The right ovary hurts treatment. How to determine that it is the ovary that hurts. Aborted tubal pregnancy

Pain in the ovaries does not belong to gynecological diseases, but is only a common symptom of many pathologies of the reproductive system. Pain in the ovaries accompanies most of the most common gynecological diseases in women and girls of different ages. The pathological process dramatically affects only the ovaries, quite often the uterine appendages are also affected, sometimes the pain becomes persistent, in such cases this pathology is called chronic pelvic pain.

Why the ovaries hurt: the most common causes

Most women believe that pain in the ovaries refers to signs of an inflammatory process, but this is not true. The ovaries hurt during an ectopic pregnancy, with the appearance of a cyst, hemorrhage (apoplexy), with torsion of the ovarian leg. Below we give the most common causes that cause pain in the places where the ovaries are projected (iliac regions).

- Inflammation of the ovaries (adnexitis) - the cause of the inflammatory process that can affect not only the ovaries, but also other internal genital organs, are mycoplasmas, candida, chlamydia and ureaplasma, with a chlamydial nature, the infection does not have a characteristic clinical picture at all. The main sign of adnexitis is pain in the lower abdomen and ovaries, the nature of the pain is periodic, pain can also be given to the lower back. Launched adnexitis can lead to infertility.

Oophoritis is inflammation of the ovarian appendages. The most characteristic symptom is pain in the lower abdomen, often it also radiates to the lumbosacral part of the spine. At the same time, both the right ovary and the left ovary hurt, the pain usually has a periodic character, less often it is permanent. The cause of oophoritis is overwork (mental and physical), hypothermia, decreased immunity, provoked by other diseases. With oophoritis, when the left (or right) ovary hurts, disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system also appear: decreased ability to work, insomnia, weakness and increased irritability.

Hemorrhage in the ovary (apoplexy) - accompanied by pain, rupture of the ovary and bleeding. The first manifestation of bleeding is a shooting pain in the right ovary (left apoplexy is less common), sometimes covering the entire pelvic region. The pain can be so severe that a woman is able to lose consciousness (with severe bleeding), the temperature does not rise, the pulse quickens, the pressure drops sharply, cold sweat appears, and vomiting may begin.

A cyst or tumor neoplasm - the pain in this case is constant, due to the pressure that the formation constantly exerts on the pelvic organs and their nerve endings. A twisted tumor or cyst causes circulatory disorders, pain, provokes the onset of the inflammatory process and tissue death. If the size of the cystic capsule is small, and it does not undergo changes, such a pathology is asymptomatic.

Torsion of the cyst leg, with a violation of the integrity of the formation. The fluid that was in the cyst enters the abdominal cavity, leading to tissue irritation, the ovaries begin to hurt. Torsion of the leg, leading to rupture of the cyst or necrosis of its tissues, can cause peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum). This situation requires surgical intervention. Peritonitis can also begin in the presence of a malignant or benign tumor of the ovary.

Ovarian torsion - occurs with increased physical activity, provoked by high mobility of the ovaries in the small pelvis. Most often, torsion occurs in younger girls, especially restless ones. In adult women, torsion can be caused by medication to stimulate ovulation or by pregnancy. Signs of torsion are acute pain in the ovaries, vomiting, swelling on palpation.

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome - develops with hormonal treatment of female infertility. At the same time, the size of the ovaries increases, numerous follicular cysts appear, and stromal edema is observed. With a mild form of syndrome, pain in the ovaries appears, an increase in body weight occurs, and the abdomen swells. The severe form is characterized by hypovolemia (a decrease in the volume of circulating blood), the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity (ascites), shortness of breath, oliguria (a decrease in the amount of urine produced by the kidneys), and electrolyte imbalance.

Psychogenic factors - diagnosed if the doctor was unable to detect organic causes that cause pain in the ovaries. In this case, pain in the ovary can be triggered by hysteria or a prolonged depressive state.

Pain in the ovaries during pregnancy: causes

The reasons why pain in the ovaries occurs during pregnancy are similar to those described above. Many of the above pathologies can cause infertility, but if, despite the existing disease, conception has taken place, ovarian disease can lead to serious negative consequences:

- miscarriage;

Malformation in the development of the fetus.

Therefore, if a woman has an ovary pain on the right or left, and at the same time there is a conception in the immediate plans, it is imperative to find out the cause of the pain and eliminate it.

If the ovary hurts during pregnancy, and such pain manifests itself after the fertilization of the egg, the cause of the pain may not be the ovary at all. The fact is that during pregnancy, the uterus with the ovaries rises significantly above its standard position. Therefore, in such a case, most likely, it is not the ovary that hurts, but the ligaments that support the ovary and uterus, or the uterine muscles. However, only a specialist can accurately determine whether this is so. For pain in the ovaries, intestinal pain can also be taken, to be sure of this, one should follow how regular the stool of a pregnant woman is.

Pain in the ovaries before menstruation and after ovulation

Pain in the ovaries can also be associated with cyclic changes that occur throughout the menstrual cycle, they are also called ovulatory syndrome. Pain is caused by the rupture of the follicle that accompanies the release of the egg. A certain amount of blood pouring out at the same time irritates the peritoneum rich in nerve receptors, for this reason the ovary hurts after ovulation.

If the ovary hurts before menstruation, this is due to a decrease in the level of estrogen (the corpus luteum has not yet been formed and is not able to produce progesterone). Because of this, a slight exfoliation of the endometrium occurs, which is accompanied by pain and spotting for one or two days. With ovulatory syndrome, the ovary hurts either on the left or on the right - this is due to the fact that it matures alternately, then in the left, then in the right ovary. Ovulatory syndrome is not a cause for concern, but only indicates the proper functioning of the ovaries.

Ovarian pain is a concern for many women. In order to determine whether they are a cause for concern, it is better to seek the help of a highly qualified specialist. The doctors of our clinic will provide you with qualified assistance, based on the anamnesis and laboratory tests, they will establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment that will help you get rid of pain in the ovaries and avoid possible complications.

Quite often, women complain that their ovaries hurt. Concern about discomfort in the lower abdomen is fully justified. After all, it indicates possible disorders in the pelvic organs, inflammation, cancer or cysts. There can be many reasons. It is possible to find out why the ovaries hurt and what kind of health threat exists only after a comprehensive examination.

Feeling pain in the lower abdomen, a woman often doubts whether the ovaries or some other organ (for example, appendicitis) hurt. How to understand that the ovary hurts? Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to independently determine the cause of discomfort. Many diseases of the pelvic organs are localized in the lower abdomen and can be given to the lower back, leg or thigh. Therefore, without consulting a doctor, it is strictly forbidden to take any medication.
Where do the ovaries hurt? If the gynecologist confirmed that the discomfort is really caused by the appendages, then most often the pain appears in the lower abdomen, it has an aching, pulling or stabbing character. Sometimes it gives to the leg, lower back or the entire back. It often happens that . This is due to the fact that it was in the right appendage that ovulation occurred, a cyst appeared, or some other disease arose.

Causes of pain in the ovaries associated with the phases of the menstrual cycle

Throughout the entire menstrual cycle, a woman's reproductive organs and hormone levels change. So the ovaries are constantly undergoing changes.

During ovulation

Some women do not feel signs of ovulation. Others, on the contrary, say that the pain in the ovarian region during this period acquires a stabbing, pulling character. Short-term discomfort does not pose a threat to the body and does not require any treatment. This is due to the rupture of the follicle, which releases a mature egg for conception. It can also inject due to exacerbation of inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs (,). At the same time, after training, stress, lifting weights, unusual discharge is observed.
To reduce pain and relieve discomfort in the lower abdomen, a woman is recommended to take analgesics (Spasmalgon, No-Shpa). If, after taking the painkiller, the ovaries still hurt, then the reason is not ovulation. The patient needs to consult a doctor, be examined, and begin appropriate treatment.

Remember! Every woman experiences ovarian pain differently. It all depends on age, chronic diseases, pain threshold and other individual characteristics of the body. However, if for a long time it shoots in one of the appendages, while nausea or fever is observed, the woman urgently needs to see a doctor! Such symptoms can speak of both a cyst and ovarian torsion.

During menstruation

It is considered normal if the pain in the ovaries appears a few days before the onset of menstruation, and becomes stronger during it. On the first day, women feel slight nausea, dizziness. The nature of the pain is twisting, stabbing, aching. There are cases when, by the end of menstruation, a woman vomits. This is a rather rare symptom of menstruation, therefore, if such a “side effect” has not been observed before, a gynecological examination and ultrasound diagnostics should be performed.

Weight lifting, overwork, psycho-emotional disorders, constant stressful situations lead to an increase in pain and aggravation of the general well-being of a woman. What can be done in this situation and how to reduce the pain? No treatment for painful periods is required. It is enough for a woman to take an anesthetic (for example, Tamipul) or apply a warm heating pad to the lower abdomen. Well removes herbal infusions and decoctions. If it is summer at this time, you can collect fresh leaves of a pine forest uterus, a red brush, chamomile flowers, or simply purchase ready-made herbal preparations at a pharmacy.

During menopause

Menopause is accompanied by a series of hormonal changes in the body due to the lack of blood flow. She appears individually. Menopause occurs at the age of 45-50 years. The onset of menopause can provoke soreness of the ovaries, but such pain does not last long.
During this period, a woman is more susceptible to infections and viruses. If the discomfort in the lower abdomen does not go away for a long time, painkillers do not help, and the pain only grows and intensifies, you need to urgently contact a gynecologist.

There are such causes of pain in the ovaries after menopause:

  • inflammation;
  • cyst;
  • malignant.

Pain in the ovaries is accompanied by a change in the vaginal tissue, frequent urination, sweating, impaired defecation, and fever. Therapy depends on the nature of the complaints and the identified cause of discomfort.

Causes of pain that require treatment

As mentioned earlier, if the pain in the ovaries lasts more than two or three days, while there is a discharge of an uncharacteristic color and smell, this indicates a disease of the pelvic organs. Most often it is inflammation, cystic neoplasm, cancer, miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. Let's take a closer look at each reason.

Inflammation of the ovaries

Inflammation can be accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen and fever. It happens unilateral (affects one appendage) and bilateral (occurs on two ovaries at once). In acute inflammation, the following symptoms appear:

  • sudden severe pain in the ovarian region;
  • fever;
  • chills;
  • purulent vaginal discharge;
  • cramps in the abdomen;
  • constipation;
  • nausea.

Due to lack of treatment, and as a result of scarring, symptoms may persist for many years, even after healing. If it sharply pricks in the lower abdomen, then the ovary is inflamed. The occurrence of infection of the appendage is affected by:

  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • vaginal contraceptives (spiral);
  • smoking;
  • regular vaginal douching;
  • curettage, abortion.

Pelvic inflammatory disease is treated with oral antibiotics and vaginal suppositories. Therapy depends on the nature and severity of the pathology. If the ovaries are very sore, the signs are pronounced, up to loss of consciousness, hospitalization and intravenous antibiotics are required.

Cystic mass on the ovary


Formed in a woman who has reached puberty. The symptoms of a cyst depend on its size. Small formations of only a few centimeters usually do not cause discomfort. Mostly they are accidentally discovered, and further growth is observed without the use of any medication. Cysts larger than 2 cm are manifested by impaired urination. Sometimes a girl may feel a pulling pain (spasm) in the lower abdomen. Formations larger than 5 cm begin to put pressure on neighboring organs, causing tingling in the ovary or cutting pain. A sudden worsening of the symptoms that accompanies bleeding indicates complications, such as twisting of the fallopian tubes, rupture of the formation.

What to do if the ovaries hurt with a cyst? Treatment methods depend on the size and type of cyst ( , ), clinical signs, and the age of the patient. If extremely large ovarian cysts are found, hormonal agents or surgery are prescribed. In the event that, after hormone treatment, the appendages continue to hurt, and the formation increases in size, doctors decide on an urgent operation (, laparotomy). Such a measure is mandatory in order to prevent malignant degeneration of the cyst. Analgesics or folk remedies will help temporarily relieve pain. You can find out the TOP 10 alternative methods of treatment for ovarian cysts.


A common malignant neoplasm that affects the female body, regardless of age. It can be unilateral or bilateral. What causes cancer and severe pain in the ovarian region, what are the risk factors? Women over 30 years of age are more susceptible to the occurrence of pathology. An important role is played by genetic predisposition and infertility.

Cancer symptoms:

  • change in the duration of menstruation;
  • profuse uterine bleeding with clots;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • from the side of infection, the ovary begins to pull or pull;
  • increase in waist circumference, asymmetry of the abdomen;
  • fatigue;
  • bloating;
  • dyspepsia.

Metastases most often occur on both sides. Of these, about 30% reaches the uterus, and 20% to the mammary glands. In addition, if the ovary tingles, and the cancer is already at the last stage, metastases can move into neighboring organs - the stomach, liver, lungs. If the ovary twists, a sharp pain appears that has a shooting character, a feeling of fullness means that the malignant formation has reached the intestines and bladder.

If you already know about the presence of cancer and the ovaries hurt, what should be done and what measures should be taken? Treatment in this case is strictly individual, it can only be prescribed by a specialized oncologist. In case of detection of a malignant formation, the examination should be carried out every year.


Improper implantation of the embryo causes pain in the ovarian region

Miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy

Can the ovaries hurt after a miscarriage? Spontaneous abortion is a premature termination of pregnancy during the first 20 weeks, when the fetus is not yet able to survive outside the uterus. About 10-15% of women experience pain after a miscarriage. More than 40% of all pregnancies end in spontaneous termination, and most are unaware of the presence of a fetus. After a miscarriage, the pain in the lower abdomen lasts for some time, as the uterus contracts, returning to normal. Brown or red discharge may appear on underwear. If after a miscarriage they last more than two weeks, you should go to the hospital. Why is it necessary to visit a doctor with such prolonged discharge? To detect the source of bleeding and prescribe treatment, the gynecologist conducts a transvaginal ultrasound, in which the device is inserted into the vagina.

After a miscarriage, women often struggle with guilt, blaming themselves for the situation. Depressed mood, hysteria, psychological trauma have a direct impact on the nervous system. Migraines, body aches, poor health appear. Painful symptoms worsen.

An ectopic pregnancy is manifested by improper attachment of the fetal egg. So, the embryo can be placed on the fallopian tube or ovary. As she grows, a woman first develops a pulling, then a sharp pain.

If a woman has, then most likely she has inflammation, a hormonal imbalance, or a corpus luteum cyst.

Thus, pain in the ovary has a different cause of appearance. Sometimes the "culprit" of discomfort in the lower abdomen is ovulation or menstruation. But, unfortunately, very often pain indicates the development of a particular pathology. That is why, if unusual sensations appear, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Remember! Taking painkillers only relieves the pain syndrome, but does not eliminate the cause. Timely examination aimed at treating the origin of pain will help to avoid unwanted complications.

Pain in the lower back or near the anterior abdominal wall in women is a very non-specific symptom. It can appear with a large number of diseases of both the pelvic organs and the abdominal organs. Therefore, when the left or right ovaries hurt, pathology from other systems must be excluded. An alternative to pain may be heaviness or discomfort. Why do the ovaries hurt, how to find the cause and cure it?

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    Main reasons

    A tingling sensation in the right or left ovary, aching pain, unpleasant heaviness, a feeling of some fullness in the lumbar region - these are the sensations that women can have with pathology. What causes these symptoms?

    A significant proportion of the causes of aching or pulling pain in the projection of the ovaries are hormonal changes. They can, in turn, affect the menstrual cycle, its duration. This will affect the condition of the ovary.

    Pulling in the lumbar region or in the hypogastric region (the region of the hypogastrium, above the pubis) may be due to the presence of neoplasms. These include:

    • Cystic cavities, including those that are festering or filled with blood;
    • benign tumors;
    • Malignant formations;
    • Metastases in cancer or sarcoma of other internal organs.

    Pain in the right ovary or in the left occurs with the pathologies listed above due to the fact that the plus tissue of the neoplasm presses on the internal structures of the organ, as well as on the capsule. Nerve endings are irritated, there is a protective reaction in the form of pain. If there are many cysts, tumors, the total volume of the ovary increases. The capsule has elasticity, but it has a limit, so the organ stabs and aches.

    Inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs in women can cause tingling in the left or right ovary. It is important to understand that such symptoms can mask the manifestations of surgical pathology of the gallbladder, appendix, pancreas, kidneys and other internal organs. So, if pain in the right ovary worries, then appendicitis and cholecystitis should be ruled out, and pain in the left ovary should alert in terms of intestinal obstruction.

    Pain with adnexitis

    This is an inflammation of the ovarian tissue. Another name for the disease is oophoritis. If the fallopian tube is also involved in the inflammatory process, then salpingo-oophoritis occurs.

    Pain is a sign of any inflammation. Why does the left or right ovary hurt with adnexitis? First, bacteria can actively multiply. It can be staphylococcus, streptococcus, or another representative of the pyogenic microflora.

    Pulling pain for oophoritis is characteristic only at the very beginning of the disease. Later, it becomes pronounced: the ovary pricks or even “pulsates”. The nature of sensations can also be different. Sometimes the ovary on the right or left hurts constantly. But sometimes the pain syndrome is paroxysmal.

    The process is often one-sided. When the right ovary hurts, the right fallopian tube is affected. The same is true in a situation where the ovary hurts on the left. Despite this, the study should pay attention to both organs, since in a small percentage of cases there is still bilateral adnexitis (oophoritis).

    Pain may radiate. They give to the sacral region, as well as to the thighs (outer surface), genitals. This should be taken into account when conducting differential diagnosis.

    When collecting an anamnesis, it turns out that the woman was overcooled. If the oophoritis is chronic, then the patient indicates similar episodes in the past. Any stressful effects, as well as the spread of infection in immunodeficient conditions, can lead to an exacerbation.

    In addition to what pulls the right or left ovary, with adnexitis, manifestations of the general intoxication syndrome come to the fore:

    • Headache;
    • Fatigue, often completely unmotivated;
    • Reduced tolerance to physical activity;
    • Thirst;
    • Decreased appetite.

    There is an asthenic syndrome, as well as irritability. In addition to pain in the lumbar region, sacrum, anterior abdominal wall in the region of the pubic joint, there may be violations from neighboring organs. Women may complain of pain during urination or at the time of defecation. For this reason, in cases where ovarian pathology is suspected, it is necessary to examine the vagina and rectum to exclude the pathology of these organs.

    Pain in the right or left ovary with oophoritis disappears after the appointment of anti-inflammatory therapy. If there is no picture of an acute abdomen, then the pathology is conservative. Otherwise, they resort to surgical intervention.

    Cysts and their complications

    If the ovary hurts on the right or left, the cause may be cystic formations. The diagnosis can be made by ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.

    A cyst is a cavity formation that is filled with serous or mucinous fluid. If there are few of them and they are small in size, then it should be understood that there will be no clinical manifestations. Another situation arises with an increase in the volume of the cystic cavity or a significant increase in their number.

    Usually the lesion is unilateral: the right ovary hurts or the left ovary hurts. The pain syndrome is permanent (permanent). For this disease, a paroxysmal course is atypical. Usually whines, pulls the ovary. The increase is short-lived and may be associated with sudden movement or increased pressure in the abdomen.

    Torsion of the cystic pedicle

    This is a complication of the course of the described disease. It doesn't happen very often. The development of torsion of the cyst leg is evidenced by a change in the nature of pain. If earlier the pain in women was constant, now it becomes very pronounced, seizures are possible.

    In patients, the body temperature rises to subfebrile figures. Nausea appears reflexively, ending in vomiting, which does not bring relief to the condition.

    Pathology is treated only surgically. But first, it is important to exclude the pathology of neighboring organs and confirm the torsion of the cyst stem using instrumental research methods.


    Sometimes cysts are still complicated, and this requires urgent action. These conditions include ovarian apoplexy. This is a rupture of the cystic cavity, which is accompanied by hemorrhage in the ovarian tissue, as well as in the abdominal cavity.

    The woman feels that she has a prick in the area of ​​​​the right ovary or there is a sharp pain in the left ovary. It is so pronounced that it forces the patient to take a forced bent position, sometimes knee-elbow. Some patients describe this attack as a dagger pain. Over time, the pain syndrome intensifies.

    But this is not the most dangerous in the situation described. A hemorrhage is a loss of blood. It can reach a serious scale, up to the development of hemorrhagic shock or DIC.

    The patient is gradually turning pale. Her skin becomes damp and cold to the touch. When examining the pulse, there is a pronounced increase in heart rate - tachycardia. Blood pressure drops as the volume of circulating blood decreases.

    Sometimes there is only pain, and sometimes it is not, there are only manifestations of blood loss. On this basis, two forms are distinguished: pain and hemorrhagic.

    Diagnosis of the disease is extremely important because we are talking about the clinical picture of an acute abdomen, which is known to mimic a large number of pathological conditions. In addition to complaints, the patient should find out the circumstances of the onset of symptoms. Very often, apoplexy is preceded by the following factors:

    • Shaking while driving.
    • Equestrian sports.
    • Lifting weights (static load).
    • Violent sexual intercourse.
    • Falling from the height of one's own body.

    Another important anamnestic factor in favor of apoplexy is the occurrence of symptoms in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. This is a very clear sign of the described pathology.

    Next, an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs is used. When the level of free fluid is detected, a puncture is performed to clarify the nature of the effusion. Surgeons next stage perform a laparoscopic examination. It allows you to more accurately visualize the ovary and clarify the form of apoplexy. After all, the painful form does not require resection, but only the appointment of anti-inflammatory therapy, while the hemorrhagic form is considered an indication for expanding the operation.

    Ovarian pain and ovulatory syndrome

    Possible pain syndrome before menstruation, during and after it. But the most important characteristic is the frequency and frequency of symptoms.

    The ovary hurts more often before menstruation. The occurrence of a symptom is due to the fact that ovulation has occurred. Usually this is exactly the middle of the cycle - the 14th or 15th day. The pain in this case will be intermittent. That is, first pulls the left ovary, then the right, and vice versa. There may also be bloody spotting.

    This condition is called ovulatory syndrome. It is associated pathogenetically with the fact that a small tear of the ovary wall occurs. This is accompanied by the outflow of a small amount of blood into the peritoneal cavity, which is very sensitive to various stimuli. Therefore, it hurts in the ovary not during, but before menstruation.


    The uterine cavity is lined with endometrium, a layer that is shed during menstruation. However, it can also be found in the ovarian cavity. Then the so-called endometrioid cysts are formed. The pain syndrome in this situation has several mechanisms of occurrence. The first is due to the fact that under the action of hormones, the endometrial layer is rejected. At the same time, you need to understand that it is exfoliated only in the uterus. Similar changes occur in ovarian tissue. The second reason is obviously connected with the growth and increase in the volume of these cysts. They put pressure on the intact tissue of the ovary, as well as the nerve endings of its wall. This is another factor influencing the appearance of pain syndrome.

    Unpleasant sensations occur during menstruation. Either they are constantly present, and during menstruation they increase in intensity.

    Over time, the formation of adhesive strands in the abdominal cavity is possible. This is the main factor in the development of adhesive disease. It is also the cause of pain in the long course of pathology.

    What should be done if the ovaries hurt with endometriosis? First of all, adequate anesthesia and correction of anemia are necessary (after all, blood loss is possible). Next, the gynecologist selects hormone therapy. He usually stops at Bysanne. In case of inefficiency, the question of surgical treatment is raised.


    Tumors of ovarian tissues can be of the most diverse form and structure. Fibromas and fibroadenomas are the most common. These are benign neoplasms. The pathogenesis of pain in this pathology is approximately the same as in cysts. The tumor grows and presses on adjacent tissues of the organ.

    The pain is constant and aching. It resembles the sensations that occur with pyelonephritis. In the projection of the ovary, as it were, "pulls". In very large tumors, the bladder, rectum, and uterus are compressed. This will affect the clinical symptoms of the disease. At the same time, a woman complains of pain and discomfort during urination, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestine during defecation, or false urges, tenesmus.

    From the side of the general condition with benign tumors, nothing changes. What can not be said with malignant neoplasms. First, the appearance of the patient changes. She becomes pale over time. Circles under the eyes (periorbital shadows). Appetite decreases, and sometimes almost disappears. Women feel a breakdown, unmotivated weakness, fatigue. Even the usual rest does not help them relax and feel a surge of energy and vitality. At night, the temperature is possible, but it is subfebrile. Patients usually lose weight.

    Pain in the lumbar or abdomen occurs already with a large size of a malignant formation or with germination in neighboring tissues. For diagnosis, both instrumental methods and laboratory diagnostic methods are used.

    Ultrasound is usually used, various types of tomography, including the use of contrast. Informative for diagnosis is the detection of oncomarkers. Treatment includes surgical access, if appropriate, as well as courses of chemotherapy or radiation treatment. The patient is supervised by a gynecologist together with an oncologist.

    Polycystic ovaries

    This is a disease of the endocrine system. In another way, it is called polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). In this case, many cystic cavities are formed in the ovarian tissue. They press on the tissue of the body, causing pain.

    The pain is not much different from the nature of the pain with ordinary large cysts. But in the clinical picture, menstrual irregularities already appear. It can be rare periods, or their complete absence.

    Sometimes for patients, manifestations of premenstrual syndrome are typical. This is a headache, pain throughout the body, irritability, emotional lability. There are swelling of the feet and legs, a feeling of fullness in the mammary glands. Pathology is treated by a gynecologist together with an endocrinologist.

The ovary is a steamy female gonad, the site of the formation of maturation of the eggs and the production of hormones that regulate the sex life of women. The anatomical structure, reactions to hormonal stimulation and secretory activity of the ovaries in different periods of life are not the same. In this chapter, the normal physiology of the ovaries is considered as the basis for understanding the pathology of both the ovaries themselves and other organs of the female reproductive system.

What diseases cause pain in the left ovary:

Causes of pain in the left ovary:
- Pain in the left ovary may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the left epididymis (oophoritis). It is the most characteristic sign of this disease, localized in the lower abdomen on the left and often gives to the lumbosacral spine. As a rule, pain in the left ovary occurs paroxysmal, but may be present and permanent. Hypothermia, physical and mental overwork, decreased immunity against the background of other internal diseases contribute to the occurrence of pain and their intensification. Such pains are often accompanied by disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system - increased irritability, weakness, problems with sleep, and decreased ability to work.

Adnexitis of the right ovary, or inflammation of the ovary. The most common causative agents of inflammatory processes of the internal genital organs, which lead to inflammation of the ovaries (adnexitis) are chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, candida. The clinic of chlamydial infection has no characteristic manifestations. Without adequate therapy, the inflammatory process in inflammation of the ovaries (adnexitis) takes a protracted course and leads to infertility. The main sign of inflammation of the right ovary (adnexitis) is pain in the left ovary and lower abdomen on the left. The pain can radiate to the lower back, and periodic pains almost always predominate.

In some cases, pain in the left ovary occurs when a cyst forms in it. Until the cystic capsule is small and does not undergo negative changes, this pathology is asymptomatic.

The cause of constant pain in the left ovary becomes a cyst or tumor of the ovary, which has reached a large size. It compresses neighboring internal organs and nerve endings. Not only neoplasms can twist, but also the ovaries themselves. This leads to impaired blood supply and tissue necrosis, inflammation and pain develop.

Pain in the left ovary occurs when the pedicle of the cyst is twisted or as a result of a violation of its integrity, which is accompanied by the outflow of liquid contents into the abdominal cavity and causes tissue irritation. In addition to nausea, vomiting and pain, rupture of an ovarian cyst or necrosis of its tissue due to torsion of the leg can provoke inflammation of the peritoneum - peritonitis, which requires immediate surgical intervention. A similar situation can be observed in the presence of a benign or malignant tumor of the ovary.

The pathological change in the position of the ovarian appendages is facilitated by their relative mobility in the pelvic cavity, as well as increased physical activity. That is why this pathology is observed, as a rule, in childhood. Among the factors contributing to the torsion of the right ovary, it should be noted drug stimulation of ovulation, pregnancy, as well as any conditions accompanied by an increase in the size of the ovaries. Sharp pain in the left ovary and abdomen may be accompanied by vomiting, palpation reveals a painful swelling. If the tissue of the appendages has undergone irreversible pathological changes, surgical removal of the ovary is performed.

Sometimes during ovulation, the right ovary ruptures, causing bleeding. The ingress of blood into the abdominal cavity provokes pain and threatens with the development of peritonitis, therefore, surgical intervention is indicated, during which sutures are applied and the integrity of the organ is restored. In some women, ovulation itself is quite painful, as indicated by the appearance of pain in the left ovary on certain days of the menstrual cycle. In addition, acute and chronic inflammatory processes contribute to the formation of adhesions in the left ovary, which in turn often cause pain in the left ovary.

Apoplexy of the right ovary is a sudden hemorrhage in the ovary, which is accompanied by its rupture and bleeding into the abdominal cavity.
Ovarian apoplexy occurs, as a rule, in women under the age of 40, and bleeding and pain in the left ovary always occur. According to the predominance of one of these signs, anemic and painful forms of the disease are conventionally distinguished. With the same severity of these signs, they speak of a mixed form of apoplexy.
The disease begins acutely with sudden, sometimes very severe pain in the left ovary and lower abdomen, with a predominance on the side of the affected ovary. Pain is often given to the rectum, thigh and lower back. Often the attack is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, as well as fainting.
Body temperature remains normal. With heavy bleeding, a sharp decrease in blood pressure and collapse occurs (a serious condition with severe cardiac weakness, a drop in vascular tone, frequent pulse, and cold sweat). The ovary, when palpated, has a spherical shape and sharp pain.

Ovulatory pain in the left ovary occurs in the lower abdomen during the periovulatory period as a result of peritoneal irritation with follicular fluid; last from 12 to 36 hours with separate attacks for several hours.

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome can develop in women with infertility when treated with hormones (clomiphene, gonadotropins). The ovaries are enlarged, with multiple follicular cysts, a large cystic corpus luteum, and stromal edema. With a mild form, there are pains in the left ovary, bloating; weight gain. In severe form, shortness of breath, ascites, pleural effusion, electrolyte imbalance, hypovolemia, oliguria appear.

Psychogenic factors: with the exclusion of organic causes of pain in the left ovary, it is necessary to examine the woman by a psychotherapist (borderline conditions: hypochondria, depression, hysteria).

Palpation of the abdomen and gynecological examination helps to establish the presence of a large neoplasm of the ovary. Important information about the condition of the uterine appendages is provided by ultrasound of the pelvic organs and magnetic resonance imaging. Especially valuable is diagnostic laparoscopy, which allows to identify the adhesive process and foci of endometriosis, localized in the left ovary. Through this technique, you can not only detect, but also eliminate many pathologies of the pelvic organs. Competent diagnosis is the key to effective treatment, which will permanently get rid of pain in the left ovary.

Ovary it is a steamy female gonad, the site of the formation of maturation of eggs and the production of hormones that regulate the sex life of women.

The anatomical structure, reactions to hormonal stimulation and secretory activity of the ovaries in different periods of life are not the same. In this chapter normal ovarian physiology is considered as the basis for understanding the pathology of both the ovaries themselves and other organs of the female reproductive system.

Causes of pain in the ovaries

Pain in the ovaries may indicate the presence inflammatory process in the ovarian appendages (oophoritis). It is the most characteristic sign of this disease, is localized in the lower abdomen and often radiates to the lumbosacral spine.

Often, pain in the ovarian region occurs paroxysmal, but may be present and permanent. Hypothermia, physical and mental overwork, decreased immunity against the background of other internal diseases contribute to their emergence and intensification. Such pains are often accompanied by disorders in the functioning of the nervous system, namely:

    Increased irritability;


    sleep problems;

    decrease in work capacity.

Adnexitis This is also inflammation of the ovaries. The most common pathogens inflammatory processes internal genital organs, which lead to inflammation of the ovaries are:




Clinic chlamydial infection has no characteristic manifestations. Without adequate therapy, the inflammatory process in inflammation of the ovaries (adnexitis) takes a protracted course and leads to infertility. Basic sign of inflammation of the ovaries:

    Sharp pain in the ovaries and lower abdomen, which can radiate to the lower back.

    Periodic pain predominates.

Treatment of inflammation of the ovaries is carried out within 5 days. In some cases, pain in the ovarian region occurs when a cyst forms. Until the cystic capsule is small and does not undergo negative changes, this pathology is asymptomatic.

The cause of constant pain in the ovarian region is a cyst or tumor of the ovary, which has reached a large size. It compresses neighboring internal organs and nerve endings. Not only neoplasms can twist, but also the ovaries themselves. It leads to circulatory disorders and tissue necrosis, inflammation develops and pain syndrome.

Pain in the ovaries occurs when the pedicle of the cyst is twisted or as a result of a violation of its integrity, which is accompanied by the outflow of liquid contents into the abdominal cavity and causes tissue irritation. In addition to nausea, vomiting and pain, rupture of an ovarian cyst or necrosis of its tissue due to torsion of the leg can provoke inflammation of the peritoneum - peritonitis, which requires immediate surgical intervention. A similar situation can be observed in the presence of benign or malignant ovarian tumors.

The pathological change in the position of the ovarian appendages is facilitated by their relative mobility in the pelvic cavity, as well as increased physical activity. That is why this pathology is observed, as a rule, in childhood. Among the factors contributing to ovarian torsion, it should be noted:

    Drug stimulation of ovulation;


    other conditions accompanied by an increase in the size of the ovaries.

Sharp pain in the ovaries and abdomen may be accompanied by vomiting, on palpation, a painful swelling is detected. If the tissue of the appendages has undergone irreversible pathological changes, surgical removal of the ovary is performed.

Sometimes during ovulation ovarian rupture which causes bleeding. The ingress of blood into the abdominal cavity provokes pain and threatens with the development of peritonitis, therefore, surgical intervention is indicated, during which sutures are applied and the integrity of the organ is restored.

In some women, ovulation itself is quite painful, as indicated by the appearance of pain in the ovarian region on certain days. menstrual cycle. In addition, acute and chronic inflammatory processes contribute to the formation adhesions in the ovaries, which in turn often cause pain in the ovarian region.

Ovarian apoplexy

Ovarian apoplexy is a sudden hemorrhage into the ovary, which is accompanied by its rupture and bleeding into the abdominal cavity. Ovarian apoplexy occurs, as a rule, in women under the age of 40, more often in the right ovary, while bleeding and pain in the ovarian region always occur. According to the predominance of one of these signs, anemic and painful forms of the disease are conventionally distinguished. With the same severity of these signs, they speak of mixed form of apoplexy.

The disease begins acutely with sudden, sometimes very severe pain in the ovaries and lower abdomen, with a predominance on the side of the affected ovary. Pain is often given to the rectum, thigh and lower back. Often attack accompanied by:


  • fainting state.

Body temperature while remaining normal. With heavy bleeding, a sharp decrease in blood pressure and collapse occurs (a serious condition with severe cardiac weakness, a drop in vascular tone, frequent pulse, and cold sweat). The ovary, when palpated, has a spherical shape and sharp pain.

ovulatory pain in the ovarian region occur in the lower abdomen during the periovulatory period as a result of irritation of the peritoneum with follicular fluid; last from 12 to 36 hours with separate attacks for several hours.

ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome can develop in women with infertility when treated with hormones (clomiphene, gonadotropins). The ovaries are enlarged, with multiple follicular cysts, a large cystic corpus luteum, and stromal edema. With a mild form, there are pains in the ovarian region, bloating; weight gain. In severe form, shortness of breath, ascites, pleural effusion, electrolyte imbalance, hypovolemia, oliguria appear.

Psychogenic factors: if organic causes of ovarian pain are excluded, a woman should be examined psychotherapist. Particular attention should be paid to such borderline conditions as:



Palpation of the abdomen and gynecological examination helps to establish the presence of a large neoplasm of the ovary. Important information about the condition of the uterine appendages is provided by ultrasound of the pelvic organs and magnetic resonance imaging.

Particularly valuable in substantiating the diagnosis is diagnostic laparoscopy, which allows you to identify the adhesive process and foci of endometriosis located in the ovaries. Through this technique, you can not only detect, but also eliminate many pathologies of the pelvic organs. Proper diagnosis and consultation with a gynecologist is the key to effective treatment that will permanently get rid of pain in the ovaries.

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