Intrauterine hormonal. What does it represent. Metabolism of the active substance in the body

Thanks to modern methods of contraception, a woman can not only protect herself from unwanted pregnancy, but also get rid of certain diseases. One of the popular protection options that can give such a result is the hormonal spiral. This method of contraception has many positive aspects. The Mirena intrauterine device is the latest development in this field of gynecology. Let us consider this device in more detail, and also pay attention to its advantages, disadvantages and patient reviews.

What is

One of the most effective methods of birth control - an intrauterine device - is a device that is inserted into the uterine cavity and makes it difficult for male gametes to pass to the egg, preventing their fusion and attachment of the fetal egg (embryo).

Installing an intrauterine system reduces the chance of getting pregnant by up to a tenth of a percent. This is especially true now, when women are increasingly postponing the birth of a child. The device most often has a T-shape and is installed on the 3rd-5th day of the new menstrual cycle. Whether such a method of protection is suitable can only be said by the attending gynecologist after a medical examination of the woman.

How does the spiral work?

The main task of the intrauterine device is to prevent the fertilization of the egg and the further attachment of the fetal egg to the walls of the uterus. If the fusion of two germ cells nevertheless occurred, the system begins to have an abortive effect. In this case, the hormonal spiral causes an increased contraction of the fallopian tubes, which leads to the rapid entry of the fetal egg into the uterine cavity and its further death. After that, the uterus recognizes the "object" as a foreign one and turns on the process of rejection - the walls of the uterus begin to contract.

Types of intrauterine devices

In gynecological practice, a variety of spirals are used, which differ primarily in shape. The intrauterine system can be loop- and ring-shaped, in the form of a spiral or an umbrella, in the form of the letter F. But still, devices in the form of the letter T are more popular.

The materials from which they are made also differ: copper, silver, gold, plastic. The size of the contraceptive is selected individually for each woman and depends on the anatomical features of the patient.

The intrauterine device can be hormonal and non-hormonal. In the first case, the contraceptive effect is provided by the hormone contained in the leg of the device, which is released in small quantities. But even a low dose of the hormone causes a thickening of the mucous layer of the uterine cavity and prevents the penetration of male germ cells. Spirals made of copper and silver are of the second, non-hormonal type and have an inhibitory effect on spermatozoa. The attending gynecologist will help to find out whether the spiral is hormonal (one or another model).

Mirena - a modern method of protection

The intrauterine system "Mirena" is the latest achievement of science in the field of gynecology. It has a T-shape and can be installed in the uterine cavity for a long time (up to 5 years). The Mirena hormonal coil (the price of a contraceptive is about 12 thousand rubles) contains the hormone levonorgestrel, which has a progestogenic effect at the local level with a gradual release.

The amount of active substance is 52 mg. The hormone begins to be released immediately after the spiral is placed in the uterine cavity. At first, levonorgestrel is released at a rate of 20 micrograms per day. This figure is reduced by half by the end of the fifth year after the installation of the intrauterine system. The hormone is practically not absorbed into the general bloodstream, which makes this method of protection safe for health.

Features of the Mirena spiral

The hormonal intrauterine device "Mirena" already in the first month of installation somewhat changes the nature of menstruation. In the first months, bleeding may increase, but over time (usually by the end of the first year), the discharge becomes scarce. Some patients note the onset of amenorrhea - the complete absence of menstruation.

Due to this therapeutic effect, the spiral is often prescribed to women for therapeutic purposes. The attending gynecologist should check the condition of the contraceptive every 6 months.

How is the installation process going?

The hormonal spiral can only be installed by the attending physician. Previously, the patient must pass tests (cytology, a smear for the flora and sexually transmitted infections, a general blood and urine test). You will also need to do an ultrasound.

A hormonal spiral is established during the first 7 days of a new menstrual cycle (usually 3-5 days). In some cases, a later introduction is also possible. it is allowed to install at least 4-5 weeks later, when the uterus is finally restored. If you experience discomfort, bleeding or other pathological symptoms after the introduction of the spiral, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Indications for use

It should be understood that the installation of a hormonal coil is indicated in specific cases and is not a remedy for every woman. A specialist can also recommend such a method of contraception to the patient for certain diseases. The main indications for use are:

  • endometriosis - pathological growth of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity - endometrium;
  • idiopathic menorrhagia - heavy menstrual flow;
  • uterine fibroids - a benign tumor that occurs in the muscle tissue of this organ (the spiral can be used as a prophylaxis).

Who is not suitable for the hormonal intrauterine system?

Having decided to install intrauterine contraception, a woman must undergo a medical examination, which will help to exclude conditions in which this procedure is unacceptable. It is contraindicated to install a spiral in the following cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • dysplasia;
  • cervical erosion;
  • cervicitis;
  • anomalies (acquired or congenital);
  • infectious or inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system;
  • postpartum endometritis;
  • acquired immunodeficiency syndrome;
  • postpartum period (first 4 weeks);
  • liver pathology;
  • deep vein thrombosis;
  • intolerance to the components of the spiral.

Hormonal spiral "Mirena": reviews

Women who have chosen Finnish-made spirals for protection against spirals leave mostly positive reviews. The main advantage is a high degree of contraception. The hormone released during the operation of the device prevents pregnancy in the same way throughout the entire time. In addition, the active substance also has a therapeutic effect. Therefore, in some cases, doctors strongly recommend that the Mirena hormonal coil be installed.

The price of such a device is really high, even compared to most analogues. And if there are side effects, the spiral will have to be removed. The money will be wasted. However, judging by the reviews, side effects are extremely rare, and the cost of the intrauterine system pays off for the entire process of use. One has only to compare it with the amount that should be spent within 5 years on hormonal pills or other means of protection.

Women should not worry about the fact that after some time after the installation of the spiral, menstrual bleeding has stopped. This is a completely normal reaction of the body. The monthly cycle will be restored in the first months after the removal of the device from the uterine cavity.

Popular intrauterine systems

Depending on the preferences of the woman herself and the recommendations of the doctor, the most suitable hormonal coil can be selected. The price in this matter also plays a major role. Several types of IUDs have earned popularity, which are much more affordable than the Mirena device in pricing policy.

Yunona stamps are presented in the form of the letter T and rings of various diameters. The cost of systems - from 300 to 1000 rubles. T-shaped spirals can be made of plastic, contain silver, copper. Before installation, allergies to the selected material should be excluded. "Junona Bio-T super" is made of plastic and has a copper winding. In addition, the surface of the device is treated with a special antiseptic solution, which contains propolis.

The Nova-T spiral is another popular analogue of Mirena. You can also install the system for up to 5 years. The material from which the spiral is made is absolutely safe for health. The base is made of plastic, the winding is made of copper. The price of the spiral is 2300-2600 rubles.

Levonova is a popular hormonal spiral. Reviews of experts indicate that this is a complete analogue of Mirena. The main active ingredient is the hormone levonorgestrel.

Before purchasing an intrauterine hormonal device, you should consult a specialist who will help you choose the best remedy.

The most popular intrauterine hormonal contraceptive is the Mirena coil (IUD). Intrauterine contraceptives (IUDs) have been used since the middle of the last century. They quickly fell in love with women due to many positive qualities: the absence of a systemic effect on the female body, high performance, ease of use.
The spiral does not affect the quality of sexual contact, it is installed for a long period, practically does not require control. But the IUD has a very significant disadvantage: many patients develop a tendency to metrorrhagia, as a result of which they have to give up this type of contraception.

In the 60s, intrauterine systems containing copper were created. Their contraceptive effect was even higher, but the problem of bleeding from the uterus was not solved. And as a result, in the 70s, the 3rd generation of the VMC was developed. These medical systems combine the best qualities of oral contraceptives and IUDs.

Description of the intrauterine device Mirena

Mirena has a T-shape, which helps to securely fix in the uterus. One of the edges is equipped with a loop of threads designed to remove the system. In the center of the spiral is a whitish hormone. It slowly enters the uterus through a special membrane.

The hormonal component of the helix is ​​levonorgestrel (gestagen). One system contains 52 mg of this substance. An additional component is a polydimethylsiloxane elastomer. The Mirena IUD is inside the tube. The spiral has an individual vacuum plastic-paper packaging. You need to store it in a dark place, at a temperature of 15-30 C. The shelf life from the date of manufacture is 3 years.

The effect of Mirena on the body

The Mirena contraceptive system begins to “release” levonorgestrel into the uterus immediately after installation. The hormone enters the cavity at a rate of 20 mcg / day, after 5 years this figure drops to 10 mcg per day. The spiral has a local effect, almost all of levonorgestrel is concentrated in the endometrium. And already in the muscular layer of the uterus, the concentration is no more than 1%. In the blood, the hormone is contained in microdoses.

After the introduction of the spiral, the active ingredient enters the bloodstream in about an hour. There, its highest concentration is reached after 2 weeks. This indicator can vary significantly depending on the body weight of a woman. With a weight of up to 54 kg, the content of levonorgestrel in the blood is approximately 1.5 times higher. The active substance is almost completely cleaved in the liver, and evacuated by the intestines and kidneys.

How Mirena works

The contraceptive effect of the drug Mirena does not depend on a weak local reaction to a foreign body, but is mainly associated with the effect of levonorgestrel. The introduction of a fertilized egg is not carried out by silencing the activity of the uterine epithelium. At the same time, the natural growth of the endometrium is suspended and the functioning of its glands decreases.

Also, the Mirena spiral makes it difficult for sperm to move in the uterus and its tubes. The contraceptive effect of the drug increases the high viscosity of the cervical mucus and the thickening of the mucous layer of the cervical canal, which complicates the penetration of spermatozoa into the uterine cavity.

After setting up the system, a restructuring of the endometrium is noted for several months, manifested by irregular spotting. But after a short time, the proliferation of the uterine mucosa provokes a significant decrease in the duration and volume of menstrual bleeding, up to their complete cessation.

Indications for use

The IUD is installed primarily to prevent unwanted pregnancy. In addition, the system is used for very heavy menstrual bleeding for an unknown reason. The probability of malignant neoplasms of the female reproductive system is preliminarily excluded. As a local progestogen, the intrauterine device is used to prevent endometrial hyperplasia, for example, in severe menopause or after bilateral oophorectomy.

Mirena is sometimes used in the treatment of menorrhagia, if there are no hyperplastic processes in the uterine mucosa or extragenital pathologies with severe hypocoagulation (thrombocytopenia, von Willebrand disease).

Contraindications for use

The Mirena spiral belongs to internal contraceptives, therefore, it cannot be used for inflammatory diseases of the genital organs:

  • endometritis after childbirth;
  • inflammation in the pelvis and cervix;
  • septic abortion performed 3 months before the system was installed;
  • infection localized in the lower part of the genitourinary system.

The development of acute inflammatory pathology of the pelvic organs, which is practically not amenable to therapy, is an indication for the removal of the coil. Therefore, internal contraceptives are not installed with a predisposition to infectious diseases (constant change of sexual partners, a strong decrease in immunity, AIDS, etc.). To protect against unwanted pregnancy, Mirena is not suitable for cancer, dysplasia, fibroids of the body and cervix, changes in their anatomical structure.

Since levonorgestrel is cleaved in the liver, the spiral is not installed in a malignant neoplasm of this organ, as well as in cirrhosis and acute hepatitis.

Although the systemic effect of levonorgestrel on the body is negligible, this progestogen is still contraindicated in all progestogen-dependent cancers, such as breast cancer and other conditions. Also, this hormone is contraindicated in stroke, migraine, severe forms of diabetes, thrombophlebitis, heart attack, arterial hypertension. These diseases are a relative contraindication. In such a situation, the question of using Mirena is decided by the doctor after laboratory diagnostics. The spiral can not be installed if pregnancy is suspected and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Side effects

Common side effects

There are several side effects of Mirena, which occur in almost every tenth woman who has installed a spiral. These include:

  • disruption of the central nervous system: irascibility, headache, nervousness, bad mood, decreased sexual desire;
  • weight gain and acne;
  • gastrointestinal dysfunction: nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting;
  • vulvovaginitis, pelvic pain, spotting;
  • tension and soreness of the chest;
  • back pain, as in osteochondrosis.

All of the above signs are most pronounced in the first months of using Mirena. Then their intensity decreases, and, as a rule, unpleasant symptoms pass without a trace.

Rare side effects

Such side effects are observed in one patient out of a thousand. They are also usually expressed only in the first months after the installation of the IUD. If the intensity of manifestations does not decrease with time, the necessary diagnostics are prescribed. Rare complications include bloating, mood swings, itchy skin, swelling, hirsutism, eczema, baldness, and rashes.

Allergic reactions are very rare side effects. With their development, it is necessary to exclude another source of urticaria, rash, etc.

Instructions for use

Installation of the Mirena coil

The intrauterine system is packed in a sterile vacuum bag, which is opened before insertion of the coil. A previously opened system must be disposed of.

Only a qualified gynecologist can install the Mirena contraceptive. Before this, the doctor must conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary examination:

  • gynecological and breast examination;
  • analysis of a smear from the cervix;
  • mammography;
  • colposcopy and pelvic examination.

You need to make sure that there is no pregnancy, malignant neoplasms and STIs. If inflammatory diseases are detected, they are treated before Mirena is placed. You should also determine the size, location and shape of the uterus. The correct position of the helix provides a contraceptive effect and protects against system expulsion.

For women of childbearing age, IUDs are inserted in the first days of menstruation. In the absence of contraindications, the system can be installed immediately after the abortion. With normal contraction of the uterus after childbirth, Mirena can be used after 6 weeks. You can replace the coil on any day, regardless of the cycle. To prevent excessive growth of the endometrium, the intrauterine system should be introduced at the end of the menstrual cycle.

Precautionary measures

After installing the IUD, you need to see a gynecologist after 9-12 weeks. Then you can visit the doctor once a year, with the appearance of complaints more often. So far, there are no clinical data proving a predisposition to the development of varicose veins and thrombosis of the veins of the legs when using a spiral. But when signs of these diseases appear, you need to consult a doctor.

The action of levonorgestrel negatively affects glucose tolerance, as a result, patients with diabetes need to systematically monitor blood glucose levels. With the threat of septic endocarditis in women with valvular heart disease, the introduction and removal of the system should be performed with the use of antibacterial agents.

Possible side effects of Mirena

  • Ectopic pregnancy - develops extremely rarely and requires emergency surgical intervention. This complication can be suspected if symptoms of pregnancy occur (long delay in menstruation, dizziness, nausea, etc.) together with severe pain in the lower abdomen and signs of internal bleeding (severe weakness, pale skin, tachycardia). There is a higher probability of “earning” such a complication after suffering severe inflammatory or infectious pathologies of the pelvis or a history of ectopic pregnancy.
  • Penetration (growing into the wall) and perforation (perforation) of the uterus usually develop with the introduction of a spiral. These complications may be accompanied by lactation, recent childbirth, unnatural location of the uterus.
  • Expulsion of the system from the uterus occurs quite often. For its early detection, patients are recommended to check the presence of threads in the vagina after every menstruation. Simply, as a rule, it is during menstruation that the probability of the IUD falling out is high. This process goes unnoticed by the woman. Accordingly, when Mirena is expelled, the contraceptive action ends. In order to avoid misunderstandings, it is recommended to inspect used tampons and pads for loss. Bleeding and pain can be a manifestation of the beginning of the spiral loss in the middle of the cycle. If an incomplete expulsion of an intrauterine hormonal agent has occurred, then the doctor must remove it and install a new one.
  • Inflammatory and infectious diseases of the pelvic organs usually develop in the first month of using the Mirena system. The risk of complications increases with frequent changes in sexual partners. The indication for the removal of the spiral in this case is a recurrent or severe pathology and the absence of a result from the treatment.
  • Amenorrhea develops in many women against the background of the use of the IUD. The complication does not occur immediately, but somewhere in 6 months after the installation of Mirena. When menstruation stops, pregnancy must first be ruled out. After removing the spiral, the menstrual cycle is restored.
  • Approximately 12% of patients develop functional ovarian cysts. Most often, they do not manifest themselves in any way, and only occasionally can there be pain during sex and a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. Enlarged follicles usually return to normal after 2-3 months on their own.
  • IUD removal

    The coil must be removed 5 years after installation. If further the patient does not plan pregnancy, then the manipulation is carried out at the beginning of menstruation. By removing the system in the middle of the cycle, there is a possibility of conception. If desired, you can immediately change one intrauterine contraceptive with a new one. The day of the cycle does not matter. After removing the product, the system should be carefully examined, since if Mirena is difficult to remove, the substance may slip into the uterine cavity. Both insertion and removal of the system may be accompanied by bleeding and pain. Sometimes there is a fainting state or a seizure in patients with epilepsy.

    Pregnancy and Mirena

    The spiral has a strong contraceptive effect, but not 100%. If pregnancy does develop, then first of all it is necessary to exclude its ectopic form. In a normal pregnancy, the coil is carefully removed or a medical abortion is performed. Not in all cases, it turns out to remove the Mirena system from the uterus, then the likelihood of premature termination of pregnancy increases. It is also necessary to take into account the likely adverse effects of the hormone on the formation of the fetus.

    Application for lactation

    Levonorgestrel IUD in a small dosage enters the bloodstream and can be excreted in milk when breastfeeding a baby. The content of the hormone is about 0.1%. Doctors say that at such a concentration it is impossible that such a dose can affect the general condition of the crumbs.

    Frequently asked Questions

    The price of Mirena is quite high, and the use of a contraceptive can provoke many side effects. Does the remedy have any positive effect on the female body?

    Mirena is often used to restore the state of the endometrium after bilateral removal of the ovaries or with pathological menopause. Also intrauterine device:

    • increases the level of hemoglobin;
    • performs the prevention of cancer and endometrial hyperplasia;
    • reduces the duration and volume of idiopathic bleeding;
    • restores iron metabolism in the body;
    • reduces pain in algomenorrhea;
    • carries out the prevention of fibromyoma and endometriosis of the uterus;
    • has a general strengthening effect.

    Is Mirena used to treat fibroids?

    The spiral stops the growth of the myomatous node. But additional diagnostics and consultation with a gynecologist are needed. It is necessary to take into account the volume and localization of the nodes, for example, with submucosal fibroid formations that change the shape of the uterus, the installation of the Mirena system is contraindicated.

    Is the Mirena intrauterine drug used for endometriosis?

    The coil is used to prevent endometriosis because it stops the growth of the endometrium. Recently, the results of studies proving the effectiveness of the treatment of the disease have been presented. But the system provides only a temporary effect and each case must be considered separately.

    Six months after the introduction of Mirena, I developed amenorrhea. Is that how it should be? Will I be able to get pregnant in the future?

    The absence of menstruation is a natural reaction to the influence of the hormone. It gradually develops in every 5 patients. Take a pregnancy test just in case. If it is negative, then you should not worry, after the removal of the system, menstruation resumes, and you can plan a pregnancy.

    After installing the Mirena contraceptive, can there be discharge, pain or uterine bleeding?

    Usually these symptoms appear in a mild form, immediately after the introduction of Mirena. Severe bleeding and pain are often indications for coil removal. The cause may be an ectopic pregnancy, improper installation of the system, or expulsion. Urgently address to the gynecologist.

    Can Mirena coil affect weight?

    Weight gain is one of the side effects of the drug. But you need to consider that it occurs in 1 out of 10 women and, as a rule, this effect is short-lived, after a few months it disappears. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

    I protected myself from unwanted pregnancy with hormonal pills, but often forgot to take them. How can I change the drug to the Mirena coil?

    Irregular oral hormone intake cannot fully protect against pregnancy, so it is better to switch to intrauterine contraception. Before that, you need to consult a doctor and pass the necessary tests. It is better to install the system on the 4th-6th day of the menstrual cycle.

    When can I get pregnant after taking Mirena?

    According to statistics, 80% of women become pregnant, unless of course they want it, in the very first year after the extraction of the spiral. Due to hormonal action, it even slightly increases the level of fertility (fertility).

    Where can I buy the Mirena coil? And what is its price?

    The IUD is released only by prescription and is sold in a pharmacy. Its price is determined by the manufacturer, and varies from 9 to 13 thousand rubles.

    Hormonal and non-hormonal IUDs belong to the same group of contraceptives, but they have significant differences. Which is better - Mirena or a regular coil? Which tool to choose and what is the fundamental difference between them? Read below and you will find answers to all your questions.

    Why is an intrauterine device needed?

    Non-hormonal intrauterine devices are used to achieve a contraceptive effect and protect against unwanted pregnancy. Unlike non-hormonal drugs, Mirena enhances the contraceptive effect and at the same time has healing properties, preventing the development of certain diseases.

    Hormonal IUD has found its application in the treatment of such ailments:

    • Uterine fibroids: inhibits the growth of nodes and reduces the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.
    • Hyperplastic processes of the endometrium.
    • Menstrual disorders. Thanks to Mirena, periods become scanty and less painful, while the ovaries continue to function normally.

    The diagram below shows the main advantages of the Mirena hormonal system in comparison with conventional spirals and birth control pills. It can be seen that Mirena combines the advantages of the IUD and oral contraceptives and eliminates some of the disadvantages of both.

    The effectiveness of intrauterine devices

    To determine the reliability of the method of contraception, a special indicator is used - the Pearl index. The lower it is, the better the contraceptive properties of the remedy. Non-hormonal IUD has a value of 0.9-3, and Mirena - 0.1-0.5. This suggests that the hormonal intrauterine device is more effective, and the risk of an unplanned pregnancy is lower.

    Installation time

    The use of the Mirena intrauterine system in nulliparous women is possible only under strict indications and exclusively. As a contraceptive, the IUD is not placed before the first birth.

    Possible Side Effects

    All intrauterine devices are characterized by such adverse effects:

    • On the part of the organs of the reproductive system - the development of vulvovaginitis, infections of the pelvic organs, prolapse of the spiral from the uterine cavity, spotting and discomfort during sexual contact, perforation of the uterus.
    • Change in the nature of menstruation.

    Unlike a non-hormonal spiral, Mirena has a higher likelihood of side effects due to the content of levonorgestrel in it. These effects include:

    • Violation of the nature and cyclicity of menstruation up to amenorrhea.
    • Allergic reactions in the form of urticaria, angioedema.
    • The appearance of ovarian cysts, mastopathy.
    • Violation of the function of the cardiovascular system - hypertension.

    There is between non-hormonal and hormonal intrauterine devices. Which contraceptive is suitable for a woman is decided by the attending physician based on concomitant diseases, history and contraindications.

    In contact with

    Good afternoon!

    Due to the myomatous nodes formed during pregnancy, the gynecologist recommended installing the Mirena intrauterine hormonal system. Bought it in Ukraine. With a discount, the cost was 2365.50 UAH.

    The packaging was tightly sealed to keep the contents sterile.

    You won't even be able to read the instructions until you open the box.

    Initially, I wanted to attach instructions to the review, but when I saw its scale, I realized that it was pointless. You can see for yourself:


    It took : Mirena spiral, gynecological examination set with a mirror.

    I was seated on a chair, a mirror was installed, excess bloody discharge was blotted with cotton swabs, disinfected with an alcohol solution, the cervical canal was opened with long forceps, a spiral was installed, the excess part of the thread was cut off and the mirror was removed. Everything! It took no more than 5 minutes. But if we take into account the time when we went for sterile tongs and scissors, filled out the card, etc. It all lasted 20-25 minutes.

    As such, there was no pain. It was a little hot from alcohol, and it was unpleasant when opening the cervical canal with forceps (but this is because I could not relax in any way).

    It was a little scary to go to the toilet for the first time. But inside of me I absolutely do not feel anything foreign.

      Do not live sexually for 10 days;

      Do not lift weights, including a child, for at least 10 days (later it turned out that it is better not to lift anything at all ...);

      Do not bathe in the bath for 10 days;

      After 10 days, come for an inspection to check the correct installation.

    Feelings after installing Mirena.

    Self-hypnosis is a terrible thing! I constantly thought about the possible displacement of the spiral, it constantly seemed to me that I felt it touching the walls ... until I got distracted. My daughter got sick and not before. By chance, I remembered the intrauterine system (the child cannot be lifted). Then I realized that while I do not think about a foreign body, I do not feel it. Not at all.

    I also noticed that a day after the installation, the pigmentation on the nipples increased a little, they became darker and stretched out like after feeding a child (although I turned off the guards more than 4 months ago). Then it passed.

    Bloody discharge at the time of installation was very plentiful. Immediately after the procedure, they became scarce.

    Throughout all 10 days, scanty spotting continued.

    Re-inspection after 10 days.

    It was a routine examination with a speculum. The doctor checked the presence of threads and the location of the spiral itself, asked about the sensations and the presence of discomfort. I had no complaints, so the next examination is scheduled in three months.

    The withdrawals never stopped. The instructions indicate that the norm is up to three months. I also want to note that spotting does not go constantly, but periodically during the day. Enough pads for two or three drops.

    After 22 days from the beginning of the cycle, the discharge intensified and acquired a more familiar color for menstruation. This went on for five days, then the intensity decreased again. I don't know what it was. Maybe menstruation is going on like this now, maybe something else. Further it will be seen.

    The first sex after the installation of Mirena.

    Naturally, no one was going to wait three months. Therefore, we decided to test the system on the 13th day. No one felt any foreign body. So there is no need to worry about this. But it’s better to spread the diaper…

    Impressions and observations after the installation of the Mirena spiral.

    And now let's talk about the specific disadvantages for me, which I was not ready for. This is a ban on lifting weights. Complete ban. And how is this even possible, having a one-year-old child??? And someone has two children ... As I was told, with muscle tension, the system can be pushed out of the uterus. Great! Nothing to say...

    Of course, the first week I was completely replaced by my husband (sickness, bathing a child, walking, shopping, throwing garbage, etc.), but then I had to distribute responsibilities. After all, he needs to go to work sometime ... a month later, I already entered the usual mode. Of course, I try not to lift the winter stroller with the child, but otherwise everything is the same.

    Also, the sex drive is completely gone. After giving birth, I’m already used to the fact that “appetite comes with eating”, but then it’s hard to swing something in general ... Well, okay, there will be an extra reason to somehow diversify your sex life.😊

    It's too early to talk about weight, only half a month has passed. My appetite has not increased, but soon the New Year holidays, my birthday ... I will try to control myself.😁

    A month later and New Year's holidays - minus half a kilo. This makes me happy!))))

    !!!UPDATE (04/16/2018)

    For 10 days there were scanty spotting. For a week there was no discharge at all. Then they started again: for two days, barely noticeable, spotting, for 9 days, moderate, typical for menstruation, and again, slightly spotting, residual.

    In total, periodic discharges took about 70 days.

    After 3 months.

    For two days there was a barely noticeable daub. After 10 days, spotting began, which lasted a little more than a week. At this time, I did ultrasound. It turned out that it was already the middle of the cycle, and those two days earlier were monthly ...

    The next menstruation began according to the schedule day to day. The discharge lasted 5 days. Not plentiful, not painful (although there were tingling sensations in the area of ​​the “acting” ovary, but quickly passed). There were no more pulling pains on the first day of the cycle. I'll save on spazmalgon))).

    Myoma has noticeably decreased (almost twice), and the forming node has generally resolved. The gynecologist said that for now it is necessary to spend money on pads, and when the fibroids disappear, the spiral can be removed.

    The attraction returned a month and a half after installation.

    Spiral FEEL partner in some positions. I don't know how, but we do. Unpleasant sensations it does not deliver, according to the husband. And, to be completely frank, the male genital organ feels movement along some kind of foreign tube. P.S.: only the first months are felt)))

    The weight stays the same. I’m thinking of losing weight by the summer ... some)).

    After 9 months!!!

    The fourth month after the installation of the spiral went perfectly! The cycle was clear, the discharge went on for 6 days (as before the spiral), there were no painful sensations.

    BUT! Before starting the next cycle got chest pain, the mammary gland noticeably increased and a painful nodule appeared on the left. I started to google (it’s not destined to go to the doctor right away). According to the description, it looked like a cyst and it was said that there was nothing to worry about, they resolve themselves after the release of the egg, there was not a word about their connection with Mirena).

    I am waiting for the next cycle .. A few days earlier, the discharge began, 10 days passed. The soreness in the chest disappeared, but the lump remained. I called the gynecologist. She said - it's prolactin increased, this happens after childbirth. Drink Mastodinon.

    I bought Mastodinone, but decided to wait until the next cycle to get tested for prolactin levels. I waited... I waited... I waited... But I didn't get my period... I started buying up all the pregnancy tests I could find in stores - everything was negative.

    The next step is a pelvic ultrasound. Result - OVARIAN CYST. I'm shocked. For some reason, I decided that the hormonal spiral would protect against such formations ... I don’t know where I got this from. I started to google again ... someone turn off the Internet for me! Nowhere did I find any mention that the Mirena intrauterine device causes the formation of cysts in the ovaries.

    The test results for progesterone showed a good level of the hormone, TSH - also normal.

    I went to the gynecologist. She canceled Mastodinon (which I never started taking) and prescribed Distreptase suppositories (for resorption of cysts), Amelotex suppositories (painkillers and anti-inflammatory) and Tazalok drops (to normalize hormonal levels). After the first menstruation, do a control ultrasound.

    It's been a month and a half. The cycle never started. Again there were very painful seals in BOTH mammary glands. I - again to the gynecologist. She pointed to the ultrasound of the pelvis and mammary glands.

    It's summer, holiday season. I found a mammologist in the regional oncology, and decided to do an ultrasound there. And... for good reason. Painful lumps in the chest growth of glandular tissue, it is treated by the same Tazalok with prolonged use. But they accidentally found a painless lump in the left breast, made a puncture and - TUMOR!

    Conclusion: A proliferative form of mastopathy with foci of pronounced proliferation of the epithelium and stroma of the mammary gland.

    Soon the operation ... And the treatment.

    Ultrasound of the small pelvis was done in a private clinic. The cyst did not disappear after the treatment, new ones did not form either. There the doctor told me that Mirena intrauterine device very often leads to the formation of cysts in the ovaries! This is due to the fact that the progesterone hormone contained in it is secreted in large quantities and prevails over estrogen. The brain perceives this signal as if ovulation has already occurred and does not give a command to release the egg from the ovary. She stays there and grows into a cyst. Usually such cysts are small in size and resolve themselves, and later appear again. It's not scary, but you have to watch. that is why with the Mirena spiral, menstruation may not go at all.

    Regarding the main reason why I installed the spiral - UTERINE MYOMA:

    • A small (9.0x0.8 mm) incipient subserous-interstitial myomatous node has disappeared.
    • A large (30.x25.0 mm) subserous-interstitial myomatous node - decreased in 9 months to 21.x19.0 mm, the walls thickened and it is considered "old", not dangerous to the body.

    In this way, the spiral performs its main task. But according to the result - one heals, the other - cripples!

    I won’t extract it yet, I’ll see if Tazalok helps to normalize the hormonal background. For my age, such a reaction to Mirena is rare. But I want you to be aware of the possible consequences as well.

    That's all for me. This post will be updated as time goes by. Add to bookmarks so as not to lose 😉

    A fairly popular method of contraception is the use of an intrauterine device. This method has undoubted advantages over others: there is no need to remember about contraception, long contraceptive effect, high efficiency. The use of the Mirena intrauterine device has become widespread. Consider the principle of its action and the effect of this contraceptive on the female body.

    The Mirena intrauterine device is a method of hormonal contraception. This means that it contains the hormone levonorgestrel, which is contained in the elastic cylinder (rod) of the spiral and is gradually released from it at a certain speed.

    The daily intake of this in the body of a woman and provides a contraceptive effect.

    Mirena reliably protects against pregnancy for 5 years. This spiral is a reversible method of contraception. After its removal, the reproductive function of the female body is completely restored.

    Mirena belongs to the T-shaped types of coils, which most closely matches the shape of the uterus and helps to conveniently and securely place the coil in its cavity. Special threads are attached to the lower edge of the rod, with which the system can be removed.

    Levonorgestrel is a synthetic hormone similar in structure to progesterone produced by the female body. Due to its effect, the mucus on the cervix becomes very thick, which is a natural obstacle for spermatozoa.

    In a viscous medium, their mobility is sharply limited, and they cannot enter the uterine cavity, therefore, fertilization does not occur.

    In addition, under the influence of this hormone, endometrial thickening does not occur. This means that even if fertilization occurs, the embryo will not be able to implant to the wall of the uterus and develop further.

    In addition to the contraceptive action, Mirena produces a therapeutic effect. After its installation, menstrual blood loss is reduced by almost 90%, and in some women it stops altogether.

    This is mostly good for women with excessively heavy periods or those who suffer from iron deficiency anemia due to menstrual blood loss. Mirena is also effective in endometrial hyperplasia.

    Thus, the use of the Mirena IUD is not only a reliable method of contraception, but can also take part in the treatment of certain diseases at the same time.

    Indications for use and contraindications

    Indications for use

    • prevention of unplanned pregnancy
    • heavy menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia)
    • prevention of endometrial overgrowth during estrogen replacement therapy

    But the installation of the Mirena Navy is not shown to any woman. The most important contraindication is the onset of pregnancy or suspicion of it.

    Therefore, any woman, before the planned introduction of the IUD into the uterine cavity, must pass without fail, which will reliably show the presence or absence of pregnancy.

    Other conditions prohibiting the use of Mirena are:

    • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs
    • infectious diseases of the urinary tract and cervix
    • cancer of the uterus or cervix
    • the presence of hormone-dependent tumors
    • dysplasia
    • vaginal bleeding with no known cause
    • acute diseases
    • infection in the uterus after an abortion
    • hypersensitivity to the components of the intrauterine system

    Usually, adverse reactions are most noticeable in the first months of using the intrauterine system. Over time, many of them go away on their own, without requiring additional therapy.

    Adverse reactions

    • changes in the menstrual cycle (reduction / increase in menstrual flow, spotting, cessation, increase / decrease in the cycle, pain during menstruation)
    • instability of the psycho-emotional background, headaches, decreased sexual desire
    • abdominal pain, nausea, bloating
    • appearance, allergic rash, itching, hair loss
    • pain in the back and pelvic area, soreness and tension of the mammary glands
    • weight gain, edema
    • prolapse of the IUD (if installed incorrectly)
    • perforation of the uterine wall

    If the installed IUD is not effective, then an ectopic pregnancy may occur.

    1-3 months after the installation of the Mirena system, a woman needs to undergo an examination. Further, medical examinations should be regular, at least once a year (preferably once every six months). This is a prerequisite for preventing the development of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.

    The dosage of the hormone that enters the body of a woman from the Mirena system does not pose a danger to the development of the child. Therefore, you can use the intrauterine device as a method of contraception during breastfeeding, but not earlier than 6 weeks after birth.

    Mirena coil for endometriosis

    The Mirena spiral is used not only as a means of protection against unplanned pregnancy. It is used to treat certain diseases that are affected by hormones. These diseases include endometriosis ( mucosal proliferation).

    The main local action that the Mirena system has is to suppress the excessive growth of the endometrium, as a result of which it becomes impossible to attach a fertilized egg to it.

    This effect is used in the treatment of women with endometrial hyperplasia. Usually, with this disease, women suffer from profuse and prolonged menstrual bleeding, severe pain during menstruation.

    As a result of the use of the Mirena hormonal system in women, the cycle is normalized, the duration and amount of bleeding are reduced, they decrease, and often disappear altogether.

    In addition, with simple forms of endometriosis, after the use of Mirena, there is a decrease in concomitant inflammatory processes and the reverse development of foci of pathology up to the complete normalization of the mucous membrane.

    Within 1-3 months after the installation of Mirena, bleeding may temporarily increase, but after this period they become short and scarce, and sometimes stop.

    The cessation of bleeding in endometriosis is a positive thing, since the absence of monthly cyclic changes in the uterine cavity allows the endometrium to recover completely and avoid recurrent pathology in the future.

    Not all women with endometrial hyperplasia are treated with Mirena.


    • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding
    • infectious and inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs
    • oncological diseases
    • bleeding from unspecified causes
    • defects in the structure of the uterus (both congenital and acquired)
    • severe liver dysfunction

    There may be other conditions that prevent the placement of the Mirena coil for treatment. Be sure to undergo examinations before the introduction of the spiral, more about which the attending physician will tell.

    You will learn more about modern methods of contraception, including the Mirena spiral, from the proposed video.

    Thus, the Mirena system is a reliable contraceptive, very convenient to use, after the abolition of which the reproductive function of the female body is fully restored. The main thing is that the indications for installing the spiral do not contradict the state of health of the woman. Therefore, for those who decide to use Mirena as a long-term contraceptive or for the treatment of diseases, a thorough medical examination is a prerequisite.

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