After running, it hurts under the ribs. Incorrect breathing rate. Recent large meal

Many people choose to run as a way to keep fit and healthy. This is really a payload that helps keep the body in good shape, promotes beautiful and uniform weight loss. But running has its own, so to speak, side effects. For example, many are interested in why the side hurts when running. This question is complex, and it can have a lot of reasons, so you should familiarize yourself with all of them and understand what is relevant specifically in your case.

Quite often, when running, stabs in the side of beginners who have just started running and cannot yet find the optimal level of loads for themselves. Yes, and professional runners can face this problem. The pain may be temporary, presenting short-term colic and contractions in the side. Experts call such pain spasms of the diaphragm. The source of it is the muscles located between the abdomen and chest, and the cause is a lack of oxygen.

The causes of pain can be associated with both banal violations of running technique and serious health problems. The pain can manifest itself both on the right and on the left side. If your left side hurts while running, it may be due to the spleen. filled with blood, or underdeveloped muscles because the chest is not getting enough air. But if the right side hurts while running, then the reason for this may be due to the liver overflowing with blood. Next, we will consider what tingling in the side can be associated with, and how to avoid it.

Heavy loads, unprepared body, improper warm-up or lack of it

When the body is in a state of calm, it does not need active blood circulation. In a calm state, the blood is a reserve, the main part of which is in the peritoneum and chest cavity, that is, in the liver and spleen.

Starting to run, we increase the load on the entire body, and the entire reserve goes into circulation in order to meet the needs of actively working muscles. The blood fills the organs located in the abdominal cavity, and its outflow does not keep up with the inflow. In other words, the liver and spleen swell due to the rush of blood and press on their membranes, which are completely permeated with nerve cells. That is why we feel that our side hurts when running.

To avoid this problem, follow these guidelines:

  • Be sure to run before do a little workout. This will give the body the opportunity to adapt and tune in to the load, prepare the muscles for work and increase blood flow especially before activity.
  • Beginners in running it is recommended to start with short distances and short workouts. It is recommended to increase the load gradually.
  • When pain in the side makes itself felt, begin to slowly reduce the pace, go to the sport step.

You can not stop abruptly - this applies to all cases. Slow down gradually and then stop completely.

  • Try to relax. Make slight side bends, while remembering to solve deeply.
  • With three fingers, press on the area of ​​pain - this will make it possible to reduce discomfort.

Wrong breathing

Incorrect breathing technique may be the answer to the question of why your side hurts while running. It may be too frequent, intermittent or irregular. If enough air does not enter the diaphragm, spasms and, accordingly, pain begin.

There is only one solution to this problem - teach yourself to breathe correctly. AT you need to breathe through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Take a deep breath into full lungs and a smooth exit.

Eating pre-workout

When you eat, the body is busy digesting food and spends all its energy on it. The stomach ferments food and the liver neutralizes toxins. And the heavier the food, the harder it is for the body. If after you start running, he cannot withstand the double load and reacts to this with pain in his side.

The solution to this problem is the following:

  • If you plan to run in the morning, it is recommended to have breakfast an hour before the run. If the breakfast was heavy, the body needs to digest the food, and for this it needs 1-2 hours.
  • Before training, you can not eat heavy food: fatty, fried, spicy, salty. It is recommended to include light snacks in the diet - something protein, for example, or a vegetable salad.
  • Control the load during the workout. If you have eaten a heavy meal, do not run at full strength. It is better to focus on running technique and proper breathing.

Diseases of the liver, pancreas, or gallbladder

With an inflamed pancreas, you can feel girdle sharp pain in your side. With hepatitis, the liver increases in size, and you can feel how the right side hurts when running. In gallbladder problems, stones block the gallbladder. Such pains can make themselves felt even in a calm state, but with loads they will increase.

  • Before starting to actively engage in running, it is recommended to consult with a specialist and conduct an examination of the abdominal cavity. In the absence of contraindications, feel free to proceed with the loads.
  • Stick to proper nutrition, try to give up fatty, fried and other harmful foods.

Pain in the side when running: symptoms

Knowing why pain in the side appears when running, you should also consider the symptoms that indicate that discomfort will soon make itself felt.

Depending on the characteristics of the pain and the conditions in which it appears, the following symptoms stand out:

  • Weak endurance of the body, high loads, lack of warm-up or its improper conduct, lack of preparation for physical exertion.
  • Breathing problems (if you find it difficult to breathe while running, your breathing becomes erratic, uneven).
  • Recent food intake before a run.
  • Chronic diseases that make themselves felt during physical activity.

Pain occurs not only in those who have just started running or are overweight. This happens with professional athletes who are accustomed to long-term loads.

Pain in the side after running

Pain after running often appears for the same reasons as in the process of jogging. Quite often, the factor of an abrupt cessation of a run plays a role, that is, excessive load and an abrupt stop. You should not test your body in this way. As you plan to end your workout, smoothly transition to a slower run or a faster pace.

If discomfort during the run still made itself felt, follow these recommendations:

  • Take a deep breath, relax your muscles and calm your breathing. It is important to try to relax the whole body.
  • If you feel pain in your side, experts recommend pressing your fingers on the area that causes discomfort and remain in this position until the pain passes.
  • If this does not help, gently massage the side, let the liver or spleen relax.
  • Inhale deeply and exhale as slowly as possible through pursed lips.

If you experience pain after running due to low fitness, try replacing running with brisk walking first. So you prepare your body, and over time it will not feel discomfort even with active loads. Remember that everything should be gradual.

Pain in the side when running: what to do

Pain when running in untrained people occurs after 10-20 minutes of running. In people with good training, pain can be provoked by intense training, when the body is already exhausted, and reacts to this with spasms and convulsions.

If you feel uncomfortable, consider the following tips:

  • If you feel pain in left side when running, that is, the spleen makes itself felt, you should not stop immediately. Press your left elbow to your side and slow down a little.
  • If this does not help, take a deep breath so that the lungs take in a lot of air and put pressure on the internal organs. Hold your breath for 5-10 seconds while inhaling and continue running. When you feel that you can no longer hold your breath, exhale slowly.

For the treatment of pain in the left side is recommended repeat these steps 3-5 times. But if, while running, she made herself felt pain in right side it's unlikely to help. In this case, the following should be taken into account recommendations:

  • Take a deep breath and exhale, try to relax and calm down.
  • Slow down, then take a step (smoothly), stop, bend over and touch your toes with your hands.
  • You can wear a wide belt at the waist, and if the pain in the right side makes itself felt, tighten it more tightly.
  • Pull in the stomach - this will increase muscle tone. Take a couple of breaths in and out through your nose.

All these procedures must be carried out cyclically. After a few workouts, you will notice that the pain when running has ceased to bother you.

Prevention of pain in the side when running

It is best to prevent pain by making the workout as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. To prevent side pain while running, consider the following:

  • Between eating and running should take at least two hours. Before class, you should also not drink a lot of liquid - this can also provoke discomfort in the side.
  • Be sure to do a workout. Every workout should start with it. This will warm up the muscles and contribute to a uniform acceleration of the blood, that is, it will improve the process of its circulation without overfilling the internal organs.
  • If you're running to lose weight, don't torture your body.. Choose the optimal, comfortable pace for yourself. This is especially important for beginners.
  • Breathe deeply while running. This will increase the amplitude of the diaphragm and improve blood flow to the heart and other vital organs.

Pain while running in most cases indicates that you do not know how to distribute the load or violate the rules of running. But in some cases, they can signal health problems. It is important to learn to listen to your body, and if necessary, contact a professional.

Pain in the side when running: more on the video

The appearance of pain in the side while running is one of the most common problems for beginner athletes. All runners faced with this kind of trouble have questions about why this happens, how it can be avoided, and whether it is worth continuing to run, overcoming the pain that has appeared.

At the same time, pain during running sessions can occur not only in overweight runners or beginners, but also in professional athletes.

About why it occurs during a running workout, what are the symptoms of pain in the side, how to prevent the occurrence of these unpleasant sensations and how to cope with them while running - read in this article.

Causes of pain in the side

The causes of pain in the side can be different. The most frequent ones are the following:

  • poor warm-up, or lack of it,
  • improper breathing while running,
  • a hearty breakfast, or the athlete ate immediately before the run
  • chronic diseases, for example, of the liver or pancreas.

Let's examine each of these reasons in detail.

Poor warm-up and overexertion

One of the causes of pain in the side can be insufficient warm-up before training, or its complete absence. The fact is that when we are at rest, about sixty to seventy percent of the total volume of blood in the body is in circulation in our body. And the remaining thirty to forty percent are in the internal organs (for example, in the spleen).

When the body begins to experience a sharp load, the blood that was in the reserve begins to circulate very quickly.

Therefore, the volume of the liver increases, and this organ presses on the hepatic capsule, which has many nerve endings. Therefore, there may be pain in the side. Its localization is the right hypochondrium. Otherwise, it is called hepatic pain syndrome.

Interestingly, this syndrome appears in healthy, young people who do not abuse bad habits.

But if the pain appears in the left side, this already indicates a significant increase in the volume of blood in the spleen during intensive loads.

Tips for avoiding this

  • Remember: warming up before running is a must. During the warm-up, our body “warms up”, the blood flow increases, the muscles and internal organs are prepared for intense loads. Without a warm-up, the pain will not be slow to manifest itself after the first kilometer of running.
  • Training should start with a small load and gradually increase it. The same applies to the time and distance of the run - start small (for example, 10-15 minutes) and gradually increase the number of minutes and meters spent on the run. The more resilient you become, the less you will be bothered by discomfort in your side while running.
  • If the pain suddenly arose during a run, you should reduce the speed (but in no case stop immediately), and, slowing down, relax your arms and shoulders, make two or three tilts, and take a deep breath. You can also gently press with your fingers several times where the pain was localized.

Irregular (irregular) breathing

The cause of pain can be errors in breathing technique while running. So, if oxygen cannot enter the diaphragmatic muscle in sufficient quantities, a spasm occurs as a result, and pain appears.

Therefore, when running, you should breathe infrequently and not superficially, since in this case the blood flow to the heart worsens, which is forced to stagnate in the liver and increases the volume of the latter, which puts pressure on the liver capsule. Hence - the appearance of pain in the right side.

Tips on what to do in this case.

  • Breathing should be even. It's best to breathe on the count. Two steps - we inhale, two more steps - we exhale, and so on. In this case, the inhalation must be through the nose, and the exit through the mouth.
  • In the case of spasm of the diaphragm, which caused pain, you need to slowly take a slow and deep breath, and then exhale through folded lips. You should also exhale as slowly as possible.

Fairly hearty breakfast

After we have eaten, our body is immediately engaged in the digestion of food. There is an enlarged stomach, dilated vessels of the liver, which is engaged in the neutralization of toxic substances.

And the heavier the food that we ate, the more difficult it is for the body to digest it. And running becomes the cause of a rush of blood, hence the pain that occurs in the right side.

Tips on what to do in such a situation.

  • You should eat breakfast at least forty minutes before your run. At the same time, if there was a lot of food for breakfast, then you should postpone the workout for an hour and a half.
  • Too heavy food - refuse. Such food means fried, salted, smoked, peppered dishes. It is best to have breakfast on the eve of a workout with a light salad, boiled (or steamed) rice, cereals on the water, and dairy products.
  • You should not give all the best in training intensely after a fairly hearty breakfast. Better slow down, hone your running technique on this day. And on the other day, when breakfast is lighter, you can catch up in terms of increasing the intensity of your running sessions.

chronic diseases

The cause of discomfort in the right or left side can be chronic diseases of the internal organs: the liver, gallbladder or pancreas.

  • For example, the liver can be enlarged if a person has hepatitis, including hepatitis B and C.
  • Pain can occur as a result of gallstone disease: stones block the ducts of the gallbladder.
  • If the viscosity of bile is low enough, it does not drain well - inflammation may occur and, as a result, pain.
  • Acute pain appears as a result of inflammation of the pancreas (otherwise - pancreatitis).

At the same time, these unpleasant sensations in sick people can also appear at rest. And with increasing loads, including during a run, they will only intensify.

Tips on what to do in such cases

Patients suffering from such chronic diseases of the pancreas, gallbladder or liver should definitely consult an experienced doctor. It is also necessary to conduct an ultrasound examination of the internal organs in order to exclude possible contraindications for jogging. But experimenting with self-prescribing medications is not worth it!

In addition, you should observe proper nutrition, eat a large amount of vegetables and fruits, as well as cereals, exclude salty, fatty and fried foods from the diet. It is best to cook dishes for a couple, or bake.

In case pain overtook you during a workout, you should slowly move to a step and take a deep breath several times.

Conditions that contribute to the appearance of pain in the side

So, we found out the reasons that cause discomfort in the right or left side. And what are the symptoms and conditions that indicate that the pain is about to make itself felt?

There are several. Here's what you need to pay attention to:

  • the body is not very hardy, poorly prepared for intense loads,
  • the warm-up was carried out poorly and crumpled,
  • high intensity workout,
  • it is difficult to breathe while running, it is uneven and intermittent,
  • most recently you ate, less than 40 minutes have passed since the last meal,
  • you have chronic diseases that make themselves felt after exercise.

Ways to prevent side pain

Here are some tips to help you minimize the chances of side pain while exercising.

Pre-workout nutrition

  • Between training and the last meal should be at least 40 minutes. Ideally, up to one and a half to two hours. Also, you should not go for a run if you ate quite tightly. Or you should reduce the intensity of training on this day, concentrating on running technique.
  • Before a run, you should not drink a lot of different liquids.

Warm up and pace at the start of a run

  • Before jogging, it is imperative to do a warm-up. With the help of these warming exercises, the blood begins to circulate more actively, and there is no overflow of the volumes of the internal organs.
  • Running for the purpose of losing weight follows from overstrain, at a calm pace. Especially at the very beginning of the workout.

Breath control

In high school, I hated 2k runs because of the terrible pain in my side that started around 5 minutes into the run. In winter, there was also a burning sensation in the nasopharynx, which made it painful to breathe. We already talked about. Today we will talk about this terrible feeling in the side, the causes of its occurrence and how to get rid of it.

One of the causes of colic is a tight snack or even a full meal literally before training. Our sports aerobics coach always asked what and when they ate at the sight of bent wards, scolded for it and joked that this is how the stomach greets the liver.

Advice is provided by trainer Jenny Hadfield, author of Marathoning for Mortals and Running for Mortals.

Method number 1. Compliance with the rules of nutrition before training. There are many factors that cause colic in the side, and one of them is what and when was eaten.

When? A snack right before a workout or shortly before it starts is almost 100% providing you with at least a short-term pain in your right side.

What? Even if you followed all the rules and ate at least two hours before training, your side can still start to hurt, but this time because of what exactly you ate. Foods high in fat and fiber are digested more slowly and can irritate the stomach, so it is possible that two hours simply wasn’t enough for the food eaten to be digested at a sufficient level.

In order to calculate your "optimal time", you need to conduct several experiments and determine the number of hours that will be enough for the complete digestion of food. It could be two or three hours, or maybe one and a half.

Method number 2. Watch the pace at the beginning of the run. One of the most common beginner mistakes is to pace too fast at the very beginning of a run. After about five minutes, you can already feel the consequences in the form of colic in your side. But this time, the reason is not too late or too heavy a pre-workout snack. It turns out that due to improper breathing, discomfort can appear not only in the chest area, but also in the side. This is due to the fact that you start to choke too soon.

This is where method #3 comes in.

Method number 3. Regulate the frequency and depth of your breathing. In this case, it would be good to take a cue from swimmers who synchronize their body work with their breath. They can only breathe when their face is above the water, so they devote a huge part of their training to breathing, during which they learn to synchronize the work of their body with the work of the lungs. Runners can learn some tricks and synchronize their inhalation and exhalation with the frequency of their steps. For example, inhale for four steps and exhale for the same amount. The faster the pace, the higher the cadence and the more often the inhalation-exhalation. This synchronization will not only help prevent side cramps, but will also help to better transport oxygen to the muscles, which also means better running performance.

Method number 4. Slow down and exhale deeply. If, nevertheless, during a run, your side twisted, start slowing down and take very deep breaths. In this case, it is desirable that the exhalation coincides with the kick of the leg, opposite to the side of the pain, on the running surface. This does not mean that you need to exhale with every kick. You can do this in one or two steps. The main thing is that this moment coincides with the impact of the right foot on the ground, and that's it. This is because during exhalation we use the muscles of the diaphragm. If this coincides with the impact of the foot on the ground, an impulse passes through the entire body, including the main muscles of the core, which affects the diaphragm and can cause lateral spasms.

For example, you grabbed your left side. This means that you need to exhale during the kick of the right leg, as a result of which the healthy side will take the main blow, and the one that was twisted by the spasm will receive a welcome rest, during which the muscles will relax and the pain will pass.

Method number 5. Stop and lean forward a little - this will help tighten the abdominal muscles and remove pain.

Method number 6. Stop and do some simple stretching exercises for tight muscles: lift your right hand up and lean to the left, hold this position for 20-30 seconds, and then do the same on the other side.

Have a good workout!

“If you want to be healthy - run, if you want to be beautiful - run ...”, - wasn’t it considered in Ancient Rome? In our age, overloaded with information and stress, violation of the laws of nature takes revenge on a person with a “bouquet” of various “diseases of civilization”. Jogging is one of the most accessible types of struggle with physical inactivity, and the rules of running are easy to master even for a beginner.

This sport does not require special expenses for expensive equipment or a trainer, but it allows a person to maintain an excellent shape. But sometimes a novice runner faces various health problems while running. For example, after running a little, a person experiences discomfort while holding his side (right or left). Why these unpleasant phenomena occur, how dangerous they are and whether they can be overcome, let's try to figure it out together.

The reasons

Pain at the time of jogging is experienced not only by beginners, but also by experienced athletes. Usually the pain can be located to the right or left of the diaphragm. Pain in the right hypochondrium most often gives the liver, and in the left side it usually signals pain in case of disorders in the spleen. The most common causes of such pain can be the following factors:

  • weak endurance;
  • chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • improper breathing;
  • insufficient warm-up;
  • running immediately after eating;
  • too intense workout.

Let us consider in more detail the situations when it hurts in the side, and we will offer ways to eliminate them.

Weak stamina

Weak endurance is characteristic of people who do not exercise regularly. Factors that reduce immunity (ailments, injuries, stress, operations) also do not add strength.

In order for the body to adapt to physical activity, gradual and systematic exercises are necessary. Complaints that it hurts in the upper abdomen are often companions of irregular classes. So the body signals that its internal organs (liver, spleen, stomach, pancreas) are full of blood and work in emergency mode.

Chronic diseases of the internal organs

If a person has a chronic pathology of internal organs, this can also signal itself with pain during exercise. Situations when runners have pain in the area of ​​the liver, pancreas or spleen during exercise can occur when the functions of these organs are impaired. It is easy to understand why running can provoke various pain manifestations of the abdominal organs.

During physical exertion, diseased and enlarged organs are subjected to excessive filling with blood, pressing and vibration. At the same time, the body has to work for two, which contributes to painful manifestations (bursting, colitis, pulling). For example, an enlarged liver (with hepatitis, cirrhosis), inflamed or clogged ducts of the gallbladder (with cholecystitis or dyskinesia), an inflamed pancreas (with pancreatitis) can hurt.

Wrong breathing

People with proper breathing are able to run long distances without feeling tired. But if breathing is disturbed, this leads to a rapid onset of fatigue and pain in the upper abdomen. Incorrect breathing is considered too frequent, shallow or irregular, as well as breathing through the mouth.

When running, the lungs work hard, as they provide the body with increased gas exchange. But improper breathing causes the diaphragm to experience a lack of air, which leads to spasms of the diaphragmatic muscles. With a spasm, the blood does not flow in sufficient quantities to the heart, but stagnates in the liver. As a result, the hepatic capsule is overflowing with blood and signals pain in the side.

Not warming up enough or exercising too hard

In a calm state, not the entire volume of blood, but only a part of it (60-70%) actively circulates in the human body. The other part of the blood is in the "depot" and does not fill the bloodstream. Places of accumulation of blood in the body are hematopoietic organs (liver, spleen), abdominal and chest cavities. When running, the increased work of the muscles requires an additional amount of blood. The body begins to work in an intensive mode, and the blood from its "stores" is redistributed throughout the body. A large amount of liquid blood under pressure is "pumped" by the hematopoietic organs, acting on pain receptors and causing pain (hepatic pain syndrome). Many, for sure, are familiar with such pain from school races, when some of the runners left the race precisely because of pain in the side.

Jogging immediately after a heavy meal

Eating shortly before a run is also fraught with pain in the hypochondrium. The stomach filled with food increases in volume, doing the work of grinding and fermenting the food coma. At the same time, the liver is also involved in the process of digestion, and its vessels expand and fill with blood.

It is clear why a large amount of heavy food requires significant effort on the part of all organs of the digestive system. Running further increases the load on the stomach and liver, contributing to their excessive blood supply, which provokes all the same pain in the side.

How to get rid of side pain

  • You can not stop abruptly while jogging, this will only increase the pain. It is better to slow down or switch to walking. In this case, it is necessary to relax the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms. These techniques slow down blood flow and reduce the load on internal organs.
  • Changing the rhythm of breathing also regulates blood circulation. Breathing should be calm, slow, without jerks and efforts. You can keep count to yourself and breathe in and out for every two or four counts. In this case, inhalation is done only through the nose, and exhalation is done through the mouth. The blood flow after the normalization of breathing also slows down, and the outflow of excess blood from the liver and spleen leads to the cessation of pain.
  • A good technique is to draw in the abdomen. In this case, muscle contraction leads to compression of the internal organs, from which excess blood is squeezed out. To enhance the effect of muscle contraction, you can bend over to your toes several times.
  • With pain in the side, you need to find the places of greatest pain and press them with a duration of five to seven seconds several times.

What to do so that the pain does not recur

Of course, the pain during a run is alarming and does not allow you to get satisfaction. What needs to be changed in the training regimen so that this does not happen again?

According to the advice of experienced athletes, in order to avoid the recurrence of pain while running, it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • You should not start running in moments of stress, fatigue, after overeating or poor sleep. Otherwise, it will lead to discomfort and loss of healing effect.
  • Morning jogging is better to start 30-40 minutes after sleep, otherwise there is a sharp transition of the body into a period of activity and the failure of all metabolic processes. If preference is given to an evening jog, then at least 12 hours should pass after a busy working day.
  • Running for health or weight maintenance is best done in nature. Such activities should be regular and bring pleasure. If the goal of jogging is to develop endurance, then you should follow these recommendations: try to breathe rhythmically (inhale four steps, exhale four steps), use a variable pace (alternate 5 minutes of slow running with 5 minutes of fast), achieve a gradual increase in the length of distances.

  • A warm-up is a must before running. As a warm-up, a set of exercises (about 15-20 minutes) for the main muscle groups is usually used. This most often includes tilts and turns of the shoulder girdle and torso, circular rotations of the arms, swings, lunges, jumps, and breathing exercises. The warm-up prepares the nervous system and muscles of the runner for the load, serving as a prevention of various complaints that “colitis somewhere on the side” during exercise.
  • Running is not a power load, and you need to run skillfully. Jogging to the point of exhaustion will take a lot of strength and energy needed for a working day. For many people, excessive evening stress is undesirable, as it can lead to sleep disturbances.

Each of us, who is not contraindicated in physical activity, may well find an opportunity and time to invest in our future health. Using a competent approach to physical activity, you can get a lot of benefits for your body, preserving youth, health and visual attractiveness for a long time.

Theories for the appearance of pain in the side:

There are two theories to explain this phenomenon. Most often, stabbing pain in the side appears in those people who did not warm up before starting the exercise or ate a heavy meal the day before.

Theory, A - During the exercise, our blood, bypassing the diaphragm, is sent to the limbs.

The diaphragm is the muscle that separates the stomach and abdomen from the heart and lungs. This is one of the main muscles involved in breathing. Most scientists believe that pain occurs as a result of insufficient blood supply to the diaphragm, which leads to its spasm.

Theory B - The stabbing pain is caused by the fluid our body produces for digestion. This leads to the fact that the intestine begins to pull the ligaments attached to the diaphragm.

A factor that also affects the occurrence of pain in the side is the weak development of the respiratory muscles, which does not provide proper expansion of the chest.

Side pain left and right:

Pain in the left side - associated with overflow of the spleen with blood (stretching of the splenic capsule).

Pain in the right side (hepatic pain syndrome) - associated with overflow of the liver with blood (stretching of the liver capsule).

How to prevent side pain?

  • Control your breathing from the very first seconds of your run. The main reason is the lack of oxygen in the blood, so never hold your breath and keep a close eye on it.
  • Breathe correctly for three or four counts (deep breath for 2 or 3 steps and a sharp exhalation for the last).
  • Breathe better with your belly.
  • The body should be vertical, as good posture is necessary for full deep breathing.
  • Never run immediately after eating, be sure to wait 2-3 hours.
  • Just drink a little during training. If you drink a lot of water at once, the water will inflate the intestines.
  • Before running, be sure to do a warm-up.
  • You need to run at a pace that is comfortable for you.

How to eliminate pain in the side?

Take a deep breath. After starting to rub the spasmed diaphragm, you need to inhale, then purse your lips and exhale the air for as long as possible. Take another breath and exhale again. Inhalation, followed by a deep exhalation, is an internal massage of the squeezed muscle.
Stop running completely and touch your toes.
Press with three fingers on the area where the pain is strongest and hold until it stops; or also massage the painful area with three fingers. Often this is enough to let go of the pain.
Stop and relax to soothe cramped muscles.
Breathe correctly for three to four counts (deep breath for 2 or 3 steps and a sharp exhalation for the last one)
Wear a wide elasticated belt around your waist. When pain appears in the side, tighten the belt tightly.
If you experience pain, try to pull your stomach in hard to increase the tone of the abdominal muscles. At the same time, take several strong breaths through the nose.

Causes of side pain

The whole difficulty is that it cannot be called a separate disease. These may be symptoms of some other problems in the body, or it may simply be an independent phenomenon in which there is nothing to worry about. Therefore, it is so important to understand the cause of your pain before continuing to run.

And the reasons may be the following:

  • long run;
  • Stagnation of blood in the liver;
  • Unstable and sudden loads, lack of warm-up;
  • A hearty meal the day before;
  • Health problems.

long run

Indeed, most often we feel such pain when we have been running for quite a long period of time. And this has its own explanation.

As you know, almost all major muscle groups are involved in running. But, besides this, other systems of the body are also involved in the process. Particularly respiratory.

Therefore, it is very important to breathe correctly during your runs.

It is important to take even breaths in and out so as not to delay the work of the lungs. At the same time, it is necessary to make them full, that is, inhale air into all the lungs and exhale completely.

At the same time, our diaphragm works together with the lungs: relaxing and tensing during exhalation and inhalation, respectively. If breathing is wrong, then her work gets lost. More specifically, with incomplete exhalation of air and a short inhalation, she does not have time to relax as it should. This means that it is under constant pressure.

Naturally, during a long run, our breathing gets lost over time, and inhalations-exhalations automatically become short, intermittent, incomplete. Because of this, there is discomfort - pain. Such resi are considered a direct reaction of the diaphragm. This is how she expresses her "dissatisfaction", as many experts believe. This cause is usually accompanied by pain in the upper abdomen.

Stagnation of blood in the liver

No matter how strange it may sound, but this is a completely understandable cause of pain while running. Again, with improper breathing, with short exhalations and incomplete inhalations, we do not supply enough oxygen to the body. And, as you know, it is his blood that spreads throughout the body, presenting the necessary "portions" to each organ. In such conditions, when the contractions of the diaphragm are critically small, the blood flow to this part of the body is reduced.

Consequently, the heart does not receive enough of its own, which means that the blood is forced to remain in the liver. Such stagnation causes an increase in the size of the organ. The liver literally presses on the liver capsule, which causes discomfort. This is usually the answer to the question why it is the right side that hurts when running. .

Unstable and abrupt loads, lack of warm-up

For example, if you run once a week and decide to recoup all six missed days. In this case, your body is not used to this kind of stress and, naturally, it is difficult for it to cope with them.

On the other hand, by depriving yourself and your body of a warm-up, you are not preparing the body directly for running. In the usual state, about 30% of the blood is in the organs, and without an appropriate warm-up before the main load, it remains there. With a sharp run, you make it “throw out” into the veins in a second, which creates pressure in different organs. Here the same liver suffers, causing hepatic pain syndrome (described above), as well as the spleen, which provokes pain in the left side.

Heavy meal the night before

As soon as you eat, your body begins to actively digest the food received. Naturally, all the forces "leave" in the stomach, along with a significant part of the blood. In such a situation, an increase in the organ is inevitable. And running right after lunch or breakfast causes even more blood flow. Consequently, the size of the stomach is made even larger, which causes pain in the right side.

Given the above, in order to avoid such discomfort, you should develop the right diet. Specifically, do not eat at least an hour before jogging. If the food is heavy and more fatty, then it is better to wait a little longer, if it is light, forty minutes is enough.

Just feel yourself: if there is a feeling that the food has already been digested, then you can safely go for a run, if there is heaviness, postpone your race for later.

Health problems

If in all previous situations the cause of pain is simply an untrained body or an unhealthy diet, then here we are talking about health problems, namely in the area of ​​the pancreas, bile and liver.

For example, those suffering from hepatitis of various types have an enlarged liver. And with cholelithiasis, an increase in the gallbladder is observed, since the stones clog its ducts or the bile itself can be very viscous. If the pancreas is inflamed, then it also causes pain, usually in the upper abdomen.

If you have any of these problems, you should consult your doctor before starting any kind of workout and jogging in particular. If you notice pain while running, being an experienced athlete, then you should contact a specialist with a body check for health problems.

Fighting methods

So, with pain in the side when running, we figured it out. But understanding the causes does not always eliminate the problem itself. Therefore, when you run, you need to know how to act in order to minimize pain or get rid of it altogether.

The following methods apply only to cases where such pains are not symptoms of serious diseases.

If the pain caught you right while running, you can do the following:

  1. Inhale and exhale completely, pushing all the air out of your chest. If necessary, repeat several times. This will help relax the diaphragm, which is often the cause of pain.
  2. Press the fingers of one hand on the most painful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abdomen. At the same time, hold the position until the pain subsides. You can also massage in this area.
  3. Adjust your breathing to the following mode: inhale for two counts and exhale for two counts. Or inhalation "occupying" three steps and the same exhalation.
  4. Pull in the stomach, thus activating the abdominal muscles. At the same time, inhale and exhale to the full chest, but through the nose.
  5. If it hurts a lot, then you should stop and take a breath. Let the muscles relax. A good way is to bend down with your body, reaching your toes with your hands. "Hang" in this state. Once the pain is gone, you can move on.

Proper preparation for running

As you know, the best method of dealing with something is to prevent the situation. Therefore, in order not to solve the problem on the go, you can simply prevent it.

And for this:

  • Immediately control your breathing. Take a full breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. At the same time, breathe better with your stomach, and your posture should be exactly in an upright position, that is, your back is straight.
  • Don't go for a run right after your meal. Wait until the food is digested. By the way, do not drink water immediately before running, as it inflates the intestines.
  • Don't run too fast. The pace of running should be comfortable specifically for you. Do not chase indicators and numbers.
  • Do a warm-up before your run. So you prepare your body, muscles and organs for the load.

Side pain is the most common problem for beginner runners. For everyone who has experienced these unpleasant sensations, a number of questions immediately arise: why does the side hurt when running, how to avoid it, and is it worth running in this case, overcoming the pain. Depending on the nature of the pain, its localization and conditions of occurrence, several main ones can be distinguished reasons:
1. Poor warm-up, too intense exercise, weak endurance level.
2. Irhythmic, frequent and shallow breathing.
3. Recent or overly heavy breakfast.
4. Chronic diseases of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas.

Let's take a closer look at these reasons and find out why the side hurts when running.
1. Poor warm-up, too intense exercise, low endurance At rest, approximately 60-70% of the total blood volume circulates in the human body. The rest is deposited in organs and tissues: for example, in the spleen.
With a sharp increase in load, reserve blood quickly enters the circulation. The liver increases in volume and puts pressure on the hepatic capsule, equipped with a huge number of nerve endings. As a result, there is pain in the right hypochondrium - the so-called hepatic pain syndrome. This phenomenon is typical for healthy, non-smoking people with a low level of fitness (remember, school races: for sure, after the first lap around the stadium, the girls grabbed their right side together). Sometimes pain it happens in the left side - this is how the spleen reacts to a sharp increase in blood volume. What to do? First, be sure to warm up before jogging. The purpose of the warm-up is to gradually “warm up” the body: increase blood flow, prepare the muscles (including the muscles of the internal organs) for the load.
If you neglect this rule, then a sharp release of blood into the vascular bed, and hence the pain syndrome, is provided to you. Secondly, start with low loads and a short duration of training. In the first workouts, running can be only 10-15 minutes and this is quite normal.
With a gradual increase in endurance, pain in your side will stop bothering you. Thirdly, immediately when pain occurs, slow down or take a step (just don’t stop abruptly!), relax your shoulders and arms, make a few torso bends and breathe deeply. Sometimes pressure with 3-4 fingers on the area of ​​pain can help.

This aching pain can make you stop even if you felt perfectly fine up to this second. Where does it come from and how to avoid it?

If you feel a stabbing pain in your right or left side while running or walking fast, know that this is pain in the capsule of the liver (if the pain is in the right side) or spleen (if the pain is in the left side). When a person is at rest, a certain part of the blood does not take an active part in the circulation and constitutes a "reserve". Its main part is concentrated in the abdominal and chest cavities. This reserve, in the event of physical exertion, is “taken into circulation” to meet the needs of working muscles. The blood begins to overflow the organs of the abdominal cavity, because due to certain physiological properties, its outflow “does not keep up” with a sharp inflow. The spleen and liver "swell" from the rush of blood and begin to put pressure on their membranes (capsules), permeated with nerve endings. So there is pain in the side when running.

Modern researchers have even come up with a term for this unpleasant sensation: transient abdominal pain. But, no matter what you call this pain, the main thing is to figure out how to overcome it, especially in competitions.

Researchers still do not have a definitive explanation for the cause of this pain. There are several general theories. It is one of the most common related to what we eat before we start physical exercises. And, in particular, with what types of exercises we do. And most often such pain is common in those who swim or run.

By the way: transient pain is not related to the weight and sex of the athlete. But, oddly enough, less is observed in older athletes.

The most important factor in the development of transient pain is the time when you last ate before a workout or start. There is also an opinion that transient pain is often caused by the use of fruit juices from the reconstituted concentrate and drinks such as Coca-Cola before the start. A more complex explanation, put forward by some researchers, is that when running or swimming, the diaphragm ligaments are stretched, which affect the internal organs, including the liver.

The constant jarring movements or stretching of the abdominal muscles of runners respond with spasm also because, as a rule, they are used to exhaling on the left leg, and inhaling on the right. Rarely does the opposite happen. But what is characteristic: people who exhale on the left leg are less likely to suffer from transient pain.

How to avoid side pain?

  • It is better to digest all the food before the competition, do not run on a full stomach.
  • Try not to drink juice from concentrates and soda before training.
  • If the pain has seized, a slight stretching will help: do classic tilts to the sides with arms stretched alternately for 30 seconds.
  • Leaning forward also helps.
  • Don't stop, but slow down.

The source of information: Hellosport

There are quite a few causes of pain in the side while running, but basically it all depends on the state of the body of the person himself.

Depending on the strength of the pain and the place of its deployment, there are several main reasons:

1) Incorrect breathing rate.

Breathing is one of the most important aspects of running. With proper breathing, an athlete can run long distances and not feel tired, with improper breathing, he can get tired soon after the start. The main causes of pain due to improper breathing are: too frequent breathing, the lack of a normal breathing rhythm (often stray), breathing is not full chest.

As a result of this, two variants of pain arise, this is a spasm of the muscle and pain in the liver. Spasm occurs due to insufficient oxygen entering the diaphragm, and therefore the muscle cannot work normally, and pain occurs because blood flow to the heart decreases (as a result of constant respiratory failures) and it stagnates in the liver.

2) Untimely intake of food or overeating.

If you ate one and a half to two hours (or less) before your run, or consumed too much food, then side pain is guaranteed. Since after eating the body spends a large amount of energy on its digestion, the volume of the stomach increases and the vessels of the liver expand. This gives us the answer to the question "Why does it hurt in the right side."

3) Anatomical and physiological features.

Pain is expected due to:

Poor warm-up (or lack of it), too sharp and intense load, low level of fitness and endurance. At rest, the blood is evenly distributed throughout the body and circulates normally, with a sharp load, circulation is disturbed and the liver begins to grow, pressing on the accompanying nerve endings. The spleen can also react, which also causes a tingling sensation in the side, this gives us the answer to the question "why does the left side hurt."

4) Pathological and chronic diseases.

They make themselves felt not only during a run, but also during most physical exertion.

If you are worried about even a weak, almost imperceptible pain in one or another internal organ, then you can be sure that while running it can only intensify, regardless of its nature or symptoms. In most diseases, the organ is deformed, it can be enlarged or reduced, which is why the actual pain itself occurs, as the blood flow to it increases and this leads to excessive spasm and pressure.

What to do if your side hurts while running

  • Reduce the pace of running and relax the muscles of the arms and shoulders. This will reduce and stabilize the outflow of blood.
  • Change the rhythm of breathing. Since blood circulation is dependent on breathing, to normalize it, you need to breathe slowly and evenly, without jerking. (For example, two or four steps inhale and two or four steps exhale.
  • Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. This will give better oxygen uptake by the cells.
  • Press three fingers on the place of greatest pain and hold for five to seven seconds, three to five times.
  • In no case do not stop, it will only increase the pain.

Also, when jogging, you need to pay attention to your mode of work and rest, sleep and nutrition. Jogging should not be a strength training, you do not need to run to a state of complete fatigue, this will only exhaust you and will not bring any healing effect. Before starting, you should not feel tired, sleepy or stressed. Under such conditions, after a run, these sensations will only intensify. If you run in the morning, then you need to remember that you can start running no earlier than 30-40 minutes after sleep, if you start running earlier this will cause stress for the whole body and cause metabolic processes to fail. If you run in the evening, at least two or three hours should pass after the last physical activity, work or study, in order to avoid overwork and muscle hypertrophy.

Warm up before running is a must. First of all, it is required to avoid injuries (such as sprains, spasms, snags, etc.). Before running, you need to warm up all the muscles that will be used in the future, and stimulate your central nervous system to work actively.

If the goal of your runs is endurance, then you need to follow a few simple recommendations. For example: run at a variable pace (10 minutes faster - 10 minutes slower), develop a constant calm breathing (four steps - inhale, four steps - exhale), and run as long as possible distance). This will help you achieve your desired level of endurance quickly and efficiently.

If you are running to lose weight or just to get healthy, then everything is pretty simple. Jogging should be regular, take place in a conscious air, it is recommended to run around the stadium and in what terrain (forest, park, etc.), and bring you pleasure and not pain and stress.

Running is an excellent option for healing and maintaining physical fitness, it has a positive effect on all metabolic processes in the body and blood circulation, develops the heart muscle and respiratory system, strengthens the immune system and hardens you.

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