function.

acne on the wings of the nose and enlarged pores report bronchial problems. Rash in o nasolabial triangle a - problems with the pelvic organs, both in men and women.

Appearancewrinkles speaks not only of impending old age, but also of new ailments.

The appearance of a well-defined brow crease (it is clearly visible when we frown) makes us think about problems with the liver and gallbladder. If wrinkles appear on the bridge of the nose or near one of the eyebrows in combination with frequent ones, this alarm signal violations in the central nervous system. Lots of small wrinkles upper lip, located horizontally, report problems with gynecology. Wrinkles above the bridge of the nose, at the junction of the eyebrows, in the form of crosses, speak of inflammatory-degenerative diseases (hernia of the vertebrae, developing osteochondrosis).

Will tell about the formation of sand and kidney stones . Papillomas there also indicate the presence of cystic formations.

We continue the diagnostics on the face and move on to the nose.

When a clearly visible appearance appears on the wings of the nose vascular network, the nose increases slightly, turns red - this is a symptom of incipient lung diseases. A pale or bluish tip of the nose heralds. elongated nasolabial fold can also report that the heart is working for wear and tear. The nose with numerous streaks of blood, uneven, bumpy, speaks of changes in blood pressure.

Lips as an element of face diagnostics

Blue lips will report heart failure and hypoxia (lack of oxygen). If a jam often appears (a crack in the corner of the mouth) - hard work of the kidneys, a violation water-salt metabolism. Paleness of the lips will indicate anemia. Rough lips - dehydration. There are many specks on the lips - problems with the organs gastrointestinal tract.


If the hair turns gray early, this indicates circulatory disorders. Abundant hair loss indicates a malfunction thyroid gland and prolonged stress. Other hormonal imbalances are also possible. expressionless dull hair- lack of trace elements, primarily selenium, zinc and iron. Greasy hair talk about digestive disorders and endocrine problems.

Diseases in the face

There is a good face diagram with problem areas by organs. Depending on which area you have irritation, spots or rashes, you can tell which internal organs suffer and work to the limit.

Do not wait for pain to appear, look at yourself carefully and then you will be able to react in time and not start developing disease. Your health is your priority.

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The symptoms are clear signs something that accompanies certain manifestations of diseases or abnormalities in development and functionality. Based on the combination of symptoms, doctors make a presumptive diagnosis of the patient's condition.


Each disease has a number of features, expressed in a certain way. The main symptoms of the disease are always restless and unhealthy.

There are diseases such as genitourinary system, when characteristics their manifestations in men are not at all similar to the symptoms in women.

The body as a combination of different systems

AT human body the following systems are intertwined, functioning in a natural normal mode only in compliance with complete harmony and balance:

  • Cardiovascular
  • Musculoskeletal
  • Respiratory
  • digestive
  • urinary
  • nervous
  • immune
  • Endocrine
  • brain system
  • Integumentary
  • reproductive

From the main systems, subsystems can be distinguished separately, which are tightly interconnected. An example is the musculoskeletal system, including: muscular, articular, bone.

Signs of ailments

The main symptoms of diseases different nature, regardless of the disease itself, are:

  • Fatigue
  • muscle weakness
  • Increase or decrease in body temperature
  • dizziness or headache
  • Asthenia

Pain syndrome is present in many cases. These may be certain pain points inside the body, muscle and bone pain, pain in different places.

Various symptoms

Organ diseases or systemic diseases accompanied by characteristic symptoms. For digestive system and organs of the gastrointestinal tract in case of malaise are characteristic: bloating, indigestion, flatulence, color change skin and mucous membranes, increase internal organs, bleeding, hiccups.

Often there is a coating of the tongue, a violation taste sensations, pain, decrease or increase in appetite, discoloration of feces, impaired consciousness, impaired swallowing function, jumps in body temperature.

In diseases of the bronchi, lungs, nasopharynx, the main symptoms are: shortness of breath, cough different type, pain in the sternum, wheezing, sputum production, high body temperature, modification of the fingers.

Frequent allergic reactions, increase lymph nodes, bone pain, numerous cold infections, long non-healing wounds - may indicate problems in the immune system.

Diseases of the reproductive system of men and women are great friend signs from each other, which is associated with a difference in the structure of the genital organs. Symptoms in women are more pronounced and painful.

In venereal and inflammatory diseases, there are: decreased libido, discharge different nature, pain when lifting minimal weights in the lower abdomen, rashes in the genital area and the whole body, hyperemia, fever, itching.

Diseases musculoskeletal system accompanied by symptoms: stiffness in movements, pain in the joints and tissues, subluxations and displacements, impaired movements, muscle pain, muscle atrophy, weakness throughout the body, temperature fluctuations, swelling.

Increased sweating, irritation, weight loss or gain, hair loss, thirst, sweating, ovarian dysfunction in women, pressure and mood swings can signal disorders in the endocrine system.

See the "Symptoms" section for details:

  • about characteristic symptoms the most common diseases
  • about the signs of various diseases
  • about rare symptoms
  • what needs to be prioritized
  • about the symptoms of infectious, fungal and bacterial infections

Any signs of deviation from normal state can and should be taken as symptoms of the disease.


Signs of HIV in men by stages of the disease and methods of treating pathology


Pain in the urethra - how to get rid of the symptom

Dear Parents!

Have you noticed that your child is getting sick, that he has some pain symptoms that bother you? But you are not a doctor and you yourself cannot put at least provisional diagnosis, and, therefore, you do not know which specialist you need to show your child to. Meanwhile, it often even seems to be harmless symptoms that appear in a child can serve as the first sign of a fairly serious illness.

We invite you to our system preliminary diagnosis your child's illness free diagnostics online). You are offered a list of symptoms, which is divided into subsections according to the localization of the symptom. Carefully reviewing the list, note the symptoms that you observe now in the child. But be warned: do not check all the symptoms in a row, because our system has a limit on the number of main symptoms for each disease and may accidentally not take into account major symptoms. In this case, the preliminary diagnosis by "online diagnostics of diseases by symptoms" will be incorrect.

In addition, for each disease, especially those occurring in acute form, there are main (dominant) symptoms. But there may also be side symptoms such as a headache or abdominal pain from the flu. This is just one of the examples. That is, one child will have side effects, while the other will not. Note also that a number acute diseases not all symptoms, even dominant ones (for example, a certain kind of rash), do not appear on the first day. Therefore, naturally, our system, online diagnostics, will not be able to make an unambiguous diagnosis in most cases.

As a result, you will be presented with a list possible diseases child, as well as recommendations on which specialist to contact. This cannot be considered an official diagnosis, the task of our service " online diagnostics by symptoms" - the performance of advisory functions on the issues of contacting certain specialists who will put correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment for the child.

In no case do not self-medicate. Consult a doctor! This will serve as a guarantee get well soon your child.

Signs of disease sometimes appear as ordinary ailments. How to determine the signs of a disease on your own, or just understand when to see a doctor as soon as possible? In this article, we will look at the most common symptoms that serious illnesses can have.

Are you rapidly gaining weight or maybe on the contrary, losing weight for no apparent reason? Are you worried constant thirst Or unexplained headaches? Our body sends signals, which, however, are often ignored. As a result of this neglect, some serious illnesses diagnosed too late.

Rapid weight gain

If weight loss can be associated with hyperthyroidism, then weight gain for no apparent reason may indicate hypothyroidism. Especially if it is accompanied by weakness, lack of strength and energy, dry mouth even on a hot day. In this case, you need to consult a doctor (therapist or endocrinologist), immediately and take a blood test to measure the level of hormones.

Weight gain can also be a symptom of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). In this case, irregular menstrual periods, hirsutism, acne. The disease mainly affects women. childbearing age and usually results from failed attempts get pregnant. For diagnosis, it is necessary to study a blood test and hormone levels. In advance, however, it is advisable to do an ultrasound at the gynecologist. Polycystic ovary syndrome must be treated, even if you do not plan to become pregnant, because this disease increases the risk of diabetes and atherosclerosis.

Rapid weight loss: what are the reasons?

Rapid weight loss, especially without special diet and increase physical activity, should always worry. However, it also happens that people who have suffered from extra pounds, glad that "finally" began to lose weight. This is a big mistake, because weight loss is always a signal sent by a sick body. Usually the cause is thyroid, which produces an excess of hormones, which affects metabolism. This condition is called hyperthyroidism. The disease is accompanied by nervousness, irritability, insomnia or excessive sweating. In order to confirm the diagnosis, it is recommended to do a blood test and check the level of hormones.

If weight loss is accompanied by diarrhea or constipation, sometimes there is blood in the stool, then these symptoms may indicate diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. They are usually associated with the intestines, stomach or duodenum.

Often, fast weight loss without apparent reason is a sign of development in the body. Seek medical attention immediately, even if the weight loss is not accompanied by any other symptoms.

Always thirsty: diabetes, kidney failure

Healthy people usually feel thirsty due to a lot of physical activity or due to high temperatures and also - when our diet is especially rich in salt, sugar or hot spices. However, if thirst persists, and, moreover, is accompanied by frequent urination (which cannot but be disturbing, since with a lack of water you usually do not want to go to the toilet), then such a symptom may indicate. Insulin, the pancreatic hormone responsible for the metabolism of carbohydrates, is not produced properly, which disrupts the even distribution of sugars, which causes an increase in blood sugar. The body requires water in order to dilute and expel it from the body.

Particular attention should be paid if excessive thirst is accompanied by weight loss and irritability. Pregnant women have the same symptoms (high thirst, frequent urination), especially when combined with fatigue after rest, may indicate gestational diabetes. If a disease is suspected, it is important to take a blood test to measure blood glucose levels. Normal level should not exceed 100 mg/dl. If the result is higher than 126 mg/dl, this should be considered an alarm and the test should be repeated the next day.

A strong desire to drink may also indicate kidney failure. The water that is retained in the body simultaneously increases the level of salt, which requires increased fluid intake.

Bleeding from the intestines: hemorrhoids, colon cancer

Bloody stools do not always indicate a serious illness. Bleeding may be the cause. This problem may be indicated by pain during and after defecation, protruding hemorrhoids. However, the diagnosis should be made by a gastroenterologist. It must be remembered that even the smallest amount of blood in the stool can mean that the real problem is much more serious.

Red blood, especially when mixed with mucus, may be a symptom ulcerative colitis, inflammatory disease bowel, and with pain in the lower abdomen (right), this is Crohn's disease. All these diseases are chronic and require specialized treatment. They are not fatal, but significantly reduce the quality of life.

Blood in the stool can also be a sign of a more serious condition, such as colon cancer. If you are not bothered by hemorrhoids and do not have any symptoms of bowel discomfort, do not hesitate to visit a doctor. Moreover, colon cancer develops for a long time, and its appearance can simply be overlooked.

Unusual urine color: hepatitis, cancer

Urine healthy person has a pale yellow color. A dark color (even red or pink) does not necessarily indicate disease. If this persists for a short time (several tens of hours), then, as a rule, this is the result of a diet (for example, beets) or a signal of dehydration in the body. In the latter case, you need to drink water as soon as possible. Dehydration can lead to a significant deterioration in mood, general well-being. With long-term forced dehydration, the functioning of the systems of the whole organism is disrupted. Prolonged dehydration is characterized by cardiac arrhythmias, syncope, painful spasms muscles. skin acquires gray shade becomes thin, dry and wrinkled. Observed overall weight loss, retraction of the whites of the eyes.

Dark colored urine

However, if dark color urine lasts longer, this may indicate inflammation of the liver, including hepatitis B or C. As a rule, this is then accompanied by fever, anorexia, muscle and joint pain. The sooner you start treatment for hepatitis, the greater the chance of a successful recovery. This is very important, because if the diagnosis is made late, and the disease has developed even 10-20 years, the therapy is not effective and the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma increases significantly. Dark urine (colors may be brown or red) indicates kidney, gallbladder or Bladder. In some cases, cancer of the bladder, liver and pancreas occurs.

Red urine

Maybe at acute cystitis- inflammation of the bladder. In acute transient form of the disease inner surface the bladder becomes irritated, begins to bleed. Cystitis is accompanied severe pain in the area of ​​the bladder, in the lower abdomen, fever, fever. If blood appears in the urine, it is urgent to start taking antibiotics.

yellow urine

Sometimes pregnant women have urine that is bright yellow in color. This can usually be the result of taking vitamins or various medicines prescribed by a doctor, for example - folic acid. Also, too bright color urine sometimes indicates that the body future mother can't handle the load. In the third trimester, a pregnant woman may be disturbed by cholestasis, in which the liver does not work correctly, which is why toxins are not completely removed from the body. As a rule, cholestasis is accompanied by nausea, weakness, fatigue. Also, in a strong pregnant woman, the palms and feet itch.

Persistent headaches

If the head hurts, then we are not used to attaching importance to this. Moreover, many are sure: a headache is often “treated” by coffee, this alone only worsens the situation, especially if this condition is caused by high blood pressure. With hypertension, there are additional warning signs - palpitations, sweating and irritability. They are not typical symptoms Therefore, hypertension is often ignored and if left untreated it can damage the heart, brain, kidneys, eyes, accelerate the development of atherosclerosis and greatly increase the risk of stroke. , including hypertension, are killed annually by about. 170 thousand people around the world.

Normal blood pressure considered between 115-120 / 75-89 mm Hg, with hypertension, the pressure rises significantly: from 140 to 159/90 mm Hg.

Persistent headaches may result from long hours held in front of a computer monitor. As a result, there are degenerative changes in cervical region spine, nerve compression.

Pain in the hands and feet: rheumatoid arthritis

Pain in the arms and legs, which are especially disturbing in the morning, after getting out of bed, cannot be overlooked. However, these symptoms are often ignored. If the pain not only does not subside, but becomes more acute even with the slightest movements of the joints, we are probably dealing with rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis - autoimmune disease. Although statistically it appears mainly in women over the age of 40, and is one of chronic diseases. Rheumatoid arthritis leads to muscle atrophy and severe changes in joint tissue, which is why patients with advanced diseases difficult to move fingers.

It is recommended to consult a rheumatologist who will prescribe laboratory tests, X-rays, ultrasound. Treatment consists not only of acceptance medicines, but also includes intensive rehabilitation, which significantly improves the quality of life and reduces the pain associated with the disease.

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