Diet for well-being: what trace elements cheer you up. Good health - health and vigor is evident

AT recent times all more people starts thinking about healthy way life and correct mode food in particular. They try to keep diet food, to control the quality of food consumed, but, unfortunately, few people care about the diet, and this is no less important. The diet has a huge impact on the processes of digestion and assimilation of food, as well as on the state of the body as a whole.

The diet should be selected taking into account many factors. One of the most important are the biorhythms of the body and individual bodies. For most people, the word "biorhythms" is something vague and unreal, although this word defines specific processes in the human body. Our body is designed in such a way that the organs do not work with a constant intensity, but cyclically: sometimes more intensely, sometimes calmer. There are periods of maximum effective work body, and there are periods of rest. A person must organize his life in accordance with the work of the body, then he will work more efficiently and harmoniously. Imagine what will happen if you drink a lot of fluid during the period of rest of the kidneys and Bladder, or perform physical exercises during the period of rest of the heart. The organs will be forced to work "through force", without rest, and this will lead to feeling unwell and rapid "wear and tear" of the body.

Food also needs to be taken in accordance with the work of the digestive and excretory organs. The maximum activity of the stomach is observed from seven to nine in the morning. It is at this time that breakfast should be taken. Breakfast should be the main meal of the day, it should be dense and rich. If you eat from seven to nine, you can be sure that all the food is digested and nothing is deposited in "fat stores". This is especially important for people who want to lose weight. During breakfast, you can eat a lot without fear of gaining weight. A hearty breakfast starts the metabolism at full capacity, and the food will be digested well.

From nine to eleven o'clock the spleen and pancreas work. They stimulate the process of digestion of food. From eleven o'clock the heart begins to work actively. Eating at this time, that is, from eleven to one, is not recommended, especially for people with heart pathologies, because eating will make the heart work harder, and this can lead to arrhythmia, tachycardia and even heart attacks.

From noon to three days you can go to lunch. Lunch should not be as dense as breakfast, and consist mainly of protein foods and fats. Carbohydrates will interfere with the digestion of proteins and fats, because they are processed much faster and provide a lot of energy. The body simply will not need to digest other food.

Dinner should be from five to half past six in the evening. Dinner later is not recommended, as the kidneys are actively working from five to seven in the evening, and then there is a period of rest. oily and rich food in the evening will cause problems with the kidneys, ranging from edema to urolithiasis. And the stomach hardly digests food eaten after nine in the evening. For dinner, it is better to eat light carbohydrate food, it is quickly broken down to energy, and at night the body can fully relax. Overeating in the evening will lead to poor health, swelling of the face and limbs, unhealthy and inadequate sleep. Late dinner leads to stagnation of food in the digestive tract and its decay, as a result - flatulence, belching and heartburn.

For a number of diseases, nutritionists recommend eating not three, but five or six times a day. In this case, you should eat in small portions with a break of three hours. You can not snack between meals, this will cause an overload of the stomach.

Remember to eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly. You should drink only very dry food, it is better to drink not earlier than an hour after eating. Water liquefies gastric juice, complicating the processes of digestion and causing fermentation of food in the stomach and intestines. Drinking after a meal (in an hour) is mandatory, since the pancreas has given up juices to digest food, and it needs to restore the supply digestive enzymes. You need to drink a glass of water.

Drink during the day you need a sufficient amount of water, one and a half to two liters. Water is essential for metabolism and cleansing of the body. If you have kidney problems required amount It is better to drink water before six o'clock in the evening, in order to avoid excessive stress on the kidneys. If you don’t feel like drinking at all (there are such people too), this is a reason to think that not everything is in order in the body, and start drinking, at least a little.

The intense pace of life modern man forces him to violate the biologically determined diet, and this leads to problems with overweight, digestive organs and well-being. Try to organize your day so that your body works harmoniously, and you will keep your health for many years to come!

How to use the nutrition system to support immunity and increase energy levels in winter, the doctor says Tibetan medicine Julia Yusipova.

According to, in winter, the amount of mucus in the body increases. This substance, accumulating, nurtures a feeling of laziness and apathy, and also causes SARS, joint diseases, and accelerates the deposition of fat. To normalize your emotional and physical state, well maintained (and even slightly enlarged) physical activity and stick to a winter-friendly food system. To do this, include in the menu a lot of warm light dishes with a little spicy, bitter or astringent taste and reduce your intake of sweet, sour, and salty foods.

Make boiled and baked vegetables the basis of the menu. Broccoli, zucchini, mushrooms, zucchini, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, spinach, carrots, pumpkin, radish, radish, turnip, swede, celery root - the choice is huge. Add onion, garlic, or garam masala (“royal concoction”) to boost their warming properties and improve digestion.

But the use of white cabbage and potatoes is better to reduce. They "cool" the stomach, and therefore are suitable only for people with strong digestion and only in warm time of the year.

Meat for winter dishes should also have "hot" properties. These are chicken, lamb, game and seafood. It is much better not to eat pork and beef in winter: they cool the body.

All sweets, with the exception of honey, contribute to the production of mucus. So it is better to replace cakes and cookies with dried fruits. They are especially useful when soaked or boiled. But fresh fruits in in large numbers, on the contrary, only increase coldness and imbalance. So eat them little by little, choosing the sweetest fruits like red oranges.

Develop the habit of adding as much as possible to all dishes: cumin (aka zira), cardamom, mustard seeds, ginger, cloves, black pepper, saffron, nutmeg, cumin, cinnamon, coriander, asafoetida, dill and garlic. This is especially important for better assimilation meat and legumes. By the way, it is best to eat these foods for lunch: between 12 and 16 hours, when the digestive fire is strongest.

Drink only warm drinks. Even the water should be almost hot. Especially good for removing mucus helps ginger tea.

It is prepared simply: cut the ginger root into strips, add cardamom and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Strain through a strainer, add honey and lemon. If there is not much time, then grate the ginger and pour boiling water over it. A more radical method is to chew a piece of ginger after each meal with a little warm water.

It is not always possible to strictly follow this system of nutrition. But this is not necessary. Even four days a week is enough to improve health and improve our well-being in winter.

Everyone wants to be healthy, because when there is no health, nothing is joyful. We offer you a selection of 30 tips that will help you be healthy and stay in good mood. What else is needed for happiness?

1. Start each new day with a smile. Try to recharge with positive and good mood.

2. Drink a glass after waking up clean water or freshly squeezed juice.

18. Learn to be alone with yourself. Try to relax and sit quietly in an armchair, after turning on pleasant music.

19. At least once every two weeks visit a bath or sauna.

20. Be careful what you eat. If possible, avoid foods that contain sodium gluconate.

21. Become a punctual person. Always arrive on time for business meetings and never be late.

22. Train your brain: solve sudoku, play various Mind games, read as many smart and useful books as possible.

23. Study foreign languages. They will come in handy when you travel and help you communicate with other people. 10 Reasons Why Learn English.

24. Make time for your appearance. visit gym or pool at least once a week.

26. Get a diary and write down all your successes and achievements. Focus on personal victories and then there will be even more of them.

27. Watch how you communicate with other people. Be polite and extremely correct in your statements. Communicate culturally Eliminate swear words from your vocabulary.

28. Diversify your life. Do something out of the ordinary, like skydive or hitchhike. Expand your comfort zone.

29. Be unique. No need to try to be like someone else. Create your own style and stick to it.

30. Learn unconditional love. Love the world around you, help other people with what you can. Give positive emotions to others, and then they will definitely reciprocate.

Have a nice day, mood and well-being!

Harmony of body and soul plus good mood and optimistic mood - something like this can be described good health. He who is in harmony with himself radiates physical and spiritual health.
basis wellness is . There are two prerequisites for this: self-confidence and love for own person. First, make time for your personal needs. People who plan for themselves rest breaks during their workdays look much more satisfied than the rest. And those who know how to enjoy life can be seen from afar. If you also think positively even in the most unpleasant situations, then the path to peace, relaxation and joy of life is open to you.

Finding a taste for life in 21 days.

Just three weeks - this is confirmed by psychologists - is enough to get rid of negative habits. Enjoyment is an art that is relatively easy to learn. But it is one of the most important prerequisites for good health. Involve your loved ones and friends in the study of this science, since social contacts are important component inner harmony.

Good health is when vitality comes from within.

Millennia ago in Asia were known effective techniques and relaxation techniques. Ancient oriental teachings, such as yoga, Ayurveda and qi-gong, are finding more and more adherents in Western countries. A combination of ancient teachings with latest knowledge in the field of nutrition and medicine opens up numerous new ways to tone up and improve well-being. One example of this is health system"Five Tibetans". It combines movement and relaxation and leads to a state of inner harmony.
Eastern teachings show how important it is to move away from rational and performance-oriented thinking and turn more towards the enjoyment and joy of life.

Strengthen self-confidence.

People who are satisfied with their appearance give the impression of being strong, self-confident. Do something along these lines and pamper your body with a massage. Allow yourself a new hairstyle, rediscover the joys that good food or an evening spent with friends. Feel the satisfaction that you managed to overcome your own passivity and you are again engaged, go to the pool or to the sports club. Prove to yourself that you can rearrange your diet and, and you will feel proud of yourself and the joy that your well-being has improved.

Motto: "Relax and enjoy!"

Learn to motivate yourself and give yourself required time. This is especially important when the gray everyday life has left its mark on your mood. Therefore, it is after a tense, stress-filled day that you personally select for yourself, according to at least, 15 minutes, and even better - half an hour. Take full advantage of this time to relax - maybe take a luxurious bath, drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice, read good book or listen to your favorite music. At the end of the week, give yourself a little vacation and start a new work week with renewed vigor.

Be pleased with yourself.
For good health, it is very important to be in harmony with yourself and accept your figure as it is, or do something to improve it.
The very first and simple step may be to consciously choose food and. Then nothing will interfere with your good self-feeling. And others will be able to see it with their own eyes, noting your grooming from head to toe and feeling the waves of good mood emanating from you.

Well-groomed from head to toe

  • If the hair has just been washed, it is uplifting. Don't skimp on hair care products.
  • Do not experiment with hairstyle or hair coloring. Permanent and abrupt change hair color is best left to an experienced hairdresser.
  • Toothpastes that not only care for your mouth but also visibly whiten your teeth will make your smile dazzling. Remember to visit your dentist regularly.
  • Take care of your fingernails and toenails. With a tincture of olive oil and lemon juice you will make your nails healthy and elastic.
  • Your hands are your business card. Apply a thick layer of arnica or chamomile cream on them, and wear cotton gloves at night.

3 week wellness program

The system, called, is considered a source of well-being and youth.

  • She strengthens connective tissues and gives elasticity to the skin.
  • In addition, energy that was not used before is released, which ensures good health.

Relaxation for wellness
Use the weekends to appeal to all your senses.

  • Consciously stop thinking about difficult things and calm your nerves by giving yourself a little vacation.
  • Awaken in yourself creativity to enjoy the joys of being, to listen, to feel, to touch...

Optimally supply your body with the necessary nutrients, and then you will like yourself.

  • Amino acids and silicic acid will add shine to your hair and make your nails strong.

apples and sea ​​buckthorn juice strengthen connective tissues. It has also been proven to improve mood and improve well-being.

How does your diet change in summer? More greens, vegetables, fruits - this is understandable, but what other foods do you prefer in the warm season, and which ones do you refuse? Your view on summer menu There is an ancient Indian teaching - Ayurveda. Here is a list of products that will help, including overheating and diarrhea.

Everything in summer healthy people can use products from this list. It is also helpful to follow this diet when your body is in need of cooling, dehydration, "grounding" and extra energy. inner space. The food on this list therapeutic effect with inflammation, hyperacidity stomach, anger, excessive emotionality, overheating, diarrhea, acne, rashes and other ailments associated with an imbalance of pitta.

The basic principle: enhance sweet, bitter and astringent tastes.

Avoid: pungent (burning), sour, salty.


These cereals are best eaten cooked.

Most suitable: barley, White rice basmati, millet, oats, white rice, whole raw wheat.

AT small quantities: brown rice.


Most suitable: unsalted butter, cottage cheese, fresh (curd) cheese, ghee (clarified butter), milk.

In small quantities: hard unsalted cheeses.


Most suitable: maple syrup, rice syrup.

In small quantities: honey.


Most suitable: ghee, olive.

In small quantities: avocado oil, canola, corn, coconut, soybean, sunflower.

Fruits and berries

Most suitable: apples, avocados, blackberries, blueberries, cantaloupe, coconut, cranberries, dates, dried fruits, figs, grapes, lemons, limes, nectarines, pineapple, prunes, raisins, raspberries, strawberries.

In small quantities: apricots, bananas (only very ripe ones), cherries, grapefruits, oranges, pineapples.


In winter, vegetables must be cooked. But in the summer, pitta people can eat raw vegetables. It is also useful to consume freshly squeezed juices from green vegetables.

Most suitable: artichokes, asparagus, bean sprouts, Bell pepper, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, White cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cilantro, watercress, cucumber, green pepper, kale, leafy vegetables, lettuce, mushrooms, onion(thoroughly cooked), peas, pumpkin, seaweed, zucchini, zucchini.

In small quantities: beets, carrots, corn, eggplant, garlic (thoroughly cooked), parsley, potatoes, spinach, sweet potato, ripe tomatoes.

Nuts and seeds

Most suitable: coconut, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds.

In small quantities: Pine nuts, sesame seeds.

Meat, fish and eggs

If you can't give up meat, reduce your intake to 2-3 times a week.

Most suitable: chicken, egg whites, River fish(trout), turkey.

In small quantities: beef, duck, egg yolk, lamb, pork, sea ​​fish, venison and other types of red meat.


Most suitable: urd (black mung bean), chickpeas, mung bean, crushed (chopped) peas, soybeans and soy products, tofu.

In small quantities: adzuki (angular beans), kidney beans, white beans navy, pinto beans.


Most suitable: cardamom, chamomile, coconut, coriander, dill, fennel, lemon verbena, peppermint, saffron, spearmint, turmeric.

In small quantities: basil, Bay leaf, black pepper, cumin, cinnamon, cumin (zira), ginger (fresh), oregano, rosemary, thyme.

Condiments, sauces, chocolate

Most suitable: carob with sweeteners from the list above.

In small quantities: mayonnaise, sweet mustard.


Most suitable: water, milk, coconut milk, bitter and astringent herbal teas and decoctions - from chicory, dandelion, hibiscus, strawberry leaf, wheatgrass (wheatgrass juice) and other freshly squeezed juices from green vegetables.

In small quantities: spiced tea or black fruit juice diluted halfway with water.

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Comment on the article "List of products for the summer: proper nutrition for good health"

Over the past few years, it has become fashionable to limit carbohydrate intake - the so-called low-carb diet. Oleg Iryshkin, candidate of medical sciences, doctor of sports medicine and sports nutrition, expert nutritionist of the federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit. Cereals Cereals are very important in the diet, as they are the main suppliers complex carbohydrates And How...

Nutrition for a nursing mother: what foods cause colic? A nursing mother during the first months after the birth of a baby must adhere to simple diet. It is necessary to limit the consumption of products, bloating: legumes, sweets, cabbage. Fresh vegetables and fruits are better not to eat yet, they can also cause bloating and colic. They should be consumed in cooked form - boiled, baked. It is undesirable to eat too fatty, overcooked, spicy and smoked dishes. FROM...


I strict diet I didn't and everything was fine. Ate everything, but within reasonable limits. The son was born in the height of summer, how can a mother do without fresh vegetables and fruits? It enriches the composition breast milk. And all babies have colic. A clockwise tummy massage with chicco massage oil helped us well.

Never followed a diet. She ate everything, but watched the reaction of the baby. I did not notice that any product affected his well-being.

Each of us strives to eat tasty and healthy. We women try to keep track of calories, enough protein in the diet, include in your menu healthy foods, drink water regularly. All these activities help us to stay beautiful, healthy and in great shape. An important factor in healthy eating is proper cooking food. With uncontrolled heat treatment products lose most their useful substances. Moreover, with strong...

I read your list of products, we have many times less allowed What about millet, broccoli, cauliflower? 04/14/2016 03:30:18 PM, Nata343.


There are sites where menus are offered by products.

We have been eating the same since August, I cook a lot, the child is also 3, so that there is a choice, Macmaster pasta is also from cornmeal and from buckwheat and rice flour, corn flour didn’t take root with us, it’s bitter, but pancakes on corn starch with a bang, the main thing is a good frying pan, try it on water and with jam, cutlets without eggs come out dry, I mix minced meat with boiled buckwheat or rice is ok

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We have such
1. Mythological plots of Ancient Greece
2.Russian folk and Arabic tales
3. Bylinv of the Kyiv cycle
4. Krylov's fables
5. Aesop's fables
6. Gagarin-Mikhailovsky "Childhood Themes"
7. Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazay"
8. Sh. Perro "Ricky with a tuft"
9.A.Milnn "Winnie the Pooh"
10. Garshin "Frog Traveler"
11. Koval "Nightingales"
12. Dmitriev "On the nature of big and small"
13. Gaidar "Hot Stone"
14. Paustovsky "Steel ring"
15. Dragoon "Girl on the ball"
16. Petrushevskaya "Tales"
17. Kozlov "Tales"
18. Jan Larry "The Unusual Adventures of Scream and Vali"
19. Lagerlöf "Niels' Journey with Wild Geese"
20. Darrell "My family and other animals
21. Harris "Tales of Uncle Remus"
22. Lewis "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe"
23. Rodari "Gelsomino in the Land of Liars", "The Adventure of the Blue Arrow"
24. Kipling
25. Raspe "The Adventures of Munchausen"
26. Seton-Thompson "Street Singer"
27. Baum "The Wizard of Oz"
28. Preusler "Little Ghost"
29. Travers "Mary Poppins"
30. Golyavkin "Stories"
31. Raskin "When Dad Was Little"
32. Hogarth "Muffin and his merry friends"
33. Uspensky "Crocodile Gena"
34. Bazhov "Silver Hoof"
35. Gubarev "Kingdom of crooked mirrors"
36. Prokofiev "The Wizard's Apprentice"
37. Lagin "Old Man Hottabych"

1. Russian folk epics: about Ilya Muromets, about Alyosha Popovich, “Dobrynya and the Snake”, “Volga and Mikula”.

3.I.A.Krylov. (Optional) "Crow and Fox", "Elephant and Pug", "Swan, Pike and Cancer", "Quartet", "Wolf and Lamb", etc.

4. Sh. Perro. Fairy Gifts.

5.Ts.Topelius. "Sunbeam in November".

6.A.S. Pushkin. Poems and fairy tales.

7. I.S. Turgenev. "Mu Mu".

8. F.I. Tyutchev. Poetry.

10.A.A.Fet. Poetry.

11. L.N. Tolstoy. "Philippok" and other stories and fairy tales for children (optional).

12. N.A. Nekrasov. Optional: "Grandfather Mazai and hares", "Man with a fingernail" and other poems.

13. A.P. Chekhov. Optional: "White-fronted", "Vanka", " Horse surname"and others (optional).

14. D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak. Optional: "Winter hut for Studenoy", " gray neck”, “Priemysh”, “Spit”, etc.

15. A.I. Kuprin. Optional: "Elephant", " white poodle" and etc.

16. S.A. Yesenin, “Kachalov’s Dog” (“Give me a paw for luck, Jim ...”), etc. (see [link-2]) (optional).

17.K.G. Paustovsky. By choice: "Warm bread", "Disheveled sparrow", "Steel ring", "For the guys about the animals", "Cat-thief", "The adventure of the rhinoceros beetle", etc.

18.S.Ya.Marshak. By choice: “Here is such an absent-minded”, “Postman”, “Good day”, “Master - a master”, “Luggage”, “Mustachioed - striped”, etc.

19.Leonid Panteleev. Optionally: " Honestly”, “On the skiff”, “Marinka”, “Guards Private”, “About Squirrel and Tamarochka”, “The letter“ you ”, etc.

20. A.P. Gaidar. Optional: "The Tale of military secret, about Malchish-Kibalchish and his firm word", "Hot Stone", "Hiking", "Blue Cup", "Dugout", "Timur and his team", "R.V.S.", "Distant countries", "On the Count's Ruins", "The Fate of a Drummer", etc.

21.M.M. Prishvin. Optional: “Fox bread”, “Golden meadow”, “Birch bark tube”, “ Queen of Spades”,“ Guys and ducklings ”, etc.

22. Jack London, The Wolf

23. E. Seton-Thompson "Chink".

Even if you don't need to lose weight, it's still worth watching your diet. correct balanced diet every day helps to maintain health and high level energy, in addition, significantly improves the quality of life. Usually people buy some certain products, prepare food for a week and eat monotonously. We advise you to cook various dishes from the basic set of cereals, meat, vegetables and add to your daily menu vegetables and fruits. Don't forget to drink...

List of products for the month. Girls, the situation is such that the husband goes to advanced training courses, and during this time he is decently cut back on salary, I have not prepared Greens since the summer. We don’t eat yogurts, I’m still not going to buy a yogurt maker, but what is sold is not a hunt.


I summed up your products at our prices near Moscow - it turned out 6670 rubles. We have an average of 10,000-11,000 for a meal for three, but we buy all sorts of sweet extravagances, and, in addition, this amount includes a couple of fast food snacks.
For me, your list lacks tea, coffee, flour (there is margarine for baking, but no flour, strange :), fermented milk products and sweets.

I don’t know about you, but if you buy more cheese or meat than you need, they will gobble up everything that is. no savings)

Of course, there is always a supply of frozen vegetables and fruits in the freezer (I make it myself in the summer) and you make a list of products that you throw away - in a couple of months look at this piece of paper and evaluate what and how much less you need to buy :-) 25.04.2011 16 :50:39, Fire.


I'm shaking when I have to throw away food, so the counter turns on in the store - DO NOT buy extra
besides, my head is full of holes, I used to keep a piece of paper in a conspicuous place and write down as soon as it hit my head what I need to buy. For a week the list is replenished, with him I go to the store-to the market. Maybe you buy the usual set of products, not considering whether you need them this time.

In our termite mound, everything is eaten, and even until the end of the week, what was bought with the expectation of a week is not enough.

I went and donated blood for a hemo-test - determining the list of products by blood group. We advise you to read: overalls for the summer of 2011. endometriosis 2 degrees. clinic family kashirka.


Are you all skinny? Raw vegetables would only embarrass me if the baby had stomach problems. I only eat boiled frozen. Now there is no raw vegetable variety (By the way, I lost weight when I fasted strictly for 3 weeks due to Manyashin's dermatitis. I ate corn and rice porridge, green vegetables, rye bread, jam and vegetable oil. Olive., 1 apple and 1 banana Immediately 2 kilos as from a bush.

What do you need to lose weight? I've removed flour and sweets and stopped eating after six, the weight went down. True, I don’t know how this will affect GW, while TTT seems to be nothing. It seemed to me (from the photographs) that you are a very slim girl)))

And, accordingly, products from them - bread, pasta, flour, cookies, pies. How much is in that. to balance this shortcoming. In summer, similar flowers grow in our meadow near the dacha, I just don’t remember the leaves - are they like that or not.


The problem is not so much with not giving wheat, rye, barley and sometimes oats. And, accordingly, products from them - bread, pasta, flour, cookies, pies. How much is in that. to balance this shortcoming. If you just give what you could find from what is left, the child may have other problems: (Therefore, you need to increase! The number of products is primarily with high content fiber without gluten, iron and B vitamins. Fiber is fresh vegetables and fruits, beans, legumes and lentils, seeds and dried fruits. Iron is game meat, poultry and dried fruits. Group B is nuts, seeds, legumes, eggs, milk, fish, lean meats, dried fruits, and green leafy vegetables.
Foods that are high in beta-carotene and vitamin A should also be given to help protect the mucous membranes in the small intestine.
Let me remind you that gluten eneropathy - autoimmune disease. The child's body takes gluten as an antigen, a stranger, and produces an immune attack on it. As a result, the wall small intestine, covered with small villi, is damaged and begins to atrophy. This makes it difficult to understand nutrients. In short, the child eats and eats, but the brain does not receive nutrition :(
Therefore, vitamin A is important. It is important for all children, but especially here.
Beta-carotene is apricot, carrot, pumpkin, broccoli, sweet potato (orange), spinach, watercress, melon, nut butter, mango, papaya.
Hidden gluten (gluten) can be found in ready-made soups and sauces (add wheat flour). Solution - cook yourself, add flour from peas, lentils, corn, rice. It is very easy to grind yourself in a regular coffee grinder, specifically for one time, for cooking.
Hidden gluten can be in lemon-barley water, malt, barley enzymes (sometimes used to make rice and soy milk).
Hidden grains (gluten) can be in caramel, maltose, malt, malt flour, citric acid, maltodextrin, modified starch.
Hidden gluten can be found in margarine, vegetable protein, sometimes soy sauce, beer, mustard, tomato ketchup, powdered gravy, bouillon cubes, curries, and other seasoning mixes.
Oats contain prothien avenin, which has similar properties to gluten, but many people can tolerate. If this is the case - do not abuse oats, use wisely and better get checked.
What we eat most often:
1. Borsch, or chicken soup with rice noodles.
2. Cutlets: they have - chicken, or lean meat, or fish;
bean flour, or lentil, or pea flour;
ground black pepper or paprika or turmeric - or other spices - are very important;
flaxseed flour, or ground sunflower seeds, or ground pumpkin seeds;
grated zucchini, or grated carrots, or grated pumpkin, or grated beets;
cold-pressed (unrefined) sunflower or olive oil, or with the addition sea ​​buckthorn oil.
Garnish: potatoes, buckwheat, rice. Buckwheat, rice porridge, or with berries, or with fruits, or ... in lactose-free milk.
3. Black tea, or green, or red, or with raspberries, or cranberries, or blueberries, or lotus, or milk thistle, or ... Compote. Juices.

My plan with the same tasks was something like this:

Breakfast (must have 3 options at least)
- oatmeal according to your recipe
- protein omelet (2-3 proteins + skim milk)
- 0% cottage cheese + grated apple (or any other fruit) - no more than 100 g.
- maybe a piece of cheese
- you can Finnish rye bread with cottage cheese or jam without sugar

- meat or fish (size no larger than a deck of cards) + salad (400 g). First you need to eat a salad.
- you can vegetable soup + salad + meat (poultry or fish)
- you can miso soup + sashimi + salad


Large salad (400 g) + scrambled eggs,
Salad + stewed vegetables (or even better steamed).
Salad + oyster mushrooms with eggplant (there is a super tasty and quick recipe),
you can cottage cheese with fruit (sybarite), you can salad with seafood (cucumbers + boiled squid). There are a lot of recipes, it is better to think in advance for a week, what, why and when and buy everything in advance - it will be easier.

Oh well, I like it! "It is known that with GV" ..! WHAT MUCH?! Those prejudices! Believe me, from peas and milk there will NOT be a puff of a child! And from prunes, he will not be better either! Nothing will save you from colic, except time! Espumizan type drugs can help a little. Think for yourself: if the problems with the child's digestion would be solved JUST BY THE DIET of the mother, how simple it would be! However, with your diet, for some reason, the child STILL has a stomach ache! A diet with HB implies hypoallergenicity, and even then if the child IS allergic to something. And you can’t deprive yourself, and therefore the child, of vitamins and microelements! only because someone there "It is known that with GV ..." I feed 5.5 months. I eat EVERYTHING ABSOLUTELY, the first two months fell on summer-autumn, and I ate grapes, melons, watermelons, apricots, strawberries, raspberries - the list is endless, in short, everything that is considered allergens. No diathesis! And colic began at 3 weeks and ended on Sasha's birthday - 3 months. Espumizan and Plantex did not help us. Diathesis appeared only after eating half a kilo of marmalade and marshmallow at a time. I drink from the first day of breastfeeding and still have at least 1 liter of milk per day. We have never had diarrhea, and we also do not know what constipation is. Only cigarettes and alcohol need to be completely excluded, but there are some: my baby will puff up from cabbage and from milk too, I don’t drink vitamins, because the baby is allergic to coloring elements, but I can’t refuse smoking: just a pack per week - light type is possible. The poor child is deprived of all the most useful, but nicotine is swallowed in plenty.

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