Why kidney stones. Where do kidney stones come from? Chemical composition and reasons for their formation. Methods of treatment. Why kidney stones form

It is one of the most common renal pathologies. Stones can reach large sizes, which complicates treatment and poses a great threat to health. But what causes kidney stones?

To answer this question, it is necessary to understand the etiology of the development of the disease.

Biochemical aspect of the formation of kidney stones

If you delve into biochemistry, then urine is a supersaturated solution in which colloids (protein substances) keep excess salts in a dissolved form.

Therefore, we can say that urine is a colloidal solution. When the colloidal level decreases, a certain part of the dissolved salts goes into an undissolved state, as a result of which a precipitate forms.

The production of colloids occurs in the parenchyma of the kidney, normally they should be produced in an amount of about 1 gram per day.

The following factors can influence the decline in their production:

  • the presence of substances that provoke the transformation of colloids into a precipitate;
  • change in colloidal dispersion, as a result of which they precipitate;
  • deterioration of renal secretion;
  • pH change.

Simply put, kidney stones form due to a decrease in the level of colloids or.

Factors that provoke the formation of stones

The reasons why kidney stones form are also hereditary predisposition and metabolic disorders. There are other reasons for the occurrence urolithiasis are:

  • salts in drinking water, which are in high quantities;
  • the causes of kidney stones are also associated with the use of spicy, salty and fried foods;
  • hot climatic conditions, which cause dehydration of the body;
  • insufficient fluid intake is also the reason why stones appear, as this leads to urine concentration;
  • chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system;

  • bone diseases and injuries;
  • kidney dysfunction, which disrupt the output of urine, resulting in its stagnation and salt crystals are modified into stones;
  • lack of vitamin A (avitaminosis) and an excess of vitamin D and C (hypervitaminosis);
  • prolonged use of certain drugs, such as sulfonamides or diuretics;
  • excessive alcohol consumption, which causes great damage not only to the kidneys, but to the entire body.

These are the main reasons why kidney stones come from. But not all. Stones may form due to wrong image life, smoking a large number of cigarettes a day, eating products, with high content oxalates.

The following foods can affect the formation of kidney stones:

  • beans;
  • green peppers and leafy vegetables;
  • potato;
  • blue grapes;
  • olives;
  • carrots and beets;
  • citrus;

  • berries such as blackberries, raspberries, gooseberries;
  • kiwi;
  • figs;
  • nuts (walnuts, pine nuts, pistachios, peanuts);
  • buckwheat and corn porridge;
  • fennel;
  • loaves.

People who have a predisposition to the formation of stones should refrain from eating the above products. In addition, you should give up tea, chocolate drinks, beer, grape juice and alcohol.

Signs of kidney stones

A kidney stone does not form overnight. it long process, which the long time may be asymptomatic. Only occasionally, the pathology can manifest itself as short-term pain in the lower back, which in most cases is not given the necessary attention.

Only when the stone reaches a large size, the intensity of pain increases, which makes a person see a doctor, but the size of the stone is already disappointing.

Often, patients learn about stones or kidney stones quite by accident, undergoing examination for other pathologies. The presence of sand, as a rule, is accompanied by pain during urination, cloudy urine and the appearance of a specific smell.

Light tapping in the kidneys is also a sign of stone formation. If at the same time pain is manifested (even if insignificant), this increases the likelihood of the development of pathology.

There are stones that strongly irritate the mucous membranes of the urinary system, they are large and manifest themselves as renal colic.

Renal colic

Giving to the hips, groin - the most typical feature urolithiasis. Painful sensations are localized depending on the location of the stones. When formed, colic appears, extending to the genitals. Therefore, a person cannot immediately determine what the pain comes from.

A great danger is the condition when the stone clogs the urinary tract, which leads to the development acute delay urine.

This condition may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • not passing gases;
  • bloating.

It is one of the main symptoms of urolithiasis, however, the development of this symptom is also possible with other pathologies, for example:

  • hydronephrosis;
  • wandering kidney.

Common causes of renal colic may include:

  • pancreatitis;
  • acute cholecystitis;
  • torsion of an adnexal cyst;
  • an attack of sciatica;

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • appendicitis;
  • ectopic pregnancy.


When anxiety symptoms characteristic of urolithiasis, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. First of all, the doctor will prescribe painkillers to eliminate pain, and then prescribe necessary examination. Mandatory diagnostic procedures in kidney disease are:

  • analysis of urine and blood;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys;
  • analysis of ejected stones.

At the same time, the patient's signs of the disease are taken into account: how long the pain has been present, what character pain syndrome(one-sided or two-sided), whether there is an admixture of blood in the urine, comorbidities and what methods of treatment were performed earlier.

If the doctor considers it necessary, then the patient, in order to make a diagnosis of urolithiasis, will need to undergo additional diagnostics:

  • x-ray;
  • CT scan.

Methods of treatment of urolithiasis

In many cases, kidney stones appear due to malnutrition. Therefore, treatment should first of all begin with, which is developed by the doctor. Drug therapy is used to remove stones from the kidneys and in some cases surgical intervention.

To prescribe proper nutrition, it is necessary to analyze the stones that have come out of the kidneys. If phosphates predominate in them, then foods such as boiled meat, boiled fish, butter, cereals and foods containing vitamin C should prevail in the diet.

If oxalates are found, you can eat cabbage, pasta, beets, bread, onions and sweets. If urates have formed in the kidneys, the diet should consist of berries, vegetable soups, fruits, vegetables, breads, juices and dairy products.

With renal colic or surgery for a reason, it is forbidden to use legumes, sausages, canned fish or meat, currants, parsley, lemons, chocolate, coffee and gooseberries. It is also necessary to reduce the consumption of cheese and dairy products. A person who is struggling with urolithiasis should completely abandon alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

But the use of cranberries and fruit drinks from it, along with a decoction of wild rose, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys and helps to get rid of stones.

Treatment of urolithiasis is carried out with drugs that dissolve stones:

  • antispasmodics;
  • anti-inflammatory non-steroids;
  • antibiotics;
  • herbal preparations.

Surgical treatment is used when the stone begins to provoke complications, for example, clog the urinary tract, cause infectious process or bleeding.

More recently, the most common surgical method that allows you to quickly get rid of the pathology was abdominal surgery. However, the danger and trauma is quite high. Therefore, today's medicine prefers more gentle surgical methods. But such procedures are carried out only if there is no big stones.

Shock wave lithotripsy is the use of a special wave that is directed onto the stone under ultrasound control. The effectiveness of this method is achieved only in the presence of stones no more than 2.5 cm.

Nephrolitholapaxy is a method that allows you to remove large stones (from 1.5 cm or more). With the help of a nephroscope and special instruments that are inserted through a small incision in the area of ​​the kidney, the surgeon crushes and then removes the stones. However, if the stones are too large, this procedure will not be effective.

As for large stones in the ureter, they are removed with an endoscope after they are brought down into the bladder. Larger kidney stones are removed endoscopically through the urethra.

Preventive measures

Urolithiasis is one of the chronic pathologies, so the risk of re-stone formation accompanies a person throughout his life. In most cases, stones recur when a person does not maintain a proper lifestyle after treatment.

In order to prevent urolithiasis, it is necessary to abandon alcoholic beverages. It is necessary to consume the required daily volume of fluid and treat pathologies of the urinary system in time. In addition, the liquid consumed should only be of good quality.

Anyone who has had sand come out of their kidneys at least once in their life knows firsthand how painful it is. In fact, these are not stones at all, but salt crystals or stones. There are single and multiple different size and composition. Their presence indicates a chronic, prone to relapse, metabolic disease. After removal, they form again. From common urological problem affects 1-3% of the population, from 20 to 50 years. Among patients more men. Consider the signs of nephrolithiasis, causes, diagnostic methods, methods of treatment, preventive measures.

Kidney stones: symptoms

Urolithiasis (ICD) goes through three stages of development:

  • Hidden, without obvious signs of pathology. Possible: slight chills, fatigue, weakness.
  • Initial, when the calculus is already formed and, moving, causes dull pain, more often in the lumbar region.
  • Severe, with severe attacks and high fever. The stage at which, as a rule, they seek advice and medical help from a urologist.

Kidney stones do not give out anything until the crystals begin to "travel" through the urinary system. The main signs of kidney stones are::

  • Strong, paroxysmal cutting pain in the lumbar region, groin. In men - in the perineum and scrotum. Colic recurs if the urinary tract contains large crystals instead of sand.
  • cloudy urine with blood impurities as a result of injury to the urinary tract mucosa.
  • Autonomic disorders: pallor, sweating.

Impaired passage of urine often triggers an infectious process in the kidneys. Stones always become provocateurs of chronic bacterial inflammation. In such cases, pain sensations are supplemented by general infectious symptoms: headache, weakness, chills. In men and women clinical picture disease is fundamentally different.

Why do kidney stones appear

First, let's talk about the classification of crystals:

  • AT acidic environment black-gray oxalates of a dense structure with a spiny surface are formed. They account for 80% of all cases of KSD (they scratch the mucous membrane, are easily detected). Medicines are powerless against them. It can be destroyed using only energy impact. If large stones are found, surgery.
  • Phosphates are soft light gray smooth formations. The main reason for their precipitation is the alkalization of urine. Quite easily dissolved and crushed.
  • Urates are brown-yellow calculi, distinguished by hardness, smooth surface. Detected by urinalysis. Removed by drugs, diet, plentiful drink and moderate physical activity.
  • Carbonates - light soft smooth crystals, which are salts of carbonic acid.
  • Protein. Flat formations are based on bacterial agents, minerals, fibrin.
  • Cystine in the form of yellowish, round stones with a sulfur-containing amino acid in the composition. The reason is a congenital anomaly of metabolism, in which the concentration of cystine significantly exceeds the norm. Detected by ultrasound and laboratory. Treatment is conservative, if large lesions are found, surgery is indicated.

The crystallization of urine is based on the precipitation of salts on a kind of matrix consisting of protein molecules. Factors associated with ICD are the following:

  • Violation of the metabolism of minerals, sometimes hereditary. Therefore, those who in the family were suffering from nephrolithiasis, it is necessary to remember and carry out the prevention of urolithiasis.
  • Pathology develops due to increased sweating, resulting in dehydration of the body, saturation of urine with salts and their gradual crystallization. Infectious diseases, as well as poisoning, accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, lead to dehydration.
  • In a cold climate, beriberi A and D, lack of light become provocateurs of ICD. As well as a diet with a predominance of meat, fish, dairy products, hard water, a love of salt.
  • Taking certain medications used in the treatment of tuberculosis, osteoporosis and other pathologies.

Among the endogenous factors contributing to KSD, following states:

  • Hyperparathyroidism, leading to the washing out of calcium from the bones and an increase in the content of phosphates.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Fractures, prolonged immobility, violation of the dynamics of urination.
  • Diseases of the digestive canal (colitis, ulcers, gastritis) and failure of the acid-base balance.
  • Urinary tract infection.

The delayed outflow of urine leads to stagnation and precipitation of salts. Developing infections increase the levels of protein and other inflammatory substrates. They serve as a precipitation matrix for future crystals.

Accurate diagnosis

Used to detect stones in the urinary system following methods:

  • Laboratory analysis of blood and urine. Allows you to identify violations of metabolic processes, detect infection, clarify the degree of inflammation, as well as the chemical composition of the crystals.
  • Urine culture to identify the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to specific antibacterial drugs.
  • After removing the crystals, a study of its composition is performed to identify the cause of the KSD. Helps to avoid stone formation in the future.
  • Radiography is an auxiliary technique. Accurately detects large oxalates.
  • ultrasound as the most effective method instrumental diagnostics nephrolithiasis.
  • Urography with contrast, in which a substance is injected into a vein to determine the size and localization of stones.
  • CT and MRI. Methods for diagnosing KSD, providing information on the density of crystals, the state of the ureters. They answer questions about the possibility of remote crushing, as well as the presence of contraindications to the use of a laser.

The main thing is not to delay the diagnosis in order to prevent infection and inflammation of the kidneys, and, therefore, their removal.

Possible Complications

ICD is fraught with kidney loss or even death. More common:

  • Nephrosclerosis, in which healthy tissue is replaced by scar connective tissue.
  • Pyelonephritis (acute or chronic). infectious disease with pulling pain in the lumbar region and abdomen.
  • Pyonephrosis is a pathology in which the kidney turns into a "bubble" with pus. The affected organ is removed to stop the further spread of the infection.
  • Renal failure. In plasma, the level of nitrogen-containing compounds increases, including uric acid and creatinine. Toxic Substances poison the body, which can lead to the death of the patient.
  • Acute cystitis with injury to the bladder mucosa. It causes its inflammation, especially during hypothermia due to the facilitated access of various infectious agents against the background of weakened immunity.
  • Urethritis, in which the damaged mucosa of the urethra becomes an entrance for pathogenic bacteria.

Common complications of KSD include:

  • Anemia with weakness, tachycardia, dizziness.
  • Increased arterial pressure associated with overproduction of the hormone renin.
  • Salt deposits in various organs.

Kidney stones: treatment

The treatment prescribed by the urologist depends on the size of the crystals:

  • Sand (up to 0.1 mm) is eliminated with the help of a diet, refusal bad habits.
  • Small pebbles from 1 to 6 mm are removed using a conservative expectant technique with the use of uroliths, antibacterial compounds, antispasmodics.

Preparations for the dissolution of stones

Allopurinol copes with urates, which reduces the acidity of urine. Get rid of phosphates:

  • Madder extract- medicine without side effects.
  • spilled- a highly effective agent that removes crystals, normalizes metabolic processes, improves the functionality of urination. Him natural base and, accordingly, the risk of side effects minimal.

Prolit has antiseptic properties, therefore it treats inflammation in the kidneys. It has a convenient capsule form of release. For 1-2 months, small phosphates and sand are completely removed from the body.

The disadvantage of the drug is the ability to provoke allergic reactions. Prolit is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as in patients with atherosclerosis, prone to neuroses and insomnia.

Get rid of oxalates:

  • cystone. A natural drug that has a complex effect on the urinary system. Accelerates recovery by removing inflammation, eliminating the root cause of the disease.
  • Asparkam. Reception is possible only under medical supervision. Be sure to follow the instructions and dosages, as active substance affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Approved for use even by pregnant women. Self-medication with asparkam is strictly prohibited.

There are a number of drugs universal action, effectively removing different types of crystals. This category includes:

  • Penicillamine.
  • Blemarin.
  • Uralit-U.
  • Kanefron.
  • Urolesan.

Antispasmodics are indicated for pain relief: Baralgin, No-Shpa, Spazmalgon.

Crushing stones, methods

Any methods of treating KSD require a period of rehabilitation, when it is necessary to follow a diet, drinking regimen, a certain level of physical activity. Fulfilling all the doctor's prescriptions, the patient quickly returns to his usual life without relapses and severe consequences. At untimely appeal to the doctor, the course of KSD becomes more complicated, leads to the development of other comorbidities.

Folk remedies

Signs of kidney stones will weaken if you eat 1 kg of watermelons for a season for 14 days. Can also be dried striped crusts and drink in winter for 2 weeks as a tea.

Parsley infusion will help from phosphates. For cooking, add 200 ml of boiling water to 30 g of greens. Endure the night. Drink within 2 months before breakfast and dinner.

Composition based on rosehip root. Prepared from 5 tbsp. l. crushed dry raw materials and 1 liter of water. After boiling insist 12 hours. Drink 250 ml 3 times a day.

Folk remedies from the ICD - good alternative conservative therapy.

diet for kidney stones

A special diet is selected by the attending physician. Due to the presence of phosphates, you will have to exclude spicy, pumpkin, potatoes, legumes from the diet. It is better to replace them with kefir, grapes, fruits, sauerkraut. It is recommended to drink mineral water, which increases the acidic properties of urine.

The presence of urates is an indication for restricting products with high content purines:

  • Chocolate.
  • Alcohol.
  • Meat of red varieties and broths based on them.
  • Fried, spicy.

The tendency to form salts of oxalic acid - an indication for exclusion from the diet following products:

  • Citrus fruits (especially grapefruit).
  • Currant.
  • Nuts.
  • Sorrel, spinach.
  • Cocoa.

The previous recommendations regarding the restriction of dairy products are not practiced today. According to the latest data, natural calcium does not lead to stone formation. The metal element, on the contrary, is a signal to the body that the mineral is enough, so it should not be accumulated in the form of crystals. Essentuki No. 20, Naftusya are recommended for drinking.

Kidney stones are one of the most common urological pathologies that occur in people of all ages. In the past few years, cases of urolithiasis have increased significantly, which doctors attribute to the deterioration of environmental conditions, a change in the type of diet and a decrease in motor activity. Of no small importance are also endocrine disorders and congenital anomalies of the urinary organs, the number of which, alas, does not decrease with the development of scientific and technological progress.

Reasons for the formation of stones in the kidneys

Currently, there are many different assumptions about the causes leading to the formation of stones in the urinary tract. They can be divided into two groups: external (objective) and internal (subjective).

External factors

To the objective reasons that led to kidney stone disease, relate:

  • food consumed by a person;
  • quality and composition drinking water;
  • the patient's lifestyle;
  • climatic zone of residence.

Among these reasons, the last one plays the most important role. In a hot climate, where the average air temperature during the year exceeds +28 ° C, a person experiences profuse sweating, in connection with which its biological fluids thicken and the salt content increases in them. In addition, people in the heat are forced to drink a lot, and if the water in the area is too hard (that is, it has a lot of calcium), then this contributes to the formation of kidney stones.

In a hot and dry climate, people often have to quench their thirst with poor-quality water.

Those people who live in the Far North of the globe, in the Arctic, are also highly likely to develop urolithiasis. Since there is very little sunlight and ultraviolet radiation, the human body does not synthesize vitamin D, which is necessary for calcium-phosphorus metabolism. And this leads to the deposition of salts and stone formation.

There is very little sunlight in the Far North, so the locals suffer from a lack of vitamin D in the body

The same damage causes a person both an excess and a deficiency of sunlight. Abnormal vitamin contentD in the body - one of the main causes of kidney stone disease.

The mode of food intake also strongly influences the formation and growth of stones in the kidneys. Monotonous and irregular meals, snacks on the run, lack of liquid meals in the diet - all these factors create favorable conditions for an increase in urine density and subsequent stone formation.

Excess in the menu of pickles, marinades, spicy and spicy dishes leads to the formation of oxalates - stones composed of salts of oxalic acid. Excessive addiction to smoked meats and canned food, lard and meat contributes to the deposition of urates - uric acid salts. A meager, monotonous diet of exclusively dairy or vegetable products (for example, rice) causes excess accumulation phosphoric acid precipitate, which serves as the basis for the formation of phosphate stones.

Internal causes

Internal, or subjective, factors of stone formation can be considered:

  • vitamin and hormonal imbalance in the body;
  • endocrine and metabolic disorders;
  • prolonged immobility due to a serious illness;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • suffered injuries;
  • pathology of the structure of the organs of the urinary system.

Some diseases of the glands internal secretion cause the formation of stones. In such patients, the water-salt metabolism in the body is disturbed, and this creates favorable conditions for the development of so-called urinary diathesis. The result of the latter is kidney stone disease.

In urology, urinary is called excessive salt precipitation in the form of sand, which interferes with the free movement of urine and can even provoke renal colic.

Acid-base balance in urine to a large extent affects the rate of crystallization. Normally, the reaction of this liquid is slightly acidic, but if it becomes alkaline due to any factors, then urates, phosphates, oxalates and carbonates begin to form.

Scientists have found that urine contains some "protective" substances that prevent the crystallization of salts. And if, due to some endocrine disorder, the amount of these colloids decreases, then the balance is disturbed and salts settle on the walls of the urinary tract.

In case of malfunction parathyroid glands, with the help of which the regulation of calcium metabolism in the body occurs, the content of this microelement increases in the blood and urine. As a result, large amounts of calcium phosphate crystals fall into the urine, which serve as the basis for the future formation of phosphate stones.

Calculi in the kidneys can also be formed due to diseases of the digestive organs - stomach, liver, intestines. Frominternal factors, influencingoccurrence of urolithiasis, means a lotcondition adrenalov. With their improper functioning, nitrogenous compounds begin to accumulate in the body. Sometimes stone formation is promoted by disturbances in the work of the sex glands.

Hard deposits can appear in the kidneys of a person if he has been bedridden for a long time by a serious illness or injury. With a long forced stay in lying position the metabolism in the body slows down significantly, which is why the strongly formed urinary salts begin to precipitate. This phenomenon is not dangerous exactly as long as the crystals do not stick together with the help of urinary pigments and proteins. The formation of microliths (grains of sand) is already the beginning of kidney stone disease.

In a person who is bedridden for a long time with a serious illness, the metabolism slows down greatly, which can lead to kidney stone formation.

Features of psychological causes

It is the urinary organs that are designed to bring out human waste with urine. They have long been considered the purgatory of the body from poisonous substances and pollution.

As you know, calculi are nothing more than solid accumulations of organic compounds that, without finding a way out of the human body, are deposited in the kidneys.

Accept that a liquid product in the form of urine represents the emotions and experiences of a person, which it is time to release into the wild. However, when people do not forget old grievances for too long, keep unnecessary or evil thoughts in themselves, aggression and negativity gather inside the body in the form of stones. Therefore, there is an opinion that kidney stones are the trouble of closed and cold people who are used to hiding their true feelings from the world.

Urolithiasis, as it were, signals to its carrier that from negative energy you need to get rid of it, drive it out of yourself, because it does not allow the human soul to live freely in the same way that kidney stones interfere with the body, making it difficult for urine to leave the body.

Psychologists believe that if solid deposits appear in the kidneys, then they personify a feeling of disappointment with life, unspoken emotions, hidden anger. Most often, people who are offended by the opposite sex for some personal reason, experiencing irritation and anger towards their spouse suffer from urolithiasis. Stones in the kidneys, as it were, symbolize unpleasant psychological experiences left after some kind of life's adversity.

Patients with urolithiasis are often weak in spirit, do not believe in themselves, do not respect and do not love themselves. Lack of interest in life, fear of the future is reflected precisely in the kidneys, clogging them with foreign bodies.

A person who knows what physical suffering causes stones coming out of the kidneys can easily assume that letting go of past grievances will be even more difficult. Negative emotions formed over the years are difficult to expel from oneself, but possible. You just need to learn to be more tolerant of the world and other people, accept them as they are, and not judge. Of course, it's hard, but if you want, you can do it. Kidney stones tell a person that he needs to become kinder, more responsive, soften his views on life and the world around him.

The kidneys are the traditional landing site for stones that have fallen from the heart.


Foods and drinks that promote the development of stones

The type of nutrition is a key point in the prevention of urolithiasis. By limiting certain foods and drinks in your diet, you can keep your kidneys from getting hard deposits in them.

Food, from the frequent use of which, in the presence of concomitant predisposing factors, stones appear in the urinary tract:

  • Red meat. An excess of animal proteins, which it is rich in, causes an increase in the content of calcium and uric acid in urine. And the nitrogen formed as a result of the processing of the product by the gastrointestinal tract is the material for the release of toxins into the blood. These factors can trigger the process of stone formation, so red meat is recommended to be eaten no more than twice a week.
    Red meat should be eaten twice a week
  • Soy products. These include soybeans, soy milk, and tofu, which has a distinctive flavor but is very popular in China. These foods are high in oxalates, which cause urine to crystallize and form kidney stones.
    Soybeans, soy milk and tofu cheese are dangerous for the body and can affect kidney health
  • Artificial sugar substitutes. In an effort to reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed in order to lose weight, some people put special sweeteners, produced mainly for diabetics, in tea instead of sugar. But not everyone knows that with their frequent use kidney function is disrupted. Moreover, these substances wash out calcium salts from the blood and contribute to their sedimentation in the kidneys, which serves as the basis for the formation of stones there.
    The harm of artificial sweeteners has long been proven
  • Salt. Excessive use of it is a prerequisite for the development of kidney stone disease. Fluid retention in the body caused by salty food, disrupts physiological urination. Stagnant urine is known to cause it to thicken and form stones. It is best to completely remove salt from the diet, and instead improve the taste of food with herbs and seasonings.
    Salt intake should be reduced to 2 g per day
  • Simple carbohydrates. People at risk for kidney stones should avoid white rice, sugar, wheat bread, flour and sweet confectionery. These foods cause fluctuations in insulin levels in the body, causing calcium to leave the skeleton and settle in the urinary tract. Research scientists have proven that it is the excessive consumption of sweets that leads to kidney stone disease.
    People at risk for the formation of kidney stones should better stop eating flour and sugary foods.
  • Sweet carbonated drinks. Orthophosphoric acid, contained in Pepsi, Coca-Cola, soda and fruit nectars, when used systematically, can lead to the appearance of kidney stones. Instead of these drinks to quench your thirst, it is better to drink ordinary clean water with lemon juice.
    Sweet carbonated drinks harm the human body, especially children
  • Atlantic sardines, smoked sprat, trout, dried porcini mushrooms, tuna in oil, anchovies. All these delicacies contain a large amount of special substances (purines), the excess of which increases the concentration of uric acid in the body. This leads to the formation of urates in the kidneys - stones of the uric acid composition. Therefore, such products should be consumed little by little and no more than twice a month.
    Despite the great benefits sea ​​fish, sardines with a predisposition to urolithiasis are best limited in the diet
  • Coffee and black strong tea. Scientists have come to the conclusion that the caffeine contained in these drinks releases calcium from the skeleton. The microelement settles in the cups of the kidneys, ureters and in the bladder, gradually forming calculi. Moreover, caffeine has some diuretic effect, dehydrating the body, and this creates additional conditions for the growth of stones. To protect yourself from kidney stone disease, it is enough to drink 1 cup of coffee or black tea a day. It would be better to drink green tea.
  • Spinach, sorrel, rhubarb, celery, asparagus, cabbage, strawberries, beets, milk. As you know, oxalate stones are formed from the accumulation of oxalic acid in urine, which these foods are rich in. Leafy greens are also rich in vitamin C, the excess of which is converted to oxalates. For the sake of health urinary organs it is necessary to limit such food in the diet as much as possible.
    Spinach, sorrel and other leafy vegetables are high in oxalic acid and vitamin C.
  • Alcoholic drinks. Harm caused by alcohol human kidneys and liver, is well known. diuretic and toxic effect drinks containing alcohol is aimed at the destruction and dehydration of the body and leads to severe functional disorders excretory system. In addition, alcohol can slow down the excretion of uric acid from the kidneys, causing stone formation.
    Any alcoholic drinks destroy the kidneys and promote the formation of stones in them

Video: nutrition with a tendency to urolithiasis

Methods for the prevention of kidney stone disease

Since the main cause of stone formation is a violation of the passage of urine, the matter of paramount importance in the prevention of the disease is the treatment of urodynamic disorders by all available methods. Great importance has a fight against inflammatory processes in the kidneys, in particular, with which often leads to urolithiasis.

Pyelonephritis often precedes the formation of kidney stones.

If surgery is needed, it must be done. After operation main task is to prevent the re-formation of stones. For these purposes, preventive drug and sanatorium therapy is carried out.

Drinking regime

To prevent the growth of kidney stones, urologists recommend that all people, without exception, drink as much water as possible. A healthy person should consume 2–2.5 liters of fluid daily; this volume includes first courses, juices from vegetables and fruits, kefir.

Drinking plenty of water thins the urine, which reduces the risk of crystallization. The following drinks are very useful for the kidneys:

  • lingonberry or cranberry juice;
  • clean boiled water;
  • dried fruits compote;
  • tea with lemon and honey.

Cranberry juice - best drink to quench thirst with urolithiasis

However, not all drinks will support urinary tract health. Water-salt exchange in the body directly depends on the substances dissolved in the water used. When choosing a mineral water, you need to remember that healthy people can only drink table varieties of it. Healing water if necessary, it is prescribed by a doctor, because the salts present in it can precipitate, forming stones in the urinary tract.

As already mentioned, sugary soda contains harmful chemicals that irritate kidney tissue and can contribute to stone formation.

Vitamin support: possible, but carefully

An excellent measure of prevention will be vitamin saturation of the body. These useful material increase the resistance of the kidneys to infections, and consequently, the deposition of stones. But you can not take them unlimitedly and uncontrollably. Although a moderate amount of vitamin A, as well as vitamin D, which regulates phosphorus-potassium metabolism, the kidneys will always be happy.

Caution is needed when using vitamin C. Despite obvious benefit ascorbic acid for the life of the body, its excessive amount, especially in the presence of genetic predisposition, sometimes starts the process of stone formation. Vitamin C can only be taken in the dosage indicated on the package, unless a doctor prescribes a different method of administration. Then its excess is easily excreted in the urine, without accumulating in the body.

Tablets of vitamin C should not be taken more than the dose indicated on the package

Physical activity

Separately, it is worth remembering that stones can be the result of hypodynamia or long lying in the bed. Unfortunately, the current sedentary lifestyle of many people often leads to metabolic disorders and the occurrence of free calcium in body fluids. This steadily increases the incidence of urolithiasis. Therefore, for their prevention, you need to engage in physical education or at least walk more.

Drugs to prevent the formation of kidney stones

In addition to the measures mentioned above, there are many drugs for the prevention of kidney stones. They are taken as prescribed by a doctor. To prevent the occurrence of kidney stones, people who have a high risk of this pathology are prescribed small doses of litholytic drugs - medications designed to dissolve stones. Such medicines can be both herbal and chemical based.


Herbal remedies are based on extracts and tinctures that can reduce the acidity of urine and dissolve oxalates. Medicines are prepared from such plants:

  • to Canadian goldenrod;
  • madder dyeing;
  • stalk bicarp;
  • fragrant basil;
  • reed saxifrage;
  • fragrant pavonia;
  • fava beans;
  • straw flower rough;
  • mimosa bashful;
  • madder heart-leaved;
  • ashen faithfulness;
  • teak;
  • horsetail;
  • osma bracts, etc.

Examples of the names of natural herbal remedies containing medicinal plant extracts in their composition:

  • Madder dyeing;

Photo gallery: herbal remedies for the prevention of urolithiasis

Cystenal is prescribed for urolithiasis, accompanied by secondary inflammatory changes, crystalluria, spasms of the urinary tract Cyston - a herbal medicine that prevents stone formation Phytolysin - herbal diuretic Marelin increases diuresis and acidifies urine with its persistent alkaline reaction.
Canephron has anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antispasmodic effects. Dye madder - a unique plant that can alkalize acidic urine and dissolve oxalates Prolit belongs to the category of dietary supplements of plant origin

artificial means

Drugs artificially synthesized from chemical compounds, contribute to the normalization of the acid-base ratio in urine. This prevents the deposition of salt sediment, which later turns into stones. And also in preventive purposes the patient is prescribed diuretics that increase diuresis and eliminate the stagnation of urine in the pyelocaliceal system of the kidney.

We must not forget about contraindications. The prescribing physician should be made aware of all available chronic diseases, as well as about pregnancy (if any).

Synthetic drugs that prevent stone formation:

Photo gallery: synthetic litholytic preparations

Captopril improves renal blood flow and increases diuresis Penicillamine is prescribed as a detoxifying agent with a tendency to urolithiasis. Uralit-U dissolves stones and prevents the formation of uric acid stones (urates) Allopurinol reduces the amount of uric acid in the body Blemaren has an alkalizing urine and nephrolitholytic effect

Video: how to protect the kidneys from the formation of stones

Improper metabolism in the female body can cause pathologies of the gallbladder and kidneys. Not always signs of kidney stones in women can be felt at the stage of their formation or being in the organ. Therefore, most women live and do not realize that they have stones in the kidneys until they show up as a sharp pain.

Causes of kidney stones in women

The process of formation of kidney stones has long been known, but it is not possible to establish the causes of formation. Factors that explain the development of pathology have been established. The main point is heredity or congenital changes metabolism. Can provoke the process of the formation of stones the following violations exchange reactions:

  • uric acid in urine and blood;
  • phosphate salts in urine;
  • calcium salt or oxalates.

Violation does not happen just like that, changes are provoked by certain factors. The causes of metabolic changes are divided into 2 types:

  1. External:
    • climate;
    • chemical composition of water and products;
    • minerals in the soil;
    • sedentary lifestyle;
    • features of the labor process.
  2. Internal:

Varieties of stones

Due to a violation of the metabolism of oxalic acid, phosphorus-calcium metabolism, grains of salts (microlites) appear in the papillae of the organ. They are excreted in the urine, or they can linger in the tubules, combine and become the basis of the calculus. Kidney stones come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and compositions. There are the following types of stones:

  • calcium. A common type, it is distinguished by hardness. calcium stones are divided into 2 subspecies:
    • Phosphate - a consequence of impaired metabolism. They have a smooth surface, are characterized by low density, dissolve well.
    • Oxalate - the result of a passion for sweets and muffins. The density is quite high, small spikes protrude on the surface. It is the spikes, scratching the mucous membrane, that stain the urine with blood and provoke pain. Oxalate stones are insoluble.
  • Struvite - the result infectious disease especially urinary tract infections. They grow fast so early symptoms stones are absent.
  • Acid. Urate stones are formed as a result of a violation drinking regime, ph in the kidneys below 5.0.
  • Cystine. Leads to education congenital disorder metabolism (based on protein). They are of an unusual hexagonal shape, poorly soluble.
  • Mixed (urate-oxalate).

Disease and psychosomatics

Scientists have proven that every disease has psychological reasons development. The appearance of stones also has its own psychosomatics. Cleansing functions in the body are performed by two kidneys: the right and left. The left organ works with human emotions, and the right organ with desires. If a negative emotions constantly accompany a person and he is not able to cope with them on his own, negative energy does not find release and remains inside the body. The formation of kidney stones is a consequence of restraint of feelings and isolation.

Open people who know how to forgive and smile are never bothered by kidney pathologies.

Characteristic symptoms

A mild form of urolithiasis in women is rare. In this case, the symptoms in women may be absent and she does not even know about the presence of calculi. This development of pathology is rare. As a rule, a woman is unaware of urolithiasis until the deposits begin to move. The symptoms of kidney stones in women are strong, with a vivid manifestation.


The first signals are pains with kidney stones in the lumbar region, they are dull, aching in nature. With the beginning of the movement of the calculus, the pain signs of the exit of stones from the kidneys in women are unbearable and exhausting. calculus right kidney- pain on the right, in the left - on the left. It hurts more when the position of the body changes. Often accompanied by fever, nausea and increased blood pressure.

The nature of the pain changes when the location of the calculus changes (in the upper or middle part of the duct or organ). If the calculus, having left the kidney, got into the ureter, the pain also shifts behind it. Pain means that the walls of the organ are intensively trying to push the stone out, being injured on its sharp edges. Therefore, pain occurs in the lower abdomen, possibly in the groin.

The pain may last for several days.

Renal colic, as a rule, always accompanies urolithiasis. Starts abruptly at the top lumbar region, is of a convulsive nature. At first it hurts under the ribs, but gradually the pain passes into the groin and side of the abdomen. May last several days. During an attack, it is difficult to find a position in which the pain subsides. The development of colic can be provoked by blockage of the ureter, inflammation of the duct, or physical exertion. This flow is caused by small pebbles.

A large pebble leads to the overlap of the renal pelvis, which means that the picture of the symptomatology changes. Pain in the lower back is weak, dull. The duration takes several hours, although breaks between attacks are possible and then they stretch for a day. In such situation pain attack repeats from several times a month to once a year.

Peculiarities of urination

The presence of a kidney stone affects the process of urination. In comparison with a healthy body, frequent urges are noticeable. This is due to the movement of the stone in the ducts. Urination is accompanied by painful sensations and burning, interruption of the urine stream. Urine has a characteristic dark color (first urine) with sediment and possible blood impurities.

Urinary retention is a dangerous sign to look out for. Failure to urinate for several days can be fatal.

Blood in the urine

After an attack of renal colic or under the influence of an external factor that affects the symptoms of kidney stones in women (physical education), you can notice blood in the urine. Bleeding should not be ignored. Blood in the urine indicates that the ducts were damaged by the advancement of the calculus and bleeding may begin, an examination is required.

Stones during pregnancy

The appearance of stones in a pregnant woman can be triggered by excess calcium, uterine pressure on the kidneys, or pathology of the organ.

Often in women, urolithiasis can be detected in the last stages of pregnancy. The likelihood of stone formation is affected by an increased intake of calcium in a woman's body, squeezing of the kidney by the uterus and pathological disorder organ functions. Kidney stones in a pregnant woman are dangerous: A blood and urine test will help diagnose the presence of pathology.

Carrying out timely diagnosis - main point before starting kidney or gallbladder treatment. The purpose of the examination is to detect stones, to determine the localization. Based on where the problem was found, a conclusion is made about the treatment. Used to confirm the diagnosis the following ways diagnostics:

  • Methods laboratory research to identify the inflammatory process, metabolic disorders:
    • Analysis of urine;
    • blood analysis.
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and gallbladder. The fastest, least expensive method for stone detection. The only method that identifies urate stones.
  • X-ray. Counts helper method, which helps confirm the presence of an oxalate calculus larger than 3 mm. Kidney stones of a different composition are not detected by x-rays, but x-rays are always used to determine the approach to treatment and before surgery.
  • Urography. Introduction contrast medium in the blood allows you to determine the localization of the calculus.
  • CT of the kidneys. The most effective way to understand the location of the stone.

Urolithiasis (urolithiasis) is a disease accompanied by the formation of stones in the kidneys and urinary system of the body.

The disease spreads among all age categories, including newborns. In adults, stones form in the kidneys themselves or in the ureter; in older people and children, they are more common in the bladder. The number of formed kidney stones can vary - from one to several dozen stones of various sizes - from 2 mm to 10 centimeters.

The composition of the resulting kidney stones is also of different types by origin. In adults, "uric acid" stones are more common, less often - "protein". The main part of "uric acid" stones is formed in the kidneys themselves, and then they can go to other organs of the urinary system and settle in them.

Causes of kidney stones

The development and formation of urolithiasis can lead to unfavourable conditions and a number of factors. The main reason is considered to be an incorrect metabolism in the body, as a result of which insoluble salts are formed, which subsequently form stones and sand.

There are three groups of stones in the photo. The groups in the central and left parts contain calcium, phosphates and oxalate in various concentrations. The group on the right is composed of cysteine.

There are also a number of factors that affect the appearance and severity of urolithiasis:

  • One of the main causes of urolithiasis today is the presence of infections in the urinary system - pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis. Against the background of these infections, the level of proteins in the urine increases, which contribute to the formation of salt crystals and lead to the formation of sand or kidney stones. As a rule, in such cases, the course of urolithiasis is more severe and the treatment lasts longer.
  • Diseases of the stomach and the presence of other problems with the gastrointestinal tract contribute to a change in calcium metabolism in the body and increases the activity of stone-forming particles in the blood. Also various problems thyroid gland contribute to the violation of calcium metabolism and subsequently lead to the formation of kidney stones.
  • Metabolic disorders that contribute to the formation of kidney stones: hyperuricemia, hyperuricuria, hyperphosphaturia, hypercalciuria, increased levels of oxalate salts in the urine.
  • There is a risk of kidney stones in case of congenital kidney disease and anatomical defects. These disorders contribute to urinary retention and the formation of stagnation of urine in the canal, which leads to the appearance of stones.
  • In people with in a sedentary manner life, the exchange of phosphorus and calcium in the body is disturbed, which can also lead to the development of urolithiasis. Therefore, people with sedentary work It is recommended to take short breaks with a physical workout.
  • Another factor for the development of urolithiasis may be adverse conditions. environment(quality of drinking water, harmful production and others).
  • Eating excessive amounts meat products, salt.
  • hereditary predisposition.

Symptoms of kidney stones

It is very rare that the disease occurs without any symptoms and is detected only during a medical examination for the presence of other diseases.

In most cases, urolithiasis is necessarily accompanied by severe pain and other unpleasant symptoms that create great discomfort to the patient.

The list of the main symptoms of kidney stones:

  • Unilateral or bilateral dull pain in the lumbar region, aggravated by a change in body position.
  • Pain radiating to the abdomen, groin, leg.
  • Sharp or dull pain during exertion and during wrong position body. (After the termination strong attack pain, there is a chance that the stones will pass out of the body when urinating).
  • Unpleasant renal colic.
  • Cutting or sharp pain at the time of urination. Also, when urinating, an interruption of the process may occur, however, the patient feels the bladder has not yet been emptied. To continue the process of urination, you should slightly change the position of the body. Usually this symptom indicates that the stone is in the bladder or passed into the ureter.
  • Turbid color of urine or even with an admixture of blood. If you find cloudy urine during urination, this may also be a sign of stones or sand in the kidneys. The presence of blood in the urine can be especially dangerous. This can happen after a severe attack of pain or colic, as well as under certain stresses on the body.
  • High blood pressure or the appearance of high body temperature, sometimes reaching 40 degrees.

The appearance of sand or a stone in the kidney may not initially manifest itself in any way, but if the stone leaves the urinary system, you can feel severe and sharp pain. Therefore, in case of symptoms of urolithiasis, you should immediately contact the medical institution and undergo an examination in order to establish in time correct diagnosis and start treatment.

Intensity of pain depending on the shape of the stone (stones removed surgically).

Remember, postponing treatment for urolithiasis can lead to the following consequences:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • renal failure;
  • purulent inflammation of the kidney;
  • bleeding;
  • kidney death;
  • lethal outcome.


Starting the treatment of urolithiasis, it is necessary to remove the main pain and attacks of colic. After that, procedures are carried out for the removal or removal of stones from the human urinary system, the elimination of infection and a mandatory course of treatment in order to further prevent the development of the disease. Kidney stones can be treated in a number of ways, including medication, remote stone crushing, and surgery.

Surgical treatments

Open cavity surgery

Until recently, the most common and relatively dangerous procedure was considered to be the removal of stones from the kidneys by open surgery. AT district hospitals In small towns, open abdominal surgery is often prescribed to remove stones. This is due to the lack of modern medical equipment.

It should be understood that surgery is relatively dangerous and has a number of negative consequences after the operation. During open surgery, there are risks of: bleeding, pneumonia, rare cases- lethal outcome. In the future, there is a high probability of recurrence of the disease. Open surgery for urolithiasis should be performed only in the most emergency cases when other methods of treatment are completely excluded.

If you are offered open surgery without considering other options, think about the consequences. A reasonable decision would be to consult with other specialists, who in most cases can recommend an alternative method of treatment.

Through an incision in the lumbar region

An easier and safer method of treating kidney stones is a puncture in the lumbar region, where a special device is placed - a nephroscope that crushes stones. This method is excellent for the destruction of all types of stones, including coral. The method has one drawback - it is necessary to undergo several sessions of the procedure for a complete recovery.

Remote crushing of stones - shock wave lithotripsy

One of the most painless ways to remove stones is the method of remote shock wave fragmentation by lithotripsy. The method allows you to remotely crush stones and subsequently remove them through the urinary system. naturally. However, this method of treatment is not suitable for all types of stones and no more than 2 centimeters in size. Another disadvantage is the many contraindications to the use of remote crushing:

  • in violation of the joints, bones;
  • a ban on the use of anesthesia;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • gestation period;
  • malfunctions of the heart muscle;
  • in case of failure of one kidney;
  • with exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis;
  • disorders of the genitourinary system, in which this procedure prohibited.

There are several types of remote shock wave lithotripsy: ultrasonic, laser, electrohydraulic, piezoelectric and pneumonic.

Endoscopic and laparoscopic operations

The method is similar to open surgery, however, the incisions are made much smaller, due to which the risk undesirable consequences significantly reduced, and recovery is much easier.

Contact destruction and removal of kidney stones

A special device is inserted into the patient through urethra, which, approaching the stone, begins to crush it. Contact damage can be various types. As a result of the procedure, the stone is broken and brought out. Most often, this method is used when stones are found in the bladder or ureter.

Medical treatment

In modern medicine, there are many effective drugs for the treatment and prevention of urolithiasis. However, you cannot self-medicate, and all the medicines necessary for the treatment of kidney stones should be prescribed by a urologist. Medical treatment is prescribed in cases where the size of the stones does not exceed 4 mm and they are of mixed or urate types. Preparations do not cope with the dissolution of stones with other chemical compositions. In this situation, drug treatment is preventive in nature and protects against relapse.

To dissolve stones mixed type it is necessary to undergo a 3-6 month course of treatment with preparations containing citrate mixtures - Blemaren or Ularin U. Dissolution will occur, depending on the size and number of stones, at 2-4 months of treatment. Continued use reinforces the effect and helps eliminate the possibility of recurrence of urolithiasis.

To reduce the likelihood of recurrence of the disease and strengthen the body, it is worth systematically taking herbal medicines. medicines containing active ingredients essential oils. They help expand blood vessels and improve blood flow to the kidneys. Among the most effective are: Canephron, Prolit, Rowatinex, Urolesan.

Separately, one can single out a very effective drug for the treatment of urolithiasis - Cyston, which includes various natural ingredients, mummy and powdered silicate lime. The drug promotes the rapid removal of salts and acids from the human body, and also helps in preventing the formation of stones in the future. An analogue of Cyston is the drug Fitolizin, which includes extracts of herbs and roots, as well as essential oils mint and orange.

To reduce the content of acids in the blood and their deposition in the kidneys, it is recommended to take the drug Allopurinol. And to improve the removal of sand and stones from the urinary canals, to relieve their swelling, are prescribed medications antispasmodic action. At inflammatory processes- treatment is carried out with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.

diet for kidney stones

To exclude exacerbation of urolithiasis, one should adhere to special diets developed depending on the composition and origin of kidney stones. The most important rule is daily use a large amount of purified drinking water (2-3 liters), which reduces the level of salts in the body and contributes to their rapid removal from the body. If you find stones in the kidneys and urinary system, you should eat the following foods:

  • butter and vegetable oils;
  • dairy products (cream, curdled milk, milk, cottage cheese, sour cream);
  • bakery products (not including rich), pasta;
  • soups and cereals;
  • low-fat varieties of fish;
  • vegetables (excluding Brussels sprouts, asparagus, soy products, beans, peas);
  • fruits, berries, honey, sugar;
  • mushrooms (not boiled);
  • greens (except celery, radish, spinach, garlic, onion, sorrel).

Should be completely eliminated from the diet:

  • soups and broths on meat, fish, mushrooms;
  • pork, mutton and beef fats;
  • poultry giblets (heart, kidneys, liver), liverwurst;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • canned food;
  • spicy dishes and seasonings;
  • all kinds of pickles and smoked meats;
  • pates, canned food;
  • spices, chocolate, cream;
  • carbonated drinks.

Diet for phosphate kidney stones

With the formation of phosphate-type stones, you should try to eat foods high in vitamins A, B, D. It is necessary to completely exclude the use of food with alkaline properties. Allowed use:

  • bread products, with the exception of pastry;
  • meat, fish, poultry;
  • canned food (exceptions - canned food with vegetables and smoked fish);
  • mushrooms;
  • sugar, honey;
  • cereals;
  • mushroom dishes;
  • butter;
  • pasta;
  • cereal dishes;
  • currants, blueberries, cherry plums, apples, lingonberries, prunes are allowed in small portions.

Prohibited use:

  • dairy products, dairy products;
  • smoked meats and pickles;
  • nuts;
  • yolk;
  • Cafe;
  • alcoholic products;
  • rich broths;
  • vegetables, berries, fruits, except for the above.

Diet for oxalate kidney stones

If oxalate-type stones occur, it is necessary to completely exclude the use of all foods that contain oxalic acid.

During the diet, fish or meat must be boiled before frying, stewing or baking to reduce the content of purine compounds.

Also, with oxalate kidney stones, it is necessary to at least halve the intake of salt and carbohydrates from the usual diet, to include more permitted vegetables and fruits in the diet.

Healthy foods:

  • meat and fish in any form, but previously boiled;
  • juices, kissels;
  • soups without spicy ingredients;
  • oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, barley groats;
  • vegetable oil, a small amount of butter is allowed;
  • sea, color, White cabbage, cucumbers, boiled potatoes, turnips;
  • apples, watermelon, peaches, apricots, pears, melon, prunes.

Tomatoes, beets, onions, carrots, black currants, and blueberries may be present in the diet in small quantities.

Prohibited for use:

  • meat and fish broths and canned food;
  • fatty foods;
  • offal, veal, chickens;
  • smoked meats;
  • spicy spices and dishes;
  • pickles;
  • marinades;
  • products containing gelatin;
  • sorrel, lettuce, red and Brussels sprouts, green beans, asparagus, spinach, celery, radish, rhubarb, parsley, chips, gooseberries, lentils, cranberries, plums, grapes, strawberries, red currants, figs;
  • mushrooms;
  • chocolate, cocoa, coffee, kvass, tomato juice.

Allowed products:

  • bread and all flour products, with the exception of milk-based sweet pastries;
  • all cooked meals different types cereals;
  • non-fat dairy products, in small amounts;
  • vegetable oil, butter in small quantities;
  • some types of vegetables (carrots, fresh cabbage, boiled potatoes, etc.);
  • fruit fruits (watermelon, currant, apples and pears, prunes, melon and others);
  • drinks - fresh fruit or vegetable juices, compotes and infusion of wild rose;

When following a diet for kidney stones, try to follow these tips:

  • Do not use large portions try to eat little, but large quantity times - 5-6.
  • Exclude from your menu all smoked and fried foods, excessively fatty foods, too salty or spicy foods, chocolate bars and sweets, as well as alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks.
  • Try to consume as little salt per day as possible, reduce to the smallest dose of daily salt intake up to 2 - 3 grams.
  • Try to eat as many foods as possible with a high content of vitamins B1 and B6.
  • Reduce intake of foods with vitamin C.
  • And in the summer-autumn season, try to consume as many watermelons as possible. This berry is an excellent tool for the treatment and prevention of urolithiasis. It reduces kidney pain and improves urination from the body.
  • Do not eat canned foods and avoid concomitant use tomato juice with products containing starch (potatoes, bread, cereals and others).
  • Eat fruit juices and compotes from grapes, peaches and apricots more often. However, in order to prevent the process of fermentation in the body, while drinking these juices, one should exclude the intake of other fruits and juices from them, mineral water, milk and asparagus dishes.

Prevention of urolithiasis

A diet rich in vitamins, minimal consumption of fatty, fried, salty and spicy foods will help protect against the appearance of urolithiasis. Try not to eat unhealthy foods, eat more boiled and low-fat food and with a minimum content of spices and salt in it. Drink as much pure water as possible (1.5-2 liters per day for a healthy person, 3-3.5 liters per day for urolithiasis), which contributes to fast cleansing kidneys and other urinary organs from sand and stones. Do not abuse sweets, otherwise the exchange of oxalic acid in the body may be disturbed. Avoid hypothermia in the cold season, especially take care of your back and legs. Go in for sports and lead the right lifestyle, which will be the key to beauty and health on long years. Be healthy!

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