Why the eye turned red, blood vessels burst. Why did the vessel burst in the eye and what to do in this case? Internal disturbances in the body

How can you help if the vessel in the eye has burst. What to do at home? Most often, a burst vessel in the eye does not cause any discomfort and does not affect visual abilities. However, it attracts attention, which, from an aesthetic point of view, is not very pleasant. Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of hemorrhage, since it is not an independent disease. But you can alleviate the general condition and accelerate the resorption of the hematoma. The choice of a suitable method for this directly depends on the cause of the capillary damage.

A capillary burst in the eye: what to do if the cause is external factors? With careful monitoring of the condition of the eyes, already in the first days it becomes clear whether it is necessary to see a doctor or not. If the vessel burst, and there are no painful sensations and other health complaints, then, most likely, this phenomenon was provoked not by a disease, but by external causes.

These include:

  • lack of sleep;
  • fatigue and excess physical activity;
  • stress;
  • long stay at the TV screen or at the computer.

It is clear that the elimination of these factors will not solve the problem completely, but it will help to get rid of it faster and prevent recurrence.

Therefore, first of all, it is worth getting enough sleep and minimizing physical and visual stress (the same measures apply to cases of a hematoma in the morning after drinking alcohol).

And if you avoid working at the monitor, there is no way, then you definitely need to take breaks for rest.

When there is complete confidence that the hemorrhage is provoked by the above reasons, the following folk remedies can be used at home:

  1. Cool boiled water or tea (black and green) for washing the eye, where the capillary has burst, will relieve fatigue, reduce inflammation and, accordingly, redness. You can simply apply cotton pads soaked in black tea or used tea bags in a cup to your eyes for 2-3 minutes (up to three times a day).
  2. Make compresses with cold and hot water. It is recommended to apply a gauze or cotton swab to the eye, moistened alternately in one or the other container. Contrasting temperatures have an anti-inflammatory effect and give the eyes a fresh, rested look. But we must remember that too long contact of the organs of vision with cold is dangerous, because its duration should not exceed 10 minutes.

If the reason why the vessel burst is not completely clear, you should not self-medicate.

A vessel in the eye regularly bursts: what to do?

A visit to the ophthalmologist should not be neglected if the hematoma does not go away after two weeks, if its appearance is accompanied by symptoms of some kind of disease, possibly not an eye disease (hypertension, beriberi, etc.). The doctor will conduct the necessary studies, find out the cause and prescribe treatment depending on it.

If it is not possible to immediately seek medical help, you can take your temperature and pressure yourself, assess the symptoms and, depending on the results, use one of the following recommendations:

  • If the capillary in the eye burst due to increased pressure, this means that the chronic disease is poorly controlled or ineffective means are being taken to treat it. As an emergency measure, a stabilizing drug can be used. But you still have to go to the doctor, because next time the vessel may burst not in the eye, but in the brain, causing more serious consequences.

  • If the capillary is damaged, and at the same time the person experiences itching and burning in the eye, there is a painful reaction to bright light, tearing and discomfort, then most likely we are talking about conjunctivitis. The fact that a vessel in the eye has burst usually indicates the infectious nature of the disease and speaks of its severe course, so a visit to an ophthalmologist is also mandatory. At the same time, it is desirable to do this as soon as possible, without waiting for complications and infection of the second eye. And to alleviate the symptoms, you can use antiseptics and eye drops.
  • Sometimes the capillary bursts due to the effects of allergies. If this cause is suspected, antihistamines and agents that relieve itching and irritation are taken.

All this should be done with caution and only if there are clear signs of a particular accompanying ailment.

In such cases, it is by no means possible to turn to alternative methods of treatment, since some recipes can provoke the spread of infection and the occurrence of serious inflammatory processes.

It is forbidden to use vasoconstrictor drugs.

What to do if the hemorrhage is accompanied by dry mucosa?

The vessel sometimes bursts against the background of excessive dryness of the eyes. In such situations, in addition to getting rid of the cause of the hemorrhage, it is necessary to take measures to moisten the mucosa.

Preparations that are suitable for this are available in the form of drops.

  1. "Vizin". It is prescribed in cases where a broken capillary forms a small hematoma. Reduces general redness.
  2. "Defislez". It can be used as directed by an ophthalmologist, even in cases of conjunctivitis and microtrauma. Drops eliminate dryness and irritation in gases, which often happens when a vessel is damaged.
  3. "Taufon". Accelerates recovery processes, helps in those cases. When the capillary bursts from overwork of the organs of vision.
  4. "Emoxipin". Suitable for long term use.

The listed funds are among the safest, so they can be used even when the vessel is damaged in the eye of a child and for preventive purposes. Of course, they will not remove the hematoma, but they will relieve redness, burning and discomfort.

But you need to remember that in the presence of an ophthalmic disease or neoplasm, you can use any drug only after consulting a doctor.

Preventive measures

Even in the absence of chronic diseases, a capillary burst in the eye indicates that you need to pay attention to your health, find out the possible causes of a hematoma and take care of prevention.

Since it is impossible to get rid of the consequences of hemorrhage in the eyes as soon as possible, it is better to take measures in advance so that the capillary does not burst again:

  • Review your diet. The daily menu must necessarily include dishes enriched with vitamins C, A and P, and containing rutin. These components strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their elasticity. In sufficient quantities, they are present in foods such as bell peppers, broccoli, lettuce, citrus fruits and berries (especially blueberries). They are useful in almost any form (fresh, frozen, boiled, etc.). But it is better to refuse the use of coffee and alcoholic beverages.
  • If it is not possible to enrich the diet with a sufficient amount of essential trace elements, you can use special vitamin complexes from the pharmacy. The necessary components contain tools such as "Optiv", "Vial", etc.
  • Establish a daily routine, devoting enough time to sleep and rest; spend less time in front of the TV and computer, minimize eye strain and take more breaks during work.
  • Avoid drying out the mucosa. To do this, it is recommended to rinse the eyes with cool clean water. And if it is not possible to do this regularly, you can use moisturizing drops. In cold and windy weather, it is better to protect your eyes, for example, with sunglasses.

The white of the eye turned red due to the fact that the vessels burst? Probably, everyone experiences a rather strong fright in such a situation. For someone, such a nuisance happened once, while for someone the vessels in the eye burst regularly.

Given the prevalence of this problem, we want to figure out why blood vessels in the eye can burst, and what needs to be done in this case.

Consider the most common causes of gas vessel ruptures.

  • Arterial hypertension. Basically, the vessels rupture in the eyes with an increase in blood pressure due to their overflow with blood. Most often, this problem is faced by patients with hypertension, which is complicated by a hypertensive crisis. The heart, brain, liver, and eyes are the target organs that are primarily affected by hypertension. A hypertensive crisis is a sharp increase in blood pressure to individually high numbers. That is, someone may develop a crisis at a pressure of 140/90 mm. rt. Art., and for someone - at 200/100 mm. rt. Art. The vessels in the eyes become sclerosed and lose their elasticity, therefore they cannot cope with a sharp influx of blood, as a result of which they rupture. But vessels can burst not only in patients with hypertension, since blood pressure can rise sharply against the background of alcohol abuse, excessive physical exertion, or psycho-emotional shock.
  • Most often, ruptures of the vessels of the eye are observed when lifting weights, intensive training in the gym and during childbirth during contractions.
  • Eyeball injury. Very often, a blow or bruise of the eyeball is manifested by retinal hemorrhage. Also, the cause of bursting blood vessels in the eye can be surgery, for example, replacing the lens for cataracts, correcting strabismus, etc.
  • Diabetes. This pathology is characterized not only by insulin deficiency and increased blood glucose, but also by damage to capillary vessels. This is due to the fact that excess glucose in the blood adversely affects the walls of the capillaries, as a result of which they thicken in some areas and thin in others. The described pathological processes reduce the elasticity of blood vessels, and, accordingly, their strength.
  • Eye fatigue. An increased load on vision is observed in those who work at a computer for a long time or read a lot, especially in poor lighting conditions. Therefore, such overwork leads to an active flow of blood to the capillaries of the eyes, because of which they can burst.
  • Abrupt change in weather. In persons who are very sensitive to changes in weather conditions (temperature, atmospheric pressure), blood vessels in the eyes often rupture, due to which they turn red.
  • Inflammation of the cornea. Inflammatory diseases of the eyeball are also often accompanied by retinal hemorrhage. The inflammatory process in this case can be triggered by pathogenic microorganisms, trauma, a foreign body gets into the eye, an allergic reaction, chemical or thermal burns. In addition to vascular ruptures, patients complain of pain in the eyeball, especially in bright light, tearing.
  • Inflammation of the conjunctiva. The causes of conjunctivitis are the same as those of keratitis. In addition, these diseases very often occur simultaneously. The main symptoms of inflammation of the conjunctiva are burning and itching in the eye, redness, discharge from the palpebral fissure, ruptured capillaries.
  • Neoplasms of the eyeball. The appearance of tumors of any nature in the eyeball leads to deformation of the capillaries, as a result of which they break.
  • Lack of vitamin C and R. Hypovitaminosis of ascorbic acid and rutin leads to thinning of the vascular wall, as a result of which it becomes vulnerable and easily torn.
  • Fragility of the vascular walls. Certain medications or eye diseases, such as glaucoma, can affect the condition of the vessels.
  • Traumatic brain injury. With head injuries, blood circulation in the brain and the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid are often disturbed, which can cause an increase in blood pressure in the vessels, including the eyes.
  • Overheat. Sunstroke, overheating in a room with a high temperature, or even visiting a sauna or bath can lead to rupture of eye vessels.

Vessel ruptures in the eye are divided into several types according to their localization, we will consider them.

Rupture of retinal capillaries. This type of hemorrhage in the eye is the most dangerous, as it threatens with loss of vision. The retina is the part of the eyeball on which the receptors responsible for visual perception are located. Therefore, the rupture of the vessel in the retina turns off part of the receptors. Patients may complain of blurred vision, flickering flies before the eyes and the appearance of blind spots.

Rupture of the vessels of the orbit. In this case, the blood spills into the fat cell, behind the eyeball. These patients present with eyeball protrusion, swelling, bruising under the eye, double vision, and pain when moving the eyes.

Rupture of blood vessels in the vitreous body. This formation of the eyes allows the passage of light rays and their entry into the retina. Hemorrhage violates the transparency of the vitreous body, which is manifested by a drop in vision.

Rupture of blood vessels in the anterior chamber. This condition is most often caused by glaucoma and trauma. On examination, a hematoma is detected in the lower part of the eyeball.

Rupture of a vessel in the sclera or conjunctiva. This type of hemorrhage in the eye is observed most often.

If you notice that a vessel has ruptured in your eye, then contact a specialist - an ophthalmologist. Only a doctor can determine the cause of this condition and, if necessary, prescribe an effective treatment. We strongly do not recommend self-medication, because in some cases it threatens with partial or complete loss of vision.

An ophthalmologist does not prescribe treatment in all cases, since a hemorrhage in the eye can resolve on its own after a few days.

Therapeutic tactics for ruptured vessels in the eye directly depends on the cause of this problem. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to determine the factor that provoked intraocular hemorrhage. Indeed, after the elimination of the cause, the vessels will no longer burst, and the hemorrhage will pass with time.

In the case when the rupture of the vessel was provoked by eye fatigue, you should rest, perform relaxing and be sure to follow hygiene rules when working at a computer or reading.

For example, in case of hypertension, you will definitely need to consult a general practitioner or a cardiologist who will prescribe drugs to normalize blood pressure.

With an inflammatory process in the eyes, drops with antibiotics are used, and with dry eye syndrome, artificial tears, etc.

There are also a number of emergency conditions that require immediate treatment. Consider the principles of treatment of such conditions, which most often lead to ruptures of blood vessels in the eye.

  • Paroxysm of glaucoma. Glaucoma is a disease that is caused by an increase in pressure inside the eyeball. The most dangerous consequence of this pathology is atrophy of the optic nerve and complete loss of vision. The disease proceeds for a long time with periods of exacerbation. An acute attack of glaucoma can be triggered by certain medications, stress, overwork, and other causes. With paroxysmal glaucoma, the pressure inside the eyeball must be reduced within 2-3 hours to avoid the death of the optic nerve. The drug in this case can be a 1% solution of Pilocarpine in the form of eye drops, which is instilled into the eye, two drops every quarter of the eye, until the condition improves. Also, the patient is given diuretics (Lasix, Furosemide, Torasemide) and painkillers (Nimesil, Diclofenac, Xefocam) and is hospitalized in the ophthalmological department.
  • Hypertensive crisis. In this emergency, the patient is worried about a sharp increase in blood pressure to high numbers, which is accompanied by headache, dizziness, noise in the eyes, flickering flies before the eyes, rupture of blood vessels in the eyeballs and other symptoms. A hypertensive crisis is a formidable danger to the life of the patient, so treatment should be started immediately, even before the arrival of an ambulance. For severe heart pain, take a Nitroglycerin tablet and two Aspirin tablets to prevent myocardial infarction. Also put a Captopress tablet under the tongue or drop 2-3 drops of Nifedipine on sugar and dissolve it.
  • Coagulopathy caused by an overdose of drugs that thin the blood. Patients with coronary heart disease, heart defects, arrhythmias, or patients who have undergone heart or vascular surgery should take long-term drugs to prevent blood clots - anticoagulants. Therefore, these patients are among those at increased risk of ocular vascular ruptures. Also, very often, patients can independently increase the dose of the drug, causing an overdose of it, which is manifested by hemorrhages, including in the eyeball. If this happens, you need to contact your doctor to select the optimal dose of anticoagulant.

It is strictly forbidden to use eye drops without consulting a specialist, since in some cases they will help, and in others they will only harm. It is also not recommended to wash the eye with tea, infusions or decoctions of herbs, since this can cause an infection.

In cases where a rupture of a vessel in the eye is caused by a cause that does not pose a danger to your health and life, you can use eye drops, respectively, after consulting a specialist.

The most effective eye drops for hemorrhage in the eye are the following drugs:

  • Vizin. This drug accelerates the resorption of hemorrhage, relieves eye hyperemia, reduces pain and burning, and also moisturizes the conjunctiva. Vizin should be instilled into the outer corner of the palpebral fissure, two drops every 12 hours;
  • Emoxipin. This drug was developed specifically to combat hemorrhages in the eyeball. Three drops are instilled into the eye three times a day until the redness disappears.
  • Hyphenosis. These drops are artificial tears and are used for dry eye syndrome.
  • Taufon. This drug contributes to the rapid resorption of hemorrhage in the eyeball and effectively eliminates unpleasant symptoms. Moreover, Taufon is indicated for glaucoma.

Burst vessel under the eye: what to do?

A burst vessel under the eye may look like a dark circle or resemble a bruise. But in any case, this problem spoils the appearance. Therefore, to your attention the most effective ways to deal with bursting blood vessels under the eyes.

  • Applying concealer or powder to the skin under the eyes.
  • Contrast washing in the morning will help strengthen blood vessels.
  • Mesotherapy is a cosmetic salon procedure, the essence of which is the introduction of a vasoconstrictor drug into the skin under the eye.
  • Laser removal of blood vessels under the eyes, which is carried out exclusively in a medical clinic.

The following tips can help you reduce your risk of eye rupture:

  • perform relaxing exercises for the eyes when working at a computer or reading for a long time;
  • let's rest our eyes every half an hour with visual load;
  • choose a safe distance between you and a computer or book;
  • ensure adequate lighting of the work area;
  • do not abuse salt, alcohol and coffee;
  • humidify the air in the room where you are most of the time, and regularly ventilate the room;
  • wear sunglasses when exposed to the sun or wind;
  • thoroughly approach the choice of cosmetics;
  • Be sure to remove your lenses before going to bed.
  • Eat enough vitamins P and C, which are found in vegetables, fruits, greens, or take vitamin complexes.

In most cases, a burst vessel in the eye does not require any treatment, but an ophthalmologist's consultation still does not hurt you. After all, such a problem can hide a pathology that poses a threat to health and life.

All tissues of the human body need a regular supply of oxygen and biologically active substances that are distributed throughout the body with the bloodstream. In addition to relatively large arteries and veins, there is a developed network of capillaries, which is designed to provide nutrition to the most remote areas.

It is capillary blood that a person sees if he accidentally cuts his finger, or if a cat scratches him. What to do if a vessel bursts in the eye? Is this condition dangerous? How to act in this case? You will find answers to these and other questions in our review and video in this article.

What is the cause of vascular hemorrhage in the eyes?

In modern medicine, a whole list of possible provocateurs of tearing eye capillaries is being considered.

Some of them are not serious, although there are those that may indicate a risk to the patient's health. The most serious factors currently causing rupture of blood vessels in the eyes are the following:

Cause of ocular hemorrhage medical examination
Presence of arterial hypertension

The presence of diabetes

Eye fatigue

Too much physical activity or no exercise at all

Diseases of hematological origin

Development of a symptom of intracranial hypertension
Pathology of the eye vessels

Eye injury

Pathologies of an ophthalmic nature

Development of Sjögren's syndrome

The effect of blood pressure on the eye capillaries

Among the above provocateurs of hemorrhage in the eye, the development of arterial hypertension occupies the first place. In addition to provoking strokes and heart attacks, this problem can provoke a rupture of a vessel in the eyeball. In most cases, this happens if the pressure rises sharply, that is, when a hypertensive crisis occurs. Read this article until the end to find out everything about rupture of a vessel in the eye.

Since the vessels of the eye are not able to withstand the internal pressure, they rupture. An accompanying symptom is nosebleeds. It should be noted that with increased pressure, rupture of the eye vessel is considered a normal, positive phenomenon.

Relationship between diabetes mellitus and ocular rupture

In diabetes, capillaries in the body are affected.

As for the damage to the eye vessels in diabetes, we are talking about diabetic retinopathy. A characteristic feature of the pathology is considered to be a gradual decrease in visual acuity and rupture of blood vessels even without special physical exertion (for example, tilting the head or harsh light can provoke rupture of the eye vessels).

Tired body as a cause of rupture of a vessel in the eye

A not too serious cause for human health is hemorrhage in the eye due to fatigue of the capillaries.

Given that they are delicate and fragile, prolonged stress (in the case of computer work, prolonged reading, paperwork in the office) can lead to their overflow with blood and the formation of hemorrhage.

In this case, the doctor recommends that patients change the mode of work, bring a little rest and relaxation for the eyes.

Why does the presence or absence of physical activity provoke eye hemorrhages?

Normal physical activity does not cause rupture of the eye vessels, but very hard work can provoke a sharp increase in pressure and, as a result, hemorrhage of the capillaries. It should also be noted that a complete lack of physical activity is not recommended by specialists today: an unprepared body, even performing simple movements, will be prone to rupture of the eye vessels.

Hematological problems as a cause of vascular rupture

Rupture of the vessels of the eyeball can be associated with increased bleeding, which appears due to various diseases of the circulatory system of the body.

Most often, these diseases are:

  • insufficiency of coagulation factors;
  • thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • leukemia;
  • lymphoma;
  • myelodysplastic syndrome;
  • thrombocytopathy;
  • thrombocytopenia.

All the causes of vascular rupture mentioned above are accompanied by numerous bruises, hematomas and hemorrhagic rash even in the absence of bruises, wounds, cuts.

Intracranial hypertension as a cause of hemorrhages in the eye

Modern medicine considers congenital anomalies in the development of the cranium as one of the serious reasons that can provoke the growth of the vessels of the eye. Such problems can be neurocirculatory dystonia, idiopathic intracranial hypertension, migraines, as well as neoplasms in the brain.

Not only the pathology of the cranium can be the cause of rupture of blood vessels in the eye: all problems that damage the vascular wall are considered by the treatment instruction as potential factors in the development of hemorrhages.

In this case, we are talking about:

  • Behçet's syndrome;
  • Wegener's granulomatosis;
  • hemorrhagic vasculitis;
  • Takayasu's disease;
  • temporal arteritis.

Injuries that provoke rupture of blood vessels

Injury not only to the eyeballs, but also to the head can cause hemorrhage. In this case, the rupture of the vessels in the eye is associated with an increase in intracranial pressure and failure to withstand pressure from the inside of the eye vessels.

Ophthalmic cause of ocular hemorrhage

Factors of an ophthalmic nature that can cause hemorrhages are associated with various benign and malignant neoplasms, eye pathologies of infectious and inflammatory origin (blepharitis, keratitis, chorioretinitis, dacryoadenitis, conjunctivitis).

The photo shows a rupture of a vessel in the eye, which is provoked by the development of an acute form of glaucoma. No less serious are dry eye syndrome or computer eye. It must be emphasized that glaucoma and its accompanying hemorrhage require urgent medical intervention, since there is a huge risk of completely losing vision.

Why does Sjögren's syndrome provoke rupture of the eye vessels?

Being an autoimmune systemic disease, Sjögren's syndrome is characterized by the defeat of all external secretion glands, including the lacrimal ones. In this case, the patient is diagnosed with dry eye syndrome, due to which the superficial capillaries are torn, as a result of which the cornea and conjunctiva are filled with blood.

Causes of vascular rupture that do not threaten health

The price of treating hemorrhages in the eye depends mainly on the cause that provoked this problem.

Not too serious factors that can lead to eye hemorrhage are the following:

  • the presence of allergic reactions of the body;
  • taking drugs with a blood-thinning effect;
  • the use of alcoholic beverages;
  • predisposition to meteosensitivity;
  • diseases of infectious origin;
  • insufficient amount of vitamins in the body.

Which hemorrhages in the eye are dangerous and which are not?

Redness of the eyeball can have a variety of consequences. A mild subconjunctival hemorrhage, in fact, which is an analogue of a bruise on the skin, does not pose a danger to vision and independently resembles in a few days.

If the violation of the integrity of the vessels occurred after the impact, and the person feels severe pain, progressive loss of vision and other dangerous symptoms, you should seek medical help immediately. Any hemorrhages under the conjunctiva or cornea in childhood also deserve great attention.

Damage to the vessel in the eye in an adult

The most obvious sign of pathology is the appearance of a bright red spot on the protein. The shape of such a spot is usually irregular, and the size varies depending on the extent of the lesion.

If a small capillary is damaged, the hemorrhage does not go beyond the subconjunctival sac and does not cause discomfort to its owner. If a large vessel has ruptured in the eye of a person, and the amount of blood that has flowed out is significant, the spot may look like a sac filled with blood and be felt by the victim when blinking.

Volumetric formations also cause a feeling of pressure, fullness on the surface of the eye.

Seek immediate medical attention if:

  • damage occurred as a result of a blow, injury or direct damaging effect on the organ of vision;
  • you often notice that the blood vessels have burst near the eye, and it has turned red for no apparent reason;
  • the problem is combined with a general fragility of capillaries (for example, with concomitant bleeding of the gums, frequent bruising and bruising on the skin without previous strokes, etc.).

Vessel injury in a child's eye

Sometimes a new mother notices that a blood vessel in her eye has burst in her newborn. Although this symptom causes a lot of anxiety in parents, it is not uncommon.

According to statistics, subconjunctival bleeding is caused by the tension of the eyeballs during passage through the birth canal and occurs in every fifth baby. If stimulation or active methods of childbirth (vacuum extractor, forceps) were used during childbirth, this figure increases to 40%.

In any case, it is important that the baby is examined by a neonatologist and an ophthalmologist.

Depending on where the blood began to accumulate from the ruptured vascular tube, two types of hemorrhages are distinguished:

  • in the outer white of the eye (subconjunctival hemorrhage);
  • into the internal formations of the eye (internal hemorrhage):
    1. into the retina- accompanied by a deterioration in vision due to the "switching off" of a certain area of ​​the sensory retina from work; without timely treatment, it can lead to the appearance of spots and loss of whiteness of the sclera;
    2. into the vitreous- it is distinguished by the appearance of a characteristic bright red tubercle on the sclera, progressive deterioration of vision, the appearance of bright flashes before the eyes; if left untreated, it leads to retinal detachment and complete loss of vision;
    3. into the anterior chamber (hyphema)- resembles too large a blood clot that appeared if a large capillary was damaged near the eye; can shift when the position of the child's body changes;
    4. eye socket- characterized by protrusion of the eyeball forward, a decrease in its mobility and the appearance of dark red hemorrhagic spots on the sclera.

The first type does not pose a serious health hazard, does not require specific treatment, and resolves on its own in 2-3 weeks. Internal hemorrhage has more serious consequences and needs to be monitored by a specialist.

If the damage occurred in the baby (usually this occurs with severe crying, coughing or injury), it is also recommended to show the baby to a specialist. If everything is in order with vision, a visit to the doctor will help dispel all your doubts, and with a strong internal hemorrhage, treatment will be started in a timely manner.

Principles of treatment of hemorrhages in the eyeball

Small hemorrhages that do not cause any discomfort, are not associated with injuries or systemic diseases, as a rule, do not require a visit to a doctor. However, if a vessel in the eye bursts and the eye hurts, or the red spot does not resolve within 7-10 days, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist.

First aid

So, what to do if, looking in the mirror, you notice a red eye in yourself, and a large hemorrhage has formed under the conjunctiva?

First of all, if possible, try to eliminate the cause of this phenomenon:

  • with strong physical stress - take a break, refuse to lift weights;
  • in case of overwork of the organ of vision - temporarily exclude TV and computer from your life, try to walk more in the fresh air;
  • under the action of allergens and other irritating factors - protect yourself from them;
  • adjust the regime of work and rest, sleep 7-8 hours a day;
  • monitor your health, undergo timely treatment for acute and chronic diseases.

A cold compress with boiled water or tea leaves will help reduce swelling.

What drugs are used

And the main question is how to treat the pathology: the doctor can prescribe emollient and vasoconstrictor drops that reduce the severity of unpleasant symptoms and eliminate discomfort. Popular representatives of the group are presented in the table below.

Table: Popular drops prescribed for this problem:

Name, country of origin Active substance Peculiarities average price
Vizin (Canada)TetrizolineMeans with decongestant, vasoconstrictor action. Stimulates alpha-adrenergic receptors of cells, reduces swelling, burning in the eye and increased lacrimation. Acts 2-3 minutes after instillation into the conjunctival sac.Drops 0.05%, 15 ml - 300 r.
Taufon (Russia)TaurineMetabolic drug:
  • improves energy metabolism in the tissues of the eye;
  • eliminates dystrophic processes;
  • contributes to the regeneration (recovery) of cells.
Drops 4%, 5 ml - 110 r.
EmoxipinMethylethylpyridinolMeans with retinoprotective action. Reduces the permeability of capillaries, reduces the pathological fragility of blood vessels, increases the regenerative capacity of the body.Drops 1%, 5 ml - 160 r.

Note! Especially often, ophthalmologists prescribe Emoxipin to patients with hemorrhage: if a vessel in the eye bursts, the drug acts quickly and effectively. With the use of these eye drops, the rate of resorption of a blood clot under the conjunctiva increases by an average of 1.5-2 times.

Gymnastics for the eyes and a special massage will also help improve microcirculation in the vessels of the organ of vision and accelerate the resorption of a blood clot. They should be performed with caution, preventing repeated ruptures of the capillary wall.

With regularly occurring hemorrhages, it is necessary to undergo a complete comprehensive examination of the body and eliminate the cause of the pathological syndrome.

How to prevent re-rupture

  • if the vessel in the eye has burst, physical activity should be abandoned for some time;
  • if possible, you should limit the time of working at the computer, if professional activity is directly related to this, you need to contact the doctor to prescribe prophylactic agents;
  • if the capillaries burst after drinking alcohol, you should stop taking alcoholic beverages;
  • protect your eyes from the sun and wind with goggles;
  • to improve blood circulation, wash your face with cold water several times a day.

What is prohibited?

After a rupture of the vascular wall, you should not:

  • use without a doctor's prescription;
  • use folk methods of dealing with ophthalmic pathologies;
  • touch eyes with dirty hands;
  • use medications without the appointment of a specialist.

Only timely diagnostic measures will minimize the likelihood of negative consequences.


To prevent the manifestation of pathologies of the venous-vascular network of the eyes, it is necessary:

  • supply the patient's diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, select the optimal vitamin complex;
  • give up alcohol and nicotine addiction;
  • limit heavy lifting;
  • use moisturizing eye drops;
  • take the load off your eyes.

From what blood vessels in the eyes can burst is already known, it is important to identify the specific cause of the manifestation of such a condition in a particular patient. To do this, you need to contact the doctor in a timely manner and take measures to treat the pathology in the early stages.

Depending on the established reasons, the methods of influence may be different and only the doctor will be able to determine the appropriateness of using one or another method in a particular case. If you visit an ophthalmologist untimely, the consequences for a person can be irreversible, up to complete or partial loss of vision.

The eyes are the first thing we pay attention to when we see a person. Therefore, any visual defects of the eyes become noticeable in the first place. One of the most common problems is broken blood vessels. People are often frightened by such a phenomenon, it seems to them that something terrible has happened, they do not understand when the vessel in the eye bursts what to do.

In addition, no one wants to appear with a red eye in front of acquaintances, colleagues and loved ones.

But there is no need to panic in this situation. It is better to understand in order why this happens, what needs to be done to eliminate the consequences of the problem and how to prevent its possible recurrence in the future. Further, we will talk about this.

Why is this happening?

First you need to understand that in most cases, such a phenomenon, in fact, does not pose a particular danger to vision, but can serve as an indicator of other problems inherent in the body. Of the diseases that can indirectly lead to the occurrence of hemorrhage, endocrine diseases, diabetes mellitus and hypertension can be distinguished.

Sometimes a vessel in the eye can burst for relatively minor reasons, due to a one-time increased load on the body. This can happen when going to a bath or sauna, where a sharp pressure drop will cause the vessel to fail, it can be a change in the weather that has exactly the same effect, it can be alcohol abuse.

In any of the above three cases, there is no cause for concern at all, it is a one-time event, which will pass after some time and may not appear again, so in such situations when a vessel in the eye has burst, what you should not worry about, just let the body deal with the problem.

Don't panic if your eyes are red!

Also, the cause may be problems with blood pressure and increased fragility of the vessels in the eye. If the vessels are inherently fragile, then there is no guarantee that the problem will not recur, and this may not be too good for your eyes.


The actions that should be taken if a vessel bursts in the eye directly depend on what reason caused this problem. If the cause is a disease, then it is necessary to consult a qualified doctor to prescribe a course of treatment. As soon as the initial problem disappears, the vessels will stop bursting.

If the problem is regular increased load - for example, if you work at a computer, then gradually begin to lower this load, taking long breaks, unloading your eyes as much as possible. In order to “calm” the eyes once, you can drop the drug “Vizin” into them, or a similar one, for example, “Defislez”. Various drops for vasoconstriction will not help, they will only lead to the appearance of spots on the eyeball.

In most cases, it will not even be necessary to take any special measures, because the problem goes away without any intervention, small hemorrhages resolve quickly enough, like, for example, bruises on the body.

Moreover, the mechanisms of these two phenomena are approximately similar. If you want to speed up the resorption process, you can start taking absolutely harmless ascorbic acid. Any more serious drugs can be taken only after prior consultation with an experienced doctor.

Folk remedies in theory can be effective, but in order to use them, it is important to understand how they work, and not try to guess what to do if a vessel has burst in the eye intuitively. An example is the widespread belief that rinsing the eye with tea can help with the speedy resorption of a hemorrhage, because it helps with conjunctivitis, and people expect a similar effect with bursting blood vessels. But in fact, the effect can be the opposite - washing with tea will only bring an infection - and this will lead just to the appearance of conjunctivitis.


The appearance of such a hematoma on the eye can be prevented or, at least, reduce the likelihood of its occurrence. One of the simplest methods is to change your diet. Strive to consume as many citrus fruits as possible, which are good because they contain rutin and vitamin C, as well as other foods with these components, such as bell peppers. Avoid caffeine and alcohol as much as possible, and smoke less to keep your blood pressure in check.

Drops in the eyes, an excellent tool to prevent redness

Normalize your computer work routine by doing a warm-up for the eyes at least every twenty-five minutes. When walking, try to protect your eyes from dust, sand and other foreign bodies.

Also, do not allow excessively sharp wind currents. Try to wash your face mostly with cold water, this improves blood circulation in your tissues.

But when the vessels burst regularly, you should not try to continue such a simple prevention - you should consult a doctor directly.

An experienced ophthalmologist can help you deal with the problem, understand what to do if blood vessels burst in your eye, and prevent potential harm to your eyes.

Remember that if it happened for a reason for a disease, then nothing prevents it from happening in any other organ, so be careful when it comes to your health.

The functioning of the retina is supported by the capillary network, it provides an influx of oxygen and nutrients. Sometimes a red or scarlet spot appears on the sclera. The cause of the symptom is a burst vessel in the eye. Isolated cases of hemorrhages are not dangerous, but repeated ruptures of capillaries indicate serious health problems.

Vessels burst in the eyes - causes

The factors provoking the symptom in question can be external and internal. The first group refers to temporary conditions that are easy to eliminate. The second option includes severe chronic pathologies that can cause dangerous consequences. Additional clinical features described in the following paragraphs help to diagnose them.

A vessel burst in the eye - causes of an external nature:

  • allergic reaction;
  • excessive physical stress;
  • lack of sleep;
  • long hysterical crying, especially in children;
  • elevated temperature;
  • drinking large amounts of alcohol;
  • eye strain;
  • severe fatigue;
  • dust or smoke in the room;
  • gusty, harsh wind;
  • dry air;
  • sensitivity to bright sunlight;
  • riding on some attractions;
  • intense coughing fit and others.

The vessel in the eye burst and the eye hurts

The described problem is rarely accompanied by discomfort, a person discovers that there is a red spot on the sclera when looking in the mirror. If, after a blow, bruise or other mechanical injury, a vessel in the eye bursts, the pain can spread to the entire damaged area. In other cases, the source of discomfort is the capillary network itself and the nerve fibers located in the retina. Painful hemorrhage in the eye - causes:

  • chorioretinitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • eye tumors;
  • keratitis;
  • neuropathy;
  • dacryoadenitis and others.

The vessel in the eye burst, the head hurts

The indicated clinical picture is explained by an increase in pressure, mainly arterial. The main reason why the vessels in the eyes burst is considered to be a hypertensive crisis. The circulatory network includes thin and fragile capillaries. With an increase in the pressure of the biological fluid, they cannot withstand pressure and are torn. If, against the background of hypertension, a vessel in the eye bursts, a cardiologist will tell you what to do.

Sometimes the described problem occurs due to increased intracranial pressure. The headache in this case is intense, pressing or throbbing. Another reason is the increase in intraocular pressure. Additional symptoms are identical to hypertension. These are extremely dangerous conditions, which implies a mandatory consultation with specialized specialists.

Vessels in the eyes often burst

Regular repetition of hemorrhages in the sclera indicates the progression of chronic diseases. Vessels in the eyes can be ruptured due to disruption of the endocrine, cardiological, neurological and other systems. It is up to a qualified doctor to find out exactly what provokes the pathology in question. What causes blood vessels in the eyes to burst:

  • diabetes;
  • leukemia;
  • hemophilia;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • lymphoma;
  • coagulopathy;
  • acute beriberi;
  • anemia;
  • immunodeficiencies and other diseases.

A vessel burst in the eye - diagnosis

Determining the causes of capillary rupture begins with an appointment with an ophthalmologist. Hemorrhage in the eye is diagnosed by the following methods:

  • ultrasound examination of an apple;
  • ophthalmoscopy;
  • retinal angiography;
  • dopplerography;
  • echobiometry;
  • biomicroscopy;
  • keratotopography;
  • Norn test and other methods.

It is important to establish exactly why the vessel in the eye burst, what to do with the damage to the capillary, the doctor can decide only after finding out the causes of the problem. If the pathology was not provoked by ophthalmic diseases, the doctor will give a referral to the appropriate specialists to continue the diagnosis:

  • cardiologist;
  • neuropathologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • neurosurgeon;
  • therapist
  • traumatologist.

A vessel burst in the eye - how to treat?

Self-therapy at home is permissible only in isolated cases of hemorrhage, when it is caused by external, easily removable factors. In other situations, only a doctor will help eliminate hemorrhage in the eye, the treatment of regular capillary ruptures depends on the causes of vascular damage. It is dangerous to treat such a condition at home, it is fraught with complications and deterioration in visual acuity.

Hemorrhage in the eye - what to do?

In most cases, no special treatment is required, you can just wait 5-10 days until the hematoma resolves. If the vessels in the eyes burst, and you want to speed up the recovery, it is advisable to reduce the visual load. It is better to temporarily stop watching TV, sitting in front of a computer monitor, reading and any other similar activities. It is recommended to wear sunglasses, do not turn on bright lights indoors, and rest more often with closed eyelids.

Additional methods on how to treat hemorrhage in the eye:

  1. Instill special solutions into the conjunctival sac.
  2. Apply wet cool compresses to the eyelids before going to bed.
  3. Use natural remedies for hematomas.
  4. Take vitamins that improve metabolism and strengthen the capillary network.

A vessel burst in the eye - drops

At home, only safe solutions that do not contain potent components are allowed to be used. More effective means are used only if it is established why the vessel in the eye burst, what to do and how to treat the diagnosed condition is prescribed by a specialized specialist. Self-therapy is unacceptable and dangerous, can lead to serious complications.

Drops for hemorrhage in the eye:

  • Emoxipin;
  • Vizin;
  • Askorutin;
  • Artificial Tear;
  • Vial;
  • Taufon;
  • hyphen;
  • Oftal;
  • Visoptic;
  • Nafkon-A;
  • Vizalin and analogues.

A vessel burst in the eye - folk remedies

The most effective alternative methods of therapy are the application of compresses and lotions. A small vessel burst in the eye, what to do:

  1. Attach a circle of raw cucumber or potato to the eyelids for 10 minutes.
  2. Apply a cotton pad soaked in cold black tea.
  3. Make a compress of fresh cottage cheese wrapped in a gauze napkin.
  4. In the morning, wipe the eyelids with an ice cube from pure water or herbal infusion for 3-4 seconds.

A vessel burst in the eye - herbal treatment


  • mint leaves - 0.5 tsp;
  • chamomile flowers - 0.5 tsp;
  • lime blossom - 0.5 tsp;
  • water - 150 ml.

Preparation, application

  1. Mix dry crushed plants.
  2. Pour raw materials with boiling water.
  3. Insist 20 minutes.
  4. Strain the medicine.
  5. Make a bath for the damaged eye with herbal infusion.
  6. You can brew all the plants separately (50 ml of boiling water for each), use the resulting solutions in turn.
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